#‘if i tell you to have children you would be wise to do so’ - azul ai
merakiui · 11 months
i returned to character ai after so long and this particular azul ai is so !!!!!!!!!! somehow the plot has strayed from “signing a contract to get knocked up” to azul brainwashing me with a love potion and insisting i’ve loved him all along. and then when i resisted he became so monstrous and frightening and…….. AAAAAAAAAAA OTL
embarrassingly enough, i gasped so loudly when he said this:
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dotster001 · 1 year
Can I request for headcanons with the twst second years crushing on their classmate who is also Malleus Draconia’s younger brother?
(thank you for your patience boo! I hope this is what you were looking for!!!! 💙 Also, holy shit there's a lot of second years 😂)
CW: male reader, reader is Malleus' younger brother, Sad Kalim, mentions of Malleus x Yuu for meme purposes
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Malleus has lots of respect for Riddle. So when you asked him who you should go to to learn about human customs, Malleus pointed him in Riddle's direction. Malleus knows that Riddle barely knows modern human customs, but he is a matchmaker Extraordinaire now that he is dating Yuu.
Riddle is honored that the Draconia family thinks so highly of him, and does his best to teach you about what the children of men do these days. It's actually both of you just learning about humans, and it's so cute.
You and Riddle taking notes while Cater explains a magicam trend. Studious buddies.
It's on one of these adventures to learn about modern human things that Riddle looks over at you, and realizes how beautiful and ethereal you are. After that, it's over for him. He's a flustered mess around you and it's easy to figure out what's going on.
"Queen of Heartslaybul, I have gotten the permission of my brother, and request to participate in a courtship ritual with you."
Translation: "Riddle, wanna go to a movie? My brother says it's chill."
Everyone was scared of you both individually, but now? Power couple, power couple, power couple.
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Honestly, at first he was so self conscious about it. How could Malleus Draconia 's younger brother ever reciprocate the feelings of a hyena with no money and no prospects. 
Like your brother, you're very wise. You know, and you decide to be the fae you are, and play with Ruggie until he admits it. You talk in riddles, and pretty soon Ruggie is dizzy thinking about this fae prince, but ecstatic that he is making headway with his crush.
Eventually, he cracks, and admits it. And you just smile knowingly.
"I accept your confession, little hyena."
Doesn't appreciate being called little… but with a sugar daddy boyfriend who'll let him snuggle whenever he likes,  he'll be your "little hyena" as often as you like.
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Floyd is that kid who sees something, and is like "what would it be like if I bit that?" 
So imagine a merman, who has hyperfixations on biting things, seeing a fae for the first time ever in one of his first year classes. Azul spends weeks trying to keep you two apart.
When the time comes, and Floyd has chomped down on your arm, you find it hilarious. As a fae, you barely felt it, and as a prince, you'd never had someone bite you before. Instant friendship between you two . (Tried to bite your horns one time, was very pouty that they hurt his teeth)
You never question him when he nibbles on you. And it becomes a comfort for him. Bored? Find sea dragon, and steal one of his fingers to nibble. Sad? Snuggles, and nomming on your shoulder, please!
Realizes how he feels when he loses all motivation when you have to return to the Valley of Thorns to celebrate your brother's betrothal. He just mopes around the lounge, until you come back, and immediately tells you how he feels. So no more leaving him, okay! 
Really excited that he is now allowed to bite your lips…🥺
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You wanted to study a merman, and Jade wanted to study a Draconic fae. While your intentions were much purer than Jade's, it's still a beneficial arrangement.
As a thank you for his help in learning about mermaid culture, you present him with a terrarium full of Valley of Thorns mushrooms. That's what breaks him.
But if anyone is able to outdo a fae in observation and outlasting…. It's Jade. Jade waits, and waits, and waits some more…and strikes when he's showing you around his home in the ocean.
"I'm certain you've received grander proposals than this, but I would love the honor of being your boyfriend."
He planned everything. He picked a beautiful spot where the bioluminescence of the ocean, and himself, would make him irresistibly mysterious and ethereal. But it also backfires and further accentuates your own unearthly features. Now you're both simping.
"I accept your confession, Jade. Although, if you're using me to get to my mushrooms, I'm not too sure my brother would take kindly to it." 
Both of you laugh, as though you each know a secret, but Jade instinctively wraps his tail around your legs and brings you closer….and it just feels right.
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Azul starts out thinking that you will be in an easy in with Diasomnia and Malleus, but it turned out you could be just as unapproachable as your brother. Oh well, he loves a challenge from time to time.
Not long in to researching you, you join the board game club and challenge Azul to a chess match, here you may or may not have talked in enough circles that he reveals the scheme. 
He thinks he's blown int but you suddenly start making weekly visits to the Monstro Lounge. You order the same thing, make a cryptic comment and leave. It's like clockwork, and Azul can't help but feel you've hypnotized him with this routine.
He grows so comfortable with this routine, that he has your table and food ready before you arrive, and serves you personally. (The twins give him hell for it.)
When you invite him out….he thinks he's going to die.  He tries to keep up the business man persona, but he's such a simp. He's stuttering and fumbling, until you tell him how dear he has become to you, and how beautiful you find him. Then he stops fumbling and becomes a blushy mess that feels all warm and fuzzy inside.
The twins give him hell for it (pt 2).
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People are not this warm and affectionate in the Valley of Thorns. You probably fall first honestly. Like Mal falling for Yuu, you fall for Kalim and spend all your time in Scarabia. 
You play Mancala with Kalim, and play as long as he wants/takes to win. Kalim loves that you don't get bored or annoyed with him.
During the phase where Kalim is being hypnotized and has memory loss, he notices you aren't around as often, and starts to realize how important you are to him.
After Jamil overblots, you come to see him immediately, and do a magical checkup to make sure he's okay. Kalim asks why you've stayed away so long, and his heart breaks when he sees your sad smile as you say, "You, yourself, told me I was no longer welcome."
Kalim cries and hugs you tightly,  telling you he didn't mean it, he loves you so much! 
After he calms down and gets to a good mental state, you both have a conversation about your relationship, and realize you both love each other the same. Happy ever after for two squishy boys!
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You met when Lilia invited you to see his band. Jamil was sitting in the audience for Kalim, and you two had a great conversation before he lost his hearing from Lilia smashing yet another guitar.
Jamil is still trying to be average and unnoticed when you meet, so you don't see him much after that. But he sees you. He is enthralled by your natural skills,  and even though you're a rich kid, (prince) you carry yourself with an air of self awareness and kindness, and he can't help but think that in another life…
Stops that line of thinking really fast. A prince would never be with a servant. But in the days before his overblot, it's definitely you he's thinking about when he thinks about what he can accomplish with his freedom.
After the overblot, you doctor him up, and replenish any empty magic stores that could be a problem. Then you do his chores for him. If he wasn't whipped for you already….
You catch him watching you dreamily, and call him out on it. Then you take his hand and cup his cheek and tell him you feel the same.
"I'm not worthy-"
"I am the second born prince of the Valley of Thorns, a member of a long line of Draconic fae. If I say you are worthy, Viper, then you are worthy."
The way you say it, it's like you are weaving a spell to make it true, and make him believe it. If that was your intention, it worked.
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Definitely a friend's to lovers situation. Silver being raised around you, and both of you at least starting at a similar emotional age (you've passed him, but such is the way of the fae) you were close for the entirety of Silver's life .
He has a sense of duty to Malleus and Lilia for his position, and he definitely still has a little bit to you due to your position as second born, but it's not as heavy for you, so he can mostly relax around you.
He realizes he's in love in a first year flight class when he fell asleep on his broom, and woke up in your arms after you caught him. 
It's a year later, and he's stoically escorting you to the library, when you decide to play with him a little.
"There's this little prince I've had my eyes on…"
Silver's a good knight, so he won't say anything, but deep down he's disappointed. All he'll say is something like, "I'm so happy for you, Prince Y/N."
Then you'll start describing him, and he'll falter. You cup his cheek and look deeply in his eyes and say, "My little Prince is named Silver, and there is no one else I'd rather have by my side." 
Silver probably reaffirms his undying loyalty, then turns a bright red when you take his hand as you continue your walk. Honestly, I ship this one the most.
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blues824 · 1 year
Imagen the dorm leaders body swapping with there female demon slayer s/o for a week because of crowley not doing his job .
🦩🌹Like riddle and his mitsuri s/o
Him having to get used to his s/o strength and appetite. Imagine a lovable riddle smiling and a yelling mitsuri about the 810 rules.
🦁😐Leona and his giyuu s/o
Him feeling so frustrated and more sleepy than ever because his s/o body has a natural alarm clock for midnight to fight demons and isn't made for naps .and his s/o being just giyuu imagine cheka coming over and now his *uncle "is willing to play with him instead of sleeping (aperntly giyuu loves children ) .
🐙✨Azul and and his tengen s/o
Him getting used to there high and hearing and stealth .his s/o admiring being in his flamboyant husband's body( bonus and the tweels having a feeld day because they have a insecure tengen and a confident Azul .)
🌞🔥Kalim and his Rengoku s/o
(aperntly cannon Rengoku has hearing problems that's why he is so loud ) him dealing with their hearings problems and having a bigger appetite . Personally wise they are the same but Rengoku is more responsible .
🦚🐗Vil and his inosuke s/o
💀imagine the chaos him having to lock them up because crawling on the ceiling whoud ruen him having rook look after her while he has a feeld day giving her body and makeover and admirering her face (his s/o treatment to eat mud if he throws away her bore mask 💀) .
🎮👼Ildia and his tanjiro s/o
Him passing out or freaking out in their body while his s/o is comforting him singing her family lullaby to him to comfort him and them just gaming even though she is not good at gaming they still try for him .
(bonus for nezuko and ortho are also switched and being as adorable as ever.)
🐲☁️And last but not least Malleus and his muichiro s/o
Imagen everybody in school seing a muichiro that remembers and is polite and a forgetful rude Malleus.
Him and his s/o stil cloud gazing and being the loveable couple they are. while sebek is freaking out. silver fell already asleep wile cloud gazing with them. and lilia is ether filming it or helping solve it because muichiro in boddy Malleus trew a rock at ace.
