#look no further if you don't wanna hear specifics about the guy I had this incident with BUT. ->
pepsiconcoction · 1 year
Discounted Cookies | Han Jisung x Reader
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pairing: barista!han jisung x gn!reaer
tags: coffee shop au, a little bit of angst, minor language, jisung is a lil flirt, reader doesn't wanna put up with it, fluff, no smut
requested? yes! by anon xox
an: i actually don't know how i feel about this, but it's cute regardless, anon i hope i captured what u meant, i tried my best to get reader to be Annoyed but i love jisung too much, sorry ;-;
wc: 3,890
4 times Jisung flirted with you + 1 time you flirted with him.
The first time you see him.
It’s a few minutes past midnight and you think this might be your end. You’re going to pass out, for sure. You had been studying at the library for the past 7 hours straight for an exam worth 60% of your grade. Studying Law was definitely a choice. Specifically, it was the choice you made two and a half years ago, resulting in you, at this moment, halfway through your third year and on the brink of a breakdown. The breakdown? Partially caused by your ex-boyfriend, who had just broken up with you no more than five days ago. You’re fine. People keep asking. You really wish they would stop.
In the distance, you spot a flood of warm, yellow light flooding out of a shop window. As you get closer, you recognise it’s a coffee shop, you think it may even be the one your friend had told you about, saying it was her favourite place to study as it’s open 24 hours. It seems tonight is the night you’re finally going to check it out.
It’s kind of snowy at your feet, thanks to the early month of the year, but you wish it was more picturesque and not just the grey slush that you think you can feel leaking through your boots. At least it’ll be nice to get some warmth for a few minutes.
You push open the door, a small bell jingling above your head, and the warmth hits you like a wall, suffocating in its intensity. There’s only one other person in here: an old trucker-looking guy, face held over a steaming cup of coffee. 
“I’ll be out in a second!” You hear a man shout from behind the counter, you guess he’s even further in the back than you can see. You hear a small commotion that sounds a bit like someone stamping on a cardboard box. A few seconds later, a guy appears, slightly dishevelled and running his hands through his hair as he exhales. His hair parts in the middle and brushes his eyebrows, slightly longer around the edges, as if gone uncut for a few months. A friendly face with round cheeks looks at you, a grin appearing on his face. He brushes down his apron and makes his way to the counter.
“Sorry about that, what can I get ya?” he asks.
“Just an Americano to go, please,” You smile back at him.
“Can I offer you any discounted sweet treats?” He gestures to an almost empty cake counter. “They’re discounted because it’s so late, not because they’re bad.” He quickly adds on. You spot a singular chocolate cookie looking very lonely.
“Sure, I’ll take the cookie,” you say, gesturing to it. 
“Good choice, madam.” He nods his head, punching it into the register.
“Can I take a name?”
“Do you need it?” You ask, looking around at the empty store.
“Not really, but I’d like it.” He shrugs.
“Y/n,” you sigh. This isn’t what you were looking for at the moment, but you decide to just let it go.
“Not having a good day?” he asks, seemingly concerned.
“Not having a good week,” you say flatly, hoping to communicate your disinterest.
“Well, Y/n, feel free to take a seat and I’ll bring it over to you once it’s done.” He grins again and spins around, getting to work on the coffee machine. God, who even has this much energy this late at night? Crazy people, that’s who.
You sit down at one of the tables, taking out your phone and it reads 12:17am. It feels like it’s mocking you. You scroll through your socials, attempting to keep what small semblance of a social life you think you have together, but a few minutes later, a familiar barista comes into your view. You stand up, accepting the coffee from him and he hands you the cookie which is now in a brown, paper bag.
“One Americano, and one discounted cookie.” He hands you each and you stand up, thanking him. 
“And maybe a little extra something, since you’re having a bad week and all,” he adds quietly, shuffling on his feet slightly. You peek inside the bag and notice a candy bar, something chocolatey. 
“Thank you,” You stutter, not expecting the kind gesture.
“Come back again soon!” He says, already heading back to the counter where he starts to mess with something, in a clear attempt to look busy. You turn and 
leave. Despite the cold air outside, there is an unfamiliar warmth in your body.
The second time you see him.
You wake up the next day, surprisingly on time despite the lack of alarm. It’s only 10am and you mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead of you. The exam is in 5 days. Thankfully you’re studying at home today, not needing the library for today’s subjects. The state of your flat reflects your mind, it’s a mess, dishes in the sink, clothes piling up next to the dryer. After an hour or so of quick chores, it’s in a slightly better state, good enough to study in, you think.
And study, you do. Day turns to night and you find yourself closing the last page of a textbook, letting out a deep breath. You could feel your anxiety beginning to fizzle around your body, not fully convinced you’ve properly ingested all the revision you’ve done. You need some food. The second half of a pizza is sitting untouched from earlier and you kinda feel bad for it, poor thing. Your eyes flicker towards the candy bar sitting on your desk, where it was abandoned last night and you think about the guy from the coffee shop. You throw on a slightly warmer outfit and you definitely don’t spend the walk to the coffee shop thinking about whether he might be working. To your surprise, he is.
You can see him behind the counter from outside, he’s pouring frothed milk into a cup, presumably for the customer standing at the counter. It’s slightly busier at this time, you’re not surprised considering it’s only just coming up to 8pm. You push open the door and the bell jingles like it did the night before. He looks up, looking past the customer in front and his mouth quirks up into a smile, recognising you instantly. You look around him, at the large menu boards, you don’t want to give him an ego. 
The customer in front pays for their drink and leaves, and the man’s smile finally points directly at you.
“Hello again, Y/n, what can I get you today?” He grins at you, eyes crinkling. You’re surprised he remembers your name.
“A latte, please,” you say, glancing up at the menu.
“To go, or sit in?” His eyebrow quirks.
“Oh, uh-”
“You’re sitting in,” he answers for you, already punching it into the register.
“Fine.” Your roll your eyes. 
“Take a seat.” He gestures to the barstool-type seating a little further down the counter. You’re not really sure why you actually sit down.
“Is your week any better?” He looks over his shoulder as he makes your drink.
“Not really, no.” You respond. He pauses in his actions, looking at you expectingly.
“Are you going to tell me what’s up?” 
“We don’t know each other,” you said, eyebrows furrowing.
“Okay, so my name is Jisung, Han Jisung, and today, I’m your barista. Tomorrow, maybe more!” He winks as he turns back to the machine which is spewing out your drink. 
“Well, Han Jisung, if you must know, I’m stressed the fuck out for my exam next Monday, I’ve got a practical in two days, and my boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago because I was too much for him. He was just a pathetic, weak little man, I really don’t know how I lasted that long with him.” You found yourself ranting, releasing some of the pent-up frustration you’ve been feeling for the past few days.
“Well,” Jisung starts. “that’s very fair.” He goes quiet for the remainder of the time he is making the drink, leaving a slightly awkward air around you. You focus your eyes on the counter in front of you in an attempt to ignore the stress coming back to you. All of a sudden a drink is slid across the counter.
“Is that a… squirrel?” You look from the cute latte art to the man standing across the counter from you. He looks sheepishly up at you.
“Yeah, looks like me, doesn’t it?” His grin is back, and you can feel a smile creeping onto your face.
“Sure, whatever you say.” Your eyes linger on his for a few moments, until a group of people enter the small cafe and his attention is brought away from you. You discreetly watch him as he works, greeting the customers with a big smile, and using his charisma to get an extra cake sale. You think maybe you fell for the same charisma yesterday, but you don’t really mind because the cookie was pretty good. A few minutes pass, and you sip on your drink, trying to keep the art as intact as possible. Once the last customer had been served he side steps back towards you.
“How is it? Has it fixed your week yet?” He raises his eyebrows, smirking slightly.
“I’m not sure a drink can fix my week,” you respond, letting out a small sigh.
“Nonsense! Of course, it can. Take a sip.” he gestures to you to lift the mug to your lips. You reluctantly take a sip.
“See? It’s working, no?” he chuckles. You put the cup down and try your best not to laugh.
“There’s that pretty smile!” he grins, earning a roll of your eyes. Your phone buzzes with an incoming email from your university, it’s just a random send-to-all type of email but it does remind you of your looming academic responsibilities.
“Thank you, for the squirrel,” you tell him while standing up from the stool. 
“Leaving so soon?” he asks, round eyes looking suddenly lost. 
“I��ve got work to do, I’ll see you around.”
“You better.” His grin is wide as he watches you leave, hoping you do come back soon.
The third time you see him.
“We crushed it!” You celebrate with your best friend, the two of you have just partaken in a mock legal trial as part of an assessment. Your Professor had wanted to challenge the class, setting up fake suspects and witnesses, and had even arranged for a court stenographer to be present. Your group had won the case, despite the opposing team putting up a pretty tough fight.
“Did you see the look on the judged face when you caught out the lying witness? I was trying so hard not to say something.” Your friend gushes, talking faster than you could keep up with.
“I know!” You laugh but break into a yawn as the previous nights studying catches up with you once the excitement is over.
“Coffee?” She asks.
You’re so engrossed in the conversation as the two of you walk that you don’t even realise you’ve made it all the way to the familiar coffee shop. You stop in your tracks a few feet from the door.
“Not here,” you groan.
“Why not? This place does the best coffee on campus.” She looks confused as she turns back to you.
“I always see the same barista, and he always hits on me, I just can’t be bothered today.” You whine a little, trying to convince her.
“Well, is he working right now?” 
You take a step further, enough to look through the window and see the counter. There is a man, but it’s not Jisung.
“I don’t see him.” You trail off, scanning the rest of the shop as much as you can see.
“Alright then, we’re getting coffee here.” Your friend grabs you by the hand and practically pulls you into the small cafe. There is a surprising queue, so you continue to just make conversation with her until you’re next at the counter. The barista who serves you has curly, black hair and biceps that honestly look like they’re about to burst his sleeves. He greets both of you with a smile and begins to punch your orders into the register.
“Changbin! Catch!” You hear a familiar voice. Your heart sinks to your ass. The barista serving you, Changbin, turns back and looks towards the door into the back. Peeking around the cake stand, you catch a glimpse of Jisung. He’s hanging onto the door with a container of what looks like soya milk. He throws it, and Changbin catches it.
“Sorry about that, our delivery was late this morning and only just arrived, so it’s a bit crazy right now,” Changbin explains, replacing an empty soya milk container.
“Don’t worry about it. It happens.” You shrug. He finishes taking your order and the two of you move to the side to wait.
“He’s kind of fit,” your friend leans into you to say, once you’re both out of earshot.
“In more ways than one.” you giggle.
Your attention is quickly averted towards the door to the backroom, particularly to Jisung who is rushing out of it and towards the counter, tying his apron at the same time. 
“Sorry Bin, it’s a nightmare back there.” He says, getting to work on coffee orders.
“No worries, we’re not too busy anymore, the rush seems to be over.” You realise that you and your friend were the last in the queue and the cafe has died down a little since you first entered. Jisung also takes a quick glance around, and that’s when he spots you.
“Y/n,” he says. “Back to see me so soon?” His lips turn up into a small smirk.
“You wish.” You roll your eyes. He just laughs and turns back to the coffee machine. You look at your friend and give her a look, the look you get in return translates to 'message received'. 
“He’s kinda cute,” she whispers to you, thankfully you were far away enough for her not to be heard. You sighed. He is kind of cute but that’s not what you’re looking for right now. You’re in a weird enough head space as it is with all the stress of law school and the breakup, not even two weeks ago! You can’t seriously be thinking about dating so soon. Right…?
You’re ripped from your thoughts by the very same man that caused them.
“A white hot chocolate?” Jisung announces to the two of you, but he’s looking at you.
“Yeah, that’s me.” You step up to the counter and begin to take it.
“You’re looking very fancy today, big plans?” he asks, smiling.
“I had a mock trial this morning.” You say and he looks at you with wide eyes, kind of like a deer in headlights.
“You know, like a court trial?” you ask.
“Law! That’s what you’re studying.” He finally realises.
“I didn’t say?” You’re now the one who’s confused.
“No, you never, I’ve been trying to figure it out, trying to guess.” he laughs. Changbin appears next to him and slides an espresso onto the counter, your friend stepping over to take it.
“Bin, they’re a lawyer! Isn’t that cool?” Jisung gushes a little, looking back at you with big eyes. 
“They won their trial this morning.” Your friend interrupts before you can say anything. You shoot her a look.
“Really?” The big, sparkling doe eyes are back as he leans against the counter.
“I, uh, yeah,” you stutter a little.
“Wow, that’s so cool.”
“Sung, I don’t pay you to stand around and flirt with our customers.” Changbin walks back towards the coffee machine and he begins prepping another order. 
“You don’t pay me at all, you’re not even a manager!” Jisung starts whining as he stands up properly. He turns back to you.
“Enjoy your drinks!” He says. You take this as your queue to leave and make a beeline out of the coffee shop, drink in hand. Your friend follows behind you, honestly a little confused.
Once you’re a safe distance from the shop, you finally feel able to breathe again. 
The fourth time you see him.
Beep… beep… beep…
Your alarm. You reach over and turn it off, groaning as you roll back over, the feeling of dread already seeping into your bones. It’s the morning of the exam. The exam you’ve been dreading. The exam that is responsible for 60% of your grade. You groan again.
You feel heavy as you walk around your flat, attempting to get ready for the day ahead of you. It doesn’t help that you broke the fundamental exam rule of getting a good night’s sleep, tossing and turning until eventually passing out. So many textbooks have been haunting your thoughts that you barely noticed you’ve also been thinking about something else. Or rather someone else.
You can’t stop, he keeps popping up in your mind. His round face, and big smile. You feel yourself smiling just thinking about it. But fuck, it feels wrong. You shouldn’t be thinking about him. You don’t have time! You have a big exam, which conveniently starts in just over an hour. 
You need a coffee.
You get to the familiar coffee shop at 11:31am. Your exam starts at noon. It takes 20 minutes to walk to the campus building it’s being held at. You probably don’t have time for this. 
You see him. He’s behind the counter. You think your head hurts.
“Hey,” he greets you with that smile again. You feel sick. “What can I getcha?”
“Just a black coffee, to go.” Your voice croaks a little from its lack of use.
“You’re not staying with me?” He smirks, punching it into the register.
You see him falter a little at your cold tone. His eyebrows quirk down a little.
“Are you alright?” he asks as you swipe your phone to pay.
“Stop it, Jisung. Can’t you just leave me alone today, God,” you say exasperated, and step away from the counter. You try to ignore the hurt look in his eye and you really try to ignore the way he shrunk in on himself. A different member of staff you’ve never seen before hands you the drink and you leave the coffee shop without looking back at him. 
The exam goes terribly. At least it feels like it goes terribly. Your head is a mess, the guilt chewing at you the entire time. You do your best, writing everything you recall but by the end of it you have a decent headache and the pit in your gut has grown. You leave the exam and go home, collapsing in your bed and you fall asleep telling yourself you’ll feel better when you wake up.
The fifth time you see him.
You wake up in the afternoon the next day. 
You don’t feel much better. Not after binging on a pizza and your favourite chocolate. Not after watching that movie that makes you cry every time. Not even after you’ve journaled about it. You think that particular journal entry is mostly scrambled nonsense. It probably is.
You decide to go for a walk to clear your head. Maybe the cold, winter air will freshen you up, and make you feel a bit better. With a big coat and a warm scarf wrapped around you, you walk into the evening air, it’s already past 11pm so you mostly see young people out drinking despite the weather. You have no destination but of course, you end up there.
The warm, yellow-toned light pours from the window as usual. The bell above the door is jarring to your fragile little heart. 
He’s there.
He has his back to you, cleaning some sort of container in the sink. 
“Two seconds!” he sing-songs. You don’t respond. A few seconds later he’s done and spins around to you. His eyes widen a little and then drop.
“Hi.” He steps towards the register.
“Hi,” you respond.
“Would you like something to drink?” his tone is passive, despite his words being polite. 
“A hot chocolate, please, to sit in.” You try to smile at him, he focuses on the register. He nudges the card reader towards you as he steps away to get started on your drink. You move towards the bar-stool seating you sat on previously.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” you ask. He looks back to you.
“Go ahead,” he glances back at you. You take a seat and look around, and you realise for the first time that you’re the only person in here, apart from Jisung. You look back towards him just as he put the cup down in front of you.
“Thank you,” you smile again, he gives you a small one but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He turns away and starts fiddling with the coffee machine.
“Jisung, can I talk to you?” you ask.
“I thought you wanted me to leave you alone.” He says without turning around.
 That gets him to turn around at least, even if he is still looking at anything but you. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you yesterday. I was just a mess, and that’s not an excuse but I need you to know I didn’t mean it,” you trail off, picking up your drink and taking a sip, appreciating its sweetness. 
“And to be honest, I kind of miss the flirty Jisung. I was beginning to like him.” You take another sip of your hot chocolate, smirking to yourself when you see his head shoot up toward you.
“You do?” His eyes soften a little when you nod.
“I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay. Well, it’s not okay. But it’s okay. To be honest, I probably was coming on weirdly strong, huh?” He scratches the back of his neck while you chuckle.
There is a moment of silence as you look down at your hot chocolate. Until a thought sparks in your head.
“Why do you flirt with me?” 
“What?” His eyes widen and the poor guy looks like he’s about to shit his pants.
“Why do you flirt with me? Or do you just flirt with anyone?” You raise an eyebrow.
“No! I don’t, it’s really just you, and I don’t know why, I just kinda… liked you? I mean, you seemed cool and nice and definitely my type.” He catches himself rambling. 
“I’m your type?” You ask, smirking.
“Well, yeah.” he chuckles. You laugh too.
“Han Jisung, I think we should go on a date.” You say, definitively. 
“Really?!” He stands up from where he was leaning against the back counter and crosses towards you.
“Actually, never mind.” You roll your eyes, chuckling.
“Do not play with my heart like this, I’m sensitive!” he clutches at his chest dramatically, making you laugh louder.
“Fine, but I get to pick where we’re going.”
“Deal! Just tell me a time and I’ll be there.” His grin tells you that he will live up to that. You fall into another silence as you hold each other’s gaze, just smiling.
“Hey, Y/n, you want a discounted cookie?”
“I’d love one.”
taglist - @lethallyprotected
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stardew-otter · 1 year
I'm back bitches, who's ready for more chaos
Shane: Yeah, I don’t like people.
