#long story short admit you're white and move on
queer-kid-thoughts · 2 months
White people be like: oh no I don't speak Spanish and I grew up in California but my great great great grandfather's uncle was from Mexico so I'm totally latinx! I love Taco bell! Oulah amimgous!
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teaberrii · 7 months
Chapter 4: Shall We Date...?
After ending a five-year relationship, you pour all your energy into work. Your latest assignment? Staying at a popular bed-and-breakfast to gather information. It should be a piece of cake... If only the owner isn't the man you scolded on the street.
Jing Yuan/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“...My ex-wife.”
You sit up for what feels like the tenth time that night. It has been hours since you and Jing Yuan parted ways, but you still can’t get that out of your head. You’d wanted to ask, but was that too personal? Regardless, you didn’t get a chance as Yanqing and Pom had woken up.
Now, you're left with a million questions. But, this means Jing Yuan isn't gay. Or, maybe he’s pan, bi, or—
You sigh loudly and fall back onto the bed. Does his ex-wife still work at Star Rails Hotel? Who is she? A manager? Or, just another regular employee like you? How long were they together? What happened—
You sit up. This is getting out of hand. Your eyes are dying to rest, but your mind’s running laps. You get out of bed and slip on a thin jacket over your PJs. Then, off you go to get some much-needed fresh air.
The air is crisp and chilly, calming your mind in ways that lying in bed can never accomplish. Eventually, you come across a pool where the dim glow of the lights inside the water makes it look almost ethereal. You’re walking along the side of the pool when you hear a woman’s voice.
“Can’t sleep either?” You look towards the white beach chairs just as March lifts her sunglasses to the top of her head. She’s looking at you with a small smile. “Join the club.”
“What’s with the sunglasses?” you ask in amusement, coming up to take the empty chair beside her. “Not judging, just wondering.”
“I was hoping it’d help me get some sleep, but then someone showed up out of the blue.” March sits up, her thin, airy blazer moving to the side. She says she’s here to get some sleep, but with her crop top and shorts, you think she's ready for a swim. “What’s keeping you awake, Femme Fatale? Is it a guy, hm?” She leans forward and whispers, “Is it Boss?”
“...Are you talking about Jing Yuan?”
“Who else?”
You cross one leg over the other. “What makes you think that?”
“I saw the way you two were looking at each other at the dinner table.” She chuckles. “Nothing escapes my eyes.”
“Well, he’s been a nice guy so far,” you admit, looking at the pool.
“Hey…” When you turn back, March is looking at you with curiosity. “Are you trying to find some faults in him or something?”
“It’s not that. It’s…” Then, you give her a deadpan look. “You’re asking a whole lot of questions, March.”
She laughs. “Sorry. To make up for my rudeness, is there anything you’d like to know?”
“Why do you call him Boss?”
March leans back and looks out at the pool. You sense there's a personal story behind the nickname as the silence is not what you’re expecting. Then, March says, “Long story, but we were guests when he was still getting this B&B off the ground.” She turns to you. “...Back then, I was still active.” Active? “Judging from your expression, you still don’t know who I am, huh?”
“You’re March, right? That influencer—”
Just as the man’s words come back to you, March says, “March 7th reporting for duty!”
Wait a minute.
Your eyes widen. “You’re March 7th?!”
“Gosh, took you long enough.” She sighs. “Then again, I can’t blame you.”
March 7th. She was a popular online influencer in her early twenties who disappeared from the Internet after multiple scandals. 
‘Fake’ Rich Girl Cancelled
Scandal-ridden Influencer Upcoming Appearance Cancelled
Online Influencer Stops Activites After Unreal Discovery…
You’ve heard of her and seen her ads in department stores. While you weren’t a fan, per se, you knew that she was known for her popular videos that showcased her “idol-like” visuals and talent. She sang and danced and appeared on reality shows. You vaguely remember hearing from your friends that she was caught smoking or promoting fake products. There were more accusations, but you didn't pay much attention as you had your life to worry about. 
Regardless, you remember her being much skinnier with long hair. Her makeup style was also a lot bolder than what it is now. That was years ago. Now her features have matured, but when you look closely, you can see it. The essence of who she used to be.
While you don’t remember what caused her online career to plummet, you’re at a loss for words. You never thought in your wildest dreams you’d meet someone like March 7th.
“...You’re not going to ask?” 
“About your scandals?” You’re curious, no doubt. “That’s none of my business. But, I just…” Then, quietly, “It’s crazy to think that a celebrity is in front of me right now.”
“Looks like my hunch about you was right.” She puts her hands on the chair. “You’re not the type that goes crazy over celebrities and whatnot.”
“I like to think I’m past that phase, thank you very much.”
You and March quietly laugh. Then, she takes out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. She slides it open and offers you one. You politely decline. To your surprise, she puts it back inside her pocket instead of lighting one.
“...Anyway, to answer your question, Jing Yuan helped me out of a bad place.”
It was the early hours of a cloudy day when March went out for a smoke. She lit a cigarette and took a drag just as she saw a shirtless Jing Yuan working in the garden. Did he really not recognize her? He’d treated her like any other person. She wasn’t a failed celebrity or a girl with "issues." She was just like everyone else.
March walked over and continued watching him. She’d seen her fair share of physically attractive older men. But maybe it was because of the industry she was in that most of them were sleazy or had ulterior motives. Yet what she’d seen of Jing Yuan so far... He was none of those things but a hardworking, upstanding guy.
Jing Yuan stood and turned around. “Do you need something?”
“Your attention would be nice.” Jing Yuan raised a brow, and March chuckled. “I’m just kidding.” Then, she took another drag. “...You don’t happen to have a map of the island, do you? It’s my first time here.”
“You can find one at the reception counter. Pom should have some—”
“Already checked,” March lied. “Do you have any at your office?”
Jing Yuan walked up to her, and March awkwardly avoided his eyes. “You checked, huh?”
But, instead of calling her out on her lie, he put on a shirt and said, “...Follow me.”
When they walked side-by-side, she casually asked, “Why don’t you hire someone to do all this manual labour for you?”
“Someone’s curious.”
March shrugged. “Just something I observed. You have a few workers here and there, but you’re still doing a lot of the management stuff yourself.” She looked around at the guests who were enjoying a casual BBQ or casually strolling around the resort. “But, this place looks like it’s doing well enough for you to hire a few extra people.”
“For someone on holiday, you sure are paying a lot of attention to what’s happening around here.”
Jing Yuan opened a door to the cabin designed like a mini office. But, before March could follow him inside, he said, "...Wait here."
She stepped closer to him and her body was inches away from his. "What if I don't want to?"
"Then you'd be trespassing, and I could kick you out."
March almost felt offended at how unamused he sounded. "...Do you know who I am?"
"Are you here for the map or not?"
March sighed and walked off the porch. "Go on. I'll wait here." 
When Jing Yuan came back out, March was sitting on a rock, looking bored as hell. He walked over and handed the map to her. "This one has a few day trip recommendations so you'll have ideas of what you can do."
March stood and took it from him. Then, she crossed her arms. "Sounds like you're trying to kick me out."
"That wasn't my intention. You're free to stay, of course. But, it would be a waste to spend your entire day at the resort. There's a lot to see."
Sensing his genuine kindness, March frowned. “You aren’t scared your reputation’s going to plummet because you’re housing an unruly celebrity?" 
“If I was, I wouldn't have let you stay here."
"So you do know who I am," she said, narrowing her eyes.
“No matter who you are, you’re a guest like everyone else. Why would I treat you any differently?”
There’s so much to unpack that you don’t know where to start. 
“I kinda wanted to flirt with him, if I’m being honest," March says, leaning back. "But, after he said that, it made me realize that I was young and dumb.”
“...How so?”
“The rumours about me that were going around at the time… Not all of them were true. But, I started believing all the nasty things people were calling me." March sighs. “I won’t bore you with details, but Jing Yuan was a stranger. Him treating me just like any other person made me see things a little differently. Maybe he was judging me back then, but if a stranger could see past that, why couldn’t I do it for myself?”
“You seem to be doing a lot better now,” you say with a little smile. 
“I am, but I’d like to attribute that to my hard work. It has nothing to do with Jing Yuan.” She laughs. “But, yeah, I mean… it’s in the past and we get a good laugh about it now.”
“I never thought you’d be into older men, though, if I’m being honest.”
March leans forward. “Jing Yuan ages like fine wine, I swear. We’d never mix well, but I was so shocked to hear about his divorce.”
“...Was he married when you, uh…”
March raises her hands as if declaring innocence. “I knew nothing about a wife and a kid back then. If I knew, I wouldn’t have flirted with him. Wasn’t a few years later that I found out. It’s still a shock to many people.” March lies back on the chair. “He hasn’t seen anyone since... probably because he was so busy trying to get this business off the ground that he had no time for things like that."
The skies have brightened, and from over the horizon, the sun peeks out from behind the clouds.
“Hey.” You turn to March who has a curious sparkle in her eyes. She asks, “What do you think of Jing Yuan?”
“...He seems like a good guy.”
March rolls her eyes. “Girl, give me the tea. Do you think he’s hot?”
You don’t get a chance to answer when you and March see someone enter the pool area. Jing Yuan’s shirtless, but it isn’t just his toned body that takes your breath away. The abstract dragon tattoo that runs from his shoulder to his chest looks like it's handpainted. He looks in your direction, and unbeknownst to you, March waves at him.
“Out for your morning swim?” she asks.
Jing Yuan slips on a black beach blazer and walks over. “What are you two doing up so early?”
“What do you think? None of us could sleep.”
Jing Yuan looks at you. “Why’s that? Is it a problem with the room?”
“The room’s fine,” you say, looking away, your face feeling slightly hot.
March glances from you to Jing Yuan and back to you. Then, she takes out her phone and sees the flurry of messages. “Ah… I’d better head back,” she says, standing. “Will you two be okay?”
“What makes you think we won't?” Jing Yuan asks.
“Oh, I know you’ll be fine, Boss,” March looks at you and chuckles. “Well, toodles!”
Jing Yuan puts a hand inside his pocket as he watches her run off. Then, he sits in the chair in front of you. “...Don’t tell me I did something to upset you, Corporal.”
You finally turn his way. “What makes you think that?”
“Seems like you didn’t want to look at me for a bit there.” You can’t help but look at his dragon tattoo. Then, his low voice comes again. “Curious?”
You look up and see him looking at you with interest. “A little.”
Jing Yuan smiles and looks down. “Well, why don’t I make you a deal?”
“...What kind of a deal?”
He nods at the pool. “Take a swim with me, and I’ll tell you about it.”
“I’m in my PJs if you haven’t noticed.”
“Don’t tell me you came to a resort without bringing a swimsuit.”
“I came here for work.” Jing Yuan continues looking at you until you cave. “...Okay, I did bring something.”
Jing Yuan chuckles. “You’re right, though. You’re here for work. But, if you need to relax, the pool’s always open… most of the time.”
You slightly smile. “Are you here every morning?”
“Every other day. Otherwise, I go for a run.”
“I don’t know whether to be impressed or call you crazy.”
“Why not both?”
“Because that’s being too nice,” you deadpan.
“Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
"What gave it away?" You rub your eyes. "Sorry. I can really feel the fatigue kicking in.”
“Go back and get some sleep.”
You sigh and stand. “But, breakfast’s in an hour.” You don’t need to guess that you’re going to oversleep.
“...Text me when you’re awake.”
You look at Jing Yuan who’s also standing now. “Why?”
“Special service.”
“...Special service?” 
“If you want to go out and grab something to eat when you’re awake, that’s fine. Or…” Your eyes widen when he leans slightly closer and whispers in your ear, “...The owner can cook something for you in a private kitchen. No pressure.”
“Private… kitchen?” You narrow your eyes. “Trying to butter up the enemy, huh?”
“Enemy?” He chuckles. “If that’s how you want to put it. But”—he smiles mischievously—”you’re going have to do a little better to get secrets out of me.”
“Who said anything about secrets?”
“It’s why you’re here, aren’t you?” Then, he leans upright. “Good luck, Corporal.”
You watch Jing Yuan walk and dive with perfect form into the swimming pool. Now you’re not just tired. You’re also a little annoyed… but excited?
By the time you’re awake, it’s a little past noon. 
You wash up and change into comfortable clothes before opening your phone and seeing a bunch of texts from your friends. You forgot you left your phone on silent and didn’t bother checking it. Some are from your mom, asking how everything’s been. So, you give her a call.
“Are you having too much fun that you forgot all about me?” she jokes.
“It’s why I’m calling you now.”
You get her up to speed with what’s been happening, including that you are friends with the owner of the B&B. Of course, you don’t go into details about the… flirting that’s been happening.
“Sounds like you’ve been having fun.”
“More or less.”
“...Do you know that he’s been trying to reach me?”
As soon as your mom says your ex’s name, you frown. “...He really wants to get back in touch with you.”
“Mom, I thought I told you to block him.”
“I did! But one of your friends reached out and… He wants you to give him another chance."
You scoff. “That’s not going to happen." A small pause. "I’ll deal with this. I won’t let them harass you anymore.”
You sigh loudly when you end the call. This is not how you imagined to start the day. Jing Yuan suddenly flashes in your mind, and you slightly shake your head.
You’re thinking about the best course of action when you head outside and hear overlapping voices. The closer you get to the stone villa, the louder it gets. Then, you see a small crowd surrounding two tall men who look like clones of one another. Both have a handsome face. But one has green eyes and long black hair that reminds you of an elegant prince while the other has short black hair and dull blue eyes. A short distance away, Welt is watching with vague amusement. When he sees you, he waves.
“...What’s going on?” you ask, walking up.
“Ah… Let me apologize for the commotion on behalf of my friends,” Welt says.
“Your friends?” 
You look closer, and you swear you’ve seen them before. They’ve just finished taking a photo with two girls when the man with the long hair notices you. He walks past one woman and up to you.
“Is this the woman you and March were talking about?” he asks.
“My latest inspiration and the woman who stood up for March? Yes.”
When the man smiles at you, your heart almost skips a beat. “Hi.” He holds out a hand. 
You awkwardly take it. “Hi… You’re not going to give me a name?”
The man looks a little surprised as if you should know who he is.
“...Clearly, my brother’s head is still in the clouds.” The other one walks over and gives you a little smile. “My name’s Dan Heng. This is my brother, Dan Feng.”
Where have you heard those names before…?
“They’re athletes,” Welt says as if reading your mind. 
That’s when it hits you, and you gasp.
“Didn’t you compete in the Global Games?”
“That’s right,” Dan Feng answers. “Two-time fencing and kendo gold medalists.”
Your jaw almost drops. 
“Welt and March told us about you,” Dan Heng says. 
“We’ve been curious,” Dan Feng adds. Then, with a little smile, he says, “You’re prettier than they described.”
Your eyes widen at the unexpected compliment. 
“...What are you doing?” Dan Heng deadpans.
“What? I’m being honest.”
Welt and Dan Heng roll their eyes just as you hear, “...You’re awake.”
You turn around and see Jing Yuan dressed in a fitted, V-neck, dark gray shirt and white pants. 
Dan Feng chuckles. “Don’t tell me you have a date with the owner.”
“That’s…” You remember your mom and your annoyingly persistent ex. Then, you're hit with an interesting but workable idea. Before Jing Yuan can say anything, you say, “...Could we talk?”
As the brothers watch you and Jing Yuan walk into the stone villa, Dan Heng side-eyes his brother. “Don’t be getting any weird ideas.”
“You hurt me, Brother. Why do you always think the worst of me?”
Dan Heng sighs. “Because you never prove me otherwise.” Then, he sees Welt looking in the direction you and Jing Yuan had walked off. “...Welt? Is something wrong?”
Welt turns back. “Oh, no. I… just had a thought.”
“Inspiration, perhaps?” Dan Feng asks.
“...Something like that.”
Pom greets you and Jing Yuan with a salute when you enter the lobby. Then, in a cheery voice, he takes the receptionist’s phone call.
“If you want privacy, we can talk on the patio,” Jing Yuan says.
Sure, why not? It’ll give you a chance to gather your thoughts. 
Jing Yuan leads you upstairs, and despite Pom’s professionalism on the phone, his eyes are following your every move. Jing Yuan opens a set of doors that leads to a rooftop patio that has a fireplace and some couches and chairs. 
“...I got a call from my mom today,” you say, sitting on the adjacent couch.
“Is everything okay?”
“...Apparently, my ex’s been bothering her.”
“...That’s not a good sign.”
“My friends have been texting me about unblocking him, too. And…” You sigh and look away. “...Getting a bit off topic there. But, just to get them off my back for now, could you…” Gosh, this sounded a lot better in your head.
“You want me to play the fake boyfriend?” 
“I mean… You don’t have to do anything. It’s not like they’re actually here, so—”
Jing Yuan leans forward and looks at you with a little smile. “That’s true, but I don’t like to half-ass anything.”
Your pulse quickens as he continues looking at you. “I’m also looking for other ways to get him off my back, but I'd appreciate the help.”
“If it escalates, you could file a police complaint.”
“...I hope it won’t get that far,” you mutter. You lean back. “We may have broken up, but… we were friends for years before we dated. Just kinda sucks that’s all gone too.”
“If you remained friends with him… do you think that friendship would continue to last?”
“...Hard to say.”
“Sometimes, we outgrow our friends, and ending things with them may not be as ugly as relationships but..."
"It still hurts... if not more," you finish. Then, you glance at him, thinking whether to ask him about his ex-wife when Jing Yuan’s phone goes off.
He reaches into his pocket and looks at the screen. Then, he looks at you apologetically. “I have a meeting.”
“Ah, no worries. Sorry for keeping you.”
“...Looks like my special service will have to come a little later,” he says, standing.
“You were serious about that?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
You stand and shrug. “I thought you were just saying it. Seems a little much.”
Then, he leans over and suddenly kisses your cheek. “Well, you’re not just a guest anymore, are you?” When you see him looking at you, your face feels warm. “...As I said, I don’t like to half-ass anything.”
This is just temporary. You’re here for work.
That’s what you keep telling yourself, at least.
Chapter 5
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @immahuman @queencybow @grimreapersscythe @nqctre
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viceroywrites · 2 months
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pickles x fem!reader
the two of you meet in rehab; him being a metal drummer punished for drinking while operating a hovercraft and you being a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who recently relapsed.
in the short weeks you spent with him, you came to two realizations; he was more addicting than any drug, and you never wanted to quit this drug.
ao3 version here - first two chapters are rewritten on tumblr and the rest will be the same moving forward.
content warning: this story involves discussion of alcoholism, drug usage, and drug addiction. reader is a recovering addict.
chapter one - admission
As you stepped inside the cold and sterile rehabilitation center, you shivered a bit. Despite your arms being covered by your thick hoodie, you still felt the icy chill run down your spine. It was a sensation that felt all too familiar unfortunately.
You didn't want to be here. It was a moment of weakness that put you back right where you had started years ago. The sterile white walls, judging looks given by the nurses and aides, the ashen faces of the recovering drug and alcohol addicts, seeking out anything to help them through their withdrawals. Everything about this place screamed death and despair, and you had escaped it alive only to be thrown right back in.
You had just started a new job, moving out of your parents’ home and finally gaining the independence you had worked so hard for. From the outside looking in, everything was looking up. However, unbeknownst to those who knew you, you were severely stressed from the workload placed on you, coming home to an empty apartment since your roommate worked nights and away from the support system you had created back at home outside of your family. Week after week, the stress began to pile up and one night, after several years of being sober and carrying that sobriety coin in your wallet, you had a couple glasses of wine, justifying in your head that you deserved it after getting through the week.
It was only to loosen up.
Once your roommate stepped into your apartment the next morning to find you, not at work, but  knocked out with an empty bottle of wine by your side, it did not take her long to put two and two together. Out of concern, she encouraged you to call your support system and family. What harm would it be, right?
The reaction you got was a brutal blow to your ego. Your friends began to worry about you; their feelings being mixed as you had been on top of sobriety since your last program but ultimately agreeing to support you in getting back on track.  Your parents didn't trust you the moment that you admitted your mistake, immediately demanding you come home and that you weren't ready to take on the world yet.
Deciding to 'get your life together', you agreed to take medical leave from work and go to rehab to keep your parents from dragging you back home kicking and screaming. Your friends breathed a sigh of relief but your parents didn't let their guard down. They forced you to stay for the whole program to make sure you were put on the right path again and everything was alright with you.
An elderly woman, a nurse in the facility, saw you standing there, immediately recognizing you, and shook you gently by the shoulder. Snapping out of your thoughts, you looked back and smiled a bit at the familiar looking woman.
"Hey there, Cecilia. You miss me?" You chuckle bitterly, stuffing your hands in your pockets. The nurse's eyes looked down and she sighed, "I thought you were clean, kid. You were one of the lucky ones to escape this hell hole and now, you're back." Her tired eyes looked back up at you before her lips spread into a grin, "Well, at least I got someone sane to keep me company for a while. Follow me, they’re have been some changes since you were last here but at least we got better mattresses and food this time around.”
With a nod, you headed down the hall where you surveyed each room. Inside, irritated doctors and psychiatrists argued with uncooperative and stubborn alcoholics and drug addicts. You rolled your eyes, "Typical..." you mutter under your breath.
You silently stopped at a room, and Cecilia opened it. Setting your duffel bag down, you turned to the elderly woman and smiled tiredly, "Thank-"
Your sentence was cut off by a doctor rushing over to Cecilia and talking to her, ignoring your presence, "Pickles is wreaking havoc... again."
Cecilia shook her head and looked over at you, "Sorry, kid... duty calls. We got a new troublemaker on our hands for a few weeks while you're here. Be back soon." She quickly left you by yourself  to chase down the troublemaker.
You nodded and started unpacking your duffel bag. You remembered to pack some thick blankets and your own sheets as well as a few comforts from home - your favorite body wash, noise-canceling headphones, and a few snacks that you were surprised didn’t get confiscated considering they could have easily been edibles. As you were in the middle of unpacking, you hear a succession of loud knocks on your door. Assuming it’s Cecilia, you open the door with a hum, “You catch him, ‘Cilia?”
Instead, you were greeted by a handsome red-headed man.
You quickly surveyed his thin form, skullet red hair, pale skin and sharp green eyes. Unlike almost everyone here, including you, he looked alive. Rejuvenated. Like he was ready to get out of this hell hole now, kicking and screaming. It finally hits you who this was and before you can question what he’s doing here, his distinct North Midwestern accent cuts you off from your thoughts, "Hey.. um.. can I hide in here?"
You blinked and gave him a puzzled look, "Uhm.. may I ask why?"
Pickles had been running from  a few of the guards who had caught him pissing in a garbage can since the main bathroom was occupied by one of the other patients having a panic attack. Trying to find a place to escape, he wasn’t expecting to open the door to someone close to his age, especially someone as attractive as you. His face broke out into a grin and he put his hand out, "You must be new here.. I'm Pickles.." 
He expected a bigger reaction out of you considering his status but you simply blinked before chuckling and crossing your arms, "So you're the new troublemaker? The guy everyone's trying to hunt down?"
Pickles was surprised at how you addressed him but nodded with a smirk, "That would be me."
You smirked, "Pleasure to meet you, Pickles. I'm [Your Name].. and I'd be glad to let you hide out here till later but what's in it for me..?"
The drummer chuckled and his grin got wider, "I can't really give you anything while we're in this place. But I promise I'll make it up to you once we get out. Deal?" He put his hand out to seal your agreement.
You pondered for a minute, hearing the guards’ voice grow closer before shrugging, "Well, what have I got to lose? Deal."
Your hands met before clasping together and shaking.
'Well, at least there's someone sane and reliable in this hell hole..' he thought with a smirk as he stepped inside your room, the door shutting behind the two of you. 
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tunnelofdusk · 2 months
mdzs fic: wangxian, dark lan zhan, stalking, professor x student
wc: 1978
O how he loves you, darling boy. O how, like always, he invents the monsters underneath the bed to get you to sleep next to him, chest to chest or chest to back, the covers drawn around you in an act of faith against the night.
An air conditioner sputters incoherently as Wei Ying hunches over his laptop and pecks at the faded keyboard. Besides his laptop, a cracked smartphone lights up with a phone call set to speaker mode.
"Is that your air conditioner?" Jiang Yanli says worriedly.
"Yeah," Wei Ying says, "but it's fine. It does that all the time."
"Oh, A-Ying, I really think you should move back home."
Wei Ying laughs. "Jie, I think Yu-ayi has had enough of me! She even gave me a housewarming gift." It's true; an exorbitant metal contraption of a coffee maker takes up most of his kitchen counterspace. It's the nicest gift Yu-ayi has ever gotten him, considering the fact that she usually opts to just gift him money on special occasions. It's hush money, he had always joked even as his siblings would frown.
"Still, we live so close to your college; I don't see why you had to move out," Jiang Yanli frets. Her voice is sweet and Wei Ying smiles down at his laptop.
"It's part of the college experience!"
"Oh, A-Ying, you don't even have a roommate! I just don't think it's very safe for a young boy like you to be alone."
Wei Ying mouths "young boy" to himself and lets out a huff of laughter. "I'm 19, not 12. And jiejie, you're only 22!"
"Hmmm, I thought A-Ying was only 3…"
"A-Ying is only 3 when he wants jiejie's soup!"
Jiang Yanli giggles. "Even if my A-Ying is 3, 19, or 80, he can always have my soup."
Speaking of soup, Wei Ying flicks a glance at his steadily humming refrigerator where frozen containers on Yanli's soup reside. He's not ashamed to admit that that soup has been his primary source of sustenance as he battles past an ever-growing brigade of deadlines, exams, and presentations. He reassures Yanli when he confesses to as much. She continues to fret over him as he finishes off a paper until she finally concludes with an ominous warning that she's going to wrangle a family friend into checking up on him.