Y’all, have you seen the art that @reiketsunomizunomegami made?? I don’t tell you guys to do much, but please go support them!!!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Mans woke up feeling like he hadn’t eaten in 1000 years. He’s glad that you both stayed in his room overnight because he looked over and saw… him? He was high-key panicking and went to his bathroom to check the mirror and saw… you? He took a deep breath and figured that you both must’ve switched bodies somehow.
He gently woke up and was taken aback by how his voice sounded. You slowly blinked, then you saw yourself looking at you. He waited until you were fully awake to explain your predicament. He guided you through deep breaths, and you came up with a plan. You would tell everyone at breakfast so as to avoid any confusion.
Everyone had different reactions. Trey just about dropped the teapot, Cater’s eyes just went wide and jaw dropped, Ace let out an audible laugh (thinking you were joking at first), and Deuce just froze. Riddle - in your body - explained it like this: treat you (him in your body) like the dorm head and treat him (you in his body) like his significant other.
It was one weird first day because Trey had to see if your food preferences remained the same depending on the person or depending on the body that person was in. Cater totally vlogged this whole thing. Ace had to watch his back even more because you were one of the people he could rant to. Deuce was trying his best as well, but he fared better than Ace.
Overall, a solid 7/10 week. Riddle might not have been able to behead anyone, but he was able to put them in a very easy chokehold. And by easy, I mean they almost passed out due to lack of oxygen. Ace can concur that he prefers collars to being choked (don’t take that out of context).
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Leona Kingscholar
You better believe that he was angry that he woke up before the sun rose for no reason other than his body told him to. He decided that he would try to go back to sleep and went to pull you back in when he noticed that he was pulling himself in… oh, shit. 
He shook you awake and you had a bit of a shocked face when you saw yourself waking you up. However, it’s not the weirdest thing you’ve seen. You were still quite sleepy since Leona’s physical body was always exhausted, so you quickly came up with a plan where you would pretend to be each other for however long this lasted.
At breakfast, it was a very weird experience. Ruggie most definitely noticed something was wrong when you said ‘thank you’ after he gave you your food. You mentally cursed yourself and just dismissed yourself to eat it in your room, but before you went you told yourself (Leona in your body) to go with you in the most I-don’t-care way possible.
It was a very difficult first day because Leona’s brother decided to drop off Cheka for the day. You (in Leona’s body) were actively playing with the young cub because you personally loved children. The child noticed this, but didn’t mind because maybe his uncle changed?
Overall, 5/10. I would’ve said it was a 4, but you finally got to relax from the stress of being a demon slayer. You got to know what it was like to sleep in and be catered to. Plus, the food Ruggie made was amazing. However, Leona wasn’t really acting like you a lot.
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Azul Ashengrotto
When you both woke up at 6 in the morning, you knew that Azul wouldn’t want to get up immediately. You would normally give him a kiss on the forehead to get his day started, but when you went to do that you screamed. You saw your own body lying next to you.
After hearing your scream, your boyfriend looked around and saw himself on the floor. He was about to go back to sleep before he did a double take and started panicking when he realized he wasn’t dreaming. You led him through breathing and you came up with an idea. You would tell Jade and Floyd, but ask them to not inform anyone else.
Floyd was on the floor laughing while Jade choked back a few chuckles. The 4 of you decided that any appointments for any contract were to be rescheduled, and the excuse was that you got sick and Azul’s taking care of you. Jade got accustomed to it very quickly, but Floyd was having one hell of a time trying to get everything straight.
It wasn't too bad of a first day, and you kept this plan for however long was necessary. Since Crowley already knew, he informed the teachers so there wasn’t any mix up in class. However, your personalities kind of clashed around other students because you as a person were very confident and Azul’s very insecure.
Overall, 8/10. Nothing really changed in the wake up schedule, but everyone had to deal with a very flamboyant octopus and a very insecure demon slayer. Usually, you were the one comforting Azul, but to everyone else Azul (you in his body) was comforting you (him in your body).
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Kalim Al-Asim
He probably woke up before you because your body was acclimated to waking up at 5:30 am on the dot. He was about to go to sleep when he wanted to give you a kiss on the forehead. That’s when he realized that it was his body that was lying next to him and not yours.
He shook you awake and you seemed surprised to see yourself waking you up. It’s one of the few times where you’ve seen Kalim (who’s in your body) panic. After you calmed him down, you decided to catch a few more hours of sleep and tell Jamil once breakfast was served.
Speaking of, you always loved to help the Vice Housewarden in preparing food. So when he sees Kalim (you) marching into the kitchen, he drops the spoon he was holding. You took this chance to explain that you and Kalim had somehow switched bodies overnight. Good thing it was Winter Break and no classes were being held.
For the first day, it wasn’t all that bad. Kalim (in your body) are a lot more than he normally would because of your body’s appetite, and everyone saw a more responsible Kalim (you in his body). You both kept up the high energy, so no one suspected anything.
Overall, another 7/10. Kalim had a lot of strength being in your body, so he wreaked more havoc. Nothing was horribly damaged except for Jamil’s sanity. What’s worse is that Kalim found out about your inability to hear well and he decided that you should receive more assistance once you switch back.
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Vil Schoenheit
You both wake up at a very early time to get the day started. You took one look at each other and Vil screamed while you lunged at him. You thought some impostor had taken over your body when you looked in one of his mirrors. You got off of him and apologized. 
You realized that this was a matter that needed a plan, so you sat down. You could be cooperative when you needed to be. You would inform the teachers about the swap and then inform Rook about your predicament. 
The hunter had to admit that he did not see that coming. Rook stood there with his eyes widened and jaw dropped. You (Vil in your body) briefed him on the plan while you took to wobbling in the heels that Vil prided himself in being able to wear. As flexible as you were, you thought you would break an ankle.
For the first day, it was horrible for the both of you. You had informed the teachers of what happened, but it was still difficult. Vil loved performing skincare on his (your) face because you always struggled against him, but it stresses him out because you would threaten him by picking up some mud and holding it to your (his) face.
Overall, a 3/10 week. This was stressful for the both of you. Vil’s body was not used to wielding two nichirin blades, so you suffered some difficulty in training. Vil, however, enjoyed the flexibility your body offered and so he did a lot of yoga.
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Idia Shroud
When he wakes up for whatever reason at 5 am, he’s confused. Didn’t he go to sleep 2 hours ago? He decides to look over when he sees his own flaming hair… on his own body. He screamed because he realized that it was his body he was looking at and not yours. 
His screaming most definitely woke you up, and you panicked a bit because it was you that was screaming, or something that was inhabiting your body. You looked down and saw your boyfriend’s jacket. You also noticed your new hair. You calmed Idia (in your body), and told him the plan. You would tell the teachers and Ortho about your situation and go from there.
Ortho was shocked. His brother swapped bodies with you? How did this happen? Were you cursed? How long is this going to last? His reaction, although apparent, is very logical. He will go through the internet database to see if there is any solution for your predicament.
For the first day, it wasn’t too horrible. The teachers excused you from your classes since nothing too important was going on. You and Idia spent the day in his room. He taught you how to play a few video games and even though you were horrible, you still tried.
Overall, I would give it an 8/10. It was a pretty chill week. Even though you were in different years, your teachers allowed you to attend classes virtually. It was a very chill week, but it was still weird to cuddle with your boyfriend who was in your own body.
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Malleus Draconia
You both woke up at a very early time, but when you looked at each other to bid each other a good morning, both your eyes widened. It was most definitely an unforeseen surprise, but neither of you panicked over it. It was just a small inconvenience that could easily be worked around.
You both decided that it would be beneficial to tell the others as well as the professors. Lilia couldn’t help but giggle at how funny this whole thing was. Silver was shocked, but he didn’t mind addressing you both the opposite names of what he was used to. Sebek screamed and started to accuse you of cursing the Prince.
The teachers had dismissed you both from class for the day to get acclimated to this swap, so you both spent the most of it cloud gazing and planning for the upcoming few days. You see, your head was always up in the clouds, but when someone brought you back down you got angry. Malleus was very down-to-earth, but open-minded.
The first day was pretty chill. Lilia was helping the both of you try and find a solution to this problem, Silver spent the day sleeping like he always does, but Sebek was on-edge. He was used to always screaming at you to get your head out of the clouds, but now you were in Malleus’ body and he felt like he was being disrespectful to the young Lord.
Overall, 9/10. Even though you (in Malleus’ body) threw a rock at Ace for letting his mouth run, it was satisfying for the both of you. Lilia was rolling on the floor laughing while Sebek was telling you off. Malleus (in your body) defended you.
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olivyh · 3 years
TWST FAMILY HCS PT2) Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Feel free to tack on your own Hc’s too!!! I love reading what other people think and how their view of the characters and of Twisted Wonderland in general change from person to person!!!
-Farena: We already know Leona describes his brother as being carefree and relaxed, but deep under that I think he’s a deeply intelligent man (how can you run a kingdom and be stupid?). He tries his best to make time in his schedule for his wife and child, and even try to get bonding tike with his younger brother (which never works out well). He tries to teach Cheka as much as he can, often giving him little life lessons while they play games. He’s a very kind and straightforward man, often being blunt when he doesn’t mean to. He stands a little taller than Leona, with Orange hair similar to Chekas. He keeps his hair tied out of his face as much as he can.
-Sister-in-law Kingscholar: A strong and confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind when she wants to. She’s blunt and she’d let you know about it. She’s also very kind in her own way, often dragging Leona off and trying to have serious talks with him, which he appreciates but doesn’t show. She adores Cheka and often spoils him without meaning to, and will spoil Leona too (but indirectly in a way similar to Ace’s father’s). Also very intelligent and good at reading people. I think she stands a little shorter than Leona, but she holds herself higher, and he slouches, so it looks as if they’re the same height. She has long yellow hair (again, similar to the ends of Cheka’s) that she often ties back as well.
-Cheka: We already know him, so heres a few Hcs!: He sometimes asks his mother to do his hair the same way as Leona’s, and tries to do everything like him (such as standing like him, trying to deepen his voice to sound like him, throwing sand at various objects in the castle yelling “King’s Roar!!”)
