#london protest
vyorei · 8 months
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Link to the full article here:
Some photos from the article:
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pinkchunder · 5 months
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Does anyone know if there’s any upcoming protests in London or a website that would show the information? Whenever I see them in the areas I’m in it’s already passed. Thank you in advance 💚🍉
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hussyknee · 7 months
I'm fully burn out but y'all NEED to go look at the news footage of the London protests right now IT IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. The streets are blocked for MILES.
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Protestors are outside the department of Health and Social care in London, calling for an immediate ceasefire.
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nagararitsu · 8 months
although main stream media would like you to believe it was 100k today in london at the free palestine protest the organizers on stage and on social media have said it’s more than 300k. don’t let them diminish the numbers.
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mrs-n-uzumaki · 2 years
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head-post · 6 months
Protests in London against UK migration policies
On Monday, activists, anti-racists and refugee rights campaigners gathered outside the Home Office in London for a large-scale protest under the slogan “Stop the Hate”.
The protesters organised the action to express strong opposition to the UK’s migration policy, especially in the wake of the sad incident involving the controversial Bibby Stockholm barge, which was allocated by the government to house migrants.
The protest was sparked by a tragic death last week, further fuelling fears about the treatment of migrants under the current policy. An asylum seeker recently died on the Bibby Stockholm vessel at the centre of the controversy. ​​​​​​​Weyman Bennett, co-convenor of Stand Up To Racism, expressed profound concern over recent developments. He claimed:
“While our hearts broke watching the news of more lives lost as a result of the racist borders policy, (Prime Minister Rishi) Sunak forced through legislation seeking to override the court’s ruling that the Rwanda plan was illegal.”
Read more HERE
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easterneyenews · 7 months
Massive London protest demands permanent ceasefire in Gaza
TENS of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched through central London on Saturday (25) to call for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the latest in a series of weekend demonstrations in the capital since the seven-week war began.Saturday’s rally, which involved 45,000 campaigners according to police estimates, took place during a four-day truce between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, the first break in the fighting, but protesters said that was not enough.
Read more- https://www.easterneye.biz/massive-london-protest-demands-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza/
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wisemancax · 8 months
Greta Thunberg arrested at London protest against oil bosses
Greta Thunberg arrested at London protest against oil bosses Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (born 3 January 2003) is a Swedish environmental activist who is known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation.
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whatevergreen · 7 months
Part of the Pro-Palestine march in London today, November 11 2023.
Possibly the biggest in history.
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augustsappho · 14 days
Students at Goldsmiths University of London have restarted their protests in the face of footage that surfaced from Rafah and in response to Frances Corner showing little sign of taking student demands seriously and even less intent to hold up to her divestment agreements, which were made at the beginning of May 2024.
Protests at the uni have been covered by Al Jazeera and The Socialist Worker. Updates can be found on their Instagram @goldsmithsforpalestine. A vote of no confidence has been kick-started by the Student Union and will commence on June 7th 2024.
In meetings leading up to this vote, there has been a stark lack of support of any kind or any intent to vote against the no-confidence proposal. Students unanimously stand against the Warden.
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violottie · 3 months
"We will continue to march until Palestine is free 🇵🇸" from Humaniti Project, 10/Mar/2024:
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Thousands of demonstrators converged opposite the White House on Saturday to call for an end to Israeli military action in Gaza, while children joined a pro-Palestinian march through central London as part of a global day of action against the longest and deadliest war between Israel and Palestinians in 75 years.
People in the U.S. capital held aloft signs questioning President Joe Biden’s viability as a presidential candidate because of his staunch support for Israel in the nearly 100-day war against Hamas. Some of the signs read: “No votes for Genocide Joe,” “Biden has blood on his hands” and “Let Gaza live.”
Vendors were also selling South African flags as protesters chanted slogans in support of the country whose accusations of genocide against Israel prompted the International Court of Justice in the Hague, Netherlands, to take up the case...
The plight of children in the Gaza Strip was the focus of the latest London march, symbolized by the appearance of Little Amal, a 3.5-meter (11.5-foot) puppet originally meant to highlight the suffering of Syrian refugees.
The puppet had become a human rights emblem during an 8,000-kilometer (4,970-mile) journey from the Turkish-Syrian border to Manchester in July 2001.
Nearly two-thirds of the 23,843 people killed during Israel’s campaign in Gaza have been women and children, according to the Health Ministry in the Hamas-run territory...
“On Saturday Amal walks for those most vulnerable and for their bravery and resilience,“ said Amir Nizar Zuabi, artistic director of The Walk Productions. “Amal is a child and a refugee and today in Gaza childhood is under attack, with an unfathomable number of children killed. Childhood itself is being targeted. That’s why we walk.”
