#lotus works on wips
lovelylotusf1 · 4 months
Have this snippet I wrote while physically shaking because of the Grand Prix today:
The sound of the door opening, followed by a shocked gasp, rips them out of their frenzy.
Carlos startles and immediately pulls away from Charles, his head whipping around to the door. His eyes are blown wide with surprise the moment they land on the person who interrupted them. Cute.
Charles smiles and pats Carlos’ hair like he’s a particularly confused dog. “I have invited someone else to celebrate with. Won't you welcome our guest? I don't want to hear that Oscar told everyone we're bad hosts.”
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months
Just go forward like you mean it by tawaen
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Just go forward like you mean it
by tawaen
M, WIP, 67k, Wangxian
Summary: Before Wei Wuxian can say he will join Jiang Cheng and attend the Wen indoctrination, a letter describing the burning of the Cloud Recesses reaches Lotus Pier. Realizing the danger to the Jiang sect, he decides to stay behind to help with the defenses and keep his sect safe. While he agonizes over the fate of the disciples sent as little more than hostages, he upgrades the wards of the Jiang sect to stand against the inevitable Wen army. Lotus Pier will survive, and Wei Wuxian changes his own fate and the fate of the Sunshot Campaign. Kay's comments: A WIP, but only barely! I hope I manage to post this in time for WIP Rec Week, because tawaen updates quickly and there's only one chapter missing! I really, really enjoyed the direction this canon divergence took with Wei Wuxian staying behind in Lotus Pier during the indoctrination and making sure there's at least one person who prepares for the inevitable Wen invasion. I won't spoil much, but he's also becoming a rogue cultivator and finds his way to Lan Wangji sooner and you know, I'm so weak for that. Can't wait for the last chapter! Excerpt: “A decision on aiding the Lan need not be made now. However, our disciples will need to leave early tomorrow. A-Xian, I assume you will go with A-Cheng?” Jiang Fengmian looks over with an indulgent smile, but it is strained at the edges. Jiang Yanli turns in her seat to face him with open concern. She would send no one if that were possible. At some point during the argument she stopped peeling lotus seeds, remaining still and impassive to avoid drawing attention to herself. Her hands clench with her nails digging into her palms. Wei Wuxian didn't even notice. He gives her a reassuring smile. Wei Wuxian salutes, “Uncle Jiang, at this time, I would like to stay in Lotus Pier. We should not send our two best fighters to Qishan. One of us should remain behind in case of further Wen demands.” While Jiang Yanli relaxes slightly, Jiang Cheng turns sharply to look at him with betrayal in his eyes. This would normally make Wei Wuxian change course – but the Lan wards failed. Who is to say the Jiang wards would prevail?
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, fall of lotus pier, inventor wei wuxian, genius wei wuxian, no golden core transfer, sect leader jiang yanli, jiang cheng has no golden core, dysfunctional jiang family, jiang family dynamics, bad parents jiang fengmian and yu ziyuan, developing relationship, friends to lovers, angst with a happy ending
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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askyofexplodingstars · 3 months
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coloured a doodle from the recent doodle sheet, just cause
and as a bonus, before i added any filters, and one with just screen (the above has screen and overlay)
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lotus-lamps · 13 days
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whats going on here. (wip + quick doodles)
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Surprised that the second time I draw Nezha is while he's injured and fighting? Nah
Also this is my take on that delete storyboard scene where he's fire breathing. WE WERE ROBBED
I'm obviously going overboard on how disheveled he looks here but shhh, this ballerina needs therapy
This is still a wip
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momosandlemonsoda · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Have a little something from the next chapter of Dance the Silence Down:
