#louden swain fic
spnfanficpond · 3 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
It's Father's Day in the US, so reblog or reply with links to your favorite fics that feature either Bobby or John!
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Old Business:
Angel Fish Awards for June - We're doing things a little differently this month to clear out the prize pool and make room for new prizes!! Your chances of winning a prize are exponentially increased! Click here to read all about how it works!
Fishing For Treasures - This weekend is FFT weekend, and we're celebrating fics with POC and/or LGBTQ characters! Scroll through the blog for some awesome stories!
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompts -
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New Business:
Manta Ray chat - Admi MJ will be in the Discord server at 11am EDT today hanging out to chat with you! Be there for some fun!!
Competitive Writing Sprints - Manta Ray Arthur will be hosting a session of Competitive Writing Sprints on Wednesday and next Sunday at 2pm EDT. Add words to your WIP and win fabulous prizes!! Details for those who are new will be posted in a day or so!
SPN Rewatch: FanFic Edition - Our next chat will be on Saturday at 5pm EDT, and we will discuss 2.13 Houses of the Holy and 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign! If you're unfamiliar with what kinds of things we discuss during these chats, check out the Archive for links to notes from our previous chats!
In the Music Room - Richard Speight Jr (aka Gabriel/The Trickster) and Billy Moran (lead guitar for Louden Swain, the band fronted by Chuck himself, Rob Benedict) will be doing an online concert together on Friday at 4:45pm EDT on lounges.tv! Click here for more information and to buy a ticket!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! Click here for a static view in Eastern US/Canada time (desktop only, no mobile app access, sadly), and click here to add our calendar to your own Google calendar! We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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impala-dreamer · 5 years
Another Fool
SPN FanFic
~Sam’s always been a dreamer...~
Sam x Reader
776 Words
Warnings: Bittersweet Fluff
A/N: This is another for @mrswhozeewhatsis​‘s 2019 Louden Swain FanFic/FanArt Project. Inspired by ‘Another Fool’ off the Splitting the Seams album. I hope you all enjoy :)
Feedback is Gold ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon
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Sam used to daydream, a lot. 
As a child stuffed in the backseat of the Impala, he'd press his forehead to the window and pretend he had something worth dreaming about. He talked to himself, whispering on soft breaths so his brother and father wouldn't hear over the radio. He talked to his imagination, to talk show hosts, to kids whose faces he made up to keep him company on long drives. 
Left alone in dirty motel rooms with faded wallpaper and stiff sheets, Sam would drift into another reality; finding comfort in the castaway romance novels left behind by previous tenants. He dreamt of a life like that, a pretty girl to talk to, a hand to hold at night. A love to sweep him away from his horrid life and make a new one from scratch. 
Sam didn't daydream anymore. Not since Jess died, not since the universe cracked beneath his feet and Hell tried to swallow him down. Daydreams were a luxury he could no longer afford. When the mood pushed at him, the dream begging to be set free, he’d spend half a second pushing back at it. A deep breath and a sigh usually did the trick. That was, until she came along. 
Y/N was different somehow and it wasn’t just because she was new. They’d known her for a few years, passing routes in the night, cases sometimes overlapping, but having her around everyday was terrifying and amazing. Sam couldn’t seem to stop his smile when she walked into the room, couldn’t control the pace of his heart as it picked up speed. She held his gaze when she spoke, her voice flooding every cell of his body, keeping him entranced and wholly there, truly in that space until her eyes turned from his. 
That’s when it started again. Sam would find himself drifting away on a dream when she wasn’t there, wishing she would walk in and warm the air around him, bring back the sun. He daydreamed too long some days, his tired eyes sliding off of the ancient texts on his lap and focusing on something no one else could see. 
There would be a dog, obviously, maybe even two. A little wood fence to keep them in the yard; it wasn’t a big yard, just enough grass that he’d have to mow every other week to keep it nice. The house would be small, a craftsman ranch perhaps; yellow siding and a dark gray roof. Maybe shutters, he hadn’t really thought that far ahead yet. 
There would be no more monsters, no hunting, no guns under the pillows and in every corner they could fit. Gone would be the trunk full of rock salt and pockets overflowing with tinctured bullets and talismans. 
Normal. That’s what he could see with Y/N. That’s what he dreamt up on those long rides in the car now, her eyes dropping in the backseat as the Impala rocked her to sleep. That’s what he imagined when he closed his eyes at night, when his heart ached for something else, when he thought maybe, just maybe it would be over soon. 
But there was always another apocalypse, always another monster lurking, nipping at his heels. Always another end looming on the horizon. There was no normal for Sam Winchester, he knew that. He knew that better than anyone. Dean liked to dream of a beach and drinks with brightly colored umbrellas perched on the glass, but they both knew it would never happen. 
There was no beach. 
There was no yard with one, maybe even two dogs. 
There was no happy ending. 
Sam shook himself and let out a heavy breath, pushing up in his seat as the daydream faded. 
Y/N sat across from him, head in hand, elbow on the table. Her eyes were still, locked onto some space between them that Sam couldn’t quite pick out. She was staring but not, her pupils wide, whites glassy. 
“You OK?” he asked, smiling at her vacant, dreamy expression. 
She shivered and sat up, squaring her shoulders as the dream faded. There was never going to be a happy ending for her. There was no house with a tire swing in the yard, no puppies playing in the fallen leaves. There was no cradle waiting to be filled, no Sam to hold her close at night. It was all just a daydream. It would never be. 
“Yeah,” she said with a soft smile. “You?”
Sam nodded and cleared his throat, getting back to the book in his hands. “Yeah,” he answered, voice a little grittier than usual. “Yeah, I’m good.” 
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2019 Forever Tags:
@akshi8278 @amanda-teaches @arses21434 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @because-imma-lady-assface @burningcoffeetimetravel @colagirl5 @cosicas-cuquis @cosmicfire72 @courtney-elizabeth-winchester @covered-byroses @crashdevlin @dean-winchesters-bacon @deansenwackles @deansgirl215 @deanmonandnegansbitch   @dolphincliffs @dubuforeveralone @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008 @eternal-elir @feelmyroarrrr @flamencodiva @focusonspn @gayspacenerd @hella-aj-the-trickers-son @herbologystudent252 @hobby27 @ilsawasanacrobat @justcallmeasmodeus @katymacsupernatural @lastactiontricia @maddiepants @mariekoukie6661 @meganwinchester1999 @missjenniferb @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @mysticmaxie​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @our-jensen-ackles-love​ @peridot-rose @pisces-cutie​ @risingphoenix761​ @roonyxx​ @roxyspearing​ @sandlee44​ @shadowkat-83​ @spnbaby-67​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @spnficgirl​ @supernaturaldean67​ @supernatural-took-me-over​ @thehardcoveraddict​ @tmiships4life​ @wegoddessofhell​ @winchesterprincessbride​
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mandilion76 · 5 years
A Dear John Letter (AKA The Little Red Dress)
Title: A Dear John Letter (aka The Little Red Dress)
Pairing: John x Reader
Warnings: None really, just some angst
Word Count: 1025
Summary: After a lengthy absence, John is in no way surprised to find the reader gone
Author’s Note: This is based on the song “Not Giving My Heart Away” by The Station Breaks.  It is for @mrswhozeewhatsis Louden Swain FanFic FanArt Project and Jason Manns FanFic FanArt Project.  The letter is in italics within the story..  Thanks to @wi-deangirl77​ for always being my cheerleader when it comes to my writing!
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John eagerly honked the horn as he pulled into Y/N’s driveway, a bouquet of daisies and a bottle of her favorite wine in the passenger seat next to him. He had been gone for over four months this time, much longer than he had wanted to be, but he’d been given no other choice.  It was the life of a hunter, plain and simple. He knew he had a lot of making up to do, especially with how things had ended their last night together.
He remembered it had been raining that night.  Y/N snuggled at his side, a sheet casually draped over their slick, heated bodies.  Sex with Y/N had always been unbelievable, but there was something about that night that really took it to another level.  He held her in his arms, both of them deep in thought.  Seemingly out of the blue, Y/N confessed she had fallen in love with him.  Taken completely off guard, he stuttered some asinine reply.  The look on her face had said it all.  Y/N turned her back to him, the tension in her back palatable.  John spooned her from behind, explaining that he cared deeply for her, he truly did. Y/N responded with a barely audible “I know you do, John.”
To this day, the silence that followed weighed heavily on him. He wished he could take it back, but he really had no choice.  When did a guy like him have any say in having a happily ever after?  John grunted. “Been there, done that, watched it all go up in smoke.”   He ended up on the couch, unable to sleep. Early that morning, he’d gotten a call from a fellow hunter who had a lead on a case in Missouri and needed his help.  He had almost said no, but thought better of it.  Wishing things with Y/N could be different, he left an hour later.  He left a quickly scribbled note letting Y/N know he’d be back as soon as possible and that he would call her when he could.  
John forced down the apprehension brewing deep in his belly.  Usually, Y/N was quick to greet him even before he had a chance to put the truck in park. Looking in the rear view mirror, he noticed the screen door swinging in the breeze. His immediate reaction was to pull out his gun, so honed were his hunting instincts.  He quickly made his way to the back door, gun cocked in front of him. He pushed on the door, sending it crashing against the wall, the thud echoing in the small kitchen. Tense and ill at ease, John took stock of the kitchen.  Usually bright and filled with Y/N’s female touch, it now stood barren and lifeless.  
John slid the gun back inside his jacket.  His gaze gravitated to a pool of red on the kitchen counter. Immediately and without warning, he was back at that bar, the one where he’d first met Y/N.  His fingers slid across the cool silk, a stark contrast to the heat created by the memories of seeing Y/N in the middle of the dance floor, her hips swaying provocatively to the beat of some Wilco song blaring from the jukebox.  Her favorite, she had told him.  
John clenched the silk in his hands, breathing in the scent of Y/N’s perfume still lingering on the fabric. John regretted all the times he’d left Y/N without much of an explanation.  But how could he tell her what it was that kept him away for days, sometimes weeks at a time? It was mostly to protect her, but to be honest, it was also to protect himself.  He was hell bent on destroying Yellow Eyes.  Not only that, but he knew he couldn’t afford to give his heart away a second time, not when there was so much to lose.  He had to resign himself to the life he lived.  There was no room for love, not really John reasoned He glanced down at a slip of paper that had been partially hidden under the dress.
Still holding the dress in one hand, he brought the note to the table.  John rubbed his face, took a deep breath and began reading, Y/N’s distinct handwriting bold and red.
Dear John,
By the time you read this, I will be gone.   There is something (or is it someone?) that stands in the way of you loving me.  You’ve kept your heart from me, John, and that’s what hurts the most.  In the beginning, a night here, a night there was enough; I wasn’t ready for anything more myself.  Yet, one night became two nights, two nights became a week, and before I knew it, I was head over heels in love with you. Never once did you tell me you loved me, but I figured I loved you enough for the both of us. I think deep down, I knew you could never love me, not in the way I needed, but I took a chance anyway. I figured that if I gave enough of myself in body and in soul, you would eventually open up to me and let me in.   I was wrong. Whatever it is that stands between us has a tight hold on you and I’ll never be enough, will I? I want to hate you John, but I can’t. A part of me will always be with you. I wish you nothing but the best.  Love always, Y/N
John knew he deserved this, that he hadn’t left Y/N a choice, but damn if it didn’t hurt. He held onto the note, willing the words away if he stared at them long enough.  Crimson faded to pink, a sudden onset of tears staining the now crumpled sheet.  Deciding there wasn’t any reason to stay, John shoved the note in his pocket.  Debating what to do with the dress, he let it slide through his fingers, watching it pool on the floor like a puddle of blood.  John thought it was somehow poetic.  He closed the door behind him, ending yet another chapter in the life of a hunter.
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Oh, What A Mess We Made
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Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
My Beta ❤: @gettingbywithalittlehelp96
Summary: A quiet night out with your friend takes an unexpected turn but, true to yourself, you decide to have a good time and take the most of it.
