#look i posted sims again technically!!!!!!
stinkrascal · 10 months
that counts as posting straud even though its still bg3 content but like it totally counts okay. so anon dont yell at me
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potential-fate · 8 months
I have accepted my fate and scheduled an appointment with a repair shop tomorrow to see what the fuck is causing my computer to not boot unless it's in safe mode :)))))
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victorluvsalice · 2 months
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I said I might do this in the tags on the first post of last week's Chill Valicer Save update -- here's the full-sized images from the in-game photoshoot I had my trio do right before said update so I'd have at least one shot of them in the correct order and wearing the correct clothes for my "OT3 Math" Valicertine's Day post. And then I ended up using all three anyway because I couldn't decide which one I liked best. XD Did I really need to do this for a single silly tumblr post about how much I love my Valicer OT3? No. Am I glad I did it anyway? Yes. XD
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writeouswriter · 11 months
I should go back to my roots (start reading Sims 2 fanfiction again)
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clownsuu · 1 year
*looks to left, sees a bunch of different DJ MM* *looks to the right, sees a bunch of different Howdy* I'm guessing that when you really like a character you make different versions of them?
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I mean technically-? Though for Dj all of the other Djs are their own character that don’t even associate with him in the slightest- they kinda are their own thing smhhh
Everyone enjoys making alternative versions of characters they enjoy, like this new crack au I made on a complete whim (the “shiddy dating sim” au) JSHDHDJSJSJ-
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Before u say anything- no this is not inspired by DDLC JDHCHDH- instead inspired by the c l a s s i c s such as “Kusoge” and “Hatoful boyfriend”
why did I make this-? I dunno JDHDDHDJ probably won’t draw anything else from this again LMAO just a lil crack post
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mrszeoxin · 6 months
A Date with Death
This is a game I found on TikTok through the developer of the game. I was very intrigued because it has a fully customizable MC both physically and with names and pronouns which I thought was really cool. You can also customize MCs room, and the game is free to play! There were also some other fun aspects about the game they posted on TikTok that really interested me. Of course I originally saw videos about the game months ago before it came out, but luckily I did see the post from the developer when it came out a few days ago and I couldn’t wait to play.
About the Boy
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In this game you romance a grim reaper who’s after you (technically your soul, but still). And although he is smart, confident, and a literal vessel for death, he is also absolutely adorable! He’s not very knowledgeable about humans, can be easily flustered, and is super fun to tease!
Truly such a cutie!
So he’s a classic long while hair, red eyes anime boy and we love to see it. It’s not my ideal type, but he is in fact adorable, and has a great outfit so I can’t complain. I love how many facial expressions they give him, often I feel like visual novels don’t change them enough so it was really refreshing to see.
I really liked his character! He really is babygirl.
First Run
My first try I went in and tried to only do the non-DLC responses (I bought the DLC so I had some extra options) since I wanted to see what the free versions were like. It was soooo fun!!! I was kicking my feet and giggling so much! I got Ending 3 my first time for reference. I don’t want to spoil too much, but oml it’s such a fun and cute game! You should definitely check it out especially because it is free, so what is there to loose!
Definitely super fun if you enjoy sarcasm, witty banter, teasing, and being a bit of a brat. I loved it so much! It took me about 4 hours to play it once through.
Second Run
This time I used the DLC choices, and it was super fun. It just adds more fun ways to tease him in addition to an extra ending which I got (Ending 4).
Very fun! I recommend getting it if you can afford it and want to support the developers! But also I think you can have a lot of fun just playing the free endings too.
Third Run
I originally planned on playing for a third time after posting my thoughts on here, but I was so excited that I caved and played again immediately because after looking at the achievements I realized my first time playing I was right between two endings, so I had to get Ending 5. So I played using my first run answers, changed a one on day 6 and got Ending 5! It was so cute! I love this game!!!
Overall Thoughts
I loved this game. It’s pretty fast for a dating sim/visual novel, but the pacing is really good. It has 17 achievements for you to unlock, and 5 possible endings(?). So far I’ve done 3 endings, and 14 achievements. I definitely would play it again sometime! The only endings I didn’t do are the mini bad ending (no CG), and the real bad end (CG), because I don’t like playing bad endings. These two ending would give you another two achievements, and the last achievement is also easy to get but it made me sad so I didn’t. I know I’m being pretty vague, because I like to avoid spoilers, but especially because this game literally came out like 4 days ago I really want to keep what happens a surprise.
But it was so fun. It really feels like your choices matter because things you say affect things you can or can’t say later, it’s way more dynamic than any other otome game. I really loved that about the game, because it really feels like you’re there and what you say and do matter.
It’s literally free to play on Steam and I really can’t recommend it enough! Especially if you like cute flustered guys and lots of flirting and teasing you will for sure love this game! I loved it so much and genuinely it made me laugh and smile so much!
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 2
In this part the couple work together to get the file from the sheriff, Reece learns how bad the attacks were, then the couple unwind at the romance festival.
I changed my limit of pic collages per story post to 20 a while ago but I felt like I wrote a lot here. I did math and it's 52% longer than part 1 so... grab that snack, grab that coffee, it will probably take a few extra minutes to read so may as well be comfy.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice, mentions of death and violence
Reece: You’re so damn precise, I love it
Samir: Sometimes, like when we’re together, I have to be. Safety first. Other times, well…
Samir pulls out a knife and begins swinging at the block, causing Reece to wobble in his tree pose.
Reece: *shocked* The hell are you doing???
Samir: If they didn’t want me to use a knife for woodworking, why would they include one with the table. There, one horse sculpture done
Reece: *quizzically* Are you… starting another one?
Samir: We have to earn money somehow. But go back to your brainwave
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Reece: My brainwave?
Samir: I know you. If you were thinking about the sheriff then you were bound to come up with a brainwave
Reece: I was thinking, the file on your parents deaths has to have a hard copy in records. Do you know where they’re kept?
Samir: The station is technically a small office above the library, so they’ve got to be kept nearby but not inside
Reece: I was thinking I'll go and talk to Sheriff Captain about the deed stuff while you go have a look for the file. Then we, you know, run away
Samir: I don’t like the idea of using you as a distraction
Reece: I’ll have you know I am very distracting, it’s a quality I have. Besides, I don't think you'd be able to have a conversation with that jerk. Unless it was a see who blinks first contest
Samir: *snorts* Well if Captain seemed to think you were a responsible person, we may as well take advantage
Reece: Okay just... let me take a cold shower first. Hearing you work there gave me... some kind of feelings
Samir: *smirks* Alright but no cheating. Remember, good boys follow the rules
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The two head to the renovated mill which now serves as the Recreation centre for the town. Before heading in Samir grabs hold of Reece’s wrist, and twists him so they’re face to face.
Reece: Are you all right? There doesn’t seem to be too many people around
Samir: It’s not… I mean people are difficult but… I wanted to say, whether we pull this off or not, it means the world to me that you want to help
Reece: Of course I want to help, I love you
Samir: And I love you. Have I told you that today?
