#sorry daniel craig fans
lobeliamaximoff · 4 months
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am I the only one who sees this?
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 years
listen. I have never in my life been crazy about Daniel Craig, like I know he exists and I know he’s 007 James Bond but was I a frothing at the mouth over this middle aged man fangirl about him??? nah. hes just kinda been *gestures vaguely* around.
you put him in a silly little outfit, give him a southern drawl, and make him solve mysteries in THE fruitiest campiest way??? I suddenly understand the appeal and cannot tear my eyes away
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alexjcrowley · 2 years
I realised my passion for crossover has just created a multiverse of, I don't fucking know, detectives and supernatural stuff (no, it's NOT superwholock)
So we start by assuming, like some already did, that Q from the Daniel Craig's James Bond movies is the fourth Holmes's siblings. So you get four Holmes: Mycroft, Sherlock, Eurus and Q. But then Q in clearly in a romantic relationship with James Bond.
Now it's undeniable that James Bond has a twin brother, Benoit Blanc, who is the world's most famous detective, and he is married to Philip (Hugh Grant). You can clearly notice from Benoit's...everything (passion for mistery and fasion sense most of all) that he is related to Fred Jones from Scooby Doo, he and Philip are in fact Fred's parents.
To conclude this part of multiverse of hyperfixation, James Bond exists in the same world of a bunch of teenagers with 1970's van and a talking dog. I cannot stress how important it is for me that Sherlock Holmes DOES NOT solve the mustery of why Scooby Doo can talk.
But let's now expand in a different direction.
For some of you who might not be acquainted with the medical drama House MD, it's one of the gayest shows ever made on God's green earth. And, as all the fans know, the REAL finale is House and Wilson running away together after all Wilson's problems suddenly disappeared (I am phrasing it like that because I don't want to spoil it). Now, of course they can't live in America because House can't exactly recover from his own Reichenbach falls, so obviously they have go to London. Like, no questions asked.
And as many have already speculated they are probably the married couple Mrs Hudson's friend was renting an apartment to.
Sherlock-Watson and House-Wilson have a complicated dynamic going on, I just know they suspect of eachothers because there's something wrong with the other couple.
London comes, of course, with all it inhabitants, such as Crowley and Aziraphale (whose supernatural presence could explain Scooby Doo being able to talk???? Maybe he is an ex-infernal hound sent to Shaggy??? Was Shaggy another aborted attempt at an Antichrist?????). I really likes to believe they're House-Wilson and Sherlock-Watson neighbours. And every one of these three couples tries to pretend they're a very normal couple, and not, like, non-human or a Government's resource or technically dead.
But also, you must not forget, London comes with Hob Gadling, the immortal lover of Sandman, who might as well exist in this universe, because why the fuck not, he stole the "meet every x years" idea from Crowley, the goddamn poser. Hob Gadling and Crowley clocked eachothers in a minute and now the two couples have dinners together because "they're the only other supernatural couple in the neighbourhood, we should befriend them!" (said Aziraphale and Hob while Crowley and Morpheus sighed).
ALSO to House MD fans I want to remind you that Wilson got arrested in Louisiana when he met House and there's a popular headcanon going on that Benoit Blanc is from Louisiana so do you think??? Benoit Blanc one day happened to interact with the police department of a city in Louisiana and a policeman was like "hey last week you missed a guy from New Jersey who deadass smashed an ancient mirror in a bar because they were playing a song he didn't like on the jukebox". And Benoit was like (I can't write his dialogues I am so sorry) "Mmhh yeah muhst say thur arh sum jingles I simply cannut grow fund of but by Guhd to,,, smash an ancient mirruh that wuld be bee-YOnd mahself"
And these connections are all canonical in my mind. (There are crossover fanfics between Good Omens and Sandman, and between House and BBC Sherlock, and between Sherlock and the James Bond franchise, and between House and Good Omens- there's a fic I really like with these fandoms- and there's a drawing I also reblogged on Tumblr of Fred presenting Benoit Blanc as his dad).
So, basically, in my head, Sherlock is highly pissed off by Benoit Blanc being considered the best detective in the world though he respects him, Q is Fred Jones's uncle and probably added a lot of cool MI6 features to the mystery machine, Gregory House, notorious atheist, lives in the same universe of angels and demons and the Sandman and pisses off Sherlock Holmes costantly just because they don't like eachothers, Hob Gadling amd Crowley looked at eachothers once and they knew neither of them were humans, Aziraphale and Crowley always stumble in every other characters' shenanigans and once in a while throw a miracle their way and Hugh Grant/Philip makes cupcakes for everyone.
And if you really want me to be precise, Dead Poet Society lore counts for Wilson, but Neil didn't, well, if you saw the movie you know.
And I know they are technically not correlated, but I would love to find a way to connect Dirk Gently, Todd Brotzman and The Rowdy Three in all this.
There's a part 2 to this post here
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
I know this might be a tired topic for you, but I watched this video a few weeks ago, and this video was inspiring to any fan of a favourite actor. Matthew Mcconaughey is so inspiring because, like Cillian Murphy and even Daniel Craig, they are svtors who've acted lost in their lives but have had periods of their acting career their peak. In the video at 8:23, Matthew talked about how there was a point where he was the romcom guy and though critics gave him slack foe it, he was grateful for those roles because they kept him financially afloat and he was happy with those roles.
However, creatively, they weren't challenging him, and he decided to make a executive decision and take a risk on his career from being typecast and started to say no to anymore romcom roles for a 1 to 2 yrs. I remember I watched a Heath Ledger interview in the 00s where he also talked about doing the same thing after 10 things i hate about you. A lot of actors you claim are not employed would just be saying no to a lot of offers cause as we know Hollywood loves making a lot of money doing the same thing, lol.
When Matthew came back from that hiatus, he was offered more complex roles such as Killer Joe, Lincoln Laywer, Mud, Magic Mike the list goes on...
Funfact: Christopher Nolan watched Mud, and that was the film that got Matthew interstellar. It's fun to me because the film wasn't commercially great and moderately acclaimed, but it goes to show top ppl in the industry to keep tabs on you when you least expect it.
Ever since I was that video and read up Matthew's story, I haven't worried about Tom ever. I actually think he's in the best peak of his career. The expectations on him from the critics are so low that way he has room to breathe and do work without ppl expecting him to save cinema, lol.
Low expectations breed high rewards. Cillian Murphy is getting his flowers now, but he's been acting since he was a teen, and most of his projects have been mixed sometimes. He's the best thing in them. The beauty of doing projects that are so challenging and different, whether ppl watch, is that it stretches the acting skills of the actor, and that's why Cillain was the perfect Oppenheimer.
