#lola shark take
pantalonesdezebra · 1 year
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is sharktale fanart gonna get me out of my art block? idk but let’s try
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omegasmileyface · 11 days
The Foleys' Incredible Crisis
Chapter 1: Call It Stormy Monday
Call It Stormy Monday (But Tuesday Is Just as Bad) was written and performed in 1947 by T-Bone Walker. It is one of the most popular Blues songs ever, and has been performed and reiterated by countless other musicians. It has been credited with inspiring B.B. King to take up electric guitar, and it is included in the Library of Congress.
Happy Invisobang!!! This should have been posted earlier in the week but I couldn't make myself get to the computer to finalize/format it. Hehe. This year I had the INCREDIBLE experience of working with Shadow and Sharks, who were such wonderful artists— they have a whole smörgåsbord of art to please your eyes in this story! They have kept me on my toes— as I write this, the final, collaborated illustration is still a secret to me 👀 Lola is an OC I named once I realized Tucker absolutely feels like he has a little sister. Since then she's been in my heart and I can't let her go. My wonderful girl Lola. It's a treat whenever I get to see her in the wild— I almost had a heart attack when she appeared in Lex Luthor's Ascent from Supervillainy to Fatherhood by halfagone!
For a directory of all currently posted chapters and related content, check out the Table of Contents!
fic summary: After a whole week of vacation stuck together, the Foleys were more than happy to have some time apart. So when they each found themselves caught up in ghost business, that meant handling it alone. Angela wasn't planning on improvising a ghost conspiracy, Maurice was hoping to avoid working IT, Lola didn't think playing a hero would take her out of school, and Tucker would really have liked to focus on his own problems. But, really, what else did they expect from Amity Park? Home, sweet home.
words: 2269
AO3 link
next chapter [pending]
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Tucker dropped his bag with a thunk. He was far beyond caring to be delicate, despite the electronics inside— he just wanted to shed his shoes and jacket and maybe the memories of the trip along with them.
"Ohhhh-kay," said his mom, grimacing at the trash can. Nobody had thought to empty it before they left. "What a vacation!" She laughed emptily. "I'm going to bed. You can fend for yourselves for dinner."
Tucker's dad popped back out from behind the bathroom door. "Before you go," he called over the rush of the faucet, "can we all just agree? Real quick, get in the den and then we can all ignore each other."
Lola sighed loudly and gave up untying her shoe, just kicking it off. Tucker agreed. He couldn't wait to wash his hands after the long trip.
His dad dried off his hands and joined them in the den, looking each of his family members in the eyes one by one. "I propose we never talk about this trip unless we have to."
Everyone agreed with as much fervor as they could muster after the fraught day.
"Also," said Lola, "I think we should try not to talk to each other for a whole day."
"Works for me," said Tucker.
His mom yawned. "Much as I love you all, I'm good with a day pretending you don't exist. Tucker, can you walk with Lola to and from school tomorrow?"
He looked at his little sister. She shrugged.
"As long as she plays nice, yeah."
His dad clapped. "Cool. Alright. So, unless one of us needs something, we all mind our own business tomorrow? Okay. I'm gonna order a pizza, and... I'll sleep in the guest room tonight. Pleasure doin' business with you all."
Tucker closed his eyes and sighed, pleased at imagining taking a shower and sleeping in his own bed in a few hours.
They had just wanted to see family in Chicago. What a disaster.
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The library was quiet when Angela Foley came in. That made sense, she worked weekday mornings, so they usually only saw adults and the rare preschooler. As much as she liked helping the spread of knowledge, it was nice not to have too much to do at the front desk. Maybe she could get a crossword puzzle or two done.
She had made it about halfway through the puzzle (Angela knew a lot of things, but wordplay was never her specialty. What on Earth was she supposed to get from "gift for a blue lady"?) before someone walked in, paused, and went straight for the front desk.
She put on her smile. "Hi! Can I help ya with anything?"
The man was tall, wearing a clean white button-up shirt and jeans. His brassy skin and black hair caught strangely in the fluorescent lights, turning almost orange at their edges. She was pretty sure he was a ghost in disguise, but she had helped ghosts before. Usually, if one was asking for help using a library, they weren't intent on doing anything violent.
Usually. She still reserved a little caution.
"Yes, I'm looking for information on a very distant place. Where might I find something like that?"
"Well, what place is it?"
"It's called An Aghaidh Mhòr."
Angela blinked at the unfamiliar sounds. "I'm not familiar. Is that... Gaelic?"
The man fiddled with his sleeves. "Scottish, I believe, yes."
"Alright." Angela stood up and moved toward the computer monitor at the desk by the door. "I'm going to check in our catalog for books on Scotland."
The man watched silently as she searched. Angela hummed. "It looks like, in house, the only books we have on Scotland are travel guides covering the whole of the UK or Europe. I don't expect they'd have many details on smaller places— well, I'm assuming An Aghaidh Mhòr is small, since I haven't heard of it. If you'd like, you can check anyway, or I can contact another library in the system, and they can send over some more specialized books, but that might take a few days."
The man said nothing, but his eyebrows furrowed in thought. Angela recognized the face of a person with a wide, potent array of bad options.
"Or, if you're more pressed for time, we do have a few computers and Internet access here. I can help you find some web sites that might have what you're looking for."
"And this wouldn't take any longer than looking through a book?"
Angela smiled and headed toward the public computers. "Faster, even, if you know what you're doing. I can help you if you've never done it before."
They began their search, and the man caught on quickly to what Angela was doing and how. She helped him for a while, long enough to find out that An Aghaidh Mhòr was a place in the woody North of Scotland, usually called Aviemore, and was something of a tourist destination. Beyond that, she left him to do his own research and went back to her crossword.
She just had a pesky few clues left when the man started muttering curses in another language and walked back over to her desk.
With panicked eyes, he said "I have to be honest. What I'm looking for is, ah… evidence that An Aghaidh Mhòr has an open community of ghosts alongside its humans. I'm certain that it once did, and I know that it still must. But I have chased every tail of information I could find that led to pages on the computer, and none of them, regardless of detail or experience with the town, has mentioned it."
He looked down and seemed to weigh something in his head. "It must be some sort of secret. Whether to protect the ghosts or to protect themselves from ridicule, the living people of An Aghaidh Mhòr have hidden their ghost society. You have to help me find it."
The little hairs on Angela's body all stood up. Warning bells were going off in her head. There was nothing to do but remain calm. "If that's the case, I don't know about anything like that. I can send out a question to my colleagues to see if they know anything, but I'm afraid I can't–"
"No!" The man swung out a hand, and the inner doors swung shut, silvery light weaving across them like fishing nets to keep them in place. The lights dimmed and his skin faded to a deep, fiery orange, layered and complex like agate. His eyes glowed like the moon. The few library guests gasped and looked at him in shock.
