#loki: yea ok sounds good
worstloki · 2 years
sif and loki trying to work out which of them thor has an evident crush on (he has Type that is very Distinct) so they go to ask thor but accidentally make it sound like they want to threesome with him
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daisybell17 · 8 months
New Years with Loki hc’s:
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He would be so confused on why this was such a big deal to many midgardians…its a new year…so what?
Besides his confusion, he loved new years eve parties, and with you it just makes it 100x better
His first new years eve party was hosted by Tony Stark so of course it did not disappoint
He wore a nice black suit with hints of green silks inside his coat jacket. You on the other hand wore a tight fitting dress, also having hints of green through glitter spread around the dress
Loki could not keep his eye off you
The night was filled with great conversation, food, drinks and celebration of the year that passed by and the year to come
Loki kept hearing about “resolutions” and of course when it came to Midgardian things he did not understand, he would ask you
“Why is everyone asking me my “resolutions”? From Stark to the spider boy to even the arrow guy…what is a resolution darling?”
“Well a new years resolution is something people make as a sort of change in their life, sometimes they’re big, sometimes small. It’s just something people make as the new year comes, since its like a restart of everything”
“That sounds…odd, why do people wait till new years to make a change, just do it now”
“I cant really answer that honey, everyone is different, plus I have my own resolution”
His eyebrows raised at your response “You do? Enlighten me my dear”
“Yea one of my new years resolution is to spend more time reading, hopefully finishing books i have been putting of. I guess mine is small but it is some improvement…you should make something!” You encouraged him as to bring in the new years spirit
“Me? Improvement? Make a resolution? Darling I don’t need one. I’m perfect. duh” He snickered
You laughed at his response “You know there isn’t such thing as perfection, thats what makes life beautiful, its always changing and you find the beauty in it…plus, even perfection such as yourself can always self improve somewhere”
“That defeat the whole purpose of perfect, I don’t need some resolution…i am PERFECT darling!” He kisses your cheek as he finished his stance
“Okay! Whatever you say honey”
The night goes on as normal but of course your words linger Loki’s mind…and he took a minute to do some reflection…i mean he knew he was perfect, but even perfection has room for self-improvement…hmmm..
As the final 10 minutes of the year approached, your tipsy self found Loki and fell onto him
“Woah! Darling you ok?” He says as he holds you up
“YUP JUST TIPSY! …its a-almost n-new years…i need to be sober for our kisssssss”
“Kiss? I can kiss you right now you know”
“nOOOO new years eve kiss! I need water…NOW”
Loki rushes to get you water to get you back to being sober and by the time you gathered yourself and your thoughts, there was about 3 minutes to go
“OKAY IM GOOD! so basically a new years kiss is when we kiss once the clock hits 0! so basically…an i love you kiss, happy new year! Ya get it?”
Loki nods…he would kiss you any day at any time but he knew to wait, this was special to you as he could tell
As everyone gathered and the clock counted down, you and Loki stood together side by side
Loki watches as everyone was here, celebrating the past and the future, all in the present moment…
As the last 3 seconds ticked by, he took one good look at you. He knew how the past year had been for you…filled with so much good, too much bad in his opinion but amazing moment you both shared…and he couldn’t wait to see what the future brought for you in your own right, but for where you both will be and the memories to be created…he couldn’t wait
“2…1! Happy New Year!” Everyone cheered, screams of happiness filled the room and hugs and love was spread all around
You looked up at Loki and awaited for him to kiss you, which he did once you gave that glance that drove him insane
As the kiss went on, Loki felt nothing but happiness…how lucky is he to be with someone like you? What a lucky god he is….
Pulling away, you hugged Loki and watched as the fireworks went of and your friends greeting one another, you and Loki also greeting back
The excitement slowly died down and many went back to partying and drinking���Loki looked at you “Darling…I have a resolution”
You looked at him happily “You do?! You wanna share or keep it to yourself?”
“No no…you should know…My new years resolution is to make us happier…build us closer to our future…and of course…love you more and more each day…”
Looking at Loki, your eyes welled up in happy tears and you kissed him once more “Oh i’m so lucky to be with you…my love, I love you so much”
“I am just as lucky as you…I love you too…happy new year” He says with a smile as he held you close
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
What think of interview about mobius being good and Loki the villain and saying Odin killed laufey etc like wtf?
Wait nonny, can you give me the interview? because I couldn’t find it T^T
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Shadows of the Past
Part 16 (Part 15)
After Y/N left you decide to make yourself a cup of tea before heading to the library for a bit.  While you are waiting for the water to boil you heard voices in the hall.  You don’t think much of it, its early but a lot of the team wakes up around now to head to the gym. 
The voices suddenly sound much louder and angrier.  You recognize them immediately, it’s Sarah & Y/N.  You turn off the stove and run quickly into the living area, you can now start to make out what they are fighting about.  You swing your door open and hear Y/N & Sarah yelling at each other.  You look down the other end of the hall & see Steve, Thor & Nat coming towards the fight. 
You step out of your room but before you can say or do anything Y/N shouts at Sarah. “No, you shouldn’t be. Loki deserves to be with someone who is going to love him as much as he loves them.  You were right about him, he is funny and sweet and a good listener. He’s a good person and you had no right to treat him like that,” she says angrily. 
You can’t believe what you just heard but you don’t have anytime to process it because Sarah steps towards Y/N and shoves her, hard.  You watch wide eyed as Y/N takes a swing and it connects with Sarah’s nose.  Steve moves past you and takes Sarah by both of her shoulders, hauling her down the hall and into his room.  
You walk quickly to Y/N and take her by the wrist, gently pulling her into your room.  Closing the door, you then lead her to the couch without letting go of her. You kneel in front of her and try to get her attention but she doesn’t seem to hear you.  She looks so angry and upset, you just want to calm her down and make sure she is ok.  
“Y/N?” you ask again, this time squeezing her wrist slightly to get her attention.  She looks you at your slowly, “Let me see your hand,” you say quietly.  She nods and lifts it in front of you.  Taking her hand in yours, you notice there is some blood on her knuckles so you bring her to the sink.  
She watches you wash the blood off and she starts to look a little calmer. “It doesn’t look like any of the blood is yours, you got her really good,” you say with a small smile.  She nods, opening and closing her hand while it is under the cool water.  “Does it hurt?” you ask her.
“Yea,” she said quietly.  She has shifted from looking angry to sad & almost embarrassed. She doesn’t make eye contact with you when you offer her some ice. 
“Do you wanna sit?” you motion to the couch.  She is standing in the middle of the kitchen area, holding the ice to her hand. She doesn’t respond but she does sit with you on the couch.
“Y/N,” you say but she still doesn’t answer.  “Y/N,” you put your hand on her cheek and tilt her head up so she is looking at you, “Are you ok?”
She shrugs and looks down.  “Talk to me,” you tell her.  You move closer to her and she leans into you, her head on your chest.  You slip one arm around her and gently rub her back with your other hand.
"How much of that did you hear?” she asks, mumbling into your chest.
You think for a second but now doesn’t seem like a good time to lie to her. “I heard you tell Sarah she doesn’t deserve me... and then everything after that,” you tell her.
She sighs but doesn’t say anything so you continue, “Y/N, I want to thank you for that.”
She pulls away from you & looks up. “Thank me?” she asks.
You nod, “For standing up to Sarah about me. I don’t know if you meant all of that but... but no one’s ever really defended me like that before.  Even Sarah didn’t when we were together.”
“Oh,” she says and quickly looks away. “I- uh, I’m sorry Loki.  I know I can be stubborn and hard headed but I try to admit when I’m wrong.  And I was wrong about you,” she tells you as she plays with her hair nervously.  
“Thank you,” you say with a small smile.  You wish she would look at you but she seems so distant.  “Y/N, are you alright?” you ask her concerned.
She shakes her head and then brings her hands up to cover her face.  “I screwed up again, Loki,” she whispers. “I’m going to lose this job... I don’t know what I’m going to do without it...”
“Stop, it’s going to be ok,” you put your hand on her knee and she doesn’t move away. “I’ll talk to Stark & Rogers, everyone in the hall knows Sarah started the fight. All you did was defend yourself,” you try to make her feel better, “And it looked like you did a pretty good job too, I’m fairly certain you broke her nose.”
She lets out a small laugh, “Yea... she kinda had that coming didn’t she?”
“A little bit, but you didn’t hear that from me,” you say as she finally looks up at you again. 
“I won’t tell anyone,” Y/N promises.  “Thanks for the ice, by the way,” she says as she readjusts it.
A strange realization hits you and now its your turn to look away from her.  Your mind drifts and she calls your name twice before you hear her. “Hmm, what?” you ask when she gets your attention.
“Where did you just go?” she asks, titling her head at you.
“Sorry... I was just thinking...” you pause.  “It seems almost every time I see you, you end up getting hurt because of me.”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N moves a bit closer to you on the couch.
You sigh deeply, “The first time we met... the night I had that nightmare, when I grabbed you on the jet and now this... you were only in a fight with her because of me. I don’t want you to keep getting hurt, and it always seems to be my fault.”
“Loki, you know that’s not true,” she tries to convince you. “I know we had a... rough start, but I don’t blame you for what happened on the helicarrier. After our talk when you had that nightmare, I think I finally understand that you weren't in control of your actions. It was unfair if me to hold that over you." She pauses, "As for what happened on the jet, Nat said if you ever did that again she would send the Hulk after you."
You look at her worried, your mind vividly replaying you being slammed into the ground over and over, "Wait- what!?"
She smiles, seeing the concern on your face, "Well as long as you don't do anything stupid like that again you're safe."
You laugh a bit, "I'll do my best... but seriously Y/N, I'm sorry you keep getting hurt."
"I'm fine Loki, I promise," Y/N says. As if to prove it, she puts the ice on the table and opens and closes her hand for you.
You take her hand and run your fingers softly over her knuckles and the back of her hand. She winces but only a little, you can see a bruise forming and it reminds you of the one on her arm. Without saying a word, you take her wrist and roll up her sleeve slowly, you want to get a better look at it. It's changed color a bit but it still very obviously looks like a hand... your hand.
"Loki..." she says trying to get your attention.
"This one is my fault, the other things you can explain away but I did this," you feel so guilty for hurting her. She wasn't even the one you were angry at.
You rub your thumb over it lightly and you can tell she tried not to flinch. Without looking to at her, you slowly lean down and kiss her bruised arm. You stay still for a moment, and when she doesn't pull away you move down her arm and kiss the back of her bruised hand softly. She doesn’t make a sound but she runs her other hand through your hair slowly until you look up at her. She gently brings you closer to her, until you lips are inches from each other.
A sudden, loud knock on the door startles both of you and she pulls away instantly.  Getting up quickly, she pulls the door open.  You sigh to yourself and run your hand over your face.
“Brother!” Thor greets you loudly as he walks into your room. Before you can even respond to him Y/N makes an excuse to leave and vanishes from your room.   
People wonder why I stab him, you think to yourself as he makes himself comfortable. 
“Honestly, Sarah, what is the matter with you?” you demand as you slam your door shut. 
She doesn’t answer, one hand holding her nose shut and the other underneath catching the blood.  You point for her to sit at a chair in your dining area while you grab paper towels and ice.  You come back and help her clean up a bit so she can hold the ice to her face. She winces and tells you she thinks it might be broken.  
“I wouldn’t be surprised, Y/N was always a good boxer,” you tell her sternly.  You shake your head and pace around the room a bit, she watches you but doesn’t say anything.  Finally you stop, turning to look at her, “Go see Happy, he’ll make sure you get to the hospital ok.  And when you get back, we are going to have a long talk about your future here.”
She stands up slowly and walks out of your room without a word.  
As soon as you heard the knock on Loki’s door you got up from the couch and left, you don’t even remember if you said goodbye to him.  You weren’t sure why but suddenly you felt the need to leave as quickly as you could.  
You were never expecting to get that close to Loki, especially this soon.  You had only been back at work a little more than a week and it all seemed to be moving so fast.  Finding out Loki and Sarah were dating, Sarah cheating on Loki, Loki and you becoming friends... now this.  It was too much too soon you told yourself as you slammed your door shut and leaned against it.  
Why were you drawn to him so much? You never had feelings for anyone else this soon after you met them before, especially not someone who up until very very recently... you hated more than anything.  You shook your head, trying to clear your mind of anything having to do with Loki.  
You had lost enough time today and you needed to get to work on your assignment for the next mission.  That would be a good distraction, you thought to yourself.  You grabbed your laptop and all your paper work and headed downstairs to your desk.  
@michelleleewise @evansabove1981 @ace-of-gay @butt-ugly-popsicle-stick @poetic-fiasco @lokisprettygirl22 @soubi001 @kats72 @misswimberly @meibruges @juulle987 @asgardianprincess1050 @el-zef @xorpsbane @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @apine7 @lulubelle814 
Let me know if you want to be added! 💚
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
Hi! If youre taking requests i was thinking about, since Loki and everything,maybe the reader somehow comes from our universe to the MCU and meets Bucky. Maybe they tell them about the world they came from? Apologies im not good at writing descriptions or plots.
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 2,001
Summary: You somehow get zapped into a different timeline and this one has a VERY REAL BUCKY BARNES (this takes place during FatWS)
Author's Note: Hi lovely @kaisficrecs thank you for this fun request!!! So when I read it my mind immediately when to the reader sorta of landing in a timeline where Bucky Barnes is actually real and she’s basically exisiting in a fan fiction story. I hope this is ok and you enjoy it! It seemed liked a fun way to take it! Hope you have a great day! HUGS! Thank you all so very much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ Jobean divider by the lovely @imerdwarf and line divider by the lovely @skylightlantern
Warnings: Fun fluff, flirting, soft and shy Bucky, some fun teasing, smiles and giggles
Gif not mine: Credit to @fishragnarsson for this beautiful one, thanks so much 🥰
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“Hey Sam, I think she’s coming to,” Bucky shouts as he holds you protectively against his chest.
“Hiya doll, how do ya feel?” he asks you.
Your eyes are still slightly blurred as you look around, finally focusing on the familiar blue eyes staring down at you. The air is filled with loud noises and voices but it’s the one speaking directly to you that makes your heart start to beat rapidly once again.
“It’s ok, you’re ok,” he says, gently shifting you in his arms.
You hear the shifting plates of metal and a whirring sound you recognize all too well. The blood rushes to your ears and your eyes widen.
“Bucky?” you squeak out, trying to sit up but he doesn’t let you.
“Yea doll, that’s right and don’t move too much yet. You’re probably still a bit dizzy. You went down pretty hard.”
The world starts to get fuzzy and your skin heats. Your vision becomes dark and blurry and you can feel yourself slipping into the unconscious.
“Did you just call me…” you start to mutter, unable to finish your sentence before fainting right in Bucky’s arms.
“Shit, she fainted again,” Bucky yells, lifting you up bridal style. “Let’s get her into the jet.”
“Still not awake huh?” Sam asks Bucky as they stand near your bed.
“Not yet. But every once in while she makes these cute little sounds. Maybe she’s dreaming,” Bucky says, smiling.
“Great, you’re already smitten,” Sam teases, nudging Bucky in the arm.
Bucky blows a raspberry and ignores him, his eyes still trained on you.
“I can stay a bit if you want so you can grab some food or something,” Sam tells Bucky.
“Nah, thanks. I want to be here when she wakes up. She seemed to recognize me so I’m hoping that will help ease some of the initial shock.” Bucky explains.
Sam nods in understanding and squeezes Bucky’s shoulder before walking out of the room.
You wake up to bright lights and the steady beep of a heart monitor. With slow movements you wiggle your fingers and toes and do a little stretch. It isn’t until you realize you’re not in your bedroom in your house that you start to panic.
“Where am I?” you whisper, trying to sit up.
“Hey doll face, take it easy there.”
You turn your head at the sound of his voice, that voice you would recognize almost anywhere. His blue eyes are soft and the skin around the edges is crinkled in a sweet smile. The lights of the room bounce off his left arm, the gray and gold metal shining brightly.
“You said it again,” you breathe out.
“What?” Bucky asks looking confused.
“Doll. You keep calling me doll.”
He chuckles and dips his head shyly. “Yea. I guess old habits die hard huh?”
“I didn’t get a chance to catch your name the first time you fainted and then it happened again so…” he trails off looking sheepish.
You smile for the first time. “No, it’s fine. I don’t mind at all. Really,” you assure him.
After introducing yourself you push yourself up and bring your knees up to your chin.
“I still don’t understand what’s going on or how I got here or if you’re even real. This could very well be a dream,” you say quietly, letting your eyes finally settle on him.
He takes a step forward and folds his hand around yours.
“We’ll figure it out one way or another,” he says softly.
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After talking with Bucky and some of the hospital staff you’re released with a clean bill of health and it’s almost dinner time. Your stomach grumbles as you step into the warm air and look around.
“Everything looks the same. It’s still Brooklyn,” you declare.
“Do you want me to take you home? Or…?” Bucky asks, shuffling his feet.
“I’m not sure my home is even mine anymore. Bucky Barnes definitely isn’t real where I come from,” you state with a small laugh.
“You can come stay with me until we figure out more stuff… that is, only if you want to.”
You stare at him, a million thoughts rushing through your mind at his offer and the whole craziness of the day so far.
“I’d like that. As long as you don’t mind,” you answer.
“Not at all,” he says, walking to his motorcycle. “Come on. We’ll be there in no time”
You stand still, now staring at his bike.
“You’re going to take me on your motorcycle?” you ask in awe. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
You start to feel a little lightheaded again and sway in your spot. Bucky rushes over and grabs your waist.
“It’s ok doll, we can walk or take a cab if you’re more comfortable.”
Grabbing his leather jacket, you steady yourself and take a deep breath.
“No, it’s not that at all. I really want to go for a ride…it’s just…well never mind. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” he asks, looking worried.
“Definitely,” you tell him, now smiling. “I’m ready.”
He helps you onto the bike and hops on in front of you, revving the engine before looking over his shoulder and telling you to wrap your arms around his waist.
You do what he says and can’t stop yourself from giggling, squeezing him tighter when the bike takes off. The ride isn’t too long and before you know it you’re reluctantly letting go of him as he helps you off.
“Not too bad, right?” he asks.
“It was perfect,” you tell him.
When you get inside his apartment it’s just as you always imagined it would be. Neat and clean with the just the bare minimum of necessities.
“You must be starving. How about pizza?” he asks, grabbing his phone.
“I love pizza!” you exclaim, giggling to yourself again.
“Me too,” he replies, giving you an assessing look.
“What?” you ask
“I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me,” he says with a smile.
You shake your head, covering your mouth to hide another giggle before plopping down on the couch.
“If you want to shower or anything go right ahead. I can give you some of my clothes for now.”
Once again your mind floods with thoughts and you decide that a shower might be the perfect way to center yourself.
“I think I’ll do that, thank you.”
Bucky gets you set up and says he’ll leave some clothes hanging on the door. You take a hot shower and try to wash some of the insanity of the day away and clear your head. It helps and by the time you get out you’re feeling a little more like yourself.
You open the door of the bathroom and grab the clothes. He left you a black tee shirt, a pair of shorts and his blue Henley. The sight of his Henley makes the world shift again and you grab the sink to keep yourself upright.
“I can’t believe it,” you mutter to yourself.
You lift the soft fabric to your nose and inhale, smiling when you smell his lingering scent. It’s better than you ever even imagined.
When you’re dressed you hang your towel to dry and walk into the small kitchen area, finding Bucky standing at the counter in a tee shirt and jeans, his dog tags hanging loosely around his neck.
“Hey doll face. How was your shower?”
You giggle for the hundredth time.
“Great thanks, just what I needed and thank you for the clothes,” you say, motioning to yourself.
“They are a little big,” he laughs, “but you look really cute.”
You can feel the heat creep over your skin but the ring of the doorbell pulls you both from the moment.
“Pizza is here!” he chimes.