So to Tom, fans who are worried about his career and compare him to the yt boy of the month, notice that he has been acting since he was a child and how consistent his career has been. He will always be relevant, like episode 8 for TCR got Twitter in a frenzy. Like I don't worry about at all because Tomvoodoo will prevail lmao.
Sorry for the dissertation xxxx
Thank you Anon for your input! 😊
I'm going to have to watch Matthew's video later, but your comments were very interesting and had a ring of truth in it.
I have to admit that even I was usually used to Matthew doing mostly comedies growing up, so it was kind of a shock to me when he started doing more serious roles, and I myself was even a little skeptical on if he would really be able to pull it off. But he did! 😁
I think many ppl probably forget that Matthew actually started off his career in the John Grisham legal drama "A Time to Kill" (GREAT book, and GREAT movie btw!). So he had already proven that he could do it. He had just started to get typecast later on in his career. Honestly? I think that's what happens more often than not in Hollywood. 👀
Some actors decide to just take a break, regroup, and then come back and totally revitalize their careers by picking different roles.
Like you said, it's not like these actors aren't being offered any parts, it's usually more so that the parts being offered to them are not the ones that THEY want to do.
So yea, good points Anon. 👏🏾
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benoits-neckerchieves · 11 months
hi! do u know any daniel stans or twitter accounts dedicated to daniel craig on twitter? i have tried but can't find any :(
Hi! First of all, thank you for being my very first Ask, i’m really happy to receive one! For my Daniel info on Twitter / X, i tend to look for Rachel stans (fans of Rachel Weisz, Daniel’s wife) because there seems to be quite a few of them, and they often post Daniel updates too. @ kiana_weisz, @ chalett_Jo, and @ troianweisz have some really nice stuff! There are some great Daniel accounts too though; @ DanielC_Daily is great for news, @ danielovemail has a mixture of stuff, and @ springhousese is fantastic specifically for behind the scenes Bond pics. Oh, and i myself @ MagicMoriarty tend to keep up with stuff of course, but i’m multifandom, so not the best choice if that bothers you. That’s all i’ve got off the top of my head (and at 1am so sorry for any mistakes lol), but i hope this helps! :)
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noneedtoamputate · 5 months
jesssss! fmk guarnere, toye, and liebgott. AND tell me about your crushes
Bel! Sorry I haven't responded until now. I have spent too much time thinking about this ask.
F- I'm going to go Liebgott. I think he would be up for a challenge and would want to prove himself, but I can't actually see being in an actual relationship with him.
M - Toye, especially after reading Malarkey's book. He seems like he needed a lot of love and he really cared about people.
K - This is hard, because I love Bill, but he kinda scares the hell out of me, too.
As far my crushes .... SO MANY. I'm breaking them up into categories,
Golden Age of Hollywood crushes: Gregory Peck. The thinking woman's hot man. I love him so much. And Jimmy Stewart. The boy next door.
Current Hollywood crushes: I never cared for Bond films at all until Daniel Craig.
Girl crushes: Emma Stone. Lauren Bacall.
HBO War crushes: Ron Livingston, Jacob Pitts, Nate Mann, Ben Radcliffe
Inexplicable crush: My husband and I are big sports fans, and I love Rich Eisen, formerly of ESPN and currently of the NFL Network. There's is nothing amazing about him, but he's funny and I imagine just spending the weekend eating pizza and watching sports. Which is exactly my favorite way to spend time with my husband, so make of that what you will.
Sleepover game. Ask away! It's my day, and I'm spending it reading, writing, and organizing my closet.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Idk how you feel abt the Daniel Craig bond movies, but for me they seem like the next link in my personal Arc-Influenced Action Franchise Hyperfixation chain (in order of: John wick -> mission impossible -> DC bond). Have you ever seen any and do you have any opinions?
I've seen a lot of them and while I think Craig is a staggeringly good actor and he is Aware of the faults of Bond
i think......... how tf to explain this.
so Craig era Bond knows that Bond is an asshole. but he... doesn't stop being an asshole. its a lot of "look at us, acknowledging what a piece of shit this guy is" but he's..... still a piece of shit?
what i like a john wick and ethan hunt is that whole aspect is absent. which is not what i want from all media but it is what i want from this specific kind of media.
like, MI2 right? MI2 and MI3 actually are really weird to watch after the McQuarrie Trilogy because for the most part there is..... no sexualized violence in the McQuarrie Trilogy. it's just not really a thing there at all, which is super fucking refreshing. but when Punct and I watch MI2 and there's a very tacit sexual assault vibe going on, I was like "oh shit i forgot that's a thing" because MI makes me forget that's a thing! I don't have to worry about holding my breath in that way.
so like...... i'm very Meh on bond. also it just doesn't have the heart of MI and JW frankly and I want some fucking heart.
ETA: lmao i just remembered that screenshot i got from letterboxd, it was a review of MI: Fallout and it just said "james bond retire bitch" and that really sums it up for me personally. i don't need james bond, he doesn't give me anything interesting frankly. sorry to bond fans.
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ah, found it
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
My reaction to being fired was different than even I would have expected of myself. I felt liberated, as if an enormous burden had been lifted off my shoulders. I thanked Vince for the opportunity, and after he expressed his regret one last time, I responded, “Don’t be sorry. I’ll make more money now this year than I did with you guys, so don’t be sorry for me at all.” It was a weird thing for me to say, because I’m not overly money-driven, but all I saw was opportunity. There is no better time to be fired than after a hot angle like the Nexus’s debut, especially because I essentially got fired for being too violent. And a lot of independent fans hated the sanitized version of wrestling that’s required to be PG. I knew they would see the whole thing not only as an injustice but also as proof that the only place they could see the kind of wrestling they liked was on the independents.
Laurinaitis told me Vince said I could start working independent dates as soon as I wanted, as long as it wasn’t for television or pay-per-view. That was all I needed to hear. As soon as I got off with Johnny, I called Gabe Sapolsky, who was booking shows for both Dragon Gate USA and Evolve. When he picked up the phone, I said, “Gabe, we’re going to make a lot of money.” (As a side note, what I considered a lot of money, some people would laugh at. It’s all relative. If I showed Steve Austin how much I made during the time I was fired, he would not be impressed. My family, however, was very impressed, and so was I.) 
