#love all the inspiration taken
elendsessor · 6 months
hey so fun fact this guy?
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yeah he might actually be a mainline-ified demikids demon
not joking
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glasya labolas only appeared in demikids light and dark versions as a boss and is, from what i can tell, unable to be fused. the recent demon showcase seems to display fusion as a possibility which if so yippee! here’s to another fucked up dog.
but what’s especially striking is in terms of design
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i’d say 5v’s relatively more accurate than demikids but definitely isn’t 100% based on mythological depictions. glasya is a gryphon with the head of a dog (and apparently baby goat horns as shown in this illustration in the infernal dictionary). this seems to be the depiction 5v drew from because of the uh very suspicious smile but i appreciate the overall change in tone.
a lot of the more metallic(?) designs actually take a ton from ancient mesopotamian art and jewelry—fitting as the creature is of goetic origin. overall super interesting but the design might not jive with others. definitely a standout when it comes to the designs of other goetic demons depicted within megaten :)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Detectives at the Disco (Elysium)
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good-beans · 3 days
It makes me sad when people read the Milgram vote percentages as if it's saying characters are "more deserving" of a verdict with a higher percentage. A big ratio number doesn't mean we really think they deserve that verdict, maybe everyone who voted for that outcome just barely came to that decision. It's showing the ratio of final decision of the fan base, not the strength of their opinions...
I just feel like it dumbs down/ignores so much of the complex reflection that goes on for a lot of fans. Maybe some people vote with 100% of their spirit, but for a lot of people it's an interesting and complex choice that may be made hesitantly because of all the factors at play
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antigonenikk · 4 months
sledgefu okinawa fight scene but with anatomy of a fall PIMP instrumental cover added to it
♡idea stolen egregiously from user @wellwaterhysteria whose blog i have never seen before today but who is nevertheless now an icon a legend and the moment♡
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shuploc · 3 months
Hello! Your work is so beautiful, especially for IWTV. Was wondering if you have might have any WIPs in mind for Armand and young Daniel, ala 1970s/80s Devil's Minion?
I don't have anything in mind for young Daniel, but I do for Old Maniel and Armand! I'm actually looking up reference photos for it right now as we speak 😊
But do not fret! I will most likely get to draw them at some point later, cuz I'm not planning on leaving the fandom anytime soon (and that goes for pretty much all the fandoms I've been drawing stuff for lately) Thank you so much for the request though, and for the kind words! ❤️
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smushystrawbabies · 8 months
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LET ME PICK @ YOUR FACE!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥🎸🥁🎸🎤
milkweed ref :3
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pushing500 · 10 months
The Ship
It's been a long time coming, but it's time for us to say goodbye to The Animist Alliance and the story of Eureka. Who would have thought that a colony I started because I was feeling sick and uncomfortable one day would grow into something so fun? I've had a grand time sharing this story with you all, and I hope you've had fun following the adventure.
Speaking of stories, I tried my hand at writing one for the ending! It's a bit long, so I'll stick it under a break, but I hope you like it. Thank you to everybody who's enjoyed my art and my colony, I've had so much fun making these posts. I can't wait to do more!
So, without further ado...
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Tap, tap, tap.
Irwin’s pencil bumped against the clipboard in a thoughtful rhythm as he scowled at the list before him.
“There are twenty-nine people in this colony.” He said, his voice cutting through the silence, “Twenty-nine people, eighty animals, but only eighteen cryptosleep caskets. At the very least, eleven people will have to stay behind.”
“More than that, if we want any of the animals to make it off this planet!” Kawoo piped up, “It would be a shame to leave them all behind after we’ve been through so much together. Anybody with a bonded animal should be allowed to take them on the ship, don’t you think?”
“If there’s room.” Irwin stopped tapping the pencil for a moment to scribble something on the clipboard, “Here, I’ve narrowed the choice down.” He looked up, scanning the gathered colonists until he found who he was looking for— the small group of uncertain newcomers huddled towards the back of the crowd, “Gracie, Hot Minute, Grump, Kelorul, and Jesse. You’ll be staying behind.”
