#louis de pointe du lac x male reader
dreamxthetic · 6 months
Louis de Pointe du Lac | Jacob Anderson | Interview with a vampire | Bygones
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Two hundred years and counting. That is how long Louis has been on this earth—decades upon decades of ill misfortunes and fleeting 15-minute episodes of contentment and peace. More than two hundred years on this god-forsaken planet, yet your face continues to stalk his thoughts like a drug.
He remembered evidently the way you smiled—how your dimples would quirk as your eyes sheepishly fluttered when he showered you in the dearest of compliments. They were the highlight of his days, and Louis remembered all of it, especially the first date.
It was night out, beyond dark, so much so that the two of you would frequently stumble while trekking to your hidden location beneath the glistening stars. He isn't proud of it now, but looking closer at things, he could have been less ashamed of you and met more frequently within the daytime, but the times were sacred back then, and he was young and cautious. He had to catch you four times that night before insisting on leading the way, and when you reached your goal destination, he covered your eyes.
You had asked him, "What," in return, but he merely chuckled hoarsely and gave you a kiss on your cheek.
Louis smiles…oh how soft your skin was…
It was the night of a many first of the two of you, but nothing could upstage it being the night he confessed to you. A mere six words, double that of the usual endearing three, and yet they changed your lives forever…especially yours. He still recalls how your voice cracked with disbelief and joy when he uttered them to you—how the crickets chirped with applause around you while the moon beamed a light of approval onto you…His most cherished memory. And of course, he could never forget the kiss you be-granted his lips after that, would never forget. It was slow and endearing, the most passionate he had ever been with anyone—most vulnerable: more than with Lestat. You're bodies had intermingled beyond that of just flesh. You had claimed his soul, his destiny, something Lestat only had the pleasure of holding onto temporarily.
He regretted deeply not holding onto you more dearly. He could have fought harder, should have! Sure, the times were cruel to people his kind, and it didn't make it any better that he never held the courage to visit you out of the ours of the damned, but still! You were more than just the love of his life; his actions should have replicated and been in tune with his words—his promises. Louis was young and dumb—but in love, and because of that, your veiled relationship only lasted 3 years. An ironic outcome for how high of a standard he held you.
If only he had gotten you out when he promised…had given you that happily ever after in that cottage. Maybe then…only then would Lestat not have gotten to you—would the world not have gotten the chance to degrade you: your very own family…
But he didn't. He didn't, and that was his greatest regret. Louis was 25 when it happened, cursed that way after that enchanting night with Lestat. You were pushing 30, and it was 6 years after the breakup. He knew that because he never did stop loving you. He stalked you like a personal guardian angel. Though it appears he was an ass at the job because despite seeing you once every week, he still had no clue about the internal war you were waging within yourself. If anything, it only gave his infatuation with you over to Lestat. That is what set things truly ablaze.
To this day, Louis doesn't know what Lestat did to you, nor did anyone he asks, but the morning after, he was there, just standing in front of him with the most brim smile in town, eerie in all its glory. He should have instantly known then that something was wrong, but having been with the unpredictable Lestat de Lioncourt for so long, he merely grew docile to the older's eccentric behavior, something he repented for the next day. It was 2:00AM on 8/5/179 when they discovered the body, a mere year from the new century. Of course, to Louis, this was no big deal, having already deducted that it was one of Lestat's many feeding victims, but when he heard of where the body was located and how they had passed, everything changed. There were only 2 people aside from him that he firmly believed to know that place: You and Lestat. And if Lestat was okay…then…
He had to see for himself. I mean, it could have been literally anybody. But fate wasn't so kind for him to be mistaken this time. It was you.
Your body looked bruised and drained, and at first sight, he instantly thought of Lestat, but your body showed no signs of struggle, and that was a big deal, considering it was hanging from a thin rope. It was damaging to swallow, but you had killed yourself, hanged from the tree you and him had carved your initials into, a wretched sight.
He would never forgive himself for that, even up to this day. You haunted his dreams, both the good and bad. That gleaming smile of yours…It brightened his day and made him mourn for the loss of what could have been if only he was brave enough…
Lestat had once again taken something precious from him, and like the lonely fool he was—is—he continued to remain by him…
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all-for-the-simps · 2 years
Imagine playing with Louis’ hair - Louis de Pointe du Lac x male reader 
Interview With a Vampire {IMAGINE}
Word count: 229 Trope: Established relationships, fluff, sweet and wholesome with that domestic feel. Pronouns: He/him Context: Reader isn’t a vampire, but he changed his sleep schedule to match Louis’. A/N: I’ve never read the books, I’ve only watched the film, (don’t come for me, please. I don’t like reading long novels, my attention span is very small–)
🚫female-aligned people DNI🚫
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Imagine sitting in the grass of a field at night, the shine of the stars and the glow of the moonlight lighting up Louis’ features as he lays on your lap, looking up at you. One of your hands traced his features as the other gently ran through his smooth hair, untangling the knots carefully. As Louis softly smiled up at you, his own hand slowly travels to your own hand tracing his face. He clasps your hand with his and strokes his thumb over yours, gently kissing your hand as you continue to play with his hair. He lets go of your hand, letting you use both your hands to play with his hair as he gazes up at you with loving eyes.
You’d start to gently braid his hair in random places, undoing them when you got to the end. You seemed so focused on what you were doing at times, Louis couldn’t help but bring his hand to your face and tap your nose. When your eyes would meet, you leant down slightly and kissed Louis’ forehead, earning you a sweet smile. 
The only sounds that could be heard were the surrounding nature, the cool breeze and the sound of the two of you breathing softly. Everything in the world was still, pleasantly silent and the soft light from the sky made the moment last forever.
Sorry, I’ve been gone so long, I have a life and I’m a pretty busy guy. I do have requests, and I’m trying to do them. I’ve started most of them, but forgive me if they take any longer.
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dominantslasherking · 20 days
Armand With Dominant Male S/o pt 1
Backstory: Louis and Armand talk to Daniel about you. Armands, strange feelings and possessiveness of you is revealed. The obsession that Armand reveals for you is unsettling, Daniel can't help but wonder, what happened to you. Authors note: Tell me if you want part 2.
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+
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The dim light of the room flickered softly over the rich crimson drapes, casting long shadows that mirrored the weight of the conversation between Daniel, Louis, and Armand. The sound of the city outside was muffled, distant. It was just the three of them now, seated in that familiar, quiet tension. Daniel, ever the sharp observer, leaned forward in his chair, the recorder beside him whirring faintly, capturing every word.
Louis’ dark eyes flickered over to Armand, who sat with a distant expression, lost in thoughts of a time long past Almost weary of the current subject that was about to be, revealed. The interview had delved into old wounds, recounting moments of blood and betrayal, moments that were still vivid in Louis' mind. The play, the Theater of the Vampires, where he and Claudia had first met Armand and his brood. It was a time when everything was fragile—when the world had cracked open and bled.
Daniel was listening intently, following the story, but there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes, something unsaid hovering on his lips.
“And this is where Claudia asked to join them,” Daniel remarked, a small smile playing at the edge of his mouth. “Bold move. She never struck me as one to hesitate.”
Louis chuckled softly, a bitter edge to the sound. “Claudia was many things, but hesitant was never one of them.”
But then, Daniel shifted, leaning back in his chair, eyes narrowing as he steered the conversation in a different direction. “Speaking of companions…” he began, his tone measured, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask. You’ve mentioned so many characters from your past—Lestat, Claudia, Armand—but there’s one who seems to be missing from the puzzle.” Daniel’s gaze sharpened, settling on Armand, whose stillness had taken on a peculiar intensity.