Gabe and I were both very excited. We discussed some ideas, and Gabe later got me hooked up with a graphic designer to quickly create a new T-shirt and launch a Web site that would basically be a vehicle to sell the shirts he was going to design. I had never been one to try to sell much merchandise when I was on the independents. I hated producing it, and I hated sitting out by a merchandise table trying to sell it. I knew, though, that if I didn’t do it, I’d miss out on the opportunity. In the span of a couple of hours, I turned into a full-blown capitalist.
-  Yes!: My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of WrestleMania by Daniel Bryan, Craig Tello
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emblazonet · 2 years
A Bond Newb Encounters Casino Royale
Because it was my partner Az's dad's birthday, of course we were going to visit and bring a present and watch a film with him! He is a cinemaphile. He has a gigantic tv, the best sound system in the city— and he's sweet and very enthusiastic about James Bond. And he is invested in introducing me to all of Daniel Craig's stint, which I'm told is five movies that make up a cohesive story (and this is what, in fact, makes the infamous Quantum of Solace worth watching, quoth he).
Ok, sure. Let's go! Now, most of what I know about Bond I know through the lens of queer folk:
When I was an undergraduate working at the uni library, I found a short story collection about gay men, and one of the short stories was about two old men whose very favourite thing to do was to meet up and discuss Bond. Wholesome story.
I have seen one (1) Bond film courtesy of my ex, a transwoman, and it was Goldeneye I think. It had a jungle and a helicopter and I seem to have blocked most of it from my memory.
The biggest Bond fans I know in my life are gay men, which includes Az's dad.
This is all enough to make me give Casino Royale a fair shake. After all, if I loathed it, I could also politely tell Az's dad that I'd prefer to watch Star Trek or something.
Well, I didn't loathe it, so that's something.
But I did dislike it generally and have Thoughts. And because I'm sifting through all the reasons why I don't like Bond, I'm having fun(?), and am perfectly willing to watch the others just so I can rip lightly into them and shake them around in my jowly jaws.
I'll start off with what I DID like, and then put the negative stuff behind the cut.
The Good:
The parkour guy at the beginning? I looked him up, his name is Sébastien Foucan, he is demonstrably talented, and I spent the entire rest of the movie wistfully wishing it was about him. What a phenomenal chase scene!
M. She's Judi Dench, she's great, watching her chew into Bond was fun.
Mads Mikkelsen's bleeding eye, that was very fun, I loved his sinister design.
There were lots of pretty shots and compositions. The action scenes were well choreographed and pretty enjoyable all around.
Ok, that's about where my positivity ends and everything else picks up so onto the cut!
Spoilers for this part: it's more 'lol I don't like this thing' than an actual review of Casino Royale.
Where to begin, where to begin.
I mean first off the movie is in the aughts, the worst decade with the worst aesthetic. I hated living through it except for a few things that made the decade as a whole bearable—LotR, the early wild west internet full of porny fanfic and art—but looking back on it... The worst fashions, ye gods, the worst make up, bad choices all around. Not that modern stuff is much better, I think we're all clear on how I view aesthetics.
This movie could have been custom tailored to be the antithesis of everything I enjoy in an action film. There's lots of buff dudes—ew, please put your shirt back on Daniel Craig!; the chief linchpin action is a card game—I am not a fan of card games; and there's lots of vehicles and almost no horses. And they managed to put two whole women into the refrigerator!
So that was all pretty funny honestly. I think it's a good thing to occasionally immerse yourself in someone else's culture.
I did very much want to enjoy that torture scene. I can absolutely see why queer peeps might be all over that scene of Mads Mikkelsen wailing on Bond's balls. I almost enjoyed it! But Daniel Craig's titties got in the way. I'm a small titty person and I like very narrow feminine men, I'm sorry everyone. And I know Mads Mikkelsen is a tumblr sexyman or whatever, but he's also not my type. I feel like I would like both of these men outside of their acting roles, like if we grabbed a coffee and talked.
I think the thing that really kept me going through this movie—apart from finding Az's dad's enjoyment very pleasant and adorable—was knowing that Daniel Craig hates Bond. It's a fun lens to view a film, trying to put yourself in the mindset of an actor playing A Culturally Established Character with whom his Values Clash so much. It meant that everytime Bond was tender or kind—moments that are very few and far between—I was trying to see the truth of those actions in Daniel Craig's presentation, which made them somehow work better.
I will say that Craig's Bond managed to have a touch more sexual chemistry with the leading ladies than Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, which was the last four movies I watched (I didn't review them, did I? I guess I'll have to do an Indie overview soon. Suffice to say wow, Ford has like no chemistry with most of the ladies! So I am damning with faint praise.) But the small bit of almost-chemistry wasn't enough... towards the end of the movie when Vesper starts throwing herself at him, it was so forced and badly established that both Az and I were cringing at the intimacy scenes. Ew!
Vesper in general is a mess of a character whose motivations make no sense. Why is she attracted to him when the dude she loves is presumably still alive? Why'd she bother to buy Bond's life, what, how'd that make sense at all?? Like. What? What is going on here. Anything interesting about her character pretty much dried up once she had to go into the role of being someone who apparently actually loved Bond or something. Whatever. Don't buy it. Didn't work for me.
Maybe this is just part of the Bond formula, or maybe it's better writing than other Bond film. Idk. The thing is, as far as a smart review that goes into plot structure or whatever goes, I'm not qualified to offer that. I know there are like hundreds of Bond films with multiple different leading men with different takes on the character. I can't compare them. I know there's a formula. It's felt in the way the movie cannot question its premises, like why Bond is the main character at all, or whether the good guys are in fact the good guys. The movie never bothered trying to convince me to root for Bond: it just assumed I would.
On another note, the pacing was ... something. Every time I thought the movie was over, a new action piece started up. The movie did me more dirty than the end of RotK. When it was over I would have sworn it took 3-4 hours to watch, but apparently it's only a 2 hour film. So, uh, kudos for expanding my lifespan.
Not gonna lie, I'm very curious as to where Quantum of Solace will take us.
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ellena-asg · 2 years
Your problem is Thor stripped in L&T but do you remember Thor's stripped in your glorious TDW? ;-)
Hello 🙂 Yes, that's my huge problem with Love and Thunder and definitely not the only one (and definitely not just mine). Of course that I remember shirtless Thor in TDW. And in Thor (2011) too (ta-da!). I remember all from these movies (like every fan, I guess). Yes, TDW is indeed glorious.