Predictably, it was Grump who exploded. She had a hair-trigger temper, and when she wasn’t trying to destroy the technology around the colony, she could be found trying to pick a fight with one of the men. Irwin seemed to be a favourite target of hers, perhaps due to his powerful position as the Moral Guide of the Path of Animism. “Why do we have to stay behind? Who do you think you are to make us sit down and watch as the rest of you all get to leave this steaming pile of—”
Irwin’s gaze snapped toward her, a dangerous glint in his eyes. He rolled the pencil back and forth between his fingertips for a few long moments, and Grump calmed herself quickly as she recognised the all-too-familiar expression. 
Irwin only looked at people like that before he reached underneath his duster for the sturdy grip of his persona zeushammer, Xanxalbur.
“You’re staying behind because I don’t like you,” He told her, making no effort to soften the impact of his words. He never did. “You’re all newcomers. None of you have earned a place on the ship.”
“We got the AI Core, didn’t we?” said Hot Minute indignantly, “You never would have finished the ship without us! Well, without Grump, Gracie, Kelorul and me.” Grump, Gracie and Kelorul murmured in agreement. 
“No, I suppose not.” Irwin shrugged and tapped the pencil against the clipboard again.
Tap, tap, tap.
“So… Can we go on the ship?” Gracie asked finally, after several moments of silence broken only by the pencil tapping against the clipboard.
“No.” Irwin squinted at the clipboard and crossed something else out, “Eva, you can’t go either.”
“I can’t?” Eva looked up from the tray of nutrient paste she had been quietly eating, “What’s wrong with me specifically?”
“We’re not convinced you’re human, that’s what’s wrong.” Albina stepped up beside Irwin and peered at the list in his hands, “That does narrow our choices down, but there’s still so many of us.”
“I’ll narrow it some more!” Debby stomped over and linked arms with Eva, “I don’t care if you think she’s a mime! I’m staying with her! I don’t want to go on your stupid ship!”
“Alright, then. Suit yourself.” Irwin made a note on his clipboard, and Albina nodded her approval.
“Irwin, if Debby is staying…” Brennan slunk forward, her eyes rimmed with dark circles. It was clear she hadn’t been sleeping well since her abrupt divorce, “May I claim the first spot on the ship? I… I don’t think I can stand to stay here. Not with…” She glanced over her shoulder to where Debby and Eva stood side-by-side, “Not with some people. Please let me leave.”
“This ship wouldn’t have been possible without you, Brennan. If anybody deserves a spot, it’s you.” Irwin offered her one of his rare smiles, “Alright. Seventeen cryptosleep caskets left.”
“Well, then, let me say something.” Zonovo shoved past Hazrov and Vu to glare at Irwin, “Either that thing leaves on the ship, or I do!” As he delivered his ultimatum, he pointed accusingly at the pulmonoscorpius skittering around by the kitchen. 
Frisbee was one of Kawoo’s beloved pets, but it was a well-known fact around Eureka that Zonovo could not stand the sight of the giant scorpion. His shrieks of terror were such a regular occurrence that nobody batted an eyelid anymore.
Irwin and Albina exchanged glances, and Irwin’s pencil returned to its nervous tapping.
Tap, tap, tap.
“If he wants to go on the ship, I won’t stop him.”  said Albina after a moment, “Some people go to such extreme measures to run from their fears.”
“How can any of you stand to live in such close proximity to that monstrous—” Zonovo began to bristle with anger, but a hand on his arm stopped him before he could start a social fight.
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“If Zonovo is going, I’m going.” Baz squeezed his husband’s shoulder and grinned, “You wouldn’t break up marriages over this ship, would you?”
“We wouldn’t dream of it. Irwin, put their names down next to each other. They can have adjacent caskets.” Albina watched Irwin take his notes, then glanced up, “Speaking of marriages… Wookshys, do you want a spot on the ship?” 
“You’ll have a spot if you want one.” Irwin promised, “It’s the least we can do, especially considering how you’ve been treated around here.”
“I’ll follow wherever Albina goes.” Wookshys’ laugh was deep and rich, and it rumbled in his chest as he shook his head and wagged his tail cheerfully, “If she stays, I’ll stay. If she goes, I’ll go. I only want to be with her.” He caught Albina’s eye and winked at her.
