#looks like this dangerous love triangle will continue for a while longer
brunchable · 2 days
𝐌𝐫. 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐱
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Part Five | Seven Pairings: Bucky Barnes x f!reader, Steve Rogers x f!reader | Daughter of Thaddeus Ross (Red Hulk) Words: 7.5K Themes: Forbidden/Off-Limits Reader, Love Triangle, M for Mature, 18+ , Post-Endgame, AGE GAP (24y/o reader). Summary: Bucky finds out from Steve that Y/N is taken. Meanwhile, with her symptoms becoming a hindrance in her life, Y/N decides to visit her Doctor.
taggies: @astrelz @pattiemac1 @mrsevans90 @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @strepsils123
Y/N sat quietly in the passenger seat, staring at the bouquet of lilies in her lap. The flowers felt like a formality—something to soften the evening she wasn’t looking forward to.
Ethan sat beside her, his jaw clenched, hands resting on his thighs, his posture as stiff as ever. For all his calmness, she could sense he was bracing himself.
“Y/N,” Ethan’s voice broke the silence.
She blinked, her thoughts momentarily scattered, her gaze still fixed on the lilies. It took a second longer than usual to process what he had said. “Yeah?”
Ethan frowned, but he continued. “We need to talk before we go in,” he said, his tone more serious than usual. “I’ve been working on something—a real way out of this. But you need to hear me out.”
Y/N shifted slightly, feeling a twinge of discomfort at the edge of her thoughts. Had she already asked him something about this earlier? Her mind had been playing tricks on her lately, short gaps in memory that made conversations blur.
“Well?” she asked, trying to push through the fog.
Ethan exhaled slowly, collecting his thoughts. “You already know we can’t just break it off out of nowhere. You know how your father is. This isn’t just about us—it’s about public perception, about politics. The media is already watching his every move, and if we do this wrong, it’s going to backfire. For both of us.”
Y/N frowned, her fingers fidgeting with the ribbon on the bouquet. She tried to focus on his words, but her thoughts slipped away like they were caught in some strange, sticky haze. She blinked hard, as if clearing her vision would clear her mind.
“You keep saying that. But what’s your actual plan, Ethan?”
“Okay, here’s what I’ve mapped out,” Ethan said, shifting slightly to face her more directly. “We can’t break it off right now—not with the event coming up. Your father is going to introduce you to the public for the first time, and we need to maintain a united front for that. There will be too many eyes on him, on us—actually. . . this plan might be crossing some dangerous territory but trust me.”
Y/N’s frustration simmered, but she let him continue.
Ethan leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. “After the event, we create a slow, controlled narrative. We start appearing together less in public. Gradually, we let it slip to key people that we’re focusing on our careers, that we’re ‘growing apart.’ It won’t be sudden. It’ll be gradual, subtle. The public will buy it because we’ll be feeding them a story that makes sense.”
He paused, gauging her reaction, but Y/N’s expression remained unreadable.
“So after the event,” she said slowly, “we pretend like everything’s fine for a little while longer? And what dangerous territory are you talking about?”
“Huh? Did I say that? Ignore that and just trust me,” Ethan replied, his tone firm but calculated. “It’s all going to work out, I'll tell you more during the event.”
Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “And what about the engagement itself? What do we say about that?”
“We make it seem amicable,” Ethan continued. “We’ll say it was a mutual decision to step back.”
Y/N sat back, her mind racing as she considered his words. “And what about my father?”
Ethan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “That’s the tricky part. Your father won’t like it—at all. But his is where the dangerous part comes in.”
Y/N’s fingers tightened on the bouquet as she considered his plan. “What dangerous part? You said it won’t be scandalous.”
“It won’t be on our part but this is necessary. If we’re strategic, we control the narrative. So what do you say?”
Y/N let out a slow breath, her mind spinning. Ethan’s plan was cold, calculated, but it made sense. He wasn’t asking her to be patient for nothing. He had thought it through—every angle, every move. Still, the idea of keeping up the façade for a while longer felt suffocating.
“We’re running out of time,” Ethan added quietly, as the car slowed in front of the White House gates.
Y/N stared out the window at the imposing building, the weight of her father’s expectations pressing down on her. She didn’t want this, didn’t want to keep playing this game. But Ethan was right—this was bigger than them now.
She sighed, nodding reluctantly. “Okay.”
Ethan gave her a tight smile. “I promise. Just a little longer.”
As the car pulled up to the entrance, Y/N took a deep breath, gathering her composure. Ethan offered his arm as they stepped out, the bouquet still clutched in her hands like a shield. She glanced at him, knowing they were about to walk into another performance. 
× × × × 
The Avengers were gathered on the terrace, enjoying a rare evening of relaxation. Tony manned the grill with exaggerated flair, flipping steaks while bantering with Clint, who was attempting to sneak food from the grill.
“Clint, if you steal one more piece of steak, I’m revoking your Avengers membership,” Tony warned, eyeing him as he flipped another steak on the grill.
Clint smirked, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. But if you burn that one, I’m taking it.”
Clint grinned, pretending to hold up his hands in surrender. “I’m just quality-checking for you, Stark, in case you burn one. Consider it a service.”
“Please,” Tony said, waving his spatula, “I don’t burn anything. Ask anyone.”
Happy, standing nearby, raised an eyebrow. “That’s a bold statement, considering what happened with the burgers last summer.”
Natasha chuckled from her seat at the table. “Yeah, Tony, we all remember the ‘crispy’ burgers.”
Pepper walked out of the house, smiling as she set a basket of bread on the table. “I’m surprised you all still let him near a grill.”
“Hey!” Tony protested, “My grilling is top-notch.”
Peter, who was seated between Clint and Sam, leaned forward, grinning. “Well, I mean, if this doesn’t go well, there’s always takeout, right?”
“That’s the spirit, kid,” Tony said with a wink. “Now, everyone, prepare to be amazed.”
As the group continued to banter, passing around plates of appetizers, Thor raised his goblet of mead. “I must say, this meal is already fit for a king!” He took a long drink and slammed the goblet on the table, making Peter jump.
Bruce looked amused as he sipped his drink. “Thor, you’ve had three goblets already. Maybe slow down?”
“Slow down?” Thor laughed heartily. “Nonsense, Banner! This is a night for celebration!”
“Celebration for what, exactly?” Natasha asked, her eyebrow raised.
“Does a man need a reason to celebrate among friends?” Thor replied, grinning.
Sam chuckled. “You’re always celebrating, Thor.”
As the steaks were finally placed on the table, everyone dug in. Clint immediately went for the biggest piece, earning a glare from Tony.
“Steak thief,” Tony muttered under his breath, shaking his head.
Clint smirked, cutting into his steak. “What? It’s a gift.”
Peter was devouring his food with enthusiasm, looking between the adults. “This is awesome! I mean, I usually just have pizza nights with May, so this is... cool.”
Happy leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. “You’ve gotta try the Stark steak, kid. Just don’t expect it to beat New York pizza.”
Tony shot Happy a look. “Hey, nothing beats Stark steak.”
“Not even pizza?” Peter asked, genuinely curious.
“Not even pizza,” Tony said with a smirk, winking at the kid.
As the group dug into the meal, Tony took a sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair, a sly grin spreading across his face. “So, speaking of dinners... anyone get an invite to the Thaddeus Ross Spectacular coming up in a few weeks?”
Pepper rolled her eyes, giving Tony a light slap on the shoulder. “Tony...”
“What?” Tony shrugged innocently. “I’m just saying, it’s not every day a guy like Ross throws a party to show off his ‘secret family.’ You’ve gotta admit, it’s pretty intriguing.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Let me guess—you’re more interested in the political gossip than the actual event?”
“Oh, come on, Nat. You know me too well.” Tony winked before turning his attention to the rest of the table. “So? Who’s going? Everyone get an invite?”
Clint leaned back in his chair, chewing thoughtfully. “Yeah, got one. Not sure if I’m showing up, though.”
Sam snorted. “You? Miss a chance to rub shoulders with the political elite? Shocking.”
“Apparently, he’s been keeping his daughter hidden away, and now he’s ready for the grand reveal.” Tony chuckles.
“Why now?” Bruce asked, curious.
“Politics, probably,” Sam said, taking a sip of his drink. “Everything’s about appearances.”
Happy chuckled. “Wouldn’t put it past Ross to use his family for a political boost.”
Pepper sighed, giving Tony a nudge. “Can we not gossip, please?”
“Just saying,” Tony grinned. “It’s not every day you get an invite to something like that. So, who’s going?”
Clint nodded. “Now that I know the context, I might.”
“Same,” Sam added. “Seems like a bit of a spectacle.”
Bruce shrugged. “I got one too. I don’t know if I want to go.”
Thor, who was already pouring himself another drink, chuckled. “I shall attend, if only to witness the drama.”
Peter looked confused. “Wait, Ross? Isn’t he the guy who—?”
“Yeah,” Steve said, cutting him off with a smile. “Same guy.”
“Okay, just making sure I’m keeping up.” Peter raised his hands. 
Bucky, who had been quietly eating, finally chimed in. “I got one. Haven’t decided either.”
Tony gave him a teasing look. “Oh, come on, Barnes. What’s not to like? A stuffy political event, full of pomp and circumstance. Your kind of crowd.”
“Yeah, sounds like a blast.” Bucky smirked, shaking his head.
Pepper turned to Steve, who had been unusually quiet. “What about you, Steve? Are you planning on going?”
Steve shrugged, pushing a piece of steak around his plate. “I got an invite... I just haven’t decided.”
Tony chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “Come on, Rogers. You can’t pass this up. You’re curious, I can tell.”
“Maybe just a little bit,” Steve chuckles, “We'll see.”
The evening had grown quieter at Tony’s, the Avengers scattered around, finishing their drinks and chatting in smaller groups. Steve and Bucky stood near the terrace, leaning against the railing, a comfortable silence between them.
Steve glanced at his beer, swirling the liquid around. "I saw Y/N the other day... Thought I should try therapy too."
Bucky raised an eyebrow, letting out a small chuckle. “For what?”
Steve shrugged, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Oh, you know, now that I’ve carried on my legacy to Sam. Not Captain America anymore. Gotta figure out what’s next.”
Bucky nodded, though his thoughts were already starting to drift. “Huh. I see.”
There was a pause before Steve added, almost too casually, “I didn’t know Y/N has a boyfriend.”
Bucky’s head snapped toward Steve, his stomach tightening at the mention of Y/N. He caught himself quickly, casually retreating into a more neutral posture, but the surprise had already flashed through him. 
“Wouldn’t be surprised if she was taken.”
Steve looked at Bucky, his curiosity piqued. “Really? You think so?”
Bucky shrugged, trying to keep his voice light, even though his thoughts were racing. Taken? He hadn’t even considered the possibility that Y/N could be with someone, and now the idea of her with another man—after she kissed him, twice—bothered him. What the hell was she doing kissing me if she had a boyfriend?
“She’s smart, successful,” Bucky said, keeping his tone nonchalant. “And let’s be honest, she’s pretty damn attractive. So, why would she be single?”
The words came out easily enough, but Bucky could feel the simmering frustration building in his chest. He had let himself get caught up in her—let her get under his skin—and now he was finding out she might have been playing him all along. Was I just a moment of curiosity for her? Some game to figure out who she kissed at that party?
Then it hit him—he once saw Y/N with a man in the café during one of their run-ins. Idiot!
Steve tilted his head, watching Bucky a bit too closely. “You say that like you know something.”
Bucky met Steve’s gaze, his face a mask of indifference, even though his insides were twisting in knots. “I don’t know anything. I just wouldn’t be surprised.”
Steve nodded slowly, “Huh. Guess I hadn’t thought about it that way.”
Bucky stared out into the darkened sky, trying to push the thoughts away, but the bitterness clung to him. The realization settled like a stone in his chest, and no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, the anger flared again. Why the hell didn’t she just say something?
They stood in silence for a few moments, Steve sipping his drink, still turning over what Bucky had said. But for Bucky, the silence was filled with the echoes of those moments with Y/N—the kisses. Now, it all felt like it had been a game. And the worst part was, he couldn’t shake how much it bothered him.
× × × × 
Session 4
The room was quiet, the ticking of the clock the only sound cutting through Y/N's voice. Y/N sat across from him, clipboard in hand, her professional mask perfectly in place as she glanced down at her notes. 
She had been talking about progress, about making amends, but her words barely registered with Bucky. His thoughts were elsewhere, tangled up in frustration and confusion. 
He couldn’t shake the image of Y/N with another man. Taken—that was the word that kept replaying in his mind. She was taken. He wasn’t mad that she had someone; he was mad that she kissed him like it meant something, only for him to find out she was with someone all along.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting there, simmering in silence, when Y/N’s voice cut through his thoughts.
“Bucky, you seem very closed off today. Is there something on your mind?”
He blinked, refocusing on her. “No.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her eyes flicking to him from her notes. “Are you sure? You’ve been pretty quiet.”
Bucky let out a small, frustrated breath. Of course I’m quiet. How was he supposed to talk to her when she was hiding so much? When she had kissed him but still had another man? His fingers curled into his bicep a bit tighter, but he kept his voice leveled. 
“I’m fine.”
Y/N didn’t press, but the silence that followed felt suffocating. She looked down at her clipboard again, jotting something down, and the sight of it—her calm professionalism—only made his frustration boil higher.
He shifted in his seat, his body tense. He didn’t understand how she could sit there so collected, while his mind was racing. 
Y/N glanced up again, her tone gentle but probing. “Bucky, if there’s something bothering you, this is a safe space to talk about it.”
His jaw tightened. A safe space? That felt like a joke. He could spill his guts to her, tell her everything about his past, his pain, his guilt. But what about her? What was she hiding? What was she not telling him? The frustration simmered hotter.
He shifted in his seat again, trying to tamp down the anger rising in his chest. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take this. The silence, the tension—it was suffocating him. Finally, he couldn’t keep it in any longer.
“You know,” Bucky said, his voice sharper than he intended, “it’s funny.”
Y/N blinked, caught off guard by the sudden shift in his tone. She set down her clipboard, giving him her full attention. 
“What do you mean?”
Bucky huffed out a breath, the words spilling out before he could stop them. “You know everything about me. All my baggage, all the crap I’ve done. But I don’t know one damn thing about you.”
Y/N straightened, her professional mask slipping just slightly. “Bucky, this is a therapeutic setting. The focus is on you—”
“Yeah, I know,” Bucky snapped, his frustration boiling over. “But how’s that fair? You’ve heard everything about me. You’ve seen every scar, every mistake I’ve made. And I don’t know anything about you. Not even something as basic as... if you’re—” He stopped short, biting down on the words he almost let slip, but it was too late.
Y/N’s brow furrowed, her voice still calm, though there was a crack in her usual detachment. “This is about helping you process what you’ve been through. It’s not about me.”
Bucky let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. 
“Of course it’s not. Because why would it be? Why would I get to know the person who knows all my deepest, darkest secrets?”
Y/N held his gaze, her expression softening slightly, but she still kept that professional distance. “Bucky, if I’ve crossed a line—”
Bucky leaned forward, cutting her off, his voice low and sharp. “Don’t play dumb with me. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Y/N opened her mouth to respond, but suddenly, her mind clouded, the words slipping from her grasp. It was like she was reaching for a thought, but it stayed just out of reach, teasing her from the edges of her awareness. Her heart raced in frustration, not just at the argument but at this unsettling feeling that had been plaguing her for days.
“I... I wasn’t—” she stammered, blinking as she tried to focus on Bucky’s angry face, the lines of it somehow blurring together. It felt like the room tilted for a brief moment, but she quickly grounded herself, inhaling deeply to stay composed.
“You kissed me,” Bucky’s expression hardened, mistaking her hesitation for guilt. “Not once, but twice. And now, I found out you’ve been with someone this whole time?”
Her breath hitched slightly, but she didn’t respond right away.
Bucky shook his head, his tone bitter. “What was that? Some kind of test? You trying to figure out if I was the guy from that party? Well, guess what? I wasn’t. But you didn’t even give me a chance to say anything before you tried again.”
Y/N’s face softened, and she started to speak, but Bucky wasn’t done.
“You know everything about me. Everything. But I don’t know anything about you. You sit there with that clipboard, all calm and collected, while I lay my soul bare. But what about you? What are you hiding?”
Y/N opened her mouth, but the words seemed to falter. Bucky could see the cracks forming in her usually unshakable demeanor. She wasn’t used to being the one under the spotlight.
“It’s not fair, Y/N,” Bucky continued, his voice quieter now, but no less intense. “You’ve got this wall up, and I’m supposed to just keep spilling my guts to you while you stand there behind it, safe and protected.”
Y/N’s lips parted, her voice barely a whisper. “Bucky...”
“No,” Bucky interrupted, his tone soft but firm. “I’ve told you everything. Every mistake, every regret, every damn thing that haunts me. And you? I don’t even know who you really are.”
Y/N’s hands tightened around the arms of her chair, her nails digging into the leather as she fought to stay present. His words cut through her, but the fog in her mind made it difficult to piece together a response. Why couldn’t she just think straight? The frustration bubbled up inside her, and her head throbbed as if under the weight of a thousand unsaid words.
Bucky watched her, waiting for something, anything, but the room remained heavy with unspoken words.
“I didn’t mean to—” she started, her voice shaking slightly, but she paused again, a sudden confusion taking over. Had she told him that already? Was she repeating herself? Bucky’s words echoed in her ears, and for a moment, everything felt disjointed, like pieces of a conversation out of sync. 
“You’ve never asked.” she added, her voice barely audible.
Bucky blinked, then let out a dry, humorless laugh, the sound catching even him off guard. He shook his head, leaning back in his chair. “That’s your answer? I never asked?”
Y/N sighed, glancing at the clock, clearly trying to buy time. “It’s not what you think—”
Bucky scoffed, his laugh harder this time, sharper. “Oh, that’s rich. ‘It’s not what you think.’ What, you think this is just some misunderstanding?”
Y/N opened her mouth, but Bucky wasn’t done.
“You’ve got a guy, right? And yet, you've kissed me. Twice. What am I supposed to think, Y/N? You make me feel like I’m the guy on the side, like I’m stealing someone else’s girl. I don’t do that.”
Y/N’s face flushed, her lips parting slightly as if she wanted to respond, but she stayed silent, her eyes downcast.
The frustration had been simmering for days, ever since he’d found out she wasn’t single. And now, sitting here, watching her keep up that perfect, composed therapist façade, it was too much. 
He wasn’t just angry—he was insulted. He wasn’t the kind of man to step into someone else’s relationship, and the fact that he had kissed her without knowing she had someone was eating him up inside.
“You didn’t tell me,” Bucky said, his voice lower now, filled with barely restrained anger. “You didn’t tell me anything. And now, what? I’m supposed to just sit here and pretend it didn’t happen?”
Y/N’s breath hitched, her voice barely above a whisper. “Bucky, I wasn’t trying to—”
“To what?” Bucky cut her off, his tone harsh. “What were you trying to do? Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like you were playing games. And I’m not the kind of guy who does that. You put me in a position I didn’t ask for. You made me...”
He stopped himself, running a hand through his hair, frustration radiating from him. He felt trapped, like he’d been dragged into something he had no control over. The last thing he wanted was to be tangled up in someone else’s drama, especially when it came to relationships. He wasn’t the guy who crossed those lines.
Y/N looked up at him, her expression softer, but she still didn’t speak.
“You’ve got your life, your man. Fine. But don’t pull me into it.”
The sharp sound of the alarm ringing broke the tension, signaling the end of their session. Bucky glanced at the clock, then back at Y/N, the frustration still etched across his face. 
He let out a long, heavy sigh, standing up slowly. Without another word, he turned and made his way toward the door, his movements stiff, controlled. He paused for the briefest of moments, his hand resting on the doorknob, but he didn’t look back.
“You take care, Y/N,” he muttered under his breath, though there was no warmth in his voice. 
And then he was gone, the door clicking softly shut behind him.
Y/N remained where she was, her eyes still fixed on the spot where he’d been sitting just moments before. Her throat tightened, and her vision blurred, but she blinked rapidly, refusing to let the tears fall. She was stubborn, always had been, and she wasn’t about to break down now. Not after that.
× × × ×
Y/N’s heart raced as she navigated the city streets, her thoughts a whirlwind of worry and confusion. The familiar sounds of the bustling city seemed distant as she pressed harder on the gas pedal, weaving through the evening traffic. The day had dragged on longer than usual, her symptoms clouding her focus as she worked through meetings and paperwork. But now, with the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her, she needed answers.
She pulled into the hospital parking lot, her fingers trembling slightly as she turned off the ignition. Inhaling deeply, Y/N gathered her things and stepped out of the car, moving quickly through the entrance. The sterile, fluorescent-lit hallways of the private clinic always made her uneasy, but today, her unease stemmed from something far deeper.
The receptionist glanced up as she entered. “Miss Y/N,” she greeted with a soft smile. “Dr. Kim is expecting you. Please, go right in.”
Y/N nodded, unable to muster more than a polite smile as she made her way down the hall. Her chest tightened with each step until she finally reached the familiar door. Pausing for a moment, she exhaled slowly and knocked softly before opening it.
Dr. Kim looked up from his desk, his expression immediately softening as he saw her. 
“Y/N,” he greeted warmly, standing to meet her. “Come in, have a seat. What’s going on? You sounded urgent on the phone.”
Y/N sat down, her hands clenched tightly in her lap. The overwhelming need to explain everything spilled out of her, the words tumbling over one another as she tried to make sense of the chaos in her mind. 
“Dr. Kim, I—something’s wrong. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s been happening for weeks now. I keep getting these... these daydreams that feel so real. I’ll lose track of time, or I’ll end up in places and not remember how I got there. And my head... it’s like there’s this constant fog, like I can’t think clearly. I’ll forget things in the middle of a conversation. It’s—it’s scaring me.”
Dr. Kim’s brow furrowed as he listened, concern flickering in his eyes. He leaned forward slightly, his hands resting on his desk. “When did these symptoms start?”
“A few weeks ago,” Y/N admitted, her voice shaky. “I thought it was just stress at first—work, everything with my father, the engagement. But it’s getting worse. It’s like... like I’m losing control of my own mind.”
He nodded, his face calm but serious. “Have you experienced any physical symptoms? Headaches? Nausea?”
Y/N hesitated, then nodded. “Yes. The headaches are getting more frequent, and they’re... different. Not like any I’ve had before. And I get this dizziness, like the room is spinning, but it’s only for a few seconds at a time.”
Dr. Kim sat back in his chair, deep in thought. “Y/N, I’m going to schedule an emergency scans for you—right now. I don’t want to wait on this. Your symptoms... we need to rule out any serious issues.”
Her stomach twisted at the word "serious," but she nodded, grateful that he was taking action.
“What scans?” You shook your, trying to blink off the incoming headache.
“CT, MRI, PET. I'll add a Blood analysis as well—you might want to cancel plans, if you've got one tonight or you can go home and we can arrange a time tomorrow for the results.” He gave her a choice.
“I can stay. I need to know what's going on.”
Dr. Kim stood up, motioning for her to follow him. The minutes that followed were a blur—hushed conversations with nurses, the hum of machines, and the cold, sterile air of each scanning room.
She lay still as the machine whirred around her, her mind racing despite the calm instructions from the technician. It felt like hours and hours had passed by the time she was finally back in Dr. Kim’s office, waiting for the results.
When Dr. Kim returned, the air in the room seemed to thicken with tension. He carried a file in his hands, his face somber.
“Y/N,” he began quietly, taking a seat across from her. “I need you to listen carefully.”
Her pulse quickened, her intertwined fingers tightening on eachother. “What is it?”
He hesitated, glancing down at the file before meeting her gaze. “The scans show something... concerning. You have a rare form of cancer called Cloud Cytoma.”
Y/N blinked, her mind reeling as the words hit her like a wave. 
“Cancer?” she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. “How bad is it?”
Dr. Kim’s expression was gentle but unflinching. “Cloud Cytoma is an extremely rare type of cancer that affects the cranial nerves. It explains the symptoms you’ve been experiencing—memory loss, disorientation, even the vivid daydreams. The tumor is in the area of your brain that controls memory and perception.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in shallow, rapid bursts. "How… How long?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.
Dr. Kim weighed his words carefully but there was no easy way to break out bad news. “I’m afraid the prognosis isn’t good. With treatment, we may be able to manage the symptoms for a little while, but... you likely have about six months, give or take.”
The words hit her like a tidal wave. Her breath caught in her throat as the world around her began to blur. 
“I can contact specialists around the globe, who study this form of cancer. I will do my utmost best to find another way. . . . .”
For a second, she wasn’t sure if she was still in the room. It felt like she was slipping into one of those disorienting daydreams again, the ones that felt too real but weren’t. Her vision wavered, and she instinctively pressed her hands against her temples, trying to anchor herself.
“Y/N? Y/N?” Dr. Kim’s voice cut through the fog, concern deepening in his tone.
Y/N opened her eyes, blinking rapidly, trying to shake off the sensation that everything around her was crumbling. She took a deep breath, but the words "six months" echoed in her mind like a broken record, looping endlessly.
Six months. It was absurd. How could someone just say that so calmly? She had just come in here expecting to hear she needed rest, maybe a break from work, and instead, her entire world had been ripped out from under her in a matter of minutes.
She stared at Dr. Kim, trying to wrap her head around it, but the room still felt tilted. 
"Six months..." she whispered, shaking her head. "That’s... not enough time to even figure out how to respond to something like this."
Dr. Kim nodded sympathetically, his eyes steady on her. "I know it’s overwhelming. But we’ll focus on making you as comfortable as possible and explore every option available."
Y/N bit her lip, staring down at her hands, her mind spinning. This was her life now—six months left to live. Six months to figure out how to say goodbye to everything and everyone. The absurdity of it all clawed at her chest. It was so ridiculous, so horrifyingly unfair. Six months. The more she thought about it, the more surreal it felt.
And then, out of nowhere, a small, unexpected sound escaped her lips. A laugh. It was quiet at first, almost like a hiccup, but it bubbled up before she could stop it. Her shoulders shook with it, and before long, she was laughing—softly, incredulously, like she couldn’t quite believe the situation she was in.
Dr. Kim blinked in surprise. "Y/N?" he asked cautiously.
But Y/N couldn’t stop. The sheer insanity of being told she had six months to live, just like that, felt like some sort of twisted joke. She wiped at her eyes, half-laughing, half-crying, the sound mixing into something she didn’t even understand.
"Six months..." she gasped between laughs, shaking her head. "I barely know what I’m having for dinner tonight, and now I have to figure out how to live with six months left?"
Dr. Kim watched her with a mixture of sympathy and confusion, clearly not expecting this reaction.
She took a few deep breaths, her laughter finally subsiding, though the absurdity of it all still hung in the air. 
"Sorry," she muttered, a wry smile tugging at her lips. "It’s just... It’s kind of funny when you think about it. I mean, how does anyone process that? It’s so... random."
Dr. Kim’s expression softened, and after a moment, he allowed a small, understanding smile. "Everyone processes this kind of news differently," he said gently. "Sometimes, a little laughter helps. It’s your body’s way of coping with the shock."
