#losin my absolute mINd
devildomwriter · 6 months
Every “I Love You” Vol 1-4
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Lucifer: “I love you. Truly and deeply.”
Lucifer: “I never knew I could feel this way. I never knew I had such passion inside me. MC…I love you.”
28-19 (2)
Lucifer: “MC, I love you. Well, we may not be on stage now, but I’m happy to say it again. As many times as you’d like. I love you, MC. Truly and deeply…”
Lucifer: “I love you, MC. Truly. As much as I’d like my memory back, and to remember everything that’s happened, there’s something I want even more… I want to know how you feel about me.”
38-9 (2)
Lucifer: “I love you, too. With all my heart. How many times have I told you that before? Because I want to tell you so many more times that my old self did. …In fact, no matter how many times I might say it, I feel like it will never be enough. I love you, MC. Kiss me. If I told you that I actually feel jealous of the old me, would you laugh…?”
Lucifer: “I love you, MC. There’s no need to say goodbye. Because we’ll see each other again. Soon.”
Lucifer: “I love you… It’s strange… We haven’t been apart long at all, yet it feels like it’s been a century. Why is that?”
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Mammon: “MC…! You’re the best! You never let me down, and it’s just…amazing! YOU’RE amazing! I love you, MC! More than I’ve ever loved anyone!”
29-12 (2)
MC: “…?!”
Mammon: “I want to [CENSORED], [CENSORED], and [CENSORED] like there’s no tomorrow!”
Mammon: “Like, what it I accidentally let it slip that I love you, huh?!”
Mammon: “I love you so much it’s crazy! Like, so much that my stomach fills with butterflies and my heart jumps out of my chest! I think about you all the time, even when you’re not around! Like, I feel like I’m losin’ my mind!”
Mammon: “And I like you, MC. …I love you, actually. So, what about you? Come on, say you feel the same way, MC.”
Mammon: “Yeah…I love you too. Like, so much it’s crazy. I mean I love Lucifer and my other brothers too. I love ‘em to death, honestly. But with you it’s different. It’s special…”
Mammon: “Dammit! Like I could ever really say that to you! I love you MC! And I’ll NEVER break up with you, okay?! NEVER!”
Mammon: “I love you, MC! And I’d take you over money any day!”
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Leviathan: “Um…listen, MC… …Thanks. I love you, too. And I really appreciate that you’d say that to me. But that’s also why I want to learn to take pride in myself. Because I want you to love me even more than you already do…”
Leviathan: “…Ugh, what do I do? I’m not so sure I want to let you go after all. You’d better leave before I change my mind. Oh, but make sure to come back once you’re done with whatever it is, okay? …I love you, MC.”
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Satan: “Mm, it finally feels real now. You really are back. I love you, MC. Welcome home.”
Satan: “After all, you already have me. I’m yours, and you’re mine. Isn’t that right? I love you, MC…”
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Asmodeus: “Hehe, I knew that already. I love you too, MC. Though I think I’d rather have you tell me that while lying next to me in bed.”
Asmodeus: *sigh* “Oh, wow. All you did was kiss me, and I feel like I’ve died and gone to the Celestial Realm…! I love you, MC… I love you more than anything!
Asmodeus: “Mmhm… I feel the same way. I love you too, MC. I absolutely adore you!”
Asmodeus: “Hehe. I love you, MC. So much it’s crazy…”
Asmodeus: “Oh MC! I love you SO MUCH!”
Asmodeus: “Whaaat? You mean I can’t kiss you? Ugh, you’re so meeean! Still, I just can’t help loving you! I love you SO MUCH, MC!”
Asmodeus: “MC, does that mean you believe me? Hehe, you’re absolutely adorable. I love you so much, MC!”
Asmodeus: “I love you SO MUCH. More than words can describe…”
Asmodeus: “I love you so much, I can barely contain myself… Ugh, I can’t take this any longer…”
Asmodeus: “Wait, are you saying I don’t need to use my powers on you? You just find me naturally charming? Oh MC, you’re SO sweet! I love you to death!”
Asmodeus: “MC, you’re so adorable. I love you, and I’m going to miss you so much. It’s going to be unbearable…”
Asmodeus: “Hehe, thank you! Oh MC, there aren’t even words to describe how much I love you.”
Asmodeus: “I thought I’d use my butt to express just how I feel about you, MC. I love you, and I want you to know it.”
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Beelzebub: “Mm… …Okay, I was wrong. I don’t actually like you. I love you.”
Beelzebub: “You remember when I gave you my star, right? And now here you are giving ME a star… I promise that I’ll always treasure it. Always and forever… I love you, MC.”
Beelzebub: “Well, it’s the same with me. You’re always on my mind. I love you, MC…”
Beelzebub: “I’ve been waiting so long to do this… For it to be just the two of us alone… I love you, MC…”
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Belphegor: “But even if you go back to the human world, I’ll always love you, MC. Because there’s no one else like you anywhere. Not in the Devildom, not in the Celestial Realm, not in the human world.”
Belphegor: “I love you, MC. You have no idea how much…”
Belphegor: “Come on, try to keep still. …Here, let me put my arms around you. I love you, MC. …I love you so much, it’s crazy.”
Belphegor: “I mean, I can’t go to sleep now. Not when it would mean missing out on this… I love you, MC…”
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Simeon: “Here, let me look into your eyes. I love you, MC… The question is, how do you feel about me?”
Simeon: “You know that one song that’s been really popular with everyone at RAD lately? Well, it sums up how I feel about you perfectly. It goes like this. “I was wandering, hurt, lost in an endless night, and you reached out to me… Nestled against each other, we wished that morning would never come. No one can know, no one can know. But I love you so deeply it hurts”…”
Simeon: “I can’t tell you how long I’ve been hoping to hear you say that. Thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you, MC.”
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Diavolo: “If you’d be okay with it, I’d actually like it if we could do this sort of thing more often. You know, spend more time together. I’m just going to come out and say it, MC… The truth is…I love you
Diavolo: “I love you so much. You’re so, so precious to me that I can barely take it. Can I kiss you?”
Diavolo: “I love you, MC. And I’m so happy to know you feel the same way about me. Thank you.”
Diavolo: “Well, even if you don’t have feelings for me, that doesn’t change how I feel about you. I still love you
Diavolo: “It’s hard getting you alone. After all, wherever you go, Lucifer and his brothers are sure to be nearby. But right now I have you all to myself… I love you, MC…”
1. Asmodeus (13)
2. Lucifer/Mammon (9)
3. Diavolo (5)
4. Beelzebub/Belphegor/Simeon (4)
5. Leviathan/Satan (2)
6. Solomon/Thirteen/Barbatos/Mephistopheles/Michael/Raphael (0)
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the-fab-fox · 7 months
Hey guys! It's November!
I'm still in very big need of this funding. In order to get a good job that I can work and make decent money at, I need my car. This is super important so that I can get back to making money that will allow me to not work paycheck to paycheck.
I am also in need of funds for my cats so they can get their antibiotics. That money in having sent to my PayPal (so if you want to give money to my two baby kitties you can do so to PayPal at [email protected]). Just put in the note that that's what it's for.
If you want to give but don't want to go through PayPal, you can send it to PayPal at [email protected] as well, just put a note it's for the GoFundMe charity.
Either way. I just want to say how grateful and humbled I am to have received the help I have. And I'm also grateful to anyone who gives this month and onward. Y'all have helped to restore my faith in humanity and I absolutely plan to pay it forward once I'm back on my own two feet again.
Thank you! Please consider donating if you have a bit extra you don't mind going to a good cause. Thank you, thank you! And please reblog this post if you don't mind. Thank you kindly!
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leaderoffestivals · 1 month
Harukawa Sora FS2 4*: Way of the Finishing Move
Sora: HuHu~! This achievement is only possible thanks to everyone here at SHIN. Sora can call himself a Finishing Move Master now~ ♪
Scenario Writer: Kanata Haruka  Season: Winter   Characters: Harukawa Sora, Mikejima Madara. Kiryu Kuro, Amagi Hiiro, Morisawa Chiaki, Nagumo Tetora
< In the Training Room.>
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Sora: Please help Sora out with training. Thank you so much!
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Madara: Yep, that’s the situation right there! I hope everyone can come together to help Sora-san achieve his wish, somehow ☆
Tetora: No, wait. Even if you say “That’s the situation right there”, I haven’t the foggiest clue what the situation is at all… … 
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Chiaki: I'm in the same boat too. However, it’s the duty of a hero to help those in need. If Harukawa wishes to train with me, I’ll be his training partner for however long it takes!
Kuro: Hmm. I don’t mind either, but can we at least know why you want to train with us? 
One can’t really train without knowing what the goal is, after all. 
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Sora: Yes! Sora REALLY wants to master a finishing move! It’s the Forward Downward Diagonal Punch~ (2) ♪
Hiiro: Hmm? What’s a forward downward diagonal punch? Is it a kind of spell or something? 
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Tetora: OH! Could it be a command from that fighting game? You know, the famous one!
Kuro: Oh, that one, huh? The one that’s surprisin'ly tricky to execute properly. I see, I get what you’re talkin’ about now. 
Any guy would wanna try imitatin’ the techniques they see in manga and games at least once. 
Harukawa, you probably want to try out the moves you’ve been usin' in yer fighting games, am I right? 
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Sora: HaHa~! Bin~go, Red Onii-san. Sora will award you a flower seal~ (3)
In the beginning, Sora tried asking Shisho and Senpai for advice, but they’re not very knowledgeable about martial arts at all.
That’s why Sora ended up practising in the dorm room while looking at the game screen, you know~?
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Madara: Hahaha. And when I came back and saw Sora-san performing a strange dance in our dorm room, I couldn’t help joining in the dance as wellll ♪
Sora: Urgh. It’s not a dance, okay~. It’s a Finishing Move!
Madara: Whoops! Sorry, my bad! You’re absolutely right. Anyway, that’s the reason why I invited you here after seeing you so worked up about it after all. 
Everything has a purpose and place. If it’s a place to practise martial arts you need, then there's no better place for you than SHIN after aaall!
Madara: Now then. For that reason, once again—Would everyone be willing to help Sora-san fulfil his wish? 
Great! It seems like everyone is willing to lend a hand! Well then, let us start our Circle activities without delay ♪
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Tetora: Now, Sora-kun, try loosening your fists a little. Don’t rely solely on your fists to strike—try twisting your hips to inject more power into your punch! 
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Sora: Got it! TAKE! THAT! And THAT! 
Chiaki: Whoa, you're looking good! Those punches of yours have some serious power behind them ♪
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Sora: HiHi~! Punching rhythmically like this makes it feel like Sora’s playing a fun music game! It’s almost as if Sora can see the notes coming in from the front, huh~?
TAKE! THAT! And THAT! Sora will be trying his best to aim for a Full Combo now ♪
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Kuro: Oi, oi. You shouldn’t be losin’ yer focus and thinkin' of other games during warmup, should you?
If you get too carried away, you’ll run outta steam and bonk before achievin’ yer goal, Harukawa. 
Sora: You’re right! Thank you, Red Onii-san. Sora will remember that since Sora doesn’t have much stamina.
However, doing this is so much fun, it feels like Sora’s health is actually being replenished instead~ ♪
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Madara: HAHAHA! Sora-san seems perfectly warmed up nowww!
Let's strike while the iron is hot! Now that warm-up is done, shall we move on to the training for your Finishing Move? 
Sora: Yes, please! Sora will be in your care!
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Tetora: Anyway, for those who are unfamiliar with fighting games, I’ve managed to find a video demonstrating the technique. 
Madara: Oh, that’s helpful. … … Hmm, hmm. I see nowww. It’s that kind of move, huh? 
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Madara: Hm~mm. Performing this move leaves you wide open for a counterattack, doesn’t it? It doesn't seem very practical for actual combat at aaall.
Hiiro: Hmm. I agree with Madara-senpai. The part where you jump after landing a fist on the opponent's chin is totally unnecessary. 
If your attack misses, you won’t be able to dodge while in mid-air, and end up exposing your flank and other vulnerable areas. 
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Kuro: Oi, oi, you guys. Stop goin’ outta yer way to say things to crush Harukawa’s dream. 
Chiaki: Exactly, you two. Saying stuff like that feels like you’re interrupting a hero’s transformation scene!
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Tetora: Moves like these are cooler when they’re hot-blooded and flashy, aren’t they? It’s so not cool to rain on other people’s parades!