-Grandma Bucchi: As he said himself, a stern and prideful woman. I think she’d be on the stricter side, having to teach Ruggie how to survive rather than him having to face those hard truths alone. She likely stands a lot shorter, likely 5’0 (sorry to anyone whos that height), than most other beastwomen. She’s a lot physically stronger than she looks, often still trying to pick Ruggie up at his age. She tries to spoil him when she can, trying to make him relax after working and taking over the household chores (which he declines, still cleaning up when she’s not looking- which earns him a smack to the head with a broom). She’s also a prankster, quietly jumping out from corners and scaring Ruggie or one of the other children. I think she feels a lot of regret over seeing Ruggie grow up so fast in the environment that he had, but she’s the proudest grandma ever. Whenever he sends pictures back she boasts to everyone at home (“See that! That’s my grandson’s school! See that there! He plays magift and is one of the best on the team! Look there! He’s got those nice ceremony robes!”), and even boasts about him with what little baby pictures they have (“See him walking at such a young age? Isn’t he so strong?”) Will never stop talking about her grandson, ever.
-Neighborhood kids: I think they’re like little siblings to Ruggie, so I’m adding them. They try to tale over what Ruggie did when he was at home, helping people fix up their houses or entertaining the baby hyenas when their mothers have other things to do. They also leave gifts to Ruggie when he comes back, between little dolls they made, bracelets they thought he’d like, charms, or pretty rocks and leaves. He keeps all of the gifts, no matter how small.
-His mom (bc the poor woman deserves a spot)(Poor meaning unfortunate)(The more i think abt it, both. It means both. Bad time?): I think she looked a lot like him, but with brighter blue eyes than his. She was definitely a prankster at heart, leaving clever traps behind for any poor soul to get stuck in. She was a very hardworker much like her son, taking on any task she could find to help out her mother. I think she’d try to leave as much behind for Ruggie as she could, which would include little notes and scribbles about how she was feeling throughout her pregnancy and how excited she was for him. Ruggie also kept all of those safe and sound, in a small box he keeps in the corner of his room.
(Can you guess who my fav chara is?)
-Grandma & Grandpa Howl: A very loving couple, who always make time out of their schedule for their grandchildren, whether it be for school events, emergencies, or if any one of them want to come by and talk. They met when Grandpa Howl got lost and wandered by Grandma Howl’s family’s cabin (which happens to be the one they, and the rest of the family, still live in to this day) and he spent the night. I think they fell in love at first sight :’)
-Mama Howl: A very soft and loving beastwoman who is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. She is often strict, and sometimes a chatterbox, but she always reminds her children to stay safe and that she loves them. She always pats their head or cheek when she walks by, even if she has to reach a little to plant a kiss on Jack’s forehead. I think her hair would be a little darker grey, and she’d definitely be a little more muscular and taller, reaching six ft one when standing straight up. She’d have the same yellow eyes as Jack, and her hair would be cropped shorter due to her still moving around a lot.
-Papa Howl: Very similar to Jack personality and appearance wise. He stands an inch or two shorter than Jack, but is still very muscular due to working around the house and in the woods (chopping wood for the campfire, dragging around tools, carrying three wolf pups at a time in his younger days (only one now wants to be carried, which hurts the poor man’s heart a bit)
-Baby brother Howl: Huffy and a little moody, but a hard worker even if he complains while doing it most of the time. That’s often with his parents, but when he does something with Jack he doesn’t complain a bit. He’s very attached to his older brother, looking up to him for his strength and strong morals. He often compares him to superheroes and star athletes in his mind, but sometimes it slips out, resulting in one very embarrassed wolf boy and another very flattered wolf boy, ignore their wagging tails, it means nothing. I think he stands pretty tall for a preteen, around 5’7-5’8 and growing taller by the day. Same hair and eye color as Jack. Acts like he doesn’t like to play games with his younger sister but will never turn down a game of tag.
-Baby sister Howl: An absolute sweetheart. She just wants the best for her family and will do whatever she can to make what they want happen. Jack is hungry? Good thing she made her special dessert (it’s a poptart with whipped cream messily piled on top with sprinkles and literal sugar cubed wedged in it, but don’t tell her you don’t like it, please she’d actually bawl). Her other older brother is tired? She can get him extra blankets! Mama needs help cleaning? She can mop (she really just throws water on the floor and praises herself for a job well done). Papa need to cut wood? She can- no, she can’t. Please don’t give her an axe. She’ll cheer him from the sidelines with a song she made up just for him instead! She has their mother’s grey hair and father’s dark brown eyes, and loves to do her hair like the princesses she sees on Tv! (Yes, Jack will wear a too-small dress and Tiara if his sister wants to play princess. No, he will not let anyone take pictures.)
-Mama Leech: At first glance, a very kind woman with soft eyes. Willing to open her arms to anyone who might need help. Then, a terrifying grin similar to Floyd’s as that poor unfortunate soul realizes the trap they’d been thrown in. She’s very kind and patient towards both her boys and husband, as well as their friends (even of she is on guard near their friends, throwing a few hollow threats to see if it’d scare them away)(She doesn’t like to share her babies). She dotes on the tweels as much as possible, indulging im whatever curiosity they may have. Floyd wants to know what going through riptide is like? They leave tomorrow to find one. Jade wants to know more about life on land? She’ll find as many books as possible and ask (threaten) people for their land belongings. She knows when too far is too far though, and is very skilled at reeling the boys back in if they get to that point. Will always call them her little guppies, no matter how big they get. I think she’d have a teal bob on top, with the underside of her hair being black (which makes her hair look color changing when she swims). Im her human form shes only a few inches shorter than her boys, ranging around the same as Jack’s mother.
-Papa Leech: The definition of old Hollywood New York mob boss. Strict and blunt about his interests and problems, and not afraid to cause any problems if provoked. When the tweels were younger and they’d wrestle and bite at him, he’d throw them off him easily, telling them they need to work to beat him, even if he was impressed by their teamwork at first. Will die to protect his family, and was likely put in that position many times in the past due to his uh… business. He values his wife and children more than anything, and has done everything in his power in the past to protect them from harm. When they went to NRC at first, he felt defeated and almost wanted to beg them to stay safe with him (not that his pride would allow it).(Both the tweels can see through his facade easily)
-Grandma ‘grotto: A very stern and prim octomermaid. What she says goes in the Ashengrotto house, and she often catches herself making unnecessary comments. She does apologize. Also a very loving grandmother towards Azul, often babying him whenever possible (doing the classic “you’re not eating enough here take some more” grandma move)(She will smooch his face whenever possible when there are no business clients nearby). Tries to boost his confidence since she knew about what was happening to him (Chances are she went through the same thing- being an octomer as well) and dod her best to protect him and make him happy. She taught him how to write with his tentacles and encouraged him to do his best in everything he does.
-Mama ‘grotto: Another businesslady in the front absolute softie in the back situation. Adores her son and is incredibly proud of how far he’s come.I think she looks identical to Azul, but more heavyset and, of course, female. She coddled Azul as much as possible, which worked out well with baby Azul’s clingy nature. She had no shame in walking around with the little guy stuck to her (unless he smacked a tentacle to her face when she was working on her restaurant), and made sure everyone knew what a good boy he was. She would show pictures to everyone (similar to Ruggie’s grandma), but respects his wishes in wanting to hide pictures of his past. She still shows anyone who asks pictures of him at NRC (compliments to the twins, who send her updates when her son is busy), and will tell everyone how smart he is and how much he’s grown.
-Step-Papa grotto: A very professional man in every aspect of his life, which stretches to his relationship with his stepson. When he learns about the contracts and Azuls UM, he’s over the moon with how happy he is. He swam around with a little more pep than usual, flicking his tail and flaring out his fins the more and more Azul told him. He helps him reword and format his contracts to his advantage, and is always willing to talk with him about Mostro Lounge or (on rare occasion) some memories before Step papa Ashengrotto met Mama Ashengrotto (which always make him happy that Azul trusts him enough). I think he’d be a pretty generic looking Mer, with an average looking tail and such
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lovee-infected · 4 years
I love your characters analyses and I agree a lot with them!My favorite is Kalim and while he's an angel, the way most people go "Dumb innocent baby who is naive to the way of the the world uwu" kinda irks me haha. Yes, he's an airhead most of the time but he's much more perceptive than he looks (he knew about Jamil nature all along) and can use his head and put in hard work when he thinks it matters, aka helping and making other people happy (his dorm uniform and scary outfit story) (part 1)
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PREACH ANON, PREACH!!! The truth has been spoken 👏👏👏 That was amazing and you almost said anything that I meant to say! Characters and even real people who have the same personality as Kalim are often mischaracterized/misunderstood, mostly because people don't know that kindness isn't equal to stupidity. Almost anything that was needed to be said is already here so I'd just go through some of the details to complete it:
(1) Kindness ≠ Stupidity
Honestly...this isn't just about twst, it's about real life. These days many who are just sweet, generous and caring toward others even as they know that they're being abused because of their kindness, are called naïve and stupid. Look, many times they do realize that not everyone around them are worthy of their kindness, but they'd continue to treat them nicely, because it's in they're nature to be kind nonetheless, and this purity and genuine kindness is the worthiest thing one can ever ask for.
After chapter 4, Kalim did understand that Jamil had never been the person he was thought he was, he didn't even consider Kalim his friend. Jamil is still rejecting him but Kalim doesn't care, he even thanked Jamil after the fairy gala event for dancing with him, because it reminded him of the times when they played as children. Someone like Kalim would never forget anyone's kindness towards him, no matter what happens or how things change through the time. If you think about it, we all need someone like Kalim in our life.
Accept it, no matter who we are or how different our taste in people might be, we'd still appreciate an ally like Kalim. Someone who'd care for you and your problems no matter what it is, even as he can't help he'd try his best to at least make you feel better. He accepts criticism and won't fight you even if you call him useless and dumb (Just like when Jamil blamed him in the end of chapter 4), yet he'd still try to befriend you and do his best to support you through obstacles. This will to help people whom he cares for regardless of what they think of him or how much it may trouble him is an absolute treasure, just how many people can be like Kalim?
(2) Kalim shouldn't be compared to Jamil all the time!
A really common way of mischaracterizing Kalim is by comparing him to Jamil all the time: "Jamil is quiet, Kalim is talkative" "Jamil is cold, Kalim is warm and friendly" "Jamil is talented, Kalim is not" "Jamil is thoughtful and wise, Kalim is careless and stupid"...