Y/N nodded, still smiling through the haze of disbelief. “Yeah... maybe. But I can tell you one thing—this isn’t how I imagined my day ending.”
× × × ×
Y/N sat at the bar, swirling the amber liquid in her glass, trying to drown out the noise in her head. Probably not the best decision but with six months left? Why should she even care anymore?
When she took another sip of her drink, a sudden, sharp pain pierced through her temples. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, trying to shake it off, but the disorienting fog that had plagued her for weeks started to settle in again. The world around her seemed to tilt for a moment, her breath catching as she tried to refocus.
She blinked hard, forcing herself to concentrate on the glass in her hand. Everything felt too bright, too loud, like the whole bar was closing in on her. 
A presence beside her jolted her out of the fog. A man she hadn’t seen before, clearly drunk, sidled up next to her with a lazy grin on his face.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he slurred, leaning closer than necessary. Y/N tensed immediately, her skin crawling at the intrusion.
“Why’s a pretty thing like you sitting here all alone?”
Y/N’s heart raced, but she pushed down the panic, trying to stay present. She had to. “Not interested,” she said flatly, her voice sharper than intended. She lifted her glass, hoping he’d take the hint.
But he didn’t. The grin on his face widened, and he leaned even closer, his breath reeking of alcohol. “Aw, come on. Don’t be like that. I’m just trying to be friendly.”
Her grip on the glass tightened, her pulse pounding in her ears. The fog was still there, lurking at the edges of her awareness, but she forced herself to focus, forced herself to stay grounded. She wouldn’t let this escalate.
“I said, not interested,” she repeated, her voice icy.
The man’s smile faded slightly, his hand reaching out to brush over her arm. “Feisty, huh? I like a girl with some fire.”
Y/N jerked her arm away, her heart pounding in her chest. “Back off,” she snapped, louder this time, but the man’s hand moved to her thigh, his grip tightening just enough to send a wave of nausea through her.
Before she could react, a strong hand clamped down on the guy’s shoulder, yanking him backward with force.
“Let go of her,” a firm voice said, filled with authority.
Y/N’s eyes darted up to see Steve Rogers standing beside her, his expression hard as he pulled the man off her. The drunk stumbled backward, a look of anger flashing across his face.
“Who the hell are you?” the man growled, trying to stand up straighter.
Steve’s eyes narrowed, his posture straight and unmistakably threatening. “Walk away.”
The man scoffed, rubbing his shoulder, clearly too drunk to realize who he was messing with.
“Nah, I’m good right here.” His eyes flicked back to Y/N, a disgusting smirk crossing his face. “She and I were just getting acquainted.”
Before he could say another word, Steve’s fist shot out, connecting with the guy’s jaw with a sickening crack. The man staggered back, crashing into the barstools before crumpling to the floor, clutching his jaw in pain.
The entire bar went silent, everyone turning to see what had just happened.
Steve stood tall, glaring down at the man on the floor. “I told you to walk away.”
The drunk groaned, still clutching his jaw as he scrambled to his feet, glaring at Steve but clearly outmatched.
“You’ll regret that,” he spat, stumbling toward the door, muttering curses under his breath as he left the bar.
Y/N sat there, still frozen in place, her heart racing. The sudden flare of pain in her head had passed, but the fog lingered, making everything feel slightly off-kilter. She had been ready to scream, to fight back, but Steve’s intervention had caught her off guard. Slowly, she released the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding.
Steve turned to her, his expression softening as their eyes met. “You alright?”
Y/N nodded, though her voice was shaky. “Yeah. I’m... fine.”
Steve studied her for a moment, his gaze lingering on her face, as if checking to make sure she was really okay. “You sure?”
Y/N let out a breath, finally allowing herself to relax. “Yeah. Thanks for... you know.”
“It’s nothing.” Steve gave her a small, reassuring smile. He motioned to the empty stool next to her. “Mind if I sit?”
Y/N hesitated, still shaken, but then nodded. “Go ahead.”
As Steve sat down beside her, the tension in the air began to dissipate, though Y/N’s thoughts were still a mess.
Steve glanced at her drink, then back at her. “Rough night?”
“You have no idea.” Y/N let out a small, humorless laugh, shaking her head. 
Steve’s eyes softened, and he leaned forward slightly. “I’m a good listener if you want to talk.”
Y/N stared at her drink, debating whether to unload everything or to keep it all bottled up, like she always did. She sighed, shaking her head. 
“It’s... complicated.”
“Life usually is.” Steve smiled faintly. 
Y/N took another sip of her drink, her thoughts still swirling, when Steve’s voice broke through the heavy silence again.
“You know,” Steve said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, “it’s kind of funny.”
“What’s funny?” Y/N glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow. 
“I’m sitting here, offering to listen to you, and you’re supposed to be my therapist.” Steve leaned against the counter, he gave her a playful look. 
“You know, therapists need therapists too?” Y/N couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped her.
Steve grinned, clearly enjoying the lightening of the mood. “I guess I didn’t realize I’d signed up for a two-way session.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “I’m off the clock, Steve. If you want therapy, you’ll have to book another session.”
Steve let out a low laugh, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Fair enough. But it feels like I’m earning some points here. First catching you before you fell, now the bar rescue, and now some free therapy advice? You’re really getting the full Captain America experience tonight.”
“Is that what this is? The Captain America experience?” Y/N shook her head, her smile widening.
“Saving lives and giving pep talks, all in a day’s work.” Steve raised his glass in a mock toast.
Y/N’s laughter came more freely this time, and for a moment, the weight of everything that had been pressing down on her lifted just a little. She hadn’t realized how much she needed a moment like this—something light, something simple. No complications, no lies. Just a small break from the storm that was her life.
She glanced over at Steve, who was watching her with that same warm, gaze he always had. There was something about him—his presence, his calmness—that made her feel at ease. For a fleeting moment, she considered telling him everything. But the thought quickly passed. She couldn’t drag him into her mess.
“Thanks, Steve,” Y/N said softly, her voice sincere.
Steve shrugged, still smiling. “Anytime. I’m not just good at punching guys, you know.”
“I’ve noticed. You’re also good at therapy.” Y/N smirked, giving him a playful look.
Steve chuckled, his eyes flicking over to her empty glass. “Well, if you ever need more... Captain America therapy sessions, you know where to find me.”
Y/N nodded, her smile fading slightly as reality began to creep back in. The joke was lighthearted, but the weight of everything she was carrying started to settle in again. She felt the heaviness pressing down again, but before she could sink too deep into it, Steve leaned forward, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
“You know,” he said, his tone conspiratorial, “there’s one thing I’ve always wondered.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
Steve took a dramatic pause, glancing around the bar like he was about to share a state secret. Then, in a completely serious voice, he asked, “Do therapists actually read all those self-help books, or is that just for show?”
Y/N snorted, caught off guard by the absurdity of the question. She covered her mouth, trying to keep from laughing too loudly. “Seriously? That’s what you’ve been wondering?”
“Hey, it’s an important question. I mean, there are a lot of those books out there. The Art of Not Giving a Damn, How to Be Your Best You, 10 Steps to Inner Peace... Do you just have a whole library of them stashed somewhere?” Steve grinned, clearly pleased with himself.
“Well, some of us don’t need a self-help book to be as annoyingly well-adjusted as you, Captain.” Y/N couldn’t hold back the laughter this time.
Steve held up his hands, feigning innocence. “Annoyingly well-adjusted? I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me in weeks.”
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smiling. “Alright, alright. To answer your question—no, I don’t have a secret stash of self-help books. But now I feel like I should start collecting them, just to mess with people.”
“You should. Imagine the look on people’s faces when you recommend something like Finding Inner Zen for Dummies.”
Y/N giggled, shaking her head. “Yeah, that would go over real well with my clients.”
Steve leaned in a little closer, dropping his voice to a mock whisper. “I bet Bucky would love that.”
Y/N’s laughter bubbled up again, the sound light and genuine. “Oh god, can you imagine? He’d walk out immediately.”
Steve nodded, his expression serious. “Absolutely. The moment you pulled out a book like that, he’d be gone. You’d have to chase him down with a copy of Anger Management 101.”
Y/N was laughing so hard now, her sides hurt. “Stop! I can’t breathe!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop. But only because I don’t want to be responsible for making my therapist pass out from laughing.”
Y/N wiped at her eyes, still giggling as she tried to catch her breath. “I’m supposed to be the one helping you, remember?”
Steve gave her a playful shrug. “Hey, you help me, I help you. That’s how this works, right?”
“I guess so. I didn’t realize I’d signed up for a comedy show, though.”
Steve crossed his arms, looking mock-offended. “Comedy show? I’ll have you know I’m much more than that. I’m also very good at giving bad advice and quoting old movies no one’s seen.”
“Oh, really? Now I’m intrigued. What’s the worst advice you’ve ever given?”
Steve pretended to think for a moment. “Hmm... worst advice? Oh, I know. I once told Tony that it was a good idea to let Peter drive the Quinjet.”
Y/N’s eyes widened in horror. “You did not!”
Steve grinned. “I’m kidding. I’d never let that happen. But Tony would.”
Y/N let out a relieved breath, still smiling. “I was about to say...”
The tension that had weighed her down all night seemed to disappear, replaced by the warmth of Steve’s humor. She wasn’t sure how he did it—how he could make her laugh so easily, even when her world felt like it was spinning out of control—but she was grateful.
Steve caught her eye again, his smile softening just a little. “Feeling better?”
Y/N nodded, the smile lingering on her lips. “Yeah. A lot better.”
“Good,” Steve said, his tone gentle now. “You deserve to feel better.”
Y/N’s heart squeezed at his words, but before she could dwell on the emotion behind them, Steve leaned back and gave her a cheeky grin.
“Now, do I get a discount on my next therapy session for all the laughs I just provided?”
Y/N burst out laughing again, shaking her head. “Absolutely not. You’ll pay double for that, Captain.”
Steve raised his glass in mock surrender. “Fair enough. It was worth a shot.”
As Y/N's laughter filled the space between them, Steve's smile faltered for just a second. He caught himself watching her more closely than he should, noticing the way her eyes lit up when she laughed, the small crinkles at the corners of her mouth. His heart ached—just a little—as he realized how much he wanted to be the one to make her feel like this all the time.
But he pushed the thought aside, burying it beneath the camaraderie and lightheartedness of the moment. He wasn’t sure when it had started—this subtle pull toward her—but he felt it more and more with each passing day. He wasn’t supposed to feel this way. Not when her world was already complicated enough. Not when his own feelings were supposed to be under control.
Still, sitting beside her, hearing her laugh, he couldn't help the quiet longing that settled in his chest.
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feyascorner · 9 months
wish you would look at me
summary. convinced that you’re in love with another, when you approach him with a serious expression, he readies himself for the inevitable—rejection. but is it ever that simple?
pairing. astarion x GN!reader
warnings. light angst, fluff
a/n. this is inspired by the ppl who have love triangles w gale and astarion in act 2 and what he says if you pick him bec when I saw that I almost cried pls let him be happy
If you asked him a few weeks ago, he’d laugh at the mere suggestion that he could ever be jealous of someone like Gale. That blasted wizard couldn't go four steps before begging for a magical shoe or pathetically limping his way behind the rest of the group while you frantically searched for the said shoe. And when he found out the wizard was a few errors away from exploding, somehow Astarion felt even more pity (not really) for the lad.
Yet here he was.
He’s not sure when the hell you and Gale had gotten so chummy, but it rubbed him the wrong way. Even if his expression would never show it. He sips at his wine while Karlach and Wyll continue to chat about God knows what, too busy peering from the corner of his eyes as you lean into Gale’s shoulders to look closer at the book he was holding.
Perhaps the tadpole had finally made you lose your mind. He'd almost dropped his goblet when you denied his invitation to his tent tonight, spouting the excuse that you'd asked Gale to help you with something, and now this?
God knows why you ever found the wizard charming. If Gale could do something, he could too—much better, in fact. He was sure of it.
His grip tightens around the goblet when he hears you laugh.
Sure, his original intentions for approaching you had been less than noble…and he might have seduced you for more selfish reasons than you originally knew, but as much as he hated himself for it, he'd grown rather fond of you. In his own way, of course.
He’d only realized that the anxious squirming in his stomach was not of fear but of affection when you'd defended him from that vile drow at Moonrise Towers. He'd half expected you to ask him to throw himself at her, yet you stood your ground, showing nothing but respect to his own boundaries while you failed to realize that he'd deceived your own.
He truly had no reason to feel this way. He was selfish, he knew, for feeling so possessive because not once had the two of you established being exclusive. Though you'd respected him, you saw him for just that. A friend to respect, and nothing more. Sure, you'd spent a few nights together, but it was a mindless night of passion and he knew he'd continue to be your fling until you found another to truly love. He had just hoped it wouldn't be someone like Gale, of all people…or Wyll…or Shadowheart…or anyone for that matter.
He shakes his head. The wine must be getting to him. Serious relationships aren't a luxury he can afford, he reminds himself, relaxing his shoulders. He’s perfectly okay with being your ally—nothing more or nothing less. Ecstatic, even.
But when Gale flips a page of the book and both of you lean closer again—this time dangerously close—he feels a sharp pain shoot up his hand.
“Uh, Fangs, you alright there?” Karlach stares at the cracked glass in his hand and even he blinks at it in disbelief.
Apparently not.
He sighs irritably, dumping the glass elsewhere. “I’m quite alright. Seems I just need a nice comfortable mattress than a thin bedroll on the ground, but it’ll do for now.”
“Need help patching that up? You're bleeding.”
He almost laughs, if it weren't for the giggle coming from your direction. “Blood’s my specialty, darling, remember?” Without another word, he paces into his tent, closing the flap behind him for the universe signal that screams ‘don’t bother me.’
So when half an hour later, when he no longer hears the crackle of the campfire, he sees your shadow emerge from the other side of his tent flap, he squints.
“Can I come in?” He fails to respond, and hears you shuffle. “Ah, are you asleep?”
At this, he can't help but snort. You instinctively peek inside, and he runs a hand through his hair, sighing in defeat. “If I'd been asleep just how would I answer that question?”
He motions you closer and you take it as a sign to step inside, careful to avoid stepping on any of his belongings before situating yourself in front of him. “It was rhetorical, obviously!”
“Of course,” he doesn't seem convinced, lips curling into a teasing grin. “Now tell me, what brings you to my palace this late at night? Surely not for a cuddle. I'd thought you declined my offer earlier?”
Usually, you'd smile, but instead you only look down at your clasped hands, seemingly in thought. “I needed to talk to you—without everyone else watching.”
The usual brightness to your tone is missing.
Oh, he thinks. You've come to end things with him.
“Ah,” is all he says. He can tell his smile hasn't dropped, but it doesn't feel that way. “I hear you've found a new lover. Perhaps you want to keep yourself for this one, true love? How romantic, darling.”
You frown at this, and he wonders if he’s done something wrong. But it does little to stop his defense mechanisms from springing into action, because he’s immediately slipping into his usual mask, grin stretching wider but never reaching his eyes.
He hates the words coming out of his own mouth as if they taste of poison. Still, his voice is steady, almost teasing. Perks of the 200 years spent shamelessly lying, he supposes. “So, is this the end of our late night trysts? Even though they were an awful lot of fun?”
He doesn’t think he could stand watching you with that damned wizard. He doesn't even want to think about it quite frankly, because all he feels is his chest tighten when he imagines someone else holding you the way he does. And gods, if had to watch Gale’s poor attempt at flirting one more time…
But then again, you'd be with someone who doesn't manipulate you. Someone who doesn't toy with your feelings, or someone who doesn't seduce you for protection.
His smile twitches, and he just braces himself for your response.
“I’d rather be with you.”
He stares at you, eyes wider than its ever been since he'd gotten this damn worm in his brain.
“What? Why?” he blurts, embarrassingly so, before he composes himself again and clears his throat. “I mean, well, I know why—but I thought you'd had something more…with Gale.”
As much as he despises the idea, he'd seen the way you'd laughed with him. And while it was a new experience for him to be fond of another person, he'd found that these feelings had led him to rather you be happy than dragging you down with him. If it meant you wouldn't regret your choice, he’d been willing to deal with it.
So why?
“I want something real with you, Astarion,” you say softly, eyes meeting his. “I don't know if you feel the same way, but Gale and I are better off as friends, and I told him before I came here. And besides, it’d be cruel of me to lead him on while my heart is with another.”
He thinks he might have died again just now. For the first time in decades, he’s actually at a loss for words. “I—if that's what you truly want—we can try. Be lovers, I mean.”
You finally smile at his words, and Gods above if that doesn't lift the excruciating weight of the past few weeks off his shoulders. He feels the warmth of your lips when you lean forward to give him a peck on the cheek, everything happening so fast that his mind is spinning. He snaps back into focus when you pull back.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
You could have—should have, done it earlier. With a smile of his own, he leads you back to him, this time planting a soft kiss on your lips. It’s short, and not nearly enough, but it’ll do for tonight.
“Well then, consider yourself wholeheartedly taken then, my dear.”
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milkpup · 8 months
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。⋆ʚ♡ like father, like son
›› chapter 5 ›› nsfw 18+ ongoing multi-chapter fic!
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ʚ ao3 ɞ / ʚ kofi ɞ / ʚ fic masterlist ɞ
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›› toji fushiguro x reader ›› megumi fushiguro x reader ›› toji x reader x megumi (mfm) ›› 18+ f!reader ›› started: 12/6/23 : updated: 1/29/24 : status: ongoing
‹𝟹 summary: You and Megumi are best friends. You've known eachother for almost your whole life. His home has become your second home. As time passes and life happens, Megumi slowly develops feelings for you, even though he's unaware of it. To complicate things further, you're now living with him and his father, who has also taken a liking to you.
‹𝟹 fandom: jjk, jujutsu kaisen
‹𝟹 genres / warnings: au - no powers, college au, power imbalance, pseudo-incest (they both want y/n, nothing w/ eachother), dubious consent
‹𝟹 tags: good cop bad cop, fluff, smut, angst, toji has a big dick, dilf toji, toji is his own warning, toji tries to be a good parent, toji is an asshole, toji is trying okay?, daddy dom toji, daddy kink, porn with feelings, porn with plot, friends to lovers, spit / spitting, spit kink, spit as lube, breeding, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, double vaginal pen, double pen, anal, making out, making love, love triangles, praise kink, degradation, light masochism, light sadism, emotional sex, cuckolding, jealousy, jealousy kink, smoking, smoking kink, emotional manipulation, manipulation, polyamory?, father and son share you, protective megumi fushiguro, megumi needs a hug, megumi has a big dick, AGED UP CHARACTERS, dead dove: do not eat, finger sucking, large cock, cum swallowing, blow jobs, first time blow jobs, under desk blow jobs, fingerfucking, face sitting, face riding, 69, mutual masturbation, threesome mfm, lots of smut, loss of virginity
‹𝟹 notes: hi, sorry this took so long to update! i've had a lot going on lately, but i finally felt good enough to finish this chap! i tried to go for soft megumi but then eventually i couldn't help myself. sowwy x_x (im not sorry :3!) don't try so hard to imagine the positions, just go with it PLSSSS T_T LOL. for tumblr: i'm gonna start adding a section for tags. if y'all wanna be tagged in future updates on this fic or any of my stuff lmk!
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Chapter 5: Pink Carnations
“It’s already almost 5 in the afternoon… and there’s a storm forecasted? Why are they not home yet?” Megumi questioned as he anxiously paced back and forth in the living room. He was worried, not really about the guy who he’s supposed to call ‘father’, but about you. He would never admit it, but he counts the hours, minutes, seconds, moments even when you’re not together. He misses you but feels like he’s not allowed to miss your presence.
Yet… he does. He always does. And that’s why when he sees you come bursting through the front door, clothes soaked but laughing, he’s confused. He knows you hate getting your clothes wet, much less completely soaked through. So why are you in such a good mood? He doesn’t mind, and loves hearing your sweet laugh, but he’s confused, nonetheless. That is, until he sees Toji’s massive frame follow right behind you.
Megumi’s cheeks flare with jealousy, his face flush a crimson red. He stares right at you, loudly asking where you’ve been. He isn’t trying to be mean, but he is mad. “What took you so long in a storm like this? You know it’s dangerous to drive with streets flooded so badly like this.” He finishes, looking straight at Toji, staring daggers into him for even thinking of putting you in a dangerous situation.
“I’m a good driver. You don’t need to worry. And we took a while because we were busy.” Toji smirks slightly at the end of his sentence, moving across the foyer and setting his keys on the table.
You don’t want to feel the uncomfortable sensation of soaked clothes for any longer, so you silently slip out of the room and make your way towards the bathroom.
Toji being Toji, he’s watching every part of you until your silhouette disappears into the dimly lit hallway. He’s watching you like a predator stalks his prey. Megumi’s brows furrow as he feels anger and jealousy boiling beneath his skin. He starts walking up to his father, confronting him, “Why are you looking at her like that, and why are you spending so much time with her in general, you old bastard?” Megumi is practically in Toji’s face, eyes fierce and cheeks flared with anger.
Toji only smirks as he’s leaned against the wall, looking down at Megumi. “I mean, why wouldn’t I? She’s fucking hot, and so obedient. I would be a fool to not want her for myself.” His response almost sends Megumi into a blind rage. Megumi understands Toji most likely takes what he wants from you, sometimes aggressively, and he wants to protect you from that.
“You’re disgusting.” Megumi retorts, words laced with venom. “You make me sick.”
“You can’t deny it though. I’m right. And you know I’m right.” Toji responds before pushing off the wall and away from Megumi towards his own bathroom. Megumi rolls his eyes as Toji walks away, but somewhere deep down inside him- that he’s blind to and wouldn’t even admit to- agrees with Toji. And that’s what pisses him off the most. He feels as if he’s been thrown into a competition to “win” you, one that he is already losing at. Megumi is disgusted with himself at the idea of you being described in terms of a prize, but he also can’t resolve the fact that he wants you. It’s wrong and unfair how someone like Toji could get to you first; Toji doesn’t know you like I do. He doesn’t value you like I do. And thus, Megumi resolves to make you happy in a way no one else can.
A few days pass, and nothing really happens between anyone except sneaking glances and private thoughts.
Eventually, Megumi can’t take it anymore. He chooses a night where Toji is out working overnight “hustling’ or whatever the fuck he called it. He ordered your favorite food and went to pick it up, hoping you’d spend some time with him. Even a little bit. On the way home, he picked up a small bouquet of pink carnations- flowers that mean missing someone.
You get back home from your afternoon class shortly before Megumi pulls up in the driveway. You are just barely sitting on the couch before Megumi opens the door and enters, the sight of flowers and bags of food warming your heart. He makes his way towards the table, setting down the food, flowers still in hand, as you hastily get up and hug him.
“It smells amazing, Megs.” You say, holding him tightly. He thinks you’re talking about the food, but you’re most certainly talking about the intoxicating scent of him and his cologne. He smelled like what rainwater personified would smell like, comforting and refreshing.
“It’s gonna get cold, ___. And these are for you.” He finishes as he sheepishly hands you the flowers. You sit at the table, placing the flowers aside as Megumi looks for plates and silverware for you both.
“Thank you, Gumi.” You gently say as you’re taking containers out of bags and unpacking them. “It smells so good!! I can’t believe you remembered what kind of pasta I like.”
Megumi returns to the table, placing silverware and plates down. “You’re welcome. Of course I’d remember. How could I forget?” He’s sure he could see a faint blush creep on your cheeks, but you’re ultimately distracted by your craving for noodles. He chuckles at how you’re practically inhaling the food.
You both talk for a while about how classes have been, what stuff you’ve been watching, just mundane stuff that still shows how deeply interested he is. You know he remembers every detail, no matter how boring it may seem. He never forgets.
After finishing the wonderful food and cleaning up together, you’re both relaxing on the couch looking for something to watch together. Usually, you gravitate toward thriller or horror movies, but Megumi picks out some almost cringey – but still cute – romance anime about two people who meet at a convention for a game and fall for each other. It’s not your first choice, but it’s still cute.
Your legs are resting on Megumi’s lap, not moving as you both watch. Megumi is slow, almost cautious when he places a hand on your leg, just rubbing you. He wants to make sure any touch in general is fine as he takes his time, slowly moving up your legs and eventually reaching your thighs. You’re acutely aware of his agonizingly slow touch, but the wait almost makes it better. He’s not even watching whatever he put on, and you’re too caught in the sensations of his soft hands rubbing your inner thighs to even begin to pay attention to the show.
Megumi’s hands continue its ascent up your inner thighs, going painfully slow. He’s looking for any and all reactions he can get out of you, and the way your breath hitches as he gets closer – it drives him insane. The way you try to hide your blush across your cheeks with your arms, trying to look at anything else to save you some embarrassment…. He loves it.
His hand moves to the waistband of your shorts, tugging at them to show he wants to take them off. He hooks his fingers around the waistband and gently pulls them completely off before tossing them to the floor. Megumi’s eyes instantly lock on to your panties. “Fuck, ___... do you always get that wet?” He’s teasing you but also shocked, the underwear was soaked from just a little teasing. You must have really wanted him.
His fingers play with you, rubbing the outside of your underwear as he draws sweet moans from your mouth. He absolutely loves the taking his time, hearing every soft moan you squeak out every time he moves his finger.  He pulls your panties to the side, not even bothering to take them off as his long, slender finger slips past your folds. Just as quickly as it appeared, he pulled his finger back to his mouth, tasting a bit of your slick. “You taste so good, baby. Oh my god.” He purrs as he brings another finger back to your cunt, this time pushing into you.
“Fuck, Gumi…”
He fucks you with a single finger as he expertly rearranges you on the couch, one leg hanging off with him in between. He slips another finger inside your tight hole as he brings his mouth to your cunt, flicking his tongue around your clit. The whimpers and pants you make only serve to make Megumi feel like a man starved. Eventually he slips his fingers out, much to your annoyance, and replaces it with his tongue. He’s eating you like a man having his last meal. He wastes no time in tasting every part he can reaching, fucking your cunt with his tongue. His hand creeps back up to your clit, thumb gently circling it as he continues eating you out.
He comes back up for air and inserts his fingers again, fucking you in a rhythm matching his thumb on your clit. You can feel yourself approaching that edge, the knot in your stomach tightening as Megumi stretches your cunt with just his fingers. He adds another finger, stuffing you full of his fingers as his thumb continues its assault on your clit. “You’re such a good girl for me, huh? Did you miss me, baby?”
Your eyes widen as he praises you, feeling yourself reach your limit and cum over his fingers. You make quite the mess over his arms and the couch. “I guess that’s a yes, isn’t it princess?”
He pulls his fingers out of you and reaches for the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling them down. There’s a noticeable small wet spot on his boxers, he was definitely hard and leaking at just teasing you. As much as he loves your mouth, he absolutely wants your already fucked out hole.
He picks you up and turns you over so you’re on your knees, hands on the back of the couch. Megumi aligns himself behind you, gently pushing his throbbing cock into your soaked hole. Your panties are still pushed to the side, creating a lewd sight Megumi hadn’t even anticipated as he watched your cunt swallow his cock.
