#louis pale icon
allwaswell16 · 22 days
[4 pics, 4 quotes, 4 iconic 1D fics]
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Iconic Fics by...
- reminiscingintherain -
“Move down through the bus,” the driver harshly snapped out a demand over the tannoy. “There’s plenty of room, show some consideration for others.” He continued to mutter under his breath, his frustrated mumbling and swearing just audible over the speakers.
Louis rolled his eyes at the driver’s lack of manners, but followed on down the centre and reached up for the overhead strap when there was nowhere further to go.
“Why is it such bad etiquette to ask for a lap to sit on when it’s so busy?” he pondered aloud, a little sulky at the thought of standing for the whole of the twenty five minute journey to his flat.
“Um, you, uh, you can sit on mine?” a low voice stammered out beside him.
Louis looked around in surprise, partly because no one ever responded to his mumblings as a rule, but also because someone had actually accepted his suggestion. His eyes widened further as he took in the stranger.
He was just getting his groove on to a bit of classic Bee Gees, when the bell over the door jingled, signalling the presence of a new customer. Harry turned with a cheerful smile, almost missing a step as he caught sight of the man who'd just entered his shop.
Wearing a black vest that revealed inked collarbones and arms, with the tightest skinny black jeans Harry had ever seen, and a pair of scuffed up Vans, the man stepped up to the counter and slammed down his credit card.
"How do I passive-aggressively say 'fuck you' in flower?" a soft clear voice demanded.
"U-uh," Harry stammered, caught by a pair of bright blue eyes, and taking a few moments to register what had been said. "Wait. What?"
"I just found out that my supposed boyfriend is fucking the girl next door," the customer glared. "I've already burned his favourite books, snapped all of his vinyl," Harry pressed a hand to his chest at the mere thought, "and had the locks changed. Now I wanna send the girl flowers. I want a 'with sympathy' card. And I want 'fuck you' flowers. Cos she was supposed to be my friend."
“Yep. I’m hoping I get some kind of award for being the most awesome best friend in the world.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will,” Adam nodded. “We’re the ultimate gift, specially Styles over there. He’s been fussing over his outfit for two days. Trying to decide the right level of ‘acceptable wedding tit’ or something.”
Louis burst out laughing, letting out a snort and choking on it as he caught sight of Harry’s attempt at looking insulted.
“Did… did you decide on an appropriate level of wedding tit?” Louis eventually managed to ask.
“Not yet,” Harry replied primly.
"I'd like to take a look around the island," Liam added. "The scenery and art is supposed to be amazing."
"Yeah, that's boring Payno," Niall rolled his eyes. "I may try a bit of surfing? Ooh, I wonder if they have those inflatable rides. Y'know the ones where you're tugged along behind a speedboat and you gotta try and stay on? I wanna try those."
"Okay, calm down," Harry chuckled quietly. "I like the sound of the scenery and art, Li. I've brought my camera, so maybe I can get some --"
"If the next words out of your mouth are 'get some work done', I will throw your Saint Laurent boots in the Mediterranean," Niall threatened.
"Let's not get hasty," Harry said quickly, paling slightly.
- answers below -
1 - On This Winter's Night
When a random bloke offers his lap for a seat on a busy bus in December, Louis' Christmas ends up being much different, and far less lonely than he was expecting.
2 - Say It With Flowers
From the prompt: Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”
3 - Latching Onto You
“Wait a sec,” Harry interrupted. “Zayn and Liam?” “Yeah, my best mates, who are getting married?” Louis said slowly, slightly baffled at the question. “This is a gay wedding?” “Is that going to be a problem?” Louis asked, his voice losing its friendly edge and taking on a decidedly icy tone.
Or, the one where Louis wants to book Harry Styles to perform at his best friends' wedding.
4 - Can't Help Falling
"I like the sound of the scenery and art, Li. I've brought my camera, so maybe I can get some --" "If the next words out of your mouth are 'get some work done', I will throw your Saint Laurent boots in the Mediterranean," Niall threatened. "Let's not get hasty," Harry said quickly, paling slightly. "No work, Styles," Liam reinforced. "At all. We promised Anne we'd get you to relax." "We're gonna go see Li's mate," Niall offered. "He works in a bar out there, right?" "Yeah," Liam nodded. "You remember me saying a while back about Zayn from school?" "Uh, he sent you a friend request or something on Facebook, right?" Harry guessed. "And you were surprised cos you've not seen him for like, ten years or something." "Right," Liam agreed. "He and a mate from uni went over once they'd graduated and opened up their own bar. Apparently it's doing pretty well, and he wanted to let me know where they were." ~~~~ Or the one where Harry's a workaholic, until best mates Liam and Niall drag him away for a holiday to Ibiza.