"You are a keeper of information, from a city with a striking connection to ghosts. I need to know the truth about ghostly An Aghaidh Mhòr, and you must help me find it." His silver eyes were full of fear, but Angela couldn't bring herself to care how the ghost who just trapped and threatened her was feeling.
She had to think fast to get out of this safely. Something to keep his hopes up…
"Fine. Fine." Angela held up her hands. "I'm not confident in my own grasp of the situation, but I do know of some secrets like the one you're talking about. It'll take some time– say, a couple hours– to put together anything meaningful, and I'll need to call in an expert, but I can do it. I will do it."
She could only hope her friends were any good at improv.
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Maurice was never one for early mornings, but he always made the best of his hour alone after the kids went off to school and Angela's shift started. That was his time to make coffee and goof around. He could prance around the kitchen in ways that would make Tucker gag if he were there, and as long as he couldn't see his neighbors, he could put them out of mind enough to sing as loud as he wanted.
Before work was the blues hour. Today he put on Lucille. Whole album, on tape, from the top.
If anybody asked why he started his days with the blues, he'd probably say something about the sad lyrics reminding him how lucky he was. How no matter how embarrassing the family vacations or boring the work or sleazy the boss, he still had a clean house around him and a faithful wife beside him.
In reality, though, he mostly just liked the beat.
Once he got into work, it was just the same as ever. Double-entries and journalizing. He didn't even get to mix up which accounts he dealt with. VLADCO was too big for that. It was Accounts Receivable, 140-180, day after day.
But at least it wasn't IT.
Then, after almost an hour of swimming through "Axiom Labs, Ltd. $1,300 Debit" and "Hey, Maurice, how was the weekend?" and "Nugreen Ectosuppliers, LLC $400 Credit" and "You get that last letter? Crazy what Masters is trying these days, yeah?", everything went dark.
(Or, at least darker than usual. The grainy white of every surface in the office never lent itself to anything deeper than a cloudy grey.)
After a few seconds of quiet shock, the lights came back. Now, however, there was a ghost floating in front of the door connecting the Finances and Supplies department to the rest of the facility.
He seemed to be well-muscled and of average height, though it was hard to tell exactly what a ghost looked like when they were putting off that much of an aura. His skin was dark green and rough-looking, like bark, and there was a reddish halo around his head like some sort of spectral hair. His blood-moon eyes looked over everyone in the room individually before anyone dared speak. Finally, he opened his mouth.
"This is the center of a company that arms humans againsts ghosts and similar threats. Yes?"
Shocked, a few people nodded.
"And you are all from the department keeping stock of supplies. I do not know where your weapons are kept, but I know that you do. Someone in here will retrieve them for me. I need them, if I am to bring my people, ghosts and humans, together again."
The tension finally broke the membrane freezing time, and several office workers started to move for phones.
"Don't bother trying to get help. I have severed all the lines of communication between you and the world outside this office. I will leave you alone, as soon as someone leads me to the armory."
Maurice glanced at the little LCD display on the phone on his desk. No signal. His computer, too, had nothing when he clicked over to the Internet settings.
No one said anything. Some kept trying with their phones, but not a single person offered to explain how scant and useless the actual in-house ecto-equipment supply was or show the path to it. Maurice imagined they were all thinking the same thing he was; yes, complying was generally the way to stay safe in a hostage situation, and panic was strong, but a ghost coming into town and getting their hands on even just half-assembled ecto-equipment never went well. And, maybe even more importantly, VLADCO had terrifyingly strict regulations on safe ecto-tech policy. Unless the immediate threat of being personally hurt for information increased, the consequences in the long run were the biggest monster here.
The ghost crossed his arms. "Fine. You have one hour to bring me to the weapons. I can wait. I have waited this long. If you take any longer, or if you attempt any trickery, then I will start going through with threats. Until then, you may have your time to panic and fantasize about ways out that don't involve giving up company supply. I will be standing here."
He leaned against the door, and his gaze stayed rock-hard on the workers and their cubicles.
Maurice caught the eye of his most tolerable coworker Jacob. Jacob widened his eyes in some silent look of panicked questioning. Maurice shrugged. He was scared out of his mind, but what was there to do? Freaking out wouldn't do anybody any good. He could wait here and see if any ghost hunter showed up, and once they got closer to the end of the hour, everybody could meet up and decide if it was worth giving up the ecto-tech.
For now... well, he certainly wasn't going to do more accounting. This was as good an excuse for a break as any.
He toyed around on his computer for a bit, fidgeting with whatever programs he had. Maybe if the ghost noticed him, he could say he was looking for office schematics explaining where the ecto-tech was held. Really, he couldn't think to do anything but let off stress.
He played around in the rudimentary E-mail client for a bit. Mimed sending goofy messages to his coworkers while he knew he couldn't accidentally send them. But there, at the top of his inbox, was the automated morning office update. It had just come in four minutes ago... after the communications were shut off.
Was there some kind of hole in the ghost's anti-communication measure? The intercoms weren't working, and normal E-mails weren't going through, even within just Finances & Supplies. But the daily updates worked on a different system than the normal E-mails, so nobody had to send them at a consistent time each day, just queue them up.
...Was there something about the different setup that made it immune to the ghost's blackout?
Maurice got to investigating.
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hey-hey-j · 1 month
today's movie is Shark Tale and I gotta be honest, I love this movie. Yes most of it is nostalgia but for once I don't care, I love this movie. The only reason it's so low on the list is because it is objectively a bad movie but it's also so ridiculous and memorable that I love it. It's hilarious, the soundtrack slaps—seriously, have you ever sat down and listened to the Shark Tale soundtrack?? That shit SLAPS!! I don't know why they decided they needed to go so hard for Shark Tale but they did and we are grateful. I love Lenny, gay little shark that he is. I love the Whale Wash. The little song that plays when Lola first shows up? "She's dangerous / super bad / Better watch out she'll take your cash" it's ridiculous I LOVE IT!!!!
the only aspect of this movie I actively dislike is the supposed "romance" between Oscar and Angie. Heterosexuality at it's finest. Angie baby I am so sorry you deserve someone so much better.
anyway I'm once again making you listen to my favourite songs on the Shark Tale soundtrack please listen to my favourite songs on the Shark Tale soundtrack they went so hard for this movie you don't even KNOW
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ontheshroom · 2 years
can you do one where the reader is dressed as that fish from shark tale for halloween as a surprise for jack and he’s just all over her, you can end it however you like ;)
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Jack Harlow x fem!reader
Synopsis: Jack finds interest in y/n’s costume
Your mutual friend with Jack, Stassie, is throwing a Halloween party that’s Underwater themed.