Your upper body was pushed against the side of the couch, with your knees spread apart and ass in the air. Megumi bottomed out his cock inside your tight hole, pushing against you fully. “You’re such a good girl. Holy fuck.” Megumi wasted no time in picking up speed, developing a comfortable pace. You moan in tandem with his thrusts, turning him on even more. He wants to be gentle with you, but you were taking his dick like a bitch in heat, and he couldn’t be more thrilled about it.
He spanks your ass as he slams his thick cock into you, and you tighten around him in response. He doesn’t realize it now, but soon will understand how masochistic you really are. He slaps your ass, creating red marks all over it to mark his presence. “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you? You like being fucked like a whore?” He asks as he thrusts into you, hitting your g-spot. “Answer me, princess. Are you a disgusting whore?”
He gives you almost no time to respond as his hand snakes up your back, reaching your head and grabbing fistfuls of hair to pull you back with. “Yes sir, I am” You barely manage to squeak out as you feel yourself being fucked silly, close to cumming again.
“You’re what? Answer me clearly, darling.” He coos as he tugs at your hair, pulling you back against him.
“I’m a dirty whore-ah” You yelp out as he pulls on your hair. You can feel the warmth of his body on your back, as you feel another hand make its way around your neck.
“Good girl.” Megumi purrs out. He is picking up the pace now, as his grip around your neck gently tightens. He’s thrusting into you with ferocity he didn’t know existed, abusing your tight cunt.
You feel yourself getting dizzy while Megumi keeps drilling into your cunt. He releases his grip on your throat, allowing you to gasp for air as he pushes you down against the couch. His hands grip you at your waist, giving him a better holding on you to fuck you harder. He groans as he feels himself getting close.
His cock slams into your g-spot again, as he nears his edge. “I’m close, baby. Be a good girl and come with me, yeah?” You can feel his cock starting to twitch inside your cunt as he continues his relentless assault on your sensitive spot, feeling that knot snap in your belly as you tighten around his cock. The moment you cum, it sends Megumi over the edge, and you feel his warm cum filling your womb. He slips his cock out as he pulls your panties back over your cunt. “Keep this on for a while, sweetheart.” He says as you start to roll over. He leans down and kisses your forehead, while caressing your cheek.
“That was amazing, ____. You were amazing.” He praises as he sits on the couch, pulling you into an embrace as you sit on his lap. Your head rests in the crook of his neck and you can smell that familiar, fresh scent. It smells like home.
“Thank you, Gumi.”
‹𝟹 notes: i don't think there are going to be many more chaps for this fic soon. maybe 2 more at most idk. i dont rly know what i wanna do going forward, so i gotta keep it cookin in my brain for a lil more i guess lol. if y'all have suggestions i am ALWAYYYYYYS open for them! getting comments on my fic literally gives me so much serotonin u dont even understand lol
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capricornwriter5 · 2 years
You are the one - Chapter 26
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Pairing: Bang Chan x female OC; Lee Know x female OC
Genre: au (high shool, college), love triangle, fluff, angst, smut, from friends to lovers. ⚠️Warning: soft drugs
Words: 5k
Summary: Bang Chan and Jasmine have been best friends for as long as they can remember. With little time to finish high school, they both begin to develop romantic feelings. However, family situations and communication issues force them to move away. Once in college, they decide to try to regain the friendship they had. As Bang Chan sees the opportunity to finally be with the girl he has always loved, his friend Lee Know, who had been studying in England, returns home and the connection he develops with Jasmine is undeniable. Can the chemistry and attraction with Lee Know outweigh a tender first love and memories of years of friendship between Bang Chan and Jasmine?
Disclaimer: I named the character Jasmine (Minnie for Chan 🥰) because I love that name. Besides, it’s easier if we want to see Chan saying cute names (it’s better than just Y/N, I think) but you can totally picture yourselves in the story, that’s the idea.
Chapter 26 - YOU are the one
That night, the doctor authorized Chan to go for a walk, the boy was about to lose it due to all the time he stayed inside the room. As expected, Jaz followed him, and soon they were in one of the hospital's gardens. They must go slowly since Jaz's leg was still not fully healed, and depending on the movement she made, the pain did not let her continue. Of course, Chan was extraordinarily careful, he hadn't stopped watching the floor, as he made sure the girl was okay and there was nothing dangerous for her. 
“When we get to that bench in front of the fountain, we won't walk anymore.”
Jaz laughed as she knew Chan wanted to lift her up, he had already tried, and since she wouldn't let him, he had gently taken her arm and helped her with each step.
"There's something there, Minnie, be careful."
Jaz stopped, and looking at what her best friend pointed at, she burst out laughing. "Chris! It's literally three leaves on top of each other."
"That can be dangerous, Jasmine!"
"Are you seriously gonna be like this because of a cut on my leg?"
“Of course I do! Besides, you're worse than me, you won't even let me take my pills by myself.”
"Because you forget it, just as you forgot to leave the house with your coat."
“That's not important, we made a promise. Don't you remember it anymore? You'd remind me to wear a sweater, just as I'd remind you to turn off the stove.”
Jaz smiled while she lost herself in her best friend's eyes.
She perfectly remembered when she went to pick him up at night from the university. She was worried that Chan was going to get sick because of the rain and, as usual, she left the stove on.
However, now that they talked about promises, the girl remembered Chan reproaching himself for the other promise they had made. Sighing, she tried to forget what had happened, but Chan didn't let her, and taking her hand, he walked with her until they reached the bench where they could sit together.
“Minnie, what did I tell you on that bridge? Please, tell me." He asked cupping her face. "I beg you, I can't bear any more misunderstandings between us."
"You asked me how much longer I was going to haunt you and if I would finally disappear." Jaz had a hard time going on, she didn't want to, but Chan's caress on her cheek convinced her to go on. "You asked me to leave, I already had done it many times." Silently, Jasmine wiped her face with the back of her hand, but Chan knew how to interpret her silence, he knew there was something else and begged her to tell him. "You said that there was no love or trust left between us."
“I haven't stopped dreaming about you since we broke up, and in each dream, you leave, in none have I been able to make you stay. It's not you who torments me, it's not knowing what to do. I've known you all my life, and still, I can't figure out how to keep you from leaving. I wasn't talking about myself when I said that there was no longer trust or love. I told you once, and I'll say it for the rest of our lives, Minnie. I will wait for you as long as it takes."
Chan had not stopped caressing the girl's face nor had he lowered his gaze for a second, he needed Jaz to listen to him and believe what he was saying. He was already tired of keeping everything to himself, he would take the risk and take the reins of the matter.
“I've never wanted you to let me go, Minnie, much less have I wanted to try to forget you. Yes, I tried to learn to live without you, but I wasn't even close to get it because I kept waiting for you, I've been waiting for us. I tried to distract myself with work and drinking, but it was useless, you were always there. I saw you in everything, little doll, and how not to if you are my whole life? You always have been." He said moving a little closer and seeing that her eyes were full of tears listening to him, he kissed her forehead. “I don't care if I have to make you fall in love with me again, if we have to start from scratch, I don't care, Minnie. I just want to be with you. I think one of my biggest mistakes was waiting for you to tell me what to do, but do you know what I thought?" He asked looking into the eyes that he loved so much. “If I can get my best friend, the most precious girl of all, the best person in the world to give me a chance before, I can do it again. Even if you decide to do it when we're both old and white-haired. If the last thing I see in my life is your smile getting closer before you kiss me, it will all have been worth it."
Jaz couldn't stop several tears from falling and her face lighting up with a smile, Chan had always been very sweet, but never like that night.
"You don't have to tell me anything yet, Minnie, I'm going to fight for us and for what we have. I know we still have something"
"I broke up with Minho." Jaz whispered still feeling Chan's breath, they were really close. “When you and I decided to part at Changbin's party, that night everything changed for me. As much as I tried to get things to work with Lee Know, I never really got it. Everything reminded me of you, and little by little, I missed you more and more. A love like ours is not forgotten, Chris, it doesn't fade, not when we have given our hearts like you and I did. I don't want another relationship, I want you. I love my Australian, my athlete, my architect, my best friend, my love. You are the one, Chris, you always have been."
"I love you, Little doll, I love you with all my forces and I'll do it until my last breath."
Closing his eyes to enjoy that dream that was finally coming true, Chan kissed Jaz again. After not being able to show her how much he loved her with a kiss, the boy could lose himself in the softness of the girl's lips again. Jasmine's life also changed when she felt Chan kissing her. All that time feeling that things were not going well was only because she did not have him by her side, not like she had really dreamed since she could remember. But there he was, the tender, romantic, sentimental, honest, and affectionate boy who had accompanied her all her life was showing her with a single kiss that he was just as in love as she was.
At that moment, both felt that they lacked nothing to be happy. It had taken them a long time to get to that point, but Chan and Jaz dared to face what they felt and give themselves another chance, start from scratch if necessary, they really didn't care as long as they were together.
"I missed you, Minnie." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her and letting the girl rest her head on his chest. "I'm not going to let you go again."
Fortunately, the hospital where they were staying was one of the best in the entire country, so comfort was indisputable. In addition, the fact that Chan's parents were so wealthy reflected on their son's health, they spared no expense and asked for their son to be moved to a room where he not only had attention at any time he needed it, but also where Jaz could be with him and get the same attention.
That was how they both could choose between lying for hours in a huge bed, sitting in one of the ridiculously comfortable and expensive armchairs, or simply spending time in the waiting rooms of the hospital wing where the boy was hospitalized.
After their walk in the garden, they returned to the room and sat together in one of the armchairs, Chan opened his arms, waiting with a smile for the girl to come closer, something that of course happened.
“Chris, can I ask you something and you promise to answer me?”
"Baby, you can ask for whatever you want."
"What meeting did you have with your father on the day of the school activity?"
"I knew you were going to ask me that." As he made that comment, Jaz noticed Chan's ears turning red. “Dad had organized a dinner for me to meet his senior partners. A few days ago, I had agreed to work with him on a project, he wanted me to design a new office and then take care of other things, but not before meeting the rest of the team.”
"Sorry, I had no idea. Did that cause you a discussion with him?"
“No, precious, don't worry, I explained to him that something important had come up. He just sent me three audios screaming, I think we are improving." He joked, but seeing Jaz's seriousness, he cleared his throat. “There's gonna be another dinner, everything will be fine. This time I won't miss it. Unless you want to spend the night in the car with me again.”
Trying to keep a serious face was impossible, so the girl laughed while Chan hugged her tightly. Even though he still didn't feel well, the energy he had was devoted to her.
“You must get well fast, Chris, fast enough so that we can get out of here and go home. Although, you haven't even told me what you want to do. Your parents asked you to come back home. They said you'd be more comfortable and closer to the hospital." 
Chan was silent, thinking about the advantages of staying at his parents' house; however, although they were right and that it could be more convenient, it was not what he had thought. Unless…
"What do you want to do?"
"Me? Chris, it's not about me."
“For me, it is about you. If we go to my parents' house, will you feel comfortable? Because if it's not like that, we can go back to the apartments and…”
"Okay, okay, hold your horses, mister." She said placing her index finger on Chan's lips. “First of all, if we go back, there won't be “apartments”, there will be only ONE because I have to take care of you and we won't be apart. Also, I'll be happy as long as I'm with you. I already told you, I'm not going to leave you alone." Getting a little closer, she touched Chan's lips and kissed him so tenderly that the girl couldn't help but laugh when she saw the enchanted look he had. "But if you ask my honest opinion, your parents won't be happy if they don't see you, at least while you recover."
“What about your parents? If we stay here, you'll be able to see them more often. I heard she'll return to work in this hospital.”
Jaz nodded, feeling happy and relieved to know that her mother was going back to work where she had been happy, for that was where her friends were. She would also be closer to the psychologist, which would help her to regain a little control of her life. Furthermore, she could spend more time with her mother and make sure that her process was adequate.
"And your dad," Chan mentioned delicately raising her face. “He came back to live around here, he's alone, Minnie." 
Jaz's look showed the astonishment that caused her, she frankly knew absolutely nothing about her father or the type of life he had led since she had left home. In her mind, her father had a dream family with his new baby and the woman who had stolen his heart and sanity to such an extent that he leave his old family. But that image was far from being the real one.
“I didn't know you had gone to visit the baby. Your father told me a while ago. Minnie, did you do it by yourself?"
Neither of them wanted any more secrets between them, and even though they had kept many things between them, that afternoon they began to talk like the best friends they had always been.
“I went while she was hospitalized, but I didn't want to talk to dad, much less with his girlfriend. But their daughter, I mean…she was just a baby, I felt terrible when mom told me she was sick. I thought about asking you to come with me, but…”
"You didn't want to see your dad and me in the same place," Chan added, sure that was the reason, and Jaz confirmed it with a nod. "There's nothing to worry about, Minnie, your dad says that the baby is much better."
"And what about him? Is he fine?"
“Do you want me to tell you, baby? Wouldn't you rather talk to him directly?"
“It'll be three years since Dad and I last sat down to talk together. It's going to be awkward."
"Maybe, but just at the beginning. I'm sure once you start talking and releasing a little bit of everything you've stored, things will flow."
"Do you think he wants to?"
“Little doll, your dad didn't last a minute to leave the house in the middle of the night to help you as soon as you called him. All he's waiting for is for you to feel ready to get close again. That doesn't mean that you'll turn the page and forget everything that happened so easily, but at least you'll be able to start the recovery process that you need."
Knowing Jaz for so many years proved Chan right, what she needed was not to continue ignoring her father, but to face what had happened, talk to him, and then decide the type of relationship she had with him from now on. The last years had been really difficult, the girl had tried to survive on pure instinct after leaving home. The first few months she had always had Bang Chan with her, and only for that Jasmine endured being away from home, away from her parents, and facing every problem on her own. But then everything had gone uphill.
Same for Chan, who was getting more and more overloaded with work, enough to not even be able to listen when his body demanded that he stop because he couldn't take it anymore. Before, he used to have Jaz constantly reminding him to take care of himself, eat well, rest, and make time for himself, but the time he had to manage alone had been disastrous for his physical and mental health.
"How have you been feeling these days? And… and I'm not exactly talking about dehydration and weakness. You've been sober for several days."
Just hearing that question, Bang Chan lowered his face and avoided Jaz's gaze. The shame of having to accept his alcohol dependence didn't let him talk about it without feeling terribly bad about himself.
“Chris, no,” Jasmine whispered, meeting her best friend's gaze and taking his hands. "You don't have to be ashamed of that, I'm not gonna judge you, I never would."
“Minnie, I don't feel like I did before. It has been like this for a long time, more than I'd like to accept. I…shit... it's hard to say this out loud. I feel bad enough just thinking about it to say it, but…I don't want to end up like mom.”
"That's not gonna happen," Jaz assured him, sounding more confident than ever before. 
"How do you know? You literally picked me off the floor."
“Because I know what you're capable of when you set your mind to something. What happened that night doesn't matter, forget about it and continue being the wonderful man you are. There's no one more responsible than you, more dedicated, or more disciplined. If you want to get out of this, you'll make it." Closing his eyes, Chan received Jaz's sweet kiss on his forehead. “Do you want to talk about it? The boys say that at home you don't talk to anyone."
It was enough to open up a bit for the conversation to flow on its own, Bang Chan didn't even have to make an effort to think of what to say to his best friend. Both had had that unique connection since they were kids. The other's company represented so much consolation and trust that it allowed them to express what they felt and even what they feared.
That was how Chan and Jaz talked for hours about what Chan felt when he drank, or why he did it. The guy was also honest about the reasons why he was looking to drown himself in work. He was aware that they were problems and attitudes that he had been dragging along for quite some time, but that had been propelled in the last year.
Later, when the nurses asked Chan to lie down, Jaz was by his side, making sure he took all his medications and was comfy enough. That night would be the first that Jaz would not sleep with him, since Chan's mother wanted to be with him.
“You'll come tomorrow, right, Minnie?”
"Chris, of course I'll come tomorrow and every day after that." She replied laughing.
"How's your leg, is it hurting?"
"Just a little."
“Better stay at home and rest, please. At least until the afternoon. You never sit still, when you are here you want to help me do everything and the wound can reopen."
“We still have many more mornings to wake up together.”
"They will never be enough." Jaz said before closing her eyes and taking her time to kiss him again.
"Good night, little doll. I love you."
Chan watched her leave the room, and as Jaz was about to close the door behind her, she turned to blow her a kiss. Finally, she left with a smile on her face thinking about how easily Chan blushed.
Jasmine was just closing the door to go look for her mother, but she met her father, as he had been talking to Chan's mother.
"Oh honey, hello!" said the woman. “I'm so glad you finally agreed to take some rest, you've taken care of my son non-stop since day one. I have no way to thank you."
"Ma'am, you don't have to, I'll always be there for anything Chris may need." She replied with a sweet smile. “He's waiting for you. I hope you're ready, he just discovered a new series and will make you watch it all. Get ready for hours and hours of architectural explanations of old buildings.”
Chan's mother sighed and then laughed thinking about how passionate her son was when it came to architecture. After an affectionate goodbye to Jaz and her father, the woman left them alone. For a few seconds, daughter and father looked at each other without knowing what to say. They hadn't had much time to be alone since they had seen each other again, the relationship they had now was so different from the one they had had all their lives that the pain couldn't be more intense. However, deep down, really deep down, they felt some relief now that they could at least look at each other without Jazmine demanding that he disappeared.
“I guess you're looking for your mom. She was here just a couple of minutes ago. She's with a patient in the ER."
"Oh, I see."
“If it doesn't bother you, I can take you home. You know that sometimes those emergencies can last for hours.”
"I can wait for her."
Seeing the man's disappointed look was like looking at herself in a mirror. That same expression had constantly been on her face since she left home. The two of them were too similar, and not only physically, since Jaz was like a copy of him, but they had very similar personalities, that's why they got along so well.
"You already ate? No, forget it, of course you did. Chan wouldn't let you go without eating…”
"Actually, I haven't..." Jaz responded, letting herself be carried away by the longing she felt to spend at least a few more minutes with her father.
Without a doubt, that was the best thing the professor could have heard, as he immediately offered his daughter to eat something together in the hospital cafeteria. At first, the conversation focused on Chan's recovery. They were both too careful with what they said, especially Jaz, who was looking for safe grounds, small talk good enough to keep chatting.
“Do you continue painting or is the study consuming you?"
"I haven't painted in a long time, the last thing was your car."
"My car?" he asked with a surprised look.
"I don't know how it happened, all of a sudden I had drawn it and was sending Chris a picture."
"Can I see it?"
“You own a better painting, the one you bought at the gallery.”
“I knew it was yours even if it didn't say your name, princess. They were the colors you liked, green tones were always your favorites, and that painting was full of them.”
“I've got the same opinion from many professors. They even nicknamed me the green painter. Many of them don't even know my name." The man heard his daughter laugh again and the lump in his throat began to torture him. “Do you know why I like green tones so much?”
"I asked you many times, but you always told me not to bother you." He said, remembering perfectly how his daughter wrinkled her nose and pushed him.
“Your eyes… it was my way of painting you in everything I did, of feeling close to you. But soon that wasn't enough, it didn't matter that I painted with the same green as your eyes, dad, you weren't there.
“I tried changing colors, I tried every one of them, every shade, but it didn't work. I changed the green palette for the brown one, but I saw your hair, then red, but I remembered your favorite shirt. I thought the blues would help, but I was reminded of our beach house. The purple didn't help either, that was the color of your office.”
The man heard her speak and saw how Jaz's tears kept falling but the girl didn't even flinch, sadly she had already gotten used to that.
“It took me a lot of work to understand you, I spent whole nights thinking about how you could stop loving mom. In fact, I don't think I can ever understand that, I guess some feelings change, I guess it's normal to fall in love again. What happened between you and mom is something between the two of you, I can't spend every day of my life wondering."
“Feelings don't change, princess. I was an idiot who didn't know how to value who loved me, I took everything for granted.
“Life's too short, one day you wake up and everything you thought you had is gone. I don't know how to get close to you again, I don't even know if I can trust you again, but I know that I don't want to open my eyes and have someone so important to me disappear forever. I want to look at the traces of green tones in my paintings again and smile, not cry."
Jaz's father didn't expect his daughter to agree to have some kind of communication again, he could bet his life that had only happened because Chan had had something to do with it. He was the only person Jaz listened to, always had been. Although the girl had been very close to her father since she was little, at the end of the day the only advice she blindly followed was that of her best friend.
He knew it would be the slowest process he would have to face in his life, but as long as he got his daughter back, he was willing.
The next few days in the hospital passed uneventfully, Chan was getting better; however, no one could expect his nutrient deficiency to disappear so quickly. Besides, he still had to deal with anemia. What helped him a lot emotionally speaking was when he was able to return home. He and Jaz had agreed to stay at Chan's parents' house at least until the doctor allowed him to play sports again, and then he could recover a bit of normalcy in his life. The boys called every day asking for Chan, they also made video calls and took care of sending him things from time to time. If they hadn't visited him, it was only because they wanted to give the couple some privacy.
Taking advantage of the fact that the day was beautiful because spring had already entered, Chan and Jaz went out to one of the terraces. The couple had been watching some videos on Chan's cell phone when suddenly the girl remembered something and literally jumped up, scaring her best friend.
"Chris, I've had something for you for some time!"
Without letting him open his mouth to ask what she was talking about, Jasmine ran to find something among all the things her father had brought her. She had been so immersed in taking care of Chan that she had forgotten a present.
Back next to his best friend, she placed a box on his legs. "Merry Christmas, my love, a little late, tho..."
Chan immediately remembered that he also had bought something for her, but left it in his apartment. He couldn't help but laugh when he saw that, once again, they had done the same thing. 
With a beautiful smile on his face, Chan saw the book that Jaz had chosen for him, who else could have found him something that was totally to his liking if not her?
For a few moments, he looked at the book, but before doing anything else, he closed it again and taking her hands, he spoke. “You thought of me even when we weren't talking, you bought me a Christmas present even when you didn't want to celebrate it. Minnie, I love you." He said before taking his time to kiss her. “You told me that I could ask whatever I wanted, so…I think now's the time.”
Chan's gaze got unduly serious, he had gone from having an incomparable love smile to looking at her with total solemnity. As a consequence, Jaz experienced such a terrible dizziness that she swore she was about to throw up. 
"Minnie, are you okay? You turned pale."
“Of course I turned pale, Christopher! I'm not used to you talking to me so seriously. Before I had to beg you to talk, now you just change from the cheesiest person to the most serious one.”
"I'm not even going to try to say I'm not cheesy, because I am, and I'm not ashamed."
"See what I'm telling you?"
Chan found it adorable to see her so nervous, so he ended up wrapping her in his arms and covering her face with kisses. After making Jaz nearly choke between hugs and kisses, he laid her comfortably on his chest, and placing his hands on her tummy, he rested his chin on her shoulder.
"Feeling better? You're no longer pale, now you only have rosy cheeks.”
"You scared me, you look very serious."
"What did you think I was gonna tell you?"
"I don't know..." Chan didn't see the girl's face turn even redder from the madness she had thought. "But tell me, what did you want to ask?"
"Do you have something to tell me, something related to Germany?"
Like a spring Jasmine straightened up so that her back was no longer to her best friend, but that she could see his face. She looked for something in his features that would tell her that she had misheard, but she couldn't find it, for the boy was waiting anxiously for the answer.
"Why do you ask that?"
“Lee Know…”
"Fucking idiot." Jaz thought as she vowed to kick his ass the next time she saw him.
"Minnie, come on, tell me."
"I'll tell you, but you can't get angry or claim anything from me."
“Little doll… what did you do?”
"Promise." Jaz didn't speak any other word until Chan had given her his word. “They offered me a scholarship. I could study a master's degree while I do an internship in Germany with the possibility of staying working there. Apparently, a professor recommended me, I didn't know, I just got the letter. I left it at Minho's and well… that's what happened.”
"Minnie, that's amazing! Why did you reject it?"
"For the same reason that you refused to study in England and you didn't tell me." She replied causing Chan's cheeks to blush. "I didn't want to be away from you."
"Minnie, you've done a lot for me, let me make it up to you, please." He begged taking both her hands. "Don't reject that scholarship, you can write another letter, talk to your professor, I'm sure he'll help you, but DO NOT reject it."
“Chris, don't ask me that. These months that I hardly saw you were awful for me, I don't want to go there again."
"You won't." He assured caressing her face. “You won't, baby, I'll go with you. We'll both fall a semester behind, we'll finish our studies at the same time, then we'll leave.”
"But Chris..."
“Minnie, we owe it to each other, we've waited to be together too long, there have been many people and situations between us, please give us this chance, let's go alone. Let's live together, away from everything else, it's what we've always wanted.
“I don't know if I can still recover the scholarship and…”
“I'll take care of that, I promise. Let me do this for you, for us."
“What will happen to your studies? With the family business? Now that you're trying to help your parents, are you sure that…?”
"Minnie, Minnie, don't worry so much." He asked with a sweet smile. “My parents will be delighted if we move to Germany, that's where they want to expand the company, I can help them. And regarding my studies, later will be time to work as an architect.”
"Are you sure?"
"I've never been more sure of anything." He affirmed kissing her forehead. "I love you and I want to be with you, we'll solve the rest."
The last words were barely audible to Jasmine, as they were lost in a kiss that spread out quite a bit. Bang Chan kissed his best friend for so long that it not only took her breath away, but she also smiled mischievously at the sight of her red lips. If he hadn't made love to her yet, it was only because they still had to follow certain medical care, and physical activity was strictly prohibited by Chan for at least a couple more weeks.
Once he let her catch her breath, he pulled her back to his chest and trapped her in a hug, he made the cutest and most adorable sounds, he had dreamed of having Jaz with him again for so long, he still couldn't think that was real.
"I've never seen you so pale... you actually freaked out, little doll." He teased tickling her.
“I already told you, it was your fault. I still can't get used to hearing you talk so seriously. I had no idea what you could tell me…”
"I think you did have an idea and that's why you reacted like that."
"Shut up..." 
"You thought I was going to ask you to get married, right?"
"Come on! Answer." He begged, tickling her so much that he finally made her admit it. Turning her around a bit, Chan was able to look into her eyes. "Of course I'm going to ask you to be my wife, I've never doubted that." He said adjusting a lock of her hair. "And I'm so in love with you that I could do it right now, but unfortunately for you, your boyfriend is very corny and wants to plan something for you that you'll never forget."
Definitely, the new Bang Chan in front of her, so honest and direct left Jasmine speechless. But the truth was that not only he was madly in love, Jaz felt the same, and everything he said made her smile like never before.
"My boyfriend? I don't remember you asking me to come back with you…” The girl joked, crossing her arms.
“Oh, I know that! I'm also going to ask you that, but I told you I'm cheesy, so you'll have to wait that I can do more than walk from my room to the garden.”
"I can wait as long as it takes." She responded with a smile
To be continued... 🐺
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kamaimasenyo · 6 years
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“It is hard to deal with people who talk so little.”