"He's a professor of psychology at your college too," she explains.
Apparently Jiang-shushu had connected with him, a professor named Lan Zhan, at a charity gala. And apparently while Wei Ying has been gone out of the house, this Lan Zhan had been visiting the house often enough with Jiang-shushu to even have Yu-ayi charmed by him. Even Jiang Cheng reluctantly admits that he's okay enough when Wei Ying had texted him with a series of question marks ("?????? Who is Lan Zhan????? 囧 Am I being replaced?????").
After collecting all of that data, Wei Ying had immediately formed a mental image of this Lan Zhan: a man as old as Jiang-shushu but with inexplicably white hair and wireframe glasses on a round, wrinkled face. Maybe he had a little scholarly paunch from a life spent inside among books and artificial lights.
When this storied Lan Zhan finally comes to check up on Wei Ying, it is on the day that Wei Ying's air conditioner gives off its last sputter. No amount of "percussive maintenance" had helped repair it and the temperature in Wei Ying's apartment had steadily begun to rise, matching the muggy atmosphere outside. And so on that day, Wei Ying has long since stripped down to a pair of loose shorts. Sprawled across the floor like a salted fish, Wei Ying stares up at the mildewed ceiling of his apartment with a rare quiet of his mind. He counts the cracks in the ceiling like stars in the sky—endless.
Once, Jiang-shushu had tried to rope the whole family into yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, but Wei Ying had ended up falling asleep during the guided meditation. Jiang Cheng had, worryingly enough, looked like he had lost his soul, as if he had come out on the other side of some internal battle all the worse for it. Jiang Yanli had done her best to meditate. And Yu-ayi had somehow ended up angrier as if she had meditated into a pure state of rage.
A crisp double knock on wood resounds through the apartment and knocks Wei Ying out of his musings. With a grumble, Wei Ying shakes off his lethargy to open the door. The bolt chain clinks merrily as his hands fumble. Finally, he swings the door open and pauses in his own doorway, staring at the man before him. The man, who must be Lan Zhan, has sharp features (with only wrinkles near his golden eyes; he must be an eye smiler!) and broad shoulders with a lightly muscled body outlined in a suit. It's so hot that Wei Ying could cook an egg on his floor, and yet this Lan Zhan looks cool and unruffled in his three-piece suit.
"Jiejie didn't say she was sending a handsome laoshi my way," Wei Ying blurts out.
"Nevertheless, your sister sent me to check up on you," Lan Zhan says blandly. The deepness of his voice sends a thrill through Wei Ying; it must be envy.
Wei Ying laughs, short and quivering. He steps back from the doorway and beckons Lan Zhan inside with a fluttering hand. Lan Zhan's eyes flicker down to that hand and a little scoff escapes him. Wei Ying eyes him in return with some indignance. So stiff!
Wei Ying watches as Lan Zhan unbuttons his blazer and settles into Wei Ying's battered sofa (it came with the apartment!). It's a bit ruder than Wei Ying would have expected from a person who consorts with the Jiangs' ilk. Yet, Lan Zhan somehow transforms the sofa into something regal—something worthy of a man like Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan's posture is stiff and the commanding spread of his thighs makes Wei Ying swallow dryly. He looks away.
"Well," he croaks out, "you checked up on me. I'm still alive, haha…"
Lan Zhan stares directly into Wei Ying's eyes, mouth tugging downward as if to say, "You live like this?"
"Where is your shirt?" is all Lan Zhan says. His gaze is heavy, lingering on Wei Ying's torso and transmitting a chill down his spine.
"It's too hot for a shirt," Wei Ying says.
"Indecent," Lan Zhan intones.
Wei Ying rolls his eyes and he watches the way Lan Zhan's fists slightly crumple his suit pants.
"I will tell your sister that you are clearly better off at home," Lan Zhan says stiffly.
Dramatically, Wei Ying drops to his knees in front of Lan Zhan's spread legs. "C'mon, laoshi, there's no need to be so extreme! I'll even put a shirt on if it makes you more comfortable!" he exclaims. He had already endured Jiang Yanli's glossy eyes when he said he would be moving out with no plans of coming back. ("A-Ying wants to be independent," he had concluded babyishly as Jiang Yanli unwillingly snorted an inelegant laugh.)
A darkness eclipses the gold of Lan Zhan's eyes and Wei Ying leans back as Lan Zhan leans down ever so slightly.
"Pathetic," Lan Zhan intones.
囧 囧 囧 囧 囧 flashes in Wei Ying's mind. "Family friend"—well, Wei Ying supposes that he had never truly been considered part of the family, at least not in Yu-ayi's eyes or in society's eyes…
"Lan-laoshi, aren't you being too harsh?" Wei Ying wheedles. "Jiejie just wanted you to check in on me, not bully this poor undergrad! Aren't you a professor too! Hmph, is this how you treat your students?"
"None of my students would behave like this."
"So cruel to A-Ying!"
Wei Ying laughs awkwardly. Jiang Cheng would never let him live this down if he ever found out…
"You—you can just ignore that, haha…It's just how me and jiejie joke…"
"I am not your jiejie."
And Wei Ying looks up, suddenly confronted with the bulge in front of him. Jiang Cheng always did say that his playfulness would likely be the end of him..
"Haha…right, you're definitely not my jiejie, Lan-laoshi," Wei Ying says as he scrambles to rise from the floor. The apartment has somehow got even more hotter; the summer heat coaxes a flush to rise from his bare torso and to crawl up his neck.
Abruptly, Lan Zhan stands up and Wei Ying loses his hard-won high ground. The scent of sandalwood engulfs Wei Ying and he cannot help his hitching breath as Lan Zhan draws close.
"Your hospitality and home leave much to be desired," Lan Zhan says archly.
And then he just leaves—shouldering past Wei Ying and swinging open the door with an enviable grace that leaves Wei Ying dry-mouthed. Wei Ying stands shirtless and still in the middle of his living room before he scrambles for his phone, digging into his deep pockets.
He texts Jiang Yanli the following messages in quick succession:
囧 jiejie, ignore whatever lan-laoshi says!!!
he is a liar!!!
he is mean!!! 囧
a-ying is innocent!!!
a-ying was unjustly abused!!! slandered!!! 囧
After a few harrowing minutes, Jiang Yanli texts back:
All he said was that he would look after you.
What's wrong?
"Did he just insult me for no reason then?!" Wei Ying mutters to himself. He sends off a final message:
nvm, a-ying is ok :) <3
A week after Wei Ying meets Lan Zhan, Wei Ying's professor for Introduction to Abnormal Psychology abruptly withdraws from the university for a family emergency. Wei Ying had never thought that he would have to see Lan-laoshi outside the confines of his apartment since typically, Lan-laoshi only teaches grad classes. And yet—
"Sit down, A-Ying," Lan Zhan says as Wei Ying gapes at the crisply suited figure behind the podium. Although Lan Zhan's features remain static, there is something about the curve of his eyes that reminds Wei Ying of a falcon before a dive. Lan-laoshi must really like teaching…
"You know him?" Nie Huaisang whispers as paper flutters with opening notebooks around the hall.
"Family friend," Wei Ying says as he scrawls the date across notebook paper, already tearing at the perforated line.
“Will you tell your brother? Your sister?” Lan Zhan says in a low voice, eyes intent.
Wei Ying shakes his head in a sharp, jerking movement. His hands are unsteady and his fingers desperately grip the balcony railing.
“They have enough to worry about,” Wei Ying eventually says. His eyes skim the view below them—trees reaching into the air, poking through the fog. High up in the mountains, the air is different. It is crisp. He takes a deep breath in and then a deep breath out, banishing his anxiety.
His hands are still unsteady.
“Will you at least report it?” Lan Zhan says.
The warmth of Lan Zhan’s concern heats Wei Ying up. He thinks, I’m not alone. (He never is but he won’t realize this until the end.)
Wei Ying shakes his head again.
“You know the police never do anything about stalkers,” he says bitterly. He thinks about Xiao Xingchen—a short-lived reconnection of Wei Ying and his uncle. Song Lan still looks for Xiao Xingchen, and grief still deadens his face until he can only smile at his daughter.
“Thank you,” Wei Ying says quietly. His breath mists white in the chill air. “For letting me stay with you…”
Lan Zhan’s mouth curves thinly. “Between you and me, there is no need for 'thank you',” he says. His voice is low and even, and Wei Ying leans into his steadiness.
It is frightening to be the victim of a stalker.
Wei Ying is lucky to have such a good friend.
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madmunson · 2 years
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challenge me / eddie munson oneshot
word count; 4.1k
author's note; hey guys!! sorry it's been such a long time since my last story, i've been going through a lot personally and kind of lost passion for writing. i'm glad to say i'm back though, and stories are gonna be even better now that i have a clear mind to do so. i hope you guys like this one, i've been working on it for a minute <3 i also don’t know how to add a ‘read more’ button on mobile, but i published on wattpad too!! it’ll be easier to manage pages/scrolls there, @madmunson!! enjoy!
disclaimer; unprotected sex, sexual situations. please don't read if you're sensitive to those subjects!! **italicized font is flashbacks**
For three months now, Hellfire Club had been planning the ultimate tournament. Everybody would meet at Eddie's trailer for the last big tournament of the year at three o'clock on Friday morning, "Devil's Hour", as Eddie called it. The sky outside was darker on this night than the usual nights previous, the deep night sky gently caressing the bright white stars as they shined upon your house, glistening through your window. You stared out for the hours before, imagining Eddie in several different scenarios with your heart pounding so hard it could beat outside of your chest. You did this every time the group snuck out prior to meeting up at Eddie's, while everybody else prepared or maybe slept, you daydreamed about him. Since the stakes were so high, given it was the last of the whole year, everybody was stoked. Mike had mentioned that he had spent all year preparing for it, while others were less prepared, yourself being the worst of them all. You were an experienced Dungeons and Dragons player, hence why Eddie involved you in Hellfire Club to begin with, but you had spent so long with your mind wrapped around him it almost started to affect your game. You despised yourself for it, but he was just so irresistible.
You had gym first period. So far, you hadn't made any friends in this class, and your only friend outside of school was "zombie boy" Will Byers. You decided to keep to yourself almost every day. Your gym clothes consisted of a Dungeons and Dragons shirt you hand designed, and a pair of black shorts, you always wore your hair down. Every so often, you'd get glances. People always called you "the freak", or "the punk", given the way you dressed and acted. But there was always this particular boy who loved to stare. You knew vaguely about him through Will who would occasionally mention him without particularly name dropping him, and had always daydreamed about him. He was attractive, long curly chestnut hair, deep brown eyes, and a "Hellfire Club" t-shirt. You slightly knew about the club because of Will because of how heavily involved he was with Dungeons and Dragons, but thought the design was really cool. He felt so much cooler than you, but you crushed over him. You would never admit it to yourself, and tried to shrug off his smiles he'd send here and there, but you most definitely crushed on the tall man.
On this particular day, he had been staring a little harder than he usually did, it practically burned a hole through your head. You fell in lust with this, every glance made you want him more. You tried to hold off a little longer before attempting to talk to him, as a means of edging, you suggest to yourself. You couldn't help but imagine the things he could do to you, if you gave him the chance. Finally, you got tired of edging yourself over this boy and decided to approach him. You almost spoke to him, but the bell rings and indicates the first periods' demise. Per usual, you were the first out of your class, as a way to avoid the ridicule and shit talk. The man was usually the last out, but today, he tried to make it to the front. You watched as he moved past the large group of people, tossing little "excuse me"s and "sorry"s as he stepped past. He didn't catch up to you though, as the more you thought about it the more you realized you didn't even know what you would've said to him, and the idea of even talking to him to begin with was stupid. You couldn't help but imagine yourself walking up to your dream man with nothing to say besides "uh", or "um". The idea of talking to him now felt so stupid. You were too shy and weird, he was so cool and out of reach, despite his popularity in Hawkins High not necessarily being the most keen. You felt that it might never work out the way you wanted, and decided to keep his image as a mere fantasy in your brain. You walked a little faster, and managed to pass him and the crowd he attempted to maneuver through.
"Hey! I like your shirt," The brown haired man rushes to catch up to you. He's waving at you, fighting his lungs as he catches up. You stop dead in your tracks, people walking around you as you wait for the stranger to catch up. When he finally does, he playfully punches your shoulder and continues, "make it yourself?" He questions. You continue to walk, and he follows, walking by your side as he casually chats.
"Well they don't exactly sell Dungeons and Dragons shirts, ya know how people are." You awkwardly chuckle back, slightly playing with your hair as a means to distract you from the attractive man walking adjacent to you.
"Yeah, isn't that crazy? Another excuse for the jocks and pricks to label us as freaks or satanists." He says, expressing his words with his hands as he flails them.
"Right! It's absolutely repulsive." You shake your head in response, finally feeling heard. You would hope this lasted forever, you couldn't imagine being unfortunate enough to be forced to depart with him. Now that you were talking to him, all of the negativity you held over yourself started to diminish, and you felt more comfortable. 
"Hey, I like you!" He smiles, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"I like you too," You smile back, stopping at your locker then leaning against it. He steps directly in front of you and smirks ever so slightly.
"So I take it you play?"
"Ever since Will introduced me to it when we were kids."
"No way you're on the same skill level as Byers. That kid nearly takes my ass out every single time, as much as I'd hate to say that. Kid's cocky, got some fight to him."
"That's Will Byers for you!" You say with a smile, "but to be honest with you, I just may be better than Byers."
"No way!"
"Oh, yes way!" You nod with certainty. You were just joking though, nobody could outsmart Will when it came to D&D. You lost to him every single time. 
"I wonder if you have as much passion as Byers though?" He states, more like a question. 
"Oh yeah, so much passion. I'm good at what I do. Maybe I can show you sometime." You smirk. You couldn't help yourself, and let the naughty thoughts you had been thinking about him this whole time slip past the tip of your tongue and spew out past your lips. 
"I would love that," he smirks back, fraying his eyebrows as if he didn't expect such a response from you. Immediately you felt your heart drop as he reciprocated the same energy. After a moment of staring at you, the man speaks back up. "Want to join my club? Hellfire Club, we have tournaments and we're pretty badass, if I do say so myself." His whole demeanor paused as he awaited for a response. Your heart pounded outside of your chest. You had never felt this way before, it was like love at first sight. You couldn't even lie to yourself, you wanted him so bad.
"Yes, I'd love to,"
"Great, I'll see you Friday night!" He grabs your hand, and turns it over, making your palm visible. He pulls out a permanent marker and writes an address on your palm.
"See ya then?" He smiles, walking backwards as he steps away from you.
"For sure, wouldn't miss it." You blush in response. You stood paused at your locker for a few more moments, daydreaming about him before walking to class. That whole class period the only thing you could think about was him, and how massive your crush for him truly was despite not knowing him and only holding one conversation with him.
The clock finally struck 3 o'clock and you had just managed to sneak out, meaning you'd be fashionably late to Eddie's. You knew it would result in Eddie becoming absolutely outraged. Since you always had the biggest crush on him, disappointing him was devastating, but you had to wait until your parents went to sleep and that was a whole deal. Your family were a group of night owls, and didn't sleep until three o'clock on the usual night, something about "spending more time with family".
You hurried and biked as quick as your legs could take you, picking up your pace as you rushed down your street to make it to Eddie's within a reasonable time. Your efforts failed, and after five minutes of consistent pedaling, your legs ended up going much slower than you had wanted. You made it to Eddie's by fifteen after, and you dreaded the response.
"Well, well, look who decided to show!" Eddie shouts before you are even able to walk up to the door. The door pops open, and he comes out, resting on the door frame as he stared at you. He was so unbelievably attractive it made your heart spin.
"I'm-I'm sorry Eddie, I had to wait for my parents to go to sleep and that was this whole thing, but-"
"But what?" He asks, still resting on the door frame but now with his arm extended to you. He was always so cinematic and animated with his responses.
"But I'm here now," you sigh.
"You're right doll, my bad. This is only the biggest tournament of the entire year and you show up fifteen after, but you're good, you're here now!" He sarcastically says. He dramatically walks back inside, letting the door slam behind him on his way back in. You stood for a moment, waiting for his next response, until you hear a loud "Well? Are you coming?" shout from the inside coming from the male's throat. You hurry inside, letting the door slam behind you as well. The group was sat around Eddie's table already, prepared for the most and all paying attention to you as you walked in.
"Sorry I'm late guys, I-"
"She was waiting for her parents to go to sleep," he sighs, plopping down into his special chair. He waves his arm for you to come sit, and you just nod.
"Welcome to our first tournament, Y/N!" He announces, everybody drum rolling on the table as he does so. "Our newest addition to Hellfire Club, and truly a doll, isn't she?" He waves his hand up, pointing all of his fingers forward with his palm exposed as he bows.
"Thank you, thank you!" You bow back. The team introduces you to Hellfire's rules, and you agree with a full heart. They chat about the next tournament, and begin setting up, getting your first game with the team started almost immediately.
The game goes as normal, Eddie throwing his apparent usual moves and everybody following with attacks back. He started off strong, barely starting at his weakest choices before diving in. He wanted a rough game, something that would truly test you. You found this so attractive, even if he had no idea. Without warning, he begins picking each individual member off with every draw, killing players left and right as he chooses. The room filled with intensity, people shouting as they died, acting out each individual death to the group.
"Fuck we're losing!" Dustin shouts, slamming on the table. "He's killing everybody, damn it! Come on! We've got to do something!" He continues. You smile, and look at Will. Will was a master player, and one of the only members left alongside you, Mike and Dustin.
"You're gonna do it?" He smiles. You nod. You both knew you had the ultimate fight back, and were so excited to throw it.
"Oh Y/N, you must be new here. Challenging me?! I don't like to be challenged." He smirks, waiting for your play.
"I most certainly am new, but I'm gonna kick your ass!"
"Hey Y/N!" Will says.
"Hey Will, how's it hangin?"
"Oh you know, the usual. You?"
"The demogorgon is tired of your bantering!" Eddie shouts, slamming his demogorgon piece on the hardwood table ahead of you guys.
"Shit, starting out strong, are we?" You say, not thinking before the words piled out of your mouth like vomit. You immediately smacked your mouth with your palm out of shock, not being able to believe you had just said that out loud to him. He stares at you a little puzzled, twisting his head at you to indicate his confusion.
"I'm sorry, strong? Is this too strong for you, Y/N?"
"Oh quit with the teasing, there's people around." You joke. He smirks at you, and chuckles to himself a bit.
"Darling, you haven't seen a Munson tease yet." He says, holding eye contact with you. "Now, answer my question, is this too much for you?"
"Not at all,"
"That's kind of what I thought,"
The game went on as usual, with Dustin's typical freaking out at every stronger opponent and tossing around descriptive language as he did so. Erica fought hard, as well as Will who carried the battle per usual, winning Eddie's approval as the hardest fighting team. Nancy and Robin were the audience (though you practically had to pay them for their attendance), sitting close together as they paid attention to each move. The game was difficult for sure, Eddie was relentless, but ultimately it lead in your team's success. He couldn't stop glancing over at you throughout the whole game, remaining eye contact through several points. You couldn't lie to yourself, it turned you on so much.
"Alright everybody, amazing game per usual," Eddie says as everybody starts to exit, yawns escaping their mouths as they proceed out the door. "Aside from Y/N. I believe we're due for a talk." He says animatedly. You swallow harshly, but turn around. 
"Oh get a room, you two!" Dustin joked in response.
"Wrap it!" Mike laughed in return.
"Clearly the two of you have never had a famous Munson talk. Good luck Y/N!" Will shouted as he walked out. They continued to laugh with each other and poke fun at the two of you as they exited, laughing harder than you had ever seen them laugh as they walked away, chanting nursery rhymes that involved the two of you and a tree, and a whole bunch of spelling. You had tried so hard to escape before he seen you leave. As soon as everybody exited, he closed the door, standing over you as he locked the door that was directly behind you.
"Good game back there huh?" He smiles. You stayed back to help him clean up, every chance you got with him was for the better. You smiled back at him, nodding gently as you picked up the pieces and carefully placed them back in the box.
"You know, challenging me was a bold move."
"Totally bold, but I'm glad I did it!"
"Yeah, fair point!" He chuckles.
"Totally kicked your ass!" You laugh. 
"You don't even know what you've got yourself involved in, do you?" He questions, putting the D&D box on the table as he faces away from you. "I just think it's funny, you know?"
"What are you going to do?" You say with a bratty tone.
"Just wait. Go ahead and do it again."
"Maybe I will." 
"What um- what did you want to talk about?" You swallow, taking in the big gulp that sat on your throat. You didn't know what to do, other than to just stand there and wait for him to respond. But he held eye contact, still stood over you and looking directly down at you. His eyes glistened with lust. He stood silent for a moment, just watching you tremble.
"The fact that you challenged me back there," he says, "again, after last time, I want to know what that was all about." He walks away from you, his back facing you as he finishes his sentence. You watched as his Hellfire shirt hugged every right muscle on his back, visible through the pale white. Your eyes traveled to his hands, veins piercing his skin as he relaxed his hand and rings sparkling on each finger. You then glanced your vision to his curly chestnut hair, and it's soft appearance. You were trying so hard to contain yourself, but it was becoming more impossible by the second. You must've not had responded for a long time, as he turned around quickly and says, "huh?" ever so smoothly. Now all you could think about was all the sweet things that same voice could be telling you as he was deep inside you, rearranging your insides as he thrusted. You simply couldn't help yourself. "I asked you a question," he says for a final time.
"I'm-I'm so sorry, I- I-" You stutter.
"This again, huh?" He smirks, walking over you. "I'm gonna tell you what I think is going on here, and you can tell me if I'm wrong, 'kay?" You frantically nod, listening to his every word as he responds. He nods, and smirks once more, before starting back up. "You have a crush on me, it's so obvious," he says. He moves back to his original stance, standing over you as he continued. "Late at night, you think about me and think about what I could do to you, right?" You nod, unable to speak for him. "Right. So now you come here, and challenge me, like I won't just show you what I will do to you? You should've known better. That's unsafe, baby. You're playing with fire."
"Maybe I want to play with fire," You finally speak.
"Oh, so she speaks!" He says excitedly, putting his thumb over your mouth. "Tell me how much you think about me,"
"Yes Eddie," you say. He seemed to be taken aback by it, but ultimately turned on as he nods and steps away. "All the time," you start. At this point, your mouth was producing the words before you had time to ponder on the words, and you couldn't care less. "Every single night,"
"What do you do when you think about me?" He picks you up, and places you on the same table you had just played the game on. You were shocked, but more than into it. You were so turned on, you were unable to hold yourself back anymore.
"I put my hand down my pants, and then down my panties," you start. He stares at you with lust, using his fingertip to trace over the seems of your clothes, almost indicating he wanted to take them off without taking them off just yet. He takes lifts you up on his kitchen table as he watches you continue. "And I finger myself. I close my eyes and play it out in my mind, sometimes when I'm home alone I'll even shout your name as I finish." You finished.
"Tell me more," he growls, taking off your shirt to expose your almost bare chest. You lightly moan at his swift motion, unable to process the reality of the situation.
"I think about you so much it makes me ache, Eddie." You say. He places his hand over your covered center as he listens. He strokes your covered breast with one hand, and plays with your masked center as a means of teasing you. You moan a little for him, letting him know how good it feels without speaking it.
"Tell me more," he demands, taking off your bra and underwear, traveling down. His lips meet your center, lightly licking along the folds before softly attacking your clit. You breathlessly moan for him, begging him to continue.
"I can't stop thinking about you," you say, pausing to moan before entirely forgetting your thoughts.
"Good girl. Focus on how good this feels." He puts his jaw into the movements, lightly sucking and licking upon your clit as he continues with circular patterns. He picks up his motions, going faster and faster by the second, before inserting his two fingers inside you. He curls his fingertips, caressing your right spots for several long moments. You had never felt anything so powerful before, it felt enlightening and numbing in the best way possible. You really allowed yourself to let go, gripping his hair with one hand and the other gripping up on your left breast. You couldn't contain yourself anymore, it absolutely overcame you.
The walls captivated your moans and echoed them throughout the entire trailer, your passionate language slipping through the drywall in every room. He didn't stop there, and proceeded to go faster. You begged him to continue, the movements of his jaw causing you to become unhinged. You arched your back as he continued, moaning his name in the shadows of his home.
The pressure on your shoulders began to intensify, traveling to your core and spreading throughout your body as the heat your center built became more unbearable. You felt a tingling sensation throughout your whole body, gripping on his hair and begging him for more. You were so close to finishing you could feel it on the tip of your tongue, cold sweats breaking through your entire body. You felt so feral you couldn't control it anymore, your body moving frantically without any hesitation on the cold table as you became more edged. Finally, all the pressure released, leaving your legs shaking as you finish on his mouth and fingers. Your body loses control, and you feel as your whole body shivers and quakes beneath your skin. You let out one final moan, falling back on the table as you continue to shake.
"Fuck baby!" You practically shout as you lie breathless on the table.
"Feel good?" He asks, holding your legs as a means to try and control the shaking. You nod frantically, and smirk back at him.
"Yes," you manage to let out, your lungs barely holding onto what air they could manage to grasp in that moment.
"Good, because I'm not done." He stands up, placing himself at your entrance before slowly entering. He slowly starts, his thrusts paced slow and steady at first. He leans down and begins kissing your breasts once more, licking around your nipples as he firmly holds it. His hand travels up to your neck, and he starts to go faster. You took every inch of him, gasping and moaning at the size of his length above you. You never expected him to be that huge, and it took you aback briefly.
