#look at him with his invaluable practical knowledge!!!
age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Kill List,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #20.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Moon Knight vol. 9#Moon Knight 2021#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Moon Knight#Marc Spector#Jake Lockley#Reese#J A K E#heck YEAH#look at him with his invaluable practical knowledge!!!#and there’s a mustache stashed somewhere in the Moon Knight suit just for him I’m weeping#I love how great of a team player he is#I love the Yiddish#I love the fact that he calls Reese ‘kid’#and I’m definitely not the first person to point this out but the symbolism of when the physical mask is worn is fascinating#(some might kvetch that it’s ‘obvious’ or ’heavy handed’ but so??? if it works???)#Just the idea that only Marc wears the Moon Knight or Mr. Knight masks#the surface-level (and perhaps rather old fashioned and out of touch) interpretation could be that Jake or Steven don’t need the masks#because they themselves are a form of masks but eeeeeeh whereas that might have been true for the Moon Knight comics of the 80’s#I feel like a lot of authors have done a lot to move away from that interpretation#in fact it’s pretty clearly communicated in issue number 14 of this very series (and touched upon again in issue 15)#that while Marc sees Steven and Jake as lovable members of their own social circles he still holds a very deep sense of…how do you say?#Perhaps on better days it could be described as a ‘healthy understanding of his own past and present lethality’ and on worse days#‘a not small amount of shame or self-loathing for what he’s done’#but anyway#all this to say that I’m always happy to see Jake
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Cold-hearted wolf
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Pairing: Cregan Stark × Martell reader
Tags: arranged marriage, cregan starts out mean in this, enemies to lovers cus he's grumpy and has no time for feelings,
Chapter 3: the way he's obsessed with you, can't stop thinking impure thoughts while he's away, the calm before the sex... pick your favorite.
Note: I made up a war with Highgarden subplot that's not Canon. Ahem, for the plot, so bare with me.
Cregan Stark sat inside a tent with his face twisted in a mix of pain and discomfort. The maester carefully worked to stitch up a nasty gash that ran from his neck to his lower abdomen, courtesy of an enemy soldier's sword. He had little pity for the other man when he cut him clean through the heart with his own blade. The wound was a battle scar from the successful siege, a strategic victory that had his soldiers celebrating and chearing outside.
One of Cregan's knights entered the tent, bearing two pints. He handed one to his injured ruler. "This ale should ease the pain, my lord."
Cregan took the offered drink. "Bring more. This stitching feels personal."
The old man, still focused on his task, dismissed Cregan's jest. "Your Highness, if you'd stop squirming, it would help."
Cregan held still as the maester continued his work. "How many casualties did we suffer?"
The knight looked thoughtful for a moment. "Surprisingly low, my lord. The plan was exceptional."
Cregan's gaze shifted to the ground, and a sense of guilt crept over him. The plan that had proven so effective during the battle was one that you had worked on together. Right before he rudely discarded you. Your tactical insights and knowledge of warfare had been instrumental to saving his and his men's lives today. "I should have listened to her sooner.”
“My lord?”
“Lady y/n.” Cregan specified.
The knight nodded in understanding.
The maester stitching spoke up. “It takes time to see the wisdom in others, my lord. We can only strive to make amends."
Cregan hated being proven wrong. He kept his mouth shut.
As the stitching neared completion, the knight spoke up, "You've fought well today.”
Cregan shook his head with a satisfied smile. "I can't take all the credit. Tyrell's sword was his own downfall.” His enemy's weapon, though notoriously giant, was unwieldy, and Cregan, younger, more agile, and more practiced with his weapon, found his opening.
With the gash stitched and the pain somewhat subsiding, Cregan took another sip of ale. He couldn't help but feel a need to have you close. To celebrate with you, and thank you for your strategy, which was invaluable to his cause. He wanted you beside him in the next council meeting.
But you were far off, warm, and safe in Winterfell. No doubt giving his sister an earful about what an awful husband he's been if the letters he's received from her were any indication.
I like her very much, Cregan. And if you open your mind you would come to like her too. Also, it would help if you'd stop behaving like an ass.
The thought of you two getting along made him smile. Even if it was at his expense.
He was ashamed to admit there was truth to your accusation that night. No, he had not seen you as an equal. How could he?
What could you possibly know of the plight of living in the harsh and unforgiving environment of the North. Of its values and way of life. He'd read about Dornish life in his studies. Sunspear was warmth, music, dancing, and hedonism, literally the opposite of Winterfell. This showed to be true the moment you stepped foot on his grounds. You, with your carefree attitude and enticing dresses, perhaps accepted in your culture, but downright scandalous in his.
He remembered his anger in the hot springs when he heard the men going on about your wardrobe.
“I'd like to see if the Dornish sun forgot a few places.”
They were only jesting. Men, especially soldiers, made vulgar jokes all the time. But the fact that his men spoke about you in such a way made his blood boil hotter than the springs underneath the palace grounds.
All it took was a look from Cregan, and the man shut his mouth, swallowing nervously. But Cregan's anger didn't subside so easily.
He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, remembering taking his frustration out in your bedroom that same day he heard the vulgar comment, and the two more times that evening, and once more the next morning. His hands gripped his chair, mimicking the possessive way he'd held you with every thrust.
He wondered if you questioned why he was so upset. Although even if you did, judging by your whimpers and moans, you didn't seem to mind.
He laughed. Maybe his sister was right. Stubbornness was something you two definitely had in common.
Visions of you flooded his mind. Walking around with a high brow, flaunting your skin freely with seductive silks for his court to admire. Looking elegant and graceful while flipping him onto his back in the training yard. Unknowingly offering up a fantasy of an exotic warrior princess from the far south to hungry and repressed northern eyes… all just so you could prove a point.
War was a lonely ordeal. And despite the women from the neighboring towns being more than happy to keep his men company, Cregan’s mind kept finding flaws in each of them.
Their lack of quiet defiance made them too agreeable, he decided. Although, no, not only that. It was also the missing fire in their eyes, the missing pride. They also had the wrong color hair and the wrong length, too. And on top of that, their clothing was also too... cold, yes. Too modest.
The gods help him. He was fucked.
Amidst the noise of his tent, he sat at a table surrounded by his men who were drinking and celebrating. The soft glow of candlelight cast a warm ambiance in the night. A raven's message had arrived, and he quickly sloppily unfurled the parchment, his eyes scanning the words eagerly.
The letter was from you, recounting the events of the day. "In an attempt to offer you a change of scenery, I will try to paint an image of how things are back home.” Your handwriting said. “Winterfell is alight with celebration of your victory. The town square was full of life. The common folks greeted me with glee and danced and sang. I even tried deer meat at an inn. It was… chewey."
A corner of his mouth lifted as he red the letter in your voice.
"You are well loved and admired, my lord. And missed. Also, please pet Grey for me as he is dearly missed as well."
A chuckle escaped Cregan's lips as he reached over to scratch his loyal dog behind the ear before continuing to read. "I even showed one boy how to use my Dornish blade. My favorite one."
Your willingness to connect with his people - your people, he corrected himself, was quite marvelous. A smile tugged at the corners of Cregan's lips as he pictured you among the celebrating townsfolk. He felt a painful pull at his chest, his hands itching for your skin.
He wondered, not for the first time, how he could remedy his actions of your last night together before he marched off. Regretfully recalling the fire and hurt in your eyes.
It would take more than a letter to make up for it. Cregan was neither poet nor a man of many words. He took action. He needed to fix this the only way he knew how.
The next day, he helped his squires and men pack the Stark army camp. With victory secured, they would be marching back to Winterfell.
Cregan was coming home.
@malfoycassimalfoy @leahnicole1219 @literishdegree99
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Things I think would happen if Jeeves and Wooster were on DS9
Bertie is the only person on the station who has not yet clocked Garak as a spy. He spends a lot of time in Garak's shop either ordering the gaudiest clothes imaginable or asking Garak to back him up in whatever fashion argument he's having with Jeeves (which Garak is only too happy to do).
Jeeves fantasizes about murdering Garak a thousand times a day. This goddamn lizard man is his white whale. Any attempt to find blackmail material on him takes him down a hundred different rabbit holes leading to dead ends. He's met his match. There are flames. Flames on the side of his face.
He can't even take Garak to task for his garbage opinions on Earth literature because he knows full well how that would be taken.
Garak actually quite likes Jeeves, because game recognizes game and he respects a fellow manipulative bastard when he sees one. However, since he is, at the end of the day, a little shit, he takes great pleasure in dressing Bertie in louder and louder outfits just to watch Jeeves grind his teeth.
(He's also admittedly fond of Bertie, who's too nice and trusting to treat him with the same suspicion and contempt that nearly every other person on the station does. And if Bertie vaguely reminds him of a certain doctor, what of it?)
Quark quickly figures out that Bertie is absurdly easy to scam. Jeeves spends so much time foiling him that he's practically an informal member of the station security team. Odo drops by his table at the replimat every morning to swap Quark-related intel.
Jeeves also won't stop winning at the Dabo table, infuriating Quark even further. There's an ongoing arms race between Quark trying to find excuses to ban Jeeves from the bar and Jeeves finding ways to blackmail Quark into letting him back in.
Jadzia is the first person to notice the weird requited-unrequited thing J&W have going on and finds it endlessly entertaining. She makes a game of chatting to Bertie about Jeeves as if they're already an established couple (I hear it's Valentine's Day on Earth, are you and Jeeves doing anything special? Worf and I had an amazing romantic date last week at that new Bolian place, you should try it!) Her amusement gradually fades into astonishment the longer Bertie doesn't get it.
Jeeves sees Jadzia's increasingly unsubtle encouraging glances and wishes he could incinerate her with his mind.
