#lol they’re kinda stupid tho
bookiedoodles · 2 years
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Don’t tell me my first completed artwork of the year was of a bunny boy from a series I don’t watch, headcannoned into a show about turtles that I hyperfixate over? This is my chosen path?
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EEEEEEven more incorrect quotes! Merlin Academy Gang! AND MORE. Kinda long? Idk
(and ships)
Hook: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Uliana: It's Hades's turn.
Hades: Don't die.
Uliana, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
(so beautiful 😭 I don't know how to explain, but this is canon now)
Maleficent : Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Fay: *sobbing*
Maleficent : Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
(She's used to her and Hades banter and fights. Fay still needs to get used to that)
Fay: What the hell is wrong with you?
Hades: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
(mm. Yeah.)
Hook: Goodnight to the love of my life, Morgie, and fuck the rest of y'all.
(just a normal day)
Morgie: *is throwing stones at Ella's window*
Ella: You have a phone for a reason, Morgie!
(Love my little chaos goblin. He absolutely knew what he was doing)
Ella: Hey, I was wondering, have any of you guys ever seen Morgie’s bedroom?
Bridget: No, they refuse to let any of us visit. You know what that means.
Maleficent, nodding: Dungeon.
Hades, nodding: Rich.
Uliana , nodding: Homeless.
Ella, nodding: Secretly in the mafia.
Bridget: What? No, I meant they’re messy. What the hell is wrong with all of you?
(Hook not being there because he's in Morgie's bedroom right now. they are cuddling)
Ella: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Bridget.
Fay: You just said it again.
Ella: I am not a role model.
(don't worry Ella. She knows worse. She just doesn't use them)
Bridget: Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
(once she went back to wonderland and didn't text anyone anything. Just sulking in her feelings for Ella)
Hades: How do you do that?
Charming: I'm fearless.
Hook: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Charming: I'm mostly fearless.
(Mhm. But fair)
Bridget, on the phone: I better go…kay, call me later… byeeee!
Hook: Friend of Yours?
Bridget: Nope, wrong number.
Hook: ???
(Hey. She's not gonna pass on making new friends 🤷)
(add some glassheart)
Chloe: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Red: What did you just say-
Chloe: Foetons! *Laughs*
Red: Wh-what?
(love how Red is just confused. Chloe making puns/dad jokes. Canon, actually)
Ella: Please pray for Chloe.
Bridget: What happened to them?
Ella: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
(not her own mother saying that (he doesn't know tho lol). But honestly that's after the vase incident.)
Red: Chloe, you're my best friend.
Chloe: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
(oop- true)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Morgie/Fay: Would never stab anyone.
Ella/Charming: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Hook/Maleficent: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hades: Would stab without warning.
Uliana/Bridget: Would stab as a warning.
(I wanted to put Bridget in the last one lol. Like if someone went too far and hurt one of her friends she'd be like *stab* don't do it again or next time it will be worse)
Uliana: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Bridget: Those are wanted posters!
(yeah. Still)
Maleficent: *looks at Hades*
Maleficent: Baby boy. Bad Boy.
Maleficent: *looks at Fay*
Maleficent: goody two shoes
(changed it a bit lol. Also Me just randomly shipped Maleficent and Fay because gay. Just a crack ship lol)
Red: I got an idea!
Chloe: Does it involve breaking the law?
Red: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Chloe: I was just trying to be optimistic.
Red: Don’t bother.
Chloe: You're not my friend anymore.
Red: I was your friend?
(Red. You just called her your best friend a few seconds ago! She's just trying to play it cool. She's screaming on the inside.)
Red: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason.
Red: Me too!
(oh no. She's mad. PSST. I HAVE THREE ACCOUNTS ON DISCORD AND ACTED LIKE TWO OF THEM WEREN'T ME. I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WAS ONLINE AND I WAS BORED 😭 I was very invested in my own dramas that I created. It also started with only two accounts 🫠)
Queen of Hearts, to Red: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Red: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Queen of Hearts: You just told me you're pregnant.
Maddox: Congratulations Red, you're glowing!
(Red can speak Italian and Spanish and also has a hidden British accent. There, my new headcanon)
(a little surprise)
Mal, staring lovingly at Evie: I would die for you.
Evie, doing their own thing: Then perish.
(Mal, you know not to interrupt Evie while she's working)
Mal: As a responsible adult-
Evie: *chuckles*
Mal: … As a responsible adult—
(Eeeviee, don't do Mal dirty like that. Even if you aren't wrong)
Evie: What do I get?
Mal: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Evie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Mal: It won't be you.
Evie: I'll get my coat.
(what are they planning o~o)
Cinderella: What’s your greatest weakness?
Red: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
Cinderella: Could you give an example?
Red: Yes, I could.
(why does it feel relatable even tho I don't remember actually having done that)
Red: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Chloe: Ok.
Red: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(Same Red, same Qvq)
Red, digging their grave: Long story short, this is ma grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Omg Hunter! Is that you? ✨ love the owl house 😭😭😭. This is making me think Red fucked up a mission from her Mom. Like Hunter did.)
Red: I’m going to get so much done today.
Queen of Hearts: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Queen of Hearts: So how much did you get done?
Red: One thing.
Queen of Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Well, that’s one more than usual.
(QvQ me TvT)
Mal, at Evie: You're my significant other.
Evie: Yeah I am!
Mal, at Celia: You're my child.
Celia: Yes boss.
Mal, at Uma: You're my bitch.
Uma: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Mal, at Carlos: My bestie.
Carlos: Naturally.
Mal, Jay: HA, GAY!
Jay: Fuck you.
(Jay x Gil 🤸)
Chloe: Wow! Celia made you cry?
Red, holding back tears: Yes, and they said some really mean things that are only partly true.
(Daaamn. She can do that tho. Wow fr)
*at an awards show*
Chloe: Can I carry you on my back like Mal did?
Red: I don't think Evie would like that.
Chloe: *pouts*
Chloe: *carrying Red on their back*
Evie: What the hell??
Red: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
(Evie was panicking over Chloe's suit/dress because she made it for her. Do not ruin her designs. She will not take responsibility for what happens after that)
This was gonna be longer but I shall post it now anyway.
Hope you liked it.
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nicomoon69 · 11 days
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hello yuri timber enjoyers, here is regency era timber inspired by @littlegreekhero and my pride and prejudice obsession
possible au yappings under the cut
ok so we have bernadette dowd and timothy drake
bern is from an upper middle class family (father is a rather succesful merchant) and lives a rather simple life
tim is from an aristocrat family who after the passing of his mother moved to the town bern lives in so his father can start a new with his new wife without high societies eyes on him and their family
they meet and almost instantly become friends, tho its mostly due to bern’s pestering. they end up relating to each other (being different from everybody (read being gay)) and swap stories abt their lives
they slowly fall in love, though neither of them really realize until tim is to be betrothed to either male steph or kon (depends on if everybody gets gender bent or not lol)
anyways they both kinda have an “oh shit I love her but she’s gonna be outta reach if I don’t do something right now” moment and bern has the very sensible response of deciding to start cross dressing so she can become tim’s secret lover to prevent her getting married
the thing is neither of them is honest abt why they’re going on along w the honestly kinda stupid plan. bern says she doesn’t wanna see tim unhappily married and tim says she doesn’t wanna be married bc she’s not ready
oh yeah and the plan literally only works bc bern is basically a recluse since her parents are almost always away on business and she didn’t care for anybody in the town until tim came along so a haircut and binding did wonders for making her unrecognizable
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allamericansbitch · 5 months
since y'all seemed to want this.... here's the live notes i took while listening to each song for the first time (bold are thoughts i had during later listens)
‘i was a functioning alcohol till nobody noticed my new aesthetic’ what the fuck does that even mean…
love the fact she gave post the female collab treatment. don’t wanna hear what he has to say. 
they’re voices sound actually good together? 
