#loki is ODIN'S BROTHER .
worstloki · 2 months
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Fortesa Latifi, We Were Young
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magnusmodig · 2 months
𝐋𝐎𝐊𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 . . . something . but thor would be REMISS to say that he was paying attention. FOUR DAYS had passed since they had first laid foot in this realm , and it only ever grew curiouser and curiouser.
clouds had begun to gather in the distance , and with them : A BELL TOLLED . most of the aercon continued about their way as they all shouldered between the haphazard streets of ragtime way , nary paying the skies any heed. and so it was that loki had continued speaking whilst thor's mind had begun to wander far - afield .
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this : A NOT - SO - RARE OCCURRENCE. truly and in many ways , thor echoed the young prince of days of old as his steps slowed. his eye skimmed the clouds upon the horizon. the winds picked up , GUSTING past loki's shoulder in a burst of wary , restless energy.
@mischiefmodig / campaign .
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lobeliamaximoff · 4 months
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am I the only one who sees this?
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
So does sigyn just not exist in the mcu? I know she's in the comics even though I don't read them. Because why are you telling me Loki is completely unloveable and the only person he can love/feel attracted to is himself as a woman that's insane. He's not this demonic guy he's a god of tricks and chaos. He's loved by Thor. By frigga/Freya. By sigyn his canon wife. By his children even if you don't want them to exist here (why I've no idea that's an amazing story)
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therese-lokidottir · 5 months
I can't help it but really hate Thor and Odin in dark world when they didn't even told loki that frigga death and let him seeing her for last time. It was a guard that told loki and Thor and Odin are too coward tell him himself or want make loki more suffer
Make it more sad Thor Brought Jane to frigga Funeral , his girlfriend and just one day met frigga rather his own brother that centuries with him. OH MY GOD, I know Thor did trust loki and all but really he even not trying at all. Thor is not good brother too
It's really lucky for loki that actually hel Thor because even with tied hand Thor really giving loki chances to destroying him and Asgard but he didn't do it. Loki can just make Thor 'plan' not working but he didn't do it, I feel like Thor really never have good plan for everything because every success are from luck and loki
This is one of the fundamental reasons why I do not like Thor in Ragnarok. Justify cutting someone out because you feel they are just to toxic, I won't even blame Thor for that, but what I cannot stand is him outright lying and saying he keep trusting Loki, because he didn't. Thor turned his back on him when it got too hard and only came to him out of desperation and was otherwise content to let Loki rot on the floor of the dungeon. That's not loving someone no matter what, that is loving someone on condition.
That's not even getting into Odin's BS of trying to cut all contact with Frigga in the first place. And reminder Asgard's prison has no furniture, not even a cot. Just literally was going to let Loki rot on floor with no visitors ever. That is completely inhumane on every level.
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cleabellanov · 9 months
hi and welcome to my ted talk about the latest episodes of what if, please read through 💙(2)
The children of Odin are clearly better off without him. I mean, look at her!! (she actually reminds me of a Valkrie at a first look 🤔)
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"Having your crown, you threw away your sword, forgetting that she was your own daughter"
"You cannot defend darkness with darkness. Only light." AND SHE DIDDD. I JUST LOVE HOW BADASS SHE WAS THIS EPISODE.
In this universe, Hela is not the godess of death anymore, because she doesn't value the same ideas she used to before learning the light part of life. But I wonder, since it hasn't been said in the episode, what is she the godess of now? Maybe she kept the death part, but took on life too. The godess of life and death. It comes full circle. Or perhaps, the Godess of Hope. Because, even though death comes to all, you can have hope in life.
And oh, the end. Of course that for an animated series that doesn't go a lot over 30 min/ episode, you're gonna have an open end.
Which is why I love it! Not only the path Hela undergoes, along with her transformation, is crazy and probably doesn't happen a lot of the time, but it also has huge consequences. It is very likely that in this universe, her and her team prevented the rise of Thanos, citting him from his roots. Let's raise a glass or two for s time where the avengers are alive, and Thor and Loki grow up closer together, not apart. 😌
Very important!!!☝🏻 everyone say thank you to Cate Blanchett for her service in voicing Hela once again, it wouldn't have been the same without her.
