#lot 3x09
forbescaroline · 12 days
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 21. barry allen and iris west - the flash
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 6 months
The Zava plotline would probably have to be reworked pretty thoroughly for me to actively like it, but I do think they could have wrapped it up in a much more coherent way just by setting 3x05 a week or two after 3x04 instead of seven. In canon, the Richmond players attack the West Ham players, lose the match, and get (I think) three red cards — and then we skip past them losing seven matches in a row because… the vibes are off, I guess? And then Zava quits the team, which you can maybe interpret as being related to that losing streak, but that isn’t really implied in the show. But if they’d played Man City the week after West Ham, or maybe lost one match in between, then you get the tension of trying to figure out how to beat a team that crushed them the last time they played while they’re also multiple players down and dealing with the media fallout of their players attacking another team (which would also give them the chance to show Keeley being good at her job) and give a more direct payoff to the set up of Zava being a flighty player who doesn’t want to stick around on a team when things get tough
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There’s a Swedish saying that translates as "if you’ve accepted Old Nick onto your boat, you’d better get him to shore", and it basically means "if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew you had still better see it through because it was your choice" and that’s what I hear every time Sam looks at Jamie Like That when Jamie wants sympathy for the Absurd Demands Roy makes of him once they've started up their whole ~training~ thing.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
this is my roman empire
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bullseyelover · 2 years
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benjamin “dex” poindexter aka bullseye in DAREDEVIL SEASON THREE EPISODE NINE “REVELATIONS”
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laufire · 6 months
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earlier than day: grounders fighting to the death among them for the crown? could be fun
now: it starts...
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wardrobemoments · 1 year
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s3e09, Red Moon
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assim-eu-sou · 2 years
the way Ludmila won't let anyone tell her anything and can't shut up if her life depends on it at the Studio but the moment Priscila threatens her, she backtracks immediately... a lot.
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raayllum · 12 days
So Aaravos and the First Elves are Timeblind, right?
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KOSMO: Sister, what are you doing here? ASTRID: Don't you already know? I thought you know everything. KOSMO: That's not how it works, exactly.
Over the years, there's been a lot of speculation on how Aaravos knows what he knows. Even as a "master manipulator" there were still pieces of information that Aaravos had that didn't entirely make sense (i.e. knowing that Rayla was an assassin who couldn't kill, unless he'd looked through Callum's memories) or plans that went away (being surprised when Viren leaves or when Rayla tackled them off the Pinnacle in 2x04 and 3x09 respectively).
However, the First Elves and Aaravos being timeblind would explain a lot, as well as 1) including it at all as a worldbuilding feature since it'd otherwise be limited just to Kosmo and you don't need the Star arcanum to have it, and 2) make sense how they can know some things but not all things.
It speaks to how Aaravos can be confident that his return is "inevitable," as either Callum or Claudia successfully capturing the pearl in 5x09 eventually worked out for him, but not possibly that Claudia wouldn't be initially successful, or that they'd lose the Battle of the Storm Spire in 3x09. It also speaks to Aaravos' knowledge and subsequent advice in certain moments, such as, "Stop, it's over" when Viren is being attacked in 2x09 or "If you tell the truth you will lose her" about Claudia in 3x03, like he's seen what's alternatively played out in a split second (much like Kosmo) and is acting accordingly. Even down to the concern of when and how to tell the truth, or when to withhold it
It also explains how the Cosmic Council can attribute Leola giving humans primal magic as the beginning of the end but without knowing why, or that Aaravos was infinitely more dangerous kept alive and grieving.
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buddie2024rewatch · 3 months
Buddie 2024 Rewatch!
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Buddie 2024 Rewatch to spread some positivity!! The goal is to rewatch important episodes for both Buck and Eddie and their relationship and spread some love while we wait for season 8. I'm guessing the show will come back mid-October (mostly because I can't narrow the list down more) which would give us 15 weeks if we start right now, with 2 episodes. This is the list I came down to, this could be altered when we get an official airing date.