“What about the vampire [Your Name]?”
Louis glanced at Armand, whose expression remained unreadable. The air between them felt thicker, charged with something unspoken. Armand’s dark eyes flickered with something that might have been longing, or perhaps possession, as if the mere mention of [Your Name] had awakened something deep and dormant within him.
“[Your Name],” Daniel repeated, leaning into the silence. “There’s not much written about him, but what I’ve found… well, it’s fascinating.” Daniel paused placing his recorder onto the table tappingsome files. "I mean anytime you did talk about your past, never once did you mention [Your Name] despite the hints in your story that seemed almost made up, as if you were...well I don't know, excluding someone?" Daniel let out a hum, Louis faked a smile.
Armand’s lips curled into a soft smile, though his eyes remained distant. “Fascinating, yes,” he murmured. “He always was.” Armand stayed calmly distracting Daniel from Louis for the time being.
Louis shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “[Your Name] was with us for a time after we… after we thought we had killed Lestat,” he explained, his voice quieter now, more careful. “He was an old friend, or at least, he felt like one. Claudia adored him. Treated him almost like a father, after Lestat.”
Daniel raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “A father figure? That’s interesting. Especially after… everything with Lestat.” Louis opened his mouth to respond, but the weight of the past pulled him under, drawing him into a memory he hadn’t revisited in years.
Claudia’s youthful laughter echoed softly in the apartment room, filtered through thick curtains. You sat with her at a grand oak desk, his quiet presence a soothing contrast to the chaos that often surrounded her. He held a delicate book in his hands, showing her the intricacies of calligraphy, his long fingers guiding hers with a gentle patience that was entirely foreign to Claudia’s previous life.
“Like this,” [Your Name] murmured, his voice soft but commanding. He demonstrated a fluid stroke, the pen moving with elegant precision. Claudia’s brow furrowed in concentration, her hands trying to mimic his movement, though frustration danced behind her eyes.
“I can’t do it,” she huffed, but there was no real anger. With [Your Name], there never was. Slowly your hand brushed against her dark and flawless skin
“You can,” he replied calmly. “You just need time. We all do.”
There was something calming in his presence, in the way he never rushed her or demanded perfection, unlike Lestat. He was patient, treating Claudia with a respect that neither Louis nor Lestat ever fully granted her. It was perhaps why she came to see him as more than just another companion—he was a guide, a teacher, a quiet fatherly figure.
Claudia’s smile returned, albeit faint, and she tried again, her tiny strokes improving under his watchful eye.
Louis, watching from the doorway, had always been struck by the way [Your Name] interacted with her. Unlike Lestat, who sought to mold Claudia into a creature of his own making, [Your Name] let her be free. He offered her the tools to learn but never forced her hand. ---
Louis nodded, though his gaze grew more distant, his mind drifting back to those long, haunting nights. “[Your Name] didn’t speak much,” Louis continued. “He was quiet, gentle, with an aura that suggested he had seen more of the world than any of us combined. Claudia trusted him, perhaps because he never tried to control her. He let her be free, let her learn. I… I never asked about his age, but I always suspected he was ancient. He had that look about him. That weight.”
Another flashback enveloped the room. [Your Name] sat in a dimly lit corner of their home, the flickering candlelight casting shadows over his face. He was hunched over a piece of parchment, a quill gliding smoothly across its surface as he wrote in deep concentration.
Louis, standing a few feet away, watched the scene quietly. He had often wondered what thoughts lingered behind those eyes, what worlds [Your Name] inhabited when he retreated into his silence. There was a timelessness to him, a stillness that unsettled even Louis.
The quill scratched softly against the paper as [Your Name] wrote, never pausing, never hesitating. A half-finished poem lay before him—lines that hinted at an eternal sadness, at an understanding of the world that Louis could only guess at.
"In shadows deep, we dance and fade, Unseen by time, in darkness laid. A fleeting touch, a whispered cry, We live forever, yet still we die."
Louis had never dared to ask about the poem, nor about the others like it that [Your Name] left unfinished. There was always a sense that those words were not meant to be shared, that they belonged to a part of [Your Name] that remained forever out of reach.
Armand’s eyes flicked over to Louis, a subtle smile on his lips. “You never understood him,” Armand said softly, his voice almost tender. “But Claudia did.”
The room seemed to freeze again, the gravity of Armand’s words hanging between them. There was something more, something deeper beneath his tone, but Louis didn’t respond. Instead, he let the silence stretch.
Daniel, however, was unwilling to let the moment pass without prodding further. “And what about his work? His poetry?”
At this, Armand’s expression faltered, his usual controlled demeanor slipping for a fraction of a second. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, but Daniel caught it. He had been waiting for this moment.
“You mean his unfinished poems,” Daniel continued, flipping through his notebook. “It’s strange, isn’t it? So much of his work was lost or… incomplete. But there’s one poem that stands out. The one about Claudia.” He paused for dramatic effect before reading a few lines:
"In her eyes, a child—yet, never to grow, Trapped in a prison of eternal woe. Her heart beats, but not with life’s fire, A doll’s existence, never to expire."
Daniel looked up, meeting Armand’s gaze. “Unfinished, of course. But haunting, nonetheless. It almost feels like he was trying to capture her essence, but couldn’t quite bring himself to finish the thought. Why do you think that is?”
Armand’s eyes darkened, a flicker of something dangerous passing over his features. “Because some things are too painful to complete,” he said, his voice low and deliberate. “Even for a vampire as old as [Your Name].”
Daniel held Armand’s gaze for a long moment before turning back to Louis. “So, he was there, part of your little family, but never truly part of it. An outsider, despite being… what, centuries old?”
Louis nodded. “He was always elusive. A shadow. There, but never fully with us. But in his own way, he cared for Claudia. I believe he loved her… as much as a creature like him could love.” Daniel snorted at Louis calling the other vampire a creature, amusing really.
Armand’s expression softened, but his eyes still held that possessive gleam. “[Your Name] was more than just a companion,” Armand said quietly, his voice dripping with something more intimate, something obsessive. “He was an artist. A mind that saw the world in ways none of us could comprehend. And in that, he was perfect.”
Daniel raised an eyebrow, sensing the depth of Armand’s obsession. “It sounds like you were quite fond of him, Armand.”
“Fond?” Armand’s lips curled into a dangerous smile. “Fond doesn’t even begin to describe it.” He glanced at Louis, then back at Daniel, his gaze sharpening. “But I suppose you’ll find that out in time, won’t you?”
The room fell silent again, the weight of the past pressing down on all of them. Armand’s obsession with [Your Name] hung in the air, unspoken but palpable, and Daniel knew that this was only the beginning. The dim lighting of the room cast long shadows across the walls as Daniel’s voice cut through the tense air. He glanced between Louis and Armand, history lingering just beneath the surface. Louis sat stiffly, avoiding Armand’s gaze, his expression unreadable but tight with an underlying tension.
"So, how did you first meet [Your Name]?" Daniel inquired, breaking the silence. He leaned forward in his chair, eyes sharp as he caught the subtle exchange between the two vampires, but his quesion was clearly direced at Armand. Louis shifted uncomfortably, his eyes momentarily meeting Daniel’s before darting away. His hands fidgeted slightly in his lap as if the very mention of [Your Name] was enough to unravel something within him. “I need a moment,” Louis muttered, standing abruptly. Without another word, he exited the room, leaving an awkward silence in his wake.
Daniel raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued further by Louis’ reaction. “That was… strange. He usually holds his composure better.”