Chapter 1
With the amount of heartbreaks you’d had in your life, you weren't one to fall for anyone, or at least it didn’t happen fast or easily. Most of time you walked free through life, and even though you met a lot of people all the time, you never let them in that far. Really you were just having fun, and once you realized you could have fun without being involved with anyone you started to see things with different eyes, which allowed you to enjoy life more and not waste your Friday nights, for example, lying in bed crying for a guy. You stopped suffering over the wrong people and decided to kick life in the ass and enjoy every moment of it.
Of course with it, like with everything else, there was always that chance that your plan could fail...
You and your friend used to love discovering all these kinds of places to go hang out at and today you ended up in a bar, that was pretty cool. The atmosphere was quiet and enjoyable and even had bands playing live. That was the thing you liked the most. Music was one of your biggest pleasures in life. The only thing that made you feel free and made you enjoy things like you used to.
You started with shots, mostly to ease your friend's nerves. She was meeting a guy who she’d been “dating” online with for the last couple of months, and this was the first time they were meeting. She was so full of hopes that you really didn't want to say or do anything to spoil her night, But you really didn't see this ending well. Starting with the fact that the guy hadn’t messaged her during the day, not even once to check how they were going to recognise the other that night. Besides you had warned her at the beginning, so tonight you weren't about to tell her anything. You were just there to support her as much as she needed. For good or bad.
The band playing that night, intrigued you as well. It was a local band that was called Louden Swain. You could recognise the name but couldn't remember a song, or if you've ever heard one, so you knew if nothing else it would be nice to listen to them and see if you actually did know them. Luckily the time the band was due on stage and the time your friend was meeting her date was the same, so you would be entertained while she did her thing.
You could feel her nails tapping on the table and that was driving you crazy to say the least, making you more nervous than her.
“Dude, stop that!” You scolded, half joking, half serious.
“I-I’m sorry, it's just… I'm so nervous” she replied with a little voice that was barely audible.
“No way, really? I didn't notice,” you replied sarcastically and walked around the table to stand by her side and wrap an arm around her shoulder. “Listen girl, you just need to relax okay? Here take my drink, calm yourself down, and just think, you already like each other and he likes you for what you truly are, and that is the most important and basic rule in life. Be yourself.”
You were trying to cheer her up, those words were honest but still in your guts you had a weird feeling about this, but with the way she looked at you with that special glow in her eyes, you weren’t about to tell her how you felt or how she reminded you of yourself, all bright-eyed, falling for a guy that smoothed talked their way in just to break your heart.
“Thank you Y/N, thank you for being with me today, if something goes wrong-” she started but you interrupted her.
“Nothing will go wrong, lovely, nothing. Just be yourself and enjoy wherever the universe leads you,” you said and kissed her cheek. “Besides we will have music and music makes everything alright.”
As you kept drinking she looked at you, and smiled. She knew you. She knew deep down that you were thinking the same thing she was.
Minutes seemed to fly and before you knew it the band was doing their opening and as you and your friend, stood there cheering on the guys you noticed someone approaching her. When she hugged him, you breathed out and relaxed. Feeling a little pinch in your arm you saw how they walked off to the bar. He seemed nice as they were talking very close to each other and all, so you relaxed even more seeming as things were okay for the moment.
The band sounded so so good. the guys seemed to be really nice guys, and hot. They all had something but they weren't a traditional boy band, they were like a legit band, a band that you thought should be selling out bigger venues and not bars, so you were hoping that this was just some kind of a sporadic concert for the locals that couldn't see them somewhere else. You loved some of the songs they were playing, and made mental note to look them up later, especially the frontman… the frontman was something. You couldn’t catch his name, since you were talking to your friend when they had been announced, but boy did he look good.
Before the set ended, you looked over, doing a double take, before realising you friend was back beside you and not with a happy face, like she should have after meeting a guy who she’d been talking with for months, but red and puffy from all her tears. You just wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to you, letting her cry. Letting her take it all out, because you knew that's what she needed in that moment. After a couple minutes you walked to the restrooms with your arms wrapped around her, grabbing some paper towels and drying her face while she kept crying, until she finally was able to take a deep breath in and out without sobbing.
“You know what I want?” She asked, as she stepped out of one of the stalls.
Looking up at her you noticed the two other girls in the room had done the same.
“I'm listening” you responded.
“I just wanna go out there get completely wasted, dance like a fool, and get laid. Can you help me with that?”
You weren't sure what the best answer was. You didn't know if you had to agree or tell her to just go back home and rest.
“Same,” the girls that were in the bathroom said laughing.
“You must do it!” one of them finished.
“So are we doing this?” She asked you again to make sure.
“You know my goal in life is to please you,” you said smiling and opening the door for her to start walking out.
You couldn't blame her, you’d even react the same way now, but years ago, you'd have ran to your house to cry for the idiot that made you suffer, and you knew this way was better than that.
Back on the dancefloor, she really did want to have fun and do all the things she mentioned earlier. Dance like nobody's watching actually fitted perfectly in that moment. With a glass in her hand, things were alright in that moment and you knew there was no need to ask. You knew her and she would come confide in you when it was the right moment.
“Oh look, there's the band!” She said and quickly disappeared in the crowd, you tried to follow her direction and to your surprise you succeeded, finding her talking with the guys from the band.
“Here's my baby girl Y/N. Isn't she gorgeous guys?” She exclaimed, wrapping her arm around you and kissing your cheek.
You mouthed an “I'm sorry” and they all laughed. The singer though, the singer and his blue eyes weren't about to leave yours.
“Why don't you sit with us?” He suggested as he made space next to him. You doubted for a second but it was already too late to say no.
“Drinks on me!!!” Your friend yelled and sat next to one of the guys, who was looking at her with a funny look on his face.
“Well, she’s paying for this round apparently,” you said smiling, while this guy was looking at you intensely.
“I'm Rob, by the way.”
Stretching out one of his hands you looked at it before looking up at the big, sweet, smile that accompanied this gesture.
“I'm Y/N, by the way.”
You both laughed and you shook his hand. That strong hand shake and those blue orbs looking at you as if you were the only one there, made your insides tremble a little.
“Beautiful name,” he added causing you to blush. “So… what's happening with her? Apart from having a bad friend that lets her get this drunk and talk to strangers.”
He looked at her and back at you, trying to look serious, but failing.
“Well, excuse me but she asked for it. She's going through a … break up of some sort and she told me she wanted to dance, get drunk and get l-” you stopped when you knew you were giving far too much information.
Rob looked at you surprised “Oh, so she wants some consoling tonight?”
“I guess. If that's what you wanna call it,”
You both smiled.
“And what do you want tonight?” He asked getting closer to you, giving you a drink and grabbing his.
“Just a friendly chat with a member of a band I saw tonight,” you said in his ear, feeling his breath against your skin as he smiled.
“Seems we are all getting what we want tonight.”
He clinked his glass against yours and before taking sip he dedicated you a wink and a big grin. Something that quickly told you that he was trouble.
TAGS: @marichromatic • @missihart23 • @natasha-cole • @notfunnystillhere • @kocswain • @apeshit7x • @princess-of-erebor1992 • @rblstrash • @spnmightkillme • @tas898 • @wontlookaway • @sirraxa • @damn-it-destiel • @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name • @burningrupture • @internationalmusicteacher • @sherlockedtash88 • @cyrilconnelly • @srtaprieto • @dropthepizza346 • @queenofhellwithcrowley • @pinkykayley • @lauragail2007 • @two-sidedsoul • @shanghai88 • @klinenovakwinchester
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midnightsilver · 6 years
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An edit Inspired by the lovely little fic Faith and Amazing Grace by @mrswhozeewhatsis 🤗
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Summary:  Inspired by Louden Swain's song AMAZING
Word Count: 2,383 (no warnings)
A/N: I wrote this for a project for Rob and Louden Swain, run by @mrswhozeewhatsis to show them how much their music inspires us.  The song I chose was Amazing, because the lyrics mean a lot to me. 
It was very personal to me to tell a story from the readers POV, and it just never came out in a way that I felt was good enough for Rob's song.Instead I tried writing it from Dean's POV.  The story changed some, but the major things that I take from the lyrics, I feel are still there. 
I hope you enjoy reading this story, and please check out the song Amazing (along with their other songs) if you haven't already.
Rob - You give so much of yourself to your fans, especially through your music. We could never thank you enough for sharing your words with, not only the SPN Family, but with the world.  You have the most calming presence of anyone I have ever met and I am so grateful that you are here.  See you in Vegas! <3
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It all started at the end. 
The end of the road, the end of a song, the end of a life.  That’s where I found everything I never knew I wanted, and my world started turning again.
She was sassy, among other things.  It was the sass that caught my attention.  I’d never heard a girl talk like that to someone she barely knew, certainly never heard one talk to me that way. 
I had walked into that little bar on the south side of a dead end road somewhere in the middle of North Dakota.  Sam and I had been hunting nonstop for a month, and he finally decided to stay the night in that run down motel room.  I just couldn’t sleep, my nerves too wound up and my mind wouldn’t stop thinking about how we lost the one person we were trying to save.  So, I did the only thing I knew to do and took off in my baby, just the two of us – windows down, music turned up, motor racing down the open road.  Don’t know how I ended up making a wrong turn, but maybe that was fate playing a card.  Who knows anymore?  I mean, at some point you just have to stop asking questions.
I guess I had been sitting there about an hour, just sipping on some rotgut whiskey when I first saw her dancing with her friends.  I envied her a little, that carefree feeling that I hadn’t felt in so many years I barely even remembered it existed.  I tried not to stare, I really did, but she must have caught me looking anyway.  As soon as that song ended, she walked away from those girls and came to sit at the bar beside me.
“You’re a Winchester.”  She accused, and I leaned back a little, wondering if I knew her from somewhere, as confident as she was about it.
“Dean.”  I answered, my eyes catching a hint of a hunters tattoo. 
She ordered a beer, turning those big blue eyes on me and smirked.  “I knew it.”  She praised herself and I had to chuckle a little.  “The minute I saw that car outside I figured it had to the famous impala of the Winchesters.”
“The one and only.”  I confirmed, beaming just a little.  I’m proud of that car, built her back up from scratch more than once.  Baby was our home, and if I’m being really honest, that car to me is like a part of the family.
She stayed perched up on that barstool for quite a bit of that night.  We chatted about cars, music, and of course hunting.  Last call came before I expected and she ordered a glass of Jack Daniels and slid it in front of me as she hoped off that barstool.
“Here, have the real stuff.  That cheap whiskey will kill you.”  She told me and I laughed.
“Most things in my life will.”  I joked, but her expression changed.  She almost looked sad to hear me say that.  Maybe it was my imagination, because she didn’t say anything about it.  Instead she grabbed my phone off the counter and started typing into it.
“Now you have my number.”  She said, handing the phone back to me.  She winked, and then turned to walk away to where her girlfriends were waiting with what I’m sure was the third degree.
“I don’t even know your name.”  I called after her.  She turned, flashed a smile that I swear made me want to make her smile for the rest of my life.
“If you want to know, you’ll have to call.”  She teased. 
I couldn’t help myself, so I waited until she was out of the door before I pushed CALL on the screen.  I could hear the laughter in her voice when she answered.
“And now you have mine.”  I told her and flipped the phone closed, figuring two could play this game.
Sammy pestered me the entire ride back to the bunker the next day, but in his defense, I did have a stupid grin on my face that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard I tried.  I didn’t tell him about her, although I’m not sure why. 
I wandered around the bunker that next day, just trying to stay busy.  Nothing could keep my mind from going back to the thought of her.  The smell of her perfume had obviously found a permanent home in my nostrils, and all I wanted was to hear that voice again.
“This is crazy.”  I muttered to myself after I went into the kitchen for the third time, unable to remember what on earth I wanted in the first place. 
I had never really been lonely before.  I wasn’t even sure if I could call it that.  I was sitting in my room, staring at the phone in my hand when I suddenly just gave in and dialed her number.  I still felt like my life was my own, I just wanted her to be in it. 
“Took you long enough.”  Her voice brought a smile to my face and just made me feel …. I don’t know….happy?
“Are you going to tell me your name, or do I just get to call you Sassy?”  I threw back at her and she laughed. 
I had felt silk before and I could still remember how soft and smooth it was.  That’s how her laugh sounded – like silk.
“It’s Y/N, but Sassy works too.”  She replied.