Week 1: 2x01 Under Pressure, 2x04 Stuck
Week 2: 2x08 Buck, Actually, 2x10 Merry Ex-Mas
Week 3: 2x18 This Life We Choose, 3x03 The Searchers
Week 4: 3x05 Rage, 3x06 Monsters
Week 5: 3x09 Fallout, 3x15 Eddie Begins
Week 6: 3x18 What's Next?, 4x03 Future Tense
Week 7: 4x08 Breaking Point, 4x12 Treasure Hunt
Week 8: 4x13 Suspicion, 4x14 Survivors
Week 9: 4x06 Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1, 5x11 Outside Looking In
Week 10: 5x13 Fear-o-Phobia, 5x14 Dumb Luck
Week 11: 5x16 May Day, 6x10 In a Flash, 6x11 In Another Life*
Week 12: 6x12 Recovery, 6x13 Mixed Feelings
Week 13: 6x15 Death and Taxes, 7x01 Abandon Ships
Week 14: 7x04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered, 7x05 You Don't Know Me
Week 15: 7x09 Ashes, Ashes, 7x10 All Fall Down
I'm setting up an Instagram account too, also @/buddie2024rewatch, since the idea is also to share stuff where the actors can see, so post stuff using the tag #buddie2024rewatch here and over there and I will try to reblog/share as many posts as I see!
*in another life is marked because Eddie isn't in a lot, so it's more of an optional thing, because 610 and 611 do go together.
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year
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Hold on, actually. Colin. We do care. When I was growing up back in Kansas City I had a buddy named Stevie Jewel. Now he was a huge Denver Broncos fan, but we were all growing up smack dab in the middle of Chief's country, so he used to catch a lot of guff for it. But me? I told him it didn't affect the way I felt about him at all. I told him that I 'didn't care'. And I didn't. But then he had to watch back to back superbowls all by himself [...] The next year he did the same thing all by himself. He must have thought it was good luck or something, I don't know. Because I wasn't there. 'Cause I "didn't care". But I should have cared, you know? I should have supported him. I should've been at his house both those years.
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outmakingmoonshine · 2 months
I was just writing a post about the Carmy/Faks scene & how it's really just Carmy talking to himself. For this scene the two Faks represent his inner voices/subconscious (which might only apply to this scene idk), but then I decided to see what all these scenes looked like together and wow am I glad I did!! Seeing these 4 scenes side by side is very interesting.
The first two scenes in 3x05 & 3x07 mirror each other, the last two scenes in 3x09 mirror each other and all 4 of them tell their own story together. The first scene is Carmy's talking to himself but shouting & aiming it at anyone who's listening. The 2nd is Syd talking to herself but mostly mumbling so only she can hear. In the Faks scene Carmy's having an "imaginary" conversation out loud with two people, just like Syd's doing in the last scene rehearsing what she might say to both Adam Shapiro and Carmy.
And if you rearrange these scenes & put the first 2 after the Faks scene, if we saw/heard those sarcastic "that makes sense" comments after we saw the "Claire is peace" scene in that exact same location, it would've been a lot easier to figure out what they're really referring to!
There are lots of layers to unpack here but I'm gonna talk about the main things that jump out at me. This is probably gonna be a bit chaotic with different ideas and breakdowns of what things could mean so I hope it's not too confusing. Anyone else feel free to jump in with your thoughts.
Below the cut
Notice how in all these scenes, except one, Carmy and Syd are alone talking out loud to themselves, vocalizing their inner thoughts. Mute the video and just read the subtitles if you need to. The scene with the Faks reads like a conversation with imaginary friends or like the two funny inner voices of a character in a comedy movie. All these scenes are like they're from a comedy movie tbh.
In the first two scenes Carmy & Syd act the same way they both deal with their problems (Carmy shouting about it to anyone who'll listen and Syd pissed but mostly keeping it quiet/to herself). They're the only ones actually inside the dumpster in all the scenes which makes me think it represents their minds and the boxes are the mental chaos & thoughts they're trying to sort through. The Faks are technically outside Carmy's mind/the dumpster so they don't speak from the mind or for the mind but they're close to it, communicating with it & "helping" sort through the chaos. Maybe the dumpster represents the conscious mind and the Faks are Carmy's subconscious. It sounds like The Faks are encouraging Carmy to fall back into his base programming, which people often tend to do when they're lost and don't know what to do. They're trying to convince him to call Claire bc Carmy's base programming from his family is "Claire is good". That's what safe to him bc it's a "truth" he's always known & believed. Idk there's many possibilities. It's also Interesting how later this episode The Faks go to Claire and speak directly for Carmy like they know for sure what he's thinking & feeling.