“I’m getting ready at Stass’” You tell Jack, packing up your makeup bag.
“Why can’t you get ready here?” Jack whines.
“Because all the girls are getting ready there.” You shrug.
“At least tell me what your costume is.” He begs.
“No, it’s a surprise. Now, are you getting yourself ready, or is someone coming to help you?” you ask him.
“Urb is coming over.” He informs you.
“…Right, so I’ll see you at the party, arrive early so I can fix you up before the paparazzi catch you looking a mess.” You tell him, pecking his lips before you leave the room with your bags.
“I love you! Be safe!” He calls from the door.
“I love you too, babe! I will!” You tell him, opening your car door and throwing all of your things into the passenger seat.
You hop in the car and reverse out of the driveway of the Airbnb and drive to Stass’.
“Hi, love!” You greet her.
“Hi, pretty!” She smiles.
“You’re going to look so good tonight! Did you tell Jack you’re going to be Lola?” She asks you.
“You’re going to look stunning, and no I didn’t.” You laugh.
“Just don’t fuck on my bed.” She tells you.
“We won’t, however one of your bathrooms…” You joke, partly.
The two of you finish getting ready you smile at how good your costume looks. You make sure to tape the material that covers your boobs to your skin and pin the wrap that goes around your waist securely. You decided to have a wig made for the costume and it looks perfect.
“The party starts in thirty!” Stass calls out from her room.
“Okay!” You yell back.
You get a text from Jack telling you he’s outside. You smile, giddy from how much he’s going to love your costume.
You walk downstairs and open the door for him.
“Hi!” You smile.
Jack’s face drops and you assume he doesn’t like it.
“You don’t like it?” You pout.
“How quick can you take that off and put it back on before the party starts?” He asks you.
“What why?” You furrow your eyebrows.
He stares at you blankly and you look back at him confused.
“Cause I want to fuck you, y/n.” He sighs.
“Oh. So you like it!?” You beam.
He laughs at you and shakes his head.
“Stass!” Jack calls out.
“Oh, hey, Jack. What’s up?” Stass asks him.
“I’m going to steal y/n so I can fuck her, we’ll be about an hour late to the party,” Jack tells her.
“No! No, we are not. I told her I’ll help her out.” You cross your arms
“She’s paying people for that. You can come with me.” Jack tells you.
“Go, y/n, It’s okay.” Stass winks before walking back up her stairs.
You sigh as Jack holds your hand leading you to his car.
Jack isn’t able to keep his hand off of you as he drives. You look over at him and see the tent in his pants. You rub your hand over it lightly.
“Fuck.” Jack sighs.
“What are you?” You ask Jack, laughing.
“I’m uh, I’m a great white.” He stutters.
“Mhm.” You nod.
Jack lets out a breath of relief as he pulls into the driveway. He quickly exits the car nearly running towards the door.
“What about Urban?” You ask him.
“He’s back at his hotel, he forgot something there and just said he’ll see me at the party,” Jack says, unlocking the door and quickly putting you through it.
You see him reach to take off your costume.
“No, you aren’t going to take it off right.” You shake your head.
“I wasn’t going to take off the costume, just your thong.” He tells you, sliding his hands under the wrap around your waist and sliding down your thong.
“Fuck.” You mutter under your breath.
Jack bends you over a dresser in the living room with a mirror.
You watch as he unzips his pants and pulls them down before lubricating his tip with your slick. He slowly inches into you, feeling you tighten around him.
“Fuck.” You moan, your head lolling down.
Jack wraps his hand around your throat softly, angling you to look in the mirror.
“Look so good, baby.” He moans.
“F-fuck, Jack.” You moan, your eyes rolling back.
His relentless pace caused the snap of his hips hitting your ass to sound through the room.
“Getting ready to cum, pretty?” He asks, feeling you clench around him.
“Mhm.” You nod, a moan like a sob leaving your lips.
“Cum for me, show me how good you feel.” He urges.
“Fuck! Jack!” You moan, cumming.
“There you go, pretty.” Jack purrs.
He cums in you a loud “fuck” leaving his lips.
He pulls out slowly before dropping to his knees and kissing up your leg as he pulls up your thong.
“Everyone will be thinking about how pretty you are, while you’re dripping with my cum.” He whispers in your ear.
You moan at his lewd words. Jack pulls his boxers and pants back up and you flip around.
“Will you behave at the party now?” You ask him, fixing his suit.
“It’s very unlikely.” He smiles smugly.
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rosey100 · 4 months
Why I just thought of Rose telling all ship kids about how their parents left them every animal and all of them are just like what the fuck like
Rose :And yeah, I'm sure that I had something for cancer and / or a life span
Rudy :So let's get this straight
Rose :Well, if you insist
Rose :Oh no, they didn't want to it was just outside bears, lions, and tigers, and also, an elephant seal raised me as a kid
Balie :And you're not the one a slight bit trametize
Rose :Well, when you get to fish, two pelicans and a bull shark or in the mix state of my family dynamic and powers every creature under, above and in between you 😒
Maxine :You're joking, right
Rose :* makes a natural whale sound straight *
Ginevera and Marina :Oh my gosh 🫢😳
Victor :So we got Mother Nature's rejected off spring for a sister now
Rose :Oh no, my sweetest little brother, you have a fu#king mother nature's b🐶th side as a sister in another alternate universe, so you can take that. *growled while growing shark teeth*
Lola :Wow, Rose's got some thorns, doesn't she
Rudy :It appears so 😑
Lola, Marina, and Balie belong to @kazzykatt
Victor, Maxine, and Rudy belong to @velvets-stuff
Ginevera belongs to @catoncomputer
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Ji Ho doesn't feel well. The concert had drained him. And so Jack accompanies him back to the campsite.
While Travis pays Jeb for the gig. Jeb: "Thanks Travis!" Travis: "I have to thank you! You two are amazing. We should do this again soon!" Jeb: "Sure!"
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Jeb leaves without Saiwa and Lola, the groupie, follows him!
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Saiwa: "Hey! If I can't have Jeb's hugeness, no one will!"
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Jeb: "It's not how it looks like! She's just our groupie and takes care of all of our needs ... ok that sounds weird... but I only love you! I thought you left with Jack and Ji Ho! I wanted to run after you. I have no idea why she follows me!"
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Saiwa: "I'm sorry Jeb. Leander stirred me up and said you have to leave with Ji Ho and we are still 1k § short to save Adriano and Signore Srini will pick him up tomorrow! And I don't want to lose you again!"
