#lost in time tes fanfic
mayearies · 1 year
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˚ʚ property of ©hiimayee ɞ˚
genre: fluff (angst if you really squint) | warnings: spanish request: “a miles morales x reader, with the reader spoiling miles because a bunch of fanfics have him spoiling us, like reader has a job, and when she gets her paycheck; she decides to spend it on her man, because he’s always spending whatever he can on her; so to make up for it she brings him to one of his favorite stores and is like ‘get what you want’.” requester tag: @gw3ndyswonderland a/n: I POSTED THE DRAFT ON ACCIDENT AND LOST THE REQUEST IM SO SORRY but here you go hope i did it justice 😞
summary: miles’ girlfriend spoils her man after her shift translations: mi corazón / my heart . no te preocupes / don’t worry . amor / love . déjalo, por favor / drop it, please . no tenías que / you didn’t have to . gracias / thank you . mi teroso / my treasure
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e42 miles and you were laying on his bed, you watching tv while he was scrolling through his phone laying on your lap. you would peek at it from the corner of your eye once in a while to see what he was looking at but it didn’t peak your interest that much. that is, until he came across an ad on his homepage.
“mi corazón, you like those?”
miles turned his head to you and flipped his phone upside down on your lap, “yeah, but i can buy them myself. no te preocupes.”
you felt a little guilty with the same answer you would get every time. yoou offered to buy something for him. after overhearing a conversation about his mom struggling, you wanted to start making it up to him—buying him the things he would buy you.
“that’s not what i asked.” “c’mon amor, i can’t have you spending money on me.” “nuh uh. do you want the shoes or no?” “… no.”
and that happened every time too. he would switch his answer last minute. but you could tell he didn’t mean it and he did want those shoes. but also knowing him, he wouldn’t let you buy them for him.
thats when you had the idea. “wait, sit up for a second.” you grabbed two jackets of his—one for you and one for him. he was skeptical until he heard your keys jingling and some rustling.
“are you leavin’, ma?” “no, but we are.”
☆ you took him to an outlet down a couple of exits, encouraging him to pick whatever he wanted and you would pay for. you didn’t want anything, and you didn’t want your paycheck to just be lying around or else you might get the temptation to buy something you don’t need.
☆ after some back and forth, he loosened up and confied to your offer. he didn’t want to be too greedy with his choices , so he intentionally stayed where the cheaper shoes were (even if they were ugly as fuck) until you caught on and had to push him further out of his comort zone when shopping with his lady.
“mami, i mean-” “you don’t want sketchers, miles. they aren’t even in your size. déjalo, por favor.”
☆ he left with two pairs of new jordans that night, and in return he gave you a bunch of kisses all round your face.
“gracias, mami. no tenías que.” “it’s no big deal, only the best for mi teroso.”
after he kissed you delicately on the lips, you saw a crocs store only a few stores down and your face lit up. he smiled when he saw it. “you want matchin’ crocs?”
“do i??” “haha, only on one condition—i pay for ‘em.”
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Plus-size Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles decides to take his girlfriend shopping and things don’t turn out the way he wants them to
Warning: Spelling and grammatical errors, I guess self hate, weight comments
A/N: this will be a very self-indulgent fanfic because i am on the “bigger” side, I’m a size US 12 through US 18 depending on the store, I’ll always look for the XL tops, but yeah, this is something I struggle with. I hope some of y’all can relate to this!
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Y/N L/N was in the plane with Charles, they were flying from New York to Monaco. Y/N was listening to music, looking out the window, Charles noticed that Y/N has been a little quiet, this happens every time they visit Y/N’s parents in New York. Y/N doesn’t even know why she bothers visiting them, all they do is talk about her weight.
Y/N has always been a bigger size, even when she was younger. Growing up, her mom would side eye her whenever she would get a second plate, she always heard “si ya comiste un plato, por qué te vas a servir más?” “If You’re hungry, drink water.” It is even worse when she went shopping with her mother and if Y/N says that she can’t find anything in her size, her mom will say “si ya sabes que no hay nada en tu talla, por qué no bajas de peso?” And of course, the ever so great, “no vas a encontrar novio si sigues así de gorda.” When Y/N was a teenager, her mom had her take diet pills from Mexico to help her lose weight. And sure, Y/N lost weight, but she gained it back and her mom never let her hear the end of it, “if you already lost the weight, why didn’t you try to keep it off? I kept the weight off, I’m eating less, why can’t you?” Her mom would send her photos of when she lost weight and text her “look how beautiful you were, try to lose weight.” As if it was so easy. It was even worse when her dad joined in “don’t worry mija, we’ll find a way for you to lose weight.” If you already had one plate, why do you serve yourself more, if you already know there’s nothing in your size, why don’t you lose weight, you’re not gonna find a boyfriend of you’re fat,
So when she visited her mom the first thing she heard was
“Mija, has subido de peso, verdad?” Y/N’s mom Celia, asked, Y/N rolled her eyes. You gained weight, right?
“Hola mami, yo ha estado muy bien, y tú?” Y/N asked sarcastically. Hi mom, I’ve been good, and you?
“Don’t listen to your mother, como has estado, mija? Cómo está tu novio?” Y/N’s dad, Julio, asked, leading Y/N on the couch, how have you been? How’s your boyfriend?
“Ah si, el novio, sigues con él o ya encontró un modelo?” Celia asked, ah yes, the boyfriend, are you still together or did he find himself a model?
“Sí, Mami, sigo con él, ahorita está en el yankee stadium ese para hacer el celebrity pitch.” Y/N said. Yes mom, I’m still with with, right now he’s at the Yankee stadium to do the celebrity pitch
“Ooh si, como no.” Celia commented. “Pero ya que estás aquí, fui a México con tu papá y mi amiga consiguió las pastillas.” Celia got up to go to the kitchen and brought back 3 bottles of pills. “Hay 60 cada uno, tómatelas, quizás por fin serás digno de ser la novia de un piloto de Fórmula uno.” Y/N just stood there and shoved the pills in her bag. Yeah sure, but now that you’re here I went to Mexico with your dad and my friend got me the pills. There 60 in each bottle, take them, maybe then you’ll finally look like an F1 driver’s girlfriend
“Not that this wasn’t fun, pero ya me voy, papi, te quiero mucho, te veo en navidad, mami…adiós.” Y/N said, leaving her parent’s apartment. But I’m gonna go, dad, I love you, I’ll see you at Christmas, mom…bye
Which brings us back to the plane ride. Charles didn’t like seeing Y/N so upset so he tapped her arm and asked Y/N to take off her headphones and she did.
“Mon coeur, do you want to talk about what happened?” Charles asked
“Not really.” Y/N said.
“When we land in Monaco, do you want to go shopping?” Charles asked and Y/N looked confused. “I have this event with APM Monaco, I was thinking we could get some new clothes, doesn’t that sound like fun?”
“I Don’t know, muñeco…” Y/N said but was interrupted by Charles.
“I Don’t like seeing you upset, Mon ange. I want to do this for you, you could pick whatever dress you want, matching shoes, some jewelry…” Charles said and Y/N interrupted him.
“Muñeco, you Don’t really have to.” Y/N said.
“I want to, I want to spoil you, you deserve it.” Charles said, kissing Y/N. “Now get some sleep. We’ll freshen up when we land and then we’ll go shopping.”
So that’s what Y/N did, she slept until the plane stopped. Once the plane landed, they got out and Charles drove them back to his apartment so they could shower. Once showered, Y/N styled her hair and picked out a casual outfit so they could go shopping.
“You look beautiful, Mon coeur.” Charles said, kissing her.
“Thank you, muñeco.” Y/N said, she got her bag and saw the pills in there. She just shoved them in her suitcase before charles could see the,.
“Come on, let’s go to the metropole shopping center, I’m sure they’ll have something beautiful for you.” Charles said. Y/N nods her head. Charles drove to the mall and they entered a fancy dress store.
“Wow, these dresses are beautiful.” Y/N said.
“Yep, I’m going to pick out some dresses for you to try, okay.” Charles said before kissing her cheek and Y/N started to roam around the store.
She a sales lady side eyeing her. It made Y/N feel self conscious, like many times before, Y/N just looked at the dresses, took a picture, and texted her thinner friends saying ‘you’ll love these dresses’ because she sure as hell knows she won’t fit in them. She turned around and saw Charles holding 3 dresses in her preferred colors and preferred style.
“I think you would look amazing in these. I’ll be right outside the dressing room if you need help, okay.” Charles said. Y/N walked into the dressing room and saw herself in the mirror.
“Here goes nothing.” Y/N said. She’s checked the tag and it said it was a size EU 48, which is her size, so as she tried in the dress, she noticed it was a little tight in the waist area. “Muñeco, Can you help me?” Charles pulled back the curtain and got in, closing the curtain behind him. He tried to zip up,the dress but he couldn’t. Everything Celia told her came flooding in her head, she has gained weight, she shouldn’t have eaten so much growing up, it was her own fault that she was fat, she should have kept the weight off. She was so in her head that she didn’t realize she was crying or that Charles was speaking until charles was right in front of her, wiping her tears with tissues that Y/N carrieesaround in her purse.
“Mon ange, are you okay?” Charles asked softly.
“No, I am not okay. This stupid dress doesn’t fit, probably nothing in this store will fit me because I am so fat, maybe I should take those diet pills my mom gave me, I am so ugly.” Y/N sobbed, taking off the dress haphazardly, not caring if she ripped something or not. She put her jeans and oversized t shirt back on but sat down on the floor to sob into her hands. Charles has tears in his eyes, it hurt to hear her talk about herself this way.
“Mon coeur, what happened with your mother?” Charles asked. Y/N got another reissue for her bag and blew her bise before answering him.
“She said that I have gained weight, asked if we were still together or if you found yourself a model girlfriend, and she gave me diet pills so i can lose weight like I did when I was 16/17.” Y/N said. Charles felt angry, how could a mother say that to her own daughter?
“Mon coeur, I love you, you know that, right? I love you so much and don’t worry about the dress, there are other stores that carry bigger sizes and so,étimos the sizing runs short here.” Charles attempts to make Y/N feel better.
“You don’t get it, Charles. You could find a dress that could perfectly fit me and I’m going to hate myself in it, my mom would point out my flaws when we’re shopping ‘you’re back is too wide for that dress, this dress shows off your belly, if you lost 20 pounds, you could pull off that dress’, even if I really liked something I wore, my mom would ruin it for me. And now I say that about myself, it’s so bad” Y/N cried and Charles hugged her, smoothie her back, letting her cry it all out.
“Mon coeur, you need to stop visiting your mother. I know you love your parents but visiting your mom is not healthy for you. You’re not going to take those diet pills, okay? Those things are dangerous and who knows the side effects it might cause. Now listen to me very carefully, you are beautiful, your size doesn’t matter, not to me, I fell in love with you because you’re funny, you are so sweet to everyone, you love animals, you could be a size 50 or a size 32 and I would still love you because of your personality.” Charles said, cupping Y/N’s face, kissing her nose. “Safe to say we won’t be buying this.”
“Yeah, no.” Y/N said, they got out of the dressing room and put the dress back.
“I suggest getting bigger sizes, try being more inclusive.” Charles said befriended leaving the store with Y/N. “I think you deserve some ice cream, don’t you?”
“I would love some.” Y/N said and Charles had his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple before heading to an ice cream shop in the mall.
The End
Hope y’all liked it, this was a very personal one shot for me, this was based off true experiences, I really do struggle with this, I cried while writing.
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This is me, sorry for the jump scare
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batofburnside · 9 months
Tell Me
Gekko x (Fem!)Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Hi everyone! This is my first Gekko fanfic and my first fanfic posted on tumblr. I am hoping for this to be a 3+ parter. I used google translate for most of the Spanish that wasn’t just a few words so I apologize if anything gets lost in translation, I am not fluent.
TW: mentions of murder, angst, (kinda?) manipulation
Premise: Gekko is your boyfriend and has been for a few years. Before you made it official you were best friends and attached at the hip. You both attend the same college in LA. A few months ago he came to you and let you know he had received a scholarship to a prestigious and private university up north, and that he accepted it. What the reader doesn’t know is that there is no college and that he has been recruited into the top secret Valorant Protocol. He has been told by Brimstone, Sage, and Reyna that you and the people close to him are to know nothing about what he is up to. But as you start to sense his lies, will your relationship survive?
Words: 2.8K
“Ta da!” You exclaimed, removing your hands from the view of the person who sat in front of you, allowing them to get a full view of their new hair in the mirror.
“Woah, mi Amor” Your boyfriend, Mateo, whispered as he inched closer to the mirror, a smirk forming on his lips while he took in his new hair color. Green - neon green in fact. When he had called you over for a surprise you didn’t expect that he was going to dye his hair before he moved away for his studies. You definitely didn’t expect that he chose neon green of all the colors.
As you mixed the color and applied it, you had silently mourned his beautiful blonde that was now to be covered. But, seeing the glimmer in his hazel eyes as you met his gaze through the mirror made all of your worry go away. He was certain this is what he needed as he moved away from his mom and from you.