Anyway, Sora-kun, could you show us the Finishing Move you’ve got now? We won’t be able to give proper advice until we know what needs fixing, right? 
Sora: Got it! Sora will show you his punch at full power~! Here it goes… … 
HaHa! Forward Downward Diagonal Punch~ ♪
Tetora: Here, I’ve recorded Sora-kun’s move as it is now. Let's take a look at it. 
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Sora: Hm~mm? There’s no force behind it at all~. This isn’t a Finishing Move, it’s just an ordinary jump. 
Sora has a long, long way to go after all~. What in the world is Sora doing wrong, Sora wonders? 
Hiiro: Well, I think your small size is a major reason why you lack power, Sora-kun. The person using this move in the game is very muscular, after all. 
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Madara: That’s true, but having a small build doesn’t mean one can’t generate an impact, right? With a little technique, even small things can be made to appear huge, you knowww? 
And Chiaki-san, with his rich experience in hero shows and stunt work, should be able to offer some insights on how to achieve that, riiight ♪
Chiaki: Ahaha… I think the same could be said of you, Mikejima-san. 
However, it’s true that I can give some advice based on my experience to you.
The key idea to remember is—to contract when needed, and to extend when needed. 
For instance, right before jumping, you should fully contract to gather as much power as you possibly can—
—and then unleash all that power at the moment of the jump, extending fully into the punch as you connect with your opponent’s chin. 
If you do that, you’ll have an impressively flashy uppercut! 
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Sora: Hm~mm? Um… … So, contracting fully before extending—?  
Tetora: Ahaha. Morisawa-senpai just dumped a bunch of unexpected theory on you, huh. It’s detailed, but then, it might be hard to understand this advice just by listening. 
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Kuro: In that case, why don’t I demonstrate what that means for ya? Pay close attention, Harukawa—
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Tetora: WOW! As expected of you, Taishou! That was incredibly powerful just now!
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Sora: Yes! It felt like the character from the game was right in front of our eyes!
Kuro: Haha, thanks fer the compliment. But more importantly, did you understand how the move works from what you saw just now, Harukawa?
Sora: Yes, Sora has got it perfectly~. Sora will give it a go, so please watch carefully! Here it goes~~
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Sora: Urm, how was that? Did Sora manage to perform the Finishing Move properly just now? 
Chiaki: That’s amazing, Harukawa! That was powerfully and perfectly done!
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Hiiro: Umu! I felt a powerful intensity that made me instinctively raise my guard just now!
Oh, I get it. The key to this technique lies in this very intensity. With such an effect, there’ll be no opportunity for the opponent to attack Sora-kun's exposed flank or back because their guard will be raised high despite themselves!
Sora: HuHu~! This achievement is only possible thanks to everyone here at SHIN. Sora can call himself a Finishing Move Master now~ ♪
AH! However, there are still many Finishing Moves Sora has not mastered yet, so it might still be too early for Sora to call himself a Finishing Move Master now, huh… …? 
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Madara: Hoho~! It appears there are still many techniques Sora-san wishes to learn about!
This is a good opportunity, so let’s practise other Finishing Moves today as well~ 
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Sora: In that case, let’s all fire out Energy Blasts together! It’s Down Diagonal Forward Punch~ (4) ♪
Kuro: Harukawa, that’s hella impossible, even fer me… …
The End
Translator’s notes: 
必殺技 (hi-satsu-waza) in the title: Sure-kill-technique or finishing move in computer games.  
Sora is saying the controller commands which will activate the 昇龍拳 ShoRyuKen in the fighting game, Street Fighter.
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3. Sora says 花丸 Hanamaru here: This refers to the encircled flower seal (equivalent to a gold star) JP teachers award to children for good work at school. It looks like this.
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4. Sora just suggested that everyone perform the 波動拳 Hadouken in Street Fighter.
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5. It's not proofed, so if you spot anything and/or wish to give feedback, please DM me.
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shoezuki · 7 months
i love posts on here that are like 'here's the proper way to write/use certain words/format/what a paragraph should be' etcetcetc and how the replies are always people like OH MY GOD WHY WASNT I TAUGHT THIS IN SCHOOL????
because its always so obvious that like. the ppl who make those post almost always just read fanfiction. like
this is specifically about that post i saw that was like 'dont make ur paragraphs long you should cut it up so its more like individual seperate sentences w a space in between' and ppl in the replies losin it about how Amazing this is and im like. losing my mind cuz believe it or not. if you open up a book, you will find longass paragraphs. i have a book beside me i am studying from and there's pages that are just one or two paragraphs entirely.
its jus so funny to me and sometimes frustrating cuz ppl on here tend to spout methods of writing common to fanfics as Hard Rules in literature but its not. its absolutely not oh my gofdfkhglshg
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iamadequate1 · 5 months
Black Pete vs Izzy (Pt 3)
This is a continuing meta where I am listing out similarities (and differences) that I see between Black Pete and Izzy. Again, mind the "Izzy Critical" tag as I do not engage with canyon fanon. If this bothers you.... to block tags: Blog Options > Account > Content you see > Filtered tags.
Part 1, Part 2, Buttons tangent
#4: Pete and Izzy both romanticize the Legend of Blackbeard and overstate their importance to it
Pete is our beginning hype machine in the series for Blackbeard as he introduces the second episode.
Pete: But it was too late. Blackbeard was upon 'em. History's greatest pirate, and my former boss.
Did Pete actually meet Ed before he came aboard The Revenge? Who's to say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pete's actual involvement with Blackbeard, we don't know. It was a joke (from Jenkins?) that he was on the crew for just one morning, but we all know how Pete represented it from his story in this beginning hype monologue:
Pete: And then Blackbeard was like... Blackbeard: You saved my hide, Pete. I am forever in your debt. Pete: Just happy to be on the team, Blackbeard. Blackbeard: From this day onward, you'll be known as the Dread Black Pete, my right-hand man.
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In his story, he's a one man killing machine! He's so spectacular that Ed instantly promotes him. (Aside: Calico Jack saved Ed's life. Did he get to be right-hand man for a day??)
When Ed first comes aboard The Revenge and any of Pete's lies can easily be uncovered, Pete still keeps talking Blackbeard up. He's committed to the bit.
Pete: I bet he's saying something genius. He's history's most brilliant tactician. I wonder if he'll recognize me. Lucius: You know, I thought he'd be taller.
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For Izzy, I'm going to start with his frustrated outburst in 1x4 (after Ed and Stede come on to deck with their Clothes Swap) since it has the most interesting things I can point back to.
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The first line I am going to look at:
Izzy: When you tasked me with trackin' that absolute idiot, I did that, no questions asked. And when we traced him to a Spanish warship, I attacked that ship, losin' several of our men by the way.
Seriously, bro? We saw your response to tracking Stede in the previous episode.
Izzy: Captain, we're a few hundred yards out from The Revenge. Ed: Nice. Very good. Love that. Izzy: Honestly, I really don't think this Bonnet is worth your time. Ed: Hm. So, he's a fancy man with a fancy ship, and he travels with a brigade of imbeciles. Do I have that right? Izzy: Yes, I suppose you could put it -- Ed: And he bested you at swordplay. Izzy: They tricked us. It was an ambush. Completely unprofessional. So what's the plan, sir? Do we open fire, or would you rather we just attack them, kill them, thrown them out to the sharks, sir? Ed: Wait 'til they make landfall, then invite them aboard the ship, and Izzy, I want you to handle this personally. Izzy: Oh, Edward, can't I just send the boys? Ed: Mm, no, I want this done right. After all, he is a gentleman. We want to make a good impression. Izzy: Stupid fuckin' Stede Bonnet.
See, "no questions asked" implies just carrying out the order with no questions or offering up some thoughtful and respectful counsel first and then carrying out the order. What Izzy did instead: said the plan wasn't worth doing, asked leading questions to get what he wanted which he knew was the opposite of what Ed wanted, and complained that the task was beneath him. We don't know what happened just before the Spanish ship attack, but I doubt Izzy went quietly.
Moving on to a second point of Izzy's 1x4 speech:
Izzy: For years, I've followed your every whim, I've managed your increasingly erratic moods, and I've massaged this crew when they were worried about your judgment.
We don't know what "every whim" or "erratic moods" mean. With this episode, we know that Ed is bored and wants more out of life (as he says directly to Izzy) and has death ideation (as he says to Izzy that it's something new to try, and as he tells Stede that he's going to pack it all in before knowing that retirement was an option), but we don't know what incidents Izzy is referring to. Since Izzy rarely tells the truth, this can't be taken at face value.
The "massaged this crew" part is very strange, though, since this is what we got in Izzy's first episode (1x2):
Izzy: Captain says follow that ship. Fang: Oh, really, why? Izzy: How should I know? The man's half insane.
"Massaged this crew" certainly is a choice spin on "The man's half insane." Izzy is on some middle management (or rock star manager, if you prefer that spin) Dunning-Kruger curve: low ability, but high confidence. He's not very good at this "massaging this crew" thing, but he doesn't have enough experience to know he sucks at it. This "stressful" job for Blackbeard he's taken on seems to not be needed or is not handled well. Blackbeard's crew was likely on maintenance mode by the time Izzy came along, and Izzy is like modern day middle management, making up tasks to justify his job.
The third piece of this 1x4 speech I want to comment on:
Izzy: I was honored to work for the legendary Blackbeard, the most brilliant sailor I had ever met.
From what I remember, this is the only backstory in onscreen canon we get on Izzy. It is more than we get from the other side characters, and it is interesting. It situates the lens of how to look at his later comments. In particular, Ed was already Blackbeard, already legendary, and already an obviously proven brilliant sailor before Izzy entered the picture. Izzy wasn't there to build the spectacle and reputation of Blackbeard, and he's just a middle manager put in place to maintain it. As Ed says to Stede, there is no challenge, and they're cruising the Caribbean on easy mode.
The fourth and final piece I want to comment on his 1x4 outburst:
Izzy: I'm gonna devise a plan.
As we see later in the episode, the only contribution to the plan he makes is staring dumfounded, contemplating mortality, as Lucius talks about never having seen the world, and more importantly, he's not even in the ending lighthouse scene. The only "plan" we ever see Izzy make in series is sending Calico Jack and the British after Stede, and it seems most likely Spanish Jackie and Chauncey did most of that planning.
He says it confidently, though, and confident misinformation like this is why Minor Prince Ricky could say in 2x8:
Ricky: Can't believe I have an audience with the great Israel Hands. That's absolutely astounding. I've always thought you were underrated. I mean, it's absurd, isn't it? Isn't it? That Blackbeard gets all this praise when you are quite clearly the brains of his operation?
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In modern AUs, Ricky is someone's weird uncle at the holiday dinner table who is sharing the totally true "facts" they picked up from Facebook memes. Pete doesn't even believe this stuff.
I mean, 1x5, we see Fang laughing about Izzy the Spewer, and 1x9, we see Izzy is almost immediately mutinied against when left in charge (Remember: the same crew tolerated fumbling newbie Stede for weeks before Pete brought up mutiny and not everyone was interested.) Izzy is terrible at management, and no one on the crews respects him. His only pirate skill seems to be flouncing around the Republic of Pirates and acting like he's menacing (RIP, Geraldo and Steaky, you didn't know better), but he thinks he's indispensable to the most brilliant sailor he'd ever met. I honestly think 1x6 is projection because I think it's Izzy that Ed's keeping around as a pet.
But on Izzy and Blackbeard (from 1x9)...
Izzy: This, this is Blackbeard. Not some namby-pamby in a silk gown pining for his boyfriend. Ed: Choose your next words wisely, dog. Izzy: There he is... Blackbeard is my captain. I serve Blackbeard. Not Edward.
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Look! Izzy's captain is Blackbeard! Blackbeard is who was already a thing when Izzy came along! Remember:
Izzy: I was honored to work for the legendary Blackbeard, the most brilliant sailor I had ever met.
Meanwhile, in 2x8...
Izzy: I fed your darkness... Blackbeard. For years, I egged him on, even though I knew you'd outgrown him, but the truth is... Ed: Hey... Izzy: I needed him. Blackbeard... it was us. You, me.
Then he peaces out before he can be corrected. What is this "us" nonsense? Izzy, you brought nothing to the table, and Blackbeard was already a thing before you came along because...
Izzy: I was honored to work for the legendary Blackbeard, the most brilliant sailor I had ever met.