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sloshed-cinema · 2 months
Ghostbusters (1984)
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All hail corporate profits! At its core, Ghostbusters is a Reaganite wet dream, lauding the entrepreneur over the limp-dick government regulator. So what if Janine Melnitz hasn’t had a break in two weeks? Think of the commissions to be earned! After kicking off their startup using dangerous, unproven, and destructive technology, a trio (soon to be quartet) of radical fringe scientists sweep the popular focus. It’s a glamorous if somewhat slimy gig, full of magazine profiles and television interviews and recognition, all in a New York where everyone is completely chill with the concept of supernatural entities. Except the EPA, that is. Though Stantz has no business or money sense, Spengler is a bit of an oddball, and Venkman a complete and utter boor, they have no trouble getting ahead with their monopoly on busting ghosts. The franchise potential can come later, after all. And despite minor setbacks like arrest, this is an entrepreneur’s wet dream: nobody but them can save the day, and the mayor is forever in their debt for pulling off the trick. The film is cheeky and sardonic enough in its execution, and Ramis and Akyroyd particularly committed in their roles, but I simply can never connect with Murray. The sleazy nature of his characters always hews a bit too close to the “getting away with misbehavior” vibe of actors who go Method the second they get to play an asshole. At least Rick Moranis more than makes up for it with his neurotic, figures-obsessed, perpetually locked out Louis, and Sigourney Weaver is certified bonkers. In a hot 80s chick stereotype kind of way.
By and large, the special effects of Ghostbusters are more charming than they are effective. While this well predates the era of fast computer effects and hordes of underpaid, overworked tech employees to make the vision happen, it pales in comparison to some of the technical VFX tours de force of the period. It works best when wholly in one world or the other: the vision of Gozer’s realm in Dana’s fridge or its later realization atop the tower has an otherworldly nature to it in its set design. But when the ghostly and earthly planes interact, it has a (super)unnatural bent to it. Ivo Shandor’s tower is introduced with a gargoyle atop it, but the gargoyle’s horn is somewhat translucent, the street below visible through it. And the terror dogs are integrated with their environment in clunky fashion, never quite fitting in. The transformation of Gatekeeper and Keymaster into dogs is more silly than shocking. But hey, at least we have some iconic lines that stand the test of time better! No way those get abused ever.
Select either GATEKEEPER or KEYMASTER and sip when they are invoked.
Someone says 'Zuul' or 'Gozer'.
Science mumbo jumbo.
A new apparition appears.
Anti-institution sensibilities are espoused.
Ray Stantz is bad at business decisions.
Venkman is horny.
Ghostbusters theme song kicks in.
Louis gets locked out of his apartment.
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murfpersonalblog · 1 year
LDPDL, Incarceration, and Oscar Wilde's De Profundis
I was writing this up as a tangent in another post, thinking about IRL gay men at the turn of the 20th century as another source of Gothic literature Anne Rice was inspired by when she wrote the VC, and most importantly, how IRL Victorian-Edwardian era homophobia might have affected AMC!Louis as he struggled with his own sexuality/vampirism. Particularly, a point I made awhile ago about homosexuals & the mentally ill being locked up in sanatoriums. It just got way too long and off topic, so I've decided to post this bit first.
@wordforworldisforest noted that for all the reading Louis does in Eps2-7, we NEVER see him reading in Ep1 while he's still human. Iolanta's the first time we see Louis enjoy stories (plays/opera/books), but after he marries Lestat, Louis' reading whole libraries about heterosexual & homoerotic love & marriage. So I'm wondering what bb!Louis might've read during his human lifetime, too, and why he was keeping it such a secret from everyone--what/why was he hiding? And I started thinking about Oscar Wilde.
Closeted: Oscar, Louis & Vampirism
Oscar Wilde was the MOST (in)famous gay man during the late 1880-90s while Louis was growing up. If Louis was born 1877 (as per his gravestone in Ep5), he would've been 13 when The Picture of Dorian Gray was published, and 18-20 when Oscar was arrested for sodomy from 1895-97. De Profundis is the letter Oscar wrote to his male lover (Lord Alfred "Bosie" Douglas) while he was in jail, which was published posthumously in 1905. Ain't no way Louis didn't read it, or at least hear about it. 👀
Like, Dorian Gray's a known homoerotic book that was brought in as evidence during Oscar Wilde's sodomy trials. But Louis was 13 when it came out--MAYBE it flew under the radar for him, fine. But Louis's super stylish--he followed fashion trends (even in Dubai he's STILL casket sharp). And Oscar Wilde was a fashion icon/maverick in his heyday; an international sensation. But there was ALL KINDS of sexist/homophobic crap printed about Oscar cuz of the way he looked & dressed & styled his hair & carried himself in public (newspapers, Punch magazine, etc), before his love affairs with men were even made common knowledge.