That being said, thanks for reading <3
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Big Brother?: Big Brother Loki x little sister reader.
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Age 10: reader Chan is Loki's biological little sister.
Laufey sends her to Earth because he didn't want her anymore and deemed her weak. She looks exactly like her big brother Loki (she wears kid Sylvie’s outfit but with fingerless gloves and the gold parts are silver.) and unlike her brother Reader Chan is very young and is a very sweet girl when you get to know her.
This takes place after Age of Ultron.
Odin has Loki stay on Earth so he can learn how to do good.
Sif is not pleasant, Oh and Laufey and Peitro survived and once again Civil war never happened.
King Laufey of Jotunheim stands in front of a portal that leads to Midgard holding a frost giant girl about ten years old in his arm. Glaring disgustedly at the small girl he said in a harsh whisper "I have no use for a weak child." He said coldly to his own daughter who has terror in her voice "D... Dad?" The girl whimpered as Laufey glares hatefully "DON'T CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN." He yells to the girl who shakes in fear "Goodbye Y/N." he said throwing his daughter (more like yeeting) into the portal.
On Earth.
Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are in the lab.
Tony making blue prints and Bruce trying to figure out how Peter makes his web fluids "How does Peter do it?" Bruce asked his science bro who is also curious.
At Peter's apartment: he is sick BTW.
"Achoo. Is someone talking about me?"
Peter asked blowing his red nose.
Back at the the tower:
As the two are about to call the young friendly neighborhood hero a bright light stops them.
They turn to see some sort of portal open up confused they go over to the portal until something slams into Tony.
Tony looks down to see "A kid?" He asked Bruce is also surprised by the surprise guest "We better get her to the medical bay, she's freezing! The poor kids skin is blue." Tony said grabbing a spare lab coat, swaddled the kid in it and ran to the medical bay while Bruce ran to get the others.
As Tony ran to the medical bay he heard the girl whimpering "Hey it's going to be ok sweetie!" He told the girl as he entered the closes room and laid the girl down in the bed "Dad... I'm sorry. I... I'll try to do better." The girl whimpered Tony could only look shocked at the girl but it disappeared when Bruce and the others entered the room.
Bruce hooked the girl to the machines in the room and asked Friday to turn up the heat.
Everyone began circling the girl in the bed.
Everyone couldn't help but stare in curiosity at the girl.
She had dark H/L hair and wore some really strange clothing that reminded them of Loki's clothes but with silver.
"She's so tiny." Wanda said "The poor kids so cold she's gone blue." Peitro said gesturing to the shivering Child "MY FRIENDS. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" Thor boomed in his loud voice making the poor girl jump in terror. Everyone (except Thor and Loki) was shocked to see that the girls eyes were completely red "This kid isn't human." Clint said "What's going on my friends?" Thor asked until he saw the girl "My friends why is there a frost giant child in here?" Thor asked trying not to yell however Loki roughly picked the young frost giant up from the bed and held her roughly about to yell at the clearly scared frost giant child who was now shaking but when Loki's hands touched the girls waist they saw that the blue skin started turning into the same complexion as Loki, her ruby red eyes turned emerald green but her hair was the same black color, all in all the kid looked like a mini female version of Loki but her face had softer features that made her adorable "You are... like me." He said looking the young girl up and down "The kid looks exactly like reindeer games." Tony said looking between the god of mischief and the young girl "Your my big brother?" The young girl asked poking Loki's cheek in curiosity "We have to take the girl to Asgard to show mother and father." Thor said in surprise looking at the girl "My name is Y/N by the way. Y/N Laufeydottir. Well I'm no longer Laufey's daughter since he cast me out of Jotunheim." Y/N said opening her mind making Wanda gasp as tears run down her face "She is telling the truth." She said hugging Y/N making her hug her back Loki was in rage by his biological father's actions he just threw this innocent little girl away like she was nothing "I want to kill Laufey." Loki said as it began to snow until Thor placed his hand on his shoulder and Y/N's small arms wrapped around his neck.
Loki's eyes shoot open wide from the small embrace from the young girl.