Armand watched Louis leave, a small, knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. His dark eyes flicked back to Daniel. “Louis is complicated when it comes to [Your Name].” His voice was calm, but there was an unmistakable undercurrent of possessiveness.
Daniel tilted his head, intrigued. “What do you mean by that?”
Armand leaned back, folding his hands together as he considered his words. “Louis… admired [Your Name], perhaps even more than he admitted to himself. He loved him, in a way. But he never acted on it. He feared what might happen if he did. He worried about Claudia, about rejection. Louis has always been a creature ruled by guilt.”
Daniel’s brow furrowed. “So, you’re saying Louis was in love with [Your Name]?”
Armand gave a slow, deliberate nod. “Yes, but Louis’ love is often restrained by fear. He couldn’t risk what they had, the balance they had established. He was content with the idea of [Your Name] being there, even if he never fully pursued his desires. But me…” Armand’s smile grew, dark and intimate. “I wasn’t as restrained.”
“Obsessed?” Daniel offered, his eyes gleaming with interest.
Armand’s smile deepened, his gaze far away now as he recalled the moment that had changed everything. “Obsessed,” he repeated softly. “I first met [Your Name] at a play. I was performing for humans, entertaining them with our little charade. But when I saw him…” Armand’s voice trailed off, and the room seemed to darken as the flashback began. ---
The theater was crowded with the lively chatter of the mortal audience, the scent of cheap perfume and candle wax heavy in the air. The dim light of chandeliers flickered across the stage as the actors performed, though Armand’s attention was no longer on the play.
Seated among the audience was a figure unlike anyone Armand had ever seen. [Your Name], with his sharp jawline and hauntingly smoky red eyes, sat in the back row, a quill in hand as he scribbled across a piece of parchment. His attention wasn’t on the performance but rather on whatever he was writing, his lips barely moving as his thoughts flowed onto the page.
Armand, playing his role on stage, felt his concentration waver. The beauty of [Your Name] was undeniable—he was like a statue carved from marble, perfect and distant, entirely uninterested in the mundane theater around him. His very presence seemed to command the room in a way that no mortal could.
As the play continued, Armand found his gaze drawn back to [Your Name] again and again. There was something magnetic about him, something beyond mere physical attraction. It was as if [Your Name] belonged to another world, and Armand could not resist the pull of that world.
Unable to focus any longer on the play, Armand had finished early, much to the 'awes' of the mortals watching. He made his way discreetly toward the back of the theater, his eyes never leaving [Your Name]. The other actors continued their performance, oblivious to his distraction, as Armand approached.
When he was close enough, he could see the quill moving smoothly over the parchment, the words forming beneath [Your Name]’s skilled hand. His expression remained impassive, though there was a subtle grace to the way his jaw moved as he focused. His beauty was mesmerizing—those sharp, defined features, the way his fingers held the quill with delicate precision.
“Enjoying the play?” Armand’s voice was low, but it held a teasing edge.
[Your Name] didn’t look up immediately. Instead, he finished the line he was writing before raising his eyes to meet Armand’s. His gaze was piercing, deep red with an ancient wisdom that sent a thrill through Armand.
“Not particularly,” [Your Name] replied smoothly, his voice calm but with an underlying sharpness. “I’ve seen better.”
Armand smiled, intrigued by the indifference in [Your Name]’s tone. He had expected someone as striking as this to be swept up in the grandeur of the theater, yet here he was, completely unimpressed.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t entertain you,” Armand said, though there was no sincerity in his apology. Instead, his eyes lingered on [Your Name]’s form, taking in every detail—how his clothes fit perfectly against his body, the way the flickering candlelight cast shadows across his face, making him look almost ethereal.
“You seem distracted,” [Your Name] remarked, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Shouldn’t you be focusing on your performance?”
Armand chuckled softly. “Perhaps, but I’ve found something far more interesting.” His gaze lingered, making his intent clear.
[Your Name] raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “Is that so?” --
The flashback faded as Armand’s voice broke through the memory, returning Daniel and the present audience to the dimly lit room. Armand’s eyes were dark with longing, his tone soft as he spoke again.
“That was the first time I saw him,” Armand murmured, his voice almost reverent. “He captivated me in a way no one ever had before. There was something… otherworldly about him. From that moment on, I knew I had to have him, despite the fact that I was...Occupied with Louis at this time”
Daniel remained quiet, letting the weight of Armand’s words settle in the room. The intensity of Armand’s obsession was palpable, and it was clear that this story was far from over
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switchyfox · 11 days
Anyone got prompts for iwtv series male reader inserts because I'd be up to write a few drabbles...
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marksbear · 2 years
can u do a poly!louis x reader x lestat? reader is human and gets flirted with by a different vampire and louis and lestat get jealous and protective? (both louis and lestat are vampires at this time) ty! :)
Your welcome and I hope you enjoy
Warnings- Sadist Lestat but light, club owner reader, poly, killing,implied sex but nothing happens,Red is lestat and blue is for the vampire drew. White is the reader and Louis.
Way before Lestat Y/n used to mess around with Louis. Y/n ran a strip club a busy one in fact. That's how Louis met Y/n at the club. He was there with some of his business "friends." The group Louis was in were a bunch of perverts and basically forced Louis to be there. That's when he saw you. One girl on your left thigh and a boy on your right. He was amazed how bold you were for doing that. The other men in the group didn't like it and gossiped around "How and why is that man just sitting there normally while a black woman on his thigh and a white man on the other!?" Louis turned around and started at the man. "Why don't you say it to his face?" The group becomes silent until the fat one speaks up "Because that's Mr L/n he owns the club. But I heard that his whole family including him are gangsters."
When Louis and Y/n officially met they fucked. Y/n was helping his workers close up the place until someone tapped his back. Once Y/n turned around he was met by a hand "Louis de pointe du lac nice to meet you sir." Louis gives Y/n a huge smile. "Y/n L/n nice to meet you too." Y/n gives Louis a firm shake with smiling. The two begin to talk like they knew each other for years they instantly clicked. Y/n made the first moves like holding on Louis thigh for too long or the flirty jokes. But when Louis finally got the hint Louis took him and Y/n to a motel.
When Lestat got in the picture he was stalking Louis.
Y/n and Louis were walking around the forest. Lestat was reading Y/n mind every second of the walk he was surprised when Y/n thoughts wasn't racist and sexual or just using Louis.
"Who was that boy Louis?" Lestat asks once Louis gets home. "No one. And why did you follow me again!?!" Louis shouts turning around at his lover. "Louis you could have been in danger. My love. Now who is he?" Lestat was closer to Louis wrapping his arms around his waist. "Y/n L/n. But you can't mess with him because him and his family gangsters he told me." Lestat chuckles and brings Louis to the coffin.
Louis and Lestat have been trying their hardest to get with Y/n and drop tiny hints about vampires and all of that. The trio goes on little group dates that Lestat calls them or just spends a lot of time with the L/n. What took them both surprised is that Y/n made the first move. "We're acting like a bunch of boyfriends. Which I don't mind" Y/n said on the bench looking into the sky with Lestat on the left side and Louis on the right. Louis lost the air in his lungs fiddling with his cane. The comment caught Lestat off guard but quickly gathered himself. "Really? Well I guess me or Louis wouldn't mind sharing you" Lestat says caressing Y/n cheek. "Then I guess were boyfriends." Y/n kisses both on the lips not caring if anyone saw him and walked away.