Izzy coming in late is reinforced by Calico Jack in 1x8. At the beginning breakfast with Ed, Stede, and Jack:
Stede: Hornigold, yes, yes. Who's Hornigold? Ed: That's where me and Jack first met, on Hornigold's ship, where we first became outlaws.
At Stede and Jack's pee off:
Jack: Yeah, we got a lot in common, me and him. In lots of ways, we're the same man. So, what's goin' on between you two? You buggerin' each other or what? Stede: Don't know what you're talking about. Jack: Nothin' to be ashamed of. Anything goes at sea. God knows, Blackie and I have had our dalliances. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hit a nerve? Stede: No. Ed's past is Ed's business, and I respect that. Jack: "Ed." Blackie I knew woulda snapped your neck for callin' him that. Stede: Well, perhaps he's not the Blackie you knew. Jack: And maybe you don't know him at all.
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Where does Ed pick up these tailcoat riding losers? Jack "we're the same man" Rackham and Izzy "Blackbeard, it was us" Hands. Yeah, OK. Point of this snippet is certainly-a-choice nickname of "Blackie" that Jack is using, which makes the "Blackbeard" name seem to be from very early days.
At the end of the episode:
Jack: The old Blackbeard woulda seen me comin' a mile away. No, Izzy Hands sent me.
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Again, Jack talks about "Blackbeard" as someone from the early days, "Blackie I knew", "the old Blackbeard", and all, the days from when they first became outlaws. The standout here is that Jack says Izzy's full name: Izzy Hands. This is way too formal, and points to Izzy not being around in the old days with "the old Blackbeard." If there were more familiarity there, Jack would have just said "Izzy." Jack knew the beginning days of Blackbeard, and again, back to Izzy's comment, Izzy came in after the development of Blackbeard, and there is no "Blackbeard, it was us."
So, looking more at bland S2 Izzy is strange. During Ed's attempt to get Izzy to kill him in 2x2:
Izzy: Ohh, ohh, you scared, Eddie? Too s- too scared to do it yourself, eh? Go on, clean up your own fuckin' mess. I'm not doin' it. I've been doin' it all my fuckin' life.
"All my ... life"? What? Izzy, you're older than Ed, and you came to him after Ed was a captain with a well established Blackbeard persona. Did his life begin when he joined the QAR? We also see the bulk of Izzy's use to Ed: doing the crap Ed didn't want to do, as a middle manager should. Also, I still think Izzy is Ed's pet. (See, I'm not entertaining any type of S2 retcon excuses because Izzy being a liar who overinflates his importance is just a continuing character trait.)
But it gets stranger. In 2x1:
Izzy: Who am I to you? Ed: What? Izzy: We've worked together for years. You know me better than anyone has ever known me, and I dare say the same is true for me about you.
Why does he think he knows Ed at all? The world may never know. In 2x3, he hobbles in on Stede, bringing the ghost of Calico "and maybe you don't know him at all" Jack with him:
Stede: What'd you do with him? I know he wouldn't have left by choice Izzy: I know you think you understand him -- Stede: He was either going to watch the world burn or die trying, so which was it?
Perhaps he's not the Blackbeard you know, Izzy?
I've been avoiding dipping into the 90s scifi nerd in me, but I can take it no more since this speech is perfect in this context ("the ship" being the Blackbeard legend -- Izzy is still responsible for all the dumb crap he does on his own).
Kryten: The mind-probe was created to detect guilt. Yet, in the case of Arnold Judas Rimmer, the guilt it detected attaches to no crime. He held a position of little or no importance on Red Dwarf. (...) Yet he could never come to terms with a lifetime of underachievement. His absurdly inflated ego would never permit it. He's like the security guard on the front gate who considers himself head of the corporation. (...) An incompetent vending machine repairman with a Napoleon complex who commanded as much respect and affection from his fellow crew members as Long John Silver's parrot. (...) He is only guilty of being Arnold J. Rimmer. That is his crime. That is also his punishment. - Red Dwarf, Series 4, Episode 3, "Justice", end of scene here
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Pete just posed himself as Blackbeard's right-hand man, but Izzy posed himself as the legend of Blackbeard himself. What?? See, again, Pete does A Thing, and Izzy takes the A Thing to an extreme.
Also, lord, Izzy is dull in S2. I'm so happy that S2 Pete is still funny and got to be happy. 🥰
To be continued in Part 4!
Preview of coming up: They both are terrible pirates! But they want to be captains anyway! They're both also compulsive liars! Stede pets them on the head like children and says "yes, dear" anyway!
Series: Part 1, Part 2, Buttons tangent, Part 3, S2 Izzy reaction GIF
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my-chaos-radio · 3 months
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Release: February 21, 1984
… Been running so long
I've nearly lost all track of time
In every direction
I couldn't see the warning signs
I must be losin' it
'Cause my mind plays tricks on me
It looked so easy
But you know looks sometimes deceive
… Been running so fast
Right from the starting line
No more connections
I don't need any more advice
One hand's just reaching out
And one's just hangin' on
It seems my weaknesses
Just keep going strong
… Head over heels, where should I go?
Can't stop myself, out of control
Head over heels, no time to think
Looks like the whole world's out of sync
… Been running so hard
When what I need is to unwind
The voice of reason
Is one I left so far behind
I've waited so long
So long to play this part
And just remembered
That I'd forgotten about my heart
… Head over heels, where should I go?
Can't stop myself, out of control
Head over heels, no time to think
Looks like the whole world's out of sync
… Head over heels, where should I go?
Can't stop myself, out of control
Head over heels, no time to think
Looks like the whole world's out of sync
… Head over heels, where should I go?
Can't stop myself, out of control
Head over heels, no time to think
Looks like the whole world's out of sync
… Head over heels, where should I go?
Can't stop myself, out of control
Head over heels, no time to think
Looks like the whole world's out of sync
Charlotte Caffey / Kathy Valentine
"Head over Heels" is a song by all-female pop rock/new wave band The Go-Go's, released in 1984 as the first single from their third studio album Talk Show. The song was written by band members Charlotte Caffey and Kathy Valentine and produced by English record producer Martin Rushent. Go-Gos rhythm guitarist Jane Wiedlin called “Head Over Heels” her favorite Go-Gos song, describing it as “just a classic. Like a little pop chocolate truffle that is just absolutely delicious.”
The song was the most successful of the album's three singles, reaching number 11 on the US Billboard Hot 100. It also spent three weeks at number 10 on the US Cash Box Top 100.
Cash Box said that the song shows that the group has lost none of their vitality and energy and that "Belinda Carlisle's voice appears to have taken on a deeper, richer resonance that marks the band's maturation as recording artists."
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So, regarding your other post, I won't say things like you're awesome because when you're in pain, they ring hollow. I'll say this instead: each person has a purpose for their lives and if you were to leave, it'd create a hole no one could ever fill. Despite there being billions of people, no one could replace you because there's only one you. Life is hard. Incredibly difficult at times but as a line from Hamilton goes, "dying is easy, living is harder." Getting back up every day when you've been knocked down is exhausting and sometimes yeah, you don't want to get up anymore. You're tired of fighting. But take heart and courage. It's always darkest before the dawn. You are one in a billion, unique and incredible in every way. There's something amazing waiting for you on the other side of this and I know it's hard to believe that, but it is true. The world would be an emptier place without you in it. God bless.
Not me literally cryin on this.
This was SO fuckin beautiful, Anon.
This, I truly appreciate. Thank you for takin your time to come and write this thoughtful message and worded it how I perfectly felt.
I'm still here for the reason of not leavin my twin alone in the world. They need me and I need my twin. They would be an absolute WRECK. I don't want to cause ‘em more pain and torment from losin their twin.
I'm sorry for ALWAYS talkin bout my twin. They just keep me goin and I love and adore ‘em SO fuckin much. (I hope you don't mind this old photo of us. They left in October of last year (seven months ago) and I don't have anymore recent photos of us, for obvious reasons.)
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Anyways, thank you so much, Anon. I really do appreciate you. Thank you, friend. 💜
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milkviolets · 1 year
i think this might've actually been the first cd i ever owned. i can't remember if i got it as a gift, or if i bought it myself, it was so long ago. for yeas as a child, this was my absolute favorite album to listen to, and i remember cowering alone in the corner of my closet, holding my dolls while listening to it. i still remember that dreary little apartment. it's kind of insane that this album will be 20 years old next year !
𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍 ( 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟒 ).
‘  I cannot find a way to describe it  ’
‘  I wish that it would just go away  ’
‘  What would you do if you knew ?  ’
‘  I can't handle this confusion  ’
‘  Come and take me away  ’
‘  I feel like I am all alone  ’
‘  My words are cold, I don't want them to hurt you...  ’
‘  If I show you, I don't think you'd understand.  ’
‘  Something just isn't right, I can feel it inside.  ’
‘  I'm living a lie  ’
‘  When I'm alone, I feel so much better.  ’
‘  When I'm around you I don't feel together  ’
‘  This has gone on so long  ’
‘  My heart is broken  ’
‘  You held my hand and walked me home  ’
‘  You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go ?  ’
‘  Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love  ’
‘  Guys are so hard to trust  ’
‘  Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl ?  ’
‘  Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you this time ?  ’
‘  Don't try to tell me what to do  ’
‘  Don't try to tell me what to say  ’
‘  Don't think that your charm and the fact that your arm is now around my neck will get you in my pants...  ’
‘  I'll have to kick your ass to make you never forget  ’
‘  I thought I liked you a lot, but I'm really upset.  ’
‘  So get outta my head, get off of my bed !  ’
‘  I've done no wrong  ’
‘  Any thoughts of you and me have gone away  ’
‘  I'm better off alone anyway  ’
‘  There's not much goin' on today  ’
‘  I'm really bored, it's gettin' late  ’
‘  He wasn't what I wanted  ’
‘  He never made me feel like I was special  ’
‘  I think it's time for me to bail  ’
‘  He isn't really what I'm lookin' for  ’
‘  I'm not afraid of anything  ’
‘  I don't need much of anything  ’
‘  How does it feel to be different from me?  ’
‘  I am young and I am free  ’
‘  I get tired and I get weak  ’
‘  Would you comfort me ?  ’
‘  Let's talk this over, it's not like we're dead...  ’
‘  Was it something I did ?  ’
‘  Don't leave me hangin'  ’
‘  You were all the things I thought I knew  ’
‘  You were everything that I wanted  ’
‘  All this time, you were pretending.  ’
‘  So much for my happy ending  ’
‘  You've got your dumb friends, I know what they say...  ’
‘  They tell you I'm difficult, but so are they !  ’
‘  Do they even know you ?  ’
‘  It's nice to know that you were there  ’
‘  Thanks for acting like you care and making me feel like I was the only one  ’
‘  He was everything that I wanted  ’
‘  Well, I couldn't tell you why she felt that way...  ’
‘  I couldn't help her  ’
‘  She wants to go home, but nobody's home.  ’
‘  Be strong now  ’
‘  She's losin' her mind  ’
‘  I'm givin' up on everything  ’
‘  Don't know how much you screwed it up  ’
‘  You never listen  ’
‘  You were the one that was wrong  ’
‘  Don't patronize me  ’
‘  Have you forgotten everything that I wanted ?  ’
‘  There's no point in thinking about yesterday  ’
‘  It's too late now, it won't ever be the same.  ’
‘  We're so different now  ’
‘  If only I could run away  ’
‘  Why do you look so familiar ?  ’
‘  I think I'd like to get to know you a little bit more  ’
‘  I'm gonna live today like it's my last day  ’
‘  How do you always have an opinion ?  ’
‘  We don't need anything, we're just wasting time.  ’
‘  Be yourself, who are you?  ’
‘  If I had my way, I'd never get over you.  ’
‘  I don't wanna fall to pieces  ’
‘  I just wanna sit and stare at you  ’
‘  I don't wanna talk about it  ’
‘  I'm in love with you  ’
‘  You're the only one I'd be with 'til the end  ’
‘  I wanna know everything  ’
‘  You should know by now I won't listen to you  ’
‘  I won't compromise  ’
‘  Stand up for yourself  ’
‘  I miss you so bad  ’
‘  I hope you can hear me...  ’
‘  The day you slipped away was the day I found it won't be the same  ’
‘  I wish that I could see you again. I know that I can't...  ’
‘  Won't you wake up ?  ’
‘  There you go, somewhere I can't bring you back...  ’
‘  Every now and then, we all want something, even if there's no way of gettin' it.  ’
‘  I don't wanna always have to be so nice  ’
‘  I always get what I want  ’
‘  You don't want to see me when I don't get what I want  ’
‘  I'm not about to take no for an answer  ’
‘  It could start to get ugly  ’
⠀༌༙ ⁎ ཾཾ ུ⁎
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russilton · 1 year
mark I came straight from ig after seeing that video just to see if you’ve already COMPLETELY LOST TOUR MIND OVER THAT I MEAN CMON IT HAS BEEN THREE LONG WEEKS WITHOUT THEM IM ABSOLUTELY NUTS
this is why I don’t mind breaks in the calendar! Because George and Lewis always act fruity as hell IMMEDIATELY ON RETURN
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trewneollyn · 2 years
shit losin my mind just finished spaced and im absolutely going lethal over how amazing it was
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
event spoilers + me going absolutely feral utc (you've been warned)
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
[ UNCERTAIN ] for Clownfishie & Slick.