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Vlad: "Ji Ho leaves?" Saiwa: "Vlad?"
Vlad: "Did you really think I'd stay at the campsite while Ji Ho performs?"
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Omg Lola, the groupie, is Vlad! They better never tell Ji Ho! And it gives this post a completely new meaning! 😅
And this one where they compared Jeb's hugeness to Vlads! 'Lola' wasn't hitting on Jeb, it was sarcasm lol. Poor Vlad.
Jeb: "Don't worry. We will overcome this too." *kiss* Vlad: "Get a room!"
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I hope Morgan didn't hear them and just watched the drama ö.Ö'
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'E ora sono sulle spese in balia degli usurai sovvenziono quattro streghe per poi sapere dove stai e tuo marito sta qui da me che mangia e dorme come un re Susanna, Susanna, Susanna, Susanna dove sei?'
'And now I'm out of pocket. At the mercy of loan sharks Endowing four witches to find out where you are And your husband is here by me eating and sleeping like a king Susanna, Susanna, Susanna, Susanna Where are you?'
Susanna - Adriano Celentano MV is with scenes from the movie 'Madly in Love' with Adriano Celentano and Ornella Muti and it shows within 5 minutes why I love him so much <3 Ornella Muti is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and the two even had an affair ö.ö'
I added this song to the 'Summer at Tartosa' playlist on youtube and spotify.
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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(prev) Teddy shuddered as he nodded along to Bert‘s words. Much of that regularly happened to him as well. Thankfully the stabbing was left out. “Gee,” he wryly said. “You make me glad that she just-” What was sure to be a fascinating tale was far more important than the almost comical ways Lola tormented him. Teddy leaned in when he saw Bert’s mischievous grin and hung to every word he said. “Kshkshksh… Oh if only you succeeded…” Teddy slyly smirked as he thought of her crawling her way out of the shark tank. Even if being dropped in after feeding time was far more likely scenario. Still… “Maybe I should take a page from your book…”
“By all means,” Bert replied with a smirk. 
Then he looked at the deacon list again.
“Now, there is one more guy I remember with how often he managed to poison me. He was probably the first Glornist I encountered after returning to the Skullship from the HT-125F deal. I, well, do not remember him too much actually because I forgot his name… But maybe I can point him out if I see him…”
Bert scanned the list, and he spent some time looking at the two crossed-out deacons. But they didn’t look or sound familiar either.
“Hm… Maybe he died before you joined.”
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
Hiii, could I please get a match up for the JJK boys? 💞
I'll keep this short and simple so I won't hog up your inbox. 😭
• My name is Mardisella, but everyone calls me Mardi.
• I'm not exactly rich, but I enjoy giving whatever money I have to my close friends in need. Especially my lover.
• I'm actually Honduran, which is a Hispanic country near Venezuela. But I enjoy celebrating other cultures traditions.
• My favorite hobby is singing and dancing, but I also tend to read when I'm bored.
• I'd say my BEST feature is my voice. I get complimented a lot because of it. It's very mature and soothing. I'd say compare it to Lola from Shark Tale 😭
• And finally, I'm a naturally caring person + VERY clingy. If my lover has been gone for hours without texting me or calling, I'm sad to say that I'm the type of gf to throw a fit when they get home. "Where were you?" "So, how'd your date go?" Or something like that.
• Basically.. I'm a very clingy stereotypical Latina. 😭
A/n: Hello and welcome, I hope you enjoy. Thank you for sending in the request and don’t worry you didn’t hog up my inbox. Have a great day and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Choso Kamo
Choso is very interested in sharing his culture with you and learning about yours
He also loves to just listen to you sing, whether you’re just cleaning house or cooking he’s sitting basking in the lovely sound of your voice
Don’t take that as he doesn’t help because this man is making sure chores are split evenly, well as evenly as you can get when he’s constantly trying to tell you to relax and that he’ll take care of it
If you decide to spend your money on him he is forever grateful and will try to pay you back, even if you tell him it’s a gift and there is no need
Basically back and forth of buying each other stuff
Also if he’s out and doesn’t text you, he feels horrible when he gets home
Will offer to make you dinner and cuddle after explaining that his phone died cause let’s be real the only reason Choso would not respond to a text from his girlfriend is his phone died
He will immediately buy a portable charger and take it everywhere so this never happens again
Does not want to upset or worry his girlfriend ever, and if by chance he forgot the portable charger and his phone dies, he is rushing to find a stranger or begging who ever he’s out with to use their phone so he can let you know his phone died and will be home asap
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regularponyfan · 8 months
Thoughts on The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday Part 1
I finally got around to watching this for the first time on Christmas Day, and since then have rewatched it twice. It’s long overdue, but after my third viewing, here are my extensive thoughts on my favorite criminal gang’s newest misadventure:
(Also, stick around til the end where I go through my predictions for the special and see how many things I got right.)
Wait…hold the phone… “A Netflix SERIES”? Holy crap, did they just confirm a “Bad Guys Animated Series” for Netflix?! 🤩🤩🤩
Ok, I know this is just the opening credits and I shouldn’t take it too seriously, but how is Webs able to support the other guys’ weights without collapsing?
Also, she’s a tarantula. She shouldn’t be able to create string (Normally this wouldn’t bother me, except she explicitly states tarantulas can’t make webs in a deleted scene for the movie. Kinda makes her nickname ironic, huh?)
OMG GUYS, I think this is going to become its own series! They even put the title and credits at the bottom of the first scene as if it’s just a regular episode!
Ok, let’s go ahead and get the obvious out of the way: the animation is godawful. I understand they’re on a budget, but c’mon, was it that hard to give us some inbetweens here and there? And don’t get me started on those uncanny facial expressions. (I’ll give more specific examples on how terrible this thing is animated later on.)
The special starts with Wolf directly telling the audience that the story takes place before the Bad Guys turned good…like, he actually looks at the camera and tells us this while he’s driving in the first scene…I know one of Wolf’s abilities is breaking the fourth wall, but as far as I can tell, he can’t predict the future. Why didn’t they just do a voiceover?
Speaking of voices, I’m probably the only one who doesn’t have a problem with the new voice actors (the only one I don’t like is Tarantula’s. IDK, she just sounds off to me. Also, my reaction when I learned Snake’s voice actor played Mickey Mouse: 🤯)
They really should’ve put Shark in the seat behind Wolf instead of Piranha. The little dude is barely visible. XD
Speaking of which, what happened to their car? It looks nothing like the one they use in the movie. Do they have multiple cars or something? I mean, I guess that shouldn’t surprise me because of everything else they “own.”