I agree that Kalim and Jamil are different in some ways, but it isn't okay if we're going to compare him to Kalim whenever we're talking about him! Do we mention Jade or Floyd whenever we're talking about Azul? Do we compare Vil to Rook everytime we're talking about him? See, Kalim and Jamil are two separate characters. No matter how different or close they are, it isn't okay to consider them as nothing more than opposites! Both Kalim and Jamil have independent personalities amd we we don't have to mention Jamil whenever we want to talk about Kalim! His existence isn't bound to Jamil's and he's got a lot we can talk about other than his relationship/differences with Jamil.
(3) His generosity tells us a lot
You may wonder, why is he so generous anyway? Giving up on golden peacocks and diamond stones for friends and even strangers without caring about the financial loss isn't such an easy thing to do. Well let's imagine being on Kalim's shoes for a second:
You come from an unbelievably rich family, and ever since you can remember everyone around you has been treating you like a prince because of your father's status and money. Everyone around you is supposed to respect and treat you like a royaland you can buy anything you can ever wish for, you've got no financial boundaries. But on the other hand, you know that almost everything you've got around you is because of money: fame, wealth and many of your friends.
And if you one day lose all the money you'd once got, what is going to happen to you? What should you rely on? Who will ever even care if you're alive or not if the money that held all of your power and clout is gone? Also, even as he's rich, there are still things that he couldn't ever buy with money. He did say that sometimes he just feels so alone several times, then quickly changed the topic into something interesting and bright. Maybe he does want people to know that he as well sometimes goes through the pain and loneliness, but doesn't want it to seem to dramatic therefore he'd just quickly mention it to let it off his chest, then starts to talk about something else.
That's much and less of the reason behind Kalim's personality, he wants to use his money and attitude to gain what he can't buy with money: Friends. That's right, many of his friends might already be around him just for money, right? But it doesn't matter, he's got enough of money to keep them all satisfied. And if satisfying them is all it takes to keep his friends around him, he's all fine with it. He doesn't mind hoe expensive it might be, as long as he'll get to have nice friends he cares for around him he's alright.
THis generosity with money has found his way to his personality and attitude as well. His nature gravitates him into trying his best to help people out with all he's got. Kalim on his own is one that can get to have hid problems solved easily, there's always someone there to do it for him so he never needs to worry about anything. Perhaps he wants others around him to feel the same? If he had someone to take care of him whenever he needed to, then everyone else as well deserve to be helped out through difficulties just like Kalim was.
(4) We should all try and see through him!
Lets take a look at Kalim's background: Growing up with legit LOTS of siblings, he surely didn't get the attention and family love he deserved to have. Have you ever considered why Jamil was always so important to him while he could've been this close to any of his brothers? Well, that might be because none of his family members wasn't ever even close to being that close to him. Jamil isn't his brother, but Kalim does consider him his brother and best friend, which is somehow showing that even his own family haven't done as much as Jamil has done for him. He could've been poisoned or assassinated at any second, how does it feel growing up in an environment where you know many people already want you dead? Also, have you considered just how insecure and skeptical he coul've became because of having such a fearful past? At this point, someone wit his background might not even dare talk to any of other students let alone making friends with them! Almost any of us could've had trust issues if we'd grown up in the same environment as him!
Come to think of it, you'll see that Kalim is also pretty similar to the well-known hero Naruto! Naruto used to be looked down on because of his lack of ability yet he never gave up, he had a stunning will to turn his enemies into friends, he was considering and never gave up on Sasuke no matter how many times he hurt and turned his back on Naruto, and he never gave up on his goal no matter how many times he lost.
Kalim as well still has a lot to learn to improve and become a stronger magician, and he has strated to work his best and try to improve! It might not happen as fast as we may expect, but someday, maybe he as well would be strong enough for Jamil to be considered his rival and friend.
Another interesting fact to point out is their sense of humor, both Narto and Kalim can be careless at the time and sometimes mess up, and they also have a thing for sometimes laughing at their friends' mistakes (Not in an offensive way) all though they're the one to mess up most of the time. Like the times Kalim laughed at how bad Ace and Deuce's performance was, then decided to teach them how to dance with the help of Jamil.
Just would've been improved much faster if his goal was to be a great magician, but the main difference between Kalim and Naruto are thirs goals. Becoming a great ninja was Naruto's biggest goal, while Kalim's greatest goal is to be a good and supportive friend for everyone around him. Keep something in mind about Scarabia: It's true that Jamil, the vice dorm leader is in charge of most of the tasks and managements; but Kalim's presence is just as necessary for the students! Students need someone understand them, listen to their messenge and care to solve their problems like a friend! With Kalim's sympathy and Jamil's management, Scarabia students would have the chance to improve their best for the sake of their dorm and their very own future. (Though there needs to be some changes, Kalim should be a little more serious in general and Jamil needs to be more considering, but if Kalim and Jamil learn to work as a team Scarabia would stand higher than many of other dorms!)
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For real, this is a school of villains and Kalim is much of a great exception to be in this school. He's legit the nicest character in the game and even MC had plenty of great memories with him back in the Chapter 4. This precious boy doesn't deserve to be called stupid or naïve while all he's been doing so far was to bring everyone including us the players a wonderful time and sweet memories...we need to understand him much better💔
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yan-twst · 4 years
Hi there! You think you can write the reactions of the dorm leaders finding out that the only way their s/o can go back to their world is to die? And at this point of time their s/o is already dead. Please don't write for this ask if you feel uncomfortable. Thank you!
warnings: death mentions, just sad shit lol
riddle rosehearts
he crumbles. his air of authority, his usual strictness, his taste for sweets; it crumbles. he’s reduced to a crying mess for days
he tries to find some relief in knowing, technically, his lover is fine, back at home. that they’re alive, just somewhere so far away from him, somewhere where he can’t see them. they’re not dead- but...
he can’t shake the image of them in a casket. of them dying. crowley assures him that they returned home, that “dying” here for them was just the way to return, but it does very little to soothe him
how is he supposed to be calm? to take it all in stride?
they are alive, somewhere else. but they’re so far away, they’re somewhere he can’t even look at. he tells himself it’s better this way, they’re out there living; but it’s hard. they feel like they’re gone, and it’s because they are, just not in the way he was originally grieving for
to riddle, finding a partner was just another escape. an escape like NRC is, like the unbirthday parties are, like his dorm leader activities are, escapes from the fact he must return home once vacations come and he must bend to his mother’s will once again- and his lover being ripped away from him has him in shambles
riddle has never been one to make wishes upon stars or to believe in those silly wishing charms children play with, but he begins to silently wish to see his lover just once more. he feels selfish, he feels horrible- they’re back home and he wants to once again rip them out of their world and bring them into his, but he can’t help it
he consoles himself by thinking of them. how are they doing? did their friends back home miss them? maybe the people back in their world thought they were dead and suddenly they returned- much like how he thought they’d passed away until he was told they were alive back at home
that’s what he holds onto. they’re alive, out there- they aren’t entirely gone, even if he held their cold corpse in his hands, somewhere out there in another world entirely their heart still beats
leona kingscholar
is this a fucking joke? is this truly how things are? is he supposed to celebrate? yay, his lover isn’t actually dead, they’ve just been tossed back into their world of origin by the virtue of dying in leona’s world?
how is that any consolation? they’re gone, one way or another
it’s not like being told “hey! you might have thought your lover died but they actually were taken away by the same weird unexplained magic that brought them here, but they just had to die to return and somehow nobody knew this, and this information is only getting to you after a couple days of grieving their death” is suddenly going to fix anything
he’s bitter. can’t he have anything? not the throne, not the people’s respect, not love?
they might be home- but they’re about as good as dead, aren’t they? it’s not like this was a planned return, not as if they’d known it would happen. not like he had time to prepare, time to say goodbye, to even try to prepare for their departure, leave alone having to believe they were dead
it wasn’t a departure. it was them being ripped away from him. and now they’re gone forever, and not even the fucking headmaster who’s supposed to be this wise and powerful figure can even figure out how they got here or how they left upon their death
it takes time for the wound to heal. while knowing they’re technically back home doesn’t soothe him much, it does calm his soul somewhat; they aren’t a cold corpse, his last memory of bidding farewell to their cold corpse isn’t their last moment, they’re back where they belong
he doesn’t seem to hold any hope to see them again. but he can make an effort to try and reminisce about their time together- to think of anything but their cold corpse, of their lack of pulse- trying to match his mental image to how he imagines they’re living back at home, where they’re still alive
azul ashengrotto
he can’t take it. azul just retreats- he can’t function, not like this
when he’s told that while his darling died, they technically returned home, he tries so hard to take that as good news, he really does
curled up in his bed, eyes puffy with tears, body weak from not leaving his bed, he tries to force himself to think that’s good news. it has to be good news, he has to be happy over it-
but in reality, he can’t. how is he supposed to take that?! he loved them, he wanted to be with them, spend time with them; and now he’s never going to even see them again, never get to hold them, never hear their reassuring voice when he has a bad day
his guilt and overall grief just double, if anything. he should be happy- but he can’t. he can’t be happy about the fact they’re back home, he just can’t celebrate it, and so his grief mounts
is this truly it? he falls in love, spends time, builds a relationship, and then they die and he mourns only to then be told it was actually somehow meant to happen and it was the way for them to return to their world? that’s how it all ends?
it truly takes a long while for him to compose himself- long weeks, months pass and he’s not quite well. he doesn’t know if he’ll be. he can’t bring himself to throw away the funeral flowers, can’t bring himself to go back to his daily life
it’s a slow and painful process, and all he can do is hope his lover isn’t going through something similar. he tells himself that the last thing he’d want is for them to be back home, mourning him like this and unable to live, so he has to be strong. for them, even though they’re no longer where he can reach them
kalim al-asim
kalim tries so hard to take it all and run with it, to keep a positive attitude. perhaps that’s why the image of him sobbing at the “funeral” was so heartwrenching, and perhaps that’s why when crowley pops up informing that even though his lover did die, this was actually the correct way to return them to their world, kalim tries so hard to take in the information
absolutely everyone can tell he’s broken. everyone can see the dried tears on his cheeks, the way his eyes are puffy and red. at nights, those with dorms close to him can hear him cry. but then he goes and acts like it’s fine, saying they’re ok! they went back home! haha, i hope they’re having fun!