some pockets of the melody are catchy
okay i don’t hate this 
her red flags are on fire in this song lol
this seems very half-cooked
also jacks weird mixing continues to plague us all
tattooed golden retriever??? ……no way
my boy breaks all his favorite toys:
i blinked and it’s half over
this also is like… half cooked and didn’t need to be released tbh
i love the way she sings the second verse tho
down and:
the production does not match the vibe
did tpain produce this
i’m… kinda bored lol
like i have nothing to say this also didn’t need to be released tbh 
this grew on me a lot actually
so long london 
the production is so futuristic? 
oh im obsessed with how she sounds on this one
her talk-singing in the verses is great
honest lyrics without any clunky unnecessary metaphors! a win!!
the fast-paced verses with th slow chorus is really really cool
a favorite so far
daddy i love him
i can barely hear her? the bad mixing continues 
‘growing up precociously sometimes means not growing up at all’ oh yeah WE KNOW
is this…… is this about her dating matty and loving how people hate him… no fucking way she’s this stupid
‘it’s white noise’ yeah yeah that’s exactly how id describe him  
.... anyway y'all remember when fans really believed the little mermaid theory and this song was supposed to be about how 'joe stole her voice' lmaooo
we will pretend this one doesn't exist!
fresh out the slammer
are we getting another ‘i didn’t cheat technically’ song lol
what is this weird tempo change….
okay kinda catchy
it’s sounds exactly like you are in love at the end….. jack is really out of tricks
‘my friends all smell like weed or little babies’ what the fuck is she even talking about anymore 
i’m sorry but i’m laughing at the phrase ‘fuck me up florida’
again the production sounds so detached from the vocals 
i honestly still have no idea how i feel about this one
guilt as sin
an real instrument?? wow crazy 
okay she’s kinda cute? catchy and fun, love the melody
i love when she goes up at the end of the vocal 
okay…. i don’t mind this one she’s catchy, a little too long and drawn out but cute
who’s afraid of little old me?
what is this production? it’s way too soft to be as threatening as they’re trying for 
why did jack push her vocals back so far when she’s supposed to scream…. that’s ruins the whole thing…. she’s supposed to be screaming and threatening….. not quiet and far away…. hello
this song is trying very hard to be threatening but it’s not... vigilante shit 2.0
‘you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum they raised me’…………… upper middle-class pennsylvania? 
‘i’m drunk on my own tears isn’t that what they all say, that’ll  sue you if you step on my lawn’ okay bar?
the bridge was good but that’s about it.
i can fix him 
…………… not another matty song oh god
‘i can handle a dangerous man’…… im too stunned to speak this is so embarrassing 
wow taylor really is that girl who like ‘women supporting women’ and then dates/defends a racist bf…. a walking example of white feminism
intersectional feminism found dead.... twice....
okay this is really nice? 
if we ignore that one line we're good this is good. im refusing to let that line ruin such a good song
i can do it with a broken heart
‘bitch smile’ why are there so many cringey lyrics on this album lol
what is this song omg why do i kind of like it 
taylor please learn depressed isn’t a synonym for sad 
they recycled the mastermind production 
wait till taylor finds out most of the entire world is sad while they're doing their job and has to pretend they're not
smallest man who ever lived 
oh i think i like this?
‘you said normal girls were boring’ GIRL AND YOU DIDNT IMMEDIATELY GET UP AND LEAVE??? EWWWW??? she's not beating the pick-me allegations
'i just wanna know if rusting my sparking summer was the goal' okay love that line
i like this a lot
the alchemy
no….. no way this is real
i cannot
touchdown ✅ teams ✅ benches ✅ winning streak ✅ the league ✅
she’s doing…… the worst thing ever this is so laughable 
the corny lyrics are on overload 
‘this time it’s heroine with an e’ didn’t she write folklore? i can’t remember 
that literally was an snl parody of a taylor song
clara bow
love how the guitar sounds… bet money this is an aaron track 
a stevie nicks reference!! a win!!!
i like this one a lot no cringey lyrics yet
nope never mind she name-dropped herself don’t like that
overall really liked it tho
the black dog
i think i like it?? this is kind of what i expected the album to be
okay for once the weird production choices kind of pay off
kinda catchy? 
she loves a fancy car getting wrecked line
the pre-choruses are the best part 
this would’ve been better without the jack of it all bc he loves a song that doesnt build to anything
this just comes down to personal preference: i don’t like her lighter vocals with jack’s heavy production (ie most of lover lol)
the albatross
a real instrument!!! production that matches taylor’s voice and is well mixed!!! aaron’s arrived!! 
i think it’s solid, has good writing and she sounds great. that's about it.
chloe or sam or…
took me a solid minute to have any semblance of a fuck to know what was going on but okay
okay i love this one
wayyyy more emotive than like… most of the original album
a lot of the 2nd version (or whatever this is lol) are way more emotive, maybe because her voice isnt drenched in reverb so we can actually hear her voice emote better
how did it end
this sounds like an old school adele song? 
i love this one too…. 
her being upset people wanna know what happened but then also feeding it while promoting the album oop 
i love the story of this one it's so refreshing
so high school
THE PRODUCTION is so good ugh aaron never fails 
the man here is a walking red flag girl and the lyrics are ~not it~ but the production is too pretty to hate it
fuck these lyrics are so bad lol
maybe if i disassociate hard enough i can ignore the lyrics and just listen to the production and vibe
give me a karaoke version of this song and we'd be so back
i hate it here
i mentioned disassociation and she made a whole song about it!!!! this one’s mine!!!! 
‘without all the racists’ GIRL HUH
also... girl don’t act like we don’t know you’re fine with that lololololol
if i had a dime for every time i was liking a song to then have it slapped away because of a bad, out-of-pocket lyric…… 
thank you aimee
this isn’t grabbing my attention 
oh the bridge is interesting 
it’s meh 
i will never be thanking the people that bullied me thanks tho
i look in peoples windows 
what do you mean aaron didn’t produce this??? it’s well-made and has instruments? 
i love this one, again a really interesting and unique concept that's very refreshing to hear at this point when a lot of the songs feel repetitive
the prophecy
aaron guitar!!!! 
she’s nice i like her 
i've really grown to love how she sings this one, the melodies are cool.. however i feel like we've heard the same melody.. like on this exact album... where she upturns at the end of every line...
this seems very…. familiar… idk i feel like we’ve covered this (i mean there are 31 songs we’ve already covered everything lol)
this is such an aaron song, that's a classic 'the national' piano
i like her voice in this one tho, sounds good
oh love i love this
now this? THIS feels the most like a taylor swift song
once again she’s at her best with a simple instrument and emotive simple lyrics
the piano reminds me of champagne problems
the bolter 
i like this! the chorus is so cute
oh i like that ending line a lot!
she’s cute, a little long and drawn out but cute
i haven’t seen anyone talk about this one
welp…. i literally have no feelings toward this one but sounds pretty! 
the manuscript
oh this is soooooooo powerful 
i love this concept 
her ending the album on another introspective album that sums everything up a la dear reader yep yep!!
if you actually read of this ily 💗
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sproouts-jpeg · 2 months
one piece straw hat post-ts redesigns part 4: monkey d luffy
i like him a lot he’s really cutie patootie! i didn’t have any qualms about his original outfit, i just wanted to apply my own style to it! ignore the weird scribbly inconsistent and maybe mildly overdone shading, i literally did it like 5 minutes before i made this post just cause i was messing around. and then i happen to like it more! i really should shade my work even if its just a sketch it helps with color contrast and vividness so much omg
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what i wanted to do most, like my previous designs, is add influences from where he was during the time skip! tho luffy was out in the wild, and completely alone for a good portion of it, i’d like to imagine the kujas made him his new clothes! i took the flower pattern from boa’s skirt and on luffy’s repaired vest from the amazon lily arc and applied it as embroidery and ribbon on the shorts! and i’d like to imagine boa would give him jewelry maybe before he left for sabaody archipelago, cause she’s in love with him…, so i modeled his anklet after her earrings. i made the snake eating its own tail to make it an ouroboros (ignore how i spelt it wrong in the image…), representing eternity and reincarnation. but ive applied it to luffy in the concept of inherited will (he’s taken on the goals and aspirations of shanks, gol d roger, his crew, and given them new life). also kinda how joy/nika is eternal and luffy’s g5 awakening is kind of a reincarnation.
