#lol guys turns out he wasn't important and his story is done
finna-liveblog · 2 years
Did Wes Come back??? I stopped watching htgawm After his death
Oh boo so did I, but luckily for you I've never not been obsessed with my baby Wes Gibbons so I can in fact answer this, only not in a satisfying way ☹️
As far as I can tell, Wes is still dead at the end of the show. A flash forward showed Alfie walking into a room (or sum) and of course everyone freaked out because Wes is back with a new haircut and everything. But as it turns out, this was a misdirect. With more clarification on the scene later on, that was actually Christopher the grown up version of Wes and Laurel's son and he looks exactly like his father.
I never actually watched any of the scenes so I might have some details wrong but that's generally the idea.
I remember being super irritated when I found this out. I had already lost interest in the show for the most part years ago after he died so I wasn't super invested but I was still peeved. It was part of why I stopped watching anyway. Not just because Wes died but because they clearly didn't care about the fans that loved and cared about Wes. I always felt like they prioritized the shock and moment of devastation than the character as well as the people who cared about the character. We followed this character and were invested in him from the start and they just said fuck you and killed him for shock value? That tells me you don't care, and killing a character is my LEAST favorite way of shocking an audience and causing emotion. After seasons of doing it the right ways, this one felt cheap and unnecessary and heartbreaking to those who actually cared about him. Not only did Wes deserve better but the show did too, do that kinda dumb shit in the 100, not here.
And then on top of that, you play with people again by pretend bringing back that very same character, getting people invested again just to let them down again. Like... Okay fuck us ig. Cause there was no reason at all for y'all to bring Alfie back and let people believe for a moment that Wes could have still been alive this whole time other than "we're gonna really fuck with people"
At the end of the day he's just a character and it's just a show and the writers have the right to do whatever they want. But considering how big the show was and how much people talked about it and how furious people were when Wes died and how many people stopped watching and how it just kinda lost a bit of that shine that was there in the beginning, I wonder was it worth it? I mean really, was the bit worth it? Cause I don't think it was
Sorry to ramble. I clearly have a lot of feelings about this still
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m1ssunderstanding · 9 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Four
"Lennon's late again" says Paul, as he walks in late. And sweet Ringo just gently, "between ten and eleven is the time" Which means: "Chill babe. He'll be here."
One thing that always gob smacks me is how bored George and Ringo are watching Paul pull Get Back out of the ether. They literally see him do this shit all the time which is insane to me.
His voice is so so so pretty!!! And he's just so completely in his own world. The hunched shoulders. The twitching. The gibberish. The tapping. The twisting.
Obviously this is a song with the original central feeling being let's go back to before everything went wrong but he wants to make it into a meaningless song with both story bits and almost walrus-esque bits. But why is the first lyric he comes up with about gender? Thinking of @scurators posts on Paul and gender.
Ringo's customary quiet really does add significance to his voice, so him singing along with this so quickly says something I think about his support for the song and for Paul in general.
When John walks in he's greeted with a little cocky nod and smile like "look what I've just done while you were late." And then Paul sings "get back to where you once belonged" directly at him before breaking the eye contact. It's one of those heartbreaking Lennon/McCartney miscommunications because Paul is doing this to get John back, but actually it's scaring him away, you know? Paul thinks he has to prove to John how good he is, but John's exhausted with how good Paul is.
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STFU Michael Lindsay Hogg
Paul really does love the idea of being forced out of parliament by cops and honestly so do I. Would've been iconic and might've kept them together.
John's so quiet today and also Yoko is not here. Correlation or causation I wonder.
"They say don't they say charity begins at home?" I love you forever, George. His humor is always so well-placed and so dry (even though he's clearly cracking himself up here). And it steers the conversation away from a direction he was not happy with without poking any bears. In fact, everyone's laughing. Clever boy.
"I've decided that the whole point of it is communication. And to be on TV is communication and we've got a chance to smile at people like all you need is love or something so that's me incentive for doing it." Wise, egalitarian John making a lovely appearance.
And then there's Paul. "I'm here cause I wanna do a show." Lol I love them.
Why do they say "Mr Epstein?" Is it because they're on camera and they want people to know who they're talking about? Does it have something to do with the maharishi telling them certain ways to talk about Brian? Does anyone have any thoughts about that?
Okay so you know how I just said last time how emotionally mature George was? I still think it's generally more true of him than the others, but this right here? This is not it. "I don't want to do any of my songs in the show because they'll all just turn out shitty." Man has issues.
I think it's important to recognize that George and Paul have both said the literal word "divorce" and it's NBD. But when John does it, Paul takes it as "the groups really over and I have to go into hiding and not get out of bed and maybe od who knows." Why? There's another puzzle piece here that we're missing.
"Should we leave you for a while?" "YES!"
On the one hand I'm like "working on Maxwell is the last thing you guys should be doing with this time alone." But on the other thing maybe it's the only thing they can do at this point.
"Mal? You should get a hammer. And an anvil." As he's walking away. Main character in a contrived mad genius biopic. Except it's real.
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"Joan" sounding suspiciously like "John" ... And then he goes "fool, Maxwell fool." Aka one of their ~special words~ New theory. John hates Maxwell because he dies in it. And Paul's the killer.
"Take it away Johnny." Even though it was George and John whistling before wasn't it? Did George get cut from the whistle chorus? Another straw on the camel's back.
I LOVE that John just does not know any of his own songs. Across the Universe my beloved!
On the glyn/Paul moment featured below, I have three thoughts. 1. Whore. 2. John Lennon villain origin story. 3. The fact that glyn didn't just tell John is striking.
"I wish it fucking would". "Cause I'm down." This lyric going from a self-soothing reassurance that his people aren't going to leave him that he'll always have this beautiful dream he's created with them. To this? I hate it here.
So there is a big emotional and energy difference between their Beatlemania selves singing "Rock and Roll Music" and their current selves. And part of it is due to the fact that they're just not as happy as they were then. But I think most of it is really just that they thrive when they're performing for an audience.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #5
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They're so cute...
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OH, she set them up!! Here we go!
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Wanda making squeaky toy noises when Cosmo hugs her is all I've ever wanted.
"We're real, all right! ... Real fairies. Not real humans."
BUDAWHAAAAAAAA-? Thank you Cosmo for just confirming elastic skin, which has been one of the most important headcanons in my worldbuilding. I did not expect you to do that for me, but... thanks?
Pfft, Wanda changing her legs.
ERG??? Is that you?
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Okay, there's that "We've been retired for 10k years" implied time travel bit; I think I remember that from the story bible + early convos with my friends, so at least I came prepared to expect that.
This is either time travel - which plays perfectly into my established "Cosmo ate a time key during dinosaur times and has been running around through time unsupervised for ages" headcanon anyway, LOL - or they're flat-out lying to Hazel, seeing as the audience already knows Timmy is confirmed as a recent godkid, so... Hm.
SLDKFJSD I love how the guy who accidentally sent his baby stroller down a steep hill is wearing a #1 Dad hat. "My expensive stroller! ... I mean, my baby!" - Yeah, we're still in FOP. All the parents are terrible here.
Setting her up as loving french fries and then turning her into a fly who found french fries was clever.
Cosmo once again being so close and yet so far to his mark. Good to see him back!
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Me when I return my would-be murderer's daughter, who is a bug.
I AM SO GLAD that even in 10,000 years, Wanda's small talk skills have not improved far beyond "I'm Human McRealPerson" and "My husband is a grilled cheese sandwich" from back in the day, sdlkfj. That's my girl!
oh no, the Venus flytrap gift they brought over is about to go so wrong.
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Yep, she's still goin'. Talking about the carwash.
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GIRL check your fingers.
OH MY GOSSSSSSH, he's dressed for a classy party in Fairy culture. Cosmorella? We thought you were dead!!
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... That's an ant? I would've guessed tick.
It's a guy ant? Buddy, are you sure you're supposed to be foraging?
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Let's go!!
SDLKFJSDKLFJSLKJF noooo... No, no, no, no, no... Not the thing I use to symbolize memorials for the dead, c'mon!
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It IS an accurate item for a Fairy house- these were all over the place in Fairy World during the old show, AND in that color, though you usually see more than one "wand" per pot.
I'm super impressed the artists studied the old interior design customs. Huh.
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Cosmo lives here. Also, BABY!!
OOH, I'm excited that Cosmo and Wanda's window overlooks Fairy World because it's kind of a portal. I did something super similar with a rat cage in an upcoming Frayed Knots scene, where Anti-Cosmo and Wanda are godparenting together during school. Nifty!
He even confirmed it's a spell on the front door! Wow. Somehow, Past Me nailed that.
"We can choose which world we go out into!" -> /Me with my 'fic where Kevin Crocker is confused that Shirley's Pizza Parlor has an exit on the other side that goes to Retroville.
Cosmo: We lived in Timmy's fishbowl for 20 years. Wanda: It was 7.
You are both wrong- it was like 68 <3 But honestly, I forgive you for not wanting to tell Hazel time was frozen for 50 years. I don't think she'd like that. Actually, I don't think she was born yet, because my vision is time freezing at the end of Season 4, and Dale was rescued in Season 2, so... Yeah, she wasn't born. Still, you don't wanna just drop that on someone.
That's actually very funny that Cosmo and Wanda are struggling because they're out of practice during their retirement.
THERE'S THE SIGN!! Way to go.
Oh, and the credits are done in a similar style to the old ones? Even the colors? That's so cute! That's also nice that Hazel's VA was a story editor too- That probably helps with the passion and vision.
That was cute. I liked it. Huge relief to see something well-researched and made with love after "Fairly Odder" was a struggle for me.
I've got a little more time tonight, I might be able to get one more episode done before bedtime.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
hello anna! i’m thinking about eddie right now like i always am lol but tonight i’m extra confused/mad about his season 7 characterisation. it seems like in switching buck and eddie’s potential queer storylines they also switched their personalities. “i jump into things too quickly and make impulsive choices etc etc” is the complete opposite of eddie. it’s literally buck who does that and that has been acknowledged many times in canon. idk it’s just so strange lmao i’m hoping it comes back around to something and isn’t just bad writing
Hi, darling, I agree with you to some degree, but I'm gonna give you my reasoning to try to stay chill while the story moves and not panic so far (I am enjoying him being a lighter version of himself, more willing to make mistakes and turn back around when he realizes not just sticking it out). Eddie does move fast. I mean he had Buck in his will within a year, and, like, Ana too, he went from unsure to having her in the house in one episode, I think that with the way he married Shannon right out of highschool, he kinda makes himself jump in trying to capture whatever he had with her, the way he was too careful about her coming back that eventually led him to "losing" time he could've had might also play a part. I think it comes with his tendency to overcorrect. He wasn't in with Ana so now he went all in now to see if that would work. Because something about Eddie is that he is reckless. He knows consequences might be catastrophic but if his gut is telling him to do something he just cuts his line and hopes for the best. And I mean, the guy was having panic attacks about a relationship that he was determined to make work for god knows what reason. I do think the moving in thing came out of nowhere. That was legit the most far off the left field thing they could've done. Because really, that affects Chris too much for him to just do it. And they so know that, that Chris was nowhere to be found. So I kinda wanna believe they have something planned to come out of this? Because if he keeps saying he wants Shannon again, he might believe that maybe the shock of responsibility might get him there? And maybe he's about to find out he needs to stop trying to recreate her? Because that is a weird situation to put him in just for the comedic effect of his plotline this episode. I made a post before the episode about how Marisol is supposed to be Taylor for Eddie, because they have this annoying habit of paralleling the love interests, but I never thought they would get this on the nose about it, yk? They're literally repeating dialogue and I'm really curious to see why Marisol being Taylor is so important or if there's a point in it at all, yk? But, yeah also wish they were handling him a bit more carefully this season, for sure, I feel like I never know where he's going next and that's a weird feeling.
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gazs-blue-hat · 1 year
Potent Poisons and Precious Passions
Loosely based off of this post. It's not where I intended this story to go but I'm pleased with how it came out. I also never written smut before so please give me feedback on that! If this is terrible I’m sorry lol.
Simon "Ghost" Riley x F! Reader
Fluff, Slight Angst, Fluff, Smut (In that order)
Word Count: 7,869
Summary: You and Ghost are pretending to be married for a mission. Little do you know, your one-sided crush on the large man wasn't as one-sided as you thought.
Minors DNI 18+ content (There's a second cut to warn you where it starts)
TW- Jealousy, Poison, Canon typical violence and language, Creepy Guy behavior (Not done by Simon), Choking, Drug Use, Biting, Spitting
NSFW TW- aggressive kissing, semi-protected P i V sex (Wrap it before you tap it please). Soft Mdom Simon. Praises. Consent checks (very important) Aftercare (also very important). Oral F receiving
Terms used- Sweet Thing, Darling, Love, Sweetheart
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Eight weeks, it had been eight weeks since you and Simon were sent out on this stupid mission. You had no connection to your team and no way out until the mission was completed. Your tasks were to infiltrate the local arms trade network and make contact with the leader. Once you and Simon got all friendly with him, you were to take him out.
While the team preferred him to be alive, they had given you execute authority. You and Simon had agreed to do your best to keep him alive. That is where your expertise in poisons came in. You had created a lip tint that carried a strong tranquilizer. All you had to do was get the arms dealer to either drink out of the same cup as you or something similar. Of course, Simon hadn't had any problems with this plan at first.
As you two were walking into the extravagant banquet hall, his arm around your waist and a shiny golden ring on his left ring finger, he was having doubts.
He knew you were capable, he knew you had the ability to complete this mission and he was only here for backup, but the lingering feeling of worry started to worm through his defenses. He had known you for years and he still hadn't mustered up enough courage to confess how he really felt about you.
Sure there had been lingering looks and touches passed between you two. Sure you had shared a bed once or twice but nothing ever came of it. As far as he was concerned, you had no interest in him besides friendship.
He unconsciously gripped your waist harder and you looked up at him. Your makeup was spectacular and it really made your eyes pop. The beautiful eyes he dreamed of every night. "What is it?" You ask in a soft voice, your head turned in that cute way he loves so much. He shakes his head and examines his surroundings, making a mental count of the exits and entrances. "Nothing love, nothing at all." He mumbles as you two meet the guard at the front door who was checking tickets. It had been no small feat but you and Simon were invited to the gala after pulling some very particular strings in the criminal underground.
You hadn't always been the sweet girl you are now. You used to work with some of the most deadly minds in the world. You created poisons and gasses that rivaled even the most toxic ones already known. You were a master of your craft and once your previous operation went off the rails, Captain Price was quick to snatch you up.
