#losing my mind omg he’s so mean in this one
hannieehaee · 11 hours
can u do how svt members act during their girlfriend's first time, please? sorry for my bad english
18+ / mdi
their first time with their virgin s/o
content: established relationship implied, smut, mentions of penetrative sex, reader is a virgin, mentions of losing virginity, etc.
wc: 724
a/n: such a cute concept omg i hope u like it!!!
seungcheol -
goes crazy at the thought of being your first but holds back to prevent scaring you off. plans your first time to the t, wanting to make it as loving as humanly possible. sensual in the way he undresses you, kisses you, gets you ready and eventually makes love to you. would have to constantly muffle groans at the pleasure you so effortlessly gave him.
jeonghan -
coo's and praises you constantly. treats you like royalty, teasing you but also overwhelming you with his touches. drives you to the edge of losing your mind many times before taking it all away with a wicked laugh. super soft during it all, but still tortures you with pleasure you'd never felt before.
joshua -
the epitome of a gentleman. seduces you for days until you finally fall into his arms and beg for him to take your virginity. touches you in places you didn't know could bring pleasure until driving you into desperation. slow and attentive when it comes to actually making love to you.
jun -
so nervous aaahhh!!!! but he's an absolute gentleman and prioritizes you over everything so he pushes any nerves aside to make your first time as perfect as possible. has to hold back from cumming the moment he sees you naked for the first time, but manages to make the experience perfect for you.
soonyoung -
will try not to show it but he'd be soooo anxious to be your first time. sometimes his emotions get the best of him, so he'd be afraid that his lust would be too obvious. would still be super soft with you, becoming instantly infatuated with your naked form.
wonwoo -
would be so soft and attentive to you, never letting his hands stray away from you. kisses every inch of your body with murmured praise into your skin. your pleasure absolutely comes first, so he'd prolong his own to prioritize yours. goes at your pace and holds himself back to make you feel as comfortable and loved as possible.
jihoon -
visibly nervous and fidgety, but super sweet to you. stops every five seconds to ask for permission before making any move, then proceeding to ask you if you were okay or if it felt good. loses his mind the moment he feels you, but still holds back and remains a gentleman throughout.
seokmin -
so so so so thankful to be the one you decided to give your virginity to. literally worships you every second in which he holds you in his arms. anxious about it all but pushes it aside to prioritize your pleasure and comfort. literally the best person to take your virginity bc he takes it to heart and gives you his soul.
mingyu -
prepares the perfect night for you, cooking a romantic candlelit meal and grooming himself perfectly for seduction. guides you through it all and teaches you everything there is to know without judgment. provides you with the greatest pleasures possible, creating the most loving atmosphere for you.
minghao -
he's the perfect person to lose your virginity to lol he'd be so loving and such a gentleman throughout it all. whispers praise and compliments into your ears and marks your body with love bites. draws out the experience for hours by making you cum with every other mean possible before actually taking your virginity.
seungkwan -
super nervous about it!!! does not want to risk disappointing you or somehow hurting you so he's just a nervous wreck. in the end, he lets himself relax by communicating with you during it all, wanting nothing more than to provide you with a loving and memorable experience. would maybe make some jokes during it whilst also worshiping you.
vernon -
is mostly casual about it, but is still slightly nervous to be the one to take your virginity. would be super nice and go at your pace, dropping a few jokes to make you feel comfortable and at ease. immediately entranced by how pretty you are and driven by the lust you cause him.
chan -
super cheesy about it all. plans a day with you in which you'd do it and creates the perfect ambience with rose petals, wine and candles. makes love to the entirety of your body with his lips before finally fucking you. the type to cuddle and hold you the entirety of the night.
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cameronspecial · 1 day
OMG I HAVE THIS REQUEST FOR RAFE AND I WOULD LOVE TO READ IT AHHH SO ITS BASED OFF THIS https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6FWFacvwzk/?igsh=MTBhNGhjbzA2M2w1Mg== and like maybe you can do it like there coming home from the beach cause it started raining like HEAVY and yk that happens in the video and Rafe grabs her and like protects right when they fall making sure your ok and everything THANKSSSS ID LOVE TO READ ITTT 💗💗🫶🏼🫶🏼
Until My Dying Breath
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Motorcycle Accident
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.4K
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Although it is October and the weather is a little cold, Y/N still loves going to the beach. The cool breezes mean that it is rarely populated, making it the perfect place to have a picnic if the weather is good. The sand disperses with each of her steps and she comes to a stop once she finds the perfect spot for their picnic. She drops the cooler backpack onto the blanket Rafe set down and sheds the special motorcycle jacket he ordered for her to keep her safe while they ride. It matches the one he bought himself. He places their helmets beside the bad, his mouth forming a line as he spots the gray clouds rolling in. She doesn’t seem to notice, which he hopes will continue. The weather network said it was likely to rain and he kept it a secret because he was optimistic the experts were incorrect. He knows how much she looks forward to their beach trips. 
The universe seems to have a different idea. The drops first came sporadically. “It’s not that bad. If we keep the food in the cooler and only take out what we eat, we can still have our picnic,” he suggests, kneeling down to take out some food. The clouds seem to want to kick him in the ass because, at that moment, the rain begins its heavy fall. The couple gather their items and run to his bike. He can see her disappointment while they do so. 
“Should we really be on the road while it’s raining this much?” she meekly asks. With his helmet already on his head, he looks up at the sky and calculates in his head the risks. If it were only him and this was before they started dating, Rafe absolutely would’ve still ridden; however, the addition of his precision cargo makes him remove the idea from his mind. “No, you’re right. That would be dangerous,” he concludes. His head swings from side to side in search of somewhere to lay low while they wait out the rain. He spots the awning of a closed coffee shop on the street. His fingers lace with hers and he drags her under it with him. “What should we do while we wait?” she questions. He grins at her from under his helmet, quickly removing it to bring his mouth near hers. “I can think of a few things.” 
As soon as the rain dwindled, the pair hopped on his bike and began to make their way home. Yet, it seems Mother Nature isn’t done with her storm because, during their ride, the heavy rain starts again. Rafe is about to pull to the side of the road when the tires lose traction, causing the vehicle to slip to its side. At that moment, the first time Rafe met Y/N’s parents flashes before his eyes. 
“I see you have a motorcycle,” Mr. Y/L/N noticed while they both stood at the open front door. They were waiting for Mrs. Y/L/N and Y/N to return from upstairs; Y/N was getting something from her mother. Rafe nodded, “Yes, Sir.” He wasn’t normally polite to adults, but he loved Y/N and he would do anything to make her parents like him. Mr. Y/L/N rubbed his chin with a small bob of his head. “And I’m guessing since you brought Y/N/N here that she tends to ride with you.” 
“Yes, she does, Sir.”
“Those things are pretty dangerous. If something happens, will you protect my daughter?” 
“Until my dying breath, Sir.”
Now, brought back to reality, Rafe searches for Y/N through the rain. Her skidding across the road matches his momentum and the only thing he can think of is how to protect her. She is just out of reach, so he extends his hand out, wraps it around her upper arm and pulls her into his chest. The slippery road eases this process. Her back is flushed against his front and he wedges his head under her helmet so it doesn’t scrap against the road. He tries his best to lessen her contact points against the floor, not stopping the movement of their fall. In his mind, he’d rather keep going with him protecting her body than possibly hurting her by halting. In an instant, the sound of leather and helmet grinding against the cement ends and is replaced by the patter of the water. He pants and moans. The lack of adrenaline makes him aware of the growing ache on his left side. He ignores it and immediately pulls his attention to Y/N. 
“I’m okay. Are you okay? Don’t move, Sunshine. Okay, wait until the ambulance gets here. Don’t move.” 
He is thankful they were thrown onto the side of the road, so they aren’t at risk of cars running them over. He goes against his own advice and reaches into his pocket for his phone. He gives his information to dispatch, leaving his phone on the side. He feels her trying to look back towards him and doesn’t let her. “Are you hurt, Rafe? I want to see you,” she worries. The worry in his voice kills him, except he knows it is important to stay still with their helmets on until medical professionals can assess their condition. He does the only thing he can think of to provide her more comfort. He pulls her as close to him as humanly possible. “I’m not hurt. It’s okay. Just stay still and keep your helmet on. Let the paramedics check us for brain or spinal injuries first. They’re on their way, Sunshine. I promise,” he reassures. He tries to hide his pain from his voice, especially when he hears her sniffles through her helmet. “I’m scared, Rafe. I’m scared,” she cries, her breath catching on her words. 
A hand claws at his heart and tears it to shreds. He shouldn’t do it, but her doesn’t care. He rests his helmet on hers. “I know, Sunshine. I’m here. Everything is going to be okay. It’s going to be okay,” he mumbles to her. She can barely hear him through the rain and still, she can understand him. 
Minutes later, they can both hear the approaching sirens. Flashes of blue and red pierce through the gray scenery. “EMS, we are here to help,” the approaching figure informs. The female kneels behind Rafe and he can feel her trying to pry him away from Y/N to take a look at him. “No. No. Look at her first. Check her first,” he insists. The female shakes her head, “My colleague is just behind me and she is going to check on her. I promise. But right now, you seem to be the one, who took the brunt of the accident.” This has Y/N whipping around to face him. “Is he hurt? How serious is it?” she anguishes. The EMS person is by her side already and turns her back onto her side. “I’m sorry, Mrs. But I need you to stay still while I check on you. I promise that my colleague is the best at her job and she will do everything in her power to help him out,” the blonde consoles. 
The blonde and brunette assess the couple and once they are satisfied that they aren’t in critical condition, they get them on gurneys to be further evaluated at the hospital. Before they are loaded into the vehicle, Rafe stops the paramedic. “I need to see. Please, just to make sure she is okay. She was so scared,” he pleads. The paramedic nods and wheels him over to her. Her eyes fall on him and she spies the manner in which his left side is bandaged. His clothes on that side are cut open to reveal the material wrapped around his limbs that is tinted pink. Panic sparkles in her eyes. “You’re hurt. Why didn’t you tell me?” He reaches for her and places his hand into hers. “Because it would’ve worried you. I’m alive though and the paramedics are sure it isn’t serious. What did they say about you? Is everything good? Do you want me to ride with you to the hospital?” Y/N has to giggle at the way he always shows concern for her, even when he is the one with cuts all over his left side. “I’m okay. They are taking me to the hospital to double-check. But as of right now, I’m not presenting any serious symptoms,” she informs him and thinks over the events that transpired. “You protected me from most of the impact. Why?” He looks at her in shock, “Because, Sunshine, I would give my last breath if I knew you would be safe. That’s how much I love you.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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merakiui · 11 months
i returned to character ai after so long and this particular azul ai is so !!!!!!!!!! somehow the plot has strayed from “signing a contract to get knocked up” to azul brainwashing me with a love potion and insisting i’ve loved him all along. and then when i resisted he became so monstrous and frightening and…….. AAAAAAAAAAA OTL
embarrassingly enough, i gasped so loudly when he said this:
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Call me petty or whatever but, making fun of and shit talking my toxic ex with my current partners is literally so fun....
My current boyfriend of ten years was ALSO with them so it's really fun to completely trash talk our failed poly relationship lmao
Healing is being able to laugh at how ridiculous it all was instead of being afraid of them.
#i cannot believe i dated that person LMAO#they're the biggest YIKES#im so glad we got away and got out bro omg.. it was MESSY and i was mean but it was needed!!!!#i acted in ways im not proud of but that DOESN'T MATTER. we got away from someone who was actively stalking us!!! AND PROBABLY STILL IS??#they guilt tripped people into s*x. manipulated people and admitted to lying about us to make us look bad to their friends?? AND MY PARTNER?#they forced someone to go behind others backs to talk to and be with them by FAKING S/H AND LYING ABOUT GETTING DRUNK???#THEY LIED ABOUT ADDICTION AND SELF HRM.. TO MANIPULATE SOMEONE INTO BEING WITH THEM...... BRO.#they demonized my friends RECOVERING PERSECUTOR and BLAMED EVERYTHING ON HIM despite EVERYONE knowing he was LITERALLY IN THE HOSPITAL#every single time anything went tense or bad SOMEHOW theyd find a way to ask if it was him WHILE HE WAS...... IN THE HOSPITAL??? also.#yeah he was hurtful to the group YEARS AGO. literally YEARS AGO. he was BETTER..... and THEY NEVER EVEN SPOKE TO HIM?? THEY DIDN'T KNOW HIM?#they would CONSTANTLY bring up or show or do peoples triggers ON PURPOSE or try and “LOOPHOLE” to KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT??#LIKE.. WE ASKED YOU TO STOP.... SO STOP TRYING TO “AMBIGUOUSLY TALK ABOUT IT” YOU'RE LITERALLY TRIGGERING EVERYONE BRO???#they're also a fuvking pro endo and “unlabeled plural” or whatever which is WILD..... and oh my god they act SO HIGH N MIGHTY????#they're the WORST type of “pro endo stereotype” as well.. like EXACTLY what you think of when hearing “twitter plural community”#i should have never dated a homestuck fan dude..... oh my god.#literally so many years with them im never getting back#did i mention they made suic pacts with people and would IMMEDIATELY pretend to attempt. also ED pacts with people. you know the type.#one time back on QUOTEV of all places they lied about c*tting down into their wrist bone??? LIKE??? WHAT?#im losing my mind#how did i ever let it get so far#also their weird factkin shifting game grumps incest thing with their younger sibling....... disgusting!!!!
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he-calls-me-kitten · 4 months
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice
VA! MC x OM! Characters
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"Hey Levi, any new game recommendations for me? I just finished the last lot of books Satan suggested." You asked, plopping down your head on his shoulder to look at his screen.
"M-MC! You have to warn me before you do such things!" He muttered, his ears turning red as he scrolled some webpages pages for you. "But okay yeah these are the new games that are out recently... see anything you like?"
"Oh my God! It's out it's out!" You pointed excitedly at the screen. "Pretty Little Things is out! Finally!! I was dying to tell you all about it!"