"Thank you," you moan, staring into his eyes. He smiled down at you, his eyes traveling over the chills that ran across your body.
"You're welcome," he whispers in your ear as he thrusts. His strokes were sharp and slow, he aimed for your weakest spots as he continued. You moaned as his length shook the insides of your core. "That's my girl."
"Fuck!" You shout, "Faster!" He listens, picking up his pace and causing that same feeling to build up. He places his thumb over your clit as he thrusts, moving his thumb in circular motions as he proceeds. You continue to beg for him, your body ached for him. Moments pass, loud vibrations of skin smacking shaking the walls of the small trailer. Your body was consumed with heat, pressure building above your shoulders. You felt your head spinning, your body begins to start shaking. Finally, all the pressure released, leaving your legs shaking as you finish on his mouth and fingers. Your body loses control once more as the pressure releases, and you finish below him. You shake even worse than you had before, your lungs practically collapsing as they  attempted to catch up with the familiar feeling.
"Good girl," he hisses. He continues with his fast motions, and soon after you, finishes inside of the condom he had provided. His legs begin to quiver as he steps back, both of your balances deteriorating by the second.
"Holy shit that was so good," you chuckle awkwardly.
"You're so cute," he tosses his clothes to you and walks to his bedroom briefly with a new pair. You felt elated that he gave you his clothes.
"You should challenge me more ya know," he smiles. You agree and practically jump into his clothes. The two of you sit in his bedroom floor struggling to catch up with your breaths.
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Chapter 15 ]
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⚠️ This chapter includes NFSW and Sexual themes and its not suitable for sensitive people. Read it at your own risk. ⚠️
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Chapter 15 : His queen
The leaves of the trees look beautiful in the cold days. The beautiful goddess watches the fall leaves from the trees from behind the window. It looks cold outside. But the heart of the goddess was warm.
The warmth of her heart was because of her hope. A hope that became brighter and stronger with her lover. She always saw and felt this hope. She believed that she could pull her lover out of the darkness and give him the gift of love. Her heart was warm with the memory of her lover and beat faster than ever.
But now Yui Komori no longer feels that warmth. She completely forgot the hope that made her heart warm even on cold days. She completely forgot everything because of her love. In the new world where she is called the queen, everything is dark for her and the feeling of longing always hurts her heart.
The sound of the ticking of the clock echoes in her ears every day, but it seems that she is only living in her dreams. She can no longer see the truth and is immersed in a world of dreams and has lost her connection with the real world.
_Yui Komori looks out the window at the trees in her new room.
Yui: It's beautiful. The color of the leaves of the trees is really beautiful.
*knock knock*
Servant: My queen. Carla-Sama wants to see you. He is waiting for you in the courtyard of the mansion.
Yui: I understand.
_The servant walks away from Yui's room.
Yui: My heart does not belong to him. No matter how hard he tries, I can't love him.
_Yui goes to the door and leaves the room to see Carla.
_Carla was waiting for Yui under the tree whose leaves were shaking in the wind. His long white hair was blowing with the wind. Yui slowly approaches Carla.
Yui: Carla-san, I'm here. Why did you want to see me?
Carla: Come closer Yui. My queen.
_Yui approaches Carla with slow steps while the wind blows her golden hair.
Carla: Tell me what you see here?
_Yui raises her head and looks at the tree from which the wind removes its beautiful and colorful leaves.
Yui: I see the pain.
Carla: .....
Yui: I see the pain that the smell of the breeze brings to me. I see painful memories that always show me my past life. I see a painful love that gave pain to my heart.
Carla: Does it hurt?
Yui: Yes. Yes, Carla-san, this is painful. It is very painful. Every day my heart hurts by remembering these memories.
Carla: Why are these memories so important to you?
_A tear drops from Yui's eyes. Yui looks at Carla with a bitter smile to answer him.
Yui: Because I love him.
Upon hearing Yui's words, both of them remain silent for a short time. The cold wind is still blowing and their hair is moving along with the wind. This space is familiar to them. Familiar and romantic atmosphere of their beautiful lover.
Carla: You were in love with him. I was also in love with someone.
Yui: Really. Who was that Carla-San?
Carla: My mother.
Yui: ......
Carla: That's right, she was my mother. The beautiful queen of the founders and the powerful goddess of the world of demons. She was a strong woman and never gave up. She always hoped for the future and never let the hardships of her life stop her.
Yui: What happened to her?
Carla: She died of illness. Endziet disease. The same disease that I am suffering from now and I am going to die soon. That's why you're here, Yui.
Yui: What is my role?
Carla: All this was a plan from the beginning. The purpose of your thieves was to continue the bloodline of the founders. You have the heart of the devil's daughter and you can continue our generation.
Yui: .....
Carla: But I have to admit that my plan didn't go the way I wanted. I was watching you. You had a hard life, Komori Yui. You fought many problems and you smiled even in the most difficult situations. Just like my mother.
Yui: I...
Carla: I don't know how it happened, but I was attracted to you. It might be a funny thing that a powerful founder like me would fall in love with a mortal like you.
Yui: Carla-San...
Carla: Yui, you and I are both the same. But you should know that if you live forever in your past, you will never be able to experience happiness again. Yui, I don't have much time left, but I want to use this little time to experience happiness again with you, my beautiful queen.
_Carla kneels in front of Yui and holds her hand.
Carla: Yui, I'm Tsukinami Carla, King of the Founders, I want you to be my wife and Queen of the Founders. Do you accept?
Yui: (We are both the same. He has lost his love and I have lost my love. In any case, I can't disagree. It might be a big sacrifice for me to be the wife of someone I don't love, but I want even I will give him this happiness for a short time.) Yes, Carla-san. I accept.
_Carla smiles in response to Yui and gets up to hug his queen.
Carla: I'm glad to hear that, Yui, my beautiful queen.
By saying this, Carla presses his lips on Yui's lips and invites her to a deep kiss. Their lips transmit heat in the cold air. Their hugs are warm and full of love. But this love will not last.
The goddess is resting in the arms of the one who loves her from the bottom of his heart. But in her dreams she is looking for someone else. Looking for the person who was always looking for him, the person who gave her love and Yui gave her heart to him.
This kiss between Carla and Yui was a commitment to an eternal love. A love that seemed one-sided, but this hug was still warm.
_Yui is waiting for him in Carla's room.
Yui: (I tried my best. But my efforts were not enough to pull him out of the darkness.)
_Yui goes to the balcony of the room and watches the moon.
Yui: My lullaby didn't just express my wishes. It expressed my love to you. The love that you did not accept.
_Yui looks at the starry sky with a bitter smile.
Yui: Goodbye Ruki-kun. Forever.
*knock knock*
_Carla enters the room.
Carla: It's good that you are still awake. I really didn't want to sleep so early on the first night when you are with me. I would like to strengthen the bond between us right now. Because we are going to get married soon.
Yui: I understand Carla-san.
Carla: Yui, what's the problem? Are you worry? You have no experience. Right ? You don't need to be nervous. I promise I will try my best not to be too rough.
Yui: ....! Thank you Carla-San. I was just saying goodbye.
Carla: With whom?
Yui: With the past. I want to forget my past. I know it's hard. Maybe I think about it every day and every night. But I no longer belong to this past. I want to think about the future.
_Carla smiles after hearing Yui's words and walks towards her with slow steps. He holds her chin with his right hand and forces her to look into his eyes.
Carla: As expected from the queen of founders. you must be strong I am very proud of you, my beauty queen. Together we build the future of founders.
Carla places his lips on Yui's soft lips and invites her into a deep kiss. Their tongues mingle and the sound of their kiss echoes in the room and a beautiful music of their love plays.
After a long kiss, Carla lifts Yui's thin body and walks over to the bed, placing her gently on the bed. Carla starts kissing Yui's body. He kisses all over Yui's body and carves signs of his love all over Yui's body.
Carla: Tonight I will give you the best experience of your life, my queen. You are a virgin. So it may hurt a little. But don't worry. I give you an incredible feeling that turns even pain into pleasure. Do not control your voice. I want to listen to your beautiful and pleasant voice that screams my name.
Carla continues to kiss Yui. Carla's hand caresses Yui's body and her thighs slowly and with a quick movement he lifts her shirt so that her breasts are revealed. Yui, who feels embarrassed, blushes and tries to turn her face away so that Carla doesn't see her embarrassed face.
Carla smiles and turns Yui's face towards him with his hand, showing her that she has no way to escape and cannot hide. He wants to tell Yui that there is no reason to be embarrassed because Yui is going to be his wife soon. But Carla doesn't know that Yui's shame is because of her longing and her true love. Yui feels embarrassed because her lover is someone else but now she is making love with another man.
Carla caresses Yui's breast with his right hand and slowly brings his head closer to Yui's stomach and licks her nipple. He takes a small bite from Yui and sucks her blood.
After preparing Yui, Carla takes off her clothes with a quick movement. Yui is now naked under him. No defense and no clothes. Carla moves towards Yui's naked body and continues to kiss her. Carla continues to move and Yui can't control her moans.
Carla: .....Nan...
*smooch smooch*
Yui: ..... mmm ... Carla-san ... Aaaahhhh ..... Carla-san....
Carla: Good. Continue. Repeat my name over and over again. I want everyone to know that you belong to me.
Yui: Ahhh... Carla-san......
Carla: Good job, good girl... mmm...
Yui: (He kisses me over and over and says my name. It hurts. But my heart hurts even more. He says I belong to him, but my heart belongs to someone else.)
*smooch smooch*
Yui: Ahhhhh...
Carla: Mmmm... Yui, you are my queen. We will get married in a week and the bond between us will be eternal and you will belong to me forever.
Yui: ..... Carla-san ....
Carla: You have to let go of the past. Even if you love him, I won't let you leave me.
Yui: ..... mmm....
Carla: Hmmm... the reason is quite clear.
_Carla moves her head towards Yui's ear and whispers softly in her ear.
Carla: My beloved Yui, my beautiful queen. I give you my eternal love and I swear to love you forever. I never want to let you go.
Yui: Mmmm... Ahhhhhh... Carla-san
Carla: Right. Good girl... repeat my name over and over again. My queen.
_Carla drives his length into Yui and starts to move and Yui can't control her moans.
Carla-San called my name over and over again.
But I heard another voice.
The voice that called me an angel and asked me to stay by his side.
His voice is familiar and his sweet words take me to the heavens.
He was my true lover.
I loved him but he did not keep his promise and separated me from him.
my beautiful moon If you hear a prayer, please convey my lullaby to him.
Don't let him have nightmares and feel lonely at night.
I will sing this lullaby every morning and every night so that you will never have nightmares.
All this is because of you, Ruki-kun.
I love you.
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poetzproblem · 1 year
hey poetz, hope you're doing well! :) 4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread? 11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general? 20. what is your favorite trope to write? 31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread? 
Strictly speaking, that would be the unfinished college sequel to Devolution. It’s unfinished because the show moved on in a completely different direction and I ended up exploring Rachel’s discovery of Quinn’s sexuality in other universes, notably Don’t Blink, so no great existential crises on that one. 
For a plot bunny I never even started, I once had an idea that Frannie Fabray was teaching Judy how to Twitter and pulled up Quinn for her mom to follow and saw that her baby sister was following soccer and a bunch of shows/creators with lesbian content and realized, ‘huh, probably a lesbian.’  Looking more into her tweets, Frannie would have noticed the exchanges with Rachel Berry and assumed they were ‘gal pals.’ and then would have started asking Quinn about her ‘friend’ Rachel. Rachel would have, in fact, been just her friend at the time, but the unsubtle nudging from Frannie would have had Rachel and Quinn eventually admitting to romantic feelings. 
I haven’t written this one because it’s pretty much the story of my cousin’s twitter account and me speculating to my mother that she was a lesbian and her roommate was not just her roommate. Spoiler alert: my speculation was confirmed a year or so later, so it felt a little dirty to Faberry-ize it in a fanfic. 
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general? 
I feel particularly called out by this one. I typically spend weeks researching the tiniest little throwaway detail of a fic, like a restaurant's hours of operation, or google mapping a street for location descriptions. It’s a form of intense procrastination as much as an obsession with making everything as realistic as possible.   
Let’s see - what have I learned doing research?  I learned that Open House New York is a thing that happens every year. I learned that Stanford White was murdered at the version of Madison Square Garden that he designed. I learned the curriculum at Yale and the train schedules between New York and New Haven which have since changed I’m certain. I learned about The Cloisters Museum. I learned how workshops usually work and how long (or rather short) the rehearsal schedules for musicals typically run. I learned that you can (or at least could a few years ago) sit for the New York bar exam at the same time you can sit for Massachusetts and that combo is/was totally doable. And, of course, I learned all about how reciprocal in vitro fertilization works. 
20. what is your favorite trope to write? 
I’m not sure I actually have a favorite. I mean, rivals to friends to lovers seems to be the Faberry plot that I wrote over and over. I’m a romantic comedy kind of gal, so I’m not sure I’ve really done much outside of that. 
Wait - is using a third character narrator to tell the story a trope?  Because then that’s probably my favorite. 
31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
Have you met Teresa Rinaldi? I mean, she gets to flirt with Rachel and Quinn and go home with Santana, and she does it all with a sense of humor. She was supposed to be a throwaway character in a bar scene, there purely to create humor around Santana getting rejected, but she was so much fun that I brought her back as a love interest. 
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After sleeping on it for a night, I came up with a short story about Kolinda. But read it yourself. Your Strawberry
Phone call
"Hello Cherie, are you still awake?" he greeted her cheerfully. "Yes," she replied guardedly. "We won," he announced. "I know," it came back briefly and a little too sharply. That caught his attention and he sighed. "Tell me why you're angry," he demanded. "Can't you guess?" she asked. "I have a vague idea," he admitted.
"Our dog is looking forward to your return," she abruptly changed the subject. "I don't follow you," he explained, confused. She added, "You can set up your sleeping place next to him." Then he understood. "You can't be serious," he said in horror. "It's not my fault she was there," he defended himself.
"Ah, so you know exactly who it's about," she observed. "Of course I do," he replied. "Good, then listen to me very carefully. When I saw that red and white checkerboard pattern, I had déjà vu," she began. "Mon Coeur," he tried to interrupt her, but she was already continuing to speak. "Then she hugged you and held you even as you were about to move on." "In my defence: I broke free as quickly as I could and kept walking," he added. "Your lucky," she said, "or you wouldn't have had to come back home at all."
Then he heard her stifle a laugh. For a brief moment he was flabbergasted. She had fooled him. A grin spread across his face and he went along with her game. "This from your mouth. I'm really appalled," his voice dripped with irony. "Damn it," he heard her curse then. "You've got it figured out," she laughed now. "After my heart almost stopped," he announced theatrically.
"What did I deserve that for?" he asked with a smirk. "For all the teasing regarding the other men by my side," he got an immediate reply. "I have waited a long time for such an opportunity," she admitted. "Touché. You've paid me back. I really thought you were mad," he conceded defeat. "As I can see from your laugh, you had your fun," he added. "Oh yes, Cherie, it was fun to do a little theatre with you again."
Hellooooo sweet 🍓! ❤️
Hahahaha I’m really glad you decided to write about after all! Many me laugh and go aaaw! 😂🥰
“Our dog is looking forward to your return.” I almost spit my cappuccino because it remembered what I said last night about sleeping at the doghouse and then you delivered that idea 😂 Love that the comments here continue to inspire you 😍
Hahahaha Brigitte was just teasing him hahaha lucky him 😂
Thank you so much, Strawberry! ❤️❤️❤️
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
I THINK IM A GENIUS WITH THIS OMG. okay so it’s a rooster x reader story based on the song Travelin’ Soldier by The Chicks. He meets her at a bar and what not. I’m giving you lists of creative ability with this one so I hope this makes sense and i love your work :))))) #stayswaggy
-- Thank you for your request! I really loved writing this :)
Also I just realised you said they meet at a bar, I hope you don't mind that that is not the case.
Tw. Implied smut a little nsfw? I think? Also tw for mc death --
He'd heard the others call it The Suicide Mission. He had laughed with them when they had joked about volunteering. And then he'd been picked. What's worse is, he'd been picked as acting captain. So, Rooster realised, if anything went wrong he'd either have to tell the team's families or sacrifice himself instead. 
He'd had to tell families before and honestly, he was good at it. He was good at picking the right words, telling the right lies. He was good at looking them in the eyes and reassuring them with lying promises that their loved ones hadn't been in pain. They were always in pain.
The good thing was that if he died, they wouldn't have to tell any of his family members. There was no one left to mourn him. He suspected that's why he volunteered to tell families, just to soak up what it was like to have people who cared. There was Maverick, Rooster guessed he would cry and mourn but after their argument and what they had said, he wasn't so sure.
Rooster was getting picked up at 11am but he had arrived early. He wanted to grab one last decent breakfast before being served cantine food for possibly the rest of his very short life. The diner was empty. The waitresses were bored but he had barely sat down before he lost himself in thoughts again.
"What can I get you?" 
He ordered eggs and bacon, and the strongest coffee they could make him. 
She was cute. Long black shiny hair in a braid, caramel eyes and an attractive smile. When she turned around to pass on the order, he noticed a purple bow keeping her hair together.
He sighed.
There were so few people that his breakfast arrived ten minutes later. The cute waitress brought it to him.
"Do you mind sitting with me while I eat?"
She took the seat in front of him, and he took a sip of his coffee. It made a shiver go down his spine.
"You're military?" She asked, nodding towards his uniform.
"Navy pilot"
"Going home?"
"No, they're sending me away. Right off of the coast of Russia. You know, somewhere peaceful. Somewhere nice. They figured I needed a holiday" He replied
"I detect a hint of sarcasm"
"Absolutely not, it's my dream destination. I look forward to eating Borscht for every meal." He said, a sad smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. She laughed.
"When are they picking you up?"
"In three hours. I'm early"
"I'm almost done here. If you wait for me we can go for a walk" 
Rooster could think of only one thing he would like to do less but he accepted anyway. She seemed nice.
Her name was Jade. 
He waited for her by the entrance once he saw her leave towards the staff only area, and she arrived to meet him in her regular clothes. She was wearing jeans and a white tank top. She took him to her car and drove them down some back roads towards a lake. 
Even faced with a possible future demise, Rooster had to admit it was gorgeous. The beautiful navy coloured water hidden among the trees felt like the perfect cover for what they were doing. 
He had expected Jade to be making the first move but he surprised himself by kissing her as soon as they had found a spot to sit. He held her head by the back of her head careful not to mess up her hair while her tongue battled his for dominance. She had climbed on his lap at some point Rooster couldn't pinpoint, and she was grinding on him through her clothes. Hungry and desperate for more, he removed his hand from her hair and helped her take off her shirt. She removed his next, tracing his chest once it was off. They spent his last few hours committing each other's bodies to memory. Rooster tried to remember every curve, dip and bump of your body. Too soon for either of them, it was time to go. 
"I didn't even ask if you had a boyfriend. I probably should have done that first" Rooster said, putting his underwear back on.
"Probably, but I don't. I'm all alone" Jade replied
That makes two of us, he thought
"Can I write to you? I don't really have anybody either and I don't want to die alone"
She so desperately wanted to say that he wouldn't but the certainty in his face kept her quiet. 
He nodded, she held out her hand for his phone and typed both her number and her email into his contacts.
He sent the first five emails from Top Gun in San Diego where he trained, and then his mission was moved forward and they started coming from all over the place.
Rooster had no idea what to write at first, but by email two he had all but forgotten that he'd met Jade three days before. The words flew out onto his screen like he had been put on earth solely to type them. He told her about his dad, his mom and Maverick. He told her about their fight. About the grieving families he had encountered. He told her about going to sleep with the memory of her etched into his brain. About the mission he wasn't supposed to be talking about. 
He poured out his heart to her. By the end, she knew everything about him. His dreams, his fears, his loves and hates. 
By the end… because there was an end. Bradley Bradshaw had realised that it ended -- he ended -- ten seconds before it did. Rookie, his wingman was being shot at and he needed to do something about it. He didn't think. He didn't cry, he didn't scream, he just ended. 
Michael, her brother, was playing the outside linebacker position for his school's football team. It was due to start soon. Her parents prayed his team would win, they stood for the anthem and then a man stood up to speak to the crowd. He leaned too close to the microphone, it rang through the air like a violinist playing a bad chord. They all winced.
"If I may have your attention please" The crowd quietened "I would like to ask for a minute of silence for one of our school alumni, who was sadly killed in action in the service of the nation earlier this week."
On the screens around the field a picture appeared. Rooster looked back at her in his uniform, a blank expression on her face. She felt tears well up in her eyes, soon her vision turned blurry and she lost herself to sobs.
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usernoneexistent · 1 year
I found this a while ago, but I felt a lil shy to send it, but let's do it xD
I just imagine Duncan gifting Rosalyn one like this going like "A lil something to remember me" and he's trying to be funny and casual about it, but this plushie is a big boy and everybody can see he's a bit flustered and awkward, which isn't usual to see him like.
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(And he gets just a bit of a nosebleed when he finds out she sleeps with the plushie 🙈).
OMG! I love this so much that I just kinda had to write it out into a short story. That's why it took me a while too respond and I had to study too XD
The sound of paper rustling from pages turning and quills scratching on parchment filled the library's silence as it was usual for students to cram in as much study time as possible. Rosalyn sat there, too, rubbing her forehead in small circles, looking over and over again at 
Transfiguration textbooks. Her pet toad, Onyx, rested on her head.
All the different spells and theories are not staying in her brain. She wanted to give up, but the part about not wanting to fail was her only motivator. Duncan made transfigurating seem so seamless.
Rosalyn looked up and saw Duncan struggling to move with what seemed to be an oversize white octopus? Their eyes met as he gave his usual crooked, dimpled grin. But all that too-cool facade fell along with him tripping over the tentacles.
Madam Pince shushed Duncan, giving him a warning glare. He awkwardly smiled before scooping up the knitted octopus in his arms. It looked more comical the more Duncan strained to drag it over to Rosalyn.
"What is this?" She raised an eyebrow, lowering her voice.
"It's an octopus Stofftier." He started trying to casually lean against the table. However, the octopus had other ideas forcing Duncan to stand more upright. His little grey rat, Hamish, climbed out of his shirt pocket and down onto the table.
"I can see that."
"It's just a little somesing to remember me by." He winked.
Duncan tried to put back on his crooked, dimpled grin, but the sheer weight of the knitted octopus made it hard to concentrate on Rosa. The tentacles tangled around his hand, and he wanted to kick himself for not checking the size properly before ordering.
"So you got me a life-size octopus?" She laughed, though Madam Pince's glare was enough to quiet her quickly.
Duncan felt his face go warmer.
"Ja..." He admitted looking flustered. "I sought a little distraction might help for your studies too."
"I see that you're taking yours so seriously as well." Rosalyn remarked with a raised eyebrow. The irony wasn't lost on her that the Gryffindor studied hard while the Ravenclaw lazed about.
"You got me zere but I do have some students to tutor later."
"I'm amazed that they have put up with you for this long." Rosa remarked.
"Ja, ja." Duncan rolled his eyes half-heartedly. "Here you go."
She took the octopus, heavier than she had expected. No wonder Duncan was struggling so much. He leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
"I love it, thank you, and Onyx does too." Onyx croaked in agreement as Hamish climbed onto Rosalyn's head. His pet rat wanted to spend some time with Rosa too. His crooked smile softened, and his face reddened as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I, uh..."
"Shhhhhhh!" Madam Pince interrupted them. "Mr Ludwig, if you're up to no good here, I suggest leaving my library immediately. And you better stop talking too, Miss Murk. You both know the rules."
"Say something smart later." The Gryffindor girl whispered. She was happy at least that Duncan managed to stay in the library for this long.
"Yeah, bis später." He grinned from ear to ear as he took Hamish back. "I'll leave now Madam Pince."
Duncan walked slowly and cockily, turning around every other step and grinning at her stupidly. It was a side she always found cute compared to his typical nonchalant and laid-back attitude.
Once he was gone, Rosalyn kept the octopus on her lap, snuggling it as Duncan was right. It did remind her of him; at least the hint of the lingering scent of fresh pretzel and dung bomb does.
A simple drawing of nosebleed Duncan
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enapoe · 3 months
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ᨳ hypocrite pt. 2
synopsis - y/n's brother is a star soccer player — which is why she refuses to date athletes. (like she dates anyone). But when she's put in charge of the sports section in the school newspaper, she coincidentally makes the star player fall for her.
genre - soccerplayer!hoon × nerdy/writer!reader. FLUFF what is angst? we don't know her. hoon's a rich boy, yn has a famous big bro 🙄 cliché nerd catches athletes eye whatever, whatever
word count -
warnings - slight mention of gender / sexuality
A/N - umm.... the first part did really well and tbh with all of you this wasn't going to be like a series or anything it was supposed to be a long one-shot but my stupid ass pressed post instead of edit and then the story got posted and I didn't even noticed until 5 days later when it reached 200 something likes. Anyway thank you for loving the first post it means a lot 🩷🩷 love yah
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Having a famous brother is hard. Yeah, boohoo, you've heard it a million times. Jiho has been in the Daegu FC team for about five years and it's been five years since your family moved here for him. You're incredibly lucky to have such supportive parents, who not only support every one of their children's dreams but also adapt and bend themselves backwards to help their children achieve said dreams.