“Up to you, then, our fearless leader. Do you want to leave?” Irwin’s pencil hovered over the list of names as he looked at Albina. She hesitated, then lifted her head and stared across the colony to where she could see the faintest glimmer of light where the Anima tree stood. 
Albina spent the majority of her time by the Anima tree. She spoke of it like it was a beloved sister, and she smiled as she looked at it now.
“No.” She murmured, “No, I think I’ll stay. I can’t bear the idea of leaving the tree behind.”
“Excellent!” beamed Wookshys, “I wasn’t sure I’d be able to cope on a spaceship anyway. There's not much fishing to be done in a vacuum, from what I’ve heard. I’d much prefer to stay here.”
“Yes, I think you’ll find more joy here than drifting in the void.” agreed Irwin, “So, that’s three spots gone already. Brennan, Zonovo, and Baz. Fifteen caskets left. Any takers?”
“I’d like to humbly request a spot, please.” Candlelight raised one hand and smiled, “I have very much enjoyed my time here, but I miss being among my own people. This looks like the best chance I’ll get at returning to them, so I’d like to take the chance before it’s gone.”
Irwin nodded as he made the necessary notes, then glanced back up as someone blew a low whistle.
“Well…” Wendy sighed and cracked the knuckles on her right hand, the one which wasn’t bionic, then smiled at her wife, “I reckon Tamarind probably feels the same way about the Anima tree that Albina does, hey? I’m happy to stay here with her. I’ve died once on this planet, and it only seems right that I stay until the day it gets to keep me forever.”
“I’ll stay, but I’d like you to refrain from dying for as long as possible.” Tamarind playfully jabbed Wendy in the ribs, and the two women chuckled before glancing back at Irwin, who was watching them with a quirked eyebrow, “Cross us off the list, please. We’ll stay here.”
“There’s enough room for everyone else, then.” Irwin looked ready to wrap it up, but a cry of distress stopped him before he lay the clipboard aside.
“Wait, wait!” exclaimed Fafo, “I… I don’t want to go. I want to stay here. There are… My… I have… I have my robots!” She gestured helplessly to where Gadget, her small constructoid, was working to rebuild some power conduits while her centipede gunner Hero watched impassively, “I’ve only scratched the surface of my abilities as a mechanitor! Please, don’t be upset, but I don’t want to go!” She addressed this last comment to her husband, Kaz, standing nearby with their son, Ro.
“I’m not upset,” Kaz reassured. He absent-mindedly ruffled Ro’s hair, frowning as he considered, “In all honesty… I prefer the idea of staying, too. I helped build most of this colony. I fell in love and got married here. My son was born here. I think I’d like to stay to raise my family here.” He smiled and glanced at Wendy and Tamarind, “Besides, I’ve still got nine fingers left in case Wendy does anything stupid again and needs to be resurrected. Someone responsible ought to keep an eye on her.” 
Irwin shook his head, but it didn’t hide the grin that crept across his face as he crossed the three Kaznove names off the list.
“I’ll stay, too.” Another voice called out, and Barghest stepped forward, “I know I mostly just sweep the floors here, and nobody would miss me if I left, but this place is good. I like my room. I like my chores. I like the weather here.” He rubbed his beard, then added as if it were an afterthought, “I don’t like the idea of being blown up in a ship and dying in the void without ever knowing what happened.”
“That’s certainly a risk we’ll be taking.” Irwin agreed, “Anybody else having second thoughts? Connie?”
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take as long as we’re both on board.” Connie folded her arms and stuck her nose in the air, “I’m sick to death of this place! I just want to go to a nice glitterworld somewhere and get pampered! Is that too much to ask? Besides, you built the ship, dear. I have full faith in it.”
“Make sure I’m in a casket near her!” called Emerald, “We’re sisters, after all. I don’t want to be separated again.” 
Irwin dutifully noted the names of his wife and sister-in-law alongside his own.
“That means there’s room for some of us to go!” blurted Kelorul, “If so many people are staying back, we can—”
“No. Not happening.” Irwin silenced him with a glare, “None of you are welcome on our ship. You’re staying right here. Build your own ship for all I care.” When Kelorul opened his mouth to object, Irwin’s glare intensified, “Don’t make me get Xanxalbur. It’s got the kill-happy trait, and it’s been waiting a long time without satisfaction.”