Worf knows Jeeves does illegal shit in the course of protecting Bertie or extricating him from accidental alien wedding rituals. He knows it. He just can't prove it. And Odo is no help, because Jeeves keeps himself too unobtrusive and is too invaluable to the cause of keeping Quark in check for Odo to want to look into him that closely.
In the absence of hard evidence to pin him down, Worf's relationship with Jeeves remains tersely cordial. He grudgingly supposes that nobody who has such an amazing depth of knowledge about Klingon opera and poetry could be that bad.
You can't let Bertie and Morn in a room together. Once they get going they NEVER shut up.
Part 1.5 Part 2
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ransprang · 7 months
thank you @tolkien-fantasy we hope you like your match ups <3
if anyone else wants a personalized fic this is our ko-fi
your lotr match up is....
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How you met: In the tranquil corners of Rivendell, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, found himself drawn to the sanctuary of books and knowledge. It was a day much like any other, with the soft hues of dawn painting the sky as Aragorn ventured into the library, seeking solace in the written word. Amidst the towering shelves and hushed whispers of parchment, his eyes fell upon a figure, small in stature yet radiating an aura of boundless energy. You were friendly to him when you saw him, surprised to see someone at the library at this hour and happily helped him find whatever book he was looking for. Your chipper personality cheered him up and he found himself drawn to the library more often. He preferred to come when there were fewer people around which gave you both a chance talk in peace. He began to open up to you more eased by your wise and mature personality, and eventually fell in love.
Aragorn is to be a king, so your wisdom and intelligence would be indispensable to him in his ruling years. Your ability to think quickly and offer practical solutions to complex problems proves invaluable as he navigates the challenges of governance.
Aragorn isn’t the type to give you extravagant gifts even once he becomes king. Instead he tries to find you small, sentimental pieces which remind him of you, like delicate necklaces with meaningful words inscribed upon them.
Your wisdom and cheerful personality would be a guiding light in Aragorn's darkest moments, reminding him to find joy in the simple pleasures of life and offering him respite from the weight of his responsibilities. If he ever saw you were upset he would try to return the favour and cheer you up.
Together, you and Aragorn create cherished traditions that strengthen your bond, such as sharing quiet moments in the garden at dawn, or exchanging heartfelt letters whenever duty keeps you apart.
Aragorn is a selfless man. He would often puts the needs of others before his own, sacrificing personal comfort and safety for you or the greater good in a heartbeat.
Aragorn likes going on adventures. He rarely every sits stills and would take you to different countries or cities. You would become a very well travelled person after a few years of dating him.
Aragorn would struggle with the idea of you dying before him, since his extended lifespan would mean he would have to spend his twilight years alone, living only with your memory. Your work as a death doula would equip you with the skills necessary to prepare him to deal with your loss.
When your hair isn’t covered, you catch Aragorn staring at you often, admiring your beauty. He is dazed by the way the sunlight dances off your auburn hair and the rakes his fingers gently through your waves before giving you a kiss.
Learning that you are a witch doesn’t freak him out at all. Instead it piques his curiosity. He’ll take the opportunity to learn about witchcraft from you and ask you many questions. When he’s out and about if he recognizes any materials that you use for witchcraft he’ll bring them back as little gifts.
All heavy makeout sessions first start with sweet, innocent kisses on your face. The kisses start moving south with Aragorn’s hands exploring your body as if he’s never touched you.
Aragorn keeps sex positions tame as he doesn’t want to overexert your body. He’ll always try to make sure you are comfortable and of course you both have a safe word to make sure you can tap out or take a break. He’s always very sweet about it, giving you a worried look.
He’s the king of aftercare. After you both cum he rolls over and strokes your auburn hair looking at your flushed face. Aragorn gives you kisses on your forehead and the back of your hand like a gentleman with a smile, happy to be able to share intimate moments with each other.
Aragorn enjoys making love to you on the soft grass, surrounded by flowers under the open sky. As he kisses your skin and you tangle your fingers in his hair, he slowly thrusts his penis deep inside. You two become one with your surroundings and a part of nature.
Aragorn eats you out, gently and picks up the speed as you pant faster. He grips your thighs, as he feels your skin against his finger tips and your soft folds on his tongue.
He likes to give you deep kisses, as he touches you all the way down, before playing with your clit and eventually inserting his fingers in, while still using his thumb to rub your sensitive bean.
Aragorn would carry you with your legs wrapped around his body, straddling him. He would thrust his cock deep inside while carrying you and fucking you around the house like this, knocking small items over in a moment of passion.
He would whisper reassurances in between grunts. “My darling, you are doing great.” he would say as he slowly increases the pace of his thrusting.
He would tangle his fingers through your hair and look deep within your eyes as you both breathe in rhythm with your heart, observing every breath you take. Aragorn pays close attention to you during intercourse, always looking out for signs of discomfort, or pleasure
Aragorn would kiss your neck softly, leaving you feeling almost ticklish. He smiles with joy watching you giggle beneath his touch, as he would continue kissing your flushed cheeks and cuddling you in his arms.
your books,
admins sar, san & sav
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avisafterall · 2 months
🌟 welcome!!🌟
hi there! I’m Avis, an aspiring author trying to reconnect with my passion for writing. I used to write a lot but fell off the wagon during college thanks to perfectionism and a lack of motivation, but I’m using this blog to dive back in with my current project, generally referred to as Wayfarers (name pending lol). I’m looking for friends and fellow writers in the writeblr community to share this journey with! <3
because a lot of this blog will be me working on my current project, i thought i'd pin this as an intro to the book!
Where Indiana Jones meets Six of Crows, "Wayfarers" follows the journey of six impromptu adventurers led by explorer-for-hire Lolha Pureval. When wealthy benefactor Qamar Kent approaches Lolha with the piecemeal field notes of his missing sister Miray, they gather a team to uncover the secrets of the rumored Caravas hunt—a puzzle allegedly created by an eccentric (and possibly deranged) billionaire. Their adventure becomes a thrilling chase across continents as they strive to solve Caravas' intricate game and find Miray Kent.
However, they soon discover they’re not the only ones pursuing the mysterious treasure at the end of the hunt—with the stakes rising, the team must navigate treacherous puzzles, dangerous adversaries, and their own personal struggles to uncover the truth behind Miray's disappearance and the hunt.
our main cast:
Lolha Pureval: The Explorer
Lolha is a daring archaeologist and the (mostly) fearless leader of the team. With her practical skills and adventurous spirit, she's always ready to tackle any challenge that comes her way. She's sort-of-accidentally made a name for herself as an explorer for hire, helping others find lost heirlooms for a small price... though she's yet to find the artifact she's truly searching for.
Qamar Kent: The Benefactor
Qamar is a wealthy young man who approaches Lolha for her services in the hopes of finding his missing sister. Charismatic and creative, Qamar brings more than money to the team - he's a sociable and skilled negotiator. Also, the only one who has the notes for the Caravas hunt. That's how you make yourself invaluable without lifting a finger ;)
Ezra Myers: The Academic
Ezra is Lolha’s childhood friend and a passionate folklorist, dreaming of becoming a professor. His deep knowledge of people through stories and ebullient personality make him the heart and soul of the team. Ezra is committed to keeping the group uplifted while unraveling the mysteries they encounter.
Valerie Coronado: The Puzzlemaster
Valerie is a brilliant mathematician and a genius at puzzles, with a penchant for gambling. Although she's more reticent than cooperative, her strategic mind and keen perceptions make her the perfect codebreaker for the team.
Fitz: The Pilot
Fitz is a bold, positive, thrill-seeking pilot, and a close friend of Lolha’s. Her quick thinking and action-oriented mindset are invaluable in tight spots. Hired to transport the group discreetly, Fitz is well-practiced in keeping secrets - especially her own.
Henry Hsueh: The Outdoorsman
Henry is an outdoorsman and conservationist, hired for his wilderness survival skills. Although reluctant (and displeased at his assignment as the de facto bodyguard of a certain insufferable rich kid), his reliable and detail-oriented nature makes him the backbone of the group.
I'm super excited to work on this project and make some writer friends (and non-writer friends) here!! <3333333
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smuttyandabsurd · 5 months
For Your Eyes Only (Japan x Netherlands)
Title: For Your Eyes Only Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia Character(s) or Pairing(s): Japan, Netherlands; Japan/Netherlands, minor Indonesia/Netherlands Rating: Mature Warnings: Jealousy, Possessive Behaviour Summary: Japan finds marks on Netherlands' body left by a most possessive lover.
This short fic was inspired by my talks with @eruverse about Indonesia-Netherlands relations. I have to defer to her for all things IndoNed, but I happen to be somewhat knowledgeable on Japan-Netherlands relations so... here it is.
Read it on AO3.
Japan blinked. Lightly, with the tip of his forefinger, he traced the angry red welts that littered Netherlands’ back. These were new, barely healed, and deep. Netherlands flinched under his touch.
“Does it hurt?” Japan asked softly.
Netherlands looked over his shoulder and met his eyes. “Mmn,” was all he emitted around the tobacco pipe clamped between his teeth.
Slowly, without breaking eye contact, Japan leaned down and gently kissed one of the raised welts. With his lips hovering over Netherlands’ skin, he asked, “What kind of a person is this, ah, koibito of yours?”
He had to repeat the word again – koibito. And he traced the kanji for koi on the palm of Netherlands’ hand. Ten little strokes representing love, yearning, romance. Netherlands’ face was still as a calm lake, but his green eyes were fixed with an intensity to the invisible character in his palm.
“Someone invaluable,” he finally said.