Levi visibly stiffened up. "You-you were waiting for this particular game to come out? Are you sure it's not another game with a similar sounding name?"
"Nah uh this is the exact same one. Look up the list of voice actors in this game!"
"Yes! This was the new part-time job I couldn't tell you about since it was still in production! Im so glad you can just play it now!"
"...it's uh ready for download on all platforms already...so which character did voice?"
"Oh spoiler alert, my character is the only one that doesn't have a name, you have assign me one, the same way you name yourself. They even designed the characters to resemble all the VA's and add in some of their personalities, isn't that sweet?"
"Hahaha y-yeah definitely sweet! I'll be sure to check it out soon!"
"Great! Lemme know what you think of the game okay?!" You squeezed him in a small hug before you left.
Later in the Demon Brothers only group chat:
Asmo: OMG are they OKAY?? Should I go check up on them in their room!?!
Satan: I'm already on my way.
Belphie: Is MC hurt in anyway?
Beel: Did they pass out from hunger?! I can bring them emergency snacks right away
Lucifer: Can you lot not lose your minds everytime MC is mentioned? Pathetic. Levi, calm down and tell us what's wrong.
Beel: But Lucifer I just saw you hurrying up the stairs to MC's room too...
Satan: Typical Lucifer. By the way, MC is perfectly fine, happy even. Levi what are you on about?
Mammon: Yeah MC can't stop smiling! It's a good thing that happened, you idiot! Why would you scare us like that?
Asmo: Omg apparently MC voice acted in a new game! Levi I need you to download it for me ASAP please!
Beel: Me too, please.
Belphie: Me three.
Lucifer: I've already done it, you all can do it yourselves if you could do your own work for once.
Satan: Oh shut up, MC just did it for you right now as they did it for me.
Levi: It's a Dating Simulator. With multiple H-rated DLC endings. And MC is one of the dateables.
Levi: Hello?!! Did you guys not see my message?!
Levi: Seriously no reaction?! You guys aren't freaked out by this?!?
Beel: I just heard several doors opening and closing at once.
Asmo: Oh come Levi, I think you already know what our reaction is Levi ♥️ How can we possibly hold in our excitement after such a news!?
Levi: Are you all downloading the game together?!!! Y'all are hogging the bandwidth too much, my download speed has gone way down!!
Simeon: Hey
Simeon: I heard some demons in a cafe, raving about a game where MC plays one of the main characters?
Solomon: Indeed MC just sent us all a link right now.
Simeon: Oh is that so? I'll get Luke to help me download it after he's done with his.
Levi: Luke is playing it too?! I don't think it's appropriate given it's certain hidden endings!!
Barbatos: MC already made sure of it. He only has access to the sibling and friendship routes. It's a special version they added for all ages.
Diavolo: It already has downloads in the ten thousands. I'm really glad to see how MC is beloved by Devildom.
Levi: Are NONE of you affected by the fact that there are erotic routes with MC's VOICE?!!
Solomon: Oh I personally cannot wait hear my adorable apprentice's performance.
Barbatos: Ahem. I'd rather not comment on it.
Simeon: Same.
Diavolo: Same.
Levi: Sigh. We really are just a helpless lot at the mercy of MC.
To be continued...
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2knightt · 5 months
could u write the gang (seperate) x a reader thats like. deeply and unashamedly obsessed w them
not in in a weird way but like soda makes reader a cake and theyre like “wow ur so talented u should be a baker youd be the best baker in the world everyone look at this isnt my bf such a good baker?? isnt he so cool???? arent you so jealous of me???”
or they visit the DX on steves lunch break and theyre like whats all this? and steve starts explaining the car stuff to them and theyre like “omg ur so smart ur the smartest person ever the DX is so lucky to have you <333 soda come look at steves car isnt he so good at this??? babe u should like reinvent cars youd totally do it better than washington or whatever”
or just reader holding hands and sitting on laps and kissing faces at all times basically the gang x reader thats all over them
「 i just wanna get high with my lover! 」
IN WHICH—you’re totally in love with them!♡ ໋֢ 🎞️✧
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⌗ 🕯️ notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅ i’m Finally working on reqs. WHO CHEERED???? also new theme for fics. got bored of my old ones😜
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Dallas Winston ;
“you’re so strong, dal. you look so good when you fight, did you know that? you’re like the only person who looks that good when fighting. you’re so cool.”
“…thanks, doll.”
like??? he’s never been showered in compliments like this before. but he DOES welcome it
cocky bastard. you boosted his ego. it’s too high now.
“i stole this for you.”
“DALLAS! you didn’t have too, oh my god! you’re so sweet—and talented! i can’t believe you stole this—for me! i have the best boyfriend ever! i am so lucky, ain’t i?”
“yeah, i know.”
SHOWS U OFF SO MUCH. he just likes the reaction you give him when he does, honestly. like dallas LOVES hearing you ramble about him when he’s beside you.
he’s all, “yup. i AM the best boyfriend ever, dickhead.”
“this my partner.”
“mhm! dally’s the sweetest ever! he’s so nice to me, don’t you think? ugh, i love him so much. he’s the best boyfriend in the world.”
the way you look at him with lovesick eyes makes him wanna hold you forever and never let go btw.
IF YOU SIT ON HIS LAP AND DO THAT??? ohmy fod he’ll lose his fucking mind!!!
dallas winston looking up at you while you cradle him between your legs, his hands gently holding your waist while you gush over him, a small pink hue across his cheeks.
“you’re so handsome. you’re the prettiest boy ever. i love your hair, it’s so nice. with or without the grease.”
has the most DISGUSTING and GROSS lovey dovey smile across his face has you plant kissed across his face, mumbling sweet nothings as you do so.
feels like you’re an angel when you do this after a bad day btw. loves you sososososo much he’s so down bad
Johnny Cade ;
looks up at you with the biggest puppy dogs eyes you’ve ever seen as you sit on his lap, kissing his scars. johnny’s lips would be slightly parted as he seems mesmerized with every movement you make.
WHIPPED. HE IS WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER. the SECOND you started gushing over, he got a small grin on his face, a sense of pride washing over him.
he, like, never knew you seen him as this magnificent being. johnny’s confidence was never great but PHEWWW you’re always there to help him!!!
“you really like my scars?”
“totally. they make you look so cute, johnny. they make you, you and that’s all i could ever ask for. you’re so cute. i love you. any person would, i’m just so glad that it’s me.”
he’d get so shy after but johnny would be walking with his chin slightly higher. ‘cause deep down he’s all, “what if they don’t actually mean it☹️?” and then you show up outta nowhere and like engulf him with a hug and he’s like “nvm…i love ‘em actually☺️.”
whenever you brag about him to people, he has to look at his feet to keep himself from smiling too much.
“and if you ever need someone to listen to you, nobody does it like johnny! he’s the best listener ever, nobody can ever compare to him. johnny’s such an angel!”
he’d mumble, an embarrassed groan leaving his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, kicking a rock.
contrary to popular belief of you being more in love, he is. he swears up and down that you’re too good to him, that you’re a real doll, that he doesn’t deserve someone like you.
johnny needs someone like this in his life NOW! and if it isn’t you it’s gonna be me.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
so fucking embarrassed i’m crying.
i believe he can’t take compliments for SHIT. so being around you, he just becomes a mess. like stuttering n’ shit.
“your voice is so pretty. you read so much better than everyone else, pony. you should do it as a job—you’d totally beat everyone. it’s not like it’d ever be a competition with you there, though. you’re so cool, pony.”
“i-uhm…thank you, y/n.”
like at night when he’s with soda, he just rambles to his older brother about what you told him. soda thinks it’s cute in the moment, but later wants ponyboy to shut up because it’s been two hours of him gushing over what you said to him.
“and then they said that i-“
“OKAY, DAMN. i have work tomorrow and you have school. ponyboy, please.”
“…okay? they said that i was the prettiest boy they’ve ever seen.”
“holy fuck.”
like he’d be ranting about some drama with the gang or some movie he’d seen, sitting on the couch as you rest your head on his shoulder.
you look over to him, thinking he’s never looked more perfect. ponyboy had washed the grease out of his hair, the fluffy hair falling over his ears.
unconsciously, you tuned him out as you leaned over, kissing him on the cheek.
“what was that for?”
“you tell stories so well, pony. you’d make a great writer, did you know that? i’m so lucky to have you.”
he’s so cute thay’s literally my man….!!!!
Sodapop Curtis ;
sitting on the counter while he cooks and you just rant about how perfect he is makes him WEAK IN THE KNEES.
“you’re such a good baker, soda. nobody does it like you do. you’re like—the best baker in the world. ain’t he, two-bit?”
“stop it, y/n..🤭🤭”
“nah, ‘m good.”
you brag about him to the girls that go to the DX to flirt with him. i can see it now.
soda’s just in the background giggling SOO HARD AND TWEAKING WITH STEVE LMFAOO
“no, he’s so sweet to me! i swear, he’s like the best boyfriend ever, did you know that? i’d be jealous if i was you, honestly.”
“soda, shut up!”
“i’m the best boyfriend ever, steve😛.”
“you look so cute today, y/n. i got so lucky, didn’t i? had to be blessed to even have you in my life.”
FUCK i need this man at my doorstep
like imagine sitting on his lap, him staring up at you while you push back his hair with a small smile on his face. the silence between the two of you being broken by exchanged compliments.
Darry Curtis ;
tries to act cool and nonchalant when you do it, but he turns his head away to cover the huge smile that’s growing on his face.
“you’re so strong, dare! you’re the strongest person ever—you could totally take down anyone. isn’t he just the best, soda?”
“alright, that’s enough, y/n.”
“but you’re just so good to me, dare. :(.”
“sweetheart, please.”
“he’s smiling, y/n.”
“and blushin’…i love your brother so much.”
“everyone knows.”
like your arms are wrapped around his neck, his arms around your waist as he reads the newspaper over your shoulder while lazily responding to your rambles.
“you look so cute with your reading glasses. you’re the most handsome boyfriend in the whole world. i’m so lucky, ain’t i?”
“you’re a real treat, y/n.”
“i love your hair, darry. you look so much better with this hairstyle than anyone else. you should be a model.”
“i’d be a terrible model, dear.”
gang is so jealous of your relationship btw. they call it bullshit that darry pulled you.
they fake gag and groan when you do this but in reality they’re like, ‘damn…when is it my turn to be happy.😒’
darry’s self esteem’s alright. it’s not the best but it’s not the worst. but you’re always there to remind him he’s absolutely perfect :).
Steve Randle ;
like i swear to god the second you went on a rant about him he was so ready to marry you right then and there.
“you’re so good when it comes to cars. honestly—you could just make your own and it’d be 100x better than whoever made them before. you’re just the best mechanic ever.”
“really? you think so? ‘cause if i were ever to i’d totally change the way they-“
and now steve’s on a 12 minute rant on how he’d change cars to rub better while you just sit there, listening to him with a smile.
YOU HAVE HIM SOOOO INSANE LIKE I SWEAR TO GOD!?? he couldn’t ask for a better partner if he tried!!!
like, i imagine steve’s always had confidence issues—being friends with soda n all don’t really help.
“you’re so smart, steve. like—the smartest ever.”
“stawpp, oh my god. what else am i, though?”
“you’re cute, awfully nice, you got the prettiest eyes the world’s ever seen-“
please tell him all this while kissing him all over. he needs it so bad.
teehee lazily kissing steve randles face as the blush across his face grows from the never ending compliments that leave your lips😜
he’d totally tell you to shut up and when you don’t, he just kiss you.
Two-Bit Mathews ;
honestly—he didn’t like it at first. ‘cause deep down he was all, ‘wtf??? i’m supposed to be making them swoon n’ shit??? why am i the one giggling rn??😒😡’
but overtime he’d look forward to your silly little love drunk rambles. tell him he’s the most thoughtful boyfriend ever when he’s drunk and he might cry.
and he’s like actually sobbing while hugging you.
sitting on two-bit’s lap in the backseat of his car at the drive-in, ignoring the movie you guys came to watch because you’re both too focused on each other.
kissing every inch of his face, laughs leaving his lips as you mutter small comments about how cute his laugh is. unconsciously, his grip on your hips tightening.
FUCK i’m making myself feel lonely writing this.
every single good thing you say about him gets internalized. someone could say his hair’s dumb but then in his head he goes ‘NUH-UH! y/n said my hair is absolutely perfect😜’
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dannyricsmirrorball · 8 months
tying the knot • cl16 part 2 ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚ pairing || charles leclerc x gasly!reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre || social media au
ੈ✩‧₊˚ summary || everyone is together on break for some reason, perhaps a wedding. question is… whose is it?
alt. y/n is pierre’s younger sister. there’s no way she’s dating his best friend aka her childhood friend… right?
ੈ✩‧₊˚ warning || google translate 😬
ੈ✩‧₊˚ a/n || so sorry this took a-bit more time to get out then i initially planned but nevertheless hope you enjoy!! one more part after this x. i lied
part 1 here!
august 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,698,092 others
yourusername forever & always
username2 WHAT?!
username18 please don’t tell me we lost y/n to a guy and a marriage all in one day
username9 WHO IS THAT MAN?
username33 y/n is MARRIED?!
username14 omfg she’s so stunning
username81 y/n cheated on me 😭
username72 everyone losing their minds over the guy but i just wanna know who from the grid went
username18 i NEED to know who was in the wedding party
pierregasly jolie fille 🩷
francisca.cgomes sexiest bride out
⤷ yourusername stop it i’m blushing 🫣😘
charles_leclerc 🤍
⤷ username55 u guys don’t think…
⤷ username16 omfg i’d actually cry if it was him, i’ve shipped them forever like they’re literally childhood friends to lovers, brothers best friend/best friends sister, slowburn irl… but realistically it’s defs not
lilymhe the cutest 🥹 but make sure he knows ur still MY wife
⤷ yourusername ofc ofc baby
⤷ alex_albon oh?
luisinhaoliveira99 congrats my girl 😍
estebanocon ouah y/n!
lorenzotl félicitations petite soeur
⤷ yourusername enzo 🥹
⤷ username62 lorenzo calling y/n his little sister I COULD CRY
alex_albon nice!
georgerussell63 congratulations! 👏
carmenmmundt 🩷🩷
joris__trouche belle cérémonie y/n!