The couple spent all of their days together. Once Lestat fully trusted Y/n told him the truth of what monster he truly is and showed him how strong he is. Y/n watched as his boyfriend brutally murder a musician because Y/n wanted to hear something jazzy but the musician could only play classical upsetting Y/n. Once Louis finally got home he looked into the living and gasped. Y/n and Lestat naked both covered in blood. "Lestat what did you do!?!" Louis shouts rushing over to Y/n checking for any scars or marks. "Louis my love don't worry I haven't turned him yet. We invited a musician to play for us while we made love. But he didn't play what Y/n liked and got him out of the mood so I killed him to show my loyal devotion to him. Y/n simply told me I looked hot in blood and we began to continue where we left off."
Y/n was locking his club up. When he turned around he was face to face with someone his age and shorter than him looking up at him. "Are you Mr l/n? I-i need help..." Y/n signals the man to keep talking as he pulls out a cigarette lighting it more inhaling it and blows it to the man's face with a giggle. "I need you to walk me home please I beg you... There's someone out for me and my friends say you're the only man in town who's untouchable!" The man begs snatching Y/n hand tightly and desperately. "Okay okay relax. I'm only doing this for my good deed of the day let's go." The two walk is anything but silent the two and chatting and laughs can be heard from afar. Once they reach the house the stranger invites Y/n inside but he shakes his head no. "I'm sorry I can't maybe next time, But I never caught your name?" " Drew Jackson"
After that met up Y/n and Drew kept meeting each other in odd or normal places. This time Louis and Lestat were around when Drew crossed paths. They were in Y/n club. Louis and Lestat were in one of the open booths where they could see everything and anyone. Y/n was talking to one of his workers that was in his lap just laughing and talking. Lestat had slowly gotten used to all the attention and the platonic love and cuddling that his boyfriend gets from work and out of work. Then Lestat eyes shoot up when hes hears a certain thought "My y/n my beautiful strong Y/n. Maybe tonight i'll make you mine." Lestat tells Louis what he heard and the both of them get next to Y/n protectively having their guard up.
"Y/n!" Drew shouts at Y/n but Y/n couldn't hear him. Lestat and Louis share a look and look at the man. Lestat looks at the man and pauses time so only him Louis and the man are talking and moving. "So you are the man taking all of my love's time most nights---" "Lestat." Lestat turns to face Louis. "You're a vampire?" Louis asks looking at the man's eyes and nails. "I could ask the same thing. And lover! please Y/n has no love I mean you see the women and men basically wearing nothing on his lap and at his feet. If he ever has a love it will be me."
Time starts again and Y/n kisses the back of the girls neck as a comeback later. "Bye boss" The woman says kisses Y/n jaw before going back to work. Y/n looks at Louis tense face and takes his hand and gives it a squeeze before looking at Lestat and gives him a half hug before getting up and tells his lovers that he'll be right back. Lestat stops Y/n and whispers in his ear and Y/n nods in approval and walks away. "Well I asked Y/n could I bring someone over and he said yes. So follow us as we close up the club."
When the club closes Lestat and Louis take Drew into their house waiting for Y/n to come back from whatever he was doing. "Louis! Lestat! Im back." walking into the living staring at the three people in the house. "Drew? Why are you here?" Lestat quickly goes over to Y/n and kisses him deeply and says in french "Salut mortel!" He takes Y/n hand and takes him to the couch to watch "Did you know that your friend here is a vampire and wants you to be his." Lestat giggles caressing and running his sharp nails into Y/n mouth touching his teeth. Y/n playfully slaps Lestat's hands away from him and jokingly tries to bite Lestat. Louis gives the two a serious look and they both stop their childish antics. "Wait! Hes a vampire!" Y/n shouts after it finally registers in his head. "Yes Y/n and that's why we decided to show you one way to kill a vampire." Lestat gets up and picks up the tied up Drew and drags him outside. Drew is already bloody and messed up but screams for his life as they go outside. "The sun is coming up in two hours so you can watch him die a slow and painful death my sweet mortal." Lestat says tying the man up with chains this time. And he hands Y/n a stake with a smile. "Kill him if he somehow escapes."
Louis sucks on Y/n's neck deeply and says "Good night Y/n and be careful!" Lestat walks up from behind Y/n and kisses and sucks on his neck to give him hickeys like hes marking him as his. "Good night mortal" "I swear Lestat if you keep calling me that i'll run this stake in you instead!"
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cece693 · 1 month
Fun (Lestat de Lioncourt x M! Vamp Reader)
Summary: You found this whole thing amusing—it was Lestat who pushed for an open relationship, not you—so how was it your fault when your companion became jealous?
tags: jealousy, typical Lestat, no mention of Louis or Claudia, reader doesn't really care, he loves seeing Lestat come undone, does mention Antoinette, fluffy/happy ending
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You struggled to hold in your laughter, watching as Lestat paced the parlor of your home after scaring off your latest lover. "I don't see what's the problem." You drawled, crossing your arms as you leaned against the doorframe, enjoying the spectacle that was a non-composed Lestat.
"You were the one who said we could see other people, fuck whoever we pleased, as long as we returned to one another. So, what changed?"
Lestat whipped around to face you, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and something deeper—something almost vulnerable. “What’s changed?” he repeated, his voice low and dangerous. “What’s changed is that I didn’t expect to find someone draped all over you like a cheap coat, looking at you like you’re theirs to keep!”
You raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at your lips. “Isn't that how Antoinette sees you? A man who'd given her everything—even the Dark Gift?
The moment you mentioned Antoinette, you saw something flicker in his eyes, a brief flash of guilt that he quickly masked with renewed anger. “That’s different." Lestat shot back, his tone harsh, almost desperate. “I never let her think she had all of me. I never gave her what’s ours. She's just—”
“Just what, Lestat?” You interrupted, "Just a convenient distraction? Someone to keep you entertained when you’re bored with me? Or is she something more, something you don’t want to admit?”
“Don’t twist this around!” Lestat snapped. “You’re the one who brought this on! You’re the one who’s been pushing the boundaries, flaunting your little affairs in my face, acting like it doesn’t matter—”
“Maybe because it doesn’t!” You shot back, the words slipping out before you could stop them. "I asked you many times, Lestat, if this was what you wanted, and you said yes every single time. Why should I feel guilty when I'm finally enjoying myself?"
"Because I never thought you would!" Lestat roared, his voice echoing through the parlor. His eyes were wide, as if in disbelief at what he said, but there was no taking it back. “I didn’t think you’d actually let someone else get close to you—close enough to make me feel like I’m losing you.”
The parlor grew silent after Lestat’s revelation, and while you wanted to comfort your companion, a grimace tugged at your lips. He spoke of his fear of losing you, but you couldn’t help but think about his ongoing relationship with Antoinette. Despite being a distraction, Lestat had returned to her for a century. Meanwhile, none of your lovers had even lasted a week.
"You're a hypocrite, Lestat. You truly are. Just admit it, you don't want to lose control over me. I'm to stay at home, waiting at your beck and call while you're out fucking anything that catches your fancy!"
"That's not true—"
"Stop lying!" You interrupted him, patience wearing thin. This conversation wasn't supposed to go this deep, neither you nor Lestat were good at conveying emotions, but perhaps this was the time to put aside shame and bear it all. "Just tell me if you want to continue this arrangement or not. Be honest for once."
Lestat’s eyes widened, his struggle evident as he searched for the right words. “I—” He hesitated, his mind racing but his heart already knowing the answer. “I want you.” Seeing the confusion on your face, he took a deep breath and continued, his voice steady but filled with emotion.
“I want us to be together, without these complications and uncertainty. I'll end things with Antoinette, even dispose of her, if you desire, to prove my sincerity and love."