He turned away and removed the pipe from his mouth. Japan felt he was being dismissed. That he couldn’t stand. He kissed Netherlands’ back again, softly at first, then with pressure. His lips latched to Netherlands’ skin, and he sucked hard enough to leave his own mark.
In a thrice, Netherlands spun around and grabbed hold of Japan by the collar of his yukata, slamming him down onto the tatami. Japan’s breath expelled violently from his lungs as he landed on his back. He stared up at Netherlands’ face which rippled now with irritation. A lake disturbed from a small thrown pebble.
“Don’t do that,” Netherlands ground out tightly.
Japan raised his hand and gently cupped the side of Netherlands’ face. I’m sorry, was his unspoken plea, his eyes dropping in a display of contrition.
Netherlands’ frown slowly melted as his anger abated. He leaned into Japan’s palm, planting a small kiss to the inside of Japan’s wrist, over his pulse, in forgiveness.
They bridged the space between them easily as their lips met with a long-practised familiarity. Netherlands’ hands slid underneath Japan’s yukata, and gently, carefully, he unwrapped Japan from its confines, pulling it over his small shoulders and down to bunch around his obi. Japan’s foot slid up the tatami floor as he raised his knee and pressed it in between Netherlands’ legs.
“I want you,” Japan said softly, practically sighing in the sultry manner he knew to excite Netherlands. When Netherlands reached down, however, Japan caught his hand and held it still. “No, he whispered, and slowly he thumbed across Netherlands’ lips. “Sono kuchi dake desu.”
Netherlands’ mouth twitched in the corners with the faintest trace of a smile. Without hesitation, he descended on Japan and spread his legs apart, kissing the tip of Japan’s member which jumped to life at the touch of his lips. As he engulfed Japan’s length into the warmth of his mouth, Japan arched his back and sighed in pleasure. His hand fell to rest on Netherlands’ head, twirling his fingers into the straw of Netherlands’ hair, as the latter pleasured him thoroughly.
Tomorrow Netherlands would leave Dejima and sail back to the one he calls his kostbaarst sieraad. But in this moment, at least, in the balm of a late spring evening, they belonged only to one another.
恋人 koibito = “lover”; “significant other”
その口だけです sono kuchi dake desu = “(use) only your mouth”
kostbaarst sieraad = “most precious jewel”
Historical contexts:
Japan-Netherlands relations Under the Tokugawa shogunate’s isolationist foreign policy of sakoku or “locked country”, the Dutch emerged as Japan’s sole link to the West. Despite being confined to Dejima, a man-made island off the coast of Nagasaki, Dutch traders facilitated the exchange of ideas between Japanese and Dutch scholars. This led to the establishment of rangaku or “Dutch studies” which enabled Japan to stay abreast of Western advancements.
Indonesia-Netherlands relations Kostbaarst sieraad is a reference to this Dutch print representing the Netherlands Empire holding its crown jewel, the colonial Dutch East Indies and present day Indonesia.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
I like bang pd most of the time but ngl I've never completely understood what the problem was with jimin's dancing. Like if he was applying to a dance company I would understand, but he was applying for a kpop group and most kpop fans aren't dance experts. If he never talked about having trouble with choreography I would have no idea it was hard for him. His dance style is flashy and impressive and unique, and isn't that what's most important for an idol?
It kind of reminds me of that time on Iland when Son Sungdeok wasn't sure about Sunghoon being the right choice for a dance challenge because of his background in figure skating, but it turned out he was a great choice because he wasn't afraid of doing a jump the others were hesitant about. He turned it into an off-ice axel and it looked pretty cool. It made me think of Jimin's aerial tricks their debut year and how much he contributed to making BTS stand out. I think it's worth taking a risk on idols who have a less conventional background. It makes for such interesting performers and I hope Hybe never stops doing it. It's my favourite thing about BTS, their mix of talents that come from having experiences outside of being idol trainees
Yeah I agree with you. The point around Jimin’s dancing, (and later Sunghoon’s even though he had actually been training at BigHit for some time before going on I-Land), is that they weren’t very good ‘idol’ dancers. I’m not a dancer myself so I can’t really explain it, but I do notice a difference in how dancer dancers dance, and how k-pop idols dance.
In idol dance, especially the style in BTS and other BigHit groups, it’s highly synchronized, mostly uniform high energy and impact, all the time. I can see how Jimin’s prior dance experience could’ve made it harder for him to pick up that style compared to more ‘blank slate’ or non-dancing members. Jimin of course made up for that in record time, enough to debut as a main dancer. But we also know it was at a cost to him, given how intensely he practiced.
Like you said, his prior dance knowledge with his innate talent is what helps set him apart now. This is a similar situation with Sunghoon as well. In both cases for Jimin and Sunghoon, their unique backgrounds help make them an invaluable addition to their teams. It’s good that HYBE’s screening still picks up gems like those two, and I hope they continue to.
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ghouly-boiiiii · 4 months
A Light in the Dark 🕯️
Chapter 2: Olive Branch
Lucy x Cooper Howard / The Ghoul
In this chapter...
“A deal? Didn’t you just say to trust nobody ? How can I trust you to keep your end of the bargain?” 
“Sweetheart, I thought we already established that this relationship is built on the principle of an honest exchange.” He took off his right glove and held up his index finger. “Look familiar?”
She stared at him in horror. “...You… You didn’t…” 
The Ghoul grinned in amusement and wriggled the finger at her. “You wanna know something, Vaulty? You did something no one else ever has before… Somethin’ I never even thought of…” He lowered his hand and looked down at the finger - her finger - with an odd smile on his face. “You disarmed me… I can’t shoot without that finger ya’ bit off. Without it, I’m practically defenseless.” He looked back up at her. “So… of course I had to replace it with somethin ’.” 
Lucy shook her head in disgust and disbelief as he started to put his glove back on. 
“Now… seein’ as I don’t think neither of us wanna lose any more fingers… I say we better call a truce .” 
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Summary: As they begin their journey across the Wasteland, Lucy is very angry and fearful towards the Ghoul, but she wants answers. He, however, is harboring secret feelings for Lucy ever since she saved his life. Having not been with anyone since Barb, and believing she would never feel the same, the bounty hunter has to deal with these feelings on his own. Little does he know, Lucy finds herself having inexplicable feelings for him as well, and struggling to make sense of them.
Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Angst, Enemies to Lovers, Casual Sex Lucy and No Wait Let Me Court You Cooper, Cooper is touch-starved and rusty in bed, He's also self-conscious about his body, Ghoul channels old romantic Cooper, Lucy is confused by strange surface dweller mating customs, She helps him discover his old self, He helps her discover her true self, Did I mention there would be angst
Rating: Mature - Word Count: 2,913
SPOILER WARNING: Contains all the spoilers. No trigger warnings except eventual sexy time with a zombie man and lots of angst.
After a short while, they found themselves in a small clearing on the hillside, overlooking where the forest meets the desert and somewhat hidden by thick bushes and trees. In the middle, there was the remainder of a fire pit from previous travelers, and even a few old chairs nearby.
The Ghoul stopped and scanned the area, then said, “We’ll camp here.”
Lucy looked around in dismay. “What…? But… but shouldn't we keep going? Time is of the essence, isn't it?” 
“Hey… you ever hear the story ‘bout the rabbit and the turtle?” He said as she started fixing up the fire pit.
“...You mean ‘ The Tortoise and the Hare’ ?” 
“Yeah. That's the one.” He flashed her a grin, seeming delighted she knew the correct name. “Slow and steady, Vaulty. It ain't gonna be much of a fight if you show up to find yo’ daddy all hungry and speed deprived.” After getting the pit usable again, he stood and turned to her. “Help me find some firewood, would ya?” 
“I thought you weren’t supposed to make fires after dark.” She said, remembering the late doctor's monologue the first time she’d met him.
“And why’s that?”
“...Because it attracts attention?” She said, shaking her head, confused as to why she had to explain this to him.
“Well, that’s true… but this spot is safe.” He said, then pointed at the brush that separated them from the landscape beyond. “Them bushes are thick enough so nothin’ will be able to see the fire past ‘em.” Then he pointed to the cliffside. “And ain’t nobody can see us that way neither.” Then he pointed to the trail. “And here? Anyone travelin’ won’t be able to see us ‘til we hear ‘em commin’.”
Lucy looked around at where he was pointing. Even though she didn’t like the guy, she did realize his knowledge about surviving the Wasteland was invaluable, and that she should take in every scrap he would give her. “...Should we sleep in shifts?” She asked, turning to him.
“Nah. Dog’ll let us know if anything comes ‘round.” He said, then walked to the edge of the clearing and started gathering whatever sticks, twigs and pieces of branches he could find. 
Lucy watched him for a moment, then followed suit.
Once the fire was going, The Ghoul made himself comfortable, relaxing in one of the chairs with Dogmeat by his side.
Lucy stood at the edge of the cliff, where the brush was thinner, looking out at the landscape before them. This place was so big and wide and open. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to it. And even though it was terrifying and brutal, there was a beauty to the Wasteland that she couldn’t explain. It’s sheer vastness, the feel of the wind, the smell of the air. Even though she was thrilled to be back in a vault when she and Max found themselves in Vault 4, she did find herself missing those sensations. And despite the hellish ordeal she’s found herself in, the wild surface world made her feel alive in ways she never had before. 
She held herself as her mind came back to everything that had happened. There was so much, so much she couldn’t make sense of. She tried to think back to everything that had been said at the Observatory, trying to replay the ordeal in her mind, but so much of it was a blur. 
Perhaps there was a part of her that was hoping she’d remember something... Something that made it all better. Something that made it not real. But every time she replayed it, it just became more clear.
Could it truly be? Her own father… a mass murderer? Vault-tec… never cared about saving humanity. They wanted to destroy humanity so that they could control it. This company she’d dedicated her life to. Put all her faith in. Was nothing but an evil corporation bent on world domination? Is that really what she was supposed to believe?