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Oscar was a well-connected rich white man, and even HE caught flack from homophobes/xenophobes on both sides of the Pond for his effeminate behavior, and critiques against British and American aesthetics. While anti-Irish sentiments PALE in comparison to ACTUAL anti-black racism--(the Irish enslaved & lynched black folk same as any white racist colonizer, just look at Scarlet O'Hara--I've mentioned this before about racist Finn O'Shea, who burned the Azalea down in 1917)--Oscar being Irish definitely didn't help his reputation in British-American circles, as seen in anti-Irish caricatures from Victorian magazines like Punch.
Oscar, a world famous white man, served only TWO years of jailtime and it nearly KILLED him--so just IMAGINE what a gay black former pimp in Jim Crow South would've gone through.
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Vampirism's linked to xenophobia, as seen in my Brides of Lestat Dracula post (and speaking of Dracula....). But xenophobia against a white man's different from racism against a black man. Homophobic cops threatening Lestat's one thing--if he was on his own he'd've hypnotized the cops, ate a few of them, and skipped town long ago. He felt ZERO affinity or allegiance to the human world, populated merely by "the meat." Lestat embraced his alien status--Frenchness & vampirism, delighting in unsettling people & flouting social mores & gender norms. Since Louis insisted that they live as regular mortals, Lestat was "caught up in human affairs, too." But the ONLY one in any real danger of suffering the consequences of societal pariahism was LOUIS himself.
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(De Profundis, Wilde)
Louis enjoyed a high degree of protection living with Lestat--the magical Frenchman who gave Louis the impetus to live more or less "out" in an open-secret gay relationship. But before meeting Lestat, Louis would've had ZERO security. Louis would've been around 18 when the scandal broke & Oscar was arrested, 22 when De Profundis was partially published, and 23 when Oscar died. His downfall likely would've been a frightening reminder for teen-20s Louis to stay in the closet; validating the need to keep up his image & the lies; but also contributing to his alcoholism, avoiding going to Confession, and ultimately his resistance to Lestat.
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Loustat: Gilded Cages & Hubris/Pride before the Fall
So, I wonder how much Louis (AR/AMC) was pulling from Oscar Wilde in his own interview. Louis' access to Gothic/Victorian literature likely contributed to his excuses for Lestat's obvious vampirism (on top of NOLA's overall occult subculture); and Louis' own affinity for things that went bump in the night ("days were for sleeping off the previous night's damage," etc). But Oscar's lifestyle leading to his ruination & depression might've struck a chord with Louis too, considering his own fears/struggles with his sexuality.
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“[Louis] is so good at grieving! He wears woe as others wear velvet; sorrow flatters him like the light of candles; tears become him like jewels.” (TotBT).
Louis' life was dictated by fear--of being oppressed/disrespected, shamed, outed & ousted--publicly shunned. But vampirism proved to be the very embodiment of ostracism & imprisonment; with his Maker/"Massa" Lestat as the ultimate oppressor in their townhouse--the gilded cage/trap he built specifically for Louis. It's no coincidence that the Great Depression coincided with Loustat going "underground" to lay low after Claudia's murder sprees brought the cops to their door, and her running away from home led to Louis to stop taking care of the house or himself. (Accidia is the deadly sin Sloth.) Louis spent 14 years doing nothing but reading in the townhouse--7 while Claudia was gone, and 7ish while Lestat was gone. De Profundis was reprinted in 1912, and catholic!Bosie started openly repudiating Wilde & other homosexuals by 1918. So Louis definitely would have had time to read all of Oscar Wilde's works from 1923-37 (Claudia leaving & Lestat coming back).
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Oscar painted a grim picture of what prison was like on the inside, and what public humiliation was like on the outside. For a prideful man like Louis, shame & humiliation was his worst nightmare--Icarus "flying too close to the sun," as the Alderman put it. (Louis was in his 60s the first (& last) time he openly kissed Lestat at the Mardi Gras ball--the night he was gonna leave America for good anyway.)
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So I'm certain Oscar Wilde's scandal would've negatively colored Louis' developing outlook on his own homosexuality. And if Louis was (re)reading Wilde after Loustat's separation/divorce, it must have resonated, perhaps even moreso, as history repeated itself.