Marnie: Oh, well, now that’s not fair, Shane. Have you met all of them?
Shane, taking a swig of beer: I’ve met enough of them. Bunch of assholes.
Pierre: Damn, the power went out.
Abigail: Don’t worry, I got this.
Abigail: *stomps foot*
Pierre: What the hell are you doing???
Abigail: *Sketchers light up*
Marnie, to Lewis: I'll be under the mistletoe when you start feeling desperate!
Sam: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swingset?
Sebastian: No, I said, "Sam, don't lick that swingset," and you said, "Don't tell me what to do," and licked the swingset.
Sam: Good times!
Sebastian: You were hospitalized for a week!!!
Penny: Oh shoot!
Penny: Excuse my vulgarity.
Pam: I’ll let it slide.
Shane: So my therapist was talking to me, and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in.
Shane: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall.
Shane: *looks at player through the screen* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism. You also need a better coping mechanism than this game. It's been 13 hours.
Farmer: I don’t want to talk about it.
Shane: Good, I don’t wanna hear about it.
Sebastian: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A.
Maru: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Sam: Fuck you.
Harvey: What happened to your nose?
Alex: I used it to break some guy's fist.
Sam: Did you bring Harvey?
Sebastian, gesturing to Maru: No, but I brought the next best thing. She's still qualified.
Sam: Maru? The next best thing would be Farmer.
Maru: I would be offended, but Farmer is freakishly strong and smart.
Sebastian: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Farmer in Skull Caverns: All of a sudden, I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Sebastian: When I first met you, I did not like you.
Maru: I'm aware of that.
Sebastian: But then you and I had some time together.
Maru: Uh-huh?
Sebastian: It did not get better.
Haley: What’s up with Emily? They’ve been lying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Gus: They're just a little overwhelmed.
Haley: Why?
Gus: The Farmer gave her a new gem.
Harvey: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins?
Shane: Can't relate.
Sam: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?
Gus: One time I went to hand the Farmer a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
Sam: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
My brain is half dead
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 10 months
Gay people real?!?
Can i get a burger extra cheese
Or if you dont have that
A kingleader fic about Caine just,,, wearing kingers robe (assuming he has more than one) and kinger catching him red-handed ——> fluff ensues
I have shart block so i’ll prolly draw it too (if it’s okay wit u tho)
Thamk you 🫶
I do not have a burger, no, but I do have some gays.
Anyone making art about anything I write ever makes me the world's happiest guy so if you wanna draw it then fuck yeah draw it
Caine quietly opened the door to Kinger's room. He knew the chess piece was in his smaller, separate fortress near the stage, so he decided to use this opportunity to his advantage.
Moving further in, Caine scanned the room for anything resembling a closet, but found only the large pillow fort that took up near the entire room. Maybe it was in there, along with likely everything Kinger owned. He really could've just had a room made of pillows in the first place, all he had to do was ask...
Pushing some of the pillows aside, Caine went inside and found a lot more than what he expected to. The place was larger than what it had looked like and had an abundance of furniture and decorations. It was rather nice. He couldn't help but run his hands along most of it, lingering on the bed specifically for probably longer than what would be considered normal.
Remembering why he was there to begin with, he floated over to the closet and pulled open the doors. Inside were about five identical purple robes. Perfect.
It was at this point where he hesitated. Would this be wrong? He was in a relationship with Kinger at this point, and he wasn't doing anything inherently weird. He just wanted to try on one of the robes, then he'd put it right back.
He pulled one of the robes off of its hanger. Caine examined it as he held it in his hands. It was soft. He opened the robe and placed it on his shoulders, feeling himself being weighed down by it. From where he was floating, the bottom of it brushed against the floor.
As he pulled it closer to himself, he felt a pleasant warmth rise in his face. The robe felt comforting and nice. It felt like Kinger. So absorbed was Caine in the robe's feel and the thoughts of Kinger it provoked, he didn't hear the door creak open further nor the shuffling of pillows being moved aside.
"Caine, what are you doing?" The ringmaster startled, both of them yelling in surprise. His blush worsened exponentially. He had forgotten to close the door, and now he had to face the consequences.
"W-well, uh, you see, I've always wanted to- to try on one of your robes. They've always looked-" His eyes wandered along the robe Kinger wore now, "felt, so soft."
"Couldn't you have just spawned one in instead of trying to sneak in here?"
"I suppose, but..." He faltered, attempting to find the words that would make his feelings make sense. "It just isn't the same! That would just be another robe, these are your robes, y-you wore them, they, um, smell like... you."
"...Caine, you don't have a nose." Kinger was touched by the sentiment regardless, despite how little sense it made.
"I know I don't, let me be romantic!" The chess piece chuckled, putting a hand on Caine's face which he immediately leaned into.
"Alright, then. You know you really could've just asked for one of my robes, I would've given it to you. You look cute in it anyway." Kinger caressed the ringmaster's gums, his voice lowering somewhat. "I like seeing you in my clothes."
He felt Caine's face start to burn up against his palm along with hearing a quiet dial-up sound. "A-ah- I didn't know you'd- uh-"
Kinger pressed his face to Caine's teeth and smiled. "You don't need to be so sneaky with this. Feel free to steal from me whenever you want."
Caine took his word for it, which resulted in multiple morning greetings starting with the ringmaster being weighed further down to the ground by a large purple robe. Jax would snicker and nudge Kinger, but the chess piece would never be listening, his eyes trained solely on the main thing that made his digital life worth living.
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
Love Confessions in the Baxter DLC
Because i am very unwell, thank you. Part 1/3
After over 70 hours of playing the Baxter DLC – and despairing over that one monochrome guy, you know who – I wanted to take a moment to talk about all the possible love confessions in Baxter's version of Step 4. I find them all lovely and each of them made me squeal and smile like crazy, and i just gotta express my appreciation for them somewhere.
In Step 4 there are three love confessions. Two of them can be initiated by the MC, and the third one will be proclaimed by Baxter, if the MC doesn’t confess first. I tried all of them a couple of times, and they are all very cute (although my personal favourite is the confession the morning after the wedding)!
Before we begin i want to warn y’all that i wasn’t sure about the approach i wanted to take when talking about these moments, and as a result this post might not be a "put together careful game analysis" thingy. It's mostly just my ramblings and feelings that hopefully are a-okay to read haha. Without further delay, let’s begin!
Spoilers for specific moments in Baxter's version of Step 4!
All of the confessions take place after the wedding ceremony, so if you hadn't gotten there and don't wanna spoil those great moments for yourself i don't recommend reading further. I will go quite in depth about each option.
In chronological order, the first feelings declaration is the confession immediately after the wedding has ended.
Or as i've been referring to it in my head, The Wedding Confession!
Everybody is busy cleaning up, and MC hasn’t had a chance to have a one-on-one moment with Baxter since they split off in the morning. Naturally, they want to talk with him after the event is over. There is this underlying fear, that Baxter will leave again and they can't let that happen.
The two talk and Baxter apologises for his actions towards MC, five years ago in Sunset Bird and now, after they met again. I need to add that this apology is very well written and it definitively pulled on my heartstrings. Here the player can choose to confess on their own, accept his friendship hoping for a different type of relationship later on or just become friends.
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Since i’m yet to play Baxter’s version of Step 4 with platonic feelings, i don’t know if this option appears if you have him at Fond. If anyone of you has done it, i would love to hear what it looks like! For example, does the player get to confess either way, in case they changed their mind (just how here you can choose to be friends)?
Moving further, if we choose to confess right away we get to pick how we want to do that - with words or by kissing him. Each choice will be preceded with an internal monologue from MC about their and Baxter’s relationship and what he means to them. I really like the way it's written. They go through all of the stages they've been around each other. If you met him at the Cypress in Step 2 Soiree Moment they mention how he was a boy in their memories, becoming real when they meet again by chance during summer of 2016. How he made this summer into everything and more and how he left. The years apart and finally the summer they reunited. I can't explain my feelings well, but i find this monologue very sweet but also full of longing - it makes me smile and it makes my heart ache at the same time.
Depending on when the MC confesses, Baxter has a different reaction to their silence. Since now he is waiting for them to accept him into their life again, he gets nervous the longer MC is lost in their thoughts, which is reflected in the expressions of his character model. It’s described as cracks of anxiety appearing on his face and him slipping back into his professional pleasantness. He chose to be vulnerable, and how MC replies will affect him.
After the character’s musings end the player gets one last chance to reaffirm the decision to confess.
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Personally, I really like that we have the option to do so. Not only is it useful in case the player suddenly changed their mind, but also helps create the response you want from your MC.
If you back out then you no longer can confess in that moment. The story progresses the same as in the case of choosing not to confess. You can confess later in the game, or not confess at all and have Baxter do that.
If you pick the option to check if he means it, Baxter will reassure MC about wanting to stay by their side. It’s really adorable - especially since in response to MC he says “I do” (ya know, the famous wedding catchphrase) which he immediately follows up with: “You’ll have to excuse me for using that answer at someone else’s wedding, but I am entirely serious.” What a dork. After picking this option only two of the three are left - you can go further or back out.
And finally, you can confess. MC makes note of how now that the wedding was over, there would be no complications for the newlyweds (although they thought Miranda proposing to Terry at their wedding would be a great idea, so they really wouldn't mind lol). They think that since Baxter asked them out first, five years ago, it’s only fair that they do it now. It's one line, but for some reason i like this sentiment a lot. Like hell yeah, go MC! Ask him out now, make him speechless!
When it comes to spoken confessions, there is an abundance of choices to pick from. But my absolute favourite option is to echo Baxter’s own words from Step 3 Sightseeing Moment back at him: "Could I consider all the time we've spent together a date?". Chef’s kiss, it’s all coming together like a beautiful piece of tapestry. Simply iconic of them.
Confessing with a gesture has less options to choose from, but all are equally cute! If you choose to confess in this way, MC will have a short revelation about how different kissing Baxter now feels to kissing him five years ago. Baxter reacts a bit differently to this type of confession, since MC enters his personal space. My favourite is confessing by kissing Baxter on the forehead. It's absolutely precious.
The way Baxter reacts to MC confessing to him is… very interesting to say the least. He was ready to be friends them again or accept their rejection (there is no option like that in the game, but realistically, you just know he would prep himself up for this possibility) but he was not ready for a love confession. Baxter gives MC a moment to move past this and pretend that nothing happened, but it’s not going to work. I find that a curious thing to do. Baxter isn't hoping that MC doesn't have feelings for him and he himself does for them, but there is still that feeling of insecurity in him, that prevents him from accepting the confession right away.
We have the option to have MC sweep Baxter into a dance, or keep talking without that. I love the former choice and i always pick it for my character haha. It’s especially cute how Baxter stumbles and is so out of his depth. Both because of the unexpected movement and the sudden confession.
You can pick an option to tell him, that MC wanted to be with him even five years ago. His reaction to it is just. He is stunned and he doesn't believe it. But he knows MC isn't lying as well. I can feel the conflicted emotions he must have been experiencing upon hearing that just in one line of dialogue. And i think that's pretty powerful writing.
But then he fires back. He is full of disbelief and he doesn’t understand what could he have possibly done to deserve MC's affections. He doesn’t want to call MC a liar but he can’t accept that outcome either. Baxter’s old ways of dealing with relationships are resurfacing, because he can’t believe that he has the right to form such a deep connection with someone. It’s pretty heartbreaking to witness.
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It's... so sad. "What did i do to make you like me?" he asks, because there must be something, because simply being himself is not enough, when Baxter inherently believes that he doesn't contribute anything. And if he doesn't contribute anything to somebody's life, he has no place in it.
MC decides to change tactics. Instead of trying to make Baxter accept their feelings, they ask what they mean to him. Whether they end up together is secondary - their goal is to help him overcome his mindset. I find that a really powerful act of love - helping the person you care about understand that they deserve to be loved without extravagant outings and carefully constructed barriers.
I really love Baxter’s response in this confession because it is very true to his character arc. His hesitance, how he withdraws and tries to appear unaffected. He reciprocates MC’s feelings, but he is too ashamed of himself and afraid. His view on himself makes him think that he can't be in a relationship with someone or friends with them, and that is something i find deeply sad. Still, he answers MC’s questions, with a few prefaces. He cites his inability to do things in the morning, less financial income and his past relationship management as reasons for why MC wouldn’t want to be with him. It’s him giving MC the chance to resign, to take back the love confession while they can. It reminds me of declining a meeting with your friends, because you believe that they will have more fun without you. It's self-preservation of your own feelings and diminishment of your impact on others, which comes from some form of dissatisfaction with the way we are.
But MC doesn't take their feelings back. They assure him that they want to be with him.
And once that is done, they ask him:
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(I usually can comment on writing/art, but when i can't that's how you know it's the shit. i sat with my mouth open and my hands flapping around just cause this confession got me that excited <3)
This is the dialogue you get when you have Baxter on Crush. If you pick Love, instead of "I want to be with you" he will say "I'm in love with you".
Just like that, he accepts. I was totally shocked when that happened, but well, it does make sense. It was never a question, and Baxter admits so himself. He never stopped wanting to be with MC. He further expresses that he wasn't happy pushing them away five years ago and when they met again. It's quite sad to hear him admit that he didn't think staying together (in more than a romantic way) was an option until moments ago. But he got there ultimately and that's worth celebrating. Growth isn't linear, and sometimes we fall back to our old habits.
I really adore how openly Baxter expresses his affection for the MC, in the confession and later. Compared to Step 3 it feels more mature (no shit, sherlock) but also self-assured. Because he is finally starting to believe, that this - a relationship with a person who really knows him and chooses to stay - is something he can have.
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These two lines of dialogue? Murdered me in my sleep with love and care. Sir, how dare you do that to me.
After that the two sillies finish their dance. Their story has a happy ending, they have been reunited. I adore how warm and happy this situation feels, and the descriptions make it feel so light and cheerful, like the moment with MC failing to catch their breath because they are laughing gleefully or Baxter holding them in a gentle embrace.
I really like this confession. Like i said before, it’s very true to Baxter’s character, and it also shows, that despite having good intentions and doing everything you can to change, people can still slip back into their old habits. But there will be people around you that believe you can learn and do better, and will stay with you and help you through it.
I also adore the overall silliness (after the angst is over, but i do love my fair share of angst as well) and the emotional beats. The characters banter, joke around.
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And express how much they care about each other.
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Also the fact that Miranda, Terry and Cove just gawked at the pair while they were having this huge emotional event is just hilarious. They are very nosy friends and i love them for that lol. Of course, Baxter is completely unaffected. GB Patch knew that if they made this man blush more than he already does in the game, they would actually kill us.
I'm not kidding, i die every time he blushes and get revived when he snorts. That's just the circle of life.
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So yeah, that was one out of the three confessions! It's amazing and i hope i was able to convey what i love about it! Prior to playing the Baxter DLC i had around 50 hours on Steam, and after i got it It turned into 120 hours so... Yeah, Baxter Ward.
I'm splitting my confession ramblings into three posts for convenience. Parts 2 and 3 will be finished soon... Hopefully. Once they are i will place links to all the parts in each post (if i learn how to,,,,). Also wow, this post took me way too long to write, holy shit.
Peace out <3
Part 2!
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
BREAK THE WALLS | Kim Hongjoong
Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Full Chapter List
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🀥 Government agent Hongjoong x Rebel Oc
🀥 genre | dystopian society, halazia x geurilla concept , enemies to lovers
🀥 word count | 1.1k
🀥 Summary | An organization by the name of Sector 1 was well known for their work in the underground, theyve been well known for the recruiting of teens and using them to form an army since the year 2034. Collecting strays for their rebellion against those in higher power. Now the year is 2064 and the organization still runs strong they run like a family, with the new technology theyve found ways of keeping alive those that have been scorned in any past battles theyve had against the government.
When the government sends in 7 of their best men to infiltrate the organization. What will they do when their cover is blown and their true intentions are revealed? Will they join the rebellion or will they continue to let the government pull their strings like the little puppets they once were?
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Skylar district November 4th 2064
Tahani hadnt known why the other three needed to be present for her meeting with Mingyu but of course shed never question it.
"Theres a new shipment of weapons and new cyber parts coming in at the starlight bay, jun warned that the past few days alaurian officials have been moving about the city real heavy which why i'm sending in backup." Mingyus eyes landed on the three boys that had been standing behind the girl the entire meeting.
"San, Wooyoung, Mingi consider this a trial mission before the evaluations. Your job is to look after Hira and get her back safely."
"What- are you kidding me i dont need them to get back safe." Tahani was quick to oppose the idea, not only were they being sent on a mission before evaluation but they had to be with her of all people?
"I don't wanna hear it Hira, Jun specifically asked to see you and knowing Jun if i send you in alone, there's a big chance you won't return to hq. When that guy sets his eyes on something, if he sees an opportunity to get it he will go for it."
Mingyu left no time for the girl to argue his decision any further as soon as he sent Juns exact location to her he sent them off.
"Our first mission and I get to go with Tahani." Mingi smiles and throws an arm over Tahanis shoulder earning a glare from the girl which he simply chose to ignore.
Not much time had passed since the six of them had been recruited to Sector 1, but mingi had already become one of the biggest pains in the ass for Tahani. Despite his brother's continuous questioning on why he was starting to get so close with the girl he'd always say the same thing. 'Keep your enemies closer right' though Tahani would never admit it she found herself occasionally wanting to be nice to the boy, she still didn't trust either of them but she couldn't deny Mingi had a way of getting under your skin.
"It's just a trial. I wouldn't get so excited, you wont have any official missions unless you pass evaluations." She responds in an irritated tone before pushing his arm off her shoulder.
"What are these evaluations anyway, shouldn't we just automatically be in if we're agreeing to give our lives for this cause?" Wooyoungs question made Tahani stop dead in her tracks
"None of you get it do you? This organization isnt as simple as you all seem to think it is. They're not going to allow anyone in that isn't worth it, and after what we went through two years ago they sure as hell aren't letting in another person without knowing their loyalties lie within the Sector. I dont know what you all were thinking when you first stepped into the organization but any prior knowledge you thought you had just got rid of it all. The movement is far too important just to let anyone in." And with that she continued to walk down the pier, the three of them shared looks with one another before following after her.
Now here they were standing on a large dock waiting for a large cargo ship to dock its boat just in front of them. Once the loading ramp slammed down in front of them the three boys were shocked to see a familiar face approach them from the large ship.