He felt protective of her "I can do a DNA test to see if you are siblings." Tony said earning nodes from the team "We should." Thor said wanting to be sure if Y/N was Loki's little sister.
After getting some hair from Y/N and Loki.
Tony put the strands into the DNA scanner and waited for results to print.
After waiting the results finally printed as a 100% match "You are my sister." Loki said looking you up and down "Let us be off brother and sister." Thor said taking you in his arms making you laugh "Don't drop her you fool." Loki said as Thor called for Himdal.
In Asgard
The all father and all mother couldn't believe what they were seeing.
You a young girl that looked like their adopted son but younger and female.
Their boys explained to them of your situation and that you are Loki's biological sister.
They made their way down still looking at you and you looking at them in curiosity.
As they stand in front of you Odin places his hand on your head with Friga doing the same.
Upon this gesture you smiled a sweet innocent smile making the all father and mother smile back as they can see Loki in his younger days within you "I see no reason why she can't stay here." Odin said making you happy "We shall throw a feast to celebrate the newest princess of Asgard tonight." Odin said while Frigga can only have tears of joy on having another child to teach magic "Come daughter, we shall get you fitted for an outfit for tonight." Frigga said taking your small hand in hers "Alright mum." You said with a smile already accepting the all father and mother as your new parents making Frigga fight back tears.
Later at night:
you happily did a turn for Odin and Frigga in your new outfit for the feast,
It looked just like Loki's but with silver armor, a silver circlet with small bendy horns and instead of trousers you had on leggings.
They clapped happily at how much you looked like Loki "Come daughter the feast is starting soon." Odin said taking your left hand while Frigga took your right hand and all of you walked towards the feast.
You sit in between Frigga and Loki as Odin gives his speech to welcome you into Asgard while a servants serves everyone ale or cider.
Once the glasses are full Odin raises his "Tonight we honor Y/N Laufeydottir now known as Y/N Odinsdottir. Mine's and Frigga's new daughter and your new princess." As he says this he lifts the glass higher and bellows "LONG LIVE PRINCESS Y/N OF ASGARD." He yells "LONG LIVE PRINCESS Y/N OF ASGARD." Frigga, Loki, Thor and the people of Asgard yelled back then drank their drinks.
You and your big brothers are getting food from the feast when you saw three men and a woman walked towards you "So this is the new princess?" A man with a full beard like your new father asked "I bet she's like her brother." The woman said spitefully "Sif! Please she is just a child." Thor said in a protective manner while Loki pulled you behind him "Ohh please. She's already got you wrapped around her little finger." She said pointing her weapon at you making you clinch to Loki's cape "Sif stop it! She's only a child." A man with short blond hair and a beard with a mustache said "Ai Sif! What's gotten into you tonight?" A man with black hair asked Sif making her angry "AM I THE ONLY ONE THINKING THAT THIS LITTLE BRAT COULD BE LYING ABOUT HER FATHER!?" Sif yelled in rage "She is no doubt like Loki, one day she will turn her back on us and betray us all." She said earning the attention of everyone making people whisper but everyone gave Sif death glares "She calls herself a warrior?" A woman said "She's ruining the new princesses night." A man said.
Soon people began calling Sif out "Sif, in all my years of letting you get away with how you've treated Loki tonight you just proved that you have been abusing your power as a warrior." Odin said walking up behind you with Frigga in tow with disapproval in her motherly eyes as she places a hand on your head.
To make this short Sif was taken out of the party by guards and she was put in the dungeon for the rest of the night for pulling a weapon at you and saying stuff you aren't supposed to repeat and the feast went on with out interruptions until you started feeling sleepy "Dear I think it's someone's bedtime." Frigga said pointing to you "we'll take her to bed mother and father." Thor said picking you up making the all father and mother smile "Good night daughter." They said together as they each give you a kiss on the head "Goodnight Mom and Dad." You said as Loki and Thor walked out of the hall feeling exhausted themselves.
Thor gently puts you down so you could change into PJs "goodnight big brothers." You said as they smiled and closed the door.
After the party everyone retired for the night at 1:00 in the morning dual to it starting to rain and thunder causing you to wake up in fear.