“Do you like it?” You asked, nervous about your work. You had really only dyed your own hair once before. You were worried about patchy areas or leaving it on too long.
“Like it?” He replied back, “Me encanta, cariño! I love it! Thank you” Mateo turned around and moved the chair he was sitting on out of the way, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you. Your laughter harmonizes with his. As he places you back down on the ground, he cups your cheek before giving you a quick kiss. You lean into his kiss, trying to savor the last bit of time with him before he leaves.
“You know…” you start to say as you pull away, “I’ll always support you, but you don’t have to change yourself for new people” you said in regards to this change in his hair as well as the new tattoo he has been hiding under long sleeves. Mateo tenses up slightly at your words, involuntarily rubbing his wrist where his new tattoo lay on his skin. He wants nothing more than to tell you about Kingdom, about the Valorant Protocol, about everything. But for your safety, he can’t. So, as far as you know, he’s going to a private university up north to finish up his degree.
“I’m not changing for anyone, mi amor. These were just things I’ve been wanting to do for a while.” He says as he reaches his hand out to you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “What’s this?” He smiles, “¿una sorpresa?” seeing a bit of new color in your hair hidden by your nape, twirling the new strand of neon green hair around his finger as he changes the topic.
Your face flushes red “well… I had to do a test strand and… now I have something to always remind me of you while you’re away.”
He chuckled slightly and hugged you tight, “Now we match. But, no te preocupes, I’ll video call you whenever I can. I promise, (y/n).”
You leaned into his hug, “I know, Teo. That doesn’t mean I won't miss you any less” you closed your eyes as you held onto him tight, struggling to prevent any tears from leaving. Mateo sighed slightly as he rested his chin on the top of your head. He pulled you in closer to him, one hand on the back of your head, the other wrapped around your shoulders. The decision to join the Valorant Protocol had weighed heavily on Mateo’s shoulders. It hurt him to leave you, more than you would ever know. But, he had to do this. He had to do this for his mom, for Reyna, and especially for you.
He loosens the hug, looking down at you. “Ey, why don’t we show my mom my new cabello?” He smiles, trying to cheer you up. You shake your head, “Teo no! She’ll kill me!” You laugh.
“Nah! I’ll tell her it was all my plan. Vamos!” He grabs your hand before you can protest and hurries out of his room, dragging you with him, “Ey¡ Mamá¡ Tengo algo que mostrarte¡'' he yells, while you giggle as he pulls you through his house.
The reaction from Mateo’s mom was roughly how you expected it to go. You watched as she went through the stages of grief in regards to seeing her son's natural hair replaced with Green. You had tried to stifle your laughter as Mateo tried to sheepishly explain his reason and thought process all while she yelled at him in Spanish. Eventually she gave in and had Mateo set the table for dinner. The rest of the night was how it normally went when you had dinner at Mateo’s house. You loved his mom’s home cooked meals, and gladly accepted the seconds she forced upon your plate. As you ate, you smiled at the shared banter between Mateo and his mom, laughing at the remarks and jokes you could understand. Normally you picked up a few words here and there, and a select few phrases when Mateo and his mom spoke in Spanish, which is a big improvement from when he first brought you over for dinner 4 years ago.
As the night ended, Mateo walked you to your car carrying a bin of homemade tamales his mom had packed up for you and your family. He pulled you in for a kiss before sending you off. “Drive safe, cariño. And text me when you get home, por favor.” He opened your car door for you and you nodded “of course, babe. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked, as you were going to be taking Mateo to the bus station to see him off.
“Sí, señora. I’ll see you tomorrow” he said, giving you another kiss on the cheek. “Te amo”. You returned his kiss before getting into your car, “Te amo también” you smiled. His eyes glimmered in the streetlights as he smiled, he loved hearing you say the phrases he taught you. He loved sharing his culture with you.
You pulled your car away from the curb and started your drive. Mateo waved as he watched you drive down the street, waiting to go inside until he saw your car disappear as it turned down another street. He walked inside and to his room, reaching under his head he pulled out a sash, similar to an over the shoulder bag, and set it on his bed. “Mi amigos, you can come on out now” he whispered as four tiny animal-like creatures appeared from the central area of the sash. A yellow one that stood on two legs, a blue one that floated in the air and seemed to have a hard shell of sorts on the top. A green ball that hopped straight into Mateo’s hand, and a pink creature that seemed to swim above the ground like a shark. The yellow creature walked up to Mateo, sensing any distress and grabbed onto his arm, noises similar to gargles emerging from the small creature. The man smiled as he understood what the creature was saying, “Thank you Wingman. I just sometimes wonder if I’m making the right choice. ?Sabes¿”
The blue creature came up to Mateo and rubbed against his cheek, while purring. He chuckled, “thank you, Dizzy. Unfortunately, I can’t tell (y/n). It would put her in danger, there is no way I can do that to her.
The shark-like creature grumbled, Mateo turned to it, “I’m sorry Thrash, I know you don’t like being hidden from her… or anytime, but it would just cause too many questions. Don’t worry girl, after tomorrow you won’t have to hide anymore.”
Just then, Mateo’s phone buzzed and he smiled seeing the text from you; ‘Home safe <3’.
The ride from Mateo’s house to the bus station had your stomach filled with anxiety. You had been dreading the day he left, and had hoped somehow it wouldn’t come. But it was here, and in just a few minutes you would be dropping him off and would only see him maybe once or twice every few months. Mateo’s mom riding in the back of your car also did not help your anxiety. Of course you loved his mom, and you’ve known her for years, that still doesn’t mean that you weren’t absolutely terrified of embarrassing yourself in front of her.
Mateo noticed how stiff you held onto the steering wheel of your car. He reached over and placed his hand on one of your shoulders to try his best to smooth you, “(y/n), you alright?” He said. Before you could answer his mom spoke up, “Mateo! Don’t distract her while she’s driving, tu sabes mejor!”
Mateo groaned and pulled his hand away, turning his head towards the window as he rolled his eyes, “vamos mamá, está bien.”
His mom huffed, “no esta bien, Mateo! Es imprudente.”
“Sólo espero que no seas imprudente con el protocolo-“
You heard Mateo inhale as he turned around quickly in his seat, “¡No puedes hablar de eso! ¡tú lo sabes!“
“simplemente no quiero que te lastimes. Solo estoy asustada Mateo…”
He sighed, his voice changing from worry to understanding, “Lo sé mamá... Estaré a salvo, I promise.”
Mateo turned back in his seat and you looked in the rear view mirror to see his mom silently wiping underneath her eyes. “Is everything alright?” You asked in a whisper. Mateo nodded, “Sí. She's just worried about me being in a new place.” He said, telling part of the truth. “I understand that feeling,” you replied. “Well, like I told mamá, I’ll be fine, mi amor. I promise” he said resting a hand on your knee.
You looked back in the mirror again, to his mom silently trying to compose herself as more tears fell from her eyes and you wondered if that was truly what his mom was worried about.
After you pulled your car up to the bus station, you helped grab Mateo’s things out of the trunk while his mom pulled him into a hug while kissing his temple. “Mamá, chill” he laughed after the 4th or 5th temple kiss. He walked over to you and grabbed his bag from your hand, “(y/n) I got it! You should have let me help you.” He said as you handed him his skateboard. “I wanted to give you some time with your mom.” You smiled. He set his bag and skateboard on the ground before pulling you into a kiss, not caring that his mom was just 3 feet behind him, you wrapped his arms around him as you focused on how soft his lips felt. You wanted to memorize as much of his warmth, smell, and feelings before he left.
As you two separated, his eyes lit up, “I almost forgot! But I got you something.” He said as he started digging through a pocket on his bag. As he found what he was looking for, he pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to you. You delicately took the small box and opened it to find a beautiful and tasteful heart shaped locket. Engraved on the back ‘for mi amor. Love, Teo’ “Oh my, Mateo…” you said, in shock. “How much did this cost you?” You asked, hoping he didn’t spend a ton of money on you.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said, grinning like a puppy, “open it.”
You took the pendant and saw the hinge where it opened. As it did you noticed the two pictures inside. One the left side was your first selfie with Mateo, shortly after you two began dating. He was kissing your cheek and your eyes were closed in a moment of bliss. On the right side of the locket held a more recent picture of you and Mateo. You two were both making silly faces at the camera, but it captured the essence of your relationship. “Those are two of my favorite pictures of us” He said, pulling you out of your memories. “I just wanted you to have something to hold close to your heart while I was away. I hope it’s not too…er..sappy?” he said, his face flushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Teo, thank you so much. I love it. Me encanta!” You said before throwing your arms around him. He held onto you tight before you both heard a familiar and soothing voice from behind you. “Que dulce, Mateo.”
You released your arms from Mateo and he set you down before looking in the direction of the voice, and his eyes lit up. “Zyanya!” He said, walking up to the tall and intimidating woman before giving her a hug.
“Mateo, (y/n), great to see you.” Zyanya said before walking up to Mateo’s mom and giving her a hug. You had met Zyanya before. You knew she wasn’t related to Mateo, but that she and Mateo’s mom had a close bond, and that he had always seen Zyanya as an aunt. Other than that, you didn’t know much about the woman. She was always friendly to you, as she knew you made Mateo happy. You refrained from asking her much about herself, as she always had this intimidating aura when she was around, and you couldn’t quite explain it.
“We better get going, cariño. The bus will be here soon.” Zyanya said to Mateo. You had heard Mateo mention before that Zyanya would be riding the bus and then train with him up to his school as she apparently lived nearby. This arrangement was apparently planned by his mother to ease her worries about him traveling alone, at least that’s what he told you.
Mateo nodded, “Sí, we should probably get to boarding.” He said, a solemn look flashing over his face as he looked to his mom and then towards you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close, wiping away a tear that had fallen from your eyes without your permission. “I’ll text you as soon as I get there mi amor. And then I’ll video call you and show you my dorm, and you can help tell me where to put some decorations. Trato?”
You nodded, sniffling as more tears fell from your eyes. You wrapped your arms around him. Pulling him into another hug as he kissed the top of your head. “I have to go no, mi amor. Te amo mucho. More than anything” he whispered to you, before giving you a quick goodbye kiss.
After he pulled away he went over to his mom and pulled her into a hug, giving her a kiss on the top of her head as well. He whispered something in Spanish, that you couldn’t quite make out, but saw as his mom nodded and gave him a kiss on the temple. His mom exchanged a hug and a few words with Zyanya before the two of them walked to the doors of the bus station. Zyanya was the first to enter, Mateo took a pause as he turned around and waved before entering.
As the doors shut behind him, you couldn’t help but shake the pit of dread that had immediately fell into your stomach. He was just going to school? He would be back before you knew it for a visit. So why did you feel so anxious? The fact that you couldn’t visit him there had upset you when he first told you about it, but it was something you quickly got over. You understood some schools had weird and random rules. Or, at least that’s what you were telling yourself.
After you dropped Mateo’s mom back off at their house, you drove straight home. His mom of course sent you home with some food, which you put into the fridge to save for later as you had no appetite at the moment. You texted Mateo that you had dropped off his mom and made it home yourself, staring at the screen you waited for the usual instant reply, but nothing appeared. You stared at the screen for a few more seconds before scrolling away, you and Mateo had never shared your locations with each other so there was no need to try and see where he was. Maybe he had fallen asleep on the train? Or maybe he and Zyanya had to switch trains and were busy boarding. There were many scenarios you could think of, but each one was starting to bring back the pit of anxiety that had burrowed into your core. You put your phone face down on your desk and turned on some music to try and distract yourself from your mind. You knew the absence of Mateo was only going to get worse, in four years you haven’t gone a day without seeing him at least for a few minutes. Before you two were officially dating he was your best friend. Whether it was him bringing you lunch to work during your breaks, or your date nights, and the occasional sleep overs at your house your life was always filled with an aspect of him.
Hours later your dad knocked on your bedroom door and opened it, finding you struggling with your bed as you had pushed it from one end of the room to the other.
“Watcha doing?” Your dad said, trying to speak over the music you had blaring in your room.
“What??” You said, as you continued pushing your bed towards the other wall, not hearing your dad over the music. Your dad sighed as he walked into your room and made his way through the maze of furniture you had created. As he approached your speaker he turned the music down, pulling you out of your trance. The resistance of your bed finally up against the wall had you sink to the floor, catching your breath as you turned and rested your back against your bed.
“So….” Your dad started, “redecorating?”
“Mhm” you answered. Resting your head in your hands, not realizing how much energy you had actually used in the last few hours.
“Has Mateo updated you yet?” He asked
You paused, trying to pretend like you didn’t hear the question before you let out a soft, “no.”
Your dad walked over to you, sitting down quietly so that his back was also resting against your bed. “He will soon, maybe his service is really bad. You did say he was going to be up in the mountains up north? Right?”, he said, reaching over to rub your back.