We talked on and off for weeks after that.  Finally, Sam and I had a case an hour from where I first met her.  I was so excited to see her again.  Even Sam teasing me about it couldn’t ruin my mood. 
We pulled into town, and I didn’t even wait to see what our motel room looked like.  As soon as Sam stepped out with his bag slung over his shoulder, I practically floored it.  I knew Sam would spend the first few hours interviewing people and doing research, and although I usually helped him, it wasn’t my favorite thing to do.  Honestly, I couldn’t have concentrated on anything, knowing she was so close and not being with her.  Thankfully, I think Sam understood that because he didn’t baulk at doing the leg work alone one single time.  Instead, he let me go, just telling me that he would call once he knew something.
As soon as I saw her, I felt my heart racing.  It actually made me a little nervous because it only did that when I was in the middle of a hunt and the adrenaline kicked in.  
She smiled, hoped in the passenger seat and turned the radio on like she belonged there.  “Hey, driver picks the music.”  I teased a little when she started flipping through the old box of cassette tapes I had on the floorboard, but she cocked her head at me and laughed.
“Not while I’m around….unless you want to let me drive that is.”  She said, putting her hand out like I was going to give her the keys.  I just shook my head and shifted into drive.
“Not a chance.”  I told her, glancing sideways to see her smile and shove Led Zeppelin in the tape deck.
She gave directions one step at a time, refusing to tell me where she was taking us.  I grumbled a little, but it was just for show.  I didn’t care.  All I cared about was that we were together.
We ended up just outside of town near the clearest lake I had ever seen.  “This is it.”  She announced, climbing out of the car. 
 It was fun, like the kind of fun I used to have when I was 21, laughing and joking around like we didn’t carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.  I knew that in the end we would both go back to hunting and heartache.  I could tell she knew it too.  
“Do you ever wish you weren’t a hunter?”  She asked, lying across the hood of my car.  I didn’t answer right away and she turned to look at me, sitting up as she did.
“Not anymore.”  I finally answered her.  Normally I would just make up some crap, but something about the way she looked at me that night made me want to tell the truth.
“But you did once?”
“Sure.”  I admitted.  “Somedays when it feels like nothing we do will change anything, I wonder what it would be like to have a family and the white picket fence – all of that.”
Don’t get me wrong, I love my life. The ‘family’ that I have shared it with can make any darkness brighter.  My life's an adventure movie – just like Indiana Jones, James Bond, or Batman even.  You can call me conceded maybe, but hell, I’d watch it.  Sometimes though, I wonder if I’m the only one who would. 
“What changed your mind?”  She pressed, and I felt my lips turn up into a grin.  The way she listened so intently to everything I said, it made me feel like she really cared.   
“I just realized that even if, in the end, no one else knows my story, I wouldn’t change one single thing.  I know who I am and what I’ve done.  Sam and I may live up to the hype about Legacies and Men of Letters, or we might not.  Either way, what I did with my life – it mattered to me.”
“I wish I had met you before I started hunting.”  She said, looking up at me with such sad eyes that it hurt me.  It was that same look she had the first night at the bar.  
“What is it?  What’s wrong?” I asked, not even trying to hide the concern in my voice.  She didn’t answer right away, instead sliding off of the hood.  I did the same, and tried to wait patiently, although the suspense was killing me. 
What was I supposed to say?  I couldn’t tell her what I wanted to – that I wasn’t going anywhere until she let me inside her head.  That wouldn’t have worked with me, and as much as I hate to admit it, it never worked with Sam.  That instinct only ever drove us apart, and that’s the last thing I wanted to happen with her.
“I know what’s out there now.  If I had met you before I started hunting, I wouldn’t be so scared to lose you every time you drive away.”  She admitted, not looking at me until she was done. 
 I didn’t know what to say, and my silence fueled her nervousness.  I could feel it as she rambled a little.  “It would be different if I could hunt with you and carry around angel grace to save you when you get hurt, but….”
She stopped as soon as I laughed.  I didn’t mean to, and I think she took it wrong at first.  She just looked so cute like that, and I guess it felt pretty good to know that she cared about me enough to wish for that. 
I reached out and ran my fingers along her cheek, taking away a tear that I saw falling from her eye.  When I did, she looked up at me and leaned her face into my palm like it was the first time she had human contact in years.  I knew that feeling.  I had felt that way so many times over the years, and that’s a feeling that no amount of alcohol can take away.
“You don’t need angel grace, sweetheart.  You save me every day.”  I whispered without even thinking about it.  As soon as I said those words, I think they shocked me almost as much as they did her.  What was more surprising was that I realized I meant them. 
I loved the way she looked at me then, blushing a little at the sentiment.  It was strange at first, seeing myself through someone else's eyes.  Those eyes were filled with faith in me.  A look that said I mattered, and that no matter how things ended up, I was enough.
When she finally reached up and kissed me, I saw what my life could be like with her.  I knew I should be helping Sam with research, or tracking down some monster.  All I could think about was wrapping my arms around her at night, and pulling the covers over our heads to drive away the morning. 
We climbed back in the car after that and I put my arm across the seat behind her, my fingers lightly grazing her shoulder.  Instinctively she slid closer to me, pressing against my side as we sped off – windows down, music playing, and a motor racing down the open road.
“And that’s the story of how I met your mom.”  I told the little bundle curled up next to me on the couch.  This small little creature looked up at me with the same blue eyes as her mother and it melted my heart every single time.
“But, if she didn’t have angel grace, how did she save you?”  She asked, scrunching up her nose.  I laughed at that.
“She has something even better than angel grace, sweetpea.”  I told her, looking back and forth and then leaning really close like I was going to tell her the biggest secret in the world.  It was fun to watch her eyes get big with amazement every time I did that. 
“What, Daddy?  What does she have?”
“Amazing grace.”  I told her stressing the words and she gasped.  It was everything I could do not to double over with laughter.  “It’s more powerful because it is made purely of love.  That’s why it’s amazing.”
"Wow, really?"  She asked, the biggest grin on her face.  I nodded.
"You know what else?"  I encouraged and her face got so serious and she shook her head.
"No, what?"
"You have it too."  I told her, booping the tip of her nose with my finger.  She giggled and pushed my hand away - pretending to be embarrassed.
Yep - I couldn't get enough of that Amazing Grace.
Read more from my Masterlist here
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plaid-lover-bay25 · 6 years
9 squares, 3 fics: Jensen Ackles, sad, singing
Pairing: Widower!Jensen, Jared, Clif, Rob ,other cast,
Summary: After Jensen loses his wife he tries to get himself back to normal
Word Count: 1522
Warnings: talk of death, emotional breakdown, Saturday Night Special, talk of suicidal thoughts, J2 friendship
A/N: this story fills three squares for my 9 squares 3 fics challenge hosted by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing. Jensen and Danneel never married. No offense to Danneel or their families.
songs featured: Brother- needtobreathe    Something- The Beatles
Masterlist      9 squares, 3 fics
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Things had been rough for Jensen. The fandom knew and supported his leave from the show and conventions. Jared always gave them updates about how the man was doing and it helped with the process. Jensen was a widower now, things were always going to be rough.
 It didn’t take much convincing to get Jensen to get out of the house and to Dallas. He had had enough of the hiding out and thought that after everything he might be ready to face the fans again. Jared met him at the apartment that he had been renting. Clif would be driving them to the convention and Jared wanted as much time as he could get with his best friend to check in on him.
 Jensen answered the door slowly and Jared smiled brightly at him. “Hey man. You ready to go?”
 “Yeah, I got everything.” Jensen scratched at the overgrown beard that he was sporting. He rolled his suitcase out the door and closed it behind him. Jared took the bag and left Jensen to lock up. They climbed into the SUV and set out for Dallas.
 Jensen was quiet. Jared could usually stand the quiet but he desperately wanted to check on his friend. Every time Jared turned Jensen would just stare out the window and say that he was fine.
 Jensen’s phone pinged a few times and he finally looked at it when he got a call. Rob’s face appeared on the screen and Jensen swiped to answer.
 “Hey, Rob.”
 “Jay, hey bud. Just checking in with you. You still sure you want to do this tonight?”
 “Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure.” Jensen nodded along as Rob talked.
 “Okay. So, we still doing the song you suggested?”
 “Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything else that I would want to sing.”
 “Okay, okay. You sure you can?”
 Jensen heaved in a deep breath. “I need to.”
 Rob’s voice grew quieter. “I understand. I’ll make sure we’re set to go but if you need to back out that is perfectly fine.”
 “I’ll be okay. We’re on our way so we’ll be seeing y’all soon.”
 “Be safe and we’ll see you guys soon.”
 Time  ticked by and eventually both Jared and Jensen fell asleep for quick naps. Clif woke them when they were about fifteen minutes from the hotel. Jensen rubbed at his face vigorously and looked out the window again.
 “I’m sorry.” he announced
 Jared just stared at him. “For what? What would you have to be sorry for?”
 Jensen finally turned and looked at him. “For pushing you away. You’ve been my best friend for years. You introduced me to (Y/n) and then I push you and Gen away when I needed you guys the most.”
 “Jackles, look…”
 “No, let me finish.” Jensen took in a shuddering breath. “I’m sorry. She’s gone and I felt like I wanted to join her. Like I shouldn’t be here without her. It’s not right and not fair that I have to live without her. That’s what I thought.”
 Jared nodded but said nothing. He let his friend continue. “But then I thought about what (Y/n) would say if she saw me moping and excluding myself.”
 By now, tears were rolling down Jensen’s cheeks and into the beard on his chin. Even with the tears he gave a small laugh. “She would slap me upside the head and call me an idiot. Tell me to call you. Get out of the hole I’ve put myself in and go back to work.”
 Jared laughed because he knew that’s exactly what you would have said. You never let Jensen get down on himself or push away from people. You knew more than anyone else how much Jensen relied on his bonds with his family and close friends.
 “So here’s me, kicking my own ass, and saying I’m sorry. Sorry for everything and thank you. You were there even when I pushed and pushed. You never stopped checking on me.”
 Jared reached over and pulled the other man into an awkward hug.  Two overgrown men hugging it out in the backseat. “I love you, Jay. Don’t ever forget that.”
 “I don’t think I ever could.”
 They made it to the hotel and settled in. Jensen asked Jared if he had brought any clippers with him. He wanted to tame the mess he had grown on his face. Jared brought them to his door and joined him for a drink while Jensen fixed himself up.
 Later they joined the rest of the cast in the greenroom and everyone attacked Jensen with hugs and greetings. It had been a while since he had seen many of them. No one asked if he was okay just settled into things as usual as everyone got ready for the concert that night. Rob double checked to see if Jensen was still good with the song choice and he agreed. He did however ask to also sing “Brother” because his “brother” definitely deserved it after all he had put up with.
 The music was loud and the crowd was excited. Jensen spent most of his time backstage trying to clear his head. Jared right beside him the whole time as people came and went, going on and off stage or just listening.
 He finally get his cue as one of Louden Swain’s songs ended. Rob was talking about welcoming someone back that they had all missed.
 “This guy has truly been missed and I know you all are going to make some really loud noise. Welcome back to the SNS stage, Mr. Jensen Ackles.”
 The fans roared with applause and screams as he made his way from behind the curtain and up onto the stage. He waved at the crowd and gave a short bow before going over and hugging the band. He took his microphone and then looked back out at the crowd.
 “Thank you. It feels surreal being back right now but I'm really happy that I'm here.”
 Shouts of “love you Jensen" and “welcome back" cascaded through the room. He gave a small smile and then looked to Rob to give the go ahead.
 “This is for my brother.” he pointed back stage where he thought Jared would be but instead found Jared standing behind him picking up a guitar. The crowd yelled as Jared started to strum and moved closer to the rest of the band. “Well, I guess the big guy is joining us.”
 The song started and everyone cheered. The band played easily through the song but Jensen was having trouble. He kept getting choked up when he was singing about how important Jared was to him. At one point he had to stop and Rob jumped in quickly. Jared moved closer to Jensen and with one look Jensen felt better. He knew everyone was there to cheer him on, to be his support.
 Jensen was able to finish the song on a strong note and the crowd cheered wildly. Jared moved closer again and patted him on the back. That was when Jensen saw the concern on Rob’s face. “You going to make it through the next one?”