You nodded and looked around the room yourself. Simon was supposed to watch your back as you got closer to the target. He had taken a shining to you quickly and had offered you a private audience with him, providing you the perfect opportunity to take him down. You didn't quite see your host yet and you looked up at Simon.
You two met with the doorman and handed him your tickets. "Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Ripley, so lovely you could make it." He said while taking your tickets and writing in his ledger. You smiled and gave a slight head nod as a greeting. Simon did the same and pulled you eve closer. He couldn't help but feel the rush of butterflies fill him at your proximity. He was instantly brought back to this afternoon while you were getting ready for this gala.
"Darling, which color should I go for? The red or the black?" You had asked as you held up both dresses. You had no way of knowing if this hotel room had been bugged or not so you had to keep up appearances even when nobody else was around. It actually wasn't all that hard to do. You were just calling Simon things you had always wanted him to call you.
"Hmmm...I think the red goes better with the makeup you wanted to wear for tonight. Wear that one." He had called from the bathroom as he was fixing his hair. He never really had to think about how to style his hair before. He always wore the mask while on duty and had nobody to impress when he wasn't. He sighed as he tried to get his hair to lay how he wanted it to.
You gently knocked on the door to announce you were coming in. Simon was wearing half of his tux while he was struggling with his blond hair. He glanced at your reflection in the mirror and he almost choked on his own spit. You looked absolutely stunning in your dark red dress. He blinked a few moments to gather himself before going back to messing with his hair. You stood next to him at the large countertop, putting in earrings that matched your dress.
"Struggling a bit there?" You asked softly. There was no judgement in your voice, there never was. He knew you were genuinely asking if he needed help. That's another thing he loved about you—your genuineness. You had never once lied to him or anybody on the team. You had been completely open with your opinions and your words. If you asked a question, you meant it. You were never sarcastic unless it was very clear.
Simon sighed and nodded. "Can't get the ends to stay flat. They keep pokin' up at the top." He said with a frown. You nodded and gestured for him to sit on the edge of the bathtub so you could reach his head. He felt his heart speed up as he felt your hands on his shoulders.
"Hand me the pomade there and I'll see what I can do." You said softly while grabbing a comb from the counter. Simon did as you asked and grabbed the small tin off the counter. You stood behind him and gently ran your fingers through his hair. It took everything inside of him not to moan at the contact. How long had it been since someone caressed him like this? How long has it been since he's felt a gentle touch?
Too long
You gently combed his hair and removed all of the knots he hadn't been able to get out. His hair was shocking soft and kind of wavy. He would never admit it, but the weeks of using your hair products were doing wonders for his hair. It was also doing great things for his skin. "You've been taking my advice I see." You mumbled as you focused on parting his hair in a way that would be flattering. He hummed in the affirmative as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back when you prompted him to do so. Your hands were gentle as you ran your hands through his hair with the pomade, making it stick down in a good and flattering way.
Simon almost whined when you removed your hands from his head, wiping them on a cloth to get rid of the excess pomade. You looked at him and a bright smile lit your face. "You look lovely darling. Absolutely stunning." You praise while pressing a delicate kiss to his cheek. He simply smiled and nodded, standing up to his full height. You went back to the counter and removed a sealed lipstick tube from it's airtight container.
Simon and you expertly navigated the gala room before finding the place you were supposed to sit during dinner. This gala was not only a display of wealth and power, it was also an underground auction for weapons and various tools for terrorists and warlords alike.
"That's the new color you're wearing right?" He asked softly, leaning over to whisper in your ear. You looked up at him and nodded. The color was perfect on your skin, formulated to be the most flattering it could be.
"It is. I was luck enough that I got the version that won't stain." You replied. That meant that it had no chance of hurting you. You had always been careful with the poisons you created and made sure you always had an antidote handy. If there was no antidote, then you had slowly worked on gaining a resistance to it. This is one that you had built up immunity to during the weeks of the mission.
Simon nodded and sat up straighter in his seat. He didn't like where the host had seated the two of you. It was in the middle of the room near no exits or easy hiding spots. As if you could sense his nerves, you placed a gentle hand on top of his. Simon unclenched his hands and relaxed a bit, knowing you were safe and nearby.
He remembered those weeks of you being dead tired every night after dosing yourself with your own poisons. You were lethargic and rather out of it for the first few weeks. There had been many a night when you had woken up shaking from pain and confusion as the drugs worked through your system. By week five you had gained enough of a tolerance to wear the poison on your lips without suffering from any of the effects.
As the dinner continued, you and Simon watched the people coming and going from the gala. Your necklace had a small camera in it that was recording the faces of everybody who was in attendance tonight. Those people would be looked into by the CIA and other organizations.
You gently nudged Simon's leg with your foot from under the table. Your mark had arrived. He stood on a large stage that held a handful of musicians playing soft music. He was wearing a disgustingly bright suit that didn't match him at all. A large rose pinned on his chest leaked an artificial scent into the air.
He tapped the microphone he was handed to get everybody's attention.
"Welcome! Dear friends and acquaintances, I am happy to see you all here at the annual Perchet gala. It is nice to see some new faces among the familiar ones." He said while gesturing his hand to you and Simon. You politely smiled and blushed while he took a "sip" of the champagne that was on the table. Of course, neither of you would be partaking in any of the refreshments, just to be safe.
"The main event will take place in thirty minutes, followed by dancing and general mingling. For now, enjoy dinner!" He said while snapping his fingers. A slurry of chefs carried large platters of food on their splayed fingers for the guests to eat and enjoy. You and Simon politely took a few of them. "I can't say I know what these are." You mumbled as you looked at the curious dish before you. It looked like someone had split a large seed down the middle and filled it with a strange orange goop. "Sea Urchins...rare ones too. Prechet really wants to impress." Simon replied while examining the dish. You nodded and looked down at the sea creatures.
"Sad. They're not endangered are they?" You asked, looking up at him. He shrugged. While he did know a lot of things, marine life wasn't one of them
" 'Dunno. I only know that these are sea urchins because of the spines here. Stepped on one of these buggers once. Was not an experience I'd like to repeat." He whispered. He sensed a presence behind him and he glanced out of his peripheral. Prechet himself was walking his way over to you two, a smug smile on his face.
"Ah! Mr. Ripley, so lovely to see you here." Prechet said while Simon stood to shake the man's hand. He noticed that the Frenchman didn't remove his eyes from your figure once. "And your lovey wife. How nice to see you my dear." He said while bowing slightly and taking your hand to place a kiss upon. Simon mentally cursed himself for not reminding you to put the poison on your hand as well.
"Thank you for having us Mr. Prechet. We were delighted to have been invited! I'm quite excited to see what you have planned for your main event." You say with false honey dripping from your lips. The sleezy man nodded eagerly, still holding your hand. "Thank you my dear, thank you. I do hope you find something that interests you. I'd hate for this night to be a waste." He said with a certain glint in his eye. Simon felt all of the warning bells go off in his head. This man was planning something...something dangerous and you were going to be part of it.
"I doubt you could ever disappoint Mr. Prechet." You say with a soft blush on your face. He watched as you subtly tried to remove your hand from the Frenchman's grip but failed to do so. "You flatter me madame. Please, enjoy yourself tonight. I'll save you a dance perhaps?" He said while pressing a number of kisses on your hand. Simon saw your jaw clench as you pressed your teeth together. "Of course sir. Of course." You reply as he releases your hand. Simon doesn't miss the way you place it behind you back and start rubbing it with a swab. He had to repress a smile. You were so clever, collecting his DNA like that. it was freely given and would be admissible in court if it came down to it.
Prechet only nodded to Simon as he left to mingle with other guests. Simon tried his best to quench the roaring inferno that raged in his chest.
Why was he jealous of Prechet? He had absolutely no reason to be. Perhaps it was because he longed to press his own lips against your skin like the frenchman had. Or perhaps it was because he saw you as more than a co-worker and even more than a friend. The Jealousy he held in his heart continued to burn even as Prechet walked away. "Whew. I wish I had done a swatch on my hand, just to be sure this color was right." You mumble while stuffing the swab back in it's container in your purse. Simon didn't say anything, only watching as Prechet continued to make his rounds through the gala. "Darling, are you feeling alright?" You asked while you placed a delicate hand on his wrist. He shook himself from his stupor and nodded. "Yeah. I'm alright. Just waiting for the main event." He sighed as he sat back down. He still watched Prechet wander around the room until it was time for the aforementioned "main event"
"Now, when the gala is in full swing, Prechet will start an auction. At this auction there will be a small flashdrive. I need you two to collect said flashdrive." Laswell said at the brief they had attended 8 weeks ago. Simon nodded and looked over to you, watching your curious eyes flick through the information in the folder before you. "What's on it?" He asked. Laswell sighed. General Shepherd sat up straighter in his seat and looked over the both of you, a deep frown on his face. "Classified. All you need to know is that it is very important that you retrieve it AND Prechet. We would prefer Prechet alive but if you have no choice...you do have execute authority." He said while folding his arms. You nodded and closed the folder. "And we have to pretend to be married because..." You asked, leaving the question open. Shepherd chuckled while Laswell sighed.
"Here's the deal. YOu two will be thoroughly check by his own analysts and hackers. While we were able to come up with new identities for you, it would be easier if there was a paper trail to follow." She explained. Simon looked over at you, sharing a look. You had always known how to communicate with him without saying anything.
"A paper trail...you mean to tell me," He was cut off by you who nodded.
"That makes sense. The more of it that is real, the more believable the rest is. I understand that." You said with a kind smile on your face. Simon missed the redness that had started to creep up your neck.
"See Laswell, I told you she would understand." Shepherd said with a smirk. Laswell once again sighed and looked over to Simon.
"There won't be any record of it after this mission is done, that I can promise you." Laswell reassured. Simon started to chew on his lower lip, a nervous habit he thought he had long since broken.
"I understand. As long as she is okay with it, I'm okay with it." He said with a sigh. That had been 9 weeks ago. He and you had signed the papers in a dingy safehouse miles away from any church building.
"Not how I pictured my wedding." You said with a snicker. Simon chuckled as he signed the paper as well. He also hadn't imagined his wedding to be like this. There was only one thing present that he would have had at both.
After 30 or so minutes passed by, the auction started. A few pieces of information came and went without incident. A few missile codes here, a couple of arms shipments there. Even a Soviet era tank was up for bids. At the end of it all, the flashdrive was the last thing to be purchased seeing as it was the biggest thing to sell. Prechet held the small device in his hand and showed it off to the tables at the front. "This here, ladies and gentlemen. Is a complete list of names, aliases, locations and other information about a private military task force." he said with exaggerated tones. He sure was trying to make this look interesting. You glanced up at Simon, sharing a concerned look. Was it your task force that he was referring to? The 141?
"I know! I know ladies and gentlemen. Some way or another this group has harmed all of your businesses and what better way to get payback than hitting them where it hurts?" He scowled. The room rumbled with peoples voices agreeing with this statement.
"Alright, I'll start the bid at 500,000 Euros." he said while handing the flashdrive off to the auctioneer. You and Simon had been given no real money to complete this auction, but money didn't change hands until later when you would hopefully have Prechet in custody.
You and Simon shared a look and made various gestures with your facial expressions. You two decided that he would go after the flashdrive while you went after Prechet. Of course you two made a few bids on other items but never outright won any.
The flashdrive was quickly bought up by a large man who was wearing sunglasses and a black hat. Simon mentally marked this man as well as the auctioneer. As the auction was taking place, the tables and chairs had been moved to clear a space in the middle of the room to act as a dancefloor.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to my humble celebration. Please, dance, drink! Enjoy the rest of your evening." He said while gesturing for the musicians to begin playing music. You patted Simon's hand and headed to the dance floor while he stood and made his way over to the service door. ----------
You wandered through the bodies of mingling party guests as you tried to make your way to where you saw Prechet heading. Your wrist was caught by a rather large gentleman wearing a clear earpiece. "Mister Prechet has requested you in the lounge." He grumbled, extending his arm for you to take. You nodded and looped your arm with his, making your way up to the lounge.
The guard escorted you through various hallways until you reached a wide set of double doors. He released your arm and knocked on the door. Once opened, you could see a large room decorated with plush furniture and various animal pelts. A large glass window was at one side that allowed you to see the ballroom below. "Ah, Mrs. Ripley. So glad you could be here." Prechet said from a seat in the middle of the room. The couch was facing away from the door and towards the ballroom floor. The greasy man turned his head and gestured for you to enter the room. As you did so, the doors closed behind you and you heard a subtle 'click' from a locking mechanism.
This wasn't going to end well.
As you sat on the opposite end of the couch, Prechet scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You couldn't help but stiffen as you felt his alcohol reddled breath hitting your cheek. "Now how did a lovely woman like yourself find your way to that Mr. Ripley?" he asked, his voice low and scratchy. You felt his hand pull you closer as you turned away from him slightly. You could see a faint white powder under his nose and you frowned. He had been doing drugs. While you had a general idea what would happen if your poison interacted with drugs, you had no idea how this particular substance would interact with the substance he had taken.
"It's a cute story actually...he and I.." You were cut off when you felt his lips trace along your neck. His hand gripped your upper arm and as your tried to pull away, his hand gripped the back of your neck. "None of that now. You're my guest and shall behave accordingly." He scolded. You felt him reach a hand over and start running over your thigh, reaching higher and higher.
While you were searching for Prechet, Simon was already deep within the belly of this mansion. he had replaced his tie with one of the guards so he would blend in better. He had made his way passed the surveillance room to where he knew the flashdrive would be. He expertly wove his way through the guards, acting like he belonged. The Auctioneer would be in the vault with all of the items. If he managed to make it back there, then the plan was ruined. Lucky for Simon, the auctioneer had a slight limp and didn't walk as fast. He watched the Auctioneer pass by him in the narrow corridor and it was a simple matter to pick the man's pocket as he walked by. With the flashdrive in hand, Simon made his way back by the surveillance room but paused when he heard muffled laughter. "Look how uncomfortable she is. Man..Prechet knows how to pick them." One voice said
"Yeah. Did you see her husband though? Tallest guy I've ever seen. He's got all of these marks on his face. Scary guy." Another replied. Simon stuck his head in the room and stropped breathing when he saw it.
You, pushed against a couch while Prechet kissed your neck. His hands pinned your arms above your head and you clearly were not enjoying these ministrations. Simon clenched his fists and began the fastest walk in his life. He had to act naturally, but that was becoming increasingly difficult as he made his way to the lounge area. ------
Prechet was kissing up and down your neck when you heard a knocking at the door. "Mister Prechet, we have a situation." The guard outside the door said through the wood. Prechet growled and released your neck from between his lips. "I'm busy! Handle it yourself." He shouted. He looked down at you, a sick look in his eyes. "I don't want to be disturbed . My attention is all on you Mrs. Ripley, or should I say...Mrs.Riley." He hissed. His grip on your arms became more aggressive and you could tell they would be bruised in the morning.