Ok. Dear Anon, I will just tell you what I see. Let's start with Thor (2011):
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Shirtless? Shirtless. But that scene is ok. You know why, dear Anon? Because Thor is shirtless because, because he is on Earth at that moment, he hasn't got his powers (and his robes, his cape etc.). He fell from Asgard, he was injured (more than one time), he was at the hospital (where nurse gave him hospital gown). And now he is at Jane's and Darcy's place and girls are trying to help him. Jane gives him clothes because Thor has literally nothing - just that hospital gown. He needs clothes, he can't walk with naked ass. Yes, Darcy is Darcy and sometimes she's too much "aww your muscles" but she sees that Thor seems to be like "I don't like such a comments" and that he is a bit shy. But Darcy wants to help him - just like Jane. They give him a room where he can put on new clothes. They give him a mirror so he can see himself in these new clothes. Jane is even like "I'm sorry, I know that it's not your Asgardian style but...". When you put on a T-shirt, well, it's rather normal that you are shirtless for a while, right? And Thor is ok with being (only) shirtless for a while. And he's ok with girls being there - cause they are kind, they help him and they can behave.
Ah, hospital scene. We saw Thor's naked ass (it was a very tiny fragment of upper butt, honestly):
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source: GetYarn
But that scene is ok too. Why? Because when doctor has to inject you to calm you and it has to be that part of your body, well, that part of body/skin should be uncovered, right?
Ok. Now that scene from TDW, dear Anon:
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Shirtless? Shirtless. But again: Thor is shirtless here because. Because he is after battle. Because he needs to clean his body. He is tired too and he needs to relax a bit. And nobody is looking. He's alone, with himself and with his thoughts. His body is his.
Now something from Chris Hemsworth:
Hemsworth told MTV he had to be convinced by Marvel supremo Joss Whedon that the segue, which recalls Daniel Craig's musclebound "Speedo moment" in James Bond movie Casino Royale, made sense in the context of the superhero's need to clean off the bloodstains of a recent battle.
"That [scene] kind of came from Joss*** actually", revealed the Australian actor. "He just said that there needed to be something romantic in there. Then he said, 'Chris, get your shirt off.' "I said, 'Well, I don't know. What's the why? What are we doing?' The justification was that it was him coming home from battle, washing blood off his hands. It is what it is. 
*** Joss Whedon was helping Alan Taylor with TDW (Btw can you imagine Taika calling to f.e. Ken Branagh "help me, man"? I can't)
Source: Ben Child, The Guardian.com
That's about TDW scene. And what about Thor (2011)? The same. Chris is ok with that. The director cares about Chris. There is a sense for such a scene.
Ken Branagh came up to me on the first film and said, 'Oh look, I've got this shirt off scene, how do you feel.' I was like, 'Oh man, I've been working out for eight months; I'm ready, let's go.'
Source: Jessica Rawden, Cinemablend.com
How do you feel, Chris? That's ok. Chris, listen, that scene would be great because this and because that... I understand and let's do it. Do you see that, dear Anon? Oh, Selvig? Selvig was naked too and you think that naked Selvig was naked just for make us laugh? I can't agree. Selvig was still in shock. Selvig was healing after being mind-controled (and no, it's not Loki's fault - it's Other's fault, it's Thanos' fault). His mind wasn't completely fine at that time. And that naked scene is rather sad, don't you think? That's sad when all people around him are like "WTF" and don't know well about his emotions at that time. And Stellan? Stellan is very ok with naked scenes and yeah, he was asked too.
But Taika? Ah, Taika. There is no "How do you feel" in his case. There is no "that scene's got sense because...". When you read Taika's words you see that Thor has to be shirtless or fully naked because Chris' body is so big, sexy and everybody should watch it. Should stare. Should be horny. Thor is naked because Taika wants it. Because it will be fun. It will be sexy. It will be great. And Chris? Taika says Chris is a piece of meat. He's a piece of meat and everybody should see. Muscles are worthy. Ass is worthy. Porn is worthy. Horny ladies watching Thor's dick are worthy. Sense of the scene? Sense? What is it? Meaning? What is it? Sexualization, showing man as a sexual object, giving man an uncomfortable situation just for dirty jokes, stripping man against his will, "that is out of character for Thor"? (not to mention that awful mocking midgardian-in-style tattoo) Taika doesn't understand. He will say "Sexualization? What sexualization?" and of course we will hear again that Taika is "just joking". I don't want to talk much about that disgusting scene in Love and Thunder, dear Anon. Because it's so awful. So painful. And it hurts, it hurts that this scene has so many fans. This scene should have never happened. You shouldn't make such a scene without important reason, without hidden meaning, just for laughs, just for Chris' body.
And Chris? Just read this, please, dear Anon. Read this interview about Chris' feelings and being "a meat":
You want more? Ok, Chris about shirtless Thor in Ragnarok (in the same interview when he was talking about Ken Branagh):
And this time around, there wasn't one [shirtless scene] in the script, which I was really happy about, and then Taika said, 'No, I think we need a shirt off scene.' I was like, 'Ugh, no we've done that. Don't make me do it again!'
Why does Taika need shirtless Thor in Ragnarok? For Chris' body. Oh, because he likes Chris' body and because Chris was working hard to have such a body. Taika's words to Chris:
Be proud of that Chris, be proud of what you've achieved.
Please. Don't even try to tell me that this man's "just joking" again 🙄
Shirtless Thor in Ragnarok? Ok. You can say that it's ok because he is after battle with Hulk and he is injured, ok.
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It's ok, really. But why...
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Why does a one guy need so many ahem... nurses? Ok, maybe he needs. Another question: do these ahem... nurses really have to touch his body, his muscles, so much? Ok, maybe they do. But that's a patient, right? They should be here and stay here to cure him, right? So why do they escape when he's awakened? Why do they escape and look like... Why it looks like "oh no, he's not sleeping now, bye bye sweet skin, bye bye sweet touching, let's go girls"? I know that Grandmaster's house is shitty but... oh, "medical staff" is shitty too?
That scene is ok, you may say. But I'm not sure. And you know what? Taika's words are definitely not ok for me. It's not ok to treat a man (well, Thor created by Branagh is still a very young man, "a boy" like Odin and Laufey said) like an object. It's not ok to treat people, all creatures, like that. If people want themselves to be sexy or horny and/or want others to watch their naked parts of body (I don't mean striptease in the park or something more punishable, ok?) - ok, it's their will. But it's not ok when a person that doesn't want this is stripped, is called a meat, is showed naked (yes, I mean all that fucking situation and both Chris and Thor - Chris is not a meat, Taika, Chris is a person). And it's definitely not fucking funny. And about Thor: it's not ok to make Thor out of his character. And without reasons.