I love you prompts
Joker giggled to herself as she was guided out of the club meeting room, with Floyd's arm wrapped snugly around her waist. She let her head rest briefly against his shoulder until they had turned the corner, where they paused. She looked up at him, relishing the smug, lazy grin on his face. "Slick? You were absolutely flawless."
"This ain't hard at all. Sea Bream is gonna post alllllll about it online, and you already know Sea Otter's gonna be so excited about his friend's new 'boyfriend', he might even throw a party for us." He laughed, ruffling her hair before pulling his arm away from her waist. "I thought this was gonna be fun, and I was right. Maaaaan, Betta should have SAID acting was this much fun. I'd be doin' it too."
"So you think they bought it?" Joker quickly combed her fingers through her hair and adjusted her uniform jacket.
"Iunno. I gueeeeeeeeess." Floyd shrugged, shuffling a foot back and forth along the stone floor. "But pretendin' to be your main squeeze means I get to play with my Clownfish all up close and cuddly-like, and that's more fun than bein' polite."
"I'm glad you're enjoying it." She snickered. "Do it while you can, until we get the attention of our target. If this works, I'll have him confessing to me before we even know it."
"Been two weeks, and you keep sayin' that."
"Well? I'm hopeful." She looked up at Floyd, smiling. "You were right, though. This is a way better deal than Azul would have given me."
"All good, Clownfishie. It was hilarious seein' him throw a fit over losin' out on a contract, haha!!" He reached out and cupped her cheek with his hand. It was cooler and softer than she would have anticipated from him, knowing his rough-housing ways. "And I'm havin' fun with you."
"You are, huh?" she whispered. Joker couldn't take her eyes away from his face. She had seen a lot of different expressions from Floyd in the time she knew him, ranging from gleeful mayhem to pouty boredom to a glare that would blister the paint off the walls, but she hadn't seen him looking quite like this. His smile was almost gentle, and his eyes were warm; they crinkled a bit around the edges with a soft amusement. He bent down and kissed her on the cheek, and she swore the temperature around them suddenly snapped up ten degrees.
"Yeah." Floyd straightened up, running his knuckle along her jawline. "Besides, Clownfishie, maybe I might love ya."
"Ugh, get a room!" Joker winced at the familiar voice coming from behind her. She whirled around, red-faced, to see Ace, who was pretending to throw up on the wall.
"Grow up, Ace! Geez. Just because Floyd's got more game than you—"
"Whatcha gonna do about it, Crabby?" Floyd had gone from sweet to sour in the blink of an eye, and he cracked his knuckles menacingly while staring down the interloper. "You gonna give us your room?"
Ace sagged, not wanting to poke the unpredictable eel any further. "Ugh. You two keep doing your... whatever gross mushiness you're doing. I'll get outta here." He rolled his eyes, and continued on his way. "But I'm gonna tell folks you were bein' inappropro in the halls, Joker. Got more game than me? Psh." He muttered as he walked away.
Joker turned back towards Floyd, who had started laughing. She tilted her head. "That was close. Did you do all that for Ace's benefit? Sayin' all that sweet stuff?"
"Wha?" Floyd gave her a blank look.
"N-never mind. I'll walk with you back to the mirror chamber."
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*kisses u back, blushing, trying to kiss u more as u pull away, chuckling* i love you much jamie… ‘m gonna miss you so much love… *chuckles softly* pick some good ones for me, yeah? i like the ones that smell like you… *giggles and blushes as i follow ur gaze* y-you wear this one a lot… so wanted to wear it… *chuckles softly* baby? promise me again you’ll be safe? i n-need you to be safe and okay… ‘m gonna come back and cuddle you hard again *giggles* lots of kisses and hugs *chuckles softly* crying doesn’t mean you aren’t strong… means you are strong for showing emotion… *smiles at u, pecking ur lips* i love you jamie… you’re my home… you make me safe and comfortable…. you protect me… thank you… i love you… *pecks ur lips back before getting up and changing, coming back to bed to kiss u again before leaving*
*getting up a little later, changing and leaving, coming to see you before I leave for the mission, pulling you in for a hug first then kisses you gently, speaking against your lips* I’ll be safe…I love you…
voice message to kitten: my lovey…fuck I miss you…I miss you so much *rustles a little and then sighs softly* ‘m stayin’ at the compound…too tired baby…’m…’m okay just…few…things here and there *clears my throat* hand hurts…knuckles got scraped up but ‘s nothin’ too bad…got punched in the face a few times…we’ll see if any bruises appear….but ‘m okay baby…’m functionin’, ‘m just tired *chuckles softly* i hope seein’ me earlier made you happy, lovey…I wanted to come see you after the mission but…I knew you would’ve gotten a bit upset to see me beat up and I didn’t want you to be distracted from work…at least it’ll be quick to come back to me hm? Just an elevator ride away *chuckles, then stays silent for a moment* lucky for you I have clothes here that I think smell like me…so those are for you…*hums, then chuckles slightly* I won’t lie, baby…’m missin’ bein’ with you…in intimate ways…feel that way a lot after missions…especially when I’ve messed up I…I j-just wanna g-get that frustration out by…m-makin’ you feel good…you know? *clears my throat* even if ‘m a little tired…I still wanna…go at it with you *snorts, chuckling* our schedules never line up that way though…s-so ‘s just uh…myself b-but I wish it w-was you…fuck…*chuckles again, letting out a breath* fuck…okay…goin’ to behave myself now…sorry, lovey…*chuckles, then stays silent for a moment* sorry…’m not just feelin’ those feelins’ though, ‘m way too tired…I…want you to hold my hand when you come into bed just be careful okay? Cuddle me hard like you said? I’ll make you food when we get up…can relax with each other…give you some more kisses…whatever you want baby…I’ll do it…I’d do anythin’ for you…probably absolutely anythin’ *chuckles* all I want is you…all I want is to…be yours and give you all the love I can…make you happy baby…and right now…what I want is for you to come back to bed with me…cuddle real close and get good rest yeah? *sighs softly* yeah I really do fuckin’ miss you don’t I? You’re…four floors below me *snorts* and ‘m…losin’ my mind…*chuckles* I’ll be okay…’m…*pauses for a bit and then hums, yawning* ‘m gonna fall asleep…*chuckles* I love you…I love you so much baby…t-thank you for lovin’ me and takin’ care of me…and n-not makin’ fun of me for cryin’…I uh…I love you so much baby…I l-love bein’ yours….I love you….*slowly falls asleep*
0 notes
You're My Only Reason
Lexis: {It wasn’t the first time we had been down here. The playroom had been something we had slowly worked into our life. And I was finally comfortable down here. It had taken some patience on both sides before we had something in place that worked for us. Even as far as to who would bring Lizzie down to her bed in the closet.
Once we had our discussion about coming down here regularly, I had tried to bring Lizzie down. But the truth was that I couldn’t get myself or the room prepared if I was worried about her. And I constantly did if I was the one that put her in her bed. But if Levi handled it before he got changed, I was fine. I worried, but she wasn’t at the forefront of my mind. I didn’t think about her every second of the time I had to slip into my sub state. 
I never worried about Lizzie when her Daddy had her. He was perfect. He had a way of getting her to calm down when we were getting ready to play. But I understood it. Levi had that smooth British accent that made everyone around him swoon. It was something that I loved. It made things easier everywhere.
But I took a breath as I looked at the rows of costumes that hung on my side of the walk in closet. This would be the first time I would be dressing for him in the proper attire. I finally had the weight from Lizzie off, and I knew I could get into the Bunny costume again. But it wasn’t something I had told him. I had just asked him if we could go downstairs for some playtime.
Each color stared at me with an expectation. I could pick any one of them. All of them were welcome in the playroom. But I knew the reality of the situation. If I went in there wearing any other color besides green, he was going to be disappointed. Especially since this was the first time I was going to be able to wear a costume.
But I also realized what kind of fire I was playing with. The green outfit held a special place in Levi’s heart. That was his costume. We hadn’t realized what it had meant when we first met, but it was the outfit I had been wearing. Back when I was just starting to get my feet under me. When the OCD was still so bad, I was having panic attacks in the back room in the middle of every night.
He wasn’t going to be able to control himself if I was kneeling in the middle of the floor in that outfit. But part of me needed him to lose control like that. I wanted him to hit the brink of that control. I wanted to see that he needed me as much as I needed him. It wasn’t something he ever let happen that often. He had to be the perfect man. All the time. And there were times where it could be absolutely frustrating. But I needed more from him. This was the one time I needed to hear that I drove him just as crazy as he drove me.
But as I slid into the costume, I slowly released a breath. I could feel myself starting to go there. I could hear the change in my mind almost immediately. As soon as I had the tail and ears on, I felt myself fully give over to the submissive. I could feel the pride swelling in my chest as I added the last piece of the costume to everything. I had put the cuffs on by myself for years. They were easy once you knew what you were doing. 
Taking another breath, I slipped into the heels that were sitting in the corner. It was the one rule that made me feel powerful. Sir wanted me in heels. It was something I did at the club every night. He didn’t care about the height. He just wanted me in them. And it was something I loved. These were a pair of tame heels I had in my closet. Simple black stilettos with a five inch heel. I didn’t mind making them the shoes I used in the playroom simply because there were more than enough heels in my closet.
Closing my eyes, I took in the way my outfit felt against my body. This was the one thing I had always been confident in. I was a Bunny. But now the rules were different. But it was something I had wanted to do. I wanted to be this way with Sir. I wanted to give this to him. There wasn’t much more to do, and I was losing time. I knew what my orders were before I came down here. I needed to get to the middle of the room.
It wasn’t more than a couple of steps before I was there. If I looked up, I could see the silver ring I had installed for Sir’s rope play. I felt the shiver roll through me as I thought about that. Tonight was going to be the first time we had the chance to explore the rope play down here. It was something I had always been interested in, but I was weary of the knife. It was something we had talked about more times than I could count. He wanted me to be sure that I was okay with it. And I finally felt like I could handle it.
Coming to rest on my stocking covered knees, I let my hands fall into place on my thighs. My palms were facing up as I let my chin fall against my chest. All I could do was breathe while I waited for Sir to come down the stairs. Even after he was down here, there was no telling how long it would be until he decided he was ready to start. All I could do was wait.}
Levi: -Lizzie wasn’t hard to settle most nights. Lexi liked to tell me that I had a magic touch as far as that baby was concerned. Maybe she was right, but it meant the rest of the night was mine. The crib was in the walk-in closet across from my suits. I’d picked one out for tonight long before the baby had drifted off to sleep. It was one of my favorites. I’d always preferred the navy blue over the pure black. It was one of my favorite colors. 
The green that Lexi was wearing as I walked into the playroom was my absolute favorite, and the sight of her wearing it for the first time in a very long time made me catch my breath. She was absolutely gorgeous in it, and it brought to mind the first time I’d met her, long before I ever knew what was to become of the two of us. The fact that she was kneeling perfectly in the center of the room, dressed to the nines only made the transition into the mindset that made me less Levi and more her Sir that much easier. That’s what this entire place was planned to be. It was the one place where we could transition into those roles without worry or consequence. 
I tugged on the cuffs of my shirt and straightened my tie as I walked into the room, my eyes trained on her as I made a slow circle around the edge of the room towards the cabinet that held all of the ropes and equipment we’d brought down here once things were complete. I had just the set of ropes in mind. They were green, perfectly matched to the satin of the bunny suit she wore. Draping them across my arm, I moved to pocket the silver knife that lay in the center of the cupboard. The weight of it settled there like an old friend. It made the transition complete. I could be an entirely different man here without a second thought. 