And while we’re on the topic of “things looking different,” why is Wolf the only one who didn’t receive a new holiday getup?
The Bad Guys (or Webs specifically) now use the term “normies” to describe the citizens of L.A. Ok then…
Of course Piranha likes stinky cheeses 😂. My question is, why’d he try to lie about it? And more importantly, why did he not fart when he did? (They actually bring this up in the special’s novelization.)
It’s a shame we don’t get to see Diane or the chief, but at least my girl Tiffany is back 😁! Now please don’t ever have her do that ridiculous arm-waving motion again. (BTW, Lyoko Comic Dubs, if you’re reading this and need me to do more lines, hit me up 😉).
“IT’S THE BAD GUYS!!!” Um…yeah, lady. They’ve been driving around the city this whole time and weren’t trying to hide it. How are you the first one to notice them?
This special marks the first time movie-verse Snake addresses Wolf as “Wolfie.” It probably shouldn’t be a big deal to me since Webs calls him that all the time, buuuuuuut…🥰🥰🥰🥰
“That’s very not good.” Who said that? It couldn’t have been Wolf ‘cause his lips weren’t moving! 😂
Speaking of animation errors, Snake manages to teleport from the passenger seat to the back in just one shot.
“This isn’t that famous balloon everybody’s freakishly emotionally attached to, is it?” “No, no, no. This is a different giant Santa-shaped balloon.” …I adore this cynical reptile so much. 🥰
And now the Santa balloon is on fire…sure, why not?
Wow, Santa burning up is so tragic, we can even hear Lola Loud crying all the way from Michigan!
And now we get the special’s official title screen. So…what was the point of dropping its name in the beginning then?
What do you know? It turns out that wasn’t Lola Loud crying, but the same woman who warned the citizens about the Bad Guys…even though she never sounded like that before. Gal does great impressions, I gotta say!
“He was like a father to me.” What is it with “The Bad Guys” and daddy issues? XD
They canceled Christmas…because of a balloon…can’t they just…I don’t know, buy another one?
Furthermore, why do the Bad Guys feel the need to cancel their heist because of some guards? They seemed perfectly capable of bypassing security at the Golden Dolphin award ceremony. Was it against their moral standards at this point? Did they just randomly decide one day: “Eh, you know what? We’re criminals, we can do whatever we want to guards. Screw our morality.”
Piranha goes from fake sleeping on a pillow…to Shark’s arm. Animation error aside, that’s actually kind of adorable.
Good lord, that “jumping animation.” 😩 What is this, the Looney Tunes?
It’s sad that the Bad Guys’ attempt at recreating the Santa balloon is more pleasant to look at than some of the close-up shots in this special (We’ll get to those soon, trust me.)
They made a Die Hard reference…in a children’s cartoon…That. Is. Awesome! 🤩
“That guy’s a legend! He parties with ghosts and wears a dress to bed!” Methinks Piranha may be suppressing some hidden desires. 😆
In all seriousness, I would love to see the Bad Guys’ rendition of “A Christmas Carol.” But, sorry Shark ol’ buddy; as great of an actor you are, no one fits the role of Scrooge better than a certain grouchy serpent. 😊
“That sounds a lot like Robin Hood, who is notoriously good.” Spoken like a true Sir Hiss, Snakey my boy 👍. (You know what, screw the last point. I wanna see the “Bad Guys” version of Robin Hood now.)
“He ruined tights for me.” Oh, is that the reason Webs doesn’t wear pants? 😆
Maybe I’m just out of touch with reality, but why does the stereo have two slots for MP3s?
The Bad Guys explicitly state they find most Christmas things to be awful…yet Webs has a holiday playlist? 🤔
“Piranha will help Webs get to the antenna.” Why? Can’t she crawl her way up? Why does Piranha need to be there? Did they just need to give him something to do? Because if that’s the case, can’t he help Wolf and Snake deliver presents? Unless…Wolf wants some one-on-one time with his “best bud.” 🥰🥰🤫🤫
“Buddy, I don’t work with sidekicks.” Scrooge? A sidekick? This lady’s obviously never read the book. Or watched DuckTales.
Did anyone else see Snake’s face before he delivered the first present? It’s almost as if he was saying: “Only for you, Wolfie. Only for you.” 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
“What? You’ve never seen an ab before?” Why Snake, are you showing off for Wolf right now? 😉
It’s honestly adorable that these two know each other so well, they automatically guess when the other is hiding something.
Wait a minute…I’m confused. Normally, Shark’s paper-thin disguises always work no matter how minimal they are. But the second he loses just one piece of the disguise, it doesn’t work anymore? What? (In case you’re wondering, his hat falls off and even though he still has the mutton chops, he’s nearly recognized. Then later on, all he has on is a mustache and that’s enough to fool the shaved ice vendor. Again, what? 🤨)
Yes, Shark. Go ahead and keep talking into your earpiece OUT LOUD while the radio lady is beating you up. That won’t make her suspicious at all. *sigh*
I love Webs’ face after Piranha’s song.
Shark and Piranha refer to each other as “fin bros.” Not gonna lie, that’s really cute 😊.
Good thinking, Wolf. Making it snow when 3/5 of your team is cold-blooded. I can’t see this ending badly at all. 🙄
Ok, as stupid as it is, I love the interaction between Shark and the shaved ice vendor. It’s probably the funniest part of the whole thing.
Of course Wolf doesn’t listen to Webs and turns the machine up to 11 (oops, I mean 10). Again, does he not realize how fatal this could be for the others?
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zablife · 1 year
*cracks her fingers*
Joke's on You by Charlotte Lawrence (one my fav song of all time but it's because I'm a Harley fangirl)
Every Breath You Take by Chase Holfelder
Ich Tut Dir Weh by Rammstein
Venom by Icon of Fire
Heartbeats by Las Aves
Toxic by 2WEI
Devil Within by Digital Daggers
So What by P!nk
Criminal by Britney Spears // If You Seek Amy
Here Comes the Wolves by Lola Blanc
You Call Me a Bitch by Halestorm
Heart-Shaped Glass by Marilyn Manson // Tainted Love
Alright, I think I'm gonna stop there but here's my personal suggestions for your Luca x Aurora. It's pretty varied in terms of genres so I hope you'll enjoy the playlist.
Tysm for this Shark 😍 I knew you'd have amazing suggestions, but I esp love "Heartbeats" and the covers you included. I have "Joke's on You" in my library, but I hadn't considered it for this fic. It's such a great song and fits well! I'll post the playlist with faves of everything my lovely moots sent soon. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy going thru yours when you create a new series. It adds such depth to the overall experience.
