#love compatibility with zodiac signs
lilithbaeastro · 2 years
So I wanted to ask what are your opinions on a Aquarius Woman and a Virgo Man?🤔
Thank You!🤍
Virgo men & Aquarius Women
These are my personal opinion only
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[ I'll tell this considering as dominate signs ]
Aquarius women intelligence and calmness may easily attract Virgo men. Aquarius generally come off as detached even when they are the most kindest one once talk too, which will eventually give the impression of mysterious person, which again Virgo's find really intriguing.
If Aquarius women innovative/intelligent ideas come along with Virgo men practical approach and analytical ability, they can get huge success in business collaborations.
But at the same time you can't trust wholly on leaving them together. One minor disappointment, and it's all done babe.
Aquarius are generally non judgmental, going with the flow, doing things from heart(though they too are really intelligent and intellectual to go with their mind but they do things that make them happy), not forcing their thoughts on other, serious yet know how to enjoy their work, even daily activities are not boring regular type they always try to add a pinch of fun in their regular life.When she talks its to much hype, bubbly kinda interactions.
Where as Virgo's are judgemental, needs things to be perfect from them and also from pep around them, needs control over their life or generally everything happening around them, the schedule day to day activity, full analyse of how things will or should I say must be going. They are straightforward, but that might come of as rude sometimes as they don't like to talk much or with alot of energy. Point to point:)
Both have total opposite approach towards everything, but once combined for AGREED purpose《♡》 it's the best combination, but otherwise i-
I would rather say they will definitely have conflicts.
But ofc nothing is perfect again.
Virgo's are stubborn, even at some point Aquarius are too but if they get some time to get away with disagreed topic, and get some time to think or reconsider things. They might later agree if they see their is potential of benefits for them or even society.
Theirs alot of things that Aquarius women serves on table that Virgo men totally love. Virgo's always are sincere to their partners once that harsh part pass away and Aquarius women loves their sincerity towards them. Virgo men are principled one while aqua women loves to go wild and break barriers. Opposite attraction kinda case. Their strong competitive urge could be major turn on too.
Together if they work on their own flaws they will make a powerful match overall. But sex life would se still pretty low. Aquarius are kinky always wanna try something weird, un conventional so does in sex while Virgo's are rigid type, prefer same stuffs with low risk.
Overall ♡ 69%
Compatibility: 75%
Sex: 47%
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thedaisyread · 2 years
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sacriliged · 2 years
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Synastry observations based on personal experience, part 4:
Mars/venus first house overlay: gets a bad reputation, because people feel like this overlay is ‘superficial’ due to the fact that the first house signifies what people show of their personality to the outside, aka their ‘looks’ and also their physical appearance. They forget that what you externalise in the house of the externalised ego is you, your ego. That’s you! Your ego is a very deep and important thing about you. For some people it’s a more important than for others of course. The way you dress, laugh, look and walk and look, that *is* a deep aspect about your personality. Like those things *are* personal. For some people like mars or venus dominant people it’s the ideal placement, because this is a fiery placement keeps people from being ~bored~ with who the other is, which often happens in a bad marriage. It’s why this aspect is called thee great aspect for marriage. It’s great!
Venus opposite saturn: does not pose as big of an issue if the people have either venus in 10th house or saturn in 7th house natally. There is more acceptance, understanding and ‘seeing things the other way’ that way. It can also manifest in the honeymoon stage just being enlonged and the problems showing up later.. with the ‘honeymoon stage’ in this aspect I mean that this bond feels pretty karmic and paternalistic and awesome in the beginning, in a way that feels super attractive, safe and interesting to the venus person who’s in awe of saturn, and super intense, fulfilling and a little anxiety inducing for the saturn person involved, who enjoys venus’s quirks and air for themselves so much that they become against it and will call them things like ‘childish’ as time goes on. This doesn’t happen if there’s good trust and communication in the relationship. Most often the ‘emotional pain’ that is seen as inevitable with some synastry aspects according to some people, are only inevitable for people who really don’t know how to deal with other people in relationships. You’ll be alright when you have some supporting aspects to this.