“Fine,” Kelorul said sulkily before he turned to tramp away with Gracie, Hot Minute, and Grump following in his footsteps. Nearby, Jesse inclined his head and watched his fellow space battle survivors leave, then strolled towards the farms at a leisurely pace, apparently content to stay behind amongst the flowers and trees of the temperate forest rather than fighting for a spot on the ship.
“I want to stay here.” Laurie drew Irwin’s attention back to the main group as she glanced sideways at Debby and Eva, “Maybe I… Maybe… Fall in love again.” Eva poked her tongue out at Laurie, but Debby winked, and Laurie flushed bright red and turned to shuffle away.
“I’m not staying here. There are adventures to have and people to kill! A whole galaxy of them!” Hazrov clenched and unclenched her fists. Her expression was hidden behind the skull mask she wore, but it was easy to imagine the sadistic glee in her eyes.
“I was going to stay, but… If Hazrov is brave enough to board that ship, so am I!” Vu stuffed her hands into her hoodie pocket, “M-mostly. I am a bit worried. It looks awfully rickety, doesn’t it? Like it would break in space.”
“We’ll find out.” Irwin shrugged.
“Will the ship break in space?” Andy, only seven years old, turned to stare at his parents with eyes as big as saucers. Kawoo knelt to gather her son into her arms.
“Of course not!” She reassured, “Your father helped build it, you know. It’s the best one I’ve ever seen! Besides, we’ll be with you the whole way, even if we’re in separate caskets.”
“I built the ship as sturdy as they come, kiddo. Don’t you worry.” Andrei patted Andy’s head. For a moment, Andy still looked troubled, but then his eyes lit up, and he pulled away from Kawoo. He hurried over to the edge of the group and caught one of Henry’s hands in his own.
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“You’re coming too, aren’t you?” He said breathlessly, “I’ll be brave if you’re there, Henry. I won’t have to worry about anything hurting us! Not even space could beat you in a fight!” 
“You’re crazy.” Henry did not quite manage a smile, but he clapped Andy on the shoulder in the crisp, parade-ground manner that seemed far too grown up for his small frame, “I won’t leave you for a second. I was engineered as a soldier, and I’ll be damned if I don’t use that engineering to protect the people who have protected me.”
“Language, Henry.” Irwin chided, but he was smiling as he wrote the last few names down. “Let me see… Brennan, Zonovo, Baz, Candlelight, Connie, Emerald, me, Hazrov, Vu, Kawoo, Andrei, Andy, and Henry. That leaves five cryptosleep caskets that we need to fill.”
“We could be really funny and bring the scorpion.” Connie gestured towards Frisbee, but the white-hot glare that Zonovo shot at her was enough to shut her up.
“Tempting, but we should probably use those caskets for any bonded animals. Andrei, Kawoo, you two work with animals the most. Do you want to bring any?”
“Oh, I’d be extremely grateful if we could make room for Pharaoh!” Kawoo perked up at once, “He’s big and strong, but he’s very gentle. I’d love to take him to a glitterworld and show him off! He’s a majestic creature and definitely worthy to be a space explorer. I’d feel better knowing he was close by.”
“The thrumbos are very majestic.” Irwin wrote Pharaoh’s name next to Kawoo’s on his list, “What about you, Andrei? Any animals you’re particularly close to?”
“Well, keeping on the thrumbo theme…” Andrei wrung his hands, “I’m pretty fond of Bellboy. I’ve helped raise him from birth. He’s only young, but… He could grow into something amazing. He’s trained so well. Is there room for him?”
“We have more caskets. We can fit more thrumbos.” Irwin reassured.
“If I may interject, I… I happen to be particularly close with that enormous fluffy cave bear.” Candlelight spoke up, “Witch, you know? She follows me when I go hunting. She’s very affectionate for something with such huge teeth and claws that could– and do– tear raiders to pieces. Her protection and devotion were not easily earned, and I would hate to leave her behind.”
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“Two thrumbos and a cave bear. Is there anyone else we need?” Irwin jotted down a few more notes, “We have two caskets left to fill. Suggestions?”