Your dream: writing. It's a little lame you can admit. Your little sister wants to be a princess and your brother is a star athlete, yet the only thing you could dream of doing in the future is sitting at a desk and typing away on your keyboard—maybe at three in the morning. Who am I to judge when creativity sparks? You're actually one of the head writers at school, you mainly are in charge of the hard facts and self depreciating issues while your fellow students prefer the gossip column.
It was 2:50 p.m. on Monday, today you were assigned to write a news report on the soccer team. Usually you write for the boys volleyball team since your best friend Nicholas is the star player, but alas the season ended a while ago.
So soccer it is. Yay.
But not all hope was lost. You'd be lying if you said looking at a bunch of handsome athletic guys didn't do something to your stomach. You are seventeen and straight, what else could be better?
Upon arriving at the field (which took ten minutes because some kid in the lower grade got his tie stuck in the elevator door) the boys were doing warm-ups and running across the field doing various exercises.
And God, when did it get so hot out here? You pack extra clothes for times like these, so you quickly let yourself into the girls changing room and slip out of the thick hoodie and long jeans you were previously wearing before, opting for the more weather appropriate white tank top and black shorts.
You don't really wear clothes like this besides sleeping or lounging at home, but you refuse to feel insecure. Besides it's only your body, you should love your arms and legs just like everything else. (Also it makes you look pretty hot).
Stepping out of the air conditioned changing room, into the blazing field felt like stepping into a sauna with a volcano inside. Of course there's students watching the soccer team practice. Boys, girls and everyone in between seemed to fill the bleachers. Cheering for who knows what. They weren't even playing against anyone.
Sitting down on the closet bleacher to the field you took out a new notebook and studied the team's strategies. That seemed to have caught the teams attention since out of everyone watching you were the only one whipping up notes and analyzing their play. At first they thought she was a scout looking to recruit them after highschool but after taking a closer look—getting someone with 20/20 vision—they realized she looked too young to be an agent.
“You know who she is?” Jake asked Sunoo. Sunoo knows everyone and everything when it comes to 1) gossip and 2) students.”Oh, she's y/n. Part of the student news club— or whatever club makes the papers. She's in grade eleven and friends with Nicholas from the volleyball team.”
Jake brushed his sweat damp hair back and checked you out. You were focused on writing something in the brown faux leather notebook and you didn't notice the sudden attention the team had on you.
“Wait here” he patted Sunoo in the chest and walked up to you. Jake was the cute Australian boy with unique features and a strong masculine figure, so of course you knew who he was. In fact you could name all of his friend group like they were a Kpop group. “Hey y/n, right?” His deep voice made you look up and take in how he looked angelic standing in front of the sun.
“Um—yeah, hi I'm y/n”
You stuttered like an idiot. Have you never seen a cute boy before? “Can I have your number?” He pointed his chin towards your open notebook resting on your thighs. Showing a lot of skin. A guy like him asking for your number? You must be in an alternate universe or in some prank episode of a generic YouTuber. But before you could reply, someone from the field yelled.
“Jake, stop flirting and get your ass back here!”
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Working after school is the worst.
Not only are you exhausted from classes, you have to restock shelves and check out books for four hours. It could be worse. You could've been babysitting your sisters—which has been scientifically proven to make you feel the urge to jump off a bridge— but that was when you were broke and twelve years old, now you're seventeen and broke. Big difference.
While sitting at the front desk with your face in a romance book, you hear the door chime ring. You look up and meet the eyes of a tall and ever so handsome Park Sunghoon.
“Oh! Um, what are you up to here, Sunghoon?” you shut the book fast, because God forbid anyone see a teenage girl enjoying a romance book.
“I came here to talk to you” he smiled warmly and it oddly made you want to bask in all its glory. “Well, how did your reading go?” You looked into sunghoons eyes and never wanted to see anything else. If you go blind and the last thing you see were Sunghoon's glorious chocolate brown eyes, you'd be happy.
“hm?” Sunghoon looked puzzled for a beat. “right! The reading was good.” Sunghoon fell asleep whilst reading. “That's amazing, I-”
The chime ran once again but a familiar face walked through the door, Nicholas. Your Smile increases and you run up to a sweaty Nicholas and hug him. Tight.
“Kay, little one, that's enough” he pats your head laughing lightly. You look up, arms still wrapped around his waist. “Hey, you thought I was lying when I said I’d stop by to hang while you work?” You nodded, your lower lip jutted out ever so slightly. Nicholas looks back up to Sunghoon and reaches his hand out to dap him up. “How’s your season going?”
“Good, coach is saying we should have a party for the sports groups after the season ends. You know, if we win the finals at least” the tension between the two grew palpable. You had to do something, anything to stop the tense eye contact between Sunghoon and Nicholas. “Well, I’ll head out,” Sunghoon waved at you and turned towards the front door “good night y/n”
New day, same shit. You go back to the soccer field that somehow looks more crowded than last time. Which makes you wonder how many people actually like soccer and how many people just like looking and sweaty guys. No judgment, just plain curiosity.
But today's writing won’t be as lonely because Nicholas decided to join you in journaling, or he came to purely distract you just couldn't say no to him.
Sunghoon spots you immediately. His eyes form little crescents upon your arrival before he coughs and turns away to conceal the butterflies in his stomach and the intense blush forming on the apples of his cheeks. You were wearing a tank top and some sweatpants that somehow made you compete with the beauty of Aphrodite. Hair pulled back into a messy bun, you sported reading glasses instead of your normal contact lens. Sunghoon was a puddle in human form.
Raking his hand through his hair, he finally noticed the male sitting next to you.
“Hey, Sun, are y/n and Nicholas dating?”
Sunghoon seemed timid and shy at the thought of you kissing someone else. Why was he thinking of you kissing other people in the first place? No idea.
“What?” Sunoo turned around and looked towards the girl taking notes about the team's practice. “Stop being a little bitch and ask her out already!” he shoved Sunghoon towards the pretty girl. Sunoo could tell you had Sunghoon hooked around your finger. The boy was a goner
After hyperventilating for 2 minutes Sunghoon gained the courage to ask her out. He ran towards the stands and tapped your shoulder.
“Hey!” You looked at him and beamed. You were so obvious about your feelings Sunoo felt them from the field, yet Sunghoon was oblivious.
“Wouldyougooutwithme?” he asked “What? Sorry I couldn't understand you” you stood up and placed your ear where his mouth was. The crowd was pretty loud so you would have stood up either way to hear him. Nicholas wasn't paying attention to you two so if you embarrassed yourself he can’t make fun of you.
He took a deep breath and said, “would you go out with me?”
Heloo beautiful people im back after 4months?
Im so sorry, the quality of this story has gone down and def not worth the wait. Like the ending is so rushed!! but maybe ill write aboit their date to make up to you all! Love always
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helloalycia · 2 years
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⇇ chapter two ⇇
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⇉ chapter four ⇉
author’s note: so the angst truly begins in this one… sorry in advance 😬
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19 years old
I let myself flop onto my bed with exhaustion when I returned to my apartment. The long missions were the worst – not that there was a way to rank assassinating people and stalking people from worst to best, but at least with an assassination, it was quick and I could move onto the next case. The long, drawn-out missions were exactly that – long and drawn-out. And I had no patience for them.
Just when I began to get comfortable, planning on going to sleep there and then, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and groaned quietly, assuming it was my handler for this particular mission. When I pulled it out though, I was instantly revived upon seeing Nat's name on the front screen.
Sitting up quickly, I flipped open my phone and couldn't help the smile from appearing on my lips. "Nat."
"Y/N, you answered."
"Of course I answered," I said like it was obvious. "How are you?"
She chuckled quietly. "I'm good, I guess... I just wanted to hear your voice. See how you were doing."
Her words warmed my insides and it was almost criminal the way she made me feel – for someone who was raised to put the mission first, everything else second and– well, emotions weren't even on the list, I struggled to accept the way Nat could make me feel. It wasn't something I should have gotten used to, not with the way our lives were, but selfishly, I let myself indulge. Even for a quick phone call. As long as I got back to the mission, I told myself, it was okay.
"I miss you," she continued, and she sounded shy as she admitted it.
"I miss you, too," I said quietly. "You have no idea."
We'd call each other whenever we could, but that wasn't often. Our job required us to work with other Widows, and the last thing we should have been thinking about is seeing each other. So, short calls every few months were all we had to look forward to.
"Are you still in Sokovia?" she asked.
"Yeah, this mission doesn't seem to want to end," I joked, but it was halfhearted.
"At least you're close to home."
"I wouldn't consider Russia or the Red Room a home."
If there was anything that could come close to a home in the world, it would be her. But I would never dream of saying that aloud.
"Very true," she agreed, mumbling.
"You sound different," I changed the subject, hoping to lighten the mood. "Your accent is... kind of American."
"Almost like I've been undercover for the past year in America," she said sarcastically, and just as I'd noticed, her usual Russian-accented voice had an American lilt in it now. "It's kind of stuck when I've been using it all the time."
It was strange, but it was part of the job. And we hadn't taken American elocution lessons in the Red Room for no reason... Nat was the best, as always.
"Is it nice over there?" I asked, partially curious and partially just missing her, wanting to hear her speak. She could read the dictionary to me over the phone and I'd be content, honestly.
A breathy laugh escaped her lips. "Well, the landmarks are just landmarks. The usual."
I rolled my eyes with amusement. Typical Nat.
"The people are just like you'd expect," she continued. "Full of a false hope that they'll achieve the American dream. You know, big house, white picket fence, a family. The suburban dream."
I looked down, picking at a loose thread on my jeans. We made fun, but it wasn't so far fetched. To have any of those things would be the greatest dream of all. She knew that, I knew that, and every other Widow did, too.
"How naive of them," I played along, wishing Nat was here with me in person. "Don't they know that only the lucky ones get to have that?"
21 years old
My knee was bouncing up and down impatiently as I sat waiting in an uncomfortable chair in the middle of a Dutch airport. Nat was supposed to be meeting me here twenty minutes ago, a plan we'd meticulously concocted without drawing attention to ourselves from Dreykov and the others.
We both had connecting flights to different countries and had scheduled them at the same time so we could get at least one hour together before having to separate once again. The last time I'd seen her was half a year ago, only for two days before she had to leave on assignment. Today was something I'd been looking forward to for a while now, but she hadn't arrived and I worried she'd miss our meet up and I wouldn't see her for another six months.
"You bounce your knee anymore and you might just pull a muscle."
I looked up when I saw the familiar redhead approaching me with a bright smile on her lips. My heart fluttered when I stood up, meeting her halfway. I paused before her, unsure what to say or do as I got distracted by the fact that she was actually physically here.
"You gonna hug me or just keep staring?" she asked in a teasing whisper, green eyes flickering between mine.
My lips curled into a smile as I did as she said, pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck, squeezing comfortingly, and we stayed like that for at least a minute, revelling in each other's presence.
"They took forever letting us off the plane," she explained when we pulled apart. "I came as quickly as I could. Sorry."
"It's okay, don't worry about it," I assured her, unable to stop smiling. "Come on, let's have a seat."
We sat down on the plastic chairs, side by side, but turning our bodies to face each other as we spoke.
"You look good, Y/N," she spoke first, and I tried to ignore the heat rising up my neck when her eyes looked me up and down briefly. "I'm glad you're holding up well."
"I could say the same for you." And it was true, she looked amazing. She always did, and it was almost tantalising having her here in person after so long, only to have her leave in less than an hour.
We talked about anything and everything, trying to steer clear of our work, but that was almost impossible since it was all our life consisted of. She was going to be staying in Europe for a while, having finished her work in the States, and was not looking forward to it. Neither of us ever did look forward to the next mission, or the next mission, or the next mission. But we endured it, for little moments like these.
These little moments were the only thing keeping me going. So many times, whilst working a mission, I would think about leaving. Running away. Abandoning the mission and the Red Room and the Black Widows.
I'd heard stories of some other girls who had tried to do the same – horror stories, mainly, no doubt to put us in our place – and how they'd succeeded for a few weeks, maybe, before being caught by Dreykov and killed for their betrayal. I wasn't convinced I could ever really hide from him or the Widows if I were to leave, so it always remained that. A stupid thought.
But sitting here right now, enjoying my time with Nat and watching the board with all the flights outgoing to what felt like an infinite amount of countries, an infinite amount of possibilities... I felt like anything was possible. At least with her by my side.
"...and we only get a little time together but you choose to spend it zoning out," Nat was saying, feigning offence. "Wow, Y/N."
I tore my gaze from the screen and looked to her, something blooming in my chest at the way her pink lips pursed to hide a smile threatening to break out. She'd always been beautiful, but sometimes, I still got surprised at just how much.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to zone out," I apologised, before straightening up. "I was thinking about something."
She quirked a brow. "And that is...?"
Naturally, my eyes glanced around, afraid Dreykov was somehow listening in right now, even though that was impossible. When I was certain it was safe, I looked back to Nat and spoke in a quiet tone.
"We could run away, Nat," I said to her hopefully. "The two of us. Right now."
She lost her humour when she realised what I was saying. "Don't talk like that, Y/N."
I grabbed her hand, willing her to listen. "Think about it. We could get on a flight and leave for good. Leave the Black Widow programme behind. Dreykov. The assignments. All of it. We could just go."
A million things were running through her mind at once, I could tell, but I didn't want to give her a moment to argue otherwise, so I continued.
"I know what happens to Widows who try to escape. But it could be different if there's two of us. I really think we could do it. Hide in plain sight. We can find somewhere remote, somewhere they wouldn't think to look for us. Create new identities, live a normal life. It could be everything we wanted, Nat."
It sounded so easy, so straightforward, but maybe it could be. The thought of living somewhere with Nat, the two of us away from this hellhole that was our life, somewhere safe... that was all I wanted now. I wanted the mundane, something as simple as sitting around a dinner table and eating a meal in a place of our own, and I wanted it with her.
And then she let go of my hand and shook her head, and I knew I wouldn't get it.
"It's not as simple as that," she said softly, regretfully, and a flash of guilt crossed her expression when she saw my own expression fall. "Y/N, you know I'd love that. But you know we can never escape the Black Widows. We can't run from it."
I frowned, feeling a lump forming in my throat. "We can try."
"Right, sorry, forget it," I said, sucking up a breath and standing up, embarrassed. "I shouldn't have even thought about it."
"Y/N, no, wait–"
"It doesn't matter," I said, blinking away the tears that were brimming my eyes now. "You're right. As always."
She stood up, grabbing my hand and forcing me to look her way, but I refused to meet her eyes. She rested a hand on my cheek, gently guiding my face so I was forced to look her in the eyes. She stared right through me with dark, entrancing ones, just as glassy as my own. 
"Don't you think I want that?" she asked in a harsh whisper, her newly-adopted American accent peeking through. "Don't you think I would leave if I could? Take you with me? Get out of this shitty life?"
I clenched my jaw, staying silent.
"We can't," she said regretfully. "If I could get on a plane with you right now, fly to the middle of nowhere, I would. You know I would. But he'd find us. And it would all be for nothing."
A shaky breath escaped my lips at her words. She was right. I hated it, but she was.
"It's me and you," she promised. "This is what we have. And I'd rather keep this than risk losing everything."
I swallowed thickly, nodding in agreement. She frowned, eyes flickering between mine apologetically, before leaning in and kissing me hard. She tasted of salty tears and peppermint, and I would never forget it.
22 years old
"Fuck!" I groaned, scrunching my face with annoyance as my target plunged a knife in my shoulder.
It was my fault to be fair, since I'd definitely let my guard down as I walked him through an alleyway with hopes of disposing of him subtly, but he must have realised I wasn't a friend and suddenly started to attack me.
Thinking he had the upper hand and very unaware of my skill set, he twisted the knife in once more before letting go and stepping back, a scowl on his face. I gritted my teeth and yanked it out, which he definitely didn't expect, and kicked him hard into the wall behind him. He ducked as I made a swing for his face, but I easily kicked the back of his legs, sending him to his knees, and pressed the knife to his throat.
"Daan sends his regards," I told him bitterly, speaking for the person who hired me through the KGB, before slicing his neck in one swift movement.
He clutched his throat desperately once I let go, blood spilling out and over his hands in a vibrant red. I looked away, knowing I'd completed my assignment and was now uncomfortable because of the wound in my shoulder. I heard him collapse to the ground, his whimpers soon ceasing, and began to think about what my next move would be.
A crunch of a step suddenly sounded in the quiet alleyway, making me turn around with a start, ready to defend myself against whatever threat. That's when I raised my eyebrows with surprise, unsure if the redhead before me was who I thought it was.
"Natalia?" I called, hand pressed to my shoulder and eyes squinted.
She seemed as surprised as I did, approaching me cautiously before sighing with relief upon realising it was me.
"They told me another Widow would need help, but not that it was you," she muttered breathlessly, immediately pulling me in for a hug.
I flinched at the pressure on my shoulder, making her step back and follow my hand.
"I didn't know you were in Amsterdam," I said, amazed at the sight of her. I hadn't seen her since we intentionally crossed paths in the airport last year.
"I just got here," she said distractedly, eyes glued to my shoulder before she glanced behind me at the dead man. "We should go. You can't be seen here."
"I'm aware of the protocol," I attempted a joke, but it didn't land the same because of my pained smile.
She gave me a small smile anyway, green eyes finally meeting mine. "You got a place?"
I nodded, so she took off her leather jacket – we were both wearing civilian clothing – and helped me put it over my blood-stained shirt, though she kept her hand pressed to the wound as she stayed by my side and walked together with me.
We strategically avoided any street cameras or anything that could pinpoint us to the scene of the crime as I led her back to my temporary flat. As soon as we got inside, she sat me on the edge of my bed and helped me remove the jacket.
"Where's your first aid kit?" she asked afterwards.
I nodded to the kitchen. "Kitchen cabinet."
As she went to track that down, I carefully slid my tee shirt off, wincing when I had to lift my arm slightly to do so. Stupid target and his stupid knife.
Nat returned quickly enough, sitting beside me on my bed and pulling out several items to fix me up. I could have done it myself, but I wanted her to stay, to be here.
"You should be more careful," she said in a warning tone, but it was lighthearted.
"You wouldn't be here if I was," I joked, making her roll her eyes but smile.
And then she got to work. She didn't speak as she wiped away blood, disinfecting it and getting to work on stitching me up. I tried to stay as still as possible, getting lost in the sight of her concentrating on being as careful and thorough as possible. It wasn't hard, since studying her features was one of my favourite things to do.
Whether she felt my staring or not, she didn't bring it up. So, I let myself admire the slight pucker of her lips as she focused, the flutter of her eyelashes as she blinked, the red curly hair that kept falling into her eyes, making her blow it back subconsciously. She numbed the pain, making me forget anything else existed right now other than her.
"There, you're all patched up," she finally spoke, lowering her hands.
I almost didn't realise until I tore my gaze from her lips, lifting it to meet hers. "Thanks."
She pursed her lips, giving me a half smile.
"How long do you get to stay?" I asked, feeling warm from our proximity.
Wiping her hands on a cloth next to us, she answered, "Not long. I was told to help you out and then get back to my handler."
I nodded slightly, already dreading the thought of her leaving. I was lucky it was her who had to help, nobody else. It just gave me more time with her, even if it was only a little.
She stood up, clearing away the first aid kit and any bloody bandages she'd used to clean my wound. I watched as she walked around the tiny flat, eyes glued to her like she'd disappear at any second.
"You got my jacket all bloody," she said playfully, taking a seat beside me once more.
I smiled, mesmerised. "You shouldn't have lent it to me."
"You shouldn't have got stabbed."
Her eyes were bright, teasing, flittering around my face like she was hoping to memorise every part of this short meeting, just like I was. My insides were warm at the attention.
"I should go," she said quietly, realising how long she'd lingered. But she made no effort to get up, and I couldn't bring it in myself to move back.
I swallowed hard, looking between her eyes. She was so beautiful, she always had been in my eyes. Maybe it was because I hadn't seen her in so long, but it was all I could think about.
"You don't have to," I murmured, eyes falling down the bridge of her nose, to her cupid's bow, to her pink lips.
She bit her lower lip softly, not helping with my distraction, probably about to say otherwise. But I couldn't help myself anymore, and I leaned in, pressing my lips to hers. She kissed back quickly, as desperate I was, and I lifted my hand to cup her cheek with my uninjured side.
Her lips moved against mine sweetly, like a missing piece in a puzzle, and any pain I felt in my shoulder was long forgotten. The kiss heated up more than it ever had, with her fingers curling around my neck as she leaned forward, pressing herself even closer to me.
I let out a bated breath when she slipped her tongue between my lips, fighting my own and making me weaker than I expected. Practically straddling me now, she wrapped both hands around the back of my neck, holding me close.
My eyes fluttered close when she detached our lips momentarily before pressing little kisses behind my ear and down my jaw, sucking on the sensitive skin.
She pushed me down to the bed gently, forcing me to hold her waist, and her head lifted so she met my half-lidded gaze.
"Am I hurting you?" she asked gently, fingers resting on the bandage of my shoulder.
I shook my head, and she exhaled quietly before reattaching our lips, making me relax under her touch. I couldn't have her for long, but this was better than not having her at all.
23 years old
Being a Widow wasn't something I enjoyed, if that much wasn't obvious. But I had grown accustomed to it – to the ruthlessness required to kill, the detached cold attitude needed to succeed, and most importantly, the ability to never second guess yourself upon completing an assignment. At one point though, I seemed to have lost all of that.
It was an easy enough assignment, on paper. I had to transport a target to the Red Room after some other Widows extracted said target. There were no details of who the target was or what it importance they held – as always, I got the need-to-know information. The only reason I was the one to do it was because I happened to be in close vicinity of the Red Room due to my last assignment ending here.
So, as I had been instructed, I waited outside a hospital in the car park, leaning against my pickup truck and trying to appear as casual looking as possible to bystanders. The other Widows, the ones doing the extracting, soon found me and rushed over to me holding a–
Was that a baby?
"You're here," one of the Widows breathed out with relief, before helping herself to the backseat door to open it. "You've got to be quick."
The other had a baby carrier in her hand, with an actual newborn baby sleeping inside. At least I hoped she was asleep.
"Quick– what are you talking about? Where's the target?" I asked with confusion.
The Widow holding the baby carrier raised it in response, before placing her on the backseat and strapping her in with a seatbelt.
"The baby?!" My eyes were wide. "You're kidding me! Why the hell would I–"
"Piece it together," the other Widow said like I was dumb. "And hurry it up. You can't linger."
I swallowed hard, glancing at the sleeping baby.
"She's been drugged, so she shouldn't be bothering you for the ride," the Widow who'd strapped her in said, closing the door. "Look, we have to go before they realise she's gone. You got this?"
Every part of me wanted to argue, once I realised what was happening and why I was taking a newborn baby to the Red Room. But there was no time, and they expected more of me, so I nodded quickly and watched as they left in a hurry. Getting in the front seat, I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw the baby. She was so tiny, so innocent, so unknowing of the life she was going to be subjected to.
This wasn't right.
Her family were still inside the hospital, probably worried out of their mind, wondering where their new baby girl was. And I was here, preparing to steal her away and give her to the people who had turned me into the assassin I was today.
No, that wasn't fair. It wasn't entirely on them. I had to take responsibility for my own horrendous choices, too.
And this was going to be another horrendous choice to add onto the list. Because as much as I wanted to go back into the hospital and return this poor baby girl to her family, I couldn't disobey my orders.
"They plant Widows in the hospitals, Nat," I said with a raw throat, voice splintering as I spoke. "That's one of the ways they do it."
After delivering the baby girl, whose name was Anya – it was sewn on the hand-knitted hat that the older Widows tore off her head before putting her in the nursery at the Red Room – I left and broke down in a shitty hotel room. Because I was horrible, I shouldn't have done it, but the fear instilled in me from doing otherwise was much stronger than my need to do the right thing.
Madame B. and the others never told any of us where we came from or who our parents were, just that we possessed genetic potential and so ended up in the Red Room. And though it crossed my mind in my darkest days, I tried not to think about how my parents probably gave me up for money or because they didn't want me or because I wasn't worth keeping. I never considered the possibility that I was taken from a hospital before my parents could even spend a moment with me, like Anya.
But now, that was all on my mind.
I could only think to call Natalia after I broke down, needing to hear a comforting voice, the only person in the world whom I could unravel before and trust to be so open with.
"They just took her? From her family? No explanation?" Nat asked over the phone, sounding as shocked as I did. Just like me, she hadn't considered the thought.
I shook my head, sniffling. "They just took her. And I... I didn't do anything."
"I could have taken her back to the hospital, or tracked down the parents, or simply refused. But I didn't."
"You know you couldn't have done any of that," she said softly. "You know that. You did what you had to. What any of us have to."
I unclenched my teeth, eyes red and sore as I stared at the wall ahead. "Her parents aren't going to know who she is. Who she'll grow up to be. And she won't know who they are either. She'll grow up to be a monster. Like– like–"
"Like us," she finished my sentence, and she was neither offended nor proud.
I exhaled through trembling lips, looking down. "Like us."
Since two years ago, when Nat and I met at the airport and I'd suggested we run away together, the subject hadn't been brought up again. And I tried very hard not to think about it because I'd convinced myself that Nat had been right, that we couldn't do it.
But now, as I discovered more and more about the horrible world I'd grown up in, and as I fell deeper and deeper into said world, I wanted nothing more than to leave it behind and try to forget. But I couldn't do it alone, not without Nat. And she would never do it. She'd made that clear.
It was a nice thought though.
24 years old
My face felt flat, like someone was forcing piles of bricks on it and stopping me from moving. It took me longer than usual to blink my eyes open, a knot at the front of my head forming as I woke up from a slumber I couldn't remember taking.