Reece: Yes, but that doesn’t mean I object to hearing it again
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Samir: 🎵I… Love… You🎶
Reece: Well be still my beating heart
Samir: I’m so proud of you for coming up with this idea
Reece: It wasn’t that tough, I just… you know… thought it up
Samir: It still came from your brain blondie. You're a genius
Reece: We should get inside before I turn red, or the sheriff hears your singing and figures out what we’re doing
Samir: You go first, then I get the best view. One damn fine backside
Reece: Just admit you want me to fail at not getting off. You’re so- oh hey look, laundry machines!
Samir: Good. You always get your clothes dirty
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Reece: It’s not like I get them dirty by myself. Is it this way
Samir: Should be. Nothing else has changed here
Reece: That’s one big sign. Hey *laughs* do you get the feeling he’s compensating for something?
Samir: Please don’t suggest that to him
Reece: Don’t worry boss. I’m going to distract him, you’re going to find the file, and we’re going to meet back home after, no problems. You should be able to pick it from first page stuff without having to read the details
Samir: *sighs* We can do this?
Reece: We can do this
Captain: Oh, it’s you again
Reece: Yes sir, I’m Reece
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Samir timed the closing of the records room door for when Reece shut the office door. The records room was larger that he thought but didn’t appear to be too disorganised. Now, if he was a cop who thought murders were bear attacks, where would he put the file?
Captain: I hope you didn’t think I was out of line this morning. As sheriff I'm supposed to... extend courtesy to the citizens here
Reece: Seemed to me like you were just making sure no one was damaging the property, for which me and my boyfriend are extremely grateful
Captain: Did you bring a copy of the deed? To prove you have a right to be there?
Reece: Did I- why yes, I did, hold on a second
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Bear attacks would fall under the umbrella of animal attacks. But there was nothing labelled animal attacks. Instead from what he could see every case of an animal attack that the town had had was kept separate from one another. His parents were the only fatalities though. Most others just had people losing consciousness and being unable to say what happened.
Captain: I’m glad to see you’re true to your word
Reece: So is my boyfriend
Captain: *scoffs* he doesn’t seem to say very much
Reece: He doesn't need to. Besides, he’s had a hard life, remember
Captain: Right. Watcher I’ll never forget that scene, I can’t believe they managed to clean it all up to try put the place on the market. I would have just torn the whole thing down
Reece: It was… really bad then?
Captain: I had seen dead things before, growing up near the woods you do. But I hadn’t tossed my stomach like that before, nothing prepares you to see bodies like that for the first time
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Reece: You said there were urban legends...
Captain: Sure. Go anyplace and you're bound to hear about one house where things went sideways, people got hurt, and rumours say you won't survive a trip inside. It so happens your house is that place in Moonwood Mill. The deaths... but that’s just memories now. Good luck renovating and selling the house
Reece: Oh, we’re not selling it
Captain: You’re... not selling it?
Reece: No. We’re going to make a home there
Captain: You mean *scoffs*… you two will be sticking around?
Reece: *carefully* Yes, Samir and I are both big nature fans. The woods here are lovely
Captain: They are but *sighs* nevermind kid. Look, you proved you can be in the house, I have work to do here. You should... you should leave now
Reece turns to go when he hears the sheriff clear his throat.
Captain: I hope you and your boyfriend aren’t doing anything too… intimate. Because if you are getting up to stuff when you’re still a teen, he will be held responsible in the eyes of the law. We take protection of minors seriously here
Reece struggles not to swing for him. How dare he talk about looking after minors when he'd been so insensitve to Samir, who was only 5 when it all happened. He took a deep breath, and chose his next words carefully
Reece: He is a teen himself Sheriff, and I turn 18 tomorrow... but thank you for your concern you... clearly take your job seriously
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Back at home...
Samir: I found the file. It was labelled so I didn't have to look in it. Were you okay
Reece: Piece of cake. Apart from it seeming like he would be a lot happier if we left town
Samir: What did he say
Reece: When he implied we needed to sell the house or when he implied he would arrest you if we had woohoo
Samir: Jerk. Almost makes me want to bend you over the table just to spite him
Reece: I mean you could and I would endorse such action
Samir looks sternly at Reece.
Reece: *sighs deeply* But I can't get off until my birthday, I know
Samir pulls Reece close and kisses him on the forehead before the two turn their attention back to the file in front of them.
Reece: Okay, you ready
Samir: Yeah just... maybe read in your head... please
Reece: You take care of me, I take care of you
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Report of first officer on scene: Sheriff Giles. The station had a call mid-morning from a woman out on a run. She said she saw the door at the Hadji house was knocked in. She told me she approached the property but got a "weird feeling" so decided to call me instead of heading inside. I left Deputy Greenway manning the station and I went over there. I sent her on her way and approached the house. The door was completely detached and the doorframe was splintered. The smell hit you before you could even see inside the house, it's a good thing the woman didn't get closer. My late father used to hunt the wild boar in the area. He would drain the carcass of blood in our backyard before cutting up his kill, the smell put me back there.
Reece: Okay this bit is just saying a Sheriff Giles was first on scene
Samir nods, indicating Reece should keep reading to himself.
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Upon entering the property it was clear that there were the remains of two bodies amongst the wreckage, most likely the property owners Othman and Nadia Hadji. Around the body I assumed to be Nadia were chunks of flesh leaving gaping wounds in her back, enough gone to see bone. I'm sorry to say Othman was in several pieces, and the blood pools around him appeared to have been walked through. However it had likely been some hours since the attack, and alongside the main tracks were small tracks, most likely from investigating animals. The larger tracks weren't clear enough to place. Most of the household furniture in that main area had been broken and touched by blood spatter. I looked up and there was even some on the roof, figured whatever did it got mad. I called in to the station then to alert my Greenway to the situation. I told him I would require camera equipment first off, and that he should bring the town doctor with him because we had bodies to process. Poor bloke was silent for the longest time, probably figured all he’d be doing in a small town like this would be parking tickets.
Reece: *softly* Samir... I didn't know
Samir: *clears throat* anything strange yet
Reece: Seems like the sheriff then thought Greenway was not cut out for something like this
Samir: He had kind eyes that sheriff. Giles I think he said he was
Reece: You're right, that's what it says
Reece gave Samir’s hand a reassuring squeeze and carried on reading.
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Once the lads arrived, I set about taking photos of everything I could. The doctor wondered about Samir but whatever did this likely dragged him off, the boy was tiny and would be easy prey for something that took down his parents. I figured if anything needed following up on, we should have original pictures. Sure the scene had clearly been contaminated by wildlife, but the higher powers would want evidence. I had moved on from photos of the bodies and was photographing the door, well what was left of the door, when the doctor said the strangest thing. He said the young Hadji boy was under his mother, and that he had a pulse? I had hoped that if Samir wasn't dead then at least he wasn't in the house when the attack occurred. No such luck. Together, the doctor and I, we shifted Nadia’s body as carefully as we could. Under her it was clear Samir had been torn, the doctor said it looked like the same kind of marks that were on his parents. It was a miracle he was still alive, I know not all the blood was his but those cuts on his chest looked deep, I was sure he didn't have long.