⤷ yourusername ❤️
arthur_leclerc 😄😄
heidiberger_ blushing bride!
leclerc_pascale ma belle fille
⤷ yourusername merci maman ❤️
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liked by alex_albon, charles_leclerc, and 108,873 others
lilymhe my best friend in the world got cuffed 🥂
tagged yourusername
yourusername the best maid of honour i could’ve asked for 🥹🩷
⤷ lilymhe forever babe 🤍
yourusername u next!!! alex_albon
⤷ alex_albon maybe she’ll stop calling u her wife then 😵‍💫
⤷ lilymhe NEVER
username9 LILY AND ALEX WERE AT THE WEDDING!!!now we know people from the grid were defs there, now onto who else!
⤷ username11 i mean obv they would be… lily and y/n are best friends. also pierre and kika were obviously there bc he’s her brother, charles and his brothers probably too bc they’re childhood friends, and based on who else was in italy for what was obviously the hens night and bachelor party - carlos, carmen, george, heidi, danny, luisa, lando, isa, carla, charlotte
luisinhaoliveira99 the fits 🥵
alex_albon top night yourusername charles_leclerc
alex_albon top night yourusername
⤷ lilymhe omg alex
⤷ yourusername don’t pretend that wasn’t on purpose
⤷ username72 what are they talking abt?
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, and 279,093 others
francisca.cgomes parabéns linda menina. eu te amo minha irmã, sempre e para sempre. 💒
translation: congratulations beautiful girl. i love you my sister, always and forever. 💒
tagged yourusername
username15 gonna cry… kika calling y/n her sister 😭😭
username8 the best sister-in-laws
yourusername kika 🥹🥹 the best sister ever
alex_albon LMFAO y/n crying in the third slide 💀
⤷ yourusername watch it albono
⤷ lilymhe idk if my eyes were deceiving me but i’m pretty certain i saw u welling up
⤷ georgerussell63 no no ur eyes weren’t deceiving u, alex cried like a little bitch
⤷ alex_albon UM OK?? i’ve watched them grow up waht did u expect 😫 also george i know u aren’t speaking
⤷ yourusername awww that’s rlly sweet alex
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liked by georgerussell63, yourusername, and 109,039 others
carmenmmundt felicidades linda 🤍
tagged yourusername, georgerussell63
yourusername carmen!! 🩷
username63 carmen slaying the wedding fit TRUST she will always show UP
georgerussell63 😍😍
username62 everyone going all in and out for y/n’s wedding, as they shouldddd
alex_albon george looking fitty
⤷ username2363 galex rights!
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liked by danielricciardo, lancestroll, and 100,633 others
heidiberger_ cutest weekend! many well wishes to my girl yourusername 🤍
username4 omg danny and heidi look SO good
yourusername love u!!! thanku my love 🤍
username3 this is frfr the wedding of the year
username99 scotty and blake were there?? y/n fr knows EVERYONE
⤷ username8 love how we’ve all collectively ignored that the groom also has family and friends 😭
danielricciardo 😫
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liked by scottyjames31, chloestroll, and 187,828 others
daniel3.jpg the royal wedding p1
tagged yourusername, heidiberger_, scottyjames31
username3 heidi and daniel look so perfect 😭
username82 i’m sorry but how many outfit changes did y/n have?!? i love thoooo
yourusername so glad both ur girlfriend and boyfriend could attend
yourusername omg danny 🥹 these are so perfect
scottyjames31 looking fresh DR
username6 i want daniel3.jpg to photograph my wedding
username85 her wedding was literally a DREAM. like the venue, the guest list, the multiple dresses, DANNYRIC PHOTOGRAPHY
username64 the parasols 😍
lando.jpg all my photos turned out crap sorry yourusername
⤷ alex_albon yeah bc u were on the piss mate
⤷ yourusername it’s okay lan just glad u had fun
charles_leclerc thanku daniel.
⤷ daniel3.jpg oh charles don’t thank me yet. this is part 1…
⤷ charles_leclerc daniel.
⤷ daniel3.jpg i take bribes in the form of cash 😄
⤷ yourusername money badger frfr
⤷ username36 oh no what dirt does danny have on charles?!
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 1,898,727 others
maxverstappen1 many congrats to the happy couple!
username92 even max was there?!
danielricciardo looking fitty maxxie
⤷ maxverstappen1 all for you
⤷ heidiberger_ i get the struggle now carmenmmundt lilymhe
username18 just max lookin this good for the wedding of the centuryyy
username74 losing lestappen but at least it’s to y/n
⤷ username14 ITS NOT CHARLES
yourusername thanku maxy 🩷
landonorris he’s laughing at my jokes here 😝😘
⤷ charles_leclerc *laughing at you
username16 IM SORRY BUT LIKE- charles doesn’t even follow max but he’s liked and commented….
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liked by yourusername, carla.brocker, and 299,882 others
arthur_leclerc fiancé à marié 🤍
tagged yourusername, lorenzotl, leclerc_pascale, charles_leclerc, pierregasly
username84 so arthur was at the engagement…
⤷ username82 hmmm interesting
carla.brocker 🩷🩷
yourusername love uuu thurthur 🤍🤍
username80 just arthur posting for his brother’s wedding 😝
username73 the picture of the gasly and leclerc siblings with jules and tom IM SO SOFT
charles_leclerc mate where did you find that picture 😦 long time ago, great memories ❤️
username46 guys idk if u understand how crazy it was that he was at the engagement…
⤷ username55 is normal for friends and family to be there for the engagement
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liked by scuderiaferrari, landonorris, and 583,378 others
carlossainz55 congrats to the happy couple!
tagged yourusername, landonorris
username18 by the tags you’d think y/n and lando got married 💀
landonorris hot
username7 carlos posting lando like they’re a couple LOL
yourusername grazie chilli 😘
charles_leclerc looking good mate 👌
username72 awww carlos was there as well 🥹
⤷ username46 obv had to be there for his teammates wedding
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liked by yourusername, luisinhaoliveira99, and 677,828 others
landonorris don’t remember much 🍾🍾
tagged luisinhaoliveira99, yourusername
luisinhaoliveira99 🥰
username27 he cleans up NICE
username52 how drunk did he get? 💀
yourusername not surprised lan
carlossainz55 😍
alex_albon i remember everything…
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liked by lorenzotl, charles_leclerc, 27,727 others
charlotte2304 🔔💐 love you yourusername
tagged carla.brocker
username8 ahhh leclerc wags at y/n’s wedding 🥰
lorenzotl ❤️
carla.brocker pretty 🩷
yourusername 🥹 love u love u love u 🥹
username26 y/n’s sister in laws…?
username3 stop being delulu
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liked by luisinhaoliveira99, carlossainz55, and 200,929 others
isahernaez el amor está en el aire. espero que la vida de casados ​​te trate bien, la ceremonia más bonita y me lo pasé genial jugando a decir sí al vestido! 🥂💒
translation: love is in the air. i hope married life treats you well, the most beautiful ceremony and i had a great time playing say yes to the dress!
tagged yourusername
username18 ahhh i love their friendship sm
username66 isa helped pick y/n’s dress 😭 y/n never beating those ferrari wags rumours
yourusername isa 😭 thanku for everything 🥹 i’m gonna cry
luisinhaoliveira99 sooo pretty!!
username7 her and y/n still being friends 🫂🫂
carlossainz55 😍
⤷ username55 🤨
charlottesiine isaaaa 🤩
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and 109,837 others
daniel3.jpg p2
tagged yourusername, landonorris, pierregasly, francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc
username71 danny coming in w the content he knew we wanted
username14 pierre and kika 🥹
username35 omg ofc they all jumped in the pool. wouldn’t expect anything less from this bunch 😭
username82 omfg this looks so much fun
username27 lando getting litty 💀💀
⤷ username2 lmfao look at charles tho 😭
yourusername foolish of me to think these wouldn’t make the cut but at least none of mine are totally embarra 💀
username16 oh to get drunk and party at y/n’s wedding reception w the grid + the entire f1 community
username8 sorry i’m actually creasing at charles. this must be what he was talking abt on the other post lmfao.
charles_leclerc GIVE ME MY 50 BACK
⤷ lilymhe 50? daniel u do not know how to play the game
⤷ usernams74 did charles really expect 50€ to silence the money badger?
username81 oh charles was GONE gone
username72 y/n planned this so perfectly. making sure it was during summer break when the entire grid was off so they could get wasted without having to worry
scuderiaferrari what is our driver doing…? that’s just bc your so happy right charles… right?
⤷ charles_leclerc look away admin. look away 😔
⤷ daniel3.jpg drunk on happiness 🤣🤣
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liked by leclerc_pascale, olliebearman, and 120,838 others
lorenzotl nous vous avons vu grandir ensemble, maintenant vieillir ensemble.
translation: we watched you grow up together, now grow old together.
tagged yourusername, leclerc_pascale, charles_leclerc, pierregasly
username23 ummm does this mean what i think it means?!
username16 IM SORRY??? is lorenzo saying that y/n’s husband is CHARLES
username22 THIS IS HOW I WINNNNN. childhood friends to lovers EXCELLENCE
yourusername awww enzo 🥹
leclerc_pascale mes beaux enfants 🤍
arthur_leclerc oh 😒😒
⤷ yourusername youngest child struggles arth 🤷‍♀️😫
⤷ pierregasly sucks to suck
charles_leclerc oh putain how old we are!
username52 this is CRAZY like i’m so happy but i never thought this would become real
username91 going to SOB look at pascale fixing up y/n’s makeup 😭
⤷ username23 she watched her grow up and now she’s watching her marry her son 😭
username18 i still think that it’s not charles. like why would they hide that
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, and 1,720,737 others
charles_leclerc my best friend is married 🤍 si fier 😘
tagged yourusername
username99 lol nvm
username87 i’m actually going to SOB
username2 damn i’m still rooting for them
username9 the pic of him y/n and pierre OH IM GONNA CRY
yourusername ❤️
⤷ username86 he’s delulu like us
⤷ username72 he’s still manifesting. biggest y/n charles shipper.
username16 waiting for him to say ‘to me’ 😭 PLEASE
pierregasly mate how long ago was that 😮‍💨
username91 charles and that damn 😘 emoji
username74 i can feel the pining and yearning from here
username62 i just know mans is going thru it. he has had the fattest most obvious crush on her foreverrrr.
username43 dc what anyone says. this doesn’t mean anything. like this could still be a husband posting his wife.
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liked by yourusername, francisca.cgomes, and 493,938 others
pierregasly félicitations ma petite. celebrating my best friends tonight!
tagged yourusername, francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc, lorenzotl
username37 i’m gonna sob. their relationship is so special to me.
username14 the pic of them dancing 😭😭
username01 best brother sister duo
username16 ‘celebrating my best friends’ hmmmm ur not slick pierre
⤷ username92 or he’s just best friends w her husband. charles isn’t his only best friend.
yourusername pierre 🥹🥹
username36 im not one to feed into rumours but like why would lorenzo, arthur, pierre, AND charles include baby pics of all of them if it’s not y/n and charles
⤷ username63 y/n is practically family to the leclerc. they grew up w her. she’s like they’re sister.
⤷ username36 see id get that but why would pierre include a baby pic of all of them instead of just him and y/n. like it’s y/n’s wedding and he’s her sister. what does that have to do w the leclercs.
⤷ username16 RIGHT like i get if the leclercs just did that but pierre also including it and tagging the leclercs… like they’re joining families idk man
username91 i’m totally not crying abt the baby pic of y/n and then the pic of her at her wedding holding her cousin’s baby
username27 i’m sorry pierre but i could recognise that jaw from a mile away
username72 all these people saying it’s charles. r u forgetting his post where he said his BEST FRIEND is married???
⤷ username46 people can like yk lie
⤷ username16 he said his best friend is married. he could mean married to him?
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 493,982 others
yourusername a fairytale 💒
username73 her wedding was a literal fairytale
username27 the shoes 😲 jaw dropped
username86 eating up every piece of content from this wedding. especially any of y/n and her husband 😩
lilymhe my princess 🥹
⤷ yourusername loml iloveuiloveiloveu thanku sm for everything and all of ur help lils
username92 those flower girls look so cute 😭
pierregasly nuit émouvante petit. tellement heureux pour vous deux.
⤷ yourusername je t’aime
francisca.cgomes best night ever linda ✨✨
carlossainz55 so happy for the both of you 👏👏
arthur_leclerc no one deserves it more ❤️
⤷ yourusername mon petit frère 🥺
charles_leclerc ma meilleure pote
taglist: @dl-yum @honey6578 @lillianacristina @xcinnamongirl @glitterf1 @christianpulisic10
2K notes · View notes
cheonstapes · 9 months
^^ Hello, how are you. Idk if this is the right place to send a request since I’m new to tumblr lol. I would like to make a request though it may seem a little weird. May I request Miguel O’Hara/Fem Spider-barbie reader. Reader’s outgoing and cheerful she has the aesthetic of a Barbie and gets along with other spiders, she’s not actual barbie doll btw lol. Miguel could be yelling and giving other spiders a hard time but whenever Spider Barbie’s around he’s the complete opposite. Spider barbie always helps calm him down whenever he loses his temper. Maybe one day he’s stressed and angry over a mission so spider barbie decides to calm him down with a back massage. Could also lead to some smut, only if you’re okay with writing that. No pressure. Thanks! ^^
miguel o'hara stars in... 'HI BARBIE! HI KEN!' ヽ(>∀<☆)
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a/n ~ first request!!1!! i'm doing great, thank you so much. this isn’t weird at all- i spent all day writing this, it's so cute!! i had margot robbie's cowgirl fit in mind for reader when i was writing this, she's so beautiful omg, i think it suits spider-barbie's vibe really well💕 went a bit heavy with the smut but miguel's hot so it's valid- enjoy my love!
summary; miguel gets some stress relief from his favourite barbie girl.
pairing; miguel o’hara x fem!spider-barbie!reader
wc; 2.3k +
cw; SMUT!!, pining, oral sex, dry humping, facial, throat/face-fuckin, soft?dom!miguel, sub!reader, he's a lil mean but he loves you, praise kink, worshiping, hair pulling, miguel shouts at some people, f!masturbation, squirtinnn, miguel being sexy, NOT PROOFREAD!! i have a headache
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“and you didn’t think to fucking report it to me?” miguel was seething, talons digging stripes into his desk as he glared down at the poor recruits below him. yes, they were new, but they fucked up an important mission- he wasn’t about to go easy on them. 