"Hira, long time no see." A devilish grin decorated his lips as he took the girls hand into his own and placed a kiss to her knuckles. As if finally realizing she wasn't alone his eyes landed on the three men with shocked faces that stood behind her. He eyed them curiously which raised quite a bit of suspicion in Tahani. The guys had all known Yeonjun very well, he just like Loren was an Alurian soldier that was sent to the Sector to assist on the mission. But upon Lorens return he admitted that Yeonjun had no plans on going back to Alaura tower. He had switched sides. Of course they always wondered if it was true and theyd always wondered why anyone would want to join a group of criminals.
"Who are your friends?" Yeonjun eyed each of them cautiously, he knew damn well who they were but he wanted to hear what Tahani was to say before he made any further moves. The three onlookers watched nervously as they awaited her next words. If things went the wrong way their cover would be blown right then and there.
"Some new recruits, Mingyu, forced me to drag them along. San, Mingi, Wooyoung. Meet Yeonjun, Yeonjun meet the new recruits. Now that that's out of the way can we get to these shipment carts now." Yeonjun eyed the three one last time before taking Tahanis hand and walking her aboard the ship. The three boys let out a sigh of relief as they trailed behind the two.
"All of them are newly imported from aurora, some of these are new technology not even the Alaurians have gotten their hands on yet." He spoke as he opened one of the three full crates before looking at her.
"How much for this shipment and what time can your men get it to the Sector."
"Payment isnt needed, i just want you to nail those assholes this time. As for time of shipment we can have at 10 crates in hq by nightfall." Yeonjun leans against the open crate as he watched the girl take in each weapon.
"Its always a pleasure doing business with you junnie." She smiles and shakes his hand to which he returns with one of his own. As he shook the girls hand he made sure to slip a small piece of paper into her palm before glancing at the three behind her.
"Let Mingyu and Juyeon know i'll be seeing them later." Was all he said before letting go of the girl's arm and watching as the four of them disappeared from the ship then from the dock. He hoped that the warning would serve helpful to them. Though Tahani could tell that something was off with Jun at this meeting she wouldn't have thought it'd have anything to do with the three men that Mingyu allowed to accompany her on the meet. That was until they all had arrived back at hq and parted ways and she finally remembered the battered slip of paper that Yeonjun had slipped into her hand. By the time she read the words on the slip of paper the three boys were already out of sight.
"They're alaurian." Tahanis eyes burned with fury as they remained glued to the tiny slip of paper. Two words, two words alone had sent the girl into a downward spiral
Meanwhile unaware of the girl that theyd left behind now knowing their identity the three boys had slipped away to report back to hongjoong what they had just seen.
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Some poor unfortunate soul broke contract and got himself... punished. You walk in on it happening. Floyd wants to punish you in the same way, only problem is... you haven't made a contract.
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey
★✦Wanna Join The Fun~?✦★
You heard so many strange noises from further down the hallway... just what is going on?
You keep walking towards the source, wondering what it could be. Then, you heard a contented sigh and someone start talking.
"Theeeeeere we go... see? That wasn't so hard, was it~?"
Oh, that sounds like Floyd. Wonder what he's up to!
"You're gonna be in there for a while, y'got that? Struggle and scream all you want, I'm not letting you out~"
Huh, that seems weird. What's he talking about...?
"By the way, it's gonna hurt. Ehehe, ya scared~? Oh, but you wanted this, yeah? You wanted to break contract. You wanted to rebel against Azul. And look where it got you."
That's when you found him.
Floyd was sitting on the floor, looking very full. As in, you could actively see the shape of what he's just eaten. A full person. A full, living person.
Suddenly, he gasped and turned his head towards you. He had the biggest smile on his face.
"Heeeeeeya Little Shrimpy~!" He said, waving at you. "Howsit goin'~?"
"You can... do that...?" You asked.
"Eh? Do what?"
"Uh... t-that." You said, pointing slightly nervously at his stomach.
"Is this meant to be impressive or something? Can humans... not do this?" Floyd asked, genuinely confused.
"Not typically, no..."
"Haha! Are ya jealous of me~?"
"Not really..."
Floyd stared at you for a moment, before smirking and patting his stomach.
"Are ya jealous of this guy~?"
"W-what?! No, o-of course not!"
"Aha~! You're so pink, now you really look like a shrimp!" Floyd licked his lips. "But... you keep looking at it... d'you wanna touch it~?"
"Touch it-?!"
"Yeah~! C'mon, it'll be fun, you'll like it!" Floyd leaned forward, resting his head on his bulging stomach. "I won't bite you or anything~"
Should you?
Is this a good idea?
No, it can't be, but...
You are deathly curious...
You cautiously began walking towards Floyd.
You kneeled down and nervously placed a hand on it. You could feel the person moving. You could almost hear them too...
"Hey, Shrimpy..." Floyd grabbed your other hand tightly. "Wanna join the fun~?"
Floyd brought your hand up to his face.
"Yeah~! Ehehe... you're clearly jealous of this guy... but you don't have to be! You can join him if you want~"
"N-no, that's fine, I... I don't-"
"Too bad~!"
Floyd shoved your hand into his mouth, horrifying you.
You pulled your hand away from him, and you ran away as fast as you could.
"Aww... I was really hoping I'd get to eat 'em..." Floyd pouted.
You ran absolutely as fast as you could through the hallways of Octavinelle, thoughts racing through your head. Floyd really just tried to eat you! Well yeah, obviously! He made it very clear he wanted to! Why are you surprised?!
As you ran, you slammed full force into someone.
"Ah-! Now what was that for?" The person asked, turning around. "Oh, hello, (Y/N). Whatever is the matter?"
"Oh! J-Jade..." You sighed. "Your brother... h-he just tried... to eat me..."
"Oh dear, yes he does that sometimes. Would you like me to hide you if you're scared?"
"Um... y-yes please..."
"Ok, just close your eyes. I'll tell you when you can open them again." Jade told you as he pulled out his magic pen. "This specific spell hides the subject using light and as such can really hurt your eyes if they are open while the spell is casted."
"Alright, that, uh... that makes sense..."
You closed your eyes.
You ignored all the red flags such as your body feeling strange, the feeling of you being grabbed, and the sudden heat, as those could absolutely just be other side effects of the spell.......
"You can open your eyes (Y/N)."
You did as asked and-
Oh great.
You're tiny.
And you're in his mouth.
This is exactly what you needed right now.
Regardless of which option you decided to choose, the result was the same. You ended up in the stomach of an eel. Great.
Jade walked through the hallways of the dorm, searching for his brother.
Eventually he finds him, Floyd very nearly falling asleep on the floor of the hallway with an entire person inside of him.
"-Huh? Yeah?" He asked, being snapped out of his sleepiness. "Ohhhhhhh, heya Jade!"
"I assume that's someone who's broken contract?"
"Yeah yeah, don't worry... just punishing 'im like Azul asked me to."
"Just be sure to let him out before you fully fall asleep. Remember that we aren't allowed to kill people here."
"Uh-huh, yeah..." Floyd dismissively said. "Oh! By the way, 've you seen Shrimpy anywhere~? I tried to eat them earlier but they got away... I really wanna feel 'em squirm around in there, ehehe~!"
"I have not seen them but I will let you know if I do."
Jade began to walk away, reminding his brother to let the poor soul go.
"(Y/N), I hope you realize that even though I've hidden you temporarily, the next time he sees you he will eat you." Jade informed you when he was far enough away from his brother. "My apologies. You'll be fine long as you remember to struggle for him, he enjoys that, he'll enjoy it even more since it's you. Anyways, the point is you'll be safe, so don't worry too much, but make sure to make it fun for him... fufu, you don't want him to get bored while you're in his stomach, do you~?"
You sighed.
Something tells you that tomorrow is gonna be a looooong day...
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crimswnred · 1 year
these hc are so cute ! maybe what halloween costume the Li would wear individually and in a couples costume 💓💓💓
I'm so excited!! ok, ok, without any further ado:
what the season 2 lis would wear for halloween (individually and in a couple)
individually: look me in the eye right now and tell me he wouldn't dress up as spider-man. especially now with the spider-verse movies.
couple: he's a silly guy so I'm thinking he could wear literally anything after a little convincing, but ultimately, I'm saying:
beast boy & raven or robin & starfire (teen titans)
scott pilgrim and ramona flowers (scott pilgrim vs the world)
shark boy and lava girl
this has gotten way too long!! pls check out more under the cut 👇
individually: most likely a star war reference. or something funny. definitely something tight
couple: again, another silly guy who would wear anything you ask him, but here are my picks:
han solo and princess leia (and he absolutely loves it)
bowser and peach, not mario tho because that's too basic
bob and helen parr (the incredibles)
individually: violet man. ok, let's say violet man isn't a real thing (like, well, it isn't). he's DEFINITELY dressing as another superhero. my guess? either superman or batman.
couple: he's gonna rock the best geek couple costumes ever and he'll show off. together, you guys will either serve cunt or die trying. here are some ideas:
batman and catwoman (the batman)
wanda maximoff and vision (wandavison)
jean gray and scott summers (the x-men)
individually: he would probably wear something that's more halloween than costume party, if you get what i mean? he prolly loves the holiday 'cause of his siblings and REALLY commits to the bit. fred krueger, jason, chuck, ghost face...
couple: like I said, he commits to the bit and goes all the way but he's sticking to the horror pattern because that's how it should go. some ideas include:
emily and victor (corpse bride)
other mother and other father (coraline)
beetlejuice and lydia (yes, the red wedding dress)
individually: something sexy but that he doesn't need to put much effort in, like a vampire or something. i can't see him going all out for halloween, i'm sorry 😭
couple: now, when in a couple, it's a tad different... he's making sure you look good together and when i say good, i mean GOOD. you guys would probably be the hottest couple at any halloween party, here are some ideas:
gomez and morticia addams (let's put that stache to use, shall we?)
mr and mrs smith
tony montana and elvira hancock (scarface)
individually: TARZAN. and he loves wearing nothing but a thong the whole night.
couple: I bet on something fun and easy, but also cute! he just wanna have fun with you and party for a bit, so I don't think he would propose something super complex. some ideas:
johnny and mavis (hotel transylvania)
daphne and fred (scooby-doo)
lola and bugs bunny (space jam)
individually: I'm thinking classic and boring. doesn't care much when he's on his own. classic halloween stuff.
couple: HEAR ME OUT — iconic moments from pop culture. what do I mean by that? well, I mean:
britney spears and justin timberlake in matching jeans outfits
xtina and eminem (at the ICONIC vmas)
sony and cher (like halsey did!)
individually: spock! a little on the nose for him but COME ON. he's always dressing up as a star trek character, switching up every year. I can see him wearing something marvel related too.
couple: yeah, some star trek reference for sure but since that's not my breed of nerd (sorry not sorry), I'm saying:
jessie and james (pokemon)
loki and sylvie (loki series)
link and zelda (the legend of zelda)
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ahh!! this was so much fun to do!! thanks for asking, anon 💝 I had a blast with your question!!
(!) I don't know enough about the missing LIs to add them to this list. if you'd like to ask for a specific islander that didn't make the list, don't be afraid to drop your request in my inbox.
more headcanons.
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grabowskibeepboop · 5 months
So, I'm an anime watcher, not a manga reader, blame it on proctrastination but I wanna talk about dungeon meshi so I will, even if I haven't read the manga, so my thoughts so far
Halflings are fake ass bitches, which is not a bad thing, but they will talk shit about each other behind their backs, but when everyone's in danger they will prioritize their own safety along with other halflings in the party, I know that's what we've seen already but I think it's just a trait they all share, exept if they're under different circumstances like one of them has a kobold companion (which btw I don't know where kobolds being furries came from, as far as I know kobolds look like goblins and such, but sure, I like furries so go ahead)
Laios is gay and it's heavily hinted at, okay maybe not that heavily but I'm 1000% sure it's hinted at, I mean who else would hear "there's a naked guy dancing in that painting" and say it's the perfect painting to jump into, and even if you think that's a coincidence and he was just hungry, not being affected by sirens' song and even knowing how to make it uneffective for your party members is pretty gay imo, and maybe it's not a specifically gay trait, but not being able to pick up on when other people flirt with each other or even you is just something I really love about him and I really want to say it's a queer trait, so manga readers, don't spoil me, but can you back me up on this? Or maybe debunk me, I don't know
It's not that hinted at, but I think that even if she's not in love with Falin, whatsherface is gay at the very least, with Falin being her awakening, but even if she's somehow not, Laios is and they're best friends, I'm not taking any votes
Whatshisface, the one with the chimmunk name, sorry I always forget complicated names, but if he's gonna end up with a woman, he needs a dommy mommy, I'm also not taking any votes on this
Personal headcanon because I think this would make for a great gig is that Senshi and I'm sorry if I misspelled it is still older than the rest (as in, I think whatsherface is above 100 or at least close to it, but I think converted into human [or species that live as long as humans] years she's around her early 20s because she's still pretty immature), but as far as I've learned from other media I'd assume that dwaves live around as long as elves, or at least they measure in hundreds, so I want to say he's still older than the rest, but he's a pretty young dwarf, I'd say he's around his 80s or something, but converted into human [...] years he's around his mid 30s or 40s
I wanna say this, not proud of it but at first I thought whatshis-pony-tail's new party consisted of his wives, but it's not so I was wrong, just saying this as a "fun" fact
I love myself a gossip king, I live for the drama too
Honestly wanna say that if I lived in a world where there were monsters I would've assumed that adventurers eat them on the daily, like that's what I would've done, why should I waste all that flesh and ingredients? Like I think video games already let you eat moster flesh do they not? Minecraft does, it is poisonous but still, I wouldn't be hesitant to eat them just because they're monsters, maybe I would be disgusted sometimes, but if I defeated a giant half chicken half snake monster I would be eating chicken for days (if I had the equipment to keep it edible), maybe even the snake part if I didn't feel so picky
The fact that they can make dungeons and they even study it and one of the characters wants to make one is genius imo
Edit with further thoughts:
(I just watched ep.19 so this is newer than the rest) Laios is a furry confirmed?
What if, if the dungeon cleaners get trappet for a long enough time in a different system they become part of that system, so they can be used as replacement for lost blood? (And no I didn't think of this while daydreaming about Kabru reuniting with injured Laios what are you talking about?)
So what if Kabru kissing whatsherface was just them showing that he's not hesitant to use tactical flirting?
So what if Laios has night terrors because of seeing the dead?
So what if I write labru fanfiction in my head even though I don't know anything about them?
So is Kabru just a people pleaser or is he manipulative?
Being a tumblr user makes me ship things in before I even know what they are
Imagine being a furry in a world where you could've actually been born as a dog person
But on the other hand you have a magic bestie who can turn you into a dog so
What am I on?
Edit again
Yooo what it there was an anti-nightmare, that gives you the best dream of your life that can't and don't want to wake up from while it eats your body slowly?
And what if one anti-nightmare can target multiple people, but that way they will both dream the same thing, so it's risky for the anti-nightmare
But it's also a good observer, so it can tell who would work well with who in a dream
They're usually in packs of 2 or 3, but it's not a rare sight that you'll find just one of them
They're in the same family but look different from nighmares
Omg I'm at it again
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kitkatnerds3 · 1 year
I have not finished the episode yet but I've just gotten to the Fukufuku backstory (specifically the part where they just met and its night and they're lying on the floor together) and, these two are fucking dark timeline Renga from sk8! 'The way of the sword is enjoyable!' and 'I'm going to master the sword alongside you' vs 'skating is fun!' and 'I want to skate with you infinitely' I swear Fukuchi even did the same hand movement that Reki did at some point. Energetic sunshine (at least at the moment) x calm and collected. I am getting such strong Renga vibes from that scene and it's driving me insane.
DONT DO SYMBOLISM WITH THE FUCKING BIRDS YOU DUMB SHOW! I SEE WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING DOING! For context, they were having a conversation but the focus was on these two egrets? herons? anyways, and then one of them just flew off when Fukuchi said that he was gonna be promoted and sent to the battlefield , which is what separated these two. I'm going to die, I'm not entirely sure why but I am. /pos
Fuck it, I'm committing to the live blog. enjoy seeing my live uncut reactions folks!
The animation is so pretty bro, bones adores their old man yaoi.
Ok, old man yaoi backstory is over , and before I move on to the next thing I just wanna say, young Fukuzawa was so fucking cute! He was an old man even when he was a baby! he was adorable! and honestly so was Fukuchi! I'm very sad that he became the way he is now, war really does stuff to people, huh?
Ok I'm a little bit confused, I didn't realize that he had told that United Nations guy the half-truth. But whatever, that's on me I guess.
God, Fukufuku are so gay. I know that stabbing someone isn't exactly romantic but he Fukuzawa did the thing where you grab onto the other persons clothes and after Fukuchi stabbed him his head ended up resting on his chest. This is PEAK romantic tradgedy.
Teruko, I love you. She looks so pretty and she is so hecking smart and I just adore her. She let Atsushi go! Woohoo!! Also, Atsushi's hallucinations are really coming in full force, huh? He is seeing so many people.
Dazai and Sigma are so silly, I love them, Dazai stop flirting for two fucking seconds challenge. Also, it's fun to hear that Dazai is screwing around with Sigma while thinking of Kunikida! Truly every ship is being fed this season! Except sskk, but we did get Aku in Atsushi's hallucinations doing a thing so that's kinda a win for the gays!
Wow! What a nice elevator! I'm sure nothing bad will happen here!
Oh catgirl, you left us too soon.
I must say, I don't really have much to say on the Meursault section. It was good! The animation was great as it usually is for the Meursault sections, Sigma was so pretty I love him and! Dazai did the thing where he played with Sigma's hair! Woo! Fyodor was his usual level of kinda ugly in anime form, Dazai is showing emotions! more of the sillies, Dazai fucking stood on Sigma, which is delightful, aaaaaaand it's started to flood! Fuck!
Anyways, back to the very start of this episode before I was overcome by the homosexual-ness of Fukufuku, Aya Bram Kunikida and Tanizaki got yoinked! Fuck! I still have a theory that Tanizaki could be doing an illusion and I will make a post about it one day. And also, please excuse me for saying this because while I am still upset about Ranpo being hurt... watching Fukuchi pick him up by the scruff of his neck like a cat was kinda hilarious. Also, Teruko I love you. You're the only hunting dog that heard about Fukuchi's real identity and didn't immediately die. Girlboss fr. Also also, where are Lucy Kyouka and Yosano :D? W-where did they go? Asagiri please I need to see my girls.