London’s Metropolitan Police force said some 1,700 officers would be on duty for the march, including many from outside the capital...
The London march was one of several others being held in European cities including Paris, Rome, Milan and Dublin, where thousands also marched along the Irish capital’s main thoroughfare to protest Israel’s military operations in the Palestinian enclave.
Protesters waved Palestinian flags, held placards critical of the Irish, U.S. and Israeli governments and chanted, “Free, free Palestine.″
In Rome, hundreds of demonstrators descended on a boulevard near the famous Colosseum, with some carrying signs reading, “Stop Genocide.”
At one point during the protest, amid the din of sound effects mimicking exploding bombs, a number of demonstrators lied down in the street and pulled white sheets over themselves as if they were corpses, while others knelt beside them, their palms daubed in red paint.
Many hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Paris’ Republic square to set off on a march calling for an immediate cease-fire, an end to the war, a lifting of the blockade on Gaza and to impose sanctions on Israel. Marching protesters waved the Palestinian flag and held aloft placards and banners reading, “From Gaza to Paris. Resistance.”"
-via AP News, January 13, 2023
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eretzyisrael · 9 days
‘Pro-Palestine’ protests have become a near-weekly occurrence across Britain. Since Hamas’s 7 October massacre, regular marches have been drawing in a growing number of young people, marked by passionate advocacy and fervent slogans. Yet despite their zeal, many of these protesters lack a fundamental understanding of the conflict they are so vociferously decrying.
In the past six months, I have attended many of these marches. Having engaged with numerous protesters, I have noticed a startling disconnect between their strong opinions on the Gaza conflict and their shaky grasp of basic facts about it. Among the most perplexing are the LGBT and feminist groups (the ‘Queers for Palestine’ types) who flirt with justifying Hamas’s atrocities. This is a bewildering alliance, given that Hamas’s Islamist ideology is clearly antithetical to the rights and values these groups claim to champion. Its reactionary agenda is profoundly hostile to women’s rights and LGBT individuals.
Protesters seem eager to make excuses for Hamas, but are conspicuously uninformed about exactly what or who this terrorist group represents. On 18 May, during a protest at Piccadilly Circus in London, I spoke to demonstrators who firmly believed that Hamas represents all Palestinians. When I questioned a well-educated participant about the last Palestinian election, she was unaware that none had occurred since 2006, when Hamas gained power in Gaza.
It wasn’t just young people who were uninformed. An older woman with an American accent, seemingly a veteran protester, admitted she knew that Hamas was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, but had no deeper knowledge of its ideology or history. Others, such as members of revolutionary socialist groups, displayed similar gaps in understanding, unaware of critical events like the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
That revolution gave birth to the Islamic Republic of Iran, a theocratic regime that brutally oppresses its own citizens. It also sponsors Islamist groups like Hamas. I left Iran for the UK not long after that regime began and have spent years resisting its religious extremism and ruthless political intolerance. Protesters were not only unaware of these facts about the Iranian regime, but also ill-informed about the struggle against it, such as the ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ protests against the government that began in 2022.
One particularly telling conversation involved a man advocating for a ‘Global Intifada’ to replace capitalism with socialism. When asked about successful socialist models, he was unfamiliar with the Israeli kibbutzim, one of history’s few successful egalitarian experiments. His ignorance of these communal settlements in Israel, built by socialist Jewish immigrants, was all too typical.
Perhaps the most telling moment was captured by commentator Konstantin Kisin earlier this year, when he encountered a young man holding a ‘Socialist Intifada’ placard. The protester admitted he had no idea what this meant and that he had taken the sign simply because it was handed to him.
Reflecting on past movements, such as the American anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960s and the British Anti-Apartheid Movement of the 1980s, one can’t help but note a stark contrast. Protesters then were generally well-informed about their causes. Today’s pro-Palestine protests, however, seem to be driven more by unthinking fervour than by an understanding of the issues at hand.
Throughout all these protests, I am yet to encounter a single participant who condemns Hamas or carries a placard denouncing its terrorism. This not only undermines the protesters’ cause, but also risks aligning them with groups whose values fundamentally oppose the very rights and freedoms they claim to support. It appears that today’s young protesters are high on ideology, but woefully thin on facts.
Potkin Azarmehr is an Iranian activist and journalist who left Iran for the UK after the revolution of 1979.
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Free Palestine march in London today!
The people are with Palestine, and yet governments refuse to listen.
In the UK both the Tories and Labour refuse to even call for a ceasefire. Every day more and more children are dying in Gaza.
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