You shook your head. It had been hours nearly 13 hours since he said goodbye to you at the station, and he hadn’t even texted you back yet or that he was safe, “no he probably met some better friends, and he’s going to forget about me” you said through ragged breaths, tears starting to form.
Your dad pulled you close, “you know that’s nonsense right? I’ve seen how he looks at you. That’s not something you can throw away after a few hours. Ever since your mother, I’ve been scared of me not being able to see the signs of someone who is not right for you. But with Mateo, I saw all the right signs of someone who would take care of you.”
You leaned into your dad, it had taken him a while to learn the right things to say for two daughters when they needed help. And even when he didn’t quite get it right, it always meant a lot to you. The First Light had affected many families in many different ways and for your family, your mom was in the wrong place at the wrong time when she was a victim of an armed bank robbery by two newly radianite humans trying to test out their new powers. Your dad stepping into your moms shoes when she died after you were only 12 and your sister was 8 sure wasn’t an easy role. But, you had so much appreciation for everything he had given for you and your sister.
“I love you, dad.” You said, sniffling as you regained your breath.
“I love you too, (nickname)” he replied, ruffling your hair. You laughed as you struggled away from your dads grasp. The sound of your phone vibrating, gaining your attention, you jumped up and ran over towards your desk, jumping over the furniture scattered about. You walked back over to your dad beaming, “it’s Teo!” You said.
“Hey, what did I tell you?” He shrugged. You rolled your eyes as you started pushing your father towards the door of your room, “I love you dad, but get out. Now! Please!!”
“I’m leaving. I’m leaving.” He said, sighing as you closed the door in his face. “It was so much easier before boys came into the picture.” He muttered while looking up towards the ceiling.
You answered your phone to Mateo’s smiling face, “(y/n)!! Mi amor, Te extraño mucho!!” He exclaimed though his smile faltered when he saw your eyes were red. “Querida, have you been crying?” He asked
You shook your head, “I’m okay, I missed you too, mi amor. How was your train and spending time with Zyanya?”
Mateo knew you were lying about not crying, but he also knew you enough to know that if you wanted to talk about it, you would. He just hoped that you were alright. “It was peaceful” He said, “you would have loved the views” he wasn’t really lying. He was sure the view he had from the helicopter to the remote island of the Valorant Protocol was on level with the view of mountains from a train ride.
“I'm sure!” You said, “did you take any pictures?”
“Oh, um.. Sí!! Yeah I’ll have to send them to you when we’re off the phone.” He replied.
Before you could ask him about his hesitation, you heard what sounded like a gargle coming from behind him. “Mierda!” He quickly jerked his camera to the right before setting it face down on his bed. His camera turned black as you heard him scramble about his room muttering something you couldn’t make out.
“Teo, are you alright?” You asked.
It took a second before he came back. “Lo siento, mi amor. I was trying to hook up this retro gaming system and it randomly turned on with the volume all the way up.” He said. He was feeling guilty about how much he was having to lie to you, but he couldn’t show it on his face.
“Oh! I see.” You laughed, “that’ll be fun once it starts working when you want it too.”
He chuckled slightly, his eyes looking over to one side of the room. “Sí”
“So, show me around your room!” You said.
Mateo smiled and nodded, “Sí señora”. He had already hidden everything that had to do with the Valorant Protocol, and set his “window” to a nice wooded view. He turned the camera around and showed you the bare bones of his room. It was bare with just a desk, bed, closet, and a dresser. Though, you couldn’t help but notice… there was no gaming system in his room. It wasn’t like him to lie to you, so you decided to let it go.
“Seems spacious” you replied. “Lots of room for activities. So, have you met anyone yet?”
“Yeah!” He said, enthusiastically. “There’s some people I think we would get along with. They’re a few doors over to me but I don’t know much about them yet. They seem nice though!”
You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy, you suddenly pictured all the times he would be hanging out with people he was meeting and how you would be left in LA. “That’s great.” You said
He noticed the sudden sullen look in your eyes and frowned, “(y/n), are you alright?” He asked.
As you went to answer him, an alarm went off in the background of his room and the lights began to flash red. “What is that!?” You asked.
“Uh.. Fire alarm!” He said loudly, an uneasy look on his face. “We were told it would be muy ruidoso. Don’t worry it’s just a drill but I have to go!” He said, trying to talk over the alarm. You noticed that there was a voice accompanying the alarm but you couldn’t make out what it said. “Te amo!” He yelled before the call ended.
“-Te amo-“ you tried to get it out in time for him to hear you but you were only left staring at the video image of yourself. You threw your phone down on your bed and sighed as you stared up to the ceiling. Something shady was going on. You didn’t want to believe it, but Mateo was lying to you about something, and you needed to get to the bottom of it.
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Through thick and thin
Pairing: Pato O'Ward x reader
Sumary: The 107th Indy 500 doesn't go as planned for your boyfriend.
Notes: For people who are not familiar with the Indy Car Series and like F1 I really recommend it, it's so fast and exciting. This fanfic is about Pato O'Ward, a young Mexican pilot who is very talented, give him a chance.
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It was so frustrating watching how with only seven more laps to go, his oportunities to win the race had reduced to zero right in font of your eyes, with no way you could stop Ericsson from doing that cuestionable move against Pato, if you were feeling that way you couldn't even imagine how your devoted boyfriend must be right now.
Thankfully you saw him get out of the car with no major injuries as he was briefly checked by the medics, which helped you get your sould back into your body, seeing he was phisically alright. Time passed and he didn't try to reach you during the rest of the caotic event, of course you understood that he wanted to comunicate with his team about the crash, you knew he eventually will come back to you.
As you waited with his sister for him to come back to the motorhome, you both talk about the race and how unrightful the whole thing had been to Pato, Elba agreed that this will be a hard pill to swallow especially for him due to his chance to win the Indy 500 was closer than ever, you also concluted that once he came to you, you wouldn't push him to talk about what happened out there.
Minutes later, Pato came in looking exhausted with still remainds of anger in his antics, you watched Elba make the first move of aproachment towards him and saw the siblings share a compasionate hug.
"We're here for you, always" she said tightening their embrace.
He just nodded and let her free, directing his sad gaze towards you, the view of his watery eyes absolutly broke your heart and your body magnetically moved towards him, squeezing him so tight that almost fused your bodies together; Elba took that as a sign to go out of the room.
"I'm sorry, I didn't keep my promise of winning for you, amor" he whispered, voice so low you almost lost it.
"No, Pato", you separate a bit so you could face him, "this is all for you babe, you owe nothing yo no one, you did an amazing race and is definetly not your fault that that guy let you without track, corazón, you did an amazing race, I just wish you could get the reward you deserve for all your hardwork".
A sweet smile appeared on his face wihle he caught you back in his loving arms.
"Te amo, mucho" he concluded. (I love you so much)
"Me too, Patito, en las buenas y en las malas" (through thick and thin)
Thank you for reading!!
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thana-topsy · 1 year
Idk if you've discussed this before, but I saw on one of the asks you like to think about the magical side of things in TES, so was wondering: in your headcanon, which of the schools of magic are probably the most challenging to use and master?
Anon, I just need you to know that this ask sent me into an absolute fit of inspiration writing an entire treatise on this topic from Neloth's point of view, but judging by the amount of unfinished WIPs I'm working with at the moment, I didn't want to leave you (or this question) hanging for months.
I think the most challenging schools are the ones that require the greatest force of will, namely Alteration and Illusion, both of which require you to impose your will on the world around you.
With Illusion, you're manipulating the minds of others. I think @dirty-bosmer had a great passage exploring this from this post of her writing: "Sylawen flushed but rolled her eyes, then shut them. Illusion. She hated Illusion. She wished she could tell him illusion was for the weak, a field of mind games and emotions, just alteration without the grounding laws of physics. Alteration for people who were bad at math. Illusion required Sylawen to be too close to others' emotions, and though she hated to admit it, sometimes she simply didn't understand how other people were supposed to feel."
I IMMEDIATELY adopted that into my headcanons: Illusion is a school that requires you to have a tremendous amount of intuitive empathy to use effectively, which has so many twisted and interesting implications. A master of Illusion, then, might use it very sparingly.
With Alteration, you're directly impacting the world around you but still bound by the laws of the natural world -- creating shields, opening locks, transmuting metals, producing light (I don't care what Skyrim says, light spells are NOT Illusion?? make it make sense). But then there's the school of Thaumaturgy. (This classification was phased out by the time Skyrim came around, and then picked back up in ESO). I like having this distinction from Alteration. Thaumaturgy deals in changing the laws of reality, if only for a brief period of time -- breathing water, levitation, water walking, etc. I think this requires some of the highest skill to master. (I also feel like invisibility should fall under this school, but there's an argument to be made that you could use both concepts to reach the same end goal).
For a truly spectacular take on Alteration (without me splitting hairs about spell classification), I might suggest reading the beginning of chapter 93 (an excellent occult number) of @chameleonspell's Morrowind masterpiece "How to Disappear Completely", which forever altered the way I both view TES fanfic AND how I think about magic in Tamriel.
I'm going to leave my Mysticism rant for another day, because fwew I'll get lost in my own meta and this post is long enough. Thank you so much for asking!! As I said... I do love to talk magic.
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bitchwhoreofastorm · 1 year
Prompt fill for the TES fanfic writers' discord weekly prompt.
The first time they met Almalexia, she laughed them out of the room. Really, it had been quite marvelous-- the famously serious Almalexia, the grim Queen of Mournhold, the harsh leader of the free Chimeri who had greeted them with a bored scowl from her throne-- she had listened to Nerevar's tale first with a frown, then with a small up-turning of her mouth, a little crinkle of her eyes, and then, when Nerevar proposed to her, she had lost her composure and laughed. She laughed like royalty, clamping her hand over her mouth and turning her face away so that they couldn't see her mirth, though no decorum could hide the shaking of her shoulders. And when she asked her bodyguard to ensure they had lodging 'in payment for the wonderful tale they've entertained me with' she did it through giggles, and when she dismissed them, it was with a childish un-queenly grin.
Vivec was so captivated by the spectacle that he hardly noticed Nerevar-- Nerevar, blushing like a scolded child, Nerevar's mute indignant rage at the giggling girl. He marveled at the whiteness of her teeth, the glossy crimson of her hair, her fine robes, the bright scar that snaked over the high cheekbone beneath her left eye. He marveled until Nerevar dragged him out of the room and then he hung his head and stared very hard at the beautiful tiles they were walking on.
It was Vivec's first time meeting royalty, and being in a palace, and even being in Mournhold. It was Nerevar's first time speaking to the woman he intended to make his wife. When they were outside in the bright Mournhold sun they were glumly silent, Nerevar staring up at the sky and Vivec down at the ground, and they stood for a long time there in the heat.
It was Nerevar who spoke first: "She's a child!" he exclaimed with wroth. "She's a little girl on a throne, an arrogant little girl with a toy army!"
Vivec sucked on his teeth, pressed a bare toe into the corner of one of the courtyard tiles.
After a moment Nerevar added thoughtfully, "She's only naive. She's proud and we're new to her-- of course she doesn't yet believe in me! But I shall make her understand."
It was good that they'd made her laugh, Sotha Sil reassured them later. Their co-conspirator, the Queen's own court wizard, had joined them in the shabby inn they'd made their home. He perched awkwardly at the edge of Nerevar's bed, while Nerevar paced the room, stooping low to avoid hitting his head upon the rafters. Almalexia laughed rarely, Sotha Sil said. And Nerevar's optimism proved true: she could be persuaded.
Vivec crouched on top of the dresser of the corner and watched Sotha Sil carefully. He liked looking at Sotha Sil; Sotha Sil, constructed like a Dwemer spider, all angles and thin limbs and shiny brass artificial legs that somehow seemed more natural to him than his gangly arms. The first time he'd appeared to them it had been by accident, materializing right before them on the Mournhold steps, and this had delighted Vivec immensely. Sotha Sil spoke without looking at them, his wide blue eyes cast vaguely in the direction of Nerevar's pillow, and his little nervous hands fretted at a frayed corner of the blanket all the while.
"She holds no respect for me," Nerevar complained. "To laugh at my face-- after all I have done, after all I told her!-- if she were an older woman and wiser, she would see what a weapon I've brought to her." Here, he waved to Vivec. "She would fall to my feet in gratefulness."
Sotha Sil made a derisive sound. "If she thought you held a weapon that would aid her, she would throw you into a dungeon and take it from you at the point of a sword. Do not be fooled by the fact that her people call her mercy-- she was merciful once and it is a mistake she shan't repeat. No, the best thing you can be to her now is not a threat."
"A threat? How could I be a threat! I have come to protect her from all those that threaten her! Who else but me can lead her from her present peril? Certainly not you, wizard, or you would not be giving her to me on a platter."
Vivec watched a shudder go through Sotha Sil's narrow shoulders, then watched his eyes fall shut. Vivec adjusted himself on the dresser, letting one of his legs dangle, knock against an open drawer. Nerevar stopped to look from the window, ignorant of the blow he'd landed.