but so while the finer details are inspired mostly by the kuja, the shapes/structure of the outfit pieces are based off of luffy’s influences and mentors!
i noticed luffy probably wears a cardigan post-ts to mirror rayleigh’s clothes pre-ts, but since i didn’t like luffy’s cardigan all too much, the hoodie is supposed to mirror ray’s hooded cloak
luffy wears shorts above/middle of the knee, but i made them longer so they look kinda like ace’s! i was gonna add pockets too but i forgot… he also wears some of ace’s beads and one of the theatrical mask charms (i think sabo wears the frowning one, so there’s technically some sabo refs in there too)
i wanted to include references to sabo, but i wasn’t sure how due to their really different styles… i hope i can come up with something to update this design soon ;-;
the epaulettes (fringed shoulder pads) and folded collar on the black coat are supposed to look like gol d roger’s coat! while its color makes it look like luffy’s coat from the end of the wano arc, which specifically is supposed to look like shank’s coat too! and it’s made of animal fur, so like an altered version of luffy’s disguise cloak given to him by boa before the fish man island arc. technically the shape is also pretty simple to garp’s navy coat, but that’s probably just cause they’re a similar style
no references to dragon… cause he wasn’t there to have any real influence on his son, despite how him and luffy just so happen to take similar life paths. but i made luffy’s skin tone darker and warm toned similar to his father and grandfather’s.
oh also the patterned pants are supposed to be similar to rayleigh and shanks’s ugly little patterned pants too
other fun little tidbits:
luffy’s right ear is torn! my hc is that when he was little, he wanted earrings to look like a cool pirate like shanks and his crew! so maybe makino or one of his brothers did it for him, but he couldn’t sit still for long enough, making it pretty high up on his earlobe and unable to sit down for the other one lol. idk what kind of earring it used to be, maybe a tiny seashell!
ok sad part now! it got torn off when luffy was kidnapped and beat up by the bluejam pirates…
ok not sad part now! i think nami got chopper to pierce luffy’s ears afterwards. cause she caught zoro on the verge of stabbing an unsterile sewing needle into luffy’s earlobes… cause they’re both stupid and luffy would trust him like that. luckily chopper has very sterile medical equipment!
the woven bracelet was made by usopp! its color is purely coincidental… luffy just wanted a purple one
the sash is now tied at the back to look like a monkey’s tail! i wanted to add more sun wukong/monkey king references, maybe instead of the sash there’s tassets or han yao/han bei similar to @/soaked-doors’ luffy design… idk
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here’s some closeups with and without the cloak!
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uuuh i don’t wanna talk about g5… it’s not really what i wanted to do at all… i’ll try again later…
anyways i hope yall like this one!! i love him a lot! obv any critique/constructive criticism or suggestions is welcome!! don’t expect anything new so soon… drawing men scares me and i can’t get zoro to look right ;-;
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
What are some of your purly headcanons?? I just got supper obsessed with them lol
Yesss we love purly in this household here we go:
• they’ve been friends since they were pretty little just because they’re the same age, both greasers, etc. Even if they weren’t always super close, they kinda had each other’s backs like if Curly saw someone messing w Pony he’d give him a “fuck off or see what happens” kind of look or if Curly’s getting into some trouble Pony would try to distract him because school is no fun if Curly is suspended
• as they get older though, they become more friends, like proper friends who hang out and get up to stupid shit. Darry and Soda don’t love that Curly is who Pony chooses to hang out with, but at the end of the day, they’ve all done stupid shit too, and as long as Pony doesn’t get arrested or break his curfew, there’s not much they can really say
• how they got together was a very slow, unofficial progression. One day Curly asks if they should practice kissing on each other so they can be ready and Pony’s like yeah that sounds smart. So they’re each other’s first kisses and they continue to practice on each other so they can get better and better 😭
• one day Pony’s like “so have you kissed anyone else yet” and Curly’s like “nah you?” “Me neither” and it’s quiet for a few minutes before Pony goes “I like when we do tho” and Curly’s just like “yeah same” so they just keep doing it then
• I feel like they don’t really call each other boyfriends, but everyone that’s important to them knows they’re together. If we’re being realistic, they wouldn’t be able to act like more than friends in public so that plays a big role in it, but they don’t really mind because they’re not pda people at all and if they know they’re together, that’s what matters
• Curly uses anything but Pony’s real name. Baby Curtis and Ponybabe are probably the most frequently used
• when they’re not in public, they’re not super like affectionate, more just handsy. Always arms around the waist or on the hips when they’re sitting together or walking somewhere. They don’t hold hands that often but Pony likes linking pinkies. They like to lay in each other’s laps and argue over whose turn it is to do so 😭 Pony likes to do it while they watch tv bc Curly will rub his back or head and he looooves that. Curly likes to wrap his arms around Pony’s waist and bury his face in his stomach and take a nap like that
• making out all the time. Every single one of the gang, Tim, and Angela have walked in on them making out. It’s a canon event in their lives, could not be avoided. Curly and Pony have the audacity to not even be embarrassed they just go somewhere else to continue 😭
• Angela and Pony actually get along super well and whenever Pony is over Curly will yell at her for trying to steal him 💀💀💀 Angela is like bruh I do NOT want him
• then as soon as Pony leaves Angela has to listen to Curly just talk and talk about this kid like she cannot catch a break
• Tim likes Pony because Curly tends to stay out of trouble more now and also he just thinks Pony is a good kid
• overall Purly might not have the most conventional relationship but they love each other and at the end of the day that’s all that matters
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luffyvace · 8 months
〜☆〜Shigaraki and Touya (separate) x Scholarly reader with glasses 〜☆〜
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precisely what the title says~
Might post a lot lately because I’m trying to clear drafts :P
shigaraki with a intelligent reader is wonderful!
you can help him with his plans! 😋
your input is really valuable and whether the lov knows it or not you definitely play a big role in missions
your a mastermind who is very good at outsmarting the heroes
He feels like as long as he has you, no matter what you’ll always be one step ahead
your his Queen/King chess piece
together you’ll watch it all crumble
honestly I’m just assuming your in the lov because even if your not a official member you’ve certainly contributed a lot
to which he very much appreciates
He values your priorities and requests
as he said he always has room for his comrades wishes
you love him for that
never once has one of your plans completely failed
for example if all might destroys a bunch of your nomus even though they were supposed to terrorize the city
You don’t panic at all because it was all apart of your plan >:)
*rubs hands together like evil fly*
it was all a distraction so you could infiltration a hero base and steal some info and such….🥱
ez dub the heroes are walking L’s with skill issues 😂
it’d be even better if your a tech savvy too
you can break into hero facilities better
plus screw with them if you want n all 💃
you and that emo long bob dude be competing (tomoyasu chikazoku)
you can first fr
anyway shigaraki thinks reader with glasses is fiiiine 😍
fr like you look good!
he’ll probably ask questions like “did you make your own?”
“Where you born with bad vision or is it stigmatized?”
”when did you get glasses?”
”have your eyes gotten stronger or weaker?”
”do you keep them on 24/7 or do you take them off and take breaks?”
”do you get headaches from them?”
”is it annoying having to push them back up all the time?”
