#lorenzo berkshire concept
ervotica · 6 months
Dunno if you're still taking requests regarding the slytherin boys, but I'll try my luck soo I was thinking like maybe something about spending time with Enzo in one of the dorms while all the other slytherins are out in hogsmeade or whatever and just cuddling and all that sappy stuff??
In case you do write it, thank you so much <3
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pairing; lorenzo berkshire x fem!slytherin!reader
tags; established relationship, disgusting sappy toothache inducing fluff, very much calm!boyfriend x dramatic!girlfriend trope, shitty writing (sorry!)
The dorm is blissfully quiet; your rowdy bunch of friends have taken a day trip to Hogsmeade and Enzo has essentially glued himself to you, coaxing you to the common room to spend the day together.
And, well, you’re not going to complain. An entire uninterrupted day with your favourite boy in the world? How could you possibly object to that?
You sigh exaggeratedly and roll on the bed where you're sprawled next to him, pushing your lips out into a pout and blinking owlishly in that wide-eyed way you tend to when you want something; Enzo has always been particularly fond of your flair for the dramatic. His smile is soft in comparison, half-moon dimples pushing out of his perfect cheeks as he mimics your movements and comes to a stop mere inches from your face.
"What is it, my lover," he drawls in an awful attempt at some sort of Southern cowboy accent, a crooked finger tickling underneath your chin as though you're a cat. You seem to approve regardless.
"It's just not acceptable, Enzo!" you whine, throwing yourself onto your back in a mess of limbs and hair. He tilts his head, eyebrows raised and awaiting the continuation of your theatrical outburst. "We are not nearly close enough together. Look how much room there is between us!" You gesture wildly to the two inch gap separating you and him and feign distress, a hand clutched to your chest in faux shock.
"Come here then, sweet girl," he coos, hands reaching out to tug you up and into his arms. You settle between his thighs, chin propped against his chest as he gazes at you, tucking flyaways behind your ears when you wrap your arms around him. You scrunch your nose as he grazes it with the tip of his thumb devotedly and laughs.
"I love you." His fingers trail the expanse of your face; every crease and crevice, each bump and ridge and slope. He leaves nowhere without his gentle touch, his reverent worship.
You soften and rest your cheek against his warm shoulder, arms coming up to hook around his neck. You never feel like you're quite close enough with him, always wanting more, wanting to burrow inside of his very soul; everywhere you go, you always hunger after his touch- fingers interlinked, knees brushing chastely, a modest peck before you ever part from his company.
"I love you more," you murmur, promptly serious at his declaration. Your face gravitates towards him almost unconsciously and you're slotting your lips between his for a kiss. Once, twice, and then a long, lingering one before you rest your forehead against his, noses brushing.
"Don't ever leave me," you say suddenly. "I've never loved anyone like this."
This time he's the one to break the tension, squeezing you so tight you wheeze and pressing open mouthed kisses to every inch of skin he can reach. They're half-moon shaped, just like his dimples.
"Never," he mumbles into your skin, pulling the duvet over you as you snuggle further into his warmth. Your eyes are heavy.
By the time the rest of the group return from their outing, you're both sound asleep, wrapped in each other's arms. Enzo snores quietly and you're completely still, calm and content. It's the quietest your friends have ever seen you.
Enzo's your person. And your person calms the racing thoughts that spin in your mind. He allows you to relax in the cocoon of safety he's formed around you.
Pansy forces them all out of the dorm to let the pair of you sleep, and for that you are grateful.
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obsessedwithceleste · 2 months
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Mattheo Riddle Headcannons
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Being the son of the Dark Lord is no easy task. Obviously.