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Lets get into the dialogue of the first two scenes:
"[Carmy] That makes sense. [box clatters] Boxes full of bullshit. Put it on the f*cking list. Oh, it's good. I'll do it. I got it. I got it."
Just a side note: The next line in the script is "I don't know wha-what I'm supposed to do with all this stuff" from Marcus in the next scene where he's clearing out all his mum's stuff with Syd.
"[Syd] 'Cause why would you do it? I mean, you're supposed to do it. This is-- This is fine. This is good. This makes sense. This is f*cking… F*ck. F*ck. [pants] [muttering] F*ck. [growls] fcking-- Where are the fcking Faks? F*ck!"
I don't even know where to start, there's so many ways to read this!
Carmy said one specific thing in the Faks scene that very clearly "didn't make sense"...Claire is peace. He knows that's not true but I think the point is he's been avoiding thinking about who his peace actually is all S3*. Carmy & Syd are both sarcastically saying "that makes sense" like it's subtly referring to that scene later in the same place. Was the panic attack scene by the same dumpsters? Idk someone let me know please.
*Carmy said in 3x07 he tries to avoid thinking about legacy. The only legacy we know of is the one he's trying to build with Syd both professionally and personally. His realization that Syd's brings him peace in the panic attack in 2x09 is the reality of his legacy that he's been trying to avoid all S3. He's working to get her his star and creating dishes inspired by her so Syd's cearly on his mind but the one thing he should be thinking about and talking to her about, he's avoiding.
There are many different layers of possible meaning and/or foreshadowing in this dialogue, but one layer it can be read is how they're both thinking/feeling about the Claire situation bc even tho Syd didn't mention it all season it's still there between them. Maybe none of this is about Claire, but if it was:
Carmy: "[sarcastically] that makes sense"...claire is "peace". "Boxes full of bullsh*t"...he's full of bullshit that Claire's his peace?!! Or maybe Claire is in the boxes of bullshit aka his baggage and past trauma he needs to sort through? "Put it on the "f*cking list"...put Claire on the list of his stress & baggage? And a very sarcastic "Oh it's good. I'll do it. I got it. I got it." He'll do what he's "supposed to do" with Claire & call her/apologize/maybe even be with her even tho it clearly sounds like he doesn't want to..?? He's "got it"...even though he clearly doesn't. "It's good" but she's clearly not The Good Thing™.
Syd: "Cause why wouldn't you do it? I mean you're supposed to do it"...why won't carmy just sort himself out? why wont he just call claire/be with claire since Syd thinks that's what he wants & she acts in front of him like "it's not her place to be [beside him on a personal level]" almost direct quote from her in 3x09. She's probabaly confused why Carm just wont be with Claire. From Syd's perspective he changed his mind about her and chose Claire in S2, so the next logical step is he'd be with Claire. "This is fine. This is good. This makes sense."...carmy saying claire is peace & also probably how she'll react out loud if carmy/claire get back together. "This is f*cking… F*ck. F*ck. [pants] [muttering] F*ck. [growls] fcking--"...this is how she really feels about the whole Claire situation & Carmy just ditching her & "changing shit" (that came up a lot this season), which ultimately led to him not treating her like a partner in their professional relationship. "Where are the fcking Faks? F*ck!"...a direct lead in to Carmy's scene in the exact same place 2 episodes later.
Sydney's dialogue in 3x07 scene also reads like a run-on of Carmy's dialogue in 3x05, continuing his thoughts trying to convince himself of what he should do with Claire but he's panicking so he calls for the Fak's, his imaginary friends/inner voices, who are there with him the next time we see him in that spot. From the dialogue it makes sense but idk if we've ever seen the show do that with Syd before so idk. Sydney is clearly definied as her own character but she is definied as a mirror of Carmy too so it's a possibility.
Of course this is all interpretation, some or none of this could be directly about Claire but idk. The location (esp if it's in the same place he had the 2x09 panic attack), all the "coincidental" dialogue, the way all these scenes tie together...and with the panic attack scene and the opposing realizations Carmy comes to about Syd & Claire in 2x09 & 3x09. It wasn't a "realization" about Claire in 3x09, he didn't even look like he believed what he was saying tbh. It looked like he just made it up on the spot.