"Almalexia," Sotha Sil resumed presently, "Is all too aware of her hopeless situation. She is doomed and so she sees everything as a threat. When she comes to take you seriously, she will also see you as a threat. If for some reason you must insist on--" he paused again, drawing in a breath-- "I mean, if you fail at this… this quest of yours, she will become your enemy. You do understand that?"
"What if I were not a threat?" Nerevar asked, turning from the window. "I need not marry her! I could just offer myself to her as a general. I could join her Guild of Shouts. I could bind myself to her as a slave if it earned her support."
"Then you would become powerful anyways, and you would be a threat." Sotha Sil spoke very plainly. "She would have one eye on you, wondering at your motives, and she would notice the power you're accruing to yourself, and would notice how close behind her back you stand." Then he shrugged. "Of course, she will also think these things if you marry her, but maybe you'll achieve what you seek to before she puts a knife in you."
"You must be the king," Vivec added. He was chiding Nerevar, but his eyes remained on Sotha Sil's hands, which were methodically dismantling the weave of the blanket. "You have to be the Ruling King, that's how I saw it, that's how it must be. The Dwemer will never want to treat with you if you're only a servant-- you have to go to them as king. And to be the king--"
"I must marry her--"
"Or challenge her to a duel."
It was the first time the idea had been voiced between them. Nerevar spun around, regarding Vivec with wide, horrified eyes. Sotha Sil, too, raised his head-- he stared aghast at Vivec for a moment, then looked away, his mouth twisting into despair.
"Ah," Sotha Sil almost whispered, "So there's the stick behind the ash-yam. A duel. That damned duel!"
"Almalexia took her throne from Chemua in an honourable duel," Vivec addressed Nerevar again, but he couldn't tear his eyes from Sil. "By her own precedent you have the right to challenge her for her throne. Seht said that if she doesn't take your hand she'll be your enemy. So…"
"I would not kill her," Nerevar said quickly. Then he blushed, as if ashamed of even entertaining the idea. "I would not kill her," he said again, to Sotha Sil, though whether he was trying to reassure Sil or himself Vivec could not tell. "I know how to disarm an enemy. Or I could wound her in a limb."
"That would be even crueler," Sotha Sil muttered.
"It would not come to that!" Nerevar said frantically, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. "I can persuade her, I need only time to win her heart. Our Mother Ayem! She's wise despite her years and will see reason if only I can make her listen. And I will make her listen. She will concede to this willingly, I'll make her concede. I have no wish to… You can help me, right?" He asked Sotha Sil. "Surely you have some other means of persuading her? If she knew you were aiding us--"
"She would hate me," Sotha Sil stated. But he closed his eyes, then, and pressed his finger against his temple. "… There is a powerful Ra'athim woman who she keeps as paramour, who has been known to influence her. This noble has certain ambitions and could be persuaded to support you. I could arrange a meeting…"
Vivec settled back against the wall, content to slip out of the discourse and into the safety of the shadows. But he found Sotha Sil looking at him with a strange expression-- it was a familiar expression, the face of someone who had been surprised by an old friend's uncharacteristic behaviour. When Sotha Sil looked at him, on those rare occasions Sotha Sil seemed to look at anyone and not through them, Vivec felt strangely as if they'd met long before Mournhold, as if they'd known each other all their lives. It made his stomach twist. It made him want to look away. When their planning ended and Sotha Sil used a recall spell to vanish from their midst, it came as a relief.
Nerevar fell onto the bed and stared for a long time at the ceiling, and then he called Vivec over.
"I would abandon this quest you've given me," Nerevar murmured, as Vivec laid himself along that large warm body. "I would pick up a sword and spend my days hunting down every person who has ever harmed you. Every single product of what you call your marriages, I would find them and slay them, one by one. I would make them suffer… I would take so much pleasure in their suffering, I would make their dying very slow." His arms felt very heavy when he embraced Vivec, and his shoulder still smelt like the bug musk they had bought for him, an ugly clash with the caravaneer's odor that permeated him. "What do I wish to drive out the Nords for? It was not the Nords who hurt you. I should pick a different foe. I cannot be the one meant for this… I cannot believe she laughed at me."
"I've a better idea," Vivec replied, nuzzling into Nerevar's chest. "Go fight the moons with an axe, if you want a different enemy."
"Ha, ha. I would rather fight the moons than fight… her. I take no joy in… but there's no other way. There's no other way, Vivec. It must be this way. This is the only way to reach my goals."
"Reach heaven by violence, then." And they fell asleep together all the same.
There were many more firsts in the coming days: Vivec's first time trying a sweet roll, Alandro Sul's first time meeting a Nord. Nerevar held a meeting with the Ra'athim noble that Sotha Sil had referenced, who turned out to be distantly related to him, and schemes were hatched, and plans were laid, and each day seemed to grow a little shorter and darker. They learned Mournhold like learning a new instrument, becoming slowly acquainted with the subtle manipulations that made the Queen's court move. They changed so swiftly they hardly noticed the transformation.
One day they received a loan from the Ra'athim noble and went to the market to buy a gift for Nerevar's would-be betrothed. Vivec stared very hard at shelf of fine daggers and pretended not to hear Nerevar asking the clerk about Almalexia's first duel, her fighting styles, her armor, where one could buy a better sword in town. They came away with a splendid little ebony letter-knife, which Nerevar cheerfully joked his future fiancee could find some peace in keeping, lest she ever decide she need to stab him in the back.
Then finally there came another first: Vivec's first time seeing Almalexia cry. The day came to issue the ultimatum of the hand or the sword.
It was almost more jarring than seeing her laugh. Almalexia did or weep feminine tender tears of royalty; she wept in wroth, anger turning her face as bright as her hair, her brow furrowing, her hands clenching into tight fists as Nerevar once more laid out his grand scheme for the liberation of the Chimer. He presented the future: he, the King of Mournhold, using the authority of office to foster an alliance with the Dwemer. He, using the power and influence of her city and her legend to foster an alliance between all the Houses. A prophecy inevitable, her only choice to make in it between his side or her grave. She sat very still and very straight in her throne all the while, taut as a trapped nix-hound, mute tears running in tidy single-file down her reddening cheeks.
Once more, Vivec only watched her. He watched carefully the quiver of her shoulders, the glint of green in her narrowing eyes. He watched a tear get caught on the gnarl of the scar in her face-- she had earned it at her first duel, Sotha Sil had told them, she wore it like a badge of her own strength-- then he turned his gaze to Sotha Sil, who stood stonily behind her like an executioner. This time he did not hang his head.
So the ultimatum was delivered. Almalexia was silent for ten seconds, then thirty-- then she stood and, quite calmly despite the dampness of her face, she ordered Nerevar to be gone from her sight. Nerevar left with the confidence of a victor; Vivec, however, remained rooted to the spot.
It was then that Almalexia seemed to notice Vivec for the first time. She was trembling when she approached him, and her voice shook:
"I never thought I would see you again," she said to Vivec, who had never been addressed by her before. "Yes, Sotha Sil told me who you are. I believed I would never see you again."
Standing so close to him, Vivec could see that she was not much older than he was; aside from her jewelry and fine clothing, her face was very plain, her chin vaguely Nordic, her eyes more green than yellow and boring into him with the same intensity he sometimes caught in Sotha Sil. He watched her take a deep breath and caught her lip quivering, as if she were resisting the urge to yell at him, or strike him, or simply howl. Words escaped her. She could find nothing to say to Vivec for a long time.
"Do you know me?" she finally demanded.
"I've never met you," replied Vivec, and it was the first time he ever lied to her, too.
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terrified-spider · 7 months
D&D Vampirism & the Results of Regenerative Abilities
A small note:
I’ve posted about both Elder Scrolls and D&D on this blog, and I’m pretty sure I’ve already written some headcanons about TES’s portrayal of vampirism. What’s described here is only for my D&D world building, Barovia/General Ravenloft in particular, where the condition is generally treated much more like a curse than in the Elder Scrolls franchise, where it’s a contracted illness. I won’t promise that I will or won’t write about TES vampirism, as i think it’s fun, it’s not something I find fitting for the Domains of Dread.
This post contains spoilers for the heavily modified version of Curse of Strahd I will be eventually running, and spoilers for the novel I, Strahd. Changes from the RAW 5e module include:
Alek is back! He’s not having a good time. 
Escher is Van Richten’s lost son. It’s not that important to this essay, but I do mention their shared eyesight problems in passing.
Shout out to @mx-lamour and their fanfic "What have I done?", for being the reason I finally sat down and wrote this all out. 
An Introduction to Vampirism & Wound Recovery in Undeath:
Whether described as a curse or blessing, Vampirism is a magical condition, one that has a number of effects on the patient’s natural recovery/healing process, and by extension, the development of scars throughout one’s unlife. While none of the information here is intended to impact gameplay and balance, it can have an influence over roleplay and certainly does in character design. Flavor is free, and I want it all.
Becoming a vampire is akin to pressing pause on one’s life and body, stopping the aging process, but not reversing it. For example, no more of Strahd’s hair will turn gray, but the streaks that are there will never change back to black. Escher’s eyesight and the myopia inherited from his father are impacted by age, getting worse over time. While being turned provided him with some new dark vision, he will remain nearsighted to the same extent he was upon death. The march of time has stopped, but that doesn’t mean it can be reversed. 
Scar tissue is subject to the same forces, and old scars obtained during life will stop fading, remaining just as visible or unapparent as they did upon the body’s death. Unhealed wounds will repair themselves only once regeneration begins, but are subject to the same factors as other wounds obtained post mortem.
General Post Mortem Wounds and Scaring Trends:
While there is some variation in these trends, there are three main degrees to which wounds will leave a lasting impact.
Minor wounds don’t last. These are the results of unsilvered weaponry, mild damage from running water, and necrotic magic. Very little is in the way of the regeneration and healing process, so there are less chances for something to go wrong, such as debris entering the wound, or the injury to scab over, and increase the chances of a scar forming. On the off chance one does form, it usually vanishes within an hour at the latest.
Most magical damage provides the same level of regenerative difficulty as that of sivered weapons and most instances of water damage. Silver and water, both considerable weaknesses of vampires, react poorly with the dark magic of a vampire’s curse, and interfere with it’s influences over the body. Similarly to those described prior, these scars will fade with time, simply taking longer, usually over the course of a couple days, or several weeks at most. 
Sunlight will cause the most dramatic injuries, leaving burns over the exposed skin, and healing to form scars that never fade.
Turning Wounds:
Turning wounds are usually bites, the injuries that kill someone as they become undead, and the place of the curse’s transference. Given the nature of the wound, magic doesn’t make the wounds particularly easy to heal, even with the assistance of vampiric regeneration, which is usually what heals them.
Unlike other wounds that result in varying scar types and will reflect the type of damage when applicable, turning wounds usually lave behind contracture scars, where the skin has tightened over the wound in the healing process, giving the impression of skin stretched over the injury. It results in much more obvious scar tissue that can sometimes cause the individual pain, both due to the nature of the scar type, and the magical influences.
While most turning wounds are bite marks, such as those on the necks of Alek and Escher, they can take the form of other injuries, such as the numerous arrow marks across Strahd’s torso and chest.
Different Types of Vampires & Exceptions to the Trends:
The patterns here assume that the subject described is a vampire spawn, a common type of vampire within Ravenloft and Barovia in particular. Consumption of blood will have an impact on healing speed, where greater access to blood will speed up the process, and under feeding can drag out the process for months or longer. However, differences in the nature of one’s curse can manifest as much more dramatic differences in healing ability.
Failed Spawn - Alek Gwilym:
For some reason, the curse didn’t transfer right. In the case of Alek, his blood was already used to reanimate someone, and the Dark Powers forbid Strahd from ever having a good time. Alek just got caught in the crossfire.
Technically they use the Nosferatu stat block but that’s behind the DM screen, not in game.
Turning wounds on failed spawn don’t heal properly, leaving open wounds that won’t bleed, but can be opened up further, and can cause significant pain if not kept clean or become irritated.
The Dark Powers hate you in particular - Strahd von Zarovich:
Aside from turning wounds, any scar will fade with time, including severe sunburns.
Injuries resulting from critical hits will have lasting impacts, such as vision or movement issues, punishment for mistakes in combat.
It needs some work, but this is inspired by the parts of Strahd’s relationship with Barov I’ve been able to flesh out. It needs some work still, but the man taught Strahd mistakes have lasting consequences, either in a material sense, or Barov holding failures over Strahd.
