#lol hc more like short story haha
serendippertyy · 8 months
Your artstyle is absolutely delicious!!
I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how a Muriel and Beelzebub interaction would go!! :3
aaa so sorry for the ultra late response I have so many things I wanna draw and I get carried away haha
I have a whole post-s2 world goin on in my head that may not make too much logical sense but hey I'm having fun let these poor characters be sillies lol
but to simplifyyy
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i do think that once gabriel and beezlebub run off together, they do kinda keep to their own, but the occasional pop in isn't unheard of. that's why muriel has been warned by crowley to avoid the former demon lord at all costs!
and muriel is sure to be careful about running into them- after all muriel is one of the lowest ranking angels, and beez was THE lord of hell, they're basically predator and prey in muriel's eyes!!
but of course beez wants to pop in to check on the bookshop (they're pretty fond of aziraphale after he went out of his way to protect gabriel) only to find that he has left a measly 37th order scrivener in his place!
although it makes sense that he left someone who specializes in note taking and documentation in charge, wherever he went, beelzebub can't help but find it amusing.
despite that, bee is learning how to be more kind, so they aren't being scary on purpose, but you can't blame muriel for being on guard when beelzebub is in the process of shedding their earth form and is showing off their giant gnashers like they just want to eat the poor angel whole!!
turns out they were just here to pop in and say hello, and that they'll be off now (where they will promptly begin making up theories about the sudden disappearance of aziraphale with gabriel)
long story short, I love to think of muriel and beelzebub as friends tbh, I think we totally missed out on a muriel/jim interaction and I think it would be so fun if all three of them got along! I also have many hcs about muriel that justifies this but I don't want this post to be too lengthy!😅
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eliteseven · 5 months
Can I request a little angst for Shadowheart and Tav? It doesn't have to be death, maybe a fight or misunderstanding?
😭 you’re so sweet haha pls don’t get me wrong, I will answer all asks- even the angsty ones!
Here’s an angsty alternative to our NLS series timeline that I was JUST discussing with a friend:
Tav chooses to help Karlach in Avernus while Shadowheart stays behind at the cottage to care for Emmeline and Arnell:
In my original playthrough, I HC that Serena is best friends with Karlach, so it makes sense she’d want to go to Avernus to help
Shadowheart wants to join them (she wants to be where Tav is 🥺) but Tav begs her to stay behind because she JUST got her family back!
They don’t see each other for some time. Tav wonders if perhaps Shadowheart has moved on. (They have quite an argument about this- Tav encourages it! Shadowheart doesn’t want to hear of it. She’s already in love, why would she even dream of finding someone else?) Tav argues that her human lifespan is short enough- Shadowheart deserves better. It’s a good thing Shadowheart is stubborn as hell.
Tav dreams of Shadowheart every night, just as she dreams of Tav. Tav wonders if Shadowheart has moved on. Shadowheart wonders if Tav is dead 🥺
The night of Withers’ reunion party is magical. I would imagine they miss most of the gathering lmao 😭
The moment they see each other, they’re all over each other. Shadowheart doesn’t even mind the smell of metal and smoke in her haste to devour her lover in the small window of time they’re allowed
They make love under the stars like they used to 🥹 it’s rushed and messy, they are beautiful and breathless and just happy to feel each other’s heartbeats. Then they do it again. And again. Each time a little more desperate than the last, knowing Tav will have to go soon
Tav brings herself to ask if Shadowheart has found anyone else. Shadowheart informs her that she has. In fact, she’s found forty 💀 Tav nearly has a stroke before she specifies that they are her animal companions and they keep Tav’s side of the bed warm for her. Tav realizes Shadowheart is dead serious about Tav rejoining them when she’s done in Avernus. 🥹 there was a part of her that had her doubts. Shadowheart can- and should- have everything or anyone she’s ever wanted. Tav can’t quite believe that’s HER 😭
(Shout out to my friend for the idea!!) one day, perhaps months down the road, Tav will come up the windings steps that lead up to the cottage. She’s nervous as hell, exhausted, but successful. She finds a familiar figure knelt by a bed of night orchids, tending to them. She glances up because Buttons is howling and barking like crazy…and she sees her girl 🥰
Shadowheart takes so much joy in showing Tav all her progress. She shows Tav their room (Shadowheart even organized and kept all of Tav’s belongings 🥹💕)
She introduces Tav to the animals, who immediately take a shine to her. Tav has her arms full of kittens and Shadowheart when she’s told what is perhaps the most shocking news of all
Perhaps it is then that Shadowheart either reveals: 1. She is pregnant (we all know the story behind that one lmaooo) or 2. The orphan Shadowheart ran into on her way coming from the city one day.
You asked for angst and I made it happy 😭💀 my bad lol
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spacey-llama · 4 months
I've seen that you also have some hc for the MLJ crew, sooooo... Can I hear some of them:)? Or any JD4 coach too, I love the JD4 coaches a little more than the other JD lol
Also, thank you for eating my hcs<3 I'll cook more in the future^^
HECK YEAH YOU CAN! Now, I LOVE all the MLJ crew... but I basically just have headcanons for C3/Mickey. It's definitely not because I'm working on a fic with him and Mister Overload. Haha. Aha. Ha. I can only hope I have enough motivation to let it leave WIP jail.
Headcanons under the cut!
So! I think him and Mister Overload were childhood friends that drifted apart after Mister Overload moved away. I always thought of his civilian name as Wesley... Wes for short. He's got thick glasses when he's not in uniform! Anyway, they reunite when they're adults and THAT'S when they start dating. ;)
I think Mickey lives in this teeny tiny awful apartment in Dancity with Should I Stay Or Should I Go from JD2! I named him Hendrix, by the way. Hendrix is a typical, anarchist, stick-it-to-the-man punk. They're roommates! And friends! They always intended to start a band together, but it just never worked out. Hendrix wanted to make more abrasive punk music with political messages and actual meaning, and Mickey wanted to make stuff about hot girls (and boys).
Why, yes, he IS bisexual!
Oh, and, while Mickey is passionate about music, he's not the best at writing it. Good singer, of course, just not a good songwriter. Hendrix is a good songwriter, but Mickey doesn't want to sing songs about anarchy. So.
Mickey is very involved in the local Dancity music scene! Like, he knows of almost any local band you can think of and more. So, if anyone's ever wanting to see a good, small concert, he's a great resource.
Also, Mick's favorite kind of soda is cherry! He likes cherry flavored candy as well!
Bonus Maybel headcanon that probably makes more sense in my head: The version of Maybel that you see in Call Me Maybe is literally lines of code. She's not a real person. She is a part of that phone. Does she know that? No.
Now, she is based on actual, real life Maybel (as seen in the vs with Beauty And A Beat and... oh gee looks like she never appeared in another map). So, Maybel is a real person, she just also happens to have a virtual version of herself. Did she create Virtual Maybel? Did someone else create Virtual Maybel? Who knows! I'm still figuring that out ;)
I also think Virtual Maybel has access to the Virtualscape! I could go crazy about my interpretation of the Virtualscape, but that would be too long.
I don't know! I'm still kind of letting that headcanon cook a little. Gonna explore it in another fic... sometime...