Lestat & Louis have been compared to Oscar & Bosie before. Their stories aren't perfect 1:1s ofc, but it's the overall Mess that most resembles Loustat. Oscar was an older, worldly, far better educated man; Bosie was a spoiled but broke little lordling whose hedonistic lifestyle of male prostitutes was bankrolled by Oscar. Bosie's homophobic father was determined to see Wilde ruined, and had him arrested for sodomy. Oscar was sentenced to 2 years of hard prison labor. Jailtime made Oscar reevaluate his life, his impending death, and his relationship with Bosie--"the love that dare not speak its name." Oscar was HELLA critical of Bosie in De Profundis, and after being released from jail they split up; Oscar fleeing to Paris where he soon died. Bosie converted to Roman Catholicism, and after Oscar's complete letters were published in 1912 he publicly repudiated Wilde, renouncing homosexuality and marrying an heiress, only to die penniless anyway. Ohhhhh, Louis would've eaten that news up, I know he did.
Just look at how Oscar talks to Bosie in his letter, and tell me it doesn't sound like Louis' talking/complaining about Lestat:
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Plenty of scholars have pointed out Oscar's hypocritical criticism of Bosie, as he reams Bosie for filth for half the letter, then talks about not being bitter towards him & finding Jesus & forgiveness for the second half. Likewise, I've said before that Book!IWTV reads like a hit piece, Louis skulldragging Lestat while downplaying Louis' own culpability in his downfall. However, AMC!Louis takes more accountability than book!Louis, focusing on the ways HE in particular failed Claudia (and himself), rather than blaming so much of it all on Lestat. Louis' more forgiving of Lestat than Daniel/the show leans--perhaps cuz Claudia's older; able to act against Lestat the way Louis couldn't bring himself to, even for her.
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But naturally, AMC!Louis has more on his plate than book!Louis ever did, as the racial/societal challenges of their time also played a much more significant part in Lestat's relationships with Louis and Claudia souring. Louis' far more ambitious, but doomed, so his fall from grace hits that much harder, as he blames himself more for the things he could and couldn't control.
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Loumand: Wardens, Austerity & Suffering
My final point concerns Louis' time in Dubai with Armand. Here, the notion of imprisonment takes on a far more disturbing flavor, because Louis is mentally ill/traumatized. He's completely surrendered to Armand; who isn't pampering/spoiling him like a prince(ss), so much as nursing/babying him like a mental patient in a padded cell.
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Loumand's cold & hollow penthouse is the polar opposite of Loustat's lush & vibrant townhouse. They're living like monks. Ofc that tracks with Catholic austerity (see this awesome post about Louis & Anchorites); but I also suspect Louis might've consulted New Age Buddhism as a form of therapy/meditation too--cuz what's with the tangzhuang outfit? 🤨
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It's the most out-of-place piece in Louis' Dubai wardrobe of highwaisted slacks & tops. And for a show that's so dang particular about clothes & colors & cuts etc, this HAS to mean something. And considering Louis' penchant for monastic self-denial, I think De Profundis has interesting parallels with Catholicism and Buddhism.
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Like, Louis has access to all the modern marvels of science, and as much blood as he can get--"AB- fresh from the Farm," Damek, Dr. Fareed, blood banks, exotic animals, etc. Yet he's also eating human food, even though it tastes like chalk/paste, just to humble/deny/punish himself. (It's as hypocritical as it is sincere, crazy enough.)
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It's all sus, cuz we know Armand's a master hypnotist with the Mind Gift & Spell Gift. Louis' interview seems less like the confessions of a suicidal/grieving man, or the unburdening of an incarcerated/rehabilitated man's guilty conscience. Instead, Louis seems like he's speaking from the Sunken Place; like he's one trigger away from a complete and utter meltdown.
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Which makes it veeeeery interesting that Louis keeps pushing/suffering through the interview, despite his pain; while Armand seems to be VERY against the entire endeavor--the one who keeps trying to get them to stop talking about the past at all.... 👀
So yeah, this was all swirling around, keeping me from getting any effing sleep. I hate this show.
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skyguywrites · 3 months
[louis/amelia] “tell her that you love her.”