Cleveland Clinic on Scars (:
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milfsloverblog · 4 months
Hi! How are you ? I hope you are fine ! I was rereading the titles of your works and I wondered if to write {eternal life} you had a song in mind or listen to a song during The writing (the titles could be the lyrics of a song because it's so pretty and melancholy/nostalgic) and I take this opportunity to say again how much I loved this story!! I already said it but She really has something special! Besides, I think about it almost at every red light (the reader becomes Honking because he was lost in his thoughts on the way to Nevermore (red light or stop sign I don't know if it's specified) so I think of these precise lines every time 😅 I like the feeling That you gave us with the reader's POV throughout the story, I can't even describe it but it's incredible!!!! I only talk about this story (you're going to get tired of hearing about it 😅 I plead guilty to only talking about her ✋)while {the war is over} and (the one where Larissa meets death yes I didn't remember the name 😅 sorry 😅) deserves their special mention! My eyes often misted up with these last two 😅🥲 Thank you for these delights of anguish and sadness! I still enjoy it (here is the difference between a good dish and a good fanfiction, the dish once finished it's finished, a fanfiction you can Reread again and again and notice new details after the 3rd reading only, it doesn't end, it's magical!😁) Looking forward to reading you, take good care of the author!
Max, je viens de me rendre compte que tu parlais français!! Je te réponds en français parce qu’il est tard et que j’ai éteint la partie anglaise de mon cerveau.
Pour Life Eternal, le titre vient d’une chanson de Ghost et les chapitres sont nommés d’après les paroles du refrain!
Ça me touche de savoir que tu aimes tant cette fanfic, c’est une de mes préférées également! Merci pour tous tes commentaires et tes questions, c’est toujours un plaisir de te lire et d’y répondre!
Take care 🫶🏻
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Call of Duty Fanfic: Welcome Home Part 4
Simon Ghost RileyxFemaleOc
Trigger Warning: War, Violence , Gun. Blood And PTSD
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This to a lot longer than I thank I thought. Before let me tell ya writing for Ghost is pretty dang hard, and yet I thought writing for Nanami from JJK is rough.
But let say I had a lot of fun writing this. Because writing for scary soldier who as a cold heart being so soft gives me LIFE!!
Hope you like.
Back in at Ellie's small house was in the kitchen in the kitchen. The kitchen was small with red brick flooring and plain white walls with with counter and sink was on the left side right next to small oven. There were also wooden cabinets that hung over the sink, and on the far right coroner of was of the kitchen was small black iron table and chairs where Ellie was sitting with a open, and a pen in hand writing down. Here phone was on the table the table with an empty mug of tea in front her. Ellie was sitting on the table a 7x10 blank page notebook in front her, a blue pen in her writing down her mindlessly. As she was lost in her own thoughts, the alarm on her phone began going off. She looks up at her, reaches out and turns it off and stood up. She closed the and place the notebook onto the table, walked over to the oven. She grabbed the oven mitts that hung over the stove put them, and bent down and open the oven. The small fresh smell of cinnamon rolls met her. She open the oven door all the way and reached in and pulled an iron pan where there 6 freshly made cinnamon rolls sat there, smelling delicious. Ellie grinned to herself and she place them onto the stove, and shutting the oven door. "Wow... I-I didn't burn them." She thought to herself, as she was taking off the oven mitts onto the table. "Okay, now the cinnamon rolls are done. The Lieutenant should be done with his shower, by now." She turns her head to the kitchen. "... He's been in there for awhile. Maybe I should go check on him... N-No!" She shook her head, but pause. "... I-I don't want over step any boundaries, but at the small time I want to make sure he's okay..." She stood there thinking, and groans. "What do I do...!?" Meanwhile in the bath room he stood under the shower head, letting the warm water hit his bear scared body. He stood there under, letting the warm water hitting his the back of his neck and down his shoulders. Has he stood there he thought in his head which for him was not unusual for him. He was thinking about the last mission, how him and his team could have been crushed. And how they were going to get out alive, he also thought about someone else... He thought about getting back too see her. He had someone he had to come back too... But... But... When he was buried alive, he thought... He thought he was... A small knocking sound, and the sound of a voice snapped his thoughts. "Ghost?" He eyes snapped open. "Ghost?" Ellie's voice came from the bathroom. He took a few deep breaths, slowly reaching the showered knob and turning the water off. "Yeah!" The sound door open and Ellie's voice could be heard more clearly. "Sorry for bothering you, sir, but I have some extra fresh towels for you." He stood there sound of her voice... It made feel... "...Thanks." He said. "I'll be out in tick." Ellie nods walks over too the closed toilet boil and placing down. She turning to walk out of the bathroom, and saw his his clothes on the floor, then saw the skull mask on the floor starring up at her with with inky blackness. "Do you want to wash your clothes, too?" "No, I can that. Thanks." said Ghost from the shower. Ellie just hums, looks at the skull mask for a moment, then walked out the bathroom. Not long after, Ghost had dried himself him the clean towels and place them in hamper, that was too the bathroom sink, the got dressed. A simple black t-shirt with a pain dark sweatpants, after he that he walked over to their, brushed his teeth. After was doing that, looked up and stared at Simon who was looking back right back him. His blond hair messy, freshly washed in clean, his dark brown eyes warn as usual. A large scar on the lift side of his face that on the corner of lips that lead up haft way up too his cheek. Another Few scars that that were across his neck that ran down to his chest.
Simon looked at himself for a few moments, then he made sure that his things in his bag, and that was bathroom was, he was about to put his skull mask, but paused. Simon stood there looking at the skull mask, and in return his endless blackness looked back him. His mirror, his own reflection. He stood there for a moment, then places the mask in his bag then walked of the bathroom. Meanwhile in the living room Ellie was had put two plates off with cinnamon rolls on it and two mugs of freshly pored tea on the small coffee table. Ellie could hear the bathroom door open from the hallway, and soft stood steps approaching the living room. "How was your shower?" She turns her head smiling. "Grand," said Simon, as he walked into. "Was startin' to smell like shite. Thanks for lettin' use your loo, Ellie." He looked over at her. Ellie stood there, looking at him her face was pink as she was eyeing him liked she had never seen him before. Amused by her expression he and asked: "Likin' what ya seein', Luv~?" "Y-Yeah..." Then her face gets even red when realized what she said, began stammering: "I-I mean no! I-I do. I-I just forgot how hot you are that's all, sir. N-No, I mean cute... NO! I-I mean to say..." Simon felt himself grinning, when saw Ellie's was getting flustered ever more. She stood there looking at the floor. "... S-Sorry." "Bloody fuckin' hell, she's so adorable." He smiles and walked too the coffee and saw two plate with cinnamon rolls. "Y-Ya made those for me?" asked Simon. "Yeah. Well, sort of. I used the Pillsbury to make them." Ellie said. "I hope that is okay?" "Heh. It's grand. Thanks, for makin' cinnamon roll." He gave a smile and she smiled back, and the two sat down the couch. Simon picked the mug of tea, and was about to take a sip, then paused. Ellie had already took a sip of hers and looked over. Simon had one eyebrow raised looking down at the tea, as he if he was inspecting it. "... Oh, jeez, if you're wondering: No. I didn't use the microwave to heat up the water." Simon didn't a word held the tea up to his nostrils and took few sniffs, before he took a small sips. "Hmm. Yeah, ya didn't." He said, taking another sip. Ellie gave him an odd, and rolled her eyes. "You walked on me heating my own tea in the microwave one time you acted like a committed a war crime." "In my eyes ya basically did." said Simon. "... You made me get up at 4 am for two weeks to 'Make a proper cuppa'. Then made do in tense training for the rest day." "Had make an example, Creed."
Ellie just groans, took a bite of her cinnamon roll, and while Simon sat there smiling to himself as he picks his. He was not use this too this. This warm feeling, a feeling that hadn't felt before. Or at least for a very long time. It was a warmth he felt new, but at the some time familiar "... Thank you." he said, in a somehow low voice. Ellie looked at him confused. "For what, sir?" "For... bein'... jus'..." He wasn't always good with word. He just places the cup and the plate onto the coffee and slowly reached out to Ellie, pulling her into a tight hug. "I-I... Thank you..." he said, breathlessly. Ellie sat there a bit of shocked. But hugged him back. "... You're welcome, Lieutenant." The two pulled away, and Simon reach out and brushed the bit of her out her face. "Heh. Luv, what I 'ave told ya?" said Simon. "When it's jus' us, you call me Simon. Not Ghost, not Lieutenant, not Sir. Jus' Simon, yeah?" "O-Oh, yeah. S-Sorry, Gho-- I-I mean Simon." When heard her say his name him, he made his heart feel... human. For the very first in a very long. And the two went back to drinking their tea and eating their cinnamon roll. And after that two clean their dishes, Ellie was whipping her hands with small towel. She did, she saw Simon sitting the on the couch with switch remote in his hands. "Thanks again for lettin' me relax at yer place, Luv." "You don't have to thank me, Sir-Simon." said Ellie, she could hear the Animal Crossing New Horizons playing on her T.V. "Just make yourself and help you're so whatever you in the kitchen. Alright?” "Roger. And if anyone the lads are lookin' for me tell'em busy," And with that Ellie walked back into, as Simon leans against the couch playing his game. "... Shit, Whitney,'s front yard has a loads of weeds all over the place."
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A/N: Remember you can find this fanfic on AO3 right here. Any feedback and/or comments are greatly appreciated <3 If you want to be added to the taglist, just say so!
As always, Mayan and Spanish translations are at the end of each sentence.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of weapons, death and un-aliving people. Language.
Word count: 4657
The water was incredibly cold. It relentlessly hit Mercedes’ legs as she waded through the river, making her wish they could’ve crossed the river using their truck. But Cruz was right when he said it could give their position away. Still, every inch of her limbs was numb at that point. She didn’t know whether it was from excitement or fear.
This was it. The last one.
After searching for years, talking to the right people, bribes here and there, and several break-ins, they’d managed to collect the names of the men who killed her father. The men who sold their comrades to the enemy, provided names, strategic locations, and numbers in exchange for money or political positions. They might as well have sold their souls to the devil. And now she was coming to collect the last one.
Every minute of training, every broken bone, and night terror would’ve been worth it by sunrise. Mercedes stopped when she heard a loud splash behind her and quickly spun around to find Cruz had slipped once again.
“¿Estás bien?” She asked. Cruz shot a glare at her that made her decide she wouldn’t ask again. Are you okay?
Stubborn old man. They both knew his best days were far behind them. Hell, he was about forty-something when he first started training her. Now he was close to sixty. Still, he refused to let her go alone.
“A mí me vale madres que te sepas cuidar sola, Merceditas” he’d asserted, “tu papá no sólo era tu papá, era mi compadre,”   "I don't give a shit if you can take care of yourself, Merceditas. Your dad wasn't just your dad, he was my friend."
Still, she knew he was there mainly to keep an eye on her, not because he’d spent the last five years of his life fantasizing about this moment. About finally being able to sleep without hearing her own desperate cries the day she’d lost her father every time he closed his eyes.  
“¿Dónde dices que está escondido ese pendejo?” Sadie asked quietly.   Where did you say that asshole is hiding?
“Allá enfrentito se ve una luz,” Cruz replied, pointing with his finger, “es una casa de verano que se compró para vivir con la querida que tiene aquí.”    "Right straight ahead there's a light. It's a summer house he bought to live with the lover he has here."
They gained access through a forgotten old sewage pipe that was connected to the river.  There were several security cameras around the house, and yet they knew they had been deactivated that morning to conceal the arrival of a certain female guest.  
He had instructed security and the help not to knock on the door unless he requested them because of the same reason. It sounded too easy to be true…
Because it was.
When they reached the side of the house they realized several armed men were guarding the entrance and circling the house
“Le han de haber dicho que alguien venía,” "They must've told him someone was coming,"
The girl cursed quietly and pursed her lips thoughtfully, impatiently tapping the side of her weapon.
“Si ya le advirtieron podría irse del estado o del país.” Cruz reminded her, “Es ahora o nunca,” "If they already warned him he could leave the state or the country. It's now or never."
“No. Es muy arriesgado,” She replied, shaking her head negatively, though she knew he was right. And if he did leave the country, who knew for how long he could stay there. "No. It's too risky."
Cruz dropped the bag he had brought and started searching for something inside.
“¿Confías en mí, chula?” He asked, looking up for a second. "Do you trust me, sweetheart?"
“Sabes que sí, ¿por?” Mercedes looked over his shoulder in vain. He was already standing up. "You know I do. Why?"
“Vete para el otro lado de casa y entra por la ventana. Voy a tratar de distraerlos en lo que entras. Pero es entrar a lo que vas, ¿entendiste? Cinco minutos y te veo en la puerta de enfrente. Espera mi señal.” "Go to the other side of the house and go in through the window. I'll try to distract them while you go in. But you go straight in and do you thing, understood? Five minutes and I'll see you at the front door. Wait for my signal."
“Espérate, no,” Sadie grabbed his arm, “Son un chingo, ¿cómo crees?” "No, wait. There's too many of them, no way."
“Escúchame bien, Mercedes. Si no lo haces ahorita, tal vez no lo hagas nunca,” Cruz dictated, remarking every word, “Tú dime vámonos y nos vamos, pero tienes diez segundos para decidir.” "Listen to me, Mercedes. If you don't do this now, you may never do it. Tell me if you want to leave, and we leave, but you have ten seconds to make up your mind."