But, yeah, that's me tossing a lot of random little hcs I have out there! Hope you enjoyed them! Also, YES PLEASE COOK MORE HEADCANONS! I may have said this before, but one of my favorite things in the Just Dance fandom is when people grab a character with no lore or name and they're like "This one is mine now" and make a whole story and personality for them!!!! Because that's also MY favorite thing to do with Just Dance characters!!!!
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lenny-rambles · 6 months
About "When All the Embers Die"
Title: When All the Embers Die
Author: MelodramaticCoffeeAddict
Update 21: Chapter Twenty (Then)
Relevant tags: ZoLu, angst, modern au, acesan, ongoing, the swords are dogs, happy ending (allegedly)
A modern au ZoLu fic in which the crew were friends once, and now Zoro's not; and about why is that.
IT UPDATED! IT UPDATED! IT UPDATED!!! Thank you so much author for updating!!! I adore this story and it's been a blast. Truly, the angst and hurt/comfort are so well managed that I can't help but get really into it. Everyone should read this fanfic because it's effin fantastic.
All right, first of all, I am a big fan of MelodramaticCoffeeAddict's works. I've read a lot of them, and the ones I haven't is because I'm scared of the feelings they'll give me. Most of them are very angsty and Zoro-centric, which means I'm very drawn to her works. But I'm digressing.
All right, spoilers for the fic and OP Marineford arc, (though that last one is kinda a stretch but whatever) BEWARE!!
We start basically where we left the "then" part of the story, which is great because I can't get enough of Zoro and Luffy's reaction to the reveal. Like, Zoro, my man is Destroyed, he is basically in hell right now, his only lifelines are Wado, Luffy and Ace. (Which is so sad now given what we know about "now") (OHHHH I HAVE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THAT!!!)
I want to talk about Ace's role in the story before I continue. Or at least, a little thing that popped up when this beautiful fic was invading my consciousness and not letting me study: Zoro doesn't get to keep his older siblings for long. An that's so sad!!!!! Like, the foreshadowing for Ace's death being to save Zoro, who could very well be trying to save Luffy from anything (or at least the way I understood it) Is So Tragic. This would be the second Older Sibling that sacrifices themselves for Zoro, I think that would break him. That's what gives him the permanent stutter in the "now" portion of the story.
This last part actually relates to the author's comment about a hc where Zoro just, buries his emotions instead of dealing with them, because then he would break. If Ace's death is Zoro's "fault" that will be what finally breaks the dam. He will not come back from that. And we know so!!! Because he didn't!!!
All right, back to the scenes in the fic
Sanji's been giving them food but Zoro doesn't want any, I understand this so much, this is so sad :c. Luffy eats it (haha), and Ace very much acts as the ultimate support for everyone. Let's go AceSan, I just really like how Ace doesn't neglects his role as everyone's support in favor of someone else. Even Usopp got some support! I love you Ace <333
Luffy reminding Zoro it was not his fault got me by surprise!! I sometimes forget this is a ZoLu fic ('cause of the plot) lol. This is such a nice way of giving a sweet scene that doesn't shift terribly the tone of the chapter, I really liked it.
More Zoro angst!!! He's blaming himself for the short trip :c Even though Luffy already told him nothing is his fault and he doesn't own anyone anything (some chapters ago), he still thinks he's the worst because he's ruined his friends fun!!! I WANNA CRY
Some more situational fluff: Luffy gives Zoro a ride home, and only Zoro!!!! I know this has Plot Reasons, it also has Ship Implications and I'm here for both. I really like Zoro and Luffy's relationship here! I don't remember getting a Luffy POV in this fic so far, I'll have to re-read, but I'd like to see their relationship through Luffy's pov.
The moment I've been waiting for ever since the birthday chapter is finally here!! Zoro calls Mihawk dad!!!!!! I was expecting this but it still made me feeeeel for them. I'd say I really like their relationship in the fic, but I say that about everything relationship in the fic. I just really like this fic and the way the author handles the characters in a very unusual setting, but makes it make sense for the canon counterparts!!!
Mihawk comforting Zoro part 1, thank you Mihawk for giving it your best to be a good dad, even if it doesn't always work out as intended. Your efforts have not been in vain because it's Your House where Zoro feels safest, not his, not Luffy's, not Ace's, Yours!!!
A short rambling about the dogs!!! They know what to do, I really love the dogs in this fic. They are *in character* for like, 2-3 lines of dialogue we've from canon, but in all honesty, I eat up any anthropomorphization of Zoro's swords (even Oda's, but we don't talk about Oda's take on that) but this is one of my favorites!
Oh yeah, the post dissociation clarity is weird. Like, as someone who also has the bad habit of "keeping big emotions under the rug" I have now added "to ACTUALLY check on them later" to the strategy, because it suck feeling a stranger to your own trauma. Hopefully Zoro learns this, but the way the story is headed, I don't see it happening in the "then" chapters...
On this, I haven't been through something similar to what's on the story, but both God and my psychiatrist know that the line between hyper rationalizing your feelings and just ignoring them blurs terribly quicky. So Zoro being like "I have to BE FINE, because if I AM NOT FINE then this would be terrible, the most horrible thing to ever happen, and that can't be true, because I don't think I could survive that" is very close to home for me, I just wish he went to therapy.
More angst (thanks) Zoro's issues with self worth and him being a waste unless he is excellent and strong and how I relate to that because of Internalized Family Expectations that were Not Met. Not much to develop on that, I just think about this take on Zoro's character and wonder what it means to myself.
Not wanting to eat because of anxiety for something totally unrelated to food is also very personal to me. The moment when eating stops being the Joie de Vivre to become A Chore is when it's known something's wrong, so seeing it in action for Zoro is great.
Mihawk comforting Zoro part 2, thank you Mihawk for loving your son. Perona also loves Zoro but she's a bit (a lot) lost right now. I think Mihawk wants to give Zoro a sense of normalcy through his panic attacks and all, so he keeps calm. And Perona knows that being dramatic is almost always more fun than being stoic, so she is. But my poor Zoro ends up confused about how to properly react to stressful situations thanks to these two, and by stating that on the fic we now know why he is Like That. I hope he gets to calm down more soon.
Ussop!!! I love it when we get his POV, I really like Usopp's POV in general for Fics, but this one serves also for an "antagonistic" narrative in the story. My man is too wrapped up in his own insecurities that he can't see that the way he and Zoro protect themselves from trauma is basically the same. They both create and project an image of themselves that has it more together than they actually do, the only difference is that now Usopp can't call Zoro's bluff and viceversa. They are both too into their own heads to even think that someone has issues as bad a they do. (Because why would they? Everyone else is so very much incredible! They are just the lesser friend, the one that's disposable, the useless one) They are all liars trying to get the best of themselves out, so that none of their wonderful friends ever finds out about what they've got within.
But they did!!! And it's Usopp's fault for not respecting Zoro's boundaries!!! Zoro's exposed everytime that happens and Usopp Can't Get Enough of it, because now he is not the weak one. He can call the bluff and regain some sort of validation towards him and his way of projecting out. What good it does to him though, because his bluff's also been called by everyone but Zoro. It makes sense for him to finally stop and think about what he's done for a change. Ding dong mtherfcker, it's consequences of your actions!
Side note, I really like Luffy paying for Usopp's phone but still too mad at him to actually talk to him directly, that's Luffy if I ever read him.