He lets Fang Duobing pull him to his feet, into his arms, feeling wrung out, lax with a good orgasm and the liquor still in his system. Lazily, he tilts his head up for a kiss, even though they’re roughly the same height, and Fang Duobing doesn’t disappoint, leaning in to press kisses to his cheek, to lick along the seam of his lips. When he opens his mouth, once again he tastes his come in Fang Duobing’s mouth and he shivers at it. Fang Duobing pulls back immediately. “Are you cold?” he demands. Without waiting for an answer he takes hold of Li Lianhua’s shoulder, drags him toward the bed. “What?” he asks, confused, tripping over his jeans as they slide down his legs. Fang Duobing pushes him onto the bed, hard enough that he lands heavily, and then the kid is wrestling off his pants, his underwear, before shoving him under the covers. “What are you doing?” he demands, irritated as the lassitude from a good orgasm dissipates in annoyance. “Fang Xiaobao, is this any way to treat—” He’s cut off by Fang Duobing pushing him further into the bed and practically wrapping him up like a burrito, blankets trapping his arms and leaving him facing the back of the van. He wiggles around, trying to get his arms free, demanding, “What. The fuck?!” When he manages to turn around enough he can see Fang Duobing again, the kid is sitting beside him using—he squints, it looks like a corner of another blanket, to wipe the drying spunk off his face. “Are you cold?” Fang Duobing demands, cheeks pink. Li Lianhua glares at him. “Are you insane?” Fang Duobing drops his eyes, suddenly looking uncertain. “L-last time, you got so cold. After you, after you, uh, came.” He gives a one-armed shrug, clearly embarrassed. “I just don’t want that to happen again.” Ah. He remembers that vaguely, remembers how his temperature crashed. Fuck. “Well,” he says, gentling his voice. “Now I’m wrapped up like a dumpling and I’m still wearing my sweater. I think I’ll be fine.”
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peridot-tears · 4 months
WIP Wednesday: Di Feisheng is an MMA fighter and Li Lianhua is his chiropractor. They're in the Wild West.
“I’m Li Wenhao,” the man offers. He’s dressed in the style of this neo-city: His hair has been stitched into a long braid, and he’s donned leather boots and gloves. There are even spurs on his boots. But he hasn’t abandoned the curly bangs, long silver earrings, or the comfortable black T-shirt and jeans. All-in-all, he looks like a K-pop idol and cowboy were smashed together like Play-Doh.
“Di Feisheng,” says Di Feisheng.
The K-pop cowboy with the Qing Dynasty queue smiles awkwardly. “That’s a name. Were your parents literati?”
“I have no clue, but they didn’t give me the name,” Di Feisheng responds, taking a sip of his drink. Johnny Walker. Isn’t that from Scotland? That’s not very “Wild West” of this place.
“Well, it’s a nice name,” the man continues, only mildly nonplussed.
Di Feisheng quirks an eyebrow. That’s always a good sign. Mildly nonplussed is good. Perhaps this could lead somewhere after all.
“What brings you to Lao Xi?” he asks, gesturing for him to drink.
The man opens his mouth, starting on a, “I came to…” when the swinging doors to the saloon fly open, revealing the silhouette of someone wearing the most ridiculous Sheriff Woody cosplay in the world. He’s so tall, Di Feisheng could swear it’s Liu Yuning in the flesh.
The sillier the outfit, the stronger the fighter!
He leaps up to be the first to fight this new challenger with a muttered “excuse me” to his now-abandoned date, as Woody Liu roars out the custom invitation to brawl: “This town ain’t big enough for the two of us!”
Di Feisheng plants himself before him, shoving all potential MMA pilgrims to this place out of the way. Mine, mine, mine, his inner voice chants with single minded focus.
“I’m Di Feisheng from Jinyuan Alliance,” he declares.
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pastelcheckereddreams · 11 months
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I didn't get a chance for much art today (I am exhausted 😴) but I started layering the sky in and I think it's starting to look complete. I regret going in with an ice grey tone before the light blue, though. Ah well, it's still pretty. We'll see what we can do with it tomorrow.
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where-the-water-flows · 3 months
tagged by @howdaretrashships, @a-memory-a-distant-echo, and @kingsandbastardz in the last line game - cheers <3 Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Got tagged by three people, so three lines! (and maybe this will actually get me moving forwards on any of these)
What Li Lianhua doesn't say: he's already dead.
this is from a...canon adjacent au I'm kicking about based on the idea that li xiangyi does, actually, for real, die in the donghai battle, and li lianhua is... what crawls out of the sea afterwards, anyway.