”are you farsighted? Nearsighted? Is it just for reading?”
now he’s not asking to annoy you, and these questions come with time he doesn’t trample you with them
he’s genuinely curious and is a pretty good listener
he’s not just asking just to ask it or anything
if you ever need a new pair he’ll find a way to pull through for you
he’s not always as resourceful as you but he does have some connections!
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Uhh with touya? Intelligence won’t matter as much
Not to say he’s not impress though!
he likes to hear all the random facts of knowledge you tell him and he does listen
it’s intriguing, especially when he’s bored
he’d love to learn about astronomy if you know anything about it
he never took the time to learn himself but if you were to mention it he’d recognize some stars because he watches them so often
which makes for good dates!
you go to all types of different angles to look at them together
another thing is Touya never really went to school if so not for long
so you probably end up teaching him and filling him in on a lot of what he doesn’t know
not stuff he doesn’t care about tho
only the important stuff
which I mean it’s probably not essential anymore the way you two are living outside of society but hey it might come in handy
if someone were to ask touya a question but they’re trying to trick him by using a complex word, If you taught him he won’t fall for it! :)
I mean don’t get me wrong he’s not stupid
but you certainly are a lot smarter 😁
If you brag about it he gets kinda annoyed LOL
like if you beat him in video/board games a lot
which you do, you win like 98% of the time
the 2% he wins is from all luck games
and even so if you learn how those games work it’s over for him 😂😂
Touya doesn’t mind that you wear glasses at all
he does see a difference when you occasionally take them off but he doesn’t think you look wonky so don’t worry
he might be a little curious tho
like he’ll ask how glasses work (especially since your so intelligent)
which might lead into a conversation about why not everyone has 20/20 vision
yeah your conversations never stay on track because all the follow up questions
although you don’t mind because at least you know he’s listening
you end up explaining to him how glasses are made and he asks if you could make your own since you know
which honestly isn’t a bad idea since you could customize it and add whatever you want to it
you definitely thank him for the idea
he feels so accomplished—like he gets to be the smart one for once 😅🤷‍♀️
a sweet thing he does for you if you get eye strains/headaches is like rub your temples/run you a hot bath 💝
it surprises you how caring he can be but of course he’s not completely heartless
another cute thing Touya does is coming to you randomly with questions
”what’s this??”
”what in the world does ___ do?!”
”why does ___ happen?”
”is this normal?”
”what do you do if ____ happens”
”what’s __ x __ again”
”what’s ______ + ______ (big number + big number)?”
oh and you probably have better memory than him so
“Do your remember my past code?”
is common too 😂💗
I started this a while ago but never finished it so I’m glad to finally get this off my chest.
enjoy! Let’s see if the shigaraki and Touya stans will show up🕺
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stardust-sunset · 16 days
Hey friend, it’s been a minute! School has been so busy so I haven’t been on here as much as I’d like but I’ve been slowly starting to write a Sodapop sickfic and since I know you also like hurt/comfort, I was wondering if you had any hcs about Soda with a stomach bug. My fic is gonna include him being taken care of by Steve, Darry, and Pony if you feel like including them :) have a great day ❤️🎞️
hi hi hi!! it’s nice to hear from you again!! 💜 of course i got some!! sorry i didn’t answer till now, i usually save some asks for my queue haha
for one he either 1. got it from doing some stupid shit with steve or 2. he ate bad food
regardless bro is NOT happy
he probably tries to hide it because he doesn’t want to miss work because he knows how hard he needs to be working but uh
his stomach has never heard of “subtlety” and 100% rats out his attempts at going to work
Darry and Pony both had to go to school/work but I feel like Pony would pass the message to Steve at school and Steve would literally just,,,skip school and work to be able to take care of him
Hes a very physical person and at first I feel like Steve was NOT having it because he didn’t want to get sick but he can’t say no to Soda and his puppy eyes
So Soda is curled up in Steve’s lap while Steve just pets his hair and runs his tummy a bit
He gets freaked out by how vocal poor Soda’s stomach is-like Pony and Darry are used to it but Steve is oblivious as hell lol
He feels SO terrible if Pony has a track meet that day too and tries to go but Steve is like “if you get out of that bed I won’t cuddle you” and Soda just relents
Poor boy has VICIOUS bouts of nausea. Like he can’t even keep his eyes open.
You always know when he’s gonna vomit because he kinda does that thing dogs do where they make that sound and their chests heave-he also gets real hiccupy
He hates vomiting and always ends up crying because he’s just straight up miserable
By the time Pony and Darry get home, Darry tells Pony to go shower and he gets in bed on Soda’s other side
He gets a lot more outwardly nurturing post book I think? Like he’s just down to eye level with Soda and is like “Hey, buddy…you okay..?” and Soda just whines and puts his head in Darry’s lap
Its bad enough that Pony and Darry can’t cook food because the scent of it makes Soda vomit
I think Soda also has very heightened senses when he’s sick for whatever reason so they can’t even go out to get food because he’ll just vomit when he smells it
So they just opt to not have dinner and Soda feels even WORSE because he knows Darry came from a long day at work and Pony came from a track meet but they both just tell him it’s okay and that they’ll be sure to eat a big breakfast the next day (let’s say the next day is Saturday lol)
While both of them usually get hangry as hell they just don’t in Soda’s presence because they know how tough it is on him and they don’t wanna make him feel worse
They try to make him some soup, or at least some broth and it sits pretty okay. He can’t hold down more than broth but Steve tells them it’s progress because he “couldn’t hold down the chocolate cake earlier” and they’re both like “bro what”
(Steve does not know how to care for people and it takes him a bit but he’ll try as hard as he can for Soda)
Steve stays at their house that night because he knows if he goes home he’s probably just gonna get kicked out again but he’s more than happy to stay
Darry gives the best belly rubs I think because his hands are big and warm
Pony tries rubbing his back too which actually works fairly well
Pony insists on sleeping on Darry’s other side tho because god forbid he starts kicking in his sleep and he kicks Soda he’s never forgive himself
Pony isn’t as openly affectionate with Steve around but he’s still trying
They all end up falling asleep together and Soda’s smiling for the first time that day because he’s with his best friend and his two brothers who have been getting along a lot better than normal and he’s just so happy
Hope these are good!! might make some for Darry, Pony and Johnny later cause they’re my other favs haha
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sandeewithtwoe · 3 months
What are all your Delta headcanons?
I’m glad you asked that!
The good thing about characters with unfinished stories is that you can make a lot of headcanons about them :)
First, he always gives a first bad impression on people. His aggressiveness, chaotic energy and the way he talks about “killing bad guys” throws people off. He’s also very cocky so he sometimes just say out of pocket things without thinking. That results in him not having a lot of friends. The only ones he’s really close with are Color and Epic, so he’s pretty protective over them, even tho they’re probably wayyyy stronger and older than him (don’t tell him I said that). Thing is, once you get over first impressions, he actually gets somewhat friendly. He’ll always lend a hand if you need help, tell jokes, give you friendly punches, etc. He still says weird things but he can be very helpful and sweet.
Another thing, I really like the headcanon that he has internalized toxic masculinity, but only towards himself. “Heroes don’t cry”, “dresses make you look stupid”, “don’t show any weakness”, “man up”, stuff like that in his head. He’ll never put those expectations onto others tho, cause he kinda puts more pressure on himself than everyone else. Everyone should express themselves however they like, that’s what makes them so brave. EXCEPT HIMSELF >:D (/j). He’s so cocky but he also has a fragile ego. If you dare him to do something he will do it bacause he doesn’t want to be seen as weak. Speaking of looking weak, he doesn’t cry because of that. Last time he cried was when he failed to bring everyone in the underground back to life. Crying means he failed, that everything is lost and there’s no hope left (he should speak to a therapist about that)
Also also, about his human soul (Beta), they don’t really talk much, but they both still care for eachother. Beta watches his back and gives him courage to keep fighting and try new things. Because of this, Delta basically has a second pair of eyes, which gives him good reflexes. And like I said in a previous ask, Beta would sometimes move Delta’s arms and punch people, but only when Delta is off guard or when he’s frozen like a dumbass.