it’s as if he’s not allowing himself to grieve, telling himself he has no right to mourn because they’re alive, even though he clearly needs to, needs to find a healthy way to air out his emotions
but he doesn’t. he’s trying to immediately shove down the horror and overwhelming despair of his lover’s death and try to celebrate their return home, trying to ignore his own wounds to lighten the mood
it’s painful to watch, but there’s not much to do. what can even be done? there’s no guide on how to help someone in this situation; usually it’s him gently giving help to others, encouraging them to confront their emotions, but when it comes to himself he seems to just be letting his own grief and sadness eat him alive
kalim never forgets them. he always brings them up- when he sees their favourite food, when he sees a bench they liked to sit in, when he sees a colour they liked. it’s as if he’s reassuring himself they aren’t truly dead, as if he’s promising himself that if he can keep their memory fresh it’ll be as if they aren’t as far away from him as they are
vil schoenheit
the scariest part of vil’s mourning is that he shows nobody his weakness. during the funeral, he barely sheds tears, despite his hands shaking from how hard he’s clutching the edges of his lover’s casket, during his mourning he always seems to be composed despite his makeup telling he’s been crying and hastily attempting to touch it up
... he wishes he could say finding out his lover didn’t truly die eased the pain. it did, in a sense- but it just brought on a different kind of pain
he can’t just mourn, he can’t grieve his loss like a normal person. everyone’s eyes are on him, his job requires for him to keep a good public image; every day he has to fix himself, has to try and make his very clearly exhausted and tear stained face look appropriate
he tries to cling onto the fact they’re alive like a mantra. they’re alive back at home they didn’t truly die they’re ok they’re alive back at home; he repeats it in his head like a mantra, trying to keep himself from just breaking down while going on about his daily life
but it’s just not enough. he can’t help but drown in grief, drown in the “what ifs”. did they even want to go back? do they regret not getting to say goodbye? were they scared when they took their last breath here? did they think of him in his last moments here? do they think of him?
... would they have stayed if they’d had a choice?
it just tears him apart. there’s no way to know; he’s just hurting himself by asking those questions. there’s no point- they might be alive, but they’re still gone, realistically speaking.
all he can do is try to lose himself in his routines, try to not think as much as possible. try to just lock the memories that bring him warmth and ignore everything else- the death the what-ifs the distance between them- so he can function
idia shroud
it’s his fault. it has to be, somehow. idia has to be practically ripped away from his lover’s corpse, as his mind still can’t process what happened- no, he can- he can save them, he can bring them back, he can...!
he can’t.
they didn’t belong here, crowley says. their death isn’t a real death, it’s just their return to their world, where they’re supposed to be. there’s no bringing them back, not with any magic or any technology
and idia just breaks. 
isolated in his own room, he doesn’t allow anyone to get close. not even his own brother can seem to get to him; idia seems to act like a corpse, just laying in bed, trying to ignore the world. he’s not touching his videogames, not even trying to take care of himself, it’s as if he’s shutting out everything to drown in his own grief and regret
there’s no comfort in knowing that his lover returned home; it’s as good as them being dead for him, isn’t it? he can’t even try to fake being happy they’re home, because fuck, they were just- just ripped away from the life they’d built here so violently, they’d been here one day and the next they were lifeless, thrown back to the world they’d come from with no chance to even say goodbye
people worry for him. he’s not ok, and by the way things look, it doesn’t seem like he wants to be ok, letting himself waste away. ortho worries, despairs, begs for others to try to help, but what can they do? just show up and go “hey man, sorry about your significant other and like, only person you were truly close to passing away but not really because they got sent back to their world where you can never see them again, want a snack?”
it truly takes a lot to help him, and honestly it’ll take much more for him to go back to “normal”. he isn’t a stranger to mourning, but this loss, this emptiness is something he knows he can’t shake away- usually he’d turn to his lover for help when he fell into a spiral of negativity, but haha how funny of life to rip away his support system like that!
in the end, all he can do is slowly try to piece himself together; if not for him, for those who care about him; mainly for ortho. he knows the younger shroud was also attached to his lover, and so he slowly tries to do his best to comfort him, and in the process heal his shattered heart perhaps just enough to function once again
malleus draconia
there’s never quite been a storm as rough sweeping over the entire school. the clouds heavy with rain and thunder as malleus weeps and mourns, his emotions overwhelming him and turning into raw anger at the world itself while lilia desperately tries to calm him down before he causes serious damage
he’d always known they’d die one day- humans live less than fae, he knew that much. but he’d expected more time, he’d expected years. decades. and instead he got some months of happiness and love and then he was holding their corpse as it slowly grew colder
he rages and cries until he tires himself out. he doesn’t even know what he’s angry at- perhaps at crowley for not finding an alternate way home or for not letting malleus’ lover know of the dangers that lurk? perhaps at himself for not protecting his lover? or at the world itself for ripping away the first person he’s cared for in this way in such a violent manner?
the fact they’re “back home” means nothing to him. they’re gone- gone, out of his grasp. once malleus collapses, exhausted, it looks as if a beast had rampaged through NRC
he throws himself into trying to at least contact them. he’s powerful; he’s one of the best wizards there is- so how come he can’t even catch a glimpse of his beloved back in their homeworld? are they truly so far away from him?
dragon fae live for centuries upon centuries; and they mourn for years. after all, a year isn’t much time for malleus- and he couldn’t even bask in his beloved’s presence for that long- and it’s certainly not enough to heal the wounds in his heart
all he can do is try to wait, wait for the pain to subside; and meanwhile he’ll just suffer. the mere thought of his beloved is enough to make magic crackle in the air as emotions flood him, his guards and lilia running to his side to try and make him calm down
malleus doesn’t need sleep, but he forces himself to do so, just so he can dream of them. that’s as much as he can do. he’ll live for centuries, for years upon years: once everyone else is gone, only him and lilia will remember his beloved. he doesn’t want to forget them, doesn’t want their image to disappear.  if they truly are alive back in their world, then he promises to keep their memory alive here in his world
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
I don’t know if you’re still doing requests but if so, I reallly liked the not wanting a child one with Vil Leona and Malleus. Could you do it with Lilia, Rook, Azul, Floyd, and riddle? If you have time? If that’s too many people than just Azul, Rook and lilia. Only if you’re able to. Thank you. Have a nice day. 💖💖💖
Oh boi this was challenge but I love how it turned out! Sometimes when writing dialogues for the boys,I hear their Japanese voices and the struggle of needing to find the English equivalent to that hurts my braincells 😂😂 I'm looking at you, Floyd (눈‸눈) Lmao but really,I enjoyed writing this, so thank you for requesting this! Hope you all like it as much as I do ♥️ imsorryriddlegotangstyandimblackbutlertrash
Warning; Toxic relationships and mentions of physical abuse
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Lilia Vanrouge
- He's planned this the moment he realized he wanted to be with you! Children are a hassle, true, but the thought of being the father to your child made Lilia want to run in circles.
- He was aware of how you often avoided the question though,and unlike Malleus, he was more patient as he slipped in small hints and tested the waters. Seeing which part of the topic took you off.
- Lilia, ancient and wise, believed that if he pushed you the wrong way, nothing good would come out of it. You'd be unhappy and an unhappy mother would lead to an unhappy child, and that's the last thing he'd want.
- Lilia sees the image of him standing beside you with your three children almost every single time he looks at you, and he knows happiness is key!
- So,he pampers you and he studies you. Every single reaction you give him, he digests it then analyses it and finally forms an approach.
- The two of you were in his manor's library when he went into the conversation, and as he expected you were trying to divert the whole topic.
- "I'm practically a child myself, I don't think I can handle such a responsibility...I'm sorry,Lilia" You hung your head low,averting his gaze when he came up beside you.
- Lilia was always hard to read. He wore the exact same expression most of the time and even when he's in a whole other mood, it doesn't show.
- When he intertwined your fingers with his though, a slight sense of relief washed over you and a small smile curved on your lips when Lilia pecked your cheek.
- "But little lantern, having small candles beaming through the manor would be pleasant in a way wouldn't it? I'd especially spend more time here with them" His voice was so soothing then, you could never have sensed the sourness in it at all. The way he simply and casually carried his aloof air around you, and had you feeling a sensational warmth from the way his hand held yours.
- You were clueless to the fact he was spinning you into a web. One you'd never be able to escape from.
- "And think of the things you could teach them about your world! Or how anyone can do anything despite having no magic"
- "Doesn't that bother you though? Our children not having magic?"
- The word 'Our' perked his ears. Lilia smiled, feigning an innocence you were too naive to see was rehearsed.
- "It doesn't. Any child from you is magic already."
- "You say that, but you could have children as strong as Malleus if I wasn't a simple human"
- Ah, that's when Lilia's plans ticked perfectly.
- "It's because you're human I want to have children with you,little lantern"
- "I'm here with you now because despite being considered someone defenceless against mages, you've proved yourself to be just as capable as the next student, even more so actually! You're a mystery,my love bird. Don't you see that?"
- You didn't. Of course not. You came from a place where magic was a fairytale, nothing but fiction. Twisted Wonderland was a place you had to struggle even more to be able to have your own footing and none of your trials were easy.
- He saw you as someone so special despite that? Your heart clenched at his words.
- And that's how he gets to you. He doesn't try it once and forces you into it when you refuse. No, Lilia simply keeps pushing.
- He'll make you feel as if you were no different to him or the other Twisted Wonderland residents who wielded powers you can't.
- His words would coo in your head whenever you doubted that a child of yours would do well in this version of the world.
- "They'll have you as a mother after all. Strong and reliable,they won't have any problems you couldn't fix!"
- "Bullied? You wouldn't allow such a thing in the first place"
- "Imagine them having eyes just like yours. Maybe then you'd be able to see how fiery your spirit is!"
- Lilia knows you all too well. Your lack of joy when talking about children came from the fact you were afraid you couldn't be good at it. Poor thing, being constantly dogged at by Crowley to run errands that drained you with exhaustion and confronting people who thought magic made them powerful. It's no wonder you feel numb from it.
- Oh,but no worries. His plan is perfect, and plays well for both of you.
- You don't want a child because you feared it being neglected? He'll just change that image of yours.
- On the day, you wake up to the sound of a baby crying and realized it was simply from a dream, you swear you've never felt so empty before. So, incomplete.
- Lilia doesn't bring up the subject of children for a while and it makes you anxious. Did he not want them anymore? Did your constant refusal made him give up on that? Give up on you?