 Jensen’s face fell. If that last song was rough then he was definitely going to have issues singing the next. He cleared his throat and shrugged. “Maybe.”
 Rob nodded and went to talk to the band real quick.
 “You got this. I know you can do it.” Jared was trying to encourage him.
 Jensen grabbed his bottle of water and took a huge gulp hoping it would calm him. He heard the beginning chords and knew instantly that it was going to be a struggle. “I used to sing this to my wife all the time.” The crowd cheered just as he began singing
 Something in the way she moves
 Attracts me like no other lover
 Something in the way she woos me
 I don’t want to leave her now
 You know I believe and how
 Jensen choked up and lost his words. Rob took over lead and the guys kept harmonizing. Tears began to prick at his eyes as the crowd watched him lose it. Jared took his guitar off and laid it down carefully. Jensen had turned away from the crowd and had his head in his hands.
 “Hey, I’m right here. I got you.” Jared wrapped him in a hug and lead him off stage. The band finished the slow, melodic song as Jensen broke down behind the curtain.
 The applause for the song was broken up by a loud chant. “We love Jensen. We love Jensen.” Jared watched as his best friend cried harder at the support of his fans.
 “Hey, give me a sec. I’ll be right back.” Jensen barely heard the words as the body heat left him.
Jared rushed back onto the stage and talked to Rob quickly and then left. Jared helped Jensen up off the floor and took him up to his room.
 “Maybe this is too soon. You should just rest tonight.”
 Jensen nodded as he laid back against his pillows. Maybe he wasn’t ready to move on.
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She Waits by Louden Swain
Story and Aesthetic for @mrswhozeewhatsis Louden Swain Fanfic and Fanart Challenge 2018
Story and Aesthetic made by @ellen-reincarnated1967
Sam x Reader
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brothersinsync · 6 years
Stacked Against
“It’s right around this corner, Dean.” Sam was reading the map in the passenger seat of the Impala as Dean ran a stop sign to round the bend.
Only to come upon five cop cars nearly blocking the street.
“Crap,” Dean said, slowing to a crawl. “You think someone tip the cops?”
“About what?” Sam peered out of the windshield as Dean pulled to the side of the road a good distance from the flashing lights. “The smell?”
Dean rolled his eyes. “So do we want to come back later?”
“No, they’re all at that house.” Sam pointed to the porch of a run-down, tan house with the front door open and a few officers on the porch. “Looking at the numbers, we need to be on that side.” He gestured to the opposite side. “That blue one, there.”
“Alright. Let’s go."
On foot, they circled around the back of a neighboring house and cut through the woods behind the next few yards to the blue house. Dean went to work on the door lock while Sam tried his knife in the window catch. Sam won, and so they crawled through the old, rickety opening into a well lit kitchen. A pot was on the stove smoking and boiling over. Sam rushed to turn off the heat but the smoke detector started going off.
“Fan it!” Sam called.
Dean grabbed a towel and waved it frantically at the smoke detector on the ceiling as it yelled at him, “Fire. Fire.”
“Yeah, I know,” Dean said.
Sam opened the back door to let some air in, but then hit Dean in the arm to get his attention and pointed at the metal pipe running from the fire alarm into the wall. “It’s hardwired. The fire department has already been notified.”
“Of course they have,” Dean said throwing the towel on the table. “Better hurry up then. It knows we’re here now anyway.”
Dean closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as he reach for his gun tucked into the back of his pants and stalked out. Sam followed suit.
That was one way to get rid of the evidence, Dean figured, burn the house down after killing the inhabitant. Compared to the kitchen, the rest of the house was dark.  A long hallway leading towards the front of the house. Various doorways leading off of it. They checked each room, the sound of the smoke detector ringing in their ears.
With the bottom floor clear, they moved upstairs and started checking those rooms.
One door seemed promising in that it wouldn’t open. It wasn’t locked; the handle turned easily and the door even swung every so slightly. Together, Sam and Dean muscled the door open to find a large bookcase on its side holding the door shut.  The room was a study with a large wooden desk centered near a window in the far wall. A sleek, modern lamp was smashed on the ground and when Sam walked around the desk he found the owner of the house.
Ainsley Handler, a man they had saved from a werewolf the year before, had called earlier in the night to warn them.  Sam checked the pulse and shook his head for Dean’s benefit.
“He knew it was in here with him,” Sam said, standing and surveying the room.
“Yeah, but what was it?” Dean asked. He moved to the desk and picked up a framed photo. It showed Ainsley and another man proudly holding up keys in front of this very house. He turned it around to Sam. “You think friend?”
“Husband. Luckily away on business, but I doubt he’ll be staying in this house after he learned what happened.”
A few things happened at once.
There was a pounding at the door downstairs and Sam flew across the room when a powerful paw swatted at him from the shadows.
Dean fired his gun into the shadow as the creature moved into the light. A large, brown and furry, puma-sized monster advanced on Sam, seemingly unaware of the bullets entering its body. Dean immediately placed himself between Sam and the creature, swapping his empty gun for a large knife from his belt.
“Sam?” Dean called not really looking behind him, “you ok?”
He heard Sam grunting and getting to his feet as the four legged creature moved towards him. The movement was slow and smooth. The eyes of the creature focused on Dean sizing him up.
Suddenly it lunged and even as Dean swung the knife at it, he knew that the thing was too fast. It had Dean in an awkward headlock and the knife clattered to the floor.  Tighter and tighter the grip got around Dean’s neck as the creature screamed a high-pitched wail. Dean refused to go out like this, not again.
Yet, there were stars here with them, Dean could see them floating before him. He tried to reach out and touch them. They were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and he didn’t want this moment to end. He could vaguely hear someone calling his name, and a high whine and a pounding, but none of that mattered as he weakly reached for the stars.
The wailing stopped and the arm around his neck loosened, but Dean couldn’t immediately figure out what that meant. Then a new arm, picking him up and dragging him to the window.
“Come on, Dean. Come on,” a voice said. “The firefighters have broken the door down.”
Sammy, it was Sammy. He shook his head to clear it as the blood returned to his brain, and looked around. The furry monster was motionless on the floor, its blood forming a pool around it.
“What happened?” Dean asked, struggling to get his feet to cooperate.
“Silver knife to the heart,” Sam said pulling Dean towards a window. “The noise it was making reminded me of something I had read. Stricta Tenaci. Likes to choke its victims to death and vulnerable to silver. Can we talk about this later?”
Dean finally had his wits back about him and could hear footsteps on the stairs. Ushering Sam out first they both climbed out the window onto a lower roof and shimmied down the drain pipe into the back yard. They ran back into the treeline and stopped to watch the house from there for a moment. Dean could feel Sam looking at him.
“What?” Dean snapped in a whisper.
“Nothing,” Sam said defensively. “Just want to make sure you’re ok.”
“I’m fine, Sammy,” Dean said. “Don’t be so lame. It’s not like I haven’t been suffocated before.”
Sam just scoffed and went back to looking at the house.
Of course he was fine.  Just because being choked out like that reminded him of being buried alive didn’t mean he was going to follow that memory back to the reason he was in that coffin in the first place.
They circled back to the Impala.  As Sam worked in the trunk, dumping his weapons, Dean climbed into the driver’s seat, closed his eyes in the darkness, and took deep breaths.
Let it go, Dean thought, you made it out of another one.
By the time Sam got in the car, Dean was fine.
Believe me.
Created for the 2018 Louden Swain FanFic/FanArt Project (feat. The Station Breaks) on tumblr. @mrswhozeewhatsis
Song: Leg Up off of No Time Like The Present
Crossposted on AO3
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spnfanficpond · 8 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
January is almost over, which means Valentine's Day is coming soon! Will you be celebrating by reading and writing smutty fics? If so, drop a link on us so we can reblog those fics!
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Old Business:
New Member Spotlight - The post went up this past week, so you can meet our new members! Click here to see the list and hopefully find a new friend!
SPN Rewatch: Fanfic Edition - We had a great talk about 1.15 The Benders and 1.16 Shadow! The episode docs in the Archive have been updated with everything we said in the chat, and the docs for the next chat's episodes are up. We have created a new theme called Role Reversals where we track every time the brothers do something that we feel is usually more likely to be done by other brother. We also nearly wrote an entire fic while we discussed adding a reader-insert character to Shadow! Check out these docs if you're looking for inspiration!
Last week's #TweetFicTuesday prompts were:
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New Business:
Fishing For Treasures - Next weekend is FFT weekend at the @fanficocean and they will be celebrating SMUT fics!! The deadline to submit your non-SPN smutty fics to the Ocean is Friday at midnight, Eastern US/Canada time. You can submit your link to their blog or drop a link in the #fishing-for-treasures channel in their Discord server!
Angel Fish Awards - The deadline for submitting your fic recs for the AFA's has been POSTPONED to Sunday, February 4th at midnight, Eastern US/Canada time. Click here to see the updated list of prizes you could win!
Louden Swain on StageIt next weekend - For those of you who love music, Louden Swain will be doing an online concert on Stageit next weekend! Click here for more info and to buy a ticket.
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! Click here for a static view in Eastern US/Canada time (desktop only, no mobile app access, sadly), and click here to add our calendar to your own Google calendar! We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
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natasha-cole · 7 years
Captchas Are a Bitch
I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking about this for days. Also, we need more Mike Borja fics.
Summary: The whole Robot Mike thing is just a joke, right?
Word Count: 544
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You sat in the greenroom, mindlessly switching between apps on your phone. You were bored and had no idea why you were even bothering to check your social media so much. You sighed heavily as you put your phone down, taking a moment to look around the room. It was in between panels; the guys from Louden Swain as well as a few other cast members all sat around, each seemingly into whatever it was that they were doing to pass the time.
Your focus fell on Mike; who seemed to be growing slightly annoyed as he fiddled with something on his own phone. You watched for quite some time as he forcefully punched buttons on the screen, each time giving out an exasperated sigh.
“Hey, Borja,” you said as you stood up to approach him, “you alright there buddy?”
He glanced up at you over the rim of his glasses, briefly taking his eyes off the screen.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine,” he mumbled, still looking annoyed.
“Whatcha doin?” You asked as you took a seat next to him. You had to admit, you were intrigued over what could possibly be giving this ball of sunshine so much grief that he had to sit there looking so surly.
“I’m trying to leave a comment on this blog post,” he explained, still punching buttons. “But this stupid captcha isn’t working.”
You chuckled at him, leaning over to look at the phone. “What do you mean?”
“Look,” he began. He moved so that you could both look at the phone and he did the usual; pressing the buttons for the corresponding series of letters and numbers that showed up on the screen. You watched him as he pressed the ‘I Am Not A Robot’ button after he had entered the captcha. The website immediately denied him.
You couldn’t help but laugh for a moment.
“Do it again,” you said, motioning for him to try one more time. This time, you watched carefully, noting the letters and numbers as he typed in the code. You grinned at him, nodding your head when you were certain he had it correct. He pressed the ‘I Am Not A Robot’ button once more. It denied him again.
“See!” He shouted, “It’s broken or something.”
You scrunched up your face, confused since you were certain he had entered the code in correctly. He tried it again, still with the right code, still denied.
“Let me try,” you said as you took the phone from him. You entered in the letters and numbers and hesitated before you pushed the button. As you did so, you were proven to not be a robot.
“What the heck?” Mike mumbled as watched.
“That’s weird. You’d almost think you really were a robot,” you joked as you handed his phone back to him.
Mike only stared at you, not saying a word, giving you the most deadpan look you had ever seen. He kept eye contact, slowly moving away from you.
“Why are you being so weird?” You asked nervously.
He only lifted a finger to his lips, still staring at you as he shushed you quietly. Before you could say anything else, he was gone, walking away quickly to the other side of the room.
Forever Tags (tag me in everything!)
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eevvvaa · 2 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @deanwanddamons thank youuuu ^^
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
Name: Eva
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5ft 6 inch
Bday: January 6th
Favorite bands: I don't knoooooow... Louden Swain is one for sure, I love The Rolling Stones too, I know I enjoy every songs of Scorpions and of Creedence Clearwater Revival I know so it must mean something !