I turned slowly to face her, the smile on my face a little dark as I moved towards her, measuring my steps to keep the pace mildly torturous.- Well, hello there, Bunny. 
Lexis: {I felt my lips curve into a smile as I heard him come into the room. I knew the rules, though. I wasn’t allowed to look up. This was all about him torturing me. He wanted me to be nervous. It was something we had discovered. I was the most honest when I was nervous. I wasn’t nearly as afraid to tell him what he needed to know when I wasn’t sure what was going on around me.
And as much as we had a plan in place for the night, Sir still kept me in the dark about exactly what was going to happen. He wouldn’t begin to walk me through it until he was ready to start his time. And that’s exactly what he was doing right now. He was keeping me in the dark. It was something I was okay with for the moment. Although, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be okay with it for too long.
I pursed my lips as I thought about how to continue. I could respond to him. We had discussed that at length. Talking was a hard limit. I couldn’t ask for permission. I had to be able to tell him what was going through my mind. The way my mind worked made that a necessity. Especially when I knew that if I couldn’t discuss things with him, running was bound to happen. We both wanted this to work. We needed the open and honest communication if this continued.
Taking a breath, I kept my chin to my chest. I wanted to acknowledge him. I had to. I needed him to talk me through the night. I needed to know exactly what his plan was. I could feel my fear of the knife coming to the surface. I needed to hear him say that he wasn’t going to hurt me intentionally.} Sir? I know we talked about what we’re doing tonight. But remind me again how you feel about the knife? Promise me you won’t intentionally rush me into using it.
Levi: -I could hear the trepidation in her voice when she began talking. I’d heard it before, when there had been little chance for me to make sure she wasn’t terrified. But down here, it was all within my power. I had the knife in my pocket because the two of us had discussed it. I hadn’t used it in a very long time, and I would have been happy to let it sit in its place for as long as she might have wanted, even if that meant it stayed there forever. 
But she’d asked, and I’d offered the opportunity for her to try it out at her own pace. I wasn’t going to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for. It would have only meant absolute disaster for the both of us. She was looking for reassurance though, and I understood what she needed to hear.
I pulled the knife out of my pocket, keeping the ropes across my left arm and moved over to her. The knife was splayed out across the palm of my right hand, and I held it out for her to examine exactly in her line of sight.- I won’t do anything you don’t tell me you’re ready for, Bunny. You have my word on that, and if at any moment, you feel like you’re not ready for something or it’s pushing you too far, just say the word and it all ends. As for the rest, I’m going to make sure you enjoy it… 
Lexis: {I felt my head fall into a nod. I knew it was the last thing I was supposed to do, but I needed a moment to think about what was going on. I had to keep myself from going completely insane, and it was one of the things that Sir understood. I needed to take a moment to gather my thoughts. I needed a moment to remember that this wasn’t about pushing me past my boundaries. It was about opening myself up to a new experience.
And that’s what this was. It was a new experience. For both of us, really. This wasn’t just about letting him tie me up. This was about letting Sir show me how confinement could be completely erotic. This was about opening myself up to him in a way I had never experienced before. This was doing something for both of us.
My voice was a little shy as I tried to vocalize what I wanted. It was still a little strange for me to vocalize what I wanted. I knew this was all about give and take. And I knew that I was the safest with the man in front of me. He wouldn’t take it a step too far, and he wouldn’t cross a line without me telling him he was allowed to go further. And if I asked him for something, he was going to do everything in his power to talk me through his motions.}
I know that I don’t have the right to make demands in here, Sir. This is your place. But I do request that you cut my stockings off of me today. I’m still nervous about the knife. But I want to experience why you enjoy it so much. And I think the only way to do that is to take it one step at a time. So I’d like to try having you cut my stockings off. Because you cannot cut off the Bunny suit. That’s a huge thing that I will never allow.
Levi: -I liked that she was talking to me. It was important down here that we communicate, maybe even more so than in the rest of our lives. She was new to all of this, and I needed to know that she wasn’t out of her comfort zone or melting down into a panic attack without time to prevent it. 
I pulled the knife away and slipped it back into place in my pocket. It wasn’t going to come into play until later in the night, and I was going to keep it out of sight until it was absolutely necessary. As soon as it was back in place, I reached out, cupping Lexi’s chin and tilting her gaze up to meet mine.-
Then we will start there. I hold the Bunny suit in far too high esteem to damage it, Bunny. Don’t worry your pretty little head about that for a moment. 
-It was time to get things started, and I intended to take complete control as soon as I hit the switch into what Lexi liked to call Dom mode. But for now, she needed the reassurance of her husband. She nodded, and I let her go, moving to stand up to my full height before stepping away to drape the ropes I was holding over a nearby chair, counting them to make sure I had enough. Once I was satisfied, I turned to face her.- 
Now, stand up, and hold your arms behind your back. 
-I wasn’t going to give her any more information that that. Lexi knew I was tying her tonight. I was going to take that slowly. Suspension was something she was interested in, but I needed to ease her into that. She needed to learn how to hold herself so that the ropes wouldn’t become too binding when she shifted her weight and make it hard to breathe. We needed to make sure she was going to handle this well without things getting too intricate to get out of quickly. She was going to learn what it felt like to be bound one step at a time.- 
Lexi: {I didn’t bother nodding my head. I knew it was pointless. And we were now getting into territory where I was unfamiliar. I didn’t know how fast this was going to be. I had no idea how this was going to work. But I knew I needed to pay attention to what was happening around me. 
At his command, I took my time in getting to my feet. I had to be careful. The last thing I needed was to twist my ankle. Or even worse, break a bone. I wasn’t even sure how Sir would react to that. Sliding from sitting on my knees, I moved so that my heels were on the floor before pushing myself up into a crouched position. It was only a slow rise before I was standing at my full height.
I let myself release a breath before I placed my arms behind my back. We were back to something new, and I knew that I had to communicate to him. I felt my fingers start to twitch before I tried to get it under control. I couldn’t let the OCD ticks get the best of me while I was in here. I wasn’t sure where I was supposed to be looking, so I did the only thing I could think to do. My eyes went to being trained on the ground in front of me. I didn’t want to make a mistake. I didn’t want to assume that I was supposed to be looking anywhere else.}
Levi: -I knew she was uncertain. I could see it in the way she moved carefully and looked do the ground when she stood up. I made it my business to pay attention to every single move her body made, all the signs that said something without her ever opening her mouth. That was my job here. I was here to keep her on the edge, but not push her over it. 
I moved behind her with one of the ropes in hand and began running my hands along the length of her arms, gently massaging them for a moment. It was only then that I began to wind the ropes around her wrists, slowly lacing a pattern between her arms as I kept up the slow pace and the gentle touches to remind her I was there. I leaned in, letting my lips brush across the shell of her ear as I whispered in a low voice meant only for her.- 
Right now, I’m going to tie your arms in place behind your back, but we’re going to work through it slowly. You have to tell me if anything hurts or becomes too much. I can fix it for you, but you have to tell me. Are we clear? 
-I knew her well enough to know that she would keep something inside if she thought she was going to disappoint me or that she was doing something wrong. I just needed her to know that her talking to me and making sure she was alright with everything that was happening was exactly what she was supposed to be doing.-
Lexi: Yes, Sir. I know it’s going to be a bit different. I know that I need to talk to you. This is dangerous if I’m not communicating with you. {I could have nodded. I could have conveyed all of those words in one simple nod. But the truth was that he needed to hear me talk. He had to know that this was okay with me. 
Was I nervous? Yes, I was insanely nervous. But the truth was that I could handle a little bit of nerves. It would be worse if he wasn’t going to talk me through this. But he was a good dom. Even if I hadn’t decided to come down here, I knew that he was a good dom. And I knew that things were going to be different with me. I wasn’t like the other subs he had. I was always going to be his wife. And he was going to keep things safe for me as both his wife and submissive.
Pursing my lips, I shook my head. I couldn’t say that this was comfortable. But I knew it wasn’t going to be. Not with the way my arms were twisted back. With the way he had to manipulate my arms, I knew it was going to be uncomfortable. But, again, I had to be honest.} Sir? My shoulders. I need a second.
Levi: -Instantly, I loosened my grip on her arms and gave the rope some slack, helping her bend them at the elbows to relax her shoulders. If she got stiff, this was going to hurt for days. I knew what those knots could do to arms, legs, shoulders and hips that had been held at attention for too long. I was glad she was talking to me. The verbal answer she’d given me was a good sign. It meant she was talking to me. The fact that she’d asked for a break meant she was listening to me and that she was going to warn me if things started to get to be too much. 
That was the only way things were going to work out down here. I let my hands move over the satin fabric on her stomach, enjoying the way that it felt beneath my fingertips and just letting her breathe for a moment. I was making plans a few steps at a time, like a game of chess between the two of us that was just going to end up with both of us winning if it was played correctly- 
Good girl. Let me know when you’re ready. -I wanted to praise her for speaking up. And I didn’t want to continue before she was ready for the next step-
Lexi: {I could only try to breathe. It was a little different being back in the costume, and with the nerves? There were times I felt like I was choking. But I knew that the only thing I could was talk to Sir. He needed to know what was always going through my head. It was the one thing I was going to be able to do. Especially if I wanted him to keep going.
I felt the tension start to leave my shoulders before I rolled my head around with my eyes shut. I knew now was the time. If we were going to keep doing this, I had to let him get back to his work. This was one of the things he enjoyed the most about being down here. And I wasn’t about to let anything come between that enjoyment. 
As I took another breath, I let my head bob in a nod.} You can continue, Sir. {Clearing my throat, I let my gaze focus on what was in front of me. Which was a bunch of nothing. I had set this place up for Sir, and he hadn’t changed much of anything. My eyes were focused on the wall that held the cabinet with my tails in them. Not the ones that went on my costumes, my other set. But I needed to hear Sir’s voice.} Can I ask you a few questions while you’re tying me up, Sir? I just need to hear your voice. And if I can focus on what’s going on with us, I won’t focus on everything else around me.
Levi: -Waiting until I was certain she was ready, I continued my work at lacing up her arms in an intricate pattern of loops and knots. Her arms were going to be entirely useless by the time I finished this. I had a clue of how erotic that could be, especially from my point of view. I only hoped that she enjoyed it as much as I did. 
Her request wasn’t too much to ask for. Questions were something that I enjoyed answering, at least for her. It had helped the two of us know each other better since the beginning of things, and now it was only going to serve to make sure she understood what was going on completely- 
Of course, Bunny. Just ask whatever is on your mind. 
-I paused, running a light touch along her bare skin and watching the gentle shiver that ran through her frame before I moved on to focus on my work. I watched her carefully to make sure that she was handling everything well as I worked and waited for her questions and my answers.-
Lexi: {I always loved the way his hands felt on my skin. But this was different. It was heightened. I could feel the texture of the ropes that he was winding up my arms. I could feel the softness of his skin against mine. It was more. It made me blurt out the first question on the tip of my tongue, even though I was sure of the answer.}
Why ropes? What is it about them that you love so much, Sir? {I couldn’t find it in me to be sorry for wanting to know more. But every part of this man fascinated me. And I had to know more about this side of him. It was the one side I stayed away from learning about when we first got married.
But everything was different now. I wanted to be down here, and I wanted to know as much about him as Sir as I could. I wasn’t going to apologize for wanting that information, either. I couldn’t be sorry about it. It was just another piece of the man that I had become devoted to.}
Levi: -I grinned when she asked her first question. I liked that it was about the ropes. It was something we’d talked about from time to time, but never in great detail. I’d never explained to her the reason I preferred the ropes to everything else. I knew why. It was something I’d always known since the first time I ran my fingers across the soft silk of a set of shibari ropes.- 
Well, Bunny… rope is such a pliable thing. It bends and knots into nearly any shape. I can turn it into almost anything. It’s the one thing that I can use to make a living piece of art out of a human being. Handcuffs are far too cold and rigid. Leather is warmer, but rough. The silk is far more forgiving on human skin, but it’s also something I can entirely surround you in, almost from head to toe if I choose. 
-I was nearly done with the knots that wound their way up just past her elbows. I knew it was her first time, so I’d made them loose enough to allow her some freedom of movement, but not a lot. The last step in binding her was to make sure that everything was secure and that her hands still had their full circulation. My fingers traced a line along her arms and down her wrists to slide across her fingers, checking to make sure they weren’t too cold, but also admiring the way that the rope felt pressed into her skin.-
Lexi: {He was checking for blood circulation. I knew what that was when he was touching me. But the answer to his question almost shocked me. It hadn’t been what I was expecting. I almost thought it was a way for him to put a sub on display for him. But I was never going to let him hear that theory. 