I didn't recognise my surroundings as I forced myself to sit up in a bed that wasn't mine. Groaning, I clutched my head with hopes of relieving the ache, whilst also trying to figure out where I was and how I'd gotten here. But the last thing I could remember was meeting up with some other Widows as part of my assignment before ending up here.
"Finally, you're up."
Following the voice, I looked to the doorway of the room and saw a woman I didn't recognise, but wearing the uniform of a Widow. She had an absent expression on her face, eyes looking at me but past me at the same time.
"Where am I?" I asked, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.
"The Red Room."
I wanted to argue that I wasn't, in fact, in the Red Room because I'd grown up in the Red Room and recognised nothing before me. But she didn't give me chance to speak as she motioned for me to follow her, already leaving the doorway.
Quickly standing up, I followed her down a series of hallways, all foreign to me. This wasn't the Red Room I knew, and even the Widow before me felt different.
Finally, the Widow stopped outside a set of double doors of which I could only imagine belonged to the man in charge, Dreykov himself. And I hadn't spoken to Dreykov personally in quite a few years, so I couldn't imagine this meeting being based on something good.
"You may enter," the Widow said monotonously, before leaving in the direction we came.
I watched her go, wondering why she was acting so strangely, before facing the set of double doors before me and sucking up a breath. Every time I'd faced Dreykov, it never ended well. Usually with me getting hurt somehow. But I was older, better, more mature. I could handle this.
Pushing open the doors, I let myself enter his new office and immediately felt the air of authority he possessed upon noticing me. He was slightly older, greying since I'd last seen him, but he still had that twisted smile that made me shiver when he looked to me.
I was never his favourite. I knew that. But right now, he was looking at me like I was his star pupil. His golden child.
His Natalia.
"Y/N, how lovely of you to join me!" he exclaimed, approaching me and clapping me on the back, admittedly making me freeze at the contact, naturally expecting the worst. "How have you been, dear?"
I nodded respectfully as the doors closed behind us. He led me to his desk, but neither of us took seats as he stood in front of me to see me better.
"I'm doing good, sir," I answered him, head bowed. "Just a little confused to where I am."
He laughed, a deep bellow that echoed around the room and made me uncomfortable. "Of course. I should probably explain."
He sounded too joyous, more than I'd ever seen him, and my blood was running cold because that never meant anything good.
"Things will be changing around here, my dear," he said, rounding his desk to pour himself a glass of water. "I've made some alterations now that Natalia has left. And that includes going into hiding."
I blinked, wondering if I'd heard correctly. Hiding? Nat leaving? What?
He glanced up at me, raising an eyebrow. "You seem confused."
Straightening up, I shook my head slightly. "My apologies, sir. I'm just– what was that? About Natalia leaving?"
He smirked, like he knew that was all I would hear. Taking a long gulp of his water, almost purposely to piss me off and have fun with my impatience, he exhaled and explained.
"Unfortunately for her, Natalia deemed it appropriate to leave the KGB. Her latest assignment proved to be a challenge, clearly. She never returned."
Nat never returned? What the hell was he talking about?
"We sent Widows after her of course," he continued casually, "but she's good at her job, as I'm sure you know. And now we have learnt that she's joined S.H.I.E.L.D., so naturally, we've had to go into hiding which includes moving base. Welcome to the new and improved Red Room, my dear!"
No... what he was saying couldn't be true. This had to be a test of some sort. Nat wouldn't just leave, especially not without telling me. And definitely not to go to another agency, an American one nonetheless.
We had been trying to keep in touch as much as we could over the past year, but it had grown to be challenging with our ongoing separate assignments. Still, if she'd ever considered running away, she would have mentioned it.
Especially because she'd made me feel a fool for even considering the idea.
"I know that the two of you were close," Dreykov said with fake sympathy, and I'd almost forgotten he was there until he stood beside me, resting a hand on the back of my neck. "Growing up, you were inseparable. Do you really think I didn't know about how you kept in contact all these years?"
My palms were sweaty by my sides, and I didn't know what to say. His sickly smile was present, but the look in his eyes was anything but kind.
"I knew everything, Y/N," he said blankly, and his grip slowly tightened behind my neck, making me tense up. "I have no doubts that you wanted to leave, too. Probably with her. Am I right?"
My breathing was staggered as his grip was tighter than ever, nails piercing skin.
"As a young woman, I would assume you'd know how to answer someone when they're talking to you," he said casually, before slamming my head forward onto his desk.
My heart was pounding as his grip remained on my neck. It was embarrassing and dehumanising, being bent over his desk with nothing but fear keeping me paralysed in place.
"She thought she was too good for this place," he said calmly, like he wasn't drawing blood from my neck with his sharp nails. "She always did. We treated her like the best because she is the best. Was the best. But that got to her head."
He suddenly let go of my neck, making me stand up straight and reach for it, my hand coming back with blood. His expression was no longer feigning joy as he scowled at nothingness.
He terrified me. He always had and always would.
"But it's going to be okay, my dear." He looked to me, eyes sharp, oblivious to my pain. Or ignorant. "We don't need her, do we? Things will get better without her. She thinks she's too good for this place, but we will show her otherwise."
I wasn't sure if he expected a response from me, but even if he did, I didn't know what to say. I was still reeling from the information he'd fed me about Natalia, about her leaving for good.
Why would she do that? Why would she leave me behind?
"I don't need her," he repeated, mostly to himself, before he strutted towards me and gripped my face in his hands, squeezing my cheeks with so much pressure that my gums were aching. "I'm in charge. I'm in control."
Tears burned my eyes as he squeezed harder.
"You will all do as I say," he growled lowly, then he threw me to the ground aggressively, and the tears slipped out, but I did not cry. "Natalia Romanova does not matter. She took us for granted. But not anymore... not even you, Y/N."
He sounded threatening, as he always did, and I figured there must have been some sort of hidden meaning to his words, but I was too petrified to think about it. Instead, all I could do was think about how, once again, I was getting punished because of the fucking golden child. Even when she wasn't here anymore, I was getting the backlash.
She'd really gone and done it. Left. No goodbye, no warning, nothing. She'd talked me out of it, just to go and do it anyway.
It seemed that after thirteen years spent with her, I didn't really know Natalia Romanova as well as I thought I did.
Later that same day, I was taken to the same bed I'd woken up in. Apparently they had plans for what to do with me in the morning, whatever that meant, but I honestly couldn't care less anymore. Nothing could be worse than what they'd already done to me. And nothing could distract me from how hurt I was at Nat's actions.
I fell asleep that night with a broken heart, whether I knew it or not. Even in my dreams, I couldn't escape her. It was more of a memory, which made it even worse.
It was a few years ago, after we'd both completed our individual assignments but managed to link up our schedules to meet for a few hours one evening. We shouldn't have done it, but we couldn't help it. It was only one evening and nobody would notice our absence for a few hours – that's what we'd told ourselves.
The dream was as vivid as the evening it happened. Nat and I were laying in bed together, exhausted from our day's work but wanting to make the most of our time together. It was, stupidly enough, a memory that took place before I'd asked her to run away with me.
"I'd like to think that we could eventually move on from all of this," I was saying without really thinking about it. "Put this behind us at some point. Have a proper life."
Nat listened intently, but didn't say anything.
"Maybe one day, right?" I had asked, turning on my side to face her. "They can't need us forever, right?"
She turned to face me, too, green eyes fluorescent in the dim lighting of the hotel room we were in. "I don't know," she had admitted truthfully. "But you have to stop thinking like that. Like there's anything else but this. There isn't, Y/N."
Since we were kids, she'd been the realist between us, and as much as I admired her brutal honesty, I hated it, too. I hated that she tore through my daydreams with one short sentence, or a simple condescending look. I expected more from her, for once, just to go along with my fantasy. But she never did. Maybe that's why it was heartbreaking when she went ahead and left me to go live out her own.
"Yeah, you're probably right," I had said quietly, avoiding her eyes out of embarrassment of being called out yet again. "Even if we did get to leave, we could never be normal. It wouldn't be the same for us as it is with other people. We'd be haunted by our past. All the people we had to hurt to get normalcy... we could never be normal. People like us just couldn't be."
It was exactly the truth, and it was definitely what she would have wanted to hear. That's partly the reason I said it. Because I knew she would never counter my argument, try to make me feel better, try to live in my fantasy with me.
But something must have been different for her this time. Because she gave me false hope, just this once, and cupped my cheek tenderly.
"We could be," she had said all I had ever wanted to hear, and my heart burst at the mere thought.
Leaning forward slowly, she closed the gap between us with a gentle kiss. It happened sometimes, where she'd kiss me like this and I didn't know how to react or what to think except to kiss her back. Neither of us would say anything about it. It was easier not to. But I enjoyed every second.
When we pulled apart, she still had her hand on my cheek, and I couldn't help but rest mine on hers, finger tracing the pink blush spreading across her skin. It was the same shade of pink as her lips, full and soft and begging to be kissed again. My thumb traced them, committing the shape to memory, because I never wanted to forget what she meant to me in that moment. How every part of her was perfect in my eyes, even the parts I hated.
The dream ended there and I awoke during the night with watery eyes and a damp pillow. She'd left me. Even after convincing me to never consider the idea. She hadn't entertained my delusions once, apart from that memory. And now I knew why she never had. It was false hope. Because she'd gone and entertained her own instead.
I was beginning to think that Dreykov was onto something as I stared up at the dark ceiling with hot tears rolling down my cheeks. His precious golden child was too good for this place.
And apparently she was too good for me.
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
-Giving head for the first time
-Sakusa, Atsumu, Hirugami, Boktuo
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a/n: this was inspired by me thinking about being the first person omi gives head to </3 
first post of the year!
18+ Minors DNI
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-Kiyoomi Sakusa 
Again, give and take.
This isn't the first time hes seen your bare cunt, exposed to the world, him being in it and making a mess multiple times.
You assured him that he didn't have to go down on you due to his “predicament”.
 You said that just touching and kissing him was enough, and you were right, everytime leaving you soaked.
But he insisted, it internally hurting his pride of whether he could get you off, and also believing that's what a good boyfriend should do. Bless his heart 
You returned the thought, wanting to suck him off, but he declined saying maybe later.
You eventually did before him, now wanting to get you off even more because of the guilt that you've given him head but not the opposite.
“Yoomi'' you whined as he opened your legs, him facing you needy cunt. You've never been so shy in your life, him staring at it for what felt like forever, not moving an inch.
“Baby” you started, uncovering your eyes with your hands and moving them down to his head. “You don't have too” you softly continued, gently stroking his cheek with your fingers getting tangled in his locks. 
This isn't just his first time with you, it's his first time with anybody. Yes he was confident in everything he did, but that was because he had practiced before. And also he wanted to do good for you, worrying if he was going to be good enough even though he would never admit that outloud. 
But you already knew, making your heart flutter that he would go to such lengths for you, getting you even wetter without him touching you. 
He moves his head closer to your entrance, slowly taking your hands off his face and putting them in his hair, gently grabbing it. He started kissing around it, natural instincts coming into play, gripping your legs.
You let out a whimper as he bit the sensitive area around your thighs, he looked up to make out if that was a good or bad one, quickly seeing your head roll back with your eyes, instilling confidence in him.
“Fuck yoomi, please” You moaned shoving your greedy cunt into his face. He usually wouldn't tolerate this attitude, but seeing as he's doing this for you, he lets it slide and at last connects his lips to your swollen clit. 
He works his tongue making you let out a string of cries and whines getting him painfully hard. As much and he wanted to make himself feel good, he reminded himself that this was all for you and him now , putting all of his work into both of his hands and mouth.
He continued flicking his tongue making you arch your back, now roughly grabbing his hair, not letting him up, getting lost in your own world, feeling prideful that he could make you feel this good.
He was in his own world too right now, not even worrying about the mess he was in, even admiring it. “Fuck doll” he groaned, his face still buried deep in your cunt, your movement getting eratic, letting him know you were close.
“I-im gonna cum- yoomi… please!” You begged, feeling like you were about to tip over and the only thing keeping you stable was his touch.
“Cum for me.” he muttered, taking his lips slightly off enough to reposition them, placing them in the spot he knew you loved.
“Fuck” you cried gripping onto hair even stonger making you see white while cumming all over him, drowning him in more of a mess. 
Coming back to reality, realizing what you've done, now hiding your face again. You knew he wasn't mad at you, and he was trying his hardest not to care about being soaked in your cum.
“I love you” he commented, already proving it but reminding you in a different form.
“I know” you giggled, feeling his cock, still stunningly hard. “lemme take care of you now?” 
-Atsumu Miya
Boy is needy asf
But you're his shy little virgin gf, which he respects, even though he's been daydreaming about him in between your legs.
So one day you finally get there after kissing for what seems like hours.
He makes you look him in the eyes, making sure you're actually okay with this, and not just going along with it because you don't want him to get upset.
 He loves, and I mean loves, watching you squirm and cry out because of him.
It makes his ego rise causing him to be more cocky, shoving his face back into you like he would die if he didn't get a taste.
When you finally cum for the nth time while he's eating you out he's puts that to rest, then fingers you till you pass out, crying out his name, saying that you can't take it anymore even though you could
What a good boyfriend < 3
“Tsum- ahh” you moaned sitting on his lap, grinding on his erection, making your pussy wetter than you've ever got it before.
“You gonna let me take care of you?”  he kissed into your skin making you let out another whine.
“Hmm baby?” he grinned seeing you in such an already fucked out state with him barely even touching you. “Cmere doll.” he said flipping you over so that you were now on your back and he was above you.
“Dont hide that pretty face, lemme see you.” he gently said, not wanting to overstress you, wanting to put all his energy into taking care of you. “Good girl.” he praised after you shyly removed your hands, now just laying there.
“You sure u want this baby?” he asked, looking you deeply in your eyes, stroking your cheek with one of his hands. “….y-yeah” you replied, grabbing him by the shoulder dragging him in for another kiss.
“Needy little thing” he muttered, dragging his fingers across your oh so wet panties. “I should just give you my dick huh, you'd like that baby wouldn't you?” he teased dragging them off finally seeing your pretty little pussy for himself. 
“Just playing baby.” he said, moving his head down to be face to face with your cunt. “wouldn't wanna break ya.”�� 
“Tsumie please” you could only moan at the thought of being stuffed full, feeling his breath on you, increasing the wetness between your legs.
“There she is! My pretty girl at last opening up...You wanna tell me what you want princess?” he teased again.
“Hmm can't hear you” he said cutting you off, his lips now hovering over your clit.
“Y-our mou-th” you finally got out, feeling more embarrassed than ever to admitting what you desperately wanted. You were by no means a “good girl”. But you kept yourself closed off, not wanting a hit and run relationship, but the way you acted when you were needy was a whole different story, that he loved to pull out of you.
“Yes maam.” he uttered as he started kissing on it, it all being a foreign feeling to you, you never making yourself feel this good. 
He increased his pace going between sucking on your clit and licking it all up, leaving you a mess before his eyes, he was blessed. The fact he had someone as sweet and beautiful as you in his life made him want to worship the ground you walked on, devoting all his pleasure to you. 
He went back at it making you cum for the 3rd time, feeling pride that he got you off this easily, but not letting it get to his head, just yet.
“Ahhh!” you squealed feeling his finger suddenly inside you. “Shh relax baby” he said, to which you listened, letting him at last thrust his fingers inside of you. “Dont that feel good?”  
“Y-yeah f-fuck.” you moaned, not even trying to hold it back anymore. The pleasure of his mouth and fingers pushing you into your 4th orgasm today. 
You grabbed his wrist wanting the attention on you right now and not your throbbing cunt even though you loved the feeling and didn't want it to stop. He turned his head to see your pretty face once again, already reading your mind, locking eyes for what seems like forever, eventually smirking along with you, grabbing you back up in his arms saying “Oh were not even close to done baby.” 
  -Sachiro Hirugami
You had a bad day : (
So when you come home and immediately clinging to your boyfriend, he knows just what to do to cheer you up.
You haven't been dating for that long, only a few months, but he could tell by the way you greedily kissed him that you wanted more.
He grabs your lower back as you snuggle into him, letting you complain about your day, talking his ears off, listening as he should.
But what he starts to do, slowly sliding his hands down your shorts, making you go wide eyed then falling into his touch making you let out a few held back moans.
He lets you rant about your day while you ride his face.
True love< 3
“Gamiii” you whined completely, losing focus. The tv in the background being muted in your mind, the only sense you're feeling right now is his touch.
“Hold on honey” he softly laughed repositioning you in his lap, you not being shy at all, being so needy for him with a pout adorning your face. He continued to listen about you rant about your day while kissing your neck every so often, hands gently but firmly holding onto your sides.
You stopped for a second, his hand getting extra close to your ass, did he mean it? You don't know, but what you did know was that it gave you butterflies, in your heart and pussy.
You moaned into his neck again, this time accompanied by your hips swinging back and forth, taking out your stress on your poor boyfriend, not that he minded. You could use him in any way you wanted. He just lived to please you.
“I got an idea love.” he said, taking your hand into his, playing with your fingers.
He laid down on the couch, you still in his lap, just moving you slightly with your hands now resting on his chest. He took your hand in his again pulling you towards his face, to your confusion. 
“If you wanted to kiss then we could have done it sitting.” you thought, missing the feeling in his lap. But before you could pout any longer he dragged you on even further, you mind guessing what was happening but your conscious not wanting to admit it.
You immediately got flustered, the fact that he was wanting you, to sit on his face, made your cheeks burn.
“A-are you sure” you mumbled out, feeling him grow in anticipation. “Yeah baby. If i wasn't thinking about it ever since you came home i wouldn't have”   
“Thinking… about me. Really?” you shyly confessed. “Of course love.” he said, sliding your shorts off along with your panites, wanting to taste you for so long. “All I do at work is think about you, wanting to touch you, feel you, kiss you.”
He finally got you to hover over his face, being nervous about the whole thing, wondering if he could handle your weight. But he assured you by pulling you down onto his lips, immediately sucking on your neglected clit. 
“nghh” you instantly moaned, trying to be more quiet, leaning back onto his waist, your hands supporting you there.
“No keep talking, lemme know what went wrong with your day angel.” he said putting you back onto his face.
“W-well, ahh, my bos-s made me-nggh, re-edo the who-le project… by mysel-lf” you got out, a few moans escaping here and there.
“By yourself?” he sated giving you a break. “Oh no baby.” he genuinely said, wrapping his lips around it once again. He was working magic beneath you making you feel weightless, taking the stress out of your body, making you feel oh so good.
“You're so lucky you've got a man like me huh?” he cooed, you feeling the smirk he had in between your legs. 
“Yeah,” you stated, voice shaky, not one trace of a lie being hidden. “yeah i am.”
-Kotaro Bokuto
Baby boy is so nervous, never doing this before in his life, only using his fist and incredibly active mind.
But it's okay you’ll guide him through it, like to good gf you are.
He loves- no needs praise.
Moan out how good he's doing while grabbing his hair
That'll set something off in him, turning him into a whole different man between your legs
Making him grab and suck the life out of you, leaving tons of hickies and marks on your thighs
Good luck getting away from it once you've started it
“Am I doing it good?” he asked, voice muffled by your pussy, sitting on the floor between your legs as you rested on the bed.
“Yeah. fuck baby. You're doing so good, being such a good boy.” You praised not lying once. Fuck he was good. After all that time building up to this, him shying away because he was scared, not wanting to disappoint you.  
He looked up at you for approval; noticing this you let yourself go, not holding back any moans or sounds that wanted to escape your body, wanting him to know that he was doing such a good job. The bite marks, bruises and hickeys, along with your dripping wet cunt, being visible proof.
“fuck y/n” he groaned, being in distress, not knowing what to do, whether to take care of his hard cock or keep all his attention on you. 
He chose the latter, wanting to be your good boy, loving how hard you pulled his hair, and moaned his name. 
He continued making you cum another time before completely pausing himself, realizing what he'd just done.
“Hmm, what wrong baby?” you quickly said noticing his state, not caring about the pleasure anymore, just waiting to make sure your boyfriend was okay.
He didn't say anything but you noticed the blush on his cheeks, and the ruffled look on his face. Your eyes scanned down until you saw what the problem was.
“Aww baby, did you cum? Because of me!? How cute.” you giggled taking him his large frame into your arms, him letting you not waiting to be seen right now. It made your heart race that he go this worked up over you, the fact that calling hi a good boy sent him over the edge.
He was so embarrassed, wanting to hide in your chest forever, hoping that this was just a dream and not real. “Ko- look at me.” you said pulling dragging him out of your chest, him missing the warm comforting feeling of your boobs.
“Don't be embarrassed, that was hot.” you said assuring him that it was in fact not something to be ashamed of but instead embrace.
“C'mere “ you said, jestering him to sit on the bed, already getting on your knees. “Lemme show you how hot that was.”
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© all content belongs to spikesbimbo. do not alter or repost .
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queentala · 3 years
hey! could you write the manon x f!reader where they briefly cook together for a movie marathon? after a lot of effort, they sit on the couch and can't decide what to see so they end up hooking up on some program while the reader flirts shamelessly and admires her iron nails/teeth while manon pretends not to like it. in the end, she admits and gets very fluff
Yeah sure! Everything with our Queen Manon is welcome.
Comes out I’m not really good at flirting but I was trying my best.
Also sorry it took me that long but I’m the type of writer that always check and change everything million times before publishing so yeah. Anyways, hope you’ll enjoy it <3
If you want more character x reader stories, please text me and request some more
Warnings: mention of sex and blood, dirty talk and I think that’s it
Lovely evening and sexy talk
Manon Blackbeak x reader
"You're burning it, idiot!" you shouted running up to Manon who were supposed to make sure pizza in the oven does not burn. Of course she almost failed. Apparently witches aren't really good cooks. Who would have thought...
You scoofed and helping yourself with a kitchen towel took your food out. Unfortunately towel wasn't enough and you quickly dropped tray on the kitchen counter feeling unpleasant pinching in your hands.
"And you're burning yourself, stupid!" Manon took you by the arm and led you to the sink. "Could you try to don't harm yourself in my presence?" She turned on the water and put your hands under it. A pleasant cold chilled your palms. "I'm not in the mood to listen to your cries" she murmured and moved slightly burnt pizza on big plate. She took two smaller ones and carried everything to the living room.
"What about listening to my moans?" you smiled wickedly and wiped your hands to your black shorts that covered only half of your butt. Even though she was turned backwards you could see as she rolled her eyes.
"You better finish those muffins because I'm getting more hungry with every minute" she growled as she came back to take drinks and the rest of food you prepared.
"Well, I can be your snack if you're hungry, you know" you threw some popcorn into your mouth.
Since the very beginning, your friendship with Manon included a lot of shameless flirting. At first you were strangers who got the same sense of humor so whenever you were at the same place, you just get along. After you became more comfortable, both of you started acting as if you were about to take each other right then and there, flirting, teasing and mocking. Through the years, your relationship grew stronger. You started hanging out. You trained together and protected each other like sisters. Few times even you bedded some males that have met poor end. So even you weren’t anything more than best friends, dirty talking and nudity were everyday life. Although you couldn’t deny that sometimes this white-haired witch made you forget your own name.
She hasn't answered so you came back to doing those god damn muffins. Well, to be honest you weren't great cook either. I mean, you still was better than one certain witch but looking at chocolate mass that were supposed to turn into your muffins you weren't sure if you're gonna survive until tomorrow morning.
You took spoon and started moving mass to the forms. After few seconds you felt a hand on your waits and a body behind you. Goosebumps appeared on your skin as you felt her warm breath on your neck. Manon reached over your shoulder to take second spoon and help you.
"You sure this is edible?"
"Well, your tortillas don't look any better and at least I didn't get the whole kitchen dirty, so..." You looked at white haired witch and saw a half-smile playing on her face. "Oh no" you joked. "What did you add there?"
"Rape pills, poison and blood with vodka" she said and licked her spoon dry.
You might look at her tongue for a little bit too long. Just a little bit yet you were sure it was long enough for her to notice.
"Well, at least it will be fun night" you laughed and smirked hoping you won't look too suspicious. "And it's still better than mushrooms"
Finally, you put muffins into oven and closed it with your hip. Sprinting to the living room, you threw yourself on the couch landing on soft pillows. Skinny yet muscled body landed next to you gracefully. Manon's soft alabaster legs touching yours. Just like you she was only wearing revealing shorts and top that shoved her perfect body. Gods, this woman was incredible.
Lying in comfortable position you took TV remote and...
"So..." you started, looking at Manon with question written on your face "What are we watching...?"
"Eh... I dunno. Something that includes a lot of blood or action, I think?" You reached out for pizza but stopped midway.
"We forgot to cut it" with a sigh you looked at the kitchen. "But it's so far..." You reached out your hand in dramatic way. "Yup. I'm not going"
To your surprise, Manon only drew out her iron nails and cut three lines across your food, parting it for eight pieces.
"Yeah, it's also good way, I suppose" You did not miss that there was some cheese left on witch's nails. Before she could wipe it you leaned over and licked it off while looking into her eyes. There was an expression of surprise on her face but also... Desire? Her usually cold eyes lighten up like a golden fire. "I wish I could have those..." You straighten up and took a piece of pizza. "I can see that they're much more functional than I thought. What else you can do with them?"
"Kill and torture annoying people like you" Manon casually took TV remote from you and started scrolling through Netflix but you could still see sparkles in her eyes. "So what are we watching?"
"Hunger games?"
"Not enough blood."
"Barbarians or Vikings?"
"I've heard it's boring"
"Game of thrones?"
"Too long."