Your now clutching your stuffed fox that your new parents gifted you after you arrived in Asgard but even that didn't calm you from the booms of the thunder so you decided to go to Loki's room (hearing from him that Thor snores like Surtur.) as your walking down the corridors the thunder booms again making you sprint and barge into Loki's room onto his bed causing him to make an oomph sound "Y/N, What's the matter?" He asked as a thunderbolt crashed down making you curl up into him "Ohh." He said seeing that your afraid of thunder "Shh it's alright little one." He said kissing your head as both of you cuddle unaware that Odin, Frigga and Thor are at the door seeing the whole thing "He really has changed since his temporary banishment to Midgard." Odin whispered proudly while Frigga gave him a smile "I'm proud of you brother." Thor said seeing his two little siblings sleeping peacefully.
Since the male version is popular I decided to do a female version of the story.
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lokijiro · 3 months
I wonder if toddler Thor had already been told by Odin and/or Frigga that he had a new baby brother when he first met Loki.
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Loki in the avengers wanted thor to hate him. So why is he shock in the dark world when thor hates him like he wanted
okay, I'm really glad you asked this because I have wanted to talk about this for a while, and I think it's a massive misconception inside of the Thor fandom and the Loki fandom.
Loki wanting Thor to acknowledge they're not bio family ≠ loki wants thor to hate him.
I can't think of any lines in canon where Loki specifically tells Thor "I hate you" or says to anyone that Thor should hate him. Or tells anyone in canon that he does hate Thor.
The most Loki seems to believe is that Thor should acknowledge that they're not related by blood.
Canon lines Loki says regarding this:
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Loki does not want his family to hate him. That's not his goal. If it was his goal, he'd go about it in a much, much different way.
Loki does want them to acknowledge that he was lied to for his entire life and that not only is he not even their son/brother, he's not even the same species. It's very different things.
But because Thor and Odin will not address this with him, and Frigga is making him choose accepting Odin as his father or not accepting their family, Loki feels like they aren't seeing him. Again. This lack of acknowledgement about his person, about something that is in the very essence of his being, is something he finds deeply hurtful. It's why his argument with Frigga happens in the first place.
It's not that he doesn't consider her his mother. It's that Frigga makes him choose. There is no gray area for them. No "yes, i'm not your mother by birth, but you are my son by choice" or any sort of reassurance. Just "either you accept that he's your dad or you don't"
Thor, at least, doesn't make Loki choose. He and Loki just...don't talk about it, when they clearly should. I think it would have vastly improved their relationship if they HAD discussed it.
Loki and Thor skirt AROUND the topic in Ragnarok, but they never actually discuss it in any of their time together:
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i feel like a lot of Loki's problems with Thor don't stem out of a lack of love. they stem from a lack of communication. this line in ragnarok, i actually found to be a really good summary of their relationship from loki's pov post-avengers:
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Thor, on the other hand, seems to view Loki's desire to make them acknowledge his adoption post Thor 1 as Loki's desire to separate himself from the family and that he hates them now, because, well...why wouldn't he in Thor's mind?
Thor participated in the lie, even if unwillingly. His mother and father lied to Loki their entire lives, so of COURSE it makes sense Loki would hate him, so Thor tries to numb down to avoid thinking about it, hence the massive depression arc in TDW.
Loki has also, you know, tried to commit genocide and conquer a planet, which is VASTLY out of character for him pre thor 1, so Thor must wonder if he actually knew Loki at all or if their relationship was a facade the entire time. He feels like he never Knew Loki. Jotunheim Thor can understand, maybe. Maybe he can get where Loki was coming from, the understanding of how badly he was spiraling, the political moves Loki was trying to make, he can make sense of that.
But Earth?
Earth has done nothing to Loki.
Thor doesn't understand why Loki wants to hurt innocents. The brother that he knew defended them. Loki is the only reason the Warriors made it off of Jotunheim. Thor trusts Loki to keep people safe, and for the first time in their lives, Loki wasn't.
Hence this line in TDW:
"I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you"
That glimmer of hope was destroyed when Loki turned down Thor's offer in Avengers 1 to stop the attack. Thor tried to reach out to Loki in the Avengers, but after Loki stabbed him, something in Thor broke.