Love and Thunder and Naked Dick? Anon, please. Yes, there are many movies with such a scenes, I suppose. But where is the sense, the meaning in Taika's movie? Does he show that such thing is bad? Do his heroes try to help Thor? No. I've got impression that he really thinks that all is ok. All is good. Does Taika see that sexualization? I don't think so. For him it's just fun. For him it's really funny. It's not toxic in his eyes. He shows "look, children, look everybody, that man is a meat, look at his dick, at his ass, look and smile - easy, children, it's ok, he can't be hurt, he should like it, look: people around him are having fun". And what does that scene show idk about Thor? About his character? Nothing. What does that scene mean? Nothing. What does that scene add to the plot? Nothing. Ah, sorry. It adds more cringe, more shit, more ooc-ness, more toxic air. And more toxic humour. Scene for dirty jokes. Scene for someone's naked body. Scene because director is a boss and fucks the sense, fucks the feelings, fucks everything. Who is worthy for Taika? What. What is worthy? Fun is worthy. Taika's own fun.
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Dear Anon. Sorry. Taika's Thor (I should say Thor Goofyson) movies are tasteless and toxic. And I definitely see the difference between canon!Thor scenes and retcon!Thor scenes. And between Taika's behaviour and behaviour of the previous directors (and believe me, I know how shitty can be Joss - but in that case he said WHY and WHAT FOR and Chris was ok, and Alan was ok and Thor was treated ok too). You can't change my mind. You love them? Ok. You were just asking? Ok. I hope that my answer is rather kind (I may hate Disney, may hate Feige's decisions but I never want to hurt - it's my opinion, my little rant, my emotions). I hope that my answer is clear.
And friendly reminder because some people don't understand: only words and deeds matter for me (I don't care if skin is white, black, green etc. - when I see people I see people, just people, ok?).
And yeah, LOKI series and stripped Loki are awful (for sure for me) too but Anon asked about Thor so let's stay around Thor.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
You or The Muffin made a post on your dream cast(s), but I’m not really familiar with those references/actors (with the exception of Bowie and Jean Claude Van Damme and Clint Eastwood I think you mentioned). Is there anyone you would choose that’s a little more recent (80s-present)?
Our dream cast.
Our dream voice cast, for those interested.
Fun fact, both those posts were composed together, so yeah we share these opinions. We composed this one together as well.
Keep in mind that this list is... well it's for Twilight as I would make it. Which means that of course we’re casting a Didyme, nevermind that she’s been dead for thousands of years, but Denali who?
And once again we’re disrupting the time-space continuum and casting big name actors you’ve definitely heard about as they were ten, twenty, or thirty years ago.
Alright, so newer and shinier Twilight fancast, this time with a few alternatives because decisions are hard:
Alice: ... Audrey Hepburn.
I'm sorry. I tried. I tried to be modern, but I got to Alice and originally we thought Saoirse Ronan, appearances be damned because Ronan is a great actress, only to realize Ronan should be Renesmée.
So we're back to the dream cast. Audrey Hepburn was a tiny, pixie-like, yet ridiculously beautiful woman. Like Alice, her growth was stunted due to prolonged starvation during the War, so she's the perfect casting in a way no modern Western actress is going to be. She was also an amazing actress, just absolutely magnetic each time she graced the screen. She would be a fantastic Alice.
Aro: A young Tom Cruise.
Cruise is an absurdly beautiful man, and at 173 cm he is the right stature as I could never cast a tall actor for Aro. He's a very good actor, so I'm sure he'd be up for it. Also, he'd look great with chalky petrified vampire makeup on. He'd pull it off. I want to see this.
Optionally: Cate Blanchett
Yes, she's a woman. But that's what acting is all about, you play someone you're not. It's more a thing in theatre than in film that men can play women and women can play men, but I say fuck the rules, we're doing it theatre style. And Blanchett absolutely have that enigmatic, ethereal, otherworldly quality I'd want for Aro.
Bella: A young Sarah Michelle Gellar
Gellar is a petite beauty, she is spunky yet adorable, and very charming, the people of Forks and the Cullens would very believably gravitate towards her. Most importantly she has the acting chops to pull it off. She would portray an amazing Bella.
Caius: Daniel Craig
The man is the right age, he's someone you don't mess with. Craig has perhaps a touch too charismatic, but he's good enough that I'm hopeful he could tune it down.
Carlisle: A young Leonardo DiCaprio
DiCaprio is ridiculously attractive and has a bad case of The Babyface™. Watching him try to convince people that he’s 30 years old and has adult kids would be absolutely hilarious, and very faithful to the books. He’s a talented actor, too, very versatile.
Optionally: David Tennant
Tennant doesn't look the part, he is handsome but handsome in that particular way when flawed features come together handsomely. He does however have the perfect charm, gravitas, and energy for the character, so I think he could make a great Carlisle. 
This is where the magic of movie adaptions come in - you’re not going to be able to translate directly from text to screen, that’s impossible. If you embrace that and make some bold choices, you stand to make a truly spectacular adaption. One of the reasons why the Twilight films failed is that they were too faithful to the books while failing to understand the spirit of them, whereas the TV miniseries adaption of His Dark Materials switched a lot of things up and is absolutely amazing for it.
Demetri: Robert Downey Jr.
Ridiculously charismatic and talented actors cast in bit parts and making them shine is a passion of mine.
Didyme: Cate Blanchett
Look, Blanchett had to be in this somehow, and we could think of no one more appropriate. She has too much enigma for Esme, is too womanly for Alice, and once the idea for Didyme was had it was hard to weasel out of. 
Cate Blanchett would be convincing as Aro's sister, as a woman who haunts her lover and brother even thousands of years after her passing, an enigmatic and divine woman who can never be forgotten.
Also she's my fancast for her brother, so this works out quite nicely. Why cast someone who merely looks like Aro’s actor when you can just cast the same actor.
Edward: A young Johnny Depp
Very few men are otherworldly beautiful. There are countless handsome men, yes, and many beautiful ones, but Depp has extreme and symmetrical features that come together beautifully. Robert Pattinson does too, for the record, so what makes me prefer Depp is the fact that he is an incredible actor. Pattinson is good, but Depp is the kind of talent who can power through even the worst scripts, give him nothing and he will give you the world. He’s on Al Pacino’s level, this man can salvage anything.
Emmett: Terry Crews
Terry Crews is a mountain of a man, he's massive. He'd nail Emmett's infectious cheer, too. He has a very symmetrical and attractive face that follows the golden ratio beautifully, so I could buy him being a vampire.
Esme: Anne Hathaway ten years ago. Ref one, ref two.
She’s out of this world beautiful and has the perfect Esme aesthetic. Hands down best Esme. The fact that she’s a very good actress helps.