Reece: Your mother… you were stuck under her
Samir: I mean… I can’t remember much of that, I think I’d been in and out of consciousness for too long to take stock of anything *sighs* has it mentioned Greenway again
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Reece: Yeah, down here, hold on
I called out to Greenway who had been tasked with taking pictures of the outside damage and setting up a cordon. The doctor said we had to get the boy to a hospital, that the local clinic might not be enough. I instructed Greenway to call for a helicopter but upon entering the house and seeing the bloodied boy squirming he… contaminated the scene. The helicopter arrived and I helped the doctor carry Samir, who was now crying and trying to push off the material stopping the bleeding. When he was off safe I had Greenway inform the local social worker while I continued cataloguing evidence alone. He contaminated the scene once, I wasn't about to let him lose his insides again. Still can't get the boys wild eyes out of my head though, that poor kid's all alone now.
Reece: This bit makes it sound like… you nearly died
Samir: *shrugs* That’s true. They said…
Reece waits patiently while Samir gets his words sorted in his head
Samir: They said ommi’s weight on my chest stemmed the blood enough to stop me bleeding out. It’s... not exactly the best pillow talk you know
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Reece: I’m so sorry
Samir: *sniffs* Is there anything else in there
Reece: Yeah umm... Coroner’s reports, photocopies of pictures that I do not want to look at right now. Here we go, sheriff’s concluding statement. I guess that's kind of like an inquest
I have talked to the doctor and the local rangers. It seems clear to us that no man committed this crime. The violence was too severe, and too random, to have thought behind it. Doctor determined the victims suffered claw and bite marks, had to be a large predator. I inquired if the damage could have been done with tools, a butcher knife or scythe or something, watcher knows there are enough amateur hunters in the area. Doctor could see no evidence to support the conclusion that instruments were used though. With that knowledge I have determined the most likely culprit was a rogue bear, no other predators would have the strength to smash the door in such a fashion. I know the rangers doubt a bear would wander inside a house but agree bears can hunt down prey. This time the prey was just our citizens. Greenway is keen to support this conclusion, saying he had seen bear attacks like this before-
Reece: Wait, that’s not right
Samir: What isn’t?
Reece: When I was in distracting Captain... he said he’d never seen anything like that crime scene before
Samir: Yeah. That's what he said when I reminded him he vomited
Reece: But in here it says he told the old sheriff he had seen bear attacks that looked the same
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Samir: *sighs* Thank the watcher for you blondie, I knew you’d find something. I know sheriff Giles thought it couldn’t have been a person but it must have been. I mean I can't imagine Greenway lying to protect a rogue bear
Reece closes the file, putting it back on the table. He hold Samir's hand, tracing patterns on the back with his other.
Reece: I just wish I could go back and comfort you. Samir you must have been so scared
Samir holds Reece's hand to his mouth and kisses it softly.
Samir: Pretty sure I wouldn’t have been in the mood to humour a talkative 3 year old, even one as cute as you
He puts his arm around Reece who snuggles closer.
Reece: You knows what I mean. I’m so glad you survived it
Samir smiles, kissing Reece on the forehead again.
Samir: Yeah, I’m pretty glad I survived it too. Now, good boys that find leads deserve rewards
Reece: So you’ll let us-
Samir: Go to the romance festival
Reece: *pouts* well that’s a good second option I guess
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Reece: This tea tastes good
Samir: What’s in it
Reece: I don’t really know. It can’t have any alcohol since it’s a free for all
While Reece continues to speculate what might make the drinks, and themselves, glow Samir took a moment to relax. The past would be solved eventually, tonight he just wanted to be in the moment with the guy he loved. When Reece declared his intention of raiding the gardens for their own stock Samir took the opportunity to approach the romance guru. He didn't believe much in superstitions and fortune tellers but when in Rome.
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After the guru assured him the future was bright Samir approached Reece’s mum who was here selling some of her lower level work.
Samir: *clears throat* Reece’s birthday?
Kayleigh: Don’t worry. Harvey and I figured you two will probably want your space tomorrow, I promise you won’t get swarmed by every Foster in the save
Samir: *chuckles* thanks. Umm… Monday... not busy... if you…
Kayleigh: Say no more, we will be there! Will we get to meet your mum and brother
Samir: Umm… crowds are…
Kayleigh: I understand, Keira is just the same. But Harvey and I would love to meet them sometime if you can arrange it, since the two of you are living together and all
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Reece: What were you talking to mum about
Samir: Oh I said she and your family should come over on Monday
Reece: You? Inviting people over? People plural?
Samir: I know your family are close and I don’t want that to stop just because I can only tolerate people in small doses
Reece: Except me
Samir: Except you. I gladly have you in large doses
Reece: *gleefully* What a concidence, I enjoy your large doses
Samir: *smirks* Do you now?
Samir brushes Reece's hair behind his ear and leans in to whisper.
Samir: Imagine, a pretty blonde piece like you enjoying my "doses"... in you... on your-
Reece: *playfully* Excuse me Mr Hadji but that talk sounds rather forward and I’m under strict instructions not to get off until my birthday so unless you want me to fail you’ll need to dial it back
Samir moves back smiling proudly.
Samir: *chuckles* Good boy, you pass even if you are flushed, but I do love that colour on you. Let’s go get some food
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Samir orders food for them, barely taking his eyes off Reece. When they sit down Samir begins to dig in happily before noticing that Reece is letting out sighs of frustration. Normally he enjoys those sounds, but that's when he's the cause of them.
Samir: Blondie, what are you doing
Reece: It’s these wooden things! How does anyone eat with them
Samir: The chopsticks? Relax, you’re a genius, you’ll figure it out
Reece: Charlie and Kaori make it look so easy!
Samir: Are you-
Reece: Yes! I’m stabbing the food to make it cooperate
Samir watches Reece as he attacks his food, and smiles. He's got most of the morning planned already but he does like running it over in his head to make sure he's thought of every variable.
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The pair arrive home still glowing, but before they can sleep Samir has a gift.
Samir: I know there were a bunch of flowers at the festival, and many of them are more symbolic of love but… yellow is your favourite colour so I wanted to get you a chrysanthemum
Reece: Aww, I love it. I’m afraid I just got you the traditional rose
Samir: Hey blondie, I’ll happily take anything you give me
Reece: *giggles* normally I’m the one saying that
Samir: *chuckles* okay Mr smut for brains, time to go to sleep before you wind your self up
Reece: Do we have to boss?
Samir: Trust me, you are going to need your energy for tomorrow
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crownsofesha · 6 months
Top Post of Each Month of 2023
(I used tumblr top ten to find out which when the top post of each month)
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This was just a really simple post, in my old editing style as well, apart of a short series of portiture introducing the Holmes. Cousins of Anne through Jane. Not my favorite of the month, but still cute. Other parts of the month in general was just some story posts.