It was madness, and she felt mad for even considering it to be truth. But he said it himself. In his own words… you have to ‘get rid of the factions’ . It was true… Her father was a monster. 
As she stood there, she dug her fingers into her arms, as if trying to hold on to something. Her whole life, her father, Vault-Tec, they had been her anchor. The foundations of her entire world. She knew who she was, back then. She knew her purpose. It was important. She had a very important purpose. She was going to help save humanity. But now…
Here she was. With the one man she hoped she’d never find herself in the company of again. With nothing left but an undeniable need to uncover the truth.
It felt like a joke. It was all a bad joke. Her whole life was just one big practical joke. 
Lucy shook her head and wished that Max were there with them. She tried to imagine his arms around her. The warmth and comfort of his chest as he let her cry into him. But he wasn’t there. And she could thank her father for that too.
Her thoughts were suddenly disrupted when she felt The Ghoul’s imposing presence creeping up behind her. 
She quickly spun around, drew her gun, and pointed it at him. 
The Ghoul's lips curved up into a smirk, barely even acknowledging the weapon, “Jumpy, ain’cha?”, then just held out a carton of deviled eggs. “Egg?”
“I’m not hungry…”
“You should eat.”
“Why? Since when do you care about my well-being?”
“Well, I sure as hell don’t wanna carry you around the wasteland.” He said and stifled a cough.
Lucy huffed, then looked away.
The bounty hunter shut the lid, then he turned and started back towards the fire. “Come over here, Vaulty.”
She looked over her shoulder at him. “What for?” 
“...We should talk.”
The vault dweller blinked in surprise, then slowly and cautiously followed, sitting down across from him. She stared at him a moment as he got settled into his seat, then asked impatiently, “What?”
“Listen…” The Ghoul said, sitting forward in his chair. “I think… we got off on the wrong foot–”
“The wrong foot!?” She snapped angrily. “Is that what you’re going to call it!?”
“Look, I–”
“No! You look!” Lucy shouted, unable to contain her righteous indignation. “First y-you hit me in the face with your gun! Tried to feed me to that-that… creature! Poisoned me! Tied me up and dragged me around the desert! Refused to give me water! Made me cut up that nice man’s rear end! Then you cut off my finger and-and–
“Okay, but you did bite off mine first…” He said, pointing at her with the same finger, which was now replaced by hers. Although, she was not aware of that yet.
“Kidnapping!” She shouted even louder. “A-a-and attempted murder! Human trafficking, that’s what that’s called! Not ‘ getting off on the wrong foot!’ I mean, y-you tried to sell my organs! ”
The bounty hunter just exhaled and looked down at the ground. “You’re right…” Then, after a moment, he looked back up with a cheeky grin. “Maybe I should say… ‘got off on the wrong finger’ .”
Her mouth hung agape in offense and she looked away.
“...Can I talk now?”
She just crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him with disdain.
“Look… now, I know I’m probably the last person ya’ wanna be scrappin’ around with up here... And you can sit up there on your fuckin’ high horse passin’ out judgements all you want. But you outta know… I’m far from the worst thing this wasteland’s got to offer, believe it or not.”
“That is hard to believe.” She said with a sneer.
“My point is, you keep on this whole ‘holier than thou’ bullshit, sooner or later, someone’s gonna bury you. Your fuckin’ arrogance ain’t gonna keep you alive.”
Lucy glared at him a moment, then shook her head. “...I don’t think I’m better than anyone else…”
“Uh huh…” The Ghoul said skeptically.
“I-I just don’t understand why people can’t be civil up here. Why does it have to be like this?” She shook her head in confusion. “ It’s not the way people should be treating each other. People should be… working together. Helping each other! Society works much more effectively when there’s a shared sense of community and cooperation and… Well, if people up here have forgotten that…” She lifted her head up in a dignified way, almost looking down her nose at him. “ Someone has to lead by example.”
“Oh, and I suppose that’s you , huh?” He said with an amused snicker.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “ Don’t you laugh at me. I saved your life .” She reminded him firmly.
The Ghoul just shook his head as he let out another laugh, before looking down at the ground.
“I know it sounds stupid to you, but…” She paused and swallowed hard. “This is what I believe in, and… a-and it’s the right thing to believe in! Maybe you’ve given up on humanity, but I refuse to! I know we can do better than this!”
“Who are you tryin’a convince, darlin? You think all you gotta do is get on your soapbox and preach and you’ll change the fuckin’ world? Sweetheart, talk is cheap and ain’t nobody give a shit.” He eyed her intensely as he spoke. “You know what’s gonna happen, you keep this up? Same thing that’s been happenin’ to ya. Which, if I ain’t mistaken, hasn’t been too good so far.” 
She scoffed and turned away. “I guess you would know, wouldn't you?”
“Listen… I ain’t sayin’ you’re wrong. But you don’t get it.” The Ghoul said, prompting her to look back towards him as he spoke. “There are people who have a vested interest in folks not bein’ civil and cooperatin’…” He leaned in, looking her right in the eye. “You think about Shady Sands… Why, I remember… watchin’ that place turn from a small settlement to a… a real city. Almost like the old days. But then, yo’ daddy comes along and burns it to the ground.” 
Lucy blinked, then looked back towards him again. 
“All those same people, who taught you all that ‘golden rule’ bullshit? They’re all a buncha fuckin’ liars. You know why they want’cha ta’ believe in all that shit? We’ll, I’ll tell ya’. Because it makes you weak … Easy to take advantage of…” 
The vault dweller looked up at him, narrowing her eyes in thought. “...Why would you say that?”
“I’m just bein’ honest wit’cha. You think I’ve been wonderin’ this wasteland for two-hundred years just to not know what the fuck I’m talkin’ about? Or would you rather I lie to ya and tell ya everythang’s gonna be fuckin’ peachy keen?”
Her eyes drifted to the ground and she shook her head. “No…”
“No, what?”
“I don’t want you to lie to me.”
“Good.” He said firmly. “Cause ain’t nobody gonna go outta they way to accommodate your fucking vaulty sensibilities up here, you got that?” 
Lucy let her arms drop to her lap and hung her head away from him, not saying a word.
The Ghoul looked at her a moment, then his gaze dropped down to the ground and he let out a deep exhale. “Look…” He said quietly. “I know you hate me… and you’re right to…” He looked back up at her. “But there’s a reason I asked ya to come with me. And it ain’t just because I need yo help to find yo’ daddy neither…”
The vault dweller blinked, then looked up at him again.
“I underestimated you… Ms. Lucy MacLean.” He said and rolled his tongue over his teeth. “I thought you was just some dumbass vault dweller, bound to get ‘cherself killed anyway… But you got fight in ya…” He pointed at her as he spoke. “You got what it takes to survive out here... You just need someone to show you the ropes… And I’m willin’ ta’ do that for ya’.” 
“Oh, really? And why’s that?” She asked skeptically.
“Because I owe you. Golden rule … right?”
Lucy blinked and waited for him to continue.
“Let me explain somethin’ to ya, Vaulty…” He said, then reached into his pocket, pulled out his inhaler and held it up to her. “You were right about one thang. This shit’s all that’s keepin’ me from turnin’ out like yo’ mama back there. And it ain’t cheap neither.” He put his arm down and looked at her, his voice very serious. “Now, I know you ain’t dumb. So I figure you can put two and two together… But we both needed that head for a reason. You just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time… that’s all.”
“That’s all?” She retorted quickly.
“Well, it ain’t like it was nothin’ personal, darlin’.”
“So… you agree then…? With the Golden Rule… You said it only works if people agree, so…”
“...I know it probably don’t mean much…” He simply continued. “And you don’t have to forgive me, but… I wanna apologize… for what I done to ya.”
Lucy blinked in surprise. “...You’re apologizing?”
“You’re right… We both lookin’ for the same thing. And we’ll be more likely to find it if we work together. And if we're gonna work together, we gotta communicate. But we can’t do that unless we can trust each other.”
“Trust you? You want me to trust you?” She scoffed.
“I don’t want you to trust nobody. ” He said sternly. “That’s why we ought to make a deal.”
“A deal? Didn’t you just say to trust nobody ? How can I trust you to keep your end of the bargain?” 
“Sweetheart, I thought we already established that this relationship is built on the principle of an honest exchange.” He took off his right glove and held up his index finger. “Look familiar?”
She stared at him in horror. “...You… You didn’t…” 
The Ghoul grinned in amusement and wriggled the finger at her. “You wanna know something, Vaulty? You did something no one else ever has before… Somethin’ I never even thought of…” He lowered his hand and looked down at the finger - her finger - with an odd smile on his face. “You disarmed me… I can’t shoot without that finger ya’ bit off. Without it, I’m practically defenseless.” He looked back up at her. “So… of course I had to replace it with somethin ’.” 
Lucy shook her head in disgust and disbelief as he started to put his glove back on. 
“Now… seein’ as I don’t think neither of us wanna lose any more fingers… I say we better call a truce .” 
She looked over at him as a realization hit her… He was talking to her as if she were his equal. 
He held a hand out towards her. “So… I ain’t gonna hurt’cha… and you ain’t gonna hurt me… Deal?”
The vault dweller narrowed her eyes at him. She wasn’t sure if she bought it. Could he really see her as an equal threat? That seemed rather impossible. But either way, she wasn’t about to let her guard down. Still, a peace negotiation was certainly a…. step in the right direction. 
“Alright… We work together… The enemy of my enemy…” She said, reaching her hand out.
His lips curved into a smirk. “...Is my friend.” 
With that, they shook on it.