Eventually has to let up; trades the sharp edge of his teeth for a slow pull at the hair caught in his grip, forcing Fang Duobing to arch backwards and expose his throat to Li Lianhua's eager mouth.
this is an early canon fanghua character study! wearing the coat of a bad idea tipsy fuck. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"I'm not robbing them," 'Xiaobao' explains then, as if Di Feisheng gives a single fuck.
this is. the insane fucking pre-canon divergence point au that is eating my brain; the basic premise is that:
shan gudao moves on becoming emperor way earlier, and succeeds
di feisheng is, rather than a guy in charge of an alliance he doesn't really care about, a very reluctant rebellion leader
fang doubing and li lianhua are having a series of real bad times, separately and also together.
At this point I'm not sure who hasn't been tagged, so open tags!
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popotobun · 7 months
WIP Wednesday!
Lately I've been working most on my SVSSS fic that's basically a "What if Shen Yuan was a little older and a little more competant". That's it, that's the fic. I have zero idea where it's going to end up, but I've got two chapters worth scribbled down, so that's something! I've also got an outline for a Tangled-inspired Liushen AU that I don't want to start because once I do, I think I'll keep going until it's done and I want to get more done on the longer fic first xD
I've still got plans for the post-MLC fic I'm working on! I really should finish that, since it doesn't have anywhere to go and should just be the one chapter... Who knows. I let words get away from all the time.
I've still got a couple of FF14 WIPs too, though the MSQ follow-along will always be slow going... I do want to finish the Dark Knight fic, but my WoL was in a Not Good headspace when he started that, so it's on a back burner too.
Feel free to Ask me to work on any of these and I'll post a new paragraph~ but either way, enjoy the snippet!
The entire night passed while he read, the morning only making itself known to Shen Yuan when a knock sounded at the entrance to his room and Ming Fan’s voice announced, “Shizun, I left breakfast at the table for you. Please let this disciple know if there is anything further needed.”
“Nothing but privacy, Ming Fan. I am only to be disturbed by meals for the next three days.” While he recovers is not spoken aloud, but carried in the silence that he lets linger a moment longer than it needs to. “Unless another Peak Lord requires my presence.”
Ming Fan bowed and started to leave after confirming the instructions, but was stopped by Shen Qingqiu’s voice adding, “Perhaps I will meditate in the gardens today. If I am not here, let it be known that I am unavailable for company.”
That should cover most possibilities. He was sure Mu Qingfang wouldn’t be back by so soon, but he couldn’t say the same for anyone else. With the worry from Yue Qingyuan that Mu-shidi had mentioned or potential curiosity as to his recent visitors, anyone could come by! And he didn’t want them seeing him practicing basic sword forms like someone who’d never held a sword before.
Since that was exactly what he planned to be doing.
After breakfast of course.
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livingmeatloaf · 5 months
WIP Wednesday snippet
"washed up nobody worms his way into local governmental leader's heart" was in the lead when i last checked the Out of Context Wip poll.
Taxes fried my brain on Wednesday, so you get it now! What is time anyway!!
The summary refers to "A Serpent Among the Lotus", my double-post-canon crossover with endgame Jiang Cheng/Zhuzhi-Lang. Zhuzhi-Lang is stuck in a form closer to his birth form right now, mostly monstrous.
"I am dangerousss."
"Yeah? So am I. And so is the sect leader. If he's not worried, I'm not." Jiang Cheng shrugged. It had gotten easier to shed the awkwardness of referring to himself like that with each day. Now, Jiang Wanyin sat separate from Sect Leader Jiang, held at a distance if only for the hours they spoke together.
Zhuzhi-Lang considered him, propping his head up on his folded arms. "Tell thiss one about your ssect leader? He musst be different from thosse I've met before."
Jiang Cheng sighed. "What's there to tell? He's loud and short tempered and yells a lot {lists his negative qualities as he sees them or has heard}."
"Jiang-gongzi does not like his sect leader."