"Didn't think I would figure it out? We got lucky and someone was able to figure out who you two were. It wasn't easy but we got there eventually." he hissed. One of his hands went to your throat while his knees shifted to pin your arms down. You struggled as much as you could but he was incredibly strong. "You and your team will never get that drive. I have men waiting to take down your husband as we speak. I did find it off that they allowed two members of the same team to be married but I digress." He continued. His hands pressed down on your throat and it was getting harder to breathe. Black spots started to dance in your vision but you willed them away. You could handle this guy, you had to handle this guy. Pursing your lips together, you licked the poisoned lipstick off your lips and spat it in his face as hard as you could. The saliva that spattered on his face was a bright color that quickly seeped into his skin.
"You bitch. That's no way to treat your host." he growled as he shifted both hands to your throat.
Simon made his way up to the lounge area with little incident. There were two guards outside the doors and if he had been in a better headspace, he probably could have taken them down silently or even lured them away.
Unfortunately for them, the jealousy that had been ignited in his chest had shifted into a raging inferno of protective rage. you had been his partner for the longest time. You knew him before Roba and even stuck by him after all of that. You were his closest friend and he would die before he let anything happen to you.
He came up the stairs and before he could make it to the two men, they alerted Prechet to their situation. He trusted that you could hold your own for a little while longer as he took down the two guards.
Both of the guards came at him but they clearly had little training against men bigger than themselves. Simon was able to quickly sweep them off of their feet and snap their necks with brutal efficiency. There was a crash behind the door and a muffled shouting sound. Simon examined the guards, looking for a key but he wasn't able to find one.
he was able to find a pistol though and he shot the locking mechanism on the door. He pushed through with his shoulder and the door gave way with a loud cracking sound.
The sight before him was horrific. You were kneeling on top of Prechet, blood dripping from your mouth as Prechet reached for his throat. You had bitten him, your teeth taking a chunk out of his neck You stood, using a handkerchief to wipe blood off of your mouth. "Who's the bitch now?" You hissed while rubbing the bruises along your neck where his hands had been. You looked over to Simon, your breathing calming but your eyes still wild and bloodshot. Simon looked down at Prechet who was slowly losing consciousness.
"I didn't bite him anywhere fatal. He'll live." You mumble as you go to spit more blood out into the sink in the room. Simon looked down at Prechet and nodded. he picked the unconscious man up and pressed a button on his watch. The signal sent would inform Laswell to send a car to pick up Prechet while you and Simon headed back to base. The mission was over.
The ride back to base was silent as you two sat in the back of a car. Simon knew you were more touchy than he was, so he wasn't chocked that you opted to sit right next to him. You had your head pressed to his shoulder as you cleaned your face and neck with a wipe.
He never struggled to be physical with you, before and even after his time in Mexico. He cherished your touch and found himself relaxing under the pressure of your head on his shoulder. His left hand held yours as his other arm was wrapped over your shoulders, holding you close to his side. He glanced down at the rings on your fingers and he remembered when he had placed them there. It was still in that dingy safehouse but the rings looked dull in contrast you your eyes. The gold band on his own hand glinted in the light as he squeezed your hand. Reassuring you that he was there for you, that he understood.
Once back on base, and after you had cleaned up a bit, you debriefed with the General and Laswell who congratulated you on retrieving the flashdrive.
"Well done, both of you. Now, the paperwork for your marriage will be disposed of soon." Laswell said while she extended her hand out to receive the rings. You and Simon glanced to one another and then back down at your hands. Reluctantly, he pulled off the golden band around his finger, instantly missing the weight and warmth of it. You took a bit longer to remove the bands around your fingers but they were soon resting in Laswells hand next to Simon's.
As they exited the briefing room, Simon saw you rubbing your hand where the rings had been. You had developed a habit of spinning them around when you were nervous or thinking. "Look I,"
You both started your sentences at the same time. You snickered and made a gesture for him to go first. "Please, after you."
"I was just going to say, if you want to talk about...what happened in there. My door is open for you. Fuck, if anybody knows what that's like it's me." He said softly. You nodded but did not meet his eyes. "I was just going to say thank you for coming to help. I did not want to wander that party while covered in blood. Especially blood that isn't mine." You whisper. Simon could tell you were holding something back, but he didn't want to pry. He knew that you will tell him when you were ready.
He nodded and shuffled closer to you, extending his arms out slightly. You smiled and hugged him, holding him tightly. His hand came up to rest on your upper back, counting your heartbeats. They were fast and erratic and he couldn't help but worry for you.
After the hug, you turned and headed back to your room, not seeing Simon stand in the hall to watch you go.
Simon was still awake in his room when he heard the gentle knock on his door. There was only one person on this entire base who would seek him out in the middle of the night like this. After putting a simple black surgical mask on his face, he opened the door and saw you standing there. Your fancy dress had been replaced with a loose sleep shirt (That he recognized as one of his) and some shorts. He could see faint bruises along your shoulders and legs as well as deep purple marks on your neck where Prechet had tried to strangle you.
"I didn't wake you up did I?" You asked softly. He shook his head and stepped aside so you could come in. he closed the door behind you and removed his mask so you could see his face. You had always been able to see what was under the mask, so there had been no point to hide his real face from you. Besides, he was comfortable with you and trusted you more than anybody else. He watched as you made your way over to the bed where you lay down, facing the wall. He smiled softly to himself and climbed in after you, listening to the bed springs creak slightly at the additional weight.
"If you spend eight weeks sleeping next to a person, it becomes hard to sleep on your own again." You whispered. He nodded and slowly placed his arms around you. You hummed softly and curled into his embrace. He could tell you had been crying but he wasn't going to mention it. He knew you just needed some attention right now. "I understand. You always have a place here, you know that." he mumbled while resting his chin on the top of your head. You nodded and took a deep, shuttering breath. "Simon, can I tell you something?" You asked after a few minutes. He nodded and looked down at you, paying attention to your facial expressions. "Anything." He whispered in reply. He felt you take a deep breath and hold it for a while before exhaling slowly. "The weeks I spent being your wife...were the happiest weeks I have had in a long time." You say as you exhale the held breath. Simon felt his heart speed up as you said those words. Was it possible that you had feelings for him too?
He only hummed in the affirmative to let you know that he heard you and was waiting for you to continue speaking.
"I mean...you felt it too, right?" You asked while looking up at him. He could see unshed tears glistening in your eyes and he moved one of his hands to cup your cheek. "Not gonna lie, but...I feel the same. Longest time I've gone since a nightmare." he said while wiping a fallen tear with his thumb. "I would...I would like to try and be yours. For real this time." You whisper as you rest your head against his broad chest. Simon felt a smile splitting his face. "I would like that too."
------------------------NSFW starts under here.-------------------------- You look up at Simon and could see the love in his eyes.
"You...you would like that too?" You whisper, feeling his heartbeat racing under your fingertips. He nodded and only held you closer. "You know...we're technically still married. And there are no rules against married couples doing this on base..." You whisper as you press your lips against his for the first time. His lips were chapped and scared but you didn't mind it. They belonged to him and for that reason, they were perfect.
Simon sighed deeply out of his nose as his hands went to your waist, squeezing ever so softly as to not hurt you. You deepened the kiss, opening your mouth and slipping your tongue into his mouth.
“Fuck you taste good.” He groaned once you two separated, a line of saliva still connecting you two. You both breathe heavily for a few seconds before Simon gently shifts so you lay under him. His hands gently caressed your waist and he looked deep into your eyes.
“May I…touch you?” He asked softly. You nodded, pulling your shirt up a bit so he could touch your bare skin.
Simon groaned at the sight of you as he placed his large hands on your smooth skin. Sure you had some scars here and there but he still believed you to be perfect.
Simon lowered his head and began to place kisses on your neck and collarbones. You clenched your thighs together, hoping for some kind of stimulation.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you wearing my shirt sweet thing.” He mumbled as he pressed a very soft kiss to your neck. He was being extremely careful if the bruises you had.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice how you spent longer in the shower while we were undercover.” He continued as he shifted his hands to be under your shirt. He made eye contact with you and you nodded, giving him permission.
He quickly removed your shirt and the sight before him made his hardened cock to twitch.
“Cheeky girl. Not wearing a bra and knowing you’d come see a man.” He growls. He takes his own shirt off and he feels your hips start to shift under him.
“Ah, am I neglecting where you want me the most?” He asked, pressing kisses down your abdomen. You whined and nodded.
“Yes…yes Si, I need you. Please. I’ve thought about it for so damn long.” You whine as you wiggle your hips under him. You can feel how hard he is and you wonder briefly if it would be a problem taking it all.
As if he could read your mind, his gaze softened slightly and he placed a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Don’t worry love. I’ll make sure you’re good and prepped for me, yeah?” He reassured. You nodded and ground your hips into his. His eyes fluttered and a deep groan rumbled in his chest.
He continued to kiss down your torso until he was met with the waistband of your shorts.
“Want me to take these off?” He asked, pressing a deep kiss to your inner thigh. Your keening moan was more than enough for him as he slipped your shorts off your body.
Simon thought his heart was going to explode when he saw you completely bare before him.
“Fuck me, I’ve dreamed of this for so damn long…” he mumbled while gently pressing his forehead against your thighs.
He could see that you were absolutely dripping for him. He took his smallest finger and gathered up some of your slick. He examined the clear material before putting his finger in his mouth to clean it.
“Oh…fuck, you taste divine love.” He moaned as he rid himself of his suffocating pants. The tent in his boxers was begging to be dealt with but Simon had other plans.
“Let me taste you love. Let me taste your pleasure.” He said these words as if praying to a God. You moaned loudly and Simon could see a precious drop of your arousal slip between your lips down to the sheets under you. He smiled and placed his large hands on your inner thighs, caressing the skin with rough fingertips. "So pretty for me love. Such a sweet little thing." He mumbled as he pressed gentle kisses from your knee to your inner thigh. He looked up at you for permission and you nodded quickly, gripping the sheets so you wouldn't pull his hair. "None of that love, you show me how I make you feel. Be as loud as you want. Grasp at me and *show* me how good I'm treating you." He said softly. You nodded and gently placed your hands on the back of his head, once again running your hands though the thick blond locks.
He growled under his breath as he firmly planted his lips over your center. Simon almost believed he had died and gone to some kind of heaven when he tasted you. He ran his tongue up your folds, gathering all of the juices that leaked from you. "Oh God, Simon!" You whispered as you clutched at him. He smiled against you and shifted his mouth's attention to your puffy clit. His sucked against the swollen bud and gently used one of his fingers to circle your weeping entrance. He cherished all of the sounds you made and he even enjoyed how you were pushing and pulling at his head. It was like you couldn't tell if you wanted his face closer or you wanted it away.
"Love the sounds you're making sweet thing. So pretty, just for me." He mumbled as he began to stroke your insides with his one finger. He was searching for that sensitive spot in the back of you, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the keening moan that launched out of your mouth when he found it.
"Right there! Please don't stop. Please, please don't stop." You begged. He pressed another finger inside of you and you almost screamed at the stretch. He knew how to prepare you so you could take him without issue. He continued to circle his tongue around your clit and pump his fingers inside of you. "Taking my fingers so well love. Doing so well for me." He praised as he felt your walls clenching around him. "Gonna...gonna cum..Simon.." You mumbled, tugging at his hair. He hummed into you, sending vibrations through you.
"Cum for me sweetheart. Make a mess on my fingers. Make a mess on my face." He encouraged as he continued to pleasure you. He felt you clamp around his fingers like a vice as liquid pleasure surged around his hand. He moaned softy as you relaxed around him and he was able to remove his fingers from your entrance. "Beautiful love. Absolutely beautiful." He whispered as he licked his fingers clean. Your face was covered in a thin layer of sweat as your breaths came in sharp gasps as you came down from your high. Simon shifted so he was able to embrace you, holding you close to his chest.
"That's it love...breathe. I've got you." he reassured as he ran gentle fingers through your hair. Your eyes were misty and unfocused with pleasure. He pressed a gentle kiss on the crown of your head, waiting for you to come back to him. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard...good God Simon.." You mumbled as you turned to look up at him. He smiled and bent low to kiss your lips. You shivered as you tasted yourself on his lips. Simon couldn't help but grind into your hips, revealing to you exactly how aroused he was. "Are you comfortable taking the next step love? We can stop here and just go to sleep." He said once the kiss broke, saliva stringing between your parted lips. You eagerly nodded and pulled him into another bruising kiss. He grunted and moved so he was hovering over you, your head pinned between his forearms. "So pretty like this love, so pretty. God I love your sounds." he whispered as you placed your hands around his broad shoulders. He pumped his weeping cock in his hand and gently pressed the tip against your entrance. "At any moment you want me to stop, I will. I'll go slow, I promise." He reassured as he looked into your eyes. You took a deep breath and nodded as he slowly began to sheathe himself in to you.
"Oh fuck, you're so big." You whine as you arch your back slightly. Simon grunted above you, trying his best to not shove his entire length into you. "Steady....breathe love. Relax for me, there ya go." He said from above you. He pressed his forehead against yours as he continued to press himself all the way into you. Soon, his pelvis touched yours when he was fully settled into you. "Fuck love, you're so damn tight." He groaned, pressing a sloppy kiss on your cheek. Your nails were digging into his shoulders, surely leaving crescent shaped indentions in his flesh. "Let me know when I can move alright?" He prompted. You nodded and waited for your pulsing walls to stop stinging. He wasn't your first sexual encounter but damn if he wasn't the most filling. You soon nodded and gave him permission to start moving.
And move he did.