Mars-lilith: mars and lilith have a lot in common: they are independent, sexual, feisty and go after their own fleeting pleasures. Only mars isn’t a social pariah, stays on earth and lilith is so she’s up in the air like a bird. Lilith, as the outcast, is someone who wants to impress mars to prove something to herself. Mars is someone wants to dominate lilith, to prove something to himself and also to her. You can see they have a lot of natural (sexual) chemistry but they’re sh*t for the long term lol. Mars is still part of the ‘ordinary world’ and lilith is still traumatized by that world. In harsher aspects, the empathy towards each other will be non existent. The same can even go for sympathy between the two. Also, the ‘colour’ of this union will of course depend on the signs they are in.
Moon conjunct jupiter: Why does my pisces moon have immediate soulmate-like crushes on men born in 1962/63? Oh, that’s why. I’ve had it the other way around too and I’ve seen a lovely couple with this, but I feel like this definetely gets exalted in pisces. Jupiter ~loves~ the moon person. Moon person’s entire emotional/private self fuels and twinflames jupiter person’s entire inspirational and idealistic self. The moon person feels safe while still feeling inspired and adventarous with the jupiter person. Jupiter basically adores the moon, and even that gets expanded due to the expansive and almost indulgent nature of this aspect. The moon person wants to be with jupiter. They feel their emotional self inspired and exalted when they are with them and it can be for some (for me) a very rare feeling of being so comfortable and happily understood and inspired by the other. I’ve always found this one of the best relationship aspects you can have, for me at least it’s the best because with my scorpio sun pisces moon and sag rising, that optimistic jupiternan energy on my most vulnurable side is exactly what I’m looking for.
Mars conjunct chiron: the only sexual aspect that will make a man want to marry his female partner.
Sun/venus/mercury fifth house overlay: ever had that feeling of ‘ooh this person is going to be here, now this occasion is worth it/interesting/~a party~’ and you almost saw it as like a crush? Did it feel a little juvenile? That’s this one.
Mars fifth house or in that mix^: oh and you do have a crush on this person, highly likely. Are you going ‘oh my god, oh my god, it’s him/her’ when he arrives in like an almost funny and very juvinile way? That’s this one. Okay so now I’m taking a girl reading this as the norm, but for a guy that crush would happen with venus added in the fifth house. This/these overlay(s) cause butterflies and first love vibes for the house person, giggling like a teenager and thinking the planet person is soo cool and fun and attractive. The planet person releases their inhibitions around the house person and becomes leo-esque, like the party version or radio-edition of themselves.
Saturn conjunct an angle: weirdly enough, this aspect is not much talked about on the internet but I assume that is because people don’t have a lot to add to this one. I do. I believe this aspect can be extremely significant in reading a synastry chart romantically. So, to begin with I feel like this aspect, like a lot in synastry, plays out differently irl based on the genders of the people involved. What I’ve found is that saturn conjunct an angle in heterosexual relationships, where the guy is saturn and the angle person is a girl, the guy is easily bound to fall in love with the angle girl. This is because saturn imposes their mix of care, ownership, restriction responsibility, security, dedication, reality, commitment and karma on your angle which basically stands for a fundamental part slash pillar of your existence. Aka, this aspect is a patriarchal wet dream. The hero-instinct is immensly triggered here. This guy’s (who I also had a pretty large age gap with for our early twenties) saturn was tightly conjunct my IC, the most vulnerable angle, standing for my fourth house of the home and, using other astrologer’s phrasing, where ‘my soul is seated’. We were not together yet, but would unsolicited go “yeah, that’s important that you do that” and after some inquiring about anything “be careful that you don’t” blabla like it mattered to him. The vibe was very much like he could say “look, as your husband” and me reacting like “excuse me??” Same guy also had his saturn tightly conjunct my even younger friend’s ASC and it’s like he picked her to be like his little sister! even though they didn’t know each other that well. He would be very protective of her (although i think he could have done