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vampyr3wife · 1 year
Like lola from shark tale (compliment)
she’s a hot fish so I do take that as a compliment
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norcalbruja · 1 year
Screaming into the abyss and the abyss answered
What’s up, so around July 21, I was feeling overwhelmed with the rut of my life again because my mom helpfully told me that I’ve spent almost a year without work by now, and I can’t keep posting shit on Facebook about gardening and making pancakes and like... the stuff that doesn’t exactly take 8 hours a day and five days a week.
It did not help that she's thinking of coming home early. Not only is my step-dad thinking he’s not well enough to move to the United States after all, his relatives are apparently TERRIBLE at following directions. When they helped Mom find a new place, they got an apartment with steps, which she specifically said she didn’t want (because she’s seventy and she has mobility issues), and also the neighbors are super loud and she can’t sleep. Which is ironically the same problem she had back here in America.
Luckily, I did not, but just because he wasn’t unfriendly doesn’t mean he wasn’t really fucking impulsive.
Check behind the cut for stuff about Water Spirits Being Dangerous!
You know how the Water-Spirit’s real form looks like a man made of water, or a small waterspout? Kind of weird, but he’s also MOSTLY HUMAN-SIZED, so I got used to him pretty quickly.
Meanwhile, the water-spirit who heard my desperate screaming showed up looking like a FULL-SIZE wave with a man’s upper body just stuck in the middle of the wave’s crest, so to differentiate these two, I’ll be calling him “Rogue-Wave-Spirit.”
My Water-Spirit also does not merely call Rogue-Wave-Spirit “Ama / Father” like he with the regular spirits. Instead, he calls him “Nuno / ANCESTOR.”
I don’t even know if this dude has a proper name that’s capitalized or anything. If the water-spirit keeps saying he “lost” his name, “the embodiment of a massive rogue wave” probably wouldn’t have a name to begin with.
The problem is, Rogue-Wave-Spirit is very IMPULSIVE, so like... the first thing he did after asking me what was wrong and why the anito haven’t helped me out yet is:
He rounded up Three out of Four Haiks--the Lightning Spirit, Haik Number Four, and Shark--to yell at them for essentially dicking around with me for so long, AND HE JUST FUCKING CRUSHED HAIK NUMBER FOUR AND THE LIGHTNING-SPIRIT IN ONE HAND. Yes, that’s how big he is.
Shark only got yelled at, but not... pulverized(???). It’s because he was pretty honest that he wasn’t pretending to be Haik, he was planning to take Haik’s function for me because it’s been years and I haven’t gotten help from ANY of the anito yet.
So this was obviously terrifying, especially because Haik Number Four is some kind of anito even if I don’t know if he’s actually Haik. But like the “Bane versus Batman moment” where SOMEONE dragged the Water-Spirit into the ocean abyss, broke his back as punishment for lying, and then assured me that he wasn’t PERMANENTLY injured without realizing how watching that is Definitely Not Fun, Rogue-Wave-Spirit realized I was screaming for a DIFFERENT reason.
So he winced and went “Oh no! I scared you, didn’t I? I’m sorry!” And he like, scooped them back up and healed them. ...Yay???
Lola Buwaya arrived and wondered why I was screaming so much again, and she gave a heavy sigh to see Rogue-Wave-Spirit.
Rogue-Wave-Spirit asked her, “Lola, what meaning is this? Has no one helped her yet? She reeks of pain and loneliness. Where are the anito besides Haik?”
And Ulupong barged in and just let loose about my situation (and what he thinks about it). He went, “People say all sorts of shit! They say the anito think her stories and poetry are blasphemous, and they left her for writing about Haik being MARRIED and having kids with a MORTAL WOMAN! Like that doesn’t happen in any other pagan pantheon! They say the anito don’t CARE ABOUT PEOPLE, and she pissed them off by always begging them to ANSWER HER PRAYERS--but everyone else prays to them just fine! They hold rituals! They tell people to talk to the anito after spending so long in Catholicism! Either she’s doing it too much, or she’s doing it the wrong way!
“I don’t know if the mortals are right or not, but you know what I haven’t seen? NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT OF THE ANITO. Haik and Makapulaw are the only ones trying to fucking help her, but she freaks out and won’t believe them! The only other spirit who came around called himself Bathala, but good luck having this chick believe anything a Tagalog spirit says! Not after people told her how she, specifically, has pissed off the anito so much that they don’t give a fuck about her anymore! For all I know, the others DID abandon her. So she’s stuck in the wilderness for now. With us.”
Rogue-Wave-Spirit’s reaction was basically “ULUPONG! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???”, which is surprisingly consistent among the Tagalog spirits.
Anyway, right now Rogue-Wave-Spirit is hanging out and just being very gentle with me. Partly because of the “crushing other spirits to a pulp in front of me, a squishy mortal” issue, but also because of the situation above.
Given that the Water-Spirit is obviously nervous about continuing to give me writing ideas, Rogue-Wave-Spirit assured me that he’d also help with my writing. And like, getting my writing to make some money.
I have gotten no direct signs yet, but a Tweet I made on a friend’s profile, about how the Filipino diwat and the Irish Fair Folk are both given offerings much more like “gang protection money” than some fluffy neopagan shit about “making friends,” has racked up 1200 likes in two days.
Years of posting on social media about my writing with radio silence most of the time, and the thing that takes off is a half-remembered meme. Lol, why is this my life?
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djcanipe99 · 2 years
Luke:Your probably noticed we havent given you our gifts yet.
Dustin : That's because...
Luke : Um...
Dustin : Um...
Luke and Dustin : 'cuse us dude.
[Dustin and Luke take their girlfriends to oposite sides of the pool]
Dustin : [Takes out a folded piece of paper from his pocket] I wrote this myself.
Luke: [Also takes out a folded piece of paper from his pocket] I wrote this last night.
Luke : [Begins to read]Jessie .
Dustin : [Also begins to read] Lola.
[The two talk simultaneously]
Dustin : As I wander through this dark and lonely forest of life, surrounded by various beast, Bears, vipers, squirrels. Not to mention small tree growing lichen, woodpeckers, slugs, gila monsters. Oh no, that's the desert.
Luke: As I swim through this dark and fearful sea of existance, surrounded by various creatures, sharks, eels, yellowtail, and also barnacles, and algae, man-o-wars, starfish, blowfish, catfish. Uh oooh, that fresh water.
Dustin : The point is, I know we promised you a better life.
Luke: What mean is we told you the future had some really good stuff.
Dustin : But all that stuff hasn't happened.
Dustin and Luke : But it will, I hope.