His thrusting started slowly, making sure to let you adjust to his size. Once your sounds became louder and more eager, his speed picked up and soon the bed was making soft creaking sounds at your movements. "Fuck love, you feel so good around me, squeezing me so tight. You're bloody dripping for me love." He rambled as he thrusted into you harder. He could tell you were about to cum again and it took almost all of his strength to not thrust into you harder, chasing his own release. "You gonna cum again? You gonna cum on my thick cock?" He asked. He watched as you nodded eagerly, wrapping your hands around his wrists to ground yourself. "Come on sweetheart, cum on my cock." He urged as he placed his hands on your cheeks. He wanted to hold you as close as possible when you were at the peak of your pleasure. "Cumming! Simon fuck! Fuck me!" you wailed as your walls clenched around him for the second time. He watched your eyes roll back in your head as your legs began to shake with the force of your orgasm. Once your eyes focused again, Simon's hips began to stutter against yours. "Fuck, I'm close love. Where do you want it?" He moaned as his peak was fast approaching. "Inside Simon. Please, need to feel you dripping from me." You whispered. If he could have gotten any harder, he would have. "You on something?" He asked, wanting to be sure. His mind wasn't so far gone that he wasn't able to think. You nodded, eyes crossing once again. "IUD. Safe." You stuttered out. Simon nodded and pressed his lips against yours as he came. His spend leaking deep within your walls. he felt drops of sweat drip off of his face and land on your forehead once he pulled back from the kiss. He slowly pulled his softening cock out of you and moved to pull you into his arms. "Did so well for me. Best shag I've ever had." He praised as he pressed gentle kisses on your temple. You nodded, body still shaking from the force of your last orgasm. "Can I get you anything love? You need water or..." he looked at his spend leaking out of your twitching hole and he couldn't help but feel proud of his work. "Hold on, I'll grab you something to clean up with..." He said as he stood and dampened a cloth for you. He cleaned himself off and then made his way back to you. Your hand rested on your chest and traced over the bruises on your throat.
"I'm gonna clean you off now alright love?" he said as he allowed you to feel the warmth of the cloth before he put it on you. You hummed in the affirmative and he lovingly wiped the fluids off your inner thighs and outer lips.
"Thank you.." You whispered as he discarded the cloth and returned to the bed to embrace you once more. He lay on his back and you shifted to rest your head over his heart. He was instantly brought back to all of those nights spent in that fancy hotel. You always slept with his heart under your ear, lulling you to sleep.
"I know we're married and all, but would it be weird of me to say I love you?" You whisper sleepily as you trace mindless shapes on his bare chest. Simon's heart sped up and he could feel thin pinpricks of tears welling in his eyes.
"I don't think it's weird at all. I think I love you too." He replied as he ran his fingers through your hair. You hummed softly and closed your eyes, breathing softly. Simon closed his eyes and counted every single one of his lucky stars that things worked out for you two in the end.
"Goodnight Mr. Riley." You whispered, sleep taking your mind. "Goodnight...Mrs. Riley." he responded, allowing sleep to take his mine as well.
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm - chapter 0.4
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"what even am I to you? your rival, your lover, an obstacle or am I supposed to be your coffin?"
about two thieves who can't live with nor without each other. and a joint past that comes back to threaten them.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, very flirty jimin, friends/rivals/exes to lovers (it's complicated, ok?!) f2l e2l ex2l all members play a role in this story!
Mexico City, Mexico
Arabella was browsing through the folders in the file cabinet. Trying to find the right one and eventually doing so, pulling out. Her eyes skimming over it when the door behind her shot open.
"Hands up! I'm arresting you, Arabella Valentine!"
She exhaled deeply, taking off the mask and wig. Turning around then, she held her hands up when facing the young woman pointing a gun towards her. She cocked her head bored then. "You look familiar, do I know you?" The woman seemed astonished for a moment before focusing again. "I'm agent Blake, Interpol. We've met before." She sounded almost offended that Arabella didn't remember her. "Oh right!" Arabella laughed then, nodding. "A few months ago when you guys were after me and the guys. So pops' here, too?" Confused about who she meant, Skylar slowly grabbed her radio out. "Jeon? I got her. In the archive of the third floor." "Got it." "Kookie's here, too?" Arabella asked amused. A rhetorical question, she knew they had all been there. But what should she had done? She had to break into there nevertheless. However, her calmness irritated Skylar even more. Arabella not seeming nervous at all by being caught. 
As Skylar was still pointing her gun towards her, she tried grabbing the handcuffs on her belt with her other hand. It was only a second that she was wasn't paying attention, but a second was enough for Arabella. With a highkick she sent Skylar's gun to the other side of the room, grabbed her arm, twisted it behind her back and grabbed the handcuffs from her hand, cuffing her on another file cabinet. It was over before Skylar could even process what was going on.
"Convey my greetings to pops and Kookie," Arabella giggled and ran to the window. Jumping out of it right in time when the door opened and Jungkook and Seokjin were entering. Throwing the hook with the rope onto the tall tree underneath her, she roped down to the waiting motorbike. Jimin's face lighting up when spotting her.
"Nice jump," he smiled as she got on the seat behind him. Wrapping her arms around his torso. He tried not to show how much he enjoyed that and kicked up the kickstand. Ready to drive off when they saw Seokjin appearing on the window in the third floor. "You two!"
"Oh hey, pops!" Jimin waved happily, lowering his sunglasses then. "Nice haircut. Is it new?"
"Actually, yes," Seokjin chuckled. Feeling flattered that Jimin noticed, before coming back to his senses and realising how inappropiate this was. Shaking his head, he got his radio out to inform security. "Don't you dare moving!"
"Sorry, pops," he smirked and squeezed the clutch lever all the way to the grip, "Important business. Maybe next time!" And he drove, with Arabella's behind him. A feeling he could never get enough of.
Seokjin turned around, seeing Jungkook had freed Skylar from her handcuffs. The younger agent trying apologising when Seokjin just waved her off, not being upset at all. "You two come with me," he ordered then and they followed him out to the parked cars in the underground park deck. The tree would follow the two police cars, which were already rushing into the direction Jimin and Arabella had driven off to.
Their sirens roaring a few streets away from the two.
"God, Bella-baby. Did you have to break into a police station?" Jimin laughed, hearing them coming closer. "I had to!" she protested sulky behind his back, "How should I know pops was interrogating some witness who saw you only a few rooms away?" "You could've just retreated when finding out." "I could not. I had to find the information." He arched a brow, peeking behind his shoulder. "What info?" "It was a job for some mexican millionaire." They winded through cars that were blocking their way in a small traffic jam. Eventually escaping into a side street and driving into a less crowded neighbourhood. "And did you find the info you were looking for?" "I did," she smirked, "I always do." It hadn't been too difficult. She simply disguised, faked an ID card and walked in like she belonged there. Like she knew what she did there. It was all a question of attitude.
He led them to the other side of the city, eventually coming to an halt at some café in a narrow alley. "What's the issue, Jimin? Why did you have to come all the way here to Mexico?" Arabella asked then, taking off her sunglasses. Flipping her now dyed-blond waves over her shoulder. The café was packed full. And loud. She didn't like crowded spaces, despite them being better for staying undiscovered. "Maybe I just missed you," he fake-pouted. Earning an evil glare from her.
"Jimin, seriously, if you only messed with me I will-" She already put her hands flat down on the table, ready to push her chair back when he grabbed her wrists, stopping her. He then dipped into his pockets and slid something over the tabletop towards her. She furrowed her brows, glancing around to make sure they weren't being observed by anyone, before grabbing the small metallic object from his hands. "A bullet? So wha-" Her eyes grew round. "You recognise it as well, right? I don't imagine things."
She slightly nodded. Her wide eyes still glued onto the bullet with the carved owl on it. It was as if she was in trance. Trying to process it. Her hand going instictively to the bracelet around her wrist. The bracelet she was always wearing. The bracelet she hadn't taken off for over twenty years.
"Where did you find this?" "The backseat of my car. Broke the damn rarewindow." She swallowed hard the lump that had formed in her throat. "So they were after you," she whispered, "That means they'll be after me as well. Of course, I was their main target after all." "You know why now though?" Jimin asked, bending over to make sure she heard him even with his lowered voice. "Why now after all these years?" "I don't know. I don't even understand why they're after you, since they obviously want me." His lips tucked into a rueful smile and he grabbed her hands. Squeezing them when seeing her troubled face. "But love, isn't it obvious? I never completed the order of eliminating you. They're probably mad I just took half the money they had already given me and ran off."
Arabella couldn't help but giggle at his words and the way he grinned at her, so mischieviously. She pursed her lips then, nodding. "Right. That'd be a good reason to want you dead." She paused. "But why after so many years?"
Jimin shrugged and leaned back. Letting go of her. "Who knows. Maybe they had forgotten and suddenly remembered now." "These guys don't simply forget," she objected, "They might have lost interest or not seeing it worth persuing. But they surely didn't just forget about it." "Then something must've triggered their interest in killing us," Jimin concluded casually. Not looking threatened or scared at all. It wasn't the first time some other criminals wanted him dead. Same went for her. However, this time it was different. It was personal. And Jimin knew. He could see the affliction in her eyes. Even if she tried to hide it and act unbothered. "How about we gang up on this one. I think it'd be saver for you to be with us."
She huffed and pulled back her hands. Folding her arms in front of her chest. "Why? Because the poor little girl can't defend herself?" "Don't act silly, Bella-baby. I know you're not a weak little girlie. You can kick ass." Hell, she had already kicked his ass multiple times -and not in the pleasant way. "But we both know these guys have some personal score to settle with you. And me. And they're more dangerous than the average criminals we deal with. You out of all people should know better. So we're much saver by joining forces than on our own." "You wouldn't be on your own anyway," she mumbled, twisting a curl around her finger, "You got your friends." "But you'd be. And I'd be worried sick." Arabella suppressed the blushing that was creeping up her cheeks at the thought of him worrying about her. She knew he was right. She was much saver with the guys, but still. It hurt her pride a little.
"Yoongi and Taehyung don't like me anyway," she said then. "They won't agree." Jimin groaned at her never-ending excuses, rolling his eyes. "I mean, can you blame them? You've run away with the loot on more than one occasion. Of course they don't trust you." He leaned in again, folding his arms on the table. "But they ain't jerks. They'll protect you if needed. And even if not, they'd do it for me."
Arabella contemplated for a moment, cheweing on her lip before eventually nodding. Giving in. "Fine, but I want my own bedroom." "Ouch, that hurt."
next chapter: 0.5 here
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actualsunflower · 2 years
I'm fairly new to your blog still, is there a post that explains Jay's plant thing? It sounds cool! 🌻❤️
I tried looking for the posts but tumblrs search is abysmal but I'm always more than happy to talk about Jay
The tldr is that it was a pre-war Vault-Tec experiment that replaces some of his dna with sunflower dna, which gives him plant like qualities (photosynthesizes, radiation doesn't bother him/can be beneficial, needs lots of water warmth and sun, smells earthy like sunflowers especially when wet, healed by sunlight). My inspiration was from how sunflowers are used irl, the Solar Powered and Ghoulish perks in game, and the plant dudes in New Vegas :)
I did also design an actual mutated version of Jay that looks more like the plant mutants but in his own canon he just looks like the regular dude I draw lol
The long version including the scientist's story: (warning cause it gets a little dark and gory)
Then, Cedric, who left Vault 22 after people there started turning into fungus creeps, starts traveling around looking for a good place to keep studying his plant-human mutations. He ends up a ghoul though, as his own experiment on himself didn't work. His failures and isolation in the vault started driving him mad. He travels to the Commonwealth, but has been slowly losing it and preforming more and more grotesque experiments on anyone he can capture. He takes up in the old Vault-Tec hq basement in Boston and sets up a lab there. He learns Jay is still alive and thriving, which means his initial experiment was a success.
Before the war, after Jay was shot in the head in Alaska he was in a coma for 3 months. He lived because of his inherited artifact powers, he is very difficult to kill and heals incredibly fast, he does still deal with a lot of side effects from it, neurological problems, bad migraines, PTSD, depression and anxiety. While Jay was at a hospital in Las Vegas still in a coma, a scientist also employed by Vault-Tec worked there (his name is Cedric he's important in Jay's story much later cause he's a ghoul and still alive) and was working on a side project. This guy was one of the scientists who was going to be in Vault 22, and he wanted to create a type of DNA splicing that would give humans the ability to process radiation and sunlight like plants, in this case sunflowers specifically. Not all plants can process radiation though, but I picked sunflowers for the symbolism part too. Because Jay was already pre-selected for entrance to Vault 111, Cedric thought Jay would be a great test subject. He wasn't able to object, he would be frozen and then released into the radioactive wasteland where radiation and sun would be plentiful to test the splice, he was the perfect subject!
Then, Jay was transferred to a hospital in Massachusetts, where he later woke up and was eventually sent home. Jay did not know this happened to him, and doesn't find out until much later when he's working on creating a vaccine that could help prevent ghoulification in people. He's aware for some reason radiation doesn't seem to effect him at all, so he does some tests on himself and realizes his DNA is weird as hell. Eventually tests show he's a fuckin plant, trying to figure out when/how this happened, he and Nick look for info through Vault 111 and at Vault-Tec hq, and eventually find records of the experiment done on him before the war. Jay is very pissed off about it though, as you'd expect when you find out someone fucked with your DNA while you were in a coma....
He starts going feral slowly, and has abducting and mutilating people, turning some of them into plant hybrids who quickly die or just leaving their bodies around to be found. Jay and Nick start investigating this 'serial killer' thinking it's a Pickman copycat. Eventually the trail leads to Vault-Tec hq, where Cedric traps Jay away from Nick and is super obsessed with him, crying and calling him a beautiful work of science and wants to keep him there to study him more as he's the only one who has survived and benefited from the mutation. The only reason the experiment worked on Jay is because of his inherited artifact powers which nobody but his dad and the Cabot's know about, anyone else who was messed with just suffered, mutated and then died or it didn't take at all. Cedric doesn't get why it worked on Jay but no one else and becomes violently obsessed, drugs Jay so he passes out. When Jay wakes up later he's strapped down (but he can get up no problem, he's very strong because of the artifact powers.. Not super crazy strong but still very strong) he gets up and in the same room are 2 other plant mutants, who are still alive but dying quickly and he freaks out and ends up putting them out of their misery. Nick was also knocked out and left in the room and Jay tries to wake him up but Cedric comes back and starts freaking out, going feral as he tries to re-capture Jay, and Jay has a hysterical panic attack where he ends up chopping Cedric with an axe as a last resort and kills him. (Nick is ok though, he's not hurt badly)
I wanted to build off of existing things in game like Vault 22, and also have a fun play on the perk system
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
Hello again here's another story for you BUT a different ship this time! This one is still the same character, Kat, but a cute pair with Ignis called KATNIS (no hunger games here lol) (this ship is somewhat in a different canon pertaining to the KARDYN one I made before)
I hope you guys love it and maybe I might do some different ones or take requests.
WARNINGS: in-game sequences/spoilers (for Brotherhood and Main story line and maybe the book)
Rated: Fluffy cotton candy
Ship: Kat × Ignis (KATNIS)
Inspired by the song "That's how you know" from Enchanted ;3
How do I know?
{Kat's POV}
It's been a few years since the skies became blue again. I was preparing dinner in the lovely home I share with my family after deciding to live a normal life. The door opened to our wonderful daughter. She came up to the counter, still in her high school uniform, and sat in front of me.