"Gods, why do you care so much? You're gonna change your mind anyways!" You rolled your eyes and teared away remote from her. “We’re watching Game of thrones and that’s it” For some time you felt her staring at you. Without looking at her you said “Yeah sure, feel free to admire me”
Manon rolled her eyes (for the hundredth time this evening) and reached out to grab one of her tortillas. She took one bite and pulled a face. She drew out her iron teeth and took another one.
“That bad?” you laughed but she hasn’t answered. Mischievous smile playing on your face. “You know, I wouldn’t mind those teeth and nails on my body” playing with your hair you continued “Some people have knife kink. Do witches have nails kink? Iron kink? I don’t know, Manon. Please, enlighten me.”
She stared at the screen with her legs laid out on a coffee table. Her face was relaxed but her thighs... Her thighs were squeezed hard and you could smell a little shift in her scent. Having realized what you are doing to her, you kept going.
“I really really wonder how does it feels like. Having cold, sharp nails being dragged along your heated body. Iron teeth on your neck...”
“Are you flirting or asking me to kill you?” She gave you a sharp look
“What’s wrong, witchling? What are you thinking about?” you moved to her closer, your nose literally touching hers.
“I’m thinking about how you make me question my sexuality but also my will to live and how much it piss me off” she said as her lips touched yours. You weren’t kissing. You just sat there, eyes closed, bodies touching, waiting for one of you to make a move.
“You do annoy me sometimes” she wrapped her hand around your waist. Shivers ran down your spine as you felt her nails gently touching your back. “But that’s why I started talking to you” she moved you so now you were straddling her. Your hands came up to cup her face, your thumb running up and down her cheek. “You do make me question my sexuality” her lips were moving along yours. “And because of you... I think my heart of ice is melting”
Not being able to hold on any longer, you kissed her. Slowly but passionately. Manon laid you on soft pillows. Without breaking the kiss for even a second she got on top of you and started dragging her nails along your bare stomach, reaching your hips and scratching your thighs enough to leave red marks.
“Is it what you wanted?” she asked as she moved her lips to your throat. “I care about you, Y/N. I don’t know what love is and I don’t know if I can give it to you but I know... I know that I care about you more than I care about anyone else.”
“I know what is love, Manon. And I can tell you that I love you.” That was true. You loved her. Her devilish smile, her sarcasm, her courage and brave heart. Heart she decided open up to you. “I don’t want you to say it back if you are not sure.” you whispered into her ear “Just care about me in your very own way and I will care about you in my way” She smiled
“Y/N...” she said against your lips. Your name falling from her mouth made you weak.
“Your muffins are burning.”
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m00nchild-02 · 3 years
Miss Mafia | jhs (m)
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pairing: Hoseok x reader, Taehyung x reader (He's just a childhood friend, no love interest)
rating: 18+
word count: 15.5k sorry not sorry :)
genre: mafia au, strangers to lovers, secret agent, you are a mafia boss
summary: It's not easy to be the boss of one of the biggest mafias in South-Korea. And surely not as a woman. When a secret agent got discovered by one of your people and brought to you, you would've never dared to guess he would turn your world upside down in multiple ways.
warnings: praising, big d*ck Hoseok, oral (m receiving), hard sex, dom Hoseok, sub reader, v penetration, no protection (reader has an implant so she can't get pregnant. Make always sure you use protection guys!), also a bit of fluff at the end
music recommendations: - Lacrimosa - Mozart - Symphony no 9 - Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven - more songs on this playlist (youtube)
- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1yXNkU806Y7EZruvrbl4g9?si=76931ed2ebae4c2c (spotify)
a/n: Again back with a story! I'm sorry for any grammar errors. It is such a big one shot. I'll probably proof read it later so I'm again sorry for any grammar mistakes in this ff! Just ignore it please :')
I was originally thinking of making this a jungkook ff but I eventually ended up making it a J-Hope ff instead. I think he would do a great job as main character here ;) Give it a lot of support and
enjoy reading!
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Lacrimosa from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Such a pleasant song to listen to with a good glass of wine. You take a sip of the dark red liquid as you softly move your head to the music playing through your boxes. This is how you liked to spend your time alone. A good glass of wine in one hand and the remote of your boxes in your other hand putting on some of your favourite classical music. Like Lacrimosa from Mozart or Beethoven's 9th symphony. All great composers with excellent music. You smiled as you felt your body relax after the long stressful day you had today. Your placed your red tinted lips on the glass for another sip of your wine you would never get to taste.
You let out a deep sigh as you turned around in your chair towards the front of your desk. One of the maids walked inside and bowing at you. You gave her an unpleasant look. "Didn't I told the staff clearly not to come into my study for the rest of the day?" You asked the woman in front of you who kept looking down, probably not daring to look you in the eyes right now. Everyone knew you could be a real furry when you got angry or irritated. You can ask the last butler you had, after dropping a glass of whine on you by accident. It costed him a finger because you accidentally dropped a knife on his hand.
You softened the volume of the music before speaking again. "Tell me what's going on. It better be good if you don't wanna lose your job." You said coldly, don't sparing her a glance as you emptied the bottle into your glass. "I-It's about the issue from last week mam." She said. A bit of fear could be heard in her voice.
"Go on" You said. "They caught him miss." She said. You looked at the girl in front of you and suddenly began to laugh. The girl looked up for the first time, confusion all written over her little face. You turned towards the painting of your father on the right wall of the study and smiled, raising your glass. "See dad? The company is in great hands. I told you I would get him." You turned back towards the girl, that smile/smirk still on your face.
"Tell them to bring him to la grande salle. I'll be there in a minute." You told her. The maid bowed and then left the room closing the door on her way out. " You chuckled as you licked your lips. "Turns out this day is gonna be better than I expected..." You said, turning up the volume of the boxes and taking another sip of your glass of wine.
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A few minutes later and your men walked in dragging a guy with them. His hands and feet tied together, his clothes covered in bloodstains and his hair a complete mess. You leaned forward in you chair as they dropped the man right at your feed. You were currently in your grand salle, how you like to call it, where you handled business of all kinds. From having meetings, recruiting new members till having a talk with bastards like the guy in front of you right now.
"Well, well, well... What do we have here." You said, letting out a small laugh. "Jung Hoseok, isn't it? Secret agent at the National Intelligence Service. They say you're one of the best in your profession. Sad that reputation will end today." You said, leaning back in your chair, snapping your fingers as a sign for the maids to leave the room. Leaving only you, Hoseok and two of your bodyguards. You threw the papers that were in your hand onto the table next to you, the pages falling open on some pictures of Hoseok and his meetings with the NIS.
"I must admit Mister Jung, I'm quite impressed. You have been undercover in my companies for five years. My father always knew there was a spy between us but he never had the chance to catch you." You looked away, staring into the distance as you said your next sentence. "Caught a bullet right through the head. Very tragic." You looked back at the man in front of you. He was still looking down, not saying a word or sparing you a small glance. Was he even still alive? Anyways, you still went on with your little speech. "But times change. After my father's death I took over and look! It's been less than a year and I already caught you."
Suddenly Hoseok started to laugh. You looked at him confused as he slowly tilted his head so you could look at his face for the first time today. His cheeks and upper lip were bruised and a dried stream of blood could be seen under his nose. He looked you right in the eyes. "Took you long enough to figure out it was me." He said. "But congrats. I'm happy you can finally make daddy proud." He mocked, spitting some blood on the white marble floor. His words and actions made your head boil. How dare he speak so lowly about your father. The bodyguards stood read to walk over and beat the shit out of him but you raised your hand stopping them.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your cool. "Listen here," You said, getting off of your chair, slowly walking around the men on the ground before making a halt behind him and squatting down. You pulled out a blade out of your pocket and held it against his neck as you pulled his head backwards. He let out a painful groan making you smirk. You leaned in closer towards his ear before saying the following words, "You can say anything you want Mister Jung but know the more shit comes out of your mouth the less pleasant your stay at my villa will be before I release your soul from your body, understood?" You said, your mouth dangerously close to his ear.
The man didn't seemed intimidated as he scoffed. "Bring it on Missy. Good luck with keeping me locked here." He said.
You stood back up, a bit overwhelmed by his bold words. You walked towards his front, wanting to see his face. "You got a big mouth for a guy who just has been beaten the hell out of." You said. "Maybe I should just kill you here right now. Makes it a lot easier for the both of us." You said as one of the bodyguards handed you a gun. You loaded it and pointed it towards his head.
He looked you right in the eye as you held the trigger ready to shoot. What surprised you the most was that he was smiling. Why was he smiling? This guy made you so confused. "Not the brag princess but-"
"Don't call me that!" You yelled at him with gritted teeth.
"Ok my lady." He said teasingly. "What I wanted to say is you can't kill me." He looked quite relaxed when he said that.
You scoffed. "What are you talking about? I can kill you wherever I want, whenever I want! Just watch me."
He shook his head. "Sorry to burst that bubble of yours but you can't. You see... I've been undercover for 5 whole years. I know a lot about your company and you." He said, smirking, never looking away from your eyes. "I have been in every building, every city and every warehouse of yours."
"And what's your point?" You asked, getting annoyed of his talking. "To make it short, I have placed bombs and dynamite all over the place. If you kill me you'll never get to know the password and won't be able to deactivate them. So say good bye to your drugs, weapons and men... my lady. Bye, bye money." He said before laughing again.
"And why should I believe you?" You asked. "Busan, the warehouse at Ilgon street, number 45 (a/n: I made the street name up. For people who are wondering.). Look under the floor in the janitor's closet." He said.
You heart raised and your breathing became more rapid as you looked at one of the guards. "Go check if it's true what he's saying." You told him. This couldn't be true. If that bomb was really there then he probably said the truth and there would be more. That would also mean the end of your little mafia life and your source of income. That could never happen, not in a million years. Your family has worked so had for all this and now you're finally almost at the top, yes almost, he would barge in and ruin everything. You couldn't let that happen.
You looked at the guard as he finished the call. "They just found two boxes full of dynamite in the basement under the janitor's closet." The guard confirmed what Hoseok just said. "They say there are timers placed on them. They can only be removed by password, cutting a wire would mean the end." He said.
You brought your hand to your mouth and started to bite at your nails as you paced back and forth. "How much time do we have?" You asked. "7 days, mam." The guard answered.
7 days... You had 7 days to figure out that damn password and get rid of these bombs. But would you really be able to dismantle them on time? "Get Taehyung and put him to work." You told the guard before he disappeared to go get your hacker to fix the job. "You," You said, pointing towards the other guard. Lock Mister Jung up in the basement and make sure he doesn't escape." You said. "You can just call me Hoseok my lady. No need for the formalities." He said, giving you a wink. "Oh, shut up you. You're in no position to talk right now."
He laughed. "Right now I'm in a much better position than you would think love." The man came over to Hoseok and picked him up brutally from the ground. "Good luck with finding the password!" He said, before the doors closed, leaving you all alone in the room. You hoped Taehyung would be able to find it because you weren't in the mood of talking to that asshole again.
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"Have you already found something?"
It had been 3 days since your encounter with Hoseok and him telling you about the bombs. 3 days of your hacker Taehyung trying to find a possible password to deactivate them. "I'm sorry y/n. Still nothing." Taehyung was one of the few people that could call you by your real name. You practically grew up with the boy so of course you got some kind of bound with each other.
Taehyung was typing all sorts of things on his computer while something was loading. "Whoever placed these bombs knows damn well how to use them. I can't crack into the system, nor can I track them or dismantle them without the password." He said. "Who did your father mess with?" He asked, his eyes never leaving the screen. "The secret agents agency of South-Korea." You said softly while biting on your nails again. It was a bad habit you did whenever you got stress.
Taehyung pulled at your hand so you couldn't bite on them anymore. "You should really learn how to stop doing that." He told you, looking at you for the first time after you entered the room.
You sighed. Taehyung was not successful in finding the password, the troops you sent hadn't found a single bomb yet except for the one Hoseok told you about and tracing was also out of the question. You were really losing hope. "Just keep looking." You told Taehyung before leaving him behind in his little room.
You were getting tired of all of this and decided to distract your mind a bit. And what is better then visiting your favourite casino when you are bored and stressed? So you went to your room and dressed up for a night out.
Little did you knew a surprise was waiting for you the other day...
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"Mam! Mam!"
The door of your bedroom opened, a maid running inside out of breath as she stood at your bed, bowing first before waiting for your permission for her to speak again.
You groaned as you heard the woman storming in your room. Your head pounding because of the amount you drank the evening before at the casino. You slowly opened your eyes, hand on your head, holding it because of the pain. You gave the woman an angry look. "Speak" You snapped at her.
"M-Mam, T-The prisoner! He- He-"
"He what?!" You yelled, tired of the stuttering and hesitation in her speech.
She swallowed before talking again. "He escaped..." She said softly but clear enough for you to hear.
You made your way down the halls of your mansion while you wrapped your bathrobe around your body. While you made your way downstairs a few of your men were running upstairs but halted once they saw you. They stared at you with wide eyes while you stood there furious looking down on them. "I'll ask you once..." You said as you slowly walked down until you were face to face with the head of the guards. "What happened?"
"We were guarding him like you asked and suddenly someone of the kitchen came to bring us food. They said it was a treat for our hard work. After we ate it... We blacked out. When we woke up again the door was open and he was gone." The man said, looking down.
You clenched your teeth and slapped him right in the face. "YOU IDIOTS! How could you let him escape! I asked one thing of you and you couldn't even do that!!" You yelled at all of them. They all looked down like puppies that were being scolded at. "You're all useless!" You said as you made your way further down the stairs. They all bowed at you one by one as you made your way down.
You took a few corners before ending up in front of Taehyung's bedroom. You knocked, not waiting for an answer, and walked in. "Taehyung I need you to check the CCTV footage of last night. That fucking agent escaped." You said pacing around in Taehyung's room while the boy sat up, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "How late is it?" He asked groggily as he looked at you with puffed cheeks, bad hair and small eyes. "It's 8 am." You told him.
He sighed. "Give me a few minutes to wake up and then I'll go check ok?" You nodded. "Ok, I'll give you 15 min. Not more." You said and you walked out.
Like promised, in 15 minutes Taehyung was already sitting behind his desk returning back to the footage of yesterday evening. You saw the images of you walking out of the house, ready to go to the casino. "You can skip past that." You told him. He skipped a bit forward until you told him to stop. "Stop! right there." You said pointing at the screen. A man with a hood and a mask on walked in the shadows towards the back of the house. Taehyung checked one of the camera's at the back and you saw the men slipping in through the back door where the kitchen is. "He must be the one who drugged the food of the guards."
"They were drugged?" He asked and you nodded. "These morons thought they got food because of their hard work." You answered him. "Now go to the footage of the basement." Taehyung did as you said and showed the images of the sleeping men and the hooded man breaking the chain, letting Hoseok out. "He must have informed someone somehow where he was." Taehyung said.
You sighed. "I need that password. I can't dismantle these bombs without him. I don't like to admit it but... I need him. I need Hoseok." Taehyung turned towards you in his seat. So what are you going to do now?
You thought for a second. Indeed, what were you going to do? You knew everyone would fall for Hoseok's tricks all over again. Except for you. You would never fall for his charms, right? "I'll go after him." You then suddenly decided. Taehyung looked at you in shock. "Are you sure?" He asked. "You got men to do the dirty work for you." He stated.
You nodded. "I know but I can't trust them anymore. Those idiots already let him escape once, I can't let them do it a second time." You told him. "Check the CCTV's of the streets and every nearby city. I need to know where he is."
"Sure will." Taehyung said before going to work again.
While Taehyung worked on tracing Hoseok's location you went towards the dining room to grab some breakfast. Because of all this drama this morning you haven't even had the time to get some food into your system. Your stomach was already growling as you sat down at the filled table, set for two. Two? You may ask. Yes two. Today was the day your second hand would come back from his yearly vacation. He was one of the most trusted men into your house.
His name was Marcus and besides being your second hand he was also your dad's best friend. He has always been by his side and helped him in any way possible. After he died Marcus swore loyal to you and said he would do anything in his might to protect you. So the least you could do for him was to treat him as one of your own show him your gratitude.
While you were peacefully enjoying your meal the doors suddenly opened, revealing a man in suit. You smiled at the man immediately recognising him. "Marcus! Welcome back." You welcomed the man as he walked over towards you. He bowed at you before sitting down at the table where you were already seated. "It feels good to be back mam." He said, smiling before taking a look at the breakfast in front of him. "Well this is sure a great come back." He told you Smith amused eyes. "Please, enjoy yourself." You said. "Take whatever you want." You told him. "I'll sure will." He answered before digging in.
"So how was your trip?" You asked him. "Pretty good. Got some time to relax." He said. "How were things going here while I was gone?" He asked you.
You sighed. "It has been an entire rollercoaster. Oh Marcus," You said dramatically. "How happy I am you're back. I have so much to tell you." After you told him everything Marcus looked at you in shock. "You finally caught him?!" He asked surprised and you nodded. "Kind of, but he escaped yesterday evening while I was gone. These idiots can't do anything right around here anymore..."
"Only if I had been here to stop all this, huh?" He said teasingly and you nodded. "You know you're the best." You told him.
You ate and talked for a good hour before Marcus decided to go see his colleges and try to lessen the damage that had already been caused by Hoseok's escape. You really hoped he could do something about all this.
That evening you also went to go see Taehyung again to check on the situation. "You already found his whereabouts?" You asked the man in front of you. He turned his chair around and smiled at you. "Even better." He said licking his lips and clicking on one single button on his keyboard a whole screen popping up full of information. "I know which city he is in, which district and even in which building!" He told you, all proud of himself.
You walked over and stared at the screen with big eyes. "Really?! You are the best Tae!" You said, wrapping your arms around him in a big hug. The man laughed. "Alright, alright! You're welcome Y/n-ie" He said as you let go again.
"God, I could kiss you right now! You bring me so good news right now!" You yelled at him and he laughed. "You're welcome and about the kiss... no thanks." He said, showing off his boxy smile afterwards. "Go find me a plain ticket for the first flight tomorrow and tell Marcus he has the leadership until I'm back. This girl is going to Busan for some business..."
"Yes mam!"
And so the next day you flew all from Seoul to Busan. You took a taxi from the airport to your hotel while checking the info about Hoseok's whereabouts on your tablet. You mailed Taehyung, telling him you had a safe flight and to thank him again for his good work. He would definitely get a raise once you got back. You smiled as you closed your tablet and looked outside as you drove past the chore. "How long until we reach the hotel sir?" You asked the driver. "We're almost there miss! Just a few more minutes." He said. "Good" You answered, opening your window a bit and closing your eyes, enjoying the fresh sea air filling the car.
After a few more minutes you finally arrived at your destination. A five star hotel Taehyung booked for you. You got out of the taxi, payed the driver and walked inside the building as some staff took your bags out of the cab. You walked towards the counter and asked for your room. Of course it was the penthouse. You knew you could trust Taehyung. He always knew what you wanted. Once you got the key you went towards the elevator and went upstairs. You already felt completely drained from the trip towards where you were now.
As you arrived you walked towards the end off the hall and opened the door with your key card. A big smile as you entered the room. "Finally some rest." You said as you stretched your neck and walked towards the bed. But as soon as you walked through the door two men grabbed you by the arms. You tried to scream and break free from their grasp but it was no use. One of them held a cloth against your mouth and nose with some chloroform on it making you stop struggling after a while and falling into a deep slumber.
While you were unconscious the men dragged you outside the room, making sure no one saw you. They took you inside the elevator where someone was already waiting for your arrival. It was the lady from the counter that gave you your room earlier. "Let's move fast. Once you get out of the elevator go immediately towards the right. Go through the last door and that should lead you towards the back of the hotel. The van is waiting there." She said. Once they got you in the van they drove off to who knows where.
A few hours later you woke up with an incredible headache, as a side effect of the chloroform. You groaned as you opened your eyes, white light shining all around you. Once your eyes got adjusted to the light that came from big windows all around you you could also make out some silhouettes. "Our little princess is finally awake." You heard a voice. The voice sounded awfully familiar. But you couldn't put a name on it just yet.
You tried to move your hands but quickly figured out they were bounded behind your back. Same went for your legs. Tied against the legs of a chair. You looked back in front of you and the silhouette stood up from his place and walked closer until it was close enough. It squatted down in front of you and now you were able to identify the person clearly. "Hoseok..?" You said with unbelief.
He smirked at you. "Good morning princess." He said smiling. "Hope you slept well." Then you noticed the pain in your neck, shoulders and lower back. How long had you been tied to this chair for? You asked yourself. "You've been out for a pretty long time." Hoseok answered before you could even ask. "I hope my men weren't too rough on you." He said letting out a chuckle and standing back up to walk back towards his chair. He picked up an envelope from next to him and gave it to the man on his left. "Here, split it between you and the other guy. You did a great job." He told the man before he left the room, leaving only you and Hoseok.
"W-Where am I?" You asked. Your voice still a bit husk. "Is this xxx street? Your hide out here in Busan after you escaped?" You asked making Hoseok only laugh.
"Oh you wish sweetheart. Busan was just a distraction to get that tech guy of yours and your men off of my tail. We're in Ulsan right now." He told you. "I must admit... Your men are good at finding me but remember, I'm always a step ahead." He said. You looked at him and scoffed. "Asshole..." You muttered under your breath. "I heard that." Hoseok answered.
"Good, glad you know." You told him. He sighed and shoved his chair a bit closer before leaning forward, his arms resting on his thighs. "Tss, even bounded to a chair you still are a furry." He said. "Do you know why I brought you here Miss y/n?" You stayed quiet, clenching your teeth. "I brought you here because I got a proposition for you."
You scoffed. "And what may that be? You're gonna turn yourself in to me and let me torture you?" You asked nonchalantly.
He shook his head and hissed. "Aish, such a beautiful face but such a dirty mouth." He said, leaning back again. "You know the Choi clan right?" He asked. You scoffed. "Of course I know the Choi clan. Who doesn't? They're the biggest mafia out here in South-Korea. My father's mafia's greatest enemy."
Hoseok nodded. "Indeed. We've been already trying for years to stop them but without success."
"And what does all this got to do with me?" You asked him, not impressed by his little talk about the Choi's.
"I need your help." He said, a serious gaze on his face. "I need you to tell us everything you know about the Choi clan and help us arrest them. There is no better view over a mafia as the view of a mafia boss itself." You looked aside, out of the window. Now only noticing you were at a house right next to some low cliffs ending at the sea. You laughed. "And what's in that for me? I can help you but you're probably gonna arrest me afterwards anyways. So why should I bother?" You looked back at him.
He nodded, following your path of thinking. "I knew you would say that. Here's the deal. You help us destroy the Choi clan and I guarantee you won't go to prison. It's that simple." He said, standing up and walking around your chair. You wanted to say something but Hoseok was first. "And I know you're gonna refuse but think for a second... You have no where to run y/n." He stood now right behind you. He leaned in closer towards your right ear. "I got bombs all over your places." Then he switched to your left ear. "And I got you, tied to chair here right now. So either you're going to help or I turn you in right now and then you can say bye bye to your little mafia life." He said.
You scoffed. You wanted to protest but you knew he was right. He had you completely in the palm of his hand. There was no escape from him. "I give you three days starting today to decide whether you're in our out. In that time," He said, cutting the rope that was holding your hands together. "You are free to stand and walk wherever you want but," He said, turing towards your front and also cutting through the ropes at your feet. "You don't go off this domain. You'll stay at the house or at least in its presence. I have guards all over this place so don't you dare escape. Cuz things won't end well if you do" He spoke lowly, standing up while you pulled your hands to your chest, rubbing your sour wrists. The skin a deep red colour from where the rope had been a while ago.
You watched as he walked towards the door at the back of the room. "I'll stay here too. Come see me whenever you made your decision. I hope you enjoy your stay here." He turned his head towards you one last time, giving you a big grin before turning back around and walking out of the room leaving you all alone.
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Already one day and one night had past and you still hadn't made your decision. You know going in on Hoseok's decision was your only option so far but you couldn't stop thinking if there maybe was another way. If your men maybe could get you out of here without Hoseok's deal involving. Should you go accept Hoseok's deal? Maybe. Where you stubborn? ... Hell yes. You don't like to lose and give in to others. So this time you also didn't want to just give into him. You couldn't. You were the boss of a big mafia! You shouldn't bow for just anyone.
That day you didn't talk to Hoseok at all. You did see each other sometimes and ate meals together but that would always be in complete silence. You expected Hoseok to annoy you but surprisingly he didn't. After lunch Hoseok left the house for the first time since you were here leaving you all alone. (The bodyguards are still there so dw, you can't escape that easy ;)).
That night when Hoseok came back he was so frustrated. You could see it at his behaviour as you were both eating dinner together at a rather late hour, you must admit. "What's wrong?" You asked. If you had to stay here for a few days you could at least make it a bit less awkward between the two of you.
Hoseok looked up at you. Surprised that you actually started a conversation with him after ignoring his existence in this house for at least 24 hours. "So you haven't lost your voice yet? That's a relief." He joked.
You sighed. "I'm serious Hoseok. What's wrong?" You tried again, trying to be as friendly as possible es hard as it was. He looked at you confused as for why you would care for him. "It's nothing you should concern about." He stated before starting to eat again.
You sighed. "Look, I know we're enemies and We both know we can't stand each other for one bit but... If I need to stay here for the few days ahead I want to make it at least a bit more comfortable for both of us. So..." You swallowed your proud and stubbornness as you said the following lines. "So, if something is wrong then please don't hesitate to come talk to me. I'm here for you ok?" You cringed at stating your own words but this was something you needed to do. Not only to make it more comfortable but also to earn Hoseok's trust. Maybe it could come in handy later on. You never know.