Usopp apologizing because he fears his friends stopping from being his friends and not because of him actually being sorry (even though he knows he's in the wrong) is peak Usopp behavior. In fact, it is very much canon, since that's basically how the end of the Water 7 saga goes. (until Zoro makes Luffy understand and so Usopp understand that half-assed apologies won't do). Let's hope he doesn't have to get punched anymore to be all right with the crew again.
Ah, Usopp being petty because Zoro apologized is funny, and very interesting for things previously mentioned.
And then the fic ends. It was a very good update! I'm So Glad the author is still updating! even though it' stated to be somewhat more of a bore now (than it was at the start :c) I await the next update expectantly because I can't get enough of this, and sincerely hope the fic gets to be done, because this is such a good story it'd make me sad if it were to just, stop. So once again, thank you so much author for all the work you put through and take your time!!!
Oh well, this is a great piece (haha), I think the fic is very non shippers accesible, because most of the moment can be interpreted as platonic (but why would you?) or plainly Not In English (I love that, I really like those but where they flirt in other languages, they are such dorks omg). So I believe any Zoro fans should read it, if you like modern aus, because it is a really good Zoro fic, and fic in general. I'm biased but I'm right!!!
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twodiamondhoes · 3 months
Oh wow, I didn't realize my ask would be replied back with a fic snippet!
Concept 1 sounds a bit like The Highwayman so I'm glad Dirges took a new turn (the snippet was awesome though!). Concept 2, though, that sounds so cool! I'd love to see a fic where Tango takes more of a proactive role in death and protection as a soulkeeper! Maybe you could spin it into an AU with it's own brand of spookiness, with or without Del Sombra.
I now want to ask another thing: what made you decide to use Empires characters in Dirges? And are we going to see more of them in the character stories?
Haha, hope you enjoyed it! I figured it would just end up continuing to collect dust in my docs folder otherwise, and your ask was the perfect reason to post it.
This got longer than expected, so I'm going to put it under a cut. :D
Fun fact 2! I was about halfway through plotting the revamped second concept when I read The Highwayman (if you haven't read it, go go go!! it's so good) and let me tell you, the crisis I had once I'd finished it and come down from that "I just read an excellent fic" high was major. I was in full on panic mode for a few days, worried that even though I'd already changed so much from that original concept that Dirges would still be too similar. My partner had to remind me that there are entire library sections out there that are similar premises with vastly different executions (please see: westerns, lol), that no one could write the story I had in my head but me, and that even if no one read Dirges, it would still be worth writing.
But let me tell you there was a period of twenty-four hours where I tried to think up a fic that I would want to write more than Dirges for the sake of the Big Bang and I just couldn't. So in the end, I kept going, ended up with the final concept for Dirges, re-plotted the whole thing, and then basically ate, slept, and breathed Dirges for about four months. I'm not going to be doing that with the sequels because holy smokes that was a lot of writing in a very very short time, but I still can't quite believe I pulled it off in the end.
As far as Soulkeeper Tango goes, I might see about giving him his own au! The idea is so near and dear to my heart. I've got a lot on the docket for the future, but I'm going to keep him in the back of my head, in the hopes that inspiration strikes and I can give him the story he deserves. I have toyed with the idea of a smaller fic, loosely based around the original Concept 2 plotline for Dirges (so basically an au of my own au lol), but we'll see!
Oooh excellent question! The short answer is, I needed a huge cast. The longer answer is, it felt odd to have Jimmy be the only non-hermit in the entire story, and to separate him from his buddies on other servers, especially because I wanted Lizzie as the fourth Ratcliffe sibling, so it would be Lizzie and Jimmy versus the Hermitcraft members. There was also the factor that both Pearl and Gem were on Empires 1, and the HC/Empires crossover made it an easy leap to make. I wanted Jimmy to have been able to make friends, and to make the world feel populated, without having Del Sombra be the only place the Hermits congregated, since I'd already made Joe Hills Mayor of another town, and the places I could think to put a lot of the other hermits were Elsewhere. My options ended up being: either come up with a bunch of OCs, or see if I could sprinkle in some Empires characters, and it all kind of spiraled from there! I wasn't sure how people would receive a plethora of OCs, and since the Hermitcraft cast was a limited pool of folks that I'd already placed in the world, I figured adding in some other MCYTs couldn't hurt. So, I started with Shelby and Sausage and it all kind of fell into place from there!
As for if we'll be seeing them in the other stories, absolutely! There are some Hermits I haven't included yet (sorry Iskall, my beloved), and there are parts of some of the sequels that will be taking place around some of the Empires members as well as HC members that we've seen, and some that we haven't! For example, the reason Iskall isn't in Del Sombra to pester Stress and the others is because he's a holdover from one of the Earlier Concepts and I like his role too much to change it, so it's going to be folded into one of the later stories. Oli will also be showing up at a couple of very specific points! Those are the two examples off the top of my head, but there is definitely more to come!
Thank you for the questions! This is a lot of fun XD
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altraviolet · 1 year
Any head cannons which aren’t written in the TEG?
Yes. SO many. They're in my other fics :D
The most interesting ones are in Face The Light, its sequel Face The Past, and The Angel Breaker. Though most of my fics (even the straight up PWPs) have some head canon.
I don't wanna spoil the head canon for Face The Light, but imho it's the most interesting idea I've had for TFs. As far as I know, no one else has ever thought of it, and it doesn't stem from any canon. Face The Light is a short horror story. Please, please read it (unless you don't like horror). It has Mirage and Nautica, set on the Lost Light.
Fic here!
But if you super don't want to read anything, here are a few:
-outlier powers come from/are associated with extra-dimensional... thingies... idk how to describe it. but outliers are linked in an extra-spatial way
-Skywarp has a really powerful and strange field, due to his power. it's uncomfortable for mechs to feel it. it's weird to them
-Skywarp can see Mirage when he's invisible (except in TEG, lol)
-Soundwave's fingers being fragile are head canon. in TFP we see him punching stuff and doing stuff with his fingers. I legit forgot he punched stuff with his 'fists.' If I had remembered that, I probably wouldn't've designated his fingers as fragile in the fic
-Flatline canonically left the Decepticons. I hc that he threw away his Decepticon badge and the implications of such drive him to study the composition of mechs' bodies (read Face The Past to learn more lol)
Also no one's ever commented about this but I'm gonna put it here: in TEG, Mirage has his endorements. The golden symbols 'tattooed' to his body, that symbolize his union to Skywarp. On his Cybertron, these were painted on and allowed to flake off over time, but he got his put into his plating permanently. The human equivalent would be like wearing your wedding dress every day xD I love him haha.