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serafilms · 3 years
omg! i just found that you had to make a new blog haha! I wanted to resubmit my request for percy x clearsighted mortal! reader headcanons! thank you!
percy jackson x mortal!reader hc’s
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pairing — percy jackson x gn!clear sighted mortal!reader
genre — headcanons; bulleted scenarios; fluff; crack; light angst but not
warnings — none
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so basically you just replace rachel in the series and play the role she did (minus the oracle stuff, she can still take care of that)
this way we don’t have that lowkey unnecessary plot line of rachel crushing unrequitedly on percy for like one (1) book
except I like the idea that you would have known percy for longer (the best part about percabeth was the slow burn <3)
so let’s say you went to yancy academy with him and grover and you saw through the mist too but because you ARE the main character and this is your origin story, you wrote it off and continued with your life, ignoring all these other strange things that happened to you
hard to ignore a bunch of skeletons chasing some kid through a building and he slashed a sword through you-
hold on
“oh,,,,, hi,,,,”
“y/n, right. nice to see you.”
“uh yeah. um why’d you try and stab me and why tf didn’t it work?”
awks lols
so yeah percy was kind of shocked by that and he tried to explain but then the skeletons showed up again and you had to cover for him so he could escape
“look I have to go but I promise I’ll explain it some other time!”
“bro wtf no don’t leave me hanging”
he left you hanging
but at least you didn’t die
so anyways you didn’t see him until a few months later when you were at the orientation day at school and who should show up but the boy from your old school who tried to kill you?
“omg haha y/n so weird to see you again lolz gtg” my boy was blushing
had you always looked this pretty and why was it only hitting him now
“yeah buddy look you owe me an explanation, but also I think there’s some more weird creatures here who are after you”
and so y’all ended up having to run away from the empousai
percy couldn’t hold back his blush when you wrote your number on his arm
annabeth teased him relentlessly (bc I love annabeth with my whole heart and I believe she deserves better than a jealousy love triangle plot)
you were extremely disgruntled at being left without an explanation again
but luckily when they needed someone to guide them through the labyrinth, percy knew just who to call
annabeth was snappish with you at first, mainly bc she was disgruntled at needing to ask a mortal for help, but also bc she was really freaked about losing authority and control for her quest
esp the child of Athena line of the prophecy
her confidence was dwindling but luckily you with your clear sight could see right through her
while percy was sleeping and you couldn’t fall asleep, you heard annabeth shifting around
so you asked her what was wrong and in her vulnerable state, she confided in you
you gave her an effective albeit slightly confused pep talk
you didn’t really have much context to go off of but you made it work
“you know, I think he likes you.”
“omfg annabeth stopppp I don’t see him like that though 👀👀👀👀”
percy was very confused when he woke up but you two didn’t care to fill him in
“girls bond, percy, deal with it.”
anyways i think you two would have had tension in the last olympian
like you kissed him before he went off with beckendorf (rip)
and then there was just a lot of glances, shy smiles, angst, emotions, and he kissed you at the end of it all
onto the headcanons because this has gone on long enough
will do his best to keep you separated from the demigod lifestyle because he knows how dangerous it is
you're like the one shining piece of normalcy he has in his life
i picture like a peter parker + ned leeds situation where he's spiderman and you're like 'the guy in the chair'
you see a monster or something sus going on and alert him and he'll take care of it
you visit camp sometimes too but you don't spend a whole lot of time there because, well, you don't have to worry about dying
plus school and you don't want to intrude on that part of his life
besides no matter how many monsters you've seen, you'll never be able to get used to it
sally absolutely adores you
she lets you stay with her and paul when percy has to go do his demigod duties and you get worried
estelle absolutely adores you as well
you're literally her favourite person in the world at this point
she cries whenever you leave her
but after percy "retires" so to speak, and has to do college and stuff, it's like you both have all the time in the world
you help him live a normal life and he will do whatever he can to protect it
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ellitx · 4 years
Chapter 5: Reticence
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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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art belongs to _01ki_
word count: 3.5k
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           Night had fallen fast upon the ruins. The hours that had gone by that were previously painted with hues of red, orange, and pink had all but faded leaving only a matte black canvas with no stars to be looked upon.
           The darkness was thick and only a small source of light had allowed you to see a limited portion of your surroundings. Other than the darkness and yourself all that seemed to exist was the cold wind that brushed against your bare skin.
           Cold water soaked your whole body, almost freezing as it went. Your face is drenched, the drops coming together to run into your eyes and drip from your chin. You released a shaky sigh and lowered yourself even further at the lake to cool down your burning face.
            Today was rather… eventful, so to say. You bit your lower lip remembering the time you had gotten intimate with him. It made your heart race and face go burning hot just reminiscing those scenes that happened an hour ago. You sunk yourself even more until your entire head was submerged by the cool waters. 
           Stop thinking about it!
           You scolded yourself and shut your eyes tightly to erase the salacious thoughts breaching your head. Truth to be told, you still can’t believe if it was real or just a fragment of your imagination. If it’s the latter then you should be ashamed of yourself for having thoughts such as that.
           Forgive me father and mother and to the Celestia! You cried internally and buried your face in your hands. The water did not even help you to cool down your already burning face, sinking yourself further and deeper into the lake.
           But even so, you can’t help but remind yourself how much Venti had poured his love onto you. His kisses were desperate and needy, clinging and holding you close to him in fear of losing you. Your fingers lightly traced the edge of your lower lips faintly remembering how his lips brushed against yours.
           The beating of your heart raced and you lifted yourself, gathering the air you needed after letting yourself doused underwater. Another sigh spilled from you as you gazed upwards and stared absently at the blank canvas of the midnight sky.
           A promise to stay together…
          A sudden worry about your wisp friend has entered your head. You do wonder if he has really disappeared or not. It feels odd he’s missing in the group as the three of you are always together. You pray to the Celestia that he’s fine and safe, hoping he’ll come back to the two of you.
           Your mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The quietness of the spring calms you; taking your mind off of things. All the things you honestly are unconcerned about. It’s the water. Your mind swirls, and it’s like standing on an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last.
           You blinked and your scrutiny went towards the stream, noticing a turquoise light shimmering underneath. A brow arched from your front in curiosity, letting yourself sit properly to get a good look at it.
           Like a butterfly that was tranced by the sight of nectar, you were attracted to the mesmerizing glow of the waters. Unable to turn away, you reached for it and felt your own fingers roaming on your leg.
           Your leg…? Now that you take a closer look at it, with a little bit of trouble observing in the dark, there were marks circling around your thighs. A light teal jagged pattern surrounded it combined with little shapes of triangles and diamonds.
           The calmness that once blanketed you was now replaced with turmoil. You can feel the uneasiness in your chest waiting to take over. Perhaps it only wants to protect you but there really isn’t any danger. It sits there like paste propelling you towards anxiety you just don’t need.
           You let out a slow controlled breath and attempted to loosen your stiff shoulders. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to calm yourself and say the marks have no effects on you— or so you think it was. 
           Though it was once again discarded the moment your eyes cast towards your chest and shoulder. A shape of a diamond was plastered right above your chest, with little triangles left on the edge. You were definitely sure they weren’t there before yet the marks continued appearing that almost coated half of your entire upper body.
           A sense of dread washed over you at the display of these unknown symbols that appeared out of nowhere. Maybe you should go back to Venti, you’ve been staying here for who knows how long now, not to mention there are monsters lurking here that might attack you. 
           You’ve cleaned your body already and you don’t want to make him wait for you any longer. Standing up, you wrung your hair and let the chilling waters drip back to the stream. The fact that the marks glowed even more peeved you that it might attract attention from anything wandering nearby.
           Unfortunately, the gods didn’t heed your pleas of hoping no one will see you. Your body shivered when you felt eyes piercing right through your back, watchful and almost too engrossed. You covered your chest and turned around to see any entities within your call.
           Your throat bobbed in fear and anxiety, hastily grabbing your clothes in an effort to hide your bare self. It didn’t do much to cover you entirely, but it was still enough to obscure your front. 
           “Venti…?” You shakily asked out to the quiet ruins. You already expected only silence to greet you until a familiar chiming of a bell reached your ears. As the light drains away there is barely enough even for shadows. Whether you like it or not, the darkness comes and under it everything in this forest is hidden. 
           Even the stars and moon cower behind a dense layer of cloud, giving the air that tincture you associate with the world before a storm. 
           Your ears become sharper and your mind paranoid, every snap of a twig is a predator, even if it is a fawn. For each aroma, your brain jumps to the most fearsome thing it could be and your body prepares for flight, fright, or freeze.
           For the most part, you just freeze. Running will give your position away and you’re not much of a fighter. All you can do is wait while the blackness comes and pray that the dawn is not far behind. 
           You settle in for a wait but it’s only minutes before a strong gust of wind charged at you. You shut your eyes and held your feet onto the ground, clutching onto the cloth as your hair fluttered against the air.
           The small chiming was louder than before, almost close to you. You slowly opened an eye, taking a peek up to the time that white dotted eyes were staring at you. You shrieked in alarm and fear, startled by the small creature abruptly appearing right in front of you.
           Your feet slipped in sheer panic, accidentally causing yourself to fall down and swamped yourself by the chilling waters of the lake.
           “Th-thank you…” You muttered before taking the dry cloth offered to you by your dear wind wisp friend. It indeed surprised you to see Barbatos was here all this time. You thought he had suddenly vanished during the war against Decarabian as Venti had never really mentioned or talked about him when you were with him.
           Well, it was a little bit of your fault you never asked about his whereabouts. Still, you were relieved and glad to know he was still alive and well all these years. A small smile crept to your face before patting his head in thanks.
           Barbatos nuzzled on your hand then looked at you expectantly before flying over your shoulder. You blinked in confusion then giggled before carefully handling him on your palm and putting him down.
           “Stay right here, okay? I’ll go change for a while.” You stood up from your kneeled form and headed behind the tree. However, your little friend followed after you making you stop in your tracks and furrowed your brows in worry.
           Barbatos tinkled in delight and continued cuddling on your shoulder to erase the frown glued to your face while he rubbed himself against the diamond symbols on your skin. You awe in wonderment when a faint glow emitted from both you and him, though now was not the time to be amazed. You don’t want to get yourself cold from this breezy air, and as much as he was being cute and all, you still need to dress.
           “I’ll be really quick! Just stay awhile for a bit.” You pleaded and this time he reluctantly abided by your words much to your relief. You made your way to the large plant as you hurriedly slipped your arms on the sleeves and tied the back of your dress, untucking your hair after that as you flipped it over your shoulder.
           You placed a hand on your chest, feeling the steady beat of your heart against it. It still scares you what these designs on your skin are, though you do feel some sort of aura mizzling over you.
           A pang of throbbing pain in your head struck you; it seems like you’re exhausted. The headache told you it was time to rest someplace quiet, to ride out the storm within your brain, for in time pain does ebb.
           There are days tiredness comes in both forms, physical and mental. Your body really needs to rest as well as your mind, to get rid of the anxiety swarming your entire being. Without rest, your body will spiral into exhaustion.
           A yawn escapes from you and you notice Barbatos from the corner of your eyes peeking behind the tree. You gave him a tired smile and motioned for him to come closer to you. 
           You really have to look for Venti, you don’t know how long you’ve been making him wait for you. Albeit you’re really drained and sleepy, you have to force your legs to carry you in search of the said bard.
           Barbatos took notice of your fatigued state and tugged your sleeves in a struggle to make you stay awake and catch your attention. “We… We need to find Venti.” You mumbled as another yawn evaded.
           He furiously shook his head and urged you to sit down on the ground, making angry jingling sounds. As if he’ll let you wander in this kind of time. It’s already late and dark, not to mention how tired you look so far. 
           You sink down onto the ground and rest your back against the rough trunk of the tree. The sleepy feeling must be how Teyvat feels when the summer has passed when it needs all those months to regenerate and come back in the spring.
           The small creature flew over to you and settled himself on your palms. The tunes that he played to you to dreamland is a song you’ve heard and thousand times before and never enough. The chords are like a well-worn path, one your brain follows along willingly.
           The mellow tinkling lulls you to sleep. In moments, your body relaxed, breathing steadily.
           After making sure you were dozing off and in deep sleep, Barbatos took his chance to nestle himself on your neck. He can’t believe his powers drained out after marking you, and it’ll take a whole day for him to recover and revert himself back to his human form.
           He didn’t think ahead and carelessly poured out his Anemo powers onto you just to let the symbols design your skin. He channeled himself onto you, letting the small wisps of wind gradually restore his powers.
           The reverberation of a wistful sigh grabbed his attention, perking his head at you in silent concern.
           Your eyes wandered everywhere, almost like a frantic search. Barbatos doesn’t need to ask what— or rather who you were looking for. It was already obvious to know who it was. It’s none other than him— or should he say, Venti.
           You puffed your cheeks, slightly vexed your lover has left you all alone. “He even promised to stay with me… and now he’s breaking it?” Hearing your muttered words made him panicked as he swung his head, trying to defend “Venti” in his current form.
           A series of continuous wailing of a bell made you look at him before giving a mirthless chuckle and fondle his hooded head to calm him. “Maybe he just went somewhere to do something…” You said cheerlessly, gazing over the waters of the lake to distract yourself.
           You shouldn’t think of things like that. You know he won’t ever do that to you and he never will. You looked over at Barbatos and propped your chin on your palm, playing with his little antennas.
           “Well, at least you’re here with me~ I really miss you a lot.” Your laughter was so free and pure, so childish despite the one you recently gave that sounded so empty and hollow. It came to his ears in a tickle and bounce— and it was only the moment he could do nothing but join in such generous mirth.
           You leaned back and placed your hands on the ground to support your body as you looked up to admire the blue sky. The sensation of calmness and serenity wafting through you eased your mind and body, taking in the gentle breeze of the old ruins.
           The tiny elemental being watched you in admiration. Your eyes blinking from time to time that allured him, allowing your lashes to flutter softly. Your eyes are simply spellbinding and captivating that he could get himself lost in there.
           He unconsciously floated to you and snuggled himself on your hands. The memories of you and his friend being together made his heart wrenched in shame and guilt of what he was doing. He thought he was already sure the feeling that caged him was already absent, and yet here it was again coming back to humiliate him, one that he absolutely resented.
            Your hums created a wordless melody of sweet-sounding harmonies, echoing in the winds to send it along to the other side. Until your next words that created a song had battered him with hurtful misery. 
           “Fly, fly away. Like a bird in the sky. See the world on my behalf, to the heavens may you fly.”
           The sky was black tranquility married to the poetry of stars. It was the softness that called your body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm. Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness above to calm the soul.           
           The two of you traveled to the garden you once slept in, hoping Venti would be there. You’ve been waiting for him to come back the whole day and there was still no sign of his presence greeting you. You were nodding off as you continue and patiently await, expecting him to come back to you.
           You pulled Barbatos close to your chest, absently staring off at the cecilia flowers he had come to collect for you. The petals shined brightly under the moonlit sky. Indeed it was beautiful and radiated elegance because of its pure colors and one of a kind flowery, though a feeling of sorrow ran through you the more you looked at it.
           Fiddling the stem between your fingers, you brought it close to your nose, breathing in the fresh scent that reminded you of him. You were getting drowsy and drowsy as time flew by, each second felt like an hour the more you waited.
           The collection of various flowers placed on the ground cushioned your fall as your petite body collapsed. Your wisp friend let out a frightened chime and summoned the winds to immediately check up on you.
           A sense of relief washed away his worries that you were simply asleep and tired. It’s already time and he can feel his energy recovering— enough to alter himself back to his human form. It was all thanks to your anemo energy within you that allowed him to transmit the vitality from you to him.
           He glided to the bushes, facing the small pond as it mirrored his appearance. A gentle gust of fresh air blows around him, the leaves dancing with the winds in his direction.
           He has always loved the wind, for it comes to him so boldly, touching his skin. In soft breezes, it is finer than silk, smoother than water. In the gales it sings through the trees, sending loose leaves on a dancing fun air ride, hypnotic and beautiful. Almost like how the crowds have gathered around him to listen to the strumming of his lyre.
           Today is almost still and he found himself in silent anticipation. His gaze went back on the rippling water, reflecting his appearance once again. Turquoise optics stared right back at him, eyes casting downwards to his chest while his fingers trailed over the same marks drawn on your body.
            His pale skin allowed the symbols to gleam even more in the garden. Its teal light granted him to feel the Anemo ran through his body, the powers returning him once more in need to go in search for the true beholder of the winds.
            Venti turned his head to look at your sleeping form. His eyes glued to the pattern on your thigh, faintly glowing that matched with his. Now, where were his clothes? He remembered he left it here before he was reverted to a little elemental wisp. 
           His hands reached for the white top that draped on the tree’s branch, slipping his arms on the sleeves and slowly buttoning up his shirt before leaving the top open to observe the marks drawn on his chest. The more he looks at the patterns inscribed on both yours and his skin, the more his heart raced in incitement and interest.
            His hands hovered to his mouth to hide the wide smile and blush that clambered up on his front. This is bad, really bad. He was smiting for you all over again just like before. It reminded him that he was the one who covered you with these and how much you enjoyed it when he was creating it for you.
           His throat bobbed before shaking his head to erase the thoughts, letting himself focus to get dressed. Venti had finally finished wearing his attires, leaving the cape and midsection outfit left on the ground, not bothering to wear it anymore. He carefully approached your unconscious form and knelt down to brush your hair away that had fallen from your face.
           Your soft skin felt ticklish as you squirm in your sleep when his fingers brushed your cheeks. You slowly opened your eyes revealing the kindly tranquil of [eye color] orbs and met gaze with him.
           Your entire body system awoke, the exhaustion was all but gone when you immediately pulled him into a tight hug. Venti wrapped his arms around you and cradled you in his arms, kissing your head as a greeting.
           You buried your face on the crook of his neck and clutched onto his shirt firmly. "Where have you been?" Your voice wavered when you asked if he could faintly hear your soft sobs against him. “Sorry for the sudden disappearance. Something… came up.” His words trailed off causing his excuse not to be really effective which he already expected to happen. 
           There’s nothing he can do about it when he is in that situation, but he was very reassured that he can finally hold you close to him. Not being able to show his affection for you was unbearable especially how you were so worried about where he had gone off to.
           The subtle kisses on his neck made his focus go back to you. Every time you place them there, he knew he’d adore you for all time. Those sweet kisses on his neck made his heart quivered as he pulled you close to him and lifted your head to meet with his gaze.
           The pout on your face induced him to want to shower you with kisses and apologize for leaving you all alone. His lips pressed against your head then close to your eye, from your nose to your cheeks then down to your lips.
           He was firm and gentle as he pulled you in, burning your lips with his mouth. You can hear the soft whisper of his breath as he exhaled. Venti inched closer and encircled his hand with yours, lightly pushing you down onto the ground as he penned you between him.
           His mouth moved downwards leaving a trail of kisses on your skin until he stopped on your neck. You whimpered as your body shuddered when he lightly nipped on it, giving small sucks that had you released a small cry.
           Even without telling a soul, it was common knowledge that both of you were lovesick and amorous. It was in the way your gaze lingered on one another, the way your voice became softer, and in coquettish smiles that he’d never worn before whenever he’s with you.
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sweetandsourstalker · 2 years
Not a magical anon, more a late munday question:
What's the difference between Yen's yandere behavior and Peter's? Is there much of a difference?
Alright, if you want to get analytical about yandere/yandere romances and yandere nature, then boy do I have way too much interest and insight into it. Let's go. >:3c))
(Keep in mind this is all my own opinion, mixed with some fun stuff I've collected over way too much time playing/writing/consuming yandere media.)
I'm going to have too much fun with this.
Now there's a lot of different kinds of yandere characters in fiction. They can be played for comedy or drama, they can be mostly harmless or constantly a threat, and--most importantly--they can be legitimate romantic interests or not.
Just going off the yandere entry on The Dere Types Wiki (which is awesome and hilarious and there's way too many -dere archetypes for my brain to process) they split yanderes into two main categories: "Love" and "Shock". TL;DR: "love" type yanderes are typically the romantically viable ones--the ones who are shown in more sympathetic light and who put their love's well-being and desires first, even if it's at a detriment to themselves. "Shock" type yanderes are the more frightening, dangerous sort that engages in murder, kidnapping, the "IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU--" speeches, etc.
Shock yanderes aren't usually a real romantic interest in their media source. They're either villains obsessed with the hero (or the hero's love interest for that good old love triangle), or a "BAD END" route that isn't really meant to be pursued. There's obviously some exceptions to that--Yuno from Mirai Nikki is the most well-known "shock" type Yandere who actually gets the guy--but they're usually not so victorious.
So! If we apply that logic to Yen and Peter, it's pretty obvious where one of them falls on that scale--even on routes where you're pursuing him, Peter stalks you everywhere, breaks into your room to watch you sleep, murders whoever he perceives as a threat to your romance, and then kidnaps you.
But it's still his game and we're here for that, so he gets to be one of those rare shock types that is the main love interest. :P
Yen, though? Yen engages in some shock type behavior, but for the most part, they're much more firmly in the love type than Peter is. Their methods for keeping their sweetheart in their life are much more subtle (read: manipulative) than they are violent: they wouldn't kill someone to get them out of the way, but rather plant seeds of doubt in that relationship to twist their sweetheart's attention back towards them; they wouldn't kidnap their sweetheart, but would rather place themselves near to them at all times, basically superimposing themselves into their daily life until it's accepted; and while they're certainly not above stalking their sweetheart, they (mostly) do it to ensure his safety, and to keep an eye on the places he likes to frequent for future date ideas. They're just as obsessive, but not as dangerous (though they are still VERY MUCH NOT acting in a sane or healthy manner).
The biggest difference would have to be if their love is unrequited. We all know what happens if you reject Peter in favor of anyone else in the game. Oh boy do we know it. But if Yen's feelings weren't reciprocated, then odds are it wouldn't change much in their behavior--they'd continue to follow their love interest around, keep track of their well-being, and take plenty of pictures. On the chance that their love interest falls for someone else, they'd try to sabotage it as subtly as possible by deleting messages, intercepting gifts, spreading rumors...it's a much longer game, but they're patient and are willing to play it if it means getting their sweetheart eventually.
But if they're caught by their love interest, and it looks like they've got no chance anymore?...it'd end the same as this ask. (Mind the trigger warnings!!)
So...yeah! That's my way too wordy dissection in Yen's yandere-ism vs Peter's. I feel like I've written a dissertation. Hope that answers your question~
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 6)
Last time, we talked about Natsume's growing crush on Mikan. As the festival continues, his feelings will only grow. Today we'll discuss how these new feelings will affect him, and particularly how they have the potential to create tension in his friendship with Ruka.
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Chapter Twenty-One
Mikan is guilty for not having already gone to Iinchou’s haunted house in the latent ability class area. So they end up going together. Although Mikan is easily distracted and wants to try everything in the latent area, Natsume is strict on going straight to the destination with no tangents.
Iinchou lets them in right away without having to wait in the hour-long line. Mikan puts on airs about being a country girl and, just like she’s unafraid of bugs, she’s also not afraid of ghosts. Except she totally is.
Ruka and Natsume don’t seem particularly scared of the haunted house so far, but Mikan is, and she clings to Ruka, desperate not to be left behind, even if it means she hurts him with her grasp.
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The person who posted these TokyoPop scans forgot a couple pages so for the longest time the beginning of the chapter was so confusing to me...
Natsume looks behind to see them and is jealous, yet again. Just like with Tsubasa, Natsume is unhappy with his fate to be the bad guy in general. He goes out of his way to look bad to protect people and as a result will not be the one clung to. It’s different from Tsubasa though, because this isn’t some nameless middle schooler that Natsume can take his anger out on: this is his best friend, somebody he’s never felt anything but affection for. Natsume doesn’t want to hurt Ruka; he’s just sad that the situation is so messed up.
Lucky for Ruka, Natsume gives up before there can even be a competition.
It’s for the best this way, after all. For Ruka to be happy, for Mikan to be with somebody kind who deserves her, and even for him, because maybe this way Mikan won’t be used against him like everybody else he cares about.
Natsume makes this decision without talking to anybody and before anyone can even figure out that there’s a choice to be made in the first place.
Then they run into a crawling hag and nobody’s immune to the terror that being chased after by that demon brings. All three of them run for it, but they end up in a new spooky room, which freaks Mikan out so much she screams and faints, foaming at the mouth, causing Natsume to fall and twist his ankle and for Ruka’s rabbit to run off. He chases after it, leaving Natsume and Mikan alone. Iinchou breaks whatever causes the electricity to run in the building and now they’re trapped alone in the dark, unable to get out.
Mikan tries to figure out a way for them to escape, but climbing the wall is out of the question since Natsume’s ankle is twisted. He suggests that he blow up the wall, but Mikan is adamantly against that idea because the latent students worked hard to make the mansion. Natsume acquiesces. That’s fine. He doesn’t mind spending more time with her. It just means she’ll have to stay in the dark for longer.
She is very clingy when she’s scared, and although he complains he doesn’t really make any moves to get her off. I mean, why would he? This is exactly what he wanted, though he did only get it because he was the only person around that she could cling to. There’s a moment where he spooks her, perhaps so she would hug him more, but then she whines for him to stop scaring her and the panels are quite sparkly. Natsume is distressed about his new crush and the effect it has on him. Really her whining and puppy-dog eyes are not any less powerful on Natsume than they are on Ruka. He’s just better at hiding it.
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He looks at her softly and then has a moment where he looks almost peeved to have felt so fond at all... but it won't last. These days he has more affection for her than irritation.
Mikan tries apologizing about getting angry with him at Anna’s cafe, but he pretends like he has no idea what she’s talking about. To me, this cements that Natsume wants to look bad to her in particular. He doesn’t really want her to figure out that he’s kind deep down or that he’s selfless 99% of the time. He doesn’t want her to think he cares at all because it’s best for him to continue being the same jerk he has been for the past twenty chapters. He’s okay with her hating him, because that way she won’t become the new Ruka, used by the academy as a pawn to get him to jump through more hoops.
She tries to make him smile and that’s another big deal. Most people think Natsume is cool for being so unaffected. His fans think he’s the man, a tough guy who frowns all the time. Even Ruka’s approach to this issue was to stop smiling too.
Mikan’s approach is to tell jokes.
Of course, it doesn’t work, and the jokes aren’t any good, but Mikan is trying something nobody else has done: instead of looking up to him or going down to his level of misery, Mikan’s trying to lift him up. She wants him to smile and be happy and that sets her apart. She’s immature and childish and that brings out the childishness in him too. And like I mentioned a while ago, childishness in Natsume is a good thing. With her, he can bicker and argue and tease like he used to before he came to the academy. She has no idea what he’s going through and her mood changes so quickly she can’t even stay mad or upset. She’s just a joyful and loud girl who rubs off on everyone she meets and Natsume is far from being an exception.
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He can just mess around like a kid for once. He doesn't have to be serious around her all the time.
Thus, the next important thing in regards to analyzing their relationship is that the last page of the chapter has him teasing her and then smiling at her reaction. We’ve only seen Natsume smile twice before: with Youichi for a brief moment, and then with Ruka on the cover for Chapter Sixteen (Natsume's evil smile when Mikan gets bullied by middle schoolers doesn't count as a real smile). This officially adds Mikan to the incredibly short list of people who can make Natsume smile. She’s angry with him, arguing, but being able to let go of all his darkness and just tease a girl and have her act with such strong emotions is enough to make him happy. And that’s what this is: Natsume is happy.