“Brandi and Big Dipper!” Andy exclaimed, “Pharaoh would be lonely if we took him but not his wife and Brandi is pregnant anyway, so it’s like two thrumbos in one go! And they can’t leave without Big Dipper because he was their first baby, and he can keep his little brother Bellboy company.”
“Good idea, Andy.” Irwin nodded his agreement, “You’re a genius. I’m glad you’re coming with us. You too, Henry.” He checked over the clipboard one final time, tapping the pencil as he did.
Tap, tap, tap.
Tap, tap, tap.
“Looks good.” He said at last, and tucked the pencil and the clipboard away in the pockets of his duster, “That was easy enough to sort out. Now, all that’s left to do is take off.”
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So there you have it! It's both exhilarating and heartbreaking to see the end.
On the one hand, I finished a game of RimWorld for the first time!! Woo! On the other hand, I'd really grown to love Eureka and all the colonists it had. Well, I mean, almost all of them. I could take or leave Grump, Hot Minute, Gracie, and Kelorul.
Thank you again to everyone who followed along with this story. I appreciate it so much. I'm definitely going to play more RimWorld in the future, so please feel free to look forward to that! <3 <3 <3
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The Children of Ecthuctu
A Mechanitor's Message
44 notes · View notes
I really should sit down and flesh out eyrie’s ex-wife because the two of them were quite close, and loved and understood each other a great deal. even if they did encounter each other as they are now, there would still be that recognition—the whole “despite everything, it’s still you.”
and the two of them could still see how they loved each other—what drew them to each other so long ago. the fragments of the people they were are still there, deep down.
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elitadream · 1 year
I swear you pull off Mario and Luigi's bond perfectly in this AU! (And not just in this AU but in your other art as well!)
I can imagine the adventures your versions of Mario and Luigi go on!
For some reason, Super Mario Odyssey is coming to mind. I wonder how this version of Bowser and Peach would go in that, since Bowser is much more cruel in your verse. I also remember Luigi's Balloon World, where Luigi's so supportive to Mario. I can imagine your version of Mario being so happy to chat with his brother, venting his fears and pains as well as receiving love and comfort and telling happy memories to Luigi too. All while Luigi comforts Mario and laughs with Mario during happy times.
Also, poor Luigi in the Snow Kingdom forgetting his coat, he looked so cold in his overalls. I can imagine Mario instantly dragging his shivering brother to the Odyssey for soup and blankets.
Sorry for the rambling. My point is, your version of Mario and Luigi and Peach and Bowser is soo cool and I love them and it makes me think of what the games would be like in your verse (we need more vulnerable Mario). I just needed to let it all out. Keep up the good work and thank you!
Thank you! 🥹 I'm sure glad you like my portrayal of the bros! I just love them so much. 💞
Also these are all wonderful examples!! While I haven't thought of full adventures for them yet per say, I've often pictured them in a wide variety of very specific scenarios; picturing how each would react to this or that situation, how their interactions would go, what the primary mood would be, etc. 😊 Be it in a context where they're younger, where one of them is feeling down, where there are romantic shenanigans involved or where the setting is cozy and domestic, I find their relationship simply delightful to explore!
And omg YES, more vulnerable Mario ftw!! 😩💯 Some could say that mine is arguably perhaps even a bit too vulnerable, but that's just how I like to present him. 🥺💖 Emotional depth and openness is one of my absolute favorite traits to illustrate, and in my personal opinion, it's one that suits Mario quite well. ☺️
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Honestly I'm kind of obsessed w Peppino and Pepperman's dynamic and how it manages to be even fucking gayer than an actual romantic relationship. Like the sheer adoration and admiration and obsession like holy shit 🫣 makes me a lil insane.
vvv Me every single time someone comes into my inbox telling me how much they like their dynamic vvv
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It is just so fun to write them this way. I wouldnt say i ship them (i really do like Just pep/stavo when my brain defaults to peppino while im bored and idle) but like w any kind of relationship and/or dynamic it is just fun to make them a lil gay for each other. Every friend ive been with is like that a little bit like haha bro ur so funny say that again hey did u know ur smile is so nice and it lights ur whole face up? Just sayin bro didnt mean to interrupt ur joke just wanted to get that out 😊💖
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
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Liebstod is a German word for a kind of love that is so unreal and so Divine, that it can only be achieved in death.