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jade-of-mourning · 7 months
hiii so uh I just found ur account but I see you post a decent amount of mako stuff,,,
are you planning on putting any of that on ao3 (finished fics or blurb ideas turned into fics) or is it solely tumblr? and would you possibly mind some short stuff based on some of your posts? idk he’s js my newest hyperfixation and your acc is so coolll :3
HI ANON!!!! mako has been in my brain so much for the past few months; i just restrain myself from posting seven times a day and instead, i aggressively brainrot in my discord server with a single person in it. (it's me — i'm the single person)
i've been juggling a couple fics for ao3 on him lately (account, mostly atla writing), though tragically i've been at a bit of a writing block. it's probably from overthinking story structures, but trust that i'll get at least a couple of them out eventually haha. the main one is a post-canon fic called rose beds and gasoline veins at 11.9k as of now, followed by a silly 10-chapter 14-year-old-avatar!mako au called snowglobes don't shake on their own which i've spent some time casually outlining (featuring jinora and asami!). there's a post i spontaneously conjured up that would roughly act as half of the first chapter. i'll post the summary if you're curious lol
i've also got a couple random/short oneshots that i spontaneously wrote and completed, before promptly forgetting that i can post them, so… maybe i'll do that soon. one of them is a slightly different take on mako & bolin's family in ba sing se, on some of their cultural differences and traumas through hot pot (which i might expand into a longer oneshot on ao3 after i finish rose beds). the other one was initially a joke about him (who i like to hc as aro lol) accidentally being a really big fan of sex. it's very vague but it turned out kind of angsty in exploring how mako deliberately gives up control in an attempt to frame himself as his mother rather than the man who killed her (coping fr); it's not really up my usual alley, but i might post it somewhere sometime idk. i didn't ever really flesh it out in my head but i have some inklings for a mako & kai oneshot on forgiving yourself as a kid, a mako & lin beifong oneshot on his recruitment featuring better characterization than that spontaneous shitpost i made, and a half-written expansion of jobs in an actually comprehensible story-ish format focused more on pre-canon backstory of him and bolin. also, last night i kind of accidentally started an essay arguing the case of reading mako as "this is a male female character somehow", but that's a whole other brainrot. my friends think i'm insane for wanting to write an essay for fun :P
thank you so much for stopping by!!! i love to hear that people love this random fictional character too — it makes me really happy especially considering how many people do not love him haha. literally anyone please send me asks about writing or headcanons or brain thoughts and enable me to talk about mako because i can actually talk about mako so much.
and for the record, sorry for responding with so many words oops. i have a lot of thoughts.
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^^ summary for the avatar!mako au that i might never finish but i think it's a really funny mix of crack and seriousness that i would love to write. maybe after i finish my marimba solo!
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veilder · 1 year
Q's for writers: 16 & 25
Thank you for the questions, dear Anon! :D (For the ask game here!)
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Haha, this is such a funny question! And I'm racking my brain trying to think of something clever to say, but... Man, I think my worst offense is probably the flap of a pack of Orbit gum that is still currently in my copy of Lord of the Rings. XD It's been there for so long? It's even a different design than the current packaging now, lol. But that's all I can really think of. XD
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? Man! You know, I spend all this dang time thinking about characters and how to write them and their backstories and such... And here I am drawing a complete blank. XD Okay, wait! Y'know what? How about my headcanon for Elijah Kamski from DBH? Specifically the reason he was ousted from CyberLife and how he ended up where he is in canon? The entire thing is... very long and detailed, lol! But the short version is: Kamski was a child genius with opportunistic parents who was thrust into a world he wasn't emotionally prepared for. He struggled with relating to his peers and really only found solace in his college mentor, Amanda Stern, who became something like a mother figure to him. She's the one who really encouraged and fostered his talents, encouraging him to strike out and found his business at such a tender age, and she became one of the founding members alongside him, a steadfast support on his Board of Directors. (I hc there was also a third member of this little founder trifecta, but that's not important rn.) After CyberLife was established and the first androids were set to market, Kamski's innovations continued as he preferred the hands-on R&D to the actual minutiae of running a business. Gradually, the Board would take more and more responsibilities from him, especially after Amanda's health begins to worsen, which would eventually lead to her death soon after. Around the same time, a grief-stricken Kamski would throw himself back into his work, and it's then he'd begin noticing odd discrepancies in his field trials, eventually leading to him formulating his original Theory of Deviancy. But by now, CyberLife is taking off like a damn rocket. When Kamski brings his findings to the Board and puts forward his motion to halt business until he can figure out what exactly is happening, he's overruled. With Amanda's passing, her share of the stock would be seized by the third founder, and Kamski would've been in no place to intercede even if he'd known it was happening. At this point, he's well and truly lost control of the business he helped build from the ground up, his CEO title nothing more than a cheap title the Board uses to placate their shareholders and the public at large. But all of this leaves Kamski in a very dangerous place. His best ally is gone, his powerful empire usurped, and his creations may not be as infallible as he once thought. The last straw is when his experimental RK prototype schematics are seized, though it would take years for CyberLife's engineers to even be able to decipher them, much less catch up to his original craftsmanship. (Hence why CyberLife's RK800 is more or less on par with the far older RK200.) He tries to sabotage the takeover of his own intellectual property, but by ordinance, it belongs to CyberLife. He has no choice but to surrender his creations (though the completed RK200 "Markus" is spared due to a legal loophole of him being gifted to a third party). But he does end up having to surrender the RK100.
I have a whole pet theory about that, too, but suffice to say, the Amanda in the Zen Garden who acts as Connor's handler is the original prototype RK100. The initial experiment was a sort of memory preservation attempt, as the human Amanda's body began to fail her. Kamski wouldn't tried to find some way to save her, and making a sort of imprint of her mind was one of his attempts. Sadly, Amanda would pass away before the full prototype could be built, though the imprints of her mind would remain as the bodiless RK100 in it's virtual world. Kamski would then painstakingly craft the virtual Zen Garden as a space for her, as a sort of memorial to his beloved mentor, which CyberLife would then revamp as a sort of AI to sync with their RK800 series. After that, Kamski would resign his position, leaving with his fortune to become the recluse we find him as in his mansion. He takes with him his first Chloe, the RT600, who he created before CyberLife's bylaws were drafted and so was exempt from the seizure. He would build her multiple bodies that could function independently, but all have access to the same sort of hivemind. And he would begin plotting to take down his former company in the coming years. Starting with purchasing an old, abandoned freighter permanently docked within CyberLife's very shadow... ...Haha, well, I said I wouldn't get into it, but I kinda did. XD Suffice to say, I have *a lot* of thoughts about Kamski that have never actually made it into any of my fics, lol! But I do genuinely think he wants his androids to succeed in their revolution. Now, whether that stems from some sort of twisted altruism, a megalomaniacal god complex, or just good old revenge against the people who wronged him, who's to say? Could be any of those or something else entirely. Could be everything combined. But he does seem particularly invested in his androids triumphing over their human masters and how that will shape history going forward. (And there's also that deleted dialogue of his where, if Markus fails, Kamski himself dares to take up the mantle of leader, which is... 👀👀👀) Anyway, hope that answers your question, lol! Thank you for sending these in, Anon! :D
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da-can-draw-stuff · 1 year
So happy to come back to Tumblr to see you’re account being active again! Can I ask what’s making/made you anxious about online interactions and is there anything we can do to make posting online comfortable for you again? (I have been following you since early RP days)
Aaah, bless your heart nonny ❤ These kinds of messages mean a lot and are always a pleasure to see.
I was doing pretty well earlier this year, getting stuff done and all, so I guess it was inevitable I'd hit a low.
If you've been around for that long, I should probably give you a unique nickname haha. (Unless I have before? I think I gave one person a nickname before. Still, you'll have to remind me of any convos we've had--it'd be nice to associate anons properly.)