And to once again revisit the old gays, Holy Shit that was so gay. Nobody told me that the Fukufuku backstory was a Sports Anime tm that turned into a war drama in the second season! I knew we said they were divorced but I never realized just how married they were before the separation! Wow! Fukuzawa smiled so softly at Fukuchi! They were such sweet kids! Aagh!
This was a good episode! I liked this! Excited for next Wungo Wednesday!
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f0linasahl0 · 6 months
you know i have too many thoughts but i can't seem to place them well enough to make a single post.
like i'm just thinking about (multi fandom thoughts god save me):
-dustin and steve's friendship and how genuine it is. same with robin and steve. idk i think steve is just a good guy when around good people.
-thinking about how dustin was wearing rings in a stranger things teaser im literally going to break down
-thinking about how tyler's singing voice changes through each album. like idk how to explain it other than that. it's just good
-thinking about how draco malfoy deserved more than what he got. he deserved a better family. a chance at being an actual kid rather than caring about his family's image
-thinking about spencer reid. just spencer reid. loml
-there's so many songs i'd be so excited to hear on the clancy world tour. so many songs i'd break down to. so many songs that if they skip it i'd actually be heartbroken.
-thinking about how penelope garcia held that fucking team together shut up. she was the glue that held the bau together argue with the wall.
-still thinking about how fucking broken tyler looked through the livestream experience. how clancy was a puppet for the bishops through SAI. imagine how horrifyingly humiliating that would be. a man who tried so hard to fight something like that just to be the poster boy for it.
-still wondering what jenna and debby's roles are. like sure that's not a big thing but i care about it i wanna know where they are in the lore. like even if it's not meant to be something big id like to know
-i think i ended up liking draco malfoy as much as i do is because looking past the little boy who's a bully, look at his family bro. he had no choice in what he could be. his character is more complex than initially thought
-harry potter, as much as he deserved to be, was so whiny some times 💀. ron is just whiny in the later books. like come on you think this kid who's gone through hell wants to keep going through hell for some money?? ronald come on calm your tits and talk to him. just that whole fight in goblet of fire could've been avoided if he just talked to his friend. like you fucking think he wanted that ronald?? calm down.
-there's a few characters that if they die in s5 of stranger things im literally going to break down. specifically dustin, steve, and robin. if they die--dude like absolutely not
-peter parker you deserve the entire world you deserve everything. all the peter parker's in the marvel cinematic universe and marvel comic universe. literally i--UGH
-there's a few twenty one pilots songs that while i listen to them i specifically remember the music video and i think that's really funny. to note, some of them are stressed out, lane boy, somewhat fairly local, house of gold, guns for hands, i just remember the livestream ones for shy away and choker, there's so many but like--there's parts that remind me of the mv
-i don't think i ever hated SAI i just distanced from twenty one pilots in 2021 (which honestly was the worst time for me to do so but here we are) and thinking i disliked SAI was better than turning away from the band that probably saved my life from further depression and instead turning to dumbass minecraft youtubers that ended up just being awful awful people. i hate that. i hate that i was so awestruck by these mcyts that i didn't think about how bad they could've been. SAI is a good album i just never got into it like i am now and that makes me feel so sad. i don't want to be one of those "oh you just came back because the lore said this album was...blah blah blah" like okay thanks for the words and shit i don't really care let me LIVE
anyway those are some various thoughts. idk what else to put anymore so enjoy this thought dump i guess 🤷
this is what i mean by multifandom i like too many things 💀
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wiredalienvampire · 2 years
OK so, my thoughts on the don't hug me I'm scared tv series (warning for spoilers)
I don't know how to fully organize them so I'll just start with my biggest thought
The characters (specifically the main 3) are much more fleshed out and have more defines personalities and while it's much different than the original series and was much different than I thought it would be I still love how they're characterized. They're assholes who share a brain cell but at the same time you get the idea that they still care about each other no matter how often they bicker and fight?? U know with how red guy interacts with yellow during the car scene when he was talking about living in a community in episode 5, yellow guy and red guy grieving over duck in episode 2, that one fucking scene when red guy and duck guy say they like looking at each other in 6...love wins/hj. Sure it's mainly the trio being assholes for the sake of comedy but idk those moments kinda tell me that they secretly care about one another. When it comes to the individual trio themselves they're wonderful, duck guy is this fussy unhinged chipper asshole and is the funniest character of this series,every time he yells or says something out of left field in episode 2, it always kills me I love him. Red guy is an absolute blorbo, he's much more different than he was in the YouTube series,he has more emotion and enthusiasm in his voice instead of being monotone and bored sounding which felt surreal to hear but I got used to it pretty quickly,its still deep and calm sounding but I don't mind the change, he has a similar wacky quirk to him like the other 2 characters but is still more of a middle man and is much nicer than them,he's pretty dorky,weirdly friendly and just really laid back and awkward,and I love him <3, I loved him in the YouTube series and I love him even more in the tv show. Yellow guy is an interesting case,he's kind of a punching bag when it comes to some of the shows jokes especially when it comes to the trio but hsi personality is much more close to his pilot counterpart, he's naive,innocent and child like but has a sense of edge to him like when he literally hit duck with broken glass the end of ep 4, he's also more blunt? I love him alot and his role in the 6th episode is something I think about alot.. if you know then u know..
Another thing I wanna talk about is pretty much the tone and changes the tv show has in contrast to the web series
This series is more focused on comedy with the banter between the cast and also the surreal humor being put up to 11 which is the best parts of the show, its much more fast paced and wacky which is super entertaining, it still had the horror from the original series and while I perfer the more eerie horror of the web show the tv show is amazingly terrifying,it's much more gory and you get this sense of dread when your further in the episode and it really makes you uncomfortable at points like the end of episode 5 or just the entirety of episode 2,like Roy being implied to have cannibalized the family in the end is genuinely scary like Jesus christ 😭. I appreciate how it kept the spirit of the show in general even if it's much different than its counterpart and it just feels like don't hug me I'm scared.
And I also wanna talk about the production value of the show and God is it amazing
I love the different art mediums the show uses,like 2d animation,stop motion, claymation,it makes the series much more unique and it's just so well done, the set design is great, and everyone looks so colorful it makes me so happy, off topic is but I love the references and fanservice the show gives like teacher cameos and references to iconic lines from the web show, like pesky bee, the old teachers like tony,Colin, the fucking lamp, and even the steak guy at one point,it's fun Easter eggs for fans while also being enjoyable for newcomers, everything looks so polished.
And last thing I wanna talk about is the story, like the original show,shit hits the fan during the later episodes but are hinted with the continuous shenanigans with the teachers, it starts getting real with episode 5 and I genuinely got really invested,wondering what will happen next and man the ending is something I won't stop thinking about aside from the scene with the gay puppets, I wanna know more about Lesley and how the whole thing shoe does works because she seems so interesting and I hope that they're would be more episodes so we could know more about her
So those are my thoughts on the series, tldr it's freaking wonderful and worth the 6 years of waiting,it might have alot of differences from the web series but there's something for fans like myself to enjoy! I loved it alot and I'm just so happy this show got to see the light of day <3
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cherrysoulth · 2 years
In The City - Chapter 1:
The One Who Protects
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🏢 Let me take you for a drive. 🏢
💕Pairing: Jimin x Reader 
✏️Genre/au: Non-Canon, Action, Smut, Sci-fi, Supernatural world AU
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Wordcount: 3316
⚠️Chapter warnings: tasers, knives, social toxic masculinity consequences
<<<𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2 >>>
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Jimin steps out of the car with that majestic elegance of his, only his incógnito attire making his cues invisible to the rest of the mortals walking the street at this time of the night. He makes his way to your door and opens it for you, putting his arm around your shoulder, locking his car to walk with you.
The night belongs to you two. In the darkness, you are nobody, very rarely recognized. In the shadows, you can be whoever you want and do whatever you desire to fulfill in your freedom. 
The road is always yours and yours alone. The feeling of the wheels brushing over the hard asphalt at a measured high-speed, making up for how the nights are planned. Every place where your feet touch the ground has bodyguards in disguise. At this point, neither Namjoon nor the company are worried about Jimin's safety when you are out because you have it all under control. 
This time though, once you walk inside the movie theatre, the security guard who was supposed to pass you the tickets for the movie comes to you calmly, and with a single whisper you know the night is already over. Jimin's hand at your back guides you to turn around, leading you back outside. 
You are soon aware that with this one guard, another two quickly follow from a prudential distance, and once Jimin sits in the driver's seat, they run to their car. He was fast to get the engine on and drive out of the lot; much so, that he didn't notice the other car wasn't following.
The phone inside your purse sings its catchy tune, absorbing your attention away from the road and when you check it the screen shows Sewoo-nim's entrance call. With the respective courtesies, you ask him why you can't see them driving behind. 
"Our wheels have been ripped. Someone knew we were here." You try to keep calm to not alert the man at your side, who shows enough distress in the way he drives, to be worrying about what might or might not be happening. To your silence the guard keeps talking, "There was a break-in at the old apartment where the receptionist and other employees are staying. No robbery, no damage done, but someone left a note. A very specific one..." he hesitates in revealing the details.
"Skip that, I don't think I wanna know. What else?" You notice Jimin tilting his head to you and you point at the road for him to focus on driving. He obeys. 
"It's a death threat, Reyna." For some reason, it doesn't shock you but for how things are going, the situation feels way more worrying than just a simple threat. "You know with how the situation is–"
"I know," you interrupt him. 
"We've already called the next checkpoint to find you on the road but there seems to be a traffic issue, so I'll advise you to just keep going until you get to BigHit. We can't have you on the road unprotected now," he explains with urgency. "God, I wish I had hopped in your car, I could make sure you guys are ok." 
"Don't worry, I got this," you tell him. Jimin looks in your direction once more and you tilt your head to look at him. "Eyes on the road, please, Jimin-ah." Again he doesn't  argue. 
"What do you mean?" the guard questions with intrigue.
"You know what I mean. See you later." After the reply, you hang up, unwilling to hear further questions. Without hesitation, you check under your seat to find exactly what you are looking for and take out the bag that is hidden there. You remove a device from its velvety depths and turn it on, hearing the crackling sound of electricity as a blue spark dances in front of you.
"What the fuck is that?" Jimin questions, looking at you for a second then back to the road, about to turn at the next street. 
"Don't. We gotta go to BigHit," you tell him and he raises the speed again.
"I've asked you something, Reyna," he points out, eyes on the road as he twists and turns, overtaking the other cars. 
"A  taser gun. Like you haven't seen them before," you scoff, turning the thing off.
"Yeah, I've seen them. But, why is this thing in my car, under your seat?" 
"Jimin. I'm a security guard for the government. What did you think I was wearing, water guns?" you say sarcastically, the tension of the moment and its personal weight paying no favours.
"Don't mock me," he frowns, eyes darting your way for a second then back to the road. The truth is he doesn't want to think about your job, he doesn't like how it's escalated because it means that you can be in danger. So he, by norm, ignores the nature of the deeds you are asked to fulfill. 
Being a bodyguard is your job and your passion. When you met, it was already your job but it was in a far less dangerous position. To him, worryings started soon after but he always thought that asking you to stay in less exposing positions was like depriving you from advancing in a career that you excelled at.  Nothing has ever happened to you, not even minor injuries and it's not only that which tells him you are good at your job because moving from a company position to the government being a female is definitely a feat. He is just not aware of how well. What he can't imagine is that the company has given you the weapon to protect him.
You are with him on times his guards aren't and it is an advantage they can't dismiss. Once again.
When you were still in close protection training doing your practice time at the BigHit building, you and Jimin started to go on dates in secret and it didn't take long for Namjoon to figure that out. When he confronted Jimin about it, the way he saw his eyes sparkled, although the difficult times made him look the other way; with the one condition of being discreet and letting him know where you were. 
The moment you refused Mina's (the Human Resources worker) offer to become a BTS personal bodyguard, despite the obvious friendship between you, Jimin and Namjoon, she found it suspicious. 
As soon as she figured out what was going on, she called you to her office. The moment she started asking random questions about your workplace for things that she already had knowledge of and then questions alluding to your feelings in it, you sensed something was off. Then, when she brought up Jimin, all your alarms rang. 'That's it. I'm getting fired.' you thought with tears about to prick in your eyes. 
As it turned out, she just wanted to make sure that your relationship wasn't going to interfere with your job performance and that you two would be discreet. Jimin had told you a few hours later how a similar speech had been given to him. However, you received an email two days later for another meeting where things got a little tricky. 
She wasn't alone this time; Hitman Bang was there too. They suggested you should take the work that had been offered to you because it was a big opportunity to grow in your career, especially since the group was growing and so increased the responsibility. The moment they expressed a specific interest for you to become Jimin's personal guard, you were speechless.
"Reyna-ssi, I know that's a step further into your personal life, but if you think about it, you're already around him anyway, and being on the BTS security staff will mean you're going to spend more hours a day with Jimin." They were selling it good but you weren't an idiot blind to the possible problems that mixing job and love life could mean. Still, you listened. "We thought it would be profitable for both sides if you'd accept to look after him. With that, and having in mind what I've told you, we've decided, in case you accept, that your formal hours would be the same as the rest of the guards and you'll get paid extra for the rest of the hours you spend with Jimin." As he explained, it took you just a second to realise all what that meant for you.
"The money is not what worries me. The offer sounds reasonable and it does seem like a good opportunity for me. What worries me is how that can affect my personal life and relationship with Jimin. Because one thing is being a bodyguard and the other is being his personal guard, having to punch in every time we are together." 
"My apologies, Reyna-ssi, I meant you'll get paid an extra amount having in mind that you'll spend more time with him than the rest of the guards and that he'll be under your protection whilst you meet up. That part you already know and I'm sure that you've already weighed the fact that you're dating an idol. What you do in your private life is nobody's business but yours, but the company needs to know where you two are at least," he concluded.
"That reminds me I haven't formally apologised, Bang PD-nim, for the inconveniences that our road trips might have caused," you said and bowed, aware of the times Jimin had just ignored calls while with you. "But I must certainly–" you then realise that you've already been taking care of Jimin's safety, knowing that your dates could cause a security breach and out of your own concern. "I've made sure Jimin was safe." 
"We know," said Mina. "We were sure, knowing your habits, that it was the case. That's what gave us the idea when we knew about the dating."
"Now, if things don't work between you and Jimin," Hitman Bang said, trying to sound as impersonal as possible. "Then you can take back your previous position or we can assign you another job."
"That seems fair," you said, not really wanting to think about that possibility but understanding his point to bring it up.
The problems came when, later that day, you exposed the nature of the meeting to Jimin. Whilst he sounded excited to the prospect of having more time around you if you accepted to be in his team staff, the moment you mentioned your assignment to him, his smile banished. The quietness that followed although he tried to look normal was the calm before the storm in your eyes. 
A few days later, after your new position was established and you had been trained on the methods of teamwork besides your individuals, your first job came. 
It was pretty simple: accompany Jimin and Taehyung in disguise because they wanted to take a walk through one of the parks to unwind. There you saw the first dark cloud from the upcoming rain, he didn't flicker a lash in your direction. Later, the tension growing on Jimin, showed while he practiced dance routines on the stage. He seemed to lose fluidity as if he had two big sandbags hanging from his shoulders. His eyes kept on swinging to you as you patrolled, two abys of mixed feelings that pinned to you like a hawk, and Hobi had to call the practice off.
"Jimin-ssi, are you ok?" you asked him when he sat down.
"Yeah, I'm fine." he dismissed, as he dried the sweet on his nape. Then you passed him a water bottle and he smiled at you but you weren't buying it.
The way his eyes went lost in the distance soon after, with a stern face, told you something was off and when he abruptly told Namjoon that he was going out for a bit, you had your confirmation.
Namjoon gave you an unnecessary look of warning since you were already after Jimin with two guards, to check on him and Taehyung, who had followed suit to comfort his really tense soulmate. As always one of the guards, the one with a suit, was directly and visibly behind them. 
Then you and another one acted as a couple enjoying the leisure, but your eyes were always back and forth on your subjects.Then Jimin sat down and you two had to do some rounds through the park while chatting. This time it was Jimin who kept his eyes on you as you walked, the eye shadow giving him a fierce look on his serious demeanour. When you asked him later on, he blamed it on the tension before the concert and although you knew it was bullshit, you didn't press the matter. 
Things didn't go any further from that during the next couple of weeks. Until the tension was too much and you insisted on him to explain what was going on; not buying the excuse of the concerts anymore. You had been together for a year and your relationship had already been through a tour, yet he never acted like that. Finally, the real reason showed up in the socially established, male pride; he felt like he had to be the one to protect you, not the other way around. It ended up in an argument. Like the one that was now boiling up inside the car.
"Now the question is, why do you have that in my car?" he inquires, frowning. You can feel he is not only upset with the situation but with you too at this point. 
"To protect you," you say without a second thought.
"I don't want you to protect me, it's not your job," he complains and with your silence he wonders, "Is it?"
"No, it's not my job Jimin," you reply, his stubbornness tickling the wrong nerve.
"Then why is there a fucking weapon in my car?" he questions, pissed.
"Because I wanted to protect you." you reply sternly.
"Okay we're starting to bite our tails here," he comments with a frustrated tone.
"Okay, where's the problem with me protecting you now? We've talked about this, we trust in each other's qualities, so please don't tell me we're back to square one. I don't like square one," you reply concerned.
"We are not. But the problem is that you are supposed to be my girlfriend, not my bodyguard." You roll your eyes because it does seem like the argument you first had.
"I don't want to be your job. It's shitty enough that I can't go anywhere without two guards sticking to my back, to have the only person who I can relax with being part of that too. It makes me feel..." he explains but hesitates in his last words. "It sounds ridiculous...but it makes me feel lonely." 
The way he says that with a tired smile makes you want to hug him and not let go but you're still in the car and you do have a job to do.
"Tell me I'm not your job," he says as soon as you see the destination through the windshield. 
"Is that what worried you in the beginning?" you ask him, defeated, he gives a slight nod. 
"That and you getting hurt. You getting hurt worries me more," he exposes.
"Jimin, I never thought of you as my job. It's something I would have done without getting paid. Getting hurt might be concerning but protecting you, protecting others, is part of what I am. I thought you knew that," you explain, feeling hurt.