Growing up, Mattheo had very limited contact with other people, which stunts his social skills a lot, especially with his peers
Once he breaks out and has the ability to meet other people, he's 100% an extrovert because he feels like he has to make up for everything that he missed out on
Growing up alone though made him very independent and self sufficient
Lots of trust issues, lots of abandonment issues
But he's also very bad at picking up on social cues, and reading other people's emotions
He grew up being outwardly judged by everyone around him, which caused him to develop a sort of apathetic attitude as a buffer
This gives him a sense of freedom because if he doesn't care about other's opinions, he can do whatever he wants, they'll judge him either way, so why not do what makes him happy
Mattheo also has a deep internal rage
Like, level 11 out of 10 on the scale of anger issues
He bottles up all his emotions and frustration with the world, often lashing out and exploding at the smallest triggers
His frustration mostly stems from the fact that it's not fair that he's suffering for the actions of his father. Because at the end of the day, he's still innocent in all of it
This is also why he's particularly spiteful and disdainful of authoritarian figures
He simply doesn't owe them anything
At Hogwarts it's hard for him at first. It's pretty clear that he didn't have much of a childhood and that he was forced to grow up much too fast
And once again, he finds himself being judged by everyone, so nothing new
His biggest pet peeve is when someone complains about a minor "tragedy" from their childhood, because he's absolutely certain that he had it worse
Lowkey victim complex™️
He's able to eventually bond closely with Theodore Nott, sharing a lot of similar childhood trauma (we <3 trauma bonding) and surprisingly Lorenzo Berkshire who shares his fuck-all mentality
Many assume that he's a malicious bully, based solely on his last name, but he's really more of a chaos instigator
He rebels against authority and stands up for what he might find to be an injustice, but he'd never go after someone without cause
Hogwarts is one of the first places he's able to truly act his age
He joins the Slytherin quidditch team,
He's a beater (which is kind of therapeutic as it allows him to let out a lot of his anger)
Often skives off of class,
He's not book smart like Theo, but makes up for it with street smarts
And likes to pull Theo into the fray simply because he can
This is also how he gets his reputation for frequently sleeping around to put it nicely
Mattheo grew up with a distinct lack of affection from those around him which causes him to search out any hint of it that he can find
He doesn't really use girls per se, he just doesn't quite understand the concept of love
But when Mattheo falls, he falls hard
The first time he catches feelings, he's absolutely terrified that he's under the influence of a love potion
Very confused, very upset, and denies it to the ends of the Earth
But once he comes around, he's all in
He doesn't like to think of himself as jealous, just territorial.
Jealousy is when something isn't yours and you want it. But you belong to him, and he'll be damned if he doesn't defend his territory
He also isn't shy at all when it comes to PDA, simply because he wants everyone to know what's his
Definitely love bombs, but he doesn't know what that means
Won't bat an eye before hexing someone for looking at you too long (will act innocent and pretend it wasn't him)
Honestly probably would not be the best partner initially because he's so used to being independent
And would likely try to hide a lot of his anger and emotions from you because his biggest fear would be being judged by someone he loves
It would take a lot of time and effort to work through, but Mattheo would be willing to put in the work because he's determined to have the one thing his father never could
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
Can you please write a little something for enzo to do with a soulmate au, i adore your writing, thank you <3
Something Special
pairing - lorenzo berkshire x gn!reader
warnings - fluff
a/n - thanks for requesting 💕
wordcount - 673
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The city hummed with its usual cacophony of sounds as you navigated the crowded streets, lost in the rhythm of your own thoughts. The concept of soulmates had always seemed like a distant fairytaleto you, something reserved for the pages of romance novels. More and more of your friends had been running into their soulmate, but after waiting for so many years already, you had started to think it would never happen for you. But little did you know, destiny had other plans in store.
It was a serendipitous moment, amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, when you first laid eyes on him. He stood out from the crowd like a beacon of light. His presence was magnetic, drawing you in with an inexplicable force.
As you passed by, your eyes met his, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. It was as if the universe had hit pause, allowing you to bask in the warmth of each other's gaze. In that moment, you felt a stirring deep within your soul, a feeling you couldn't quite put into words.
It wasn't until later, as you sat alone in your favorite cafe, that the realization dawned upon you like the first light of dawn. You had actually seen soulmate, the missing piece of your puzzle that you had been searching for all along. The thought sent shivers down your spine, filling you with a sense of awe and wonder.
The bell above the cafe door chimed, signaling the arrival of a new patron. Glancing up from your seat, your heart skipped a beat as you saw him once again, standing there with that same captivating presence that had drawn you in earlier.
Your breath caught in your throat, disbelief washing over you like a tidal wave. Twice in one day, it seemed almost too good to be true. Was this some sort of cosmic joke, or had fate truly smiled upon you?
His eyes scanned the room, and when they met yours, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. It was as if he too couldn't believe the coincidence of crossing paths again so soon.