Anyway--I'm trying to be more active at least! But tbh I'm not sure what can be done. These sort of random encouragements/assurances and check ins do help though!
I guess maybe asking me questions or about what I'm working on, make requests--help me build a space to talk about it? I wanted to get back to the old/younger me that was confident and able to share things freely. I'd like to share more, HCs and stories and all, but it's been so long that I frankly don't know how and I end up stuck and holding onto entire series as a result. I've had a few people ask me to turn things into original series or ask if I plan to upload these stories, but how do I actually do that...? ^^"
Not sure about this bottom half since this is technically an art/semi-main blog.
To answer your question about the anxiety...well, I guess it's kind of 'standard' mixed stuff over the years? And I've just gotten...tired and scared and both wanting exposure and yet wanting not to be seen because it's safer. So, I don't really check fandom tags anymore even though I really do want to chat with people.
I became more aware of things I didn't think of before, like image, people looking to pick at things, or whether something like this entire post will get me in trouble with someone somehow/is safe and fine to say/too much info or poor me or something.
So, in a long-winded short summary: There was the emphasis of social media responses in the news, horror stories stemming from online interactions/presences, I came across people acting horribly even though I don't venture much, if it's fine for me to share the less safe content, how much to talk about myself, how much to separate my fan/fun work and my more professional profiles, and it's hard to tell what people are thinking/intending through text and thus harder to trust.
Da is so tired lol. I'm working through it but the last few years have been tough on alll of us, so it's expected that I'll hit this bump in the road from time to time. But it's still much better than before where I pretty much completely withdrew from art and tumblr.
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shapom · 11 days
stupid question but do you have any hcs or any pic references for the members in nynfgf? like how they dress or how they look etc etc… love ur writing so much ^_^🩵
not a stupid question! thank you for asking !!
😅😅 this makes me feel like a bad writer but i feel like most of my headcanons will just be in the story ? i do have a lot of ideas that build the main couple up but maybe I should have some ideas that are separate..
headcanons (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK bc most of these will be in the story later):
-nayeon has penis envy. she tried to use the bathroom designated for alphas as a kid and got in trouble. she's comfortable and doesn't have dysphoria but she does really want one. she has an absurd collection of straps in every length and thickness to please the omegas she hooks up with -jeongyeon's first gf was significantly older than her and it was an *interesting* dynamic -momo is an omega who has only ever dated omegas. she's been in love with mina since they met -sana is capable but was not ambitious in school so she worked low stakes jobs after college before taking a sales (phone operator) job at jeongyeon's company. she worked on a different floor before she was promoted to a contract hire (her current role) and happened to spot jeongyeon 1.5 years before the start of NYNFGF. she had a huge crush on her and immediately tried to meet her but was unsuccessful. that's why she's so casual about offering to help jeongyeon and hooking up with her, she never forgot about jeongyeon (but she isn't obsessed) -jihyo isn't closeted but is pissed at having to perpetually come out as an alpha who is into alphas. she likes really masculine types who are never into her -mina had some internalized homophobia before she dated momo and tried to date alphas. all the relationships ended badly (she also had bad taste in alphas) and she is kind of an omega version of a misandrist
SMC will show up at some point but have very small roles so i'll save their details for the story
i have somewhat deliberately not visually defined the members bc i want people to imagine what they like. nayeon definitely has that brown hair she will never give up though HAHA
visual references:
i have two ideas for Jeongyeon. i mainly like to imagine her similar to this WIL look, but with actual hair / not the bad wig lol. she has jet black hair (or black or brown) and it's short
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if people don't like this look i have also imagined her around FS era. the point is she has a natural hair color and a low maintenance haircut
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style wise she wears suits (black or gray with a white collared shirt and simple tie) to work but doesn't wear the jacket when she's at her desk. i don't have any jeongyeon references here bc all the suits she has worn have been too fitted or too baggy. i imagine this jeongyeon to have less of a feminine body/less curves so the suit does fit her more like a man (loose, isnt tight on her hips or bust). her height is supposed to be the same IRL but if ppl want to imagine her a little taller that's fine too
Sana i imagined her close to how she is now, but maybe less supermodel looking? less thin, with a fuller face, but with brown hair. i like this IGY pic bc it's recent but she doesn't look intimidatingly hot like she does in her Prada ads..
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style wise she dresses very in line with japanese fashions, except her clothes are kind of simple and structured. she doesn't wear clothing with a lot of ruffles or overly feminine patterns but always looks very feminine in contrast to how simple her clothes are if that makes sense?
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sorry for potato quality
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these photos are not examples of what she would wear because she is a little more feminine than this but they're an example of how feminine she looks wearing a simple outfit if that makes sense ??
omg i think i spent an hour on this ask i hope this helps anon and sorry if the visuals are different that what you wanted!
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reifromrfa · 7 years
RFA guys react to MC playing Mimi Marquez in Rent the musical
I really love Rent the musical and wondered how the RFA guys would react if they saw MC playing Mimi :)) If you’re not familiar with the musical or the character, see below:
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Light My Candle ^
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Mimi performing Out Tonight in the movie adaptation of Rent ^
Enjoy! :))
Not into theater performances so he asks Zen to watch with him in case he doesn’t understand something
Immediately regrets this when you come up on stage in that mini skirt and knee-high boots
Is red as a tomato in his seat when he sees you performing Out Tonight
“Zen close your eyes!”
“Wtf Yoosung get your hands outta my face!”
Gets angry when the guy playing Roger pushes you away like why is he pushing away this beautiful woman wtf is wrong with him??
Makes a note to google everything in La Vie Boheme, he's so lost
Passionate kissing scene between you and Roger — he totally didn’t know there were kissing scenes in musicals!!!
Congrats MC you have unlocked yandare Yoosung
Totally cries when you sing Without You
Cries harder in I’ll Cover You Reprise 
He gasps loudly when your character dies, nearly getting up from his seat because he’s so into it
Is relieved when you come back to life and wipes his tears during the closing number
Later, he and Zen go backstage to congratulate you with a bouquet of roses but you’re still in your costume and he practically shoves Zen out of the dressing room, not wanting the handsome actor in the same room as his gorgeous girlfriend
Kisses you and hands you the flowers and you blush, asking him if he liked it
“I loved it! You’re amazing, MC! But I’m kind of relieved that it’s over”
You tell him the show’s supposed to run for a month
He heard you singing a few lines in the shower but you wouldn’t practice with him, saying you wanted to surprise him
Super excited to see you up on stage but also curious because his shy and sweet princess was going to play the part of a prostitute?
Invites Jaehee to watch with him, since he knows she’s a big fan of musicals too
Light My Candle — oh my God his eyes are glued to you
Out Tonight — “Is she trying to provoke the beast?” and then “Holy shit there are a lot of men watching”
The souvenir program falls to his lap ;)
“MC is quite good” Jaehee says; even she’s surprised to see you playing Mimi
“Too good” Zen mumbles, uncomfortable that all these people are watching you roll your hips with those skimpy clothes
Thinks Christmas Bells is so cool; so many voices and all of you are singing different things; will totally want to sing duets with you
And then you’re kissing Roger and he realizes how you must feel when you watch him kissing his co-stars on set
Shit is this how she feels when she watches my plays?
Contact — he’s having a hard time breathing and there goes the souvenir program on his lap again
Without You — super impressed with your delivery and are those real tears?