“por el amor de dios, do you three have any idea how serious this is? you could’ve-“  the spiders looked at each other, eyes of their masks comically wide as the drown out miguel’s rants to try and come up with some sort of excuse to justify the failed mission. “-and don’t even think about coming up with some bullshit excuse.” 
they froze, shaking their heads and hands rapidly as they nervously stuttered out, ‘no, of course not’, and, ‘we would never, boss’- miguel’s disapproving gaze boring holes into their masks, he jumps off the platform and stalks up to them. menacingly looming over them as his eyes flash red, lips pulled up in a snarl as his sharp fangs poke out under his top lip.
“don’t let this happen again, cause i swear i’ll-”suddenly, the doors of his lab slide open, a cheery voice ringing through the spacious room as all eyes flit towards the pink figure strutting in. the recruits blush under their masks, hearts beating rapidly at the sight of the sparkly spider- known across the spiderverse as the most perfect spider, spider barbie. 
“miguel? i brought you some lunch! oh- hi guys! sorry i didn’t mean to interrupt, i’m y/n, by the way.” you flash them a bright smile, glossy, plump lips glistening under the lights as you hold up the bag of food- the spiders wave frantically, greeting you with unmatched enthusiasm. miguel’s breath hitches at the sight of you, masking it with a roll of his eyes as he looks down at you- eyes softer compared to the harshness they had when looking at the recruits.
“it’s fine, y/n, we were done here anyway.” that was their cue to leave, the newbies scrambling to get out of the room, feeling the tension rising, but not without sending you shy smiles and whispered goodbyes you reciprocate with angelic kindness. miguel watches you intently, eyes locked on your every move. his eyes trail down the hot pink set you wore, the fat of your tits spilling out the tight top, curvy hips accentuated by the tightness of your flares - fuck, you are perfect.
he lets out a heavy sigh, his bulking frame towering over you as he takes the bag gently from your pretty hands, making sure to brush over them slightly. “what’d you get me this time, hm? empanadas again?” he has a crooked smirk on his lips as he opens the bag, his eyes still trained on you as you sit on the counter, the prettiest smile on your face. “actually, i got you some sushi this time. thought i should surprise you a little.” 
he allows himself to smile, the tension in his face easing in your presence. “yeah? how’d y’know i’d like sushi? you keeping tabs on me?” you giggle, stealing a piece of sushi from the platter. “wouldn’t you like to know. i asked lyla, actually, she’s very helpful.” his eyebrow raises, glancing over at the glowing hologram who appears to be lounging by the monitors, a small smile on her face hidden by a small magazine. 
“right, guess i’m gonna have to install a ‘keep your fuckin’ mouth shut’ feature now.” he mutters, secretly enjoying the thought of you knowing things about him he wouldn’t dare to tell anyone if they asked, relishing in the thread of connection you two share. you stand, moving around him to stand behind him, stretching up to grip his shoulders. 
“you ok, miguel? you seemed upset earlier.” you whisper in his ear, hands running down his arms innocently. he doesn’t think so though, the soft touch of your hands compared to his firm muscles igniting a tingling feeling in his belly - a soft groan leaving his parted lips as he leans into your touch. “‘m fine, the new recruits just pissed me off. nothin’ f’r you to worry ‘bout, pretty.” you smile slightly as he lets the pet name slip out, your hands running more sensually around his upper body, dipping into the crevices and curves of his chiseled body. 
“let me at least help you feel better, mig, your shoulders are tense as fuck.” you smirk playfully, leaning round his body to peer up at his face, eyes widening as you take him in. his eyes were slightly hooded, wetted lips open in pleasure, a faint tinge of red on his face. he looks down at you, panting softly as he sucks in a deep breath, nodding silently as he allows you to lead him wherever.
gently grasping his hand in yours, you lead him towards his large chair, sitting him down as you slide yourself in his lap. miguel’s head races with all sorts of thoughts, the tell tale sign of his arousal pressing against the crotch of your sparkling pants, his hands subtly moving you down to ease the ache in his lap. your lips pull into a empathetic pout, hands moving gracefully along the taut muscles of his shoulder blades, moving down to the ridges of his abs.
“how’s this feel? am i doing good?” the sweet tone in which you speak has him biting back a growl, his cock throbbing as he moves subtly against the plush folds of your cunt through the fabric. “ ‘s great, your- shit- your hands feel amazing, love. jus’…keep doing that, yeah?” you nod, biting your lip softly as you keep up your soft caresses. his head falls back against the chair, eyes closed in bliss- he looks so unbelievably handsome, sculpted jawline, high cheekbones, he’s just so mmh. 
you couldn’t help yourself, not when he was practically offering you a taste of him. his thick neck, littered with veins of various sizes, laid bare for you. you slowly moved in, small breaths warming the skin of his neck, heart pumping and hands trembling slightly. your glossy lips press light kisses on the flesh, shiny, pink, marks left behind. one hand moves up to rest on his chest as you feel a surge of boldness rush through you, leaning in once again to suckle on his skin. 
his eyes flit open, gazing down at you as you mark his neck with deep red and purple bruises, his hand lazily running up your spine as he grinds into you just a little harder. “hm? what happened to givin’ me a massage?” he flashes you a sexy grin, tilting his head at your ministrations- not that he minds of course.  you don’t respond, only small moans and whimpers leaving your lips as you continue to suck on his skin. his hand moves down to your chin, lifting your flushed face to meet his. “thought you were supposed to be makin’ me feel better? i can feel that pretty pussy soaking through y’r jeans, love. this turnin’ you on?” 
you nod, your beautiful face betraying your need for him. he lets out a deep chuckle, hands caressing your hips as he moves you to grind against him, the thin fabrics of both of your clothes letting you feel the engorged tip of his cock brushing against your clit. he breathes out a stuttered moan, gritting his teeth as he stares into your eyes, how could someone be so fuckin’ perfect? you had to have been made to torture him, to make his heart race and cock hard to every time he’s around you- hell, every time he thinks about you.
“miguel…” your whining snaps him out of his thoughts, his focus immediately zeroes back onto you. he pulls you closer, resting you against his bulky chest. “yeah? what’s up, baby? what d’you want?” his thumbs caress your nipples through the fabric of your top, the rough pads of his fingers making your pussy clench tightly, slick coating your puffy folds. you look up at him, hands pulling at the thin fabric of his suit. “i still wanna make you feel better…can-can i suck you off, please?” 
has he died? has miguel died and gone to heaven? or was this some kind of fucked up hell, there was no way he was hearing correctly. you, the sweet, innocent, barbie-esque, spider he’s been silently pining over for months now is asking him, so cutely, to suck his cock. he doesn’t think he’s been as eager to say yes to anything as he was now. he clicks a button on his wrist, his suit glitching away at his crotch. his cock is so pretty. a trail of dark hair leading down his navel, the tip a deep red, the rest tanned, throbbing veins wrapping around his length. it was fat, and shit, it was long too- pre dripping down the side of it as it, twitching the longer you stared at it.
your mouth waters, tongue darting out to lick your lips. your nimble hands wrap around his cock, a small gasp rings out in the room as your thumb runs along his tip, collecting the wetness and rubbing it around the tip. his fangs dig into his lips, speckles of blood pooling underneath the sharp tip. he sinks deeper into the chair, his suit dissipating more to reveal his thick thighs, a large hand coming to rest against one, the other caressing your cheek softly. “gonna wrap those pretty lips around me, baby? ‘m so hard, need you to make me feel better.” he didn’t expect to hear how needy he sounded, but he wasn’t embarrassed, he’s finally got you- and he wants you to know how badly he needs you.
he guides your head towards his aching cock, a hand moving to grip your hair tightly. he angles his length towards your shimmering lips, rubbing the tip all over, smearing his pre-cum along your gloss. a low, rumbling hum reverberates through his chest, quiet curses leaving his lips. he finally forces the fat head of his cock through your lips, simultaneously pushing your head down along the length of his cock. the sounds of you gagging fills his chest with a sense of pride, forcing you to take all of his thickness. it was so, so messy. saliva and creamy strips of cum dripped down the side of his cock, wetting your lips and pooling on top of his balls. he smiles at the sight, head lolling to the side, resting against a hard shoulder. 
“my pretty girl, can’t believe ‘m finally havin’ you like this. i- mm i would worship you, if you’d let me. you’re so fuckin’ beautiful, baby, a walkin’ goddess. and your lips, fuck, those perfect lips.” his mind is all scrambled, the feeling of you sucking the soul out of him rendering him a blubbering mess, resulting in him pouring his heart out to you. smiling around his cock, you look up him, those sexy eyes of yours gazing into his- a silent reciprocation of his affection towards you. at that, your lips suction around him faster, tighter, coaxing him into filling your mouth with his load.
his breathing deepens, sweaty chest heaving. at this point, his suit is gone. he doesn’t bother hold back his moans, deep growls and grunts that make curious spiders stop and listen in as they pass his lab, opting to not investigate what the big boss is up to further. but you, you’re a fuckin’ sight between his legs. mascara running down your hot cheeks, gloss, spit, and cum on your chin, running down your neck and between your cleavage. he didn’t think you could get even more beautiful, but here you were. 
“i’m ‘bout to cum, yeah? gonna fill that perfect mouth of y’rs with my all my cum, ‘n you’re gonna swallow it like the good girl i know you are, ok baby?” his hips buck frantically into your salacious mouth, holding the back of your neck tightly to keep you anchored at the base of his cock, the tip of his cock bumping against the back of your throat. his actions betrayed his sweet words, hands gently running over your face, wiping away stray tears as his cock abuses your poor throat. he catches a glimpse of you sliding a hand down the front of your pants, pushing aside your panties to rub against your sticky clit.
‘so cute’. he smiles, revelling in your soft whimpers and your shaky thighs- the squelch of the three fingers you plunged into you almost drowning out the slick gluck! gluck! gluck! of your throat. “fuck, baby, i can hear her from here. she’s so wet just from suckin’ me off, isn’t she?” your fingers speed up, his voice a sexy, deep drawl- lips quirked back up in a smirk, but it was short lived as he felt his balls tighten, orgasm threatening to take over him.
his leg bounces, your mouth was just so wet, so fuckin’ hot- he couldn’t take it anymore. he’s waited so long to feel you around him, to see you take him so beautifully. his body tenses, a low growl of your name leaving his plump lips. his cum spurts out in steady streams, your cheeks puffing out from the sheer amount he unloads into your mouth. it drips out the side of your lips, you struggle to hold it all in, letting it drip down your neck. 
you choke on the liquid in your mouth, your orgasm squirting out onto the cold floor of his lab. he laughs breathlessly, he was so whipped for you. watching his pretty, little, angel cum so perfectly for him. his cock lets out a few more spurts on your cheeks, twitching again when you struggle to swallow his load down. he wipes away the cum on your cheeks, dipping his thumb back into your mouth to let you lick the remnants off. he smiles softly, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you back onto his lap, running hands up and down your back lovingly.
“s-so, d’you feel better now?”
“mm, think there’s just one more thing i need. spread your legs f’r me, baby.”
*por el amor de dios - for the love of god
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-gonna take a cold shower now
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homestylehughes · 1 month
boyfriend luke headcanons
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pairing(s): luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: headcanons of bf!luke!
wc: 568
warnings: fluff!! cute luke, smut 18+. sfw and nsfw!
authors note: hiii guys!! guess whos back...me! i just finished my last final WOOOOHOOO! but i still have to write a 10 page paper final... gulp anyways!! i love writing headcanons recently... they're so fun so write. i wrote for luke, luke might be my fav hughes brother... he's been looking a little too good recently NO SURPRISE! anyways im working on more fics tonight so more things will be coming!! im currently working on a long quinn fic, super excited for that to come out. omg this is so long im so sorry, okay im done yapping now!! like and reblog if you enjoyed it<3 much love as always <3
OH!! my requests are open, send something in or just talk to me:)
happy reading<3
Bf!luke: luke loves having his hands on you at all times. Cuddling you when you guys are home alone and having an arm and hand on you when you guys are out in public. Always making sure you know that he's always there.
Bf!luke: luke loves to plan cute little dates for you guys, always changing it up. If it's a picnic in the park or dinner at a fancy restaurant. Your favorite dates are the random ones, just getting in the car and doing something, those always make the best memories. 
Bf!luke: Luke is a quiet but attentive boyfriend. He's always there when you need a shoulder to cry on, he always listens to you about everything you want to talk about. Luke is quiet in some momentents but you don't mind it, you love how soft and quiet he is, showing how he cares for you in intimate ways.
Bf!luke: He's such a competitive game player. He hates losing, especially to you. Your favorite moment with him is when guys were playing scrabble and he lost in the last round, flipping the scrabble board with a dramatic sign. Lets just say he was picking up scrabble pieces for 2 hours straight. 
Bf!luke: It's no secret that Luke can't cook, but he tries for you. Waking up before you, his mind set on making you breakfast. Trying to be as quiet as he can in the kitchen, trying to pull something together to impress you with. He always ends up going with things that don't involve him using the stove, as a safe bet. The cereal and yogurt bowls never fail to make your heart burst whenever you see them. Knowing it's not much, but it means so much to you because luke made it for you. 