Smiling, you abandoned the doorway and walked toward your companion. While it had been amusing to see Lestat angry and out of his element, this display of vulnerability was even more compelling. Gently tracing his jaw with your fingertips, you leaned in and kissed him, your lips brushing against his in a tender, reassuring gesture.
Lestat's eyes fluttered closed, his initial surprise melting into a soft, almost relieved expression. “I hope you keep to your promises.” you whispered, your breath warm against his skin as you broke apart. Your arms were still wound around his waist, tightening when the vampire laughed with joy.
“Oh, for you, I’m willing to do anything.” 
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living-dead-author · 2 years
Welcome to my third blog I’m Vance and my main is @slasher-male-wife. I’m using this blog to post my nsfw content. Please read the rule and character list below before requesting anything.
Do not interact if you are
Terfs, transmed, transphobic in general
Under 18
Ed blog
If you fetishize any LGBTQ identity
Will write for
Most kinks (If unsure just ask)
AFAB, GN, Transmasc reader (As of right now I'm not confident in my writing ability for AMAB bodies)
Head canons
One shots
Poly characters x reader
Yandere characters
Sub reader
Hard kinks (More willing to write them if they're in a more 'kind' or 'loving' way)
Degrading kink
Daddy/Mommy kink (This could become a no go)
AMAB reader
Female reader
Public stuff
Semen (Excessive talk of this is a no go)
Reader giving penetration (Anal, oral, vaginal)
Dom reader
Never will write about this
NSFW things for underage characters
Reader receiving anal or penetrative sex outside of oral
DDLG/ABLD/Anything ageplay related
Bathroom kinks like scat, piss, vomit
Heavy degrading
Anything non-con
Feet (Boot/heel/whatever kind of shoe worship is ok)
Horror characters
Black Christmas: Billy Lenz
Halloween: Michael Myers (og or rob zombie), Corey Cunningham
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Nubbins Sawyer, Chop top Sawyer, Vanita "Stretch" Brock
House of wax: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair
Behind the mask: Leslie Vernon
House of 1000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
The Lost boys: David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Michael, Star
The Black phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
Spree: Kurt Kunkle
Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees
Child's play: Tiffany Valentine
Re-animator: Herbert West, Dan Cain
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm, Jill Tuck
Candy man: The Candy man/ Daniel Robitaille
31: Doomhead
Psycho: Norman Bates
My bloody valentine: Harry Warden
Hannibal nbc: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Near dark: Severen
Laid to rest: Jesse Cromeans
Martin: Martin Mathias
The Collector: Asa Emory/The Collector
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
The Walking dead
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Pyramid head
Any slasher listed in the above section that is in dbd
Interview with the vampire 1995
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Misc. Characters
Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (DC, based off Cillian Murphy portrayal)
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thedailyimagines · 6 years
Imagine being caught robbing a home belonging to Louis and Lestat. Instead of killing you immediately, they give you the choice of becoming a vampire or dying a slow painful death.
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“Well, well, what do we have here? A little mouse taking what isn’t theirs? Or did a little bird fly to the wrong nest?”
“Let’s just get rid of them Lestat. We don’t need theatrics.”
“What the- did you two murder someone or something? You’re covered in blood!”
“Well technically yes we did, but adding another nobody to the count won’t do any harm. Or, we can take option two.”
“Lestat no!”
“What’s option two?”
“Hush Louis. Well little bird, option two is you stay with us. All it will take is a few moments pain and you’ll never have to steal for a living again. For entertainment however, you may thieve all you wish.”
“...I’ll take option two.”
“No! Lestat I refuse-“
“Oh do shut up Louis! Now hold still...oh how rude of me. What’s your name birdy?”
“It’s- it’s y/n. What are you- wait no get the hell away from me! Get off!”
“Too late now y/n. You made your bed, now lie in it. Or rather, a coffin.”
“Lestat, why would you do this?”
“Well, we could always use the company and you are always whining about being alone. Oh look, their eyes are closing. Goodnight little bird.”
I don’t own the above gifs, all credits go to the owners.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
About me and request rules
Hey I'm Ziggy and this is my blog where I obsess over men and sometimes women. I use he/him and I'm 18. I really like fall stuff, vampires, Halloween in general, and my special interest is specifically horror movies. My favorite horror movie is Texas chainsaw massacre. My side account is @slashers-offical-boyfriend and my nsfw fan fiction account is @living-dead-author. Below is the information on my request rules and info. Enjoy your stay <3
Master list Ao3 account
Taken anons: 🦝🌾🎟🐾🫀🤡🐚🍼👻♠️ 13 🎸🦇🦌🐝 🦕🎨
Requests: open
Match ups: closed
Do not interact with me if you are
Are a proshipper
Just a republican in general
Ed blog
Under 16
Match up rules
Specify the fandom you want and your gender preference.
Include things like hobbies, dream career, ideal parter, personality traits gender identity.
Feel free to include anything else you think is important.
Make them as long as you think they should be.
Will do
Light or regular angst
head cannons
hurt x comfort
x gn, male, trans masc and ftm reader
Autistic, depressed, anxious, etc reader (I won’t write about mental health issues/ mental illnesses unless I have it myself or I feel comfortable enough portraying it)
Darker topics like past mentions of abuse, sh, kidnapping, murder, etc all with proper trigger warnings
poly stories and head cannons (unless you tell me you want them to be poly I won’t write them as poly)
Slashers in a Dbd setting if they're actually in the game
Yandere characters (I think I know how to write one)
Iffy (Not common or might not write about depending on the request)
character x character
suicidal reader
Characters hurting reader on purpose
Recovering Ed related things
Heavy angst (More likely to be written with a happy ending)
Age regressing reader (Only if it's sfw)
x fem reader (Won't be very common for now unless it's essential to the fic)
I won’t do
sexual fics or head cannons (Take that to my other account)
Child reader
pregnant reader
parent reader
Pro Ed related anything
Horror characters
Scream: Billy Loomis, Stu Macher
Black Christmas: Billy Lenz
Halloween: Michael Myers (og or rob zombie), Corey Cunningham
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Nubbins Sawyer, Chop top Sawyer, Vanita "Stretch" Brock
House of wax: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair
Behind the mask: Leslie Vernon
House of 1000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
The Lost boys: David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Michael, Star
The Black phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
Spree: Kurt Kunkle
Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees, Tommy Jarvis
Child's play: Tiffany Valentine
Re-animator: Herbert West, Dan Cain
Carrie: Carrie White
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm, Jill Tuck
Candy man: The Candy man/ Daniel Robitaille
31: Doomhead
Psycho: Norman Bates
My bloody valentine: Harry Warden
Hannibal nbc: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Near dark: Severen
Laid to rest: Jesse Cromeans
Martin: Martin Mathias
The Collector: Asa Emory/The Collector
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
The Walking dead
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Pyramid head
Any slasher listed in the above section that is in dbd
Interview with the vampire 1995
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Misc. Characters
Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (DC, based off Cillian Murphy portrayal)
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slasherscream · 5 years
                                           BLOG MASTERLIST
                                            character list/rules
arvin russell (devil all the time)
dani ardor (midsommar)
dennis rafkin (13 ghosts)
billy loomis
brahms heelshire
beth washington (until dawn)
carrie white
charles lee “chucky” ray
claudia (interview with the vampire -platonic only-)
chris hartley (until dawn)
emily davis (until dawn)
emmett (a quiet place 2)
ginger fitzgerald (gingersnaps)
hannibal lecter (1991)
jason dean/jd
jennifer check
josh washington (until dawn)
jessica riley (until dawn)
kevin khatchadourian
louis de pointe du lac (interview with the vampire)
lestat de lioncourt (interview with the vampire)
mike munroe (until dawn)
matt taylor (until dawn)
mrs. lovett (sweeney todd)
nancy downs (the craft)
norman bates (1960)
pelle (midsommar)
patricia (split)
sidney prescott
stu macher
sweeney todd
samantha giddings (until dawn)
tatum riley
tiffany valentine
v (from v for vendetta)
yautja (predator films)
abe sapien (2004)
hellboy (2004)
sebastian valmont (cruel intentions)
billy loomis/reader/stu macher
sidney prescott/reader/tatum riley
tiffany valentine/reader/chucky
ginger fitzgerald/jennifer check/reader/jd
jd x reader x veronica
crazy ass boys gang
crazy ass girls gang
crazy ass husbands gang
he’s just not that into you series
tumblr destroys big lists of links i wish i was dead.