“But this doesn’t mean I trust you. And we’re not friends.” 
He just kept smiling at her. “Good.” 
As they let go, Lucy noticed the feeling of something cool hitting her skin. Then another. Then another.
She looked around for a moment in confusion, then down at her arm where she found a tiny water droplet. Suddenly, more came down from above, and it finally occurred to her what it must be as she craned her head up towards the sky.
“Goddamnit.” The Ghoul said in dismay as he looked up as well.
Lucy's reaction was very different, though. Slowly, she started to stand up as she looked towards the heavens. “Is this… rain?” A wide smile grew on her face as she held her hand up to catch the droplets.
The bounty hunter kept his eyes on her as she stepped out into the clearing, watching the rain come down in awe. Suddenly, there was a flash, and a moment later thunder rippled across the sky, causing her to jump and scream.
Her reaction caused The Ghoul to burst into laughter.
The sheltered vault dweller was too excited to be concerned over his amusement. She started jumping up and down and squealing, “This is rain! It’s rain! Oh my God!” She turned to him suddenly. “I’ve read about this! I’ve wanted to see it my whole life! I was so worried it wasn’t going to happen, but here it is!!” She looked back up at the sky. “Oh, it’s amazing! And it’s so loud!!”
As the old bounty hunter watched her skip and howl, he tilted his head and just stared curiously. 
Once she finally noticed him staring, she realized what she was doing and stopped, straightening herself up and clearing her throat. “Sorry. I’m, uh… I-I’m excited about this.” She said, trying to sound somewhat serious.
He just grinned at her in amusement. “I can tell.”  To be continued...
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m0rbidmacabre · 10 months
One For Eternity - Chapter 2
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Dracopia returns home to his mansion, greeted by his loyal ghouls. He contemplates using a companionship locket to find love and companionship. However, his fire ghoul friend, Dew, advises against it, expressing concerns about free will. Dracopia understands and appreciates Dew's loyalty. Later, Dracopia performs a ritual with the locket, hoping for a faithful companion. Weeks pass with no results, and Dracopia sinks deeper into depression.
Hey loves - Just a pre-warning this does get dark at points. so please do look at the trigger warnings, before reading and make sure you take care of yourself. The whole idea for this fic was to push it more horror focused... its one of my other favourite things and i hope you enjoy the build. Please remember that if you have any comments or things that you think might be interesting to add, you can message me here or at any of my other social media pages which are listed at the end. Id love to know your thoughts.
WARNINGS: Vampires, Vampire Bites, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Monster Romance, Blood and Gore, Blood Drinking, Blood and Violence, Dark Magic, Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide
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Chapter 2
Dracopia moved through the woods thick and fast, silently, the rain and thunder beating down around him with every swift movement he took leading him closer to home. Darkness beginning to veil everything in sight, the loneliness of the darkness taking his very essence as he moved. He was tired, the fatigue beginning to take its hold on him, the travel had been long and made even longer by only being able to travel under cover of nightfall. He knew the closer he got to home the safer he would be, these mountains held nothing for miles... Just animals, maybe a few witches, more vampires, and weary travellers.
Arriving, he pushed open the heavy gates. The glow of the candles from the mansion lighting the grand gothic entranceway. The ghouls must be home he thought to himself. Most of the remaining ghouls that had stayed by his side were the ones that he was bonded to as a Papa, most ghouls lived for centuries, and he was happy to at least have some familiar scents around him. Since he became a vampire, having their company and knowledge had been invaluable to his survival and he was forever grateful to them for staying by his side. Still as loyal as the first day they had met when they were summoned from the depths of hell. His most loyal friend being Dew, a fire ghoul. Dew had been aging faster the last couple of years, but he was still full of his serious wit and stomping feet. There had been times gone by after his reign as Papa that Dew had saved his life. After his brothers had passed, it was unsafe to stay in the clergy. Vultures had destroyed it, picking at the bones of what they had left of the emeritus bloodline. Like all religions, his beloved church had moved into a money-making scheme that sucked the life out of its worshipers. Gone were the days when the dark lord was the true meaning of light and in had rolled an age of greed and gluttony. They had long put church behind them, although Dracopia still kept true to his faith. He was still a servant of the dark lord and that would never change, he followed his same old ways of ritual practice.
Opening the door, he saw a ghoul stood next to the glowing fireplace. The ghoul’s tail whipping around the flames in the darkness of its glow.
“Welcome Home, you look tired” Dew looked over at Dracopia and gave him a warm smile.
“Si, Si, thank you for reminding me of that Dew” he said running his hands through his sodden wet hair.
“I trust you found what you went looking for?” Dew asked.
“Si, I did.” he replied.
“You should rest, we can set up the ritual when you feel better, you should eat... You look like shit. There are some supplies in the kitchen, I went hunting for you.”
“Ah Dew, you do look after me.” Dracopia smiled a warm glow at the fire ghoul, his fangs appearing over his lower lip.
Dracopia walked into the kitchen and saw a skinned deer hanging from its rafters, before finding the blood Dew had stored for him. He poured it into a crystal glass and walked back through to the fireplace and sat down. The fire glow lighting the room they both stood in.
“So, tell me about your travels? I trust the witch was accommodating.” 
“Si, she was.”
He pulled the package from his pocket. “She suggested trying a companionship locket.”
Dews eyes widened. “You do know that once you use that thing that the person it calls. They will lose all free will?”
“Si, she did mention it. But what choice do I have Dew? My life is bleak.”
“You have me Dracopia, you have us... The ghouls, we are here for you.”
He swills the blood around in his glass... His eyes staring deep into the fire. “That is true my old friend, but you will not be around forever. The depths of hell will call you home one day, just like it has everyone else, I am doomed to an eternity of darkness.”  He sighed, taking a sip from his glass. He could feel his body rejuvenating, healing itself as he consumed the blood of the animal.
The fire ghoul stood glaring at him, shaking his head as if he were having an ongoing internal fight with himself.
“I do not think I can help you Dracopia, I don’t think I can help do that to another living being. What are we without are free will? Meer puppets unable to control what happens to our souls.”
Dracopia looked up and met Dews gaze, tugging a small smile to his lips “It is fine old friend, you don’t have too... your soul is clean and will be kept so. You have done so very much for me since we first met, I could not ask you to do something you do not want to do.”
Dews eyes lowered, Dracopia could tell he was feeling bad about his confession. He pulled himself to his feet and walked towards Dew, cupping his hand softly in his cheek... making Dew meet his gaze. “I said it’s fine, don’t beat yourself up.”
Dew sighed, retreating out of Dracopias embrace, leaving Dracopia alone to his thoughts. Dew never liked to think of what will happen when he passes on, but what Dracopia was saying was the truth. he would not be around forever, but he would not be involved in such dangerous magic... not even for his loyal friend who was so desperate to feel some kind of love and life again. There was a line he firmly did not want to cross.
Dracopia sat with his glass, savouring the taste of the blood he was drinking. He sat into the night watching the embers glow into ashes in the old fireplace, thinking about what he was about to do. The memories of his former life flickering in and out of his mind. He thought about a time when he had met a sweet sister of sin in the church, and the times in the autumn they spent laying in the leaves making love as the seasons changed. He could almost smell her now, lavender... Her curly blonde hair wrapping its way around his fingers as he ran his hands through it. He thought for a moment just how soft her skin was when he tended to it and how soft her lips where when he kissed them. He thought about her often, even now, but their love was doomed before it even had chance to grow, it had not been the right time for love, even though he had wanted it more than anything… His role in the church took centre stage and he ended up breaking her heart. Pulling away from her to make his role as Papa the most successful yet. Spending months and years away from the abbey would not have been good for them both anyway. No, she deserved a normal life... Not a life of loneliness like him. A life Dracopia could not have given her. What did he have to show for it now? Nothing. She was dead now, a life that had been fully lived, with a loving partner and children, recalling her sweet smile when he saw her walking hand in hand with her small children, her glow, her laugh as they she played with them though the abbey. He kept his distance after he had called it quits with her but seeing her like that always made him think… what if? And how it broke his heart. It was just another opportunity missed for him, all he had was his own darkness.
He pulled himself out of his memories and looked across the room at the package on the table. It was time he got this finished. He could not take anymore. Once Dracopias ritual was over, he could relax... and wait. His love would show themselves in time.
He walked over to his alter space in the living room and lit the candles, saying the dark lord’s prayer as each one sprung to life. Lighting a sprig of sage and placing it into a golden bowl in the centre of his alter, he went and retrieved the package, unwrapping it from its confines; the beautiful wood carvings brought back to life by the light of the glowing candles. He thumbed the wood in circles as he whispered “Dark Lord, I ask you to give me strength, I ask you to guide me, I ask you to take this locket and help it fulfil its purpose… I ask you to grant me a faithful companion” a small tear forming in the corner of his eye. he stood in silence with his eyes closed, taking in the smells of the sage and the candles, rubbing his fingers over the locket. He hoped this would be the turning point for him, that the dark lord would send him someone that would not need free will anyway, because all they wanted to do was be by his side for eternity. He wrapped the leather string of the locket around his wrist, making it into a bracelet and held the locket tightly in his hand.
It had been a few weeks since Dracopia had done the ritual, he was starting to think that the witch had sold him an item that just did not work, or maybe he was just being impatient. His days dragged by in his own sombre lull, his depression deepening. He had thought about ending his life a few times since that night, starving himself into madness, denying his body the blood it craves, but his animalistic nature always took over and he would wake finding that he had lost control and wandered into the woods, killing an animal or human just to get what his body needed. He had woken on the floor of the mansion with Dew nursing him multiple times. His obsession had only deepened since he bought the locket, it was a constant reminder hanging from his wrist and that is what he wanted it for in the first place. To remind himself, to will this being in existence. Even if turning back now was an option, his mind would not have let him.