I have more but I’m too tired, so here’s a list of them instead:
- Likes working out with Blue (gloves gets stronger if he builds muscle)
- Has a lot of respect for Dream, even though he disagrees with his methods
- Is 26 years old, uses he/they, aromatic (romance repulsed)
- “do it first, ask questions later” when it comes to his friends
- Eventually gets friendly with Cross after realizing that he’s not going to hurt Epic
- Would throw the middle finger to Nightmare and challenge him to a fist fight (hates Nightmare with all his might)
- Has NOT met killer yet, but thinks Color and Killer are dating (they’re not)
- They’re fashion sense is so boring and simple. Wears white/grey shirts and black pants only (less colours = manly to them I guess)
- Stays up at night to talk to Epic and not leave him alone (also fails to stay up and falls asleep in the middle of their conversation)
I’ve got more but I’ll stop here lol this is a lot
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abyssalzones · 2 months
i am so bad with words but ough. you get it. YOU GET IT!!! fords story is SUCH a compelling narrative on abuse and the recovery afterwards. i don’t think i realized how impactful it really was tho until a) reading your tbob review google doc (you articulate yourself so well and i loved hearing your thoughts on it!!) and b) those pages in tbob where the pines talk about bill (the pages where Mabel is dipping bill in guac like a chip lol). ive been in the gf fandom since i was 13 and bill was always always my fav character (who i was definitely not unhealthily obsessed with) so hearing that tbob was coming out was like a dream. i then read tbob and before I got to those pine pages i was kinda thinking like the rest of the fandom like “oh hehe these guys are exes” and then i read those pine pages and especially the part where ford says that he doesn’t have to feel shame anymore talking about his experience with bill… really hit me?? and then the sudden tonal whiplash when bill starts talking again hit me harder and something just clicked. like oh! bill is an abuser. oh my god. bill ABUSED ford. like it wasn’t just “omg hehe divorce <33 omg they’re exes <33”. like bill manipulated and used and abused this guy who’s been so insecure his entire life about something he couldn’t help and has always felt excluded and was so so desperate for praise and love. and for the first time in my stupid ass brain it clicked at just how awful and monstrous that is. so yeah. idk you probs don’t care and I’m sorry for filling ur inbox with nonsense lol but tldr you are one of a few people who actually grasp and understand fords character and treats his story about abuse with the care and respect it deserves. so… thank you? i love your art btw.
— sincerely someone who relates to ford pines a little too much
honestly asks like these make me feel like articulating myself is actually worth it in any capacity. I don't go into writing for the sake of changing people's minds since I know a lot of people likely won't be swayed by some stranger's essay on the internet about a cartoon, so it feels like I'm asking to get super frustrated if I think of it that way. but then every once in a while (mainly now, this is a very new phenomenon to me) I get to hear feedback like this and it shocks me every time. it's awesome to me when people go on a whole character arc about a piece of fiction because it reassures me that even in this little microcosm instance people often just don't have a moment where it clicks for them, and it could just take some time or the right set of circumstance. idk. probably a little melodramatic but I think it's cool + I like when people are good readers!
anyway, thank you!! this really made my morning :D
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chocotonez · 2 years
idol!gf is in an all-boys group (txt)
a/n: such a fun request!! really made me think hehe, hope you like it!!
warnings/genre: she/her pronouns for the reader/references reader is a female, slight jealousy but nothing serious, mostly fluff/crack
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-hyper protective but not possessive LMAO, just think of a mom looking after her kid
-boys will be boys but in the way he doesn’t want your members teasing you or not picking up after themselves
-always texts you to make sure your members are treating you fairly
-honestly he’s pretty close friends with most of them, always joking around on how they have to make sure to watch themselves around you
-“touch her and I’ll tell dispatch about you and that girl last friday” which is mostly a joke :)) (not to jun tho)
-at first it’ll take him a second to get used to, mainly because one co-ed groups this out of proportion are practically unheard of, and two because you’re his little baby and he doesn’t want you to be w a bunch of stinky guys 24/7
-probably makes sure they all can cook and clean and are worshipping the ground you walk on like the good boyfriend he is <3
-becomes the pseudo-leader of your group now
-first he has TXT, and now your group is like his second batch of babies LOL
-“no I’m not going to convince your manager to do that-y/n! don’t enable them!!”
-doesn’t really care all that much about you dorming/working with a bunch of guys, he gets your job and concept and trusts you whole heartedly because you trust him
-randomly visits your dorms and is like 🧍”are you all eating well”
-actually no he just randomly spawns anywhere you guys are at and is like 🧍🧍”did you drink water btw I brought water”
-likes to tease but he’s just like a dad at a breakfast table “since your concept is more masculine these days, I think next comeback should be bubblegum pop”
-v supportive of you and your members :)
-at first he didn’t like it, but now he’s fine with it and loves to joke abt it LOL
-“I can’t believe the love of my life is constantly with other men…” “gyu I am single-handedly paying for our Amazon prime account rn don’t even”
-he can be kinda sensitive about how much time and attention you spend on your members, but that’s mainly because he likes being your one and only!
-but he also likes to make fun of u w your members 💀 “did u guys take y/n because u felt bad or…”
-always makes sure he’s never being too mean w you <3 just wants to make people laugh
-likes to stand in your doorway w your members in the dorms like 🧍🧍🧍🧍, you’re not sure why they do this, your working theory is that they only have one communal brain cell
-but even w all his jokes and dramatics, he loves and supports you wholeheartedly <3 (as long as you make sure to love and support him back) (please don’t leave him) (he’s so in love w u)
-“so sorry you have to live w y/n.” -him, when you were put into your group
-he looks out for you a lot, just because he knows how some idols can be and how the industry is always looking to cause trouble
-watches twitter like a hawk for any negative things about your name and makes sure to report it on all of his 999+ accounts made to make sure your group’s tag is nice and clean
-he trusts your members because you trust them, and he obviously trusts you not to do anything stupid (relationship-wise. he trusts you to do a lot of stupid things), but he always makes sure they’re helping you in the dorms or when you’re performing
-“don’t make y/n clean the cushions, that’s your mess!” and is just standing there like -_- while u laugh, hiding behind your muscle man boyfriend <3
-you were the one who spilt the chips
-if anything I think he’s just very confused
-“but why is there literally only one girl…why not two? or three?? why not all girls?? oh wait, that’s just a girl group”
-not really the type to go out of his way to befriend your members, but he likes to be on good terms with them, he just gets lowkey shy when he has to talk to them
-not even an insecurity thing, it’s just a hyuka thing
-“tell your member I said he did really good at that countdown stage” “Kai, he’s two feet away from us” “…I’m scared”
-clowns you if there’s a noticeable height difference between you and your members, thinks it’s so funny (it is not that funny)
-probably leaves stuffed animals in your dorms that block out a whole half of your bed so none of your members lay down near you LMAO
-has a lot of respect for you and your group, but mainly you <3
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ryuichirou · 4 months
what kinda underwear do you think the male cast would wear?? i like to think Jade would go without some days, so improper!! OTL Floyd with the colorful patterns, whether he actually wears them tho is a 60/40. i can see him in those cliche heart boxers very, very easily. Do you think any of the cast would keep their lovers' underwear, like a souvenir? I could see Lilia doing it. 1/3 (the rest is just horny posting for a fish)
2/3 (this is *not* an art request just me being down bad for a semi-crazy assfish) I would die to see jade leech in lingerie OTL i cant think of any scenarios where he'd wear it, but god is it a beautiful mental image. Considering his take on clothing (being a mer+weird asf) I don't think he'd have any actual hangups about it, but he still wouldn't do it under normal circumstances. i think part of the appeal for me, is that you wouldnt expect a guy like him (big, top, JADE) to wear sumn like it
3/3 in conclusion  they took away my license because of how  fast i was undressing him
Hi Anon!