Mercedes looked at the guards again. Three were in the front door, and another three were circling the house. Six weren’t that many. Cruz would distract them and hide in the surrounding jungle, which they knew way better than them. Five minutes. She could do it. She could avenge her father. And every one that died that day, she mentally reminded herself.
“Cinco minutos. Ni uno más,” She affirmed. Cruz nodded and they each took off in a different direction. "Five minutes. Not one more."
Mercedes’ heart was beating painfully fast as she hid under the bushes right in front of the targeted window. Only two minutes had passed since she parted ways with Cruz, but it felt like two hours. The waiting was cut short by the sound of a loud explosion. She managed to see the orange glow of flames coming from the other side of the house and smiled to herself. Thank God for Molotov cocktails. She rushed to the wall before her and started to climb it as fast as she could until her limbs burned from exhaustion. Of course the asshole could afford a two-story house with his fucking blood money. She finally reached the window and smashed it open. Screw stealth. They knew they were under attack and it was a matter of minutes until they evacuated their boss. The girl fell to the floor and scrambled to her feet just in time to see a bullet hit the wall above her head. Mercedes aimed her weapon and fired several shots before hiding behind a desk while someone else kept firing rounds at her. Three minutes left.
Sadie looked at the hole the gun had left on the wall. That didn’t sound like a long weapon. If she had to guess, she was probably going against a Glock 19. Mercedes mentally did some numbers in her head and realized they had about three shots left until they had to reload. Another two rounds hit the desk, making her flinch. Only one left, and she was running out of time. Mercedes took a stapler next to her leg and threw it to make noise. The last round flew next to her, grazing her leg. She bit her lip to hold the painful scream that was about to leave her mouth. Two minutes left. The girl looked over the desk and noticed a large table being pulled by someone from behind as a makeshift shield. Bingo.
Quickly aiming her rifle, she nearly emptied the cartridge on the table, knowing there was no way she’d miss but not wanting to take any chances. Her worries proved to be unfounded when the splintered table fell to the floor. However, she was surprised to see behind it not one but two people: a man, and a woman. She sighed, remembering Cruz had told her he used this house as a meeting point with his lover.
This was the part she hated most: trying to remind herself that this was war after all. Some people would get caught in the crossfire. It was sad, but there was no point in kicking herself about it. That woman had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and there was nothing that could be done now.
Anyway, she had less than one minute. Suddenly, a sound coming from the other side of the locked door caught her attention, making her aim for the door on instinct. Slowly, she recognized the sound to be a voice, and it was crying.
“¿Mami? ¿Papi está despierto?” "Mommy? Is daddy awake?"
It was a boy. He didn’t sound older than six. He kept calling for the man and the woman that laid on the floor. Then, another sound flooded Mercedes’ ears. It was the horn of Cruz’s truck. She had run out of time.
And yet, she found herself unable to move. The boy kept crying and was now banging on the bedroom door. It wouldn’t take long for someone to hear him and discover her, but she felt as if her feet had merged with the bloody carpet. The horn kept resounding amidst gunfire until it was heard right outside of the window. That seemed to wake Mercedes from her trance right as another pair of footsteps approached the door. She dove out of the window and quickly climbed down, falling awkwardly on the trunk of the truck. The girl banged on the roof and as soon as she did, Cruz spun the wheel and sent them speeding into the tree line.
“Bájate. Hay que seguir a pie,” Cruz ordered, “Sólo se me escaparon dos, pero no sabemos si van a pedir refuerzos. No han de tardar en descubrir qué le pasó a su patrón.” "Get out. We have to keep going on foot. Only two escaped, but we don't know if they will call for reinforcements. It won't be long before they find out what happened to their employer."
They descended from the truck. Even if they did call for reinforcements, Mercedes and Cruz could easily lose them in the thick jungle. Their target wasn’t relevant enough for them to keep chasing them for more than a couple of months, tops. They’d just have to lay low until then.
“Perdóname,” She apologized, limping forward. Moni would have to clean and maybe stitch that when they got back, “Ya iba a salir pero escuché que…” "I'm sorry. I was on my way out but I heard..."
Her voice trailed off when she noticed him falling behind. Mercedes smiled softly and went to help him.
“Ven, deja te ayudo,” She said, throwing his arm around her shoulders and supporting his stomach with her hand. Suddenly, she felt something odd on her skin. Something warm and liquid. Her eyes darted down to his stomach to confirm her worst fears just as Cruz collapsed on her shoulder. "Here, I'll help you."
“Hey, hey, no, no, no, no me vayas a salir con esto,” Mercedes snapped, carefully sitting him on the ground and carefully removing his shirt. He muttered something very quietly, and she had to lean in very close to hear him. "Hey, hey, no, no, no, don't pull this on me."
“Mijita, salió por la espalda. Lo sentí.” "Mijita, it came out through the back. I felt it."
Cruz never called her mijita. That was her aunt Moni, not him. She was Merceditas, chula, pinche escuincla when he got mad.
But now he didn’t sound mad. He sounded extremely tired.
“No te apures, Cruz, deja te pongo algo y cuando lleguemos con mi tía ella te va a curar, ¿sí?” She comforted him while ripping his shirt to use as a makeshift gauze on his wound, but there was so much blood that soon enough she’d used up all his shirt and could feel the blood soaking through her clothes. "Don't worry, Cruz, let me put something on you and when we get to my aunt's she will cure you, okay?"
“Ya déjalo, chula.” He insisted, grabbing her hand, his voice barely a whisper, “Dile a tu tía que no se vaya a enojar porque perdí la camioneta,” He smiled, but a painful grin replaced it too quickly for it to be comforting. "Leave it, sweetheart. Tell your aunt to not be mad because I lost the truck."
“A la chingada la camioneta, yo te compro otra, te llevo a escogerla, ¿sí? Nos vamos a Tuxtla con mi Chiich y nos compramos una casa, otra camioneta, y me busco un trabajo para que puedas quedarte en casa con mi tía en lo que te curas, ¿va? ” Mercedes had started crying at this point. She thought he’d admonish her for crying, saying that crying was for women. No matter how much she insisted on how stupid he sounded since she was a woman. That old-timer son of a bitch could be hopelessly sexist sometimes. But with his daughter choosing to go to college and moving out without ever holding a real weapon, Mercedes knew he probably acted like that because she was the closest thing he ever had to a son. "Fuck the truck, I'll buy you another one, and I'll take you to pick it, okay? We'll go to Tuxtla with my Chiich and buy a house, another truck, and I'll look for a job so you can stay home with my aunt while you heal, okay?"
What she didn’t expect was for him to start crying as well.
“Ya deja estas cosas, ¿sí, chula?” He pleaded, lifting his hand to place a strand of hair behind her ear, “Vete a otro lado, sigue jugando con tu cámara o haz lo que quieras de tu vida, pero ya no le sigas a esto,” "Quit all of this, sweetheart. Go somewhere else, keep fooling around with your camera or do whatever you want with your life, but quit all of this stuff."
“No, ya no le sigo a esto pero por favor tío vámonos juntos,” She rested her head against the top of his, sobbing uncontrollably, “No te quedes aquí tío, por favor, tu no te quedes aquí también,” "Fine, I'll quit this but please uncle, let's leave together. Don't stay here uncle, please, don't stay here too,"
“Déjame en el río, Merceditas,” He calmly instructed, barely pronouncing the words, by now, “Ves que llega a la costa donde nací y le dije a tu tía que cuando yo muriera…” "Leave me in the river, Merceditas. Remember it reaches the coast where I was born, and I told your aunt that when I died..."
He didn’t get to finish his sentence.
Namor opened his eyes and found himself staring at the ceiling again. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get to sleep. He rarely slept on the surface for too long, much less far away from his home. When they arrived at the house, it was already dark. Moni had greeted them announcing she had prepared a bedroom for them to stay in before leading them upstairs. The fearless Talokanil leader had found himself praying to every deity he knew for the woman to be devoted enough to her own god’s principles to have set two separate beds for them. While they had technically already slept in the same room more than once, the mere thought of sleeping in the same bed, in such proximity to her, filled him with an unexplainable mix of terror and curiosity. He wondered whether she moved a lot in her sleep, or whether she always had nightmares. Or if those nightmares persisted even when she didn’t sleep on her own. Would they stop, if he held her hand as he’d done earlier? If he held her close enough for her to realize she wasn’t alone, feel his tranquil breathing, would that soothe her?
That was when the terror kicked in and he cleared his mind of such thoughts.
Fortunately, Moni was enough of a Catholic to keep them in separate beds. The bedroom was divided into two sections by the color of the walls: white and turquoise.
The turquoise side, which Namor assumed had belonged to Mercedes since she’d claimed the bed the minute they walked in, was filled with band posters and a couple of diplomas accrediting her participation in several photography contests, interspersed with more photographs of her in different stages of her life. There was a sculpture of a manatee holding a transparent sphere resting on the nightstand, whose nose she pressed to reveal it was actually a lamp. Right next to it stood two pictures: one of a smiling man with the same large dark eyes as her, and a smaller, older one, of a very pretty young woman with long, black hair sitting on a cliff next to the sea.
The white side had framed pictures of the Mercedes and the younger girl in the portrait downstairs, Cruz and Moni’s daughter. It was also filled with dolls from all over the world. Japanese, Russian, a vintage Barbie, and many more. Right above the collection, hanging from the wall, was a ceramic hand-painted cross. When Sadie turned her back to him, Namor had removed it and, carefully enough not to break it, placed it inside the top drawer of the nightstand.
For a tiny, paranoic moment, he blamed his inability to sleep on the stupid cross and how uncomfortable he felt around it. He turned around to take it out of the drawer and place it on Mercedes’ side of the room. Then he noticed her bed was empty. Namor wondered if it was a trick of the dim light that was beginning to stream through the window, so he walked to the other side of the room to confirm it. He looked out of the window next to the bed and saw her outside, sitting next to the river they’d crossed. The current was way stronger now than when they’d arrived, and a gust of air entered the room. Namor grabbed the jacket he’d been wearing earlier and made his way downstairs and outside.
“What are you doing here?” He asked when he reached her side to not startle her, handing her the jacket.
“Aren’t you cold?” Mercedes looked at the skin that the flimsy white tank top wasn’t covering. He didn’t even have goosebumps, and she wondered whether his skin felt warm. If she asked, maybe he’d let her check. She cleared her throat and moved to make a spot for him.
“It’s alright. Please, take it.” He insisted as he sat down. She quietly thanked him and slid the jacket on.
Even if he chose to remain silent, Mercedes could sense there was something he wanted to say, even if she didn’t know what that could be.
“Had you ever been this far from the sea?” She asked, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
“Only a few times,” He dryly admitted, “What are you doing out here?”  
 “Why do you watch me when I sleep?” She blurted out as soon as he finished speaking, her eyes never leaving the loud surging water.
Namor didn’t seem surprised to hear her question. At least, he didn’t put on the fake shocked expression of someone who has just been caught.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  
“Kän-än,” Sadie insisted, “I was raised by a soldier in the middle of the jungle. I can feel when something is watching me while I sleep.”  
“I’m just standing guard. These are foreign lands, you can’t expect me to sleep soundly…”
“You did it back in Talokan too, before I was shot.”
This statement did take him by surprise. He scanned his brain for another excuse. He could say he was making sure she wouldn’t attempt to escape. It sounded reasonable enough.
“Why would I do that?” He decided to play it safe and answer with another question. Mercedes remained silent and shrugged, hugging her knees close to her chest and resting her chin on them.
“I watched you too, sometimes, you know?” She admitted, “Since the first night you stayed in my room. You look very different when you’re asleep.”
How so?   The question ached in his chest, but he struggled to remain silent. Different how? Why had she watched him? Namor took a deep breath, trying to regain control of his emotions.
“When I first met you, there was always this…frown on your face, whenever we spoke,” She recalled with a soft chuckle, tracing with her finger on her own forehead the place where a small wrinkle formed on his, “It only disappeared when you slept. I liked seeing you like that. I don’t know what you dream about, but some nights there would even be a slight smile on your lips. And it helped me remember every harsh glare, and word that you said to me when I was a prisoner, didn’t mean you were a hateful person. You didn’t hate me. You hated the threat I represented to what you loved, to your people. You call them your children, and you acted like a father.”
Mercedes had noticed so much more. The way the muscles of his shoulders flexed with every soft breath, the slight curve of his back, and how delicate it looked in contrast to how strong he was. One day, he’d shifted positions to lay on his stomach and stretched his arms around his pillow with a soft, tired groan. Those few seconds had intrusively plagued her mind for at least one week.
But he didn’t need to know any of that.
“Speaking of danger,” He cleared his throat, “I read the documents we recovered from the ship while you were unconscious.”
“Really? What did you find?” Mercedes asked, her heart surprisingly slowing down despite the importance of the new subject.
“You were mostly right. The idea was to use the spores in their raw form as a biological weapon of sorts. It’s very unstable, so they weren’t surprised when your entire team went missing. They had another on standby before you even entered the cave. The camera they gave you was linked to the laptop so they didn’t need you to come back…”
“Wait,” She interrupted him, “What happened to the laptop? It was also in the backpack.”