Felix: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
He’s got the physique for the part and would be absolutely menacing.
James: Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt is a character actor who tragically got lost in the blockbuster scene. He’s good, he deserves cool parts. So yeah, Pitt as James. I think he’d be absolutely amazing for the part, it’d be the kind of performance where you can tell the actor was enjoying every second on set.
Jane and Alec: Child Dakota Fanning
Fanning was a good choice for Jane, it's just that she was slightly too old when she was cast (and they made her look even older!) and the screenwriters had written a different character than the one in the books (and not for the better - I’m all for changing things in an adaption! But, well, she was Marvel levels of bad villain). And as Alec is a bit part and supposed to be nearly identical to her, I’d just have Fanning play him as well.
Jasper: Clint Eastwood, every time.
Optionally: feels like blasphemy to even have an “optionally”, but here we are. If you somehow haven’t heard of the guy, then… er. No, sorry, I’ve got nothing. Know that I tried, though.
Marcus: Tom Holland
The man has such babyface, which fits since Marcus is 19.
Just Tom Holland, sitting around, looking young and depressed.
Renata: A young Natalie Portman
Yes, yes, Renata is a bit part, I know that, but this is my Twilight we're casting for so I do what I want.
Portman fits the physical description for Renata, and I find that description to be relevant to her character. She's a teeny tiny woman charged with protecting the most important man in the world, and gifted with intouchability. Portman looks is beautiful enough to fit the bill for a Twilight vampire, and tiny enough to stress the absurdity of this 5′0″ woman being anybody’s bodyguard, nevermind Aro’s.
Renesmée: Child Saoirse Ronan (Though Adult Ronan works too, she’s my cast for the hybrid gremlin period.)
She was an extraordinarily talented child actress, and she’s beautiful while odd-looking. I could absolutely believe I was looking at an otherworldly hybrid when looking at her.
Mostly I think Renesmée is going to be a very hard part for anybody, as the given actor will be portraying one of the most ridiculed characters in recent pop culture. It’ll take major talent to get the audience to care about Renesmée, but I think Ronan, if anybody, could do it.
Rosalie: Margot Robbie ten years ago
She’s out of this world beautiful, and more importantly she’s an incredible actress. She would be incredible for the part.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
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Tagged by @miss--river, @starsandskies, and @arcandoria, here are my 9 fave films listed in approximate biological order. Tags and rambling about film after the cut.
Tagging with no pressure (and sorry if you’ve already been tagged!): @smilepal, @drunkchasind, @impishbiscuit, @breezypunk, @beammeupbroadway​
I love talking about movies so feel free to ignore this. Picking nine movies was really hard!! I’ve seen a ridiculous number and there are so many that I love, plus so many incredible pieces of art that I really like. At first it was difficult to reach nine, and once I did I realized there were some real favorites missing.
I’ve had dozens of “favorite movie” movies over the years, and some of the ones I considered fall into that category—Casablanca, The Empire Strikes Back, Labyrinth, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, The Lion King, In the Mood for Love—but they haven’t necessarily carried over into all-time fave status. So I swapped some more out and came up with nine movies that really meant something to me.
Then I realized all the movies were from last century, which is silly now that we’re 20 years into the “new” one, and I know I have some newer faves. I haven’t been as into movies and with less time passed, I don’t know which ones will survive the test into long term faves. I managed to find two.
Skyfall was an easy one. I watched the whole Bond series start to finish minimum three times before Daniel Craig took the role, and I’ve watched his movies at least that much. Skyfall is an incredible piece of cinema, and cemented Daniel Craig as Bond for me.
Tenet was much harder pick, but it’s a movie that I have spent a lot of time thinking about and considering. I’m a huge Christopher Nolan fan and I considered others of his for the list, but this is some of his best work.
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omegalomania · 3 years
I think tumblr ate my ask or it just didn't sent but what are your favorite Bastille songs / what are some songs you recommend?
i did NOT get this ask im very sorry anon.
it's genuinely hard for me to narrow down cause bastille is pretty up there in terms of favorite artists. i love all their shit, but a special mention goes out to their second studio album wild world since it's the one that made me a Fan
uh so here's a primer i guess i spent too much time on this lmao.
if you wanna listen to their big hits:
flaws - their first single in the uk. if you ever listened to ship playlists on 8tracks in like 2013-2015 then you've probably heard this song or a variant on it at some point.
pompeii - this is the song that really put them on the map and you definitely know it. it dominated the charts all over the place.
happier - the marshmello song that you've definitely heard before too. i think bastille wrote this for justin bieber or some shit but then decided they liked it too much to give it to him? lmao. anyway if you're not digging the version you hear on the radio all the time i recommend trying the stripped down version
good grief - their big hit off their second album. big in the uk, didn't really make as many waves elsewhere, but it's a really solid song anyway. one of those "upbeat tunes that's actually really fucking sad" ones
things we lost in the fire - another one off their first album. if you live in a wildfire area this might not be one to turn to. or maybe you'll find it cathartic idk i certainly do!!
quarter past midnight - a song about escapism, as was fitting when it was released in 2018 and equally fitting now. running away for a night of fucking around with friends, craving any kind of brief departure from the chaos of the modern world
skulls - this one was not a hit or a single and is technically a bonus track but i'm including it because once again if you ever clicked on a ship playlist on 8tracks in like 2013-2015 you've heard this one. and you know what that was justified this one is also good
if you wanna feel existentially depressed:
their whole discography. i mean i kid but i also don't. that's just kind of how bastille does it. BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS ones that hit me in particular would beeee
two evils - kind of a grim, haunting one introspecting about morality of the self.
oblivion - musing about the afterlife, love, and how time changes all of us.
those nights - contemplating what it is we seek when we plunge into reckless escapism, and the inherent loneliness of it; how even when surrounded by people there's still the pressure of the world outside, continuously coming to pieces
the draw - this one was written about the pull of pursuing a career in music vs. staying home with family and friends. in a broader sense, it can apply to a lot of things. i always felt it resonated with feelings of paranoia and displacement
winter of our youth - discusses childhood, nostalgia, and regret. if it feels like everything's slipping away, is it easier to relive the past, especially if the past is tinted rose?
sleepsong - loneliness, desperation, and the cyclical, abyss-like nature of all it encapsulates
if you want discussion of serious topics:
final hour - a bonus track off their second album that also became a bonus track off their third album? anyway this song talks about climate change and gun control. happy stuff
doom days - this one talks about, uh, everything! doomscrolling, political divides, escalating national tensions, climate change again, etc.