"Mother I have a question..." she spoke up from her quiet demeanor.
"Yes, Lillian, what is your question?" I looked up at her as I was cooking.
"How did you and dad meet? How did you know you loved him?" she pouted shyly as she fiddled with some Valentine's Day chocolate she must've gotten from school.
"Well... we knew each other through my ties of being royalty and your uncle Noctis and I having a sweet tooth" I chuckled.
"You knew dad even before the whole world-saving thing?" she perked up.
"I did, we were both pretty young and around the same age. Your Aunt Flash and I transferred to Noctis' high school for a year to get a feel of Insomnia before the war got worse."
"How did that turn out?" Lillian leaned forward.
I chuckled and smiled. I fiddled with my wedding ring and looked at her, "It was fun, but one memory sticks out more than the others."
It was a sunny day in Insomnia, I was walking the halls of the castle after working with the King. I used my healing powers on him to ease his pains but my powers couldn't heal the damage already done. I was already off for school, so my sister, Prompto, and Noctis can wait for me at Noct's apartment. I soon ran into Ignis after an important meeting he was taking for Noctis.
"Oh! Excuse me, sorry Ignis, I'm a little drained right now." I apologized.
"It's quite alright your majesty" He chuckled lightly.
"I told you, you can call me by my nickname Ignis, It's Kat when not around important stuff like meetings and gatherings" I pouted a bit.
"Right, of course, Kat" he smiled, " Need a ride out to Noctis' apartment? I'm sure they're waiting for you."
I gladly nodded and we headed to the car park. We drove along the twilight-kissed roads until we parked at the apartment garage. We took the elevator up to the room. As we walked up to the door. I could hear my sister cursing at a video game as we opened the door. My ears drooped at the sight of Ignis' hard work of cleaning the apartment being trashed by takeout they got and a bottle of soda on the table. We took off our shoes and entered the apartment as Prompto perked up at us walking in.
"Hey, guys it's Ignis and Kat!" he smiled as he munched on his food.
"OI! SIS!!!" Flash spoke up from drinking her soda, "Ya missed a lot of stuff! I got ya your favorite meal! Sorry, it's a little cold!"
I bit my lip a bit, "It's fine..."
"What's going on? You love that meal...Is your crystal acting up?" She chuckled, " or is it because you missed out on Valentine's day chocolate?"
"Maybe I wouldn't have if I was not burdened with healing powers and healing Noct's father to ease his pains!" I raised my voice, "I heal everyone here! Even our own Uncle! I wish I had one day to myself where someone wasn't looking up to me to be healed for the minuscule of things!"
Flash was shocked and so were the boys. I looked at them all and I quickly stormed out the door to the apartment I shared with Flash a few doors down. I threw my bag and blazer on the couch and took off my socks to free my feet. Tears stinging my eyes I got to look at my phone. There were a few messages from my other sisters back home wishing me a happy valentine's day. Then a new message popped up after a few minutes after I was scrolling through social media.
[ Ignis: Mind if I visit for a spell? Your sister has become quite brash with her...unfortunate hot-headed nature]
I chuckled and messaged him back.
[Kat: Of course Ignis, the door is open]
That's when I heard a knock on the door not a few minutes later. I jolted up and raced to the door. I opened it to find Ignis standing there with a somber smile. I invited him in and we sat at the table.
"Sorry about raising my voice and running off like that Ignis..." I apologized, "that wasn't very lady-like of me..."
"Iggy..." He smiled.
"Call me Iggy when we're not in important situations...you said it yourself. And I also understand your pain, it's hard living a normal life when people look up to you for guidance or protection. So do the others." He reached his hand across the table and held my hands.
I blushed softly then smiled, "Thanks, Iggy..."
"Now since you didn't eat your meal, mind if I cook you something in return?" He offered.
"Of course! I'll also bake dessert for us." I added.
"You like to bake desserts?" he smiled in a questioning tone.
"Yep! I'm a real sweet tooth, and I'll teach you how to make a sweet treat from my homeland!" I grinned as I gathered ingredients.
"Teach me then" He smiled as he cooked.
After we ate, we ate the cinnamon rolls with a special homemade icing. We sat together on the couch and I showed him the drawings I'd done during my time here. I flipped to the last page of my sketchbook as he looked over my shoulder.
"Mind drawing something you love while I do the dishes? I'd love to see it afterward" He chuckled as he stood up.
I nodded as he walked to the sink to wash the dishes. I started sketching then my eyes fell on his face. My thoughts slowly molded the drawing into one of my favorite masterpieces. It was a portrait of him and I made a smile and looked outside to the stars.
I think I might know now who's right for me.
The one I love the most.
"....and during our trip with Noctis, we grew closer in our relationship and after the skies came back we were blessed with you, our little flower." I smiled.
"Wow...I'm glad you two are together, I'm glad to have parents like you" Lillian smiled and looked down at the half-eaten chocolate.
"And I wouldn't have it any other way" A velvety voice from the entryway.
"Dad!" Lillian smiled and ran to help him with his things. He held a small box as he made his way to the table for dinner.
"What do you have there dear?" I chuckled as I brought the food to the set table.
" A little something dear to your culture" He smiled and opened the box to reveal cinnamon rolls with special icing.
"Mom what do these sweets mean in your culture?" Lillian spoke up.
"These cinnamon rolls are a symbol of sincerity and warmth in one's heart. A symbol of love and endearment and given to loved ones on a cold snowy day." I smiled.
"So you said 'I love you' to dad before he even noticed?" she tilted her head.
"Oh, you told her THAT story hm?" Ignis chuckled as he wrapped his hand around his waist.
I chuckled, "Hehe, yes, It was the day I knew you were a keeper, but when you lost your eyesight saving me from Ardyn was the moment I truly loved you and never want to let you go." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Then let's celebrate, one for the occasion of our love and for granting me my sight back, love." Ignis and I sat down, "and to the miracle, you brought to the world" He pats Lillian's head.
We ate our dinner and I looked out to the stars again. I smiled as I shed a small tear, thinking of all the memories of our journey up until now. All the love we shared and the trials and tribulations.
That's How I know
I knew that he was the one.
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badtasteaquarium · 6 months
that last fic is like Biker Amy AU Soft Revival in a way. god that's been rolling in my brain for FOREVER and this is one of the first times i've had a concrete thing to like. execute
so like i think one way that scourge/amy situation should go is that they have more time to influence each other; scourge softens up and amy becomes more daring. but i can also see amy getting tired of the life (or scourge in particular, especially if he doesn't bend a little for her) and finding a way out. it's nuanced
i was like "you could insert surge in scourge's place and it would play out exactly the same, bright green strap and all" and that's true! but i think i'd save surge to exist in B universe. A can keep archie characters and B can have IDW. transgender dirtbag boyfriend scourge is great
i know the reason shadow is the most interesting is because. well you know. i love him. but i've concocted very different takes between A and B. like in A, SA2 is extremely canon but ShTH is not. shadow dies and is reconstructed as an android (that other piece regarding an end of SA2 i did years ago is retconned LOL). also chilling to know that GUN would have just used him as a weapon if he had not gained his own will via chaos energy. also imagining the grisley body horror of eggman putting shadow back together. because you KNOW he did most of the work.
tangentially eggman probably had him most of the way done (like. he looked like a guy again), and even painstakingly put his brain on ice and hooked up his spinal cord, and even preserved some of his blood to use for his Fluids. he would puff out his chest and be like "well why would i pass this opportunity up, i've already made the first robotic humanoid android [metal sonic], why stop there??". but secretly. he had a soft spot for him. it wasn't fair for a memory altered kid like that to get it back, turn it all around, save the world, just to die like he did. so naturally he's a little upset when his experimental son, all grown up, doesn't visit or answer his calls. now he's a NARC and doesn't even care about world domination
CIRCLING BACK, contrast that to universe B, where SA2 isn't really a thing but ShTH IS canon. don't ask how that fully pans out when the two rely on each other, but it does. so yeah shadow is much more lizard alien and gets pseudo brainwashed into working for black arms to take over, and shit gets pretty dire. that's also the same canon where sonic and knuckles are drama lesbians together and silver is more important. transgirl amy is here.
A vs. B, sonic in A is like, transguy but too scatterbrained to like. go through all of the motions. like he binds but does not go on hormones. B!sonic is any pronouns genderfluid, but tends to present femme but is frequently Fast And Loose re: gender. bouncing off all this, the scourge/surge thing is different too; given that they're both "evil sonics/sonic clones" i like the idea of them being twins separated at birth. so like in A, scourge and sonic are twins, they're both transgender, but scourge is like getting T off the black market, chopped off his tits and has the freshman chin scruff. in B, sonic's got the fast and loose gender, while surge's gender is Butch.
anyway. i'm out of steam for this because i kept getting interrupted. i'm gonna draw the characters in that last story now
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Reader sitting in jokers lap during a meeting with his crew. Guy disrespects reader joker doesn’t let that slide😏 (I know joker really wouldn’t have reader in any of his business dealings but I can’t think what the occasion would be for that)
His Lighthouse: No Disrespect (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
No Disrespect - Oneshot
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Hey hi anon!! I managed to get a oneshot done this weekend!!! 1 out of 3 not bad if I say so myself! Hopefully I can knock another one out tomorrow but I promised I'd do my sister's hair and she got bundles you hear me? 😭 Anyhoo! This one was tricky but fun to fill! I highly doubt J will let Y/n join another meeting after this lol.
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16
Wanna be included in the His Lighthouse journey? Join the taglist!
Joker didn't mean to traumatize you. He knew firsthand that it was dangerous to get you mixed up with his dealings.
There would always be a brick wall separating you from Joker's life. Some days you were fine with being in the dark, others, well you wished he would let you know a few things. Today happened to be the latter.
Joker was already headed towards the door when your soft voice called out to him. "Please don't go."
His whole body tensed up and his hand hesitated on the doorknob. He could pretend that he didn't hear you, walk out the door and apologize later, but something made him pause and hear you out. Joker looked over his shoulder and a chunk of his heart broke at the sight.
He was glad that he stayed.
You were half asleep, clutching your bed comforter around you with a few tears (or maybe it was just sleep) clinging to your lashes.
You looked so pitiful begging him to stay but an important meeting was going down tonight at the hideout and as the boss, he couldn't skip it. But he couldn't leave you either.
You whined and wrapped your arms around Joker's back, no doubt already falling back asleep just with him near.
You were having trouble sleeping this week and only Joker and his surprising soothing presence could get you to rest. Without him, you just couldn't go.
It took him half an hour to get you to fall asleep tonight. He waited until you were fast asleep before slipping away but apparently you felt him leave and took offense.
You were going to make things difficult.
Joker banged his head on the door, hearing you plead for him again before he coaxed you away so he could turn around and face you. Your separation anxiety was in rare form tonight and he hated to make it worse by leaving.
"Bunny... I got a uhh work thing to do. Go back to sleep, mkay?" He said while rubbing your back. That did the trick a few hours ago. But right now, you weren't having it.
You were acting like a fussy child, "I can't, not without you." You whined.
Joker sighed and squinted at the clock across the room. He'd be late fooling around with you and your antics. So without thinking, he blurted out a solution. "Wanna come with me?"
That got your attention. You looked up at J as if he grew a second head. He never let you anywhere near his operations. You knew nothing, would never know anything, and that meant absolutely no tag alongs.
You were dreaming. You had to be. That was the only explanation for Joker inviting you to go with him to a meeting. Nothing bad would come out of this so you slowly nodded.
Joker let out a shaky sigh. He wasn't expecting you to say yes but a deal was a deal so he nodded to himself and eyed your attire.
You were wrapped head to toe in the bed's comforter but he saw the long sleeve shirt you wore underneath.
Hopefully you had on some pants but he'd risk not checking. He didn't have time to corral you back into the bedroom to change. The fluffy socks on your feet would ward off Gotham City's night air and there was no need for shoes.
Joker would make sure your feet never touched the ground.
J kissed your forehead and scooped you up bridal style into his arms. You hummed and nuzzled close. You were falling asleep by the time Joker closed the front door and locked up.
He knew this was a huge mistake but he couldn't back out now. He stepped into the elevator already regretting this decision. One look down at your face made the risk worth it.
You were sound asleep with a gentle smile on your face. He'd do anything for his Light.
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Frost was the first to witness the bizarre sight.
He was waiting for the Boss to arrive and he did a double take at Joker walking into the hideout with a literal bundle of fabric in his arms. The tall brute had seen some things during his years working for the clown but never this.
Joker glared at Frost and mumbled a short, "Don'T ask." in passing. Frost saw a brightly colored sock poke out of the bundle and chuckled.
His Boss was so whipped.
Although he did wonder how you were breathing wrapped up like you were. Frost just shook his head and held doors open for Joker to walk through. The act also made him wonder how J got you here by himself.
"Everyone here?" Joker asked as they walked down the hallway to the unofficial meeting room.
An old boardroom was refurbished for Joker and his crew to go over heists and other missions.
Tonight was an important one and a small handpicked team would be in attendance to go over last minute details. Hence the reason why Joker didn't want you here, yet you slept on in his arms, blissfully unaware.
If he kept you hidden perhaps he could play off carrying a comforter around with a lie saying he was cold.
It didn't have to be believable, but it beat coming out and announcing that you were underneath it. Joker was doing well with keeping you a secret; he would not fail over something so ridiculous.
If only things were that simple.
Frost nodded as they reached the meeting room. "Yeah. Just waitin' on you Boss. I wasn't expecting you to bring B with you. I can keep an eye on her in your office until–"
J interrupted him. "Uh no can do. My little Bunny.. can't sleep without me."
It would be smart to let you doze off in his office but Joker knew you would wake up the minute he was gone and come searching for him. Rather deal with a distressed Y/n on the loose, he'd keep you with him in a controlled environment.
Joker gestured for his right hand man to open the door. His henchmen were waiting and he wanted to kickstart this meeting as soon as possible.
The faster it began, the sooner he could get you back home to bed.
Joker knew all eyes would be on him the second he walked through the door and schooled his features accordingly. All chatter in the room came to a stop as Joker and Frost walked in.
Green eyes scanned the room and demanded attention and respect.
Just because Joker was holding a big comforter did not mean he wasn't to be feared. Mac and Neo shared a look after seeing their boss and straightened up in their seats. This should be interesting. They both looked at Frost who was holding an executive chair out for Joker to sit in.
Frost returned the look and mouthed, 'It's Bunny.'
On that note, the two men switched seats to flank their Boss. Joker eyed their move without a word. There was a reason why he chose these men to be his top three.
Loyalty. They respected their Clown Prince and the woman he loved by default.