This is such a great theme for hcs, and I am very sorry that it took so long, but please understand: this is a very complicated subject, I just had to do research before writing it. Well, in actuality I was just googling all kinds of underwear over and over again until the picture in my head for every single boy looked right lol We’ll get to hcs shortly, but first I’ll reply to the other things you’ve said!
Btw, this ask is from MARCH, that’s how far behind I am in replying to those.
Totally agree about Lilia stealing his lover’s undies as a souvenir. This is his trophy, and he is very proud of them. He should have a display in his room…
Floyd also has his stealing undies moments. Some of the boys he sleeps with could be smitten with him enough to try to gift him their underwear, and Floyd would go “??? Why the fuck do I need these”. But sometimes? He just steals them lol He totally stole a couple of Riddle’s undies. He doesn’t really store them well though, so they’re just lying around his and Jade’s room…
Rook. Rook would also take trophies. And he would take such good care of them it’s insane. Now this is someone who would have a display somewhere… somewhere where no one would be able to see it unless he wants them to…
I also think Ortho would do it one time just because he wanted to play out the trope of having someone else’s panties in his room, oops! He’s a weird boy.
Can’t say much about Jade in lingerie, but it really would look good, not gonna lie….
Riddle – god I want him to have cute ones with a strawberry print, but realistically he is probably wearing just some plain tighty whities…. unless they have a pretty embroidered “R” on it, which is somehow even worse. I love him so much. Wait, would he be the one to wear undies with the weekdays written on them?
Ace – just some boxer briefs, nothing crazy; he used to have very colourful ones when he was younger, with fun prints and all, but nowadays he tries to be a bit more stylish and mature about it, so a lot of times he goes for dark-red/red/black ones.
Deuce – pretty neutral, but he does have a “lucky” pair of trunks that he always wears when he has something important going on that day… He also has a pair of very good seamless running underwear (deep blue with some light blue patterns), and he kind of cherishes them because it’s an expensive gift. Just wear them and run, Deuce…
Trey – he prefers boxers, the ones that are basically just shorts and aren’t tight. They also look pretty plain, but he has some with the tartan print. Usually green or red… He would look like a Men’s Health model if he wore something less loose and more stylish, but he loves his stupid tartan boxers!
Cater – boxer briefs, but the “leg” part is somewhat shorter; he has a variety of different ones, but it’s almost always some variation of grey and orange. He buys the ones that seem cool to him, even the sillier ones are on the cooler side; he is very happy that his sisters don’t have power over what kind of underwear he wears… he thinks about it every time he looks in the mirror after taking a shower.
Leona – probably something high-end and luxury, but he also doesn’t wear them all the time. He wears something short, slick and sporty when he does anything sport-related and needs support for his balls, but other than that – nah, putting on underwear is just another annoying unnecessary extra thing to do.
Ruggie – he bought the cheapest ones available in bulk when he was like 13, and he still wears them (they were a little big for him when he first got them). His grandma said that it has to be cotton, but other than that – it doesn’t matter, and Ruggie believes it wholeheartedly. So I guess some neutral grey briefs? Nothing too fancy.
Jack – oh this boy. He doesn’t like underwear that doesn’t give him good support, so all of his options fit pretty close to his body. I guess his signature ones would be briefs in which one leg is just plain black, and the other leg has a print of half of the wolf face… what, you think it’s cringe? At least it’s not the ones where the wolf’s face is in the crotch area… Jack actually thinks those are cringe too – he got a pair of those from Ace, Deuce and Epel for his birthday (google wolf underwear)
Azul – Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss are his best friends. Very… gentlemanly. He always picks the ones that would make him feel like a successful young man. They’re not too short, but a little shorter than regular boxer briefs, and always very tight. To some maybe even uncomfortably tight, but Azul doesn’t mind it at all for some reason. He has exactly 10 pairs of grey and purple ones, exactly 10 pairs of black and purple ones and a couple of white ones.
Floyd – a big collection, kind of like with his shoes and socks. He hates plain ones, but some of his undies aren’t obnoxious – he has a couple of pretty stylish and bright ones that aren’t too crazy. But yeah, a lot of them are pretty obnoxious and bright lol He loves loose boxers, but also has some tighter ones too.
Jade – yeah he’d go commando lol But not all the time. His choice of underwear is… eclectic. Of course, he has some plain ones (a couple of those are similar to Azul’s but in a different colour and size), but also? He has some surprisingly silly ones. Of course with mushrooms and stuff, or something that too cursed even for Floyd to wear. It just tickles Jade when he has a secret…
Kalim – luxury underwear! Mostly white + yellow/golden/orange ones, but he has some black ones as well. Super high quality, super special design, super cool-looking actually. And Kalim doesn’t even know that his underwear is different from the rest of the guys, but if he ever was to try on some other type of underwear, he would immediately feel discomfort and say that it doesn’t feel right against his skin. Too rough…
Jamil – his is also pretty high quality; even though his family serves the Asims, I feel like this is exactly why Jamil can afford a good pair of underwear. It’s not even remotely near the price tag of Kalim’s though, god forbid, no one should allow to wear underwear this expensive..! Anyways, since Jamil likes to go sleeveless, he probably prefers underwear that doesn’t cover his thighs at all, so just some regular tight briefs. It’s mostly black+deep red, his favourite colour combo.
Vil – there he is, the underwear guru. He has all kinds of underwear and sometimes changes it multiple times per day depending on his activity: he wears seamless short briefs for yoga so it’s not visible through his leggings, but still gives him support, he wears longer boxer briefs for jogging so his thighs don’t rub against each other too much, he wears some other type for flying… his collection is expensive, high quality and very well organised… What was that? A thong? Of course he wears a thong sometimes, it looks hot. And lingerie too, when it’s appropriate. Come on now.
Rook – there he is, the man who used to wear underwear with holes in it and didn’t even care. Point at him, laugh at him, and then say thank you to Vil Schoenheit who took one look at this creature and said “I can fix him”. Anyways, nowadays Rook wears a pair of seamless boxer briefs that hug his body tightly but don't feel suffocating; he owns a bunch of these in different colours. He also owns a jockstrap, and finds it kind of functional, but it makes his butt too prominent, so he doesn't wear it. It’s for special occasions only...
Epel – he fought his mum for the right to buy himself some new cool underwear before coming to NRC (having colourful undies your mom bought you when you were 12 SUCKS!), but he didn’t even get to wear them much because Vil saw them and gave him a lecture about how this is the worst type of underwear he could wear (pure polyester, are you serious??), and that Epel doesn’t care about the well-being of his down-there at all. Long story short, Vil got him some red+purple boxer briefs for the regular wear (not too tight, very comfy!) + a couple of  black pairs for magift (longer ones?? Epel didn’t even know it existed). Epel was actually worried that he would get some stupid girly underwear, but wow these are… kind of nice. But he would never admit that the ones Vil got are much better!!
Idia – he usually wears the grey ones with triangles that STYX issues for its personnel. They are pretty comfy, and you can just grab a box and boom – you don’t have to think about your underwear ever again, EASY. But also Idia has some kind of childish loose boxers… with his favourite characters, of course. This isn’t just underwear, it’s also merch. Perfect for rewatching 300 episodes of your favourite anime.
Ortho – how much he wishes he could wear underwear…! But if we’re talking about real!Ortho, I think he would also like good ol’ regular loose boxers. But overall his underwear collection is less childish than Idia’s, at least because he has some Calvin Kleines.  And yes, of course it’s black and neon blue. He doesn’t really like the STYX ones because they make him sad, but he wears those from time to time because he wants to match with Idia.