more, but that’s another story) and hype her up whenever she walked into a room, it was very cute. Conjuncting DSC I’d imagine it would play out like saturn worrying about the people DSC hangs out with and feeling a sense of dictatorship(?) over her social angle and who she’s seeking love from. Brooding protectiveness over the fact that DSC has been going out again with many guys who may not be up to good. Like I said, this aspect is the patriarchal wet dream. Conjuncting MC it would be exactly like jiwoo and sungmin from Age of Yourh. Making sure he’s right behind her in her goals at all times to protect her, almost like a cynical bodyguard, but somehow equal-ish partners that compliment each other. Back to saturn conjunct IC, the IC is the ingebakken way of managing things and the way you close your eyes for rest. Saturn conjuncting this part of you is like them barging into your house and giving you pills while you’re, like, there in your underwear. This angle aspect does create a deep kind of bond I’d guess. It’s still lunar! With the AC I think it’s the physical air and appearance that someone gives off that makes saturn think that they’re smol and need guidance. This is what I imagine a first impression would be like! Not getting into the relationship itself but like, you could guess. I’d say the ASC and MC conjunction will flourish as platonic and be doomed when it gets romantic and the DSC and IC conjunction will flourish as romantic and be doomed as platonic. In the right kind of relationship these conjunctions can be like ‘ahww’ and wholesome but in the wrong kind of relationship, these conjunctions could cause a major, and I can’t describe this any other way, ‘f*ck of!!!’ 😂
Moon trine mercury: I call this the best friend aspect because I’ve shared this aspect with every friend I could talk with for hours and enjoy it. Even if you don’t share the same kind of humor you can still laugh and communicate and basically enjoy each other’s brain ! I like this aspect in romantic relationships, too, because this aspect kills the potential awkward silence and it adds that green flag communication with e/o when official. This isn’t like the conjunction were the two bodies are so bang on alike that it becomes like a battle between the one person’s mind and the one person’s emotions. There is a harmonious distance that actually brings the people closer together and creates that intimacy. With the trine you constantly greatly appreciate what the other person adds to the table. This is communication that flows non-verbally as well, like through touches and looks.
Moon opposite mars: chrissttt, not to be vulgar but you both know you just want to.. do the deed together 💀 almost as if after 10 mins of talking you’ve already decided that in your head
Mars sextile moon/venus I feel like the energy that flows through the trine causes sexual arousal and through the sextile it causes a very wholesome emotional arousal. Great aspect no matter which gender.
Chiron conjunct sun: get ready to get your feelings hurt if you’re the chiron person! Well, the way this feels is actually: the sun person will just be hitting you where you’re vulnurable but most likely you’ll like it and feel almost soothed, even. I’ve had this both ways. It’s a great and genuine aspect to have.
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saylessastrology · 3 months
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Unfolding the Mysteries of Amor: Navigating Love Through Astrology
Astrology, the cosmic map of possibilities, provides us with unique insights into the complexities of human relationships. Among the various celestial bodies, the asteroid Amor (asteroid 1221) holds an intriguing place. This article will delve into the profound significance of Amor in your natal chart, laying down the conditions for understanding love.
1. The Role of Amor in Astrology
Amor, named after the Roman god of love, is the embodiment of the conditions we place on unconditional love. It is the celestial beacon guiding us to understand the essence of love, the barriers that obstruct it, and the dilemmas we face in maintaining love.
1.1 Understanding Love Through Amor
Amor helps us to explore the question, "Can we remain loving, and should we?" It defines the boundaries of what we allow under the guise of love, providing us with a unique blueprint for deciphering the dynamics of our relationships.
1.2 The Significance of Amor's Placement
The placement of Amor in a particular sign indicates the type of conditions we place on ideal love. The house that Amor occupies in your natal chart signifies where you believe you can express this highest form of love.