It's also interesting that these scenes by the dumpsters are the quivalent of S1 & 2's walk in scenes where both Syd & Carmy go for a moment of peace to clear their thoughts and "cool off". We don't see those this season but we do get these which is more like them sorting out all the chaotic thoughts & feelings inside them, separating the "trash" from the good stuff, "the bad from the good" like Carmy said he wanted/needed to do to achieve his legacy in 3x07.
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In the Faks scene listen to all the "we" and "us" talk;
"If we did it when it was scheduled. We do though. We do it, Carm. All we do is break down boxes. We break 'em down and we have to do it again. Who would wanna haunt us? Who's pissed at us? Sammy's pissed at us."
Until Claire is mentioned (a sobering thought for Carmy) and it's suddenly "Not us. Just you. Not us." Reality hit for a moment and the imaginary friends want to separate themselves from him because they're not "real" & they didn't upset Claire so she can't be mad at them. I think Carmy is the only "real" one in this scene. The Faks are the imaginary friends/inner voices that seem like they're helping the main character but they're really just causing more chaos and leading him down the wrong path because they're misunderstanding what he wants based on what he's forcing himself to think about; Claire. (I lowkey think Carmy's forcing memories of Claire to stop himself from thinking about Sydney.)
The transition of Carmy talking to himself with The Fak's representing two parts of his mind aka "two minds" going straight into Syd talking to herself & voicing out loud what she'd say to both Shapiro and Carmy like she's having a mental conversation with two different people and that she's in "two minds". "I wanted to start off by saying I'm grateful" sounds formal and directed at Adam Shapiro. "Ok so I wanted to talk to you..." sounds more personal and directed at Carmy. It's a similar concept of being in two minds used in a slightly different context but in this show and the writing specifically, context is all over the place anyway.
Also the transition into the Syd scene is to drive home the point that Carmy was just having a conversation with himself, trying to convince himself that Claire is peace, she's "good" etc. For this scene (and possibly this scene only) Theodore is the stubborn part of Carmy that doesn't like to be pushed around who thinks stuff like "Yeah but I'd see his ass" about Sammy Fak. And you know there's a part of Carmy that would have that attitude but the conscious part of him is smarter than that. Neil is the more sweet, anxious side of Carmy that is kind of "away with the fairies" a little bit, in his own head a lot. Carmy is the regular, conscious, "real" Carmy trying to figure out the mental mess he's in.
I think transitioning into that Syd scene was also to callback to the only other times Syd or Carmy spoke aloud to themselves. I might be forgetting something but I think all these scenes are the only times we see either of them have full conversations with themselves out loud in S3..? Someone let me know if that's wrong please.
Side note- From one perscpective: Carmy's reaction to Theodore calling Claire "a piece of ass" was so...unaffected??! Could you imagine if someone said that about Syd?? He bit Richie's head off for calling her "sweetheart" in 1x01 and physically put himself between them so I can't imagine he'd take it that lightly if it was about Syd...From another perpective, if this scene is all about Carmy's inner thoughts, is he asking himself if that's how he sees Claire? I don't think he does intentionally but it's a valid question considering the show seems to use physical intimacy as a substitute for any real connection between them. If Claire & Carmy never kissed or had sex, would anyone see that relationship as a romance?? I really don't think so tbh, the physical initmacy is the only thing about their scenes that confirms it's supposed to be seen as a romance. Meanwhile SydCarmy are drowning in real connection before any physical intimacy.
Anyone please feel free to jump in and add your thoughts, I'd love to know your perspectives on seeing all these scenes together @thoughtfulchaos773 @sydcarmyfan @yannaryartside @currymanganese @vacationship @afrofairysblog @greekyogurttragedy @tvfantic87 @moodyeucalyptus @gingergofastboatsmojito @ambeauty @whenmemorydies @brokenwinebox and anyone else who wants to jump in is welcome to.
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Buddie 7x04 Meta Part 4 (of 4)
Click here for part 1, part 2, and part 3.
This is the last part so it probably won't be as long (hopefully).
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This entire conversation with Tommy includes a lot of references to Eddie. Whether Eddie's mad, how Eddie feels, why Eddie would like Tommy, how Eddie/Chris feel about Buck, how Eddie is such a great person and everyone would want to be friends with him, etc. Even when they're not talking about Eddie, they're talking about Eddie. And I love the idea of Tommy and Eddie being friends. Because honestly at the end of the day, it was Buck who was projecting more than friendship onto Tommy and Eddie's relationship. Queer men can have platonic friends that they like without wanting to be with them, and it genuinely does seem like that's what Tommy and Eddie are to each other. Their chemistry wasn't all in Buck's head, but how the two of them together made Buck feel? That was so real and super super telling.