It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
Joker sat down and subtly adjusted you better in his lap. Mac cleared his throat and Frost used the diversion to shift the covers better to hide your foot sticking out.
"Thanks for coming, everyone. Love the err enthusiasm. Let's uhh get this meet-ting started."
Joker freed up his hands and rested them on your back.
To the naked eye, it looked as if Joker was sitting in the chair with a blanket covering him. Little did they know..
No one questioned the odd sight and listened as their Boss went over key details and insightful tips to ensure this upcoming mission went off without a hitch.
There was a projector off to the side that displayed pertinent information that Joker was discussing.
Things were going well until an idiot's phone went off.
Up until then, Joker made sure the noise level within the room remained quiet to ensure you remained asleep but the cellphone was out of his control. The henchman cursed and silenced the ringer as quickly as he could but the damage was already done.
Everyone heard it. Your soft whimper. You were awake.
All eyes in the room were drawn to Joker's lap as the crisp white cover moved and groaned. Joker sighed as he felt you stretch in his arms. Frost stepped closer the second your head poked through the covers.
You were facing Joker but your f/c silk bonnet must've been quite the surprise to the gathered men in the room.
They weren't expecting someone to be inside the covers. And what a pleasant surprise you turned out to be.
Joker thought you were the prettiest when you first woke up. Your big e/c eyes heavy with sleep, trying to get your bearings straight. You were innocent and absolutely adorable.
He automatically changed his voice to address you. "Didn't mean to wake ya. Go back to sleep, doll." Joker whispered to you.
He hoped (for once) that you would listen but you were stubborn and like the curious bunny you were, you yawned and did the exact opposite.
"It's okay. I need to get up n' do some more writing. What time is it?" You stretched your arms free and didn't hear the audible gasp that spread throughout the room.
This group of goons didn't know about Joker's little secret; you. It was a huge shock to them to discover that not only was Joker holding a female, but the fact you were so relaxed and calm around him spoke volumes.
You meant something. Joker's protective hands on your back was more than enough confirmation.
You spotted Frost out of the corner of your eye and turned to say hello when a series of whistles rang out.
You jumped at the sound and Joker subconsciously held you closer.
You had unknowingly offered your side profile to the room and the men obviously liked what they saw. It took you less than a minute to take in your surroundings and realize that your decision with Joker earlier wasn't a dream.
He literally brought you to work with him.
You cast a look over your shoulder and paled at seeing a table full of henchmen who were all eying you with different emotions.
It was a lot to wake up to and to make matters worse, one of them made the mistake of talking to you.
"Well hey there sweet thing. What's your name?" He boldly winked at you. You just blinked at him in shock but you felt Joker tense up underneath you.
Multiple things happened at the same time. Neo shook his head while chuckling under his breath.
Mac hit his arm saying, "This about to be some s__t." They both knew Joker would lose his mind.
Frost knew as well and wisely flanked his Boss, waiting on his next move. The others in attendance looked on, waiting for what would happen next.
The goon who dared to open his mouth and talk to you obviously had a death wish, for he kept going.
"Still sleepy? It's all good, ma. You ain't gotta be fully awake for what I'm tryna do to ya."
You were speechless and stuttered with something to say. Joker finally snapped after hearing his henchman flirt with you. There was a sudden shift in the air as the room dropped ten degrees.
"What. Did. You. Say?" Joker growled.
The goon came out of his fog to quickly realize his mistake when feral green eyes stared straight into his soul. They promised a swift death.
They guy tried to backtrack. "Woah! Woah, I didn't mean to interrupt the meeting or nothin.' My bad." He huffed.
Your jaw hit the floor. He thought J was mad because the meeting was interrupted?
You glanced up at Joker who was seething in anger. You never seen him so angry before. His grip on you was getting uncomfortably tight and his hands shook with his ire. You genuinely feared for the poor guy's life.
"Joker..." You warned. He relaxed his grip on you and smiled. It was menacing and made your flesh crawl.
"Forget the... meeting. Who gaveyou permission to talk to my girl?"
Joker stressed the title and it was heard loud and clear. The rest of the team looked at their comrade and mourned the death to come. His fate was sealed.
And that's when the stupidity really kicked in.
"S__t, I-I-I didn't mean no disrespect! I thought since she was with you, she'd be a free use ya know?"
That was the last straw. Joker and his top three moved as a unit.
J stood up and handed you over to Mac who caught you with ease. There was no time to react, it was so fluid. He covered your eyes and Neo muffled your ears as Frost guarded the door. There would be no escapees until Joker decided everyone's fate.
This all happened in the same timeframe that Joker marched over to the idiot who spoke up.
J grabbed him by the neck and growled, "No.. I don'T know but guess what? I'll let you in on a secret. My Light is not a whore for anyone to use. She.. is.. mine."
Even with Neo covering your ears, you could hear the guy screaming in pain. You didn't want to know what Joker was doing to him but it was too much for you to process.
J must've heard your watery whimper for the torture ended abruptly followed by this dark voice ordering his men around. "Get her out of here."
He signaled to Frost and Neo to help him with the rest of the henchmen but you couldn't see it.
Mac followed orders and carried you out of the room right as the first round of gunshots went off.
The blond helped you to your feet although you stumbled a few steps, since you were still wrapped up in your blanket burrito. You leaned on the wall just outside the meeting room in a panic.
"This isn't happening.." You wrapped your cover tighter around you. You knew Joker was a yandere but this was a new level of madness.
He was killing people just because they talked to you. Of course it went deeper than that but you couldn't wrap your head around the details at the moment. You felt sick and proceeded to dry heave on the floor.
Mac watched you with a lazy eye roll. This is why you weren't allowed at the hideout.
Now they had to find a last minute replacement team for the mission and hope it turned out well. Oh and dispose of a lot of bodies. But that wouldn't be too difficult.
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unialien · 2 years
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OC Ralyx Aran Portrait Illustration
Hi guys! 😊👋 I finally completed at last what I promise this year to bring, her new look of my 2nd main original character Ralyx Aran 2.0! 😍🙇‍♀️💖🧡 I been looking forward indeed to bring her alive and not only that, a new improve, but from based from my follow previous concept arts from my sketchbooks ✨️✨️✨️ I know my sketch of my OC I did early year, but it's never late to finally render her up 💖💖💖 So yeah, she is indeed a beaut girl 😊✨️ BTW, I don't wanna crash up spoiler, but know this, she'll likelihood to be her girlfriend of Adrex Trans further in the future of the story lol, don't ask me, but I had in mind for not too long years idk 🙈💫💞💙🧡
Anyway, to make a brief reviewing idea, I had to get back to my previous concept arts of my OC, which it pretty much indeed what I wanna do 👌 So yeah, the idea was simple, complex, but also on how sexy the design and quite inspired from games I played in my childhood & just now 🌌💖 So since she a human character, but also like 2 or 3 years ago I think more/less of her same suit, she was in alien form, I been thinking next year to redo her form even better 🙏✨️🌌 So yeah another thing, she's one of the important characters of my project to be focus 🌠 One of the details that she got magical alien powers that she can use, but she also can use mostly long ranged weapons 🌌🌟✨️💫 For this, her powers are not fully awaken, but very soon she'll unleash 🧡💜💙 So I hope you guys enjoy this lovely sexy beautiful and cute OC Ralyx! 🤗💖🌌
Adrex Quote:
"I never thought you and my sister been able to search for me all this time, idk for how long I been asleep... Who are you...?" *confused* *staring* He was staring her strange glowing orb of light, his eyes was shining with curiosity and confusion of strange events.
Ralyx Quote:
"I'm the one and received the same distress signal energy as you. My name is Ralyx Aran. I'm a bounty hunter just like you, your sister told me your an archeologist hunter that you were looking for answers for this planet."
Adrex Quote:
"Ralyx... Aran...? [Do I know her name before? Why this sounds so familiar from somewhere...? Her powers... Her eyes... So mysterious... I can't tell for certainly, but certainly I heard her name before, I could swear.] *thinking strangely* Uhhhhh... Nice to meet you. Ummm thanks for helping me out, I really don't know what just happen, it's all a blur... My body feels so weird and uhh..."
Ralyx Quote:
"Don't worry, you been on a huge struggle since you have awaken, it's only temporary, I can sense you without doubt. Although... Me and your sister were in shock that you just killed a swarm of those things with your bare hands and everything... I can't really explain it, it's so unreal hehe..." *nervous chuckle a moment*
Adrex Quote:
"Oh... I did...? All this? Urgh... I'm sorry... I don't know what happen, I can't remember what I done. But... Anyway... I do sorry for the trouble I mess up hehe, I really wanna know how I did, I'll bet I went like a beast huh?" He was kinda nervous, but then, he wasn't wearing any cloths all this time, he felt embarrassing, at least he's was an alien... BTW, sorry I got jumped and scared at you and my sister, I was so in shock about how I turned, but thanks for calm me back." He was respectful making a huge apology for the mess.
Ralyx Quote:
"It's alright, when that event was over, we saw you hugely surprise with your sister in shock that recognize it was you, so we help you out so you get recovered. It's a relief that your sister knew that you were still alive though."
🔶️ Also, I included previous wips you'll see! 😉 Check it out here! 👇
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🔻 Time Taken: 2 weeks
All designs created by me. @unialien.
💙 Support my art & my project for more here: https://linktr.ee/unialien
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Do you belief steroline and Klamille were forced, or that they were both slow burns that captured a lot of people’s hearts? If you do think they were forced, which aspects would you bring foward from each relationship to justify it.
If they captured a lot of people's hearts I can't say. I think they did, both ships definitely have lots of fans, which I totally respect. But I'm not one of them, personally. 🤣 Different people are going to have different views, and mine aren't particularly flattering in this case. 🤣
I don't think Steroline was forced, because it does sort of make sense to a certain extent, I just think it was terribly done and it was written in a way that made it seem like Caroline was the only one with real feelings, while Stefan was just trying to get away. He always had to be convinced to stay with her, or to give her a chance, or to spend time with her. Caroline literally guily-trips Stefan into coming back to MF and giving her a shot, it's very nasty, and it only gets worse from there. It should've either ended in an amicable way where the two of them realize that they're better off as friends (which they were) and were mistaking their feelings for each other (which would've made sense), or Caroline should've moved on after one of the thousands of times Stefan leaves her without so much as a satisfaction.
As for Klamille, it did feel very forced to me. Its almost like they decided it had to happen, and then they just stuck with it, inspite of what the general feeling of the story was turning out to be. They didn't have any chemistry, they didn't have anything in common, Camille was a human with no understanding of the supernatural world, and to make her a psychologist who can summarize incredibly old and complex creatures with a few psycho-babble words is not only annoying but very OP. It's almost laughable that she compares being compelled to forget her brother died through magic shenanigans (which was actually a mercy compulsion, she wasn't handling it well at all) to Elijah being tortured into relieving the worst things he ever did in 1000 years of bloodthirsty existence. LOL Cami, please. 🤣
That scene she has with Klaus on the pilot episode with her watching the guy paint in Jackson Square was a good example of how the writers were not on to something good. It made no sense whatsoever for her to suddenly describe Klaus based on that painting alone 🤣 It was very on-the-nose, cheap writing, and that basically marks the whole of Klamille for me. And tbh, they barely interact a lot of the time. Camille is just sort of there, but she never really does anything, she has no story of her own, she's not even as important as Marcel or Davina as a secondary character. She has less screen time in TO than Matt does in TVD. You could just remove her completely from the show, or replace her with anyone else, and it would make no difference. She doesn't add anything besides offering subtitles to Klaus' emotions to the audience and excusing his terrible behavior, in complete opposition to what her character is meant to stand for. The build up to them getting together in S3 in embarrassingly bad. They barely even talk throughout S3, and Cami's vampire persona is awful. It was such a mess they had to kill her off. lol
I think there were ways they could've developed their relationship to make it more appealing, more realistic to Klaus' character and more gripping as a romantic interest, make it seem like a real slow burn rather than a very distant side plot that came up every ten episodes or so. But to me, at least, they failed miserably and I never bought it.
Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, nonnie 🥲 It's just my personal feelings.
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smylealong · 3 years
The Long Ballad - thoughts
Just finished The Long Ballad and I have to say, I enjoyed it. Primarily because I went in with 0 expectations. After the brutal and fascinating journey that was Nirvana in Fire, I wanted something that did not require much thought and was enjoyable. And The Long Ballad delivered. I primarily went in for Liu Haikuan, knowing that he is a bit role, and I wasn't disappointed. I will discuss the details of the show below and because there are some spoilers, I will keep it under "keep reading"
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PLOT: After the brutal death of her family, Li Changge (Dilraba Dilmurat) goes on a self-imposed exile. The story is about her journey. She goes from an angry, revenge-seeking princess to a woman who comes to see the bigger picture and finds inner peace and true love. This is also the story of Ashile Sun (Wu Lei), the battle-hardened war veteran who slowly comes to realize the futility of war and understand where true happiness lies. This is the journey of Leyan (Zhao Lusi), the soft, sheltered, shy princess who finds her own form of courage and strength. We also witness Hao Du (Liu Yuning), the cold-blooded, by-the-books soldier who falls head-over-heels in love with Leyan. There is also Wei Shu Yu (Alen Fang) who goes from being a useless waste of space to brotherzoning himself. (He does it all on his own. No one places him there.)
The series is adapted from the manhua "Chang Ge Xing" (长歌行) written by Xia Da (夏达). The manhua, apparently, got embroiled in some legal issues with its publishing company and is hence left incomplete. The team of Long Ballad got the writers, Chang Jiang and Pei Yu Fei on board and the duo did a commendable job in making changes in the characters and the story to deliver a complete package to the audiences.
The plot, while complex and layered, is also very sanitized. They touch upon fairly dark topics such as fratricide, human trafficking, slavery, biological warfare, and rape, but the topics are treated with kid-gloves. The rape, for example, is never shown. Only implied. This is a very important detail to remember while watching the show. Do not go in expecting a "Nirvana in Fire" or even "The Rebel Princess", you will be disappointed. Go in expecting a Young Adult story, and you will be rewarded.
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Li Changge: The protagonist of the story, Li Changge, starts as a boisterous, confident, but naive Princess. This is primarily her story, told mainly through her point of view. She goes from town to town, actively taking part in the governing of the cities/states. Fighting in wars, strategizing, making mistakes and learning from them. Finding both love and inner peace in the process. As you may have gleaned, the character is a bit of a Mary Sue, in the sense that she is almost perennially outsmarting everyone around her and people are constantly complimenting her on her smarts. That said, Changge does end up making a huge mistake and there are some serious consequences to her mistake, which decreases her Mary Sue-ness. The fact that not every man is falling for her like some other Mary Sues we know, coughA'Wucough, is also a HUGE positive. Dilraba Dilmurat does a commendable job as Li Changge and I don't really have anything negative to say about her performance.