I didn’t do well when talking about his past. In reality, I knew there were other women. Other subs that had been able to give him what he wanted. Submissives that didn’t have to be trained. And those were the women I didn’t like to think about. They sparked an unnatural fury in my gut. He liked to remind me that there was no reason for jealousy. But it wasn’t necessarily jealousy. It was my insecurity manifesting itself in a destructive way.
But I had to swallow it down. I knew this was something he did with the other subs. Shibari was something he enjoyed doing. And it wasn’t something I could let my insecurities interfere with. But there was a question that had been sitting in the back of my mind. And it was something I was mildly curious about.} Why does my collar match your knife handle, Sir?
Levi: -I let my hand run up along her shoulder to dance over the collar that rested just at the crown of her collarbone. The filagree in the metal work matched the handle of my knife to a tee. I’d made certain that it did when I ordered it. I didn’t know that she’d noticed it, but I was glad that she had. It meant a lot to me, even when I hadn’t voiced it aloud to her.- 
My knife was always a part of me. I had it at my side every day for years. There were times I felt naked without it, until you came into my life. And then the only thing that I needed beside me every day was you. 
-It wasn’t exactly part of the dom persona to admit that I was in love with my wife, but that fact wasn’t changing despite the facade that I put on down in my playroom. She’d asked the question and I needed to answer it.  
The next step was looping a rope through the hook that had been hung in the ceiling and pulling it down to make sure that it reached low enough. I didn’t intend to hang her from the ceiling, but I was going to use it to my advantage for the night.- 
Lexis: {It was fitting to hear Levi say that I was the only thing he needed. And I knew that it was Levi saying that. As much as he wanted to be my Sir, that question brought out the man that had fallen in love with me. And it made me smile. It wasn’t a huge role break, but it was just enough to remind me that my husband was still there.
But I knew that everything was still going on. I didn’t know the next step. I didn’t know what Sir wanted me to do. I guess I didn’t have to do anything except take a breath. But I felt the tremble start to roll through me. I felt the numbers start to tick off in my head. 
This was something we had talked about before. But it wasn’t something we had ever experienced down here. Part of that was because we were always talking about the next step. I wasn’t sure if Sir was too lost in what he was doing, or if he was relying on me to continue asking questions, but I knew I had to speak up. My mental health, and the OCD that made things just a tiny bit harder, mattered to Sir. I just wasn’t entirely sure how to get the words out of my mouth.
Taking another deep breath, I tried to push the compulsion to the side. But I knew that was just going to be a losing battle. It wasn’t something I could just ignore. It was a part of me. And it was a part of me that Sir knew about.} What are you doing? Can you explain it? Or can you just talk? I’m sorry, I’m starting to lose control over the compulsions. And I don’t know if I should tell you that multiples of three are rolling through my head or if I should just hide it and go insane. And I know the last option isn’t an option. That would just end up with a meltdown and a punishment because I didn’t talk to you. And I want to talk to you. I want to be open about everything that is going through my head.
Levi: -I stopped for a moment, letting my hand smooth over her skin as I waited, giving her a minute to adjust to what was going on while I talked to her. I was glad she’d stopped me before she’d gotten lost in her thoughts. I didn’t want her to try to be strong until she cracked. I needed to know before it got too far.- 
Don’t hide it. I’m glad you told me. I’m planning to tie your wrists to the hook in the ceiling. It gives me some control over how you’re positioned, and it shifts some of the tension in the rope off your shoulders when I get it done right. But I can leave it slack or take it down completely if it’s too much. All you have to do is keep talking to me, Bunny. 
-A strand of hair had fallen across her shoulder, it was probably going to be the first of many that fell before the night was over. If things went according to my plan, then she was likely going to be a mess when things were done, but for now, I moved it back into place, leaving a long brush of my fingers across her shoulder- 
Lexi: {I needed to acknowledge him. I needed to let him know I understood what was going on. And I did get it. This was all about give and take. And right now, he was giving me everything I needed. He was showing me how much he knew me by touching me. Sir was telling me that this was what he needed, too.
We both craved the feeling of skin on skin. We craved each other. We were always touching in some way when we were at the house. At the club, it was harder. But every chance, we were touching each other. It was no different down here. He couldn’t stop touching the exposed skin.
I let out a soft whimper at the feel of his fingers tucking my hair back. I knew how he felt about my hair. And I knew it was something he loved to play with.} It’ll expose more of me to you if I’m hanging. I’ll be at your mercy, correct Sir?
Levi: -I moved slowly to begin fastening one end of the rope around the ropes already tied to her wrists, hoping that the slow pace would keep her nerves at bay for the first time of being bound. There was no way I was going to completely allay her fears. It was only natural to be a little afraid of something that you’d never experienced before. Tonight was as much about giving her that first experience as it was anything else. She was curious about it, and I wanted her to have it, even if she decided it was too much and needed to stop it.- 
That’s right, Bunny. You’ll be completely mine to control when I finish, and I’ll be able to take my time doing exactly what I want with you… 
-I finished tying the rope and gave the end that had been looped over the hook in the ceiling a gentle tug to test it as I finished up.-
Now, I’m about to set the tension on this rope the way I like it, and tie it at the top of your arms where the ropes end near your shoulders. It’s going to hold you just like I want you. You should be able to lean forward once I get it tied and it will support your weight. You won’t be entirely suspended. You should have the ability to stand on your flattened feet, but you will also be able to hang from the rope if you lift them. 
Lexis: {This was the point of no return for me. I wasn’t entirely sure about all of this. And I knew that once I was suspended, I was going to have to face my fears of the knife. I still wasn’t entirely sure when he was going to do with it. It was something we had talked about, but all of that information was slipping from my mind as we got closer to it.
But I needed to relax. Sir knew this wasn’t something I was entirely comfortable with. I wasn’t sure how I felt about his knife. But I knew the truth. I couldn’t hide how nervous I was. As excited as I was to come down here and let Sir explore with his ropes, I was still afraid of the knife. And I knew there were other women who would have no problem with this. There were subs that had enjoyed the way his knife felt against them.
And I felt my stomach drop to my feet as I tested the way the ropes felt against me. I wasn’t sure if I was afraid of the knife as much as I was insecure about it. I knew that when I had agreed to come down here, it was going to be a trial in putting Levi’s past behind me. Realistically, there were subs in his past. And he could claim to not felt anything for them. But the truth was that they could have felt something for him. 
There were women that could do this for him without being hung up on his past. There were probably women in my club that would give him everything if he asked for it. But I needed to remind myself that there was a reason I was still married to Levi. There was a reason I wanted to be down here with him. There was a reason why I was willing to try this. And until today, being his Bunny had gone smoothly.
I just needed to ask him a few questions. I needed to remind myself of the truth. I needed to remember that this was our space. And it wasn’t a space that Sir had put together. It was something I had done for him long before I thought coming down here would be a possibility.} You’ve never had another Bunny, right? And you’ve never used the design on the knife as a collar before me, right? Everything you’re doing with me is different?
{It was the chain of three questions that made me realize how desperately I needed all of this to be different. I knew the answers to all of those questions. Well, with the exception to the design on my collar. I knew I was the only Bunny. I knew that I was different. Logic was a fickle thing, though. It tended to disappear when the compulsions hit. Logic left me when I was so scared I was almost paralyzed.}
Levi: -I stopped for a moment, hearing the unasked questions behind what my Bunny was saying to me. The three questions told me that she was still counting threes in her head, that the compulsions were still there and still pervasive in her thoughts. They were questions that I knew she knew the answer to, but I also knew how important reassurance was to her. It was important to all of us, but when things began to get the better of her, my Bunny sometimes needed reminding that she was the most important thing in my life, and that she had always been the only one.
I let my fingers move along the collar, keeping my eyes locked on hers as I replied- Darling Girl, you are the only one who has ever been my Bunny. The only one who ever will be. The collar… -I let my fingers trail along the design that was inlaid into the silver metal at her throat- That’s not something I’d have given to anyone other than the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I couldn’t have ever taken it that lightly, and you are by far the first person I’ve ever seen myself with in that way.  Everything with you is different. It always has been. 
Lexi: {I wasn’t sure if he was talking about the collar itself or the design in the collar. But I needed to take it as I saw it. I could imagine that I was the only girl he had ever put a collar on. At least, I was the only one he was willing to be with like this. I was the only person he was willing to drop his walls for. That was what made me special. It wasn’t about what I could or couldn’t do down here.
Down here was different. It was a test in his patience down here. The insecurities could get to be too much. But Sir knew me. He knew why I needed the reassurance. He understood why I had to hear him say certain things. He understood the reason the questions and statements were spilling out of my lips in multiples of three. And it was that fact that I needed to remember.
We were married. It wasn’t a taboo thing in our world, but for him it had been. It was something he never saw happening. He was content. I was content. I didn’t need anyone other than the family I had at the club. But meeting Sir had changed everything. Everything about the I can’t do this attitude I had had changed when Levi walked into my club. He made me want to be better. He gave me a peace to be better.
And that was the most important thing. He didn’t force me to be someone I wasn’t. And being a submissive had come from my own thoughts. It wasn’t something he forced me into trying. Everything in this relationship was set at my pace. I could do anything as long as I was comfortable with it.
I could feel myself relax as I came to terms with everything. I wasn’t supposed to have a panic attack. There was no need for me to freak out like I was doing. This was something I could talk to him about. This wasn’t the end of the world. That much was for certain. But the last thing I was going to do was apologize. I couldn’t apologize for my insecurities. They were there, and they were there for a reason. And most of the time I was able to control them.
But I needed to focus on the man in front of me. The man that was trying to make everything better. He was a savior to me. And I needed him to understand that I still wanted to do this. I still wanted to try for him.} Please don’t stop talking to me. Tell me everything about why I’m tied up like this. Explain why you want me tied up like this. Walk me through the reasons you want to use your knife on me.
Levi: -I smiled, though I knew the expression was a little bit dark in a moment like this. It was a habit of mine that I wasn’t going to be able to change in a situation like this. She was looking up at me. I could see the panic slowly beginning to subside in her eyes as she spoke and relaxed into the ropes that held her in place. 
It was a good sign that she wanted to ask me more, to keep going with all of this. If talking her through every moment was what it took to make her understand it all, keep calm, and enjoy the moment then that was exactly what I was going to do. My fingers went from the collar at her throat to the rope that held her in place, giving it a gentle tug. Not hard enough to change her position, but enough to increase the tension in the ropes that held her arms in place just a little. It was nothing rough, just a reminder that they were there since she’d asked about them.- 
Well Bunny, you’re tied like this for a couple of reasons. The ropes turn you into my art, but this particular setup is very flexible. It means I can put you in almost any position that I want whether it’s one that makes you more comfortable or one that puts you on display for me in whatever way I please. It also offers the advantage that it can support your weight if either of us choose to do that. Since it’s the first time we’ve tried something like this, I wanted to give you as much flexibility with your position as I could manage, but still have you bound and at my mercy as much as I desired. 
The knife...well… -I paused and ran a finger down her side. The satin of the bunny suit was smooth beneath my fingers. She was still wearing it for the time being, but as soon as I cut off the stockings she was wearing, I planned to remove the rest of her clothes as well. I wouldn’t have dreamed of using the knife on them even if she hadn’t requested me not to. The bunny costumes, and this one in particular, were far too precious for me to ever take a knife to them.-
The knife does a few things. Firstly, it means I can get through whatever you’re wearing in any way that I please. I have the ultimate control of how any and all it comes off. Secondly, there’s something about the cold metal and the sharp edge against your skin. I know it’s not something you’ve ever experienced, but it’s going to set every nerve you have on edge until even a light touch sends a shiver through your entire body, even if all I do is let the edge brush across your skin. Then there’s the trust that it takes to let someone have a blade that close to your skin and know they’re not going to hurt you. That takes a lot of faith, and it’s something I don’t take lightly at all. 
Lexis: {It was almost like a lightbulb going off in my head. Him using his knife was all about the trust I put in him. But at the same time, I already put all of my trust in him. I was down here with him. I was submitting to him. But I couldn’t help the small dash of panic as he brought up cutting me out of my clothes.