"I know...and I know you're careful too. At the same time... It's just. It tormented me for a long time," he explains. "I felt like the company had control over everything in my life and it was something that stuck… I even thought that they had set me up with you," he adds. That's something he's never told you. "You were too good to be true. I even thought you weren't really a guard until I saw you work. You know there's people whose job is to act like they are someone's partner, like some sort of actress or actor." 
"I do." 
"Well, I– that's what I thought you were," he concludes. "And when I think about it I know I was being paranoid, right? I mean, your skills showed up pretty quickly when we were in America. I actually started admiring you at another level but when it comes to us being together... You having the job to protect me makes me feel like that." 
"Rest assured that I protect you because I love and care about you not because I've been asked," you tell him. And he just thanks you and nods, looking at you for a second as he enters the parking lot.
"Wait," he says to you as he parks and you're about to jump out. When you turn around he puts his hand on your chin and slowly moves towards your lips and you feel the warmth of his breath; inviting. Slowly, your lips meet and your right hand entwines with the hair on his nape making him purr slightly as you taste each other. His lips travel to one corner of your lips and down your jaw to your throat. There he smirks when you swallow with a shaky breath and moves away.
"That's what I thought," he chuckles. So low you're not sure you've heard him right. As you get out of the car, the management security receives you and escorts you to another car that drives you to the dorm.
Before you are able to step a foot outside the car, and while Jimin walks out secured by another guard, the management tells you to wait. "Carry this with you everywhere now," he orders, handing you another taser gun and a knife. "I would advise you to convince him to stay in as much as possible, not that you don't know how it works, but this time seems even more serious than before." You take the taser and place it in the inside pocket of your jacket, then put the knife in your boot. "We'll do our jobs with the police from here," he explains before dismissing you and you walk out.
Inside, the apartment is lightened and the members are waiting on the couch. Faces with relief drawn on them as soon as they gaze at you and they approach Jimin to make sure he is unharmed. 
"I'm ok. Nothing to worry about," he points out. 
"Reyna, you're staying right?" asks Namjoon. "The building is full of guards, you don't really need me, but I'd like to stay, yes." 
"Let's go. I'm tired," says Jimin, guiding you by the waist. By how his face looks, compared to how the date started, it's like you've been out for hours and not just the measly one and a half. 
Since he doesn't share a room with Hobi anymore, now that Namjoon is married and has his own place two floors down, you've been able to stay more often.
The room is wide, with long windows that have a beautiful view of the city. There's a queen size bed in the middle of the room with grey sheets and a white duvet, that make it look like one big cloud over the dark grey fluffy carpet. The walls are also white withatching polished shelves full of plushies and manga figurines, plus other details he collects. On the wall above the bed there's threads placed in zigzag where he keeps his favourite polaroids and at the bedframe he keeps a silver necklace with an angel that you gifted him two months into the relationship, hanging at the edge, on the side where he sleeps. 
As you get inside the room, Jimin pulls you into a hug from behind and kisses your nape.
"This isn't as bad of a date either," he says while his lips land on your throat from the side and pushes you with his body towards the bed. 
"Jimin, the members are in the house. Awake." You try to stop the adventure you see coming.
"It is almost like the destiny of the universe. It is just how it is. You know I know. You are me, and I am you~" he sings with a soft voice as he turns you around softly, giving you a peck that transforms into lips playing with need.
You let the song play in your head as you fall over the bed and his lips trace your jawline; fully aware the date has just begun. 
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🏢 Ready to stay home? 🏢
I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Let me know your thoughts and reblog if you liked it. 😊 See you!
I want to thank @moonleeai for the beta of this work 💜
© 2021-2022 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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jaeminscoffee · 3 years
Daddy Issues | S. Jn
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Pairing | Seo Johnny x Fem!Reader
Genre | Smut, fluff
Wc;type | oneshot: 3.93k [not proof read]
Warning(s) | Pwp, dilf!johnny, y/n's a pillow princess, daddy kink, overstimulation, teasing, edging, dacryphilia, slight voyeurism, degradation kink, heavy use of the words 'doll, princess, slut, pretty, angel', typical lyra smut, i made haechan johnny's son (i was about to write changbin as johnny's son but decided against it) age gap, unprotected sex ( the Reader's on pills. Remember this is a fiction, don't play the wrong card irl) filth.
a/n- i found this request buried in my asks and was tempted to write it. Sure, the warning looks intimidating, but i know you wanna read it, y'all whores (ily) shoutout to @bakugou-is-my-bae @cvntzennie and @jenopollo for helping me decide what to post first! @suhpersonic
Minors try not to interact! <3
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Age is just a number, so surely, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, right? 
There's no reason for you to not fall for the friendly neighborhood bachelor, well not so bachelor bachelor, since he does go around asking people who knows of his marriage to pretend it never took place. 
Johnny's hot, super hot. Has the build of a supermodel. Has the face that one can only imagine belongs to a greek god, as you'd jokingly tell him how he seemed to be god's favorite and how you loathe Aphrodite for showing favoritism (which would always end up with you getting a very sultry, teasing look from the lad) 
Johnny has the type of personality that women can only wish the entirety of the male species would possess. He's an absolute sweetheart, life of the party, definitely the center of attention wherever he goes. And oh god, does he have an immaculate fashion sense. 
But Johnny's also the father of Donghyuck. Your best friend. 
More than being ashamed about the fact that you actually fell in love with a man who has a child of your age, it was the fact that you had to fall for Donghyuck's father of all people. 
Donghyuck is a sweetheart, definitely got his personality from his father but he's also got that glare that could creep the Lord's of the darkness from his father. He's got so much from his father that the resemblance is uncanny. 
You'd not want to get onto hyuck's bad side since you've gotten first hand experience at stopping him from almost committing homicide to someone who spoke shit about his friends, more specifically, you. 
But Hyuck's not in town. So a little fun with Mr. Suh wouldn't hurt anyone, correct? After all, you're still only a human with desires and the want to take risks. 
You'd always not so subtly drop hints at Johnny and he'd always give you that look that would have slick collecting itself between your thighs. A warning look. 
A look that said, "cross the line and you'll get it" 
But that's the thing, you want to get it and will do anything to get it.
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You'd ask yourself less than a million times if you want to do this or not.
Sure, you weren't this hesitant when you decided to sext your best friend's father knowingly when he was in business mode to irk him up but that's one thing. 
And having to confront the same father who left a message smaller than a sentence that completely disregarded all the obscene text and images to show that he's not the slightest bothered or suprised by your behavior for that matter was another thing.
"Tomorrow at mine." 
It's almost as though he deals with hormonal teenagers one as such as yourself on a daily basis and that thought kind of backfired at you considering the whole 'Let's piss Johnny off so that he'd finally give me what i want' agenda. 
Ironic, huh? 
"Mr. Suh." you start hesitantly, unsure of what to call him, scared of what his reaction would be after your inappropriate shenanigans last night. 
Your stiff demeanor broke down a little with just a hint of shiver passing down your spine as you watch his features contort into a subtle but cocky smirk, "So now you're being all formal,"
"Well, what else would you like me to address you as?" you inquire, feigning oblivion to his tone and what he's implying at. "You tell me, doll. You seemed to have a lot of names to call me last night," he takes a step forward, prompting you to walk a step backwards, further into the corridors of his apartment and away from the actual location. 
"I do not know what you're talking about.. " you let your voice shrivel towards the end, eyes wandering around the complex, finding interest in every small detail as you avoid Johnny's teasing gaze. 
"You don't?" Johnny takes another step forward, latching his hands onto your forearms to prevent you from stepping further away, "You must have had a heavy sleep to forget all that you did last night," his voice drops dangerously low as he begins to walk backwards and back into the safety of his apartment, all the while keeping his gaze fixated on you.
"That won't do, would it? How about we take a walk down the memory lane? And see if that rings any bell?" He brushes your hair away from its static position on your shoulder, allowing him to appreciate all those fine details of your shoulders and neck that are exposed from your selection of clothing, an off shoulder. 
"How about we don't...?" You ask with skepticism, jolting slightly when you hear the door shut behind you and at the new intrusion of personal space by the lad.
"Why are you acting all shy now, Y/n? Weren't you the one so eager to get into her best friend's fathers pants? Just be the whore you are, darling. Your facade's fooling no one." okay you definitely didn't see that coming. 
Johnny's expressions morph into that of mischief as he watches your eyes grow wide and mouth fall ajar, "Am i not correct? Are you not a whore?" he asks with an eyebrow quirked up in a questioning manner.
You don't reply, almost as though the question was meant to linger in the open and that it was a rhetorical one. What you didn't expect, however, was for Johnny's hands to find pursuit around your neck, not necessarily applying pressure, but there as a warning. 
"Answer me." 
"I'm not.." you answer with a feeble voice, internally cringing at how squeaky you sound which only added to Johnny's amusement. 
"Really? Because I don't think good girls go around drooling at a divorced man, her friend's father for that matter and definitely do not send lewd images and voice out their fantasies to a guy twice their age, still want to pretend you're innocent? Or you admit it and we cut down the chase?"
"Yes, I am." you breathe out when his fingers tighten around your neck, a triumphant smile making its way onto his lips. Yet, Johnny felt the need to keep pushing,
"you're what?" 
"I am what you said I am," you speak, trying to avoid looking at the scrutinizing look on his face which seemed futile as he had his arms wrapped around your neck, keeping your head in place. 
"I want to hear you say it, doll. I need to hear you say it." At this point Johnny's intent was to get you into a flustered puddle in his hold and it sure as hell was going in that direction, seeing how you can't even hold his gaze for more than a few seconds in a shot. 
"I am.. I am a who-"
The sound of a phone ringing loud cut you off midway through your sentence, to which you were absolutely relieved. Johnny only seemed to grow annoyed the more he heard the phone ring. With a loud huff, he lets you go, not before giving you a stern look, "Go to my room." he instructed, making his way to the study. 
You let out a breath you've been holding in unknowingly the moment he steps away from you. You watch his figure retreat from you with awe, only now realizing how messy you felt between your legs and how your knees keep buckling. 
"Oh Hyuck!" you hear Johnny exclaim into the phone the minute you step forward to follow his command. 
Your best friend is on call with the guy you're about to fuck. 
Your blood runs cold as you shakily make your way into the apartment and towards the bedroom, shrugging off your sling bag, hanging it behind the door as you place your phone on the bedside table to wipe your hands dry from all the sweat that had accumulated at the palm of your hands. 
"Yeah, I'm fine, about to eat to my dinner actually" you hear the moment to make yourself comfortable at the edge of the bed, looking over to the door where Johnny stood with his arms across his chest, the other holding up the phone as he leans his weight onto one shoulder, leaning into the doorframe.
You take the time to really appreciate his appearance. He adorned nothing more than a simple grey sweat and tight black tee but he seemed ready to walk down a runway at any given moment now. His long hair, slightly disheveled looking almost intentionally messed up, compliments his features. And oh his features. 
The everlasting smirk stayed still on his lips, moving as he exchanged words with his son.
You only come back to your senses when Johnny snapped his free hand in front of you, gaining your attention. He points at his own shirt, then points at you, mouthing 'off' while he listens to Donghyuck speak about whatever he's speaking. 
"Really? Jeno said that? Tell him I'm more than willing to welcome him as my gym partner, the lad seems strong" Johnny makes a quick move to remove the gadget from his ear, before holding it in front of him after placing the call on speaker mode 
Your eyes widen the moment you hear the disturbance in the background and Donghyuck's voice resonate through the room. "no?? Why would you want to work out with him? He'll only make you feel old, you know?" 
"Says the one who still can't beat me at arm wrestling. If anything, i think Jeno would make the perfect gym buddy for me," Johnny raises an eyebrow at your defiance, cocking his head towards the side, staring down at you with a predatory look, "Hyuck, you know, Y/n-" you scramble to take your shirt off at the mention of your name on the call, "-stopped by earlier" he lets out a silent laugh of disbelief.
"Oh? Oh yeah! I'd told her I'd give her book back before I left but I forgot, did you perhaps give it back to her?" Donghyuck questions. 
"I figured you must've forgotten so, yeah i did." Johnny replies, pushing himself off of the doorframe, now walking towards you. 
"Man, I miss her! I might facetime her after I end the call with you," Johnny sets down the phone beside you on the bed, leaning down, placing both his hands on either side of your lap, finding comfort at the crook of your neck,
"I remember her mentioning something about her cousin coming over? Maybe wait for an hour or so before calling her" his lips graze against your neck each time he spoke, you let out a tiny whimper at the so longed feeling, only to earn yourself a small bite at the earlobe, immediately accompanied by a hand over your mouth, "you need to be quiet, doll. Or my son would find out how much of a slut his best friend is," he whispers in your ear. 
"Yeah? Did she mention which one?" 
"No, not really, she kinda just stormed out after getting what she wanted" Johnny creates a trail of kisses all the way from your neck to your shoulders, down the collarbone while one of his hand worked to unhook your bra, "Yeah, she's weird like that," you hear Donghyuck let out a chuckle as you whine into Johnny's palm, your figure slightly trembling from the fear of getting caught all the while being excited about the risky situation he's put the two of you in. 
"Anyways, I'll call you tomorrow? The boys are coming over now so I got to go! Night, dad!" Donghyuck speaks up again, "Night, Hyuck." 
You hear the beep indicating the call has ended. Johnny let's his hand drop from your mouth and makes its way towards your hair, brushing through the strands before pulling at it with a firm grip, "I had my son on call and here you are making all these sweet noises, you wanted to get busted, doll?" 
"It's not my fault! You-"
"ah-ah! Don't talk back, angel. You're already in deep trouble, don't want to add onto that now, do we?" He makes a swift move to have you lying on your back, your torso completely exposed to him while he remains clothed. 
"But Johnny-" you whine, jolting when you feel his hands caressing the soft flesh of your inner thighs, "How do you think Hyuck would feel about this?" his hands travel further north, cupping your heat from underneath your skirt. "fuck, you're drenched"
"Now tell me, pretty girl, what are you supposed to be calling me, now?" 
"Johnny-, tha-that was a joke! I don't have daddy kin-" you try clenching your thighs close from the sudden attention your core was receiving. Johnny wholeheartedly lets out a laugh at your attempt to hide your true feelings, making a quick act of disregarding your soaked panties somewhere behind him.
"Darling, the more you deny it, the longer we keep going at it-" his thumbs at your clit, applying pressure but making no move to quench your needs. You let out a sigh of bliss at the feeling, your back arching off of the sheets at the sensation.
In any other situation, you'd be embarrassed at how sensitive you'd gotten just from all the dirty talking and looks Johnny passed you. But that's the catch, he's Johnny, the only one who can get you this sensitive while doing the bare minimum. 
"Say it, Y/n." 
"No, Johnny! It's-it's embarrassing.." you plead with your eyes, grinding your hips against his fingers, earning a satisfied, dirty look from the lad. 
"Very well.. I'll just draw it out of you"
Without warning, Johnny with little to no resistance, slides two slender digits into your wetness, setting a pace fast enough to draw loud chains of cries from your mouth.
"You hear that, doll? You hear how fucking wet you are? Hm?" he growls animalistically, the thumb that remained on your clit now moving in circles with a motive to get you undone in seconds. 
"Johnn-..!" you whine out, feeling your orgasm growing so close that you could almost taste it, "Still going at that, angel?" he questions, not really expecting an answer as he soaks up the pleasured look on your face. "Johnny- I'm close.. -" you fail to notice the mischievous grin growing on his face as he speeds up the movement of his fingers. 
"Of course you are, doll" He feels you clench around his fingers, back coming off of the mattress as you ready yourself for your release, waiting until the last minute to draw his finger out.
"Why would you-? Johnn-I was so close!" you cry out as you sense your core clench around nothing, whining about the incomplete orgasm. "Why would I give you what you want when you wouldn't comply, baby? That's not how this works." He shrugs, licking his fingers clean of your essence, moving up from the bed to remove the shirt that seemed to be suffocating now.
"Johnny, please!" you whine louder, rubbing your thighs together to create some sort of friction, all unsatisfactory as it did not meet the same intensity as that of his fingers. 
"Please what, doll?" He smirks, knowing the ball is in his court and that you'd had to give in any moment now. Johnny leans down once again, drawing lazy circles at your clit, using his other hand to hold himself up above and close to you, his minty breath which had a hint of coffee fanning your face as you whimper, finally feeling your high building itself up again. "Spit it out, princess, you know you want to." he speaks in a soft voice.
"Please..please" you beg for nothing in particular, getting all worked up again, "The begging's lovely, doll. But you're starting to anger me here, will you say it? Or should I leave you hanging again?" 
You mutter prayers under your breath, hoping he wouldn't actually leave you hanging again, "Fine-" he moves again to remove his fingers from you to deprive you of pleasure all over again when you finally latch onto his wrist, keeping his hands in place blurting out, "Daddy! I'm so-sorry.. There, daddy, please make me come" you give in, the name, the feeling and look of pure victory on his face as he grins like a cheshire cat only intensifies the heat growing at a rapid pace at the pit of your stomach. 
"Final fucking ly, princess. Daddy will make you feel good" He reinserts his fingers in, drilling it with desperation to see you come undone as he draws rapid circles on your now sensitive clit with the other hand, watching you squirm under him.
"Joh-Daddy i'm coming..!" you cry out weakly as you feel your orgasm hit you with much force, easily driving you into over sensitivity. Johnny's patient in helping you ride out your orgasm, not stopping until you let out a throaty sob and plead him to stop to allow yourself some room to breathe. 
Johnny, however, makes no move to stop, only speeding up his fingers, his gaze fixed on where his fingers disappeared inside of you while his other hand held you down with a vise grip, "Give me one more, doll. I know you've got one more in you. " he pants, the feeling of his girth in confinement only throwing himself to sensory deprivation as he feels himself twitch inside his sweats painfully. 
You shake your head, tears now flowing elegantly down your cheek, your lips puckered into a slight pout, your eyebrows drawn together as you let yourself melt into the pleasure Johnny was providing you with. "Daddy.." 
You whine, feeling your second high reaching you ridiculously quick as you see Johnny's face contort in concentration, 
"I need to get you nice and wet for me, princess, you're doing so well. Give daddy another one" you coaxes you with his sultry tone, words and actions, inevitably having you come undone under him for the second time that night. 