Last movie: La Cité De La Peur (a French movie)
Last show: I'm currently watching Taboo with Tom Hardy
When I created this blog: I have honestly no idea 😅
What I post: Sometimes I write fanfics about supernatural, mainly with Dean Winchester. I also reblog a lot of pics and gifs posted here. And I try to give as much feedback as I can to the amazing writers and the fics I read on here :)
Last thing I googled: 172 cm in feet (yep, didn't know the conversion)
Other blogs: @eevvvaaslikes
Do I get asks?: Sometimes, feel free to ask me anything, anytime by the way ^^
Following: 107
Average hours of sleep: Oh ! No idea... 9 hours maybe ? Depends on a lot of factors
Instruments: I used to know how to play drums and a bit of guitar
Dream job: Well, if I have one I didn't find yet
Dream trip: Hum.... it would be nice to go to Scotland, Canada and/or New Zealand one day, maybe, if I manage to get on a plane 😅
Nationality: French
Favorite songs: AH ! I have many, they come and go but Drowning by Radio Company is definitely one that stays, just as Epilogue by Orelsan (he's my favourite artist, almost all his songs are my favorite songs 😂)
Last book I read: I can't finish a book lately but the last one I tried to read is The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 😳 No idea... Supernatural, I guess. Would probably die very quickly but maybe I can at least be friends with Dean ahah. Other than that ? I don't know, I almost want to be in every movie I watch ahah
Tagging without pressure : @waynes-multiverse @avanatural @deanwithscissors @awkward-and-indecisive @jay-and-dean @roonyxx @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @myloversgone @inlovewithfictionalcharacters666
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impala-dreamer · 5 years
SPN FanFic
~Dean is finally free but the damage Michael caused may stick around for a while.~
Dean x Reader
795 Words
Warnings: Beautiful angst...
A/N: Written for @mrswhozeewhatsis​‘s 2019 Louden Swain FanFic/FanArt Project, inspired by one of my favorite songs off of Sky Alive, “Reunion”.  Hope you all enjoy. 
Feedback is Gold ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon
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It was him. He was back. There was no hint of Grace hiding behind the green, no malicious smirk curling his lips, no smoothness to his deep voice.
Dean was back. 
Dean was safe. 
Dean was home.
The suit came off as soon as his door closed, jacket lost somewhere back in the car, vest crumbling to the floor at his feet. He ripped the crisp button down from his shoulders and sent it down to Hell where it belonged. 
He washed his face, splashing cold water from rusted pipes onto his skin, feeling the familiar hardness of the liquid seep into his pores. 
When his eyes lifted he could barely believe the sight. The mirror held his reflection as it always had, but his mind was back to being his own. The lightness to his expression that Michael caused with his arrogance was gone, weighed back down by forty years of guilt and pain. The cracks seemed deeper around his eyes, the dark spots beneath more obvious. But it was his face again. 
The scar concerned him but he was too tired to care. It clearly wasn’t going anywhere. Not tonight. 
There was one bottle left in his stash beneath the bed. One pint of whiskey, one bottle of mind-numbing bliss. 
He was half gone when she knocked, her knuckles banging through the drumming in his head. 
“Yeah?” It was half an answer but all he could muster. 
She pushed the door open and stood in the shadows of the hallway, her face a serene mask hiding every emotion known to man. 
Dean knew better; he’d taught her that poker face. 
“You gonna come in?” he teased, bottle dangling from his bottom lip. “You’re letting all the heat out.” 
Silently, she stepped inside and closed the door behind her, never once taking her eyes off of him. He sat on the floor, back against the foot of the bed, one knee cocked, elbow resting, bottle in hand. He stretched out when she came close, reaching his right hand to beckon her down. 
“Dean.” She shook her head, gritting her teeth to keep her voice even, but there was no denying the tears filling her eyes. They welled deep until they burned, stinging and forcing her lids to close as her fingers found his. 
He swallowed hard and closed his hand around hers, long fingers hiding her small hand. “Yeah,” he said again, not knowing what else to say. 
She hovered above him, knees half bent but afraid to fall. Michael had done a number on her wearing Dean’s handsome face; the hand she held had closed so tight around her neck she still bore the bruises, the scars of his attack. 
But pain fades. 
Love remains. 
Finally, she fell, knees thudding against the hard floor as she broke, a stream of tears spilling down her cheeks. 
The bottle fell too, rolling across the floor as Dean dove to catch her; strong arms pulling her close. 
“How?” she begged, looking up into his shadowed face, one hand ghosting over his jaw, her eyes searching his. “How are you back?” 
“I don’t know.” He clung to her shoulders, fingertips digging into the softness of her. “He let me go.” 
“Just like that?” 
He shrugged. His lips parted but there was no answer to give. “I don’t know.” He choked on a swallow, taste of the whiskey pooling in the back of his throat. His stomach churned as he remembered what Michael had done to her in those first moments. He could feel the Archangel move his hands to circle her throat, feel his fist as it cracked against her jaw. He remembered the movement of her flesh as it moved beneath his knuckles, heard the crunch, the broken cry. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, blinking away the memory and finding her safe and whole. 
“It wasn’t you.” She let herself go, giving up that poker face she’d kept since he left. 
Dean sighed, shaky breath moving through him as he closed his eyes. “I did all of this. I let him in, I let him nearly kill you.”
She kissed him silent, drawing out his breath with her lips, her hand curled so gently behind his ear. Her breath flowed over and through him when she pulled away, and he reached for her with his entire being, leaning in, willing her to stay. 
“Don’t take the guilt trip tonight, Dean,” she sighed; hand flat over his racing heart. “Just be with me, be home with me, here, now.”
He shook his head, mind reeling, body aching and exhausted. “And what about Michael? What about everything else?” 
One more kiss, deeper than the last, filled with everything she had, every promise they’d never made outloud. 
“Tomorrow’s another day.” 
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2019 Forever Tags:
@akshi8278​ @amanda-teaches​ @arses21434​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @because-imma-lady-assface​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @colagirl5​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @cosmicfire72​ @courtney-elizabeth-winchester​ @covered-byroses​ @crashdevlin​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @deansenwackles​ @deansgirl215​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​​   @dolphincliffs​ @dubuforeveralone​ @emilyshurley​ @emoryhemsworth​ @ericaprice2008​ @eternal-elir​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @flamencodiva​ @focusonspn​ @gayspacenerd​ @hella-aj-the-trickers-son @herbologystudent252​ @hobby27​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @justcallmeasmodeus​​ @katymacsupernatural​ @lastactiontricia​ @maddiepants​ @mariekoukie6661​ @meganwinchester1999​ @missjenniferb​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @mysticmaxie​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @our-jensen-ackles-love​ @peridot-rose @pisces-cutie​ @risingphoenix761​ @roonyxx​ @roxyspearing​ @sandlee44​ @shadowkat-83​ @spnbaby-67​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @spnficgirl​ @supernaturaldean67​ @supernatural-took-me-over​ @thehardcoveraddict​ @tmiships4life​ @wegoddessofhell​ @winchesterprincessbride​
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mandilion76 · 6 years
The Bluest Shade Of Green
Summary:  Those who don’t know him consider Dean the life of the party.  Unfortunately, that life is about to expire.
Pairing: Sam and Dean Winchester, but only in the brotherly sense.
Word Count: 810
Warnings: Angst, allusion to character death.   There is the slightest bit of cannon here-blink and you will probably miss it.  The story takes place towards the end of season 3, just days before Dean is sent to hell.
A/N: Written for @mrswhozeewhatsis “2018 Louden Swain Fanfic Fan Art Challenge.  The song I chose is Neurosis, which can be found on the Overachiever album.
While not the reason why I initially chose this song, once I listened and really paid attention to the lyrics, I felt like this song was about me. You can find the lyrics here: https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Louden-Swain/Neurosis
Dean had been pushing himself to the limit the past few days.  Driving too fast, drinking too much, fighting with anyone who got in his way, he was at the point of not giving a shit.  He figured it was one of the only benefits of knowing when he was going to die.  Live like you were dying, isn’t that how the saying went? Well, he was certainly trying his best.  Last night, the cute blonde waitress had called him the life of the party, her red tinged lips curling up in a lively smile each time he bought a round.  The flirty banter flowed easily between them. It made it easy for him to pretend it was just another night like the countless others before it.
It had been hours since he and Sam had come back from the bar, Dean’s attempt at drinking himself unconscious a complete failure.  Sam was sound asleep, his soft snores rhythmic and familiar. He was grateful that Sam was given a reprieve from all the worry and frustration both had been feeling lately. Unfortunately, Dean could not say the same for himself. Hell was already reaching out to him through nightmares that now plagued him daily, taunting him with violent and bloody images.  Tonight, he didn’t dare close his eyes, he just wasn’t interested in the damn previews.
So here he sat at the table, a half empty bottle of beer staring back at him.  Lost in thoughts better left in the shadows, he fought back the urge to cry.  There was no use in it, he made his deal and in a few short days, he would only be a memory.  He emptied the bottle of its amber liquid, the lump in his throat making it difficult to swallow. With a deep sigh, Dean rises from his chair, pausing midway to observe Sam as he slept.  He felt his throat seize, this time the tears clouding his vision.  This was all for Sam, he reminded himself.  It would all be worth it, Sam was worth it.  Dean angrily swiped the back of his hand across his face, leaving damp streaks across his cheeks.
Caught somewhere between sleep and consciousness, Sam felt Dean’s eyes on him. Immediately on alert, Sam rolled out of bed, wiping the sleep from his eyes.   “Dean?”
Dean swiftly shifted his gaze back to the fridge, the light harsh and unforgiving.  Willing the tears away, he grabbed two bottles of beer.  Once he had collected himself, he closed the door with his hip.  He held the bottles up in invitation.  Sam nodded his agreement, shuffling his feet through the orange shag carpet, to meet Dean halfway, his hazel eyes brimming with worry.
A few minutes of contemplative silence stood between them, each lost in his own thoughts.  Finally breaking the silence, Sam took a long drag from the bottle before settling it back on the table. He stretched his long legs in front of him, crossing his arms over his chest.  “Dean talk to me,” Sam pleaded. 
Dean put on his best face, not wanting Sam to see his struggle.  Dean smiled into the darkness.  “I was just thinking about that blonde from the bar tonight.  She told me I was the life of the party.  Kinda ironic isn’t it Sammy?” Dean chuckled into his beer.
“Yeah, I guess it is.” Sam looked down at the bottle now tightly clutched in his hand, his knuckles white.  Sam breathed in deeply, searching for the right words to penetrate Dean’s stubbornness. “Look Dean, it’s just me and you here, you don’t have to pretend, I’m your brother, remember?” Sam spoke with conviction, staring meaningfully at Dean.  Dean sat in silence, idly picking at the label.  One look at Sam, and he knew he’d be done for.    
Sam’s temper flared. “Dammit Dean, not talking about it isn’t going to make it go away!” Sam slammed the bottle down, which only served to trigger Dean’s own temper.  Dean jumped from the table, turning his back to Sam.  The muscles in Dean’s back rippled with tension.  “You know it’s the truth Dean!” Sam yelled, continuing to push Dean into submission. Clearly it worked. Something inside Dean snapped.  He turned to face Sam, his hands thrown in the air.
What do you want me to say Sammy, huh?! Of course, I remember! How do you think we ended up here in the first place, huh?! I made my choice and I’d do it again…” Dean snaps his fingers.  “…in a heartbeat!” Dean ran his hands over his face.  “I can’t undo it, Sammy,” Dean choked up, his voice growing soft.  “Hell, as scared as I am, I don’t want to undo this.  You know I’d do anything for you.”    
Sam closed the shorts distance between them, putting his entire body into giving Dean the biggest hug possible.  “Always the big brother, aren’t you?” Sam mutters, his tears drenching Dean’s shirt. 
“Till my dying breath Sammy.”