The only thing I was permitted to wear in here while we were playing was my Bunny suits. It was the one thing we both agreed about. It was something that was important to both of us. But I also wasn’t willing to part with any of them. I needed to hear the reassurance from him that nothing was going to happen to them. Especially not this one.} You promised! You said you weren’t going to cut the suit. Please don’t cut them, especially not this one!
{In my gut, I knew he wasn’t going to cut it. He loved this suit. This one specifically had meaning for him. It was what I had been wearing when we met for the very first time. This was the outfit that he saw every time he looked at the picture he had on his desk at the club. But I was back to the panic. The illogical fear that something was going to happen and I wasn’t going to be able to do this. 
But I knew that this was all at my own speed. I was going to be okay. He wasn’t going to do anything that I didn’t want him to do. There was no way that he was going to walk away from me just because I had problems coming to terms with some things. He was going to do everything in his power to walk me through what I had a problem with.
I just needed to remember that I was different. Even if I took out the fact that I was Sir’s wife, I was still a sub that had a massive problem with OCD. This was something that I wasn’t hiding from him. It was something I never would have been able to hide from him. Taking a breath, I felt my eyes close for a second. I needed to calm down. I needed to trust Sir. This was why I was tied up. I needed to show him that I absolutely trusted him.} I’m still nervous about the knife. But I need you to say that you’re not going to cut the suit.
Levi: -I knew better than to even think of cutting her suit. It wasn’t even something I could have dreamed of doing, but I knew full well that she needed the reassurance at the moment, as well. I let my fingers slide across the satin and shook my head gently as I looked down at her.- The suit is safe. I can promise you that. I wouldn’t dream of cutting it for even a moment, most certainly not this one, Bunny. You have my word. 
-I let my fingers keep up their path to move around behind her back, toying with the zipper as I gathered her into my chest and brushed a kiss across her forehead. Seeing her like this made it hard for me to keep my composure, but never for me to keep my promises. The suit wasn’t something that was in danger, and neither was my wife, even if I could understand the nerves that hit her when she was as helpless as the ropes left her. In the end, it was all about trust.
She could call of this off any moment she chose, but in the end it was all really left up to her trust in me that I’d stop when she said the word. If she didn’t trust me, she wouldn’t have even let me get this far, she wouldn’t have married me, and she wouldn’t have even suggested we try this.- 
Lexis: {It was easier now that he had promised he wouldn’t cut the suit. Not this one. I’m sure it was something I could reevaluate down the line, but the truth was that I loved this suit more than any of the others I had. He loved this suit more than any of the others that I owned. And there was no denying that I needed him to understand why I loved this suit. But the truth was that I would have never put myself in this position if I didn’t know how he felt about this particular outfit.
I felt my body shift forward as he pulled me against his chest. It brought me to the tip of my toes. It was another way that Sir could show me how the ropes worked. I felt my breath start to pick up as he toyed with the zipper at the back of my suit. I wanted to be completely exposed to him. I wanted this more than I wanted anything else. I wanted the build up. I was actually enjoying all of this when I wasn’t thinking too hard about it.
And I knew that that was what was bothering my Sir. He knew me inside and out. And one of the things that was bothering him was the fact that he didn’t know what my reaction was about to be. He was terrified that I was going to throw myself into another panic attack. Especially since I had been on the verge of one. But he was slowing everything down. We were a part of this together. And he was going to go at the pace that I needed him to go. But now I was calming down. I trusted my reactions. I trusted the man that was bringing those reactions out in me.
I could only bob my head in a nod as he placed his finger under my chin. Bringing my eyes to his. Sir was not going to risk me telling him I was okay when I wasn’t. And the best way for him to know if I was was being honest was to look me in the eyes. I could see how much he cared, though. I could see it in the way his blue eyes searched my green ones. He wanted me to be okay. But he wouldn’t accept me lying to him. My voice was soft as I let my eyes stay on his.} I’m okay. I promise.
Levi: -I could see the tension visibly melt out of her as I pulled my wife into my chest. I knew the panic attack was subsiding and that talking her through everything had worked. The next step was sliding that zipper along her back and down to ensure that the bunny suit was going to wind up in a puddle at her feet as soon as possible. 
That was an easy enough task. The zipper was already in my grasp, but I was going to take my time doing it. Watching the effect the anticipation had on her was worth the wait, though I wasn’t certain how much longer I was going to be able to keep myself under control. Up until this point, my concern for her safety had been enough to keep things on a slow boil, but now that I was fairly certain she was going to get through this without a panic attack, the entire situation was back to going directly to my head. 
My fingers went from toying with the zipper to tugging it down before I’d fully realized what business they were on about. They had a mind of their own when it came to my wife. I’d learned that long ago, from the first moment I’d laid my hands on her, and now that she was bound and tied to the ceiling, it was even more difficult a proposition to make them mind their manners. 
It was quick enough business to peel the zipper down, though the suit was made to fit her body like a glove. It was little surprise. She hadn’t worn them for awhile after Lizzie had been born. Though I had to admit, I loved her in sweatpants just as much, but there was just something about this suit in particular that made me forget about keeping my own cool.- 
Good girl. -Two simple words. I knew how she felt about them. Not necessarily in this situation, but enough to know they were something she loved to hear. 
The bunny suit gave way with a little maneuvering on my part, but it was a small enough matter once I’d begun, leaving her bare in nothing but her stockings and high heeled shoes. The sight was entirely intoxicating.-
Lexis: {It wasn’t the first time I had been exposed like this in front of him. After all, we had been married for a time. But this was different. This was more than just standing naked in front of him. And even now, I wasn’t standing naked. I was hanging naked. Well, almost naked. The only thing I was wearing were the stockings that had been requested of me.
But this was the point that I was going to have to face my fears with the knife. I had to get over the jealousy issue I had with it. Even if it was just for this session. I felt myself purr softly as Sir called me a good girl. It wasn’t something I hated. In fact, that was something I loved to hear from him. It was one of the only times I was okay with being called a girl. I liked it when he was proud of me. It gave me just a small boost of confidence when I was dealing with him. It let me know that even when I thought I was making a mistake, I was still doing something right.
My body started to tremble slightly as I felt Sir’s hands slowly exploring the newly exposed skin. I could feel the way he wanted to have his way with me. I could tell there was a small level of control that he was fighting with. We both couldn’t take it when the other started to touch. We craved the other in a way that couldn’t be rivaled. It was almost as if we had been starved of affection before we stepped into each other’s lives. And the truth was, I had been. But it was just another part of my life. Something that had made me stronger.
But I was still weak around my husband. Well, weak was the wrong word. I was addicted to my husband. Even as a dominant, I was in love with the way he could manipulate my body to give him what he wanted. I loved the way he could make me not think about what was going on around me. I wanted to be a better submissive for him, but I knew there were shortcomings that held me back.
But the gentle kiss to my neck reminded me that I was back to overthinking everything. Sir needed my focus to be on him. And he wanted me to know that all of this was okay. I was allowed to take it one step at a time. But I knew that for every second I was tied like this, that was a second closer he was to losing control. It was something I hadn’t experienced with him. And it was something I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to experience. I was worried about losing my husband when everything got to be too extreme in here.
But this was my first true experience with Levi as a Dom. I was finally in the right space to experience it. And as much as I had been nervous about being down here in my bunny suit, I knew that this was where I belonged. This was where we belonged. Nothing could go wrong as long as we both knew the truth. My words were almost a whisper in the room. I couldn’t hold back any more. I had to tell him the truth about what was going through my mind.} I adore you. And I trust you. Only you, Sir. It has only ever been you.
Levi: -It was a bit of a struggle to maintain my composure now that she was standing in front of me with nothing but a pair of stockings and when she finally spoke, it only added to the rush of things going through my head. I’d been in this sort of situation before, but never like this, never with someone I felt this way about. Though I’d freely admit that I’d never felt this way about anyone before Lexi. Our life together had been more than I’d ever expected even before she’d built this room and decided to try this with me. Adding this to it was something I’d never expected. It was just above and beyond the amazing life she’d already given me. 
My fingers slipped across her bare skin, and I took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly while I let myself take in the smooth surface beneath my hand. My fingers smoothed over her stomach, swirling around her navel as the other hand reached into my pocket, pulling out the knife that rested there. The fingers moved to flick open the blade instinctively. I needed to maintain the control I had left in order to use the knife, but once that was over, I wasn’t going to be able to promise anything. - 
That’s more than I could have ever asked for, Bunny. You’re more than I could have asked for, and it’s only ever been you since the moment you walked into my life. 
-I kept her gaze focused on me as I traced the knife along the edge of the stockings she wore, careful to keep it away from her skin and not cut her without meaning to. I knew the cold metal would press against her skin. I saw the way her body tensed when it came into contact with her thigh.- 
Just breathe, Bunny. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.
-I leaned in, dragging a kiss along the cure where her neck met her shoulder as I flicked the knife out, hearing the rip of the nylon that made up the garter of the stockings, and let out a gentle groan near her ear- 
Lexis: {I couldn’t help the way my body tensed the moment Sir put the knife against my skin. I was nervous. There was no denying that. But I knew what I was doing the moment I put this suit on. I was asking him to do something with me that I had never thought I would be able to do with anyone ever. But here I was with him. I was trying to submit for him.
I needed to breathe, though. He was right about that. If I didn’t take a breath, I was going to push myself back into another panic attack. And that was the last thing either of us wanted. It was something we couldn’t afford to have. I knew what would happen if I lost control right now. I’d end up hurt. And then I’d refuse to come down here. I wasn’t sure about the knife, but I knew that there wasn’t much I could do about it at this point.
The only thing that kept me from losing control was the sound of Sir’s voice against my ear and neck. The soft groans that slipped through as the knife ran along my leg. He was slowly losing whatever hold he had on his control. I knew it simply by the way he was acting.
It was something I wanted. I was craving it. And it may have been the tinge of fear that made me want it more. I still wasn’t entirely sure what was going on. I felt the soft whimper slip between my lips as Sir groaned against my ear. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be feeling, but the only thing I was sure of was that I needed more of him against me. I had to have him pressing against me. 
I felt myself arch against the ropes, my toes lifting up as I tried to get closer. The ropes ensured I stayed where he wanted me. It just put a different part of me on display. My chest being pushed out as I tried to keep myself from coming off the floor.}
Levi: -I let my fingers slide lower between her thighs as she pushed herself forward trying to get closer to me, bending along with the touch to run the knife down the flimsy fabric that clung to her legs. It gave way to the razor sharp blade with only the slightest pressure, slicing like butter until the cold steel of the side brushed against her ankle and the left stocking was gone. My fingers curled forward teasing her clit with a gentle swirl of my fingertips across it in the same moment. She was straining against the ropes, but I wasn’t ready to give her what she wanted yet
It was coming, just not until I was absolutely certain either she or I weren’t going to be able to take it any longer. She was beautiful on a normal day, but like this she was absolutely stunning. Maybe I was biased, but that didn’t mean that I was wrong on this particular point. -
I hope you know exactly how lovely you are like that. 
-There was no way I was moving my hand from between her thighs as I watched her eyes roll back on her head. I intended to make a beautiful disaster of my wife before the night was over and done. Maneuvering myself so my arm was wrapped around her hips as I moved around behind her repeating the process on the remaining stocking, making sure that the knife blade barely danced across her skin- 
Lexis: {I didn’t want to break the bubble he was in. But I knew how I was feeling. I needed to distract myself. I couldn’t focus on the knife. It was the last time it was going to be against my skin. It was the last time I was going to have something that had touched one of his former submissives on my skin. There were days the jealousy and self doubt got to be too much. And I was doing everything I could to keep that from becoming a thing today.
I had to focus on his other hand. The one that was between my legs. Even before we had come down here, he knew how to play me perfectly. Sir knew what he needed to do to have me in a puddle around him. With the right amount of pressure against my clit, I was silently begging for more. I wasn’t sure if I could open my mouth and ask for anything. I couldn’t be sure that I’d remain in this perfect balance for him.
And that’s what this was about. It was true, most of this was for me. I was the one that wanted and needed this. I needed to go at this pace. But the knife and ropes were all for him. I did enjoy the way the ropes felt against my skin. I couldn’t deny that. But the knife continued to make me insecure and scared. And it was something I needed to keep hidden. I couldn’t let Sir see how much it was bothering me.}
Levi: -Only another moment before the second stocking joined the first, and I folded the knife and slipped it back into place in my pocket, keeping my fingers focused on the task I’d set them too earlier. I used the leverage of my arm wrapped around her hips to pull Lexi’s back into my chest, molding her body into my own as I ran my lips across her bare shoulder, enjoying the way she writhed beneath my touch. 