Amelia frowned, fingers worrying at the edge of her pristine skirt. She thought, momentarily, that if this were a movie – or perhaps a book, even – then the skirt would be frayed around the edges, the pads of her forefinger and thumb rubbing uncomfortably at a loose thread as it unraveled further. Amelia was smart, though; She was thorough in her research regardless of the context. She didn’t believe in fast fashion, and she knew that buying clothes from a good source that would last her a long time, no matter how expensive, was money well-spent.   It was a comfortable tangent for her mind to wander off on as she tried to distract herself from her friend’s words, but in the end it wasn’t enough. Because the thing about Amelia was that she was precise in all the things that she did – even now, even after the accident. She could hardly admit as much to Maggie herself, but even on chatting and flirting with the pretty musician, she’d done her research. She’d looked into who her father was, her style icons, what kind of music she made; even going so far as to watch clips of her talking about her musical influences, too. She’d learned everything she could possibly know about Maggie Chance, only there was one thing Google hadn’t quite prepared her for; Falling in love.  “You say that like it’s easy,” Amelia whispered, her voice low as she tried to bite back fresh tears.  Without looking up, she felt Wardo shuffle beside her, instinctive as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in. Louis found her hand, pulling it into his lap, squeezing tight as he peered across at her, patient as he waited for her to go on.  “Look at you two idiots,” she grumbled, feeling the barest bit lighter as she felt rather than heard Wardo laugh beside her. ”You act like it’s that easy. Like telling each other how you felt wasn’t the most awful, terrifying thing in the world.”  Because it was, truly. How she felt about Maggie was bigger than anything that life had thrown her way. Losing her mom, her dad’s descent into alcoholism, even the car accident; It seemed dramatic to think it – harsh, even – but in that moment, it all seemed to pale in comparison to the weight that was pressing down against her chest now. Everything she’d once loathed about Maggie, once found annoying beyond compare, was something she now found light in, quietly endeared by the other girl’s quirks and mannerisms. But there was a darkness behind the musician’s gaze, one that only seemed to soften when she found herself alone with Amelia, despite her insistence that they could never go public with their... whatever you might call their situation.  She would never pressure her into doing anything she wasn’t comfortable with – that wasn’t Amelia’s style, not by a long shot. But living like this – one minute feeling as though you were on cloud nine, as though nothing could possibly hurt you, and the next being shoved aside, made to feel like a dirty secret – was something she didn’t want to get used to. She didn’t want to be the thing that Maggie was so ashamed of. 
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
Why are you being a pain? J&E friendship
Summer, 2015. Keeping the Rhythm.
Standing outside of a gothic-style church in the heart of Chicago, Jackie looks at a familiar mass of friends and family, standing outside of its dreary gates.
Well, with the exception of a scrawny old man, who is staring down at his feet like a small child.
In turn, Jackie waltzes on over, with a loud, obnoxiously scoff. "Why are you being a pain?"
"My feet hurt." Eric's loafers awkwardly collide with the sidewalk, as he glances up at the still raven-haired vulture. "I think I might have arthritis or something."
Jackie dismissively chuckles, showing off her Jimmy Choos. "You wouldn't last a day in high heels."
Eric attempts to cool a faded aura of tension, left over from the ills of the past, with a small, lighthearted little factoid. "Did you know that men were the first to wear high heels? Louis XIV didn't like that he was short, so..."
Jackie laughs, once again. "What, did you read that off a popsicle stick or something?"
Eric rolls his eyes, at Jackie's sheer dismissiveness, as they both truly return to their youthful, playful, and brutal rhythm. "I'm a history teacher, so..."
"You like to talk about old, rusty things like yourself?"
He defiantly crosses his arms, with wild hand gestures. "Rusty pot, rusty kettle."
"Rusty kettle?" Jackie dramatically flips her hair, with a rebellious smirk. "I'm almost two years younger than you."
"A year and a half," Eric corrects, in the tone of an aged teacher, "You're still over the hill, and through the woods..."
"To grandmother's house we go?" Leah and James emerge from the small crowd, and James is cradling a fussy bundle of joy, his tiny face as red as his hair. "We're doing this for you, Mom. Because God doesn't exist..."
Jackie can't help but scoff at her son. She loves him, but he can be obnoxious sometimes. "Can you stop being such an atheist at my grandson's christening?"
The other scarlet-haired grandmother finally exits the looming mass, after talking to Brooke for a few moments, cooing at her grandson. As James allows Donna to take the boy, a cute chubby thing with pale, freckly skin and icy blue eyes.
Donna smiles, as little Caleb immediately stops fussing and starts to beam, from ear to ear.
"Don't you mean our grandson?"
Jackie can't help but lovingly glance at her grandson, if only for a mere second, before racing over to play with her little prince. Playing a game of peek-a-boo.
With the exception of those iconic baby blues, the resemblance to one particular set of grandparents is incredibly uncanny. "Yeah, he looks like you two."
Eric nods, ever so proudly. "The Donneric Formciotti genes are strong."
"Unlike you?" Jackie shoots back, glancing at Donna, "Donna can still kick your ass."
Eric jokingly covers Caleb's ears. "Our grandson doesn't need to hear that language..."