Hoseok nodded at your request. "I will princess." You wanted to snap at him giving you that nickname again but you quickly figured out you better shouldn't. Hoseok knew you were holding yourself in for not going all furry on him and he loved it. He loved making you all worked up and angry. Besides that fact that you were a dangerous mafia boss you were also a very pretty woman. No denying that. And seeing you all worked up and going all furry on him made him feel some kind of things.
"I'm a bit tired." Hoseok stated after a while. "I'll go get some sleep. You should do the same." He said, shoving his chair backwards and getting up from his seat. "And don't forget to think about my proposition Y/n. It's a very good and reasonable deal if you think about it throughly. I hope you can state me your decision tomorrow. But for now, goodnight." He said and then left towards his room.
After you were done eating you also left towards your room to get some good night rest. You sat onto your bed after putting on some sleep wear. You sighed as you thought about your situation. You really felt stuck. You couldn't contact anyone since you didn't have your phone. Hoseok must have hidden it when you were unconscious. your men also haven't been looking for you yet either... Did they even knew in what kind of situation you were right now? Did Tae knew? Would he be worried right now since you haven't texted him yet in these 2 days you've already gone missing?
You let out a deep sigh as questions kept filling your mind. It made you crazy! But suddenly all worries were blown away, out of your mind, as you felt two arms wrap around your frame from behind and two lips placing a delicate kiss onto your neck. Your eyes widened in shock. You quickly looked at your side only to lock eyes with someone you didn't expect.
He softly smiled at you. "Hey princess." He said, smiling softly. "W-What are you doing here?!" You asked while getting out of the man's grip and standing up from the bed. Why was he here? Why did he touched you like that? Why did he acted so... sweet?
Hoseok tilted his head to the side and looked you up and down, smirking and biting his lip. "Couldn't sleep." He said.
You looked confused at him. He couldn't sleep? So why did he came here then? Out of all places why here? In your room? "So?" You said.
He let out a small chuckle and stood up from the bed, making slow steps forwards, closer to you, making you taking steps backwards until your body hit the wall. No where to run now.
Hoseok placed his hands at both sides of your head, against the wall. "Listen up my lady, I can't sleep and it seems like you can't sleep either, so what do you say about having some fun together hm?" He asked, his eyes scanning your face for some kind of reaction before resting on your perfect shaped lips. God, it drove him wild. Those delicious luscious lips...
You looked at him in shock. Was he really asking what you thought he was asking?! Was he referring to sex? "You tried to slap him in the face but he caught your hand on time and pinned it against the wall making you gasp. You must admit it was kinda hot, seeing his fast reflexes.
He pushed closer against you, one of his legs pushed between yours, his knee against your princess parts, his chest pressed against yours. You swallowed as you looked into his deep brown eyes. You could see they were filled with lust. Completely the opposite of how you both would look at each other a day ago.
God, it made you feel things... That lust filled gaze of him. And his knee, pressed against your core didn't made it any easier. "What will it be love? I don't have all night. I know we're supposed to be enemies but I remember a certain person saying we should get more comfortable around each other and that I was always welcome. Do you still remember that princess?" He asked you and you nodded. You didn't knew what was wrong with you but Hoseok's sudden dominant behaviour got the best of you.
He leaned even more closer towards you, your noses brushing against each other, his lips so close to yours and yet they didn't touch. "What do you want princess? Tell me..." He said, and with those final last words you lost it.
"You" You answered him almost immediately. Without hesitation Hoseok started to kiss you and you surrendered completely to him. You kissed him back and Hoseok let go of your hand that was still pinned against the wall. Your arms fell onto his shoulders. You pulled him closer, deepening the kiss some more, your fingers playing with the locks at the back of his hair. Hoseok bite and sucked at your bottom lip until you finally opened your mouth allowing him inside. Hoseok slipped his tongue inside and started to play with yours. You both moaned into the kiss as it got really steamy and messy. "Fuck Y/n- I didn't knew you could kiss that well." Hoseok stated, breathing heavily between kisses. You smirked. "Had lots of practise in the past i guess." You answered before he guided your leg around his hips, his mouth smashing against yours again in a hot kiss. He slapped your thigh two times, asking you to jump which you gladly did. You wrapped both of your legs around Hoseok's waist, not breaking the kiss as he takes you with him towards the bed.
When he hit the bed frame with his feet he slowly sat down, making you sit on top of his lap. You grinned against him, never breaking the kiss. Soft moans and groans coming out of both of your mouths. Hoseok let go of your lips only to wrap them around your jaw and throat. You moaned, grinding harder against him as he found your sweet spot. "Fuck Hobi-" Without you realising a cute nickname slipped out for the man under you. Hoseok stopped kissing for a while looking up at you. "What- What did you just say?" He asked, already half out of breath from your make-out session.
You blushed as you bite your lip, looking away in embarrassment. Hoseok took a hold of your chin and made you look at him again. "Hey, Look at me while I'm talking. Now answer me princess." He said. "What did you just call me." It sounded more like an order now then a question.
"H-Hobi..." You said quietly. It was quiet for a second. Hoseok just stared at you as he took in your words. Then he suddenly grinned, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "Cute..." You could hear him whisper under his breath before he pecked your lips. Then he went down again, kissing and napping at your sweet spot. You were sure it was going to leave a bruise later on but right now you didn't mind. Your brain was a haze, your body felt hot and you were so wet down there.
His hands kept roaming your body. From caressing your back to gripping your hips, to grind you more and harder against him, grouping your ass and so on. His hands found their way under you shirt and he pushed it up to get it off of you. You helped him getting it off making him stare at your red laced bra afterwards holding onto your breasts.
He grouped them into his hands, squeezing them softly while you just watched. You knew you shouldn't love all this right now and you knew you surely shouldn't do it with him but you couldn't resist it. And besides, it had been so long since you've had dick. And from what you could feel in his pants right now he got one on the larger size.
You bite your lip as you looked at him getting one breast out of your bra, his thumb caressing over the little but making you whimper. He looked at you, giving you a lazy smirk before he attached his mouth to your breast. He let his tongue roll over your nipple, now and then sucking on it, making them go even harder. His other hand still working on your other breast before he switched sides. Now your left nipple in his mouth and his fingers playing and pinching the other one. While he was busy sucking your tits he unbuckled your bra, making it fall onto your lap. You slept your arms out of the straps and threw it aside.
When you turned your head back towards him his lips met yours again in a quick but deep kiss. "Now love... It has been so long since I've had a woman so close to me. So what would you say of making me feel your mouth, huh? Would you do that for me princess?" He said, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip before slipping onto your mouth. You wrapped your lips around it and started to suck on his finger. It may look strange but it kinda comforted you, making you feel smaller and wanting to submit more to him. Letting him take full control.
You nodded as an answer and smiled, getting his thumb out of your mouth. "Now," he said. "Get on your knees love."
He pulled down his pants and boxers as you sat down on the floor, his dick springing free standing tall and red. He was so ready for you. You licked your lips before kissing his length. Starting at the bottom and making your way towards his already leaking top. When you got at the top you started to take him inside of you, making him groan as you suck on his tip, your tongue rolling over the little slit. "Fuck-, that feels so good princess. Keep going." He said, closing his eyes and putting his hand behind him leaning on his strong arms as he felt his body melt under your touch. After teasing the tip for a while you tried to slowly bob your head up and down, every time when you're going down taking an inch more into your mouth until you couldn't anymore. The part that didn't fit into your mouth you stimulated with your hand, moving it up and down in a steady motion with your head.
Hoseok grasped onto your hair out of pleasure, pulling it softly and getting it out of your face. He wanted to see your face while you pleasured him so well. You were such a good girl for him. So good... He never expected for you to go in on his proposal of having a one night stand for tonight but he loved how turned on you got from him and how submissive you got after you acted like such a brat earlier. He liked to get you worked up and make you go all furry to him but having you now submit to him did something to him. He had been watching you for already so long and now he had you for him alone he couldn't drop the chance and just rushed to your room.
Hoseok felt himself getting close as you went bit faster, your droll already rolling over his dick and towards his balls, your eyes getting teary but you didn't cry. "I'm close baby." He told you. "I'ma cum in your warm little mouth and you're gonna swallow it all. You're my good girl after all, isn't it?" He asked and you nodded.
You loved to be a brat but for some reason hearing Hoseok call you a good girl made you want to please him in all kind of ways. You wanted to be his good girl and his only. You loved his small praises, the cute nicknames he gave you and that irresistible smirk of him whenever you did something he loved or when he had a little plan up in that head of his. In other words he made you go crazy for him.
A few more thrusts and he finally came, tinting the walls of your mouth white. And just like he asked you, you swallowed it all, showing him afterwards. "Good girl. Did so well princess." He praised you again and you smiled up at him as he held your chin, pulling you back up.
He sat you back on his lap and kissed your lips, tasting himself before flipping you over onto your back, on top of the soft mattress. You gasp as he does so.
He grins and hovers over you, ghosting his lips over yours for a while making you hungry for more until he finally kissed you again. He kissed over your jaw and behind your ear. "Princess, I want you to turn around for me." He whispered before biting your ear playfully and getting up so you could turn around for him. You did as he said and turned around now laying on your stomach. He slowly looked you up and down, his hand gliding over your half naked body until he stops at your ass. He helps you out of your pants and panties, throwing them aside. After that he also gets off his remaining clothes before hovering over you again, leaving soft kisses on your shoulders. You whimpered as you felt his hard dick poking your asscheeks. You had been so wet this whole time. Your pussy was craving for some attention.
Hoseok chuckled deeply as he felt you grind against him. "Such a slut for me princess. Your body is just begging me to get touched." He said making you whimper a second time.
But luckily you didn't have to wait long or his full length was already inside you. You moaned as he filled you up so well. "Fuck-" Hoseok breathed out. Because you were already so wet for him he slipped right in and he didn't expected that. But it wasn't like you were to loose. You still felt so tight. It was like your little cunt was just made for him.
He pulled it out before pushing it back in, making you both moan simultaneously this time. You both felt so good. No words to describe it.
When Hoseok started to move for real this time he didn't hold back. He didn't really wait for you to adjust to him (not that you needed to) and started to thrust at an already rapid pace. Moans and groans filled the room as Hoseok was ramming into your pussy like crazy. Right now you felt like you were on cloud nine and on Hoseok's side it was just the same. You both had no thoughts at that moment, the only thing on your minds is how good the other's body felt against your own.
After a short while you felt that familiar knot in your stomach. Meaning you were close. Hoseok could feel it at how tight your pussy became. Sometimes pulsating, driving him crazy. "I-I'm c-close-" You said to him between moans and heavy breaths.
As you told him that he suddenly seemed to stop making your groan and whimper. "Hoseooookkkk-" You were whining, not liking his warm flesh leaving you wet and aching hole. But before anything else he flipped you around and pushed back in. You moaned.
"Want to see your face." He said. "Wanna see how good I make you feel." He stated before slowly starting to trust again, his eyes never leaving your face, taking in every detail, every new expression that took place on that oh so beautiful face. He speed up a bit, seeing your expression change again and hearing your moans getting louder. Like before you ached around him, getting tighter and tighter as that wave of pleasure came back, bringing you close to pure ecstasy. "Cum for me sweetheart." Hoseok said as he felt himself getting close as well.
As like his words were the magic spell your body was waiting to hear you both came undone, Hoseok's mouth devouring yours again, muffling your moans as you came. You both stayed in that position for a while, your lips still attached against each other as Hoseok spilled his load inside of you until his dick softened down again and slipped out. You whimpered at the loss.
Hoseok gave you a last peck on the lips before getting off of you and laying on his back beside you, staring up at the ceiling. "That... Was amazing." He said out of breath. You laughed and nodded. "That was indeed." You answered him. "It has been so long since I had such good sex." You admitted. "Me too, princess. Me too..."
"You're on the pill, right?" Hoseok suddenly asked, turning his head towards you. "Why you asking?" "Well, we didn't use a condom. I hope you don't mind." Hoseok said, blushing a bit and rubbing the back of his neck nervously. How was this the man the one that ever took control over you a while ago?
"I don't take the pill but I got a spiral implanted. So no need to worry about getting me pregnant." You told him. He nodded and then stared back at the ceiling. He suddenly laughed. "What?" You asked turning towards him. He shook his head. "Was just thinking of something.." "Tell me." He played on his side and looked at you. "You know what they say about keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" He asked, a playful smile on his face. "Well I think this way we're definitely keeping our enemies closer." He winked at you and you scoffed, a little smile creeping through.
And that's how you both ended up talked a bit that night until you felt your body getting tired and just fell asleep.
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Opening your eyes the next morning it seems you were the first one awake. You tossed around and laid on your other side facing the still fast asleep man next to you. You smiled as he looked so soft while sleeping. So... harmless. You smiled as you looked at him, admiring his cute, puffy face he made while sleeping. How could anyone want to hurt this man?
You shook your head. Did- Did I just think that?! You asked yourself. Get him out of your head Y/n! He's supposed to be your enemy! You told yourself. But yesterday night was just so... You bite your lip as you thought back about yesterday night. Maybe... Just maybe you could trust this man for once. Maybe it was ok to let go for just a little while.
You thought back about his proposition. You didn't knew if yesterday night was one of his plans to get you to follow him into his idea or not but this morning you finally made your decision. You were gonna take Hoseok's offer. It's not like you had any other plans, right?
Before you knew it the men next to you woke up and when he saw you were awake he smiled, closing his eyes and yawning, stretching his muscular arms. "Morning.." He said softly in his deep morning voice. God, you were such a simp for that voice from now on. "Morning." You answered him. You got a bit shocked as the boy leaned in and softly pecked your lips.
Hoseok looked at your shocked face and let out a small giggle before turning onto his back and looking up at the ceiling taking a deep breath. "Last night was... amazing." He said. You nodded but of course he couldn't see it so you answered him afterwards. "Yeah.." You said softly. "Hoseok?" You asked and he turned his face sideways so he could see you, a soft smile plastered onto his face. "Please call me Hobi." He said. You blushed as you remembered you accidentally calling him that last night.
You gave him a small awkward smile and a soft nod. "H-Hobi?" You tried again. "What is it angel?" He asked. Angel... Well that was a new nickname to add to the list. He hadn't called you angel before. You kinda liked it... Stop it! Stop thinking about it Y/n! You internally sighed. Why did he made you feel like this??
"Y/n?" Hoseok called out your name as he saw you were caught in thoughts all of a sudden. "Huh?" You said as you heard his voice. "Oh.." You looked at him and bite your lip before deciding to be bold and sit a bit up. One hand holding you up and one softly wrapped around Hoseok's naked chest under the blanket. You softly let your fingers glide over the warm skin. "I just wanna say... I'm in." You told him, not really wanna admit it but your heart said it was the only right thing to do and your brain said it was the only option to do.
Hoseok looked at you a bit confused before understanding it. "You're for real?" He asked shocked and you nodded. "I will help you catch the Choi's. I already kinda know how too I think..." You said. You looked up at him and Hoseok was smiling at you. He softly started to pet your head. "You made the right decision. I'm glad you decided to cooperate." You don't know why but hearing Hoseok saying you did well made you feel all giddily and good around him. And on top of that the pats he was giving you... You felt like you were in heaven. You may look and sometimes act like a real bitch, well- actually most of the time-, but somewhere inside there you were just a soft girl.
Hoseok let out a deep breath getting you both out of your silent trance you both seemed to be in. "We should go get some clothes on and then we can discuss further details." He said and you nodded, unwrapping your arm from around him and laying back down so he could get up.
Once you both showered and were fully dressed again you sat together at the table to discuss your plan. "So, you said you had something in mind right?" Hoseok asked and you nodded. "Tell me."
"Well," You started off. "You probably already know Mr Choi has two daughters" Hoseok nodded. "but did you knew he also had a son?" You asked and Hoseok looked at you confused. "We've been through those files multiple times. He had a son. He died 10 years ago." Hoseok said, grabbing the file and showing you.
You smirked and shook your head. "That's the part he made you guys see. The rumour goes that he's still alive." You said and Hoseok looked at you in shock. "How is that possible?"
You grinned. "I don't know either but apparently he is. About this... there is good and bad news. What you wanna hear first?" You asked Hoseok. "Good first." He answered.
"Very well then. The good news is, they guy should be in Korea. Multiple people keep saying he's still here and have seen him. It has also been confirmed with pictures. Now the bad news... We have no idea how he looks like. We have witnesses but no descriptions or clear pics of his face."
"So he could be anyone..." Hoseok said and you nodded. "Exactly." "And what has this son to do with getting the Choi's?" Hoseok suddenly asked.
"Well, get the son and you get to the father! People say they still see each other once a year. You said you couldn't get your hands onto Mr Choi? Well he's your chance." You said.
Hoseok seemed lost in thoughts as he looked at the documents in front of him. "But how are we going to find him?" He asked. "There live thousands of people here in Korea." He stated.
You smirked. "I got the perfect solution for that."
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A few hours of convincing Hoseok and taking a plain back to Seoul and you were standing again at your own house. More specifically, Taehyung's workspace. "So you are sure this guy can find Choi's son?" Hoseok asked you for the already umpteenth time. You sighed. "For the last time Hope, Taehyung is the best. This guy here gets everything done." You said earning a grin from Taehyung himself who was seated at his usual place, behind his computers. "Well, thanks for the compliment Y/n." He said. "And Hoseok, don't worry. I'll find this guy. It's not because you failed that I will." He gave Hoseok a quick wink making him scoff.
How does he even has the audacity. Hoseok thought. "Good luck man." Hoseok said before walking out of the room with you, leaving Taehyung alone to do his job.
"So what do we do in the meanwhile?" Hoseok asked you. "We just relax a bit. There's not much we can do anyways." You told him. And before you knew it you had let him to your bedroom. (Not for what you think you pervs out there.😏 It's not always about sex.)
You sat down on your bed as Hoseok admired your room, standing still at some pictures. "Is that you?" He asked, holding up one in particular. You smiled and nodded, thinking back about old good memories. "That's me and my mom." You said as you thought back about her. Her soft hands, her warm smile. You missed her a lot. "What happened to her?" Hoseok asked; like he could read you expression. "Cancer..." You answered. "Dad was so broken after she died." You looked up from the picture at Hoseok again, giving him a sad smile. "It's not because we are feared mafia's that we don't know what true love is. What mom and dad had... Was something special. They really loved each other." You said.
Hoseok put the picture back down and walked over to you, sitting down next to you and holding your fragile frame. "I wish she was still here. She was a wonderful woman." You said as Hoseok softly caressed your head. "She told me I should always follow my heart."
Hoseok pulled back from the embrace and gave you a small reassuring smile. You don't know why but your body seemed to react on it and you started to smile back at him. You didn't knew how you became from being enemies only a few days ago to feeling so close to him now but it felt good and you kinda didn't want to let go of that feeling.
Hoseok put a strand of hair behind your face before speaking. "Y/n, what would you think of getting out of this... mafia live of yours? Just start a new life, a better one. Maybe even go start a family." He said.
You laughed ad shook your head. "I can't do that... I maybe had a choice as a kid but after my father died and I took over... I can't just leave like that. And besides... Some people here are like family to me. I can't just leave them." You told him.
"What if you could?"
Before you could answer him, the door to your bedroom opened. "Boss! I didn't knew you were already back and oh- You found him?! Do I need to get the guards?" Marcus asked after storming in.
You smiled and turned towards Marcus. "No need Marcus. It's alright. I made a deal with Mr Jung here so from now on he won't be our prisoner anymore. He will be our guest. And besides, I already told you to just call me by your name. You're not just anyone Marcus. You were my father's friend. So please be comfortable and just see me as a friend too." You said, earning a smile back from him. "Sure Y/n. Do you guys need anything?" He asked and you shook your head. "Not really but thank you Marcus. I'll see you later downstairs." You told him and with that he left your room again.
"Marcus?" Hoseok asked and you turned back to him. You nodded. "My father saved him a few years ago when I was still a kid. Since then he had been my father's most trusted man and also his friend. After he died he swore to protect his family no matter what. So that's how he became my wing man now." You told him and Hoseok nodded. "I see.."
You sighed and stood up. "Well... I should go downstairs now. Marcus is probably waiting for me. You can stay here until I come back our just room around a bit in the house. Whatever you like." You told him and he nodded. "see you later Hobi!" You said with a smile as you walked towards the door. Hoseok smiled back, even happier as he heard you used the little nickname again. "See you later." He said before you finally walked out of the door.
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"Ok... explain to me Y/n why that guy is just randomly relaxing in your room?" Marcus asked you once you were both sitting downstairs on the sofa. "Well Marcus, Like I told you, I made a deal with Mr. Jung." "Are you crazy?!" Marcus yelled. "That's like making a deal with the devil!"
"Calm down!" You yelled back at him, making him shut his mouth and sit back down. "Now let me explain." You d-said, fixing your hair. "When I was in Busan I bumped into Hoseok like planned. We... had a little encounter afterwards." You said, thinking back about how he kidnapped you but afterwards how he could pleasure you so well. You swallowed, stopping your thoughts and licking your dry lips. "Then Hoseok came with a proposition. His agency is after the Choi's. Even more then after us. He promised if we helped he would leave us alone afterwards." You explained to the man in front of you.
"And what makes you think he's speaking the truth?" Marcus asked you. You stared into the distance, a small smile forming onto your mouth. "I believe Hobi." You said.
Marcus looked at you with questionable eyes. "H-hobi?" He asked. You swallowed, eyes in shock. Did you just said that out loud?! You looked at Marcus. "I-" How were you going to explain this? "What happened back in Busan?" Marcus asked. "Nothing just-... I was tired of him giving me those little nicknames so I gave him one to annoy him too! Yeah! That's it." You said, a nervous giggle afterwards. You hoped he didn't suspected anything.
Marcus nodded. "Alright then.." He said, dropping the topic. "And besides, Imagine. For so long the Choi's have been at the top of Korea's mafia. Once they're down we're the new number one. We'll finally stand at the top Marcus! How wonderful is that!" You told him enthusiastic. Marcus nodded. "That's... Indeed great!" You frowned your eyebrows. You expected Marcus to be the most enthusiastic out of the two of you. "Is everything alright?" You asked him.
He cleared his throat. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. I was just worried about you. What if something happens to you. I still can't trust that Hoseok guy." He said. You gave him a soft smile, placing your hand on top of his. "Don't worry Marcus. I got this." And with that you stood up and walked out. "By the way Marcus," You said, turning around one last time. "Can you go check how Taehyung's work is going and give me an update on it? It's quite important and I only trust you with it." You told him. He nodded. "Of course. I'll go check right away boss!"
When you came back to your room you were surprised that Hoseok was still there. It was like he never left. "I thought you would've already went off to go explore the place." You said as you walked in. Hoseok looked up at you. "Neah, not really. I rather stay here. It's quiet here." He said, laying back onto the bed.
You went to sit at the edge of the bed and looked outside the big window in your room. Suddenly you felt Hoseok's hand grabbing yours and to Hoseok's surprise you laced your fingers with his. He smiled, looking at your face as it looked beautiful to him with the current lighting coming from your windows. You hair already got a bit messy from walking around all over the place all day. You may have been a target for him at first but right now, the only thing he could think about calling you was his angel. That's how you looked in Hoseok's eyes like an angel still trapped into the claws of the devil... The mafia. If he only could get you out of this life and give you a better one. "Leave this place with me tonight."
You turned your head towards Hoseok as these words came out of his mouth. "What?" "You heard me." Hoseok said, sitting back up and sitting a bit closer towards you. "Leave this place with me. Y/n, I can see this is no life for you... I promise I can give you a better one." Hoseok said, looking deep into your eyes. You suddenly felt all naked, like Hoseok could look right through you and into your soul. It's not like you loved the mafia but it also wasn't like you hated it.
"How...?" You quietly asked. "I already told you it's not that easy..." You said, looking down at your still intertwined hands. "Let's just leave this place tonight. No one will know. And we'll see what happens afterwards." Hoseok pushed your chin back up with his free hand. "Look at me Y/n. Do you trust me?" Hoseok asked.
You thought for a second, nervously chewing on your lip. Eventually you nodded your head. You knew you couldn't deny anymore what was happening between you and Hoseok. You knew it all went quick but there was just this sparkle between you and from today on you couldn't unseen it anymore.
Hoseok smiled at your response. "Good. So please Y/n, please come with me." He said, leaning in closer and delicately kissing your lips. You nodded. "A-alright. Let's get out of here tonight. But... I can't leave Taehyung here behind. I need him to go with us. He's my best friend Hope... We grew up together."
Hoseok looked you into the eyes while playing with your hand. "You're sure you can trust him enough to let him come with us?" He asked and you nodded. "I'm a hundred percent sure of it." Hoseok nodded. "Ok then. Go tell him. We'll leave at 3am. Everyone should be asleep by then."
And so as planned you went to speak to Taehyung. You told him the plan and of course he supported you in your decision. He was glad you asked him to go with you. He joked around saying' if Hoseok didn't take you away from here I would'. You laughed at him but then he started to question you about Hoseok and then the blushing and stuttering came. Of course, as the good friends you are, you told him about how you felt something towards the boy but wasn't quiet sure jet but it just felt right. As last you also talked about who the son of the Choi's could be but Taehyung only said it was difficult and he didn't knew yet.