With trembling hands, you beckoned him over, unable to contain the rush of emotions coursing through you. As he approached, the air seemed to crackle with an electric energy, the universe itself conspiring to bring you closer together.
"Hey," you greeted him, your voice barely above a whisper, still awestruck by the sheer improbability of the moment. "What are the chances of running into you twice in one day?"
He chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Seems like fate has a funny way of bringing people together," he remarked, taking a seat across from you.
His charming smile widened as he settled into the chair opposite you, his gaze warm and inviting. "I suppose fate works in mysterious ways," he replied, his voice smooth like velvet. "But I'm not one to question it when it leads me to such delightful company."
His words sent a flutter through your chest, a rush of warmth spreading from the pit of your stomach to the tips of your fingers. It was as if every nerve in your body was attuned to his presence, resonating with a harmony that transcended mere coincidence.
"I'm Enzo, by the way," he continued, extending a hand across the table. "Enzo Berkshire.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you reached out to shake his hand, the simple act sending sparks flying between you. Your voice was barely a whisper as you struggled told him your own name.
Enzo's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he studied you, as if trying to unravel the secrets hidden beneath the surface. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said, his smile never faltering. "Perhaps fate has something special in store for us today."
And as you sat there, lost in conversation with your soulmate, the world around you seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of you in its wake.
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Enzo Taglist - @slytherinboysappreciation @urmomsgirlfriend1 @starsval @gillyweeds @sir-elian @harryslittlebitch @gayforyelena @whoreforfictionalmen18 @ravenclawprincess33 @sbrn0905 @helpimhopelesslyinlove @Yhiiil @themarauderswife7 @moonlightreader649 @ihatemyexs @chgrch @nat1221 @thestarlithideout @iamaslytherin0 @bath1lda @ohmaigwad @pinkposttragedy @allshitsangiggles @hoeforvinniehackerrr @mildly-delulu @h3artz4soph @sunasbbie @marsbars09 @vcosette @meepycheep @aglady13 @rinalouu @floswife @ariensversion @agent-tempest @s0urw00lf @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @pinkestfloyd @xlinxdax0704 @chulabeans @l0v3do11 @unstablereader @acourtoflostandwanderingstars @catiwinky @wolfstar-marvelsfan @captainstanksblog @istill-dream-ofyou @pinktreee @ceehance @lizhub @theadventuresofanartist @iamgayforyourmom1501 @feistyfox47 @nat1221 @i-think-you-are-gr8 @cas-planet @csmt_m @selyselyselyse @mrsriddles-blog @the-sylver-dragon @poppysrin @camille-1019 @laniirackssss @slvtfortheo @chosenoneslver @txzii @c0rnf1akessss @yourenogoodforme @opheliamalfoy236 @jeannie-beannie @starzioo @itsarajr @starsfortaylor
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leviosatothestars · 3 months
We’re going to ignore the fact that I absolutely forgot today is Remus’ birthday and instead I’m going to post something in honor of him :).
The concept of my fanfiction is how Tom Riddle/Voldemort’s reign had an affect on four different generations of women and the people they all loved. I’m white and grew up in a primarily white suburban town so I don’t feel like I’d be able to give women of color the justice they deserve, which is why the main characters are all white (Irish and Italian heritage).
People of color are prevalent in the story, including one of my other OCs and canonically POC in the Wizarding World. I don’t think anyone’s identities should be stripped from them, even if it’s a popular headcanon amongst the fandom and not canon.
Almost all of my OCs, even the ones that are not main characters, either are neurodivergent or have a disability and it plays a major role in their life because mental & chronic illnesses truly are that way. I myself am neurodivergent and chronically ill and I wanted more representation for people in these communities. It also doesn’t help that so many of the characters in the actual books/movies are obviously mentally ill and the “creator” (I will not say her name unless I’m ranting about how much I don’t like her) did not shine light onto how to help people with depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or any other mental illness.
I am also very anti Dumbledore and Snape and that’s prevalent in the fanfic as well. In my opinion, neither are good people, they are both very morally grey in a way that I cannot support (I say this because Mattheo Riddle is morally grey and I love him). I am a Percy Weasley supporter though and I hope people can understand why in my interpretation of him (he’s still very much like his canon self).