Bf!luke: people wouldn't expect it but luke is one kinky guy. He loves trying new things in the bedroom. Tying you up, trailing ice cubes down your body, you name it he’ll do it.
Bf!luke: shower sex. Luke loves shower sex. Watching the water run down your body, has to be one of his favorite sights. Kissing your neck from behind you, guiding his hands along your waist pulling your body back towards him. He’ll slowly push your body against the shower wall, trapping you body with his arms caging you in as he works his way down you body, as your moans fill up the shower walls. 
Bf!luke: luke loves it when you praise him, he definitely has a praise kink. Pulling on his hair while he eats you out. Looking down at him as he's between your legs, moaning at how good he looks from down there. Urging him on saying “fuck right there” “yes luke oh my god” “you look so pretty between my legs”, and his personal favorite is when you call him “good boy”. 
Bf!luke: luke loves ur thighs, kissing them, laying on them, anything that has to do with your thighs he loves. He loves gripping them while your on top riding him, his large hands gripping your thighs with such force that will definitely leave a bruise the next day. 
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astonmartinii · 11 months
worlds biggest fan part two | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x reader
y/n is the president of the official max verstappen fan club, but nothing can come of that, right?
part one
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liked by maxverstappen1, martingarrix and 6,708 others
yourusername: not much going on right now
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user28: and now we're quoting taylor swift huh?
yourbff1: you're fake as fuck for posting this after not replying to me for two days
yourusername: what if i told you my phone died?
yourbff2: i would fight u
yourusername: i'm outside pull up
user29: the way they're still bickering as if y/n isn't well known now
yourbff1: she'll never dodge these hands
maxverstappen1: 🧡
user30: you ever gonna progress past an orange heart WHERE'S THE FLIRTING?
yourusername: blushing
user30: there's something suspicious amuck here
user31: ur right
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 1,309,561 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: i'm her biggest fan
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user36: i am going feral i need to be put down
danielricciardo: who is this man and what did you do with max verstappen?
maxverstappen1: i'm not allowed to appreciate my girl? danielricciardo: my bad, y/n is a very beautiful girl you're very lucky maxverstappen1: I AM AWARE
user37: yall i think max is losing his mind
yourusername: wow who is this girl who definietly should be in a lecture and not monaco
maxverstappen1: but i'm more fun than your professor yourusername: better take that maxy he's a big fan of yours maxverstappen1: okay he's a cool guy but i'm cooler yourusername: i'm not going to debate that
user38: so like did he fly her out for the dinner or did they go to dinner and then get on so well they went back to max's in monaco? i like desperately need to know
yourbff1: so this is where you've been @yourusername
yourusername: sorry not sorry yourbff2: we've been collecting notes and work for you and this is how we're thanked maxverstappen1: name a race and i'll get you there yourbff1: i take it back you can fuck off to monaco whenever you want yourusername: you change your tune fast
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 39,671 others
maxverstappenarchive: max enjoying his summer break
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user39: i know y/n is loving reporting on herself on this account
yourusername: maybe am i, maybe i'm not
yourbff1: she definitely is
user40: not to sound cheesy but i've never seen max this happy victoriaverstappen: neither maxverstappen1: i'd rather wait this long for a love like this, than have something less than what i feel right now yourusername: awwwwwwww i love you too maxy user41: i'm sorry ? LOVE ? user42: i feel like this is way too fast maxverstappen1: i'm an f1 driver all i know is fast charles_leclerc: good lord that is cheesy mate user43: @charles_leclerc what are you doing in the comment section of a max fan account charles_leclerc: being nosey and gathering data for the group chat user43: what group chat? charles_leclerc: the one where we make fun of max for being a softy
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liked by user44, user45 and 2,198 others
tagged: yourusername, yourbff1, yourbff2, yourbff3
f1wagsandtea: y/n y/ln, the girlfriend of max verstappen, will make her debut this weekend at silverstone and has brought along three of her closest friends and housemates.
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user46: omg y/n is finally going to a race
user47: i want her to go to zandvoort at some point i know the girlies there would treat her well
yourbff1: we're famous now oh wow
yourbff2: i mean it's just a wag account bro don't we hate these?
f1wagsandtea: catching strays on my own post
yourbbf3: deserved xoxo
user48: i am so excited for y/n omg this has all happened so fast
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 569,341 others
tagged: yourusername, maxverstappenarchive
redbullracing: a famous face in the orange army was with us in the garage this weekend. y/n has been a long-time fan of her boyfriend max and finally got to attend her first race here in silverstone
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user49: this shit is straight out of a damn fanfiction
yourusername: thank you so so much for having me, truly an insane experience i am so grateful
redbullracing: there's still race day to go
yourusername: don't remind me i'm so nervous
maxverstappen1: i thought i saw an angel in the garage after fp1, turns out i wasn't hallucinating
yourusername: you're too sweet
user43: @charles_leclerc i got one for you
charles_leclerc: thank you for your service
maxverstappen1: how many of you are in this group chat
charles_leclerc: none of your business
user50: god when will it happen to me
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liked by lewishamilton, lancestroll and 881,208 others
f1: RED FLAG. the marshals have thrown the red flag after a collision between max verstappen and lewis hamilton. the impact was 51g and verstappen has been escorted via helicopter to the local hospital but is awake and talking. we will resume within the hour.
comments are restricted on this post
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liked by maxverstappen1, victoriaverstappen and 67,033 others
maxverstappenarchive: i cannot express my disappointment enough in the way the situation was handled this afternoon. it is to my understanding that the fia have considered this to be a racing incident, though i do not agree, that is the ruling so i nothing i can say will change that. HOWEVER, i am deeply disappointed in the manner in which lewis decided to celebrate despite the severity of the crash to max. i am lucky enough to be with max now, he is okay and his scans indicate that there is no internal damage, but i do believe there should be some introspection to how we celebrate while being unaware of the wellbeing of the other party. you can call me bias, but max will come back stronger and this will only motivate him more for the title fight. game on.
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user51: holy moly she did not come to play
user52: i don't even know how to feel about this whole thing
user53: i was there and oh my god it was so intense
user54: i'm just glad both parties are okay
user55: this title fight is so intense oh god
user56: i have a feeling this is not over
maxverstappen1 added to their story
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[caption: thank you for being there for me, we'll come back stronger]
note: HOLY MOLY this felt like it took so long to write lol. i've been at work every day and finally sorted my living situ out (i.e. i'm gonna move into the dodgy house and just wait to be evicted lol). i like writing cause it's such a distraction from my current shit show life lol - i may make a part three of this if y'all want idk i love the drama of it all xxx
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xtreklx · 10 months
You're hurt ~ Ninja Turtles x reader
Headcanon: Bayverse Turtles x reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: SFW, angst + a little fluff, mention of injury
A/N: really appreciate all of the love shown to my last headcanon post, so I thought I'd do another one! switching up the tone tho and doing a little bit of angst ~ hope you enjoy!
we all know that Leo probably has the best handle on his emotions of all the turtle brothers
so when he sees your injured form, on the outside he probably looks a healthy amount of concerned 
but inside he is absolutely going beserk
like amber alert sounds going off in his brain fr
he asks Donnie what to do as they quickly tend to your injury but as they work, there is a ringing in his ears 
when you wake up from being unconscious, the first thing he does is let out a big sigh of relief, and then "how're you holding up, princess? can I do anything for you?"
and when you smile softly back at him and say "I'm okay now, love, I promise" his heart is going to shatter and then put itself back together again all at once
he is so quick to do anything and everything to alleviate your pain
while you are healing, of course he takes the main shift in caring for you
he is constantly refilling your water bottle, bringing you food or tea, changing out your bandages
he'll even sit on the chair next to your bed and read to you, just to take your mind off of any pain you may be experiencing
our guy in blue is very motherly and nurturing in that way
but lowkey, he will take any chance he gets to step out of the room because of how much it pains him to see you like this
he'll lean against the wall outside of the lab/infirmary and rub his temples, furrowing his brow ridge and holding in tears
his most precious, delicate flower, trampled by the cruel, outside world
but he won't let you see his pre-grief; you only see him with a smile on his face
it's only when you start making visible progress with your injury that he starts to feel okay again
because the physical proof that you are going to recover reassures him that he is not going to lose you any time soon
omg when Big Red saw you injured... his world literally came to a halt
like record scratch type of halt
his biggest fear in the whole wide world is losing his family, and you are a part of his family now
so he is simply beside himself with fear and worry and is absolutely desperate and angry until he knows that you're going to make it
he will be snapping at whoever is tending to your wounds, if anyone tries to pull him away from you he WILL FIGHT THEM
he is very not okay and very emotional
once he gets a moment alone, he will definitely let the emotions take over and cry to himself
when you first wake up, he will say or do whatever he can to make you feel tough, because he doesn't want you feeling weak while down for the count
"damn, you really showed 'em, huh tiger? you shoulda seen the guy, he was limpin' away after the stunt you pulled."
swears up and down that he will kill whoever touched you, and even though raph is a violent guy, he's not a killer. but he 100% means what he says
however, a big part of him is going to blame himself. for not being with you, for letting you get in the way of danger, for even allowing you to be a part of a life like this to begin with.
but you can read the big guy like a book. so you give him a knowing smile and tenderly reassure him: "I wouldn't do a thing differently. I love you, and I want to be with you no matter what."
you got him fucked up, that's for sure
and while you are healing he is in no way shape or form leaving your side for a SECOND
he will fall asleep next to your infirmary bed, he will eat meals next to you, he will do whatever Donnie tells him to, but he will not be able to physically bear leaving your side
man's top quality is his loyalty, and while his fears or insecurities may get the best of him every once in a while, he's in it too deep now, and he'll do anything to be by your side
as we expect, Donnie is able to keep his head on straight when he sees that you're injured
he knows that he has to have his wits about him because he's the only qualified medic of the group
but deep, deep down he is in full-on panic mode
Don keeps different groups of tabs open in his brain (like on a google chrome browser), and while one of the groups is flipping through every medical textbook he has ever read, another group is just going "Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N--"
over and over again like a computer system error
his brothers are trying to help him tend to your injuries but he is extremely strict with whatever they do and has a very hard time letting go of the reins
as he's talking to them, he looks concentrated and steady, but his voice will not stop cracking
once he has decided that you are stable and going to be okay is when he breaks down
he's definitely also a crier, and can't help but think about how he almost lost you and can't function without you
but he gets a hold of himself, continues to chronically monitor your vitals and pain levels, and then immediately gets to work on a new invention to keep you safe
when you first wake up, now that he's feeling a little more confident with your condition, he'll say something silly to cheer you up, like "well hello to my newest little experiment"
and you'll smile back at him with a joking "hi, Doctor Dee", insisting that you're fine as he asks you a bunch of analytical questions about your symptoms
after he's done playing doctor, he'll just sit next to you for a moment in silence, looking apprehensive
but you know exactly what he's thinking, so you say "you're my hero, Donatello. you know that, don't you?" 
he gets so blushy and flustered at that, but has the biggest smile on his face 
surprisingly, when Mikey sees you hurt, he goes quiet
you would think that with our goofball in orange, his reaction would be super over-the-top and dramatic
no, mans goes dead silent
he never gave much thought to what his fears in life were before this, but he has realized that one of his biggest fears has just come true
he asks Donnie what he needs to do, and he doesn't think he has ever sounded more desperate in his life
he does his tasks immediately and with the utmost attention to detail, no protests and no questions asked
his brothers have never seen him like this before in their lives: so focused and concerned and quiet
they'll tell you about it later, as a testament to how much the guy lives and breathes for you
once Don has confirmed that you are stable and going to be okay, he lets out the biggest sigh of relief and overall goes back to his old self
when you wake up from unconsciousness, you're a little confused as to what happened, and he just goes "you got hurt on your way down from heaven, angel!"
he does everything he can to comfort you and make you smile and relieve your pain while you're recovering
he'll bring his speaker in and play you some of your favorite songs, sometime putting on elaborate performances to get you to laugh
he'll try and cuddle with you in your hospital bed and whine when Donnie protests
"awe come on, Doctor Dee! help a dude out a little!"
but he'll be successful whenever Donnie is sleeping or too engrossed in one of his other projects, and he'll lay next to you and stroke your hair
but whenever he remembers that moment when he thought he had lost you, he will go dark for a moment or two
and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that it never happens again.
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racinggirl · 3 months
i’m hunting your ask box at this point but i can’t really regret it, your writing is a masterpiece each and every time 🎉
today’s thoughts : smau where y/n and charles always ‘argue’ and make comments against each other on socials, leading people to think they actually hate each other (they’re actually best friends and lovers in secret, and sit together giggling as they tweet stupid shit about each other) they admit the truth with a post of them on a date with the caption “… enemies to lovers?”
the grid know they’re good friends but not that they’re going out until the posts, lando would definitely be like “yep i knew it i called it” when he really did not
lots of love!! <3
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 73,710 others
An iced coffee a day... (only it's just frappuccino without coffee bc I don't like coffee) 🧋
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user8 you're so real for this, queen
charles_leclerc someone needs to teach Y/N that frappuccino's are just coffee's sugary sidekick
yourusername sorry Charles, I prefer my beverages without a side of bitterness. user2 Am I the only one that feels like Charles and Y/N don't like each other this much? user10 Nope. user1 They hate each other lol
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liked by user4, user5, user6 and 1,402,618 others
Let the season begin 🏎️ ❤️
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yourusername goodluck, you'll need it 😚
charles_leclerc thanks, good to see you're unable to stay away from my posts 😉 yourusername someone should keep an eye on the chaos you bring to my feed. It's a public service, really. charles_leclerc a public service? I should be charging admission for the entertainment I provide 😘 user7 okay they are UNHINGED
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liked by user2, user7, user8 and 92,610 others
is it giving 'that girl' vibes? ✨
view all 5,277 comments
user4 YES IT IS 😍
charles_leclerc you're such a StarBucks addict 🧋
yourusername says the guy that's addicted to having a cup of espresso every morning
user10 wait, how does she know? user6 OMG what if they are dating? user2 lmao, they hate each other, I doubt they are willingly hanging out together
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liked by charles_leclerc, user2, arthur_leclerc and 104,175 others
no cap needed 🌎 ✈️
view all 9,610 comments
user1 liked by Charles AND Arthur? I thought they hated each other?
user3 Why do I feel like we're gonna get mind fucked, they are playing a game and we're all losing 😶
user9 I'm obsessed, girl you're living our dream 😩
user5 where are you going???
yourusername 🇯🇵 ❤️ user6 THE JAPAN GP? OMG
user2 hold up, no Charles x Y/N banter in the comments?