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Ashile Sun: He is the Tegin (General) of the Eagle Division of the Ashile Tribe and the foster son of the Great Khan of the Tribe. He is a fierce warrior and a quiet man whose perfectly ordered world is turned upside down upon meeting Li Changge. He is the hero of the story and is a character I enjoyed. Given his age, people did have some concern about Wu Lei portraying such a "masculine" character, but Wu Lei rose to the occasion spectacularly. I could discard Fei Liu (not an easy task, because damnit, I could still see the little murder puppy in some angles because the face is still the same, yet different), and see Ashile Sun instead, so full points to Wu Lei.
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Li Leyan: Leyan starts as the soft and delicate princess who cannot stand up for herself. Her story is so beautifully shown. The way she comes to understand her country, her people, and learn true compassion is so beautifully shown that it really melted my heart. I loved the bits where she came in and Zhao Lusi embodied the character perfectly. Her love story was arguably the best thing in the story.
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Hao Du: Meet the guy that stole the show. The stoic, cold-blooded, brutal warrior who is absolutely smitten with Li Leyan, the princess he is supposed to guard. Hao Du is a man of few words and Liu Yuning portrays the complex emotions with his expressions. He conveyed the cold and unfeeling mask, the pure love, the devotion, the heartbreak, and the complete surrender to Li Leyan - he showed it all. It was just... FABULOUS.
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Wei Shu Yu: Meet the Ma Zitan of this story. Only, unlike Zitan who is both terrible and useless, Wei Shu Yu is just terribly useless. Alan Fang was reasonably good in portraying this nothing character. There is nothing else to say about him.
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Ashile She Er: I have to talk about this character. He starts off as the rival to Ashile Sun, the petty guy who is there to make the hero look good. But slowly, we learn that deep inside, he is just a hurt and confused child who is looking for one person who would love and trust him for who he is. Not for his name, not for his title (Young Khan, ie, crown prince), or the power he wields. His relationship with Ashile Sun is the most complicated one of the story and he gets a beautiful character arc. Kudousi Jiang Ainiwaer portrayed the progression of the character convincingly.
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The rest of the cast is adequate.
OST: The OST is beautiful and is definitely worth a listen. My favorite track is the one sung by Liu Yuning. Man, the guy can sing!
Costumes: The costumes are not the best I have seen (NIF and JOL have spoiled me in that department), but they were not bad either. The fur on Ashile Sun's war costume, especially the one around his neck, made me want to itch my own neck, lol.
Cinematography: The long shots are done well, but the camera does switch angles a bit too often sometimes, which was rather distracting.
Graphics: Since the story is taken from a manhua, there are some scenes, especially the war scenes, that are shown in manhua panels. While this works, mostly, there are scenes where they become a tad comical. There are moments in the series where the graphics are in the background and a character is yelling some dialogue. NONE of those scenes worked. They were cringeworthy. Question to the writers: What do you have against boys aged eight to fourteen? Why did you do this to them?
Overall, I enjoyed the series. Was it the best I have ever seen? No. Definitely not. But this was not the worst either. The series is complete and does not leave any thread hanging or plot point unaddressed. The acting is adequate and I don't have any complains in that department. Yes, it was rather simplistic in its solutions and Changge does get some things done way too easily. The sanitizing of the more serious aspects can be off putting to the viewers expecting a dark, gritty tale. Go in with the expectation of watching a YA story, and you will be treated to an enjoyable one.
Final rating: 7 out of 10.
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egg-emperor · 3 years
When people talk abt final bosses in Sonic games other than Eggman, honestly I realized that I like it better when it's reversed, when there's what you're led to believe is the final boss being some eldritch being or something, and then once that fight is over Eggman emerges having been the true mastermind all along. It's one of the few things I really like about Lost World's story, that they set it up to look like Eggman isn't the real threat after all and even "dies," and then after everything is said and done he shows back up, having had a contingency after all, as the true final boss. (Not to mention his boss music in that game kicks major ass...)
YEEESSSS!!! I think the idea of Eggman being a sly bastard and tricking and betraying others is always so much more fun than him being the one to get it. We really need more of it because it shows how smart, competent, and cunning he can be. It's an impressive ability of his that's often overlooked and deserves more focus. Every time he uses it, it's impressive and thrilling. 💕 If Eggman is getting betrayed by anyone at all then he should at least be sure to get to do some of it himself too, and Lost World did that perfectly.
I never understood people's dislike for the way that he faked his death and betrayed Sonic in Lost World, it was an awesome and much-needed twist after having lackeys of his turn on him again. The way they handled him in Lost World is what stops me from being as bothered by it as the other times he was betrayed. It was great because he actually got even more story involvement while teaming up with Sonic and Tails and he still got to be the main big bad guy, unlike other games where betrayal happened just to get rid of him.
Like what did the people that complained about it actually want Eggman to do then, if not be the main villain of the game? Legitimately stay dead, become friends with Sonic and Tails, allow himself to be shoved aside by the D6 so they could be the final boss instead, etc? I certainly wouldn't have approved of any other way. I really enjoyed the real outcome, I'm a sucker for characters faking their death for sinister and selfish reasons lol. And it was the perfect way to wrap up the story and add a much more fun surprise to it.
It's way better than it being another typical Eggman is betrayed scenario because we've had enough of that. It's always great to see him doing the betrayal and being the surprise final boss, instead of being tossed aside for a 'stronger and 'eviller' villain. Let him be the epic surprise at the end and remind everyone why he's the best, main, most important villain! Lost World is an example of him surpassing other villains and proving himself to be the strongest and most competent, instead of wrongly portraying other villains as better.
Eggman was a very clever bastard in Lost World in a way that many don't see. Once he lost the conch and control of the Deadly Six, his machine, robots, and almost everything else, he still quickly adapted and formed a new plan to get it back. And he was definitely planning to betray Sonic and Tails after they helped him get past the D6 and back in control of his machine, so he could power his Eggrobo. But he managed to convince them that all he wanted to do was shut down the machine and they had to trust him because they needed him.
I also like how, with this in mind, the Sonic and Tails saves don't have to be interpreted as being done out of genuine care for their safety. The Tails rescue at Frozen Factory doesn't seem off because he'd want all the help he can get with ridding of the D6 and he'd want Sonic to stay focused, instead of mourning Tails. When he was unable to save him in Silent Forest, he had the speech about making sure "his sacrifice isn't for nothing", so Sonic wouldn't allow it to distract him from their goal, making sure it only made him even more determined.
And the reason he saved Sonic was that it wasn't the right time to let him die. He wants it to be on his terms, through defeating him and proving his superiority first. He was planning to get back in control of the machine while Sonic kept the D6 distracted, then after he'd gotten them out of the way for him, Eggman was going to do deal with him in the way he intended, with his Eggrobo powered by all the life energy that had been extracted. And because Sonic has actually helped him get back, he could feel like even more of a fool for trusting him!
I also like how the saves were a good way to further gain trust, as it helped convince that he was on their side. It gives the surprise of faking his death and the betrayal more impact. It was the cherry on top of a solid portrayal. It's funny that he was the most entertaining, exciting, funny, and well-written in the story but it's also unfortunate that it gets overlooked a lot just because of the others. But he stole the show with all his great scenes, especially with the Threatening Big Strong Man moment in the Frozen Factory scene. 🥰
And the Eggman Showdown music was indeed super awesome! It's a really underrated final boss track that I've played on loop for hours. Eggman was also intended to have some beautiful and intense lines where Mike Pollock's delivery was absolutely fantastic but most of them sadly went unused in both the Wii U and 3DS versions of the boss. You can listen to them here though if you haven't before! 💜
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world-a-to-z · 3 years
🍄Ayumu Shinonome🍄 - 2020 Special Story
Ayumu Shinonome
17th of July
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Well, it’s understandable.
This kind of thing is so uncharacteristically of me.
But, I am definitely the one who thought about this surprise
After all, this event only happens once a year
Today is Ayumu’s birthday~
To celebrate it, I want to share with you guys the summary of Special Story from last year. (A translation will be provided too!!! 😉) This is a free story in 100恋+, everyone who voted Ayumu in year 2019 General Election will get access to read the story!
So without further do, here we go~
(This story will be told from Ayumu’s POV)
District S— (A popular downtown area in Tokyo)
2 P.M.
Student 1 “look, that person…”
Student 2 “Right, as expected!”
Student 1 “It’s a host, right.”
Student 2 “Definitely a host!”
The story started with Ayumu dressed in a formal suit, but there was a misunderstanding by a group of students. They thought Ayumu is a host (T/N: LOL!!! 😂)
After that, MC arrived and couldn’t help but admired Ayumu in his suit. And that just added the misunderstanding, the students thought a customer had arrived (aka. MC). Soon after that, Ayumu fled the scene and left her MC who hadn’t get to change her shoes yet. MC tried to catch him while plead to hold hands together.
We got flashback to two weeks ago in Ayumu’s Apartement. It’s all started because MC want to celebrate her birthday by having a date in formal suit. At first Ayumu thought it didn’t make any sense but later at Office Canteen (we got another flashback) Toru brought the topic that nowdays in SNS a ‘Man in Suit’ has an increasing popularity. Toru even offered to teach Ayumu how to do it, which was immediately turned down.
Toru Kurosawa “I don’t know who the other person is—“
Toru Kurosawa “But to prevent a rut, it’s important to do something different occasionally.”
Ayumu Shinonome “….”
Toru Kurosawa “I really don’t know who the other person is—“
Toru Kurosawa “As for woman who likes this kind of thing, I am sure she will be happy—“
That made Ayumu think that his MC certainly would like it so he decided to do that but he quickly regretted it. (T/N: 🤣)
For the next destination, they were going to a restaurant located on the 38th floor. MC was so ecstatic by the view and she is more excited by the afternoon tea set because the tea stand was five tiers high. But Ayumu didn’t seem to amused by it.
Flashback, Office Canteen. It was continuation of flashback with Toru. Now, they were talking about luxury afternoon tea at restaurant placed on the top floor. The tea stand was five tiers where usually it’s only two or three tier. Ayumu wasn't really convince when suddenly Soma chipped in which he though that there’s high possibility woman would love it. Especially if the woman loves food she would be curiou and would be happy just by having a five-tiers tea stand .
Present day, Restaurant. So we back at the present where MC had doubt if she could finish all the foods. Ayumu said that he was not worry about it at all, he said that if it’s her she would definitely finish everything. Later, Ayumu ordered afternoon tea set for two people and with original tea blend.
Ayumu Shinonome “Noisy”
MC “Eh.. I’m not…”
Ayumu Shinonome “Your stare”
Ayumu Shinonome “You’re staring intensely since a while ago”
MC who got caught staring at Ayumu then tried to explain herself, that because Ayumu is so handsome so her eyes were drawn to him. (T/N: I love how easy it’s for her to say it out loud. LOL) Ayumu wasn’t buying the excuse so MC explained it further that today was more special because Ayumu wore the suit for her. It made him 30% cooler, she was so happy and want to look at it again and again.
Flashback, Office Canteen. We got another continuation flashback, but now It was Toru gave out an advices about the importance of giving compliment on your partner’s clothing. Because if Ayumu wear a suit so his partner would be expected to wear a formal dress too. Since woman took longer time to put on makeup and do their hair so it’ll be good to praise them for the effort.
Ayumu Shinonome “If it’s about styling the hair, mine took longer (time)…” (T/N: Laugh 🤣)
Present Day, Restaurant. Ayumu took Toru's advice seriously so tried his best to compliment her.
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Firstly he would compliment MC nonchalantly and casually but before he could said anything she had abruptly stand up and saying that she would excuse herself to change her shoes. She thought that Ayumu would make a comment at her shoes so she would changed her shoes right away. Unknowingly to her, she just missed Ayumu's attempt to praise her.
Ayumu was so perplexed, he thought he just missed his one in million chance to praised her. He tried to convince himself that it’s just Toru’s opinion and beside that her girl wasn’t really asked for a praise.
Present Day, Intersection. Although Ayumu said that he wouldn’t tried to praise her anymore but he kept thinking on how to compliment her. He was glad that MC loved the food and all but he still couldn’t figure out how to praise her. He thought that the dress was not bad, the heels went well with the dress and it’d been a while since he seen her in makeup. While Ayumu got worked up to praise MC, MC probably still had her head full of the afternoon tea. (T/N: Hahaha, MC please have mercy to this poor boy)
After that, they were talking about their next destination was and Ayumu pulled two tickets from her pocket. Those were tickets for Opera play.
Flashback, Office Canteen. It’s another continuation flashback where Toru made a list about places to go to in a formal suit. He suggested a luxury brand store, because when you go to luxury store in a suit you’d be treated politely and your woman companions would also feel like a celebrity. The other places are either a hotel restaurant or a bar with a nice night view where you could get close to each other with your partner. (T/N: Toru’s imagination is so wild!)
Actually, the one who came out with Opera play was Tsugaru. He recommended it thinking that it’d be a perfect date going to an Opera wearing formal wear.
Takaomi Tsugaru “However…”
Takaomi Tsugaru “Ayumu-san‘s partner may not understand what opera is though.”
Present Day, Intersection. So we go back to the present. Ayumu asked MC whether she knew what an Opera is. MC admitted that she didn’t really know much about it and probably never see one before. So that would be her first time to go to an Opera play. She was so excited to go to Opera for the first time and on top of that she was going with Ayumu.
Suddenly there was woman screaming that her bag got snatche. Before Ayumu could confirm what was happening, MC had already made a move. MC tried to block the thief but he escaped into back alley.
Present Day, Back Alley. While MC ran after the thief into the back alley, Ayumu choose another route. He predicted that the thief would go to his way, so Ayumu hoped that he and MC could trap him. As predicted the thief showed up and get trapped between Ayumu and MC. Little did the thief know, he turned around and ran toward MC. It happened so quickl that while the thief charged toward MC, she quickly catched his right hand and twisted it then she put her weight on him. (T/N: Love it when MC is in action)
Present Day, Intersection. After turning the thief over then hey went through interrogation. After finished it, they barely had enough time to go to Opera play.
Then there were whispers talked about MC’s clothes. The dress was tattered and there were holes in her stocking which probably she got that when she straddled the thief. She blabbered about changing his clothes or maybe buying a new one but the time was too tight. MC was so flustered. (T/N: Nooo, I am sad for her 😢)
Ayumu Shinonome “It’s alright, just leave it”
Strangely enough, the word just spilled out from me
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Ayumu Shinonome “It’s not bad”
MC “Eh…”
Ayumu Shinonome “Today, you’re not too bad.”