“After its little submarine trip, it obviously didn’t make it but my people are working on recovering the information it contained.”
“Any idea of how long it will take them?” She asked urgently. She needed to know the answer to the last question she’d asked Wexler. Were there more members to whatever group they were? Had the secret of her Chiich’s location sunk to the depths of the sea with them? But Namor shook his head apologetically. He noticed the way her eyes filled with worry.
“We could take her with us, nothing would happen to her in my domains.” He suggested, placing his hand on top of hers in a soothing manner.
“No, we can’t” Mercedes replied, shaking her head, “Her mind won’t resist her being taken away from everything she knows and loves. She must be protected here.”
She wasn’t done talking, but Namor didn’t want to hear what she had to say.
“Come on, we need to go back to the house. Get some sleep for tomorrow’s journey,”
“Kän-än, listen to me…”
“It’s very late, whatever you want to tell me can wait until…”
“I’m not going back with you.”
There it was. The uncomfortable truth that had been circling both their thoughts since they arrived was now out.
“Yes, you are.” He adamantly stated. Obviously, she didn’t like the tone.
“Or what? Are you going to take me there by force and turn me into a prisoner again?”
“Do not hold that against me, you just told me…”
“Wake up, Namor, the situation has changed!” She snapped back, raising her voice a little, “Now you know why I have to stay!”
“So that’s how it is? Whenever I do or say something you don’t like I’m the enemy again?”
“No, that’s not what I…” She started to apologize before changing her mind, “Don’t change the subject! Why is it that you’re so against me staying? And don’t tell me it’s because you’re afraid somebody would find out about Talokan. You should know by now that I’d be willing to vanish from the face of the Earth before revealing anything, nobody would find me…”
“I don’t doubt your loyalty anymore, Xmeech,” He assured.
“Then what is it? Even if they tortured me, I can take…” She argued back, standing up exasperated.
“Do not say that ever again,” He spoke in a tone so grave and angry she stopped talking instantly. Namor stood up slowly. Maybe he didn’t tower over her, but the way he approached the girl until his face was just inches away from her was intimidating enough to render her silent, “Look at me.”
It was an order. Although Mercedes was looking at him, she knew he didn’t mean for her to stare at him, but rather to actually look. To analyze his eyes and his face in search of any traces of a lie. Once he was satisfied with the amount of attention, he finally spoke, his voice with the same deep emotion as before, emphasizing every word that left his lips. She had to actively keep her eyes on his to avoid her gaze to focus on other, more inconvenient, parts of his face.
“I would never allow that to happen.”
“Then let me stay. Please.” She begged, barely louder than a whisper.
“I can’t, Xmeech,” He repeated with a tired sigh, pulling away from her.
At the limit of her patience, Mercedes was about to start arguing again when a voice was heard coming from the door.
“¡Virgen Santísima! ¿Qué están haciendo allá afuera con este frío?” Moni approached them hurriedly, wearing a blanket over her pajamas. "¡Virgen Santísima! What are you doing out there with this cold?"
“Nada, tía Moni. Salimos por aire.” Mercedes explained, with a faint, forced smile. "Nothing, aunt Moni. We came out for air,"
She didn’t look too convinced, her gaze shifting between both of them suspiciously. But there were more important matters at hand.
“Cómo tú digas, mi amor. Vamos, métanse a la casa que tenemos mucho que hacer.” "Whatever you say, my love. Come on you two, get inside the house, we have lots to do."
She repeated the end of her aunt’s sentence, looking at her questioningly. Moni laughed it off and shook her head.
“Ay, mija, ni yo que estoy vieja tengo tan mala memoria. Hoy es la fiesta del pueblo. Te vas a quedar, ¿verdad? Toñita va a ser reina de las flores.” "Ay, mija, not even old me has such a bad memory. Today is the town festival. You're going to stay, right? Toñita is going to be queen of flowers."
“¿Toñita va a venir?” Mercedes asked, excitedly. She turned back to Namor, disappointed they couldn’t finish their conversation but unwilling to budge. "Toñita is coming?"
“K’a’abet in p’áatal,” "I have to stay."
“A’alej ka’ap’éel k’iin. Yaan u taal u kaxant k.” "We said two days. They will come looking for us."
“To’on ko’on biin ka’aka’at yéetel k k’uuchul áak’ab,” "We’ll leave in the afternoon and arrive at nightfall."
Namor looked at her, not fully convinced. But her last statement meant she was willing to go with him if he let her stay just for today. Just like that? That didn’t sound like her.
“Yaan wáaj a k’aax u púuts’ul ka’a? A’al ti’ teen u jaajil” "Will you try to escape again? Tell me the truth."
“Ma’. Leti’ jump’éel jóok’ chi’.” "No. I promise."
He looked at her once again. Namor couldn’t help but remember the last time he’d blindly trusted her like this, and he’d ended up having to board a ship to save her while fighting a hangover.
“Yaan k yaantal tu Talokan lee áak’aba’. Ma’alo’ob?” "We have to be back in Talokan tonight. Alright?"
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laneywrld · 5 months
Today marks exactly 6 days since I lost my dad. He had cancer and I literally saw him die in front of me. I just wanted to say that your fic and your blog have been a great escape from one of the most difficult times I've ever experienced. Your fanfic was a breath of fresh air after so much pain over the last few days. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much! Lots of kisses and love from Brazil! Eu te amo, obrigada! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Btw I'm sorry for my horrible english 😅
Hello, I am so sorry for your loss, love, and how traumatic I know that is for you. I am honored that my blog has offered you solace during this time. This is by far the most encouraging and special message I have gotten. I am sending you lots of love and healing bby. I know you'll never get over it, but I hope it gets easier. Trust me, I know how it is and how you feel at this moment, and I know the words of others do little to aid with this level of pain you are facing. I hope you can continue to find comfort in the little things and care for yourself during this time. Your English is also amazing :) and the fact that you're from Brazil is even more astonishing. I'm happy that my work has reached you! Thank you, I love you <3
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theshelbyslimited · 5 months
HOLAAA BBYS. I swear, I feel so bad somewhat 'abandoning' this blog. I very much still love Peakys, very much still love all the characters, very much still love all of y'all and the amazing work you create. I've just been in a slump fanfic-wise where I'm not hyperfixated on any specific fandom or character or person so I'm feeling like idk what the fuck i should read, what the heck I am w/o a hyperfixation and just feeling kinda lost. I've also been busy since Term 1 or as y'all may say 'semester one' of the year just ended here and I spent it being really busy with some amazing community groups in my local area, sharing space with other women whilst learning and creating and having really deep & important conversations. It's the start of the two week 'school holidays' so I've got all this time to do nothing but read fanfic and I just can't do it 😭I'm reading through a Frankie Morales fanfic masterlist right now so yes I am still stuck on Pedrito in a way but idk, I feel like it's just autopilot 😭
Ramble aside, I hope you're all keeping safe, healthy and beautiful like always. My inbox and ask box are ALWAYS open for anyone and anything, even if we've never talked before and you just need a friend; please don't hesitate to reach out.
Arohanui, Te amo, I love y'all
C x
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sunnyshiftyy · 2 years
Sometimes forever doesn’t mean forever - TE one shot
Book: The Elementalists, AU TW: I think none? Rating: PG Pairing: Beckett Harrington x f!MC Words: 649 (short but sad) Summary: Basically hurting and angst? A/N: Long ago, there was a prompt that read ‘Sometimes forever doesn’t mean forever’. On a whim, I whipped this up, and lost it deep in the pits of my notes app. When I found it again, and read it, I actually liked it enough that I wanted to share it with the world. This is definitely an AU kinda thing. None of this in my actual headcanon storyline!!! It's a little different to what I normally write, but that's what will make me grow as a writer, right?
Now, I’m submitting this for the @choices-february2023 challenge for day 26 with the prompt ‘Fairy Tales’ (because forever is a fairy tale? My logic..)
Tags: @theclassycandy , @choices-february2023 , @choicesficwriterscreations
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future fanfics or TE content!
And on that note, I hope you enjoy!
Beckett’s POV
I don't know how this happened. I guess I should've done better. I should have been better. But I wasn't.
You know what she would say to that? 'You don't need to be better. You're you, and that's what I love about you.'
But she isn't here now, is she? So I can self destruct as much as I want.
Who am I kidding. The sunshine factor or what's-it-called has it's aftereffects. I won't self destruct. At least not on purpose. That's not what she would want for me.
I hate crying. Not because 'it shows weakness' or whatever nonsense ignorant fathers stomp into their sons heads. Because it's messy. Everyone gets all worried about you, but it's all a show. They don't care about how you feel. They care about the 'why'. Or about their own feelings. No one feels good when another person cries. They want that queasy feeling gone.
Luckily, I'm alone. No one to fake care about me now. Also no one to actually care about me now. The only one that did just left.
Did it come as a surprise? Yes and no. Initially, I was too stunned to say anything. But she made some sense after a few minutes. As much as she can make sense, of course. It's funny how she always managed to put two opposite ends together. Making complete sense and at the same time not. That's something only she could do.
When she came in, her face didn't raise any alarms in my book. I should have known. I should have been paying attention.
And then... I still can't make sense of what happened then. It's only been ten minutes, but it's already blurry. Maybe because of the tears I was holding back the entire time.
It's like something triggered a flight or fight response. That something obviously being me. She usually freezes. But this isn't the usual.
The whole time she was talking, I could not get myself to respond. Because I couldn't process exactly what she was saying. I have never heard her say such irrational things before. Oh Gods, she must've hurt immensely...
The things I did understand were 1) she had overthought everything about us and 2) she wanted us to stop being us.
I didn't think she meant it. That might sound very bad, but it's the truth. Just 24 hours ago she told me she couldn't live without me.
It hurt when she said, 'But I'll have to' a few minutes ago. She thought she was doing it for the good of us both. Then I finally started talking. I'll spare you the details, it was all very dramatic. It was one of those rare moments where I stopped thinking. I let the words do their thing. Very dangerous, but it didn't end too bad this time. To conclude, we both confessed we might die without each other.
I told you it was dramatic. My mind is going to love bringing this moment up again and again, letting me relive the painful awkwardness of it all.
Still, she decided to take the odds of death. I think. The uncertainty makes this all more frustrating.
All I can think about is that one night. That one night we talked about things we never told anyone. She cried, I almost cried, and we laughed and made all of it feel less life threatening. She didn't judge. She never judges. She understands.
That night she told me, 'I want to be with you forever.' I know she believed it then. I believed it then.
Sometimes forever doesn't mean forever.
Forever means as long as possible. Seems like we've reached our expiration date.
Forever is a promise, maybe even a wish. Forever doesn't even exist.
Forever is the only thing you know for certain isn't going to be happening.
And still, we all keep hoping on forever.
Hope you enjoyed!
A/N: If you want to know more about my OC’s in my TE universe, click here. If you want to read more, here’s my masterlist with all the fics on it! (dated <3) Another thing: you can find sneak peeks of future fics and other posts on my masterlist (indicated with coming soon!) Last thing: my asks are still open! If you want headcanons or anything, don’t be shy, ask some more :)
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yuio827 · 7 months
It was around 2:30 p.m. in the city, but what they didn't know was that inside the Acmes laboratories there were two mice that were genetically altered, they were planning a plan.... Oh, well, only one mouse was thinking while the Another watched through the railings of his cage as the scientists came and went with different items.
-"Oh, Brain! Look! Egad, how those scientists come and go as if their life depended on it! Narf!"- Pinky grabbed the railings of his cage while Brain was lost in thought in the other corner of the cage. -"Mm?, Brain?" - Pinky turned towards his friend and then approached with a big smile - "Narf!" - Brain jumped in fright and then glared at Pinky and grabbed him by the snout.
-Can't you stay still for a second, Pinky? - Pinky laughed after this.
-"Haha! Narf! Staying still is not one of my specialties, Brain! Egad!" - Brain closed his eyelids and sighed tiredly.
-"Yes... I know friend, I know..."- Then he opened them and looked at Pinky -"That's why the idea of ​​leaving you tied to a chair is tempting, Pinky"- Pinky looked at him and laughed
-"Hahaha! Brain, that sounds like fun! Wouldn't that mean I couldn't move though? Narf!" - Brain released his grip on Pinky's snout.
-"Exactly, Pinky"- and he went to one of the bars of his cage that overlooked the crowd of scientists who were wandering around, coming and going. - "Apparently they are receiving new equipment for the Acmes laboratories..." Brain smiled - "Perfect" - he puts his front paws in his fur, as if they were pockets of a jacket or something, and heads towards his partner - " Pinky" - Pinky turns to look at him
-"Yes brain?, Narf! jajaja."
-"From now on don't eat any solid or liquid food, later at night I need your systems to calm down so there are no side effects..." Brain watched as Pinky slowly tilted his head in doubt and sighed -"Just Don't do it." - Brain looked into Pinky's eyes - "Don't eat anything until I tell you" - Pinky smiled and jumped on one foot.