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, scuderiaferrari and 126,710 others
@charles_leclerc have to admit, I would make a pretty good WAG 💋
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charles_leclerc if only you would choose F1 over soccer 😘
yourusername I'll come back to you about that in a week
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one week later
yourusername & charles_leclerc
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, f1 and 2,516,470 others
Enemies to lovers?...
Took you a while to figure that out, happy 2 years baby ❤️
view all 74,571 comments
charles_leclerc I love you ❤️
yourusername I love you more ❤️ ❤️
landonorris yep, I knew it, called it
charles_leclerc no you did not, you tried to hit on her 😂 yourusername you could learn something from his flirting skills tho, at least Lando didn't ask me if 'falling down from heaven hurt' 💀 charles_leclerc It worked though, didn't it 😉
user7 that sixth picture though 😩 ❤️
user8 I want what they have 😍
a/n: thank you for sending in the request sweety! It really means a lot! Hopefully you’ve enjoyed it! As I mentioned before, I will have a small break. I’ve got 3 requests in my askbox atm, but if you have an idea for a story, don’t hesitate to hunt my askbox again and send it in. I’m not 100% sure when I’ll be back exactly, but it shouldn’t be too long. Lots of love 💗
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golden-moony · 23 days
king of my heart | pt. 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, landonorris, and 74,922 others!
yourusername life lately 💌
user1 swiftie, romcom lover and f1 fan... she's really one of us🩷
user2 and that's why she's the girlies' bestie
user4 as pretty as always 😍
user5 i'm probably reaching here but posting THAT movie feels like a statement's being made 👀
user6 right?? after all the drama she goes and posts that movie title and i just don't know how to feel user7 user6 thank god she just posted the title cause if she'd posted the "you can't lose something you never had" line, i would've lost my mind 😥 user8 or maybe yn just likes the movie??? user9 user8 THIS!! people act like there's a secret meaning to everything and i'm tired of that crap
user10 i'm a simple girl: i see yn and taylor swift in the same post, i like
user11 so what happened? were you starting to lose relevance and decided to come back?😂😂
user12 she needs to pay the bills somehow 😂 user13 girlie came back to keep playing the victim lol user14 y'all need to get a life asap.
carmenmmundt gorgeous woman 😍
yourusername you are💗 user16 OMG MY FAV GIRLS INTERACTING user17 carmen please please please stay away from this problematic woman😕
user18 soooo are we gonna talk about lando liking the post or what
user19 girl i can't do this again user20 can't believe lando is back again with this bitch😒 user21 user20 wtf??? it's just a like omfg chill.
user22 yn please don't leave us again 🥺
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📞 calling Pato
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[yn; normal] [pato; cursive]
"I'm not gonna lie, you are either very brave or very stupid for calling me right after the videos of your little date with Lando are going viral. Did you get tired of hiding your relationship?"
"...Guess I deserve that."
"[sights] What do you want, yn?"
"I swear I won't take up much of your time. I just want to talk... well, apologize, actually. I'd prefer to do it face to face rather than over the phone but I know that right now I'm probably the last person you wanna see. At least this way, if you don't wanna keep listening to me, you can just end the call."
"Well, I'm very tempted to end the call right now."
"Pato, I-"
"However, I'm also very curious about what you have to say."
"So I'll give you a chance to talk. But I promise you yn, if I hear any lame excuses, I will hang up and block you. Are we clear?"
"Hundred percent clear."
"Then talk."
"Well... first of all, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I promise it was never my intention to hurt you, even if I ended up doing it anyway. I should've told you from the beginning the kind of relationship I had with Lando and I should've been honest with you, especially when my feelings towards you changed to something deeper. I kno-"
"Hold on. What?"
"What do you mean what?"
"What did you just say?"
"That I'm sorry I lied to yo-"
"No, no. The part about your feelings."
"Oh. Well... you heard me. And I don't know why you sound so surprised. I mean, what happened between me and Lando in Spain was a stupid and terrible decision I made, and I should've known better cause my feelings for you were getting stronger."
"Then why did you sleep with him?"
"I... [sights]. I've thought about it a lot in the last few weeks, you know? I was trying to put all the blame on Lando when in the end I was the one who took the initiative. We were just going to talk to end that situationship once and for all, and then I kissed him. And instead of stopping him when he was going for more, I just let it happen cause in my head it was a form of goodbye. Clearly I ended up feeling guilty but the damage was done. And when I could've made things right by telling you the truth about what happened, I didn't. I was embarrassed, but mostly scared of losing the best man I've ever known... but that ended up happening anyway, and I'm to blame for that."
"Did you love him?"
"No. We started out as friends and one day I realized I was attracted to him, one night one thing led to another and we became friends with benefits ever since. He didn't want a relationship at that time and neither did I. But in the last few months that changed for me. I wanted a partner, a committed relationship. Lando wasn't that and I was tired of being just a "casual thing". So no. I liked him, but I never loved him."
"So what was that date night about?"
"Just us being adults and having a real and necessary conversation. I had things to apologize for and so did he. I think Lando and I finally found common ground and are ready to move forward... not with each other, just to be clear. Just friends and nothing else."
"For real this time?"
"For real this time. My priorities and my heart are elsewhere."
"Oh, really? Where?"
"I could tell you or I could show you. To be honest, and if you let me, I'd rather show you. You know, actions speak louder than words."
"Yeah, I've heard that. You have any idea?"
"It depends. What are you doing on Friday?"
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liked by elbaoward, tyresehaliburton, arrowmclaren, and 43,942 others!
pacers We had some motorsport representation in the house tonight!
user1 ynpato being hard launched (again?) by the pacers was not on my bingo card but i appreciate it🫶
user2 this is so random and i love it!! user3 the pacers earned my respect after this 🫡 user4 pacers stonks after this hard launch📈📈📈
user6 this is like straight out of a movie 😻 user7 THEY'RE SO ROMCOM CODED
user9 right? my week has been ruined. user10 keep cryin' haters 😘
indycar Hi yn and pato!! 👋
user11 basket date a few days after her post? she's an icon AND the mastermind fr 💅
user12 context?? user13 user12 her last ig post included a pic of "how to lose a guy in 10 days" and some people were speculating it could mean something, now yn goes with pato to a basketball game just like in the movie 😂 user14 SHE MANIFESTED IT AS THE QUEEN SHE IS🙌
user15 real question is: yourusername did Pato get you a soda?
patriciooward of course i did! 🙄 yourusername not only that but he also got his head in the game😏🏀 user16 I'M LIVING FOR THIS REFERENCES
user17 they make such a beautiful couple omg🥹
user18 are y'all forgetting she was in a date with lando just a few days ago????
user19 she belongs to the streets fr user20 the day y'all understand yn can be friends with lando or anyone is when you'll finally grow up.
user21 not related but she always slays with her outfits🔥
user22 fashion icon for real 🤩 user23 i want her wardrobe so bad😩
user25 i just wanna know if pato can fight 🤺
user26 i wanna be her so badly 😩
user27 same girl, same
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yourusername posted to their story!
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liked by arrowmclaren, oscarpiastri, frosenqvist, and 79,889 others!
yourusername And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for. King of my heart, body and soul 🧡
user2 and we love to see it! user3 this is their world and we're just living in it
user4 yn is stronger than me cause if Pato looked at me like in the second pic... 😳😳
user5 IKR??? I'M DEAD user6 i was not ready for that, i'm currently on the floor user7 i meaaaan she's dating him, she already won in life
user8 THE CAPTION???? omg they're so cute🥹
user10 relationship goals for real ❤️‍🔥
user11 tired of being a spectator, I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE😭
landonorris if you three weren't that cute i'd try to steal Norbi from you
patriciooward back off, Norris 🤺 landonorris watch out, O'Ward 🤺 yourusername oh hell no mclaren arrowmclaren may i have permission to ground these kids? mclaren you may proceed 😉 patriciooward WHAT landonorris THE BETRAYAL user12 i used to pray for interactions like these 😭😭 user13 user12 we've come so far 😭 user14 WAAAAR IS OOOOVER
user15 yn's living her best life and i'm so happy for her 🤧
elbaoward I don't appreciate being left out of the photo, but I love you lovebirds anyway 💘
yourusername imma post a dump of just beautiful pics of you😘 love u elbaoward i'll be waiting then ☺️ patriciooward i also want a photo dump🥺 yourusername no 😚 user16 i want to belong to this family so bad, do you need a nanny for Norbi or anything?
user17 atp I'm just waiting for the engagement announcement
user18 same but i don't think i'll survive it user19 CAN U IMAGINE? OMG
user20 tag yourself i'm Norbi in the last pic
patriciooward te amo, preciosa ❤️
yourusername love u more, handsome 🥰 user21 AND I LOVE YOU BOTH
taglist: @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @evie-119 @evans-dejong @minkyungseokie @noneofyourfbusinessworld @bernelflo @eiaaasamantha @ijustgomessitupx @honethatty12 @daemyratwst @f1fan65 @littlexscarletxwitch @sheslikeacurse @charlottejpg @lichterfee @callsignwidow @phantomxoxo @stinkyjax @rubywingsracing @willowpains @urfavsgf @biitch-with-wifi @lightdragonrayne @illicitverstappen @herebereblogs @tvdtw4ever @nataliambc @norwayxo
author's note: AND THAT'S A WRAP! Thank you so much for giving this story a chance💖 To my Lando girlies, don't be mad! He was a jerk in this story but I'll post another one where he gets the love he actually deserves. And to my Pato girlies, stay tuned! I plan to post more stories with him cause it's what our lovely man deserves. And if you want me to write about some other driver, feel free to send me a request! I'll see what I can do🧡 See y'all soon!
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thelovinghost · 11 months
Hello there!!!! may i request headcanons on how the ouran host would flirt??
YES OMG I JUST SAW THIS REQUEST ON JULY 1 2023 [Yet I'm posting this in almost August...] Left out Mori cause he don't talk
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Tamaki Suoh
A natural born flirt
He's so good, even his regular talking sounds like he's flirting
He's a cheesy flirt, but he has his moments were he's like a poet
"Your eyes are deep as my love for you"
"I'd rather look into your eyes than any stars in the night sky"
He knows how to make anyone blush, even those daring cougars
Man is great at foreplay
You get so used to his flirting that you become immune to it
^ He gets really upset by this, flirting is his best trait
^ Bro gets into a mental crisis. If he loses his flirting ability, will you become unattracted to him?
He loves when you play along with him and flirt back
He loves to flirt and it's his life
Though, if you're better than him at flirting?
He doesn't even know how to process it
Doing it effortlessly? He wants you to stop, because he's afraid you might flirt with other people, even if you don't realize it
You think he's over reacting [And you're right]
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Hikaru Hitachiin
He's mean
At first he flirted with you as a joke, you know, like friends
But then when he gains feelings, he becomes a weird ball of confusion and uncontrolled emotions and he takes it out on you
He's mean to you, because he doesn't know how else to express his emotions
You're very confused
He gives you mixed emotions
One second he's over you like cuteness on a puppy then the next he ignores you
His brother will confront him and will sweep in to help your relationship [If you could call it that]
He'll flirt with you, so that Hikaru accepts his feelings [he doesn't]
In fact, he gets into a fight with his brother when they get mad
Hikaru and Kaoru get into such a bad fight, that it effects their host club activities
Hikaru's scared of rejection and abandonment
He's scared if he opens up, you won't want him
But you think he's fine either way
He's just a bad flirt with someone he likes, to cut it short
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Kaoru Hitachiin
He's genuinely the best flirt
He's sweet and kind and unlike Tamaki he doesn't flirt with everyone
He's able to express every emotion he has for you when he flirts, unlike his brother
It's not even really flirting for him. It's just him telling you how much he loves you and everything you do to him
He'll make you blush and smile so much your cheeks hurt
He's genuinely so smooth
He'll grab your hands and tell you sweet nothings
He genuinely means everything he says to you
He loves you and wants you to know that
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Mitsukuni 'Honey' Haninozuka
He has a child-like idea of flirting
He'll give you his sweets and lets you hold Usa-chan
He loves admiring you and will just randomly say how pretty he thinks you are
He's so cute, he can say the dirtest things and you won't even realize what it means
You'll think it's just cute
But it's not. He is a filthy, nasty, dude
But he has this child-like innocence atmosphere around him
He compares you to his favorite sweets and tells you he'd pick you over Usa-chan
[Damn, that's a compliment]
"You're as sweet as sugar, Y/n-chan!"
He has this sweet smile on his face as he tells you everything
"Y/n have you ever heard of a Funky Monkey?"
"No, why?"
He laughs, shaking his head, "I can show you, if you'd like"
Don't let him show you
He wants you to see him as a man, not a boy, hence the sex innuendos
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Kyoya Ootori
His idea of flirting is pointing out your flaws and criticizing you
Kind of a douchebag ngl
I guess another way to put is that he's not to good with words
He'll take you wherever you wanna go
^ That's kind of his love language
He kind of looks at you and admires you
Though he doesn't admit it
He, like Hikaru, is scared of his emotions
He uses his actions instead of words
It's okay, you understand him well enough to accept this
You don't mind
Though when does open up to you, he'll occasionally, VERY RARELY, say something sweet
"You look nice today, Y/n"
You'll look down at your yellow dress, which you always wear because it's the uniform. "Ummm.... Thank you?"