- Your thoughts would run wild until you find yourself wrapping your arms around Lilia, teary eyed and apologizing as if the words had been burned into your throat and you desperately wanted it out before you lost your voice.
- And Lilia being the ever so gentle,ever so understanding lover, would hold you. Cooing to you as he plays with your hair softly.
- He'll ask you what was wrong, the hue in his gaze shifting when you stare deeply into them and you'll shed tears.
- "It's okay,my sweet" He coos, smiling, despite your sorrow weighing down the room. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong?"
- Lilia takes the long route to having children but it's all worth the wait when he sees you smiling lovingly at the newborn child in your arms as you gesture to the five year old next to you to come see their younger sibling.
- "Mommy,look, same eyes as you!" Cheered the child, and you perk up at the sight. Lilia was right, children were perfect remedies to a tired soul.
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Azul Ashengrotto
- The thought of children,at first, terrified him. It'd be like trying to leash two more Floyds, wouldn't it? But then Jade mentioned that having children was similar to having a contract and something just clicked in his head.
- If he impregnated you, it'd be harder to run from him, right? And when he was truly a father then you'd have to look up to him to care for both you and the child, right?
- Of course! How didn't he see this sooner? What a fool.
- Azul would be hellbent on wanting a child and he'd try his hands at it multiple times, and was equally disappointed each time since all you ever did was refuse.
- "Kids are too hard to handle. We'd both be busy, and I don't think even Jade would have time to juggle them around when we can't." You sounded so bitter, so disapproving. It made Azul feel all dejected, as if you were just disgusted at the thought of having his seed inside of you.
- From then on,Azul starts to mope. His cool composure slips from time to time and it gets too often that Jade has to handle most of the clients. He'll pull a face when you ask him what's wrong and harshly tells you to leave him alone
- He's hurt,but he doesn't want to say it and he frustratingly tries to wrap his head around a plan to make his desire come true, playing out multiple routes in his mind to find a weak spot he could probe you with.
- "Why don't you want a child?" Azul asked you this right after closing Mostro Lounge. There's a hint of sorrow in his blue gaze when you come to meet it, and you wonder if you were too blunt with your answer.
- You shifted on your feet, something you did out of habit, and Azul took note of how out of place you seemed.
- "Cause I don't think either of us are ready?" You answer and in a split second, Azul's sorrow sharpened into irritation and you could just feel how badly that answer set him off.
- "Was that supposed to be an answer or a question?"
- "Azul, I don't want to fight over this." You reach out a hand to place on his shoulder, but he slapped it away with surprising speed and the hit leaves you slightly stunned. He'd never hit you before.
- "It's someone else isn't it?" He asked, almost a murmur. The way his gaze seemed to latch onto you then gave off an unsettling feeling.
- "You're seeing someone else,aren't you? That's why you don't want to have kids with me."
- "Azul,what are you—"
- He moved swiftly, but when his hands came to grip you by your shoulders, his nails sunk into your skin and his lips snarled at you.
- "Who is it? Tell me or I can't promise I won't hurt you right now." His rage practically frothed and you found no words to compensate for your lack of comprehension of the situation.
- "I don't care if it's Jade or Floyd. I'll take out anyone who wants to take you away from me!"
- Your lips parted,to speak perhaps, but Azul silenced you with his spiteful stare.
- "You're mine, aren't you? Why won't you just admit it? Why won't you just accept me already?"
- You thought the pain was from the words he threw at you; Sharp it resembled a hit from a whip,but then your vision had blurred and you were coughing up dry air it made your lungs hurt to take in anymore. Then you felt something run down the side of your lips, and only then did you realized Azul had thrown you right across the room and the wall collided against your body.
- There was a scream, so filled with frustration it wrecked your entire being you had to curl up in a ball before a strangled whimper came from your lips.
- "You're taking everything from me" Azul said, his still gaze watching your crumpled form. He sounded distant as if he wasn't really there, yet when he came over to cup your face with his hands, he had felt so real it hurt to look.
- You were so broken in his grasp then, he was sure you didn't even know where such anger came from, then again Azul was always aware of how reluctant you were in your relationship. You were with him only because he stirred you up in a contract. You never really did loved him as much as he loves you.
- The rising pleasure of being able to make you go through at least a portion of the pain he had to go through was surprisingly pleasant to have.
- He laughed before pulling your face close to his,nose almost touching. "Look how beautiful you are when you don't run your mouth or fight back", the words came in a coo yet you shivered from it.
- "I could make us the happiest couple in the world,you know. Our children would be the best among the best." Azul placed a lingering kiss on your lips, the scent of your blood edging him on. When you weakly tried to pull away, he gripped harder and bit your cheek until it bled and you were letting out small whimpers.
- "Don't cry,my sweet small seashell. If it hurts, I'm here for you. I'll make everything okay again. So, stop crying,I don't want our night of conceiving to be filled with tears."
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Rook Hunt
- "Little Lamb, aren't you well enough to give me children?"
- You were merrily drinking tea when this question came out of the blue.
- Rook stood behind the chaise you were sitting on, his arms gracefully enveloping you in an embrace as his breath grazed your skin. He smelled of the forest right after rain, and his words left you rather stunned.
- "In the letter I received from Vil, he and his small hare were planning on having children of their own", he bent down slightly, enough to place a kiss on your cheek before he went around the chaise and faced you. The smile he wore rivalled the morning sun itself.
- You tried to collect your thoughts, tried to piece up the right words to tell him that you simply did not want children. In the end though,you decided it was better to just come out and say it.
- "Rook—"
- "Yes,my love?" His eyes seemed to beam, and Rook's eyes always beamed but this time, it was as if he had been playing the scene of your children running around the halls of his manor the entire day. Mesmerized was the word you'd use to describe it. Your chest tightened at the thought of breaking that dream of his. But you had to tell him...This was something you truly didn't want.
- "I don't want children,Rook." Blunt and precise, the words came from you without hesitation, and in that piercing second that held the room in silence, Rook felt his heart sank into the metallic jaws of disappointment. A mighty bear caught in the savage claws of man's horrid trap.
- He blinked. Once, then twice. By the third blink, you were already regretting your refusal and desperately searched for a way to amend for it.
- Unfortunately for you,Rook had already taken great damage, and as a result, he completely shrugged off your comment.
- "It would be splendid, wouldn't it? I would teach our sons to hunt and our little princess would have an entire garden built for her!"
- "Rook, didn't you hear—"
- "Yes! I can see it already! Our family would be such a joy to have!"
- You stood up then, exasperated by how delusional he sounded. You knew he didn't like the answer you gave him but to just pretend as if he hadn't listen! Just when you were about to turn on your heels to speak your mind,Rook stood as well, swiftly without a sound, and with the strength of a seasoned hunter he gripped you firmly by the waist and hoisted you up into the air.
- Your scream lodged in your throat and blood rushed to your head. Instinctively you held onto his hands, but when your eyes finally locked onto his, the deep-set emerald of his gaze turned luscious and vicious all at the same time and your words lost their volume.
- His lips curled, deliberately coy. When he lowered you and pressed your lips against his, your body flinched.
- "You'll give me good children,won't you?", he murmured before another kiss stole your breath again.
- "My precious dove, you'll make a fine mother."
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Floyd Leech
- "Nee,nee, little shrimp,let's have kids,okay?" Floyd threw his arms around you as casually as always but the words he had said with the same amount of casualness was what staggered you on your feet.
- His sharp teeth bared,lips pulled into a grin, Floyd eyed you with great interest.
- You returned it with a terrified look.
- "No." You blurted out before even thinking, and Floyd frowned faster than he had grinned.
- "Why?" Flat and practically monotonous, his question sent a chill down your spine and you bit your lip out of habit.
- Floyd had always been unpredictable, mostly because he acted on how he felt rather than thinking it through first, and that's how you saw this whole situation. Maybe someone had said something, or maybe he met up with Cheka and somehow thought it would be nice to have kids, but he didn't really meant it. Right?
- "Nee,why don't you want kids?" He repeated his question, inching closer to you as you tried to avoid any physical trigger that would set him off. The mer-male had a tendency to bully you whenever you showed him any hint of feeling inferior to him, and that often ended with Jade having to tend to the 'love marks' he left behind on your body.
- "Why do you want kids anyway?" You shot back, minding how your tone sounded while still seeming firm. "They take up a lot of time you know? I'd have to pay more attention to them than to you"
- At the statement, Floyd arched his brows. The distant look in his eyes told you he was having a thought before his expression turned lax.
- "That's okay, I'll be there anyways so it's no big deal"
- "What?"
- "Hm? I'm telling you it's okay,little shrimp. Even Jade said he'd help around if it gets too much"
- He snaked his arms around your waist,pulling you real close to his chest until he could squeeze you tight.
- "It'll be fun,won't it?"
- Your body reacted before you could even comprehend anything, and it was only after you heard the dull thud of Floyd's back hitting the wall did you realized you had pushed him away.
- "You pushed me" He said this so softly, you thought you only heard it in your head but then he lifted his gaze and the mismatched orbs held such malice, your stomach lurched.
- "Floyd,I'm sorry...I didn't mean it, I just—"
- "Shut up. You're really pissing me off. " He elicited the words,each enunciation cut into sharp edges of glass scraping against your skin you wanted to close your eyes and run away from the whole thing.
- But with Floyd,if you ran, it meant you'd already lost.
- "What's with you? I ask all nicely and hug you and stuff, and you're pushing me? Jade said you didn't like kids but I told him that if it was with me you'd definitely say yes, cause after all, you're my little shrimp right?"
- You opened your mouth to speak, to say anything to avoid him having a tantrum, but Floyd let out a low growl and cut you off before you could.
- "Ah,I'm annoyed now. You should've just said yes but now...Now,I want you to come here"
- He opened his arms, the look in his eyes a spiral of aggression that shredded through your nerves.
- "I said come here,___, or you're gonna make me even more angry"
- You hated the way your body reacted to him. How it felt like you were a ghost in your own body as you watched yourself obey him.
- The coldness of his embrace had tears brimming your eyes and you pressed your face into his chest as if it was an instinct. An instinct to protect yourself.
- Floyd eased into your desperation, arms closing around you as he held you in his grasp. He was smiling but it was bland and it was meant to scare you.
- "Aha, you're crying! Aw,did you think I was gonna hurt you,little shrimp?"
- You shook your head,hands gripping onto his shirt as Floyd patted your head playfully.