2. Challenges Associated With Amor
If Amor is afflicted in your chart, you may feel incapable of achieving your ideal love or unworthy of receiving it. This affliction can lead to self-sabotage, preventing you from experiencing love in its most authentic form.
3. The Activation of Amor
Like all asteroids, the expression of Amor is best highlighted in aspects, either natally or in synastry with another person's planet or asteroid. These aspects reveal the deeper dynamics at play in your relationships.
3.1 Aspects in a Soul Mate Relationship
In a soul mate relationship, the aspects to Amor become crucial. They can reveal the complexities of love, from attraction and compatibility to conflicts and resolutions.
4. Impact of Planetary Aspects on Amor
The relationships of Amor with other planets can greatly influence your love life. These aspects can bring about desirable outcomes or introduce elements of conflict and complication.
4.1 Squares and Oppositions
Planets forming squares or oppositions to Amor can represent desires that are preferred over love. This can lead to a conflict of interests, affecting the balance of love in your life.
4.2 Conjunctions
When one person's Amor forms a conjunction with a planet in another's chart, it can evoke feelings of love. However, if that person also has a natal planet forming a hard aspect to Amor, it can result in a volatile state of love and hate.
4.3 Opposition to Love Asteroids
Oppositions between Amor and other love asteroids can create a situation where opposites attract. The loved one may function as a devil’s advocate or embody aspects of your own shadow.
4.4 Hard Aspects
Hard aspects can link you up with individuals who have a vastly different concept of love and sharing. This can result in distortions of love, such as manipulation, domination, and submission scenarios.
Amor in the Signs
Amor's placement in different zodiac signs can reveal the specific requirements and expectations we have of our partners. Let's explore how each sign influences the manifestation of Amor.
5.1 Amor in Aries
When Amor is in Aries, it demands a challenging lover and values autonomy and self-determination in a relationship.
5.2 Amor in Taurus
Amor in Taurus seeks a lover who will cater to all sensual demands, in and out of the bedroom.
5.3 Amor in Gemini
In Gemini, Amor desires a carefree lover, valuing wit, communication, and intellect.
5.4 Amor in Cancer
Amor in Cancer seeks excessive nurturing and protection from their lovers, demanding emotional security to experience love.
5.5 Amor in Leo
In Leo, Amor craves constant adulation and assurance, viewing oneself as a wonderful lover.
5.6 Amor in Virgo
Amor in Virgo demands perfection, competence, and self-discipline from a lover, unable to maintain love if the partner doesn’t meet their high standards.
5.7 Amor in Libra
In Libra, Amor seeks equality, harmony, and balance from a lover in a relationship.
5.8 Amor in Scorpio
Amor in Scorpio demands sexual intensity and the full spectrum of human emotional experience from a lover.
5.9 Amor in Sagittarius
In Sagittarius, Amor seeks freedom to expand and explore, valuing a lover who searches for meaning and purpose.
5.10 Amor in Capricorn
Amor in Capricorn demands respect and is focused on responsibility, discipline, perseverance, and personal achievement.
5.11 Amor in Aquarius
In Aquarius, Amor seeks friendship, mental camaraderie, and freedom to experience unconditional love.
5.12 Amor in Pisces
Amor in Pisces requires an element of suffering to experience pure love. This placement can attract experiences of victimization and exploitation, as well as compassion, empathy, and secrecy in connection with love.
Amor in the Houses - https://www.patreon.com/SaylessAstrology?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
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thatsexcpisces · 3 months
Astrology placement pairings and famous TV/Movie couples they remind me of💕🎞️🫂
Leo moon + Pisces moon:
Will & Louisa from Me Before You
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Pisces + Scorpio:
Sandy and Danny from Grease
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Aries Mars + Sagittarius mars:
Jane & John from Mr. & Mrs. Smith
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Virgo moon/mars + Libra sun/rising:
Meredith and Derek from Grey’s Anatomy
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Pisces mercury + Aquarius mercury:
Elio & Oliver from Call Me By Your Name
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Aries sun/moon + Scorpio moon:
Noah & Allie from The Notebook
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Scorpio rising + gemini sun:
Elena & Damon from The Vampire Diaries
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Leo/Aries sun/rising + Sagittarius sun/mercury:
Chuck & Blair from Gossip Girl
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Taurus moon/mercury + Aquarius sun/moon:
Jim & Pam from The Office
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Capricorn sun/mars + cancer sun/mars:
Katniss & Peta from The Hunger Games
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
Moon signs compatibility🌙🫧
✨Moon signs that fit together in my opinion. The moon is how you feel and how you take things emotionally.