You can see it in his expression.
It's part of the reason that the "oh, Loki stabs Thor all the time lol!" joke doesn't land with me and I kind of ignore it as canon.
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LIke just LOOK at them okay? Thor drops Mjolnir in shock. He grabs Loki's arm for support. Loki has to shove him away before Thor lets go. You can SEE the shock in his face as he looks down.
Loki hurt him.
And he meant it.
So yeah, I do 100% get why Thor would threaten to kill Loki in TDW, because he feels he has to do it in self defense. Not that I think Thor could go through with it. They're empty words and Thor and Loki know that. The idea probably sounded a lot better in Thor's head before he saw Loki again and realized oh crap I have missed you and I love you and I'm sorry too.
Loki's adoption being withheld hurt Thor too. Their parents lied to Thor too. Thor tries desperately to separate the idea that his Loki (pre-thor 1) and THIS Loki in the TDW are the same person, but by the end of the movie, he knows.
TDW Loki is more battered, grown-up, hurt, darker, a mess. But it's still his Loki. That is why Thor doesn't feel the need to bring anything up in Ragnarok. He has made his peace with Loki's choices.
Loki...hasn't yet.
In the TDW world though, Thor has clearly been putting distance between himself and Loki, he didn't visit Loki at all in TDW, but he knew where Loki's cell was immediately, which makes me think that Thor has visited Loki, just not when Loki was awake. And you know what, unlike a majority of the Loki fandom, I'm not mad at him for that. I get it. Loki stabbed Thor with the intent to hurt in Avengers. It drew blood. Thor does have a right to be frustrated with Loki, just like Loki does with Thor. Their frustrations are not equal or the same, but they are valid.
But I do want to point this out:
Loki doesn't want Thor to hate him. And Thor doesn't hate him. Thor is severely depressed in the Dark World. Apathy is practically bleeding from his every movement in the movie. Having to face Loki would have meant having to face the family issues he didnt' want to face, but he never didn't love Loki, he just couldn't trust him.
Not being able to trust someone ≠ not loving them.
(which I also find ironic that Thor says that, and then immediately trusts Loki with the most important thing to him at that moment: Jane's life. Thor trusts Loki. Loki trusts Thor. They just won't admit that because they're both stubborn.)
Thor and Loki do love each other.
And I think that Loki is aware that Thor didn't lie to him, because the person he most consistently calls family is Thor from that point out. He doesn't reclaim Odin as family until IW, and he doesn't reclaim Frigga until IW either by association (not that i think he ever really unclaimed her, he was just trying to make a point), but Thor:
Thor, Loki never unclaims, and neither does Thor
For all their frustrations with each other, they still view each other as family. the hurt wasn't deep enough to undo that:
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does not deny this
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the FIRST thing Loki says to him after ALL that happened with Thanos and the invasion and the Void is thAT
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^ you do not mourn someone you don't love.
Thor calls Loki brother twice in that conversation and Loki doesn't say "i'm not your brother" the only person he corrects Thor on is Odin.
Because the ONLY person in canon Loki has EVER corrected about Thor not being his sibling was in Thor 1 to Thor and there were extenuating circumstances.
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^ defending his sibling even though LOKI IS NOT IN THE ROOM. Loki will not SEE or HEAR this.
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loki still does not deny this
Loki: now you see me, brother
loki is calling Thor is brother again. He didn't deny it in the Avengers, but in the TDW he is actively acknowledging that they are family
Loki: This is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?
Loki: Still, we could be less conspicuous. [Loki turns back into himself but turns Thor into Sif] Hm, brother. You look ravishing
Loki: They're on the ship! [as they approach the ship Volstagg starts attacking them; back in the ship] Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster.
Loki: You still don't trust me, brother?
Loki is practically falling over himself to claim Thor as his sibling. Part of this, I imagine, is due to the fact that he never got to call Frigga mother again, but I also do, sincerely, believe that Loki never cast Thor out of his heart.
By Ragnarok, both of them are referring to the other as their sibling, an indication that they have moved past their frustrations:
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Strange: ... Your adopted brother Loki is one of these beings.