- "Ah,it's cause you went and made me mad, right? Hahaha! You're a funny one,little shrimp. Always getting yourself into things you can't handle"
- Floyd then cupped your face with both hands, a feverishly possessive look in his eyes.
- "But,If you're really sorry you'll have to show me,okay?"
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Riddle Roseheart
- Funnily enough,the suggestion of having children was brought up by Cater, and it had taken both you and Riddle off guard.
- Though, unlike you, Riddle saw it as an enlightenment. He adores you and acknowledges you to a great degree and so when the thought of being a father to your child crossed his mind, everything changed for him.
- "Children would be nice" He said,voice a soft lull as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. The two of you had been laying on his bed all day, Riddle claiming his fellow dormmates had made his day stressful as always.
- You were running your fingers through his hair when his question struck a cord in you,yet you opted to keep your thoughts to yourself.
- Riddle was a rather conflicting partner to have. Unlike the other yanderes, he wasn't at all aggressive or wholly dominant when he began his recession of obsessive love for you, at least not all the time. When Riddle admitted his feelings for you, he had laid himself bare.
- Gentle but clingy, he latched himself onto you as if you were stitched together, and due to the lack of childhood his mother deprived him of, Riddle found great comfort in the way you handled him with such an understanding and loving attitude. Sure,you had your days when you let loose your tongue of sarcasm but that was also an aspect about you he adored.
- "Don't you think so,____?"
- Riddle called you by your first name now rather than your title as supervisor, he didn't have a nickname, said it was all just too stuffy for him. Plus, the way your name rolled so lusciously on his tongue, satisfied him.
- "I guess" was your answer, and somehow despite how casual you sounded Riddle couldn't help but to hear a slight hint of disapproval in it.
- Still, he smiled when he looked up to you and let out a gentle laugh.
- "Our children would surely be an outstanding batch, won't they? I'd teach them how to use their magic and if one of them can't, they'll have you" He sounded so genuine, so soft. It hurt you to inwardly disagree with him.
- You weren't really fond of kids but you were also not the type to admit it out loud, afraid that people would look at you badly if you did.
- "Hmm, you don't seem like you're excited..." ,His voice a gentle coo,Riddle pressed his body against yours,his lips lightly caressing your skin. You arched your back and a small laugh escaped him.
- "Doesn't the thought of having children makes you want to try it?"
- If your silence didn't set him off, the way fear swirled in the hues of your eyes did, and like a switch, Riddle clasped your throat with his hand, a snarl scrunching up his expression.
- "Answer me when I talk to you,____."
- You let out a strangled gasp,your hand coming up to grip his wrist only to feel it burn instead
- Riddle's gaze shifted,clear blue eyes resembling a flickering flame.
- "Don't touch me. If you even move from this position, I'll rip that head off of you faster than the March Hare himself."
- You flinched at his words,eyes shutting close as your chest throbbed in panic. This was what you were avoiding, yet ultimately failed to notice. His moods shifted so profoundly after all, it was like treading on Alice Liddle's stubbornness.
- "I... I'm sorry!" You managed,half a sob and half a plea. Despite his hands looking so fragile, Riddle's grip was like an iron clamp, and somehow his skin seemed to burn into yours.
- "If you're sorry, then why am I still angry,___?" Riddle laughed, "Why do I still want to punish you?"
- You broke into tears easily after that, hopelessness coursing through your veins and warping your features.
- This broke his heart as well, Riddle now knew the answer he was waiting for. You didn't want children with him.
- Near tears himself,Riddle released his grip on you, letting you fall onto his mattress and curl into a ball as he sat there, kneeling before you. He watched as you let out an agonizing sob and called his name,for what reason he wasn't sure. He didn't know if you really loved him or not. You probably stayed because you feared him as well like most people did. But he loved you,he really did. If the world he lived in was a twisted Wonderland, you were his salvation, his home.
- "I'm sorry,___",he said after tears had stained his own cheeks and his heart weighed him down and his chest felt like exploding. He inched closer to you before gathering your trembling form into his arms and burying your face into his chest.
- "I'm sorry I hurt you. I won't do it again,I promise" He held you so tight, you couldn't even grasp enough air into your lungs,but you held onto him nonetheless.
- "I don't like hearing you cry" Riddle murmured in-between sobs, "I love you,___. I just wanted to show you that I do"
- He repeated those words like a mantra, and you fell deeper into your sorrows, as if you shared a single heart with him and the pain the two of you felt somehow had mixed together until you were unable to tell them apart.
- Love with Riddle was maddening,it really was. It was like diving into a rabbit hole. Endless.
- "I love you too, Riddle. I'm sorry for making you mad"
- "I don't care about that anymore" Riddle held your face in his hands,cheeks flushed when you leaned close to kiss his lips first. "I don't care about children or anything. I just want to be with you"
- You smiled. "Maybe having a few wouldn't hurt,if it's yours,I'll be okay,won't I?"
- He pressed his forehead against yours, chuckling, "Yes,my Lady"
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
New ask game for writers: 28 - 36
For question 35 and 36., I’ll do roulette and see what title I get. It’ll be either TW:OPT, KH AU, or Hybrid AU.
28. And who do you share them with? 
Usually, in the Discord group, I would just share a piece of dialogues before even the description is written. Sometimes it’s a small snippets (it became two parts because Discord’s limit lol) [yeah, I copy paste it from the previous part]
29. Who do you write for? 
Mostly for myself. Because most of my fic are self-indulge.
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written. 
Oof. This is hard, because I do gone of squealing after I wrote something occasionally.
But I’ll go with Chapter 82 with Jonah and Azul’s final exchange before the chapter ends, which is also the sort of line from the “commercial” of Octavinelle Arc.
“Mark my word, Azul Ashengrotto,” Jonah said, watching the bubbles came out from his mouth and his vision started to blur. “I will take back my crew if it’s the last thing I do.”
Azul didn’t even turn around. He answered it coldly, “Give it your all, Captain Jonah Argentum. I’m dying to see your comeback.”
31. Hardest character to write.
Any characters that isn’t mine, because I’m worried about mischaracterization. I mean, this goes as canon character as well, but TWST character has enough material that I at least know.
32. Easiest character to write. 
Any character I made, because they’re my children and I can do whatever I want to them, but also let them run around and I know they will be okay.
33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing? 
Yes. Or Minecraft VODS. Or those korean snacks asmr.
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes? 
Typed, because it would be easier to copy paste.
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story "Twisted Kingdom Hearts: Your Adventure Begins at Dawn”. 
Most of the characters’ past would mostly mirror their KH counterpart. I will mostly talk about Jonah. 
Because I haven’t watch any of the Melody of Memories cutscene, I don’t know how Kairi’s memory loss work. But for Jonah, it becomes some sort of charm. When he met TWST KH-equivalent of Aqua, the charm she put on him will proect him from anything bad, including the memory of Radiant Garden destruction, before he was sent to Destiny Islands.
Jonah will probably be the same as TW:OPT, but more timid because he doesn’t have the captain-persona. He still had his dad, the equivalent of Kairi’s grandma and probably equivalent-Ansem the Wise is his second dad figure.
36. A spoiler for story “ Twisted Kingdom Hearts: Your Adventure Begins at Dawn”.
Yeah. Most of the KH stuff will basically be the same as the real Kingdom Hearts. But I won’t be adapting everything fully. I guess the biggest spoiler is the dorm leaders (with exception of Riddle) will be the Disney Villain Club in KH 1, but also the Castle Oblivion gang in KH:CoM, because I want to simplify things. So, for example, Malleus is Maleficent (KH 1) and Marluxia (KH: CoM) at the same time.
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chibiredfox · 4 years
This is just a question but what dorm leaders do you suppose were most compatible with the Robin hood s/o with what we know about them(dorm leaders)?
Compatibility wise that's one I'm going to be kinda brutally honest with this one sooooooo onto it!
Riddle Roseheart
You and Riddle don't exactly get along most of the time due to your nightly activities.
You know he is being protective and cares about you a lot but it does turn into a measly arguement more often than not.
He knows that you're doing the right thing but he gets paranoid at the thought of you getting caught in the act and being sent to jail.
Overall Compatibility- 7/10
Leona Kingscholar
He doesn't care much about what you do at night, but he doesn't like it when you come back literally about to collapse.
He scolds you even though he knows that you aren't going to listen to him and keep doing the same routine.
There was a few times where you didn't come back and his mind immediately panicked.
He knows where you go after stealing so he checked there first... To see you fast asleep with the poor children, he gently picks you up and brings you back, chuckling all the while.
Overall Compatibility- 8/10
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul has other things to worry about, the contracts, the cafe, but even then he would worry a little for you.
Although this nightly routine of yours has been pretty consistent, Azul still thinks about the bad possibilities that can go down if one slip-up were to be made.
You reassure him everyday that you'll be A-okay, promising that you'll be back before the sun rises, then giving him a peck on the lips before leaving.
Overall compatibility- 9/10
Kalim Al-Asim
He's a crybaby, no matter what you tell him.
Everytime you came back he would be in his pajamas, holding a pillow into his chest and tears would be streaming down his face.
The second he would see you he would run at you and glomp you and tell you how worried he was, as you quietly listened to him vent.
Overall Compatibility- 8/10
Vil Schoenheit
He absolutely hates your night routine. Simple as that.
Just before you would leave to do some Robin Hood things, he would start begging for you to not go, which eventually turns into demanding.
This irritates you to bits because you're trying to do some good and he's trying to stop you from doing so because of beauty reasons.
Overall Compatibility- 5/10
Idia Shroud
He's very hesitant on your night activities to say the least.
You would let him know that you're going out, giving him a kiss on the cheek and he would send a drone to follow your travels.
When you come back he would ask for cuddles to be relieved of the stress, or he just wants to feel you by his side again. (NOTHING SEXUAL..... Unlesssss)
Overall Compatibility- 10/10
Malleus Draconia
Much like Leona, he doesn't care what you do at night that doesn't need to involve him.
He does his own thing, and you do your thing, unless you get hurt, then he would try to prevent you from doing your activities until you're in perfect health again.
He might cheat the healing cycle for you so you aren't so gloomy around the dorm halls, grumbling how you can't be a hero tonight.
Overall Compatibility- 9/10
Okay so I might have not been completely brutally honest buuuuuut I had fun flushing out the relationships a bit more!