Luke: The day after tomorrow, if things workout.
Dustin : What I mean is....
Dustin and Luke : [Turn to each other and give a shrug. Then turn back to their girlfriends.]
Luke : Will you...
Dustin : ...Marry us.
Jessie : Luke ...
Lola: ...I'd love to.
Dustin and Luke : [Smile, take out a plastic pink and purple heart ring. Holds it up for the other see that they suceeded, and then places it on their respectible girlfriend's finger. The then give a quick air guitar to the other, and recieve a kiss on the cheek by their girlfriends.]
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(Previous) Bert put his hands on the sides of his head and shuddered. “Tell me about it! Oh, she was awful!” He crossed his arms. “She would pounce on me from out of nowhere if my evening strolls around the Skullship accidentally went on too long into the night! And hit and scratch and choke and stab!” But then Bert grew a mischievous grin as he stroked Sherri Jr’s back. “But of course I hit back. One night I managed to briefly knock her out. Luckily it happened near the science wing. I dragged her into the marine biology labs and tied her above a shark pit. When she woke up I delivered an evil speech about how she crossed me for the last time as I lowered her closer.” He innocently shrugged. “I meant to just leave her hanging there as a scare tactic but I thought I heard someone else coming so I panicked, let go of the rope and dropped her in there and fled.” He glared at her sketch again. “Evidently she survived but I saw her much less often.”
Teddy shuddered as he nodded along to Bert‘s words. Much of that regularly happened to him as well. Thankfully the stabbing was left out.
“Gee,” he wryly said. “You make me glad that she just-”
What was sure to be a fascinating tale was far more important than the almost comical ways Lola tormented him. Teddy leaned in when he saw Bert’s mischievous grin and hung to every word he said.
“Kshkshksh... Oh if only you succeeded...” Teddy slyly smirked as he thought of her crawling her way out of the shark tank. Even if being dropped in after feeding time was far more likely scenario. Still...
“Maybe I should take a page from your book...”
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Round 1 Statistics
Bracket 1 Side A
Mizuki Akiyama (Project SEKAI): 109 votes (57%) vs. Maria Campbell (My Next Life as a Villainess): 81 votes (43%)
Flora (Winx Club): 155 votes (70%) vs. Abby Sciuto (NCIS): 65 votes (30%)
Mitsuba Sousuke (TBHK): 47 votes (41%) vs. Forrest (Fire Emblem): 67 votes (59%)
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday): 152 votes (49%) vs. Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon): 161 votes (51%)
Haley (Stardew Valley): 105 votes (36%) vs. Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura): 188 votes (64%)
Veruca Salt (Willy Wonka): 43 votes (47%) vs. Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan): 48 votes (53%)
Cinderella: 127 votes (60%) vs. Silena Beauregard (PJO): 84 votes (40%)
Kim Possible: 79 votes (25%) vs. Amy Rose (Sonic): 234 votes (75%)
The character with the most votes is Amy Rose with an impressive 234 votes. The character with the least amount of votes is Veruca Salt with 43 votes (Though this is skewed due to this poll only running a day. See poll about this here) If we take that into account the one with the lowest is Mitsuba Sousuke with 47 votes.
Bracket 1 Side B:
Sakura Chiyo: 102 votes (63%) vs. Lydia Bennet: 61 votes (37%)
Caroline Forbes (Vampire Diaries): 43 votes (21%) vs. Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon): 163 votes (79%)
Rosie Mayfield (Style Savvy): 129 votes (43%) vs. London Tipton (Zack and Cody): 170 votes (57%)
Momoi Satsuki (Kuroko's Basketball): 153 votes (59%) vs. Tuesday Simmions (Carole and Tuesday): 108 votes (41%)
Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games): 90 votes (39%) vs. Stella (Winx Club): 139 votes (61%)
Honey-Senpai (OHSHC): 113 votes (66%) vs. Victorique de Blois (Gosick): 59 votes (34%)
Sakura Minamota (Zombieland Saga): 46 votes (26%) vs. Madoka Kaname (PMMM): 132 votes (74%)
Cure Sparkle (Precure): 146 votes (58%) vs. Lindsay (Total Drama): 104 votes (42%)
The character with the most votes is London Tipton with 170 votes! (Sorry to Rosie fans, you guys are passionate!) The character with the least amount of votes is Caroline Forbes with 43 votes.
Bracket 2 - Side A
Lola (Shark Tale): 50 votes (33%) vs. Colette (Thea Sisters): 100 votes (67%)
Therese Wolf (Fables): 63 votes (42%) vs. Orca labor9 (Tumblr User): 86 votes (58%)
Princess Ozma (Wizard of Oz): 104 votes (57%) vs.Aelita Schaeffer (Code Lyoko): 80 votes (43%)
Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales): 111 votes (41%) vs.Hiyoko Tosaka (Hatoful Boyfriend): 159 votes (59%)
Fernet (100% Orange Juice): 48 votes (35%) vs. Donko (Taiko no Tatsujin): 88 votes (65%)
Blythe Baxter (Littlest Pet Shop): 75 votes (63%) vs. Shezow/ Guy Hamdon (Shezow): 45 votes (38%)
Numbah 3 / Kuki Sanban (KND): 56 votes (48%) vs. Ami Onuki (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYuki): 61 votes (52%)
Jessica Day (New Girl): 68 votes (40%) vs. Caitlin Cooke (6Teen): 102 votes (60%)
The character with the most amount of votes is Hiyoko Tosaka with 159 votes! The character with the least amount of votes is Shezow with 45 votes.
Bracket 2 - Side B
Shirou Fuji (Mizutama Honey Boy): 34 votes (19%) vs. Kitty (BBC Ghosts): 141 votes (81%)
Rainbow Brite: 69 votes (52%) vs. Zari (Duolingo): 63 votes (48%)
Momoko Ryugasaki (Kamikaze Girls): 103 votes (62%) vs. Peaches (Ice Age): 63 votes (38%)
Barbie (Sandman): 49 votes (49%) vs. Tilly (Rent a Bridesmaid): 52 votes (51%)
Sally (Ninjago): 117 votes (30%) vs. Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony G3): 276 votes (70%)
Princess Pea (Super Why!): 60 votes (51%) vs. Mai Oota / P-Chan (Gokinjo Monogatari): 57 votes (49%)
The Cat (Red Dwarf): 152 votes (68%) vs. Queen Red Riding Hood (Land of Stories): 70 votes (32%)
Arcee (Transformers G1): 88 votes (62%) vs. Gaby (Desperate Housewives): 53 votes (38%)
The character with the most amount of votes is Rainbow Dash with 276 votes! The character with the least amount of votes is Shirou Fuji with 34 votes.