Chapter Twenty-Three
The musical creates some tension between Natsume and Ruka, as expected, because liking the same girl can make rifts between friends. On the other hand, this isn’t your typical love triangle. Usually in love triangles, the two guys are already positioned against each other. Though Natsume and Ruka may be opposites in many ways, they are not rivals at all. They love each other, and that love is not at all damaged by the conflict of falling for the same girl; it just becomes tense between them.
In fact, the beginning of the chapter has some Class B pals eagerly going backstage to find Ruka before the somatic ability class musical. When they find him, Natsume is the only one to not laugh at or tease him, and seems to be the only one really concerned with Ruka’s feelings about being cast as Snow White.
When the sticky ball incident occurs, there’s a lot more damage done than there is in the anime. In the anime, some cast and crew get stuck, but ultimately nobody was in any real danger of being hurt. In the manga, there were potentially catastrophic consequences for the blast and a lot of equipment got damaged in the process. A somatic child playing one of the seven dwarves is about to be hit by a stagelight when Natsume rushes to get him out of the way, resulting in them getting stuck together. If Natsume hadn’t stepped in, that kid could have gotten really injured, at least.
As a result of Natsume’s heroism, Narumi suggests that he dress up as a forest friend. When Natsume refuses, the child is to be kicked out of the play, and the seven dwarves will be changed to six. Natsume sees the kid pout and with absolutely no more need for convincing he goes to get changed into a cat outfit.
This is noteworthy because the cat outfit is humiliating (not that Natsume hasn’t worn similar things in official art… just saying) and it’s something he truly does not want to do, but he does it, even though he doesn’t even know the kid. It’s some random somatic kid, not Ruka or Youichi or even Mikan, and yet he goes out of his way to do something truly selfless so that the kid can perform what he’s practiced. Natsume is kind in quiet ways, and not just with the people he cares about. Like with Anna, Natsume puts the needs of someone he isn’t close to in front of his own reputation.
Now, Natsume is in a horrible mood, embarrassed to be seen in the costume, and Ruka is confused why he’d even bother, until he sees the smile on the little kid and everything snaps into place for him. Mikan is a very intuitive and emotional girl who can sense things about all sorts of people, but when it comes to Natsume, nobody knows him better than Ruka, who can tell right away the motives for any of his actions.
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I work at a restaurant and kids Natsume's age will be like, "I don't want a kids' menu" and act all grown up and then see how big the adult portions are, so they end up eating the Cub Pancake anyway LMAO. Do you want extra whipped cream and chocolate chips, Natsume?
Onto the actual NatsuMikan portion of this analysis, at long last, Mikan is overjoyed to see how adorable he is in his costume and she is the only one who won’t hold back from saying so because she’s not scared of him. I’ve seen someone complaining that Natsume says “Don’t call men cute,” but I always found that line funny because Natsume is a literal ten-year-old boy… He is not a man at all. It’s the sort of thing you’d expect a kid to say, especially one who wants to be a grown-up as soon as possible, which makes the line endearing to me, but that’s my personal feelings about it. (Like the above caption, I find it very amusing when little kids pretend they're all grown up.)
Anyway, Natsume is as much an idiot as he is in the anime, volunteering Mikan to be the prince, even using one of his three wishes to make it happen. This is all motivated by his feelings of humiliation, and he’s taking it out on her, arguing that he doesn’t want to wear the outfit for no reason so the show has to go on no matter the cost--but this will bite him in the ass sooner rather than later.
Chapter Twenty-Four
The chapter begins and Mikan is very nervous about playing the prince, particularly about looking the part as she is very uncomfortable with her hair down.
This is actually the first time we see Natsume’s feelings about it, but he’ll only make it more clear in about ten more chapters. Here, Mikan wonders if she should put her hair back up and Natsume snaps, “No!” before walking away in a huff. It’s a small scene, and it’s even told through tiny text, but it’s enough to let any reader paying attention know that Natsume also thinks Mikan looks cute with her hair down. Yes, he’s embarrassed to have said anything, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t say it.
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Don't worry about him, he's just in a bad mood.
Natsume mainly observes, and nothing noteworthy happens. He eventually goes and gives his line and his aura alone is threatening enough to discourage anyone from laughing or “aww”ing.
The next important moment is when Mikan sees the stage direction to kiss the princess directly on the lips. Narumi says it’s because he’s trying to make up for the loss of sizzle due to the accident, but knowing him, there’s probably more to it. Naru likes stirring the pot and causing drama, although I can hardly tell what his motives are half the time. Truly, I believe he is the most mysterious character in the whole story.
Natsume does not allow this to happen, so he throws something at Mikan’s head--some random box thing--and Hotaru shuts off the lights.
Natsume does something kind of selfish here. He didn’t want them to kiss, so he stopped it. The fact that he grabbed the first thing he saw meant it was a sudden choice to chuck it. I wonder if he had any intentions of just toughing it out and dealing with it, but eventually jealousy won out and he did the selfish thing.
When I say selfish, I don’t mean “bad”. I just mean that for once Natsume is acting based on what he wants, rather than what will make somebody else happy. When it comes to this kid in particular, I actually want him to do selfish things more often, because he very rarely does. He’s been selfless and heroic enough for one day, having saved a kid from getting injured and then wearing that embarrassing costume. He’s allowed to have done this one thing for selfish reasons.
It’s not like it was a bad thing to do either. It would have only benefited Narumi, and possibly the somatic class to have a spicy musical kiss, but it wouldn’t have been good for Ruka or Mikan. Having their first kiss under such conditions, especially when Mikan was just doing the class a favor by acting in the play to begin with, would have been sad. Natsume essentially saved her from the consequences of his own actions, because it would have been his fault if they’d had no choice but to go through with it.
Moreover, like I said earlier, Ruka can simply tell what Natsume’s motives are from a single look. It’s more obvious in the anime, of course, but I still think manga!Ruka is aware that Natsume intervened. He knows Natsume better than anybody, and he’s too smart to think that box came out of nowhere.
This is just the beginning of a long-standing tension between them, one that they will dance around and pretend isn’t happening for quite a while before actually addressing it properly. For now, they have undiscussed feelings and jealousies that will go unchecked and unresolved for some time, building an even deeper divide between them. After all, Natsume and Ruka have enough of a gap on account of Natsume’s missions and his general feelings of not being able to fit in with anybody. This only broadens the gap.
Chapter Twenty-Six
The dance will be very fun to analyze from Mikan’s perspective, but we’re not nearly finished with Natsume’s, so that will have to wait.
For now, we’ll discuss Natsume’s softening, which Permy points out bitterly on account of being surrounded by closet fans. Previously, she says, they were terrified of him, and why wouldn’t they be? We talked ad nauseam about Natsume’s first thirteen chapters of misery and coldness. He was a scary and unkind guy, definitely unapproachable. Even his admirers in Class B were scared of him, equal parts affection and terror. In a very short time, Natsume has softened and it’s obvious. He even dressed as a cat for the somatic musical! His reputation for being cold and dangerous is softening and the girls who used to fear him are now flocking to him to ask if he’s willing to accept their last dance proposals.
But with all this talk about romance and dancing, Mikan feels left out and can’t relate. Her frustrations only grow when some girls start gossiping about her and she ends up taking it out on Natsume, saying she would never ever wanna dance with Natsume for the last dance. He brushes this off, but he still pouts, obviously affected and a little hurt. Their relationship was on the rise, after all. They were starting to hang out more and were bickering often, something Natsume doesn’t make a habit of doing with most people. But just because Natsume is feeling more fondness for her, that doesn't mean she feels the same way.
He expects this in some way, of course, because it's partially his intention. He expects that she would only tolerate him after everything that happened with them, but that doesn't mean he likes the feeling of rejection.
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They're so cute when they pout!
Having a crush is bad enough, but hearing that girl shout that she’d never wanna go out with you is even harder, even if you were maybe purposefully making her angry with you to try and protect her. It would be a tough emotion to bear, especially for a kid unversed in romance. He proceeds to be just as huffy as her.
And as twisted as it is, I’m happy for him.
Natsume was cold and mean and difficult to talk to before he fell for Mikan. Now he’s way more approachable and expressive, willing on occasion to show an emotion that isn’t rage, like hurt or grumpiness or amusement. He can now sit at his desk and pout, something he wasn’t doing before, like a kid throwing a fit.
At the actual dance, Natsume is still hurt, still pouting. It doesn’t help that Mikan glares at him upon spotting him. It’s interesting to see how much this affects him. One girl said something harsh in the heat of the moment and he is taking it so personally. Of course, he gets hurt or angered by many things. Upperclassmen bully him and call him a murderer and he simply uses his alice on them to shut them up. He keeps his face straight, moves on, and forgets it. Naturally, the hurt and resentment sit there in his gut to torment him, because he’s a kid and they’re awful things for anyone to hear, but he’s not acting like that here. Here, he’s grumpy and pouty. His feelings are hurt but they don’t come with urges to punish like being called a murderer does.
And it’s obvious he has no genuine hard feelings because Natsume then shoves Ruka onto Mikan, since Ruka was being transparent about his gaze. He goes on to dance with someone else, anyone else, because Mikan made it clear that she too would rather dance with anyone else, just as long as it wasn’t him. He’s clearly still in a bad mood, though.
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He's so used to not getting what he wants that he will do all of Ruka's work for him, so that Ruka can get what he wants.
Later, when Mikan and Natsume are singletons in the middle of the dance floor, they notice each other. Here would be a perfect opportunity to dance, but she made it clear she hated the idea, and he’s not about to embarrass himself to ask. Hence, he huffs again, pouting because there’s no way he’ll ask her to dance once she’s said such harsh things. They stand in silence for just a moment, until he finds some other girl to dance with and leaves Mikan all alone.
They’re both grumpy over the way they’re being treated by the other. Natsume is being immature and petty with his feelings, almost childish (heehee it's all I want for him!). With all the dark and depressing divide between Mikan’s academy life of fun and laughs and Natsume’s life of secret missions and physical abuse, he’s somehow found a way to wedge himself into hers. He’s taking something so minor so seriously. He’s been on the front lines, used his alice to hurt enemies and been hurt by enemies and dangerous ability types alike. He is literally dying and he’s aware of it! But he’s still pouting because the girl he likes was a little mean to him.
But the dance with the girl obviously wasn’t much fun, because Mikan quickly finds him again, away from the party, along a secluded path by some trees. He’s in a pouty mood and obviously needs some time alone with his thoughts.
It shows that he’s done some thinking because he doesn’t even mention her angry words from earlier.
Instead, he just calls the whole festival stupid.
We’re reminded here of a scene from way before they liked each other, when the festival was first announced. Then, she also found him playing with a dog, all on his own, using anger to mask his feelings of hurt. He said the same thing back then, that the whole thing was stupid and it was dumb to get all worked up about it. He’s doing it again now, but it’s a little different this time. Their relationship has changed, improved. They actually care about each other now, and although Natsume starts off just talking through his anger, he eventually turns honest.
The truth is that these periods of childishness will always have to end. It’s just an extended version of the dodgeball game. No matter how much emotion he puts into these experiences, they will be overshadowed by his real life. Now matter how much fun he has, he will always have to stop smiling and go kill himself on Persona’s orders. And even more honestly, the more fun he has, the harder it will be on the people he has fun with. It’s not enough for the ESP and Persona that Natsume completes his missions and does all his work; they find pleasure and relief in his constant misery. The second he cares about something, they use it against him. His joy is never meant to last and will always have consequences for the people he loves.
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I hate tumblr's 10 image limit. I hate it. I despise it. I abhor it. I cannot come up with a caption. So instead I'll say again. I hate the 10 image limit.
And so he explains, for once, that he’s simply different from everyone else. The festival is something that doesn’t belong to him. He’s merely been an observer this whole time. He’s never actually been a part of it. And then he tells her that she should stay in the light, stay out of the dark. He calls her naive, but it’s not as much an insult as it used to be.
She is childish and loud and optimistic and annoying and a little sweet and even though he hated all these things about her before, he now realizes that these traits are things to be protected. The more she mingles with him, the darker her life will be. After all, her light is not the only thing that’s contagious: his darkness rubs off on people too, and in his mind it will only hurt her to be involved with him. She should stay in the light--in the shiny, sparkly side of the manga, where everyone is concerned with sports and coming up with ideas for the festival--and keep out of the dark--where there’s murder and blackmail and danger and death. It’s bad enough he can’t keep Youichi or Ruka out of it: Youichi is already in the DA class and Ruka came running after him. He can’t distance himself from them. The most he can do is protect them and raise their star ranks or keep them off of dangerous missions. But with Mikan he has a chance to really protect her, prevent her from being used against him at all. Ideally, she’ll stay away and he won’t need to worry about her as much.
And he wants her to be safe and gone, so when she asks what he means, he changes tactics and decides to be rude and mean instead, telling her to get lost and insulting her. She gets angry and it almost seems like it’ll be another bickering match, where they will both be childish and hurl insults at each other, but he doesn’t take that path.
She is complaining about how he doesn’t seem to know that she has a name, thank you very much--and then he calls her Mikan. He concedes to her demands. He does what he perceives to be the mature, adult thing, ending the argument so she will leave for good. When she has nothing left to argue about, she will have no choice but to walk away, and she does, once he makes it clear that his last command is for her to stop complaining about what he calls her.
Natsume chooses to do the selfless thing again, and gives up the first thing in a long time that made him happy. He barely had any time with her at all, but he lets her go, because she can only continue to be sunny and cheerful away from him. He’s giving up before anyone can tell that something was around for him to give up.
He has no idea how much one word has affected her.
Natsume is a selfless kid. He gives up on what he wants very easily, but especially because he knows that the second he gets what he wants, those things could be destroyed, just by association with him. He just wants the people he loves to be happy, even if it means he could never be.
In the next segment, we'll talk about what Natsume is willing to do to protect Mikan, even if it means being cruel and hurting her. NatsuMikan is the living embodiment of the "break her heart to save her" trope, and I very much adore that trope with my whole heart, so we're going to be having a LOT of fun with the next essay!
Also, disclaimer: I'm not smart. I refuse to take responsibility for any mistakes I make in these essays. There also are no mistakes. I've never misspelled a word in my life.
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thecagedsong · 3 years
Forgotten Light Chapter 13: Tunnels
A/N: Hey there, long time no see. Left to hyperfixate on Doctor Who for a while, but I’m back on my Fablehaven business. This is a long chapter, it probably should be two chapters in the final version, but I really wanted to get the tunnels part out. Also, let me know if Kendra’s crafting is making sense and if the dialog for this chapter is working out. Very important chapter. 
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Chapter 13: Tunnels
 When Kendra woke up the next morning, she knew Ronodin had left. The night before they had eaten dinner separately, and while Kendra focused on reading or staring at the library wall, Ronodin hadn’t come out of his room. She saw him for a moment as she went to bed, but he turned away from her.
It was confirmed by a note on the countertop.
I hate to leave while we’re fighting, but I have to go handle another errand for our host. Despite your doubts in me and what I implied, I will be back for you, and we’ll go on another little adventure. This is what we have to do until we can go on the bigger adventures together in the sunlight. At the bottom of this note is another design for an amulet you might try, and we’ll both be working to shorten your quarantine.
 And Kendra was back to feeling bad all over again! She went back and forth all yesterday afternoon about apologizing again, promising that Mendigo wouldn’t stop him if he tried to leave, or holding to her words. It was dangerous. He was trying. She was being difficult. She had a right to be difficult.
Sketched at the bottom of the note was a triangle amulet, with crescents open to the left. Inside the triangle was a circle inside an oval with an ‘x’ through it, bisecting in the center of the circle. Because you have to carve intent into every craft, Kendra had to go look up what the symbol meant in the dictionary he gave her.
The triangle was a curse, and the eye a symbol for blindness. Putting it within a circle, she should be able to direct it only at certain people, namely enemies. Did she want to blind her enemies? On the one hand, it was the same principal as her weakness charm. No harm, unless they intended to harm her first. On the other…
As someone who can count on her hands the number of rooms she’s seen, as someone who is alienating the single relationship she has to get a glimpse of sunlight, and as someone whose most prized possession is a landscape painting of the outside, could she take away someone else’s sight?
Maybe she could limit it to cursing people not to see her. An invisibility charm was a lot less problematic than a blinding curse. Combing through the books didn’t give her any insight on how to limit the blindness. In fact, applying Ronodin’s charm as is to a circular amulet wouldn’t even limit duration. It would blind any enemy that looked at her once, permanently.
It would take good craft and magic application to create, and a single mistake would make the magic run out halfway through the first use of the amulet, leaving a person…partially blinded? Blinded in one eye? Temporarily blinded? It didn’t say, so Kendra had to put a couple of concepts together to make a guess. Magic based on gaze was actually the most magic consuming type of enchantment. That was all it said, so Kendra went looking through her little library for more of an explanation.
She managed to clobber together answers from five different books:
All magic is reactionary, a person must interact with the spell caster or the enchanted object for the magic to be applied. The safest place from magic is away from it. Simply seeing something only activates extremely rare curses and enchantments, usually crafted from Dragon parts, because it just required that much magic. Touch is the most common type of curse conduit, and came in the variations. Presence within an enchanted area or physical contact with the item or caster were the most common. Proximity casting is rare, but technically falls between touch and sight in terms of magic usage. There was also gaseous spells, which technically also operated based on touch, but the enchanted matter expanded, so that’s also deserved a special mention.
Kendra was a limitless supply of magic. If she wore a sight-based curse, well crafted to actually create an effect, it would never run out of juice. It would fully infect others every time. It also couldn’t be used against her to the same potential.
If she made that work, there was no way Ronodin could justify keeping her locked up.
But what if…what if her brother felt like he had to harm her in order to get her to go with him? She could blind him, and not even know it. Is that what old Kendra would have wanted, after giving up her memory for him? No. Temporarily feeling too weak to chase her? Fine. Permanently blinding someone with good intentions? Not fine.
Kendra left the books open and went into the hallway.
“Mendigo?” she asked, and the puppet walked in front of her. “How many hours ago did Ronodin leave?”
Mendigo held up two fingers.
“Did he say words as he left out the front door?” she checked.
Mendigo shook his head. Ha. She knew that he had made that up to keep her from stealing the key.
“You have to follow all my orders, correct?” Kendra checked. And the puppet nodded.
“Are there things I can’t tell you to do?”
Mendigo hesitated, then nodded his head.
“Are the things you won’t do if I tell you impossible because Ronodin ordered you not to do them?”
Head shaking no. She couldn’t ask him about the things he couldn’t do, Mendigo couldn’t handle questions more complicated than yes and no.
“If I gave you a paintbrush, would you be able to write out explanations to longer questions?”
Mendigo shook his head no. Drat. Complicated magic, but not an intelligence behind it.
Could she craft a puppet like Mendigo? Probably not, not unless there was some kind of wood that wanted to become a limberjack. None of her books said anything about creating a little bit of intelligence, enough to answer questions and have memory. But maybe if she got good enough. Though why she’d want another when she already had Mendigo made it a moot question. It was probably impossible anyway.  
“Mendigo, the things I could ask you to do and you wouldn’t,” she asked, “is that because they would be impossible for you to do?”
He nodded, and pointed at the front doorknob. Right, she had told him to open the door, and he couldn’t.
“Would you be able to tell me if Ronodin is the one really giving you orders?” Kendra tried.
More hesitation, then slow nodding.
“Has Ronodin ever given you any orders that you followed?”
More nodding. That didn’t actually tell her much. Ronodin was her secret boyfriend, if she had ever once said ‘Mendigo, do what Ronodin says,’ then the answer to this question would be yes.
“Are you currently following any of Ronodin’s orders?” she said. Vigorous no.
“Right,” Kendra said, feeling a little better. “From now on, you are not to follow anyone’s orders but my own, under any circumstance. Will you be able to follow that order?”
Here came the longest pause. Was it because she was asking him a question about the future? Maybe the enchantment didn’t allow for questions like that.
Slowly, Mendigo nodded his head. That was good.
For the rest of the morning, she settled on making a stronger version of her first amulet, temporary weakening based on intent and proximity. Maybe if she made that good enough, she wouldn’t have to permanently blind someone just to be free.
Ronodin showed up in the late afternoon, but didn’t fully enter the apartment, instead choosing to stand in the doorway.
“I see you didn’t take my suggestion,” Ronodin said, nodding at the newly carved amulet in her hand. She had taken a break to grab a snack from the kitchen, and found him there.
“Is this your way of checking in on me without having to let me out?” Kendra asked, rolling her eyes.
“Well, I ran into a snag when arranging your fake death,” Ronodin explained, “A quick video of you telling the person to help me will fix all my problems. I need to go back out again right away —”
Kendra sighed, “You can come in Ronodin, Mendigo won’t stop you from leaving.” Because it felt like the properly dramatic thing to do, she leaned against the hallway wall and slid down until she was sitting. It took a small adjustment, but her current red dress was stretchy, and she managed to do it modestly.
Ronodin came and slid down beside her, and the door swung shut.
“I’m sorry for acting like a brat,” Kendra said. “it’s not fair, and there’s no excuse, but it’s just so frustrating being locked up like this.”
Ronodin smiled, “Believe me, I know more than you can guess at what that’s like. Think you’re ready to hear why my family hates me?”
Kendra nodded, sitting up straighter.
“Forever ago, I started to question why the Fairy Queen was the ultimate authority on what was good and what was bad in the world. There were five other thrones, and they all play important roles in keeping the world functioning, and they all had different ideas of what was good and right than the Fairy Queen. But mortal wizards sided with her, as did human adventurers, and every kind of mortal agreed: the Fairy kingdom is the brightest light, and we should all strive to their ideals.
“Never mind the naiads and great fairies who kill because mortality is funny. Never mind the imps and the abandoned nipsies. Never mind the philosophies of balance that demand that destruction is just as important as creation to the continuation of the world. Never mind the strength of not picking a side and acting according to your own will and conscious. It sickened me to be part of such an oppressive kingdom that claims the moral right in everything.”
Ronodin drifted into a memory. “What did you do?” Kendra asked, bringing him back.
“I corrupted my horns,” Ronodin said simply, “It took a bit of time and a lot of favors, but I was able to break myself from the Fairy Kingdom. The Queen doesn’t command me anymore. I owe allegiance only to myself, and that’s how I want it to be. Some of those favors contributed to people getting hurt, but I can’t regret it. When I saw you going through something similar, I knew I had to talk to you. And now, here we are.”
“Here we are,” Kendra echoed. Sitting in the depths of some underground labyrinth, fighting over prison keys and the greater good, Kendra with no memory of who she was, and Ronodin fighting the same battles he’s fought his entire life over freedom.
Kendra leaned over and touched Ronodin of her own volition. Nothing romantic, not really, just her head resting on his shoulder. A silent show of support.
She sat up after just a minute, because she liked sincere Ronodin much better than flirty or angry Ronodin. (Flabberghasted Ronodin still held top spot).
“Let’s get that video for you,” Kendra said, then paused. “Wait, no one is going to get hurt when faking my death, right?”
Ronodin shook his head and took out his cell phone, “I promise, no humans are going to be harmed in the faking of your death. I just need some help creating a believable fake body.”
Kendra gave a little smile, “Doesn’t it ruin my fake death if someone knows about it and is helping you set it up?”
“Be very vague,” he advised, “The vaguer the better, so that when we do fake your death, even they will be convinced.”
“Okay then, what should I say?” she asked. “Am I talking to someone specific?”
Ronodin pointed the phone camera at her, “No, I’ll probably need to use it on a couple of people. Just tell the viewer to help me. Don’t mention my name directly, if you can help it. The less they know about who you’re with, the safer you’ll be. Ready…three, two one.”
"Oh, um, hi,” Kendra waved at the camera sheepishly, “I’m not sure who is going to have see this, but this guy is actually helping me. If you could lend him a hand, that would be great and I could get out of here much faster. Thank you!”
Ronodin then changed the view of the camera so that they were both in the picture, and gave a little wave. “Anything for Kendra.” He placed a quick kiss on her cheek and caught the start of her blush before he stopped recording.
“There, that should be convincing enough,” he said, pocketing his phone.
“I assure you, that kiss was unnecessary,” she said, folding her arms, still red.
He grinned back, “And I assure you, my caterpillar, that it was completely necessary. Another one for the road?”
Kendra stood up rather than let him take another kiss. They had had a good moment, she wasn’t going to let him ruin it. He stood up as well.
“I’ll probably arrive back while you’re asleep,” he said. “Can I see how you’re doing with that amulet? You chose another weakening one?”
“I’m not ready to permanently blind my misguided family,” Kendra said, handing over the amulet.
Ronodin nodded, “Well, you’re progressing. A lot more magic took in this one than your first try. It’s well on the way to making fatigue hit anyone who lays a hand on you.”
Kendra frowned, “I was going for proximity, still not enough focus?”
Ronodin nodded, “The applied magic isn’t strong enough, nor is the craftsmanship. You accidentally cut all the way through one broken link, making one of your four chains whole, and you really oversanded the top. Don’t worry, we’ll work on it some more when I get back. This is a skill like any other, it’s going to take time. You’ll get better at this, I promise.”
Kendra nodded, sighing over the flaws he pointed out. “Is ‘have fun’ the wrong response for the task of faking my death?”
“Oh,” he said grinning, “After the stunts you pulled, I’ll be having lots of fun. Don’t go crazy.”
“You’ll be the first to know if I do.”
Mendigo stepped out of the shadow of the doorway as Ronodin approached, “It’s fine Mendigo. Ronodin can come and go as he pleases.” Kendra said.
Mendigo stepped back and Ronodin stepped past and closed the door without a backward glance.
Knowing she lost the fight, Kendra returned to the craft room. She took that feeling, and turned it into the desire to weaken those that would make her lose with every paint brush stroke.
The second medallion was certainly more than just wood and paint when Kendra was done with it. It felt…expectant. Waiting to fulfill its purpose. A spiked trap, waiting to fall. It was kind of exhilarating, knowing what she had created had force and abilities beyond her.
Kendra had wielded magic.
Kendra looked back over the amulet that Ronodin has suggested she make, then ran to one of the books she had referenced that morning about how to build in a command. A dual check, the person had to want to harm her, and she had to want to curse them. She could make that curse.
All it needed was a second circular border with a notch, and Kendra would have to hold it and intend to activate it before it would blind someone. The pattern was more complex than what she had attempted before, but after all her reading, she felt ready. She switched to a block of wood called stiltseia, because the description indicated that it’s flowers alternatively flashed darkness or bright light each time the flowers bloomed. It felt right for this project.
Kendra worked though lunch, snacking on the bread and cheese that populated their kitchen. This time she made sure that if her carving tool was touching wood, she had her magic gathered and turned towards blinding enemies. The emotions feeding this purpose were vengeance, ambition, and desire to lash out. She didn’t have strong vengeance on her own, but Lady Kuychia wrote the book on vengeance, and Kendra had read it. Towards the end of Lady Kuychia’s life, when her husband found out about her shadow charmer abilities, he accused her of being pure evil, stole their children, and put a ‘kill the witch’ order throughout the entire countryside surrounding them. Vicariously, Lady Kuychia’s burning vengeance took shape in the amulet, to permanently blind those that would harm her.