My other arm snaked around her, teasing and twisting the first nipple that I could manage to get between my fingers. The gasp that it drug from her lips was worth the effort as I made sure she ground backward against my hips, showing her exactly what having her like this had done to me.
One quick yank of the ropes that held her wrists into place had her back arched and her arms pointed downwards so that I could whisper in her ear as her breasts were thrust fully into my hands. I was beyond the point where I was going to be able to hold back much longer, but I was going to get one more murmur in at her throat before I let go entirely.- 
Pretty little Bunny… Every last inch of you belongs to me, and I intend to show you that before the night is through. I just hope you’re up for the challenge. 
Lexis: {The only thing I could do was shiver. I knew what this was going to be. This was the point of no return. But I was better now that the knife was gone. I didn’t have any fears toward it. Just insecurity. And that insecurity was gone the moment Levi stashed the knife back in his pocket. 
I knew I was just like a little doll for him like this. He could put me in whatever position he wanted. And with my chest pushed forward, he was getting the one thing he couldn’t get enough of. My chest was a thing for him. He loved when I had it on display. The corsets I wore to work could torture him if I wasn’t careful. And this was exactly what he wanted. He wanted me to beg. He wanted me to need him.
And boy did I need him. Every spot he touched was on fire. My nipples were hard, and I was beyond wet. My breaths were coming out in short pants as I tried to keep myself focused on what was happening. It was easy to get lost in this, the way his fingers felt as they tugged at my nipple. I was already dizzy from the way his voice had deepened. There was a need there. He was holding himself back. But he was going to lose control as soon as I started to beg. And I couldn’t keep myself from begging any longer. I needed him to understand what he was doing to me.} Please, Sir? Can I please have you? I need something. Everything aches in the best way possible. But I need you to make it better. Please!
Levi: -I was more or less absolutely done for by the time she was begging for more. I was already at the point where I could barely think straight and the only thing raging through my veins was her. 
I didn’t even bother with undressing myself. There wasn’t time for that in my haste to claim her in every way that I could imagine. All I could manage my fumbling fingers to coordinate was yanking down the zipper of the trousers that came with my suit. My arm was still wrapped around her body, but my grip on her was lowered enough to use the leverage of my arms to bend her at the waist. 
I hadn’t been lying when I said that the way I’d tied her left her at my whims. The rope in the ceiling was half restraint and half pulley system that enabled me to maneuver her into almost any position I could imagine, and right now, I wanted her like this. My fingers never let up their motion against her clit as I grasped my cock firmly at the base and slid fully inside her in one smooth motion. She was soaking wet and the heat of her body wrapped around me in a glove, drawing a deep moan from my throat. 
This was what I’d been aching for since I walked into the room and she was waiting for me in that costume. Tying the ropes and all of the rest had just been building up until it broke my control completely. I gave up fighting it and just gave into the urge to completely take her for my own.-
Lexi: {There was something about the way I was bound to him. I knew that this was going to be a test in how much control he had. And it seemed as though he didn’t have that much. It was evident in the way he was still clothed. To some people, it would seem like he didn’t care enough to get undressed. He didn’t care enough for me to let me feel his skin against mine.
But the reality of the situation was that he was so desperate to have me. He couldn’t waste time taking clothing off. He needed me as much as he needed air. And this was the fastest way to get him to lose control. I had been dressed up in his favorite bunny suit. I had asked to be tied up. I asked to be placed at his mercy. This was my reward.
I got to see him in a way that no one else did. And even in this position, it wasn’t about actually seeing. It was about experiencing him. Everything we had done down here had been leading up to this. For me, it was about the experience of him being so in control. And it was a small test for myself to see if I could make him lose control.
He had definitely lost control. The way he was gripping my hips was harder than he would have any other time. He wasn’t nearly as concerned with marking me as he usually was. And the way he was pushing against me made me whimper softly. Each of his thrusts pushed me forward just a little on my toes. I was sent just a little further out, stretching the muscles in my calf. I could feel the burn from my straining muscles, but I wasn’t going to deny him this if this was what he wanted.}
Levi: -The ropes may have kept her at my mercy, bent and positioned in the way that I had chosen, but the part of me that had the composure to put those ropes in place was long gone. The sounds that came from her with every motion between the two of us went straight to my head, driving away any sense of maintaining the control I’d established over that part of myself.
All I could do was ride the tide of what came over me when I got entirely lost in her. My fingers curled between her thighs as my arm wrapped around her waist, teasing the nub of nerves that was there at the apex of her thighs. I knew the moment I’d hit the right spot from the change in the tenor of her whimpers along with the way that her body tensed against mine. I savored the feeling of her. I could be married to Lexis for the rest of my life and never get enough of that.  
I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to hold on, but I was bound and determined to drag one more climax out of my Bunny before all was said and done. I wanted to claim every inch of her, but I was far too wrapped up in her to be able to make this last for hours. 
I kept one hand wrapped around her body teasing, as the other snaked up her back to let my fingers wrap gently around her throat and pull her up into a tense arch and whisper against her ear-
And whose Bunny are you, Darling Girl? 
-my voice was low and gravelly and my fingers kept the tension just high enough to remind her that hand hand was there and keep her body curved like I wanted it.-
Lexi: {It wasn’t hard to see how lost Sir was getting in all of this. His motions were more erratic. He was doing everything in his power to hold on. But it was the words that tumbled from his lips that were the biggest clue as to what was happening. Darling Girl was not a term to be used down here. I was never supposed to be his Darling Girl, I was only supposed to be his Bunny. But it also went back to something we had talked about before. He wasn’t ever going to be able to achieve complete detachment from me in the playroom.
I couldn’t stop the soft purr that slid from my lips, though. The only way to answer is question was to be honest. My voice was gravelly as I pushed back against the man who could control me at every angle.} Yours, Sir. I am only your Bunny.
{The responding growl was something I never knew I craved from Sir. It was primal in a way I had never experienced. And it was that noise that made me press back against him. All I had to do was shift slightly before I could feel my body letting go. The way I relaxed against the ropes before my body started to shake was a symbol that held more meaning than I could have ever imagined. 
There was just one thing that was holding me back from going to the edge with him completely. I wanted to experience all of what excited him down here. I wanted to know why he loved shibari and the ropes the way that he did. And to understand that completely, I had to experience all of it. My voice came out in a pleading pant as I tried to get my focus together. } The knife. Use the knife, please. I promise you, Sir! It’s something I want.
Levi: -I could just register what Lexis was asking me for in the haze of the situation that washed over me further with each passing moment. We’d discussed the knife that weighed down the right pocket of my pants before, but it wasn’t something she was certain that she wanted. I kept it close to me anyway, if she ever asked me to use it. It wasn’t something that I was going to push on her until she requested it. It was absolutely the last thing I’d expected, but I couldn’t deny the rush when it registered that she wanted me to use the knife on her. 
I didn’t hesitate to pull it out of my pocket, opening the blade with the flick of one hand before bringing it to her back. I wasn’t going to make any marks that were going to be permanent, just drag the blade lightly across her skin, leaving a tiny cut that beaded up in a trail of blood droplets across her back. The blade was sharp, she wasn’t going to feel it until the blood started to pool, but I knew the burn that would sink into her skin in that moment. 
I could only wait and see what her reaction was going to be. The curiosity that came with that simple motion was the only thing that was holding me back in this instant. I needed to make sure that she was alright before I gave myself permission to entirely release myself right now.- 
Lexis: {I didn’t react as I noticed Sir’s hand disappear from my skin. I was too wrapped up in what I was feeling to notice. I didn’t notice the pain. I didn’t notice the feeling of blood welling on my back. I felt the pressure of the knife against my skin. I felt the pressure being released as he pulled the knife away. I felt my body give into the orgasm that I had been holding on to. 
There was no way I was going to be able to keep myself quiet. And I knew the truth. Sir craved hearing me as much as he needed me. It was part of the full package for him. My screams echoed off the walls around us as I tried to keep myself from pulling away from him. As much as I trembled because of my orgasm, I knew that I was just going to do more harm if I tore myself from his embrace. And the position didn’t give me a chance to pull away. I was still at Sir’s mercy.
I didn’t feel it the first time, but I felt it this time. I felt the way the blade pressed into my back. I felt the burning as the blood started to well against my skin. I knew that I wasn’t in danger. The cut wasn’t deep. Sir wouldn’t allow himself to put me through too much pain if he thought it was going to suffer. But this was different. This was enhancing what he knew I was enjoying. It was another thing to stimulate me. 
I felt my teeth clench before I let out a hiss. The adrenaline I had once felt was slowly starting to fade, but that didn’t mean that Sir was through with me. And that thought made me buck back against him. It was an exhilarating feeling to know how much he craved me. And part of me wanted to drive him mad. But I knew how close he was. I knew how much he was ready for his own release.} May I please have your cum, Sir?
Levi: -The combination of everything that was happening in that moment was ultimately too much for me to deny. The silver knife fell from my fingers and hit the floor at my feet, forgotten for the moment when Lexi was everything. My hand resumed its grip on her hip, slamming her body backwards into mine in the same instant that my own hips slammed forward. I didn’t have the concentration left to try not to leave marks on her hips. If I found my fingerprints there later, it was just going to give me something more to soothe over while I was taking care of her after all was said and done. 
For now, all I could focus on was the way her body spasmed around my cock as she cried out. Her words just fueled me on further until I drove deep inside her one last time with a loud cry- Fuck… 
-I didn’t usually make a habit of cursing but in this moment I was too far gone and out of control to give a damn as I felt my muscles tighten and then release, pumping thick ropes of my seed deep into my wife.-
Lexi: {I couldn’t stop the release of breath as Sir finally let go. There was something about getting him to lose complete control. And hearing him say fuck just before he came was a thrill. It made me feel powerful. It made me realize that he was still attracted to me after we had Lizzie.
With all the yelling, I finally felt the relief of making the closet soundproof. The monitor sat on the desk I had put down here, and she slept through the entire playtime. The giggle that slipped through my lips was a small relief as I let the ropes support my weight. It had been a long time since Levi had had his way with me to the point of me aching this way, but it was a good ache. It made me realize that I needed more of this. I wanted to be down here with him. Tied up however he saw fit.
I was finally coming to terms with the way submission could benefit me. It was just as much of a power trip for me as it could be for him. And giving him that power was like an adrenaline rush. Taking a breath, I hummed softly as the burn for the twin cuts in my back settled in.} You’re going to have to play doctor a bit, Sir. We both know that I’ll never be able to reach the cuts.
{I felt his lips press against my skin. It was something that surprised me. We had talked at length about the differences between me and any other subs that Sir had had before me. I was aware that things were different. They were going to be because I wasn’t just a submissive to him. I was his wife first and foremost. He was always going to let me know how much he appreciated having his Darling Girl try to submit for him. And it made me love him that much more. But I couldn’t hide my feelings from him. It didn’t matter where we were. I was never going to hold back my words. Even if they weren’t necessarily appropriate in the situation.} I love you, Sir. Thank you for coming down here with me.
Levi: -Gathering my wife into my arms while I carefully undid the ropes that had held her in place until now was a simple motion, and a complete one hundred and eighty degree change from the situation the two of us had found ourselves in the moment before. But it was an easy switch to make, now that the tension between the two of us had subsided. A pair of gentle kisses on her back made the transition complete. I had a good bit of taking care of her to do tonight. The cuts on her back were going to need tending to, and her arms and legs were going to be sore from the ropes that had bound her into place. But it wasn’t anything I couldn’t take care of tonight. Lizzie was getting old enough that she would sleep through the night if we didn’t wake her, and moving her back upstairs to the crib on the second floor of the house wasn’t going to be much of an issue either. 
What I wanted most of all out of the rest of the night was to have my wife wrapped up in my arms where I could take care of her the way she deserved for the rest of the night. She had more than earned it with the scene that had gone on between us. I was proud of her, and I intended to make sure she knew it before the night was through- 
I love you too, Darling Girl, and I should be the one thanking you. Now, let’s get you a little more comfortable and spend the rest of the night together. 
-Bending over to scoop her up in my arms, I planned to carry her into the bathroom she’d had built down here and make sure she was comfortable before I got her and our daughter upstairs to settle in for the rest of the night.- 
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mechandra · 3 years
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i am ONE tomato away from losin my goddamn mind
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