Hyde finally ambles on over, kissing Jackie's temple as Eric and Donna loudly and jokingly coo. "Shit's ready to go, doll."
Jackie kisses him back, with a defiant roll of the eyes, at Eric's expense. "Yeah, we're so the cool grandparents."
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Top 5 vampires (literature, movies or any media)
Uhhhh.... let me get my braincells started up on this one. Thanks for the ask @udaberriwrites! 🖤
Dracula (I cannot not name him, so here I go; Claes Bang's version from 2020 of course)
Louis de Point du Lac (IWTV). I have grown to love him in a very short time span and adore him with all my heart. Speaking of;
Lestat de Lioncourt (IWTV). Bastard. Utter and complete bastard. Still, he deserves to be on this list.
Alice Cullen (Twilight Saga). Yes, I was a Twihard, and read all the novels and watched all the movies. She is an icon.
Dusk (Skulduggery Pleasant). Oh, haha, now I am getting niche. A side character in a long urban fantasy YA series. Badguy and baddie and always in a *mood*. Also, kinda hot with his sickly pale skin and that scar across his face?
Ask Game Here!
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trilogiesofterror · 1 month
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Historical Horror Icons Rise From the Dead in Sequels to the Original Stories
By Gerard Edmund Snook
Victorian England was a fertile ground for horror stories. The dark, dirty, and often desperate conditions aroused imaginations to breed hellish tales of terror. Out of these nightmares was born a trio of monsters whose legends have reached across centuries to find new life in sequels that cast their own long shadows.
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Seek
The murderous Edward Hyde stunned and shocked readers of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. The book tells the story of a repressed scientist, Dr. Henry Jekyll, who develops a formula that enables him to transition into his sinister alter ego, Mr. Hyde. Jekyll experiments with the serum's chemical ingredients, hoping to indulge in his vices without fear of exposure. As Hyde becomes more dominant and violent, an increasingly desperate Jekyll begins to lose control and realizes that his dark side will soon take over permanently. In a final act of resignation, he confesses everything in a letter and commits suicide. Sometime later, Hyde's body is found dressed in Jekyll's clothes.
The story of Jekyll and Hyde continues in Anthony O'Neill's historical horror sequel Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Seek (2017). Seven years after Edward Hyde's death, a mysterious stranger arrives in London claiming to be Dr. Henry Jekyll. The late doctor's loyal solicitor, Mr. Utterson, knows the stranger must be a fraud since Jekyll and Hyde were the same person. As the resurrected physician reclaims his estate, the bodies of potential challengers start piling up, causing Utterson to fear for his own safety.
The Ripper Lives
Jekyll and Hyde was a dress rehearsal for what was to come. In the late Summer of 1888, Jack the Ripper appeared out of the London fog to commit a series of brutal killings. He struck without warning or motive, leaving a famine of evidence in his bloody wake before vanishing into history, never to be heard from again.
The Victorian gothic murder mystery series The Ripper Lives (2024) tells what happened to Jack the Ripper. And with ten fear-drenched parts, there's a lot for readers to sink their minds into. Taking place in the same universe as the actual life events, the series is true to the history of the crimes and features familiar names from the case as central characters. Inspector Fredrick Abberline narrates the tale from the safety of retirement, recounting the days of frustration and fear and, in perhaps the most anticipated Ripper storyline in years, promises to reveal what transpired after the official version of events.
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Dracula the Un-Dead
Almost a decade after the Ripper disappeared, Dracula began haunting our nightmares. In the novel, a young English lawyer named Jonathan Harker visits the Transylvanian castle of Count Dracula to close a real estate transaction. He notes that the mysterious nobleman is pale, gaunt, and strange and, shortly afterwards, learns the horrific truth - that the Count is a vampire who feeds on human blood. Dracula imprisons Harker and departs for England to spread the curse of the undead. Once his identity and purpose are discovered, however, he is pursued back to Eastern Europe, where he is stabbed and crumbles into dust.
Although Dracula's demise suggests the threat has been neutralized, vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing knows otherwise. According to Van Helsing, when the sun sets, the vampire-king has the power to reshape himself into dust. Knowledge of this ability creates doubt about whether he is gone or, like evil itself, merely transformed. Dracula: The Un-Dead (2009), which pushes the story in unexpected directions, holds the answer. The gothic horror novel also includes startling revelations, including one about the alleged identity of Jack the Ripper.
The Ripper Lives (1-10) is FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
FOLLOW Trilogies of Terror and Kevin Morris on Amazon to stay posted on new releases.
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What's your favorite:
Color or colors?
Artist and song by them?
TV show?
Disney Princess?