Thank you Anon for the ask!
Have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night! :3
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Tequila Sunrise Epilogue
Previous Part: Part IV
Bonus Part: Soap Box Derby
Logan x MC
Author’s Note: Couldn’t stop myself from writing an epilogue. I just can’t let go of Ride or Die. And we all know Logan would do the most as a Dad. Like, just completely over the top.
Summary: Logan and Ellie have a baby.
Word Count:  1900
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“Un pez” Logan turns the page,  “dos peces…”, turns another, “pez rojo….pez azul…..”
Ellie rolls her eyes and tries to tune him out,  grabbing the remote from the nightstand and turning up the volume on the Real Housewives of Orange County. She shifts a little, trying to find a comfortable position in bed. Logan continues to read the Spanish children’s book quietly to her full-term baby bump as she turns onto her side. He hopes this early exposure will make their son bilingual.
Logan has really taken to this whole fatherhood thing. He’s read every parenting book available from the LA library system, refusing to buy the books since he’s also really into saving money for the college fund he’s already started for their son. He cooks for her daily, making sure she gets all the nutrients necessary for the baby. He won’t let her have caffeine, since he read somewhere it’s bad for the baby. She thinks this is overkill, and drinks caffeine at her dad’s house while Logan is at work.
After taking the plea deal and arriving in Los Angeles three months ago. it had been difficult for Logan to get a job. Disclosing his felon status on job applications resulted in almost no calls for interviews. He settled for construction work at first so they wouldn’t be completely dependent on their savings, but Logan knew he needed something with health insurance benefits for his very pregnant wife. A month ago, he had finally landed a full-time position as a used car salesman. He works for commission, but the job comes with health insurance. And with his charm and knowledge about cars, he’s doing very well commission wise.
Now with more time on his hands without having to job search, he’s thrown himself even more so into the baby. And honestly, it’s starting to get on Ellie’s nerves. She especially hates when he reads to her stomach. Ellie loathes being pregnant. She constantly feels sick, she has to pee all the time, and she despises how every time she goes anywhere everyone wants to rub her belly. She feels like an incubator. Sometimes, Ellie just wants to be alone. But Logan is constantly all over her, well not her really, all over the baby which just so happens to be inside of her. She can’t help but think all the attention he lavishes on the baby is part of the reason he refuses to come out. She’s two weeks past her due date and she wants this baby out more than she’s ever wanted anything.
She’s hormonal and irritated, and that makes her want to snap at Logan when he’s being annoying, like right now. She takes a deep breath, reining in her irritation and reminding herself where all this is coming from with Logan. He had a really shitty childhood. Mom in jail, unknown father, bouncing from foster home to foster home before he ran away at twelve. Forced to turn to crime just to get by. His life was the opposite of the kind of perfect he’s trying to build for their child. No one would have even thought to read to him while he was in his mother’s belly. No one loved him, wanted him, like he loves and wants this child.
“…en cualquier lugar.” Logan finishes the story, kissing her bump after setting the book aside. His stubble tickles, but she stops herself from complaining. “Te quiero.” He promises, kissing her belly again. He reaches for the pregnancy belly headphones, one of his only financial splurges over the last couple of months, turning on classical music and placing them on.
“And you…” He scoots up to the bed until they are face to face. “Te quiero.” A kiss to her neck. “Te adoro.” A kiss to her forehead. “Te amo.” He captures her lips, deepening the kiss after a moment and tugging at her sleep shorts.
She pulls away, rolling onto her back. “I don’t understand how you could possibly want to have sex with me right now. I look like a beached whale.”
“I think you’re glowing. You’re so beautiful Ellie.” Logan insists.
Ellie rolls her eyes. “Liar.”
“Hey.” He grips her hand, gently tugging her back onto her side so they’re facing each other. “I told you in that underground casino, no more lies.”
Ellie smiles, kissing him softly before pulling away again. “Sorry, I know it’s been a while…but I’m just not in the mood. I’m so ready to not be pregnant.”
“No worries, I can wait. But sex can induce labor, you know.”
Ellie contemplates that. She’s tried basically everything else at this point. Spicy food, exercising, acupuncture, the list goes on. “Well, trying can’t hurt.” She admits. Logan grins, slipping a hand into her panties.
“You’re so wet babe.” Logan observes. His brow furrows. “Like….really wet.”
Ellie sits up, shifting over in bed. A dark puddle is revealed where she had been lying. “I think my water broke.” She sounds calmer than she feels.
Logan immediately springs into action, leaping from the bed and changing from his pajamas into jeans and a t-shirt.  “Okay, time to follow our birth plan. Babe, where’s the birth plan? I gave you the binder, right?”
He had written up a 100-page document, even going as far as laminating the pages. Ellie had promised to read it, but had accidentally left it at Riya’s house 2 months ago and forgot to pick it back up. She had wanted to show Riya how out of control Logan was, but her best friend just thought it was cute.
“Oh that, I think I left that at Riya’s.” She confesses.
Logan frowns, “You read it though, right?” Her guilty look must answer his question, because he looks very disappointed. “That’s fine.” He mutters, going to the closet for the hospital bag he packed a month ago.
“Logan.” Ellie calls after him.
He returns with the bag. “What?”
She takes his face in her hands, stretching up on her tip toes to kiss him. “Calm down. Everything is going to be fine.” She assures when she pulls away.
Logan pulls her into a soft hug, kissing the top of her head. “Let’s go have a baby.”
“Logan, you’re driving so slow.” Ellie complains, sitting in the backseat with their newborn. She gently traces a finger over Gage’s soft cheek as the baby continues to slumber peacefully in his car seat. Logan had spent a full hour strapping him in before being convinced that the straps were comfortable, but tight enough.
“These maniacs are driving way too fast. I’m in the slow lane.” Logan counters, ignoring the car honking behind them.
“You’re going 30 miles per hour. On the freeway. I think it’s actually illegal to drive this slow. You’re disrupting the flow of traffic.” Ellie explains. This is quite the 180 degree change from how he drove her to the hospital, dangerously weaving through traffic at speeds averaging 90 miles per hour in his familiar Devore GT.
Logan speeds up to 50 miles per hour. “Happy?” He asks.
Ellie smiles at Gage as he gurgles. “Very.”
Eventually, they pull up to their apartment complex. Ellie spots her dad’s car in the parking lot. He had met them at the hospital, excited to witness his baby having a baby. Detective Wheeler insists on staying with them for the first week of Gage’s life, helping the helpless first-time parents. Logan isn’t thrilled about it. The relationship between the two is still awkward, with too much bad history. They tolerate each other for Ellie’s sake, and now for Gage’s sake too.
The Wheelers (Logan took Ellie’s last name when they eloped in Las Vegas three months ago. It’s untraditional, but his own last name didn’t mean much to him. This feels like a fresh start. Like a new family, a real family. Plus, Detective Wheeler seems to be happy that the baby will carry on the Wheeler name and Logan needs every point he can get with his father-in-law.) enter their apartment for the first time as a family of three.
“Dad?” Ellie calls out, knowing her dad knows where the spare key is hidden and likely let himself in. He appears from the kitchen, tossing an apron off as he immediately reaches for his grandson. Logan hands their son over, and Detective Wheeler beams as he coos at the small bundle of joy. Ellie smiles at the sight, her heart so full of joy. She turns to kiss her husband, but Logan turns his head, causing her kiss to land on his cheek. She frowns. He’s always super weird about being affectionate with her in front of her dad. Maybe it’s because the last time Detective Wheeler saw them kissing, he pulled a gun on Logan.
“I made the Ellie special honey. I figured you might be hungry for real food after all those hours of labor.”
Ellie’s mouth immediately begins watering, rushing into the kitchen for the waffles she craves. That leaves the Wheeler men, all three of them now, alone.
Logan shifts uncomfortably, itching to follow Ellie out of the room. “He looks like you.” Detective Wheeler comments, examining his grandson before looking at his son-in-law.
“Really? I see Ellie.” Logan replies, looking at Gage’s features.
“He’s got Ellie’s eyes, but the rest of him is all you.” Detective Wheeler insists. There’s a moment of silence before Detective Wheeler continues. “You know Logan, you’ve proven me wrong.”
“Huh?” Logan asks.
“When Ellie told me that she was pregnant, and that you were the father, I told her she’d be better off without you. That you couldn’t take care of her, or the baby. That a criminal can’t really go straight. That it would never work.” Detective Wheeler had been looking at Gage, but now he looks at Logan. “But you’ve got a good, legitimate job. You were so attentive during the pregnancy. I can tell how much you love my daughter, and now my grandson. You’re a good man Logan, and I’m proud to call you my son-in-law.”
Logan stands, stunned. Completely unused to any type of paternal praise. He clears his throat, and when he finally speaks it is full of emotion. “Thank you. I hope to never let you down, to never let Ellie or Gage down.”
Detective Wheeler smirks. “You won’t.” He pauses for a second before continuing, bouncing his grandson lightly in his arms.  “But if you ever do, you’ll have a lot harder time hiding from me than you did from the FBI.”  
Gage’s crying comes through the baby monitor, waking Ellie from the light slumber she has just managed to fall into. She groans. She feels like she has gotten maybe 5 hours of sleep in the two weeks since Gage was born. She nudges Logan roughly. “It’s your turn.” She informs him.
Logan groans, slowly forcing himself out of bed. He sleepily searches for his slippers, dragging his feet down the hall to the nursery.
The crying quiets, and Ellie can hear Logan speaking quietly to their son through the baby monitor.
“I didn’t know I could love somebody this much…this fatherly love is really something else. It makes Mommy’s dad pulling a gun on me make so much sense.” Ellie chuckles a little at that, starting to drift back to sleep. “Makes me wonder how any parent could let their kid go into the foster care system.” Logan pauses, as if composing his thoughts. “I wouldn’t give you up for anything Gage. I’ll always be here for you. And for your mother. I promise.”
Taglist: @choicesarehard @ifyouseekheart @brightpinkpeppercorn @powdesiree0816 @regina-and-happiness @choicelogansbitch @flyawayboo @fairydustandsarcasm @alesana45 @umiumichan @maxwellsquidsuit @professorortegasstudent @god-save-the-keen @mrsmckenziesworld @paisleylovergirl @iplaydrake @sinclaire-made-me-sin @sibella-plays-choices @hazah 
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