Before long you two are seated on the couch with a piece of pizza in hand.
“So is pizza still as delicious in this timeline?” he asks. “I can’t believe I just asked that.”
You both laugh.
“Yep, still delicious,” you say before taking another bite.
Bucky watches you intently, slowly lifting his thumb and leaning over to swipe it across the corner of your mouth.
“You had a little sauce right there,” he whispers.
“Thanks,” you answer back, tracing the spot with your tongue.
You quickly take a drink of water but it doesn’t stop the giggle you were trying to stifle and you end up choking on the water.
“Woah, you ok doll?”
You give him a thumbs up and bury your face in your hands, your shoulders shaking with more giggles.  
“You’ve got to tell me what keeps making you giggle like that. I’m starting to think it’s me,” he says shyly.
That pulls you out of your fit and you look him in the eye. You let out a deep breath and square your shoulders.
“Well. Um…this is going to sound weird. I mean I think it is…no. It definitely is, but uh, hear me out.”
Bucky winks and says, “listen doll, I’ve heard a lot of weird shit and seen some even crazier shit so I wouldn’t worry.”
“Good point,” you say in agreement. “Ok. So, in my timeline Bucky Barnes is a fictional comic book character. He’s in movies and TV shows and comics of course. He looks just like you…which is why I recognized you earlier today.”
“Yea I was wondering about that…” he says, now smirking.
“So anyway, it seems like your story here is the same as what we’ve seen in the movies. I’m not sure if all the details are exact or anything but only time will tell.”
You finish that sentence and take another deep inhale.
“That still doesn’t explain why you keep giggling every time I do or say something,” he says, brows raised.
“Right, that. Yeaaaaa…so have you ever heard of fanfiction?” you ask, inwardly cringing.
“Sam told me about it once. People write stories about fictional characters right?”
Your look of surprise makes him laugh.
“I haven’t read any of it myself though,” he continues.
“Huh,” you say, chewing on your bottom lip.
“Why? Is there fanfiction about me in your timeline?” he asks, his smile growing.
You open your mouth to answer him but with the devious look on his face you quickly shut it again.
“Answer me baby doll,” he warns playfully.
“You really say that too…” you gasp.
“So that must be a yes,” he laughs. “Do I sound like the Bucky in your stories?”
“I never said I wrote stories!” you nearly shout, backing up as he moves closer to you.
“When I had you in my arms earlier after you fainted…I distinctly remember calling you doll and the next thing I know you faint again…coincidence?”
His grin is so full of mischief you can’t help but break into a smile.
“I guess it was just sort of like a celebrity moment,” you say with a shrug.
His knees are now brushing yours as he corners you against the couch cushions.
“I’m not a celebrity though,” he laughs, taking the glass of water from your shaky hands.
“No, but you are a hero,” you tell him.
His face softens at your words and this time you lean forward, reaching out to touch his cheek.
“So, what would usually happen now in one of your stories,” he asks audaciously.
You giggle, this time doing nothing to hide it.
“Oh, so many things…and who ever said I wrote stories,” you smirk.
He laughs. “What kinds of things?” he simpers.
“Well…maybe I could just show you?”
He nods and you let your hand fall to his chest, grabbing hold of his dog tags and wrapping them around your fingers. You give them a gentle tug, pulling him closer until your faces are only inches apart.
“I hope this isn’t a cliffhanger,” he whispers as his eyes drop to your mouth.
“Those are always fun but not this time,” you murmur before pressing your lips to his.
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@book-dragon-13 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @hiddles-rose @dreamlessinparis @musicalmuffindog1410 @marvelgirl7 @jewels2876 @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @starlightcrystalline @white-wolf1940 @tumblin-theworldaway @lookiamtrying @loricameback @bbl32 @mardema
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lokidokimagines · 4 years
Y/n: *struts into the kitchen wearing the most fashionable pair of green and black pajamas*
Y/n: Good morning...
Y/n: *nods toward Natasha* Nat.
Y/n: *nods toward Tony* Tony.
Tony, stifling a laugh: What are you wearing-
Natasha: And can I feel it?
Y/n, eagerly showing Nat your sleeve: It’s chiffron.
Tony, still laughing: *wheezes* You look like a Christmas tree.
Y/n: *gives him a look*
Y/n: It’s Loki’s.
Tony: No kidding...
Natasha: You stole it-
Y/n: I borrowed it! It’s a little joke...I’m seeing how long it takes for him to notice.
Tony: You should have replaced his 100$ shampoo with glue. Now THAT would have been funny.
Y/n, rolling your eyes: *sighs*
Natasha: Do a twirl for us!
Y/n: Guys-
Tony and Nat: DO IT. DO IT. DO IT.
Y/n: Ok, ok fine!
Y/n: *starts twirling*
Loki, wearing a robe that matches your pjs: *walks in*
Loki: *stares at you*
Y/n, still twirling: *spots Loki*
Y/n: *instantly stops twirling* ...uh... hey
Loki: *blinks* Those are MINE.
Y/n, sleeves slightly too long: *nervously wiggles your arms*
Y/n: Yea..
Loki: *steps closer to you*
Loki: *keeps staring*
Y/n, blushing: I can take them off-
Loki: No!
Y/n: *blinks* ...no?
Loki, smirking: *quietly* Well yes, but maybe later.
Y/n: *blushes harder*
Loki, walking even closer: *tilts your chin up with a finger*
Loki: *whispers* I quite like you wearing them. You look STUNNING. If you need me... I’ll be in my room.
Loki, winking: *leaves the room*
Tony and Nat: ...
Y/n: ...
Tony and Nat: Ooooo
Y/n, following Loki: *smirks* Oh, shut up.
Taglist:  @bluebunnlee @klanceiscannon14 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @soulnoon  @wildmoonstone @sociallyawkwardbeanwhowrites @hanyasnape @anti-socialish @peterman-spideyparker @iamverity @lilangeldevil006 @amyofasgard @riptstark @ejectur @thatspongebobkidmeme @emomemelordess  @bluefrenchfries604 @jim-the-fallen-fan @lili-arwen @dragongirl642 @btsiguess-kpop @littleredstarfish @madisonlupin @burdenedwithglcriouspurpose @hellothedoctorisreal @shitilikeandstuff @sophie-barnes26 @btab66 @dearreaderme @marshyrebelcloud @eclecticlokibytomhiddleston @lokitty-is-my-spirit-animal @witch-of-sound @pinktrouble @xcastielbabyangelface @asgardianmarauders @student-dying-inside @gentaco @birdgirl90 @thiccyoshi @axerrrii @mishaandthebrits @daddysbutton0804 @tahliamalfoydepp @princessbunny99 @modestlyabsurd @carnivalou @yass-rani @andreasworlsboring101 @misses-chaos
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fanfic-collection · 3 years
Professor!Loki x Reader: The TA
TA – 2
This chapter is kinda rambly/world building, but like it felt necessary even if it wasn't so great. I figured I'd have to get time to the next week and then I can start doing a time skip so stuff can actually happen (THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED)
The weekend went by uneventfully. Your roommate invited you to some frat party but by this point in your life, getting wasted on the weekend just didn’t sound as fun.
You thought about Professor Laufeyson, Loki. You could text him.
What would you say? Hi I’m bored this weekend and doing homework instead of going to a party. You groaned inwardly at the thought.
Maybe you could start with something less complicated.
‘Hey’ – you texted to him, biting your lip as you waited for a response.
A few minutes passed and you sighed, he was probably out on a Saturday night, doing something interesting.
Your phone vibrated and you pounced on it, quickly reading the text.
‘Hello.’ – Loki’s text
You swallowed hard, what next? Your phone vibrated again.
‘Odd time to be texting. Shouldn’t you be at a party?’
You felt your cheeks heat up.
‘Not really my thing. Finishing up classwork.’ – you.
‘Smart. Is there something you needed?’ – Loki
You groaned pressing your face into a pillow as you tried to think of something clever to say.
‘This paper is kicking my butt.’ – you settled on
There was silence on your phone for a time and you wondered if he was bored with your messages.
‘What’s the paper on?’ – Loki replied
‘It’s a world cultures class, talking about the afterlife.’
He took way too long to respond and you were hating yourself for texting him.
Your phone started ringing and you screamed internally when you saw that it was Professor Laufeyson.
Swallowing hard, you answered with a stammer, “Hello?”
“Texting is tedious, and to write it all out is difficult.” There was a pause from the other end of the receiver. “You want to know about the afterlife?”
You nodded but he couldn’t see you obviously. “Yea. You know, demons and ghosts and stuff.”
Loki hummed thoughtfully and you squirmed as you waited for his response. “There are many arguments across so many cultures that there is an afterlife, and yet it’s entirely feasible that humanity wanted to comfort itself by creating some sort of peace after the sufferings they had received.”
You swallowed hard and nodded. “That’s true. Most cultures have some sort of ghost type creature, the thought of a restless dead that hasn’t moved on.”
“Exactly. Though, this conversation is quite complicated, not an easy one to have over the phone, and at such a late hour.”
You grimaced. “Sorry, I was just trying to get it done before class on Monday.”
“What if we discuss this over coffee tomorrow?”
Your face lit up. “Yea, that’s a good idea. Ok, thanks.”
“Certainly. Get some sleep.”
He texted you a time and the coffee shop that you had already had drinks together at. You happily agreed, trying to hide your nerves, excitement, and enthusiasm. This was strictly educational.
The next day came and you were looking through your closet for your cutest clothes. You slapped yourself inwardly that you were trying to impress Professor Laufeyson. That didn’t stop you from adding extra makeup though.
You arrived at the coffee shop five minutes early and saw that he was already there.
“Punctual.” Professor Laufeyson commented mildly.
You laughed nervously. The campus was largely deserted at the moment, most students sleeping off hangovers. Only a few sleepy employees stood in the shop ready to take orders. To your surprise, Loki had already ordered your drink, the exact same one you had had with him last time. Down to the details, the right amount of sweetener, the right temperature and an extra spice to make the drink truly yours.
You blinked when you took a sip and realized how impeccably he had gotten the order. “Thanks.”
“Of course.”
“So.” You started hesitantly. It was one thing to be interviewing for your future job, but to see a professor at a coffee shop for help? That was a little bit unusual even for you.
“Down to business I suppose? Did you get enough sleep?” Loki tilted his head.
You scoffed. “That’s what caffeine is for.”
Loki rolled his eyes. “Your paper then.”
You pulled it out of your bag and passed it over to him. Professor Laufeyson scanned over it, reading the mostly finished document. He took a pen from his bag and began to mark errors before handing it back to you.
“You have solid points, though here and here are a few inconsistencies. Also your third paragraph’s argument is a little weak.”
You looked at the paper and nodded. “Yea, I was thinking so. I need to add more to it but I don’t know what.”
“Well, I can’t write the paper for you but I know we can discuss the afterlife you’re wondering about.”
You looked up at him and smiled. “I’d appreciate that.”
The two of you talked at length, ordering a second coffee as he helped you flesh out your arguments. It was impressive just how many cultures Loki had knowledge on. His intelligence astounded you and as always, listening to him speak had you enthralled.
When you were pleased with your paper, the conversation turned to less pressing topics.
“So what did you think of my class, I didn’t really have all that much time to ask.”
“It was great.” You shook your head. “I wish I’d taken your class instead of Rizby’s. Uh no offense to your co-worker.”
Loki smirked. “None taken. Rizby has always been a bit of a bore when it came to speaking.”
“You were so lively and just, the books can’t keep up with you. Where did you learn it all?”
Loki looked uncomfortable for a moment before replying. “I have traveled a great deal in my life. I have visited many of the cultures I teach about and am able to learn of their history through more firsthand accounts. Well, those who could pass the history down to them, those that actually lived it.”
“I’d like to travel.”
“Where to?”
“Wow, anywhere, I’d love to get out of just one place. I lived in one town all my life and then I’m living here for school. I just, I wish I was more worldly.”
“I imagine I’ll offer you to accompany me on my next symposium. I speak at different locations on some of my historical knowledge as, well.” He chuckled. “I do have a lot of more first hand experiences with these cultures and being able to see their history through the lives of those who lived it.”
“So you’re like the expert in your field?”
“I suppose you could say that. If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would you choose?”
“I’ve always liked the Nordic countries, they fascinate me. A lot of Europe is great, but Africa and Asia are just so big and unexplored by us really. We barely learn anything about it, even in my world cultures’ class it’s still rather Eurocentric.”
“It is a rather shame.”
The two of you continued on about traveling. You learned about some of the more famous places Loki had traveled and listened in awe at him recounting stories with the locals.
Once again, three or four hours passed in a heartbeat and you looked at your phone shocked as it vibrated. Your roommate wondering where you were for supper.
Professor Laufeyson blinked, looking down at your vibrating phone.
“Sorry, just my roommate.”
“You live with someone?”
“Yea, just a friend from my old math class. She’s nice.”
A look passed across Loki’s face that you couldn’t quite place. “We try and have dinner together on Sundays so we don’t drift apart with our busy lives. We’re in really different social circles, but she’s a great roommate. You know, quiet, not terribly messy.”
Loki chuckled. “Yes. I imagine so. Are you quiet and not terribly messy?”
“I try to be, but we’ll see how that holds up.”
He nodded.
“I guess, I should get going then?” You reached for your bag and stood up.
Professor Laufeyson followed suit, standing and inclining his head at you. “Until class tomorrow then.” Then he turned and left the coffee shop, leaving you blown away about having had something of a date with your professor.
Get it together, it wasn’t a date. It was just coffee while he helped you with work.
And yet…
You mulled it over the whole walk back to your apartment.
“Hey, you, where were you on a Sunday? Shouldn’t you be cramming?” Your roommate Tory greeted you as soon as the door opened. Spaghetti simmered on the stove.
“I was uh, study date. Well not date, just study get together.”
“Uh-huh…” Tory studied you skeptically for a moment. “Oh, you like this guy.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “It’s not like that, we’re just friends.” Were you friends with your boss?
“Uh-huh. C’mon, let’s get ready for food, you’ll have to tell me how the date went.”
You set your bag down. “Honestly, we just got coffee and worked on our essays.”
“A coffee date? Ooo.” Tory went into the kitchen and got a spoon out to ladle the spaghetti onto plates. “I cooked so you get dishes.”
“Now spill.”
“He’s just some guy I know.”
“Yea, do I know him?”
“You might.”
“You’re being awfully secretive.”
You sighed. “It’s one sided if I like him, which I don’t. And honestly, it was just for studying. We both had papers and we worked on them together. You know, proofread, look over for problems, bounced ideas off each other. That sort of thing.”
“You keep your secrets for now then. But if anything comes of this, you have to spill.”
“You didn’t tell me for six months about your boyfriend.”
“I didn’t know if it would work out.”
“Six-month anniversary usually means the dating is going well.”
Tory scoffed. “Whatever.”
Supper ended and you put away the extras before cleaning the dishes. Tory went to her room, already on her phone with her boyfriend. Or so you figured, based on the cooing and pet names she was calling the receiver.
Should you text Professor Laufeyson again? Tell him you had a good time? Appreciated his help?
You bit your lip and took out your phone.
‘Thanks for the help today.’ – you sent.
You exhaled heavily after the text said sent, and a little dot saying “read” appeared. Then you sat on the couch and tried to forget your worries with some mindless show.
Your phone vibrated. ‘It was my pleasure.’ – came the reply.
Your heart swelled. It was his pleasure. With a smile, you settled into the couch and lost yourself to the program.
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cmfan3 · 4 years
The Perfect Gentleman
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau X Emily Prentiss
Warning: Language
Words: 3.6K
Sorry for making you guys wait for this one. I’ve been a bit busy, but I haven’t stopped writing and I do have more works in the process. Thanks for reading !
The team had just wrapped up a new case in New Orleans with the help of detective Will LaMontagne, Jr. The team made their way towards their SUVs, splitting in two groups. Rossi, Reid and Hotch decided to head to the precinct while Prentiss, Morgan and Penelope waited for the other blonde to finish her conversation with Will.
The detective glanced back at the remaining members before turning towards JJ with a flirtatious glint in his eye, “and now you're leaving? How will I survive a woman like you going so far away?”
Her mouth twitched in amusement, “well, despite what you may have heard... Cell phones can be very good for your health.”
Will smiled confidently as they exchanged numbers, being sure to send a wink her way as she walked back towards her waiting team, prompting a giggle to escape her lips.
Emily’s face dropped as she had watched the whole scene unfold, causing Penelope and Derek to look at each other with concern. “Hey sweetcheeks, don’t think too much about it. It’s just a phone number,” the blonde reached back and softly squeezed the older woman’s hand.
Glancing in the rearview mirror, Derek noticed that Emily avoided eye contact, “listen princess, she’s right. It’s not like they’re dating or anything. They’re just friends.” “For now,” the brunette mumbled as she began to chew on her fingernails.
Realising that JJ was on her way to the SUV, the three let the subject drop, but the tension in the car was definitely noticeable. The communications liaison jumped in the back next to Emily, not paying attention to the way all three members tensed as she entered with a bashful smile on her face.
Unnoticed by JJ, who was too busy typing away on her phone, the brunette’s shoulders sagged and her head fell back against her seat. Morgan started up the car and began driving back to the precinct, occasionally glancing back at the older woman with worry shining in his eyes.
After a couple minutes of tense silence, Emily decided that she had enough. Dropping her head slightly and peeking at the phone, she questioned, “so you and detective LaMontagne?”
The question made the blonde’s fingers hover over the screen for a split second before they continued their typing. She didn’t respond to the question, but the blush that rose on her cheeks was enough for Emily’s heart to clench.
The rest of the drive was silent except for the occasional sound of JJ’s fingers clicking away at her phone.
Seven months later and the team was somewhat shocked that the detective and their communication liaison were still in touch. Although JJ tried to stay secretive about it, the team knew where she was going when she was “visiting her mother” every month.
Realizing that the blonde was completely head over heels for the detective, Emily decided that she needed a distraction and tried to find a companion. She brought up the idea to Penelope, causing the peppy woman to let out a series of excited squeals.
Penelope insisted that the older woman should get a cat and so they spent countless days visiting shelters but it was to no avail. Two weeks after the idea was brought up, the team solved a particularly rough case, which caused Emily’s desire for a companion to increase.
The brunette stopped by Penelope’s room before leaving and popped her head through the door, “hey, PG. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I’m going cat searching again today. After that case, I definitely want a friend to come home to.”
“I hope you know I’m definitely coming with you,” the tech analyst jumped out of her chair and began grabbing her stuff, “I can’t believe you were about to go cat searching and not invite your best friend.”
Emily playfully rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle, “yea, yea, I won’t do it again. Buttt, I’ll be in the car. Don’t take too long or I’m leaving without you.” Penelope let out a gasp and called over her shoulder, “Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, you wouldn’t dare. Your credit score is on the line.”
The brunette laughed and began walking away, “ok fine. But hurry up and get your cute little butt in the car. I’m waiting.” The younger woman turned and sent a playful wink, “oh don’t worry sweetcheeks, I won’t keep you waiting too long.”
True to her word, Garcia jumped into the passenger seat only a few minutes later. The older woman reached forward and turned the key in the ignition, starting the car while the tech analyst connected her phone and picked music.
Penelope set her phone down and clasped her hands together excitedly as they pulled out of the parking garage, “we’re gonna find the one. I can feel it.” “Whatever you say PG,” Emily shook her head as her lips quirked up in amusement.
Garcia’s scream rang out across the room, scaring a few passerbys, “OH MY GOD- E! Come look at this cutie! He’s absolutely perfect and don’t even think about convincing me otherwise.”
Emily cautiously made her way over, scared to see what Penelope had decided on, but when her eyes landed on the black cat, she knew that her friend was right. He was perfect. “Alright then, he’s the one,” the older woman chuckled as Garcia’s grin got even bigger.