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Here's callback number ∞ to the streetfighting arc. This line in particular borrows a very particular...word...from a very particular grocery store fight. In 3x05, Eddie is the maddest he's ever been at Buck because Buck starting the lawsuit meant "I couldn't even talk to you", "Do you know how much Christopher misses you? How could you you weren't around?", "because you're exhausting!" Exhausting has been a buzzword in the Buddie fandom for many years and most people use it as an excuse for overdone and unnecessary Buck whump, but it's an interesting choice here. Especially in conjunction with Buck's acknowledgment of "making everything about him" which is another thing that is mentioned in the same episode 3x05 AS WELL AS in 3x09. But now, it's being used in a different context. Buck is falsely ascribing all of his attempts to get Eddie's attention over the last however many days to trying to get Tommy's attention. Even Tommy's like huh? "My attention?"
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Lou places emphasis on "my". "My attention?" So even Tommy knows that this whole time Buck has been trying to get Eddie's attention. He's surprised that Buck is suddenly saying it's been about Tommy the whole time when quite obviously, it has not been.
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Even Buck himself is not so certain about that. He "guesses so" because in this moment he's feeling infatuation, a connection with Tommy, a warm feeling that maybe reminds him of how he felt in the early days getting to know Eddie. He "guesses so" because that's the easy explanation to a question that's been circling his mind non-stop the past few days. It's an answer, and as we know Buck is always seeking an answer. It's a "for now readily available easy explanation" that Buck can take at face value because it means he can sleep easy at night knowing that his place with Eddie is safe again for the time being.
Even just a couple of seconds before the kiss happens, Buck brings up Eddie one last time in case you forget who's always on Buck's mind. He then mentions Maddie's words "There are better ways to get someone's attention", before he's interrupted. But before I dive into the kiss, I want to mention the implications that Tommy believes the best way to get someone's attention when you like them, instead of getting jealous, is to kiss them. It's an interesting suggestion, that all of this time, instead of all Buck's stupid peacocking attempts to try and get Eddie's attention this episode...he could've just kissed him. Foreshadowing? Only time will tell.
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And boom. There we have it folks. Tommy kisses Buck, and the lightbulb goes off. Buck is attracted to men, he likes men AND women. This is 911's definitive statement that yes, we were right, Buck is bisexual, has been this whole time, and will always be in the future. And no, it's not just in relation to Eddie (which by the way is an IMPORTANT distinction). Buck is attracted to men in general, he's a bisexual man, and the show is not doing a "gay for you" trope here. They're committing to Buck being a queer man and this opens a world of new doors for him.
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And again, I've said it once and I'll say it again: finally letting Buck realize his bisexuality, and act on it ON SCREEN (not just a throw-away mention) is REVOLUTIONARY. This representation is incredibly important and Buck's bisexuality on its own, separate from any love interest, will always be a part of him. Whether you like Tommy or not, that's not what matters. What matters is that Buck is realizing he can find happiness with a man. And more than likely, he will end up with a man, not because he has to, but because his perfect partner in the show has already been proven to be a man.
Eddie Diaz.
With this kiss, we are officially on the path towards Buddie. Buck kissing Tommy, or having a temporary relationship with him does not negate that. Just like Buck was always going to end up with Eddie even through his relationships with Abby, Ali, Taylor, and Natalia. Tommy is no different. And if after four long essays explaining point by point why that is true isn't enough to open your eyes, then I simply can't help you anymore.
Some last tidbits:
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This reminded me of the Lonestar crossover where Eddie begs Marjan to "for the love of God, please follow Buck back on Insta." Just interesting since Eddie x Marjan was another fake-out love interest coupling.
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And finally, the last 3x09 callback. This reminded me of the line when Buck says Eddie wanted to throw punches at him, Eddie says "I wouldn't do that", gives him a seductive look, and then says "You're on blood thinners". To which Buck says his famous "I could still take you". Yet another verbal comparison of Tommy to Eddie.
Final thoughts: This episode was fucking amazing (I really liked Athena's story too). This episode was more than enough proof for me that Buck and Eddie are going to get together. Buck is bisexual and FREE!!!!!!!