Lady Kuychia had never gotten vengeance herself, if the handwritten note in the back indicating that the conquistadors pillaging the area around her village had hung her, after she kept putting out the fires meant to burn her. They caught her when she had sacrificed herself in a distraction to give her children a chance to run away from the Portuguese raid. Her husband had spat at her on his way out with their children. The children were captured and killed the day after their mother had died by hanging. Those emotions fueled the carving.
Except the outer notched circle. Following instructions, she focused on her need for control. The battle to control her negative emotions took place outside her body for the first time, as she ordered the power of the amulet into the circle, and into where she said they should stay. There were two different types of magic under her hands, the negative emotions of the amulet and the unyielding neutral control being pushed through her tool. Building a wall around the fire pit.
Kendra added a coat of paint right away, it didn’t feel bound tightly enough without it. This time she selected a dark purple paint, phantom tears and harpy blood. She was going by instinct, but tears also came from the eyes, and harpies seemed like the kind of creature more than happy to take out your eye for taking their blood.
It came out a color so deep, it was almost black, but the purple seemed to highlight around the cuts of her design. She hung it on a hook over the fire, next to the one she had made that morning. Three amulets down. No way to safely test them.
Crafting two amulets was exhausting enough that she wanted to take a nap. First, she had to clean up the mess she had made in the library.
Unfortunately, she had to guess at the places she had taken the books from. She had a vague idea of the organization: magic books left of the fire, histories and biographies on the right, and close to the door were the reference books, but without being able to read all the languages, she was mostly guessing.
Kendra scooted a space a little wider to make room for where she thought a book was supposed to go, and a yellowed piece of paper fell from between the spines. Kendra put the book away and picked up the paper.
To the current occupant,
You’re probably like me, someone whose abilities can only be used voluntarily, so they are keeping you locked up here until they can convince you to do what they want. I have no hope for rescue, and I refuse to do what they ask. I expect to die here, but I have hidden notes written in Silvian, and hidden them around the library to pass the time. If there is nothing else to my life, maybe these notes will make the duration easier for the next occupant.
So far I have discovered a single secret tunnel going out of here. Twist the head of the goblin statue and the wall will become permeable. I won’t survive outside this room, but maybe a prisoner better suited for this environment could use it to their advantage.  
Maykrill of Anksonling
 Not what she expected to find, but she was wide awake now. It took a little bit of digging, but the goblin statue was directly diagonal behind her favorite reading chair. What kind of prison cell has a tunnel in it?
The tunnel probably didn’t lead outside, there was no way she was that lucky, but ‘anywhere else’ still ranked pretty high on the places she wanted to be.
The statue was a little taller than her palm, and currently being used as a bookend. The goblin made an icky sound when she twisted the head, like she was killing a living thing, and the small stretch of wall between bookcases became hazy. More gas than solid, and while she had to turn sideways to fit, she made it through just fine.
Unfortunately, she could barely see in front of her face. With how good she’s gotten at hiding her light, there was practically nothing. Should she un-dim herself? It would let things know where she was when she probably didn’t want them to, but she was probably already glowing a little anyway.
Kendra reached out and touched a wall, which immediately lit torches filled with the same blue fire that haunted her own apartment. Hiding wasn’t an option. Should she go back? But what was she waiting for?  Ronodin wouldn’t be back for a couple of hours yet, it was mid-afternoon. She might not get a better chance to figure out more about where she was.
If someone asked her what she was doing, she would just head back. And she’d stay out of the dragon invested grotto. A quick check showed that the wall was completely permeable from this side, meaning she wasn’t going to be locked out. Unless the twisted head operated on a timer. But she wouldn’t be able to test that theory without it being too late to do anything about it. Her best bet would be to make the most of this current foray, but if she didn’t leave for long periods of time and she didn’t get locked out, she might be able to keep this secret until they were cleared to leave this place. She grabbed her second amulet on her way towards the tunnel.
So much for Ronodin winning their battle of wills. Ha.
Kendra crept along the corridor, her bare feet quiet along the ground. It sloped downward, and she thought there was a very subtle switchback before it opened another fuzzy wall. Fuzzy on her side, hopefully solid on the opposite side. Stepping closer, she tried to get a good view of the room before she set foot.
The room seemed large, enormous even. It was dimly lit with sporadic torches, the stone darker than in her hallway. A neutral jean blue darkened into marbled navy, made to look even colder by blue flame. Kendra glanced down at her bare feet, and really hoped the ruby necklace actually warmed her up and didn’t just shut off her perception of cold.
There were large structures scattered about the room, and Kendra narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out the nearest one through the wall.
“I know your mother taught you better manners than to skulk when you know people can sense you, Ronodin. Please do leave me be, I’m not telling you anything else, and this constant taunting is rather irritating, even for you.”
Her eyes adjusted as the boy spoke. Because he was a boy, and based on his voice, couldn’t be much older than her, probably Ronodin’s age. She could catch the outline of bars, bent in around a circle, like a bird cage. Almost appropriate, given that this boy’s voice was the most melodic she had ever heard. Beautiful as Ronodin’s, but in a different way. Clearer, somehow.
“Fine, I will simply annoy you in return. I don’t think High Sylvian has ever graced these halls, join in if you remember the words:
 Follow the wind,
The one that blows of honey and rose
A caress, a brush, steady and slow
Follow the wind to Asamelle
  Trail the stream,
Of cerulean and lily pads green
It bubbles laughter and splashes song
Trail the stream to Asamelle
  Chase the light,
It hovers and flickers at the edge of sight
Whiter than ever beheld, brighter than ever-ever lived,”
The boy’s voice cracked here, and the imperfection in the perfect song made her throat grow tight. When he started singing again, it was just a little more raw, and Kendra had to cover her mouth.
“Chase the light to Asamelle
Chase the light home.
  You followed the wind, and trailed the stream,
chased the light, found the dream,
Home, to Asamelle.
  Moonlight blossoms, viridian forest,
Wave to the naiad, dance to the Djini lyre
Unicorns race and run through the mire
You have come home to Asamelle
  Beneath the tiger sky, follow softly,
Pass tree-grown houses, and beds of petals new
The final rise gives way to Heartsworn
The crowning jewel of Asamelle
  There’s so much light, it’s too bright,
Push forward; the sun was brought to house,
The virtuous beings of Asamelle
  An orchestra of birds, winds, and strings
Elf and Phoenix dance with the grace of falling leaves,
Step forward, part of the dance, the moment, the chance
Asamelle sings you home.”
 A tear slid down her cheek. An honest tear, her payment for the song. It was so full of love and longing; it would have been a sin to not be affected.
“Hang on, Ronodin would never have listened to me sing that,” the boy said, “Who are you?”
Kendra fled back to the library. She banged her hip on her way through the secret passage, and curled up in her armchair.
Her heart was thumping, pounding, her face hot. What was wrong with her? She just…all she needed was a moment to calm down and collect herself. That prisoner revealed a lot, she just needed some space and time from his voice to be able to process it.
The prisoner was so sad. How could anyone keep him jailed away like that? Was Asamelle his home? Why did he ever leave? It sounded beautiful, in a way that looks fragile but is more solid than anything else. A sculpture that appears to be made of glass, but is actually of ice or diamond.
And the part she didn’t want to think about: Ronodin is his jailor. He seemed to know Ronodin quite well, well enough think he could tick Ronodin off. And considering Ronodin’s relationship with his home, that song probably would. The boy thought she was Ronodin, there to question him some more. What could Ronodin want with him? How many more of her schemes would Ronodin tolerate until Kendra was in a cage next to the boy?
If she was trapped down there, would he sing for her if she asked?
No. The goal was to get out to the sunlight, not end up another bird in a cage, one much more unpleasant than her current residence. Why was he in a cage? Ronodin was all about freedom, and making sure people had the space to make their choices. He seemed to hate that Kendra was in a cage, Ronodin wouldn’t imprison someone else without reason.
Things weren’t adding up. Should she wait to confront Ronodin about it? Should she go talk to the trapped boy? Kendra thought she could make another trip before Ronodin came back tonight. Who would be more likely to lie? The boy or Ronodin?
Kendra needed facts. Evidence. Mendigo was under her full control. She had a brother named Seth. She chose to give up her memory. Ronodin loved her. She was fairykind and could use magic to make enchanted objects and see in the dark. Everything else she knew came from Ronodin’s story.
Kendra wanted to talk to the boy. And when Ronodin came back, she didn’t know when he’d leave again. This could be her only chance.
The goblin’s head was back to normal, and she broke the neck again. Kendra also took her second amulet, to weaken those who would harm her, not the blinding one. If the boy had the intention of harming her while she was down there, her curse would strike. Possibly. Not that he could do much from inside a birdcage.
The hallway had darkened, but lit once again as she touched the wall. Surer than the first time, Kendra hurried down the secret tunnel to the half-there wall. Once again, Kendra stopped.
“I know you’re there,” the boy called, much softer this time.
Gathering her courage, Kendra passed through the wall, halfway. She spotted an identical goblin statue, this time part of the brace holding up a torch, and went through all the way.
She walked forward, and a light sprung from inside the cage, small and dim, it illuminated the boy.
He was handsome. Unbelievably handsome. Kendra couldn’t remember seeing the cover of a magazine, and only knew that they depicted pretty people. She felt like she wouldn’t ever need to see a magazine; the boy in front of her screamed that kind of impossible perfection. White hair, blue eyes, unblemished pale skin, cupid’s bow lips that had fallen open at the sight of her.
Too late she remembered that she was currently wearing the stretchy red dress, a ruby medallion, a white cursed amulet (luckily that eyesore was tucked under her neckline), and her hideous orange cardigan. Her hair had been brushed and tied back before she started crafting, and she certainly wasn’t wearing the makeup in her bathroom. She felt a thousand times grungier than she had before.
The boy’s face changed, hardening, and he turned to speak to the general space around them, “Nice try Ronodin. I’m not going to lie and say I expected you to send a fake Kendra,” she jumped when he said her name, “but she really needs some work. This one barely glows, much less radiates like the sun. I’m honestly more surprised you let through such a bad copy.”
“Oh, um, Ronodin didn’t send me, I’m kind of here without him knowing, so I’d appreciate it if we could keep this a secret,” Kendra said nervously, tugging at her cardigan, hoping to turn it into something less ridiculous. “And I can shine brighter, but it seems to bother people, so I dim it.”
The boy raised his eyebrows in disbelief, “Kendra could never be dim.”
She unclenched the mental fist halfway, removing part of the block on her light, and immediately things became easier to see. One of the nearby cages started grumbling, so she dimmed it again.
He stared at her, and Kendra blushed and shifted under his gaze.
“Um…, I came to ask you some things,” Kendra tried, eyes drawn to the floor. This was not how she expected this to go. “But mostly, I really liked your song. Is Asamelle your home?” That was not what Kendra meant to ask him about, and blushed. Hopefully he couldn’t see in the dim light the way she could.
“Asamelle was the capital city of the old Fairy Realm,” he said, with disbelief. “Kendra, look at me.”
It clicked in her head, “Oh, you know me, don’t you?” she said, doing as he asked and looking at him. “I’m sorry, but I’m having some trouble remembering you at the moment.”
“And I’m still having trouble believing you’re the real Kendra,” he said. “Not knowing who I am isn’t doing you any favors.”
Kendra shrugged, “Don’t take it personally, I don’t know who anyone is. My oldest memory is turning a key that made me lose my memory. My brother Seth was there, and Ronodin, also an angry guy that claimed to be the King of the Dragons, and a magical dwarf. We were all fighting over a stone and my brother kind of won, I think, then I faked my own kidnapping and brought myself here. I really am sorry I don’t remember you.”
He was shaking his head slowly.  
“There are so many things wrong with what you just said, but I’m still having some trouble believing you’re Kendra and not some Ronodin knock off sent here to torture me,” he said, “Do you mind letting me confirm your story?”
“How?” she asked cautiously.
He held out a hand through the bars, “It’s not bad, just touch my hand, and give me permission to see if you are telling the truth. I can’t see anything you don’t want me to, and you won’t feel a thing.”
Kendra pulled back a little. “I don’t know your name, and I don’t know who or what you are. I’m sorry, I really don’t feel comfortable doing that.” Could all unicorns do what he said? She might be in a lot more trouble with Ronodin than she thought.
“I’m Bracken,” he said, retracting his hand and backing away, “We’ve done this before, if you really are Kendra. I’m a unicorn, and the Fairy Queen herself vouched for me.” His eyes softened, looking over her again, “I’m sorry, whatever is going on, I don’t mean to frighten you. I won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with, though it will make trusting you a little more difficult. Please don’t be afraid of me.”
Oh, he was kind. Why would Ronodin imprison someone like him? Being a unicorn the same age as Ronodin explained the comments about Ronodin’s mother and the polite dislike. The name Bracken also sounded familiar…
“Oh no,” Kendra said, covering her mouth. It all came together. Bracken was Ronodin’s cousin, the one she was engaged to while secretly seeing Ronodin.
Bracken’s eyebrows raised, “I will admit that’s the first time my name has evoked that reaction. You remember something about me around your mysterious bout of amnesias?”
Kendra wanted to run away again. No wonder Ronodin knew it wasn’t safe for her to leave yet; people from her old life were already tracking her here. Why hadn’t Ronodin told her? Of course, he didn’t tell her, she spent so much time fighting him. Was Ronodin worried she would leave, or demand to leave until she hated him? This was all wrong and not fair, and Kendra didn’t know what to do.
“I’m so sorry for what old me did to you,” Kendra said. “I don’t know why I led you on, I’m sorry.” Kendra put her hand over his, which was suddenly gripping the bars of his cage. “I give you permission to see the truth of my words.”
Bracken closed his eyes, and his forehead creased, “It’s…blank. I can sense your memories for a time, then its just gone. You gave them up, but it is your mind,” he said with disbelief. “You are really Kendra.”
Bracken frowned, “There’s something awful here, dark, but nowhere near strong enough to block your memories. Do you remember any other curses? Or maybe you have a cursed item?”
“Oh, um, I made it today, to protect myself from people who would do me harm? It’s a little new, but it might be what you’re talking about,” Kendra said, pulling out the medallion.
“You did what? Kendra, you don’t make curses. That’s dark magic,” Bracken said, clutching the bars of his cell, “Listen to me closely, whatever you do, stay away from crafting curses. How can you even do that?” Which verified Ronodin’s words. Her crafting had been a secret, he did think she was evil, as was her art. There was just one more thing to check.
“Are you familiar with Mendigo?” Kendra asked.
“Your puppet? Kendra, I feel like you’re not listening to me. Whatever Ronodin said —”
“Does Mendigo only do what I say or not?”
“Well, yes, Mendigo, as I understand it, is keyed into the commands of you and your brother, and whoever you tell him to listen to.” Bracken said. “I don’t see why that’s important. Look, Ronodin is evil, you can’t trust anything he says —”
“What about my family?” Kendra asked, “Do they really imprison dark creatures against their will?”
Bracken’s eyebrows rose, “What? In a manner of speaking they do, because nothing else would have the chance to grow and flourish if we let them out. Demons, the unbound undead, dragons, they would destroy everyone and everything if given a single chance. You helped put so many of them away. They’ve killed your friends and family. It isn’t an unjust prison sentence if that’s what Ronodin told you. They all chose darkness and destruction, or it’s their nature and life sentences over huge tracks of land to roam seem more humane than killing everyone in an effort not to die ourselves. You and your family are the best people I know. Good people. Ronodin is twisting the truth for his own ends if he says differently. You are a good person Kendra, you don’t craft curses. You don’t chose evil, you can’t. It isn’t who you are. Don’t listen to Ronodin’s lies.”
“Ronodin said the exact same thing,” Kendra said sadly, and Bracken went quiet, “Except, he knows something you don’t, something we couldn’t share with either of our families because yours hates him and mine wouldn’t understand. I’ve been enchanting magic objects for a while now. I met up with Ronodin in secret, and fell in love with him. I ordered Mendigo to kidnap me from my home so that we could be together.”
“Wha-no, no, no. That doesn’t make sense,” Bracken said, hurt crashing through those beautiful blue eyes as he drew back. “That can’t be true…I…you let me into your mind a week ago. Please believe me. You met Ronodin for the first time this past week.”
“He’s a little rough,” she defended quietly, looking away, “We’re learning our way around each other again over my memory loss. He hates that we have to stay cooped up, but he knows who I was better than anyone else.”
“That’s a lie,” Bracken insisted, “He doesn’t know anything about you. He doesn’t know that falling rain makes you think of your friend Lena. He doesn’t know that your favorite way to travel through the air is being held by the Dragon Raxtus. He doesn’t know that your cousin Warren would die for you, after seeing you die once already and being unable to stop it. Ronodin knows you less than you know yourself right now. I get that you-you might not be able to believe me right now, but find Seth, find your grandparents, they’ll be scouring the earth for you. They love you so much, and you love them more than anything in return.”
Bracken’s voice was low and sincere. His voice had cracked again, like it had during his song, his tell that the emotion was just too much. So utterly certain he was right. But Kendra didn’t know a Lena or a Raxtus or a Warren. And she couldn’t ask Ronodin about them, because then he would know she went wandering.
Why couldn’t the old Kendra have fallen in love with Bracken instead?
“Why did Ronodin imprison you?” she asked. “Was it…was it because of me? He and Seth mentioned that we were…intended.”
“Oh, um…I mean…That’s not...we’re, um,” Bracken said, flustered. He wasn’t blushing, but unicorn blood was silver, could he blush? Did he sparkle more in the light when blushing? Pooling silver instead of red? “I would have come for you, I swear, but uh, Ronodin got to me first. I’ve been here a week-ish. Hard to tell the days, the guards aren’t regular on feeding us. I’m not sure what he wants to do with me. He was helping overthrow preserves and trying to set dragons on the world to massacre humans, so I was sent to stop him, but he got the jump on me.”
Ronodin would try to negotiate better circumstances for the dragons, and starting them from a place of freedom is something he would do. Keeping Bracken for no reason? That didn’t sound like something he would do. Bracken being sent off to stop his cousin? Bracken looked fit, but she would probably bet on Ronodin in a fight.
What was the truth in all of this? Where was it? Except she knew where it was, locked away with her memories. This was the first time she felt like she needed her memories. Kendra had missed them before, but if what Bracken said was true, then Ronodin was brainwashing her. If what Ronodin said was true, she had purposefully led Bracken to believe the way he did, and she had escaped from the consequences of the harm she caused someone who seemed so honest and sincere. Why couldn’t she just know. Like a normal person.
“Would I give up my memory so my brother wouldn’t have to?” Kendra asked.
His eyes were soft, awkwardness leaving, “In a heartbeat. Seth has suffered much, often by his own folly, much because he was a child in a world too dangerous for someone with his curiosity and kindness. He has trouble knowing who to trust. You supported him, gave him strength, pulled him out of his misery, helped clean up his mistakes, but you wished you could bear some of the burden for him. If given the chance to spare him pain, to keep him from messing up without his memory and creating new guilt, Kendra Sorenson wouldn’t hesitate to give up her memories.”
His hand raised, and she noticed a piece of hair falling in her face, he hesitated just short of her, and then pulled his hand back to the bars.
“Sorenson,” she said, fixing the loose hair on her own, because she’d start crying if she didn’t speak, “Is that my name?”
Bracken nodded, smiling, “Kendra Marie Sorenson. Your first name came from a book your father loved, your middle name is the same as your maternal Grandmother’s middle name.”
“I want to believe you,” Kendra admitted. “But from the things I know for certain, you’re probably a victim of my own lies.”
“You are goodness,” Bracken said simply, “Goodness and light. Ask yourself if what you’re doing feels right, feels good. If it makes you a better person who helps people and creates good things. Don’t listen to Ronodin, don’t craft curses. If you find a moment to escape, take it. Take it and don’t look back. Head to upstate Connecticut, ask for the Sorensons. You’ll find people who can help you.” Bracken tensed, “My jailor is coming, hurry away, don’t stop.”
Kendra rushed to the goblin statue, twisted the head, and hurried back up the hall.
Back in her little apartment, she took off the amulet and held it up. It had felt good crafting it. Honest. Part of who she was before that she had reclaimed. What was true and what was false?
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staynoonaz9290 · 3 years
Temptation - S1 (Ch. 8)
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Where Maddie and Lila are the managers for the idol group Stray Kids with a twist - all eight members are sexy, dangerous Incubi
Group: Stray Kids
Pairing: Each SKZ Member/Fem! Reader (Third Person-Lila and Maddie)
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Sexual Content (a LOT of sexual content-please don't read if this makes you uncomfortable), Sex with multiple members (at separate times), Sex-to-survive (Incubi/Succubi), Desperation, Oral Sex (M-Given/F-Given), Language, Supernatural Love, Excessive Drinking, Crack Fic, Age Difference, Slight OOC, Slight Angst, Slight Love Triangle
Word Count: 1,928
Main Masterlist | Stray Kids Masterlist
7 | 8 | 9
She was exasperated all over again, glancing at the clock in alarm as she turned back to him.
“Why didn’t you call one of your girls?”
“I didn’t have time,” he told her, voice still low as he spoke urgently. “I fed in the room last night, but the sore throat came this morning-”
“You’ve been just sitting there on your phone, why didn’t you call one of them real quick while we were waiting-”
“They aren’t answering me.”
He was more serious and frustrated than she’d ever seen him, taking a step closer as his eyes flashed purple again, grip tightening around her wrist.
“I’ve gotta heal it,” he said quietly. “Please… help me.”
Another sliver of incubus energy shot up her arm and this was stronger than what she’d felt from Seungmin, the sensation making her swallow hard as she searched the features of his face.
Maddie knew she didn’t really have time to make excuses or continue arguing- they had twenty minutes before this performance, and if Changbin couldn’t heal his throat, he wouldn’t be able to rap at all-
She shook his hand off, grabbing his wrist instead.
“Come on,” she said, already moving quickly towards the makeup room door. “Let’s go.”
He didn’t argue and she didn’t look back, pulling her with him and out into the hallway, glancing left then right as she thought quickly.
Where can I do this? Where can we hide?
God, what had her life become.
Maddie moved right, that stretch of hallway longer, as she read the sign on each of the doors, looking for some kind of small room they could use-
“There’s a closet up ahead-”
Changbin pointed forward and she looked over her shoulder at him, before following his direction, moving a little quicker.
She stopped at a janitor’s closet, heart jumping in her chest for only a moment before she was pushing the door open, both of them hastily moving inside. There was another strong dose of pleasure slithering up her arm and she tripped a little just as Changbin was shutting the door behind him, enveloping them in almost pitch blackness.
Still, there were small slivers of light coming from the vent on the door and the crack beneath, showing Maddie they had just enough space to stand right in front of one another, nearly every wall filled with shelves of supplies.
But she didn’t have time to take in the less-than-desirable view, focusing on Changbin who was now watching her with flickering eyes, a slight silence between them. Maddie stepped forward, taking her hand from his wrist and pushing him against the wall behind him, harder than she’d meant to in her anxiety over time.
I have ten minutes max-
“Sorry,” she said quietly, hoping she hadn’t hurt him.
“It’s fine,” he didn’t look hurt at all, his eyes wandering up and down her body as the purple lingered in his irises, almost illuminating them as Maddie swallowed hard.
What do I do?
This was only her second time dealing with a crisis like this, and her head wasn’t all the way right with the incubus powers still coursing through her veins and Changbin’s steady gaze on her, like he wanted her-
She reached out, her hands tentatively running up the bare skin of his arms before sliding along the sleeves of his black t-shirt, impressed by the muscle there.
“What do you need?” she asked quietly, hands lingering on his shoulders just as she felt him shift beneath her touch.
Changbin seemed affected by that question, head tilting slightly as he rolled his neck, exhaling sharply.
“Something strong-ish,” he replied breathily. “I’ll heal faster.”
His voice was still low and rough and Maddie felt desire course through her veins that was all her own- no incubus powers required- startled by it as she let her hands wander down his front. She could feel everything, the dips of the muscles beneath his shirt almost surprising her; she realized she hadn’t really appreciated Changbin’s body before now.
Her reply was somewhat hesitant, not entirely sure what strong-ish was, Changbin sending more desire through her system now- this dose concentrated and heated- her fingers faltering halfway down his abdomen.
“I don’t know… what that means-”
Maddie realized for the first time that the two of them were breathing rather heavily, and she jumped when he was running both hands up her arms steadily, sending a double dose of pleasure through her body.
“-just-” even past the lusty haze she was in, she knew their time was very limited. “-just tell me what you want.”
Her voice was different- a little more high-pitched than usual- but Changbin seemed affected again, his eyes fluttering closed for the briefest of moments before his hands were moving to her shoulders, pressing gently on them as if to lower her downward.
“Please-” he sounded way too hot like this, so turned on. “-it should be enough-”
And she knew what he meant as he pushed slightly harder on her shoulders; he was asking her for a-
Maddie didn’t hesitate as yet another warmth slipped from his palms and through her veins, dropping to her knees in front of him and letting her hands drag the rest of the way down his torso.
She spoke shakily, fingers clumsy as they fiddled with the zipper and button of his leather pants, hearing a dull thunk as Changbin’s head fell back against the wall with a quiet moan.
The sound was like a shot of adrenaline, and she didn’t waste time, moving his underwear quickly to the side before wrapping her hand around his erection, leaning forward and licking a long stripe up the length of it.
Changbin’s fingers were threading through her hair as she heard his head fall against the wall again, and her eyes slipped closed as she moved quickly, parting her lips and slowly taking him into her mouth.
He groaned at the feel of it and Maddie let her hands wander up his thighs and to his hips, holding him in place before bobbing her head quickly up and down. Her tongue was moving in quick but languid circles around the length of him, caressing anything she could reach as she kept a steady rhythm, Changbin’s heavy breathing intensifying, fingers curling into the strands of her hair.
“That’s good-” his voice was low as he muttered words of encouragement, sending more tantalizing sensations through her body with his fingers. “Yes-”
She couldn’t believe how much this was turning her on too, the way he sounded making her toes curl as she started moving more on instinct, one hand coming from his hips to rap around his dick, moving with the rhythm of her head.
He liked that too, hissing in obvious enjoyment, and she would’ve smiled if she could, liking how good she made him feel.
But somewhere in her mind, she reminded herself that she didn’t have time for more- to enjoy the surprising sex appeal of Changbin- when they had most likely less then five minutes to get back out there and to the performance.
So she quickened her rhythm, relaxing her throat to take more of him in, her tongue licking teasingly around the rim of his head on an upward stroke, Changbin’s breath hitching loudly.
“Ah, yeah-”
His fingers were tighter in her hair, pulling on the strands a little and making her moan herself, getting lost in the next dose of incubus goodness he sent through her body.