But Death is not to be taken literally as the ultimate archetype of endings, but one of transitions and new beginnings--an archetype of ego death from which a new third is born.
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iniziare · 3 months
Tag drop: Dorian Pavus
#dorian pavus. [ he says we're alike. too much pride. once i would have been overjoyed to hear him say that. now I'm not certain. ]#dorian pavus: ic. [ you find joy in it not shame. it shows. / why be ashamed? power should be respected. not swept under the carpet. ]#dorian pavus: inquiries. [ stop talking like you're waiting for applause. / what? there's no applause? ]#dorian pavus: countenance. [ i'm here to set things right. also? to look dashing. that part's less difficult. ]#dorian pavus: introspection. [ selfish i suppose. not to want to spend my entire life screaming on the inside. ]#dorian pavus: meta. [ you inspired me with your marvelous antics. you’re shaping the world. how could i aspire to do any less? ]#dorian pavus: little notes. [ living a lie. it festers inside you like poison. you have to fight for what’s in your heart. ]#dorian pavus: etc. [ you can't call me pampered. nobody's peeled a grape for me in weeks. ]#dorian pavus: magic. [ don't your spells whisper things to you? what is and could be? music in the mind of strange faraway places? ]#dorian pavus: inquisition. [ we're going to get lost and starve to death. aren't we? a glorious end for the inquisition. ]#dorian pavus: tevinter. [ despite appearances. we care deeply. about everything. we have no reserve. not in war and not in love. ]#dorian pavus: felix. [ even in illness he was the best of us. with him around you knew things could be better. ]#dorian pavus: gereon. [ we used to talk about how we could make real change in the imperium. then he gave up. he stopped trying. ]#dorian pavus: halward. [ i only wanted what was best for you. / no. you wanted the best for you. your fucking legacy. ]#dorian pavus: aquinea. [ her blame was cold and smothering. never spoken but always present. he couldn't face that. not yet. ]#dorian pavus: inquisitor. [ you have too many people asking you for everything under the sun. i won't be one of them. ]#dorian pavus: solas. [ you startled me. you're always so... nondescript. / please speak up. i cannot hear you over your outfit. ]#dorian pavus: varric. [ what do you think sparkler? ten royals says the next thing we run into farts fire. / taken i win either way. ]#dorian pavus: cullen. [ gloat all you like. i have this one. / are you sassing me commander? i didn't know you had it in you. ]#dorian pavus: cassandra. [ blue scarf? why would i be wearing such a thing? / It's a painting. work with me. it'll be fantastic. ]#dorian pavus: cole. [ you say you're handsome all the time. am i? i can't tell. / you're all right. might want to rethink the hats. ]#dorian pavus: vivienne. [ i received a letter the other day dorian. / truly? it's nice to know you have friends. ]#dorian pavus: blackwall. [ point is. you should let yourself off the hook. i know bad men and you're not one. ]#dorian pavus: sera. [ you magic me: i'll put three arrows in your eye. / now we can live together in peace and harmony. ]#dorian pavus: bull. [ no qunari would accept a tevinter mage unless it was a ruse. when should i expect a knife in the back? ]#dorian pavus: corypheus. [ one of yours? / one of mine? like a pet? a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood? ]
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inkykeiji · 5 months
grrrrr miss icky gross virgin incel tomura from like season 1-3ish i do not like the direction he has been taken :(( want my slutty gamer boy back
i get where ur coming from anon (。>﹏<) as much as i love beefcake shig, my favourite tomura evolution of them all is scrawny, bratty, pathetic, incompetent and entitled NEET tomura sigh :((
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goosin-around · 1 year
Regina: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Regina: No! Four to five seconds!
Tink: Too late!!!
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daydadahlias · 1 year
some of y'all make it really fucking hard to keep creating in this fandom im just gonna be honest.
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qoldenskies · 4 days
Sorry for always talking to you it’s just fun LMFAO but also that post that’s like “he’s literally nice” was LITERALLY an interaction in Circumventing Death, which is too funny not to comment on
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IT LITERALLY IS LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO seeing that post made me feel like the pointing wojack meme like HEY THEY SAID THAT. IN THE THE FIC I MADE
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