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Happiness Continues
Part 8: 27 Weeks Pregnant
Summary: The guys and their wives take a drive up to Dallas for a Creation convention. The weekend goes great until an uninvited guest shows up. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 6.4K+
Warnings: Language, angst, stalker scenarios, psuedo-kidnapping
Author’s Note: I know this was uber delayed, but school... anyway I hope it lives up to your expectations. Congrats to @waywardbeanie @jensengirl83 and @akshi8278 on getting your questions into the fic and a huge thank you to everyone that participated. I wish I could have put all the questions in but it would have just been too long of a chapter. But please know I really do appreciate you all. The song sung in this chapter is by The Highwomen called Crowded Table, check it out if you’ve not heard it before. And of course many thank you’s to @emoryhemsworth​ for being the best beta xo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and then check out Alexandra’s Library for more by yours truly!
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The sound of ice dropping from the refrigerator and into the metal thermos clanged around the kitchen. Once she was satisfied with the amount in her water bottle, she topped it off with water. As she turned around, screwing the lid into place, the soft hums of her husband could be heard as he came out of their bedroom, their suitcases trailing behind him. 
“You know,” she started, the humming coming from her partner reminding her of something, “you still haven’t told me what song you chose to sing tonight.”
“And you know I told you it was a surprise,” he replied, placing the luggage out of the way and coming to stand next to her at the island. 
“I hate surprises.”
“No, you don’t.” Dimples formed on his cheeks as he kept his smile tight-lipped, his wife rolling his eyes at her. 
“Please! Just tell me,” she jutted out her lower lip in a vain attempt at mocking her brother’s puppy-eyed look. 
“Fine, I chose “Having My Baby,’” Jensen sighed, his shoulders sagging. 
“You did not! Please tell me you are kidding.” 
“What’s wrong with Paul Anka? That song is a classic.” The actor stood up taller, his voice growing defensive. 
“I hope to god you are kidding because believe me when I say that if you so much as mention your ‘seed’ in front of hundreds of fans, I’m taking this baby and I’m leaving.” Y/n pointed to the still-growing bump attached to her abdomen before flicking it towards the door, the most serious expression written on her face. 
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be? Fine,” Jensen cleared his throat, and she knew it was coming before he even had the chance to open his mouth again. “The need inside you, I see it showin’, oh, the seed inside you, baby, do you feel it growin’—”
Y/n’s hands flew to her ears, the ‘la, la, la’ falling from her lips in an attempt to drown him out. His face split into a wide grin as he snatched her wrists and pulled his wife into his chest, placing a soft kiss to her nose before her lips. 
“You’d be so lucky, baby, but no, it’s a surprise. You will find out tonight, so let it go.” Jensen released her from his grip as the security system chimed. It noted movement near the garage door just before the couple heard the voice of her brother coming from the other end of the house. 
“Let’s go, Ackles, we’ve got three antsy kids in the car and need to hit the road pronto!” Y/n snatched her backpack and water bottle from the counter as Jensen grabbed their bags and headed towards the garage. The guys took the bags to stuff them in the trunk as Y/n set the house alarm. 
Jensen pulled open the passenger side rear door to the Padalecki’s SUV, helping his wife into her seat before climbing in the front passenger seat. They greeted Jared’s kids as the family set out on the road towards Dallas and the Supernatural convention. 
The sign that flew by on the side of the highway indicated that Dallas was about eighty miles out still, giving them at least another hour until they made it. The kids had long since fallen asleep in the backseat, their bellies full of snacks and their distractions in hand. Y/n glanced back at them before digging out the bag of Goldfish she had packed for her snack. Before she could even get it completely open, her husband’s hand appeared between the side of the vehicle and the seat, palm up. The woman chuckled before dumping a handful into his hand. He transferred the crackers to his left hand before returning his right to its original place to rest it on her calf. Jensen ran his fingers up and down her leg, the action soothing to both of them. 
From the seat next to her, Y/n could see her sister-in-law turned to her, a knowing grin on her face. For being an actress, Gen sure did have an awful poker face. 
“Nothing, I’m just really happy you two found each other,” the smile on Gen’s face growing wider as she spoke, the eyes of the men in the front seats flickering back to her. Jared glanced over from the driver’s seat just quick enough to see what Gen was referring to. There was a twitch of a smile on his face too before he covered it up to fake a gag. “Speaking of, how was Toronto?”
“Oh, I’m in love with Toronto!” Y/n gushed, her mind going back to the trip she made to visit her husband on set. Because of the break-in, they were making up filming days and he couldn’t get away, so the couple decided to celebrate their first anniversary together with her going to visit him. “The city is so beautiful, albeit not as beautiful as Vancouver, but there is just something about it. It reminds me of New York a lot, but like, cleaner.” 
“You two had a good weekend?” 
“We did. Jensen took me to Alo for dinner, and I know I’m pregnant, but it was the best food I’ve ever had in my life. I wanted to take the chef home with me.” Thinking back to the dish she had, Y/n ran a hand across her abdomen, the memory of her baby coming to life after the meal making her smile to herself. 
“I believe you, even if there is something about being pregnant that just makes everything taste better,” Gen giggled along with her sister-in-law, the two of them sharing a secret that their husbands would never understand. “I’m glad you had a good time with what you had.”
“Well, either way, I was going into my third trimester. I was not up for some extravagant trip across the globe. My back hurts too much to pretend to be relaxed.” As she thought about the way her body had continued to change as the finish line came onto the horizon, it was like her body throbbed in response. The makeup artist flexed her limbs, rolling out the kinks from sitting for too long in one position. 
“I’m sorry girl, but it only gets worse from here,” Gen scrunched her nose, wishing she could tell her anything but the truth. 
Y/n sighed, the action rolling through her whole body, “I was afraid of that.”
Clif was waiting at the back doors to the convention center of the Hilton where Creation was hosting their convention this weekend. He was there to escort them all inside as well as stay with Gen and Y/n during the show. Creation provided their own security for Jensen and Jared, so Clif was more than happy to spend time with his favorite girls. They were running a tad late, having hit traffic after dropping the kids off with Jensen’s parents who had graciously offered to babysit. 
“Hey, kid,” Clif greeted Y/n with a bear hug once they were inside, his large arms engulfing her and squeezing tight. “Let me look at ya.”
Y/n stepped back as he released her, running a hand over her now unmistakable bump to emphasize it underneath her maternity clothes. “Not much of a kid anymore.” 
“No, you aren’t, are ya? Went and let this idiot over here corrupt you.” Clif locked his arm around Jensen’s neck, bringing him into his chest to ruffle his hair with the opposite hand. The group laughed and Jensen struggled to get out of his hold, his hands immediately flying to fix his hair once Clif relented. 
“You’ve been spending too much time with Jared,” Jensen scowled at his friends, who shared a look and a shrug. He took his wife’s hand and moved to continue down the hall before pausing to turn back. “And I’ll have you know, she was already corrupted when I got ahold of her. All I had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride.” 
A gasp of her husband’s name fell from her open mouth as he tossed everyone a wink and pulled Y/n deeper into the hotel. Her surprise morphed into a giggle as he pulled her along, her cheeks flaring with residual embarrassment. Her family was bound to push him too far one of these days, and she was just waiting for him to drop some sort of bomb on their unsuspecting ears. She just hadn’t anticipated it would be today. 
Jensen had been in a particularly good mood since that morning. Y/n couldn’t place whether it was the excitement of being at a convention again or if it was being home, but whatever had him smiling like an idiot she was thankful for. Jensen’s attitude had always been infectious, and right now she was thriving off of it, the joy of being able to make her forget about her swollen ankles and face. It was nice to be in the moment for once. 
Louden Swain was already starting their soundcheck on the main stage as she and Jensen entered the hall. Y/n let Jensen go and went to sit in the chairs in the front row to watch them busy themselves around the stage. She was alone until Clif, Jared, and Gen caught up and joined her in the seats. It didn’t take long for the band to run through everything with all their guest stars who would be performing with them. Jensen did a quick verse from “Like A Wrecking Ball” before also joining those that were in the audience. 
The fans could be heard already outside the doors to the hall, their excitement palpable even from a couple of hundred feet away. Not that she blamed them, Louden Swain always put on an amazing show, as did the rest of the cast who chose to join them. Her husband was obviously her favorite to watch; the rough honey trickle of his voice had a way of splitting her soul in half. After that, she was obsessed with watching Briana. The woman was a powerhouse and had a way of captivating everyone watching her. It was no secret that she often found herself on YouTube watching Bri and her husband dueting “Shallow,” making it her most-watched video by far. 
Everyone was escorted to the green room while fans filled the hall, then Clif escorted them back to watch from the sidelines once the lights went down. They took a seat in the chairs that had been put aside for them against the wall, joining in the squeals of the audience when the guys took the stage. 
Louden Swain captivated everyone with their songs and stage presence, as per usual, but when Rob introduced Jensen onto the stage, it was like a train had just rammed into the wall of the hotel. She could feel the floor shaking underneath the insanity that ripped through his fans in the seats of the audience. 
“Well, good evening Dallas!” Jensen bounded on the stage, the leather jacket he was wearing somehow looking that much better in the lights of the stage. The Texan pulled Rob into a tight hug before taking his place in front of the microphone stand. The stubble that had arrived in just a few days of not shaving was more evident on his jaw and neck as he craned it sideways to work the stand up to his height. Y/n had to admit he looked absolutely scrumptious. 
“I’ve got a new song for you guys tonight that the guys have been so gracious to learn for me.” Jensen paused for the screams from the crowd before continuing his introduction. “This one is for my wife. I love you, honey.” He cast his eyes to where she was seated, watching the smile that spread across his features and letting it calm her anxious heart.
You can hold my hand
When you need to let go
I can be your mountain
When you're feeling valley-low
I can be your streetlight
Showing you the way home
You can hold my hand
When you need to let go
 I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we’re young and able
And bring us back together when the day is done
Jensen’s foot tapped against the stage as he found his groove in the first verse. Almost instantly, Y/n recognized the opening chords to the song making her heart flutter in her chest. She’d first discovered this song before they’d even found out they were expecting. There was an instant connection to the lyrics, and in typical Y/n fashion, she had played the song on repeat until she knew the lyrics backward and forwards. She really couldn’t believe he’d remembered it. 
If we want a garden
We’re gonna have to sow the seed
Plant a little happiness
Let the roots run deep
If it’s love that we give
Then it’s love that we reap
If we want a garden
We're gonna have to sow the seed
After everything the two of them had been through the past few months, the lyrics falling from his lips brought tears to her eyes. She chose to completely ignore the fact that she was pregnant. This was his way of reminding her of that night and the promise he’d made. The actor was more than ready to start a family with her, and he would keep reminding her until he ran out of breath.
The door is always open
Your picture’s on my wall
Everyone’s a little broken
And everyone belongs
Yeah, everyone belongs
 I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we’re young and able
And bring us back together when the day is done
And bring us back together when the day is done
If Y/n thought that the screams that greeted Jensen on the stage were deafening, it had nothing on the roar that now filled the hall, never mind the thrumming of her heart in her chest. She was sure time had stopped. Her husband blew a kiss to the audience before bowing off stage. It was his disappearance from before the mic that had on her feet without a second thought, chasing after him behind the stage and to the green room. 
She burst through the doors, her eyes meeting his as he turned to the sound of the latch. Without a second thought to the others in the room, the pregnant woman launched herself into her husband’s arms. Both of them dug their faces into the embrace, knowing just what the other needed at that moment. 
“You’re right, I did love this surprise,” she mumbled against his neck. Jensen ran a hand down her hair, his arms instinctively squeezing her tighter to him as she spoke. 
“Anything for you, babe.”
Behind the scenes of conventions was far less exhilarating for the guests than it was for the fans attending. It was quiet in the green room, most people eating or napping in between events they were to attend, which was why Y/n and Gen chose to stay behind the next morning and let the kids sleep in as much as possible. The guys were up at the crack of dawn to get to the hotel in time for the gold panel, and neither wanted to deal with pulling three little ones out of bed that early. 
It was nearly midday by the time the girls had wrangled the kids into the car and to the hotel. Clif met them at the back door much like he had done the night before, ready to escort them wherever they wanted to go. When they arrived in the green room, the guys were off to their respective photo op rooms. 
The kids took center stage when they got there, livening up the room in an instant. Odette fed off the attention far more than her brothers did but being the youngest, that didn’t come as a shock to anyone. Y/n wanted to hit the vendor’s room before her husband got back and they had to be on stage for the main panel. There were often hidden gems at some of the booths and she wanted to support the small business that set up there. She invited Gen to join her, and naturally, Odette wanted to tag along. The two of them left the boys in the capable hands of Kim and Briana before grabbing Clif and heading out. 