Is in awe for the rest of the show; he never knew you were this good and he feels a sense of pride that the woman performing up on that stage is his girlfriend
At the end of the show, whistles and claps loudly, he’s super proud of you
Goes backstage and gives you a huge hug and a long kiss before handing you the bouquet of roses he bought
“What did you think?” you ask him nervously, because he’s a veteran and you really want him to like it
“Babe, I have no words to describe how great and wonderful you were up there. You shone. I fell in-love with you all over again.”
You’re super happy but then he steps closer to you and says in a low voice, “But is it too late now to ask for a costume change?”
You laugh because yeah, it’s too late to change your costumes
Zen groans and reminds you that “All men are wolves”
“Including yourself?”
He leans closer to you, a dark look in his eyes, “Babe, haven’t I told you? Don’t provoke the beast.”
And after a ~ehem~ make-out sesh in your dressing room, he asks if you’re allowed to bring your costume home
He’s more accustomed to watching orchestra concerts and ballet performances than rock musicals but he wouldn’t miss seeing your performance for anything
Buys the front row seats for the RFA members
When he sees you come up on stage he inhales sharply and his heart stops
Jumin does not approve.
Considers going up on stage and taking you home immediately but everybody stops him
Out Tonight — dying inside but keeps a calm facade outside; isn’t moving though and Seven swears he saw smoke coming out of Jumin’s ears (“The robot has short-circuited!”)
But when your eyes meet his during your dance and you give him a mischievous smile, his heart immediately starts beating furiously and and you see the look in his eyes; you know you’re in trouble when you get home
Gets scandalized by the whole musical when the cast sings La Vie Boheme
Everybody turns to him when you start kissing Roger but Jumin is like a statue; doesn’t even bat an eye
Seven pokes his cheek and a chill passes through his body when Jumin gives him the scariest glare ever looks at him
It’s better in the second half and he has to admit, he’s enjoying your performance very much and thank God you have more clothes now than in the first act
Except when Roger has his hands around you
He can see how passionate you are with acting and really wants to see you perform more
His heart melts when you cry in Without You and he just wants to protect you from everything
Contact — are you seriously trying to give him a heart attack MC NO stop dancing and push that guy away from you and WTF are those noises you are making NO
But in the last scene, he sees himself holding you in his arms as you’re dying and this breaks his heart
He can’t imagine life without you and after your very convincing death scene, he realizes that for the first time, he’s terrified of losing someone
Yoosung would later swear he saw a tear in the corner of Jumin’s eye, which Jumin would deny
When you return backstage, your dressing room is full of flowers; your co-stars would tease you endlessly and some even get jealous
When the rest of the RFA appear backstage, they all congratulate you but Jumin is very quiet and you’re worried that he hated it or he got bored
When you’re alone, you ask him what he thinks and he looks at you
“MC…you were beautiful. You took my breath away.” He takes your hands in his and kisses them. “That last scene…You were very convincing.”
“And it made me realize that I don’t ever want to live in a world without you by my side.”
He hugs you tight and you’re happy because he actually loved your performance but then—
“I’m afraid I can’t let anybody else see you dancing that way though.”
You knew this was coming but too late, the show’s fully booked until the end of the month
He’s not happy about the thought of other men watching you perform, but puts up with it because you love it so much and he loves seeing you happy
You also experience his inner Christian Grey once you get home
Makes Jaehee submit reports to him about your next roles and makes sure he goes to your rehearsals and to his relief, you don’t take similar roles anymore
For now ;)
You forbid him to research on the musical, saying you want to surprise him
Gets balcony seats because he can’t risk being seen much and asks one of the ushers if he was allowed to eat Honey Buddha Chips during the show, to which the answer is no
The rest of the RFA are there too, since he’s excited to show off his girlfriend and he wants you to see how much they support you
When you finally step out onto the stage and start singing, he’s hooked.
Cannot stop looking at you
Totally agrees that you have the best ass below 14th street
Kind of wishes he could hack into people’s brains so he could wipe their memory of you dancing and singing Out Tonight
La Vie Boheme is his new anthem
Suddenly Roger is kissing you and touching you everywhere and omg he thought you two weren't going to end up together why is this guy kissing you
Stop kissing my girlfriend
Wait they're playing lovers
It's just a play it's just a play it's just a play!!!!
But after the first act, you hear someone cheering loudly and screaming your name and you blush, knowing who it is
When the second act starts and the scenes get darker, he grows quiet and watches you intently
His heart swells with pride and joy as he watches you bare your heart out on stage and give the performance your all
His heart broke when you sang Without You and he will ask you to sing it for him more often
And then he panics and covers Yoosung's and Zen's eyes when you perform Contact and why does he only have two hands????
Is as red as his hair
Seriously considers asking you to find something else you're passionate about but of course he doesn't
When Roger sings/screams at you in one scene, he has to remind himself that this is just a musical and that he shouldn't track the guy and make his life a living hell
Those last words as you were dying gave him chills. Being a secret agent, he's constantly afraid that his past would come back to haunt him and take you away from him and seeing you die --even though it's fake and he knows nobody sings before dying --makes him tense up and want to hide you from the world where nobody can hurt you
But when you take your bow, he cheers the loudest and claps the hardest, he's so proud of you
Runs to you backstage and hugs you tight and doesn't let you go
Partially because he doesn't want the rest of the guys seeing you in your costume
You don’t need to ask what he thinks, he doesn’t stop talking about it and asking questions and praising you the entire ride home and you’re so happy that he likes it
Bonus: you’re on the couch in his apartment one day and then he walks out of his room. Wearing your costume.
Oh my God I’m so sorry this is so long, I was listening to the Rent soundtrack and really got into it so ;;; Hope you enjoy though! :)
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3
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sukalaap · 2 years
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Here's a beautiful piece I drew in the occasion of the upcoming 2024 Lion King prequel centered around Mufasa, which I feel very mixed about. And what better way to contribute to those news than to draw my own interpretations of Mufasa's family! (Weither he's adopted or not lol)
So long HC story short, Ahadi is Mohatu's son and heir to the throne, while Uru was a lost and confused rogue, whom the prince fell for. She got her diamond-shaped scar on the side of head from blunt force trauma that cost her the memories of her origins & identity. That scar, as well as her unusually beautiful white coat, earned her the new name of "Uru". Only in her final, brutal moments, would she finally get a glimpse of her past.
And of course, there's Zuzu (original I know), Zazu's mom, serving as King Ahadi's majordomo before her son would eventually take her position.
Also, Askari is Scar's full name in my headcanon, not Taka.
Ngl Mufasa with light-rimmed ears is the best take on his cub design imo
Hope y'all like this piece as much as I do! If not, more than I do haha
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myyoungroyalsblog · 3 years
If you liked Young Royals because of the queer represantation, then I'm gonna list a few shows I've watched that have it (some more, some less), gonna list them and explain them a bit if you wanna give them a go!