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I love this post a lot, it marks the beginning of a collab that will come out in the next arc. I thought it would have come out sooner, but I ride the waves of motivation. The picture itself was one of my favorites with that editing styles, and still is. February saw one of my favorite posts, featuring Jane and their kids (including Anne).
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And so begins my recent editing style. I love it so much. This post as well. And I was able to come out with the part two to this lookbook in this year, thats a win for me. The post itself really helped me establish more cultural things about the people of Esha and their connection to plants and colors. In March I made my first and probably only guide on Russian Titles and the first part of the "What Once Was, Will Never Be." The second part gets to come out wayyyy later.
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My first poll! (I'm pretty sure). I just love dressing Esther up, and wanted a little cinderella moment, but Hildegard really did look way better in the dress (as well as the color chosen for her). This month I only posted 5 seperare posts, and most of it was asks.
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An introduction of three Queens and a Grand Princess through out the history of Esha. (Including one for the future) I introduced a decent amount of future gens this month. I wish the mother's day post from this month got more traction than this. (It had my next two gens featured) I also did a couple of lookbooks.
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I finally had another story post this month and this post for some reason was the most popular of the month, and for the rest of the year until just recently. Its just a picture of a crown! I was so confused when I found out that it was my top post. Don't get me wrong I love the work and worldbuilding I put into the royal collection I made, but it just confuses me why it was so popular. I did a lot of worldbuilding in June.
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This was very fun to do! Also technically a worldbuilding thing for me in the fashion, but the portraits that came out of it are really pretty! I didn't have much going on for this blog during July.
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A lookbook of Arabella's outfits! This was very fun, it got me more interested into what They wear for royal outings and just in general. This month saw another story post (One of my favorites) and the start of the Six Queens storyline!
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This is an Au post where if Anne didn't marry George, Esther would have, for ...reasons :) The month saw the beginning of chapter two of the six queens story and just some of my favorite edits as well. Like some magazines I did for Esha.
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This was the beginning of a series of portraits I did for the modern royals of Catalia. October was also the start of Sima and I creating a second short story other than Six Queens, which will come out after Six Queens has finished. It also saw two of my favorite posts of the Six Queens short story and the end of Six Queens Chapter Two.
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One of my favorite posts of all time, and getting to feature some of my favorite historical sims that are now dead in the present. The month itself was mostly just portraits and answering asks.
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The post that beat the crown! I was so happy with how this came out. This involed more worldbuilding for the country of Chelyabinsk, and me wishing for more Kokoshnik cc. This portrait was used for Tsarina Sofiya's wikipedia post, which I accidently forgot to add her death date, which I will add at a later date and publish again with other wikipedia articles. I want to add more just to hers. The rest of this month was more portraits and a chanukkah post that I planned on having more to it, which I do plan on posting for when its chanukkah in universe (insert crying emoji here) and I got to 200 followers, which was very exciting!
I can't wait to see what happens in the next year for this blog. I have a lot going on in TBS and I can't wait to publish it all. Happy New Years!
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syninplays · 1 year
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Low Poly Accessories - by me (;
Quite a long post but all relevant info is under read more.  / And yeah, it’s awful previews again because I’m mad they don’t look like I wanted ): 
> Some general info: Everything is way under 1k poly, most aren’t even 500 poly. Tried to use small textures but some looked bad so had to use 1k textures instead. Lastly, all of these were made for males - allowed a few for females too but I felt like male sims needed some more love than females just this time 😤 / disclaimer: EA hates accessories so the more items you wear the worst the texture gets, but I’m releasing them anyway for anyone interested :p
>DOWNLOAD< (free on patreon)
> Accessory Belt:
Two versions: First version fits around the sim’s waist and it’s perfect if you’re going for shirtless looks or using tops with 2d textures while LOW fits under tucked-in t-shirts but will look weird if your sim is topless or wearing tops over the waist. / Comes with 2 swatches and both have 2 recolorable channels aka the main belt and the loops that you can fit to the pants’ color. / Both versions are 224 poly & have morphs so *technically* should fit over all pants. (tho a part of it looked off no matter how many times I tried to fix it):
> Necklaces: 
Pearl, Chain (with pendants) & Chain (without pendants) versions - there’s three separate packages for these so you can mix and match all you want / allowed for males and females + have morphs, but they do still clip with certain bulky tops / Somewhat recolorable but not quite, all have several swatches so you can play with different chain styles/pendants. / Chain without pendants + Pearls are 48 poly, Chain with pendants is 69 poly. / swatches for the pendant version can be previewed >here<
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sims4t2bb · 1 month
4 Topics - Broken Link, Item Converted, etc.
1.) Q. The link to item X is broken
 - The link to the item Astro Solar System Light from TS4 Base Game converted by SkittlesSims is broken, or rather, their entire page of content is wiped…I’m not too sure if their page was wrongfully terminated, …possibly hacked? or maybe they have deactivated and a bot has taken over their url. 
I did find the original post archived on other tumblrs and I managed to get to the simfileshare page and download it from there. 
Here is the link below:
RAR Name: SkittlesSims_4t2_OBJAstroSolarSystem.rar (193.9 kB)
2.) Q. Has item X been converted? / mislabeled on accident 
The item ‘Princess Cordelia’s Bathtub’ from TS4 BG was converted by TheNinthWave in the Sims 4 Bathroom Set from October 22, 2019. 
The set includes the following Sims 4 BG items: 
a) ‘Antique Toilet’
b) 'Pure Simplicity Sink’
c) 'Princess Cordelia’s Bathtub’
On accident, your 4t2 Base Game Buy page you have the 'Floral Hygiene Clawfoot’ Tub flagged as converted and have attached the same link for the 'Princess Cordelia’s Bathtub’ to it. 
The two items look practically the same, this was an easy mistake just waiting to happen. 
3.) Q. I installed item X in my game, but it’s broken. Help!
- Unfortunately, after installing TheNinthWave’s 4t2 conversion of the Princess Cordelia’s Bathtub, it has a blue shadow underneath the tub? no. it’s a blue block? maybe, water texture? I’m not too sure what it is. Please correct me if I’m wrong and educate me on the right terminology.
As well as, the Perfectly Simplicity Sink has an 'issue’ with counters, again this is what I saw in my game (this could be different in others) in which the counter shows in the sink.
I have provided the link to the CC by TheNinthWave again for your convenience below:
I do want to mentioned, I promptly messaged TheNinthWave first via Tumblr before messaging you about this. I have not received a response yet, however I only messaged them a few moments ago!!
4.) Optional Read/Answer Q. Are there TS4 Base Game Items not included in your catalog?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are there some items from TS4 Base Game not included/listed on your buy catalog?
For example, this 4t2 conversion by Veranka:
Which includes items such as: 
Honeycomb Bottle Holder
Modernist Paper Towel Dispenser
Positronic Pro-Magnetic Knife Rack
Pro-Quality Knife Block Set
RAW Antique Teapot
Are these items from TS4 Base Game?
I haven’t played since 2018, so my memory is blurry.