Emily bent down and picked up the tomcat. Her heart swelled with affection when he pushed into her and started purring softly. Seeing the way her friend was already falling in love with him, the blonde did a little happy dance, causing Emily to give a lopsided grin as her eyes twinkled.
“So, Pen,” the brunette passed the cat to her friend, “what should we call him?” Penelope’s mouth dropped and her eyes widened, “you want me to name him? Em, he’s your cat.”
“He’s our cat,” Emily smiled gratefully at the woman in front of her, “you found him, did you not?” The peppy woman smiled and hugged the cat to her chest as she rattled off names, “Houdini? Loki? Shadow?”
Noticing the way Emily’s features slightly scrunched up, Penelope thought for a moment before she lit up, “Sergio.” The older woman smiled softly, repeating the name to herself before responding, “I love it.”
Emily hadn’t even had the cat for more than a day before she started telling her team all about him the next day. She was talking to Spencer and Derek when JJ walked in, hearing the last few parts.
“You guys have no idea. I absolutely love Sergio. He’s the perfect gentleman. I don’t think I’d ever have found him if it weren’t for Garcia. He always listens and never makes a mess-”
JJ cleared her throat, letting her presence be known to the group of three, cutting their conversation short, “we have a case.” The three looked at each other awkwardly before they got up and headed towards the conference room, the blonde following them.
Why am I upset? It’s good that Emily finally found a man. I have a boyfriend who loves me and I love him. I love Will. So why am I bothered that Emily-
Not realizing that her team members stopped walking, JJ bumped into the older woman’s back, causing her to fall forward. Before Emily could hit the ground, the blonde’s arms snaked around her waist, holding her upright.
Feeling how JJ’s arms wrapped around her, Emily’s breath caught in her throat and her heart skipped a beat. The younger woman’s brain seemed to malfunction and she didn’t move until she heard someone cough awkwardly. Damnit Spencer.
JJ jerked her arms away bashfully while a blush was already creeping on her face. She cleared her throat and walked to her chair while Emily took her seat, both avoiding eye contact but still aware of each other’s presence.
Penelope watched the scene unfold and her brain started wracking for an explanation as to why JJ became as flustered as the brunette. Her eyes widened, it hit her. JJ is in love with Emily.
Realizing that the team was waiting for her to start the presentation, she grabbed the remote and turned on the projector. Before turning towards the screen, she gave Emily a not so subtle wink.
The blonde profiler looked between the two women, taking in how the tech analyst waggled her eyebrows and the older woman’s forehead creased from what seemed to be confusion. I need to talk to Pen later.
“Wheels up in twenty,” Hotch’s voice called out. The team members gathered their things and began heading out but before Penelope could leave, JJ placed her hand on her shoulder, “can we talk?”
“Of course, goldilocks,” the tech analyst sat down, pulling her friend with her, “to what do I owe the pleasure?” JJ suddenly became shy, squirming in her seat, “I just overheard Em talking to Morgan and Spence. I guess I just wanna make sure that he’s treating her well.”
Penelope’s eyebrows knitted together, “what? who?” JJ’s hands wrung each other out, “Sergio? Em was telling the boys how she loves him and he’s the perfect gentleman. So I guess what I’m trying to ask is, is he good enough for her?”
Realizing that her friend had no idea that Sergio was actually a cat, Penelope bit her lip to keep from laughing, “yea- yes. He’s good enough for her. More than good enough. He’s what she needed. Don’t worry about it, goldilocks, he’d never hurt her.”
The peppy woman was somewhat shocked to see how her friend’s shoulders seemed to deflate and her face fell for a split second before a forced smile took form. JJ silently got up and patted Penelope’s shoulder before walking out and going to her office.
As soon as she walked in, she shut the door behind her, not bothering to lock it as she fell onto the couch, the tears already building. Come on Jennifer. Why does this bother me so much? I can’t have feelings for Emily, can I? I love Will. We’ve been toge-
Her thoughts were interrupted by Penelope barging in and hurriedly closing it shut behind her. The tech analyst sat on the couch next to her friend and grabbed her hands. Penelope waited until JJ calmed down and sat up before she questioned, “Jen, do you like Emily?”
JJ let out a long sigh, thinking before she answered, “no? Yes? I don’t know, Pen. I have Will. I love him.” Penelope tilted her head and looked at the distressed woman, “but you’re not in love with him… Are you?” The tears that broke free and travelled down JJ’s face were enough of an answer.
The tech analyst gathered her friend into her arms and began rubbing circles on her back, “tell her how you feel.” JJ pulled back in surprise and wiped her tears away, “Pen- no. I don’t know if I can. I don’t want to ruin what she has. What about Will? How do I break the news to him?”
“Take it one thing at a time. Tell Emily first, you’ll deal with the rest of it as it comes,” Penelope insisted. After a few minutes, she nodded to herself, deciding that her friend was right.
JJ reached out and squeezed her friend’s hands tightly, “thank you,” she whispered. The peppy woman smiled, “anything for you, goldilocks. Now go get your woman.” “After the case,” JJ smiled gratefully.
The case had only taken two days and the team had just gotten back to Quantico. The members were each getting their things and going to their respective cars, ready to head home for the night.
Realizing that the conversation she was about to have would be better in private, JJ decided to head to the brunette’s penthouse. Penelope saw the determination on her friend’s face and she couldn’t be happier at how things were playing out.
Emily had just gotten settled on the couch with a cup of red wine and Slaughterhouse-Five. Sergio was sleeping on her lap when she heard knocking on the door. Glancing at the clock, she was confused as to why someone was knocking on her door at 10:27 PM.
After the knocking wouldn’t stop, she called out, “coming!” She set the book down on the table and softly moved Sergio off her lap before she made her way towards the door.
Swinging the door open, the older woman was surprised to find JJ standing there, nervously tapping her foot. Emily questioned, “JJ? Are you ok? Is something wrong?” The blonde took a deep breath before answering, “yes, actually. Something is wrong.”
Emily opened her mouth to respond, but JJ continued before she could say anything, “I know you just met someone and I don’t want to make anything harder for you. I overheard you talking to the boys and how you met this amazing man named Sergio and how you love him, and well- I guess it made me realize my feelings for you.”
The brunette felt like she was in a dream, but she bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing at the confusion. She nodded her head softly, indicating to her friend to continue.
“I know I have Will. He’s amazing. I love him. I really do. But, I’m not in love with him,“ the younger woman explained. Emily’s eyes widened in realization, but JJ continued, “I’m not in love with him because I’m in love with you, Emily Prentiss. I don’t expect you to feel the same, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least tell you.”
The older woman was frozen in place, unable to process what she just heard fast enough since her brain had turned to mush.
JJ searched Emily’s eyes for some sort of answer before she turned and began walking away, the hurt in her voice evident, “it’s ok, you can just forget about it. I’m sorry.”
Seeing that the woman she loved was walking away from her was enough to spur Emily into action. She reached out and grabbed the blonde’s hand, squeezing it softly. Unable to meet the brunette’s eyes, JJ stared at the ground. Emily’s eyes twinkled and a smile tugged at her lips, “I have a confession too. Sergio is actually… my cat.” JJ’s head snapped up and she frantically searched the older woman’s face, her heart swelling with hope.
Laughing at the reaction, Emily slowly pulled the smaller woman closer, placing a hand on her cheek, “and I’m in love with you too Jayje. I have been since I can remember.” The corner of JJ’s mouth quirked up and she turned scarlet, “if this is a joke, it’s not funny Em.”
Smiling softly, Emily leaned in, placing a light kiss on the blonde’s lips before pulling back, “I promise, it’s not. I’m in love with you, Jennifer Jareau.”
JJ wrapped her arms around the brunette’s neck, pulling her in for a more passionate kiss. Emily’s hands reached down and gripped the younger woman’s hips as their lips melded together.
But before things could escalate, JJ jumped back and nearly screamed when she felt something furry rub on her legs. Emily quickly looked down and loudly laughed when she realized it was just Sergio. She bent down and picked him up, “speak of the devil. Jayje, this is Sergio.”
The blonde reached out and scratched him behind the ears, his purrs reverberating through his body. The older woman watched how the woman she loved fell in love with the black tomcat.
JJ’s heart promptly melted from the affection he was showing her. She glanced up and became shy when she saw how Emily was staring at her like she was the only person in the world.
The brunette’s eyes crinkled as a smile stretched across her face, “how about we go inside?” The younger woman leaned in and placed a light kiss against her lover’s lips before speaking regretfully, “I would love to, but I need to go talk to Will and tell him everything.”
Emily nodded understandingly and bent down, setting Sergio back inside before she gathered the smaller woman in her arms, kissing the top of her head, “I’ll be here waiting. I love you.”
JJ’s eyes closed as she hummed in response, leaning into the embrace, “I love you too.” The two separated after another minute, each going their separate way, hearts full and hopes high for the future.
Hearing the front door open, Will leaped from the couch and practically ran towards it. As soon as JJ stepped inside, he gathered her in his arms and sighed a breath of relief.
The blonde backed out of his embrace, noticing how he didn’t give her the same feeling of safety that she got when she was in Emily’s arms. His features formed into those of hurt, “ma chérie?”
“Will, we need to talk,” the profiler sighed as she led him to the couch. She sat down and placed her hands in her lap, quietly thinking about the best way to approach it while he searched her face for some kind of explanation.
JJ took a deep breath before making eye contact, “the first thing I want to say is that you’ve been nothing but amazing to me and I wish I didn’t have to do this because I really do love you, Will.”
“Then don’t do this,” he pleaded while the hurt was evident on his face. Realizing that she was the one causing him pain, tears began to pool in the blonde’s eyes.
She squeezed his hands as she continued, “Will. I love you. I do. But I’m not in love with you.” The detective pulled his hands from her grasp and began pacing and his mood seemed to completely switch, “who is it?”
The profiler looked taken aback, “I- I don’t- what are you getting at, Will?” He continued pacing as he threw his hands in the air from frustration, “you know what I’m talking about Jennifer. Who are you in love with?”
JJ averted her eyes as she whispered, “Emily.” Will stopped pacing and stood in front of her, letting his arms drop to his sides, “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
The blonde’s head snapped up, her feelings of guilt being replaced with those of anger, and her eyes narrowed, “excuse me?”
“Yea, excuse you. That’s disgusting. You have a man who cares for you. Loves you. And you wanna go and be a dyke? You should be disgusted with yourself. Fucking pathetic,” Will nearly shouted, the malice in his voice clear.
Letting out a breathless laugh as she got up and gathered her things, JJ replied, “and to think- I loved you once. Well I’m glad you showed your true colors, detective.”
“Get the fuck out,” he spat. “With pleasure,” the profiler walked out and slammed the door behind her. As she started her car, she knew exactly where she could go, she pulled out of the driveway, glad to finally be able to love the older woman freely.
Emily was curled up in her bed with Sergio when someone pounding at the door woke her up. She glanced at the clock. 1:13 AM Fucking hell. I swear to god, if it’s anyone but Jennifer-
Her thoughts were interrupted when the knocking continued, causing her to get out of bed and pad towards the door. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she called out and when the knocking didn’t stop, she yelled, “hold your goddamn horses! I’m coming!”
Upon opening the door, her anger faded into worry, “Jen-” When suddenly, she was cut off by the younger woman practically jumping forward and passionately connecting their lips.
Pulling away for a breath, Emily saw stars behind her eyelids and a smile ghosted her lips as she let out a shaky breath. JJ’s face broke out in a carefree grin, “I’m sorry, I had to.”
“It’s not like I’m complaining,” the brunette laughed and pulled her lover into a soft kiss before leading her inside and shutting the door behind them.
The two women were cuddled up in Emily’s bed. The older woman had her arms wrapped around JJ while the blonde laid with her head on Emily’s chest, listening to her heartbeat.
Emily ran one hand through the blonde hair while her other hand lightly travelled up and down JJ’s spine. Feeling safe in the brunette’s arms, JJ wrapped her arms around the other woman’s torso.
The younger woman cleared her throat, “I just wanted to tell you that me and Will are officially over.” Not able to see her reaction, JJ focused on how she heard Emily’s heartbeat quicken and how the brunette smiled into her hair.
Emily audibly swallowed before she questioned, “how did the conversation go? And what does it mean for us? I definitely want to build something with you Jen, but I want to make sure we’re on the same page.”
The smaller woman looked up and made eye contact with the chestnut eyes she’s always loved, “it definitely didn’t go how I expected, but it’s over. And I want to build something with you too. That’s all I want. I want to grow with you. I want to love you for as long as you’d let me, Em.”
Leaning down, the older woman placed a gentle but loving kiss upon JJ’s lips before she pulled back and caressed her cheek, “I can’t think of anything that I’d want more, Jayje.”
“I love you,” the two women simultaneously declared with goofy but loving smiles on their faces as they got comfortable in each other's arms and let the exhaustion of the day overtake them.
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shotsbyshae · 5 years
Not Afraid Anymore
Warnings: Language,Smut
Words: 2.3k
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: A little Sinday Drabble. There is a reason Nick Fury assigned you to Steve Rogers. You’ll tell him one day.  
Song: Not Afraid Anymore by Halsey.
And touch me like you never.
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You were there the day he was thawed out.
Watching as Agent Coulson fanboyed out over the life-size Ken doll.
Fury rolling his one good eye makes you hide a smirk.
You bet Coulson fifty bucks that he wouldn’t fall for the elaborate set-up S.H.I.E.L.D. had created to try and convince him it was still 1945.
Phil took the bet.
There is no hiding the smug smile from your face when Coulson’s beloved Captain America goes feral, knocking out agents, busting through the wall, and running out of the facility.
You watch from the backseat of the black SUV as Fury approaches Rogers. The man standing in the middle of Time Square looks like a lost puppy with his wide, innocent blue eyes and short blonde hair.
“Are you going to tell him?” Phil questions from the driver’s seat. “Who your –”
“No,” you interrupt him. “I think he’s got enough to process for a while.”
Nick speaks with him for a few moments, then he begins walking the science experiment back to your SUV. Fury had ridden with you and Coulson. Which means – the rear passenger door opens and you’re not sure why you feel nervous as Steve Rogers climbs onto the bench seat beside you.
“Hi,” he looks surprised by your presence and the word comes out uneasy as Fury climbs into the passenger seat.
“Captain, this is Agent Coulson,” Fury introduces your superior first, which is customary, before he gives the man your name.
“Nice to meet you,” Steve gives a nod, eyes narrowing slightly. Something about you is familiar, but he can’t place it and you see the questions written on his face.
You feel awful for him.
This wouldn’t be easy for anyone.
Waking up to find everyone and everything you knew is gone.
Later, you stand outside Fury’s office, watching him and Coulson. Steve Rogers sits in front of Fury’s desk, looking more rattled than he did in Times Square. Nick Fury’s eyes land on you through the glass partition and he raises his hand, motioning for you to come inside.
“Sir?” you question him as you enter, closing the door behind you.
“I’m going to need you to help Captain Rogers adjust,” Fury states, his gaze shifting over to the Captain. “A lot has changed in seventy years.”
“What?” the request shocks you. You glance to Coulson and he gives you a nod of reassurance.
Of course. Why would they assign someone else to him when you’re here?
Only Coulson and Fury know who you really are.
“Agent Coulson’s already cleared you,” Fury comments and you look over to the man in the chair.
A big, blonde, blue-eyed, lost puppy.
You had joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to make a difference.
For the thrill of missions and secrecy.
Yet, here you are, baby-sitter to Captain America himself.
So, for months you help him – teach him – things that he should know.
The Internet. Cell phones. Computers.
A checking account. Debit card.
Shopping. Driving, although he’s more comfortable on a motorcycle.
Pizza Rolls.
You introduce him to Star Wars and the two of you start doing movie nights to get him caught up on cultural references.
Rogers tells you about life before the serum, about Bucky, Dr. Erskine, Howard, and Peggy. You hear about his team, The Howling Commandos and their raids on Hydra.
He’s lost so much, and you see a side of him that no one else sees.
The golden boy is broken.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely, as the two of you approach your car one night. He always insists on walking out with you when you leave his apartment.
“For?” you question, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets as you smile, hitting the unlock button on the key fob there, because he’s already reaching for your car door.
So old-fashioned.
“I know you didn’t want me as an assignment,” he says, pulling open the driver’s door. “But you’ve helped me – a lot. I mean, I don’t really have anyone, so thank you, for being a friend.”
Little lost puppy.
You give him a warm smile, “Well, you have me now and I’m pretty awesome.” He laughs as you smirk. “I’ll always be your friend, Rogers. I promise.”
“Oh, that’s a promise?” he says it questioningly, and you pull your right hand from your pocket. Fist clenched tightly, only your pinky finger extending from it.
“Pinky swear,” you say simply, and a smile plays at the corners of his mouth as he lifts his left hand to wrap his pinky finger around yours.
“Okay,” he remarks. “Pinky swear it is.”
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You keep your promise, even when Loki gets inside your head later that year. On the carrier, you come face to face with Steve and for a moment, you hesitate. Unable to fight him as the Asgardian had instructed you to do. Natasha lands a hard, right hook to your jaw, knowing it had worked on Clint.
When you wake up, Fury’s there. He tells you about Coulson and your heart shatters, but you keep your emotions in check. You follow him to a conference table where he gives a speech to what’s left of the team.
Everyone’s in their own head.
Defeated, but determined.
He doesn’t come to you until later, when you’re sitting on the steps, adjusting the leather gloves of your uniform as you wait for the fight that’s coming.
“You good?” there’s concern in his tone.
You nod, “I’m – I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t you,” he states. “We’re okay.”
Your eyes shift up to him. The red, white, and blue uniform making him look every bit the hero that Coulson would fanboy over. You lift your fist to him, extending your pinky finger. He gives a smile, his finger twisting around yours tightly.
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You keep your promise, even when the Hydra trained assassin The Winter Soldier tries to kill you, and Steve tells you that the man is Bucky Barnes. You’re not convinced – until you are – as you watch The Winter Soldier pull an unconscious Captain America from the river.
Sam tells you he’s awake and when you enter the hospital room, he tries to give you a smile. It pains you to see him so beaten and bruised.
Little lost puppy.
Broken again.
“I saw him,” you say quietly, standing beside the edge of the bed. “I saw him pull you from the river.”
“It’s Bucky,” he states, the sadness in his voice is heartbreaking.
You lay your hand on top of his, a small comfort, “I should have believed you. I’m sorry.”
His hand shifts under yours and you feel his pinky finger intertwine with yours.
A reminder.
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Tony Stark brings you in full time at the tower after the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D. because Fury left him a note explaining who you really are.
Stark is surprised to say the least, but happy, and he promises to keep it a secret. You haven’t told Rogers yet, but you will – at some point.
Ultron happens and Tony moves you upstate to the new facility and suddenly you’re spending more time with him than before when not on missions.
You overhear him and Sam in the kitchen one night.
“What’s the deal with you two?” Wilson questions.
“Sam,” Steve sounds exasperated. “She’s a friend. It’s easy to be around her – she knows me.”
“Uh huh,” Sam remarks. “Pretty sure they have another word for that.”
“Sam,” his tone is reprimanding.
“Okay,” Wilson replies. “But weren’t you the one giving Banner advice on not waiting too long?”
You’d be lying if you said the thought’s never crossed your mind.
You’re human.
But he’s always been that lost puppy in the middle of Times Square.
The broken hero in need of a friend.
You enter the kitchen, surprising Sam more than Steve. He smiles at you warmly, a small glint in his blue eyes and it reminds you that as long as he needs you to be that – you will.
His friend.
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Nigeria happens and everyone’s hit hard. The night you all return, he stops by your room. Leaning against your doorframe, still looking like the blonde haired, blue-eyed puppy you were assigned, just a bit older – refined.
“You okay?” you question him as you continue to unpack your duffel.
“No,” he responds quietly. “But I have to be.”
Closing the drawer on your dresser you sigh, before turning around to face him, “Heavy is the head, Cap.” You move back toward your bed. “It’s not your fault.”