After your little chat with Taehyung and bumping into Marcus inside the hall you were finally back in your room, making everything ready together with Hoseok. "Go get some rest Y/n." Hoseok said, packing the last of your things. You didn't intended to take much with you but no matter what Hoseok insisted he would help you pack. With the small bag finally packed you lay down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. You heard Hoseok close the zipper of the back before feeling the mantras getting heavy next to you. "I am surprised I'm doing this... A few days ago I wouldn't even have thought of escaping this life. I was so focused on making my parents proud..." You said before scooping a bit closer towards Hoseok, resting your head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around you. "No matter what you do, I think your parents will always be proud of you Y/n. Now go sleep. You got a few hours." He said, kissing the top of your head.
"Goodnight Hope."
"Goodnight Y/n."
While you slept Hoseok didn't close an eye. He stayed awake all night, staring at you and also keeping the guard. He knew it may be foolish of him but there was someone in this house Hoseok didn't trust. And that was Marcus. Marcus had always been a strange figure in Hoseok's eyes and today it only got worse.
Hoseok lied to you when you asked him if he stayed in your room the whole time you were gone. In fact, Hoseok went to look for Taehyung. He had something in mind and the only one that could confirm it was him.
"Taehyung, can you look into someone for me?" Hoseok asked as he walked into Taehyung's office. "Who do you need me to look for?" The guy asked, looking at him from behind his desk. "I want you to get some research done on that Marcus guy."
Taehyung looked at him in shock. "Marcus? Why?" He asked, genuinely confused. "I don't trust him at all and I need to confirm something..." Hoseok said, standing behind Taehyung, looking at the screens.
"Marcus has been friends with Y/n's father for so long. Why wouldn't you trust him?" Taehyung said. "You don't think that-" Taehyung broke his own sentence into a silence as he finally understood what Hoseok was looking for. Hoseok nodded. "I think he's our man."
And just like he had thought Taehyung confirmed it that evening. Marcus was indeed the person you guys had been looking for. He was the son of the one and only Mr. Choi. But what would the son of a filthy rich mafia boss do in their enemies house? Hoseok could only think of one thing...
Then a bullet shot through the window and got caught by the opposite wall. Hoseok shook you awake. "Y/n wake up! Plans have changed, we need to go now!" You immediately woke up and you both stood up from the bed, only to hear another two gunshots. You both quickly laid flat on the ground. "W-what is that?" You asked, still halve asleep and confused. "They're here to kill you Y/n."
"What?!" You asked confused. "Who would possibly want to kill me?!" Again shots and Hoseok pulled you with him inside your closet. No windows there so the shutters don't know where to shoot anymore. Then a door opened giving you the answer to your question. "Well, hello hello!"
You looked at Hoseok in shock recognising the voice. Was that Marcus?! Hoseok put his finger in front of his lips telling you to not make any noise.
"Where are you little princess? I know you're somewhere in here~" Marcus said as you heard him walk around the room. "I know your lover boy is with you too." He said.
"You know... I wished things would've gone other ways but you just leave me no choice Y/n. You're just like your father." He said before shooting at the ceiling, making you jump a bit.
But what did he mean, just like your father? "You know the day your father died... It was my doing. He tried to escape too and just like you now, he left me no choice but to kill him right there and then."
You placed your hand over your mouth in shock. Your body was trembling while tears were threatening to leave your eyes. Marcus killed your father? But why would he ever do that? They were like best friends. Hoseok took your trembling body in his arms, shushing you quietly while he was eagerly looking for a way out of here.
Marcus started to speak again. "I know you're probably wondering... 'Oh why did you kill my daddy Marcus? Weren't you like best friends?' " Marcus said, trying to imitate your voice. "Well dear, It may look like we were friends but I am his worst nightmare. Your worst nightmare!" You heard him push a closet on the ground, making a hella loud noice. "You know who I am Y/n? Why doesn't Hoseok tell you, huh?" You looked at Hoseok confused. What would he know you didn't? "I am Marcus Choi. The son of the biggest, most feared mafia boss." Then a maniac laughter could be heard from him. "Wasn't it a great idea from me to infiltrate your little mafia and bring it down? After the accident happened everyone thought I died but I didn't, what caused me to be in the most ideal position. I thought when your father died I finally made an end to the Lee's but then you showed up from your house in the US and took over!" This time a vase could be heard shattering onto the ground. "Of course daddy's little girl had to take over business! Now where are you Y/n! Cut the crab and come out already!" Marcus yelled.
Hoseok slammed the door open as on clue and run with you towards the door as Marcus tried to shoot at the both of you. Luckly no bullet caught you. Or so you thought... "Hoseok! Your shoulder!" You said while you were running through the halls. "I'm alright. We need to get to Taehyung first to warn him and then get the hell out of here." He said. You looked at his shoulder and let go of his hand. "You'll need your hand to put pressure on that wound." You said.
You quickly opened the door and ran into Taehyung's room as you heard Marcus yell from upstairs. "Taehyung!" You yelled as you run towards him and hugged him. He hugged you back. "I heard gunshots, what's happening?" He asked, letting go of you. Then he looked at Hoseok and his arm that was covered in blood. "Fuck that looks bad..." He said. "Is it Marcus?!" He asked and Hoseok nodded. "He somehow must have heard us talking about escaping. We need to go now."
Marcus voice could be heard closer and closer. "He's getting near." You said. The panic could be seen in your eyes as you looked at the two boys. "You two need to get out of here as fast as possible." Taehyung said. "And what about you?!" You asked and he gave you a soft smile. "We can't escape with all of us. Marcus knows this place too well. He'll catch onto us in no time. You go and I'll distract him."
"But what if he hurts you like he did to Hoseok?!" You asked concerned. "Don't worry about me Y/n. I'll be alright. I always am in the end. Just trust me ok?" Leave the house and I'll make sure you escape safely." He said.
"He's right Y/n. We got to go now." Hoseok said as he pulled at your arm. You gave Taehyung one last glance. He smiled and nodded, like he was saying 'it's alright. It's all gonna be fine.' And so you trusted him on that and left with Hoseok through the front door.
"THERE YOU ARE!" Marcus yelled from the top of the stairs aiming his gun towards you but shot into the door because Hoseok could close it on time. A tear left your eye as you thought of Taehyung being inside there with that maniac. You were so scared of what Marcus could do to Taehyung. Then you saw the house go into lockdown. You knew this was Taehyung's doing and it was also a sign for you and Hoseok to leave.
"Where are your cars Y/n?" Hoseok asked. "Right there, behind that corner." you told him as you both ran towards the garages. You opened one and got inside the car as fast as possible, Hoseok behind the steering wheel. "Buckle up!" He said and then started the engine. But before you could ride away a shot was heard. You both looked at the side, it was Marcus. Somehow he managed to escape the house and he just shot one of your tiers. This was no good. "You both looked at him in shock as he aimed the gun towards you two again. Fear in both of your eyes this time as you had no where to run to now. You were so scared knowing this could be your last moment.
You still had so many things you wanted to do. You want to stop this mafia shit, make more times to spend with friends and family and most important of all, start a new better life with the one you loved... Hoseok. As you were so concentrated you didn't saw Taehyung stumble out of the house all beaten up by the hooligan in front of you.
You closed your eyes in fear of what would come and then it finally came. Two gunshots could be heard.
...But strangely they never reached you nor Hoseok. You opened your eyes again and saw Marcus coughing up blood before falling down onto the floor. Someone had shot him. Then from everywhere around the building and bushes men with guns appeared. Hoseok rushed out of the car and towards the men. You looked at your saviours in shock as Hoseok talked to them about something. Two persons went to check on the corps while Hoseok looked back and forth between you and then one he was taking to.
You decided to get out of the car as well and with small steps you walked towards Hoseok. He gave you a soft smile and then took you into a tight hug. "It's alright. It's all over now." He shushed you while caressing your hair as you cried into his chest from the chock and all the stress you had been going through tonight.
"Who is this Seok?" The man that was standing with Hoseok earlier asked. "This is Y/n. She was one of the people captured here by Marcus." Hoseok said. "I see... Can you both come testify one by one in a while?" The man asked. "Sheff, can we do it together? I don't think she's in a state to handle this on her own now." Hoseok stated and the guy nodded. "I give you 15min to calm down a bit. Come inside afterwards.
Once the guy left Hoseok let go off you and took a step back to look at you. "It's alright. Just take some deep breaths." You did as Hoseok said and it calmed you down a bit. "Now, I want you to let me speak when we get inside for the interrogation. If they know you're the boss of this whole mafia you hang." "They will put me in prison?!" You asked in shock and Hoseok shock his head. "No, no, no. I won't let that ever happen princess. Just let me do the talking and everything will be alright, ok?" He said and you nodded. "Ok.." "Good."
"Now... How did all these men come here?" You asked, confused on how Hoseok's men suddenly found your house. "I called them in. When you were talking to Marcus I went to Taehyung to search a bit more information about the man."
"You already knew... You didn't trusted him from the start." You said and Hoseok nodded. "I didn't trusted him indeed but I didn't knew. Well... I wasn't sure yet. So that's why I needed proof. Thanks to Taehyung's help I got it. I contacted my boss afterwards. I told them my location and everything they needed to know. My plan was to get you out first so they could storm in and clear this mess without you having to worry about it. I didn't knew he would come and try to kill you first..." Hoseok said, looking down. "I wanted to capture him to get to the Choi's as originally planned but then the shots and he tried to murder you and-"
"ssh," You said, placing your hands on both of Hoseok's cheeks. He looked up at you and you placed your forehead carefully against his. He calmed down a bit, taking a deep breath. "I'm here Hope. I'm right here. I'm still alive thanks to you. You did good by calling your troops here. Thank you for saving me." You said, smiling at him and he smiled back.
You took a deep breath yourself before both going inside for your interrogation. Like you discussed earlier outside Hoseok did the talking. He had to lie a bit for that but it was necessary to not get you in prison. He told them Marcus killed your dad and captured you afterwards. He told them Marcus took over and then caught him too. When you tried to escape today Marcus tried to kill you both and then the troops came in. That's the story Hoseok told the police. "Can you confirm this Ms. Lee?" The agent interrogating you asked. You nodded. "Yes it is. I have been captured by that battered for years until Hoseok finally came and saved me." You said, Hoseok squeezing your hand under the table as if wanting to tell you 'good job'.
After all that happened that day you still had to find a good story for Taehyung. After that was all done and Taehyung was completely healed again you and Hoseok decided to live together. Taehyung was so happy for the both of you. The only thing he ever wanted was to see his best friend happy and now he knew you finally were.
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"Guess who?"
You laughed as you knew who these hands and voice belonged too. "Hoseok, we're the only one in the house right now. Of course it's you." You said giggling. It had been a year since what happened with Marcus and right now you were living happily with Hoseok in a villa at the beautiful coast of Italy.
Hoseok took his hands from around your eyes and went to sit next to your legs onto the sunbed you were currently on. You put off your sunglasses and looked at the man in front of you as he leaned in closer for a kiss. For the ones asking, yes you and Hoseok were a pair. A month after everything that happened and after recovering from the chock for a while Hoseok finally asked you to be his and without hesitating you said yes. And so you now both lived happily in each other's presence.
"I got a surprise for you." Hoseok said, pulling back from the kiss and smiling at you. He then pulled an envelope from behind his back. "What is that?" You asked. "Open it." He said, giving you the envelope. You opened it and pulled out two tickets for... "The opera? Is this real?!" Hoseok smiled and nodded. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so so so muchhhh!!" You said while hugging him happily. In that year of living together Hoseok slowly dithered out your love for opera and classical music so one day when he sat behind his computer he decided to get you a little present. "See it as an early birthday gift." Hoseok said as you let go of him and kissed him full on the lips. He laughed as he kissed you back, loving to see you so happy.
"It's tonight so I suggest you go pick a nice dress to wear because I know if I don't tell you now you'll take ages." You playfully hit his chest while he laughed. "It's true tho! Now go get ready, we leave at 6." He said. You stood up and got a smack onto your ass. "Yah-" You turned around and looked at him. He smiled and just put on his sunglasses laying down onto the sunned you payed on earlier, smirk on his face. "Go get ready! The longer you take the later it will get."
Once you and Hoseok were ready it was indeed almost time. "Told you, you always take a long time in the bathroom." Hoseok said, kissing your naked shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He checked you out through the mirror in front of you. "You look beautiful in that red off shoulder dress." He said and you smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Thanks love. You don't look that bad yourself in that black suit with red tie." You turned around and playfully pulled on his tie, pulling him closer so you could kiss his lips. He kissed back, pushing you a bit backwards against the sink of your bathroom. "We should stop now or we won't even make it to the opera." Hoseok said, pulling away from you.
He did a step backwards and reached his arm towards you. "My lady," He said playfully. You laughed and wrapped your arm around his as you both walked out of the house and towards the car.
Once in the opera house Hoseok saw that sparkle in your eyes and it filled him with love and admiration for you. You looked so happy and it made him happy too. "Look how beautiful and classy it looks here! Wah." You said as you walked towards the giant stairs. "Did you knew that 'common people' always needed to sit at the low levels and that the rich sat at their private balcony? Until now it are still the most expansive places in the house." You told him, already walking towards the door that lead you towards the lower levels assuming your seats were there.
"Where do you think you're going?" Hoseok asked, pulling you back. "I'm going towards our seats?" You said questionable. "What else?"
Hoseok pulled you with him and onto the stairs. "Hoseok-" You said, looking at him in disbelieve while he pulled you with him up the stairs. "My princess only deserves the best." He said, kissing the top of your head before walking further through the hall on the second floor.
He opened a door with Hoseok's name written on and just like in every opera house there was your private balcony. "You really paid for all of this?!" You asked surprised while walking onto the small balcony, looking down at the podium a bit further. Hoseok went to stand behind you and held you as he admired the opera house with you.
You really were surprised at how he managed to pay for this. After leaving the mafia you of course also had to leave all the money behind. Mafia wasn't really legal so the money went towards the government who would do it's thing with it. You were already shocked at him Hoseok managed to buy the villa in Italy you were currently living in and now these expensive opera tickets?
"My job pays quite well Y/n. I think you sometimes underestimate my job as a secret agent love." He said, kissing your nape before letting go of you and sitting down in one of the chairs. "Come sit with me love." You went to sit down and as if on clue the lights dimmed and the show started.
"This was so good Hoseok! I loved it so much!" You said enthusiastically. The whole car it back home you couldn't stop talking about everything that evening. From the beautiful building to the lovely voice of the sopranos. He felt like he just took a little girl towards Disneyland, mesmerised by the many fairytales around her. That's how it felt with you right now. "Cute..." He mumbled as he opened the door for you.
Once you walked inside you saw something you didn't expected. The floor was covered with rose petals and on every closet or chair were cadges lighting the way towards the living room. You turned around towards Hoseok in shock. "Did- Did you do all this?" You asked him and he gave you a bright smile nodding. "I hope you like it." He said and you nodded. "Are you kidding?! I love it! Hope... You're so sweet." You said, a tear leaving your eyes.
Hoseok wrapped you in your arms letting out a soft chuckle. "Oh baby, don't cry now." He wipes the tear away that fell out of your eye. "This is supposed to be a happy day." He told you. You smiled through your tears. "It's just that- You're just so sweet Hobi, you're amazing and so kind and caring towards me. I can't help it." You said.
Hoseok softly kissed your lips. "It's alright love. I like doing cute and sweet stuff for you. Seeing you happy makes me happy. You know that. The only thing I want is for you to feel loved." He said. He turned you around, holding your hand. "Now go walk a bit further. I got another surprise for you." You gave him a questionable look before walking further.
"T-Taehyung?!" You run towards him and unfolded him into a tight hug. "You're here. You're really here!" When you left Korea Taehyung didn't. He decided to stay, going back to his family and live there for a while, while he would try finding a new job. You thought you would never see him again and here he was, right in your arms.
"Did you set this all up?!" You asked, pulling away from your arms. The boy laughed and nodded. "How did you manage to do all this?" You asked, looking around the room. There were red, pink and white balloons hanging at the ceiling, small red paper hearts were covering the curtains and of course the many candles and rose petals all over the place. "Thank you so much for this. Both of you. This is so cute." You said, your hands on your chest as you looked at the two boys and the work they pulled off.
"Oh, where are my manners." You said, fanning your head. "Sit down Tae! It's been so long. I wanna talk and know everything that happen with you while I was gone. You want something to drink?"
Taehyung laughed and stopped you. "It's alright Y/n. You don't need to do all this." He gave you a sweet smile. "Besides, this evening is supposed to be only you and Hoseok. I stay here for two weeks so enough time to talk later. You go and enjoy your night with your manz." Taehyung said, raising his eyebrows and taking his jacket off of the couch. "I'll leave you alone now. Have a great night guys!" He said, winking and smirking at you as he passed by. "See you tomorrow!"
You laughed as he left the place. "Aish that little-" You said as you watched him leave. Hoseok stood behind you again to hug you. He loved giving back hug's a lot lately. Even while you were sleeping he would always spoon you. "Baby?" Hoseok called out your name while he placed his head on your shoulder. "Let's do what Taehyung said and make this night ours." Hoseok said. "And how are you planning to do that Mister Jung?" You asked your boyfriend teasingly.
He took a deep breath. "I don't know yet Misses Jung." You turned around and looked at him in shock. In the past year he had never used his last name to address you until now. "Misses Jung?" He nodded and smiled taking a step backwards and suddenly going down on one knee. Your hands went to cover your mouth in chock. Was this real? Was he really just... proposing to you?
Hoseok pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it. "Y/n Lee, what would you think of becoming Misses Jung? Will you marry me?" He asked sweetly. He was smiling but you knew inside he was very nervous. So you didn't made him wait long and started nodding your head. "Yes, a thousand times yes. I would love to become your wife Hope." You said and Hoseok's smile widened even more as he stood up again and held you close, his lips meeting yours into a soft but passionate kiss. "You have no idea how happy you make me right now." He said, kissing you over and over again.
You were expected to get the ring around your finger but Hoseok just tossed the box onto the couch and picked you up bridle style. You gasped as he swept you from your feet quite literally. "Let's go celebrate this upstairs, shell we?" He asked and you giggled, caressing his cheek and nodding, kissing his lips as he carried you both upstairs towards your room.
"I love you Hope."
"I love you too, Y/n. My miss mafia."
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Gabriel x Reader lemon/smut •Let me heal you•
Warning: adult content
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It was one of those nights after a long hunt at the bar again.
Tired you sipped at the cocktail in front of you.
Hunts had been much easier with the Winchester brothers but you had to go your way, didn't want to play the little girl who needs to be protected anymore, so you left.
Sometimes you still wished you haven't but this was your life now, alone on the road.
You were so deep in thoughts that you didn't notice that a man sat beside you and watched you with an amused smile.
"Well if this isn't (y/n).", he said and you jumped in surprise.
The man with the golden brown hair and whiskey-colored eyes grinned at you. He was wearing a white collared shirt and the first buttons of it had been left open.
You knew him from the time with the Winchesters and even so, they didn't quite like him, you had come along with him pretty well.
"Gabriel!", you shout happily, placing the cocktail glass in your hand back on the counter.
"Long time not seen, cupcake.", he said and gave you a peck on the cheek. "So, I heard you finally left the brothers?"
"I wanted to go my own way.", you admitted. "Why are you here?"
"I was bored and wanted to pick some girls up.", Gabriel wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes as a response.
"You haven't changed at all.", chuckling you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"And you're still as beautiful as always."
You blushed slightly: "Oh shut it! You're too cheesy."
Gabriel just smirked at you, but his smile faded as he noticed a big red cut on your neck which disappeared under your black t-shirt that your hair had been hiding.
"What happened with your neck?", he asked with a worried tone in his voice and pushed some more of your hair back to get a better look at the wound.
"Just some stupid werewolves.", you lied. "But I got rid of them, don't worry."
It had been an Angel who had tortured you with his angel blade. He wanted to know where Gabriel is but you couldn't tell him and even if you had known where he was your mouth would have stayed shut.
After over a week he finally let you go but you had cuts all over your body now, not to speak about the psychical damage he had done.
"You are lying.", Gabriel stated with an angry voice and you felt caught.
"I-I am not.", you tried to sound as convincing as you could but the look in his eyes showed you that he already knew what had happened.
Suddenly you felt dizzy and the next moment you blinked you were in a different room, sitting on a soft sofa.
Gabriel was kneeling in front of you:
"You can't lie to me. I can read your thoughts if I want to."
Awkwardly you looked down at your feed: "...Right. I'm sorry."
"I can't believe my brothers did this. I'm sorry, (y/n).", he said with a guilty voice. "How bad is it? Let me see, I'll heal you."
You hesitated for a moment but then pulled your shirt up and undressed in front of him.
He had healed you often back then and saw you in your underwear multiple times already so it wasn't such a big deal to you anymore but it still embarrassed you.
With red cheeks, you tried to cover yourself up.
Gabriel admired you and your body, he always had, and sometimes he even had found it hard to keep his hands by himself when he healed you but today he just felt pain as he looked at you.
You've gotten skinnier and all those red cuts over your body made him feel guilty. After all, this just happened because of him.
"I'm so sorry...", he apologized again and pulled you into a tight hug, laying his chin on your head.
"It's not your fault, Gabriel. Stop apologizing and heal me already.", you said with a soft chuckle on your lips, trying to overact the embarrassing and sad situation.
With one quick movement, he lifted you and sat you down on a big wooden table next to the sofa.
Carefully he caressed over the wound on your neck with his fingers and followed it to your shoulder, letting it fade away.
You first flinched at his touch and the stinging sensation but quickly got used to it and started to enjoy the feeling of his fingers stroking over your body.
You had to admit that you had missed this.
His hand slide over a cut on your stomach and you watched his face, his eyes shining blue for a short moment whenever he touched a new wound, making it fade away.
Melting into his touch you closed your eyes.
Suddenly his hand wandered over a scar that went from your hips to the inner side of your thigh and you sharply sucked some air in, gasping at the sensation.
Puzzled he looked up at you and locked his eyes with yours.
You blushed furiously and wanted to look away but his whiskey-colored eyes hypnotized you in a way you couldn't explain.
It seemed like he was searching for something in your eyes and your thoughts went crazy about the intense gaze he gave you.
It seemed like he had found what he had searched for because his mouth formed a little grin before he leaned forward and pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you softly.
Surprised about his action it took you a moment to return the kiss.
But the moment you did he grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer, deepening it.
A small moan escaped your mouth. Gabriel chuckled: "I wanted to do this for such a long time, cupcake."
A shy smile crept on your lips and Gabriel started to travel his kisses down your neck, his hand wandering behind you, softly pulling at your hair.
Your hands clenched into his shirt as he sucked at your neck, having found your weak spot.
Slowly he grazed more kisses down your shoulder, healing cuts on his way until his lips met the hem of your bra.
Before he could take it off you took his face between your small hands and kissed him harshly, swinging your legs around his waist and pulling him closer. You could feel his hard member and rubbed yourself against him. A low groan came from his throat and the next moment, he pushed you backward.
You expected to fall on the hard desk but instead fell on a soft mattress.
That little jackass had shifted you both again.
His lips crashed onto yours and his hand wandered down your stomach to your panties, rubbing you through the thin fabric while his other hand pinned you down by your wrist above your head.
"I'm not a little jackass.", he growled against your lips before he attacked your neck again and trailed down to your breasts. With one finger snap your underwear was gone.
You hissed as you felt his hot breath over your breast and your eyes fluttered shut as he licked over them, before sucking at your nipple.
His free hand caressed your inner thigh, slowly moving closer to your faults before he slipped between them, massaging your clit.
Moaning you arched your back, overwhelmed by his touch.
Gabriel loved the view of you being a moaning mess underneath him.
He had pictured you in his lonely nights like this so often and finally, you were his. 
Without a warning, he pushed a finger inside of you and scratched your walls.
He added a second finger and your hips bucked against his hand as he found your spot, asking for more, moaning and wriggling under his touch.
His lips left your breast and found your mouth again, kissing you roughly, muffling your moans.
Suddenly he pulled away from you and started to slowly unbutton his shirt, never breaking eye contact with you. Once his shirt was open he teasingly slowly unbuckled his belt and let his trousers slide down his legs, smirking as he watched the growing desire in your eyes.
As soon as his boxers followed his jeans you yanked your hands forward and grabbed him by his open shirt, pulling him back on top of you and kissing him while tangling your fingers in his golden brown locks.
A little off-guard about your sudden action he nearly forgot to kiss back.
His member rubbed your faults and a wave of heat rushed through your body.
You felt him position himself at your entrance before he pushed inside of you, carefully and slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size.
You whimpered, his golden eyes stared into yours, wanting to make sure that everything was okay.
Soon the pain was fading into pleasure and his slow thrusts became faster and harder.
His hands found your waist, and he grasped it tight while pounding inside of you, hitting your sweet spot over and over again, making you cry out and arching your back.
Gabriel leaned down to you, his lips only millimeters away from yours, too occupied to actually kiss you.
You felt the knot inside of you tightening with every thrust and you clenched onto Gabriel's shoulders, digging your nails in his skin. Moaning and whimpering you threw your head back as the knot burst and the overwhelming feeling of your orgasm rushed over you.
He groaned, your walls tightening around him bringing him further to his own climax.
His thrusts got sloppy and his breath shorter until he released himself inside of you with one last hard thrust.
Exhausted he let himself fall on top of you, burying you underneath him.
"Looks like I still picked a girl up tonight.", he said proudly and you could feel the vibrating of his chuckle.
Snickering you pushed him down from you and gave him a quick kiss.   "Took you long enough.", you whispered and cuddled to his chest...
I'm not really used to writing smut, I hope it's not too cringe haha
But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story!
Let me know if you did and much love from a certain archangel to you ❤
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