Lilia – the moment he discovered funky underwear he was never the same. It’s the same thing he does with socks: he buys everything that seems fun, even if it ends up not being his size: he just gifts it away to younglings, so it’s all good! I think every Diasomnia boy has at least one pair of underwear that doesn’t match his style at all, because it was Lilia’s gift… anyways, Lilia either wears black ones with bright patterns (black + neon green+pink!), or something completely obnoxious. Nowadays he’s also thinking whether he could pull off something cute+sexy…
Silver – he wears whatever and doesn’t think about it twice, as long as it’s clean and has no holes in it. The majority of his underwear are pretty boring regular boxer briefs + just regular boxers that aren’t as tight. He also has one silly pair with blue and pink birdies… a gift from father, of course. He always smiles when he wears them.
Sebek – his default is black+green briefs; his thighs are getting too powerful, so he doesn’t like shorts-type underwear these days. But he does wear one lengthier pair – and it’s special equestrian underwear that has padding on the crotch. Sometimes the boy just wants some extra protection against rubbing okay… it’s not as much of a problem for the rest of the equestrian club boys for some reason.
Malleus – it’s clearly custom-made just for him: it’s black, made of high quality special type of silk + has beautiful lacing. Honestly, Malleus panties are a piece of art. I guess it’s like traditional Briar Valley type of design, but super extra fancy; he is the future King, after all. It’s hard to say if it’s comfy or not, but it looks quite dramatic. Malleus also has some underwear that is lengthier, almost like leggings. 
Bonus round!:
Crowley – doesn’t wear anything. Don’t tell anyone.
Crewel – a big variety, a lot of bold patterns, but his favourite pair is a part of black trunks with a white zebra print. Shocking, I know. He has some pretty sexy ones though, maybe even a thong.
Trein – granpa undies… grandpa undies.
Vargas – unfortunately, probably a jockstrap.
Sam – well wouldn’t you want to know? :)
Che’nya – he almost never wears underwear. And he flashes people. He is a very, very bad cat. He only wears underwear when he knows his pants are going to slide down because he doesn’t know how to use a belt properly, and people are going to see that he is wearing boxers with cartoon hedgehogs tickling each other in a weirdly sexual manner. Bad, bad cat.
Neige – pretty plain ones! Almost all of his underwear is either white or light blue. Some of them have silly prints, almost too cute for a guy… He gets tons of very cool expensive underwear for free as promo, but he donates the majority of them without even unpacking it. Thank you for your kindness, but people need undies more than Neige <3
Rollo – he is similar to Riddle, but I also think he would be that one kid who wears some priestly old-timey looking cotton shorts, because these are more traditional, and traditions are to be cherished. One could think that this is a part of his school’s uniform, but nah, Rollo is just a little weirdo… looks good on him though.
Fellow – I’m sorry, it’s probably kind of bad :( it used to be a decent pair of boxer briefs that he got when they suddenly got lucky enough with money, but now it’s well-worn and has some holes in it. It also used to be bright orange, but now it has a pale sort of peachy hue… he wants to get something new to wear, but whenever they get the money, clothes aren’t really a priority.
Gidel – his aren’t as bad because Fellow always wants Gidel to have something at least a little bit better than what he has, but Gidel’s pair of boxers is clearly too big for him. It’s pinned around his waist just so he doesn’t lose them… it has some guy’s name written on the butt part, and while Fellow finds it kind of depressing (maybe he remembers the guy he stole those from), Gidel thinks it’s pretty funny.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock thoughts!
Wow Wrath of Khan left us on a total cliffhanger so I’m glad I can just watch the next movie instead of waiting (checks google) …2 years. Goddamn. Anyway!
Warning for strong language and spoilers
Let’s get schmoving:
- They’re throwing us RIGHT BACK IN with the saddest scene ever
- GET YOUR FUCKING DOG BITCH (edit: I love the Klingon monster dog <3)
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- is that Janice Rand?
- Who’s in Spock’s room??
- “Jim, help me.” WHAT WHAT WHAT
- Jim lost one husband and the other is possessed by spirits and having visions
- McCoy can do a pretty good Spock impression
- McCoy is now two husbands in one. Two for the price of one kinda deal
- Stabbing me would elicit less emotion.
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- Kirk has lost both his husbands and is now losing his ship. When will the pain and suffering cease?
- they slay
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- Saavik commenting on how David is human like Kirk. Saavik saying fascinating like Spock. David and Saavik working together like the awesome siblings they are. I’m getting everything from this movie
- Did they have to make Sulu slay that hard? Yes.
- HII BITCH! It’s ambassador Sarek!
- “Sarek, your son meant more to me than you could know. I would give my life if it could save his.” That’s- nevermind. They’re husbands. Yada yada you get it
- okay. So Sarek was helpful. That’s a… rare occurrence
- “Then it’s my responsibility.” “Yours?” Yes! Of course it’s Kirk’s! They’re his husbands!
- “You’ll destroy yourself. Do you understand me, Jim?” The only people Jim would understand in these circumstances are mayybe Spock and McCoy but they’re not here. So he’s gonna do something stupid.
- Sulu’s outfit is going so hard
- McCoy’s at the club? He should be at the club!
- I LOBE HIS SPOCK COMING OUT OMG “to order poison at a bar is not logical.” God he’s got tho (edit: got what?)
- McCoy mixed with Spock is so funny cause it’s all of McCoy’s anger tampered down with a couple of added in logic’s
- babygirl sleeping position
- “Revenge for all the arguments I won.” I like how McCoy knows Spock would be that petty
- Kirk not afraid to punch a bitch
- Sulu flips a guy IN HEELS and then proceeds to destroy a console… icon shit. He’s my hero “don’t call me tiny.”
- “Up your shaft.” Scotty ain’t taking shit
- This kid is about to get ratioed by Uhura so hard. I love her. SHE PULLED A GUN ON HIS ASS
- They’re so hot in this movie holy crap
- “Are you just gonna walk through them?!” “Calm yourself, Doctor.”
- McCoy’s standing there on the bridge after they escape the loading dock like ‘..did they just hijack and deactivate an entire starship for me?’
- Saavik’s hair is so cool
- ‘Marcus believes that Genesis has regrown Mr. Spock’ the captain is so shook like ‘uhhhhhh.. that’s amazing?…!’
- Tiny Spock is so cute omg
- welp.. Klingons
- A dick monster just attacked the Klingons
- Saavik must be relieved to hear her dad’s husband Kirk’s come to rescue them
- OHHH GOD. They’re gonna kill David. Oh no. Davids gonna die. He’s dead oh god. Kirk’s defeated little “David?” Oh my… god
- THEY KEPT THE “zero zero zero destruct zero” CODE??? That’s so funny
- Super cool moment. Love them
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- He was having his period (edit: who? Probably Kirk? Not sure) (edit edit: it’s about young Spock grabbing his stomach in pain from pon farr but to be fair Kirk is the usual suspect for grabbing his stomach when in pain)
- So… they’re in hell. The planet is becoming a fire pit
- “Sorry about your crew, but as we say on earth c’est la vie.” God. this bitch.
- Kirk not afraid to kick a bitch… into lava
- “Help us or die.” “I do not deserve to live.” “Fine, I’ll kill you later.” Kirk is sooo done. He’s done.
- “Wait. You said you would kill me.” “I lied.”
- McCoy asking Spock for help D:
- I’m not ready for this moment- and neither is my computer cause it’s low power
- “I’m gonna tell you something that I never thought I’d hear myself say. But it seems I’ve missed you, and I don’t know if I could stand to lose you again.” mccoy- what what. What. What what. What
- I like the little hug between Kirk and Uhura
- Scotty looking between Saavik and the ceremony like ‘what the f- heck is going on?’
- So, Bones is alive. yippee!
- Saavik looking down and away from Spock when he gives her no emotion is so telling. She feels bad.