Don't look deeper, don't wanna spoil it too much, but yeah black bisexual lead and the story is just so freaking awasome!? Also a trans character played by a trans actor (my thoughts when I watched it) it's a short post tho lol
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New Amsterdam, has A LOT of representation and talks a lot about things that fucking matter, a lot of lgbtq+ characters in almost every episode (some main leads are part of the community too, but ngl the story has gone a bit down hill for me but still really great seasons) casey they did u so dirty i love u and miss u
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The Dragon Prince, IF THERE WAS A SHOW I WOULD RECOMMEND STRONGER THAN YOUNG ROYALS IS THIS BEAUTY, in s3 two out of the three couples that become canon are queer (mlm and wlw) and we see one of them have a very deep kiss and there's also a non binary character who uses they/them in s3. Overall the show is AMAZING, great characters, voice actors, story, animation, music,... Just give it a shot please honestly it's so. Fucking. Good. I was in aw with this show when watching it, just like Young Royals
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Teen Wolf, just rewatched it a few months ago and honestly forgot how funny it was agsndvsjbd and the queer rep isn't that much either but man there's is A LOT of bisexual energy from the main characters (mainly Stiles and Scott lmao) corey and mason my beloved
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The Good Place, amazing show and talk about important things too, and yeah a lot of bi energy haha
The Owl House, main character is biracial, bisexual, bilingual and gnc, and quite possibly the most adorable character EVER, parents of one of their bffs has two dads and her mentor is also queer and she is in love with a non binary character who she dated in the past (animated me is Luz, 100% agskdvdjbd)
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Yuri on Ice, the only anime I've ever seen and honestly laughed so fucking much, it's HILARIOUS and like every single character here is gay/queer lmao (also a lot of fans headcanon yuri as ace and I honestly see it)
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Shows I'm listing because there is rep but the show wasn't that mind blowing for me
Bojack Horseman, mainly because of the asexual representation (cause yeah, there ain't much out there) and I just LOVE his character (full disclosure, the show is fucked up and has a lot of trigger warnings, but still has funny parts)
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Gen LOCK, genderfluid character that is so freakin badass, but this show is very meta and might not be for everyone, haven't watched s2 yet tho (Cammie is also so freakin adorable and I hc her as ace lol)
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Loki, genderfluid and bisexual, canon in the tv show and quite fun story line (I ship Loki and Mobius so freaking much ughhhh manifesting in s2) SPOILERS but theres an undertheme or smt that he likes his clone and huh yeah that made me uncomfortable so just sayin, those parts made me cringe so much I had to skip them, that's why I placed the show down here haha
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Love, Victor, only watched s1 and heard there was a love triangle in s2 so gonna wait till s3 comes out to see if it's worth it lol but yeah, yall probably know it takes place in the Love, Simon movie universe (in the same high school too) although Victors situation is more complicated and not that accepting, he's gay and Half Colombian/Puerto Rican, and I think at the end of s2 a girl is like plainly shown to be bisexual but idk and yes im putting the hug between victor and felix here because felix is such a supporting friend and just pure sunshine and deserves the world
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teonys-jf · 2 years
omg i love fcuu. it has some of the best charas!!! like jenny, diana, betty and ken!!! can you post some hcs for it??
also opnion, what is your fav season of mys/mcd?
and like for what reasons did you make the changes that you did to the stories? (applies to both mys/mcd and all other rewrites of yours)
of course i can!! i wrote so many they’re going under a read more, like all of my stuff ^^;;
but to answer your second question, love~love came out during my summer break so it’s stuck with me lol. i love it too much even though, like all seasons, its pretty sucky... i remembered more of season 2 of mcd, i had come in like the middle of s1? and i barely remember s3 haha! so i don’t really have a favorite, it’s more scenes that i like :)
i made changes for fun mostly, some made more sense and some characters had potential and i wanted to explore it on my own? idk, i had problems and went “i can do better than this >:” after seeing a bunch of problems and started writing lol
jenny, she/her
so jenny used to be a scene girl. her bangs. it makes sense
her bangs still hold the shape, she’s still trying to get them back to what they were in college
jenny has her ears pierced
later in life she gets her tongue pierced as well
she also gets a spray tan every now and then
forgot to say! i used to think she got a spray tan! ^^;;
jenny is pretty tall
she likes guys with long hair and girls with short hair
sometimes, when first introducing people and she’s by cathy/betty she goes by jen
they all do this to confuse less people, so it’s jen, cath, and bet. betty didn’t know why the two were laughing so much and stopped later once she heard how funny it was
her birthday is in fall
however. she is a winter nut
diana, she/he/they
got his eyebrow/ears pierced
she has a high pain tolerance
also gets a tongue piercing/nose stud later
became friends with jen/cathy/betty before college
cathy thought diana had a crush on her and tried to convince the other two of this
they didn’t believe this and still hung out with diana, but didn’t tell cathy about it
bi :)
also has a fall bday ^v^
sometimes goes by dian
got a kick out of how much ken was freaking out about this and kept it to annoy them </2
made friends with terra, zane, and got ken to join. they like to do mini “competitions” as zane likes to call them
they’re usually dumb small stuff that makes everyone sick with laughter as zane tries to get everyone back on track
about the same height as terra
has an old stick-and-poke from junior high
it’s a crescent moon on their wrist :)
got the ear piercing from the same friend from that day!
short hair, likes to keep a long strip because of his mom and braids it
extra nice to aaron if she sees him
knows it’s very visible that the guy could be blown down at this point by a harsh breath in his direction
wanted to play kind-of-therapist to try and help, realized that there was stuff that needed a professional, jay/gene have come to the cafe to check up on him with dian
also doesn’t have a crush on him, can sense that he doesn’t like women and gets a kick out of how protective cathy is of him and how jenny acts around him
doesn’t say anything to them but has a running bet of who will find out about his bf first with ken
{forgot i wrote this, “lame gay and lesbully ken/diana” lol
too funny to not include}
hangs out with jay, ken, and mac in aarons room when he doesn’t have class
sometimes betty joins, sometimes gene joins- it’s always a toss up
makes jewelry for a living after college, made some small stuff and sold it online
betty, she/her {my favorite. the only character ever <2}
mei’fwa betty real!!! {or fel’ine if you’re going with my stuff ^ ^}
or at least part mei’fwa/fel’ine
ears pierced :)
gets more piercings after college, and works in a tattoo/piercing parlor
non-sam aroace :)
spring birthday
hangs out in a mini-group with jay, mac, and terra on the grass for lunch on sunny days
same height as mac
not sure how long her hair is, it’s giving me trouble ;;
i’ve narrowed it down to short, or long with a different coloring/style
can cut hair
strong 💪
she apprehended cathy. betty works out B)
likesto bake with nana and jay
cadenza and zoey like to come over as well
when kiki can make it she tries to give tips on some animal safe treats :)
friends with miaki, reece, and kai after college too
very friend oriented :)
katelyn, garroth, ivy, lillian, and terra were also her friends in college
still has the numbers for lillian and ivy and sometimes texts, kate/garroth don’t really talk with her anymore
very capybara like. good for her :)
ken, he/they
{since it didn’t really add anything to the story, ken is just human. him being a werewolf didn’t really come up in the series and it felt like a weird jess thing yknow?}
zane still has his phone number
they have gotten high after college and started talking about their hatred for capitalism and whatever bugged them
aaron found them one night and joined
achillean, polyamorous, and nonbinary
tried to have a pet bird in the dorms, along with ferrets, rats, mice, and a bunch of bugs. they were not happy with ken
mid-back hair length
becomes friends with gene/zenix after hanging out with gene so much through aaron, meets sasha and they’re all friends :)
favorite color is dark teal, so that’s what he dyed his hair
it’s naturally black
likes to jokingly pick on jay, mac, and betty
they don’t mind, they just bring up the one time he chugged a pot of coffee and let it go on accident into the sink and reached for a knife as it shattered
hangs out with lucinda/sasha and they like to watch movies together and share story ideas they’ve had after college
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~The Golden Trio~
*I wrote this with Y/c/s (reader) being female*
*when I mention the squad (besides the trio) that includes mainly; Hangman, Rooster, Payback and Fanboy. But the other six hang around and tease as well*
{I feel like Y/c/s, Phoenix, and Bob would for sure be the golden trio of the squad.}
-Like Girls’ Night out? 