“Keep going-”
Maddie obeyed, both hands on his hips again, fingers curling into the leather as she kept moving, bringing him closer to his release. He was moaning once more, back slipping on the wall as he fought against her hold just slightly, the next wave of pleasure the strongest one yet, faltering her movements as it washed over her.
He was choking on his own words, but she knew, keeping her steady pace, tongue coming out to caress him once more.
“I’m close-”
The desperate edge to his voice as he pulled on her hair again had her eyelids fluttering just as Changbin finally toppled over the edge, letting out a low cry.
She bobbed her head up and down a few more times, swallowing quickly before pulling off, gasping for air. Changbin’s hands were still threaded loosely in her hair, and she watched his eyes slowly open, entire body collapsed against the wall as he looked down at her.
For a split second, they just stared at one another, both shocked by what had just happened and how enjoyable it had been, Changbin’s fingers absentmindedly moving some loose strands of hair gently from her face.
But the temporary fog in Maddie’s mind was beginning to clear, and she realized they were still very much on a time crunch, taking a deep, shaky breath.
“Thank you…”
His voice already sounded a lot better and Maddie stood up, smiling a little as she smoothed out her clothes.
“It’s my job, right?” she said weakly, managing a smile.
Changbin fixed his pants, glancing up at her through his lashes with a small chuckle.
“I guess.”
Their eyes met again and he gulped audibly, Maddie watching the movement of his neck; he really was nice to look at-
“How’s your throat?” she asked.
He gave her a one-sided grin.
“Already healing.”
She nodded, fishing her phone out of her back pocket and nearly jumping when she saw the time.
“Shit, we gotta go-”
She grabbed Changbin’s hand, fingers intertwining with his as she yanked the door open, pulling him with her out into the hallway once more.
They stumbled over one another in their haste, both laughing a little as Changbin pushed the door closed again, Maddie already leading them back towards the makeup room as fast they could.
“I just realized… did you swallow or-?”
“Oh my god, Changbin,” Maddie groaned in embarrassment, tripping over her own feet at his bold words, thankful the area was deserted “What the hell, why are we talking about this-?”
“I thought about it-” he was laughing somewhat evilly, squeezing her hand. “I didn’t know-”
The door to the makeup room opened rather suddenly, and Maddie froze as Hyunjin walked out, looking surprised to see them running up the hallway. His eyes darted between both of them before falling to their held hands.
“Hey, Chan sent me to come get you,” he said to Changbin, jerking his thumb behind him. “We’ve only got five minutes.”
“Right-” Changbin nodded quickly, pulling his fingers from Maddie’s and moving ahead. “-I’m going right now.”
He didn’t look back, moving around the younger and through the door, leaving Hyunjin and Maddie alone for a moment in the hallway.
There was a flicker of what looked like curiosity in his eyes as they darted up and down her body, and she saw a distinct flash of purple replace the brown of his irises for a moment.
Maddie felt her heart start to pound in her chest again, her own gaze wandering along every inch of him- how in the world was he so beautiful?- swallowing hard as he pulled his eyes from hers.
Then, turning on his heel, he went back into the makeup room, leaving the door open behind him as Maddie took another deep breath.
After a second, she shook her head and followed behind him, wondering why the hell she thought it was a good idea to work with incubi in the first place.
To Be Continued...
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marvelmymarvel · 4 years
Beauty (Part 5)
Jiraiya x Reader x Genma (Love Triangle)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Synopsis: At the age of 14, you begged the 3rd Hokage to let you raise the brand new baby, who just like you lost his parents to the nine-tailed fox. People thought you were crazy, but the strange new man who was training Naruto saw you as something else.
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It all felt entirely pointless as you rounded the tree you just passed for the fifth time. You felt as though you were running at a snail’s pace, almost as if you were swimming in a pool of molasses. “Gotta get out of here, he’s going to find me” you screamed out to no one in particular as the darkness of the forest seemed to grow darker, it was going to be too late.
You weren’t safe.
The feeling of your heart dropping into your stomach stopped you in your tracks as you once again came up to the same tree, you were going to die here. “JIRAIYA. JIRAIYA HELP ME PLEASE” The screams that ripped from your chest had the animals scurrying away in fright, the sheer panic in the words warning them of an impending danger that they couldn’t see. “Jiraiya!! Jiraiya!! Come save me!! Awwww. Jiraiya isn’t here though... He left you, didn’t he? All alone, no one to protect you.” 
The voice bounced around the trees, but you were unable to pinpoint where he was at. His taunting words brought tears to your eyes as you were once again reminded that the one you wanted the most was no longer around to protect you. He left you, just like everyone else did... “Please stop this” your tearful whimper caused the tension to lighten a bit, but the air was still full of menace. 
A tree branch snapped behind you and your poor body froze in response, this was truly the end for you. Wasn’t it. “I must say... Seeing you beg like this does please me” his tone was full of possession as he came up behind you slowly. His skin was surprisingly cold as he slid an arm gently around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. His chin rested against your shoulder all while he relished in the fear radiating from your entire body.
“In another world, I’d make you mine” 
The gulp you made was loud and noticeable, only causing him to tighten his hold around you. “Orochimaru, please stop this” you cried out pitifully. He chuckled lowly in your ear as your tears fell quickly down your cheeks, this was the best part...
“How can I stop when you look so pathetically beautiful in my arms?”
The way your heart lurched at the words made you sick to your stomach. No, this wasn’t what you wanted. His lips got closer to your bare shoulder, hot breath fanning against your skin as he pressed against the curse mark. “What’s the matter?? My dear old friend Jiraiya does not call you beautiful enough? Is that why you’re falling in love with any single bit of love anyone gives you”
It was cruel, so cruel in fact that more tears bubbled up and fell over the rim of your eyes. Your hands slid down to his arm in the hopes to weakly grasp him and yank him away, yet you stopped. “Once I kill the little pest, then you can come to me” 
Your eyebrows furrowed at that, fingers pressing into his skin as you racked your brain for who he might be talking about. The forest seemed to darken as your eyes widened...
“No. NO! NOT HIM!” You screamed out, as Orochimaru’s chuckle’s got louder. His grasp on you tightened as he screamed out his promises of killing everyone you loved so that you would only love him. Your screams increased as you begged him to only hurt you, take you, use you. You couldn’t lose anyone else. Everything seemed to go haywire, all the sounds mixing into one high pitched sound as you continued to lazily thrash around in his embrace. 
A sound broke out and you opened your mouth to scream for that person, but nothing came out. Please help me, you begged mentally. You didn’t want to lose anyone else. Not like you lost him. You opened your mouth to scream out the name of the first boy you ever loved and lost, but once again, no sound came out.
Your eyes snapped open, lungs filling sharply with air as you shot up in the bed. Genma’s worried gaze felt heavy on you as he pulled you closer to him. This was now the second night that you’ve been having the nightmares, and each time you’d wake up screaming the same name. Genma didn’t know what to do, or how to help, but he knew that being there for you was the only thing he could do. 
“You’re safe” he cooed out into the now quiet hospital room. The Chunin exams were only 2 days away which didn’t help anything at all. The stress of Naruto still being knocked out, Jiraiya missing, and the nightmares were driving you insane. Your eyes had dark purple bags under them and it was a miracle if you could get 30 minutes of sleep without interruptions. 
Genma let you cry into his neck, not wanting to press into what the hell you dreamed about and why the hell you were screaming for him of all people. “Why did you scream for Obito?” Genma couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous, even if the Uchiha had been dead now for 14 years. Freezing in his grasp, your body began to shake by the reminder of the dream. 
“He wants to kill everyone I love” 
Genma’s eyebrows furrowed as he pulled you back a bit to get a better look at you. “He??? Who’s he?” Genma realized now why you were so shaken up, the loss of Obito was devastating and it was only a few years later when you lost your parents... So the threat of someone killing those you loved hit you to the core... But he couldn’t protect you and those you loved if he didn’t know who you were talking about-
His body stiffened, eyes searching your face to see if you were lying, but you weren’t. And that was even more bone-chilling. He noticed that you also began to grow fearful again, which made him snap out of it as he brought you back into his chest. Laying you both down, he pulled the blanket up to your head where it rested peacefully above his pounding heart. The sound of it seemed to lull you back into a serene place, eyes drooping as your body once more gave in to nightmarish sleep. Orochimaru wasn’t going to get you or anyone that you loved, but he was going to have to tell the Hokage that the Jutsu he used on the curse mark didn’t work.
And that Orochimaru has been visiting you in your dreams.
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - unrequited love
1.       360 Degrees Material
Taki is the cool yet strange guy in Mio's class. She bumps into him at the subway station after school and saves him after he almost gets pushed onto the tracks. The next day, he returns the favor by saving her from an incoming car. This marks the start of Mio's love.
2.       Ai Kara Hajimaru
Sakura Ai has always loved sunflowers, as they appear like the sun, which incidentally also was the name of her first crush, Taiyou, in the 3rd grade. From since then, Ai has never had another love and has also become quite introverted, but after meeting a guy with the same name, somethings will begin to change…
3.       Anta Nante Okotowari
Yui has a deep love for her "older brother" (they're not actually siblings, but are related), and she is devastated when he gets married. While at the wedding, Yui meets a sobbing boy, Kaoru. It turns out that his cousin (that he was in love with) is the one Yui's brother is marrying. When Yui moves into a boy's dorm so she can seek out new love, she finds that the head of the dorm is none other than Kaoru!
4.       Ao Haru Ride
Yoshioka Futaba has a few reasons why she wants to "reset" her image and life as a new high-school student. Because she's cute and had a demure personality she was ostracized by her female friends in junior high, and because of a series of misunderstandings and mishaps, she couldn't get her feeling across to the one boy she has always liked, Tanaka Kou. Now in high school, she is determined to be as unladylike as possible so that her friends won't be jealous of her. While living her life this way contentedly, she meets Tanaka-kun again, but he now goes under the name of Mabuchi Kou. He tells her that he felt the same way as she did when they were younger, but that they cannot go back. Will Futaba be able to continue her love that never even started from three years ago?
5.       Awayuki no Namida
Ritsuka, who likes to watch the snow as it falls, has an unrequited love for Fubuki, who lives with an older woman. Ritsuka and Fubuki fall in love, but Fubuki still has past debts toward the older woman, who was his dead brother's fiancee.
6.       Bambi to Dhole
Yukimi is her real name but everyone calls her Bambi. She is the student discipline committee member who locks students out of the school if they're a minute late, but sneaks cigarette breaks on the roof. Lone wolf transfer student Tetsu Nagasawa hops the fence after she locks it and breaks her cigarette in half when he finds her on the roof, but he's a super nice guy to a mother and baby on the train. Bambi already has a boyfriend but will the wolf steal her heart?
7.       Celeste Blue
Eishi is one of those popular guys that are smart, good looking, and is good at sports. However, he thinks people and "love" are bothersome and would rather not deal with either of them. When his teacher told him to help this girl, Uta, to study, he dreaded the idea of having to stick with such an annoying girl. Soon, though, his heart starts to lighten up towards her.
8.       Datte, Kimi ga Warau kara
Let’s get into a time machine and return to that time. Where it was always fun and you were always laughing, to that time... "I only have three more months to live" Yui who just transferred to a new school in the countryside becomes Ryo’s classmate. Yui who is suffering from an illness has a "wish" that she can’t tell anyone, but Ryo wants to grant her that wish but… After death, reality hits Ryo and Yui. This is the story of the eternal promise that was made by the two of them.  
9.       Eien no Mae
Arisa has had a crush on classmate Nageki since the school festival, but has never spoken to him. Will she be able to strike up a conversation before they part ways at graduation?
10.   Futari no Himitsu
Saijou Kiki is a model and child star and with the release of her new commercial her popularity skyrockets. At school, she harbors feelings for Takumi-kun... but somehow ends up kissing his friend Teppei?! And what's more, they've switched bodies due to some sort of old legend?!
11.   Getsuyoubi Kara Kataomoi
Despite his one-sided love, a prince at school encouraged his crush to confess to her crush. But he also could not resist confessing to her. What will happen?
12.   Hachimitsu ni Hatsukoi
Koharu and Nacchan are childhood friends which many of their friends thought they are a dating couple. Soon, after getting into senior high school, Koharu feels something different with Nacchan. While Koharu tries to figure out her feelings, Nacchan's already falling in love with someone else, the beautiful Saionji, but his love doesn't stop him from caring for Koharu. Does what Nacchan feel towards Saionji really be love? Why can't he let Koharu go on a blind date? 
13.   Hatsukoi Hakusho
A collection of one shots.
14.   Hiren Trip
Miyu, an ordinary new first-year student who hopes to become a mangaka meets the schools’ class president who seems to have a hidden side to him. While being pushed around by the cool but private class president, the curtain on Miyu's stormy school life is raised.
15.   Katakoi Triangle
Sekiya-san of the cultural library has an unrequited love for Yuuki-kun. The one who cares about Sekiya-san is the popular Kasai-kun, who is also Yuuki-kun's friend! And, what's this? Yuuki-kun is rooting for Kasai-kun?! It seems that everyone's feelings are one-sided... or are they?
16.   Kimi ga Inakya Dame tte Itte
Nayu and Oumi are childhood friends. Without realizing it, Nayu finds she has fallen for Oumi over the years. However, just as she comes to terms with her feelings, Oumi reveals himself to be in love with the pretty Tsuzuki-san in his class. How will Nayu deal with such heartbreak?
17.   Kimi o Omou Toki
What does it mean to love? Most of the time, I don't know... Falling in love with someone always ends up with a farewell. Encounters in which you can meet a kind man are very rare. For someone to tell me, "Momo-chan, I love you very much~ ♪" and to caress me with a smile... I don't understand the meaning of those things. Still, that kind of behavior gives me a warm feeling and makes my head spin.
18.   Kimi to Kyun Koi, Shiyou
A collection of one shots.
19.   Kobayashi ga Kawai Sugite Tsurai
The comedy starts when the cross-dressing begins! The Kobayashi twins, Mego and Mitsuru, were named after historical figures, but only Mego has grown up with a taste for history. So when Mitsuru is in danger of losing his weekends to extra history classes, he convinces his sister to swap clothes with him and ace his tests! After all, how hard can it be for them to play each other? But Mego can’t rely on just her book smarts in Mitsuru’s all-boys, delinquents’ paradise of a high school. And Mitsuru finds life as a high school girl to be much more complicated than he expected!
20.   Koi dano Ai dano
After constantly transferring during middle school (Warau Kanoko-Sama), Naedoko has entered Takara No Tani High along with Tsubaki. Follow her adventures as she tries to restore the Newspaper Club's status without being noticed by the Broadcasting Club or Student Council...!
21.   Koi ni Dokubari
Youthful, real love between a pure girl x sharp-tongued boy. ‘The boy I’ve had a long unrequited love for has found himself a girlfriend. On top of that, she’s my best friend. Even though I’m the one who met him and fell in love with him first. Why did he not choose me…?’ Heart-broken Aya meets Ryuu, an unpredictable, older boy. Aya gradually begins to be drawn to this sharp-tongued, but kind Ryuu. However, this love isn’t straightforward at all. “When you fall in love, you can’t keep being a ‘kind, good girl’.” Ryuu’s words pierce her heart, doesn’t disappear and is painful, but…? 
22.   Last Game
Yanagi is rich, smart, a girl-magnet, and always at the top of his class... well, until Kujou transferred in his primary school. She was quiet, plain, and poor, yet not once has she failed at beating Yanagi, both in academics and sports! Yanagi has made it his life goal to defeat her and thus, followed her from elementary until college over the past 10 years. Only when he decides to change the rules might he finally win. Here comes their last game!
23.   Love so Life
Shiharu is a high-school student who loves kids, lives in an orphanage, and works at a daycare... Until the handsome uncle of two-year-old twins offers her a raise if she'll be their babysitter. Often relying on memories of her mother's actions for guidance, Shiharu quickly finds herself falling in love with her new makeshift family.
24.   Mako to Aki-chan no Koigokoro
A collection of one shots.
25.   Metallic Colors
The story of a stylish and gaudy girl who strives to win the heart of the boy she likes.
26.   Nonchan to Watashi
Risa and Takumi are childhood friends, but due to a fight in the past, they stopped talking to each other. Now university students, Takumi is a famous playboy who goes out with a different girl every day, and Risa still regrets not having been able to apologize for what she did six years ago...
27.   Orange
In the Spring she was 16, Takamiya Naho receives a strange, but detailed letter from herself, ten years in the future. At first she thinks the letter is a prank, but then the things written in the letter actually happen, including the new transfer student that sits next to her in class, Naruse Kakeru. The letter reads just like her diary entries, down to the same characters. It is not till two weeks later, when Kakeru shows back up at school, that Naho finishes the letter. In the letter, her 27-year-old self tells her 16-year-old self that her biggest regret is that Kakeru is no longer with them in the future, and asks her to watch him closely.
28.   Propose no Okite
A high school girl becomes a wife?! And her husband is the worst man? Because she had to pay her family’s debt, she married! The husband is the son of a big Hotel company. The first time she saw him she said "You got a wife thanks to your money! You’re the worst!" "I maybe the worst", he said "but you’ll have to live all your life by my side…"
29.   Saboten no Himitsu
Miku Yamada has a longtime crush on classmate Kyohei Fujioka. But no matter how many times she tries to show him how she feels, clueless Kyohei just doesn't get it. Frustrated, Miku gives up on him, only to have him start calling her "Cactus" for being prickly when he's around. Will Kyohei ever figure out Cactus's secret?
30.   Shitsuren Biyoushitsu
A collection of one shots.
31.   SP x Baby
A romantic comedy about a privileged man and his kickass female bodyguard. Tamaki Hasegawa misses an interview for a much-needed job in order to stop an assault on a man running for his life! The man—Kagetora Sugo, the prime minister’s nephew—then asks Tamaki to become his bodyguard. Tamaki isn’t sure she’s cut out to be a bodyguard, but Kagetora has another reason for wanting to hire her. Unbeknownst to her, they’ve met before…
32.   Special A
Her whole life, Hikari Hanazono has been consumed with the desire to win against her school rival, Kei Takishima--at anything. He always comes out on top no matter what he does, and Hikari is determined to do whatever it takes to beat this guy!
33.   Suki desu Suzuki-kun
Suzuki Hikaru, Hoshino Sayaka, Ito Chihiro and Suzuki Shinobu are all new students who have just entered the same middle school. Sayaka is a shy girl who secretly loves acting. Hikaru is an energetic boy who loves basketball. Incidentally, he shares the same last name with Shinobu, a popular rich boy who would be perfect if not for his rotten personality. Chihiro is Hikaru’s childhood friend and has long had a crush on him.
34. Wana Love - Wanna be the Honey Trap
Mayuko is a model. She's acting like a beauty in front of guys but in fact she's suffering of an unrequited love with the cameraman Nagumo...Will she reveal her true nature through his lens...?
35.   Yoshiwara Hana Oboro
Hana is a normal teenager who goes to school normally, that is until she gets run over by a car... or did she? Suddenly, she finds herself in a weird place known as the "Red Light District"... in EDO PERIOD?! Trying to find a way to get back to her own time, she somehow gets mistaken for a prostitute and has to escape. Not expecting to be saved by a gentleman, she suddenly ends up in a geisha house.. but then she is bought by the same guy who helped her earlier?!
36.   Yumemiru Taiyou
While loitering in the park, Shimana Kameko, who intended to run away from home and skipped school, meets a suspicious man in a kimono. This man, who had been locked out of his house, offers Shimana a place to stay. However, he requests she fulfill three conditions in exchange for her tenancy?!
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5 Reasons Roman Is Infuriating (And Why I DO NOT have a crush on him)
Chapter 5: To A Land Of Our Imagination
Read on AO3 
Chapter 1
Word count: 3471
Tw: Wounds, food, swearing
Logan planned the second date two days after the first. A picnic in the imagination, that Roman insisted on helping out with.
It took them quite a while to prepare everything. A red gingham print blanket in a field of many flowers on a hill, the sight of a rather giant disney-inspired castle in the far distance, mountains enveloping the horizons; very picturesque, certainly. He even offered to set up an orchestra off the side for them, but Logan declined. Logan was worried that they would get sunburnt due to the realistic touch that he brings, but Roman insisted that wouldn’t happen. And then Logan insisted that he didn’t know that it wouldn’t.
The banter was probably what took the longest time. It started with the back and forth about the likelihood of a sunburn, and then whether Thomas would typically tan or burn, and then it spiralled into nothingness. Obviously Roman made zero sense, but Logan was still determined to prove his point.
“No, Thomas should not get a surgical beauty mark. It’s pointless and expensive when you could have the same results with the smallest amounts of makeup.”
“But it adds character! All of the glamor girls have beauty marks! And besides, why put in the effort of putting on the beauty mark every day when you can just wake up that way?” Roman rebuttals, and Logan cannot begin to express just how stupid that argument is.
“A few seconds of a makeup pencil and maybe some powder isn’t that much effort. What would be an effort is spending a ridiculous sum of money on something he might regret and want gone. It would be a waste of resources for something thought of on a whim. That money would also go into the beauty industry, the industry that profits off of one’s self-hatred.” He argues, because yes, in a world where hating oneself is so common and so profitable, the most rebellious thing one can do is to learn to love themself.
“Makeup is also a part of the beauty industry.”
“It’s nowhere near as harmful and expensive though. It’s not just about insecurities, but also accentuating features that you enjoy in yourself. It also happens to be an art form, so I’m surprised that you’d even try that useless fact.”
Roman huffs. He’s probably not that interested in the beauty mark, but sometimes impulse can make you do stupid things. He does however look upset, and Logan hesitates.
“You know what you can do with makeup?” Logan asks, and they look at each other.
“What?” He asks, still pouting.
“Make many beauty marks. And change their locations when you feel like it.” He offers, and Roman lights up like that very dangerous chemical reaction Remus and himself attempted on bonding day.
“By the fourth musketeer, you’re right!” Roman touches his own face, lost in thought. “You could switch it up daily!”
It took a while longer for him to acknowledge what they were supposed to be doing, and then they were touching up the flowers (which is when Logan notices Bells of Ireland, sticking out amongst the other flowers, and assisting in integrating them into the green fields, like the flowers just popped up amongst nature. He believes Roman had summoned them around for him, and he can’t help but smile.) and then heading to the exit so Logan could get the ‘object of his affections’.
“Are you going to be in the imagination?” Logan asks him.
“Well, duh. I’ll obviously be out of earshot, but duty calls, and I have quests to attend to! Can’t have a realm without it’s heroes, right?”
“I guess not.” Logan nods. Roman’s going to play immersive make-belief then. Very well. That does usually help with Thomas’s motivation. Logan thinks of asking to join him sometime, and then decides that would most likely end horribly. Maybe Dungeons & Dragons would be a better solution.
He leaves Roman at the doorway, going to retrieve Patton. It isn’t very hard; he finds him in the living room holding a picnic basket and smiling brightly.
“That really, isn’t necessary.” He points to the basket. “We have food at the location.”
“What’s a little more? Besides, I have a little surprise to help with the planning.” He leans in and fake whispers.
Logan blinks. “A planner?”
“No, even better. But don’t guess. You know your old Patton-ership Person can’t keep a secret for very long.”
Logan groans at the pun, and they head back through Roman’s door to the imagination. It isn’t long before they reach the flowery hills (Logan wanted it to be accessible, to avoid an awkwardly long walk), and he sits down on the large blanket. Patton coos at the view, and the enchanting flower fields.
“Is Roman here?” He asks, looking around. He sets the basket down.
“He said he wouldn’t be nearby, and I trust his word, but he is in the imagination.”
Patton lets out a sigh in relief and sits down. “Okay. I just know he’d be mad if he found out, buuut…” He opens the petite basket’s lid, and like the objects from Mary Poppins bag sprouts Janus, arms held out dramatically.
“What is up losers? I’m here to foil all of your plans.” He lightly steps out of the basket, and plops down so they’re all facing each other in a triangle. “By making them better. You’ll thank me later.”
Although Logan is surprised, he isn’t really bothered. He’s quite similar to Roman in the theatrics, so perhaps he’ll prove to add ideas that would give life and a charming flair to his own.
“Very well.” Logan pulls out a notepad from god-knows-where. “Welcome to the ‘date’.” He does quotation marks with his fingers, and Patton leans excitedly to Janus.
“I think that’s what we’re calling it now. ‘Date’, but you have to do the thing with your fingers.” He does the finger quotations.
“What a lame concept. I love it.” Janus smiles. “I’m absolutely dreading spectating this ‘date’.” He does the finger quotations, and adds a little more emphasis on the word. At least he seems to be having fun.
“So. First step: The goal.”
“Find out if Roman really does have legs.” Janus answers at the same time Patton exclaims “Marry a pretty prince!”
“That was not supposed to be a guessable statement. And both of you are wrong. Patton, we do not have legal documents and cannot legally marry. The goal is to ‘woo’ Roman.”
“There may be or may not be a very easy solution for this.” Janus suggests, lounging back and checking his nails despite his gloves.
“What would be that solution?” Logan narrows his eyes at him.
“Oh I don’t know… Tell him how you feel.” He looks at him face-on, dead-serious.
“But… He most likely does not feel the same way. Besides, he wouldn’t like something so… Insignificant. He’s embodied himself after a prince, for Newton’s sake.” Logan argues, heart clutching painfully (metaphorically, obviously. If someone’s heart clutches painfully in real life, he recommends they go to a doctor and get it checked), and looking off into the distance, calculating the odds of rejection. He so far has not detected any signs or repercussions in the romance, and with Roman’s celebrity crushes being people like Adam Driver and Orville Peck, how is he supposed to compare? He can make a schedule planner less important than a social engagement.
“Oh come on, cheer up champ! I’m sure he’ll love it no matter what you do!” Patton encourages, giving him thumbs up. Logan looks at him, unimpressed.
“But will he really? These… Unnecessary feelings have rendered me even less functioning around him, so psychologically speaking, I’ve been even less perfect around him. He lives off the idea of a perfect, film-like life. Disney prince… Disney Relationship, Disney prince partner. Why would he like me? I look like a teacher.” As Logan continues his rant, now up and pacing, Janus shoots Patton a knowing look, and Patton eventually looks at him with an unknowing look.
“What?” Patton asks quietly, as Logan rambles.
“You don’t know?” Janus looks surprised.
“Know what?”
“Roman hasn’t told you about… You know…”
Patton looks at him, attempting to decipher what he means. Eventually, he quizzically does a limp wrist.
“No!” Janus whisper-shouts, exasperated. “Of course he’s gay. I’m talking about something else.”
“I’m lost.” He admits.
Janus leans in and whispers into his ear.
“Oh yeah! He has.” Patton gives him a thumbs up.
“I need a new style!” Logan turns and points at them, and they both display their shock easily.
“Dear god no. You’d look more out of place than Remus during the cosplay phase.” Janus jerks back, appalled. (Besting Remus in being out of place while he was in Thomas’s cosplay phase is nothing to roll your eyes at. Stripper Kermit is only one of many horrendous ideas that Janus has had the pleasure of being scarred by.)
“But think about it. You often see someone in a new light when they go through a big style change, whether they’ve changed as a person or not. When we altered our outfits for the first time, it was like a fresh new start. We were new, and more impressive models of our past selves of just three seconds before.”