Anyways, I hope this is useful and thank you so much for your time and dedication for our community! :)
Take care,
Thank you for your submission! Good catch, the broken link has been fixed and so has the mix-up with the bathtubs. As for the problem with the conversion, we cannot provide technical support, so messaging the creator would be the best option here.
There are indeed some items missing from our Base Game page, as it’s still a work in progress, but we’re happy to say these (and more!) items have finally been added - unfortunately this made the BG page too long and we were forced to separate Decorative items from the rest of Buy Mode. The new page is available here!
Thank you again for your submission!
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theageofsims · 1 year
Sims 4 Legacy Tips & Challenges *I will update this post at some point in the future.
CREATE-A-SIM Each save begins in Create-A-Sim… so make it count, but don't get too caught up in specifics. The less you know going in, the more surprising and engaging it will be. Consider picking life stages, genders, looks, or traits you normally wouldn't use. It may seem like a bad idea to pick things you aren't familiar with, but it also adds a whole lot more to the concept of a 'challenge'.
On another note, if you do pick a life stage and gender you're used to, at least try to give them different traits. If you're really daring, roll the dice in C-A-S or close your eyes and raining point to one before opening them up again.
These things seem easy enough, but only if you begin with the idea that you will change their traits and etc… later on. If you begin with the idea that you will not cheat for any reason at all within your legacy… you might want to think on it for more than a minute or you might want to prepare yourself for what the future will hold…
SEASONS If you don't have Seasons, this won't apply.
If you do have Seasons… where will your legacy begin, and in what season? Some worlds and seasons can create some extreme weather challenges, depending on what time of the year it is -- like your Sims burning or freezing to death as well as crops going dormant in certain seasons.
Consider growing crops inside if there is space available as crops can be a source of food and/or income. If your legacy begins in a 'Rags to Riches' sort of gameplay or a starter-home sort of gameplay then there won't be much funds available for spending on anything and everything at once.
CATS & DOGS If you don't have Cats & Dogs, this won't apply.
If you do have Cats & Dogs… remember that your Sims pets need shelter and food as well… which costs money. With that said, remember that this pack brought traits along to C-A-S. If you chose or ended up with one of its traits, consider creating a pet legacy to increase the challenge. If your legacy starter is a cat lover, then so begins a cat legacy. If your legacy starter is a dog lover, then so begins a dog legacy.
RELATIONSHIPS First comes love, then comes marriage -- but not always. Sometimes love doesn't even exist and neither does the marriage, especially these days.
Some legacy challenges begin with two CAS Sims, but what if they didn't? What if your CAS Sim took a walk (perhaps with their pet?) and experienced a thunderbolt straight to their feels when they laid their eyes on another Sim? It could literally be any Sim out there in the Sim world. A Townie, A Pre-Made, or even an NPC.
If they clash, the challenge will increase, but if they click -- it's a love thing (or lust thing…) and the legacy will continue on its merry little way.
OFFSPRING Consider what could lie ahead… because that too, will also cost money. Of course there won't be a legacy without at least one offspring, but what if the natural way of having offspring brings your Sim twins or triplets? You can have control over adoption, but you can't have control over birth (technically you can if you consider what your pregnant Sim consumes, but if you are blindly playing and not being specific… anything could happen.)
OCCULT Human Sim Legacy Challenges can already be a challenge, but with occults? You might have to put your feet up and relax a little in-between the madness.
Consider their needs (especially with Vampires who will be burned by the sun in a matter of seconds if they haven't got the power that allows them to be in the sunlight) and how they differ from human Sims. Not to focus in on vampires, but they also need to feed on humans for 'plasma' until they read up on the vampire lore (which allows them to purchase plasma packs).
Mermaids need hydration, but they don't seem to die from lack of it because it replaces the 'hygiene' bar. Still, if you want to see them in their true mermaid/merman form outside of a bathtub, they can live in Sulani (Island Living), Henford-on-Bagley (Cottage Living), or Tartosa (My Wedding Story).
Remember that it might not be one occult Sim either. Whether you begin your legacy with an occult or you don't, if your legacy founder creates offspring with an occult chances are their offspring could be an occult.
Usually occults don't begin to show their lifestyle until the the teen life stage so there will be space in-between which will allow a break, but again -- if the offspring arrived in twins or triplets, that's double or triple the challenge when they begin to function as their occult form because they'll all age up at once.
MISC Try not to use a money cheat (use what the game starts you with)
Don't give your Sims a job that is a rabbit hole so there's no chance of promotions and increase in pay as well as bonuses.
If a Sim reaches their end before you're ready, that's just how it goes. If it ends the legacy challenge -- then that's where it was meant to end.
Try to let your game do what it wants for a number of things, allowing your Sims to choose for themselves to help you develop their personalities/stories. For an example, if the first thing they removed from their fridge happened to be bread rolls then perhaps that Sim loves baked goods and aspires to be a baker? Place a musical instrument and see which one of your sims picks it up first or put down an easel to see which Sim begins painting first.
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extralively · 2 months
Yura's first apartment
So. I've recently picked up The Sims 4 again and since I just really enjoy creating houses and stuff, I thought hey, why not create my fic's characters' apartments/houses!
...And I went a little nuts with it lmao. My inner architect really enjoyed herself ok
Anyway, I'll be posting them here for funs and giggles (was this the only reason why I created a tumblr? ........maybe), so as for the first one, let's go take a look at Yura's first apartment after she moved out of the dorms!
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Here it is! And yeah, it's tiny. That's pretty much all she could afford lmao
Do keep in mind I have to follow TS4's grid when building stuff, so her apartment should be just a lil bit bigger towards the right side (or so that's what I envisioned when I was writing the fic). But this is pretty much it, a one-room, one-bathroom tiny apartment that fit Yura's basic needs at the time.
More pics of it after the cut!
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This apartment is where a few notable things happened in the story, the main one being where Satoru and Yura first tested sending emotions through their connection, and Yura had one of her many freak outs over Satoru being attractive.
(Also her bed does have pillows and blankets LMAO I just couldn't find a proper bed that was just a mattress on the floor as hers was)
Also fun fact: When Yura was dating her first boyfriend Katayama, they would occasionally get busy (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in here. And since Satoru loved to pop by unannounced, he did interrupt them more than once by knocking on her door relentlessly. Now, we have also established in the fic that Satoru's Six Eyes can see through walls....... so his interruptions might or might not have been very pointed and intentional (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Also here's the bathroom! Well, technically the bathroom is more of a Japanese unit bath and this is closest I could get to in TS4 lmao. It should look something closer to this:
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Anyway, I had waaay too much fun making this lol. My favorite thing about TS4 is definitely making houses and stuff, and I really enjoyed trying to create all these places based on the mental images I had of them in my head. Also, you bet I already have her second apartment and Satoru's almost done too lmao. They'll be coming up soon!