Dracopia had given himself some time out in the woods just to feel at peace around nature, to clear his head and often it worked for him even though all the scents of the forest often became overpowering to him and his need to hunt would grow the longer he was there, but he enjoyed the thrill of chasing down his prey in the darkness. So much time had passed now since he had been human, he wasn’t that anymore. He was an animalistic being, one that would hunt for blood, a need to survive and thrive in the darkness of time.
Finding peace for him is being in the wild... it’s quietness, it’s freedom. He lives for the moments that make him feel. This night was no different... he pushed through the woods at speed, weaving in and out of the trees in the darkness. His demons pushing him forward as at high speed. No sounds could be heard other than the call of wolves in the distance, until he heard it, A high-pitched wailing, the sound sending chills down his spine. He stopped moving instantly, His sensitive ears trying to focus on where the sound came from. Trying to home in on the sound before he makes the choice to move. He can hear the heartbeat and the fear in whatever it was this hellish sound had just come from and that was it, he was off.
The sound grows louder the closer he darts towards it, dread and tension filling his cold heart. He stops just before he reaches the source, hiding in the distance, in cover of darkness, trying to make out what was happening before he saw her. It was her! The one he had saved in Brasov. She looked different; something was wrong...  
Her eyes were blank, those big brown eyes that were once filled with so much life and fear were now saturated with malevolence and evil. Her eyes dart about in the dark, she seemed to be alone. He takes a step closer, a twig snapping at his feet. He looks at the twig and then back to the girl. Her eyes had already found him. She knew he was there; she had known the whole time.
Their gazes met and Dracopia came out of the darkness.
“Are you ok? I heard you, I’ve come to help” he said in a hushed low voice as if he wanted to make sure she wouldn’t be afraid of him, to let her know she wasn’t at risk of harm.
She just looked at him, blankness in her stare and she took a few steps towards him. Dracopia took a step back, letting out a low rumble from his chest. The look in her eyes was something he hadn’t seen before, it didn’t seem human, but she was human right? He saved her from those brutes. She needed him then, but right now she looked like she could take him out with a single swipe, and it scared him.
She took another step closer, eyeing him... her gaze and grin looking like a lioness stalking her prey. Dracopia took off, his speed no match for hers as she rumbles through the woods behind him. He tries to lose her, but she was somehow adept at seeing his moves in the dark and she continued to mimic him.
Another moment longer and she would have had him, if it wasn’t for the sudden arrival of Dew, who pounced on her from the dark, she didn’t see or hear him coming. His ghoul nature gave him the upper hand.  Dew bared his teeth and let out a growl and letting her know his strength. He whipped around her, thick and fast, his tail hitting the dip in back of her legs with force sending her to her knees and with one quick punch to her face, sending her into unconsciousness.
“What the fuck was that Dracopia? Who is she? Where did she come from?”
“I’m not sure, I just heard a scream, and I went to investigate. She sounded like she was in pain, that she needed help. I sensed her fear.”
Dracopia leaving out the fact that he had met her before, that he had saved her.
“We should take her back to the mansion, tie her up and find out who she is. It doesn’t seem safe to leave her out here like this… the look in her eyes when she looked at you Dracopia. She looked like she wanted to kill you”.
Dracopia agreed and the two of them set about securing her and moving her back to the mansion. Her dead weight was nothing for the two of them to move; she was small, and it took little to no effort for a ghoul and a vampire. Luckily their chase had led them closer to the mansion than Dracopia had thought which meant them moving her didn’t take long.
They tied her to a chair near the fireplace. Her hair draped down her face, blood dripping from the busted lip that Dew has given her. She looked like something out of a horror movie. She was scrawny, like she hadn’t eaten in days. Covered in mud and dirt, her dress ripped and ragged. She looked like she had been out in the woods for a while with no protection at all from the elements.
Dracopia watched her with great intrigue as she sat in the chair, unaware of what was going on around her. She was beautiful, even in her current state. He wondered if this was the work of the locket or if she had just happened to find herself here. He wondered what had happened to her after he left her in the bar. She looked like she had been through a rough time, that she needed some care, but he was mostly concerned by her actions in the woods.  She appeared to be out for blood, like she hungered for him.  
“Should we wake her?” Dew asked a low growl coming from his stomach.
“No, no... Let her rest. She looks like she needs it” Dracopia hushed.
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kimium · 1 day
(Faves & Fandoms Ask Game) 🌂🌹 🔥
(From this ask HERE)
Oh! Thanks for the ask, friend!!!
🌂You have to choose three fiction characters to help you survive in the apocalypse, who are you picking?
Since this doesn't specify what kind of apocalypse, I'm going to go with the general "society has tumbled apart for some reason that's not supernatural ones". Also, everyone here has their full abilities from their series.
Senku from Dr. Stone - Obviously, my first pick is Senku given his scientific knowledge and ability to know how to create/make things to help us survive. His knowledge is invaluable and plus, his goal to rebuild society in his own series can help in this situation. It isn't just about surviving; it's about finding a solution too!
Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime - With practically infinite abilities and power, Rimuru can help out in a variety of ways. Also, Rimuru magically attracts people with specialized abilities meaning we'll have more people eventually to help out!
Kurama from YYH - I picked Kurama because I thought having a second fighter who is also gifted in negotiation would be helpful. Kurama also can grow any plant meaning many resources can be used on the fly should any emergency happen.
🌹 What's a small fanbase you're a part of?
Good question! While there are many series I could point to I think I want to bring attention to the series To Your Eternity. It's so good and thoughtful and makes me want to cry all the time. It's fantastic and everyone should watch it.
🔥 Name a crackship, now convince me why it would work!
Look, my only crackship I truly can attempt convincing people of is Anankos/Trio. The problem is I've already convinced you to why that's a superior ship and you're already locked in this tug boat with me and ObscureReference. But in case anyone else is here and doesn't know...
Anankos/Awakening Trio (Severa, Inigo, and Owain) is a great ship. Anankos is dying. He knows he only has so much magic and energy left before he's taken over by the rot that ensnares all dragons in FE. However, he needs someone to find his long lost child even if it means he is dead before he can see them again.
So instead of... asking someone like Lilith or maybe someone in Nohr or Hoshido... the man PULLS three warriors from ANOTHER DIMENSION and begs them to aid him. He also needs them to drink his dragon blood... for magic purposes and not intimate, kinky reasons, he swears.
Yeah, okay it's the DLC for Fates that got me to ship them. Look. There is no way that Anankos wasn't at least a bit attracted to the Trio. They're cute, hot, and compassionate! And Anankos isn't hard on the eyes either! It's the perfect set up!
Plus, when he's corrupted he can be Evil and Possessive and that's always a bit hot, right??
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rinwellisathing · 3 months
Get to know my OCs: Companion quests:
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Sentry Ojeda:
The Cursed Knight
Act 1:
Sentry is a paladin of Ilmater who seems to have fallen victim to a curse of some sort. Dark whispers consume his mind and seem able to possess him and force him to kill.
Act 2:
It is becoming apparent this may not be a curse as Sentry regains more memories of his past and the mysterious figures that haunt it. Will you help him to resist or encourage him to embrace these urges?
Act 3:
Loved ones from Sentry's past are among those killed by Orin's assassins. Worse still, his former lover has been revealed to be your enemy. These stresses put Sentry in danger of falling to his urges, especially as he realizes his relation to Orin and to Bhaal himself.
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Jaina Thalassia:
The Captain's Daughter
Act 1:
We encountered a sorcerer who works as a school teacher in Baldur's Gate. Her command of sea and storms has been invaluable so far.
Act 2:
Jaina has told us she is Umberlee's Chosen and we've learned a bit more about her people, sea dwelling tiefling Pirates. We also learned that before the tadpole, she suffered from a serious illness which afflicts her people when they spend too long away from the sea. Luckily the tadpole seems to have halted its progress.
Act 3:
The pollution Lord Gortash's foundry and undersea prison have cause to the sea around Umberlee's temple is cause for concern. Jaina has asked us to speak to Allandra Grey and the other priestesses to find out how we can help.
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Kroger of Creche K'liir:
The Good Doctor:
We came across a member of Lae'zel's original party, their healer. He claims to be a Ghustil, a Githyanki medic. He was eager to help our party and informed us of the benefit of his methods, which are unique among most healers.
Act 2:
After visiting The House of Healing in Reithwin, Kroger explained his methods further, a marriage of magic and science which allows for a safer, superior method of healing. He asked for our assistance in finding a place he might best help others and spread that knowledge.
Act 3:
Kroger was disgusted with how the city treats its sick and injured. He has asked us to be on the look out for a place he could set up a hospital when all this is over.
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Octavia of Creche K'liir:
The Practical Githyanki's Guide To Faerun:
Act 1:
We met a member of Lae'zel's original party, a wizard called Octavia who came to the material plane to research foreign cultures for her guidebook meant for young Githyanki out and about. She has asked many questions and always appears to be taking notes.
Act 2:
Octavia has asked for samples from Shadowcursed creatures and plants in order to study them and take notes on the nature of the curse for her guide book. She promises she can find a way to make her research useful to us as well.
Act 3:
Octavia has asked for several rare volumes to study, a manual from the Steel Watch Foundry, an ancient Bhaalist text, and something from the vaults under Sorcerous Sundries. She promises great results in return for our help.
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Jackal Silk:
The Gloomstalker
Act 1:
Jackal claims to understand the tadpoles which we have been infected with and urges us to go to the Goblin Camp at once and speak with Minthara.