Oh, and most of the characters in my fanfic are LGBTQ+, including almost all of my OCs. In the Golden Trio era of the story there’s actually a friend group one of the main characters of that gen that’s only queer characters, from all four houses. That friend group holds a very special place in my heart because I’m sort of inspired by my hometown friend group.
I wanted my fanfic to have a heavier focus on characters that either didn’t not get enough attention in the movies or books or haven’t really in the fandom, such as: Oliver Wood, Emmeline Vance, Xenophilius Lovegood, Edgar Bones, Emma Vanity, Lucinda Talkalot, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Charlie Weasley, and Adrian Pucey. Fan favorites such as the Marauders, Fred & George Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire, Regulus Black, and the Valkyries make an appearance or are central to this story.
I began writing this fanfiction in 2020, which was when I first watched the movies (I am not a Draco girly though and missed out on most of Dracotok), so my interpretation on some of these characters may be different than most of the Marauders fandom. Over time, I have tried to include different pieces of the fandom’s headcanons on the Marauders era characters (and Theo), but it’s still not the same because it’s my interpretation.
Some point soon I plan on posting a list of every character that appears in the fanfiction, which is nowhere near finished because my mind hops between the four gens whenever I write 😂, and I will be categorizing them by their Hogwarts houses.
I am very excited to introduce you all to the family of women in this story, their friends, and their love interests as well as explaining the lore of this Pureblood house that is not part of the Sacred 28.
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jvpiterzs · 11 days
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𐙚 — ❛ CAFE MENU ❜ ˚⋆.
➤ ❝ i mainly write for f1 and riordan verse! i might write for more people in the future - especially for the riordan ones, so keep your eyes out! you can request people not included, but add another person to the request in case i refuse to write for them :) ❞
﹙the cafe // dishes // menu // barista board // old blog﹚
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to order/request, please be specific! request their name, trope, concept and anything else. if you're requesting a character that's different in the films and books [like percy for example], please lmk whether you want it canon-wise or film/series-wise. include a main aesthetic if you'd like as well for a mood board :) ex : can i please order a formula 1 meal? charles leclerc x reader, bsfs to lovers, assistant!reader. they do blah blah blah and the aesthetic is blah blah blah. even if my requests are closed, you can request for a second part and I might consider it. otherwise, requests are closed. if you have any questions, don't be shy to ask me! <3 if you break any of my rules, request for things i clearly stated that i wasn't comfortable with writing, "just write this, it's not that hard," hate towards anyone, then you can leave. please be patient when requesting. remember, i only write for fun, so it's not like a job. which means that i won't be able to write every minute of every day. please be specific when requesting. it'll help me get a better visual/thought of what you want me to write. please understand that I can't write every single request. i'll lyk if i can't write this request or if i don't feel comfy with writing it.
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﹟002 — RULES
— yes﹔long fics. blurbs. headcanons. fluff. smut. smau. female or gn reader. boy x girl. girl x girl. platonic or romantic. — no﹔anything that has any hate towards to ANY characters or drivers. person x oc. poly. disorders. sh. sa. incest.
﹟003 — ON THE MENU
— riordanverse﹔jason grace, annabeth chase, percy jackson, leo valdez, luke castellan. — formula one﹔kr7, sv5, jb22, fa14, cl16, cs55, op81, ln4, ls2, lh44, mv1, dr3, toto wolff. — harry potter﹔harry potter, hermione granger, cedric diggory, mattheo riddle, lorenzo berkshire, theodore nott, tom riddle.
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do not repost/copy any of my works on apps or websites.
all rights and credits go to the original owner of any images from my blog. most images are either from pinterest, discord, or made by ME.
this may be updated often in case of any mistakes or forgotten info.