We were right about that, we're gonna be right about Eddie, and we're gonna be right about Buddie. Just unclench and enjoy the ride.
And for my fellow warriors who've been in the trenches for years telling everyone that the story will get there eventually, I salute us all! I hope yesterday's episode was vindication for you all as much as it was for me. I had a blast working with you all. See you all again for our celebrations when Eddie comes out and Buddie becomes canon. For now, I hope everyone had a Happy Bi Buck day!!
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Full meta: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 2 months
I think out of all the Berzattos- Carmy truly shows the traits of a bear. and it's often shown in his relationship with Sydney.
Cousin Michelle explains the biologist said bears are..." kind and-and sensitive and devoted and also, um, altruistic and empathetic and-and very commonly known to be adept at grieving? "
Stevie: Is this true?
Michelle: How the fսck would I possibly know? I-I couldn't tell if this bitch was trying to fսck with me or not.
Stevie: Did you say to her, just be kind and empathetic like a bear? Yes, I did.
Richie: I share a lot of those traits, actually. It's important to note that bears are incredibly aggressive.
Stevie: How are you related to them again?
Richie: Through friendship.
Stevie: I was thinking about what you said about bears. They're aggressive, but they're kind. They're sensitive.
-Grief; As Carmy is our main character, we witness his intense experience of grieving- he's adept at it. I think by the end of season 2, Carmy was in the bargaining stage, and this season, he was experiencing depression.
Sensitive and Kind: An example of sensitivity is giving Tina his knives and gifting Sydney a chef jacket to boost her confidence. he also took the time to validate Sydney's feelings.
Altruistic and devoted: I'm just saying...He shows his devotion to Sydney by prioritizing her needs over his own, even going so far as to get a star despite his discomfort with the feeling. he's driven with hate for Chef David but also wants to get Sydney the things she wants and apologizes when he believes he hasn't met her expectations. Example: He apologizes to Sydney when she tells him in 3x09 that things have been off between them for some time. He feels he failed her.
Aggressive: He's addicted to chaos, and (he can be both hostile and forceful in pursuing his goals. He's aggressive towards other people. I don't need to explain much about this- with Sydney it's where he slips into conflict with her but afterwards goes back to being kind and sensitive.
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deluweil · 6 months
I think I realized what bugged me with Buck's coming out story in 7x04.
It's that he's "rewarded" for "bad behavior".
Don't get me wrong I was probably one of the loudest advocates for Bi!Buck, and I'm deliriously happy we got that.
But the fact that 7x04 went almost exactly the same as 2x01, behavior wise, that bratty, how am I not the center of attention? I'll show you your place, (the respect your elders crap) was very disturbing for me.
Like, aside for the fact that Buck finds out that he likes to be railed by boys as well as doing girls, there's no real character development here.
He knew, intellectually, at first that he was jealous of the attention Tommy got from Eddie, which really, considering everything that predated that was completely understandable that Eddie will look for that friend to do stuff with that they both enjoy somewhere else.
At first, it was the "She sees me," and as we can comprehend from "welcome back to the world of the living Buck, you were missed." Means that Buck was absent from their lives while he handled his death in the form of a relationship with a death doula, that he immersed himself in, completely leaving Eddie to deal with his trauma and loss, of Buck's death, and the consequent heartbreak of Buck choosing Natalia, on his own.
And now Eddie finally has that new friend, who's so much like him, to hang out with, that is worlds different than Buck and suddenly wide awake Buck realizes he's "losing" his best friend.
And I'll be the devil advocate for a minute and ask the Theo (teen wolf) question, come on Buck was he really still your best friend?
Because Eddie and Tommy have been hanging out for almost two weeks? (Though pretty sure more, considering that they have the basketball get-together more often than not and Chimney was probably the one who introduced Tommy and Eddie) it reached a level where Christopher met and loved Tommy (because seriously dude's awesome) almost instantly, but Buck didn't know that until he babysat Christopher and the kid told him about it.
Which makes me ask, where was Buck all that time? Absent? Taking Eddie for granted in that he will always be there?
Eddie has kept his mouth shut through a lot, Buck's sprem donor adventure, the death doula, the she sees me line, through months of separation because Buck cut himself off from everything they were outside of work.