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olomaya · 9 months
Hi I love your mods! I want to start doing projects and improving my sims 3 game. The first project I want to start is taking all the cc cars I have from fresh prince and give them the features and animations of the fixer upper car so it can be more realistic and sims can actually sit in the cars and then eventually I want to see if I can change the sims 3 cars code and so we can drive in the driveway and exit of the driveway like use the sims 2 car animations. But my question is I know there’s a script mod where someone added the scripts of the fixer upper car to all the base games cars so I have the scripts and stuff and I have that mod downloaded, and I can easily add it to all the cc cars. But where do I begin for animating like where do I start learning how to create pie menu interactions all that like you? You’re a big inspiration for me btw. And If my projects all work out I’ll definitely share it on Mod the sims or my tumblr. I even want to also ask permission from quack games and modify the third permission mod and see if I can make a first person mod from it and have it toggle between both first and third person. Sort of like gta. Thanks again for creating these awesome mods.
Thanks so much for the nice words! 🤗 It's so cool to see people wanting to get into modding for TS3. Your excitement is getting me excited and I love your ideas! First person view driving would be epic!
Having TS2 style cars in TS3 is definitely something I've thought about (and I'm sure a lot of others as well). It's actually on my list of mods I'd like to do but so far down my WIP list so I'm glad to hear that you're going to tackle it. It's a lot of work but it can be done!
As for how to animate cars. There's not a lot of tutorials out there but I learned how to do custom object rigs just from looking at the game files of other animated objects in S3pe and seeing how MLOD files are set up and how they link to mesh parts (groups, vertices, joints, etc). So I would start there. Having basic Milkshape and Blender knowledge will help. Cars are technically already animated objects but of course, not like in TS2 but that also means the amount of custom anims you'd need to do is basically the doors, hood, trunk which are basic X rotation, hinge-like animations so it's not advanced stuff.
Also TS2 has a ton of in-game and cc cars with all the object animations you'd need so I would also export some TS2 car meshes into Milkshape or Blender and look at how they work. There's actually a lot of TS3 cars that cc creators have converted to TS2 that you could just convert back. (I say "just", it'd be a lot of work but it's totally doable!)
MTS has a ton of great tutorials here. Good luck and keep us posted on the project! I need my Vehicle Enthusiasts to actually have something to live for. 😉
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story-island · 1 year
Gorgeous enough to sit on your lap? (Simon Riley X Fem Reader)
A/N: Hey Everyone! My last post blew up and I just wanted to thank all of you who supported, this is technically a second part to "Shots From Above" but you really don't need to read one to get the other. Anyways! Thank you, guys, again, hope you enjoy this one to!
Summary: You and Ghost have grown close, and he asks you to eat with him in his room. Things progress from there!
Warnings: Flirting, Teasing, Mentions of sex, Swearing, Soft Simon.
Word Count: 2.4K
Today started out as a normal day for you on base. You had just gotten back from a mission the night before and you were already training with Ghost. The two of you had become close after being blown up by a helicopter nearly a month ago. Practically attached at the hip you were.
Your feeling for the man had grown in the short period, but Ghost seemed to crave the shared time as much as you did. With neither of you complaining, you became almost exclusive training partners aside from the rest of 141 being thrown in occasionally.
Considering the amount of time you spent together, it didn't come as much of a surprise when you and Ghost began eating meals together. Normally he never came out of his room for food, but recently he has been eating by your side in the mess hall.
This time it was different though, you were dishing up your food, and so was Ghost. You started walking toward your usual spot, but a firm grip stopped you. Spinning to see what Ghost was doing, you felt him gently tugging you in a different direction.
"Hey, aren't we going to eat?" you asked.
"My room" he half growled seeming almost jealous.
"But you don't let anyone in there," you said, wondering why he would let you cross that threshold.
"So? We eat in my room today" he said, softer now that you were walking down an almost empty hallway.
"Why?" you questioned.
"Because" he stated, opening the door to what you could only assume was his room.
"Ok, there Ghosty boy," you said, giving up on getting an answer, and entering his room.
"You're not that dumb, everyone was eying up your tits in that top," he said, shocking you with a response.
"No, I'm not that dumb, but I didn't notice anyone other than you looking" you toyed as you sat on his bed, eating some of your food.
He huffed in response, soon after following you to sit on the bed with his food.
"So, you want me to look away, so you can eat?" You asked between bites.
"No, it's fine bunny," he said, giving you a new nickname.
Assuming he meant it in the dumb bunny sort of way you tried not to let it affect you. That was when you saw him grab for his mask, you tried to be respectful and look away. When you did finally look up to see him, his mask was pulled up to the bridge of his nose.
It was always nice to see his jawline, it was somewhat rare, but it was entrancing. You couldn't help but let your eyes linger a little longer before taking another bite of food. He caught you though, he always did.
"You're staring bunny," he said, turning to look at you.
There it was again, that stupid nickname, you hated how much it really affected you.
"Admiring Ghost, admiring" you corrected.
He smiled a little and let out a small half-laugh.
"Simon . . . My name is Simon."
You almost choked on your food when he spoke. He wanted you to use his real name.
"Simon," you said, it felt foreign on your tongue, not in a bad way though.
Both of you finished up the food fast, it was quiet for a few minutes before Simon got up, and took your tray, placing it on the table next to his bed.
"So, what exactly were you admiring there?" Simon asked, breaking the silence before sitting back down.
His mask was down again, but he still seemed to want an answer.
"You're not that dumb, your jawline would make women kill" you joked, using his words against him.
"Would it make you?" he asked, situating himself so he was incredibly close to you.
You swallowed, suddenly the air felt thicker. Mind blank you looked up to meet Simon's eyes, responding weakly.
Simon just hummed, letting the tension build. He relaxed further away from you, as if deep in thought. It was quiet again, but this time you tried to match his eye contact. You watched as Simon took a deep breath,
"Don't wear that in public again . . . its distracting and I don't like when other people admire what's mine." He said, in a rough voice.
Simon didn't seem demanding, almost giving you an out if you didn't want to be his. You did see his eyes slip lower though, only assuming his eyes went to your boobs.
"If you want the truth, it don't want to anyways" you responded, giving Simon a small confirmation.
He seemed confused at the hint though, so you elaborated.
"I don't want their attention Simon, I want yours."
You barely noticed until it slipped, but you used his real name and it seemed to affect him alongside your confession.
"Good," he said possessively before leaning in closer.
"Does this make us official partners in crime then?" you said with a little giggle to yourself.
"I suppose, but only if I can kiss you," Simon said, adjusting his mask once again.
"If you don't . . ." you started before being cut off.
His lips crashed into yours, and in an instant, you were putty in his hands, the man kissed you like he wanted you for years. Simon finally had you, and he wouldn't let you slip. Even managing to pull a small moan from you before pulling back.
"Your gorgeous love," Simon said, holding your eyes captive as he moved one of his hands to your thigh.
"Gorgeous enough to sit on your lap?"
"Of fucking course!" Simon said, like a kid in a candy store.
Moving to straddle Simon's waist you made yourself comfortable on the massive man. His back was against some pillows and his headboard, so it gave you easy access to anything you wanted. It didn't take more than a few seconds though for his hands to snake up to your waist and butt.