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Irresistible https://ift.tt/EbWB9ms by Jtnuvdl Hermione Granger has changed a great deal during the summer after her fifth year at Hogwarts. With Sirius almost dying and Umbridge being in charge it was one hell of a year. Thing is over the summer she couldn't get her mind off of one person in particular, Draco Blood Malfoy. She cannot grasp the concept of why he was on her mind almost every day during summer, she only saw him like three times while she was out. She had to admit though over the years he's really grown into quite a handsome person. Draco Malfoy has also changed a lot during that summer but it wasn't for the good, he had recently had to get the death eater mark and become a full fledged servant for the dark lord. Draco still is second highest in his class, of course Hermione is still the first and Draco has taken a new found interest in Hermione but cannot be with her. Words: 3050, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Mattheo Riddle (yasmineamaro), Lorenzo Berkshire (babynaomi), Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Marissa Black(Own character) Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Toxic Draco Malfoy, toxic hermione granger, Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Declarations Of Love, Idiots in Love, Hate to Love, Hate Sex, Make up sex, Making Up, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Gryffindors Being Gryffindors via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/9GMCz4n May 03, 2023 at 11:52PM
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jvpiterzz · 1 month
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ requests are open .ᐟ
➤ ❝ i mainly write for f1 and riordan verse! i might write for more people in the future - especially for the riordan ones, so keep your eyes out! you can request people not included, but add another person to the request in case i refuse to write for them :) ❞ ➤ ❝ please remember that all of these are simply small blurbs and headcannons. you can request with a full prompt on my main blog if requests are open. you still may request when they aren't open, but please note that i may not write it. ❞
﹙masterlist || taglist || main blog || pinned post || guide﹚
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˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ how to request !! ꒱
if you'd like me to write for your favourite driver, request their name, trope, concept and anything else! include a main aesthetic if you'd like as well :) ex : can i request a charles leclerc x reader, best friends to lovers, assistant!reader
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˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ f1 ppl/drivers i write for !! ꒱
⭑ charles leclerc 16 ⭑ carlos sainz 55 ⭑ lando norris 4 ⭑ oscar piastri 81 ⭑ max verstappen 33/1 ⭑ daniel riccardo 3 ⭑ lewis hamilton 44 ⭑ logan sargeant 2 ⭑ kimi raikkonen 7 ⭑ jenson button 22 ⭑ sebastian vettel 5 ⭑ fernando alonso 14 ⭑ toto wolff
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ riordan verse characters i write for !! ꒱
⭑ jason grace ⭑ percy jackson ⭑ annabeth chase ⭑ leo valdez ⭑ luke castellan
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ hp characters i write for !! ꒱
⭑ mattheo riddle ⭑ theodore nott ⭑ lorenzo berkshire ⭑ tom riddle ⭑ harry potter ⭑ hermione granger ⭑ cedric diggory ⭑ luna lovegood
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ ships i write for !! ꒱
⭑ brocedes ⭑ percabeth
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ multiple x reader i write for !! ꒱
⭑ tbc . . .
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even if my requests are closed, you can request for a second part and I might consider it. otherwise, requests are closed. if you have any questions, don't be shy to ask me! <3
if you break these rules, request for things i clearly stated that i wasn't comfortable with writing, "just write this, it's not that hard," hate towards any drivers, then you can leave.
please be patient when requesting. remember, I only write for fun, so it's not like a job. which means that I won't be able to write every minute of every day.
please be specific when requesting. it'll help me get a better visual/thought of what you want me to write.
please understand that I can't write every single request. i'll lyk if i can't write this request or if i don't feel comfy with writing it.
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do not repost/copy any of my works on apps or websites.
all rights and credits go to the original owner of any images from my blog. most images are either from pinterest, discord, or made by ME.
this may be updated often in case of any mistakes or forgotten info.
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raikkxz · 5 months
ᯓ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ⑅ RULES .ᐟ.ᐟ
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★ — requests﹕closed
★ — taglist﹕open
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★ pinned post || ☆ taglist || ★ rules || ☆ main masterlist
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˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ how to request !! ꒱
if you'd like me to write for your favourite driver, requ est their name, trope, concept and anything else! ex : can i request a charles leclerc x reader, best friends to lovers, assistant!reader
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˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ what/who i write !! ꒱
⭑ f1 ⭑ hp ⭑ blurbs ⭑ headcanons ⭑ fluff ⭑ smut ⭑ boy x girl ⭑ age gap (not super big tho.) ⭑ social media au ⭑ person x female reader ⭑ kinks (not super kinky.)