“I see your point kiddo, but that just isn’t you! It’ll work against you in the long run if you try to be someone that you’re not.”
“Agreed. Seriously. Not to mention you’d be boring no matter what you wear; might as well be more comfortable doing it.”
Logan considers it. He nods, and sits down. “Alright. Thank you for your encouragement. I’m still not going to tell him outright.”
Patton raises his hand. “I have an idea.”
“Alright, hit us.” Janus looks at him.
“If you are to hit us, do it gently please. And preferably on the arm. I quite like these glasses.” Logan nods, accepting his fate.
“It’s an expression.” Janus side-eyes him, and gestures for Patton to start.
“How about… We leave the idea of telling him directly as an option, but also make a plan? That way, you have many options to pick from!” He encourages, looking like a parent bargaining with their toddler.
“That wouldn't be unreasonable.” Logan takes out a pen, and clicks it on. “Now, why don’t we start?”
By the time they leave the imagination, Logan has notes full of ideas. It’s a little bit difficult to have the best brainstorms without a literal embodiment of creativity, but both of them are bad ideas to invite for different reasons, and not being in charge of creativity doesn’t stop the rest of them from coming up with creative thoughts. (If that were the case, the same concept could be applied to himself, and it would have probably killed him by now if he were the only one with an ounce of logic.)
He steps into Roman’s room. Nice as always, if not looking slightly blank. Maybe he’s just used to the disorder now.
He rips out a separate paper, and leaves it on Roman’s cluttered desk, to notify him in the future that he is no longer in his realm. He catches a glimpse of other papers on his desk, and is that-
“Poetry?” Obviously, Logan does not want to disrespect his privacy, but he does read the line he has seen. It was quite good. It seemed to be about jealousy, but he’s not the best at deciphering emotions, so he isn’t completely sure. He also catches a few typos.
He stands straight again, paces a little bit and just as he's about to sink out, he hears the imagination door open.
Roman stumbles in, heaving and drenched in sweat. He looks dull and lifeless, until he looks at Logan. It’s like a switch goes off, and he looks like his usual self again.
“Heading out?”
“That’s right. The date just ended.”
“That’s wonderful! How did it go?” He asks, strutting over, trying hard but failing to hide a limp.
“Are you alright?” Logan looks at him, and the standard first aid courses that Thomas has taken in his lifetime start kicking in.
"I'm-" And a poorly concealed wince. "Okay. Just a scrape from the dragon witch. Nothing a happy pappy prince can't handle."
"That's not something you usually say." Logan squints at him, taking a step closer. "Did you hit your head? You're starting to sound like Patton. I'm not leaving here until you let me help you."
"Ugh, fine." He flails out his arms, and then jerks them back in pain. "But seriously, how did it go?"
"It went well. Thank you for the Irish bells. We discussed things that one would do in a romantic setting, and then we dispersed. There will be another date fairly soon. I just stayed to drop off a note on your desk to inform you of our departure."
His eyes go wide. "My desk? Did you read any of my writing?" He asks, sounding panicked, with a hint of defensive nature.
"I did, actually. Not on purpose, I'm sorry. It was a poem that I believe is about jealousy. I read the third paragraph. It was quite well done." Logan bashfully admits.
"Oh. Thank you." He offers a small smile.
Logan suddenly remembers the wounds. "Now. Let's get to fixing you up. Do you have any cuts? Scrapes? Open wounds?" As he sits Roman down and checks over his injuries, he can't help but hurt a little bit on the inside. Roman's self preservation seems to have left him a long time ago, and he always gets reckless. He can't seem to let anyone see his weakness, and that's perhaps what he and Logan have most in common; although, Logan hasn't been injured physically in quite a while.
He finds a first aid kit (in Roman's nightstand. How concerning.) and helps patch up his wounds. Thankfully, Roman wasn't fully lying, as his injuries mainly consisted of bruises and mild cuts, but Logan made sure to take care of them all the same.
"I just realized." Roman whispers, eyes closed as Logan puts a band-aid on his arm.
"That's a new concept."
Roman ignores that. "You've done so much for me over the last while. To be fair, you always do things for me, but this week... Teaching me how to bake, leaving out cookies for me, which were heavenly by the way, thank you, helping with nail polish even though it was on your bed, this... It's quite a lot. I feel like I haven't done enough for you."
"Oh come on, don't metaphorically sell yourself short. This whole time, you've helped me set up my dates with Patton. Many of them, in fact. I had been nervous to tell him, and you helped me the whole way along. I am quite grateful for your contributions, Roman." Logan chuckles a little bit, because although expressing your gratitude for something that you don't care about may seem pointless, Roman still put in all of the effort. He did the planning, the setup and design, and wherever he was needed, he'd be. Logan had heard that he even managed to convince Remus to keep the funky business away from the 'dates'. That's quite a lot of work, and Logan appreciates every second of it.
"Nooo but that isn't enough! I want to take you somewhere special to thank you."
"Really Roman, that isn't necessary-"
"Thomas!" Roman screams into his ceiling. "You know how you're free in three weekends!? Yeah, well you're going to a planetarium now! Bring friends so you don't look like a loser." And sure enough, he can feel that Thomas has got the idea.
Logan's heart metaphorically explodes out of his chest with how strong it's beating. Thomas hasn't been to a planetarium in ages. It isn't really Logan's role to suggest activities on the fun side, so he's kept to himself, silently hoping for another side to bring it up. They have spare money for it. And here it is. In three weeks from now.
"That's... I don't know what to say. Thank you." He clutches the first aid kit to his chest.
"Well duh thank me, but it's okay. It's payback." Roman gives him two band-aid speckled thumbs up. "Consider it a date."
Hm. Well, there goes Logan. On the floor. Dead.
"More sophisticated and logical word for fuck."
Logan slams open Virgil's door, just as he's putting the last details on his embroidered spider web jacket.
"Dude, what?" Vrigil turns to him, only to see Logan laying on the floor, malfunctioning.
He goes over to the lifeless form. “Logan… You, like, never come to me with your emotional problems. I can’t help people. Do you want me to tease you? Because I can totally tease you.” He pokes him, and Logan rolls over to face the ceiling.
“It’s because I never have emotional problems, Virgil. I believe in you to keep a secret however.”
“Is this about the planetarium Thomas just planned? Because I can totally see why he shouldn’t go, with all those people around, judging his every step, and the chance of being separated from his friends, or seeing someone familiar and it’s just awkward..”
“No, I agreed to the idea. I had wanted to go for quite a while.”
“Does it… Have to do with Roman?”
“Of course it has to do with Roman. Even now, he is still the largest thorn in my side.”
“Apparently you’re a masochist then. So, what’s up with him and the planetarium?” Virgil circles him, seeming bored but willing to hear the story.
“He was the one who suggested it. In fact he said to  ‘a date’.”
“Ahh. So you are here for emotional issues.”
“It’s not an emotional issue. I simply wanted to tell you that I think it is an optimal time to tell Roman about my newfound fondness for him.” He sits up, and Virgil gives him a hand to stand.
Virgil chuckles. “It’s not bad to ask for help, Logan. But that does sound like a good idea, or whatever.”
“Of course it’s a good idea.” Logan says, hand bouncing up and down at a rapid pace. He looks like he’s sweating. Virgil squints.
“But you’re nervous.” He observes. “And you want to talk about it with someone.” He holds up a hand before Logan can protest. “Ah-ah. Don’t lie to me on this one. Sit down.” He takes out a chair, and then looks at Logan. “You know what, maybe not in my room.”
So they go to Logan’s room, and he explains his plans, and some worries, and Virgil nods along and agrees.
“By the way, have you been seeing the way Roman’s been acting lately?” After Logan seems to have finished with ideas, and they were just sitting together, Virgil speaks up.
“No? Perhaps. He did want to make cookies, which is odd for him, and he called me kiddo, if I remember correctly.” Logan recounts the last few days. He’s not completely sure. Roman has always been a slight enigma to him.
“See, that’s what I’m talking about. A few days ago, he came into the living room, and he was wearing a polo! If it weren’t for the colors, I would’ve thought he was Patton. And then.” Virgil stares at Logan, who looks impassively back at him. “Just yesterday, Remus told me that he dumped some of his posters into the trash.”
“Ah, perhaps he’s finally taking advantage of his wall space.” Logan says quite proudly, in a room where there are many cork boards on every left-over piece of wall he has open.
“No, you don’t get it. When’s the last time you’ve seen his room without posters?”
“To be honest, I don’t remember.” Logan admits. Virgil nods along, his eyes staring at him intensely. “Because I barely ever go into his room.” Virgil slumps. “Listen, Virgil, the concern is appreciated, and I support you continuing to collect evidence on this matter, however, it sounds like he’s trying something new out. I have no reason yet to be concerned.”
“Okay, whatever.” He gets up from his chair. “I hope you feel better, nerd. Catch you later.” He salutes, and just sinks out.
Logan continues to stare at where Virgil once was, thoughts jittering. Is Roman really acting that strange? He almost sounds like he’s trying to become Patton. Maybe he’s looking to renew his look for Thomas? He had been rather heart-broken when he misinterpreted Thomas calling him his hero. He also likes costume changes. Maybe he’s preparing something.
Logan hopes that Roman will be alright in the end. And that he himself will be as well. He takes a deep breath. He can do this.
Taglist: @crossiantgay 
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Notes on Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera” - Chapter 12: “Above the Trapdoors”
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Dressing room at the Opera, image from “Le Fantôme de l’Opéra” by Gérard Fontaine
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This chapter follows the “secret engagement” between Christine and Raoul - or rather, their make-believe engagement (as it was not quite secret either - it is later revealed that Erik knew about it and had even encouraged her to go ahead with it).
The day following the events of the previous chapter, Raoul meets Christine - who is still wearing her ring - at the Opera. He tells her that his departure for the North Pole is imminent and will take place in three or four weeks’ time, and Christine almost happily encourages him to go. While Christine seems quite cheerful at the thought that they will part ways forever in a few weeks, Raoul suggests that he need not go if they got engaged on the spot, but she tells him that this is out of the question. Christine still believes that she will never marry Raoul and I personally believe that, because she would not promise not to leave Mama Valerius, she probably expects either a life with Erik or her own death at this point. Raoul’s departure would also provide a “natural” resolution to the love triangle that they are entangled in, so her happiness might also be due to this resolving her inner conflict. I personally always find the idea of Erik and Christine plotting to send Raoul off to the North Pole quite entertaining!
However, to create a happy memory for them both, she thinks it would be a great idea to play at being secretly engaged like little kids for the next month (they are compared to a brother and sister twice in this chapter). Turns out, it’s not *such* a great idea. Christine thought that it would be “a happiness that will harm no one” - neither Raoul, nor her, nor Erik.
However, Raoul seems to be rather serious in his intentions of asking her to marry him and only takes the “engagement game” as an opportunity of buying time in order to make her forget the “man’s voice” and make her consent to becoming his wife. But after a week of playing at being engaged, Raoul cannot take any more blows to his heart and tells Christine that he won’t go to the North Pole anymore. Christine realizes what a dangerous game they have been playing, and leaves him.
The next day, Raoul tries to seek her out at her home, where Mama Valerius tells him that Christine left at 5 o’clock the preceding evening, and that she would be back in two days. When he demands to know more, she only tells him that it is “Christine’s secret”. It is quite obvious that she has run off to Erik - probably because things have not been going according to the plan which foresaw Raoul’s departure to the North Pole.
Two days later, she reappears on stage in “La Juive”, finally repeating her triumphant performance from the gala night (it seems that Erik and Christine have been working hard for the last two days!). Christine has now been given a temporary contract for replacing Carlotta, who was no longer willing to return to the place that had seen her turned her into a croaking toad. After the performance, Christine leads Raoul to her dressing-room, where he promises that he will leave as agreed. When he leaves, she tries to comfort him, telling him that she sang for him that night.
After that, the carefree make-believe of the engagement game is gone, and Christine realizes how much Raoul is tormented by his jealousy. Now, Christine continually leads him back and forth into every corner of the opera house, even though Raoul would have preferred to go somewhere else, leaving Erik behind. But Christine always stays within the fantasy realm of the opera house, which is brought to life by her vivid imagination. According to her, it is the perfect place for their love because that is also “just an illusion”, which shatters Raoul’s heart into a thousand pieces all over. They balance along the upper flies, revel in the costume rooms, visit elderly couples who have been secretly living inside the opera house for years, and pass through the ballet girls (or “rats”, as they were usually called) in training, where Christine hands out sweets to the young girls.
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”Ballet dancers” by Jules René Hervé
Here, we get to see yet more different sides to her. She’s a little wild, kind to others and very popular with everyone at the opera house because she takes an interest in the people around her. In the ALW musical, she often seems to be a bit of a wallflower, but Leroux describes her as a “popular queen”. Between her and Erik, they have apparently divided the opera house into two realms - everything underground belongs to him, and everything above ground belongs to her.
Christine now grows increasingly restless, agitated and tormented. When Raoul asks her if she is afraid of “him” (not saying the name Erik out loud for fear that this will alert him to their presence), she denies it, but her behaviour seems to prove her wrong. He promises to protect her, but even though she looks at him like a cute little brother wanting to defend her, she doesn’t believe that he will be able to do anything.
One day, she appears rather late with eyes red from crying, and Raoul tells her that he will take her far away where Erik will not be able to find them, and that she must stop thinking about him. Her only reply is “Is that possible?” There might indeed never be a day when she won’t think of him… Raoul promises to take her away to somewhere safe, and that he will leave her there since she has promised never to marry. She does not reply and instead leads him higher still towards the rooftop.
Even though she has previously stated that Erik cannot possibly be following them because he is working on “Don Juan Triumphant” and will not care about anything else, not even eating or drinking for days and nights, that is apparently not quite true, as a silent shadow is secretly following them...
Chapters 11, 12 and 13 are prime examples of the mystery of Christine’s character. While she certainly is fond of Raoul and also loves him in a way, she is obviously suffering from internal conflict as well. More than being passionately in love with Raoul, it feels as if she thinks of him more like a dear family member (hence the comparison to a brother/sibling in this chapter). While she seems to be afraid of Erik - or perhaps more precisely, of what Erik might do - she also appears protective of him and unwilling to leave his domain. Part of the enduring appeal of the story, in my view, has to do with Christine forever leaving people to guess what exactly went on in her heart and mind.
Next chapter >>
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putas-in-suffering · 4 years
Terms of Endearment
Pairing: Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW 18+ older
Warnings: Language, unprotected vaginal sex, mentions of bodily fluids, desecrating quinceañera dresses (oops) 
Word Count: 2.6K
Summary: Part 1. Mutual attraction doesn’t always mean you’re on the same page.
A/N: You asked and we delivered. We got the OG daddy himself, Bishop aka El Presidente, showing up and showing out for you sucias. Enjoy and share with your fellow sucias! Feedback is the preferred drug for our addiction and greatly appreciated 💖💖
*Check out our Cartel Daddy in part 2 of this love/lust triangle here
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Your eyes caught his across the factory floor. He was making his way towards you, a self-assured smirk decorating his bearded lips. He stopped to greet one of the workers, winking and smile at the passing women with all the charm of a teenage boy. His swagger was undeniable, his confidence radiating like a neon sign. He was a man that knew what he was doing, knew what he was capable of. If the fine lines decorating his face and the grey in his facial hair didn’t give him away, the glint behind those warm cocoa eyes did. He had experience. The kind of experience that captured your attention, in more ways than one.
“Obispo,” You greeted coolly, unwilling to let him bear witness to your more than business-like interest in him.
“Querida…” He responded, smirking and moving in for the obligatory kiss on the cheek.
You didn’t chastise him for the pet name. You may be one of Miguel Galindo’s most trusted employees, but you were still a woman in a male-dominated world. Running a cartel was surprisingly conservative work. The men treated you like a woman instead of as an equal, and while that used to piss you off, Miguel had taught you to utilize your feminine strength. So you did. You batted your eyelashes and laughed when you were supposed to. But the minute someone crossed the organization, you were front and center putting a bullet between their eyes. It was the nature of the game.
So you let the demeaning names go and you let the men think they were smarter than you. It always came back to bite them in the ass later.
But Bishop was different. He may be old-school, but you knew he respected you. You were the middle man for him and Miguel and he’d confided in you many times that he’d rather look at you than have to see another pressed suit. You had laughed at that despite the dig at your boss.
You accepted the kiss he offered and forced the heat of attraction down as his eyes quickly, but not so discreetly, appraised your figure. You smiled, pleased with his examination of you. Your heels clicked as you turned and beckoned him to follow you, your pencil skirt suddenly feeling too tight. His eyes were on you. You could feel them burning a hole in your back. You reveled in the attention, feeling your nipples begin to harden against the lace of your bra. Thank god you hadn’t worn a white blouse today.
“Shipment ready to go?” You asked over your shoulder, hearing his heavy steps follow close behind. The rest of the Mayan crew were situated at tables, lining the traditional dresses of womanhood with your product.
“Yeah, tonight. As planned.” He supplied, gesturing to the box truck being loaded.
You nodded, pleased with the sight. You didn’t necessarily have to be here to facilitate, but you’d decided at the last minute to swing by. Bishop had things under control as usual. And you got to ogle him under the guise of management, though you were sure you were fooling no one.
“Good. You have any issues give me a call.” You recited dutifully. He nodded, that smirk still staring back at you as if he found the whole thing amusing.
“Will do.”
“Did they get the new patterns we sent over?”
Bishop nodded, rubbing at his facial hair. “Yeah, they’ve made some already. Wanna see?”
“Sure.” You said as you followed him this time. He led you to the back, a locked storage room your destination. It was practically deserted back there and you were glad for it.
Bishop opened the door and allowed you to pass before him, winking as you did. You smiled bashfully, trying hard to hide it. The door closed with a heavy thud behind you both as you made your way over the rack of dresses. Miguel had sent over a new sewing pattern for the ladies, the new design allowing for more product to be moved in one dress. You inspected the delicate craftsmanship, in awe of the women’s talent. It looked exactly how Miguel had wanted. He’d be pleased.
“All good, princesa?” Bishop’s deep voice sounded against your neck, his proximity a lot closer than you’d ever been to him before. You could feel the heat of him behind you, not pressing into you but close.
His words sent shivers down your spine, his nearness making a rush of adrenaline pool in your panties. His hot breath on your neck made your heartbeat journey down and stop right between your legs.
“Great. These look great.” You managed to say, voice now raspy with raw lust. You shifted your neck a fraction of an inch, allowing him more room. You were inviting him to take it further, assuring him you wanted to.
His fingertips danced along your waist, barely touching you but setting your skin ablaze all the same. He stepped closer, pressing himself against you. You gripped the dresses in desperation as his beard scraped at your neck. His lips didn’t move and you groaned in impatience. He only laughed.
“We don’t have time to fuck around, Bishop.” You bit out, trying to goad him into action.
Again he laughed, the chuckle tickling your skin and forcing your heart to beat double-time.
“Say it again.”
“What?” You asked in confusion, trying to comprehend what it was he was demanding of you.
“My name…say it again.”
You moaned in response, pushing your ass back against him. His words made your whole body feel drunk. Your limbs felt heavy. Your lips ached for his. Your lower half sought him out desperately. Your pussy clenched in need. Your nipples peaked against the fabric of your blouse. You wanted him. You wanted him bad.
“Obispo.” You purred, purposely using his legal name. You’d never heard anyone else call him that. The idea of you being the only one gave you a rush of power you hadn't realized you’d been searching for.
Silent elation flooded you at his quick intake of breath and the low groan that sounded seconds later. His fingertips no longer hovered, but instead latched onto your hips and held your ass to him. He cradled you against his hardening cock, the ridge of the zipper making you lean forward ever-so-slightly out of instinct. Bishop’s hips jutted in response, his excitement overflowing at seeing your bent position.
“Fucking shit…” He cursed, rough hands rubbing sensuously at your ass. “You sure you wanna do this?”
His hands were already drifting down to the hem of your skirt. You bent forward again, letting your ass push back into his stiff cock.
“Fuck yes…” You moaned, both in response and encouragement of his hands at your thighs. He pulled the constricting fabric of your skirt up, revealing your thighs and ass. He skimmed a hand over the flesh, pulling at the lace of your thong as he did so. The fabric caught on your clit, forcing a moan from you lips.
“Shhhh, preciosa.” Bishop gently chastised, his thick finger running from your lower back to the flooded slit between your thighs.
The sound of fabric ripping was ignored, the seam of one of the dresses you’d been gripping now split. The hangers strained against the weight of your hold, but you didn’t care. You needed the support against Bishop’s unrelenting hands. He teased your clit, dipping his fingers into your wetness and then back out again. His other hand groped your breast through the silk of your blouse, pinching your nipples with precision.
He was manipulating your body exactly how he needed. And you fell right into his clutches, letting him do as he pleased. You arched into his touch, you ass continuing to push back until he gave you what you needed.
“Bishop, please…”
His mouth attacked your neck, his tongue dancing along the flesh in erotic fashion. He soothed the burn left behind from his facial hair, lapping at you tenderly. He showed no signs of acknowledging your plea.
“Bishop, goddammit.” You cursed as the seconds passed by without his cock stuffing you full. He made no move to release himself from his jeans. His inaction forced you into action. Your hand left the dresses and reached behind you, feeling for the buckle on his jeans.
“What’re you doing?” He gritted out. He wasn’t stopping you, so you forged ahead.
“Knitting a sweater.” You deadpanned, failing to release his belt with one hand. “A little help?”
Devilish laughter filled your ears once again.
“Yes ma’am.”
You rolled your eyes in response. Bishop would use this occasion to address you as something other than the terms of endearment he’d been using. Something that denoted respect. 
A moan, loud and satisfying, left your lips at the feel of Bishop’s warm, hard flesh meeting yours. He’d finally pulled himself from his jeans, letting his cock sit dangerously close to your begging walls. You could feel the wetness already dotting the tip of him, the liquid smearing across your ass. You pushed back while he rutted against you, your bodies needy and seeking friction.
“Ready?” He asked, biting at your earlobe as he did. You could feel the weight of him pressing against your entrance, the head barely slipping past but already making your muscles burn. His hand was holding your panties to the side, affording him the perfect view.
“Yes. Do it.” You demanded breathlessly, jutting your ass out further. He let his cock slide against your opening, coating himself. Each pass caused him to bump your clit. You struggled to stay still, ready to implode from the inside out. Just when you were about to tell him to fuck off, he finally entered you.
“Fucking hell…”
You both released ragged curses at the joining of your bodies. You could feel him throbbing against your heat, feel the ridges of his thick cock as your walls squeezed around him. He nudged at your cervix, the angle ensuring you were about to get the most intense fucking you’d ever had. He began to move, sliding effortlessly in and out. Your pussy contracted, your climax already embarrassingly close.
“Harder.” You demanded, thankful that the racks you were supporting yourself on were cemented into the ground.
Bishop grunted, his hips acquiescing your request. He thrust so hard you almost went headfirst into the cement wall. He caught you though, his hand gripping your hip and keeping you mercilessly attached to him. You whimpered at the brute force of it, the tingles of euphoria getting stronger with each plunge.
“I can feel how close you are. Cum for me, querida.”
Your walls tremored in response, as if proving his statement. He growled, his hips faltering at your tightness. He let both of his hands come together at your hips, stabilizing you for his oncoming assault. You bit your lip, trying to keep your delirious moans at bay. The slap of skin reverberated throughout the room as he fucked you with all the savagery of a wild animal. Despite your effort, noises of extreme pleasure flew past your lips. You trailed a hand down to bathe your abandoned clit with attention. Within seconds you were coming.
“Shit, shit, shit…” You chanted as your entire body convulsed in intense waves, the orgasm so powerful that it felt like it lasted for hours. Your eyes were squeezed shut and all you could do was hope that Bishop kept his firm hold on you.
“Fuck baby…that feels fucking good.” He praised, letting you ride out your pleasure. You spasmed until your energy was drained and your mind had traveled back to earth. His touch still burned you, but in a much different way. You were utterly satiated and still yearning for more.
He resumed his movements only when he felt you lazily push back, signaling you were ready for him to continue. He started off slow once again, but sped up as he got closer to his own climax. Your pussy came to life once again, struggling to grasp against him as he thrust. Your release coated you both, making it difficult for him to stay buried inside you.
You hissed when he hit that intensely sensitive spot within you, forcing you to try and pull away. But he didn’t let you. Instead, he held you tighter while he thrust faster. The grip on your hips hurt, but the extreme pleasure between your thighs eclipsed it. You could feel his hips start to falter as he dived right off the cliff to join you.
Warm spurts of his cum filled you. The sensation was almost as fulfilling as your own orgasm. You felt his entire body tighten up before it released and practically went immobile. His hands drifted from your body, his cock barely inside you anymore with the abundance of moisture between the two of you. His breathing was ragged, coming out in rapid succession. He steadied you as you moved to straighten yourself, your legs now teetering on your heels. The sound of his belt buckle alerted you to his movements as you shifted your skirt back down. You were both attempting to appear as if you hadn’t fucked in a storage closet full of quinceañera dresses. And while you both were still on the clock.
You adjusted your blouse, tucking it back into your skirt. You met Bishop’s gaze, dead-set on not jeopardizing your working relationship. He cracked a lazy smile, showcasing his now sluggish mood. 
You laughed.
He joined in, shaking his head as he did. “Miguel’s gonna kill us.”
“Not if he doesn’t find out. You plan on calling him up to tell him?” You teased.
“Thought about it.” He shot back, the humor clearly displayed all over his face.
“And why would you do that?” You arched a brow and crossed your arms.
Bishop stepped into your space once again, licking his lips as he held your stare. You waited with baited breath, heart back to pounding wildly against your breast bone.
“To let him know I fucked you and he still hasn’t.” Bishop all but gloated.
“And what makes you think he hasn’t?” You replied with obvious attitude.
“The way he looks at you. That man hangs on your every word. It’s almost fucking sad.”
You blinked, not shocked by his observation, but still surprised. You and Miguel had a past. One that did not include you sleeping together though it had gotten close. You’d made it your own rule to never sleep with the men you worked with. It was imperative that they respected you. 
But Bishop had been different. Bishop had experience that made you feel like a novice with most things. You supposed that was the allure.
He pulled a cigarette from the pack hidden inside his leather. A silver lighter appeared from his jean pocket, the flame already dancing against the end of the stick in his mouth.
“Say a word of this and I’ll have you silenced in a heartbeat, El Presidente.” You warned. You knew he wouldn’t, but you could never be too careful. Men liked to think they were superior and above emotion, but they could be worse than any woman you’d ever known. Their dicks seemed to always get in the way of logic and the last thing you needed was a pissing contest to take place between the two alphas. 
Bishop paused, eyes narrowing at your obvious threat. He sucked in a mouthful of smoke and let it plume out and into your face. He laughed at your words, but you could still see the seriousness in his expression. But you didn’t back down. You may have just let him fuck you, but he wasn’t the one that signed your paychecks. Nor did you take orders from him. The cartel was bigger than him. And he knew that.  
“Oh, I have no doubt…princesa.”
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