#look how they massacred my boy!!!
This is a rant about "The Boys" comics parody version of Billy Batson/Shazam!
TW: Ranting, swearing, "The Boys" comics, and mention of S/A
You guys know about "The Boys" comics and how they did a side story of a fake Billy Batson where they made him a r*pist. WHAT THE FUCK!!!! You're telling me they made a kid into one of the most disgusting kinds of people in the world when he could have an incredibly unique perspective of the universe in "The Boys"!
I know the comics are meant to show the evil side of superheroes but that can be done in infinitely better ways! Like showing how Vought would react to a potentially powerful child supe, showing how the people closest to supes change in response to the powers, showing how complex figuring out new powers are (especially as a child), showing how power can turn the most innocent people in society evil, showing how others might seek to control or manipulate the child, showing how the child may unintentionally cause harm to themselves or others due to a lack of understanding of the consequences, showing him idealizing superheroes and finding out the truth in his adult form, showing ect…
Literally anything else would have been better but the writers decided they wanted a cheap shocking side story! If they do add Billy into the tv show then they better change the story or not add him at all because I will not stand for this bullshit!
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durindaina · 11 months
i’m rewatching the magicians and on season 2 episode 12 “ramifications” quentin asks “what’s more important than a life?” to which mayakovsky answers “you talk like life means something” and quentin says “if it doesn’t, then what’s the point? this is what magic is for” and quite honestly i’m about to start biting
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lilimravengard · 6 months
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elitisim · 7 months
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Ebonix- Deji Locs
All credits goes to@ebonixsims! Original here!
Hair for For Teen ➜ Elder Males
27.5K Poly
2048x texture
Under Hats, 1 channel
Fully recolorable rubber bands at the top and end of each loc
Texture: Ebonix
Custom Thumbnail
includes all LODS and is disabled for random
The rubber bands on the end of the hair cast weird shadows on the face in CAS but they're fine in game.
Larger Pics and color channel breakdown under the cut
tagging: @pis3update, @sssvitlanz, @kpccfinds
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le-pokerus · 8 months
I think one of the worst parts of moving from 2D pixel sprites to 3D models is turning
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Into this
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This is outrageous, it's unfair
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mxflora · 1 month
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wasn't gonna drink tonight but man im missing brellie ben & klaus like a mf
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amandamadeathing · 4 months
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A meme many of us can agree upon.
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billyrussoapologist · 4 months
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I need everyone involved in these “renovations” in jail immediately
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dinoserious · 1 year
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raging bolt get behind me
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myststone · 2 years
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yomi-art · 1 month
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hello chat i need to stretch my wrist
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manu444 · 2 months
The twinkification of Tim Wright is wild because they really went "this character is great and all but he would be even better if we made him skinny, blonde, blue eyed, gave him an anime guy haircut and the personality of a brick"
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berlingotesque · 26 days
After Norman...They got Sammy...We lost the war...(Yes his design leaked too idk how)
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Was on vacation. Took a break from Tumblr. Came back. Checked my asks. Read this. Saw HIM. What the fuck.
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Let's Talk About How Book 3 Ruined Aang
If you've seen any of my prior ATLA posts, you know that I don't hate Aang. In fact, I quite liked him in Books 1 and 2. He was flawed, as all characters should be, but the show didn't shy away from those flaws or justify them. He was called out for burning Katara and rushing his firebending, Sokka and Katara were rightfully upset when he hid Hakoda's letter, he willingly owns up to the fact that his actions helped drive Toph away, and his entire arc after losing Appa and finding hope again in The Serpent's Path was beautifully done.
(Hell, even in The Great Divide Katara says what Aang did was wrong and he agrees. It's played for comedy, but the show still makes the effort to point out that what he did wasn't the right thing to do. You're just meant to understand that he was fed up and acted off of that)
Those flaws and mistakes were addressed and improved upon and helped Aang to grow as a character.
But for some reason, that aspect of Aang's character was completely flipped in Book 3.
The best examples of this are in both TDBS and EIP. Both the show and the fandom are too quick to brush off that Aang kissed Katara twice without her consent, one of which after she explicitly said she was confused about her feelings.
(And yes, she is angry in response and Aang calls himself an idiot. But after this, it isn't really addressed. They go on like nothing happened for the rest of the episode. Aang's lamentation comes from screwing things up with her romantically, not that he violated boundaries)
The show never really addressed why what he did was wrong. Not only because he wasn't given consent, but also because both times he isn't thinking about what Katara wants. In both instances, Aang is only thinking about himself and his feelings. This is something that persists through a lot of the third book. And by Sozin's Comet it ultimately ruins any character development he had built up in the second book.
One thing I feel was completely disregarded was the concept of having to let go of Katara in order to master the Avatar State.
For me, the implication wasn't that he had to give up love or happiness necessarily. He was emotionally attached to and reliant on Katara, to the point where she was needed to stop him from hurting everyone around him and himself. This is obviously detrimental to his functionality as the Avatar. And the point of him "letting her go" wasn't that he had to stop caring about her, it was that his emotional dependency on her was stopping him from being the Avatar he needed to be and that was what needed to be fixed. I don't even think it's about the Avatar State itself, it's about being able to keep your emotions and duty as the Avatar separate.