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ what i don't write !! ꒱
⭑ angst (maybe if im in an angsty mood, but otherwise, no) ⭑ anything that has any hate towards to ANY drivers. ⭑ driver/person x oc (i only write person x reader - unless it's a ship) ⭑ eating disorders ⭑ self-harm ⭑ mental/physical illness ⭑ incest
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˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ drivers i write for !! ꒱
⭑ charles leclerc 16 ⭑ carlos sainz 55 ⭑ lando norris 4 ⭑ oscar piastri 81 ⭑ max verstappen 33/1 ⭑ daniel riccardo 3 ⭑ lewis hamilton 44 ⭑ logan sargeant 2 ⭑ kimi raikkonen 7 ⭑ jenson button 22 ⭑ sebastian vettel 5 ⭑ fernando alonso 14 (these are the drivers i feel comfy with writing, i might do other drivers tho)
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ other f1 related people i write for !! ꒱
⭑ toto wolff
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ pjo characters i write for !! ꒱
⭑ luke castellan ⭑ percy jackson ⭑ annabeth chase ⭑ leo valdez ⭑ jason grace ⭑ clarrise la rue ⭑ will solace ⭑ frank zhang ⭑ hazel levesque ⭑ magnus chase ⭑ piper mclean (probably more but those are js my main ones)
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ hp characters i write for !! ꒱
⭑ mattheo riddle ⭑ theodore nott ⭑ lorenzo berkshire ⭑ tom riddle ⭑ harry potter ⭑ hermione granger ⭑ cedric diggory ⭑ luna lovegood ⭑ ginny weasley (probably more too but these also are js my main ones)
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ mcu characters i write for !! ꒱
⭑ peter parker (spiderman) | any film/actor ⭑ stephen strange (doctor strange) ⭑ tony stark (iron man) ⭑ steve rogers (captain america) ⭑ thor odinson ⭑ natasha romanoff (black widow) ⭑ wanda maximoff (the scarlet witch) ⭑ bucky barnes ⭑ loki ⭑ gamora ⭑ peter quill (star lord) ⭑ miles morales (more but are js my main ones)
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ x-men characters i write for !! ꒱
⭑ alex summers (havok) ⭑ scott summers (cyclops) ⭑ jean grey (dark phoenix) ⭑ james/logan howlett (wolverine) ⭑ charles xavier (professor x) | before x-men: apocalypse ⭑ erik lehnsherr (magneto) ⭑ raven (mystique) (more but are js my main ones)
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ ships i write for !! ꒱
⭑ brocedes
˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ — ꒰ multiple x reader i write for !! ꒱
⭑ tbc
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even if my requests are closed, you can request for a second part and I might consider it. otherwise, requests are closed. if you have any questions, don't be shy to ask me! <3
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if you break these rules, request for things i clearly stated that i wasn't comfortable with writing, "just write this, it's not that hard," hate towards any drivers, then you can leave.
please be patient when requesting. remember, I only write for fun, so it's not like a job. Which means that I won't be able to write every minute of every day.
please be specific when requesting. it'll help me get a better visual/thought of what you want me to write.
please understand that I can't write every single request. i'll lyk if i can't write this request or if i don't feel comfy with writing it.
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do not repost/copy any of my works on apps or websites.
all rights and credits go to the original owner of any images from my blog. most images are either from pinterest, discord, or made by ME.
this may be updated often in case of any mistakes or forgotten info.
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frost-queen · 10 months
Can you do some story's of the Slytherin boys specifically Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire
I can try if you could give me some concepts or is it totally up to me?
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silviascorcella · 7 years
Fashion Conversation: LEE WOOD - L72
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Contemplare le sue creazioni, e intanto scoprire dalle sue parole garbate quel che racchiudono, regala la soffusa sensazione di trovarsi come di fronte ad un’opera di pittura intimista, dove le composizioni quiete di luce morbida e colori nitidi sono invero un loquacissimo sguardo sulla realtà. 
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Lui è Lee Wood e il suo brand L72 rappresenta un’avventura stilistica molto recente, ma che ha già conquistato il vasto plauso del pubblico e trionfato, tra le altre, sulla pregiata passerella di Who is On Next? 
La sua moda racchiude percorsi compositi che per buona parte si sono svolti al fianco di Donatella Versace. Una moda che oggi si racconta attraverso la più nobile e sovversiva forma di lusso: la libertà.