Leaning in you kissed him this time, he was still just as demanding as the first one, but more fueled with passion this time around. Simon was a dominant force but fuck it if you couldn't give him everything you had. Breaking again for air, you rested your hands on his chest,
"You know I can practically see right down your shirt from this angle" Simon chirped up.
"Yes, and?" you asked.
"If I take off my mask, will you stay here for the night?" He wondered out loud.
"What?" you asked in shock.
"I won't repeat myself love."
"Fucking yes of course," you responded not because you wanted to see his face, it was more so to stay the night with him.
"Eager, are we?" he shot back with a warm smile.
"Not every day you get asked to spend the night, especially not in the military," you stated, moving your hips just enough for Simon to feel it.
"Fuck" he said, tightening the grip on your hips, not having much to say anyway.
Suddenly Simon moved one hand from your hips up to his mask. He took a moment, but you never pushed.
"You don't have to Simon," you said in a soothing tone.
"I want to," he said softly before pulling the rest of the mask off of his face, placing it on the bed.
Looking at Simon, you were almost in shock. Sure, you had seen some of his face, but all of it at once was overwhelming. Reaching a hand up to touch his face you hovered an inch away. You realized this might push boundaries, but before you said anything he placed his head in your hand. He had scars but very few, you studied his face, watching emotions flash not just through his eyes but through his whole body. Simon cleared his throat and broke you from your trance-like state.
"You're so handsome Simon," you said, almost making his heart shatter, as he blushed softly.
Both of you were out of words at this point, so Simon leaned back in to kiss you again. It wasn't deep, just a peck, but you knew it was so much more for him.
"We don't have to do anything tonight bunny, I just want you here," Simon said softly.
"Why don't we just relax then, you got any more work tonight?" You asked, letting one of your hands weave up into his hair.
"Wouldn't be able even if I wanted to," he said, with a small smile.
"I'm not that distracting," you said, sitting upright on his lap.
"Trust me doll, you wouldn't even know half of it."
You giggled in response before climbing off of Simon's lap. He groaned in response, not wanting you to leave.
"Where are you going?" he asked, seeing you stand.
"If I am going to be staying here I either need one of your shirts or I go to my room to grab stuff, you pick," you responded.
"Hmmm, if I have a choice, I'd prefer you raid my closet, don't want you out of my sight with that shirt on."
"Ok!" you said, moving over to his closet to grab one of his hoodies, which was definitely too big for you.
Not even bothering to go to the bathroom, you threw the hoodie on and stripped your clothes out from underneath, dropping one piece of clothing at a time. First, it was the pants, then the shirt, and for a little extra tease, you threw your bra at Simon. You kept your underwear on, knowing if you took them off you would be playing a dangerous game.
"Assuming I won't need that?" you asked, before getting back on Simon's lap
"Probably not," he said, dropping it on the floor before finally grabbing your boobs.
Even through the hoodie, he managed to find and play with your nipples a bit before leaving you reeling for more contact.
"You're a tease," you accused Simon.
"Say's the one who threw their bra at me?" he asked almost letting out a full laugh.
"Fine, fine, both of us are" you conceded, before laying your head on Simon's chest.
The air fell quiet, both of you comfortable with just existing near each other. Simon's hands couldn't stay still, moving over every part of you as you just listened to his gentle heartbeat.
"This is really nice," you said softly before letting your hands rake back through Simon's short hair.
His eyes just about rolled back in his head as he enjoyed the feeling of your nails on his scalp. Relaxing into your touch he responded.
"Never want to leave bunny," he said with a squeeze to your barely covered ass.
With that, the two of you lay there in the comfort of each other's arms. There were few words shared, as neither of you wanted to shatter to moment. Eventually, you settled on playing with his hair while studying his face.
He was a wonder to behold, the mask hid so much from everyone. The way a soft smile tugs at his lips whenever you talk to him. You learned that he couldn't take compliments without either denying it or blushing.
On the other hand, Simon learned just how malleable you were under his touch. You were always so responsive to him, either by pretty little noises or by wiggling on top of him. He couldn't stop himself from letting his mind wander, imagining you naked and underneath him. God he just knew he could make you into such a beautiful little mess below him. Even the thought of it was enough to make him hard, and you could tell.
"Simon," you said "Can't keep your mind under control?"
"Hmm, depends on your definition of control," he teased.
"Not trying to get into my pants?"
"You're not wearing pants love," Simon said, voice smooth as velvet.
"You know what I mean," you said, pulling your hand from his hair.
"Don't worry I asked you to spend the night, not fuck me" he responded, as he attempted to control himself.
"Yeah, that can wait for tomorrow," you said with a tap on his chest, and a smile. "But tomorrow won't come if we don't sleep."
"Now you're just trying to make this difficult," Simon said.
"No, I am trying to make it hard," you teased, with a small giggle.
"You're ridiculous" he shot back.
"But you like it."
"That I do"
It went silent for a moment before Simon leaned in and gave you a quick kiss.
"We should sleep, I want to get to tomorrow," Simon said, moving you off his lap.
"Yeah, I'm tired anyways."
"It is pretty late" he responded as he stood.
You didn't respond, instead choosing to watch him as he grabbed a change of clothes to sleep in. He pulled out a black shirt and some sweatpants. Sadly, he had some decency and went to change in his bathroom. You figured it wasn't just for him to change, but you didn't say anything.
Instead choosing to get under the thick blankets. You lay there in silence, just looking around his room and thinking. Wondering how things would really end up with the two of you. Would it end well? Who knows. But you were pulled from your thoughts as the bathroom door opened to reveal a way to sexy Simon.
"That's not fair!" you complained "You look like a Greek god in regular clothes! Stupid."
Simon couldn't help but full-on laugh, it was so silly, but your reaction was priceless.
"You look way better, trust me" He responded as he climbed under the blankets with you.
You just huffed in response. Obviously not agreeing with him. That didn't stop him from pulling you close to him though. The sudden movement caused you to yelp in shock before giggling into his chest.
"You're so silly," Simon said "But now is time for rest."
"Fineee" you agreed.
With that you got comfortable, ending up with a hand resting on Simon's neck, and legs intertwined. It took less than five minutes for you to be out. Simon used a dirty trick by speaking softly but with all of his British accent to put you out.
Seeing you asleep was a sight for Simon, loving how peaceful you looked. It made his heart flutter that this night ended so well. After watching your sleeping form for a short while, he resigned to his own rest.
Both of you slept amazing, deep sleep without a single nightmare was a rarity. Somehow the two of you managed it, and this wouldn't be the last time either. You and Ghost were destined to be together, and there was no stopping it. This was just the beginning.
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simvanie · 2 months
people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by: @theplottdump (thank you! 🤗💗)
Last Song
Fall Again - Glenn Lewis (I included this song at the end of the gala arc of my legacy and haven't been able to stop listening to it since).
Favourite Color
Bordeaux/burgundy/maroon- technically all shades of a deep, dark red.
A mix of sweet and savory. I wish I could handle spice well, but I'm cursed with that typical European taste palate and end up looking like my sims that try curry for the first time.