Act 2:
Jackal has suggested we murder a Selunite priestess and doom the people at Last Light to the Shadowcurse. He claims he also has knowledge of a valuable weapon hidden in Reithwin should we agree.
Act 3:
Jackal claims with his help we could oust Orin the Red as head of the Bhaalist Cult and he would offer us the cult's power to aid against The Absolute. All we would need to do is help him kill a few people...
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fatefulfaerie · 2 years
Linktober 2022 prompt #10/31
Word Count: 1,432
Incarnation: Breath of the Wild (pre-calamity)
Trigger Warnings: None Applicable
“It’s overgrown,” Purah said as she looked into the microscope. “I think your hypothesis is correct.”
Of all the moments for Robbie to finally acknowledge he had feelings for the zany young woman from Kakariko, this was probably the strangest one. She was hunched over the mechanism, her left eye practically glued to the cylinder that allowed her to observe upfront how the blue flame affected plant life. It was weird how quiet it was as she withdrew to jot down her notes. Of all the situations over the past month of them studying here at the Akkala Citadel, the shouting matches, the accidental spills, this was a rare bout of silence, a calm realization that made Robbie lightly smile.
Purah’s ink-dipped feather froze mid-sentence and she furrowed her brow. Robbie’s expression turned to one of alarm and confusion when her head turned to him.
“Are you feeling okay?” she asked.
“Y-yeah,” he stammered, shifting in his seat. He felt heat in his cheeks. Was this blushing? He had no idea. “Of course I am.”
“It’s just you love being right so I expected a big ‘ha told you so’ when I confirmed your hypothesis,” Purah explained.
“Ah yes,” Robbie said, standing up with his hands on his hips. “Ha, I told you so.”
Purah narrowed her eyes, the skepticism in her brewing like steeped tea.
She stood up.
“Are you sure you’re not running a temperature or something,” she asked as she came towards him with a hand ready to check his forehead, yet he ducked out of the way of it before she could, with a nervous chuckle as he swooped around her.
“I am not,” he said, his hands held out as if she were a Lynel. “Everything’s fine.” He forced his nervous laugh into a smile that he gestured to. “See?” he asked as he backed away.
“Is this about the other day?” she said. “I am really sorry about slapping you with an Octorok tentacle. You said it didn’t hurt.”
“I did,” he stammered. “A-and it didn’t. Just don’t worry about it. Keep working, okay?”
Purah was flabbergasted as he watched him scurry off, and soon she felt the presence of another scientist next to her. Purah saw him out of the corner of her eye. With crossed arms Budoh, a fellow researcher that was twice the age of Purah, eyed the oddity that was Robbie.
“I bet I know what that’s about,” he remarked. Purah had no idea what he could be on about, and so she looked over eagerly.
Budoh hesitated, his lips warring with themselves as to whether or not he should divulge his knowledge. This was Robbie’s bunkmate, after all, so Purah hung on to every second.
“He got a letter a few days ago,” Budoh explained. “The King is very pleased with our progress here, so pleased that the construction in North Hyrule Plain is meant to be a new lab. He wants Robbie to run it.”
Purah didn’t know what to say at first, stuttering over her vowels and consonants.
“Well that’s amazing!” Purah exclaimed. “Why didn’t he tell me?”
“He hasn’t told anyone except me because the King told him he can bring along whoever he wants. It’s going to be the forefront of Sheikah tech research and if he’s acting like that around you, then he probably feels bad because…”
“Because he didn’t choose me,” Purah finished, Budoh nodding.
“If it makes you feel any better, Robbie’s probably not going to choose me either. My rupees are on Nashi and Kyu.”
“The strongest mathematician and the smartest engineer,” Purah agreed with nods. “Yeah that checks out, I wouldn’t blame him. I’d probably do the same.”
Purah hugged her arms close as Budoh left her to her thoughts, letting her heart think of what she would do in his place. It wasn’t long, however, until her thoughts drifted to her own inadequacies. Had she known about this opportunity she would have spent the last month proving her worth, heck her invaluableness at that. Or had she already? She was, after all, a nobody from Kakariko, who hadn't touched an ancient screw until the King permissed it last month. What could she offer him, a guy who had been illegally researching Sheikah tech with his parents basically his whole life.
Later, when tears began to fall where she sat in her designated quarters, she told herself she was overreacting. Akkala was a very nice place, and there were far worse problems in the world than her not getting what she wanted. Calamity, just a few years ago a thirteen year old had pulled the Master Sword, not to mention the poor princess living with the pressure of not yet accessing her sealing power since before she reached double digits.
A few knocks rapped at her door and she quickly composed herself, wiping away her tears and making herself look presentable.
“Robbie,” she said in a breathless surprise when she opened the door.
“Hi,” he said. It was all he said. Whatever he had come to talk to her about flew over his head.
“Look, I…” Purah bowed her head. She looked back up. “You don’t have to say anything, it’s okay.”
“What’s okay?” Robbie asked, confused as to how she could know.
“The Royal Lab,” Purah specified. “It’s okay you aren’t taking me. I understand.”
“Goddesses, of course I’m taking you with me,” Robbie said, as if she were crazy. “You’re one of the best people here.”
“Well, Budoh…”
“Budoh?” Robbie interrupted. “Budoh doesn’t believe the world is round. Never listen to Budoh.”
“But I’m not as smart as Kyu or Nashi or…anyone really.”
Robbie grabbed both her shoulders and locked her eyes into his, making sure she understood.
“You overgrew this place after your first day here and you don’t even know why.”
Purah pursed her lips and a lack of knowledge danced in her eyes.
“You’re insanely creative,” Robbie said. “And ruthlessly inventive. You come up with ideas I wouldn’t have dreamed of in a hundred years, and in an hour you already have a prototype. You’re the most hardworking person here. When I got that letter, you’re the first person I thought of. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it getting out how quickly I picked you. If I let the letter breathe a bit and then announced my picks, then people would think I really thought about it.”
“Then why were you acting so weird earlier?” Purah asked.
“I really wasn’t,” Robbie said in defense, sliding his arms off her shoulders.
Purah tipped her head and smiled, and just that made Robbie blush.
“You’re hiding something, that’s for sure,” Purah said, “your face is so red you look like a blossoming daisy with that hair.”
“I’m not hiding anything,” Robbie insisted, playfully this time, turning around.
“Come on!” Purah exclaimed, catching up with him and bounding onto his shoulders. She turned him around and Robbie let her. “Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!”
She was jumping up and down like a child, and yet Robbie’s eyes followed her lips. He went for it, closing his eyes and daring. He caught her nose instead, and Purah backed away slowly, shocked.
“Did you just try to kiss me?” Purah asked.
Robbie inhaled to respond, but there was no good excuse for what he just did. No smudge on her nose that he couldn’t have just wiped away with a thumb, no cut on her nostril that he could say he was trying to heal (she wasn’t five, after all).
“I love you,” he said. He shrugged his shoulders. “That’s my only excuse.”
Purah looked behind her and then back to Robbie.
“Come on,” was all she said, grabbing his hand and dragging him goddesses knows where.
“Uhm…where are we going?” Robbie asked, ignoring the fact that he had literally confessed his love for her and she didn’t dare a response in return.
“We’re almost there,” she said, before opening a closet and shuffling inside.
“Purah, what are you doing?” Robbie said. The closet was so small that their chests were practically touching.
“Eliminating any impression people might have that you choosing me for the Royal Lab was because of bias.”
“It’s not, I told you, I–”
Purah interrupted him with a kiss. She had to lift herself onto her toes, but she didn’t care, breathing into the exchange much like Robbie was beginning to. He cupped her cheek gently, and by the end of the night, Robbie was wiping cherry-colored lipstick off of his pale neck.
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ladyofvoss · 11 months
"She thinks you're disappointed in her", he interjected.
The change in Seliene's demeanor was almost immediate, the pained look on her face as if struck.
"I would never-", she started, but Theodard raised a hand to halt her arguments.
"I know you wouldn't, and I know your reticence is borne of worry, but how can she truly tell? You are overjoyed, ecstatic even, for the paths your daughters choose. Ecstatic, that is, for all but one. Think of how it looks to her, a child".
Whatever protest his elder sister had died immediately, and though he loathed to see it, the despairing look on her face proved to Theodard that his words sunk in.
"What would you have me do?", she spoke after a moment of pregnant silence, "I do not wish to crush her spirit, but I will feel no less at peace with this. I have barely gotten used to you drawing sword and shield to fight".
Theodard had a feeling she would bring that up, so similar was this conversation to their many disagreements when he was but a fledgling swordsman. But years had passed, and he was no longer a boy with a sword in hand and nary a thought in his head. And he knew Thalia wouldn't remain a child forever, either.
"She's made her choice, and the scales have been weighed in her favor. You can't stop her, Seliene. You can only prepare her".
He knew there was only one way to give her the reassurance she needed. A compromise he was more than prepared to make. For her sake and his niece's.
"And it shall be under my guidance".
Green eyes widened in surprise, and Theodard knew he had her attention.
"My years of travels and in the battlefield have granted me with knowledge that will prove invaluable to her. I have gained allies and comrades who I know would be of great worth as teachers. She will be more than capable of protecting herself. I will personally see to it".
Theodard watched as Seliene seemed to parse his words. He could practically see the gears turning in her mind. He knew his sister. There were very few people she trusted when it came to her family, her daughters especially. And there were very few she trusted more than him.
The answer was clear with the way she shifted her stance, shoulders drawing back as she considered him carefully before she finally spoke:
"You will train her harder than anyone who's come before her. Five times harder. Ten times harder-"
With each word she took a step closer, until she closed the gap between them, looking up at Theodard with an expression of not just renewed resolve, but one of beseeching.
"Until she is better than even you".