the currents - a song centered on political rhetoric and the power that figureheads have over the masses, the way they can orchestrate hate. basically it's not so subtly aimed at donald trump lmao, dan's literally sung it as much in a few live settings
WHAT YOU GONNA DO??? - social media addiction and the way capitalism and corporate interests have annexed our online experiences, fighting desperately for our attention as they seek to monetize every available aspect of our lives
four walls (the ballad of perry smith) - well this one is about uh. perry smith. who was charged with the death penalty for killing 4 people in the late 50's. but it's less directly about him and more a discussion of the morality of the death penalty and capital punishment
snakes - burgeoning anxieties and the impulse to turn to easy outs, like ignorance or alcoholism, to escape the world's global problems
if you want some pop culture sprinkled on top:
icarus - greek mythology. i like this one because it addresses something that i feel isn't addressed enough in discussions of this myth, which is that icarus is a very young lad. less about the pride of the fall, and more about the inherent tragedy of that.
laura palmer - the whole song is a david lynch shoutout. i've never seen twin peaks myself but the song still slaps.
daniel in the den - christian mythology. discusses the biblical tale of daniel in the lion's den and links that up to themes of betrayal and family.
poet - this one's a double feature, referencing both william shakespeare's sonnet 18 and edmund spencer's sonnet 75. also one of my favorites.
send them off! - this is another one of my favorites of theirs. it's also been described by dan as "othello meets the exorcist" and it very much delivers there
if you want something uplifting:
joy - while bastille (understandably) has a bit of reputation as a band that makes sad music about sad things, they've definitely got some happier songs in their catalogue. pun intended cha ching. this one's one of their more straightforwardly happy tunes
survivin' - this was a song they wrote while they were touring and then felt weird about releasing once the panini hit because it felt a bit on the nose. they ended up releasing it anyway and i am so glad they did cause it's a mood
act of kindness - the "happy" part here is debatable but i'm gonna include it anyway. it’s when someone does something nice for you and that impulse Changes you way down deep you know???
warmth - one of those "the world's going to shit but at least we have each other" kinds of tunes
the anchor - one of those "the world's going to shit but you're the one fucking thing that's still keeping me here" kinds of tunes
give me the future - their latest single as of this writing and one of the more optimistic tracks in their catalogue imo! it's yearning, but it's also with a genuine hope for the future.
and LASTLY. because im going to take every chance i can to plug this band. im going to throw some collabs and covers at you because there's one thing this band does SUPER well and it's collabs and covers.
of the night - this is the big one. it mashes up rhythm of the night by corona and rhythm is a dancer by SNAP! and it's so good they still do this one live and it goes off every time.
no angels - a mashup of "no scrubs" by TLC and "angels" by the xx, poured into a strangely mournful tune with clips from the hitchcock movie psycho. doesn't sound like it should work but it does. kinda really does.
torn apart - with GRADES and lizzo no less!!! it's got two parts but they're both excellent listen to them both
weapon - collab with angel haze, dan priddy, and F*U*G*Z and one of my absolute favorites
remains - remix of their song "skulls" but featuring rag'n'bone man and skunk anansie that adds an entire new dimension to the song, really fucking excellent
old town road mashup - lil nas x's old town road meets lizzo's good as hell meets radiohead's talk show host meets talking heads' road to nowhere meets the osmond's crazy horse. "what the fuck that shouldn't work" i KNOW and yet here it is!! BLATANTLY BANGING!!!
we can't stop - one of the few times dan smith subtly changes the lyrics of the song he's covering (most of the time he opts to keep the original pronouns and the like, which is very nice to see). anyway this one mixes miley cyrus's we can't stop with eminem's lose yourself and billy ray cyrus's achy breaky heart. and also the lion king's i just can't wait to be king is there. yes i know it sounds batshit especially because the whole thing is surprisingly melodic and heartfelt and you know what it works.
anyone but me x nightmares - mashing up joy crookes' anyone but me with easy life's nightmares and absolutely one of my favorites.
bad guy mashup - how many songs can they include with the word "bad" in the title? we've got bad guy (billie eilish), bad decisions (bastille), bad romance (lady gaga), and bad blood (taylor swift). bastille even has a song called bad blood and they didnt use it. they used taylor swift's version. also the distinctive guitar riff from dick dale's misirlou is there.
somebody mashup - how many songs can they include with the word "some" in the title? someone like you (adele), somebody told me (the killers), somebody to love (queen), use somebody (kings of leon), and someone you loved (lewis capaldi). seriously these guys take mashups to a new level.
final song - this is a cover of MØ's final song. it also adds in craig david's 7 days and, impossibly enough, europe's final countdown. how does it work. how.
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illyanapryde · 3 years
Today I was thinking about some of the worst things the MCU could do if they tried to put mutants in their films, so here’s some of my most cursed ideas:
- They’d cast Joey King wearing an orange dollar tree wig as Jean Grey.
- They’d cast Adam Driver as Scott Summers. Why? Because they have the power. It’s like how that evil dude in the Hunger Games made Katniss and Peeta go back to the arena just to prove that he can do anything and will do anything to get what he wants. What would Disney want with Adam Driver? I don’t wanna know.
- They’d cast Shia Labeouf as Bobby Drake and make him a straight gentile.
- They’d cast Daniel Craig as Magneto and change his villain origin story from Auschwitz to a Stark weapon killing his family. You know they’d do it.
- They’d cast a Black actor as Professor X because if they can make POC look bad by making their token POC be a creepy child predator, you know they would.
- They’d cast Emma Watson as Emma Frost (the fact that I birthed this horrific idea from my very own brain is terrifying)
- They’d cast a light-skinned Black actress to play Storm (my first thought would be Amandla Stenberg but given that situation where she stepped down from playing Shuri, I think she understands how important dark-skinned Black representation is and wouldn’t take that away)
- They’d make Jean Grey’s Phoenix Force powers come from a special Irish family heirloom that her grandma gave her OR ALTERNATIVE IDEA: MCU!Wanda accidentally gives Jean some of her own power when Jean tries to stop her from oh idk killing innocent people or something and that’s how Jean gets Phoenix Force powers
- They’d make Hank McCoy get his powers from hanging out too much with Bruce Banner, not the x-gene or experimentation gone wrong.
- They’d cast Millie Bobby Brown as Kitty Pryde and make her a gentile and I feel like they’d change her personality completely.
- They’d cast Henry Cavill as Logan and they’d make him a rapist or some shit.
- They’d make Jean and Logan have an affair where they’re both emotionally manipulative towards each other and it would NOT be cute.