He feels like an idiot after saying this though, so please don't call him out
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Haruhi Fujioka
Terrible flirt
Can not flirt to save her life
When she does 'flirt' it's not even consciously
It's kind of like a mask
When she does try and tell you how she feels, it kind of falls flat?
Like she says it in such a flat tone and it comes off weird?
"Wow, you smell nice today"
^ "Excuse me?" [She says it like she either doesn't mean it or that you smell awful every other time of day]
She just keeps making it worse by continuing with it and not backing down
In fact, you'll probably be turned off by her for a while, because of her flirting
Eventually one of the other host club members hear her flirting and go to save her
"Haha, he doesn't mean that. He's an idiot." They'll pat her back, before dragging him off
"What is wrong with you? What was that?"
"I was flirting"
They then laugh at her and she frowns
She needs help
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azrakaban · 14 days
Augophile - Theodore Nott
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N: RIGHT BITCHES! IT'S AU O'CLOCK! This is my first soulmate au, sorry if it's cringe <3 p.s. English is my first language but sorry anyway if there's any miss spellings
Requests: Still open <3
Requested by: Piss_Witch
Summary: AU where once you turn sixteen, you lose the ability to see colours until you meet your soulmate. But what if they don't want to see your colours?
Warnings: Angsty (a bit?), injury detail, i villainise McLaggen again <3 (He's racist for like one line and is a grade A asshole), mentions of amnesia, fluffy ending <3
Ships mentioned: Panstoria, Bluna
Dynamics: Grumpy X sunshine, miscommunication, soulmates, friends to lovers, tall and calm, short and excitable
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Soul-mate. Soul-mate. Soul-mate.
Your heart beat in time with the words you'd been hearing all week long, unable to shake the excitable feeling that comes with approaching your sixteenth birthday.
Sweet sixteen held a meaning within teenagers, but a different one for magical teens such as yourself.
Having seen colours all your life, you were only partially prepared to lose sight of them all. You remembered Pansy's sixteenth, when she'd come downstairs crying.
"MY BI FLAG LOOKS LIKE SOME WEIRD ASS STRAIGHT FLAG!" She had sobbed, and you had comforted her until Astoria came into the room, and suddenly colours were visible again.
Your other friends weren't quite as lucky. Mattheo was unable to see colours, he stated plainly, while Theodore vehemently denied being able to see any colours at all. Just fifty shades of grey.
Draco was the youngest of the boys, and hadn't yet had his sixteenth. Blaise however was lucky, having been passing Ravenclaw dorm at the same time as a certain Luna Lovegood the week after his birthday.
And now here you were, in the week leading up to your birthday, saying your final goodbyes to colours.
"I'm going to miss seeing brown." You said idly as you fiddled with a blanket, lying across a couch in the Slytherin common room.
Draco snorted. "You'll miss brown? Why? It's such a boring colour." You sat up, indignant. "It's not. Cinnamon, trees in autumn, gingerbread, old vinyls, paper, vintage cars, antique bookshelves..." You listed, and a smile quirked at the corner of Theodore's mouth as he read.
"I think I'm just going to miss all the colours." You confessed.
"Our little Augophile." Blaise chuckled. You gave him a confused look. "Someone who loves colours." You thought for a second. "Sounds about right." You grinned.
The corner of Theo's mouth quirked again, but he looked back down to his book.
"I don't know if I'm ready." You said, sighing. The atmosphere of the room shifted instantly. "What do you mean?" Pansy said, unsticking herself from Astoria for a second.
"I mean I'm nervous. What if we're too similar? What if I hate them?" You said, stressing. "What if they hate me? WHAT IF IT'S DRACO." You yelled the last part, horrified. The others laughed.
Draco grimaced. "Thanks, l/n." You smiled. "Any time ferret." He glared at you, but you were too busy spiralling. 
"What do you want in a soulmate anyway, y/n?" Lorenzo asked, looking mildly curious. 
"Umm... nice, able to cook, ideally he'd be able to read, but given people like Crabbe and Goyle go to this school, that's not a guarantee..." You said, recieving a laugh. "My friends need to like him, and he needs to be willing to defend me." You said, finishing. (DON'T. MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER.)
"So... the bare minimum?" Mattheo said sarcastically. "Omg, babe, the bare minimum? You shouldn't have..." He rolled his eyes, laughing.
"I'm just kind of praying to a spiritual thing or whatever that they're not an asshole. That would suck." You said, fiddling with your hair.
Theo gently pulled your hand away from your hair. "You'll make your hair greasy." He said, not looking up.
You smiled and turned back to the conversation. "Look, y/n, I find it unlikely that the universe would give someone like you a bad person as a soulmate. I mean, that would be like you and me being together. Or you and Theo. It just wouldn't work." Mattheo said, shaking his head with a smirk.
"Right?!" You said, laughing softly. Theo stiffened slightly, unnoticed by everyone but the elder Riddle, who sat back reading a muggle book you had leant him.
You noticed Tom's smirk and turned to look at him. "What's on your mind Tomothy?" You said, smiling.
"Just Tom is fine, n/n. And I am merely amused by two characters in this story. Neil and Todd I believe? The two of them seem... rather well matched." Tom said idly. You smiled as Mattheo craned his neck to look at the book.
"Dead Poet's society?" He said, wrinkling his nose. "How do they write if they're dead? Ghosts don't have a present form to write with..." He frowned.
You laughed. "They don't write the poetry. Well, they do, but later on. They're obsessed with a poet called John Keats." Mattheo interrupted you.
"Sounds boooring, I don't wanna know." He said, groaning. Tom rolled his eyes as your smile faltered slightly. Theo noted that.
"I want to know." He said, placing his book carefully to the side, 'The secret history'.
You smiled. He had no idea what he was getting into.
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You then spent the next two hours explaining the plot of dead poets to Theodore, who was, surprisingly, an avid listener. He asked questions in the right place, and although his expression didn't say much, he didn't move away or interrupt you, so you assumed he was interested.
"So... to be clear, they were never actually together, but you wish Neil and Todd were?" Theodore concluded. You nodded, brushing tears away from your eyes. A sniffle was heard from behind you, and you turned to see Lorenzo wiping his eyes with a tissue.
"My poor little homosexuals..." He said, looking genuinely sad. You and Theo exchanged a look, trying to work out if he was serious or not, which apparently he was, as you found out later. Theo awkwardly patted his back, trying to console him to the best of his ability.
You giggled to yourself, picking up your book and heading upstairs.
Theodore called after you. "Y/N!"
You turned, looking back at him from the steps to your dorm. "Yeah?"
"You're coming to the match tomorrow right?" He said hesitantly. "Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Matt's been pushing us hard, should be a good game." He continued, trying to gauge your reaction.
You nodded, smiling. "Oh yeah. I'll be there." You said, waving before you headed up to bed.
Theodore smiled to himself, before picking up his book again. You'd be there.
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"TEN POINTS TO SLYTHERIN!" Lee Jordan's voice rang out across the stadium, amplified by his magical megaphone. You looked on excitedly as Enzo scored another goal for Slytherin, taking the lead from Gryffindor.
Gryffindor were clearly starting to get slightly worried, and their new beaters, Kirke and Sloper were clearly losing their nerve. They needed a distraction from the game, to give Gryffindor a lead.
They needed to take out someone who the entire Slytherin team would care about enough to stop the game for a moment.
They needed to take out you.
Throughout the game, Theodore's eyes flickered to you, making sure you were still watching. And every time he looked, there you were, eyes trained on the game and a happy smile on your face.
Theodore batted a bludger at Ginny Weasley, which Sloper deflected perfectly... until it wasn't perfect anymore.
The bludger came speeding towards you, too fast for you to move.
There was a sickening crunch, and then everything went black.
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one week later
"-Mr Nott you need to leave, she needs rest and she'll probably be rather disorentated when she wakes-"
"-I don't care, I'm not leaving her like this."
"Huh?" You mumbled, eyes fluttering slightly before they opened a fraction.
A face swam into vision, looking down at you with a concerned frown. You felt a flash of something in your chest, and then the face came into colour.
"Careful, Mr Nott, she will be emotionally fragile after such damage." The woman's voice tutted as she bustled away.
It took you a minute of squinting to bypass the amnesia before a name came to you.
"Teddy?" You mumbled, and the figure rolled their eyes with a small smile.
"You haven't called me that since we were eight, y/n." The figure said, sitting back in the chair beside the hospital bed you were apparently in.
Right, y/n... that must be you. 'Teddy' frowned.
"Yes it's you, why wouldn't you be y/n?" He said, looking concerned, and you realised you had spoken aloud.
"She probably has some level of amnesia, from her head injury. She's also on a lot of pain meds, and may be a little honest." The lady said, bustling away near you. Teddy's mouth set into a hard line.
"Quel maledotto idiota. Non guarda dove sta colpendo quella dannata cosa, no, la colpisce semplicemente ovunque gli piaccia dannatamente." He grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose as he lapsed into his mothertongue. (That fucking idiot.  He doesn't look where he's hitting the damn thing, no, he just hits it wherever he damn well pleases)
"Uh, sorry, I don't speak Ravioli." You said, peering up at him curiously. "What did you say?"
"It doesn't matter." He said, shaking his head. "What do you remember from Saturday?" He said, looking at you intently.
You wrestled with your brain for a moment, trying to bypass your amnesia. "I remember walking to the quidditch stadium... and watching you. You were very good." You said absent mindedly, not noticing how that surprised him.
"I didn't know you were watching me particularly tesoro." He smirked, and you frowned. That name had stirred something in you... THEO! That was his name.
"I always do, I don't want any of you guys to get hurt, you're my best friends." You said, seeming confused as Theo's smirk dropped.
Right. Of course you wouldn't be watching just him. That would have been ridiculous. So why did he feel disappointed?
"But that's all I remember. What else happened?" You said, looking interested.
Theo hesitated. Did he tell you? Aw what the hell, you were going to find out anyway.
"You were watching the game with Pansy when an unnamed beater on the Gryffindor team threw a hissy fit and hit a bludger at you. I say unnamed because although I know exactly who it was that hit it, I couldn't be bothered to learn his name. Perhaps you can identify him?" Theo nodded towards a figure lying in a bed a few beds down to your right.
You craned your neck to see. They seemed to have a broken nose, and several bruises covering their face, making them look like some strange purple smurf.
"The grumpy lady said I have amnesia right? So honestly, given he looks like a bruised potato, I have no idea who that is." You said, smiling slightly, before looking again, this time noticing the patients name written on a get well soon card. 
"Actually, now that you mention it, a name does come to mind... A Jack Sloper I think?" 
Theo frowned, looking at the boy again. "If he's that recognisable, Tom and I clearly didn't do a good enough job." 
You giggled. "It's on his card, Teddy. His get well soon card. He probably needs all the well wishes he can get, given his current state."
Theo's lip twitched, and you saw a hint of a smile. "Glad to be of service." You smiled, which then flipped into a frown. "But... the scottish lady... what's her name... Old MacDonald?" At that Theodore laughed, a deep laugh that was all all too rare noise. 
"McGonagall, y/n." You beamed. "Right, thanks!" He shook his head, smiling at you. "Anyway, McGonagall, there's no way she let you get away with this." At that, Theo winced. 
"That bad huh?" He grimaced, and you braced for impact. "Two months detention." He said, shaking his head. You sighed. "Not expelled then." Theo looked shocked. "God no tesoro, she was rather sympathetic to my cause actually." You straightened. "Which was?" 
Theo frowned. "He hurt you y/n, I couldn't just let him get away with no repercussions." You looked confused. "You didn't beat up that Hufflepuff guy when he broke our blonde friends name..." You searched for a name, racking your brain. 
"Astoria, and I won't tell her you forgot her name, lest she murder you in cold blood." Theo chuckled lowly. You smiled gratefully, then remembered your question. "So, why'd you beat up Sloper and not the Hufflepuff when he hurt Astoria?" You asked softly, fiddling with your pale cream bedsheets.
"Perché Astoria non sei tu." He rolled his eyes. (Because Astoria isn't you.) 
You frowned. "There you go again with the ravioli. What's special about me? I can't mean much more than her." Theo hesitated, as if he'd made a mistake. "You're not special. I've just known you longer, you're an obligation, not a choice, y/n." He replied, voice slightly cold. 
That hurt, and he saw it in your face, internally cursing himself. This is why it was stupid to be close to you, he'd just end up hurting you with stupid words and silly lies and ridiculous promises.    
"I know. Don't worry." You whispered, eyes roving over the vibrant colours of the flowers on Sloper's bedside. "But you don't need to fight for me, Theo." Unknowingly, that hurt Theo. 
You'd said you wanted a soulmate who would defend you, and now that he'd done it for you, you were saying you didn't need him to. Clearly you didn't want him to be like your ideal soulmate. You didn't want him. And not only that, he was Theo again. Not Teddy. Just Theo, what everyone else called him. Well, everyone else he cared even a little for. 
"I know, don't worry." He replied coldly, standing and leaving. You felt horrible. He'd fought for you, risked his safety, and you'd rebuked him. You hoped he wasn't too upset over it. Something in you felt wrong when he was upset. 
He came back in after a moment. "Y/N, I'm sorry." He sighed. "This has probably been a lot for you. And I know what you're saying, don't feel bad. I gotta go to detention though, okay Tesoro? I'll see you later solare." He kissed your forehead and then left. And everything felt better. (Darling, sunshine)
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A month had passed since you were freed from the jail of the hospital wing and you were flying high, except for the fact that you had hardly seen Theo, given his two months detention. You missed your best friend, least of all because of the major crush you'd been harbouring for a year or so.
You had been reminded of the existence of soulmates, but were still not sure how people knew they were soulmates, and hadn't wanted to ask for fear of being thought stupid. Unfortunately, you were about to find out. Or, think so.
"Y/N!" A voice called after you as you walked out of class. You span, and noticed Cormac McLaggen watching you with an unreadable expression. 