-More like Girls’ & Bob’s Night out. 
-The girls rarely hung out without Bob. 
-Y/c/s and Phoenix became sister figures to Bob quickly.
-Within 2 mins of meeting him, Y/c/s felt very strongly about her willing to do anything for Bob.
-Not romantically. 
-Just wholesome platonic besties immediately.
-He was nervous when Y/c/s approached him and started chatting, and then when Phoenix joined he tensed up more.
-“I don’t know about you Phe, but I feel like it is my ultimate duty to protect Bob from all harm and especially from our fellow asshole aviators.”
-“Y/c/s, I couldn’t agree more.”
-He at first would be embarrassed, but Phoenix and Y/c/s would just make him feel so loved and comfortable. Like he could really be himself around them.
-Bob was also skeptical about joining their clique because of being scared of being constantly teased by the “big manly men aviators”
-But Phoenix and Y/c/s helped him feel no shame.
-Plus they promised they would beat up the boys if they made fun of him for it.
-Bob knew they would.
-He quickly became their designated driver, and what Phoenix and Y/c/s would call their “Mencyclopedia.”
-Aka: a man’s pov in their situations/gossip
-The girls wouldn’t dare have any other man be their mencyclopedia. Bob can understand both sides and would never shame them. 
-We love feminist Bob
-Like at the Hard Deck when any of them (specifically Phoenix) got sick of the boyish squad members’ shit, they would simply give a tap on the shoulder or a nod and that would cause the Trio to group up.
-They would just chill in the corner of the bar and complain about the boys.
-Like wherever the girls went, they brought Bob along.
-Y/c/s declared it being precautionary measures to protect “Bob Our Beloved.”
-Phoenix immediately teased Y/c/s about the “Bob Our Beloved” thing because Bob was still in the acronym for Bob.
-Y/c/s thought it is appropriate because then the “Bob Our Beloved” would be never ending, showing how much she cares about Bob.
-Bob didn’t know how he lucked out with such beautiful best friends who always hyped him up and gave him the best advice about girls (when he asked for it.)
-The boys did tease
-But not for long.
P- Oh no not on our watch.
Y/c/s- Did you ever think that Bob hangs out with us because y’all are too immature?
P- Or that we’re actually fun,
Y/c/s- Cool,
P- Amazing friends.
Y/c/s- And y’all are stupid man children?
P- Facts.
Y/c/s- Tease him again and I will kick you so hard where the sun don’t shine you’ll pass out.
*cue squad being slightly scared that she would pounce at any moment*
B- Y/c/s maybe you should-
P- I got this Bob,
*Gently places hand on Y/c/s shoulder*
P- Y’all know we will. Don’t test us.
The Squad- *slightly unfazed*
Y/c/s- Are we clear?
The Squad- *itty bitty baby yeses and uh huhs*
The Squad- *terrified* yes ma’am!
P- Good! See ya losers 
Y/c/s- Come on Bobert, you look hungry.
-initiate Y/c/s’ mom mode
{Haha longer than I thought.
I hope people like this and see it lol
plus I call him Bob Our Beloved and my friend immediately made fun of me, so that part was personal.
I’m terrified of posting stuff b/c I mostly have WIPs and 0 confidence with my writing.
But I had this idea and thought I should share!
I’m pretty inexperienced with like HCs and stuff but I tried?
I mean if you have suggestions or if you want to see some of my other WIPs lemme know! 
Or maybe a short story or collection of one shots of my Golden Trio?
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pebblysand · 2 years
Hey Pebbles! Your content is like a drug to me at this point. (In a good way though xD). I was just wondering if you could write some Hogwarts Hinny missing moments. It'd be really cool I'm sure. Can you also write more Ginny POV fics regarding her relationship with Harry please? I'm aware that you're on a break, Ross, but my inner Rachel doesn't seem to think so XD
Awww thank you ❤️. I suppose there are worse drugs haha. I am on a break, but still happy to answer your questions, of course!
I was just wondering if you could write some Hogwarts Hinny missing moments. It'd be really cool I'm sure.
Thank you. I'm glad you'd think it'd be cool, that's incredibly flattering. This being said, I'm unfortunately going to give you an answer you won't like very much but I'm not sure what I would write as a missing moment, actually? I mean, if you've got a specific prompt, I'm happy to give it a go, but that's not really a place where my mind goes spontaneously. I did write one short three-sentence story which was a sort of Hogwarts missing moment (here) but apart from that... what would I write? What would be "the point"? I find those kinds of drabbles/ficlets actually incredibly hard to write because it's hard to get them to feel "new" without (a) ending up re-writing the books and (b) give them an overall point that isn't already expressly set out in the books. I find it hard to find a story to tell with just little missing scenes from the books.
Additionally, I see writing fic a little bit like solving a "problem" or at least filling an empty space, doing something that hasn't been done before. I've said this before but prior to writing Castles, I spent months looking for something like it, with similar vibes, on AO3. It's only when I couldn't find anything that I sort of gave up and decided to write it. And, there's certain areas of fandom where I'm satisfied by what I've read, and don't feel like I'd have anything to add to the conversation. Like, for instance: I would never write a fic about the summer before fifth year. @copper-dust has already done this So Well in The Seam Between that there wouldn't be anything else I would want to say or do better. That fic is already perfection and to me, there's no need to add to it, you know?
And, to be honest, there are so many people out there writing missing moments or the Harry/Ginny 6th year relationship, and doing it extremely well, that I don't think I'm needed in that space. I mean, Twenty-Two Days exists and is absolute perfection, what else could I possibly add? I'm a war/post-war gal, haha. That's my sandbox and there's a lot more empty space in it.
Can you also write more Ginny POV fics regarding her relationship with Harry please?
That is more within the realm of possibilities, although right now I don't necessarily have ideas for it. I've already written one, two, three one shots from Ginny's POV, I'm not sure I've more in store. I mean, obviously, never say never, and it's definitely something I could do, but again, I'd need to have something new to say. I think one thing I am interested in would be her relationship to writing, especially because I hc that she becomes a writer later in life, and obviously that would also feature her relationship with Harry. Slipped touched on that a little bit, but was more about Tom, so maybe there would be something new there. But I need to finish Castles first and see how much of that story will actually feature in there, to then decide if it needs an independent one-shot.
This being said, I know loads of people in the past have asked if I'd ever write Castles from Ginny's POV and the answer is no. That would be terribly boring, lol.
Sorry for not saying yes, but I hope this explains why, at least haha. Don't hesitate to let me know if you've any other questions, I always love hearing from yous.
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