“I know,” he folds his arms across his chest. “Hey, I – I – know it’s not the best time.” When he stumbles over the words, you glance at him. He’s all nerves. “But do you want to get dinner this weekend – with me?”
Your brows furrow curiously at his question, “Dinner?”
“Yea,” he responds with a slight nod. “Dinner.”
A smile slowly spreads across your face and you watch it reciprocate on his as you say, “Sure.”
“Ok then,” the puppy is still in there, because you see him. “Good.”
The two of you never make it to dinner though.
Ross shows up the next day with the Accords and turns your world upside down. When the lines get drawn, you find yourself standing across from Steve Rogers. The wounded look in his eyes is enough to shatter you.
For the first time, you are part of the reason he’s a little more broken.
Your heart is ripped from your chest when Tony returns from Siberia, tossing the vibranium shield on the floor in front of you. You see the anger and heartache in the older man’s face, but he doesn’t tell you what happened.
Only that Steve is alive.
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Two years.
It’s not that long, but it feels like an eternity.
The pardon had gone into effect and they were finally coming home.
Your friends – family really.
Although, after the fight in Germany, you’re not sure if Steve even wants to see you.
Keeping yourself busy as a distraction in the lab, you aren’t aware someone’s standing in the doorway watching as you run tests on an artifact Parker had come across. He finally clears his throat to gain your attention and you turn around slowly.
The man standing in the doorway of the lab, makes the Steve Rogers you met the day he woke up after being in the ice look like a boy. A thick, dark beard lines his jaw, his once short, bright, blonde hair, now darker, longer. You have the sudden urge to run your fingers through it, and you realize you’re staring at him – not breathing.
“Steve,” you say his name as if it’s foreign to you.
“Hey,” his voice is even a little deeper.
His eyes are the same though. A beautiful pain stricken blue.
You can’t imagine what he’s been through the past two years. The fallout with Tony was bad enough, but the things he’s done since then.
The person he had to become.
Still the broken hero.
But how many times can a broken thing break?
“I missed you,” he finally says softly, and you smile as you bring your fist in front of you, pinky extended.
A reminder.
There’s a ghost of smile on his lips as his long legs close the distance between you in a couple strides. His finger hooking yours tightly. “I needed you.” He whispers, eyes taking in your features before his soft, plush lips crash against yours. He moves his hand to encompass the side of your face, his tongue dipping into your mouth for a taste.
This wasn’t the reunion you had expected.
No objections though.
His broad shoulders seem to tower over you as he pushes you against the lab table behind you. A glass beaker falls victim to the collision and shatters against the floor. Steve Rogers may still be broken, but this is a side of him you’ve never seen.
He’s filled with desire and want, spreading it to you with every lick and dip of his tongue.
An all-consuming need.
You’re arching into him, feeling the length of him press into your hip – hard. Your fingers are in his hair, pulling him closer to you. His mouth moves to your jaw, before working his way down your neck. You feel the graze of his teeth at the vein there, nipping and sucking.
You didn't know you wanted this.
Needed this.
You've never needed anything more than him in this moment.
That little lost puppy – a full-grown wolf – who knows exactly what he wants.
“Steve,” his name comes out in a breathy moan against his ear and you feel him press harder against you. The moan from his chest feels more like a growl and your right leg hooks around him. You need to feel him there and his fingers grip your thigh tightly as he grinds into you. His mouth captures yours again a little softer this time – affectionately. You press against him, heat radiating through your jeans, an aching, slick beneath and you need him to know what he's doing to you.
Begging for him to take you.
To devour you like the animal he's become.
You will help fix your broken boy.
Protect him.
His shield.
“Cap,” Tony’s voice is cold and stern from the doorway. His lips leave yours, blue eyes staring down at you mischievously at being caught. The next words fall from Stark’s lips and you watch as the realization crosses Steve’s rugged features.
The familiarity of you the first day in the SUV.
Fury assigning you to him.
It all made sense.
After all, Howard had admired Steve Rogers.
“Get your fucking hands off my sister.”
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel’s What If Episode 8 Reaction
What if Ultron won? Is this gonna be a continuation off of the last episode?
I wonder if The Watcher will ever step out of his solely “watching” role. Or if he’ll show up in Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness
This episode breaks the watchers heart but not the Dr. Strange centered episode???
Ayo? Clint has the invisibility cloak???
Clint is wannabe Bucky? What??? How did he lose his arm?
Poor Russia lmao
Ah man they didn’t get James Spader for Ultron
Oof why do I have the feeling Vision is gonna die again lmao
Bruhhhh how was Thor defeated so easily by Ultron-Vision??? They should both be pretty evenly matched
Lmao wow it’s weird to see Vision talk and have it not be Paul Bettany
OH MY GOSH POOR CLINT HE HAS A FAMILY (I mean so did everyone else but damn)
Thanos hi
Wow they really just killed him like that huh? Sooooo why is this vision with the same powers more powerful than sacred timeline vision? And damn guess Thanos is made out of clay. No guts or blood. Although I’m not a fan of gore so I’m not complaining…
Soooo Thanos was a weak chump?
hahaha bye bye grand master
Wow Ego died way too easy too
Oh damn someone knocked him down?
Ayo Captain marvel, you’re a little late. He’s already destroyed like four planets including your own.
Nice Captain marvel. Destroy the planets core. Sounds like a good idea.
Oop there she goes
And all other planets
So like… this is game over… right?
Eh I don’t feel bad for him lmao
Oh no now he’s aware of the multiverse. Nice job.
Bruh if he literally disintegrated all of the planets, why was earth left alone (albeit nuked)
Marvel tryna prove to us that these two unsuper dudes are useful lol. Don’t get me wrong, I like them, Nat is like my favorite, but it’s obvious lol.
Yo it’s the red guardian shield. It’s your dads shield nat!
Oh depressed Clint hours… can’t blame him. All of his friends beside Nat and his family are gone and there’s literally nothing he can do to bring them back…
Cmon buddy. Intervene. Who’s gonna stop ya?
Arnim Zola? I thought it was Armin Zola this whole time lol. Oopsie
I wonder how Zola is the answer?
How have the infinity stones given ultron the ability to see beyond this universe? There’s Time, Space, Power, Mind, Soul, and Reality. But from the Loki show, we know they’re not really all powerful. They only work in their timeline. That begs the question: are different timelines the different multiverses? Or does each multiverse ALSO have multiple timelines? Agh too much thinking.
Cmon buddy, interfere. DO IT.
Clint is in his feels. Cmon Watcher, the sake of the multiverse rests on you.
Oh that code. How did Nat know about it? Oh wait yes this comes after Winter Soldier
Still hope eh? Like… A New Hope? Ehhh??? Ehhh? Ok I’m sorry
welp that does it. We’re doomed. Nice knowing yall
Cmon watcher. You gotta have some powers or something???
We gonna use an evil hydra agent to save the universe eh? Alright
Oh yay they got Toby Jones again yay!!!
Haha Zola you’re cornered into being helped
That’s a terrifying image. Why are some sentries crawling on all fours and others climbing the walls???
Captain Black Widow-ica (sorry)
Wow Clint how the frick did you fit a metal laser net into an arrow?
Oh yay it worked! But I don’t trust Zola with the ability to move
Oh that should solve that
Sloooooooo mooooooooo
Okay wow Clint you have some OP arrows that make me question why I’ve never seen them before lol
Ah. Yep he’s fallen. I bet Clint is gonna die this episode. Marvels way of appeasing the people who thought he should die instead of Nat in end game.
Good thing their aim sucks
Oh yay Zola is helping
CLINT I KNOW YOU DONT WANT TO FIGHT ANYMORE BUT CMON. You do have at least one thing left to live for and she’s staring you in your face! Yknow, your best friend?
Damn Clint pulling a Natasha
BRUH WHY DIDNT YOU SHOOT A BOMB ARROW AND THEN THE SHIELD ARROW IN THE FIRST PLACE? You could have killed them all AND lived and not left your BEST FRIEND and possibly only other human left all alone! Really dude?
Oh crap yea I forgot ultron is in the area between the multiverses
I love the animation for this fight scene! Feels like a comic!
Cmon watcher man. You gotta have some op powers
Ahhhh there ya go
Oh nvm
Bruh where are we? What planet is this?
Oh there go the forests
Who did you swear an oath to, watcher? Who is your overseer?
YO IS HE KANG??? (If so I totally called it the first time I saw him)
Bruh do these holes in the multiverse repair themselves or???
Yoooo how did ultron get giant? He’s pulling a friggin Dormammu or Galactus move lol. Eating the Galaxy
Damn there goes the neighborhood
Yo Steve Rogers is president in this dimension
Oh that’s a cool visual. Each punch goes through a universe
Cmon watcher fight back!
Cmon watcher bro you gotta do something
Ayo doctor strange again?
Soooo who did the watcher make the oath to tho??????? Who’s in charge of him? Why is Dark Dr. Strange allowed to leave the dimension he destroyed?
The episode is over? Soooo they must be continuing directly from this episode in the next one… right? I mean, they kinda have to right? Seeing as the watcher is involved directly now?
Also, at the beginning, the watcher said this one makes him sad… so has he seen this universe before but only on this watching ultron has broken out? Or was that the watcher from the future looking back on it?
I wonder if this show will have any impact on the upcoming films, or if they’ll be an isolated experience within the show?
Soooo I’m assuming sometime during the watchers planning with dr strange, ultron goes to party thor world? Cmon man leave my Jotun loki alone.
Oh heartbeat sounds at the end of the credits? I wonder why
Well this episode was very unexpected and tense. I can’t wait for next week’s episode!
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
Skin Deep ~ Part 1
Author’s Note:  Hello, hello, hello!  I hope everyone’s staying healthy and Six Feet Away from everyone else!  Remember, kiddies, wearing a mask keeps all of us safe! With that out of the way, I hope you all like this new series!  The idea has been percolating for awhile and I’m happy to share part one with you here.  As you all know, I typically write for Loki and while he will be making a major appearance in this ditty, it won’t be until Part 2.  Come along for the ride, won’t you?? You know that I love all of you, all the likes, comments, reblogs, and consideration... so thank you all so much! Asks are open, so message me if you have an idea!  Or, asked to be tagged in future stories! Always, thanks to @sammy-jo1977, beta reader and friend, for encouraging me during this one!
Pairing:  Loki X Reader, Steve Rogers X Reader, Natasha & Reader friendship Summary:  Loki’s leaving two years ago changed you in ways that Natasha and Steve can’t abide.  Encouraged to find love again, in the arms of Steve Rogers, seems like a great idea.  But what happens when Loki comes to claim what he’s promised? Warnings:  Angst, Lost Love, Eventual SMUT
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Part 1
Plopping down to the planed floor with a soft “Ooph”, you immediately reached for your water bottle.  Oh sweet, icy cold condensation rolling off, taunting you with the allure of complete hydration.  With a swipe of your sweat covered brow, you flipped open the cap, panting, “Why do we do this?”
“Because we ate all of Tony’s gourmet donuts.”
“That was weeks ago… and all your fault, I might add!”  
Natasha eased herself down to your level, not looking as winded or wiped as you did, “God, they were delicious.”
“He special orders those, ya know?  Calls the bakery weeks ahead to make sure they bring enough of those… what are they?  Eclairs?” “Cream horns.  Loves those things.”  Natasha, grunting, as she pulled her ballet slipper free. Turning to your friend, laughing tiredly, “So do I!”  Resting your head on the wall behind you, “Thanks for coming with me.  I know you get your workouts in with the team, but I just can’t imagine running around in that gym…”, you trailed off, unsaid words hanging in the air.
Natasha didn’t respond beyond a nod, adding, “It’s fun!  And I don’t have to hear Steve’s whining over you the whole time.” “As if, Nat.” “I’m serious.”  Natasha stretched like a cat before rising, “He likes you almost as much as you like Tony’s donuts.”  Chuckling, you took the hand she offered, pulling you up to standing.  You moved through the locker room, still out of breath, trailing Natasha until she stopped in front of units 14 and 16.  Throwing you a towel, drying her own dampened skin, “Donuts aren’t Loki.  You know that right?” Snorting around the bottle at your lips, sputtering, “Jesus, Nat!  Yes.  Yes.  I am very well aware of the fact that Loki is not donuts… or donuts are not him.  Or whatever the hell you are trying to say to me.  I know, Ok?” “It’s just…”  She busied herself digging through her bag, not looking at you, trying to keep her voice light. Edged with unspent anger, gruffer than you liked to hear yourself, “Yea?” “You’re... snippy.  How long has it been now?”  Tossing the question over her shoulder casually like it was no more than her sweat soaked towel. Standing now on overworked legs, “You know how long it’s been Nat.”  Pulling your locker open with a jerk, a hard sigh ripping from your throat, the flash of hurt undeniable. Shutting her own firmly, “... when do you move on, then?” “When?  Better question:  How?  How do I?  He asked me to wait, Natasha.  I told him I would.” “It’s been two years.” “One year, ten months, three weeks and 5 days.”  Correcting your friend didn’t make you feel better.  Leveling you with her cool stare, that secretive partial smile pulling at her lips, Natasha lowered herself onto the bench.  Your back rested against the cool mesh metal and damn it if the liquid heat of tears weren’t forming in your eyes.  Slinking over to you, Natasha wrapped her arms around your shoulders, her diminutive strength holding you close despite your clammy skin.  “You deserve happiness.  Even Loki would understand that.”  Pausing, Natasha zipped up her bag, nudging you to follow.  “Besides, you need to get laid.” Snatching up your own gym gear, “Nat!  I do not.”  Grumbling, you followed her towards the locker room doors, zipping up your hoodie before pushing out into the street. “Trust me.  You do.” Stopping at the corner, you grabbed your friend’s hand.  “He’s a God.  It’s not that easy to just replace him… in my life.  Or… in the bedroom, ya know?” Holding up two fingers, like a VE day salute, Natasha wiggled them in your face.  Her meaning was clear.  It had been two years.  Too damn long. “Ok.  Ok.  Fine.  Let’s say, you’re right.  I do need to move on.  What does that even look like?”  Stepping through the Tower’s automatic doors, whispering your fear out loud made you feel guilty, as if you had already betrayed your promise somehow.  Punching in the passcode and selecting your floor number from the elevator, Natasha focused straight ahead, answering, “You’re surrounded by super heroes.” “So?  They’re co-workers.  Well, technically, they’re my boss’ husband’s co-workers.” “Come on.  When Loki was… around, you all hung out together.  And, since he’s been gone, I know at least one of them has been keeping a close eye on you.” Interest piqued, “Really?  Who?” Chuckling at your eagerness, “Steve.” “Oh.”  You flexed your neck, looking at the lights above you, not entirely surprised by Nat’s admission.  He might have thought his actions were stealthy, but the Captain had made his interest pretty clear, always pulling out your chair, asking about your day, and in general showing up wherever you happened to be. “You should give him a chance.   And you know as well as I do-”
Cut off by the ping of the opening doors, she took a step back, letting Steve Rogers into the lift.  “Ladies.” “Captain.”  Nat nodded. “Captain Rogers.”  Everything Natasha has been saying flooded your mind.  How Steve was into you, asking about you, thinking of you. Suddenly you were acutely aware of how you looked.  Short hair tucked into a cloth headband, sweat soaked strands stuck to your neck.  Your sweatshirt hanging off one shoulder, the thick strap of your sports bra exposed in all it’s fluorescent green glory.  Did you smell?  Oh god.  Sliding to the back of the car, you cowered, hoping that Captain America would ignore you completely.  No dice.  “How was the class?” “Good.  This one-” pointing at you, Natasha continued, “-is quite the leaper!” Hot blood flooded your face, painting your neck, as you flushed under the praise.  Facing you now, Steve licked over his bottom lip, “Is that so?” Had you ever noticed just how sharp his jaw actually was?  Or the way his shirt sleeves, rolled up to the elbows, made his arms look so strong?  Your heart thudded dully in your ears, crowding out Steve’s voice as you imagined, just for a second, being alone with him in the lift. “What?”  Asking dully, stunned by the force of your long ignored need, you hadn’t heard his follow up question. Lowering his head, softly chuckling, “I asked if you two were having lunch?  Could I join you?” “I’m in a meeting… Fury is in town.”  Rolling her eyes, Natasha stepped out on her floor, “See you later!”  You just knew she was going to grill about all this at some point, but now you were trapped in a metal box with one of those sexy superheroes she’d told you to move on with. Doors closing with a metallic hiss, Steve smiled at you sweetly, “About lunch?” “Um… well, I’d need to shower.  Change…”  Talking with your hands, betraying your nervous energy, you struggled with an excuse as to why you couldn’t join with the Captain. “I can wait.  Want to meet up on the patio… say, forty five minutes?” Looking so hope filled, you found yourself smiling broadly at the blonde Adonis, now holding open the doors, waiting for your reply.  “Sure.  Forty five minutes.”
It took an hour.  You hadn’t meant to, but by the time you’d cleaned up, thrown on a skirt and tucked in your tee shirt, slapped on a bit of mascara and tied your sneakers, it had been sixty minutes.  Even though you were jumpy and jittery, since Loki left, this was the closest thing to a date you’d been on. Stepping out onto the patio, squinting into the noonday sun, you spotted the golden boy easy enough.  Sitting comfortably, a brown paper bag on the table, Steve looked completely at ease waiting for your grand entrance.  Shifting, he glanced your way, freezing at the sight of you. Gaining his feet slowly, Steve watched your approach, “Hi…” There was a tone of appreciation in his voice that made your skin tingle.   “Hello, Captain.”  God, even the sound of your voice was sexy.  Steve found himself stuttering, flustered, by the overwhelming sweetness of you.  Clapping his hands against his leg, “Um… please, call me Steve, ok?”  “Yes, ok.  Steve.”  A long minute passed where you looked at Steve and he looked back at you.  He was just so glad to have you all to himself, uninterrupted, that looking at you took his breath away.  It also erased his manners for a heartbeat, “Please, sit down.  I, uh… I had some sandwiches made.” Tucking a lock of short hair behind your ear, you grinned, “Is this… is this a picnic?  For me?” Squinting a bit, shrugging his shoulders with a laugh, “Maybe?” “Maybe is ok with me.”  Reflecting that tentative tone, part curious, part cautious, you reached for the bag.  “I’m starving!” Sipping from your glass bottle Coke, you looked over the Avenger before you.  So wholesome, so clean cut.  Nothing like the dark and devious God of Mischief who’d stolen your heart and then abandoned it so long ago. Munching on your sandwiches, delicious and fresh, your nervousness ebbed away.  Basic first date stuff flowed between the pair of you, movies you loved and why, favorite colors and school subjects.  Hobbies came next, and you found yourself surprised when Steve shyly admitted, “Drawing.  I love to draw.  Before I was… um… when I was just Steve, I could sketch myself into another world.  It was freeing.” “That’s how I feel about music.”  Talking to Steve felt nice.  And you knew that was a cliche adjective, but nice was so easy.  It’s how you found yourself talking about your first live concert, Heart, when you were eight and how it made you love rock music as a kid.  “Heart… sounds familiar.”  He was cute as mused over the placing the name, wiping the Dorito dust off his fingers. Excitedly you recited songs that meant so much to you, “Barracuda?  Magic Man?” “Magic Man… I think I know that one.” Unable to stop yourself, singing into the now drained Coke bottle turned microphone, “Try to understand, try, try, try to understand!  He’s a Magic Man, mama… He’s got magic hands!” Clapping at your performance, Steve smiled at you, warm and even.  “Magic Men?  Magic hands, huh?” And suddenly, Loki was there, front and center in your thoughts.  The scent of worn leather and dark liquor filled your nose, phantoms from memory, come to torment you.  An image of Loki and those wickedly smart hands, coaxing you onto your back as his silver tongue devoured your sopping center already overdue for his attention, was as real now as when you had lived it.  He had magic hands.  He’d proven that to you over and over again.  Tears rose to your eyes, clouding your vision, as everything that was sweet about the afternoon turned sour.  “Um… I’m sorry Steve.  I need to… uh… I have to go.”  Stumbling to your sneakered feet, you quickly cleared the table, unable to look at the super soldier as you made a fast escape. “I lost someone I loved too.”  His words made you stop in your tracks, his tone darker than you’d ever hear before.  In four long strides, Steve caught up with you, just as your hand gripped the door’s handle.  