"What? That's not true!" Jiang Cheng huffed at Zhuzhi-Lang's disbelieving look. "He's powerful," he said slowly. "He has a very strong core." That little fact comes with a bewildering stab of guilt and grief that he shoves back down. "He looks out for everyone in his sect. He makes sure no kids are running around begging on the street with no home. He does his best to be fair in dealings." He was quickly running out of nice things to say about himself. "Um, he looks fine, I guess? People used to say he was the fifth most handsome bachelor of his generation."
"Only fifth then? What doessss he rank now?"
Jiang Cheng stopped. Lan Huan was still technically a bachelor, secluded though he was. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were married. He did not dwell on them. Jin Zixuan...
"Second, I guess, of those who were originally ranked."
"Handssome man."
"I guess."
"Oh? Jiang-gongzi preferss women?"
"Maybe?" He scratched his head, then shook it. "Who has time to consider romance or attractiveness or anything? We're still reestablishing our sect."
Zhuzhi-Lang hummed. Songs of insects filled in the long stretch of silence. Jiang Cheng fidgeted.
"Do uh... Do you prefer lady demons or guy demons?" Zhuzhi-Lang looked at him and Jiang Cheng puffed up defensively. "Fair's fair, you asked first!"
"Thiss one hass only found a human man attractive." Zhuzhi-Lang tipped his head, long hair sliding over his arm to pool against his chest in a dark waterfall. "Where does Wanyin-gongzi rank on the list?"
Jiang Cheng choked on the sip of water he had just taken. He sputtered some incoherent response about not ranking at all.
They turned to safer topics, Jiang Cheng complaining about the water ghouls that cropped up around this time of year and how annoying they were to hunt down. It was nice to complain casually. As sect leader, he didn't really have anyone he could talk this candidly with. They compared water ghouls to some demons and similar resentful dead further west.
The notes Jiang Cheng has taken from his conversations with Zhuzhi-Lang far outstrip the few scrolls they have on demons. He sets some of the scholarly disciples who work in the library to organize and transpose his notes into useful scrolls. After all, if one demon has floated down the river, what would stop more from following?
Whatever choice wins the poll will get a snippet post like this! Go vote, or send me an ask with a summary and I'll be happy to talk about any of these! :D
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lovelylotusf1 · 5 months
This is a formal announcement: You will get a carcar fic from me tomorrow evening! (If I survive the editing trenches)
To fill the waiting time while I battle basic grammar, here is a snippet! :D Slight nswf warning? I've become desensitised but if you feel this needs to be under a cut please tell me!
Oscar's eyebrows are scrunched together and if Carlos didn't know him better, he would say that he looks concerned. “It's just a hickey. You look like I stabbed you or something.”
Can't Oscar see this? How he has ruined Carlos? How he took and took and split him open, blood and gore and raw feelings laid bare for everyone to see?
“Nothing,” Carlos chokes out. He can't show any weakness or Oscar will gorge himself on it. He wraps his arms around Oscar’s back, pulls him closer. “Keep going.”
Oscar stays frozen for a moment too long. Studying him. Raking his eyes over the flesh and bone he exposed. He opens his mouth and the only blood on it is from his split bottom lip, “Practically mauling my neck. And then acting like a tiny bite will kill you. Classic Carlos.”
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months
The slosh of lotus root rib soup in summertime by orphan_account
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The slosh of lotus root rib soup in summertime
by orphan_account
M, WIP, 9k, Wangxian
Summary: Wei Ying passes away on a cold, withering winter morning Lan Zhan picks apart the shattered pieces, and carefully glues them back together Kay's comments: This counts as a WIP, but it's an orphaned story, so be warned that it'll never be completed. It's also incredibly painful and angsty, but I'm currently in a mood, so it's perfect. Second warning: this story deals with the aftermath of a suicide. There will be no magical solution to it, there is only grief and mourning and since the story is orphaned, there isn't any closure either, but I still recommend reading it, because it's really well-written and Lan Zhan's grief is so tangiable in this story and I really loved the idea of Wei Ying leaving behind a journal of letters addressed to Lan Zhan. Excerpt: The new year did not wash any of the grief that Lan Zhan had drowned himself in. He found himself lying in bed in the dead of night, staring at the ceiling above his head, the lack of light creating dark splotches in his vision that he kept blinking away. He had forgotten how to cry years ago, the memory stolen by a woman who made the best tangyuan with peanut filling, who knitted him hats and gloves every winter. She'd taken it, along with his will to smile. And yet, looking over the page for the first time, reading every word under the ambience of his low lamp light, the tears wouldn't stop. The amount of times he'd lifted the corners of his lips in an attempt to give Wei Ying a reaction took up more than all his fingers. He’d wanted to laugh with that boy someday. He'd wanted to sit on a porch, in a house they shared, watching the bunnies they would own nibbling on lettuce and wiggling around in their laps, and laugh. A future as bright as their smiles. The feeling of someone scrunching up his chest like a piece of paper never subsided, resulting in a couple wet droplets on the page. Lan Zhan had to put the journal away, ashamed of damaging it, even just slightly, in a moment of weakness.