The room was bustling with people who were in between activities when they entered. Y/n picked up the small girl and put her on her hip so she could keep better track of her, not that Odette protested. They made their way to a booth surrounded by original artwork. Most of the displayed pieces were Supernatural related, but there were a few other pieces that encompassed other shows and movies, as well as art that encompassed just about anything else. Y/n got the artist’s information, intending to order an original piece from her. 
From there, it didn’t take long for the room to realize who had joined them. The hushed whispers of the con attendees could be heard as they moved on to a shop that sold handmade jewelry. Luckily the looming presence of Clif was enough to keep people at bay. He was very good at subtly guiding those who dared to walk up to them away from the scene. Right now they preferred peace and would greet some people once they were finished looking. 
Gen bought something from the jeweler for Odette, seeing as once the toddler set her mind to something, she was relentless. Then the trio moved on to a few more booths before acknowledging the fans in the room. Clif took Odette from Y/n while the wives talked with some people in the room. There were many congratulations and asks for photos which Y/n politely declined while Gen agreed.
With a glance at her watch, Y/n signaled to Gen it was time to head back. They said goodbye to the fans and headed back to the green room. Jared and Jensen were back already when they entered, eating a quick snack before they had to go back on stage. 
Jensen pushed his chair back from the table when he spotted his wife. He patted his thigh as she made her way towards him and she took a tentative seat in his lap. The actor placed a kiss on the underside of her jaw before offering her the food on his plate. She decided on a carrot, biting into the hard vegetable as her husband spoke. 
“I missed you this morning.”
“I know, I missed you too. Still hate waking up to an empty bed,” she frowned, tossing the other half of the carrot in her mouth. 
“Just a few more weeks, then I’m done and it’s just you, me, and this baby,” Jensen promised, resting his large hand over her growing abdomen. He ran his thumb over the swell of her stomach as she contemplated his words. 
“Promise?” She cocked her head, knowing full well he intended every word. Before he could answer, the Creation handlers appeared to grab the boys and bring them to the stage. 
“Promise,” he kissed her again before urging her off his lap so they could head out. Gen rounded up the kids to go and Jared picked up his daughter to carry her out to the show. Jensen and Y/n walked hand in hand down the back hallway until they had to go separate ways. Jared handed Odette over to his wife and they were off to get show-ready. 
The girls and the kids followed behind Clif and took the empty seats in the front row far off on the right side of the stage, the lights lowering just as they were getting settled. Rob and Rich appeared and did their usual bit before introducing the boys onto the stage.
Watching them together was something Y/n always enjoyed. The two actors played off of each other so well and never failed to make her chuckle. Especially now, she loved that after everything that had happened, their relationship was not hindered. They were truly brothers on and off camera, and Y/n couldn’t ask for anything better. 
Jensen went to his usual chair on the right side of the stage, pulling it more forward and center before sitting down as the crowd continued to cheer for them. Jared followed suit, spinning his chair around and putting as close to Jensen’s as was humanly possible. Her husband frowned and leaned away from Jared, who only played along and leaned into his best friend. 
Jensen brought the mic to his lips and scowled, “Dude, why are you so close to me?”
“Cause we’re family now, officially bonded by blood,” Jared retorted, still trying to lean into Jensen as he continued to pull away. The older man rolled his eyes at his brother-in-law’s antics but couldn’t fight the smile on his face as the crowd cheered at Jared’s words. 
“Don’t remind me.” Jared leaned into Jensen, whispering something in his ear before the pair shared another laugh. Jared spun around and started the questioning. They got a few typical questions about Supernatural and the final season, nothing too crazy, but one specifically piqued Y/n’s interest. 
The girl asking the question stood not even twenty feet from her at the mic on the right side of the room. “My question is for Jensen.” Her voice was steady, but she was looking at her feet as she spoke. “Now that you are on The Boys, the show has far more carnage than Supernatural, and you have said in the past that you dislike being covered in fake blood, so I was wondering if you have come to terms with it, or has your hatred only grown?” 
Jensen threw his head back in laughter at her question, surprised that he hadn’t been asked it before today. “Well, you are right, I have not been shy about my contempt of stage blood, but nowadays I do find it far less annoying than I once did. I think I got over it filming season fifteen. There is nothing like staring at a beautiful woman to take your mind off of the stickiness. Y/n was a great distraction.” 
“Alright, that’s my baby sister you are talking about,” Jared faked a gag before dropping his mic in his usual fashion as the crowd let out a collective ‘awe.’ Jensen shrugged before moving on to the next question. He rounded to the next fan on the opposite side of the stage. 
“Hi,” the boys said in unison, bright smiles on their faces for the girl.
“First of all, I want to congratulate Jensen on the pregnancy. So, my question is for Jensen and Jared. Jensen, since you learned about the pregnancy, has your perception of life and love changed, and if so, how? And for Jared, being a father yourself, what are some things or advice you would like to share with Jensen? How has becoming a dad changed you? Thank you!” The girl stuttered around her words, her nerves of having the guy’s undivided attention seeping through her voice. 
“What?!” Jared dropped his jaw as he turned his head back to look at his brother in law in the seat next to him. “You’re pregnant?” 
Jensen leaned back in his chair and ran a hand down his torso, “Do you think I’m showing yet?”
“No dude, you look good, women everywhere hate you.” The duo fell into a fit of laughter, their heads were thrown back in unison at their stupid joke. Naturally, the whole crowd joined in. How could one not when those two were cracking up? It was infectious. 
“I’m sorry about my friend here. Thank you, we are very excited.” Jensen leaned around Jared to smile at the fan that stood with a Random Acts volunteer’s arm around her shoulders. “As for your question, it didn’t really hit me until we heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Anyone who has kids knows how important that moment is. I never thought I could love my wife more than I already did, but there is something about looking at the woman you love carrying your child. It’s a completely different kind of connection to another human being. As for our baby, well, she was just a flicker on the screen then, but I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do for that flicker.”
“Y/n is gonna kill you later for saying ‘she,’” Jared cut in, but Jensen just smirked knowingly. The man always had to cut the emotion with a joke, something the pair of them had in common. Life was too short to always be so serious anyway. 
“Well, what about you dad?” 
“What are you talking about?”
“She asked you a question too, so answer it,” Jensen reminded his costar, much to the amusement of everyone around them. 
“Oh yeah. Well, I’ve given Jensen tons of advice. He’s constantly coming to me for my superior wisdom.” Jensen frowned behind him, his eye roll visible even from the back of the room. “Nah, but in all seriousness, the best piece of advice I could ever give him would be to just be there for your wife, whatever she needs. She just gave you a child, the least you could do is get her some water and snacks during feedings.” 
In the shadows of the audience, Gen leaned over to Y/n, whispering in her ear, “I think he’s done that maybe twice.” Y/n laughed along with her friend, knowing full well that sounded just like Jared. 
“Being a dad has taught me an abundance of patience and understanding. While they are your kids, they are also humans with real feelings and thoughts. It’s important to listen to your children, and I mean really listen to them. It’s not easy some days, but what they’ll remember in twenty years is whether mom and dad were there or not, so that’s what’s most important to me.” The girl whispered a shaky ‘thank you’ to the guys before they moved on. There were more questions about Supernatural, Walker, and The Boys, but what Y/n didn’t expect was another question regarding her, the words cutting her like ice as they left the fan’s mouth.
"Now that Y/N is pregnant, how hard is it being away from her while filming? How do you handle the emotions of being away from your wife in this kind of situation?" The fan had a bright smile on her face as she asked a question that was sure to have the fans falling even more in love with her husband and the amazing man he was. 
Gen’s hand fell on her shoulder as she noticed her sister-in-law’s body tense, awaiting the answer from the actor on stage. Jensen turned his gaze to her, offering a small smile to her before turning back to the fan. 
“It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I feel like I’m dumping everything on her shoulders and leaving her to figure it out alone, and I hate that. You know, I made a promise to her on our wedding day that I would always be there for her, and I feel like I’m breaking that promise. On the nights that the baby is rolling around and not letting her get any sleep, she will FaceTime me to show me, and anyone who’s ever seen this knows it’s just as cool as it is creepy when it looks like the kid is trying to escape from her stomach.” Jared nodded in agreement alongside him as the audience laughed at his admission. “My heart clenches in those moments because I know there are a hundred other moments that I don’t get to be there for, but even more so that my wife doesn’t get to have me next to her for. I know it’s just as hard on her, experiencing all these new milestones alone. We are both just very lucky that she has Jared and Gen so close. Those two have been her rock through this whole thing.” 
“If there is anyone who can handle it, it’s Y/n,” Jared cut in, sensing his friend’s growing discomfort. “My sister is one of the strongest women I know, so don’t worry about her too much, Jay.”
“Right, yes my mistake, what was I thinking worrying about my pregnant wife?” The shorter Texan played up his words with a stiff nod of his head, much to the enjoyment of the crowd. The guys thanked the fan for her question just as Rob and Rich came back on stage, starting up the last question song. Y/n excused herself then to go to the restroom, assuring Clif she’d be okay and she would be right back, imploring him to stay with Gen and the kids.
The pregnant woman slipped past Creation security near the stage to the hall that led to the bathrooms. She sped down the hall on her toes, the urgency not hitting her until she stood up. Her mind was focused on getting to the bathroom, unconcerned about anything else until she was inside the first open stall. Y/n took care of her business, coming out of the stall to a figure standing directly across from her at the sinks. Her eyes trailed up the broad person who had their back to her until she met their eyes in the mirror.
“No!” The gasp left her lips, her feet instinctively stepping backward until her back hit the stall. 
“Hi, Y/n,” the man’s voice was rough, the sound of grating against every nerve in her body. It perfectly matched the smirk that he held as he turned to face her, the same smirk that had been haunting her dreams for weeks now. The woman swallowed around the lump in her throat as her pulse rose, the thrum of it beating behind her ears. 
“How?” It was the only thing she could force past her lips as her mind raced through all the possible outcomes of this encounter. If anything, she was trying to buy time until someone came looking for her, but she had no idea how long that could be. 
“I expected a hello, but I guess I can’t really blame you,” the guy shrugged, his nonchalance unsettling Y/n even more than she already was. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time now.”
“Waiting for me?”
“It was only a matter of time before we found our way to each other,” he took a step closer to Y/n, her heart skipping in her chest at the action. No matter how frightened she was at this moment, Y/n refused to back down. Instead, she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin at the man. 
“Wh-what do you want?” Her tongue tripped over her words and the woman fought to control her breaths, letting the air out slowly through her nose as she refused to look away from the stalker across from her. 
“I want you. It’s always been you. For years I’ve waited for you to come to your senses about that actor you call your husband, but it seems you may need a little push,” he explained as his feet began to pace in a line, cutting off her only route to the door of the bathroom, to her freedom. 
“Excuse me?” Y/n was genuinely confused now, her adrenaline-soaked brain struggling to comprehend what he was telling her. 
“He’s all wrong for you. The bastard married you and ran off to Canada the second he could, leaving you to tend to his house, and now look at you, knocked up with his spawn and he still could give a rat’s ass about you.” The man’s voice was rising in tone as he became agitated, with what exactly she wasn’t sure, but she didn’t want to stick around to find out. 
“My husband loves me—”
“No!” He rounded on her, his pacing halted as he looked at her. “He’s poison. He doesn’t care about you or your career, he only cares about what you can do for him, but me? I’ve been your number one fan since the beginning. With me, your possibilities are limitless. Nobody could stop us.” 
It was now even more apparent to her at that moment that this guy was far more unhinged than she had originally thought. He believed with every fiber of his being that what he was saying was the truth, she could see it in the fire raging behind his eyes. It was the same fire that had her biting her tongue from firing back. She had more than just herself to think about in this situation, and she had no one way of knowing how he would react, but she also knew that staying in that bathroom was not an option either. 