🌱 Aquarius Moon & Aquarius Moon-They both understand that they need emotional freedom and get caught up in it. Both of them can be goofy together and do crazy things. Otherwise, they can be cold and not so emotional at times, but emotionally they often get along well and they both know how to be alone. They complement each other in many ways.
🫐Sagittarius Moon & Pisces Moon-both are in some way guided by the jupiter. Sagittarius are an independent sign and many times they are more inclined to want to do everything themselves. Pisces are sympathetic and naturally show emotions, so Sagittarius can feel that they can express their emotions. Pisces feel that someone is giving them hope and the positive side of life. Both can be led by spirituality to life. Both can dream together and complement each other through dreams.
🍒Aries Moon& Leo Moon-both signs love to have fun. Aries are an independent sign by themselves, but they could feel more noticed with Leos. Leo needs a lot of attention and Aries could give it to Leo. Both can encourage each other in the things they do and at the same time they are both emotionally independent. Both are able to understand the other on a soulful level, as they can feel the other intuitively. Both together feel that they can express anger or be dramatic and will not feel that they are too much. Both moons love nature and like various activities and would complement each other in this.
🥭 Libra Moon & Gemini Moon-both signs love to talk and are talkative. And both tend to value communication and want to resolve an argument. Difficult situations or problems that arise between them are likely to be dealt with logically and with an attempt to be equitable and fair. Libra gives a lot to the relationship with the person and gemini give a lot to the quality of the relationship. Both know how to thoughtfully find solutions. Both felt heard by each other. Both moons are social and do well in public.
🌊Scorpio Moon & Cancer Moon- will have a wonderful time bonding. Both are water signs. Scorpios are a closed sign, but they can open up with Cancers and feel that they can show their feelings to them. They don't feel like they are emotionally trapped. Both moons feel that they can talk about their feelings and feel understood. Cancers, on the other hand, feel that they can tell their feelings and they will understand them. Scorpio feel like they can trust cancer. Both of them have good intuition.They’ll get super deep, super fast. Nothing can break the commitment they share—in fact, their relationships can last a lifetime.
💧Capricorn Moon & Pisces Moon - Capricorns need someone who is more emotional and gives them sympathy and makes them feel that they are not alone. Pisces need someone to stabilize them. Both can complement each other beautifully emotionally. Capricorns give pisces security and the feeling that they are not being judged. Pisces will help Capricorn open up, while Capricorn will help Pisces learn to be more responsible. Both moons can support each other.
🧸Cancer Moon & Taurus Moon- both value comfort, safety, warmth and emotions. Cancer are often more introverted or want to do things that involve one person. Taurus value time alone with a person and their space. Cancer feel safe with Taurus and their emotions are always stable. Taurus make Cancer feel that they will always be here. They both like to have their own private space and do things like watching movies and eating together. Cancer can draw emotions out of taurus. Taurus appreciate touch, and Cancer feel loved by it. Both could have safe space together.They both love cute things and cute hugs. Both moons know how to show how much they love each other in front of others.
🧼Virgo Moon & Gemini Moon- are ruled by the planet Mercury, which makes them a natural fit. Both somehow need communication and know how to approach the problem that arises. You both enjoy word games, or games that hone and test your knowledge or intellectual skill. Both can complement each other on a mental level. Both know how to be practical and look at things from an objective angle.