Book series?
ahh ty for this ask luv! I'm sorry I'm responding late, I fell asleep-
My favourite colours are probably pale blue, rose gold and lavender/or just any kind of purple
I've recently started listening to Olivia Rodrigo and I do vibe with her songs well, my favorite is probably "all I want"
Top favorite show is Just add magic. That show is so iconic ik it's for like kids but still. The writing of ALL seasons is impeccable idc how old I get that show is always gonna have the magical vibe in it. But also, Gilmore girls! Such a classic too ugh. I've been wanting to watch the Vampire Diaries idk I've just never got round to watching it.
Current favourite movie is Enola Holmes, I'm dying for the third one to come out 😭 Louis Partridge as Tewksbury was probably the best choice ever omgg
But can I just add that the The chronicles of narnia films are underrated asf? Like why does nobody talk abt them 😭 it's so nostalgic
Also, fave Disney princess? Definitely Rapunzel. She slays so hard istg
Book series? Honestly plenty, Pjo (duh), Kotlc, Agggtm, chronicles of Narnia, etc. but I have so many stuff on my reading list lol
But favourite book of all times? It's "as good as dead" Like the plot twist had me tweaking for hours 😭😭
Fave animal is probably pandas, Ive LOVED pandas since I was a kid they're so fluffy 😤 but also golden retrievers >>
Food? Cheesy pasta. Like with mushrooms and broccoli- yup I like veggies in my pasta okay. It's my fave I could eat that all day.
Drink? Coffee. Just the thought of coffee makes my day better tbh
Thank you for these questions!! I loved answering them ssmmm
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mysterymirrors · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Steve Madden Knotss Bow Slide Sandals - Blush Pale Pink - 6.5M.
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sanctobin · 1 year
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Hermès is delighted to reopen the doors of its home in Luxembourg. Bespoke, artisanal touches highlight this locale’s unique identity and its cherished history with Hermès. The store’s new design is established with the façade, where elegant copper-framed windows and a wider doorway encourage an abundance of natural light to fill the store.
The exterior’s ochre-finessed limestone walls, a reference to the historic fortified architecture of the city, complement the pale-hued, polished stucco walls and limestone design features of the interior. As clients enter into the intimate space, an open-plan layout provides a roaming view of the collections on display, starting with vibrant silks, fashion jewellery, perfumes, and the collections for the home, which are framed by an alcove of panelled wood.
The store design, developed by the Parisian architecture agency RDAI, seamlessly highlights the iconic architectural vocabulary of the house: the Hermès’ ex-libris underfoot, the Grecques moulded glass lighting overhead and the resplendent mosaic flooring, all echoing the Parisian flagship store of 24 Faubourg Saint-Honoré.
Specific to this site is a unique mosaic, designed in a richly colourful and arresting motif that resembles a textile-like weave in homage to the region’s ties with the art of tapestry. To the left, a striking staircase carved from limestone serves as a link between the façade and the interior.
The staircase leads up to the first floor, which houses the leather goods universe and men’s ready-to-wear collection on one side, and the women’s ready-to-wear and shoes, as well as a dedicated lounge for jewellery and watches on the other side. Here, open wooden display cabinets line the walls and convey an atmosphere of conviviality and intimacy reminiscent of a private residence.
In the tradition of establishing a distinct identity for each Hermès store, a selection of regional artisans was invited to create site-specific works. There is a lustrous, translucent tapestry that hangs above the open stairwell, and two gradient-coloured rugs that frame the leather and ready-to-wear spaces, cast in a palette that recalls the sunlit watercolour landscapes.
A hand-picked curation of original objects, paintings, and sculptures also furnishes the store decor, further emphasising its unique identity and atmosphere. Of particular note is the equine-themed canvas hanging in the stairwell, a commissioned work by French contemporary artist Jean-Louis Sauvat.
To celebrate the reopening of this address, a vivid life artwork has been created by the local artistic duo Martine Feipel and Jean Bechameil. Inspired by the 2021 theme for “Hermès, An Odyssey”, the pair has created a series of graphically colourful artworks that light up the windows and the façade, evoking a joyful and spirited mood, as fits the occasion.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
IWTV, 1x03, part 2.
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Speaking of normal nails in ep3. Lestat's suddenly got shorter? Huh? The hell changed?
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He's already jealous, but the reaction and the acting are hilarious. I need gifs.
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Another difference from the book: Louis' mom suddenly figured out Louis is immortal? While in the book his sister and mom (?) were visiting his grave, thinking he was dead? But that was after the fire so IDK. But they didn't figure out he was a vampire. They didn't know. I feel like the Mother has way much of a role in this story. It wasn't like that in the book.