It was now or never. He was no longer pacing across her escape route, and she wasn’t that far from the door. If she could at least get on the other side of it, she could create a commotion to draw attention. The second his eyes flickered from her own, she leaped into action, setting her focus on the door, and only the door. As her fingers wrapped around the handle, she felt his rough grip on her bicep. She was only able to get the door open a fraction of an inch, but it was enough. Her frantic eyes met with the shocked ones of Gen and Clif on the other side of the door. 
“Damn it!” He hollered as he yanked her back. The door didn’t even have time to close before Clif was pushing his way into the bathroom after her, watching as Y/n stumbled and nearly fell on her ass from the force of the stranger’s pull. 
“Alright, let her go,” Clif’s voice was calm and demanding as he assessed the scene in front of him. “Don’t make this worse for you than it already is.” 
“You make it sound so easy,” the guy chuckled dryly, the sound of it finally breaking whatever false sense of confidence Y/n had created. Preparing for a struggle, she squeezed her eyes shut, the action sending the welled up tears cascading down her cheeks. 
“It is that easy. Because trust me, if you hurt her, it will be the last thing you ever do.” The sound of the bathroom door opening again had her opening her eyes, a few of Creation’s security guards filing in to back up Clif. Knowing he was outnumbered, the man roughly released his grip on Y/n’s arm. The pregnant woman scrambled away from him, past security, and out into the hallway. 
“Y/n...” The sudden grip around her wrist startled the traumatized woman, her body reacting against it until her gaze met the familiar green eyes of her husband. Her body relaxed in an instant, throwing her into his arms as a sob racked through her body. Jensen squeezed his wife in his arms, holding her shaking frame close to his chest as she let out all her emotions. He shared a look with Jared before burying himself into her as well, just as relieved to have her back as she was to be free. 
It had only been about thirty seconds since Gen had come running back from checking on Y/n to tell them that something was wrong, but it was all it took. He felt his heart sink as he looked at the fear in Gen’s eyes. He and Jared were up from their chairs like lightning, allowing their long legs to get them to the bathroom with security hot on their tail. It killed him to have to wait outside, but he knew it was the best chance of getting her out of there safely, so he bit his tongue and did as he was told. None of that mattered now anyway, she was safe in his arms, and that was the most important thing. 
It felt like an eternity later when the cops showed up, taking the place of the unarmed security detail. They emerged with the guy in cuffs, a deep scowl on his face as he was carted out of the hotel, Clif and the security following behind. 
“Clif, what the fuck happened?!” Jensen growled, fury about the day’s events creeping upon him, seeing the guy that had his hands on his wife only fanning the fire in his belly. 
“I’m sorry, Jensen—” Clif's words were cut off by the raging actor. 
“You’re sorry? You were supposed to be protecting her!” Y/n lifted her head from her husband’s shoulder, using the back of her sleeve to wipe away the tears and snot from her face. The man’s whole body was tense, the anger rolling off of him of barely perceptible vibrations. 
“Hey, Jay,” she put her hands on his face, making him look at her. Reluctantly, he tore his gaze from Clif to look at his wife, his face softening as he took in her fragile state. “It’s not his fault. I told him to stay with Gen.”
“No. Clif is not to blame right now and you know it,” Y/n lowered her voice, the little bit of sternness she was able to muster dissipating. “You’re scared and I am too, but don’t take that out on him.” Jensen nodded at her, leaning in to kiss her forehead with trembling lips.
“I’m sorry, Clif,” Jensen breathed, his eyes opening slowly to look back up at his long time friend. Still trying to come to his senses over what had just happened, he had one arm around his wife, refusing to break contact with her. The fear of being out of control was still too overpowering. 
“It’s okay, I understand.” The two men shared a nod. Emotions were still on high, and everyone needed a moment to take in the events that had just transpired. Before anything else could be said, one of the cops cut through the tense scene playing out in the middle of the hotel hallway. He had a concerned look on his face, but he had a job to do too. 
“Ma’am, can I ask you a couple of questions?”
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Main Panel Timestamps x/x
Part 9: 35 Weeks Pregnant 
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Forevers: @22sarah08​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @atc74​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jensengirl83​ @katehuntington​ @lyarr24​ @malfoysqueen14​ @miss-nerd95​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @superfanficnatural​ @supraveng​ @talesmaniac89​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​
Happiness Continues: @afangirlreacts​ @anaelsbrunette​ @ashleyrose0117 @austin-winchester67​ @deanbowlegsackles​ @deangirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @dvnmbabe​ @fangirl199813 @harryhook-lover​ @hoboal87​ @itsdesiree86​ @jbsgirl4eber11 @let-me-luve-you​ @lunarmoon8​ @neverland14353​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @parinarain​ @rebeccathefangirl @rebelemilu​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @stoneyggirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @traceyaudette​ @winchestergirl82​ @winqhster​ @zpandaqueen​
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Like the Heart Goes
Characters: Chuck Shurley, Castiel, Dean Winchester (mentioned), Sam Winchester (mentioned), Lucifer (mentioned), Amara (mentioned)    
Pairing: None. General fic - Cas centric.
Warnings: None really. A little angsty but nothing too bad.   
Word Count: 1400ish
A/N: This is my entry for @mrswhozeewhatsis 2017 Louden Swain Mini Bang. The song I chose to write for is one of my favorite Louden Swain songs: Like The Heart Goes. I participated last year and I loved it so much. I really rarely write for Chuck, but I adore the character and Rob’s acting as well as his music so I am thrilled this is turning into a yearly event.
This year it is written from Castiel’s PoV as he is reading a letter left to him from Chuck after the Winchester’s and Cas all returned to the Bunker after saving Sam from the Brits.
Thanks Erin aka @blacktithe7 for saving me and betaing this one for me last minute when Ana’s docs were being a bitch.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Cas had been staring at the envelope ever since he had returned to the Bunker with the Winchesters. Dean was alive. They had gotten Sam back. Cas had healed him, so he was fine now too, physically anyway. Mary Winchester had been returned to the brothers by Amara. On the surface, everything was fine, except for the fact that Lucifer was still walking the Earth. Cas was the one to blame for him being out of the cage in the first place. He was the one that failed. The one that once again chose to not listen to Dean. He wanted to spare the brothers of pain, just like he always did, but the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Now Lucifer walked the Earth, because Cas had let him. He thought he was strong enough, but he was wrong yet again, and the world was in danger because of him.
Oh and Cas’ father had disappeared again. Before he had gotten the chance to really talk to him. Before he could ask for answers to the questions he had been struggling with ever since he had learned God was no longer in Heaven. Cas needed answers, but he was coming to terms with the fact that he might never get them. That was until he saw the letter on his desk. His room stood as it did before he had been locked away in his own mind, even if the brother’s had temporarily loaned it to his father. Nothing was out of place. Nothing had changed. Except for the letter.
Cas didn’t know how to feel about the envelope in this hands. His father had been here after he went to only his father himself knows where. Cas had seen the light under his bedroom door as he came down the hall. He had been filled with hope as he entered his room, wishing his father had come back to see him. The room had been empty and dark when he opened the door, nothing for Cas to see other than the shining white letter on his pillow, with Castiel, scribbled across it in an effortless handwriting.  
Cas sat on his bed with the letter in his hands. The Bunker was quiet and dark. He was completely alone in the dark stillness of the Bunker as the Winchesters slept. Normally this time of hour was peaceful to Cas. He knew the two humans that had become like family to him were safe within the walls of the Bunker and under his protection, but tonight the silence was roaring like thunder within his ears. He knew he couldn’t ignore the letter. He couldn’t hold onto the anger and resentment he felt towards his father. He still felt betrayed and ignored. He had stood right beside his father, who knew how desperate Cas had been to find him. How badly he needed his guidance, and still he had said nothing. He had pretended to be a human prophet. When Heaven needed a leader, he had stayed gone, leaving Cas to try and fill the void only to fail miserably and almost losing the Winchester’s trust for good. It would be so easy to hate him and blame him for all that had happened, but when it came down to it.,Castiel was not Lucifer. He didn’t hold his own shortcomings against his father. He only wanted to understand. He wished he had had a chance to speak with him before he had left the world he created and all his children behind yet again, but that hadn’t been the case. So instead, the angel took a deep breath, deciding to see the letter in his hands as a blessing rather than a curse. Maybe through this he could understand his father a bit better. Maybe….
Castiel. My son.
I am sorry we didn’t get a moment alone before I left again. I am leaving you this letter in hope you will understand my actions, in hope I will leave you filled with less hate than I did Lucifer.
You should have seen the earth during its first morning. So inviting. So full of promise. I had so much hope, but as humankind kept failing, as I kept punishing them, I was afraid. Afraid that I failed. That my creation was doomed to be flawed forever. So I left. Not to leave them, but to live among them, to understand their reasoning and their motivations. I was still weighed down by my responsibilities. See, every life lost, every life created were like sands in my pockets. It weighed me down, but still, for the first time in my existence, I was free. I was happy Castiel. The humans they are flawed, but they weren’t my biggest failure. They were my biggest success. They are imperfect, filled with doubt, flawed even, but they fight to do good, most of them anyway. The goodness in a few more than makes up for the evil in others. I know you learned this too.
And living like them Castiel, among them, it taught me so much more than all my days of creating, watching, and judging. I drank with them. Sang with them. Loved them. But I was lonely. I missed my family. My sister. My sons. I missed all of you. So when the Winchesters started out on their journey, I began watching them. I wrote books about them, but more than anything, I learned from them. They taught me what love and acceptance really mean. No matter what they put each other through, their love was unconditional, and I realized that mine had to be the same. I stopped blaming the humans, my sons, for my creation not being perfect, and I started loving them for trying to make the best of the mess that was handed down to them.
Just because I created the world, it doesn’t mean that I own it. Just because I am God, it doesn’t make me perfect and not in need of learning. I am a sinner as much as a saint, and even if I am sadden by the world some days, it doesn’t that I am unhappy with it.
Castiel you choose free will. I created that for a reason. I wanted everyone to make their own choices. I know that you feel that you have failed. The world, your brothers, the Winchesters… maybe even me. But Castiel, you haven’t. You have made mistakes. You have learned from them. You will continue to learn, so will your chosen family and maybe even my other sons. You are at home on earth Castiel. The Winchesters are your true family, and I am not scared for the world anymore. My job will never end, but as for now, I leave the world in yours, Sam and Dean’s hands. It will be safe with you. I am proud of all of you Castiel. My favorite son.
Cas stared at the last words. My favorite son. Castiel had never been anything special. He had never been anyones favorite. He was a general, but he had never made all the calls. Being in charge scared him. He was scared of failing, but now he realized that his father had been too. It was not the fear or even the failures that mattered. It was what he chose to do with them.
Heaven had been a phantom for Cas for years. Some place he longed for but knew he would never truly return too. It wasn’t until he read the letter from his father that he began to realize he had never belonged. The Winchesters had given him a room, a bed even if he didn’t need it. They had shown him love, forgiveness, and loyalty. Cas knew that he belonged on Earth. He knew he would give his life for the brothers. His brothers. He would stand by their side,and together they would protect the world. Cas wasn’t in this alone, and that was why he, unlike his father, wasn’t scared. He knew that no matter what he might have to face, he would do it with Sam and Dean by his side. Castiel was home, and he silently thanked his father for finally realizing it. He was done chasing phantoms, and a smile spread across his face as he rose from the bed after hiding the letter under his pillow, wandering towards the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. His brothers would be awake soon.
Castiel Tag Team
@mysupernaturalfics @blacktithe7 @percywinchester27 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @fuckyeahfeysand @d-s-winchester @hexparker @docharleythegeekqueen @starswirlblitz @faith-in-dean @knittingknerdy @quiddy-writes @feelmyroarrrr @blanketmadeofstar @winchesters-flannels @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @supernatural-jackles @adriellej @dance4angels @castielsbecky @jayankles @mouselovesmusic @twistnshoutx @dudalleo @winchesterprincessbride @captainradicalpassion @mrswhozeewhatsis @redunicorn10 @purgatoan @haleyhay96 @sandlee44 @roxy-davenport @sonofabitch-spn @gecko9596 @bkwrm523 @jensen-jarpad @deansleather @heyitsilverwolf @phoenixia67 @atc74 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @aiaranradnay @angelsdeadromance @findingfitnessforme @castiels-broken-fool @bemyqueenofdarkness 
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