THOR: He's a worthy inclusion.
^ does not deny they are siblings
THOR: I suppose I'll need my brother back.
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Grandmaster: YOUR brother. Whatever the story is. Adopted, or complicated. I'm sure there's a big history.
^ loki does not deny they are siblings
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even Hela gets thrown into the "getting claimed as family" thing and they barely know her for the span of a few hours:
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anyway, tl;dr
loki and thor love each other and want each other as family, they're just too emotionally constipated to actually talk about that. They have never, and will never, actually hate each other because that was never actually in canon and it won't be. And for all my problems with ragnarok, I do like that they made Loki and Thor acknowledge that they care about each other in the subtext.
Thor and Loki only use each other's names when they're being serious. Brother is a term of endearment and they are both aware of that. Loki knows that in the TDW. That's why he's using it. That's why Thor doesn't. Because Thor is still processing and trying to figure out who Loki is to him. I could talk for hours about Thor's arc with his relationship with Loki.
Loki and Thor's love for each other is what made their estrangement so painful. but they were able to repair things in Ragnarok (to some extent). Loki sacrificed himself for Thor. Thor killed Thanos for Loki.
If Loki never loved Thor, Thanos never would have purposefully picked Thor out of the crowd of Asgardians to torture him for the Tesseract. Even Thanos knew how much these two idiots love each other.
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hrefna-the-raven · 11 months
Tome of Fate - Vol. 2
Masterlist - Loki masterlist
Sequel to Tome of Fate
Summary: This is the continuation of the AU story about Loki, prince of Jotunheim, and the reader, princess of Asgard, after their fateful summer in Jotunheim.
Chapters: 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - Bonus chapter
Words: 1653
Warnings: none really
Chapter 1
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As the chilling winds of autumn swept through the Asgard, a deep sense of longing settled in your heart. The impending winter brought with it a heavy weight of sadness and loneliness, made all the more unbearable by the absence of Loki. You had found solace in his company during your time in Utgard, but now, returning home without him by your side made the world seem colder, emptier. The prince was sent to the mountains with his fellow warriors to complete the final part of his traditional training, both of you vowed to keep in contact through letters. However, as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the promise became increasingly difficult to uphold. Time seemed to stretch endlessly and so you found yourself yearning for any word from the prince as half of winter had already passed.
As the usual Yule dinner at the palace approached, you couldn't shake off the looming sense of despair. It was a time of celebration and togetherness, yet, the absence of Loki cast a shadow over the festivities. Much to your dismay, your father extended an invitation to the king of Vanaheim. The news filled you with a mixture of frustration and disappointment. You had hoped that this year's guests would be from Jotunheim. Instead, fate had dealt you a different hand, and you found yourself dreading the arrival of the Vanaheim royals. To make it even worse, the king of Vanaheim was insistent on bringing his son Odr, a bratty and ignorant prince around your age. The very thought of spending the Yule dinner in the company of such an insufferable individual made your stomach churn with unease, declining your brother's well meant offer to punch him at your command, though the proposal brought at least a small grin on your face. But the worst was that the prince's father seemed far too eager to entertain the idea of a union between you and the prince, much to your absolute rejection.
As the evening of the dreaded dinner finally arrived, the sweet temptation to run away grew almost unbearable and the exaggerated pompous arrival of the guests from Vanaheim didn't help strengthen your resolve to sit through this torture. Thor positioned himself across from you at the dining table, strategically placing himself within the ideal range for his knife-throwing plans, as he amusingly pointed out. Your affection for your brother was deep and you valued his eagerness to protect and help you, even though you would never allow him to cause a major diplomatic crisis on your behalf. Should the need arise, you were inclined to employ more subtle and mischievous methods to handle the troublesome prince. Amidst the elaborate festivities and the forced smiles during the dinner, your gaze locked with that of Odr. In that brief moment, something shifted. A glint of genuine curiosity and mischief gleamed in his eyes, a stark contrast to the arrogant facade he had worn until then. It was as if, in that fleeting exchange, you glimpsed a different side of him, a side that intrigued you despite your initial reservations.