-"Give him brains! I promise not to eat anything!! Zort!"- Brain looked at him with doubt.
-"Pinky, every time you say zort it's because you're lying, do you really promise that? Or I'll have to hit you" – Pinky laughs nervously
-"Okay brain, I promise, zort!" Pinky spoke with a nervous smile, Brain glared at him.
-"okay.... Poit"- Pinky finally spoke, lowering his voice in his 'poit' and then smiling -"And why Brain?" Brain smiles at the question and turns his back on his partner.
-"You'll see tonight, dear friend.."- Brain smiled his typical evil smile.
-"What are we going to do tonight brain?"
-"The same thing we do every night, Pinky.... Trying to conquer the world!"
Eran alrededor de las 14.30 en la ciudad , pero lo que no sabían es que dentro de los laboratorios Acmes habían dos ratones que fueron genéticamente alterados, se encontraban planeando un plan.... Oh, bueno, solo un ratón estaba pensando mientras que el otro observaba atraves de las barandas de su jaula a los científicos ir y venir con diferentes artículos.
-"Oh, cerebro! Mira! Egad, como esos científicos van y vienen como si su vida dependiera de ello! Narf!"- Pinky agarro los barandales de su jaula mientras que Cerebro estaba perdido en sus pensamientos a la otra esquina de la jaula.-"Mm?, cerebro?"- Pinky voltio en dirección de su amigo para luego acercarse con una gran sonrisa -"Narf!"- Cerebro salto del susto para luego fulminar a Pinky con la mirada y agarrarle del hocico
-"No te puedes quedar quieto por un segundo,Pinky?"- Pinky tras esto se rió
-"Jaja! Narf! Quedarme quieto no es unas de mis especialidades cerebro! Poit"- Cerebro cerro sus párpados y suspiro con cansancio
-"si... Lo sé, amigo, lo sé..."- Luego los abrió y miro a Pinky -"Por eso la idea de dejarte atado a una silla está siendo tentadora, Pinky"- Pinky lo miro y se rió
-"Jajaja! Cerebro eso suena divertido! Aunque eso no significaría que no me podría mover? Narf!"- Cerebro soltó el agarre que tenía sobre el hocico de Pinky
-"Exacto, Pinky"- y se dirigió a uno de los barrotes que daba vista a la multitud de científicos que deambulaban por ahí, yendo y volviendo. -"Al parecer están recibiendo nuevos equipamientos para los laboratorios Acmes..." Cerebro sonrió-"Perfecto"- este mete sus patas delanteras entre su pelaje ,como si fueran bolsillos de una campera o algo asi, y se dirige hacía su socio- "Pinky"- Pinky lo voltea a ver
-"¿Si cerebro?, Poit"-
-"Desde ahora no ingieras cualquier alimento sólido ni líquido, más tarde en la noche necesito tus sistemas tranquilos para que no hayan efectos secundarios..." Cerebro vio como Pinky lentamente inclinaba la cabeza con duda y suspiro -"Solo no comas nada hasta que yo te diga"- Pinky sonrió y salto
-"Dale cerebro! Prometo no comer nada!! Zort!"- Cerebro lo miro con duda
-"Pinky cada vez que dices zort es porque estás mintiendo, en verdad lo prometes? O tendré que golpearte "- Pinky ríe nerviosamente
-"Bueno cerebro lo prometo, zort!" Hablo Pinky con una sonrisa nerviosa, Cerebro le fulmina la mirada
-"okay.... Poit"- Hablo finalmente Pinky bajando la voz en su 'poit' para luego sonreír -"Y para que Cerebro?"- Cerebro ante la pregunta sonríe y le da la espalda a su socio-
-"Ya lo verás hoy por la noche querido amigo.."- Cerebro sonrió con su típica sonrisa malvada
-"que vamos hacer hoy por la noche cerebro?"
-"Lo mismo que hacemos todas las noches, Pinky.... Tratar de conquistar el mundo!"
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hannah-heartstrings · 2 years
A Convenient Inconvenience
Finally after some rewrites, several edits, and a few distractions I’ve finished a fic with all four Heroes of Kvatch.
Me and my family pretend like our Elder Scrolls characters travel together, we’ve basically turned the Oblivion Crisis into a found family road trip. And this road trip is filled with a lot of bickering and detours, especially when one can’t stop doing side quests and another’s always looking for an excuse to visit a certain friend...
About 1,450 words so 1,200 is below a cut.
@nine-blessed-hero @babyblueetbaemonster 
Just tell me, anyone, if you want on or off the taglist. And for more, all my tes fanfics get reblogged to @ragtags-of-tamriel.
           The sun hung high, leaving short shadows around the trees and not much shade for the road.
           Four adventurers rode or walked down the road in a diamond formation.
           Rann smiled confidently as he led them atop his unicorn.
           In the back Praelyn surveyed the surrounding forest from her white horse. “Isn’t Cheydinhal a bit out of the way?”
           “Lecrinn found a lost heirloom, and you know how serious I am about returning lost family heirlooms.”
           Her brows lowered. “Unless they’re powerful maces?”
           “I’m still in the process of returning it,” he said defensively, glancing back.
           Between them rode Reptilious. He arched a brow at Lecrinn who walked beside, always insisting she was fast enough on her own. “Cheydinhal huh? Convenient…”
           She shot a quick glare up at him.
           Praelyn still had her annoyed gaze set on Rann. “And how long have you been in the process of returning it?”
           “I don’t remember,” he said quickly.
           As no one spoke it grew quiet, just the soft hoof beats against the dirt and a distant songbird.
           Lecrinn looked to the trees, spotting one with pink flowers she gave a big smile. They were getting close.
           “You know what I don’t get?” Reptilious asked after a minute. “How are people always losing their heirlooms?”
           “I know,” Praelyn’s face pinched, “you’d think they’d keep better track of them.”
           “They should lock them up,” Rann added.
           Lecrinn faced forward. “What I don’t get is when people lock up the most mundane things.”
           They all looked at her.
           She stared intently ahead, looking more awkward by the moment.
           A Dunmer woman sat on a bench outside the stables, finishing off a loaf of bread. At the clops of horses she looked down the road, beaming as they came into view.
           “I could know for perfectly legitimate reasons,” Lecrinn argued as they came up to the stable.
           “Yeah but you don’t,” said Reptilious.
           As they dismounted the woman ran up to the unicorn. “Hey there,” she said gently as she petted its muzzle.
           “Hey Mivryna,” Lecrinn passed her.
           She turned her head to give her a quick nod. Turning back to the unicorn her smile widened. “I have apples for all of you!”
           “Thanks!” Rann stood beside the unicorn.
           “Oh,” she laughed nervously, “I was actually talking to the horses but you can have one too.”
           As the rest led the horses to the pen Lecrinn came up to Rann. “How long are we staying?”
           “I thought we’d just return the medallion, grab something to eat, and be on our way.”
           She looked worried. “Yeah, but while we’re in town anyways might be a good time to stop for the night.”
           He looked confused. “It’s noon.”
           “But by the time we’ve restocked and checked if anyone needs anything it won’t be.”
           “Didn’t we restock in Skingrad?”
           Her mouth hung open, floundering for an excuse.
           Reptilious came from the pen. “It wouldn’t hurt to spend an hour or two checking in, while we’re here.”
           Praelyn came up beside him. “I thought this was supposed to be a quick trip.”
           “Yes, but we don’t really need to hurry right now, it’s a good chance to make sure everything’s all right.”
           “I guess that’s true,” she nodded in agreement.
           Lecrinn eased.
           “I’ll check on the Fighter’s Guild,” Reptilious continued.
           Putting his fists on his hips Rann stood straighter. “And I’ll see if anyone needs a Hero of Kvatch, or an Arena Champion, or a dragon slayer.”
           The other three glanced at each other.
           “Sure,” Lecrinn nodded.
           “I suppose I’ll check on the Mage’s Guild,” said Praelyn, “someone should also make sure Rythe hasn’t fallen into a painting.” Gaze catching on Lecrinn she gave a playful smile. “Unless I need to keep an eye on everyone’s locked chests.”
          “Oh I think she’ll be busy,” Reptilious shot a slight smirk at Lecrinn, getting a glare back.
             Rann walked confidently as he led them through town. “Hey,” he greeted a Dunmer as she passed by, “Hero of Kvatch here, how may I help…” his head trailed after her as she kept walking. “I’ll check in later,” he looked forward, never losing the sure grin. “Hi,” he greeted a patrol, “yeah, Hero of Kvatch.”
           Looking away, Praelyn shook her head. Lecrinn held in a laugh while Reptilious just stared ahead.
           “Hello ma’am, Hero of-”
           She walked off.
           “Well I’m busy now, I’ll talk to you later.”
           As they reached the castle Lecrinn lit up with a big smile.
           Entering the throne room there was the count, his bodyguard, and steward.
           Her smile fell, immediately searching the room. Her steps slowed, falling behind the group.
           Rann stopped in the middle of the room, speaking proudly. “Hello sir, Heroes of Kvatch here to request an audience.” He raised his hand to take a dramatic bite from an apple.
           The count looked both confused and curious. “Go on.”
           He held up a finger as he quickly chewed.
           His confusion grew.
           With a sigh Praelyn’s head sunk into her palm.
           After choking down the bite he regained his composure. “We are here to return your lost heirloom,” he pulled the necklace from his pocket. “No need to thank us but you are welcome.”
           He gasped. “My Hlaalu Medallion! Where did you get that?”
           Opening his mouth he paused, realizing he didn’t know.
           “It doesn’t matter, I do thank you for returning it. Naspia,” he turned to his steward, “see that they are rewarded.”
           She nodded, took the necklace, and left.
           Praelyn stepped up beside Rann, hands folded before her. “We thank you for your generosity sir, that won’t be necessary.”
           “But I want stuff.”
           She elbowed him, aiming for his waist but forgetting her own height hit his chest.
           “No, I insist,” said the count.
           Rubbing his chest Rann leaned towards her, whispering. “What was that for?”
           She kept facing forward, eyes cutting to him as she whispered back. “You don’t need more stuff, you can barely carry the stuff you’ve got.”
           “I’ll replace it with better stuff.”
           “You don’t even know what all you have!” she snapped in a hushed tone.
           “Sure I do, I have this mace-”
           “That’s not yours!”
           Reptilious grimaced, wondering if they realized the room was quiet and echoey.
           “Without looking,” Praelyn turned to him, “can you tell me how many skulls you’re carrying?”
           “You made me get rid of the skulls!”
           “As if you haven’t picked more up!”
           “Not recently!”
           As they continued their whispered argument the count looked uncomfortable.
           Reptilious glanced back as Lecrinn snuck from the room. He shook his head but wore a slight smile.
           In the hall she passed a Khajiit servant. “Oh, hi Ra’qanar.”
           He looked from her to the throne room, curious.
           Once outside she crossed the courtyard, heading for the town.
           “Lecrinn?” asked a surprised voice from behind her.
           Turning she smiled. “Garrus!”
           There stood the guard captain before the barracks door. As he walked towards, so did she, arms bobbing at her sides.
           “It’s good to see you again,” he beamed before looking a little shy, “I was starting to worry.”
           “No he wasn’t!” a guard yelled from the barracks. “He worried about you the second you left!”
           He turned to look at him annoyed.
           He smirked back before heading towards town.
           “Ignore Marcus,” he turned back to her.
           “He’s fine,” she glanced after Marcus with a snicker before facing Garrus. “I’m going to be in town for an hour or two so I thought maybe we could get lunch? Unless you’ve already eaten,” her sure tone started to fade, “but we could take a walk or… something else.” She looked nervously hopeful.
           “I believe I could spare a few hours.” He smiled, her nerves calming. “And, no, I haven’t eaten, but while patrolling the market earlier I saw someone selling meat pies that smelled really good.”
           “A stroll through the market sounds nice.”
           “We can stroll after we eat, you’ll need to rest since, knowing you, you probably walked the whole way here,” he looked almost accusingly.
           “I’ll be fine.”
           “I know you will, because I’m making sure of it.”
           Her lips tightened in an attempt to contain the widening smile.
           “So how does eating meat pies by the river sound?”
           Her voice softened. “Sounds lovely.”
           “Great,” a smile brightened. “I’ll see if I can get someone to cover the shift.” He headed back to the barracks.
           She smiled triumphantly as she stared after him.
           Once he left Ra’qanar came up beside her confused. “Khajiit doesn’t understand, why did you bother to steal the medallion just to return it?”
           Gaze shifting to him, her eyes narrowed into a sly smirk. “I didn’t need it anymore.”
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Sorry I was missing yesterday. I swear I don't know what happened.
It was 1pm. and I was ready to do 100 posts and watch AQOTWF again and suddenly it was 4am. and I had spent two hours writing an Albrecht Schuch's fanfic.
@iiriashouse te culpo a vos😠
I lost track of time, but I'll try to be more active ksks.
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