Seliene has always trusted him, and Theodard has never once let his sister down. He had no intention of starting now.
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nocluejustexisting · 1 year
The Poor Way Pt. 3
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Street Racer!Reader
Warning: stealing, a bit of swearing, a few dirty thoughts, and most importantly, I have no idea how to steal a car so I just wrote what I saw in a video of how to disassemble a car
Ransom and Bolt had their sights set on their first target: Derrick Philsburg, a name that had long lingered on Ransom's list of least favorite people.
The animosity between Ransom and Derrick started when Derrick, a fellow socialite in their elite circle, stole Ransom's idea for a new mysterious book. Ransom had been secretly working on a plot for months, hoping to step out from his family shadow and prove himself as a writer. But Derrick had shamelessly stolen the concept, leaving Ransom fuming with rage.
Not only because he stole his idea but because no one believed Ransom could even write with a pen and paper. Everyone just laughed at him when he called Derrick out on the media. Hs whole family couldn't take his anger seriously, they just saw it as Ransom wanting attention.
As they approached Derrick's luxurious mansion, Ransom's anger bubbled beneath the surface. He couldn't let this slide any longer. "Get ready, Bolt," he muttered to his accomplice. "This is personal."
Bolt, always up for a challenge, nodded in understanding. She knew that this wasn't just about him having fun; it was about Ransom's pride.
The duo managed to slip past the security cameras and guards with practiced ease, the adrenaline pumping through their veins. They reached Derrick's prized car collection, showcasing wealth and arrogance. Ransom couldn't help but smirk. "Let's make this count."
Bolt, the expert in their odd partnership, took the lead. She whispered her plan to Ransom, explaining the precise order and technique to remove the required car parts.
"First, we'll need to pop the hood," she said, her voice barely audible. "That's where the engine is located."
Ransom nodded, watching intently as she deftly unlatched the hood. She continued, "Now, let's start with the spark plugs. They're right here." She pointed to the engine's side. "Use the socket wrench to loosen and remove them, but be careful not to damage the threads."
Ransom followed her instructions, his fingers trembling with nerves and excitement. Bolt's guidance was invaluable as she moved on to the next component. "Next, we'll disconnect the ignition coil. We must do this carefully so we don't fry the electrical system."
With each step, Bolt explained the process from removing the air filter to detaching the intake manifold. Her expertise was evident as she demonstrated how to disconnect the oxygen sensors and carefully extract the fuel injectors.
Ransom couldn't help but think, “damn, I think to get laid,”
He felt too cocky after their smooth progress and accidentally brushed against an alarm sensor while working on the intake manifold. The car's alarm began to trumpet loudly, piercing the silence of the night.
Panic washed over Ransom's face as he cursed under his breath. Bolt, quick on her feet, reached into her toolkit and swiftly disconnected the alarm sensor, silencing the intrusive noise.
Ransom let out a sigh of relief as the silence returned, and he sheepishly grinned at Bolt. "Oops, got a bit carried away there."
Bolt shot him a knowing look but didn't scold him. Instead, she nodded and gestured for him to continue their mission. Their heist continued smoothly, with Ransom now a bit more cautious, realizing that their actions had to be precise and stealthy.
As they progressed, Ransom found himself in awe of Bolt's knowledge and skill. With Bolt's guidance, they swiftly disassembled the required car parts, making their collaboration seamless and efficient.
In his mind, he couldn't help but think, God, she's intoxicating. No. Stop thinking with your dick. I’m out of her league. I can find someone way better.
Back in the car, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins, Bolt couldn't help but chuckle. "I have to admit, Ransom, that felt satisfying."
Ransom couldn't help but think, “I’ll show you satisfying, my dick slamming against-” he quickly stopped himself to continue.
He turned to look at her and grinned, his resentment towards Derrick momentarily overshadowed by their successful heist. "Yeah, it did. But this isn't over yet. On to my next victim."
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ramprasadrajucn · 1 year
Know More About Ramprasad Raju CN
Ramprasad Raju CN is an experienced branding expert with over 20 years of experience in the industry. With his vast knowledge and expertise in branding, he has taken the industry to a new level with his creative and innovative approach.
Ramprasad has demonstrated his leadership skills by leading his team with a clear vision that inspires creativity and fosters innovation. He has been instrumental in driving the success of his team and has created a culture that values creativity and excellence. He believes in setting high standards and working towards achieving them. His team looks up to him for guidance and support, and he has always been there for them.
One of Ramprasad's greatest strengths is his ability to think outside the box. He approaches branding challenges with a fresh perspective, and his ideas are always original and innovative. He is not afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of traditional branding practices. His creativity has helped his clients to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impact in their respective markets.
Ramprasad's approach to branding is holistic. He understands that branding is not just about designing a logo or creating a tagline. It is about creating an emotional connection between the brand and its customers. He works closely with his clients to understand their values, goals, and target audience. Based on this understanding, he creates branding strategies that are tailored to the client's unique needs.
Ramprasad has a keen eye for detail and a passion for perfection. He ensures that every aspect of the branding process is executed flawlessly. From the design of the logo to the messaging on the website, he ensures that everything is aligned with the client's brand identity.
In conclusion, Ramprasad Raju CN is an experienced branding expert who has taken the industry to a new level with his creativity and innovative approach. His leadership skills have helped his team to excel, and his holistic approach to branding has helped his clients to create a lasting impact in their respective markets. With his vast knowledge and expertise, Ramprasad is an invaluable asset to any organization looking to enhance its brand identity and reputation.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
Hi, could I please request an au soulmates scenario with Lindbergh from the Revolutionary Army and a human reader?
Warnings: mink x human relationship
Word Count: 920
     “If I increase the output, I should be able to gain greater altitude but the fuel consumption would be greater. If I increased the-” “Darling, you’re projecting your thoughts again.” you ‘said’ to your soulmate,smiling and shaking your head. This was a frequent thing ever since you started hearing his voice in your head.
     “Was I? My apologies, dearest. I must have gotten a little carried away with my latest invention. I figured out a way to-” “Darling! You know I love your inventions, uh… sort of, but you also know I don’t understand a lick of it. I’m smart, but I’m not the inventor you are.” you said, interrupting him again. You heard a small laugh from his end as his thoughts quieted for a moment.
     “One of these days I’d like to show it to you. Maybe I could take you up into the air with me. If you’d like that is.” he said. You could practically feel him smiling, even if you couldn’t see it. Oh how you longed to see his smile, his adorable whiskers twitching as he looked at you with love. 
     “I’d like that, though perhaps not too high, not yet. Though first we have to find each other.” you said with a wistful sigh. 
     “You know you can always join the cause. We’d be happy to have you.” he offered, making you sigh again.
     “I’m not a fighter, darling. I’m not a cook or a doctor, I run a small market stall, something I doubt is much use to the revolutionaries. How would I even get there anyway? I don’t have the money to set sail and I don’t want to go giving away the secret headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.” you said sadly, wishing you could be with him. Though your longing was kind of a given considering he was your soulmate. You believed in the Revolutionary Army’s cause, believed in freedom and stopping the rule of the World Nobles, but what could you actually do? You didn’t have the necessary skills to actually do anything.
     “But you have dedication, you believe in what we’re doing, I know you’d be a great addition. There are other jobs that don’t require fighting or medical knowledge. Who do you think runs messages across headquarters when the commanders are too busy? Or keeps track of finances? Sorts, organizes, and files all of the official documents? We steal some things from tyrants and marines, yes. But we still buy things from merchants. Someone who knows how to handle these situations would be invaluable.” he offered. His encouragement always made you smile, he believed in you, believed you could do good even if you couldn’t directly help them. That being said… you were scared. You didn’t want to admit it to him, but you were afraid of joining the revolutionaries, scared of leaving behind everything you’d ever known, your hometown, family and friends. Looking down at the piece of paper, you swallowed hard. How many times had you written and rewritten this letter? Something to explain why you’d left, why you were doing what you were doing. Yet too afraid to actually leave. Setting the paper down, you picked up another. It was covered in various numbers and mathematics, some of which you barely understood, but after listening to Lindbergh go on about his inventions, you’d started looking into things, calculating what it would take to produce the desired effects in his gadgets, research all done for him, working around the clock solely for him. 
     “M-maybe… maybe you could use someone… Someone to help with research for your inventions?” you asked timidly, trying not to hold the paper too tightly for fear of ruining all your hard work.
     “A research assistant? It would probably save me a lot of time if someone were to help me with the research. I think it’s a fantastic idea. Are you ready to take that step?” he asked, his words just making you more nervous. Were you ready for that step? Ready to leave everything behind just to follow him? Well, maybe not just to follow him, but it would be your primary reason for leaving. Part of you was, you’d already packed quite a bit of your things into boxes, put bags together so you could leave, but as always, the fear kept you firmly rooted to your hometown. 
     “Darling… Lindbergh,” you said, quickly catching his attention. You rarely ever used his actual name, preferring the endearments that the two of you shared, “I’m… I’m scared.” you admitted, a few tears gathering in your eyes. You felt so vulnerable right now, telling him why you held back, hoping that he wouldn’t think poorly of you for it. Things were quiet for a moment, making you panic more and more.
     “We all are, my dearest. But I’ll keep you from harm, I’ll be there with you, you won’t be alone, I promise.” he reassured. You couldn’t help but fall to your knees as a sob escaped your lips, “Y/n?! Are you alright?” Lindbergh asked, able to sense your distress through your link.
     “I… I want to… I want to go with you. I’m so scared but I want to be by your side.” you sobbed over the mental link.
     “I’ll be there as soon as I can, I promise.” he said, smiling to himself. You were still terrified, terrified of what might happen, but you were more scared of not being with him, of staying separated from him.
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