🌌Scoprio Moon & Scorpio Moon- both of them will have passionate relationship, and a deep attachment to one another as well. Both of them are deep. Both of you may feel like you can tell each other dark secrets and talk about dark topics without hesitation. Both of you like to keep things hidden and need privacy; you enjoy having secrets. They both understand intensity and can be quite intense together. Both of you crave powerful emotional experiences.
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alyjojo · 5 months
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starshapedjello · 4 months
Love is Blind season 6
Astrology Observations
Brittany Mills & Kenneth Gorham
It’s so OBVIOUS why it won’t work. They’re both VIRGOS. 😤
People always say “I wanna date someone who is exactly like me”, but then they end up realizing dating yourself is the worst. 😂
There’s already one of you, why does there need to be two?🤨
What often happens when two people of the same sign date, it starts off *perfect* because you both are so much alike! The good is amplified!
But, lo and behold, the bad is amplified, too!👿
Yes, there can definitely be “too much of a good thing”, especially when your relationship lacks balance. 🥱
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softpine · 3 months
Are any of your sims Capricorns or Aries?
mikaela is a capricorn (january 10th) and finn is an aries (april 9th)!!
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lilithbaeastro · 2 years
Compatibility [personal opinion]
🍃 Aquarius women & Virgo men
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astrologybimbo · 2 years
What Does Your Venus Sign Say About You?
Aries- You love passionately, but you always save a little bit for yourself. Your deepest desire is to save your loved ones from danger and misfortune. Your love is like a flame that can never be blown out, but it can be hard for you to give yourself completely to another person.
Taurus- You can be slow to fall in love. You do not allow others to make you feel rushed and you wait until you are sure of something to act on it. Your love, once given, is steady and constant. You are slow to anger and it can be easy for you to deescalate a tense situation.
Gemini- You may find yourself often wanting more than one partner or falling in love with multiple people at once. Your love requires intellectual stimulation to keep your attention. You possess the energy to entertain multiple lovers, if you so choose.
Cancer- You love so deeply at times it can be painful. It can be difficult for you to remember to prioritize yourself in relationships. You are an extremely selfless and sacrificial person. You may have been told from former lovers that you possess a maternal energy.
Leo- Your love comes through in grand gestures and suffocating affection. You need to feel admired by your partner in order to be content in a relationship. It is not hard for you to communicate your needs. Your expectations of others are high because you hold yourself to the same standard.
Virgo- You do not think of yourself as a romantic person. At times you may struggle to express how you truly feel. You do best with actions rather than words, which carries you far in your relationships. You must be at peace with your higher self before you can love someone else.
Libra- You show your love through flirtatious jokes and telepathic communication. At times you expect your partner to read your mind or intuitively know how you're feeling. You may also find difficulty settling down as making decisions does not come naturally to you.
Scorpio- Your love is hidden inside of a locked box with barbed wire wrapped around the outside. You are extremely protective of your loved ones and will not hesitate to put yourself in the eye of the storm for your partner. However, you are not outwardly affectionate.
Sagittarius- You show your love by tying things down bit by bit over time. You prefer to dip your toes in slowly rather than diving in all at once. You value a relationship where you can still have your freedom. You are generous, honest, and authentic in your relationships.
Capricorn- Your love, like your state of mind, can be unpredictable. You prefer a partner who respects your schedule and who doesn't try to get in the way of your ambitions. You have a more paternal instinct which comes through in how you navigate your romantic relationships.
Aquarius- You can be extremely forgiving in your relationships when your partner grants you the freedom to be yourself. You crave stimulation and the feeling of being important to someone. At times, you keep your thoughts to yourself and struggle to express them.
Pisces- You are easily disappointed when your partner does not fit the fantasy you wrote out for them. You have grand plans for your romantic life that can be hard for others to live up to. You often find yourself somewhere between realty and a dream.