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You're so precious when you're jealous and drunk. :') "I thought we can have an orgy. You can fuck them, and I can eat them." You go, silly boy. Can't wait to learn more about your history and the abuse in your past.
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White nails again? That is some serious inconsistency. I doubt that he found a way to have his nails black and white over the century and then he didn't know how. Lestat was more than 200 and his nails were always white. This IS an inconsistency.
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*heart eyes*
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BABY, NO! :(
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Never thought I'd agree with Lestat, but yes. This. What did 'Louis' think life as a vampire would be? Yes fucking humans. Steal blood from blood banks, for god's sake. I'm tired of him. And I'm even more tired before Claudia shows up because that's where he kinda starts killing again for a while, but it's not that Claudia & are they even going to Paris together? Are they?
Oh, and btw, contact lenses are sooo bad. Jacob looks more or less ok, but Sam with them? Big yikes.
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I think I might be here for him only. He's the real doll in this mess.
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Yes. Also, let's not forget that it's not out of respect for 'Louis' (if there's any real, idk with this show), but simply bc Lestat is not interested in running it in the slightest. He already has "all the money we need", wherever those came from, so he wouldn't even start running a whoring house. He wants all the fun and killing, not whatever this is. Which I find very interesting 'cause in the book he was literally threatening to kill Louis if Louis let slave go and sell the plantation.
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Wondering how the story would went if they both were white, like in the books. "You two pale lovers"?
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Oh to be praised and loved by Lestat. I admit, they could've had so much fun. While I can empathize with book!Louis, this one? "I did it for my people, for my city." Girl, who are you lying to? Mehhh.
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King. Queen. I think I'm starting to understand the 'gender envy' phrase. I think I'm both attracted to him and want to be him.
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Are you your own person or is Lestat your actual master and you are his slave? Stop blaming him for your decisions. I'm so tired of you.
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You can have fun with this dude every night, but nooo, you choose to be broody and miserable about it. I don't like both Lestat and Louis in the book, so I'm glad to enjoy at least one of them here. Where's that iconic "There's still life in the old lady yet!"? Give me fun.
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Baby boy. Baby. Deserves better.
"My light. My Claudia. My redemption." (checks where the ending of the book is coming for theatrical purpose) I'm gonna fight you, Louis. I'm gonna fucking fight you.
Now 'Claudia' is 14. And it's not her mother who died but her aunt, apparently. Sure, let's rewrite the entire canon. What's the point of aging up a character if you're not going to do anything about it? The entire struggle of her age is that it's an elder woman trapped in a body of a five year old that loved Louis her entire life. What's the point of aging her up if there's not going to be any romance. WHAT IS THE POINT. Not to mention that Claudia slept in Louis' arms in the book. In here? Apparently, it'd be too weird.
Y'all are cowards.
The episodes feel sooo long, but the Inside the Episode is like a very short version of it. Tempting to just go through those. x)
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moontryall · 2 years
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The Dreamers (2003)
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imaginelwt · 5 years
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Louis Tomlinson Layouts (requested)
-reblog or like if saved
-headers are mine
-credit @rosieslouis on twitter if used
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kissyzoe · 6 years
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[REQUEST]: Louis icon + Harry headers 🖤
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sighpauly · 7 years
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Harry Styles lockscreens.
I’ll be doing some requests btw
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littletrouper · 2 years
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VC FEELS PART 3: Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that's ever happened to you
Or when Lestat finally has a moment alone and allows the brave face to break away and mourns Louis after he is taken by Rhoshamandes. Set after Rhoshamandes is destroyed.
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Rhoshamandes is no more, the threat is gone, the community braces to rebuild and he - to lead it. He, the brave and galant hero. He, who must be the Prince and lift collective spirits. He, who is the symbol and the icon who all look up to.
He, who cries when no one is around. He, who performs so well for others but cannot stop the tears which are always so close to falling. He, who cannot stop caressing his portrait and wearing the emerald ring which doesn't quite fit.
The ring which belonged to another, the ring which came in a parcel along with a vial of ashes. The ring with the most beautiful emerald meant to mimic the color of his eyes yet still paleing in comparison.
Through the emptiness and pain, there alone in his rooms, away from the eyes of those who depend on him, he chants. He whispers again and again, those words that his beloved told him long ago:
"Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that's ever happened to you"
Was I too lazy to draw a new picture of Louis and just used an old one instead?
Maybe 🤷
VC FEELS PART 2: COME INTO MY ARMS, AMADEO (Or when Marius mourns Armand's death after Memnoch)
VC FEELS PART 1: Heart no longer closed (Or Armand and Marius' reunion in Blood Communion)
@otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore I didn't forget! 😂
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