Unable to turn, afraid to face him, sobbing softly, “I know Steve… but this is different.” “Yea… I know.  I know it is.”  Hearing his voice, just as raw, just as ragged as your own, made it easier to give in.  Putting the door to your back, looking at Steve through wet lashes, frustration in his baritone, “I just… damn.”  
Lifting his blue eyes to yours, begging for the words that would somehow make all of this normal, “Would you ever… could you ever…?” Your mouth started moving, swayed by the earnestness of his sentiment, “Maybe.  It’s the best I can do, Steve.” “Maybe is ok with me.” 
Wavering now, your smile faltering as tears threaten to fall, “Thanks.” If he answered, you didn’t hear it.  Rushing inside with a fist in your mouth, hoping to block the lovesick cry that ripped from you, practically running down the hallway to your place.  Not wanting anyone to see you so broken, so torn, after all this time, you needed to escape. Safely in your apartment, all alone, collapsing on the bed, you couldn’t stop your mind from replaying the afternoon.  From the gentle banter and kind hearted ‘get to know you’ vibes of your lunch with Steve, when you had opened up to the idea of a new love, a new start.  To how easy it was to let Loki creep into your thoughts, a riptide pulling you back into the shadows of your feelings for his dark desire.  Guilty bile burned your throat at the idea that you might be betraying your absent love… letting him down, somehow. Hitting the pillow behind you, weeping openly now, you thought about the last time Loki had come to you.  His words, his actions, all showing a deep affection for you.  Even if Loki had never said the actual word, he had shown you time and again that he did truly love you. “Pet.  We must speak.” Sex drunk and sapped, you curled over the lithe chested God in your bed, “Sounds serious…” Sitting up, Loki forced you to move, his profile sharp in the dim light of early dawn.  “I’ve been called to Jotunheim.” Leaning back on your elbows, “Ok… Jotunheim.  Why?” His broad back to you, Loki’s head dipped forward, resting on his folded legs.  “I… I am the rightful heir to their throne.  They need a ruler and-” turning to face you, “-it is me.  There is talk of war.  If there’s any chance to avoid it, I must be there.  I have to go.” Leaning your cheek into his shoulder, you sighed, “You have to go.  I understand that.” “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.” Nosing under his arm, smooshing against Loki’s ribs, “Hmm… you’ve been away before.  I always manage, somehow… and...” Looking down at you through his dusky lashes, a secretive smile on those tasty lips, “And?” “You always come back to me.” “I do… I have.  Will you…”  Pausing, Loki twined his fingers with yours, testing the weight of your hand, “That is… wait for me?” Pressing a small kiss to his sweet mouth, “Always, babe.  I’ll be right here.”
“Promise me.  Promise that you’ll wait for me.”  Panic flashed over him, causing Loki to tug you closer, crushing you against his chest, his mouth conquering yours thoroughly. “I promise, Loki.  Promise me that you’ll be careful.”  Solemnly nodding, “Yes.  I promise, pet.” Satisfied, smoothing his hair off his forehead, “I love you.  You know that.” Soothing the shaken prince, your words calmed him and Loki found a fragile peace in the parting of your lips.  Lowering you against the cotton sheets, taking what was promised to him once more, Loki lingered over your tender body, committing every dip and dimple to memory.  Your arms clung to his, hooked under his bulging biceps, fingers wrapping over the back of his shoulders. There was only you and Loki in the deepening dark of dawn.  His slow and steady rhythm forcing your knees to the side, opened wide for him.  Your body, always eager, now overflowing with want, welcomed Loki again and again.  How softly he hummed, “Pet… my pet… wait for me.  Wait for me.” And your own responsive reply, “Yes, Loki.  Yes.  Always.” Teeth nipped at your neck, biting hard, marking you.  In that shared moment of giving and receiving of pain, your body surrendered to Loki’s masculine invasion, even as you conquered his desire.  Shivering in his arms, sleep pulling you away from your lover, “Loki… I’ll wait forever.” When you woke up, still dressed from your lunch date with Steve, your pillow was soaked through.  You hadn’t cried over Loki in months, let alone in your sleep.  Talking it over with Natasha later you whispered, “It was like I relived our last night together.  I could feel him, Nat.  Smell him.  Loki was there.” “No.  He hasn’t been on Earth in two years.”  Shaking her head in disbelief at your close to insane theory, Natasha was quick to correct you. “Well, it felt real.  And you know why this happened?” “If you’re going to say it’s because of Steve, don’t.” Ignoring Natasha, whispering conspiratorially, lest your imagined Loki overhear you, “It’s because of Steve.  Somehow, Loki knows.” “We don’t even know if Loki is alive.  So, him knowing that you’ve gone on one… almost date with Steve, that’s just…”  Words escaped her, but a hand gesture that questioned your mental status finished her thought. Sitting back in your chair, eyeing your friend cooly, “It’s not crazy, Nat.  And neither am I.” “I didn’t say you were.” “You implied it.”  Mimicking her hand motion, miffed, you started typing on your phone.  Why couldn’t she get it?  Loki wasn’t like Steve.  He wasn’t like any other man.  Loki knew things, felt things, even across space and time. 
After multiple failed attempts to engage you, all met with your stony silence, “I’m sorry, ok.  I just… I just really don’t believe that Loki is haunting you from outer space.”  Snapping open her iced tea Natasha took a long sip, “Besides, I want to know what happened with Steve.” Still concentrating on your phone, “It was fine.” “Fine?  That’s it?  You were on the patio for a long time.”  She was teasing you now, but damn it, Natasha didn’t have to be so dismissive.  “So?  It was nice.”  Eyes still locked on your device, you knew it was killing her, but you wanted Natasha to validate your Loki theory before you gave her any details about your date. Sighing, Natasha picked at her salad greens, “Ok.  Ok.  Loki is watching you from afar and he’s probably ghosting you, so you have every right to be worried.” Beaming widely, having won the battle of wills, “Thank you!” “Now, please, please, will you tell me about you and Steve?” Shifting in your seat, “He was sweet.  It was all going well… until…” “Until?” “Until... Loki.” you shrugged. “Ugh."  Sighing with unchecked disgust, Natasha tossed her fork down, fixing you with a hard stare. “It… it’s hard ok?  I mean, I’m trying to be… open to Steve, to the idea of Steve.  And, he really is so kind.”  You couldn’t help blushing just a bit.  He had been so awfully understanding, so real in a way that Loki had never been, that you felt a bit bad about bailing on him. Listening, Natasha could see that you were working on opening up to the super soldier, so she let you off the hook saying, “I know… I know.  I’m just really pulling for you two!” Placing your hand over hers, you squeezed, “I know you are.  I just… I’m not sure that I’m ready.” Natasha's face softened and she bobbed her head.  Munching on her veggies, “Listen.  At some point you have to get back to being yourself.  I miss you.  The old you.  We all do.” This was news to you.  “You all miss the old me?  I haven’t changed.” “But you have.  Look at you.  Today you’re wearing grey.  Yesterday, grey.  The day before, black.” Pulling at your simple, comfortable, sweater, “Your point?” “You had pink hair when I met you.  Remember?”  Folding her arms on the table, leaning into you, Natasha was begging for you to challenge her assessment. Of course you remembered.  You had dyed it yourself, but that was a different time, a different you.  Coolly answering, “Well, I wasn’t Pepper’s PA then, was I?” “No… but you were still working here.  Tony hired you for your ballsy attitude.  Truthfully, I think that’s why Loki fell so hard for you too.”  Stopping to gauge your reaction, Natasha smiled tightly, “You were so…” “Full of life.”  Rich and warm, you recognized his voice without turning around.  Steve swung into the free chair at your table, interrupting your conversation, gaze pointed your way. “Exactly!”  Agreeing, Natasha clapped the super soldier on the back before refocusing her attention on you. “Wow.”  The recently quelled anger crept back into your tone as you sassed, “Well, I guess I didn’t realize that I had become a shadow of my former self.  Excuse me, Captain.  Natasha.  Wouldn't want to bum you out.”  Unable to hide the hurt in your voice, you rose smoothly, swiftly breaking for the exit. “Wait!  Will you please, just hold up a minute.”  Barely jogging to your side, Steve caught up with you a little too quickly for your liking. Still raw, you bit into your bottom lip, glaring at him defiantly, “Yes Captain.” “Don’t do that, doll.  Please?” “I’m not your doll.” but you did stop, turning on him, an angry glare in your clear eyes. “Fine.  You’re not.  I just thought…”  trailing off, Steve, always unable to say exactly what you needed to hear went silent now. “You thought?  What?  That all of the sudden you and Nat would convince me that I don’t love Loki?  That I’m a fool for waiting for him?  That he’s clearly not coming back?  What exactly were you thinking Steve?” fury spun out from you like smokey swirls, threatening to burn the boy down. Steve kept his cool even though you saw his jaw tighten, “No.  Not that.  I thought… I thought, maybe…”  Running a rough hand through his blonde hair, “I thought I had a chance.” “I told you maybe, Steve.  Maybe.  Maybe I could…”  Dropping your hands in defeat, damp eyes pleading with him silently, “There’s more to this story than you know.” “That might be true.  Maybe there is some element here that I’m missing.  But I know this,” closing in on you, your rump bumping into the wall behind you, “If you were mine, I would never leave you.” Impossibly near, you could smell the minty holdover of toothpaste on his breath, the clinging scent of his aftershave overwhelming your senses.  Watching, waiting, Steve cupped your cheek.  His touch was so soft you thought you might have imagined it.  Tracing your jaw, Steve’s caress continued, those smart fingers tilting your chin up.  Parting your lips, your feet moved independently of your head and heart, bringing you closer to the heat of his chest.  You didn’t want to want Steve.  You weren’t ready to let go of Loki, even after all this time… and yet… Steve was here.  With a wide, hot hand wrapping around your waist, drawing your hips snugly against his own.  Closing your eyes, feeling your way over flexing arms, you settled your flying fingers on around his ribs.  Always a man of action, dipping his full mouth yours, Steve’s kiss was spun sugar light.  Offering sweetness and sunshine, you rose up on your toes, meeting him more than halfway.  Oh, the feeling of a strong man under your hands.  Someone real, not dream or memory, but warm and solid and here.  Licking over the seam of Steve’s lips, spurring him on, you sighed when his tongue tentatively tasted your own.
Cradling your face in his impossibly large hands, your need swelled at the grounding support Steve offered, eagerly matching his intensity.  As he pulled away, your feminine flavor on his lips, a light of lust shone in his bright eyes.  Swallowing hard, “I… I hope that was alright.” Breathless and boneless, “It was more than alright, Steve.” Twisting a lock of your hair, his knuckles brushing over your blush soaked cheekbone, “I have wanted to do that for a long time, you know?” Suddenly shy, you lowered your gaze, “I know. Sorry...” Lifting your chin once more, Steve huskily whispered, “Don’t apologize, doll.  Not to me.  Not to anyone.” The next morning, at your desk typing away, you weren’t really expecting America’s fiercest fighter to find you.  Yet there was Steve, a checkered button up shirt stretched dangerously over his wide chest, sleeves turned up so that the enhanced veins of his wrists were on display.  “Hey doll.” “Hey yourself!”  Again that flustered feeling washed over you.  Steve was hovering right at the edge of your space, too far away, but still shockingly close.  “Captain!  Great to see you!  Tony’s on his way up, but maybe you’d like to wait in my office?”  Pepper blew in, graceful and glowing, immediately commanding the attention of their guest. “Sure.  I’ll be right there.”  But he didn’t budge.  In fact, Steve settled himself on the corner of your desk, crossing those impossibly muscled arms, looking you over keenly. Sitting up straighter, swiveling your chair his way, “Is there something I can do for you, Captain Rogers?” That sent one of his golden eyebrows skyward, a playful grin lighting up his face.  Steve leaned into you, “A few things, actually.  But let’s start with dinner.  Tonight, no excuses.”  Pulling himself up to his full height, imposing but impossibly charming, “Not too fancy, ok?”
Breathlessly, “Yes.  Ok.  Yes.”
Swinging back to your computer screen, your chair stopped, forced to stillness by Steve’s heavy hand.  “Oh, and doll?” Those lips of his found yours, providing enough pressure to part your own, taking you by surprise at so public a display of affection.  But how could you resist when Steve curled you close?  He tasted like autumn sunshine, all warm honey and cinnamon sugar, making you melt into his kiss, oblivious to the world around you. “Steve?  Oh, Captain, My Captain!  Please, stop harassing the help!  That’s an HR nightmare waiting to happen!”  Tony chided playfully as he approached. Sighing, Steve straightened, his hand lingering on your shoulder.  “Tonight.  I can’t wait.”
Beaming, you bit your bottom lip, Steve’s taste still on your tongue.  “See you then.” Natasha watched you, pacing nervously, worrying a hole in the rug of your apartment.  “He’ll be here.  Relax.” “I’m not worried about him not showing up.  I’m terrified that he will.”  Sitting on the edge of your couch, fiddling with the hem of your skirt, “I should cancel.  This… this is all happening really fast.” “Fast?”  Scoffing, Natasha sashayed into your kitchen, pulling a wine glass from the cabinets she knew so well.  “I wouldn’t call your first date in two years fast.  If anything, you’re moving at a snail’s pace.” Giggling at her silliness, “A snail’s pace, huh?” Handing you the overfilled goblet, laughing herself, “Yea.  Or, like maybe a tortoise?” You sipped cautiously, more to keep your shirt stain free than out of worry about overindulgence, “Slow and steady wins the race, Nat.” “Then what exactly are you racing towards?”  It was Natasha's innate ability to turn a question back on you that made her one of your closest friends.  Somehow a calming glass of pinot was part of an existential debate on your future.  What were you after? “Um… I guess, I want to feel…” words failed you.  Feel. Loki had taken all of those ideals with him when he left.  If you were completely honest, you weren’t sure what love looked like without the impish, mischievous man at your side.  Perching on the arm of your couch, brushing over your search for the right words, “Listen.  I know that you’re still… torn.  But, give Steve a shot.  He’s been alone too long.  Just like you.” A firm knock distracted you both.  “Well… how do I look?”  Smoothing out your skirt, you twirled for your friend, eager to be complimented. “Great!  Really great!  Have so much fun tonight!” Hugging her quickly, you whispered, “I will… try.  I will try.  And,” stepping back to look at your thoughtful friend, “Thanks.” Another knock, steady and even as the man on the other side of the door, “No problem!  Now get out there, Steve’s waiting.” Nodding once more, you almost danced to the entryway, Natasha peeking into the hall just to make sure that you didn’t falter at the last minute.  She felt a small pang of guilt as you opened the door on Steve, standing there with a small bouquet of flowers, hope written across his fine features. Natasha had read the last communique from SHIELD, Fury had made sure of that.   What it said, that Loki was alive, and his return to Earth was almost assured, had been running through her mind ever since.  All the more reason to get you out of his clutches and into Steve’s while she still could.  Just the thought that Loki might come back to claim what was his, meant that there was no way you would have taken her advice, no chance that you’d have accepted Steve’s dinner invitation.  Even with his smooth skills, the super soldier knew precious little about wooing women, something Nat chalked up to years under the ice.  Unlike Loki, who was as clever and quick as they come.  So, Natasha was the matchmaker, the one who hatched this whole scheme.  It wasn’t a role she relished but it did require the skill set she had perfected over the years.  Watching, waiting, setting a baited trap, springing it at the right time.   
And Natasha had executed her part to perfection as evidenced by the adorable look on your face after Steve’s impromptu kiss following your tantrum the other day.  Or how he’d visited your office and made your knees weak in front of everyone, including Tony.  It was all anyone could talk about.  To be honest, Natasha didn’t think Steve had it in him, and yet, you were walking out the door with him, off to a night of fun and romance. “Um… Nat?  Could you?”  Handing over the small bundle of blossoms, Natasha took them, a satisfied smile on her face.  This was going to work, she could feel it.  You were already halfway gone from the looks of things and Steve had been yours since the first time he’d met you.  If Loki spent another month, or, fingers crossed longer, off world, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, hell, the Forest Moon of Endor, you’d be hooked on Steve and safe from that Trickster and his shifting plans. Questioning herself, Natasha wondered, not for the first time, if she was doing the right thing.  The noble thing.  The plain truth was she couldn’t watch you break again, not after last time.  Steve wouldn’t cause that kind of hurt, he just wasn’t built that way, and that’s why she’d pulled your collective strings.  Moving your pieces into play, always in your best interest, always to help, that’s what Nat told herself.
But always, deep down, she was a company girl and it was Fury who wanted to keep tight tabs on you.  Without knowing the whys of Nat's scheme, he had been happy to learn about Steve's growing interest in the girl who once tamed Loki.  His reasoning, as he explained to the Black Widow, was two fold.  
First, knowing Steve was with you to keep you safe and under surveillance in the event that Loki contacted you was a good thing.  No need to search for you while you were necking with the Captain.  Second, if Loki came back needing a reminder on why he should behave, you were there as incentive… or bait, depending on the severity of the situation.
Sighing, Natasha gulped down your unfinished wine, wondering if her plan would be enough to keep you safe.  Why couldn't Loki stay gone?  Maybe he had moved on, just like you, and he would stay away.
Fat chance of that happening with you in play.  Loki would be back.  That would happen. As she placed Steve’s floral arrangement into your vase, Natasha hoped that it would be later, much later, than her reading suggested.
~ Part 2 Coming Soon!~ My Beauties:  @just-random-obsessions @brokenthelovely @vodka-and-some-sass @lots-of-loki @jamielea81 @thefallenbibliophilequote @lokislittlecorner @iamverity @crystalizedcaramel @rorybutnotgilmore @jessiejunebug @alexakeyloveloki @ahintofkiwistrawberry @shxdowofdarkness @nonsensicalobsessions @mizfit2​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​ @thenatallie​ @wolfsmom1​ @unadulteratedwizardlove​ @sammy-jo1977​
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daisybell17 · 10 months
Pov: Loki gets hurt late at night
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(warning: angst)
You swear that anyone who claims to be a morning person is lying to themselves. I mean how the hell do they possibly get up so ridiculously early and somehow be in bed by 8? You’ve tried many times to be a morning person and adapt this new routine into your life but it was genuinely impossible. Steve Rogers was probably the only many you knew who could get up that damn early.
But no bother, Steve does his thing, you do yours. So it’s no surprise you found yourself sipping on a hot glass of tea in the dead of night, 4 am to be specific, by the balcony area of the shared kitchen quarters. Yea it’s quite late but it’s really the only time you’ve known peace. Anytime past 1 am was the only time you understood what peace felt like.
Some nights you’re in bed by 2, others you’re in by 6, and this night is shaping itself to be one of those bed by 6 am nights. Well no biggie, it was your day off training tomorrow. All you had was your daily readings with Nat and 3 pm snack with Peter, so overall, a chill day ahead.
Gazing into the night sky, you watched each star go by and listened to the sound of the world asleep. It really was your favourite hour of the day…or night? You couldn’t really tell. As your silent night went on you were met with an unexpected sound of a glass shattering and a yelp of pain
Your reflexes kicked in and you snapped you neck towards the direction of the noise. You knew it was impossible for anyone to break into here, hell Stark placed every security measure around the lot. So you weren’t worried it was some burglar…though you didn’t know if the place was alien proof, but that’s besides the point.
“Hello?” You call out, not knowing who the hell would be up at this time.