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Currently Watching
Avatar: The Last Airbender series on Netflix (the live action version of the cartoon).
Relationship Status
In a relationship and recently celebrated our 7 year anniversary 🥳
Current Obsession(s)
- Supriya's and Rohan's storyline that I'm currently playing. - The entire Plott Legacy from @theplottdump. It's so much fun to read. And also the reason I started including some story posts into my own legacy. - Procrastinating. Not really an obsession, but I do it non-stop. - Honey and salt roasted nuts. - Spending way too much time (I know, I'ts becoming a problem) finding the right custom content for my legacy heirs.
Last thing you Googled
sims 4 cc natural nails - I need to find a good set of natural nails so I can do something about those sausage-looking fingers my male sims currently have.
tagging @estah, @squeezesublime, @duusheen, @aurorangen, @theosconfessions, @flocy-sims, @elysiantrait, @thebramblewood
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lesser-mook · 7 months
"The logical conclusion to Kratos fighting every pantheon." (I really, really like this concept, only because of how batshit insane Lore acc Jesus is strictly from a power-scaling perspective and despite everyone on the Planet knowing who Jesus is, most have NO idea what he is.)
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not a bad concept, though they wouldn't have a reason to fight beyond Jesus' 2nd mission:
Off the top of my head, according to lore, he projects a sword out of his mouth, while riding a flaming horse or some shit, the sky split open (meaning the fabric of reality is breached) hence commanding legions of Angles hording through (which from text & recent visual interpretation actually look like Lovecraftian demons) to literally conquer Earth. like an interdimensional alien warlord pressing the sleep button on Humanity.
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The popular central theme of this guy is he doesn't die or live in a traditional sense, and the only reason he allowed himself to be killed was to be a martyr by choice, to make a point.
Give humanity a couple thousand years to find "his/the way" supposedly, otherwise according to lore, his comeback is "The End" of post-modern humanity itself than it is the literal end of humans, I have to read it again tho.
Then another millennia of apocalyptic fallout. No nukes, no armor, just this guy showing up.
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Not only would biblically acc angels be a horrifying aspect to put in a game, but Jesus himself is actually a terrifying entity despite the nice guy nature humans took for granted at the time.
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Technically he can't be beaten, because everyone knows his mortality. Nobody knows what he can actually do, which is everything. He's the original Gary Stu.
We're not even factoring in the Quantum intelligence that is "God" or even the Holy Spirit which is like a glorified proxy medium. All the Angels, their ranks, their subordinates, etc.
That game would have to be psychological/cosmic horror epic themed, surrealism.
most People only know the Sunday school tales of the human side of prophets and judges, the people God used to manipulate lives to set a narrative. From beginning to end.
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Going by the book, Humanity is the original (The SIMS) game.
The BIBLE? In it's raw form, it's a tale of hope, flawed characters, redemption, perseverance, with an over-arching horror story subtext. Constant genocides at God's hands, only for Humanity to pick up the slack without his help.
And In a meta sense, in theory, WE ARE The Cliffhanger.
God itself doesn't reside in Heaven strictly, like Zeus or Odin.
That's just where the followers go to honor "it."
Jesus likely wouldn't want to kill Kratos, but if this is post Revelations arc Jesus. This would definitely be the game Kratos dies in cosmic epic glory.
Because that Jesus isn't preaching love, he brings war, and his physical form is G.O.N.E.
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I would love to see Kratos go up against a straight up hax-ego centric narcissist being that can't bleed, be reached or touched. Having no form.
And it's only form, his kinder nicer, human self, his Son. In canon is no more. Jesus as a physical being that can be hurt, doesn't exist anymore.
(JESUS), unbeknownst to most "Christians", actually existed simultaneously throughout the Bible since Genesis/possibly pre-Gen.
Meaning this guy CHRIST, can pass through time itself. Because he did, does, will do.
I shit you not.
Superman RED Son's (novel) ending plottwist has NOTHING ON this.
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That's what i mean by "-doesn't die or live in a traditional sense", the guy existed before he was born, before he did, before he resec himself. Think about that.
Kratos needed to go on a whole ass side-quest to go through time. Jesus can just do it, technically the fabric of space-time is something he can possess, re-write, or see. Because REALLY think about what it means to exist in the past, present, and future: At the same time.
The past is gone for humans, we always live in the present. But Jesus still exists in back then. As we're in the present, waiting for the future, where he ALSO exists.
See how broken that is?
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How in the actual fuck, do you "fight" that?
Everyone says the meme "Flash can go back and kill you as a baby". Jesus apparently can do the same thing. He is simultaneous.
When the text states God is everywhere, that includes timelines, dimensions, etc. This is a beyond 10th dimensional being.
Manifested himself in flesh.
Defied death after 3 days, not as a rule, but just to make a fucking point. That shit is both petty and scary.
The (Pan) in Pantheon.
Post-Revelations Jesus IS THE God, of War. And death.
That would be the sheer irony of pulling this off as a game
This is why it claims to be "THE" God. The thing, It, is literally every superpower you can imagine. We're talking serious beyond Haruhi Suzumiya+Dr.Manhattan+Cthulhu on steroids type shit.
no god of the sea, no god of dreams, none of that shit. This one wanted the title of "THE".
Alpha--Omega, period.
This thing, is next level. The religion aspect is what people turn away from, including me, but from a strictly "kaiju"/Cosmic being standpoint, "Yahweh", "Elohim", "Christ" is a serious monster.
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Unless Kratos drops in during the NT or before OT even happens, because again Jesus existed during & thus by proxy before Genesis.
I used to think the whole book was corny but the Shit is mind-numbing apocalyptic, straight insanity.
Kratos cannot afford to be holding back with this one, even if he doesn't, it won't help.
The problem is most god's Kratos has fought has had physical silhouette's one way or another
Or that time he fought Zeus' ghost
or he’s had some kind of weapon to tangibly touch spirits. (GOW3)
This one, pantheon and all, is a whole different beast. These things are omi-dimensional avatars-- Vibrating between dimensions because reality is just a frequency that our atoms reside in.
Which is why we're not going to find Aliens in space or in the Earths Core. They're literally next to you, in another frequency of reality-- A dimension, that's what Parallel Earths in Comics represent. Thats what Heaven is. A frequency.
That's HOW gods do it, through sound, frequency science. Not spaceships.
And thats why people resonate with music so much, how it can control moods, frequency of sound is power, it taps into dimensions if the sound is strong enough.
Specifically the method that Christs coming is announced is through Horns, Sound. Punching through our dimension like a battering-ram on a door.
It's no accident that the "Arrowhead project" let in aliens from another dimension into this one in 'The Mist' story because the military went and knocked on their front door.
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Sound is a stronger element than Humanity realizes, well the uninitiated anyway.
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All in all, I genuinely want to see that game happen. Even if not accurate, (because if it is, Kratos loses hard, it's not even a fight), the interpretation alone would be cool.
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Though his death was trash, GOW Thor was awesome.
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