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A silent sigh escaped Loki's lips as he sank onto his small bed inside the cramped tent. Despite being a prince, his only luxury on this journey was a bit of personal space. The instructor had already driven them through the freezing snow before dawn, forcing them to spar with each other for hours until the sun set again. They were given a brief respite to eat and regain their strength before venturing out into the bitter cold of Jotunheim's mountains, clad in nothing but thin leather armour. Though Loki had a natural resistance to the cold, each passing day made him feel more desolate. Despite his Jotun heritage, he couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't destined to be the formidable warrior everyone expected him to be, particularly in such harsh conditions. He would willingly surrender his title, his lineage, and even the entire kingdom if it meant he could sit comfortably in a warm library, immersed in a book while you curled up on his lap. He closed his eyes, focusing on that mental image, exhaling slowly as he imagined the sensation of your touch on his skin and the tender caress of your hands against his cheeks.
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As the evening wore on, you found yourself engaged in unexpected conversations with the prince. The icy barriers that had separated you from him seemed to thaw, giving way to spirited debates and shared laughter until Odin had proudly stated that you were most skilled in mastering your seidr and had therefore spend the entire summer in Utgardhall, helping prince Loki to master his. The mood shifted as the Vanir prince's expression twisted into a sneer of annoyance.
"I'm not surprised", he spat, his tone laced with hate, "Jotun are known to be nothing but brutes. How could they master anything this delicate without help?"
In an instant, Thor swiftly seized the knife positioned beside his dinner plate, his gaze meeting yours with intensity. He let out a frustrated exhale upon observing your disapproving gesture and put the knife back. Fury rose inside of you as you took in what Odr just said. Loki and the Jotun you had encountered during the summer were many things, perhaps even rough at times, but certainly not brutes. You prepared to unleash your anger and confront the impolite prince, but before any words could escape your lips, Odin rose from his seat and forcefully slammed both hands onto the table.
"I must remind our esteemed guests that Jotunheim is not only a valuable ally", his voice reverberated through the grand dining hall, his barely concealed anger palpable, "but King Laufey is also a dear friend to our house, the very house in which you are honoured guests this evening."
The king of Vanaheim swiftly rose to his feet and stepped away from the table, bowing deeply in deference.
"Allfather, please pardon the disrespectful behaviour of my son", he directed a harsh glare towards Odr while keeping his head lowered in submission.
Your father might have been wise but you surely didn't know him to be neither a patient nor a forgiving man, so you prepared yourself for the imminent outbursts of anger from him. However, to your surprise, they never came. Instead, your mother placed her hand gently on his and smiled at the Vanir king.
"We are grateful for your presence at this dinner but you should leave now. We wish you a safe and pleasant journey back to Vanaheim", she spoke politely.
Observing the Vanir royals bowing respectfully and hastening towards the exit, you couldn't resist snapping your fingers. A mist of emerald green materialised at Prince Odr's feet, causing him to stumble, before dissipating without a trace. You couldn't help but chuckle, though your laughter was drowned out by the closing of the magnificent doors. Odin muttered something in annoyance before dismissing you and your brother from the dining hall.
"Are you alright sister?", Thor asked, looking worried.
You nodded and gave your brother a quick hug, thanking him for offering his support this evening before you made your way back to your chamber, a glimmer of hope sparked in your chest, yearning for a letter from Loki awaiting you on the vanity in your room. You hummed a cheerful tune as you strolled through the palace corridors. Despite feeling lonely without the Jotun prince by your side, the events of the evening made you appreciate the relief of not being bothered by the Vanir King's proposal for his son's hand in marriage anymore.
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A faint smile tugged at the corners of Loki's mouth until a sudden weight of a packed bag crashed onto his stomach. He opened his eyes and glared angrily at Bjalki, who had barged into his tent with a smug grin on his face.
"Get dressed, prince", he chuckled, "there's a small village not too far away. They have hot springs and, as my most reliable sources inform me, some lovely ladies waiting to be wooed."
Loki rolled his eyes, pushing the bag off his belly before rising from his cot.
"I might join you for the hot springs but I have no interest in whatever women await in that village."