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Going through his creations, and in the meantime discovering from his nice words what they encompass, makes you feel like being in front of a piece of intimist art painting, where the quiet combinations of tender light and vivid colors are indeed a very eloquent glaze on reality. He is Lee Wood and his brand L72 represents a very recent stylistic adventure, but that has already won the ample plaudit of the public and triumphed on the prestigious stage of Who Is On Next? contest. His fashion universe embraces multi-faceted paths, that to a great extent took place alongside Donatella Versace. A fashion universe that today reveals itself through the noblest and most subversive kind of luxury: freedom.
Tell us about yourself and your background: when did the very first encounter with fashion happen and how did it become your professional way? I’m English, born and raised in the countryside near Reading, in the Berkshire county, along the famous River Thames. After the compulsory education I decided to start following my artistic path by entering The Berkshire College of Art & Design, where I studied art, fashion and design. So, when I was 19, I decided to move to London in search of a job and new horizons. I remember two incisive moments concerning my approach in fashion: the first one, when I was a child and my mum, coming back from a ski holiday, was wearing a custom-made dove gray mink coat. That was the first time I ever saw anything like that closely, and that, especially, I could even touch it. So my mum, all proud, showed me the lining with her initials jacquard-woven … I couldn’t believe it, it seemed like a miracle! The second moment was when I went with my mother (it’s always her fault!) to the hairdresser: while waiting for her turn, she was reading some fashion magazines and I gazed at those pictures so glossy, so impeccable, so far from my world, and my mind ran formulating a thousand ideas and as many thoughts. My career began in London, when I started to be the assistant of the stylist David Thomas: it’s thanks to him that one night I had the chance to meet Kinder Aggugini that, in his turn, introduced me to Donatella Versace.
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How, why and with what style vision was your label L72 born? My brand comes from my urge to give voice to my personal aesthetic. I’m a reserved person, rather quiet and loner, but inside me my imagination continuously creates, wherever I am and all hours of the day. I’m like a Marcello Piacentini’s building: rigorous, symmetrical, neat, but with the interiors designed by Lorenzo Castillo. After 16 years at Versace, I felt the need for trying new creative ways. I had decided to open my own design consulting studio in 2013 when, while I was making some samples for promoting my activity, I realized that I was subconsciously laying the foundation of my own line. I spoke with different people and friends within the sector and the feedback was more than positive, everybody said I was crazy! I was happily surrounded by products speaking a common language, that could be a total look, without even thinking of it, it was pure instinct. Thus, the things that had been existing in my fantasy for years became concrete and my vision became real. At that point I could not come back anymore !
Your own creative world is instinctual, beauty is a personal point of view, materials are the issue of experimentations and entrepreneurship is essential: what do these elements entail and how does their harmony happen in your fashion? For me everything is connected, I’m always present in my job and in every planning phase of the creative path. I don’t like staying at the desk, I prefer staying around instead, with the suppliers, at the studios, with the printer, at the photography studio to work together and “get my hands dirty” with the people helping me to realize my dream. And it’s thanks to them too, their energy, experience and diligence, if today I am here: every day I learn something new, and this is my nourishment. Today being creative is not enough, unfortunately: our world has become too much complicated and contradictory. You can’t create if you don’t have a support structure; you can’t have a support structure if you don’t have the resources and if you don’t have the resources you can’t make a production that would allow you to produce the next season … as they say in Italy “a dog chasing its own tail”! The expectations have become so much high and strict, accompanied by a very frantic pace of life, that there is a strong risk of implosion. Today a fashion designer must be also a manager, director, sales representative, and self-assistant: that’s crazy! I pay attention to the business and numbers: I’ve been working for 22 years as a salesman and creative director, I would be fool if I wasn’t concerned with the business aspect too, I have a lot of experience and I’d like to improve more and more, but doing things right takes a lot of time and energy and I often find myself leaving the creative part aside for the nights or weekends, when the rest of my world rests and grants me the silence and peace I need to think clearly. My instinct is strong, when I draw my first thought is always the right one for me: if I linger on too much developing  and redrawing, I always end up going back to the beginning. I love neat and graphic fashion, the proportions and the blending of male and female: a sort of “uniform for the future”, a combination of history and street.