not for safe work tag is: nsfc
if you're a fan my cashapp is slasherscream
Kofi is: slashandscream
i am BLACK, a LESBIAN, 25, and my name is BEE.
vague requests are EXTREMELY low priority and from this point on i probably won’t write them at all  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . they drain me on a creative level that's so profound i can't put it into words (example. tiffany valentine x gender neutral reader) (example 2. headcanons for hellboy x fem!reader) (example. billy loomis x male reader).  i write original content off of tumblr and with every passing year i have less time to write for this blog. now we're down to a couple hours a week i can devote to tumblr writing. having to come up with ideas constantly is how this blog goes without any updates for months at a time. next time it gets bad could make that timeline years. i get burnt out creatively very easily and i will always prioritize diverting brain power towards my original writing if this blog drains me. do with that information what you will. more detailed requests for the longevity of this blog encouraged (example. chucky x reader and how they make up after a fight)
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cece693 · 2 months
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Here is a list of every fanfic I've written for easier access.
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Bella Swan
I've Moved On (Male Reader)
Summary: After the Volterra incident, Edward believes everything can return to normal, but what if Bella had moved on like he insisted? What if now it's her who breaks things off?
I've Moved On Pt. 2 (Male Reader)
Summary: Bella breaks things off with Edward, but it seems that the vampire can't accept her choice. Fearing for her safety, Bella is glad when m/n comes to her aid and handles Edward once and for all.
Second Chance at Love (Male Reader)
Summary: A new boy comes into town after Edward's departure and manages to make Bella feel better.
Edward Cullen
You're Edward?! Pt. 1 (Male Reader)
Summary: When Bella told m/n about the weird kid in her biology class that wouldn't stop glaring at her, he took matters into his own hands. Traveling all the way to Forks, what m/n didn't anticipate was for this weird kid to be hellishly handsome and very much single.
You're Edward?! Pt. 2 (Male Reader)
You're Edward?! Pt. 3 (Male Reader)
Summary: M/n didn't know what he was doing: pulling a boy into the woods is how every horror movie starts, but M/n only wants to talk...and maybe kiss Edward senseless *but who wouldn't* ;)
Enemy (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: Imprinting was supposed to be a good thing, not for you though. Fate seemed to be mocking you by having your imprint be a leech—Edward Cullen, to be more specific.
Touch Starved (Male Reader)
Summary: You were touch starved and didn't mind it. However, not everybody was fine with it. Your mate found it frustrating, especially when this distance caused rumors to swirl.
Rosalie Hale
Ultimatum (Male Reader)
Summary: M/n Swan, now Cullen, doesn't care if he is breaking his wife's heart, but watching how his sister is dying with Rosalie encouraging it makes m/n rethink their marriage. He'll be damned if he stays silent and becomes an accomplice to this murder.
Humanity (Male Reader)
Summary: What if Rosalie had been accompanied when Royce attacked her? What if her lover got turned into a vampire, and believed it was for the best to break up with Rosalie due to his new status?
Alice Cullen
Living for You (Male Reader)
Summary: You weren't exactly the most normal of vampires—plagued by desires to kill yourself—the one thing that held you back was your mate, Alice Cullen.
Jacob Black
My Wolf (Dark! Jacob Black) (Male Reader)
Summary: Jacob killed the Cullens for you—being rejected by the boy he loved—what else would he do? But was he really the one who orchestrated all this?
Jasper Whitlock
Not Interested (Male Reader)
Summary: You never understood the hype over the Cullen family. Sure, they were beautiful, but didn’t anyone at school have enough common sense to notice something was off? Too bad a certain empath is smitten with you and merely finds your open disdain entertaining.
Calm Down Cowboy (Male Reader)
Summary: You were a social butterfly, however, that doesn't excuse your husband's actions. However, was it really all bad if it led to him being possessive and taking charge.
Damon Salvatore
You Call That Love (Male Reader)
Summary: Elena tries to get with Damon but soon realizes he has moved on—with m/n of all people.
Chapstick (Male Reader)
Summary: Damon believed his relationship with M/N was great, perfect even. However, when his boyfriend returns from a night out tasting like cherry chapstick, Damon's insecurities rise to the surface.
Stefan Salvatore
Stop Talking (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: You loved him and he loved you too, but his actions spoke louder than words. Tired of watching him run off to save Elena every time, you understood it would always be her.
The Salvatore Brothers
Space for Two (Male Reader)
Summary: You met the Salvatore Brothers when they were only human, inexplicably falling for both of them.
Klaus Mikaelson
Bet (Male Reader)
Summary: Thanks to your brothers, all you knew about the Mikaelson family was that they were dangerous and threatened your livelihood. However, when you're saved by the hybrid himself, he poses a bet to change your mind or be given insight into the cure.
Lestat de Lioncourt
Pain (Male Reader)
Summary: On the anniversary of his transformation, m/r can't help but remember his past, including his ex-lover and sire, Lestat de Lioncourt.
My Little Dove (Male Reader)
Summary: M/N was tired of being a prisoner. He longs to explore the world, but his sire, Lestat, has other ideas. What could be the reason behind this behavior?
Fun (Male Reader)
Summary: You found this whole thing amusing—it was Lestat who pushed for an open relationship, not you—so how was it your fault when your companion became jealous?
Sleeping Beauty (Female Reader)
Summary: Lestat follows his fledgling to the east wing of the plantation where he discovers the dying figure of Louis' sister. He can't help but offer the dark gift to her.
Michael Myers
My Pretty Boy (Male Reader)
Summary: M/n was a killer who used his good looks as bait to draw his victims in. Yet, you know who wasn't so keen on the idea? His boyfriend, Michael Myers.
Sorry (Male Reader)
Summary: You knew Michael would never intentionally hurt you, but accidents do happen. And how can you stay mad at your boyfriend after he tries to make it up to you?
Childhood Friends (Male Reader)
Summary: You couldn't remember your childhood, so with a plan to return to your old home in Haddonfield for clues, you never expected yourself to be tied to the boogeyman himself, Michael Myers.
Jason Voorhees
Oh No, He's Hot! (Male Reader)
Summary: What m/n believed would be a rather simple job has him encountering a masked murderer named Jason. But, oh no, why does m/n feel weirdly attracted to the dominant man?
Social Recluse (Male Reader)
Summary: Even if you accepted Jason and his 'hobby', he understood you didn't like interacting with people. Staying hidden in your cabin, luck isn't on your side when a camp counselor stumbles inside.
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
Why? Pt. 1 (Male Reader)
Summary: M/n Prescott was a straight-A student, popular, good-looking, and kind. So why was he holding a gun and aiming it towards his sister? What was his motive?
Why? Pt. 2 (Male Reader)
Can't Handle It? (Male Reader)
Summary: M/N didn't know what the big deal was. Why Billy and Stu were angry at him for making out with some girl when they were doing the same with Sidney and Tatum.