(If you look at Roku, he loved and had a wife. It wasn't his love for her that messed everything up, it was his attachment to Sozin. He wasn't able to let Sozin go and not only did he lose his life for it, the world suffered for it. It's the unhealthy attachments that seem to be detrimental, not love itself)
And Aang realizes that in the catacombs, which is how he's able to easily enter the Avatar State and seemingly control it. He let Katara go.
So then why does it seem like his attachment to Katara is not only stronger, but worse in mannerism? He liked Katara in Books 1 and 2- obviously- but he was never overly jealous of Jet or Haru. He only makes one harmless comment in Book 2 when Sokka suggests Katara kiss Jet.
But suddenly he's insanely jealous of Zuko (to the point of getting frustrated with Katara over it), off the basis of the actions of actors in a clearly misrepresentative play. Katara showed a lot more interest in Jet and Aang was completely fine with it.
(Speaking of EIP, Aang's reaction to being played by a woman was interesting. He wore a flower crown in The Cave of Two Lovers. He wove Katara a flower necklace. He wore Kyoshi's clothes and makeup and made a funny girl voice. He willingly responded to Twinkle Toes and had no issue being called that. And for some reason he's genuinely upset about being played by a woman? Aang in Books 1 and 2 would have laughed and enjoyed the show like Toph did. His aversion to feminity felt vastly out of character)
I guess my point is, why did that change? Why was Aang letting go of Katara suddenly irrelevant to the Avatar State? It felt like him letting go was supposed to be a major part of his development. Why did that stop?
Myself and many others have talked about The Southern Raiders. The jist of my thought process about it is his assumption that he knew what was best for Katara. And the episode doesn't really call out why he was wrong. Maybe sparing Yon Rha was better for Katara, maybe it wasn't (the only one who's allowed to make that choice is her). Pushing forgiveness? That was wrong. But the episode has Zuko say that Aang was right when the course of action Katara took wasn't what Aang suggested.
Katara's lesson here was that killing him wouldn't bring back her mother or mend the pain she was going through and that Yon Rha wasn't worth the effort. That's what she realizes. Not that she needed to embrace forgiveness. How could she ever forgive that? The episode saying Aang was right wasn't true. Yes she forgives Zuko, but that wasn't what Aang was talking about. He was specifically talking about Yon Rha.
And that was wrong. Aang can choose the path of forgiveness, that's fine. That's his choice. But dismissing Katara's trauma in favor of his morals and upbringing wasn't okay.
I know it sounds like this is just bashing Kataang. But it's not simply because I don't like Kataang, in my opinion it brings down Aang's character too, not just Katara's. But let's steer away from Kataang and Katara for a minute.
The one thing that solidifies Aang's character being ruined in Book 3 for me is the fact that he- at the end of the story- does the same thing he did in the beginning.
He runs away when things get hard.
Aang couldn't make the choice between his duty and his morals. So he ran. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but subconsciously he wanted an out. And this is really disappointing when one of the things he was firm about in Book 2 was not running anymore. His character went backwards here and that's not even getting into the real issue in Sozin's Comet.
There's been contention about the Lion Turtle intervention. For many- including myself- it's very deus ex machina to save Aang from having to make a hard decision. And that in turn doesn't reflect kindly on his character.
Everyone- Sokka, Zuko, Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen (who was another Airbender and was raised with the same beliefs he was and would understand which was the whole point of him talking to her)- told him he had to kill Ozai. They all told him it was the only way. And he refused to listen to any of them, rotating through his past lives until he was given the answer he wanted.
And before anyone says that I'm bashing Aang for following his culture, I'm not. Ending the war peacefully, in my opinion, wasn't the problem. In a way, I think it allowed the world to heal properly. However, that doesn't make up for the fact that Aang refused to make a choice and face the consequences of that choice. Instead, he's given an out at the very last second.
Even if he couldn't kill Ozai and someone else had to deliver the final blow, that would have been better than the Lion Turtle showing up and giving him a power no one's ever had before. It would have been a good compromise, he doesn't have to have blood directly on his hands but what needs to be done needs to still get done. It would also show that being the Avatar isn't a burden he has to bear alone. That when things get hard, he can't run away but he can rely on the people closest to him to help him through hard decisions.
All these issues aren't necessarily a problem with Aang. Aang prior to Book 3 didn't have most of these problems. This is a problem with the way he was handled
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noirtek · 5 months
still SOOO mad they didn’t make hoffman’s scar more gnarly. the fact that he was so calm and unshaken stitching it was bad enough but the way they just made it into this pearly pink line of scar tissue? infuriating. he has no medical knowledge or skill that thing would warp his face grotesquely. where’s the infection. where’s the scene cut of him squeezing pus from the wound. they put so much emphasis on him being formerly handsome in the script where’s the hideous barely healed wound marring his beauty
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i-amusemyself · 4 months
me: peer review is an essential part of the scientific process and helps maintain trust in and integrity of the research we publish
also me, the second anyone suggests an edit to my work:
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