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern no powers, suicide, dead wei wuxian, grief/mourning, mental health issues, references to depression, implied/referenced suicide, regret, sad, student lan wangji
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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howdaretrashships · 8 months
For the WIP Title Game, I’d love to hear more about the “5+1 yingzhu armor” one!
Hey bestie!
"5+1 yingzhu armor" is going to be my Actual armor-centric fic that Which Moment was supposed to be. (and then it... turned into a 21k fic.)
Basically, 5 ways Di Feisheng could have found out Li Lianhua kept his armor, +1 ... not sure, yet. (The +1 possibilities I've thought of are making me sad, which has stopped me from writing it.)
The one I keep coming back to is +1 time Fang Duobing returns the armor to Di Feisheng.
Thanks for the ask!
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mx-myth · 8 months
Many thanks to @omgpurplefattie! Reading your wip was *chef's kiss* I love horsegirl dfs. I was going to wait for WIP Wednesday but thank you giving me the opportunity to post earlier (and also for being the reason I started posting on ao3 again, your reblog tag about dfs and fdb wearing llh's zanzi really stuck with me). This is from my post-canon amnesia difang au:
“Niang!” A young man - practically still a boy, his high ponytail waving behind him - practically crashes through the front gate. “I’m home! I still haven’t-” Nausea swarms his head as he looks at him. When he had woken up on the banks of that river he hadn’t felt that anything was missing. The habits that were performed jerkily as he realised he didn’t know what he was doing were ignored. But the sight of this young man now - this boy, in his light blue robes with golden detailing, with a matching set of huwan and a belt in a darker blue - carves too deeply inside him, shining a light on a deep, yawning maw of a cavity he didn’t know was there. The feeling only intensifies as the boy stops dead in his tracks, staring at him. His skin is several shades too pale to be healthy, the bones in his face too sharp even with the obvious baby fat still lingering, his eyes too bright in the way of a chronic insomniac. He knows the glint of it intimately; he’s already seen it too often in his own eyes. His voice is too high when he speaks, wavering and cracking right down the middle. “Lao-Di?” He stares at him more. Everything buzzes; he can hear every bird for three li, every person moving in the house, every vein pulsing blood in his body, and yet the only noise he can seem to focus on is the rabbit-fast beating of this boy’s heart. He can’t move as he stumbles towards him. The sword shards poke at him mercilessly as this boy falls to his knees beside him. “Lao-Di? Lao-Di?! What’s wrong, answer me!” He thrusts his palm into his face. He hadn’t even thought about putting internal energy into it, though the angry noise from Master He says that she absolutely thought he had. This confusing boy just catches his wrist and grips him like a lifeline. The terrified look on his face transforms into horror once he gets a good look at his palm. “Fang Duobing?” He asks roughly.
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bonnie-drxws · 16 days
🪷 San ShengMu and 🌙🐰Chang'e
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I thought of San ShengMu in her warrior era protecting Chang'e and keeping her close i i i really didnt think farther than that anyway hello lotus lantern likers, I bet you're like... Two people hey there 🫶
Please take this line art sketch thingy
If you like Lotus Lantern or JTTW or FSYY (and any mythology) please talk to me if you like 🩷
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