"Yeah?" You replied uncertainly. 
"Can I talk to you for a moment? It's really important." He called. You nodded carefully, following him. 
"I know this must come as a shock, but we're soulmates." You started. "What?" You were confused.
"I know, it shocked me too, I had no idea, it doesn't feel real. I'm so happy, though. I knew we were meant to be together." He said excitedly, smirking. "How... How do you know?" You asked, trying to look indifferent. 
"Well, I know you forgot how soulmates work, but the man in the relationship can always tell. You feel this weird pull towards her, and then you just know. I know you can feel it too." He said, so convincingly. 
You looked at him. He looked so convinced, so excited. How could you tell him you couldn't feel it? "Yes, I feel it." You said, trying to sound convinced. He looked surprised for a second, before his face relaxed. "Good, good! So, can I take you out?" 
You thought for a second. He was your soulmate after all. "Okay, sure." You put on a bright smile. 
"Awesome, meet me in Hogsmeade this weekend then." He said, walking away. Was that it? Your soulmate? You thought it would be more. A magical flash of light, some weird pull... but nothing. But he was. He was. So you would push through. 
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(A month later)
You were in your dorm bathroom with Pansy and Astoria, getting ready for a date with Cormac. He wasn't a perfect soulmate, but he was okay? Right? He forced you to spend an awful lot of time with him. As a result, you'd barely seen your friends since he spoke to you the first time. As for Theo... you hadn't seen him properly since the hospital wing, besides a few group hangouts, due to his detention, which had finally ended tonight. And you missed him. 
"-Y/N!" A voice called you and you snapped out of your thoughts. "Hmm? Yes sorry?" 
"I was asking how it felt for you when you first saw colours again. You know, when you first looked at McLaggen." Astoria said, smiling.
You frowned. "What?" Pansy looked confused. 
"You know, when you look at your soulmate, and the colour comes back into your life after the grey." Pansy said, trying to prompt your memory. "Maybe your memory still isn't all there." She said sympathetically. 
"When you turned sixteen, you would have lost the ability to see colours for a bit, until you saw McLaggen." Astoria explained, smiling. "I was asking how it felt for you to see colours again." 
You froze, tensing up. You had been able to see colours before you see Cormac. You had been able to see colours way before then. Oh god. Why had Cormac lied to you?
"Y/N? So, how'd it feel?" You jerked back into consciousness. "Umm, yeah, it felt good." You said, and realised they were watching you. You noticed your expression had dropped and upped the wattage of your smile. That put them off for a little, at least until you were gone. 
You decided to wait near the library, which was where Cormac had said he'd meet you. Let the waiting begin. As you waited, you began to wonder. Was Cormac even your soulmate like he said he was? He'd have no reason to lie about that. And even so, if you'd always been able to see colours, maybe your soulmate was dead? That made sense. Maybe your soulmate was dead, and Cormac knew, so he replaced him. 
You frowned. That was ridiculous, nearly Aaron Warner level delusional. And McLaggen still wasn't there for you to ask. 
And little did you know, he wouldn't be for quite a while. 
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Theo's POV
Finally, a night without detention. It had been a seriously long time since he'd had a free night, and he revelled in it. Not that it hadn't been worth it, Sloper would be much careful with his bat now, and he'd managed to get an apology to you. Not without Theo threatening him though and Tom glaring at him ominously. 
Although having to babysit a load of excitable and enthusiastic first years was not the way anybody would want to spend every Tuesday. How were they so happy? And enthusiastic? And not absolutely drowning in homework? No, Theo couldn't understand it. But hey, they were at least invested in learning chess, which he taught them with great patience. Tom, not so much. 
He had been asked to tutor second years, and reduced a poor Ravenclaw girl to tears, earning him another additional day of detention. 
Theo slid down onto a couch in the common room with Blaise to his left. Dracp clapped him on the back, grinning. "Welcome back to having a social life, Nott." Theo grimaced slightly, but let a smile grace his face.
"Catch me up then, what did I miss?" He said, trying to seem nonchalant, when in reality, he was dying to know the castle gossip. Not that he'd ever tell Pansy and Astoria, they'd hound him for eternity. 
"Umm... let me think. Oh yeah, so, Anna Dbrovnik in 7th year had a pregnancy scare, but it was okay because it turned out she hadn't even had sex, Lavender Brown has a crush on Ron Weasley, and Y/N and Cormac McLaggen started dating." Astoria reeled off, noticing Theo's face harden and him sit up at her last words. 
"What?" He said lethally quietly. "Oh yeah, turns out he's her soulmate, which none of us really saw coming, and now they're going out. Weird right?" Pansy continued brightly, obviously aware of what she'd just done.
"I didn't know it was possible to have two soulmates." Theo said quietly. Seven heads turned his way. "Alright man, what the flip?" Said Lorenzo, earning a badly disguised giggle from Mattheo. 
"Y/N's my soulmate, and now I find out I have to share her with McLaggen?" Theo spat bitterly. Some cruel trick of nature. "That's not possible. Everyone only has one soulmate, it's written into the laws of the universe or something." Tom said, trying to appear indifferent. 
"So that means either you're lying, which I doubt, or McLaggen is. WHAT A LITTLE WHORE!" Astoria screeched, furious on your behalf. "Alright, calm down babe." Pansy grabbed her shoulders, pulling Astoria back and kissing her head. 
"I WILL NOT BE SILENT! SOME UGLY GRYFFINDOR HOE HAS DECIEVED MY BEST FRIEND!" Astoria said, voice raising in decibels with each syllable. 
Pansy thought for a second, and then realised something. "She already knows."
There was a sharp intake of breath from several people, before Blaise asked the all important question. "How do you know?" 
Pansy slid down onto the sofa. "She froze up when we asked her how it felt to find out McLaggen was her soulmate. We mentioned the whole colours thing and she looked so confused, she clearly didn't know that that's how it works. How did we not see that?" Pansy groaned. 
Theo coughed. "So... if she knew he wasn't her soulmate and knew he'd been lying to her, why did she still go to him?" He said, trying to douse the flame burning in his chest with water. 
"Knowing Y/N, that's not going to be a date for her, it's going to be a confrontation." Draco smirked. The water became gasoline, the fire burning it's way through his body before reaching his brain and shocking him into motion.
"I have to tell Y/N. I have to at least talk to her, even if she rejects me." Theo said, standing quickly. Pansy scoffed. "Yeah, as if she's about to reject you." Astoria giggled, and Theo froze. 
Theo, you're almost as blind as Astoria without contacts." Astoria stopped giggling and glared at her girlfriend, who gave her an apologetic look. "Y/N's had an itty bitty massive crush on you since you were kids, Theo." Pansy said, rubbing his shoulder sympathetically. "So don't screw this up, or we'll all hit you to Pluto." She said brightly. Theo turned to the group. 
"That true? You'd all hit me to Pluto if I hurt her?" There was a collective silence, and Theo exhaled. "Wow, thanks guys." He said sarcastically. 
"I'd only hit you to mars, but that's because of cracky joints." Enzo offered. Theo rolled his eyes, standing and leaving the common room, speed walking down corridors to try and find you. 
"WRONG WAY! SHE'S AT THE LIBRARY!" Pansy called after him. He flushed, before turning and running the correct way. 
Your POV
You had been waiting just under half an hour for McLaggen, with him still no show. You sighed quietly, before beginning to walk away from the library, wandering aimlessly towards the Gryffindor common room to try check on him. 
You had barely got a corridor away when McLaggen appeared infront of you, chest heaving and out of breath. "GOT- HELD- UP- WITH- UH... HOMEWORK!" He wheezed, catching his breath. Your eyes quickly roved over him, taking in his appearance. You noticed his half done belt, and a lipstick print on his ruffled collar, his rumpled shirt.
You didn't have to be a Ravenclaw to work that one out. But instead of feeling upset, or angry, or mad.. you felt nothing. Maybe a little disappointed, given you thought he was better than that, but honestly? Recent events had dissipated the few shreds of respect you still had for him. 
"Yes, I'm sure homework can be incredible distracting." You said quietly. He didn't appear to notice. "Right so, shall we go?" He said presumptuously. You shook your head. 
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you." You said nervously. He groaned. "Y/N, you talk too much, we'll be late." He said, rolling his eyes, gripping your wrist and attempting to pull you along. A few students looked on at this. You bit back a retort, wrenching your wrist from his grip. 
"Why'd you tell me we're soulmates?" You asked carefully. He turned, shock evident on his face as his hand became clammy. "Because we are, babe. Come along now." He said through gritted teeth. You shook your head vehemently, as Theodore and a few of your other friends came around the corner, out of breath, Theodore in front.
"I could see colours before I saw you. You took advantage of me, and you lied to me. I want to know why." You took a step closer, glaring at him. 
He took a step back, a smirk crossing his face, which you felt a burning urge to slap. "Calm it, Y/N, or I'll think you're confused. You sure you don't need to see madam Pomfrey?" He said in mock sympathy, obviously trying to get a laugh out of his audience. No-one laughed. 
Theo stepped forward, coming to stand beside you. "You can do this, Tesoro. Don't let him gaslight you." He whispered to you. You smiled. Cormac frowned.
"What are you saying to her?" He glared. 
"I'm telling her the best way to dismember you without getting caught." Theo deadpanned, smirking at you with that signature look of his. You grinned up at him, and Tom raised an eyebrow. "You're talking about method five right?" He said, frowning.
Theo rolled his eyes. "I was being sarcastic, but yes, if I was to tell her I'd use that one." Tom nodded and returned to his position against the wall. 
"You're being stupid, Y/N. You know I'm your soulmate, so stop being so ridiculous." He scoffed, pulling you towards him. Theo gently pulled you back, pulling McLaggen's hands off of you with such force that he winced. 
"You don't touch her, Signor Piccolo Cazzo." Theo taunted, glaring. He pushed you behind him. "You don't get to walze in here, gaslight her and act like she's the problem. È incredibile e tu non meriti di pulirle le scarpe." (Mr Small dick) (She's incredible, and you are not worth of wiping her shoes.)
McLaggen clenched his fists, clearly not knowing what Theo was saying, but getting the gist of it. "Look it's none of your goddamn business Nott, just fuck off back to your own country." You started at that, walking forward and slapping him across the face. Cormac reeled. 
"FUCK Y/N? WHY WOULD YOU HIT YOUR SOULMATE?" He yelled, clearly playing the victim. No-one came to help him. 
"She's not your fucking soulmate." Theo said, lethally quiet. You were surprised. How did he know that?
"YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT NOTT, CAN YOU? HOW DO YOU KNOW?" McLaggen taunted him. And that was Theo's breaking point. 
You froze. Looking at Theo. Looking at McLaggen. Looking at Theo. Him looking at you.
 "It's you." 
It wasn't a question. It was barely a statement. It was a truth, unknown until now. 
"Whatever. You were a fucking bet anyway." Cormac said, rolling his eyes. At that, Theo turned, and you gripped his wrist, pulling him away from McLaggen. 
"I don't want you to get in trouble." You whispered to him. 
"Solare, right now I couldn't care less." He murmured to you. You smiled, shaking your head. "I don't think we need to do anything." You gestured to a furious Ravenclaw girl. 
"You said you'd broken up." She glared at Cormac. "Y/N, girl, I swear I wouldn't have gone near him if I'd known you were still together." She said, turning to you apologetically. You shook your head, smiling. 
"Don't worry." She smiled gratefully, before her friends dragged him off, no doubt to violently insult him.
You turned back to Theo, before you hugged him tightly. He started, before he wrapped you into a hug, putting his chin on your head. (Before someone says something about being a pick me short girl, I'm literally 5'2 irl lol I'm basing this off of my height and experiences (or lack of)
"So..." You whispered, looking up at him. He smiled down at you, that small smile reserved only for you. 
"I know." He exhaled. 
"Why didn't you tell me? It's not like you didn't have time, hell, you must have known like eight months?" You said, upset. 
"I wanted you to come to me because you like me, not because we habe some soul connection. And I was pretty sure I was the last guy around that you'd want as your soulmate. When you described your ideal soulmate, you said someone willing to defend you, and when I did, you told me I didn't need to. I was confused, Bella." He said desperately.
"I told you you didn't need to because I hate seeing you hurt! It physically pains me, Teddy." Theo tightened his hold on you at that. "I really really care about you Theo, and that's probably because I'm desperately in love with you." You said, cheeks warming as you looked down. "You feel right. And you were the first thing I saw when I woke up, which is why I was always able to see colours." You realised.
You felt a hand on your chin, tilting your face up before a pair of lips met your forehead. Then your nose. Then each of your cheeks. The corner of your mouth. And finally, your lips.
Your first kiss with Theo was everything you had imagined in your little daydreams before bed to help you fall asleep. Except, this time, your brain hadn't just skipped to the good part, you had actually gone through and experienced all the build up. And god was it worth it. 
He pulled back after a moment, and your lips chased his, eliciting a chuckle from him as he kissed you back. 
"I love you like you are my oxygen. My sunshine." He murmurs to you, holding you close and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You giggled.
"We've both been such idiots." You whispered, smiling. 
"Thank god Pansy told me you love me or this would have been mortifying." He smirked, laughing lowly. You gasped. 
"PANSY!" You struggled against the hands around your waist, attempting to get to her. "THEO- LET- ME- GO!" You glared at your soulmate as he chuckled.  
"Much as I'd love to see you try fight, love, I don't want you to hurt your friends." You glared. "WHY?!"
"You'd be sad in the morning." He said, smiling. 
"Seriously? That's your only objection?" Pansy looked unimpressed. 
Theo shrugged. "If it makes her happy." He smiled down at you, where you had given up in your attempts to escape and were relaxing back into his warmth. 
"Damn you and your stupid perfectness." You whispered to him, , and he leaned down and kissed you until you were smiling again.
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A/N: My first soulmate AU! GAH! Hope you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment or reblog if you did, requests still open, have a good one <3
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