No response, but a whimper?
“Helloooo” You exaggerated in hopes this mysterious person replies…Again. Nothing.
You huffed in annoyance and stood up. Collecting your mug, music player and book, you made your way back into then kitchen. Stepping into the heated room you were met with
“Loki?” Not exactly the person you wanted to see.
His eyes met yours, small tears prickling out the corner of his eyes. “Oh Shit…” You then looked at his foot and saw a glass shard impaling it. Well that explains the shattering sound you heard.
“Are you ok? Why are you up?” You asked softly. Gods why him of all people did you have to see at this time.
“Uhm…long story darli- i mean…uhm…Look I dropped the glass by accident. I missed a step and well…yea” He fumbled his words.
Looking at his foot you could see that the glass was logged in deep into his skin, it even revealed his Jotun skin which meant this had to really hurt. You sighed and walked behind the kitchen counter, grabbing the first aid kit.
“Look this might not help much, but we can try to at least ease the pain until the healers arrive” Walking towards to him you reached out your hand for him to balance “Come on…Let’s get you seated on the couch”
Loki nodded and grasped your hand for balance. You guys made your way to the couch and he fell back into the soft cushions. You could tell he was trying his best not to cry from the pain
“I know you think it’s stupid to cry because you accidentally impaled yourself with a shard of glass but I can tell you’re in pain, so just…yea let it out or whatever” Flashing a small smile you held his foot up to your face and took a good look at his bleeding foot
“I don’t…I don’t want to move it…I’m scared to hurt you and…I don’t want to make it worse” You looked up to him “Can’t you use your magic? Heal yourself?” You asked in hopes there was some easier solution
“Erm…I can..but my Jotun form is exposed…I don’t know the reaction my magic will have on my natural form…and I don’t exactly want to risk anything right now”
“Ah mhm mhm ok” Silence filled the room after your reply. You and Loki…didn’t see eye to eye on many things, but you saw past that and learned the why’s of him. Of what a Loki is and you had actually fallen for the God…The breakup left you shattered, and it was his on stupidity that caused all this anyways.
“Darling I think you forgot I can read minds” Loki interrupted your thoughts
“I didn’t give you permission to read my mind” You hissed back. Standing up from the ground, you sat on the coffee table behind you, now faced eye to eye with Loki
“Forgive me, it’s not like I can control it”
“Oh but you can, you just have some agenda to piss me off all the time”
“You know it’s not like that”
“Oh? Really now?”
Loki huffed and looked away while your head fell into your hands. Neither of you moved for a moment, frustration now fuelling the air around you both.
“Why are we still like this?” Loki had broke the tension. “I don’t know Loki, why are we like this? We’re not even together and we can’t even hold a normal conversation”
“Darling…You do realise you never gave me a chance to expla—”
“To explain what?!” You snapped “There isn’t anything to explain Laufeyson, I saw everything with me own two eyes! Do I need to remind you of that or can I go back to my peaceful night?” You stood from the table and paced around
Loki groaned in frustration at your words “What do you want me to say? I’ve told you everything!”
“Oh that I was just some bet between your brother? That whoever could bed the chick first wins some stupid bet?! I saw…I HEARD you and Thor speaking about me in ways I don’t even want to remember”
“And you’re completely right! Yes! All that is true but somewhere down the line I did fall for you! I actually got to know you and Gods I love you!”
“I love you” Three words that rang through the quiet room…You looked at the time, 4:45 am, and then you looked back at Loki…
Loki stared at you, tears now spilling from his eyes “Can we talk? Please?”
You shook your head as tears started falling down your own face “What do I have to loose I guess…”
You walked towards him and sat down next to him “So…What is it Loki? What else is there to share? We both acknowledge that I was a bet, and you won…”
“You are completely right…But please believe me when I say I did fall for you down the line…You turned from a bet, to the person of my dreams. You stole my heart in ways I didn’t like and I pushed you away and I’m so damn sorry but please believe me when I say I love you”
“And i’m not some prize to win”
“I know…you’re a person. You’re someone that makes me want to change, to be better, to grow. For you”
“Loki…even when you say all these things…I still cannot shake that this all started because of a bet. A damn bet Loki…”
“I know…and I will spend my life making up for my stupidity…”
You turned away and watched as glimpses of the next day peaked through the windows.
“It’s nights like this that make me miss you sometimes…” You confessed “But it’s no reason for me to run back to you”
“Then can you forgive me? I’m truly sorry…” Loki pleaded
You sniffled and cried even more “I can’t promise anything…all in due time I guess”
Loki nodded “All in due time I guess” He replied and then called for the healers to help with his foot. It’s a new day…but you weren’t sure if you could say the nights were for peace anymore…
But you couldn’t decide if Loki made or ruined it.
(a/n): late night angst! just wanted to write some angst stuff out and ngl now i want to read some fluff fics :,)
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justalokifanaccount · 3 years
Episode 4-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
(I accidentally spoiled a major part for myself by browsing tumblr after the episode aired but before I watched it because I’m dumb)
I’m watching this on my TV and not my phone this time so I’m excited
Previously on… the show I’ve been obsessed with months before it released. As if I need reminding lol.
Friggin marvel opening gotta remind me of Tony snapping every episode
Interesting watching this on my flatscreen cuz the show is wide screen
Oh asgard!
Little Sylvie!
Oh my gosh that would be horrifying as a kid… she just got kidnapped pretty much
“Crimes against the sacred timeline” oh for cripes sake she’s just a kid!
Oh my gosh this would be terrifying
Oh is this when Renslayer was still a hunter
Clever girl!!! She escaped before even being sentencing
There’s a lot more to Renslayer I bet
Space lizards finna meet the business end of a pruner
Mobius yay!!!!! I’ve missed him!
And what’s so bad with different branches?
Oh is that hunter locked up?
Oh nvm
That “how?” from Mobius is the closest thing we will get to hearing him say “wow” in this show and that makes me sad.
Dawn of the Final Day
Aha iconic promo scene!
Serious Loki moment?
“The universe wants to break free so it manifests chaos like me being born the goddess of mischief.”
I don’t believe C-20 is actually dead
Soooo does Loki not still have the tesseract? Or are we gonna get a silly clown Loki moment of “OHHHH I FORGOT I HAD THIS.”
“Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we’re destined to lose?”
“No. We may lose. Sometimes painfully. But we don’t die. We survive.”
Please don’t romance them
This is sweet and sad
Don’t kiss please don’t
What set them off? How did they find him?
He really should have an equal amount of security
Mobius shut up.
Bad friend? Oops
Uh oh
Oh? Asgard?
Uh oh
Bully Sif
Poor Loki
Ohhhhhh lmao time loop of being beaten up by Sif… ouchie
Cmon Loki fight back.
Or break her mind lol
Loki don’t fall for it— ahhhh ok
Controlling woman huh
Easiest to break huh? Shut up Ravonna
Titans? (Lmao please tell me they arrested a variant Thanos)
Vampires??? Hinting at a Blade reboot????
Hunter B-15 knows something is up
Oh my gosh Loki real moment confessing to Sif “because I’m scared of being alone.”
Genuine or??? Is she gonna throw him? Poor Loki…. “You are alone. And you always will be.”
Mobius you scumbag. That’s literally torture.
Mobius shut up
Mobius shut up. You don’t know the real Loki.
Oh so even they don’t know what caused it
Now Loki is lying just to avoid being hit by Sif
Oh no. He thinks she’s gone. Loki can’t lie very well when he’s sad.
No not swooning… please don’t ship them I beg you.
Not romance please stop no.
Please don’t make it romantic please please please please
Maybe he had a family, a life… maybe… maybe a jetskii?
Mobius shut up.
Shut up about “girlfriend”
Yea Mobius. Let it stew. You’re a liar.
That Hunter B-15 is onto something.. OH YEA SHE WAS ENCHANTED FOR A BRIEF MOMENT TOO
Theremin. Nice.
Odd music choice for a date I gotta say.
How much older is Owen Wilson than Gugu Mbatha Raw? (Googling) Owen Wilson is 52… Gugu is 38
Mobius is onto something. But I’m still mad at him.
“What we do here matters.” Doubt
What trophy?
Oh the sword
He’s not the best liar tho
For all time. Always. Doubt
She knows he’s lying.
Hunter B-15 interrogating Sylvie at Roxxcart
Yea Sylvie tell her!
FRIENDS? Please?
Oh my gosh poor Hunter B-15…
Team up?
Damn C-20 really is dead?
Funny with all that technology but that video looks like my old handheld game from like 2010 that I bought from Walmart.
Mobius having an existential crisis. Good.
Please stop hinting at a romance between them…
Friends yay!
Renslayer you scum…
Uh oh
Maybe he had a Jet Skii!
Renslayer I will revel in your demise
“But she’s just doing her job.” Shut up. She saw what Hunter C-20 said…
Loki is crying again… he just made another friend and he’s gun… HE NEEDS TO COME BACK. If Mobius is gone forever I will never forgive the TVA.
Awww she asked if he’s okay… I’m still praying only friends. Please nothing more.
What was the event? Come on Renslayer. You remember you crap hole.
Oh my. Time keepers??? Aha this IS where the stairs on the wall and a fight breaks out.
Lmao that one time keeper sounds like a dopey dog from a cartoon.
Oh that’s how Loki gets that cut
Now he has a sword babyyyy
Renslayer I hate you
Loki help her!
Oh nvm she’s good
Child of the time keepers?
So… who’s really in control???
Seeing Loki in this blue light… cmon give me Jötunn Loki.
Where’s hunter b-15?
Don’t confess love pease I beg you
Please please please don’t romance them. For all that is good in this world.
Oh gosh
Please just hug
What???? NOOOOO
HE CANT BE GONE!!! We still haven’t gotten that scene where he has the flaming sword!!!!!!!! Pruning HAS to not kill them please!!!!!!!!!
Dammit I KNEW something would happen. They had their backs turned to them and it was too quiet.
I’ve seen him die too many damn times agahahshehhdheiebdusienenridiehehejd
And now the credit song has love in it
I really really hope they don’t have some sort of self-cest between Loki and Sylvie…
And what is black loki (I feel bad for calling him just that but I don’t know his name DX) holding? And what is old comic Loki holding?
What is this place that looks apocalyptic??? Why are they all here?
Is each pruned person sent to a place with all the other variants of themselves???
My biggest concerns now are: how on earth are they going to wrap this up in only two more episodes? And PLEASE DONT ROMANCE SYLVIE AND LOKI!!! I mean, I get it… if Loki should fall in love who better than his parallel. She’s different enough from him to have it not be too weird I guess, but it’s still a variant version of him. And it seems a little too forced. Like sure a crush maybe, but don’t you dare say love when they’ve only known each other for like a couple days.
My mind is melting. I’m so glad I waited to watch this in the morning instead of at night so I could appreciate it in all its glory.
Oh and is Hunter B-15 okay? We saw her get knocked down but that was it. She didn’t appear in the rest of the fight.
Gonna go browse tumblr to cry and reblog gifs from the episode to help me cope until next week.
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fanfic-fangirl · 4 years
Dark!Steve x Reader/OC
Because, I love me a good, dark fic, I’ve been a little addicted to writing them. I’m rather proud of this one, and I’m not sure how long it’s going to be, but a few chapters, at least. Also, if there are any suggestions for a title, I would LOVE to hear them, because, as of now, I’ve got nothing! 
This fic, was also inspired by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ and all her amazing stories! Thank you for the inspiration!!
This is an 18+ Dark!Fic, please do not read, if any of the following warnings offend you.
Warnings: Rape, drugs, non-con, oral (f/r), vaginal sex, stalking, obsessive behavior, possessive feelings, voyeurism, masturbation, somnophilia,  smut,  sex, please let me know if I missed any, I’m still fairly new to sharing dark fics, and want to make sure, I have the proper warnings for those who might not want to read.
Word count: 7766
Summary: Steve has been watching her for years, waiting for the right time to approach her. So, when he runs into on his way to a meeting with Tony, imagine how surprised he is, when he finds out, she’s been working there for almost an entire year! He also realized, it was the perfect chance for him to get closer to her.
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Steve had been watching her for years. He'd first seen her a few months after waking up from the ice. She'd been dog walking in a local park, six dogs and none of them small. He watched her, thinking she might need help, but she never did. He followed her from a safe distance, not wanting her to see him, and watched her return all the dogs to their respective owners. She was a dog walker and that made Steve smile.
He continued to see her around the city, but she never seemed to notice him, always wrapped up in her own business. She eventually started showing up at Stark Tower every day. He found out she'd been hired to work in the mail room, after he saw her pushing around a mail cart and delivering a few things to Tony.
“Hey Mr. Stark, mail's here!”
It was the first time he'd ever heard her speak and it set something inside him on fire.
“Remember, I don't accept things that are handed to me.” he said, when she entered the office.
“Then I guess it's a good thing I'm tossing them to you.” She winked, then threw the small box at Tony, which he caught. She quickly became one of the few people Tony would accept things from.
Steve couldn't help his curiosity and approached the door, well, he did have a meeting with Tony, so it wasn't out of place for him to be there. She smiled at him when he knocked and entered the office.
“Hope I'm not interrupting.” He smiled.
“Hey Steve, take a seat, I'll be with you in just a minute.”
“Hey, Mr. Rogers.” She smiled at him, as he entered the room.
Steve was surprised she knew who he was, as far as he knew, she'd never seen him before. Steve returned her smile and walked past her to sit in one of the chairs opposite Tony's desk.
“Mr. Stark, when are you going to start making him wear those sweaters? You promised!” It was almost a whine.
Tony looked at Steve, then back at the, still, unnamed girl, and smirked.
“Sorry, kid, I kinda forgot. New rule, Cap, you're not allowed to enter the building, unless you're dressed like the original Mr. Rogers.”
“But I am the original Mr. Rogers.” he looked to the girl when she tried to stifle her laugh.
“See ya tomorrow, Mr. Stark. Later, Mr. Rogers.” she said with a wink and a two fingered salute and Steve couldn't help but blush.
His heart was racing and his mind was reeling. It was their first interaction! She knew who he was and treated him just like she treated Tony! But, she didn't wink at Tony, she only winked at him. Steve had known she was friendly, but thought she would shy away if he ever had the chance to talk to her. Though, he would have loved to see her shy away with a huge blush across her face, he rather liked that she wasn't to intimidated to treat him like a regular person.
“Oh, wait a minute, kid.” Tony said, running over to her, with something in his hand.
Steve couldn't hear what was said, but watched as she took the small box from Tony and gave him a thumbs up. Steve wasn't aware that he glared at Tony when he ruffled her hair and gave her a pat on the back. The girl just rolled her eyes, gave Tony a playful push, then with one hand on the cart and the other trying to fix her hair, she continued on her way.
“New mail girl?” Steve couldn't help but ask.
“Not really, she's been here for almost a full year, but, best delivery girl I ever hired.” Tony smiled, walking back to his desk and sitting behind it.
“I've never seen her before.”
“She usually makes her deliveries earlier, a few of the mail room workers called in today, so she had to help sort everything before she could star her deliveries. And I meant what I said, you won't be allowed to enter the building until you start dressing like Mr. Rogers.”
Steve looked at his clothes, then back at Tony, still not understanding how he wasn't dressed like himself.
“Google it later, Rogers.” Tony said, before they started to discuss the Avengers Initiative.
*  *  *
Steve continued to make it a point to be at the tower as often as he could, just so he could run into the girl. He started using the gym Tony had, saying it had better equipment than the gym he was using, and he didn't feel as bad when he destroyed Tony's punching bags. He began to learn her routine and made it a point to run into her a few times a week at varying times, he didn't want to make it obvious he was running into her on purpose.
Then, the attack on New York happened. She'd been in the building when Loki arrived. Tony had hired her to house sit, when he and Pepper weren't around, she was watering Tony's plants when Loki found her.
“Who the hell are you?” she asked when Loki entered the room.
“You're new God.” He smirked.
“Ok, yea, whatever.” she snarked, going back to her duties.
Loki didn't like being ignored, couldn't believe the audacity of this mortal to do just that.
“You will bow before your new God and ruler, mortal.” he smirked, as he stood there and stared at her, but quickly frowned when she continued to ignore him. “You dare to ignore me!”
“Uh, clearly.” she said, walking over to another of Tony's house plants.
“You clearly have no idea of the danger you're in, little mortal.” he gave a dark chuckle as he walked over to her.
“No dude, you clearly have no idea of the danger, you're in.” she turned to look at him, a smirk playing at her lips. “You do know who's house you just walked into, right?”
“Of course I do.” he said, in a nonchalant tone, “That's why I'm here.”
“Then, you have to know he'll be here any minute to lay the smack down on you.” she turned her attention back to the plants in front of her.
“I'm counting on it.” Loki's smile grew more predatory the closer he got to her.
“Didn't really peg you as the masochistic type, figure you'd be more into the giving, than the receiving.” She was teasing him.
“I guess it depends on whose doing the giving. I'd be more than happy to to take anything you'd give.” he whispered in her ear as he gently placed his hands on her shoulders, and let them ghost down her arms.
He nuzzled his nose into her hair and grinned when he felt her stiffen under his touch. He'd used his magic to immobilize her. He felt her heart rate increase, when he brushed her hair away from her neck and lightly placed a kiss behind her ear.
“It was so very kind of Tony to leave such a tantalizing gift to occupy my time, while I wait for him. Though, he could have done a better job with the gift wrapping.” Loki was once again whispering in her ear. He could feel her fear and he loved it. The thoughts of what she thought he would do to her were tempting to act on, but that's not the kind of person he really was. He preferred a willing partner, though he wasn't above using such fear tactics. He let his magic alter her attire, into something a little more pleasing to him. He was tempted to put her in something skimpy and revealing, but, preferred something tasteful. He let his magic put her in a sleek, form fitting, long sleeved, emerald green dress, with gold embellishments. There was a slit in the fluid-like skirt, that went all the way to her hip, the back was open and cut so low, he could see the Norse snake tattoo on her lower back and he smiled.
“Interesting tattoo.” he said, letting his fingers gently run across it. “Already a worshiper of your new god.”
“It's a representation of my ancestry, asshole.” she growled.
“Oh? You're of Norse decent then?” he actually sounded interested.
“What of it?” she hissed, and he could feel her struggle against his magic.
“Your ancestors used to worship Asgardians as their Gods. Perhaps, as a reward for your family's loyalty, I will make you my personal slave, once I've conquered this miserable planet. Let you indulge me in my masochistic ways.” he was once again purring in her ear.
“Go fuck yourself.” she snapped.
“Now, now, pet, is that anyway to talk to your master?” he smiled, turning her around, so she was now facing him. “Perhaps collaring you, would take out some of that bite.” Loki smiled as a black and gold trimmed collar appeared on her neck.
He placed his hand on the tattoo on her lower back and she felt a warm sensation flow through her entire body.
“That's so I will be able to find you, should you ever try to run away.” The tears in her eyes, brought him a sadistic kind of joy. “No need to cry, pet. Well, not yet at least.” He let his nose run up her neck and into her hairline, making a point to inhale loud enough for her to hear.
Loki found that he was enjoying tormenting the snarky mortal, much more than he anticipated.
“I will make your life a living hell,” she spat. “and I would suggest sleeping with one eye open, or you may just wake up with a dagger in your chest.”
“Promises, promises.” he said, running his hand, softly up her spine, feeling the goosebumps form as he went and he gave a hum of approval.
“How arrogant are you, that you actually think you'll win against the Avengers? You're one delusional, asshole against a team of superheroes.” Loki was really enjoying her fight, and would have to make sure he didn't break her too quickly, or possibly, at all.
“Not for long. Would you like to be the first to see the door open?” he asked, pulling back, to grin at her.
“What door?” she asked, furrowing her brows.
“The door that will let the rest of my army in. The Chitauri, a race of warriors that will destroy your precious Avengers. Disgusting creatures, but necessary.”
“You're really fucked up!”