Will Graham
I Hate You (Male Reader)
Summary: Perhaps Hannibal Lecter was right. The darkness inside him was meant to be released, so why does it hurt when that acceptance isn't displayed by M/N, the person who he'd come to care for?
Monster in the Making (Male Reader)
Summary: The Lecter siblings were obsessed with Will Graham but for entirely different reasons. While Hannibal wanted to deconstruct the puzzle that was the detective, M/N wanted Will to be his.
Hannibal Lecter
You Can't Outrun Fate (Male Reader)
Summary: When M/N feels that Hannibal is losing interest in him, favoring being in Will Graham's presence, he flees. It takes a year or more but Hannibal returns, and won't let M/N leave again.
Always, Forever (Male Reader)
Summary: M/N wanted this nightmare to end—he regretted ever meeting Hannibal Lecter, accepting his friendship, and more painfully, allowing the doctor into the darkest dwellings of his mind. Where M/N and Hannibal face each other during the Mizumono episode.
Protect (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: You didn't care if people were against your relationship with Hannibal, calling you all names under the sun for managing to 'bewitch' one of Baltimore's highest socialites, but Hannibal was a different story.
Pretend (Male Reader)
Summary: You faked being attracted to Alana to gain insight into the FBI, never knowing that it would set off your boyfriend's possessiveness.
Nothing Can Bring Me Back (Hannibal/Lucas) (Male Reader)
Summary: Hannibal was indeed a person suit, but also a safety net to a man who'd lost everything: his child, his lover...his future.
Secretary (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: Hannibal told Crawford that his secretary was 'pre-dispositioned by romantic whims' and traveled to the United Kingdom. However, it's rarely as simple as that.
Joe Goldberg
Hello (Male Reader)
Summary: A new customer has entered the bookstore and, unsurprisingly, caught the attention of Joe Goldberg. After his disappointment with Beck, can M/N be his one true love?
Obsessed (Male Reader) (SMUT)
Summary: It was supposed to be a one-night stand—fun with a cute guy you found in the club, but this was Joe we're talking about. Once he'd tasted you, he couldn't get enough.
Steve Rogers
Talk It Out (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: Being related to the genius Tony Stark had many benefits, but being stuck in an argument between him and your fiance, Steve Rogers, was never anticipated.
We Belong Together (Dark! Steve Rogers) (Male Reader)
Summary: Dating Steve Rogers was more difficult than you'd imagined. He was a man riddled with insecurities and, unfortunately, this affected your relationship.
Natasha Romanoff
Fue Un Placer Conocerte (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: Dating an assassin, especially the Black Widow, was bound to have problems. You accepted that since the beginning, however, you can't help but feel that Natasha didn't love you. That, to her, this relationship was nothing more than a nuisance.
Tony Stark
Numb (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: You didn't understand Tony's decision; he'd left you with a gaping hold in your heart. It was easy to feel anger and resentment, but was it really a surprise how things ended?
Edward Scissorhands
I'm Staying with You (Male Reader)
Summary: M/N remembers the day he met the shy, cute boy with scissors for hands. After all, his mother brought him into their home and slowly integrated him into their community. So when things go south, it is M/N who decides to run away with him.
Kisses (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: Request. Edward reacting to you kissing him and possibly making out.
The Mad Hatter
You're Not Crazy Pt. 1 (Male Reader)
Summary: You believed your sister when she returned home and spoke of a land where magical and peculiar people roamed. You asked her to take you there, and there, you encounter the Mad Hatter.
You're Not Crazy Pt.2 (Male Reader)
Enoch O'Connor
Replacement (Male reader)
Summary: As a healer, you naturally seek to care for those around you. So it was easy to befriend Jake when he first entered Miss Peregrine's loop, confused and hurt by his grandfather's passing. However, your best friend doesn't see it that way.
Nico Di Angelo
Sword Fighting (Son of Aphrodite)
Summary: You were a likable asshole—everything not associated with Aphrodite. You were devilishly handsome but with a temper of Zeus himself. It was as if you were a byproduct of Aphrodite and Ares. Unsurprisingly, you catch the eyes of many, but more so, the son of Hades, Nico Di Angelo.
Sword Fighting Pt. 2
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cece693 · 3 months
My Little Dove (Lestat de Lioncourt x M! Reader)
This is something quick I came up with since I feel like Lestat is just a lonely soul who covers it with sarcasm and anger. You can use either Lestat (movie or TV show), but I envisioned it to be from the movie.
Summary: M/N was tired of being a prisoner. He longs to explore the world, but his sire, Lestat, has other ideas. What could be the reason behind this behavior?
tags: typical Lestat, the reader wants to see the world, mentions of Claudia and Louis but they don't impact the story too much, takes place before the duo flee to Paris, happy ending?
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"You can't keep me locked up like some type of animal!" M/N screamed, glaring daggers at Lestat's back. It was the same old argument; when Lestat had bestowed the dark gift upon him, M/N believed he had been granted freedom—a chance to transcend the limits of mortality and explore the world. But once his eyes opened to this new life, M/N found himself a prisoner.
The vampire couldn't fathom why his sire forbade him from stepping outside. Louis and Claudia came and went as they pleased, why couldn't M/N do the same? He'd already spent a decade stuck inside the house, his only connection to the outside world being stories told by Louis and Claudia. "I thought you said I was free." M/N continued, his voice trembling. "But this isn't freedom. This is a gilded cage."
Lestat finally turned around, his gaze softened with something akin to regret before morphing into indifference. "The world is not as kind as you imagine. There are dangers you cannot fathom. I only seek to protect you."
"Protect me from what?" M/N shot back. "From living? From feeling the wind on my face and the thrill of the hunt? I would rather face those dangers than rot away in here."
M/N felt himself stiffen when Lestat's eyes turned cold. "Someday you'll understand why I do this, M/N." Lestat hissed, the monster inside him dangerously close to the surface. "But right now, you're led by these ridiculous emotions that cloud your judgment."
"Maybe emotions do cloud my judgment, but they also make me feel alive." M/N defied. "You, Lestat, have clearly forgotten what it means to feel." Turning to the door, M/N was set on spending the remaining night locked in his coffin when Lestat flashed in front of him. His gaze was piercing, maddening.
"You think I don't feel, M/N? You think I'm some heartless creature devoid of emotion?" He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "My emotions toward you are what drives me to be this monster. You, my little dove, are a treasure I cannot risk losing."
M/N's breath caught in his throat. He had never seen Lestat so raw, so exposed. The monster was indeed close to the surface, but so was the man who loved him with a ferocity that bordered on madness. M/N reflected on all of the vampire's actions through a different lens, coming to realize that Lestat indeed loved him—or at least what he perceived to be love. The shared coffins, the piano lessons, the talks under the firelight in the living room.
"I—I didn't know..." M/N stammered, his mind racing. What else could he say? He couldn't confess that he returned Lestat's feelings, fearing it would only intensify the vampire's overbearing nature. "But it doesn't change anything. Lestat, for the first time, I'm begging you to let me see the outside world. Even if you become my shadow, I long to see the town and its delicacies."
Lestat's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, his resolve wavering. The weight of centuries of caution and control clashed with the raw, desperate plea before him. He took a deep breath, the tension in the room thickening.
"You truly want this?"
"Yes. I need this, Lestat. I need to experience life beyond these walls, to feel the world with my own senses." A long silence followed, each second stretching into eternity. Finally, Lestat nodded, a reluctant acceptance in his gaze.
"Very well." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I will grant you this freedom, but I will be by your side. No objections."