- “Why would you do this?” “Because the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.” JUST SAY YOU LOVE HIM smh
- They’re just staring at each other for a solid couple of seconds which I- personally - think should have been utilized by Spock going to kiss Kirk
- Leonard is so happy to have Spock back
- Group hug ! :3
That was pretty good. I enjoyed a lot of the McCoy scenes and the David and Saavik stuff. I like in the end credits they finally include Leonard Nimoy’s name because in the opening it would have been spoilers to have all the ‘as Spock’ actors names. Welp onto the next.
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strawbrygashez · 6 months
•Andre fell for Cal pretty quickly. It was a mix of Cals ‘pretty blonde boy’ looks, Andre being a loner with no real friends beforehand, and Cal just getting him in a way no one ever really has before.
•Andre introduced Cal to more heavy music. Andre likes industrial metal while Cal had only really liked grunge before. Cal also shows Andre some grunge songs. They’ll make playlists for each other every now and then.
•Cals really good at making bracelets (real ones or just those kid friendship type bracelets). He’s made countless ones for Andre. (Andre mostly wears the first one Cal ever gave him)
Andre has tried making them too but once he even gets slightly frustrated, he gives up and just tosses it into Cals lap to finish for him.
•Kinda related to prev point, Cal likes doing DIY clothes/jewelry stuff in general. It gives him something to focus on other than wanting to die all the time 💀 One of his favorite things he’s made is a bracelet made out of the tabs off of Monster Energy cans. (Andre is honestly jealous he doesn’t have one.)
•Andre had a skateboarding phase. He kinda gave up on it halfway thru the ZD plans but he did try to teach Cal how to skateboard. (No it wasn’t a excuse to touch him while trying help him steady himself on the board.. okay fr it wasn’t. Cal just wanted to try it out since he saw Andre owned a few skateboards)
Cal is a bit of a giggler so he couldn’t take Andre too seriously when he was trying to give him actually helpful advice on how to skateboard.
•If Andre was in a particularly good mood while driving, he’d sing along loudly to whatever was playing on the radio. Cal would just shake his head with a smile.
•Cal tossed around the idea of working at hot topic for a while but for some reason or another, never applied. Andres secretly disappointed bc he would have liked if Cal had a employees discount.
•When Cals really bored & just feeling ‘off’, he’ll cut different shapes and stuff on himself. He’s done stuff like hearts & a butterfly. He’ll also do words or letters like ZD, A (for Andre :P), and because he’s a Manson fan.. I think he did Marilyn Mansons MM logo at least once. What a emo /j
•Both of them like thriller & horror movies but when it comes to TV shows they are a bit different. Andre likes stuff like Ghost Hunters & shows where they try to find Bigfoot (bc hes a very imaginative guy 💀) while Cal likes game shows where he can yell out answers & go on about how the contestants are stupid with Andre. He’s also kinda interested in cooking shows which Andre hates since they’re ‘too boring’.
•Neither of them are huge readers really but if they find a book or magazine that’s interesting, they’ll let the other borrow it.
•Andre steals knives & blades out of Cals room when he’s not looking but Cal never says anything. They both know Cal will just find a way to cut somehow but Andre still does it anyways (and since Andre will ultimately do whatever Cal wants at the end of the day, If cal asks for one of his knives back enough, Andre will give it back)
•Andre is sooooo the type to punch walls. He won’t do it at home really since he doesn’t want his parents worrying about him so it leads him to like.. punching brick walls outside which is much worse for his knuckles lol. But of course Cals there to bandage it up later.
•Cal is diagnosed with a few different things but won’t really bring it up unless it really needs to be. Andre knows all of his diagnoses tho and Cal will joke that Andre has the same things (depression, autism, adhd, etc) Andre will joke that he’s perfectly fine.
•Andre kept a good amount of his toy action figures from his childhood. They are in a box in his closet.
•Cals a bit of creep because sometimes at sleepovers, he just stares at Andre sleeping. He does it without even anything going on in his mind. He’s just enamored by him. Andre has caught him doing it a few times and just groans and rolls over or tosses a pillow at Cals face
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vennyvoiii · 9 months
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it’s been a while but me and my bestie are playing stardew together and she married olivia (she’s the one on the bottom) and i’m married to victor lmao (i’m playing as Hyjack). btw we didn’t know they were related and now it’s just funny lmao. also obviously our farmers arnt related we have like a whole backstory
they got arrested for multiple reasons btw
Olivia: making illegal wine and selling it, public intoxication
Halle: helping make the illegal wine and selling it, public intoxication
Hyjack: public intoxication (like way more then the rest tho), possession of illegal alcohol
Victor: public intoxication, possession of illegal alcohol
like Hyjack is a retired adventurer and his grandfather was a friend of Halle’s and when halle’s grandad passed down the farm she was like damn i kinda need help and put out like a notice and Hyjack saw it and was like shit i’m getting bored of adventure and i got injured anyways so why not and now they’re running a farm together. also hyjack is like 26 and halle is like 29 lol. anyways i love victor so much omg
(also me and halle fully believe that all of them have been arrested before except for victor and that’s why he’s panicking. we fully believe the worst thing he’s done before they moved to pelican town was cheat on a test in school and he panicked over it for a week. the rest of them have been arrested multiple times for stupid shit. also they got out like the next morning lol.
also here’s the og photo
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theplatypusblue · 6 months
Spoilers for basically everything under the cut :P
In vaguely chronological order (I have already forgotten half of what happened ✌️)
I definitely think the first half is kinda… weak? Somehow? The latter half tho. Oh that latter half. It just felt stronger when we had more stuff going on, I guess. It really started picking up once we met the dragon masters
Man I’m also curious about what got Egalt so emo about humans. Give me the elderly dragon emo backstory…. Give me the centuries old tea about what happened….
Dorama is just?? Hanging out in the desert I guess???? I wonder if we’ll ever get a follow up on that or if it’s just. Y’know. Also I wonder how he controls that puppet thing. Cuz it doesn’t have strings but also I feel like if it was a robot he would be like. Piloting it or something. Who knows.
SPINJITZU BROS MENTIONED!! SPINJITZU BROS MENTIONED!!!! When Wu talked about the sphinx and the Warriors of Felis I was like!!!!!!!!! 👀‼️👆👆👀👀 Ninjago flashback sequences never miss fr‼️
Speaking of flashbacks…. Kai and Nya childhood stuff… the babiues… bwabbies….. babbuysss…. bebies………… buueghugugubuh
Okay tbh when the wolf-warrior Jay stuff leaked I was kinda confused but now I think I can see how we get from point a to point b. Like, Jay. feels like he has to hide his powers for whatever reason, then maybe Ras comes in like “Stop hiding your powers. Quit your job. Join my emo band”
Also Jay screen time has been upgraded! From 30 seconds!!! To 90 seconds!!! 🙌🙌🙏 woo!!!
Cole saying “I’m always adorable >:)” when he has that dog potion I have Art Ideas™ hehe
Ras AND Lloyd have visions…. It’s makes me suspicious somehow. Especially since Ras’ master is kind of associated with gold/yellow. Is his master a source dragon? Like, an evil source dragon??? Cuz that’s the only being we’ve seen so far that can induce visions like that but idk…
When Ras put that shocker thing on the forbidden five guy’s neck, that was like, genuinely kinda scary/intimidating. Cuz like, the whole time, the forbidden five were like, spoken about all mysteriously n stuff. But then Ras just comes in like “ur working for me lol you do what I tell you to ✌️”. Like all the Blood Moon stuff made it seem like they’d be an unstoppable force once they were through that portal, but it turns out they were just another piece of some big evil plan. Crazy.
Now the REAL question is… how the tf is wyldfyre gonna get a boyfriend?? Is it just gonna be some guy she meets in pt 2? Like just some random ass dude????? Cuz there’s been zero (0) setup for that plot point in pt 1, so I have no idea how that’s gonna play out. I’m not upset abt it I’m just totally completely lost and confused if that makes sense. Like how do we even get there bro???
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