Bracket 3 - Side A
Cher Horowitz: 125 votes (49%) vs. Cornelia Hale: 131 votes (51%)
Marianne Dashwood: 55 votes (27%) vs. Clover: 151 votes (73%)
Perfuma (SPOP): 127 votes (42%) vs. Mabel Pines (GF): 179 votes (58%)
Lilligant: 114 votes (63%) vs. Biscuit Krueger: 68 votes (37%)
Allison Reynolds: 37 votes (21%) vs. Isabella Garcia Shapiro: 137 votes (79%)
Hello Kitty: 157 votes (47%) vs. Barbie: 174 votes (53%)
Mari Tsutsui (Rainbow Days): 40 votes (24%) vs. Ella (Total Drama): 124 votes (76%)
Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place): 274 votes (68%) vs. Rosalina (Mario): 128 votes (32%)
The character with the most amount of votes is Tahani Al Jamil with 274 votes! The character with the least amount of votes is Allison Reynolds with 37 votes.
Bracket 3 - Side B
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde): 180 votes (67%) vs. Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo): 88 votes (33%)
Ty Lee: 102 votes (51%) vs. Amulet Heart/Ran: 97 votes (49%)
Holly Munro: 321 votes (54%) vs. Nikki: 279 votes (47%)
Birdo: 178 votes (53%) vs. Lambdadelta: 155 votes (47%)
Smurfette: 127 votes (51%) vs. Regina George: 124 votes (49%)
Tsukimi Kurashita: 184 votes (40%) vs. Todomatsu Matsuno: 279 votes (60%)
Blossom (PPG): 58 votes (22%) vs. Rarity (MLP:FIM): 205 votes (78%)
My Melody: 163 votes (61%) vs. Nui Harime: 103 votes (39%)
The character with the most amount of votes is Holly Munro with 321 votes! Nikki also did extremely well with 279 votes! The character with the least amount of votes is Blossom with 58 votes.
Bracket 4 - Side A
Emily: 55 votes (37%) vs. Mitsuri Kanroji: 94 votes (63%)
Nana Komatsu: 97 votes (55%) vs. Lucia Nanami: 78 votes (45%)
Bugs Bunny: 129 votes (46%) vs. Sailor Venus/Minako Aino: 152 votes (54%)
Rose Lavillant: 45 votes (24%) vs. Marie: 139 votes (76%)
Glinda: 115 votes (55%) vs. Hilda Valentine Gonreil: 94 votes (45%)
Mew Ichigo/Ichigo Momomiya: 199 votes (74%) vs. Coco: 69 votes (26%)
Princess Peach: 167 votes (74%) vs. Starfire/Koriand'r: 58 votes (26%)
Draculaura: 153 votes (45%) vs. Charlotte La Bouff: 184 votes (55%)
The character with the most amount of votes is Mew Ichigo with 199 votes! The character with the least amount of votes is Rose with 45 votes.
Bracket 4 - Side B
Bee: 237 votes (67%) vs. Natsuki: 118 votes (33%)
Bubbles: 90 votes (57%) vs. Strawberry Shortcake: 68 votes (43%)
James: 89 votes (41%) vs. Kurako: 127 votes (59%)
Platinum the Trinity: 31 votes (41%) vs. Aoi Hyōdō: 44 votes (59%)
Mad Mew Mew: 119 votes (59%) vs. Minnie Mouse: 82 votes (41%)
Tsunoda: 111 votes (41%) vs. Cure Coral: 159 votes (59%)
Daisy Duck: 72 votes (38%) vs. Cure Flora: 117 votes (62%)
Yukiko Kanzaki: 154 votes (45%) vs. Buffy Summers: 185 votes (55%)
The character with the most amount of votes is Bee with 237 votes! The character with the least amount of votes is Platinum The Trinity with 45 votes.
In Conclusion, the character with the most total votes in round 1 is Holly Munro with 321 votes!
Got exact votes from this:
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Hello, hello!
I decided to show you songs that remind me of the vicious 6!
Here •3•
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♤ Jean Clawed:
♤ Cake by Melanie Martinez
♤ Tous les mêmes by Stromae
♤ Dèrniere danse by Indila
♤ ilomilo by Billie Eilish
♤ my boy by Billie Eilish
♤ Sick thoughts by Lewis Blissett
♤ Fulenn by Alvan feat Ahez
♤ Brass Goggles by Steam Powered Giraffe
♤ Anti-hero by Sekai no owari
♤ Lies by Will Jay
♤ Tourner dans le vide by Indila
♤ Cradles by Sub urban
♤ Hayloft II by Mother Mother
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♡ Belle Bottom:
♡ Nightmare by Halsey
♡ Daisy by Ashnikko
♡ you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish
♡ Princess Castle by Jazmin Bean
♡ Villain by K/DA, Madison Beer, Kim Petras and League of Legends
♡ Hypnotic by Zella Day
♡ Looking at me by Sabrina Carpenter
♡ Paint it, black by Ciara
♡ Candle queen by Ghost and pals
♡ Take it off by Kesha
♡ Blow by Kesha
♡ Pacify her by Melanie Martinez
♡ Kiss or Kill by Stela Cole
♡ Girls by Marina and the diamonds
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◇ Wild Knuckles:
◇ Crazy=Genius by Panic at the disco
◇ Enemy by Imagine Dragons
◇ Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez
◇ Animals by Maroon 5
◇ Formidable by Stromae
◇ Everybody gets high by MISSIO
◇ Blood//water by grandson
◇ Therefore I am by Billie Eilish
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♧ Svengeance:
♧ Troublemaker by Olly Murs and Flo Rida
♧ Shut up and drive by Rihanna
♧ bellyache by Billie Eilish
♧ Sharks by Imagine Dragons
♧ Choke by I don't know how but they found me
♧ Tantrum by Ashnikko
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¤ Stronghold:
¤ MAMMAMIA by Maneskin
¤ Deal with it by Ashnikko
¤ Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez
¤ Angry Too by Lola Blanc
¤ Wrecking ball by Mother Mother
¤ Immortals by Fall out boy
¤ Wolf in sheep's clothing by Set it off
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☆ Nunchuck:
☆ Crucified by Army of lovers
☆ Pink Rover by Scene Queen
☆ Exorcism by CreepP
☆ Alphabet boy by Melanie Martinez
☆ River by Ochman
☆ Test me by Melanie Martinez
☆ creature by half•alive
☆ Ancient dreams in modern land by Marina and the diamonds
☆ all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish
☆ i'm not a woman I'm a god by Halsey
This came out so long fuck-
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