“Quite the mouth on you, too. I think I know just how to put a stop to that.” He gave her a lascivious grin, when she paled, then crashed his lips to hers.
He hadn't planned on kissing her, but he'd seen Tony land on the platform outside, greeted by one of Loki's doubles. As Tony entered the room, the illusion vanished. Loki released his magical hold on the mortal, letting her resist him. Loki let her push him away, then turned his attention to Tony, keeping his arms wrapped around the girl.
“My thanks for the delicious, welcoming gift, Stark.” Loki flashed a malicious smile to Tony.
“Get your hands off of her, Loki.” Tony growled and much to his surprise, Loki released her and she ran to Tony, who welcomed her with a hug.
“You alright, Jade?” He asked.
“Yea, I'm fine. Thanks.” she smiled
“A lovely name for my little pet.” Loki grinned.
“I'm not your pet, dickwad!” Jade hissed, turning to glare at Loki.
“How adorable, just like a kitten when it discovers it has claws.” Loki cooed.
He laughed and ducked when she threw one of Tony's lamps at him. Yes, he would definitely enjoy tormenting her, once he'd finished conquering the planet.
Sadly, for Loki, that wasn't going to happen, after being knocked out by the Hulk, he woke up to the Avengers surrounding him and one of Hawkeye's arrows in his face. Once he was restrained, Jade was allowed to enter the room, still in the dress he'd magicked her in. He sensed something dark coming from one of the Avengers, but it was too faint to tell which. Curious to find out who it was, he couldn't resist teasing the young woman.
“I told you, you wouldn't win.” Loki admired the proud tone in her voice, though she was mortal, he still liked her, she would have made for a very entertaining pet.
“Yes, you did, my pet, but don't worry, I'll be back for you. Remember, I'll always be able to find you.” He smirked, when she squeaked at the tickling sensation that flowed through her from her tattoo.
Loki felt that dark desire grow faintly stronger, still not enough to tell who it was.
“What is that?” Tony said, looking at Jade's lower back.
“Your tattoo is glowing.” Natasha said, walking over to get a closer look.
“Did he put this on you?” Thor asked, looking at the glowing tattoo before turning to glare at his brother.
“No, I've had it for a while, he just did something to it, said it was so he could always find me.”
“You put a claim on her?” Thor's tone was disgusted.
“How else does one find their lost pet?” Loki was having way too much fun, then he felt it. That dark desire had grown strong enough and Loki turned to see the captain glaring daggers at him. Loki just flashed him a taunting smile and winked.
“Remove it from her. Now!” Steve said in such a dark tone, as he grabbed the front of Loki's shirt and pulled him close. If Loki had been a mortal, it might actually have scared him.
“I can't. Ownership claims are impossible to remove, once they've set. I'm afraid she's marked as mine for the rest of her life.”
“Is that true, Thor?” Tony asked.
“I'm afraid it is. No matter where she is, he will always be able to find her.” Thor sighed, before turning to address Jade. “Fear not, young mortal, Loki will be imprisoned on Asgard for a very long time. He won't be able to do anything to you.”
“What if I have the tattoo removed? Will that remove the spell, or whatever it is?” she asked, giving Thor a hopeful look, Loki just laughed.
“The claim flows through your blood, and is bound to every fiber of your being, impossible to remove. You are bound to me.” Loki almost purred, keeping his eyes focused on Steve. He could feel the dark possessive, desire flowing through the man. Loki wished he had time to taunt him more, find the root of this little bit of darkness that flows through the righteous, super soldier. The Captain didn't seem to have any kind of relationship, or friendship with the young woman, for that matter. The object of his desire didn't seem to even register that Steve was in the room. She remained close to Tony. When all eyes, but Steve's, shifted back to Jade, Loki took the chance to lean in and whisper in Steve's ear.
“Tell me, Captain, does it burn you to know that I claimed her first? Had my hands on her before you? Tasted those delicate lips? I just wish I had been able to taste more of her.”
That's when Loki realized how intense Steve's desire was, how far he was willing to go to posses the woman. Steve's infatuation with her was bordering obsessive and not in a healthy way. He should probably say something to Thor about it. All this ran through Loki's mind, just as Steve landed a jaw, shattering punch.
“She will never be yours.” Steve hissed in Loki's ear, just as he lost consciousness.
“What did you do that for, Rogers?” Tony asked, running over, after seeing Steve punch Loki.
“Sorry. I let the things he was saying get to me.” Steve said, releasing his grip on Loki and letting him fall to the floor.
“About what?” Clint asked.
Steve blushed when his eyes quickly looked to Jade, who was smiling and talking to Hulk as if nothing had happened, then back to Loki. Clint and Natasha followed where is eyes went, then gave each other a knowing glance. Thor hadn't missed where Steve had looked, either, and scowled at his unconscious brother.
“I'm sorry, Captain, my brother has a way of getting under people's skin. Do not put any truth behind his words, if he had truly hurt her, she wouldn't be smiling right now.” Thor said, placing his hand on Steve's shoulder.
“Yea, I know. I'm sorry, Thor.” Steve said, doing his best to look ashamed, even though he wasn't.
“There is no need to apologize. Loki, no doubt deserved it.”
The group's huddle over Loki was disturbed when they heard laughter coming from Jade. They looked to see a smiling Hulk, twirling her around, making the skirt of her dress flare out.
“Holy shit!” she yelled, still holding Hulk's hand, as he began to transform back into Bruce Banner.
Jade caught him when he fell forward after the transformation was finished. He was panting and holding on to her for support.
“Are you alright, Dr. Banner?” she asked, her arms wrapped around him, struggling to hold him up, since he was quite a few inches taller than her, and heavier than he looked.
“I'm fine, thank you, Jade.” He smiled at her as he stood up.
“Um, your pants.” she said, her face, bright red as she looked up at the ceiling, pretending to find something interesting up there.
“Hm, oh! Right, sorry!” he said, quickly pulling his pants up, the blush on his face, matching hers.
“It happens and I didn't see anything, but, you can still apologize properly, by taking me out for coffee sometime.” Her smile turning bashful as she avoided looking at him. Bruce returned her bashful smile, as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, keeping a tight grip on his now, oversized pants.
“Yea, um, ok, I can do that.” he replied nervously.
Steve watched the two interacting and felt his blood begin to boil. Jade was supposed to be his. He had seen her first, he'd seen her before the Avengers were even a proper team. She'd smiled at him and teased him about dressing like Mr. Rogers, which he happily obliged. The nervous, bashful look she was giving Bruce, was supposed to be the way she looked at him. She was getting to close with the other team members and he didn't like it.
Loki never did get a chance to say something to Thor about the Captain's dark infatuation.
*  *  *
Steve's infatuation was slowly becoming an obsession after the attack on New York. Their “run-ins” became more frequent, and not just inside the tower, he began to “accidentally” run into her outside the tower as well. He waited an entire year after the New York incident, before he moved into her apartment complex. He'd been living there for almost six months, before he let her see him getting his mail.
“Mr. Rogers? What are you doing here?” she asked, clearly surprised to see him.
“Oh, hey, Jade.” He gave her a look of surprise, locking his mailbox back up. “I live in the building, fourth floor, what are you doing here?”
“I live up on the third floor.” she smiled, checking her own mailbox.“I didn't know you'd moved.” Of course, Steve already knew where she lived, he'd waited for the apartment right above her's to become available.
“Yea, my building was destroyed during the attack, so I moved into the tower until I could find somewhere decent.” he watched her lock her mailbox and flip through her mail.
“When did you move in?” she asked, looking up at him after throwing a few pieces of junk in the recycling.
“About six months ago, I think,” He said, as they began to walk to the elevator.
“What!” she exclaimed with a laugh. “And we're just now running into each other?”
“Busy schedule, you know.” he said, doing his best to give her a bashful smile, as he pushed the elevator call button.
“Right, duh!” she laughed, playfully hitting the heal of her hand to her forehead. “How do you like the neighborhood?”
“It's nice, quiet, there's a park not too far from here that I like to visit for my morning runs.” It was the park where he'd seen her for the very first time.
“Yea, that's a great park. I help out a friend with his dog walking business a couple days a week, and walk the dogs there. You must get up at the butt crack of dawn, because I've never seen you there.” she said, walking into the elevator after the doors had opened.
“Yea, I get up pretty early. If you'd ever like some company, walking the dogs, I'd be happy to join you.” Steve offered, still trying his best to sound bashful and shy. He'd been watching her too long, cultivating a persona around her, to mess this up now.
“Thanks. Bruce joins me sometimes, too, but, if you don't mind throwing your schedule off balance, you're welcome anytime.” Steve had to fight the anger he felt, when she mentioned Bruce, especially, since they seemed to be on a first name basis now. She didn't even call him by his first name, no matter how many times he asked.
Even though, she and Bruce were only friends, he couldn't stop the jealous feeling he got every time they were together. He knew Bruce didn't want anything other than a friendship with her, he'd already asked. Bruce told Steve that he and Jade had talked about it, and agreed, friendship was the best thing for them. Bruce hadn't wanted to lead her on or give her the wrong impression, and she'd been perfectly ok with that. She admitted to Bruce that she only wanted to get to know him, she'd read about some of his work, and a few other things he'd published and just wanted to talk science with him. She'd told Bruce that she loved science, but was never very good at it and had a hard time understanding it. Steve was glad that their relationship had stayed purely platonic, as they continued to get close. On occasion, Bruce would even let her stay late to help him in the lab.
“Just let me know when and where.” Steve smiled, though it felt forced and he knew it came off that way. Not wanting to draw more attention to it, he cleared his throat and asked, “So, when are you going to stop calling me Mr. Rogers and start calling me Steve?” She laughed.
“Well, now that you're my neighbor, probably never. I can't wait to tell everyone that I have a neighbor named Mr. Rogers! That's like, the best thing ever!” Steve's heart fell a little, with her answer, which she noticed.
“Come on, Steve,” Steve's heart fluttered when she said his name, and he actually had a genuine blush. “being called Mr. Rogers is a good thing. Hasn't Mr. Stark explained it to you, yet?” she chuckled and Steve shook his head.
“Come on, I'll explain it to you over a cup of hot chocolate.” She said, exiting the elevator when the doors opened to the third floor.
It wasn't the first time Steve had been in her apartment, though he had to pretend it was. He'd stolen her keys out of her bag, had a copy made, then replaced them before she ever knew. He'd managed to get his hands on some of Tony's micro camera's and installed them all over her apartment. There was one in every corner, ensuring that he'd be able to see her from every angle, the only thing he couldn't see, was the toilet, deciding to allow her that little bit of privacy, but he saw her every time she showered. Saw everything she did in her bedroom. Saw what she ate, when she slept, what she slept in. It was just like living with her and she didn't suspect a thing. He'd even managed to tap into her phone, so he could hear every conversation she had and she always had a tracker on her, just in case anything ever happened to her.
Entering her apartment, he began to look around, he made it look like he was taking everything in, but he was really checking his cameras, making sure they were still well hidden. He was thrilled when he found out they had microphones already built in. He still hid a few extra in her bedroom, especially after the first time he watched her pleasure herself. The cameras just didn't pick up enough of the sounds and he wanted to hear her. He'd even snuck in a few times when she showered at night, stood in the dark hall, to make sure she wouldn't hear him. He loved being able to see her so close through the clear shower doors, it was so much better than watching her on the monitors. Of course, he'd always leave before she was finished.
He was pulled from his lusty thoughts when she said something to him, which he was glad for, since his pants were starting to grow uncomfortably tight.
“I'm sorry, what?” he asked, looking over his shoulder, he couldn't risk turning around, and letting her see how excited he'd gotten.
“I said, you could have a seat on the couch, if you want. I've got to let the water boil and grab my laptop. I still can't believe Tony hasn't explained the whole Mr. Rogers thing, well, thinking about it, I guess I can. He can be such an ass sometimes.” she said, shaking her head as she filled the tea kettle with water and placed it on a burner, then turned it to high.
Steve took the opportunity while her back was turned, to walk over to the counter, that separated the kitchen and living room and sit at one of the bar stools. She smiled at him when she turned around and placed two mugs in front of him, then grabbed the scissors and opened up two hot chocolate packets, then leaned over and grabbed something from under the counter. He quirked an eyebrow at her when he saw her place a bottle of butterscotch schnapps down.
“Don't mock it until you've tried it. Trust me, it only makes it taste better.” she scolded, pointing a finger at him. He just leaned back and held his hands up in mock surrender.
Before she could say anything else, the tea kettle had started to whistle, indicating it was now boiling. She spun on her heel, her hair flaring out behind her, sending the sent of her shampoo in Steve's direction. He inhaled deeply, he loved the way she smelled. He watched her fill the mugs halfway up with the boiling water, added a little bit of milk to each, then stir them, blending the powder and liquid. Once it was mixed, she added the schnapps to one cup, tasted it, added a little more, tasted it again, and smiled.
“Here, try it. If you don't like it, I won't add any to yours.” She handed the cup to Steve, who took it, and turned it around when she went to place the kettle back on the stove, drinking from the same spot she had.
“So, what do you think?” she asked, turning back around.
“You're right, it does make it better.” He chuckled, handing the mug back to her.
“Told you, is it strong enough, or do you want more in yours?” she asked, grabbing the bottle, waiting to pour it into his mug.
“The same amount is fine.” he said, watching her pour the liquid, stir, use the spoon to taste, add a little more, rinsed the spoon before giving it another stir, and sipping from the spoon one last time.
“Perfect.” she smiled, handing him the cup. He was a little disappointed she didn't drink from it, like she did hers. “I'll be right back, I've gotta use the bathroom, then grab my laptop and then I can explain the whole Mr. Rogers thing to you.” she said, pushing her cup next to Steve, since she'd be sitting next to him at the counter.
He watched her run to the bathroom room first, made sure he heard the door click, then pulled out his wallet and removed a small envelope from inside. He quickly dumped all the contents into her cup. He heard the toilet flush, then the sink and shoved the empty envelope back into his wallet, which he put in the back pocket of his jeans. He listened for the bathroom door to open, then heard her walk into her room. He leaned over and mixed the powder he just dumped in, with her cocoa, grabbing his own mug, when he heard her coming back.
He sipped from his cup and watched her set up her lap top.
“So, Mr. Rogers was a kids show that used to air on PBS back in the day, they might still air it, but I'm not entirely sure. He was a war vet and a pastor. He didn't like the programs that were available for kids at the time, so he created his own.” she said, filling him in while she waited for the lap top to boot up.
“He started out on public access in his own town, then went to PBS. He even went up against congress or the senate, whoever, when they wanted to cut funding, his speech was pretty impressive. Needless to say, he changed their minds, and I think they increased the funding, I could be wrong, but, the important thing is, they didn't cut it and he got to continue doing his show. The rumor was, he wore the long sleeves to cover his tattoos. His mom knitted all the sweaters he wore on the show.” she continued, typing in the name.
“You must have really liked the show when you were a kid.” he chuckled as he watched her take a drink from her mug.
“Not really, I only really watched it when I was too sick to go to school. He's just, kind of become a pop culture icon, like Bob Ross.” she took another swallow from her mug.
“Now there's a name I recognize. That's the guy with all those painting tutorials.” Steve smiled.
“I'm glad to see you're not completely in the dark about pop culture.” another sip. “Mm, here's a good picture.” she said, clicking a photo of a clean cut, gray haired man, with a kind smile, wearing a sweater over his collared shirt.
“That, is Mr. Rogers.” she gave him a big smile, pointing at the photo of the man.
“Did you think I looked like him?” he asked, giving the photo a skeptical look, not seeing a resemblance. He watched her take another drink of her cocoa.
“No, not at all. It was mostly the name, Fred Rogers,” she said, pointing to the photo, “Steve Rogers.” she smiled pointing back at him.
“Plus, you both are pretty wholesome figures. Always going on about doing the right thing and standing up to bullies. That kind of stuff. Here, let me see if I can find a video for you to watch.”
Steve took a large drink of his cocoa, and watched her pull up YouTube and do a video search. She clicked on one she liked, and they watched it together. Steve watched out of the corner of his eye as she continued to sip her cocoa. Once the video was over, he'd already finished his and watched her swallow the last of hers.
“All right, I see what you mean.” He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. He smiled when she yawned.
“That's two things I was right about.” she smirked, standing and stretching.
“You don't need to rub it in.” he said, standing up as well. “I should get home, I've got a few things to go over before it gets too much later.”
“Alright, and hey, you're welcome to stop by for alcohol infused cocoa anytime. It's like a nice, warm hug for your insides.” she said, walking him to the front door, Steve saw, what he thought was an invitation, and took it.
“That's something I haven't had in a long time.” He clarified when he saw her confusion. “A nice, warm hug.”
“Well, that's just not right.” she said, opening her arms wide, waiting to give him a hug. “Come on, Mr. Rogers, you're making me feel like a complete dork, standing like this.” she said, when he seemed to hesitate too long.
He just laughed at her and wrapped his arms around her, feeling that familiar twitch in his pants. He held her a little tighter, squeezing her breasts against him. God, he'd waited forever for this, but his patience was finally starting to pay off. He wanted to let his hand wander further and grab her rear, but, he knew they weren't there yet, he just had to wait a little longer. He'd have all of her soon enough.
“Thanks.” he said, when they separated from the hug.
“No one should go without hugs.” she smiled, then grabbed her head as she swayed, slightly.
“Are you ok, Jade?” He asked, voice full of concern.
“Yea, just, really dizzy and light headed, all of a sudden. Maybe I added too much schnapps.”
“Let me help you sit down.” He said, holding one hand in his, the other on the small of her back.
She felt something surge through her when Steve placed his hand on her lower back, right where her tattoo was. It made her feel suddenly uncomfortable, like she needed to get away from him. She ignored it.
“It's ok, I'll be fine. Don't want to keep you any longer.” she said, trying to take a step, but almost falling over.
“Maybe you better lay down. I'll help you to your room, then I'll go. Deal?” He said, helping her walk to her room.
“Yea, that might not be a bad idea, I'm not sure if I'd make it on my own.” she said, her mind starting to feel fuzzy and her vision going blurry.
Her feeling of unease only intensifying the closer they got to her room. She didn't understand what was happening or where these feelings were coming from all of a sudden. But, Steve did just as he said, helped her to her bed, though he did take off her shoes and socks, then he left, locking the door behind him. She didn't even remember falling asleep.
*  *  *
Steve hurried back to his apartment, choosing to take the stairs since it would be faster than waiting for the elevator. Once inside, he rushed to the spare room where he had all his surveillance equipment set up. He focused on the one in her bedroom and sat down. He needed to make sure she was completely out before he went back.
Steve waited an hour and a half, before he went back to her apartment. She hadn't moved the entire time. His heart was beating so fast and so hard. When he felt the stirring of arousal in his pants, he was glad he had changed to his loose fitting lounge pants. He walked back into her room, doing nothing to be quiet about it. He needed to see how effective the drug was, how deep of a sleep it put her in.
“Hey Jade, I wanted to check on you, make sure you were doing ok.” He said, in a flat tone. He then walked over to her and shook her shoulder.
More shaking and calling her name a little louder.
He reached down and tickled the bottom of her foot, she didn't even flinch and he smiled.
Steve licked his lips as he sat down next to her, he was finally going to be able to touch her. He wanted to wait, but when she'd invited him in, the temptation was just too great, he couldn't resist any longer. He had to have her.
He let his eyes roam up and down her body a few times, before he reached for the waistband of the leggings she'd been wearing. He groaned when he saw she wore no panties underneath, and she was completely clean shaven. It was like she'd been waiting for him to make his move. He couldn't resist, and he leaned down and place a kiss to her bare lips, inhaling her sweet, musky scent. Before he let himself get too carried away, he sat her up and removed her shirt, then her bra. He stood up and stared at her, completely naked before him. He was practically salivating, he was so hungry for her, and now he could take his time and explore her body, like he'd been dreaming about. His only regret, was that he wouldn't be able to feel her mouth wrap around him.