- They’d do the exact same thing the X-MCU did with the New Mutants: whitewash and straightwash the majority of them but give us ONE random ass queer relationship so that white gay fans will be too distracted to notice the racism
- They’d make Madelyne Pryor be mind controlling Scott for their whole marriage so that Scott can’t be held accountable for fucking a clone of his wife
- They’d build up a Bobby/Warren romance and queerbait us for years, never allowing them to be in an actual relationship but still claiming diversity points because so much of the fandom ships it
- They’d make MCU!Wanda House of M everybody but still never hold her accountable
- They’d make Professor X and Magneto sworn enemies, never delving into their history with each other because then fans would start to ship it and that would be bad ig
I’m sorry for sharing these, I hope you don’t have nightmares :)
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
The Cleopatra rumour is true. I know Denis denied it but I rember in 2017 Denis dismissing the idea if making Dune and he ended up doing. All I'm gonna say is that as a fan of Z from a career point, this is great step for professional career. She is now becoming a leading lady. I'm proud that hard work is paying off. Personally as a black fan, I'm not excited. I feel we have our own history and cosplaying a role of a dead white woman is tired and dull. I was excited about the Ronnie Spector story because it has so much depth and meaning as she was prevalent in black history. Right now Z is the Halle berry of our time. This might be her Monster's ball lol. In future, we will see if the backlash she will get will be worth it. Denis is a great director I'll give him that.
At the end if the day Z is racially ambiguous woman so she can swift easily in roles where ethnicity isnt strict. I also have to remind myself that Z's social fame didn't come solely from black ppl. It's mainly universal. I saw a Z fan who was of Mexican descent on twitter write that they feel represented by Z's media presences as a poc because of her racially ambiguity and that's when I had to let go that she's a rep for black girls and women. And that's okay. When one becomes mainstream the goal to influence everyone not one specific group.
Let's hope it ain't like Flex Alexander in that MJ biopic lol.
What are your thoughts?
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Anon, I am STILL VERY skeptical about this rumor.... And even if Denis IS perhaps planning on filming a Cleopatra film at some point in the future, that STILL doesn't mean that Zendaya, Timothee, and Daniel Craig are starring in it.
Look...Until I get some OFFICIAL casting news about this project from either Variety, THR, or Deadline, I am still lumping this in the "Just rumors" category. 😏
Anon, are you REALLY going to put your trust and faith in this website (that looks like it's just a film fan blog anyway), that couldn't even tweet out the correct DECADE for this supposed upcoming "Cleopatra" movie filming? 😅😅
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Sorry, but I just don't trust World of Reel lol, and Denis' people already contacted this site to dispel the rumor last week anyway. 👇🏾
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So, I think that until something official comes out, there's no need in getting all heated over a casting (AND a film) that hasn't even actually been officially announced yet.
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how do you feel about bond’s canon relationships?
Craig's Bond in particular? I'm going to assume you mean romantic relationships. If you don't, I'm sorry! Lemme know and I'll pontificate on him and Moneypenny et al. Uhhhhh... Just wanna start by saying—I am no film expert, just a film fan, and if you disagree with me, that is totally fine. It annoyed me that the writers relied so much on the death of Vesper Lynd for Bond's motivations in following films. I get why they did it, but A) Dear screenwriters, please stop killing women's characters just so that they can be Men's Motivation For Things and B) Give men better dimension as characters since they consistently make up like 90% of the stories told, thnx. A lot of Bond's romantic relationships afterward were one-offs, and still had the, heh, specter of Vesper hanging over them. No Time to Die Spoilers Below the cut:
Honestly I wasn't a fan of Bond's relationship with Madelaine Swann in Spectre, but it was mostly because the romance felt underdeveloped (and honestly Spectre is probably my least favorite Craig Bond movie? It's nothing to do with the acting; I didn't like the pacing). I liked the character of Madelaine herself, but when I was watching the movie, I was just thinking 'why do these people like each other, other than the fact that they're both hot and the script told them to?' That said, I only watched that movie once, right when it came out; maybe I ought to revisit...Anywhoodle. I love Léa Seydoux, and was glad to see more of her character development in No Time to Die (and was SO GLAD that they didn’t go the Killed Her for Motivation At the Beginning of the Movie route oh my GOD LEMME TELL YOU). Considering the course of the events taken in No Time to Die, while we do get more of a peek into Madelaine's life and motivations, I did like the dimension added to her character. However—giving Madelaine and Bond a child, so late into the movie just also...felt like another underdeveloped...Development.
I didn't hate it, but with the amount of plot points that they chose to hit in that movie, they honestly could've omitted that one and still had the same emotional impact for the outcome of each of the characters? He has very little time to form an emotional attachment, and yes, while we do get to see Daniel Craig running around and cradling a child and I'm all for the Dad Vibes, it was another underdeveloped aspect to me. I personally didn't feel that it gave Madelaine and Bond's overall relationship more dimension, which...I think was the intended target. I know it was his last movie, they had to up the stakes 800%—but if Craig was hypothetically doing one more Bond film, consider: is that an element that they would've bothered with? Or would they have let that go? I don't think it did much from a story-strengthening standpoint, I think it was all for the emotional stakes. Overall I think that Bond's canon romantic relationships—the heavy-hitters—are mostly used as means to an end, which is...Unfortunate. While the women themselves are often given a decent amount dimension (which I swear I do not take for granted despite the tone of this reply!), it's either ham-fisted in or seems to be an afterthought by the writers. I think I'd feel differently if we'd gotten Vesper Lynd for more than one movie, and gotten more character development for Madeline Swann in Spectre. Hell, even if we'd seen ANY of her work with frickin' Blofeld in No Time to Die. Why couldn't they have retooled some time in that movie, shown Bond the two of them interacting? Recordings for their therapy sessions???? Blofeld discussing his childhood with Bond, perhaps? Questioning Madelaine about her daughter? What would that scene have looked like? That could've upped emotional tension, even after the fact of Blofeld's death. I understand that the emotional impact is a peek into the life that Bond could’ve had with his significant other and child, and it does hit, but I think it would’ve been more effective if it had popped sooner in the narrative. Lynd and Swann aren't given the same room to breathe as Dench's M, or Moneypenny, who benefit from multiple film appearances. While they often have less overall screen time than his romantic interests, I think they're given better character definition. If you consider Bond's motivation to keep M safe in Skyfall, it hits so much harder because you've watched them become closer over the course of several films—watched them bicker and watched her cover his ass. There's time for the relationship to grow, and that time is often not given to what are meant to be the defining canon romantic relationships for Craig's Bond. ...Did I actually answer the question? I've reread this answer like three times and my eyes are crossing.
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