"Aww you're still thinking about that tiny Aesir princess, aren't you?", Bjalki poked playfully him in the chest.
"I happen to like her and she likes me too", the prince answered dryly.
"And yet you've received no letters from her", his friend pointed out, "and you haven't written any either."
"I barely have the time, considering we're being relentlessly chased through these wretched mountain passes."
"It was just a fling, prince, so you have no obligation towards her", Bjalki's gaze remained fixed on Loki as he traded his armor for more comfortable and warmer attire, "furthermore, you are both far apart. What she doesn't know won't hurt her. You deserve to have some fun, my prince. I am only concerned about your well-being," he added, shrugging innocently.
Loki let out a frustrated sigh. He would never admit it, but he struggled to cope with the anguish caused by the absence of your letters. Then again, he was travelling through the mountains, which would certainly delay the arrival of your letters. For all he knew, you could be pondering the same thoughts, as he had not found the time to write to you in the past month. He draped a fur over his shoulders and made his way towards the tent's entrance, stealing a glance back at his friend.
"I'll join for the hot springs", he muttered before heading out.
Loki and Bjalki had only been away from the camp for a mere thirty minutes when a messenger arrived. Dismounting swiftly from his horse, he made his way directly towards Loki's tent. There, he left a small package containing several sealed envelopes on the cot.
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worstloki · 6 months
AU where Loki gets banished for Thor/Warriors 4 going to Jotunheim and he just settles down on Earth. Copes with the blue arm by ignoring it completely since he's been disowned and dumped on Earth anyway. There's probably a way to 'prove himself worthy' and 'get back to Asgard' but he never bothers with it.
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finngualart · 1 year
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nikkoliferous · 2 years
Loki (2021)’s Loki Is OOC (and Irrelevant to Boot)
Loki (2021) Has Loki Apologising To All the Wrong People
Loki Never Cared About Having A Throne
The Three Biggest Problems With Loki (2021) From a Storytelling POV
Odin Betrayed Loki, Not the Other Way Around
It’s Not Just About What Loki Is Doing; It’s About How He’s Doing It
Loki (2021)’s Failure to Address Loki’s History of Trauma Either Textually or Subtextually
Marvel’s Failure to Remember Acknowledge Their Own Lore
Loki May Be the Title Character, But He’s Certainly Not the Main Character
The Loki Series Is, Oddly, Not A Series About Loki
Series!Loki Couldn’t Manipulate His Way Out of a Paper Bag
Even Many Series Fans Are Trying to Figure Out What the Hell Is Wrong With Loki
Series!Loki Isn’t Even In-Character According to the Show’s Own Logic
The “Loki” Series Would Have Worked Fine Without Loki
Sylvie Is the True Protagonist of Loki (2021)
Series!Loki Isn’t Out of His Comfort Zone; He’s Out-of-Character
What Happened To Loki’s Rage?
There Is Only One MCU!Loki
Loki (2021)’s Mockery of Loki’s Verbosity is Both a Retcon and Bizarrely Meta
Show vs. Tell in Loki (2021)
Loki (2021)’s Failure to Say Anything Profound
On Loki and the Erasure of His Trauma
The Disturbing History of Loki Being Accused of Betrayal for the Crime of… Surviving
Fandom Mental Gymnastics to Justify Loki Being Blatantly OOC in “His” Show
Is Loki A Narcissist? Unsurprisingly, No.
↩️ back to the compendium
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p4nishers · 11 months
TBH I can't even think about the Lokius in the latest episode I'm just reeling over the Balder reference. That has to be a Chekhov's gun. Idk how much most people know about mythology/the comics but an extremely short summary of both is that Balder was the beautiful, universally adored god of light, and the favorite child of both Odin and Frigga- he was the brother of Thor and Loki.
And he's mainly known for the fact that Loki murders him out of jealousy. So Balder is a very interesting choice to bring up in the Loki series!
YES!! im so curious whether they'll take it further or acknowledge the fact that loki killed him, i mean, is it even canon in the mcu? who knows but i was genuinely so hyped at the mention i love norse mythology so much
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umbrellawarrior · 1 year
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Loki 🐍😈
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