His breathing got heavier and his pants tighter the longer he stared. Steve moved to the foot of her bed and knelt by her feet. He put his hands on her shins, his thumbs on the inside of her legs, he moved his hands up, spreading her legs open. He let one hand continue its way up, and let his thumb glide between her folds, groaning when he felt how warm and wet she was. He lay down between her legs, with the fingers of his free hand, he spread her lips open.
“God, you're beautiful.” He whispered.
Steve stared for a minute longer, before tasting her with his tongue. She was muskier than he anticipated, but no less perfect. She was a delicacy he would be happy to savor anytime. He let his tongue explore her, using long broad strokes, to quick pointed ones, where he focused on her sensitive bundle of nerves, occasionally latching on to suck on it. He'd let his tongue wander back down and circle the source of where her delicious nectar came from, letting his tongue delve in as deep as it could. His eyes darted to her face, when he heard a small moan escape from her, but she didn't wake, so he continued his exploration. He removed his tongue and let two of his fingers replace it, licking his way back up to suckle her sensitive bud. He was only encouraged when her hips began to undulate and her moaning became more frequent. Steve added another finger and began to thrust faster until her heard a small cry escape her lips and felt her walls pulse around his fingers. He removed his fingers and began to lick her clean, proud that he'd been able to make her cum so easily.
Once he'd cleaned her with his tongue, he began to kiss up her body, stopping to focus on her breasts when he reached them. He eagerly took a nipple in his mouth and began to suck and nip at it, using the hand he wasn't supporting himself with to continue it's ministrations between her legs. He wanted her nice and wet, so she could take him easier.
Hearing her little moans and cries, Steve couldn't wait any longer, he removed his hand from between her legs and released her breast from his mouth. He positioned himself between her legs and just took a moment to stare at her. She was breathing heavy and had a light sheen of sweat to her skin. It made him proud to know he did that to her.
“I've wanted this since the first time I saw you. You were so beautiful, so perfect, I just wish it could have happened sooner. God, I can't believe I finally get to feel you.” Steve whispered, pulling her knees up and letting them fall open.
Steve grabbed his cock and let it slide through her damp folds, covering himself with her slick, then, sliding in and letting her warmth surround him.
“Holy shit, sweetheart!” he panted, trying to catch his breath. “You feel like fucking velvet around me! I can't believe you've got me swearing.” he panted, while shaking his head.
Once he got his breathing under control, he slowly began to thrust, in long, languid strokes. He wanted to let himself fully experience her body. Taking his time, enjoying all the pleasure she could give him. He loved that she could take all of him, loved the feeling of hitting her cervix, the way her walls caressed his length. She fit him perfectly, like she was made just to take him.
Steve was torn, he wanted to continue his slow, torturous pace, but he also wanted to pound into her until he came. He told himself there would be more opportunities like this and he could take his time with her another night. Removing himself from her, he reached for the pants he'd been wearing and fished out the condom he'd brought. He quickly put it on before entering her once again.
“I can't wait until I don't have to use one of these with you.” He smiled as he began to thrust once again.
Grabbing her hips, he began to pick up the pace, slamming into her harder and harder. Needing more friction and more control, he adjusted himself so he was on his knees, he picked up her hips, the rest of her body still sprawled on the bed, and moved her body to meet his thrusts, allowing himself to put more force behind it.
“Holy shit, doll, you're so perfect. I wasn't sure you'd be able to take all of me, I never should have doubted you. Fuck, I can't wait for you to feel how perfectly we fit together. I knew you were special the moment I saw you, knew you were meant to be mine.”
He was pounding into her with almost everything he had. He could feel his release building up, when she started moaning and he felt her walls convulse around his cock, that was all he needed before he came inside her, harder than he ever had before. He gave a few more thrusts, before sitting on his knees, still holding her hips. Panting and sweating as he stared down at her naked body.
“I love you so much! And I know soon, you'll love me just as much. My perfect, little angel.” He whispered, leaning over and placing a kiss on her lips. He kept himself locked inside her for a few more minutes, letting his hands roam her body. Next time, he'd bring his camera so he could take pictures of her like this. That way, when he had to be away from her for too long, he'd still be able to see her like this.
He finally removed his softening cock from her, pulled off the condom, tying it off at the end, then wrapping it in toilet paper, he put it in his pants pocket. He couldn't leave any evidence behind, he knew she wasn't ready to accept the truth, just yet. He dressed himself, then, after cleaning her up with a warm towel, he dressed her and tucked her in.
“I'll see you soon, sweetheart.” he whispered, before placing a kiss to her forehead.
He did one more sweep of the room, making sure he wasn't leaving anything behind, then gave her one last loving look and left.
He couldn't wait to get back to his apartment and watch the footage of their love making. He also couldn't wait to plan their next session.
After watching the video feed, Steve decided he needed to find a drug that would let her remain semi conscious, so she could participate a little more, but didn't let her remember what happened. He wanted to hear more of her cries and wanted to feel her wrap her arms and legs around him. But more than anything, he wanted to fuck her pretty, little mouth and make her swallow everything he gave her.
As he thought about all the dirty things he wanted to do to her, he had to fight the urge to sneak back into her apartment and fulfill his urges. The only thing stopping him, was that he had no idea how long the drug would keep her unconscious. He didn't want to risk her waking up, while he was pounding her with his cock.
With his cock, hard and aching for relief, he slid his pants down enough to expose himself, and did the only other thing he could do to relief himself.
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She devil part 4
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Summary: Tony and Bruce look deeper into the effects and power the she devil has. Y/n also starts going stir crazy during her recovery making a very unlikely friend. Bucky experiences jealousy and doesn’t know how to handle it. 
Blood. So much blood. My first kill that wasn’t from a sniper rifle. I froze up, it was quick of course I never wanted anyone to suffer. Seeing the damage up close was different though, she actually saw the life leave the man laying in front of her. Maybe that was the problem, she didn’t see him as a body but as a man. A father possibly, a son of some old woman. That was the day she vowed she would never kill up close without more research. Without making sure she knew the person had truly done wrong. To know for a fact it wasn’t a person but instead a monster.  
I could hear a monitor beeping beside me in sync with my heartbeat. The lights were bright as I opened my eyes slowly, attempting to regain my senses. Carefully sitting up, even as painful as it was, i took notice of my surroundings. 
The medical room. The memories came flooding back. Rushing out of the building with Steve and Bucky. Taking out guards left and right. The sound of a gun, the bullet piercing my shoulder. Then everything went black. 
Then I saw a certain brunette slouched over his chair with his head laying on the bed next to my legs. He was asleep, he looked so peaceful. His bed head covering his face slightly, he looked so calm. The sound of the metal arm whirring and him taking a deep inhale alerted me he woke up. His eyes cracked open and before I knew it he was standing next to me. 
“You're awake! Bruce she’s awake! Do you need anything? Water? Are you hungry?” He suddenly berated me with questions. 
“Buck I'm ok, water does sound nice though please.” I said as Bruce stepped into the room. “Y/n I’m so happy you're awake, How are you feeling?” DR.banner started as he checked my vitals. Bucky left to get some water before rushing back in. 
“I feel like I've been shot a few times, but other than that I'll be ok thank you. Uhm, how long was I out?” I asked and took the glass from the brunette and took a sip. 
“A week.” 
All the water in my mouth was suddenly all over me, “WHAT? A full week?” 
After some explaining from the two, Dr.Banner cleared me to roam the house. With the exception that I absolutely can not work out, go on missions, or leave the house without someone else with me. 
Everyone turned and looked at me when I walked into the common room. This must attention at once made me nervous as I gave a little side wave and said hey. Nat spoke first after her shock of seeing me and not Bucky, “Y/n/n I didn’t think you’d ever wake up. How’s the shoulder?” 
“Bruce said it should be fully healed soon, maybe another week or two.” Bucky walked in and sat down beside me on the sofa. Sam, Tony, Thor, and Clint all said their hellos and wished me luck on healing and being on house arrest. I was reading a book and listening to everyone talk when Steve walked in and said there was a mission debrief in 20 minutes. 
Before he walked out he spotted me, “Y/n I see you’re up and doing better, well at least awake. It’s good to see you, you don’t need to come to this meeting by the way. Bruce said you’re out of commission until that shoulder heals. Oh. and do not ever scare me and Bucky like that again, I thought we lost you after you went all devil and fainted.” 
“What is he talking about?” I glanced at Bucky. 
“I’ll explain later, let’s just say you were pissed when you got shot. I’ll never be getting in your way when you’re mad.” Then he got up and followed the others out of the room. 
I frowned and tried to continue reading before a certain god of mischief walked into the room. He sat on the recliner across the room, “Hello Loki.” He just hummed a response as he summoned a book. So much for conversation when the others are gone. 
The team left on a mission late that night, Bucky said they'd be gone for at least 3 days. Great, I have to be home alone and bored with the most boring person, god thing ever. How he got the title god of mischief I'll never figure out because he rarely does anything but read. 
The next morning i was laying over the sofa staring at the sofa when Loki walked in. “What’s your deal? Is staring at nothing a form of entertainment on this planet?” He said stopping in the doorframe with a look of confusion. 
“No actually. It’s something I do when I finish my book at the same time as being out on house arrest alone with the person that barely talks to me.” I stated matter of factly. He rolled his eyes at me and I got an idea, “You strike me as the type of person to play chess. Let’s play chess, I'll kick your ass in it.” 
“Oh my goddddddddddd. It’s like you just KNOW what my next move is.” The score is currently 15 to 0. 
“Maybe I do.” I rolled my eyes at him. Damn god. 
“Whatever. I’m going to go put honey in the vents to mess with Clint when he gets back.” This caught the mans attention, “You’re welcome to join me and show me why you of all people got your title.”
We may have gone overboard with the pranks. Loki did anything that was too vigorous for me with my healing shoulder, but now I know what he’s actually capable of. We were chuckling to ourselves putting a flour trap above Steves door when we heard the elevator ding. Shit the came back sooner than we thought. Loki made quick work finishing up the setup. I innocently met up with the team Loki going straight to the common room. 
“Hey Buck! You’re home early!” I gave a false sense of innocence. He gave me a hug carefully, “Yea, it wasn’t nearly as hard as we thought it would be. Hope the god of books didn’t bore you too bad.” 
“Nah I actually convinced him to play chess with me, he beat me more than I'll ever admit.” For a second it almost looked like Bucky got upset. Shrugging it off I said the rest of my hellos before everyone split off to get cleaned up. Cap decided food was more of a priority first, so he went to the kitchen. 
Bucky was the first one to come into the living room, me and Loki were playing chess again. It felt kind of nice to talk to more people on the team. I actually started to feel more accepted. Bucky looked at the board and told me to make a different move than I was going to. As I was making my move, all three of us heard a yell that sounded very close to Steve’s voice. 
Then he walked in, covered from head to toe in flour. He was pissed. “Which one of you did it. Actually I know the answer.” He looked at Loki. 
“Sorry Captain, wrong guess. It was her idea.” He smirked at me. 
The mission went faster than usual, which meant I got to see Y/n sooner. 
I didn't expect her to actually befriend Loki during my absence. Not like it bothered me. At all. Totally unbothered. 
I mean I gotta admit it was really funny seeing Steve walk in covered in flour. Then seeing Nat walk in fuming, her red hair was now a dark blue. Y/n lost it in a laughing fit, this was first time I've ever seen her so open. After she hung out with Loki. 
OK maybe I am a little jealous, how could I not be? She hung out with him for two days and suddenly she’s actually laughing and talking more. Over the course of the day multiple other incidents happened. 
First was Steves flour bath. Then Natasha unknowingly dyed her hair, Y/n assured her it was temporary and would wash out easily. Then Tony was called Sugar Daddy by Jarvis and everyone lost it. I found out the salt was replaced with sugar while making food, let’s just say steak seasoned with sugar does not taste good. No one could even do anything yet because she was still healing. 
When everyone thought we found all the “pleasant surprises” around the compound and we were sitting in the common room. Then Y/n gets a phone call from Clint, “Hey Clint, we live in the same house why didn’t you just come into the living room?” 
“Why of all things did you use honey. You could’ve used anything and you chose honey. I thoughts we were friends man, it’s in my hair.” 
Taglist: @capandbuckylvr
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fanfic-collection · 3 years
Loki x Reader: Road Trip ft Bucky
Guess what? I wrote another fic and I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON. But I want Loki and Bucky to be best friends and I have a lot of Winter Soldier/Bucky feels and I needed to express them somehow so yea. But don't worry, I'll get back to the honeymoon fic, I just had to express some Bucky feels. There's like no angst in this at all, I just had to write Bucky
You walked into the living room and slapped a brochure onto the table between Loki and Bucky. “We’re going on a road trip!” You announced with excitement.
Loki lowered the book he had been reading and raised his eyebrow, looking down at the brochure.
“Route 66?” Bucky read aloud, “Oh man, Steve and I always talked about driving across that.”
Loki set his book down beside him, marking his page. Wistfully he added, “Thor and I once drove a distance along it. What year is it now? I think it was in the 1960s?”
You looked between the two of them bewildered, “Wait what?”
Bucky crossed his arms, “You do realize it was made in 1926, right?”
You cursed softly, grabbing the brochure from Bucky and quickly scanning it. “Am I the only one who hasn’t been to this place?”
“Sorry, love.” Loki stood, wrapping his arm around you and giving you a side hug.
Bucky chuckled, “It’s the most famous road in America, it connects the Midwest to the Pacific Ocean. You can drive the whole distance on one consistent road without branching off and get to California.”
You waved your hands emphatically, “Which is why we should go on a road trip on it! Bucky, my best friend, Loki, well duh, and you two are like, best friends. We would make the perfect trio. We would take turns on snack duty, navigation duty, and driving. Stark has the money for a convertible. Just the three of us, sailing down the road, eating, laughing, hanging out. Just friends being friends! What better a vacation than that?”
Bucky exchanged glances with Loki then the two looked back at you.
Sam and Natasha walked in at that moment.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked.
“Loki’s sweetheart, here, is trying to get us to go on a road trip along route 66.” Bucky replied.
You rolled your eyes at the pet name but smiled as Loki rested his arm on your shoulder.
Natasha nodded thoughtfully, “Yea, I’ve heard of that. Famous road, cutting through the western states, right?”
You pointed at her, “Eh? Does everyone know about this?”
“Don’t look at me.” Sam held up his hands, “Are you lot sure about this?”
“Well we haven’t made any plans, Sam.” Bucky said, also standing now.
“Plans, yet,” You corrected.
“Does Stark know that you plan on using him to finance this?” Loki queried mildly.
“He will. He always finances my plans.” You beamed up at Loki.
Loki smirked.
Sam shook his head and snorted; Bucky laughed.
“Alright, I’m game if you are.” Bucky said once he had stopped laughing.
“As you command,” Loki bowed low before you, “I will go where you go.”
“Good. I wish to go on a road trip.”
“Then I guess it’s settled. What’s the next step?”
Loki and Bucky stood with the bags, road trip supplies, snacks, and anything else that might be necessary for a two-to-three-week trip. Loki’s magical pockets may have been employed.
Moments later you came roaring into the lot where they were waiting, car skidding to a stop with a loud squeal of tires.
“Hello, boys.” You said, lowering your oversized sunglasses to stare over the rims to look at the two of them.
Bucky rolled his eyes at you as you popped the trunk of the car and he started tossing luggage in the back.
A tinge of pink rose on Loki’s cheeks and the back of his neck at the crop top shirt you wore, ideal for getting as much sun with the convertible top down on the long drive across the sunny plains.
Bucky sighed looking at Loki, “Alright you two love birds, you can’t be completely,” he waved his hand, “like this, the whole time or I’m getting a cab.”
Loki cleared his throat. True to form, he was wearing a black suit. “Apologies Bucky.”
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
“I’ll get snacks first. I guess Loki’s navigating then? No sense in having you switch from the driver’s seat.” Bucky jerked his chin at you.
Once everyone was settled in, you more carefully backed the dark green convertible out of the lot and took off down the road.
“So I thought about using a good old fashioned map to have us navigate.” You explained as you drove.
Loki looked at you aghast.
You grinned at him, “Sure, I thought it’d be fun. We could have a no phones rule, go completely electronics dead except for music.”
“You’re saying to the guy with a vibranium arm.” Bucky called from the back seat, sitting in the middle with his arms stretched out and watching the empty highway.
“Ok, almost completely.” You shot back.
“Your technology backwards planet is already bad enough as it is.” Loki muttered, resting his elbow on the door of the convertible. Despite his hair being slicked back heavily, some of it still fluttered wildly in the wind.
“Don’t you guys still ride horses everywhere?” Bucky called.
You laughed. The navigation indicated you should correct your course and you complied while Loki ignored the comment and rolled his eyes.
“Alright Bucky, snack me.” You ordered. There was a light tap to your head. “Hey!”
“Oh right, I thought you said smack me. Right, right, what do you want?”
Loki snickered and you shot him a glare before saying, “You got my favorite chips, right?”
“Of course.” Bucky passed up a travel sized package of chips to you, pre opened and you set them between your legs and began to eat as you drove.
From time to time, you’d pass one on to Loki.
“Loki, are you sure you want to wear a suit for a six hour car trip? With only breaks for bathroom stops and gas?” You glanced to the right.
Loki shrugged, “I’m comfortable.”
“Hey! It’s the Wrigley Field!” Bucky called from the backseat.
You and Loki looked in the direction Bucky was pointing. It was indeed a giant baseball stadium.
Again, Loki shrugged.
You imagined Loki had seen more impressive things in his lifetime than any sporting event humans could make, but hey, it was still neat. Reaching for the camera, you tossed it back to Bucky and indicated for him to take a picture. “We’re making a scrapbook!”
Bucky shook his head ruefully, “Alright.”
Over the next few hours you were on the highway and out on the real road, driving southwest. The three of you had stopped at a number of attraction spots, switched positions, gotten lost once or twice, refueled and now Bucky was driving, and you and Loki were in the back seat as the sun getting low in the sky.
You had packed a few blankets, just in case. The top of the convertible was still down, and Bucky was listening to some music that Sam had recommended, quietly nodding and humming along to it. Your eyelids felt heavy as you sat huddled in the back, the blanket wrapped tightly around you, leaning into Loki. Loki wrapped his arm around you, rubbing your bare arms through the blanket and murmuring gentle words of comfort. Between the roar of the wind, the soft lull of the music and Bucky’s singing, and Loki’s soothing words, you felt a smile spread across your face. You curled your legs up onto the seat and huddled into Loki, resting your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his waist.
You were filled with your favorite snacks and drinks, tired from the hours of driving, and content to be with your best friend and well, Loki. Your heart swelled at the thought as you sank deeper into the soft material of Loki’s suit. All you could smell was him, even his hair seemed to whip around less in the wind. Maybe the blanket was holding it down. It felt so soft against your face. You wished you could stay in this moment forever, capture it with your camera and keep it in your scrapbook. Loki’s tender hands gently sliding over your thigh, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into the sensitive skin as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
The car slowed down and the wind didn’t whistle in your ears so drastically. Perhaps you had reached a town. You weren’t fully aware of your surroundings either way, too engrossed in the complexity of Loki holding you. It wasn’t the first time, and you doubted it would be the last time, but you could never stop marveling at how incredible a feeling it was.
“Love.” Loki murmured softly.
You suddenly realized you weren’t moving, though there was the vague sensation that you still were.
“We’re at the hotel.”
Bucky stood on the other side of the car door, leaning down and looking at you. He looked tired but amused. “No fair sleeping before we got here.” He said mussing up your hair. “C’mon, we got a long day tomorrow. And I am not sharing a room with you two.”
Loki tilted your head down and kissed your forehead. “Come, let’s get you some proper sleep, loathe as I am to move.”
You smiled, “That sounds nice.”
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