You let out a choked moan, finally having enough as you curl upon yourself the minute Johnny removes his fingers from you, full fledged crying at the overbearing feeling of sensitivity. 
Johnny groans at the sight, leaning down to press a soft peck on your sweaty forehead before getting off of the bed to remove his pants alongside his boxer at a slow speed, granting you some time to recover.
"Condom?" he asks, readying himself to reach into the drawing when he notices you shake your head a no as a reply, "I'm on pills.." you mutter weakly. 
You hear him curse out at the thought of doing you raw, flexing his muscles before climbing on top of you again. He takes his time to gently turn you back onto your back, pressing his tender lips against your irritated one for the first time that night, his hand ever so slightly moving to play with your clit once again, making you jerk, "Daddy!" 
"Sorry, doll. Daddy just needs to make sure that princess is ready to take his cock" 
Your whining intensifies at his words, wiggling your hips to move closer to his own, "But I am ready! Look, daddy! I'm so wet and ready for you!" you whimper, earning a chuckle from the lad. 
Just like all the other times that night, he aligns his cock at your entrance without a warning, the tip ever so slightly pushing through your walls, "Alright, big girl. Show daddy how much of a slut you can be for him."
Suddenly, Johnny detaches himself from you, moving further away as he leans by the edge of the door, smirking at you whining at the loss of contact, "Patience, angel" 
He grabs hold of your hips, manhandling your body into all fours as he enters you completely with no trouble once he's got you where he wants you to be.  
Something about having to take Johnny from behind was so sexy that you could almost immediately feel your orgasm grow, "Fuck baby, keep clenching around me like that and i won't last long," he grunts, moving in you with a steady pace, 
"I never expected my son to befriend such filthy sluts like you, Y/n. Look at the mess you're making on my sheets" He grabs a fistful of your ass in a tight squeeze, the sudden shift in his demeanor only serving as a whiplash as you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the sweet orgasm. 
"Jesus, doll, you're so fucking tight i can barely move" Johnny growls, talking to keep himself from coming too fast. 
"Daddy.. I'm close. M-I'm so so close" you cry as your arms give out and you fall face first onto the mattress, the new stretch in your back only encouraging his cock to hit you deeper, finding the sweet cushion that serves as extra pleasure for you. 
"Me too, princess, me too.. '' You hear him let out a whine, his thrusts growing sloppier as he does you slower but deeper. 
He reaches around your body to find pursuit at your clit for the nth time that night, rubbing rapid, messy circles to go with his deep thrusts, "Daddy!" you reach your high with a high pitched cry of his name. 
Johnny comes not too long after you as he couldn't resist the constant tight clenching of your walls around his cock. He thrust slowly to ride out his high as you twitch helplessly, face scrunched up in too much pleasure. 
You feel your body being manoeuvred onto your side as he whispers sweet nothings which pass right through your ears as you feel him softened inside you, the feeling ridiculously soothing for your used up walls, 
"You did amazing, darling." he kisses your temple, not making any move to remove himself from within you, which you silently thanked him for. 
You both lay in silence as you turned your body towards him, earning a hiss and a playful smack from him as it added pressure onto his sensitive member. You wrap your arms around his torso, about to nuzzle into his chest and just drift away to dreamland when you hear the familiar ring of your phone from the table beside the bed. 
You feel Johnny's body shift to reach out to get your phone, looking at the caller ID before handing it to you with a smirk that you knew meant that he was up to no good. "Oh! It's hyuck" you exclaim in shock, quickly accepting the call and placing it near your ear, moving to get away from him. 
But Johnny seemed to have other ideas, as he latched an arm around your torso to keep you from moving, "Hey-" you begin, immediately feeling Johnny experimentally thrust into you again, making you whine, "Y/n! I miss you~-oh hey, are you okay?" you hear Donghyuck's voice from the other side, 
You look at Johnny with a pleading and warning gaze to which you earn yourself a toothy grin from the lad, 
"Of co-course! Just a little.. peachy,'' You turn around to place a hand on his chest to halt his movement, "You don't sound just peachy.. I've heard you like this before!" you hear Donghyuck make those noises he makes when he's thinking as Johnny keeps thrusting lazily the more you look at him, you see him open his mouth to speak, "Oh fuck! You're getting laid, aren't you???" 
"Tell Hyuck daddy says hi"
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moved2usagiiboo · 3 years
Love spell
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MINORS DNI (I know I can not stop you but if I find out, you will be blocked.) This is my first time writing a fan fiction on Tumblr, let's see how this goes !
Warnings: Degrading, face fucking, explicit description, oral male receiving, sexual acts using toys. (Let me know if I missed any)
As a young girl, you believed in finding your prince charming, he'd swoop in on his mighty steed and steal your heart. You'd be enamored by his wits and courage, and he your beauty and intelligence. "The one".
At the age of 17, a high school student obsessed with the idea of traditional love. You found him. Your one and only, but he was far from prince charming, he didn't ride a mighty steed nor own a castle, but he was yours and you love him. Your highschool sweetheart, you both have cried together, laughed together, experienced many emotions together. You, in many ways, were each other's firsts.
First break down, first date, first hand holding, first kiss, first lover, and after a year of dating, you were each others' first time.
You could still remember the night, you have both been planning this for months. On your one year anniversary, you would get a room for the night at a local love hotel, there would be soft music playing, dimmed lights, candles burning, and that's where and how he take your virginity and you his. Perfect.
It didn't go that way to say the least, being very inexperienced. The first time he tried to penetrate you, you pushed him off and hide under the blanket saying, "that's not going to fit", during foreplay you accidentally hit his head with your own, not to mention almost setting the room on fire with the lit candles. But after many laughs and giggles, you successfully lost your virginity to him and you couldn't be happier.
It was far from movie perfect but for both you and him it was everything and more.
Present day you are almost two years into your relationship and you both couldn't be happier. Draken treated you with the utmost respect and care, he always takes care of you, there's barely any arguments between the two of you. Everything is perfect. Kind of.
That's how you found yourself in the streets of Shibuya's red light district, near the brothel where your lover grew up in, so you think. You looked down at your phone.
"Shit!" You hit the side of your phone as it read "connection lost, rerouting", this had been the third time it has done this, you zoned out while trying to fix your phone so you can actually make it to your destination before it gets too late. You didn't hear the woman calling your name.
"Y/N!" You felt a hand gripping your shoulder, spinning you around to face them.
"Oh! Akai!" You exclaimed happily as you locked eyes with the person in front of you, a younger woman in a red silk dress, short blonde hair with long lashes.
"What are you doing out here? It's late. Shouldn't you be home by now?" She asked in a concerned tone looking you up and down. You wore an all black hoodie with baby yellow accents, along with black joggers.
"Oh, well, I'm was looking for you." You said bashfully with a slight giggle in your tone.
"Oh?" Akai questioned.
"Well, not you specifically but the hotel! You see, I got lost trying to find it and my stupid phone keeps rerouting me!" You complained, while pushing your phone in her face to show her your problem. She simply laughs, she locks arms with yours.
"Dont worry, big sister Akai will take you there, then you can explain why you're looking for us in the first place." Akai said with a wink.
A few minutes passed and you've arrived at the brothel, she brought you a drink and sat you down in her room with a couple of other girls, you all on the floor together, after short introductions and small talk Akai 'cut to the chase' as she likes to say. Chugging her bottle of beer, she looked at you with her slightly flushed face, along with the rest of the girls there.
"Spill the beans, whats going on? Trouble in paradise?" Akai smirked crawling her way towards you. You lifted your knees to your chest wondering if you should even be here, was this a stupid idea? You must've sat with your thoughts for a while, Akai looked at you with a bit of sadness in her eyes.
You could feel your face heating up with embarrassment, your heart was beating out of your chest. You figured this would be the best place to go to learn how to do it but what if they would make fun of you? What if they tell Draken? You really didn't think this through as well as you should have.
"Hey, whatever is going on.. You can tell us, we see you like our little sister ya' know?" She says with a smile, wrapping her arm around your shoulder to comfort you. Shes always been like this, ever since she walked in on you and Draken kissing, she's been the biggest help and supporter of your relationship. You couldn't ask for a better friend.
With a deep breath you decide tell them your issues, you were here anyways.
"Okay, so, I want to learn how to give oral." You said looking down at the ground fiddling your fingers, quite embarrassed about what you just said.
"Draken has, well, done it to me a couple of times and I wanted to return the favor. The thing is, everytime I try he rejects me. Telling me, 'i don't have to do things like that'. He's so considerate sometimes it pisses me off." You ranges to the girls as they listened with opening ears.
"I mean, what type of guy rejects a blow job? It's not like he has erectile dysfunction or his dick is small. I just don't get it." You were practically fuming at the memory of him pushing him off of you as you tried to suck him off.
"Maybe he's just shy?" One of the girl's offered her opinion.
"Oh no, this man is not shy! At all" You explained remembering some of the down right filthiest things he's muttered in your ears during your time together. "He's anything but that."
"Maybe he's scared you'll bite it." Akai said causing herself and others to snicker at her comment. You could only sigh.
"Would I be that bad my first time?" You muttered to yourself.
"Everybody is, it's a practice thing." Akai explained, she got up to grab herself another bottle of beer. "What you need, is practice." She smirked handing you the bottle.
"Yeah, but how? He won't let me." You said tilting your head at her statement, taking the bottle out her hand.
"Alright girlies, get out." Akai said while looking at the other women in the room with the two of you.
"Ehhh? Whyy? We wanna help too!" One of the girl exclaimed, getting multiple replies of other girls who agree.
"We don't wanna make Y/n feel any more embarrassed than she already does." Also sighed at the childish responses of her coworkers.
You were hiding your face in your phone at this point, it was honestly one of your worst ideas, but if it helped you with Draken it was worth it.
Small "awh man", "I wanted to hear more", and other complaints came out their mouths as they left the room one by one. You waves goodbye to the girls muttering a small thank you to them for listening.
"Alright!" Akai exclaimed while squatting down to reach under her bed, pulling out a box full of,
"Toys! The best practice you can get in such a small amount of time." She smirked pushing the box towards you. You could feel the blood rush to your face as you stared at the box filled with sex toys, you're far from innocent but there's still things you've never used or seen before, toys being one of them. Akai dug in the box full of excitement.
"I'll be your first!" She smirked, she pulled out multiple many toys just throwing them out the box without a care as to where they'll land. Finally, she pulled out an unopened box, "private fun" read the lable, it was all black with dark purple letters on it, it was a sleek box, very fancy to say the least.
"I haven't used this one yet, considering I never feel the need to. This'll be my first gift to you." She said tossing the box to you while looking for something else in her closet.
"Just what exactly is this?" You asked picking up the box to further examine it.
"A dildo! Duh." She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world,
"Oh! And this!" She threw a small bottle towards you, "Love spell" a small pink bottle that could be mistaken for a 5-hour energy drink.
"Draken won't be back home for a while, which means, we have around" She looked at the clock hanging on her wall, "an hour and thirty minutes. Which is just enough time!"
"Wait wait wait!" You looked at her with complete confusion, "I have no idea what's going on! Why do I need all of this?" You looked at your hand and the items that are now in your possession, "Love spell", a dildo, and beer.
"Welllllll," Akai said drawing out the word, "You need practice, not like you can fuck a rando before Draken gets back, you also need liquid courage and a secret weapon!" She explained. "Now we don't have much time, chug both the beer and our secret weapon." She winked at you.
You're really starting to reject your decision, but there's no backing out now. You opened the bottle of whatever was in the pink container and chugged it down, quickly opening the beer to help with the bitter taste of the first liquid. It could show on your face the level of disgust you had for drinking this, you could never understand how Draken drank beer all the time, and whatever the hell this 'love spell' is taste disgusting. It was bitter and tangy, it even overpowered the beer.
Akai worked on opening the package to the dildo, while you were dealing with the taste of the liquids you just drank. She looked at you with menacing eyes and a devious smile that sent shivers down your spine.
She stood up and squatted in front of you holding that item in her hand as if it was nothing. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, it was big, yet flimsy. It was a pretty light blue color for such a naughty item.
"Take it." She handed you the dildo, "grip it with both hands." And so you did it. Following her every command.
"N-Now what?" You questioned feeling slight tipsy from the bottle of beer you just chugged, your face flushed from either holding a dildo or the beer, you couldn't tell, but it made this whole situation a lot worse for your lower region.
"Open." Akai tapped the bottom of your chin telling you to open your mouth, and so you did with the most innocent look in your eyes.
"Slowly bring it to your mouth, you want to tease him, lick the tip." You stuck your tongue out making small swirls onto the tip of the fake cock, "Alright, now slowly take it in, don't force anything." You opened your mouth wider to take in the inches of the cock, bringing it to the back of your throat causing you to choke and gag as it hit it. You quickly pulled the fake dick out and began to cough.
"I told you slowly. Let's try again." She squished your face with a hand pulling it up, the other held onto the dildo. "Open." She said again and you did. She guided the dildo into your mouth, slowly moving it in and out, barley reaching the back of your throat. "Breathe through your nose, don't panic." She said as she began to pick up the pace. Rapidly moving the dildo in and out. "Use your tongue at the bottom of it, stick it out." She commanded. Spit began to drip from the side of your mouth onto the floor, you felt as if you were losing yourself. Tears welled in your eyes as you swallowed down the dildo. It wasnt even real, it wasn't even Draken's but for some reason it made your head pound and your pussy twitch with excitement. If this feels as good as it does, you couldn't help but wonder how Draken's would feel, how it would feel against the back of your throat.
Akai picked up on the pace making the dildo hit the back of your throat causing you to convulse onto the dildo, you close an eye and winces as it attacked your throat.
"Try it yourself." She said letting go, letting you have full control. You started slow, pushing the dildo in and out your mouth as she did, trying to follow her lead. You tried to take more of it, you shoved the dildo deep into your throat, forcing all the inches into your mouth, you could feel it bulge through your throat as held it in place forcing you to choke on it. You felt your warm tears drip down your face, you weren't letting up. You wanted to feel it down your throat, the warm, the tightness, you wanted to feel Draken. You finally pulled it out, watching as the inches slipped out of your mouth.
"Guess what bottle really did wonders!" Akai giggled. "Deepthroating huh? You're basically a pro." You looked at her with a stained face, drool down the side of your mouth, and glassy eyes. You finally felt the embarrassment hit you, you covered your face dropping the dildo onto the ground making incoherent noises.
"I think you're ready." She smirked patting your head watching you in distress.
"I am?" You questioned, it was that easy?
"Yep! Actually, take this." She tossed you one last thing before telling you to go wait in his room. As you walked to his room you felt your head ring, the only thing you could hear was the needy throbbing of your inner walls. You couldn't wait for Draken to get back, just what did Akai give you? You had no time to be embarrassed about what you just did in the other room, you just wanted him. All of him.
You found yourself in his barley lit room, sitting on his bed. It was him, his scent, you could feel him around you even if he wasn't physically present. Your inner walls clenched at the thought of your boyfriend. You changed out of your clothes and into what Akai gave you, it was a sleek princess pink teddy with a deep V neck to perfectly show off your breasts. There were straps in the back that cupped your ass making it look juicier than before. There was a deep slit in the middle of the dress, a small move and not only would your stomach be revealed but your pussy would be as well. You made your way over to his bed to wait, you sat down and got engulfed in his smell. It was painful to just wait, the way your panties got wetter by the second, you decided to lay down but it only got worse. Minutes passed by but it felt like hours, you wanted to call him and tell him to hurry but you already showed up unannounced. You didn't want to pester him anymore, so you waited. You don't know when but you found your walls squeezing your fingers tightly as you moved them in and out. Moans and a wet sound filled the room as you toyed with yourself. Your face was in his pillow breathing him in as your other hand was toying with your breasts, pinching, squeezing, and pulling your nipples. It felt good but not good enough, it couldn't bring you to that high that Draken could. You found yourself calling him out, chanting his him like a mantra underneath your moans. You didn't even notice when he came in the room.
"Y/N?" Draken called out as he closed the door. The look on his face was priceless, his gaping mouth and widened eyes as he looked at the sight of you being so desperate for him calling out his name with fingers inside your cunt.
"D-Draken, m'sorry, couldnt wait. Need you." You whined. Pushing your fingers deeper making your back arch. At this point, he was stunned. The shy girl who never seeked anything sexual, the same girl who blushes when they held hands even after being together all the time. That girl was fingering herself on his bed begging for his cock. It was an instant turn on.
"S'all your fault!" You cried out with tears in your eyes, you got up and looked him in the eyes. "All cause you won't let me touch you..." You pouted.
"Ha? What are you talking about?" Draken questioned you. You weren't paying attention to him, you crawled from the bed stepping on the cold floor with your bare feet. You got on your hands and knees in front of Draken, looking at him with the utmost admiration, but behind those eyes was a look of neediness.
"W-What are you doing?" He watched as you played with his belt buckle, you locked eyes with him once more,
"Can't I?" You asked, kissing the bulge through his pants, "Want you, wanna feel you in my throat." You pulled his pants down revealing his boxers, you rubbed your hand feeling the hardness through the fabric, placing small kisses on it while you you waited for a go, a sign, anything.
"Shit Y/n, who knew you could be so slutty hm?" Draken smirked, "Go ahead." You beamed a smile at him as you pulled his boxers down revealing his harden cock. This is the first time you've seen it up close, it's pretty. It almost looks angry with how flushed it is on the top.
You began to kiss his freed cock, starting from the shaft up, remembering what Akai taught you. Tease him. Littering his cock with kisses, you reached the tip, you began to leave small kitten licks, swirling your tongue on around the tip, prodding the tip of your tongue into the small hole on his cock.
"Shit," Draken muttered under his breath, his voice sounds as if it's gotten deeper. You look up at him to see his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes completely focused on you. "Stop with the teasing." He demanded.
"Don't wanna." You continued to look at him, staring into his gorgeous orbs, "s'punishment for not letting me do this early" You smirked against his dick, bringing one of your hands up to slowly move your hand up and down his shaft. You watched as his breath started to break, his tough exterior was crumbling and it was all because of you, but it wasn't enough, you want to keep going. You have a show to put on.
You open your mouth sucking on just the tip of his cock, bobbing your head slowly with swirling his tip in your mouth.