She was so stylish before but now she is tattered.
But both of them are ’MC’
“It’s really not bad”
I tucked in her disheveled hair to make it tidy.
My girl looks up bewilderedly.
MC “Hm… Ayumu-san…?”
Ayumu Shinonome “Let’s go”
Present Day, Park. Later we know that they were going to a park. Actually they would go to the park after done with Opera play but the schedule was moved ahead of time because of the incident. MC was worried about her clothes but Ayumu assured her that it was okay because the park was already reserved. (T/N: Yup, Ayumu reserved the entire park for this occasion) That left MC in a daze.
Ayumu Shinonome “Hand”
MC “What…?”
Ayumu Shinonome “Left hand. Give it to me”
MC “Y—Yes..”
Ayumu then escorted her to the center of the park and they stop in the middle of gazebo (?) stairs.
Actually, this is the hardest thing to do for today
Well, it’s a birthday
It’s a special event so..
Ayumu Shinonome “3..2..1..”
As Ayumu snapped her finger, a lot of balloons started floating up. While MC was focus on the balloons, Ayumu picked up the hidden bouquet.
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Ayumu Shinonome “Happy Birthday”
My girl opens her mouth in surprise
Well, it’s understandable. This kind of thing is so uncharacteristically of me.
But, I am definitely the one who thought about this surprise
After all, it only happens once a year
This is something that my girl would love
After that Ayumu asked MC about what her thought on the surprise. When MC didn’t answer him, Ayumu got panicking and thought that he had failed. (T/N: Uuugh my heart!🥺) It wasn’t the case tho, MC was so happy that she cried while hugging Ayumu. MC even started babbling about how much she love it and she wanted to stay together with him for a long time which Ayumu claimed that he didn’t understand what MC was saying. (Well, she was talking while crying hahaha 😂)
But later, we got to see that Ayumu actually understood what she was talking about.
That’s a lie.
Actually I perfectly understand it.
So please stay with me
Stay with me for the rest of your life.
Please don’t leave me.
I do things I don’t usually do and that’s because you've changed me.
Later Ayumu asked MC what she wanted to do. MC wants a kiss from Ayumu! That took Ayumu in surprise ’cause out of all things she could ask for, she asked for a kiss. He was reluctant at first because MC had just finished crying but then he surrendered to her and gave her a kiss.
Although it was salty from tears, Ayumu kinda liked the kiss. He thought that there must be something wrong with him. (T/N: no Ayumu. There isn’t anything wrong with you. You’re just whipped!🥺)
After kissing, MC declared that on she would do a surprise event on Ayumu's birthday which soon was declined by Ayumu.
Ayumu said that he don't need anything for his birthday. Then, MC started listing all the things she would do such as make Dinosaurs out of balloons, make 3D Dinosaurs Pancake or she might rent a museum. Ayumu then stopped her rambling with a kiss. (T/N: uugh MC and Ayumu are so adorable. I love them 😍 )
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I don’t really need something like a surprise
If you’re there
You’re there, like you’re here now by my side—
If I can kiss you like this
That is enough.
So that’s all folks
The special story concludes the series of Peach Fanclub (2020). I miss him 😢
This special story just make the CGs 100% better!
I was crying with Mc when Ayumu give her congratulation on her birthday. My heart was fluttering when Ayumu tucked in MC’s hair then when he asked for her hand! I almost thought that he would be asking MC for ‘the hand’ (in marriage, LOL). There’s so many little gesture that I like in this story.
I really like his flow of thought and how adorable he is when he was awkwardly trying to please MC. I love it whenever he lower his tsun facade and show us his true sincere heart. I hope he could be more open to his MC. But it’s okay, one step at a time.
Props to our MPV, Toru Kurosawa! He gave all guidance for our tsundere mushroom throughout the story. Honorable mention to Soma and Tsugaru too!
Ayumu-san Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂🎉
I wish for many more story of you and your mc in the future too!
Lastly, I hope you all enjoy it!
Have a great day everyone ~ 😉 💕
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
Robin Hood Rewatch: 2x08 Get Carter!
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This is actually one of my favourite episodes of the season, partly because I really enjoy relationship angst, but mostly because we get multiple characters dealing with their trauma/grief. If we can't get these guys and gals into therapy, at least we get to see them talk (and hug) it out.
Also the best episode title they're had for a while - I have no doubt one of the writers is a fan, and Carter is so named only because they wanted to make this reference. The assassin seeking revenge for a dead brother is wholesale lifted from the plot of the film, and Joseph Kennedy almost has a passing resemblance to Michael Caine's look in that role.
"Get Carter - before Carter gets you!"
Carter is one of the only guest stars they actually will bring back later, and for good reason.
"Why don't you ever kiss my ring?" Vaisey, always making things creepy.
Marian is simmering with unrestrained anger, eager to get into the fight, while Robin is the one advocating for the watch and see approach, and it’s quite the role reversal.
The gang's reaction to her charging off is quite funny though, she knocks John over completely and Djaq throws her hands in the air.
Robin’s now getting a taste of what the rest of the gang have to put up with dealing with his recklessness.
Tying Marian up in the middle of a melee, however, is disgusting behaviour - while Marian was hot-headed throwing herself into the fight (nothing Robin hasn't done before himself), he knows that she can hold her own with a sword and doesn't need protecting. Tying her hands is the absolute worst thing he could have done, because how is she meant to defend herself? I can somewhat understand where Robin is coming from in this episode (even if he goes about it badly), but this is unjustifiable.
Clearly she gave that guard she clanked on the head amnesia, because he never reports back that Marian was fighting with the gang.
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“I owe you my life”/“I won’t take it just yet.” Nice.
Scimitar is still missing in action.
Robin doesn’t want Marian to be seen in case she needs to return to the castle, when he’s spent the whole season urging for her to join the gang. I think he realises he made a mistake asking her to flee last episode without giving her time to deal with her grief, and wants to leave her options open. But telling her that she’s not ready to make the decision (about whatever she wants to go back), however correct, is patronising.
There's a fundamental conflict that Marian wants to be treated like a member of the gang, but doesn't want to cede to Robin's authority like the rest of the gang - in turn Robin expects her to follow his orders like the others, but isn't treating her like he would the others either - he would never tie them up to keep them out of a fight, and Marian has every right to pissed at him about it.
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Djaq and Much having a little tête-à-tête about Carter - I just really enjoy that they’re often paired together in these gang scenes, they balance/play off each other so well. Just this pure platonic frazzled vs calm vibe.
Much just has this really great memory for faces - he was able to recognise fake Richard last season just from his profile despite wearing a helmet, and now he knows he remembers Carter's face from somewhere (or as it will turn out, Carter's brother).
Much really just does not let up, and I love that about him. "You'll be disappointed though, with uh, today's wound. I mean if you're planning to go back to the Holy Land and, uh, kill him." That not so subtle probing for information and Sam Troughton's delivery is always perfect.
"Wasn't me, was it?" Oh Much, so close.
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“The crusty one” - lol
It's not explicit, but implied that Vaisey and Guy believe Edward was the one passing information to Robin, and Marian is cleared of any suspicion (paving the way for her return). Guess Guy never showed the Sheriff that hair dagger after all.
Vaisey is actually giving Guy some really good advice here, albeit laced with his usual cruelty and getting all up in Guy's personal space.
"Grow up Gisborne" - now I don't think it's deliberate on Vaisey's part to invoke a Marian parlance, seeing as she really only says this to Robin (and once to Much), but it's a nice little callback, however unintentional.
Marian asks for an apology (and deserves one), but Robin doubles down and doesn't come out of this exchange well.
Because his delivery is terrible, but he's otherwise quite correct - as skilled as Marian is, she’s used to relying on (and having to worry about) only herself and not work in a team, and look to a single point of command. But both of them have their backs up - they're two strong personalities and neither is going to give ground, reverting to the ideological clashes of season 1, except now in much closer quarters.
Robin's also not used to being challenged in this particular way, and in his frustration is reacting like a captain disciplining a soldier, not a lover helping their partner through their grief. I do wonder if the conversation would have gone differently if they'd been alone.
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lol at the gang awkwardly standing around listening to Robin and Marian fight. Djaq trying to busy herself with her mortar and pestle as Robin and Marian argue around her.
A really great scene between Marian and John aka the camp dad. Marian really just needs someone to listen to her and appreciate what she's going through - Robin is too fixated on the dangerous way she's channeling her grief and not even trying to address the root cause. He trying to tell her what to do, not listen to what she actually needs.
On the other hand it's probably better coming from John, a neutral party without the emotional baggage she has with Robin.
Because Robin and Marian are really being driven by completely different motives - Marian by grief and therefore loss, and Robin by trauma and therefore fear. In her sorrow, Marian has lost all her fear of being discovered, in fact she wants to make it know she's with the gang, to finally be free to say which side she's on and fight openly, to make her father's death worthwhile, and can't understand why Robin is trying to stifle that.
"I thought you used to have your own men Little John?" So someone remembers Forrest and Hanton!
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After Carter takes down the gang one by one, Robin takes down Carter in three seconds (including catching the long dagger Carter throws at him, and flinging it back) and it's lights out. Can you believe it's the first concussion of the season? (Notwithstanding the multiple head injuries Allan sustained last episode).
While Marian has been known to be punch-happy, the "he'll tell us more if he knows we're willing to hurt him" is just so (intentionally) out of character - it is however somewhat reminiscent of Robin in 1x08, wanting to get his punch and torture on with Guy. However rather than understanding where Marian is coming from, he pushes her away with the "go and cook something" jibe. This almost feels like he was going for familiar banter and miscued, but is also an asshole thing to say. When their positions were reversed in 1x08 Marian at least tried to reason with him - Robin is seems to be ill-equipped to do the same.
Allan just having a little snooze against the castle wall. He really seems defeated and depressed after last episode.
Marian's corset has a pouch to hold a dagger - or at least I hope there is because otherwise it's ouch time.
Leaving Marian at the camp is again a mistake on Robin's part - it excludes and isolates her from the gang, rather than trying to involve her so she can bond with them, engaging in their outreach to the peasants - who she helped as the Nightwatchman, but never really had the opportunity to come to know. It would remind her that they are not just fighting against the Sheriff but for the people, which in her frenzied grief she has perhaps lost sight of.
Instead, Robin's focus is on Carter, who he rather identifies with and so finds it easier to address his motives, and try and change them.
Carter is in many ways Robin’s dark mirror, what he could have become in the Holy Land if he chose a different path. It’s important that this happens right when Robin is backsliding - he’s trying to save his own soul as much as Carter’s.
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Okay, let's talk about Marian’s forest gear - fashioned from the outfit she wore when she fled the castle the previous episode - but dear me it's awful. The grey culottes, rather than becoming trousers have now been turned into that corset, and her vest/skirt overlay have now become those trousers. Just baffling.
“I’m good with nuns” followed by Allan straight up knocking the Mother Superior over and stealing her ring is iconic.
Much gives Robin a sword to use going after Carter - still no scimitar.
I really love the confrontation/fight scene between Robin and Carter - it's very well choreographed and written, but we also see the best of Robin's character (after seeing some of the worst earlier).
Carter's brother is called Thomas - Allan's brother was called Tom. Lots of dead brothers in this show (including Djaq's).
The story of Carter's brother Thomas dying because he "stopped listening" and led a raid against orders is a little on the nose, but gives context to Robin’s fear for Marian’s safety in part triggered by his war trauma - someone charging in against orders and then dying in his arms.
But it shows Robin as a man who, even when Thomas' recklessness had cost not only his own life but others of Robin's men, was still moved to instruct the stretcher-bearers to make Thomas the hero, and himself the negligent captain, in order to comfort his family.
The fight is fairly even, and although Robin gets the upper hand in the end, it's only partly his skill - rather his true strength is in reaching the man inside the assassin, and then surrender and allow Carter to take his revenge if that's what he wants, and despite his fear, trust that there is good still in him, and that he can leave behind the life as a killer as Robin has done (tried to do).
This scene is the core of why I really love Robin as a character. He's riddled with PTSD and a reckless bravado, he's at time emotionally stunted with those he loves, makes terrible mistakes and often says the wrong thing, but he also has this great heart and compassion that allows him to reach people, to understand and help them, even at the risk of his own life. He's trying.
"He was a hero - just not on that day" is quite a poignant line.
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Much and Djaq together again, just saying.
Robin finally finds out that Roger of Stoke was intercepted. I had assumed he'd figured that out once he knew Allan was a traitor but okay.
Poor Much crying out for Robin's attention - he's got his own trauma from the war and wants to talk about it, to commiserate with Robin about what they went though, but Robin can only cope by not talking about it, not even thinking about it.
Much makes a good point that Robin should have listened to him about recognising Carter, but it comes across as jealously over Marian and Robin misses just how deeply Much carries his hurt.
One of Robin's biggest flaws is that he's overwhelming in his affection, compassion, and understanding for strangers, but takes those he loves for granted - Carter's response to grief was the same as Marian's, but Robin listened to Carter, consoled and comforted him, while keeping Marian at arm's length. Perhaps because strangers don't ask for anything beyond that - it is the granting of kindness, but not the sharing of self. It's the latter Robin truly fears, but what Much and Marian deserve (although tbf Marian has problems with this as well).
“Either I’m part of your gang or I’m not” is a valid point, and Robin's still not happy even when she agrees to stay behind!
But she disobeys him, and saves his life. It's a rite of passage - almost all of the members of the gang have this.
Allan looking rather distressed as Guy is about the chop off Robin's head, and he makes a small movement just before the swing (as does Much).
Guy again pushing Marian past the point of discomfort - she left, wrote him a letter asking him to leave her alone, straight up told him to his face to leave her alone, and still he persists.
Her kissing Guy (to distract him from seeing Much and Will) is really the only time she sends mixed signals, but Guy's whole energy seems to be just to wear her down until she agrees to be with him and it's gross. It is however kind of amusing that he tries to be authoritative and forbid her from leaving, and she immediately walks away.
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Robin and Marian are back in playful banter mode, although I wish there had been a deeper discussion (and that Robin had apologised in return). It doesn't quite feel like the conflict between them has been resolved, it really is just a "truce".
But I do like that it's Marian who reaches out to Robin at the end of this episode, because up until this point it's Robin who has been (somewhat) the one making overtures - asking her to join the gang, telling her he needs her, telling her he loves her, while Marian's been more reserved. This feels like her acknowledging that sometimes she needs to take the first step.
This was a long one - but as a I said, I really love this episode!
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