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Describe your last collection: what kind of inspiration does it originate from and how does this imagery take tangibly form within the creations? The spring/summer collection is called “Primary”: the concept of starting from zero. Last February (2015) I launched my brand with an exclusive press presentation, the project was called “Collection Zero: Non Conditioned”, so I was really starting from zero for the summer production. It’s a journey inside my childhood, moments where I became aware of the world I was in, a pure and instinctive approach, when colors enthralled me and at the same time taught me the chromatic circle, that the primary colors, red, yellow and blue were the main base for all the color blocks, like when I was a kid and I played with Legos, or rather I had fun organizing them by color. I thought to juxtapose this idea of nostalgia with a reflection on the expression of the time we’re living in, so it’s not only a mere memory of my naïf world. I added an embroidery made of real mini-disks: a while ago we used to think that CDs and mini-disks were so futuristic, but today almost no one touches music anymore, CDs have already turned old and young people think they’re something outdated. Our world changes so quickly and the primary colors of that time, my RGB, today are different because our reality is enclosed in a 2.0 world that broadcasts images and colors through the light. Today the main colors are red, green and blue. Ultimately, between a picture you hold in your hand or the same picture that you can see by Internet apparently nothing changes, but I know that the base is truly different.
One name inside and one outside the fashion world you would love to work with? Inside the fashion world I would really love to collaborate with Melanie Ward. I already had the chance to meet her and work with her when she was working with Versace: I really love her style, she’s English like me, and I think that her sensibility marries beautifully with my aesthetic. Whereas, outside the fashion world I’d say Olafur Eliasson, the Danish artist, I think he’s absolutely brilliant. His works begin with a different perspective on our world through lights, colors and science. They’re studies involving the environment to emphasize “hyper reality” concepts: his art captivates me, moves me, amazes me and destabilizes me at the same time, but gladly. I get a powerful and harmonious vibe from it, but with strong social messages.
Beauty will save the world, a renowned quote holding some truth for those who create fashion: what is your ideal about beauty? Will beauty really save the world? How can we categorize beauty in order to realize, then, if that kind of “beauty” could be our salvation? It’s so compelling, personal, it doesn’t mean we want to rely on beauty as if it was a religion, hell no! As for me, the idea of beauty must be dissected and employed depending on the subject. The proportions of a dress, the finishing of a table, a woman walking on the street, the sound of an instrument, things that people may even not like, meanwhile. But we all have our point of view, luckily! Perfection doesn’t exist, thank goodness; here’s what I think is good, the fact that imperfections exist and when we’ll be aware and at peace with this thought, we’ll finally get free from the so called “classic standards” that only bother me. I think nature gets close to perfection, it has its own balance that makes it unapproachable and mystical; but then the human being arrives and thinks he can enhance it, but he only makes disasters, as he often does for himself trying to reach “beauty”. Last summer I worked with MEG for her tour where she featured the album “Imperfezione”: we hit it off, we have several things in common. In an interview she states “I suddenly realized that the possible takes place within the imperfection and not within perfection, that is an abstract world, strict, an archetype, always the same as itself” and this is what we must convey to the world, the diversity, and teach the young people to accept themselves and their neighbor. This is my idea of beauty. A nice, respectful, natural creature.
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If I say “imitation of life” (the theme of this Hachi Mag issue n.d.r.): what comes into your mind? I believe that what we’re living is an “imitation of life”. There’s something so insane in our today’s world that I can not think otherwise. I don’t think that this can be considered life, but that we’re literally surviving. We’re conditioned, directed, fed, driven by people and mechanisms that don’t want our prosperity. The world has turned into a game of powers and abuses and our lives are put on the line to bolster a media spectacle that can make us believe the unbelievable, and keep us quiet. As for me, life is something else.
Among the accolades received and the exquisitely personal dreams: what are your projects for the future? My first thought is to continue working, learning and living the best life I can: maybe this is a little fanciful vision, but it’s true. For my brand, I would be able to develop a well-established business that can create the L72 lifestyle by extending the product categories in order to include various licences. Then, if I could dream, think freely without any limits … I would love to buy a plot of land in the countryside and build a brand new home where I could live in complete peace with a lot of animals, where I could finally resume my love of horseback riding and keep on creating from a studio overlooking the hills.
Silvia Scorcella
[Published on Hachi Magazine issue n°4]
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