"Y/N, fuck." He places his hand behind your head as his breath began to get more rapid and broken apart. "Come on, take some more." He was practically begging at this point. So slowly but surely, you widened your mouth, stuck your tongue out, and pushed your head further down to his cock. As much as you could take, the remainder you began to jerk with your hand. Bobbing your head on the inches you could take up and down with jerking him off. Listening to his soft grunts and groans. He was big, you knew this but it's different with it's in your throat, you can see it, your mouth felt full and you didn't even completely take it in. You kept going on this pace, proud of yourself for breaking Draken's tough exterior.
"Going to damn slow." He gripped the back of your head forcing his cock down your throat, you gag at this sudden action. He uses your mouth like a rag doll, forcing his cock in and out your mouth and a hellish pace without stopping, bobbing your head up and down. It hurts, taking all of him.
"Wanna be a dirty slut, gonna treat you like one." He said while gripping your hair harder as he pulled you off his cock, "spit on it." He said, and you did, you spat on the shaft of his cock and opened your mouth again for him to assault your throat.
"So eager to take this dick hm? Couldn't even wait for me to get home, had to play with yourself while I was gone? Who knew my pretty girl was such a dirty slut." He chuckled, under his breath as he continues to use you however he pleased. You placed your hands on either side of his thigh to try and control the pace but it was futile, he was much stronger than you, all you could do was hold yourself up and try not to vomit. Drool dripped down the side of your mouth as he thrusted his cock down your throat.
"Taking all this dick, good girl." He praised you as he held your head against his pelvis forcing his dick down your throat, he looked smug as he saw the outline of his cock through the flesh of your throat, you slapped his thigh to try and get him to let go of you, needing air. The feeling of you shaking on his cock trying to push away to get air was a sight to behold for him, he wanted to bury his cock in your throat forever, never taking it out. He watched as tears dripped down your face, your hair was mess, face stained with tears, drool dripping out the corners of your mouth. You gagging on his cock, digging your nails into his thigh.
Draken finally let go, you gasps for air you so desperately needed.
"Open up." He says pushing your head back, "Stick that slutty tongue of yours out. Gonna cum in your mouth."
You put your hands on your knees, sitting up higher to put the tip of his cock in your mouth as he jerked it. His eyes glared at you, you listened to his grunts like a melody. You never seen him like this, during sex he was very calm and collected, gentle. Never used harsh words, this was different though. For some reason, being used like his cocksleeve had you dripping.
"Gonna cum, Y/n, take it all, don't spill a single drop." His warm cum spurted onto your tongue, he wiped his tip clean on your tongue "that's it, good girl, now swallow it." You closed your mouth and with a single gulp you downed his cum without a second thought.
"Tastes weird..." Wiping the drool from your mouth with the back of your hand. Draken lifts you up by your arm and tosses you on the bed.
"Had to go and get me riled up..." He said while taking his shirt off, "gonna fill you up real nice." He pushed his lips against yours hungrily devouring your mouth, tasting a mixture of both liquor and his own cum, his mouth explored your own in a heated make out session, his hand traveled down past your panties and onto your bare cunt, a finger pushed pass your slit making it's way in. You moaned into the kiss, giving Draken more access to your mouth, swirling his tongue with your own.
You pulled away from the kiss to let out a soft moan as his finger toys with you, he puts another one in causing you to arch your back. His other hand rubs soft circles on your clit, he claims your mouth with another hungry kiss as if this will be the last time he felt your lips against his own.
"So needy, barely did anything to you." You moaned against his lips as he brought you to a high.
"D-Draken!" You moaned out.
"Fuck, trying to amputate my fingers? Loosen up. " He grumbles, his lips go down to your neck, sucking and biting against your fleshing leaving bruises everywhere his mouth touches. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in closer, as you begin to grind your hips against his fingers as they work their way in and out of you and the others against your clit.
"Gonna cum on my fingers?" He questions in your ear while biting your ear lobe.
"Gonna cum on em!" You reply, moving your hips faster, you begin to convulse as he brings you to your well deserved orgasm.
"You're gonna do that all on my cock." He muttered against your neck as he works his way down to your tits. He puts his fingers in your mouth muffling your moans as he begins to suck on your now perky nipples. He pushes his fingers in and out your mouth forcing you to taste your own juices, the same fingers that were just in you, that brought you to your orgasm.
After assaulting your mouth with his fingers he reaches over to the side his of bed to grab a condom.
"Put it on for me." Still high on your orgasm you slowly reach your hand up to take the condom out of his own, that's when he pushes your head own to his cock. He rips the packaging placing just the tip of his cock into the condom.
"Use that pretty mouth of yours." He smirks as he watches you take all of his dick into your mouth, pushing the condom down in the process. "Make sure to get it all the way on, wouldn't want any cum to spill out hm?" He says as he caresses your head.
"Such a good girl." He praises you as you bring your head up, "Gonna make you feel real good okay?" He kisses your forehead as he leans you down into the mattress. He slaps your pussy a couple of times with his cock, prodding the tip at the entrance, pushing his tip every so softly in and out, barley giving you anything to work with.
"Stop with the teasing Draken." You whined, locking your legs around his waist, trying to push his cock further into you. He clicks his tongue at your actions, pulling himself completely out before lifting one of your legs and putting it on his shoulder.
"I don't remember you being in control here." He guffed out. He rammed his cock into you without warning causing you to gasp, your eyes wide and mouth agape. "That's more like it." He smirks at your appearance.
He begins to thrust in and out of your tight pussy, watching you unravel on his cock. One hand holding your leg on his shoulder and the other turning your head to face him.
"This what you wanted right?" He honeyed out, this voice being quite sweet unlike his thrusts, the way his cock pulled out of you only to slam right back in. Sounds of skin against skin filled the room, along with your sweet mouths chanting his name like once before.
He pried your mouth open with his fingers bringing his face closer only to spit in your mouth, "Good little whore" he mutters against your ear. His thrusts never stopped, not once, he keeps going until he brings you to an orgasm.
He could feel your body going limp, but he wasn't done yet. He flipped lifted your body, he was now on his knees and you on his lap, your hands tangled in his hair while being wrapped around his neck, his mouth devouring your nipple, he slams his cock into you while being in this new position. His hands on either side of your waist slamming your body onto his own matching the rythm of his thrusts. He bites down on your nipple, you pull his hair as payback, you finally meet eyes. His hair all disheveled and out of his normal braid, his eyes slanted, full of hunger, he looked like a animal eyeing his prey, and you looked extremely delicious right now. He captures your lips in a heated kiss as his grip tightens on your waist, you grind against his cock as you moan into the kiss. You suck on his tongue and he does yours, you bite his lower lip slightly tugging on it.
"God Y/n, who knew you were so cock hungry. Wouldn't have been going so easy on you of I knew you could take it." He chuckles as he lays your body back down onto the mattress and begins pounding your body against his locking his lips with yours again.
"You're sucking me in like crazy." His voice is rough and out of breath. Your walls only tightening around him while hearing his voice, his hand goes back down to your clit rubbing it aggressively.
"Fuck, I'm close, fuck fuck fuck." He announces, muttering an array of curse words as he feels himself getting closer to his climax. "Cum with me, cum on my cock one last time." He picks up the pace with his thrust and the attack on your poor nub, you were nothing more than a moaning drooling mess at this point subject to Draken's aggressiveness, your body shakes and your back arches for the last time as you release your juices onto Draken's cock coming to your final high, he thrusts one last time before he releases in the condom.
He pulls out taking off the condom and throwing it in the nearby bin, he watches as you slowly drift to sleep but not before saying, "I love you."
"Mhm, I love you too, my little vixen." He kisses your forehead before he lays next to you and drifts to sleep.
Sorry if this wasn't the best, it was my first time writing for Draken. He's kind of a difficult character, I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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I Need You
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A/N: This was found on Pinterest, so if you're the owner, let me know so I can give you the credits.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Word count: 2 K
Requested by anons: 1- I'm like super in love with a certain Daryl Dixon and I was wondering if you could write about them getting into a big argument and they like avoid eachother for a while (super angsty if you care lol) and then Carol and Rick just kinda make yall talk and it ends fluffy? 2 - Can i request a daryl x reader where the reader’s been with the group since atlanta, maybe set during when they’re at the prison?? daryl realizes he has a crush on the reader and just p a n i c s ? and just really sweet fluff????
Summary: After you almost get bit, Daryl loses his mind and lashes out on you. Tired of the constant arguments, the group finds a way to out you two together to try and fix things up.
{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
“Yer almost got bit!” Daryl shouts, voice echoing through the prison. “Yer too damn stubborn, yer not goin’ on runs anymore.” He has his back at you as you follow him, struggling to keep his pace.
“I had everything under control.” You complain, ignoring Carol's questioning stare.
You, Daryl, and Maggie went on a run earlier today. Not too far, just to get some more formula for Judith. A walker fell from the roof, and it happened to be on a specific place Daryl told you not to go. The thing's teeth got a little too close to your arm, and Daryl shot an arrow through its head.
“Ya sure did!” He stops, turning around and pointing a finger at you. “If I weren't near ya, I'd be carryin’ ya back here with a freakin’ bite.” His voice gets louder, and you never saw Daryl so... Angry. So pissed. He's scaring you. “Or would ya have me cut her damn arm off? How does that sound?”
“Stop yelling at me!” You burst out, giving his chest a push.
“I'll stop yellin’ when ya understand how stupid and dangerous that was!” He steps forward, towering over you and you never felt so small.
“We needed those antibiotics!”
“Well, I freakin’ need ya. I need ya alive! Alive and well and breathin’.” Daryl shouts, right at your face. But the moment the words come out, he stops, stepping back. He seems confused, taken aback by something. “Screw that, I need a break from savin’ yer ass.” And then, he leaves, walking fast.
Huffing, you turn around, going to your cell.
You take the longest shower you can, washing the sweat and all the disgusting things the dead left on your skin. But most of the time, you were already done, dressed, and dried. You just wanted to be away from everyone. But eventually, you have to walk out. And of course, Carol finds you on your way back to your cell.
“(Y/N), I–”
“Daryl is such an asshole.” You say cutting her off and dropping on bed. “Did you see that? Did you see how he yelled at me? As if he has the right to do so.” Getting back up you pace around.
“I just think–”
“You know what? He can go to hell.” Throwing both hands in the air, you complain. “He and his crossbow, and-and his super hot stare and the stupid angel wings vest. And the bike too. All it. Straight to hell!”
“Aren't you just–”
“Uhg! Damn it.” Crossing your arms, you sigh. “Did you hear him forbidding me to go on runs?” With your hands now on your hips, you stare at Carol. “As if! Who the hell does he think he is? My boyfriend? To hell with him.”
“Will you let me talk?”
“Sure, go ahead.” Shrugging your shoulders, you nod.
But she doesn't say anything, she just takes a deep breath and shakes her head lightly. “Look, why don't you calm down first, and then we talk.” Carol gestured at the bed and you sit down, sighing. “Good... Try to relax and deal with it after a good night's sleep.”
“I could sleep a thousand years and I'd still be mad at Daryl.” You mutter as she leaves, lying on your back with your eyes closed.
You don't know where all this anger comes from, but it's always there, waiting to flow out. You do care about him, maybe too much, but it doesn't mean he gets to yell and boss you around like that. “Asshole!” You shout one last time, arms crossing as you drown in anger.
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“I saw it,” Daryl exclaims, pacing around the guard tower, breathing and talking fast. “I saw her dyin’. I saw that thing bitin’ her, tearin’ her flesh.”
“She's fine, Daryl. You don't have to keep thinking about it.” Rick tries to calm him down, both hands raised at the archer.
“No, ya don't understand.” It's useless though. Daryl is a mess. He got into the shower as soon as (Y/N) got out, rubbing the walker's blood out of his skin. But after that, he went straight to Rick because he needs to vent. He needs to yell and understand why he feels so damn scared.
Why he feels like a switch was turned on, lighting up something that was there all along, but only now was brought to light.
Losing anyone from his group, from his family would hurt bad.
But he just found out that losing her would be far worse.
“I her dyin’, man.” He slows down, both hands on his head. “I saw her dyin’ and–”
“You love her.”
“What the hell, Rick?” He snaps, a hand violently gesturing at his friend.
“You might not want to admit it, but it's true. You know it.” Rick nods, a hand casually resenting on his holster. “We all know it since Atlanta. She loves you too.”
Daryl grunts, turning his back at Rick. “Yer crazy. And so is she.”
“You should sit and talk like civilized people.”
“I ain't gonna talk to her. Crazy chick.” He mutters, grabbing his crossbow a bit tighter. “She ain't goin’ on runs anymore. At least not without me.”
“Gotta go.” The archer cuts him off, leaving the guard tower at a fast pace.
He didn't like the ideas Rick put in his head.
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“Rick wants to make a room for Carl and Judith on the second floor,” Carol says as you climb the stairs next to her. “So we're cleaning up the cells.”
“Alright.” You don't really want to help. Not today at least. The nap you took didn't help much with the last issue, and you're considering going out tomorrow, just to clear your head a bit. “What do you need me to do?”
“We're just setting things up.”
“Mmm.” You mutter, running a hand through your hair as you follow her pace. Carol takes you to the very back of the corridor, to a pretty isolated cell. “You gonna put the kids here? This cell sucks. It's too–” You stop talking when you see Daryl inside, eyes-rolling. “Look, I won't help if he helps.” It sounds childish, but you don't care. You're far too pissed at the man to be near him.
“Look, I don't care if you guys argued.” Rick walks over you, friendly touching your arm. “You two just have to get your shkt together.” And you're suddenly pushed, almost stumbling inside the cell.
“What the hell?” You shout, but the moment you move, Rick pulls the bars close locking you inside. “Rick, drop it. I'm not joking.” Holding the bars, you shoot him and Carol an angry stare. “Open up.”
“There are blankets and dinner will be brought to you,” Carol says, arms crossed. “We did that because it's the only way to force you guys to talk.”
“Yeah. You'll have the whole night to figure out whatever has you both always at each other's throat.” Rick adds, sliding the key into his pocket. “Have a nice time.”
And like that, both jerks leave, talking something you can't hear. Sighing, you lay your forehead on the cold metal bars, not wanting to look at your company for the night.
“Yer can take the bed.” He says after a while.
“Obviously.” You're quick to snap. “It's your fault we're here in the first place.”
“How's that?”
“If you didn't come back from the run making a hell of a show about something that didn't even happen, we wouldn't be locked up in here.” Turning around, with both hands on your hips, you stare at him.
“If ya had listened to me, ya wouldn't have–”
“And why in the hell do I have to listen to you, Dixon? I know my way out there as well as you do.”
“ ‘Cause I jus’ wanna keep ya safe.” He's yelling again, stepping forward.
“Stop acting like I mean anything to you!” With a finger on his face, you move closer to him. You wish you could look intimidating, but being so small, that's very difficult.
“Maybe ya do mean somethin’ ta’ me! How could ya know that if ya never ask!”
“Well, I–” The answer is cut short when your furious brain processes what he just said. Furrowing your eyebrows together, you shrug your shoulders. “What do you mean?”
“Daryl, what do you mean?” Raising your voice again, you follow him as he moves further into the cell. “What would you answer if I ask?”
“I ain't gonna answer.”
“I ain't gonna answer!” He shouts again, turning around to look at you.
Taking a deep breath, you sit on the edge of the bed, folding a leg under you. “Do you hate me?”
“Do you hate me, Daryl?” Your voice is lower now because you do want to know.
He remains silent for a while, those blue eyes locked on yours. “No.”
“Then why–”
“I can't lose ya.” He bursts out, eyes now looking at the floor. “At that moment back there, I... I saw it happenin’. I saw ya dyin’, and I... I can't lose ya. I can't see ya gettin’ hurt.”
His voice is so low you can barely hear it. You've never seen Daryl so... Scared. Vulnerable. “You can't protect me all the time, Daryl. Accidents happen.”
“I can. I can keep ya safe if ya listen to me.” You're about to protest when Daryl comes to sit next to you, eyes on the wall across the cell. “I know ya can survive out there. But my mind works in a thousand different ways ta’ get stuff done without anyone gettin’ hurt. I need ya ta’ trust me. Ta’ believe I can keep ya safe.”
“But I need you to believe me too. To believe I can do this.” Turning your body towards him, you friendly touches his arm. “Daryl, I... I like you... A lot. And I admire you, I trust you. You taught me so much and I need you to trust me. I promise I'll be more careful, but I need you to–”
“Don't go out there without me.” He suddenly says, voice heavy. “I trust ya. Yer brave and strong. But if ya go out there and I can't keep my eyes on ya... I'll lose my damn mind.”
“Alright.” Nodding, you sigh, smiling a little. “Just don't yell at me again, Daryl Dixon.”
“Yer almost died and I... Damn it, (Y/N), –”
“I like you too, Dixon.” Standing up to your feet, you smile, looking down at him. “You don't have to say if you don't want to, just... Let's get this over with. The world is a freaking mess and if you like me and I like you we should be together.” You can't believe you're saying this, after so long. But it feels good. You feel good, secure. “Just let me know what you want.”
“Yeah.” He nods, blue eyes locked on yours.
“Alright.” Mirroring his head movement, you clear your throat, cheeks burning. After a few seconds of silence, you walk to the bars. “RICK! CAROL! Daryl and I are dating now, can we go?” You yell, and the low chattering downstairs goes silent.
“Would it be so bad ta' stay locked in here with me for a night?” Daryl asks, and you turn around, biting your lip to hold back a smile.
“Absolutely not.” Shrugging your shoulders, you slowly move to the bed, climbing on and lying down. “I'm actually sleepy and it's cold so it'll be nice to have someone to warm me up at night.”
“Don't push it.”
“I'm not.” Giggling, you feel as he lies down, close enough so his shoulder is touching your back. “Night, D. It was good to sort things out with you.”
“Good night, pretty girl.” He mutters and you smile, eyes closing and sleep easily overcoming you, thanks to the amazing feeling of having Daryl lying next to you.
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
Congratulations Lex!!! You deserve 400 more!!!