On the surface, they were fine. But Eddie loves Buck enough to welcome him with open arms to everything, Vegas (you know he would have been ecstatic if Buck could go with them), basketball, babysitting Christopher which is world's different than 3x05-3x09.
He even forgives Buck immediately for railroading him on the basketball court.
Not mentioning the whole posturing at the firehouse, I have yet to manage to watch the entire scene (or 2x01 posturing) without cringing and fast forwarding it.
When Tommy goes to see Buck, he's there to figure out what is happening and to apologize in his and Eddie's names because THEY didn't mean to exclude him?? (In the two weeks they were building a friendship? And it's not like Eddie didn't invite Buck to play basketball. It's that Buck didn't want to.)
And Buck, even though Maddie told him he was wrong in what he did, didn't go to see Eddie and apologize. He immediately assumes that Eddie wouldn't want to see him.
First off, that's crap, he made you his son legal guardian, and second, at this point, you're a grown ass adult, do the right thing and even if he's mad at you call to APOLOGIZE!
It's not hard, it's supposed to be the easiest thing in the world, you hurt someone you love, you apologize.
How did Gibson tell Maya in Station 19 after she hurt Carina (emotionally) "You'd be surprised how far an apology can get you".
Buck should have apologized.
Now that kiss was something else, Tommy was super sweet and Buck proved himself to be an adorable bossy bratty bottom, the railing will be epic.
BUT! That relationship will come at Eddie’s expanse. This time excluding Eddie.
So not only Buck was mad that he was excluded, he's the asshole who befriended his best friend's friend cause he wanted the attention (of whom? Will be debated for months around this fandom) And now he excludes Eddie from his life again and disconnects him from the new friend he made.
That is isolation. Because as experience taught any of us, when our best friend gets a boyfriend/girlfriend they are busy! Either dating them or doing them or both.
Trust me I have had enough breathy phone calls answered by my gay best friend to learn to text first, and it didn't matter how many time I told him to stop answering during sex.
My girl friends knew better, but they also didn't call back until after they broke up with whoever the dude of the month was.
So yeah, I am mad on Eddie’s behalf, because Buck has not only done to him what he hates being done to himself, but he also reverted in the behavior to Buck 1.0 in 2x01.
I wish the Tommy/Buck pairing will be sweet and fun and explore new avenues for Buck.
But I want to see some growth damn it! Being out as Bi is brave.
But it is not a character growth if the people around you get hurt so you can get your way.
A lot like the lawsuit story (which, by the way, I was on Buck’s side for that one) but this is different, this is 4 years later and so many things happened.
Eddie went to therapy, and he reacts differently to certain situations now, when 5 years ago, he would have lost his head.
Buck did therapy, but nothing was solved, he's still reacting the same way he did in S2 and I am over it.
So yay to Bi!Buck!
But I wish the writers didn't make so that the growth won't be as significant as it should have been with giving him the same patterns of crappy behavior he exhibited in 2x01.
And there is no, "you're badass under pressure brother" here to cultivate Buck’s praise kink, just a kiss from Eddie’s friend.
Eddie who is sitting injured at home, alone, again (no, Marisol doesn't count) and Buck hadn't even apologized to him, but he was rewarded for making googly eyes at the wrong guy, because it's perfectly normal to be this jealous over not getting the attention of someone you just met, over the attention of your best friend of 6 years.
I understand this may offend a lot of people, but I had to get it out of my system.
No offense is intended, I just call it the way I see it.
I feel like Bi!Buck deserved a better intro story than what it got in 7x04, that kiss shouldn't have been made bittersweet, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one seeing it.
Anyway, I'm hoping for some kind of resolution and at least a heartfelt apology from Buck to Eddie in the next episode, coz it doesn't look like Buck will go to Eddie to apologize.
He and Marisol will stumble onto them at the restaurant and then there will be the whole why didn't you tell me drama, and I love you anyway thing, and it will all be about Buck, again.
Which fair. But does not absolve him railroading Eddie physically to get God knows who's attention.
Even Tommy didn't think it was about him, he literally asks bewildered "My attention?" I love him even more for that by the way.
And Buck should tell the firefam on his own terms, not because he has to.
But we reach another point, where the boys talk about their relationships with their significant others, only when they are forced to, again. Which is not normal at all for any kind of best friends.
Anyway, if you managed this far, thank you❤️
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