Not being able to contain himself, M/N smiled before embracing his sire. Lestat stiffened at first, taken aback by the sudden gesture, but then he relaxed, wrapping his arms around the other male.
Lestat felt a torrent of emotions. The warmth of M/N's embrace, the genuine gratitude in his voice—it stirred something deep within him. If granting M/N freedom brought them closer, perhaps it was time to reevaluate his approach. Could he protect M/N while allowing him the autonomy he craved? The idea was both terrifying and exhilarating.
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cece693 · 8 months
Pain (Lestat de Lioncourt x Male Vamp. Reader)
This small fic came to me while looking through Pinterest. You know those little 'aesthetic' quotes? Well, it came from this one specifically: 'I loved you even when it hurt.' This fic includes things from both the movie and TV show, so no specific Lestat was used for inspiration. Enjoy.
Summary: On the anniversary of his transformation, m/r can't help but remember his past: one that includes his ex-lover and sire, Lestat de Lioncourt.
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M/n was tired. Though his outward appearance betrayed no signs of aging—no wrinkles, no gray hair, no creaking bones—the weight of centuries bore down on him. As he gazed at the midnight sun, a harbinger of his impending retreat to his coffin, m/n decided to indulge himself and spend more time out in the open. After all, this was the only time he could enjoy the new wonders of the world, yet this was not just any ordinary day. Tonight marked the anniversary of m/n's transformation into one of the undead.
Reflecting on the past, m/n reminisced about the persuasive allure of Lestat, the vampire who had sweet-talked his way around rationality, promising a life brimming with pleasure and abundance. In the initial decades, it was a splendid existence.
Lestat had a way of making m/n feel truly special. The once mundane aspects of mortal life were now elevated to extraordinary heights in the vampiric realm, and Lestat made sure m/n felt the full extent of his newfound powers.
There were moonlit strolls through shadowy alleyways, where Lestat shared the secrets of their immortal world. He spoke of the intoxicating thrill of the hunt, the taste of forbidden blood, and the freedom that came with transcending the limitations of mortality. Lestat created a world where every moment felt like an eternity of bliss. However, m/n should've known his novelty would wear off.
Lestat was a man driven by desire and ambition, wanting to taste the newest and finest things in life. What would m/n offer to such a monster who had already taken everything? So when Lestat's attention was redirected to another human named Louis, m/n felt pain.
He was angry at Lestat for casting him aside, yet the blame couldn't be placed on him alone—m/n should've known that a creature such as Lestat could never be tied down, despite how much he proclaimed to love you. So, when the ethereally beautiful vampire introduced Louis as his newest creation, a realization dawned on m/n. Lestat wasn't his anymore.
And Louis, the unwitting figure in their love triangle, bore no blame for his and Lestat's fallout. M/n grappled with conflicting emotions, attempting to cultivate hatred towards the vampire who seemed to have stolen Lestat away. Yet, against his own efforts, all he could muster was pity. For as much as Louis and Lestat showcased their 'love' through tender kisses and clandestine touches, m/n saw through the facade.
In the quiet moments when Lestat thought no one was watching, m/n observed the flickers of longing and boredom in the vampire's blue eyes. It became evident that the passion between Louis and him, while palpable, was also marred by perpetual restlessness. Not even months into Louis' stay did the cracks in their relationship begin to manifest themselves.
"Out with Antoinette?" Louis would hiss, the accusatory tone hanging heavy in the air, ensuing another argument between the two. As the discord between Louis and Lestat escalated, M/n found himself unwittingly becoming a refuge for Lestat. The vampire, seeking solace in the familiar, turned to M/n whenever the storms of conflict raged with Louis. In those moments of anger, Lestat was M/n's again, yet it also drove him to the brink of madness and unhappiness.
He had days, if lucky, where things would go back to how they were—a semblance of the love they once shared. But whenever the storms settled between Louis and Lestat, m/n would be relegated to loneliness once more. One day, unable to bear the emotional rollercoaster any longer, he confronted Lestat. The air was thick with tension as they stood facing each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily between them.
"You can't keep doing this, Lestat." M/n pleaded, the frustration and anguish evident in his voice. "Keep me here when you clearly love Louis. How would you like it if I were to do the same?"
M/n regretted saying anything as Lestat's eyes darkened, and a snarl emerged on the vampire's lips. In a sudden, swift motion, Lestat pinned m/n to the wall, his grip firm and possessive. The room seemed to close in as Lestat hissed, "You belong to me."
"I don't belong to anyone." M/n retorted, anger engulfing his body.
Lestat laughed coldly in his face, grip tightening, he smirked. "That's where you're wrong, love," he taunted, his voice dripping with both amusement and cruelty. "I own you…"
The possessive declaration sent a chill down m/n's spine, his anger giving way to a growing sense of unease. Lestat's dark laughter reverberated in the confined space, echoing the shifting power dynamics between them. Trapped against the wall, m/n felt the weight of Lestat's control, a dominance that left him conflicted and vulnerable.
Lestat's smirk widened, his gaze predatory as he continued, "You're mine to protect, mine to control. I've tasted your blood, felt your heartbeat sync with mine. You're bound to me in ways you can't comprehend."
M/n, trapped against the wall, felt a cold chill run down his spine at Lestat's words. The once cherished intimacy between them now felt like chains, binding M/n to a fate he hadn't fully understood.
In a moment of intense emotion, Lestat, fueled by the strange dance of power and desire, leaned in, capturing m/n's lips in a possessive kiss. The meeting of their mouths was both a declaration of dominance and a desperate attempt of Lestat's to re-establish his control over m/n.
Perhaps, in his pursuit of novelty and excitement, he had unknowingly neglected his first creation in favor of the alluring Louis. However, what neither m/n nor Louis knew was that, hidden beneath the layers of Lestat's charismatic exterior, there existed a capacity for love.
As Lestat's lips sought dominance in the heated kiss, there was an intricate play of emotions beneath the surface.
The neglect that m/n had felt wasn't an absence of love but rather a reflection of Lestat's internal struggle to navigate the complexities of immortal relationships. Lestat, a vampire with a history of numerous lovers, had reveled in the pleasures of passion without feeling a deep emotional connection—until m/n entered the picture. Even his intense relationship with Louis didn't compare to the profound connection he shared with m/n.
As the intensity of their heated kiss began to wane, Lestat pulled away, his eyes fixed on m/n with a mixture of possessiveness and intensity. "If you dare to run away," Lestat whispered, "Know that I'll drag you back to my side. And that's a promise."
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all-for-the-simps · 2 years
x Male!Reader Masterlist
Don't worry, I'll make more :)
🚫female-aligned people DNI🚫
red for oneshots
orange for imagines
green for headcanons
blue for incorrect quotes
pink for other
Star Trek: TNG
Wesley Crusher x half Vulcan!male reader
“I Thought I’d Never See you Again!”- Wesley Crusher x male reader
“I Thought Our Voices Broke Years Ago.”- Wesley Crusher x male reader
Star Trek: DS9
Scenarios based on oneliners, and quotes from my old, discarded fanfics… Part 1
Scenarios based on oneliners, and quotes from my old, discarded fanfics… Part 2
Star Trek: Voyager
“I Can’t Sleep”- Harry Kim x male reader
Imagine Tuvok emotionally logically adopting you - Tuvok x son-like!male reader
Interview With a Vampire
Imagine playing with Louis’ hair - Louis de Pointe du Lac x male reader
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Turtles
ROTTMNT characters x Platonic!male reader
What They Would Do If They saw You Get Badly Injured – ROTTMNT characters x Platonic!male reader
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