Oh the prompts #1 are so fun, could I request 38. "You broke me" with Frankie that ends on a happy note please? Thank you darling ❤️❤️❤️
OHHHHHHH MY GOD the floodgates that opened with this ask, I swear lol Thank you so much sweet Nonnie!! ♥️♥️ You really, truly inspired me with this one and I had so much fun with it! I could have kept going or gone further in depth, but I kept it as minimal as I could while also giving some detail. It really just got away from meeeeee. Reader is fairly neutral I think, but I marked it as fem reader just to be safe. It also didn't come out as angsty I don't think? So I'm really sorry, but I hope you enjoy! Also, idk if anyone's noticed but I'm being super lazy with the titles, sorryyyyyy
You Broke Me (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Rating: M
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drunk!Frankie, language, mention of food
W/C: 3.6k (FORGIVE ME such a simple prompt became my biggest inspo)
Masterlist || Taglist || AO3
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What Frankie loves most about you is your smile – or rather, the way your whole face lights up when you do. It reaches your eyes, makes them shimmer more than the sun hitting the ocean waves. And the little wrinkles that form in the corners of your eyes and your mouth when you laugh at a good joke; he’s lost count of how many times he’s wished to place little kisses to them. Don’t even get him started on your laugh. A sound so heavenly the gods themselves must have created specifically for you, for him to hear.
What Frankie hates most about it, though, is that he’s not the one making you laugh and smile every day.
You’ve been dating this guy, Alex, for two months – a fucking eternity, it seems like. And he always makes you laugh. While Frankie should be satisfied that someone makes you that happy, he just can’t stand the fact that it isn’t him. Sure, he still makes you laugh whenever you hang out with the group, and he revels in it, but it isn’t the same. He wants to be yours and he wants you to be his. You work so well together anyway, so why couldn’t it have been him?
Frankie watches you – with him – through the window as you say your goodbyes. He must have said something really funny, seeing as how Frankie can practically hear your laugh through the glass and above the noise of the bar. Or maybe it’s just in his mind, since he’s put the sound to memory. Frankie takes a big gulp from his beer when you lean up to give him a farewell kiss. Why couldn’t it have been him?
“Fish, let’s go play pool,” Pope says, trying to realign his train of thought from you to something else.
“No, I’m cool here,” Frankie says with a small smile, gesturing to his beer and signaling that he wants to just sit and drink.
“You sure?” Pope asks and Frankie only nods. “Alright, well… We’ll be over there, okay?”
Frankie nods again and watches Pope walk away, shaking his head to Benny and Will who were standing at the pool table. Frankie doesn’t miss the look of disappointment on their faces.
“Hey,” you call out once you reach the table where Frankie sits alone. “Where are they?”
“Playing,” he says and nods in the direction of the other three surrounding the pool table.
“Oh,” you smile and wave at them, shaking your head when they beckon you over.
“You don’t wanna go play?” Frankie asks.
“Nah, I’d rather sit here with you.”
You remove your purse and jacket, throw them across the back of your chair, and sit down, reaching for the pitcher of beer and an empty glass before pouring yourself some to drink. You notice Frankie’s silence, usually normal for him when everyone’s together, but he’s never this quiet with just you.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You nudge his arm and he looks at you, pouting slightly and shaking his head to say nothing is wrong. “Yeah, I’m calling bullshit. C’mon Frankie, I’m a very intuitive person; I can see when my best friend is down in the dumps.”
And there’s that fucking word: ‘friend’. Frankie takes a silent, deep breath and brings his beer mug to his mouth.
“Nothing,” he says and takes a swig of beer. “I guess I’m just tired. Work this week was rough.”
That wasn’t exactly a lie; he did have trouble focusing when all he could think about was you.
“Alright, well…” You exhale and lean back in your seat, taking a drink from your mug. “You don’t have to talk to me about it, but talk to somebody, okay?” You grab Frankie’s arm and it takes everything in him to not reach out and grab your hand, to hold it in his. So he just nods. “Hey, what are you doing this Friday after work?”
“Nothing,” he says after a minute of thinking. “What’s up?”
“Well, Alex wants me to meet his parents and I have no idea what I should wear. I just need a guy’s opinion.”
“Wow… The parents,” Frankie’s eyebrows meet his hairline, but he tries his best to act happy for you. “Sounds like it’s getting serious.”
“I dunno, I mean… We’re having fun, but I didn’t think it was there already. We’ll see where it goes, I guess,” you shrug. “So, whaddya say? Will you help me?”
“Oh,” Frankie sighs. “Sure. Why not?”
“Yay!” You lean over to hug him. “Thank you, Frankie.”
Does it suck? Fuck yeah, it does. It’s downright pathetic, but Frankie has learned to appreciate these small graces. He’s always been the one you go to for opinions on anything, but even more so when you started dating Alex. It boggles Frankie’s mind, why his opinion on your relationship with someone else would matter so much, but then again he would do anything if it meant hanging out with you.
~ ~ ~
Meeting Alex’s parents went surprisingly well, you connected with them on many topics and you got to learn more about Alex, even went through the baby album together, to Alex’s embarrassment. It was textbook in the sense that this was the perfect way to further your relationship, but something inside of you was telling you it just wasn’t right. It was going just as well as you could hope with the one you’re dating, but you couldn’t help but feel it wasn’t with the right person.
A few days later, you got a phone call from Alex asking to meet at the cafe. You said yes of course, but something in his voice told you it wasn’t just a regular coffee date. It was that intuition of yours telling you that something was up. So now, here you sit with a steaming hot latte in front of you, body full of nerves as you see Alex walk up to the cafe and through the door.
“Hey,” you say and he smiles, bending over to kiss you on the cheek as if you were old friends. A very odd greeting for the two of you.
“Thanks for meeting me here,” he says as he takes a seat.
“Yeah, no problem,” you reply. He shifts in his chair and starts twiddling his fingers in front of him. He doesn’t even bother to order a coffee. “Is...everything alright? Something seems off,” you ask after some time passes.
“Yeah… Listen, I don’t think this is gonna work out,” he says plainly. So plainly that the execution of it takes you more by surprise than the fact he just ended the relationship.
“Oh… A-alright,” you sigh and nod. “Can I ask why?”
“Well… I mean, you’re great and I had a really fun time hanging out with you. Probably the best time I’ve had with someone, but… It just didn’t…” He hesitates.
“It didn’t click,” you finish for him.
“You felt it?” He looks at you surprised, like he didn’t think it was a possibility of you feeling the same way. You had felt the same way since the beginning, but thought it was just new relationship jitters. It can’t be pure coincidence that he, too, feels like the pair of you just aren’t meant to be.
“Yeah, I mean I thought maybe if I ignored it, it would go away. Obviously, I was wrong,” you say with a lighthearted chuckle.
“Are we cool?”
“Yeah, yeah of course,” you nod. “No hard feelings at all. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”
“Okay, well… Take care,” Alex says and shares a half smile – likely out of pity – before standing and walking out of the cafe.
You sit there in wonder; you just got broken up with and yet you feel...nothing. No sadness, no remorse or thoughts of ‘What could I have done better?’. As you drink the rest of your coffee and ponder the reasons why you don’t have the urge to run to your apartment, throw some sweats on, and eat a tub of ice cream, you pull out your phone and the first person you think to text is Frankie. And that’s when it hits you.
Frankie. You like Frankie. That’s why you don’t care that this relationship ended, that’s why with any little thing you did to impress Alex you first got the stamp of approval from Frankie; not because you needed a guy’s opinion, but because you only cared about what Frankie thought. Deep down, you were trying to impress him, not the person you were dating.
It was like you removed a pair of blue tinted sunglasses from your face and could now finally see all the vibrant colors around you. With this newfound information, you’re unsure of what exactly to do. You definitely want to tell Frankie how you feel, but it needs to be the right time. When it is, you don’t know that either.
~ ~ ~
Turns out, ‘the right time’ should always be sooner rather than later. You came to discover that once you felt your heart shatter at the image of Frankie walking through the bar doors with someone wrapped on his arm. Admittedly, if you were still dating Alex you may have been happy to see Frankie on a date, maybe just slightly jealous, but now that little, green monster of envy is tightly strapped to your back.
You decide to call it a night early. Now you feel like throwing on a pair of sweats and eating ice cream, but you won’t let yourself do that. It’s not Frankie’s fault you didn’t tell him about your feelings. You weren’t even sure he felt the same for you, so there really shouldn’t be any reason for you to be upset.
“Hey,” Frankie nods in your direction as he approaches you and his date takes a seat – your seat – at the table. “You okay?” He must have seen the look on your face change.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” you lie. “I’m actually pretty tired, I think I might head home.”
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“Yeah,” you nod and plaster the best smile on your face that you can. “You seem happy, Frankie,” you say softly. “Are you happy?”
“Yeah, I mean… Yeah,” he shrugs, looking over at his date, but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Looks like we’re both happy now.”
“Yeah, well…” You lower your head. You were planning on telling him you and Alex broke up, but now it seems pointless. “I guess I better head out. I’ll talk to you later, Frankie.”
You leave the bar and speed walk to your car. You hate that you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around Frankie now. If it weren’t for your discovered feelings for him, you probably would have stayed at the bar and had a good time, but now seeing him with another woman, making her laugh now instead of you, makes your heart ache.
Once you get home, the emotions of it all slam into you harder than oncoming traffic, so true to your own word, you throw on your comfiest sweats and a ratty tee and grab the pint of ice cream from your freezer. A chick flick and a half later, your phone starts to vibrate and you look to see that Benny is calling you.
“What’s up, Ben?” You ask.
“Hey Peach,” he greets. “Listen, uh… We need your help.”
“What’s going on?”
“Frankie’s wasted and we’re getting worried.”
“Just cut him off and tell him it’s time to go home,” you reply with a chuckle.
“We tried, but he won’t listen to us. We were hoping you could come and try to calm him down.”
“Because he’ll listen to me, right,” you scoff.
“Please Peach, I wouldn’t have called unless I was desperate and I’m pretty fuckin’ desperate,” Benny says and you know he’s right, and that it must be pretty serious.
“Okay, alright. I’ll be there soon, just get him outside in the fresh air and give him some water.”
“Thanks Peach. See you soon.”
~ ~ ~
A quick drive later and you make it back to the bar. You changed out of your sweats into leggings to make yourself a little more presentable. When you drive up to the parking lot, you see the guys standing at the front and Frankie sitting on the bench there. Thankfully, they followed your advice and hopefully it allowed Frankie to sober up some. You park quickly and shut off the car and Benny comes around to meet you.
“Is he okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, we gave him water, but he wouldn’t stop asking for you.”
“For me?” You ask, shocked. “Where’s his date?”
“Dunno, she went home, I guess. I don’t think it worked out.”
You hum your understanding, but it still seems strange to you. He brings a date then sends her home? What changed in the time you last saw Frankie till now? You pat Benny on the shoulder and walk over to the others, nodding your hello to Will and Pope before kneeling down in front of Frankie, who’s got his head hanging and his forearms resting on his thighs.
“Frankie?” You call out and he lifts his head to look at you.
“Hey!” He exclaims happily, the goofy grin on his face enough to make you smile as well. “Hey, it’s Peach!” He slurs.
“Yeah, Fish, I’m here,” you chuckle. “I’m here to take you home and get you in bed, okay?”
“No! I don’t wanna go home,” he shakes his head vigorously and you reach out to grab his face with your hands to stop him before he throws up.
“Okay, okay,” you smile once he looks at you again. “Wanna go to my place? We can watch dumb, scary movies and I can make you a grilled cheese. I know you like those,” you try to convince, keeping your tone light and calm, as if you were talking to a child.
“Mmm…” He closes his eyes and smiles, as if he’s imagining the taste of a grilled cheese. “Fiiine, why not?” He says.
You giggle and stand up, bending over to help him up. Benny tries to step in, but you stop him and tell him it’s probably best if you do it by yourself. You walk a swaying Frankie over to your car, propping him up on the side while you open the passenger door. Once you maneuver him inside, you buckle his seatbelt for him and give him some Tylenol, followed by water, then finally a trash can.
“Here,” you say, placing the bin in his lap. “If you feel like you need to throw up while I’m driving, let me know and I’ll pull over, okay? Your water is right here in the cup holder.”
“Mmph,” he mumbles and shuts his eyes.
“You okay?”
“You broke me,” he says quietly.
It catches you off guard; what the hell does that mean? As confused as you are and want to ask for more explanation, you decide to leave it alone. No use trying to have that conversation when he’s so drunk.
“Just relax, okay? I’ll go tell the guys you said bye,” you say and he doesn’t respond, only stays still with his eyes closed and breathes deeply.
Once you say your goodbyes to Benny, Will, and Pope, wishing them a good rest of the night and safe drive home, you get back in your car and start driving off, playing some of Frankie’s favorite, gentle rock music. Luckily, you only need to stop once along the way for Frankie to expel the alcohol in his stomach. You make it home and quickly head to his side to help him out.
“Okay, here we go, we’re home now,” you say softly and gently reach to help him out of the car.
“You broke me,” he says again, definitely more clear than the last time, when you thought maybe you heard wrong, but obviously you didn’t.
“What do you mean, I ‘broke you’? You can’t break steel,” you jest in an attempt to lighten his mood.
“No,” he whines. Clearly, you weren’t catching his drift, but this wasn’t the right time to unpack any of that.
By the time you get him settled on the couch, quickly grabbing a spare pillow and blanket from your closet, he’s too tired to eat anything. So you just grab a trash can and water bottle for him to reach easily, in case he needs them, and walk back over to him, already with eyes closed, and you give him the pillow to hug and throw the blanket on top of him.
“Frankie,” you whisper and he grunts. “I’m leaving water right here and a trash can, okay? If you puke on my rug or my couch, you’re going to pay for the cleaners to get it out.”
He moans in response, letting you know it’s time to just let him rest for now. Without thinking, you lean in and place a soft kiss on his forehead. It felt like such a natural impulse to you that you didn’t even think twice about it, but before you could even apologize for it, you realize that Frankie is already out cold.
~ ~ ~
In the morning, you wake up before Frankie, not surprising, and even though you try your best to stay as quiet as possible, the little noise you do make in the kitchen is enough to wake Frankie up. He shuffles into the area slowly, rubbing his eyes momentarily before squinting in your direction. You giggle, the sight of him picture perfect, with his flushed cheeks, pouty lips, and messy curls.
“Good morning,” you say. “I was just about to make coffee and some eggs, you want some?”
“Ugh, no, thank you,” he replies gruffly, scrunching up his face to show his displeasure.
“Well, alright, but you need to eat something, I’ll make some toast to start,” you say and he sighs.
“Okay, fine,” he says sarcastically and you roll your eyes, smiling as you head to the toaster. “Thank you. Not just for the toast, but… For last night. I wasn’t horribly embarrassing, was I?” He asks while he takes a seat at your small dining table.
“No, not at all,” you smile. “You were pretty out of it. Hey, what happened to your date?”
“Oh,” Frankie groans, but it’s all that he needs to say to tell you that it didn’t work out. “She made a really crude joke and I told her it wasn’t gonna work out.”
“Wow,” you chuckle. “Right then and there?”
“Yeah, well,” he shrugs. “It just didn’t feel right in the first place. Not even sure why I brought her to the bar.”
You nod your understanding, thanking whatever maker that it didn’t work out between them, but you wonder if you should even bring up your feelings to him at all right now. There’s also the small remark he said twice to you last night that you haven’t been able to stop thinking about, but you’re not sure if you should ask.
“What’s on your mind, Peach?” He asks and you snap back to reality; obviously he knew that something was troubling you.
“Nothing, Fish,” you smile.
“Bullshit,” he laughs. “I see that look on your face. Just tell me,” he says and stands up to join you in the kitchen.
“Well…” You hesitate. Based on your reaction, instead of continuing to shrug it off, you know Frankie is expecting you to open up about something, but you hope he doesn’t get scared off.
“Alright, okay. Last night you said that I ‘broke you’. Twice,” you finally say and Frankie’s flushed cheeks turn white while his eyes go wide. “What did you mean by that?”
“U-uh… I said that?” He responds nervously. You nod slowly, waiting for him to give you an actual answer instead of just chuckling at the floor.
“Frankie,” you call out and he looks at you again.
“O-okay, fine… Peach, I don’t exactly know how to tell you this,” he pauses and takes a small step forward, enough for your heart to leap into your throat. “I… Basically, I meant it like ‘you broke me from wanting anyone else’. ’Cause I...”
“Frankie, do you… Have feelings for me?” You ask and the air surrounding you two goes still and quiet, aside from your breathing.
“Yeah. I do,” he replies softly and suddenly you feel like you’re in middle school, quickly becoming shy and giddy from hearing that your crush likes you too. “But I know you’re with Alex and I don’t wanna come between that, so if you wanna stop hanging out I totally understand, and-”
“Frankie,” you giggle, reaching out to hold his hand to stop his anxious rant. “Alex broke up with me last week.”
“Really?” He asks, failing at hiding his grin from growing. “I mean, I’m sorry – why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well, I planned on telling you last night, but then you showed up with a date. I just figured we missed our chance, but…” You look down at your joined hands, slowly rubbing his skin with your thumb and he twitches slightly.
“Wait, what do you mean? Do you…?” He points at himself, asking the silent question to which you merely nod and he exhales a shocked breath. “Wow, okay,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, it pretty much hit me when I realized I wasn’t upset when Alex broke up with me. That and you were the first person I wanted to call immediately after,” you chuckle. Frankie’s grip on your hand tightens some and you look up at him.
“Okay,” he smiles and you can see his brain processing this information at a million miles per second, so you just patiently wait for him to speak again. “So… What happens now?”
“First, I need to feed you so your hangover doesn’t kill you all day,” you say and he chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Then, I guess we’ll see where this goes, if you’d like?”
“Yeah,” he smiles, twining your fingers through his. “That sounds great.”
Tags: @the-ginger-hedge-witch @asta-lily @honeymandos @pascalpanic @aliwritesfic @mandocrasis @hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @sarahjkl82-blog @pedrocentric @astoryisaloveaffair @amandalovess @foli-vora @lucrezia-thoughts @chasingdreamer @quica-quica-quica @mishasminion360 @wardenparker @fan-of-encouragement @javierpinme @writeforfandoms @ew-erin @you-got-me-starry-eyed @beskarboobs @andiesturgss @maryfanson @princessxkenobi @castleamc @magpie-to-the-morning @horton-hears-a-honk @radiowallet @stevie75 @honestly-shite @bison-writes @amneris21 @disgruntledspacedad @eri16 @tintinn16 @mylovelycomandante @lowlights
Frankie Morales Tags: @dobbyjen @rebel-fanfare @quietpainter @grogusmum @tenderwhat @marvelousmermaid @iwantadecentblogname
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