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archers-and-arrows · 8 months
the signs as types of witches
aquarius: cosmic witch
pisces: crystal witch
aries: elemental witch
taurus: kitchen witch
gemini: solitary witch
cancer: lunar witch
libra: hedge witch
virgo: coven witch
scorpio: sea witch
sagittarius: divination witch
capricorn: swamp witch
leo: traditional witch
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 11 months
Venus Retrograde in Leo
If you’re unfamiliar with the love planet, let me introduce you. Venus is an important planet in astrology, representing love, beauty, relationships, harmony, money and pleasure. It’s the planet of your love style and love language. When Venus turns retrograde, it appears to move backward in the sky, creating a unique energetic influence. (Don’t worry, though, the planet isn’t actually turning backwards, because that would be a mind- f*ck.) Venus retrogrades are significant because they provide an opportunity for introspection, reevaluation, and growth in matters of the heart and self-worth. 
     The last Venus retrograde occurred from May 13 to June 25, 2020, during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Culturally, it encouraged a reexamination of societal beauty standards and promoted self-acceptance. It also brought about changes in relationships, emphasizing the need for deeper connections and more authentic love. Economically, Venus retrograde had an impact on consumer spending, with people reassessing their values and financial priorities. 
Venus Retrograde Themes   
  Now, when Venus goes retrograde in Leo on July 22 (just hours after the Sun enters the sign, btw), the fiery energy of Leo combines with the introspective nature of the retrograde, creating a unique set of themes and dynamics. Leo is a passionate and expressive sign, associated with creativity, self-expression, and romance. During this retrograde, there may be a focus on matters of the heart, relationships, and self-love. (You can read about my personal Venus journey of self-love, here.) It's a time to reassess how we express ourselves in relationships and whether we are truly honoring our authentic desires and needs. 
     Because Leo is a fixed zodiac sign, there may be a burning and unyielding need for attention and validation during this Venus Retrograde, but this fiery desire for external acceptance serves as an opportunity to develop a healthier sense of self-worth and cultivate self-love. In fact, all planetary transits involving Leo always bring lessons that help teach us how to authentically and unshakably love ourselves, and courageously accept ourselves just as we are. 
     This Venus Retrograde transit will emphasize those themes and teach us—by way of (potentially painful and dramatic) reexaminations of our relationships to ourselves, our passions, and our partners—how to love ourselves more proudly and with more ferocity. (I say potentially painful and dramatic because Leo is nothing if not melodramatic about discomfort; the astro-Lion also hates when it is forced to do something it doesn’t want to do—like look inward—and will roar. Loudly.) 
     What Venus Retrograde impacts
     Leo is–as mentioned–a sign of passion. As ruler of the astrological 5th House–which is the “house of Creativity, Joy, Pleasure, and Passion” and represents our individuality, personal passions, and the joy we find in self-expression–Leo acts from a place of creativity, love, and self-confidence. The sign then emphasizes embracing one's unique talents, exploring creative outlets, and finding joy in self-expression. This house governs all forms of creative expression, including art, music, theater, writing, and any activity that allows individuals to express themselves authentically. It also governs romance, dating, and the pursuit of pleasure and joy in relationships.
Read all about Venus Retrograde in Leo, here.
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Aspects for taking a long time to finally get together/slow burn:
Mars/venus in twelfth house natal or in synastry
Mars in second house
Mars in pisces
Moon in fifth
Moon harsh aspects to saturn (especially the square)
Venus square saturn
Venus 11th house overlay
Aspects for getting together fast/moving quicky
Venus conjunct moon
Uranus trine moon
Mars opposite moon
Mars conjunct venus
Saturn conjunct moon
Uranus conjunct venus
Aspects that are most likely to get people romantically involved somehow:
Sun conjunct venus
Venus conjunct moon
Venus/mars (bonus with mercury or sun) 8th house overlay
Moon conjunct descendant
Venus conjunct/trine/sextile/opposite mars
Venus/mars conjunct ascendant
Uranus trine/sextile moon
Aries/scorpio moon in composite
Sun conjunct mars in composite
Lilith conjunct venus
Seventh/fifth house stellium in overlay
Venus trine/conjunct mercury
North node conjunct venus
A man’s lilith conjunct a woman’s moon
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