#love it when a stoic whumpee breaks
It’s not the torture that breaks whumpee, but the small gesture of kindness that leaves them sobbing
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Whump Prompts: Recovery
Content: Recovery, murder, abuse, captivity, [implied] past minor whump, restraints, [mentioned] vivisections, branding, conditioning, muzzles, past non con.
Whumpee recovering from the trauma stemming from, not only all the abuse they went through, but the fact that they had to murder their abuser to get away from them.
Whumpee finally getting to experience the outside world for the first time in what feels like forever. Gawking at nature and how pretty everything is, excitedly pointing everything out to Caretaker as they go.
Crying when they see children playing in the park for the first time since their captivity because they had their entire childhood taken from them.
Learning about all the new inventions that came out while they were gone. Caretaker introducing them to mobile phones, that board game they'd been looking forward to playing before, the new gaming consoles, all the music Caretaker saved just because it made them think of Whumpee! It delights Caretaker to know that they get to show it all to Whumpee, after all.
The personality changes that have happened, whether that be due to conditioning/trauma/etc. A stoic whumpee now getting emotional at everything (not just because they're scared or sad - there's also a lot of happy/joyous tears shedded), an aggressive/angry whumpee who is just so loving and filled with adoration for everything, and vice versa.
Learning to break old habits. Realising it's okay to have and express opinions instead of bottling them up, it's okay to walk on their own two feet, it's okay to not want to spend every waking hour restrained because they're "dangerous".
Hating the freedom. Wanting structure and consistency in their life again, wanting no autonomy because it's so scary after years of living without it.
Having to learn to accept their more prominent scars. The outline of where their muzzle always sat around their face, the visible scars from all Whumper's poorly executed surgeries/vivisections (also the low-quality stitching up they did!), the mark from where they were branded.
Whumpees who immediately try (and fail) to go back to who they were before. They don't want to admit that it's not possible - they're in complete denial and end up hurting all their friends and family in the process.
That said, also having to grieve because they've lost the person they were. Does Caretaker secretly grieve with them? Do they miss the person Whumpee was?
The amount of hospital visits and treatments Whumpee needs to get following their return. Bones healing incorrectly, diseases they may have caught, badly infected wounds.
The letters they write to their abuser. Whether they actually send them or not is an entirely different story, but what do they say? Do they beg for forgiveness? Do they hurl insults at them? How coherent are their words?
Caretaker not getting to see them for the first few days/weeks because they spend so much of it holed up in their room, trying to forget about what happened. Maybe they're just so happy to finally be alone without having to worry about Whumper turning up and wanting something from them.
Sexually abused whumpees who experience hypersexuality.
Whumpees who become chronically overstimulated by the time they escape because of all the constant noise/bright lights that Whumper had around them.
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Whump Prompt #1211
@crash-bump-bring-the-whump asked:
Ooo we love screaming and thrashing and crying but what about some prompts for a whumpee who doesn't have audible or obvious visible tells that they've just woken up from a nightmare? Some stoic whumpee who has (possibly secret) trauma related to the idea that it's dangerous for people to know they've woken up outside of their usual schedule?
I can give it a go:
They stare into space for most of the day, responding just enough that people don’t become concerned, but their mind is racing. 
After they wake up, they just lay there, lungs burning, eyes darting to everything they can see in their field of view. They check, and check again, and keep straining their eyes until they give themselves a headache that lasts all day.
Maybe the friends/team find out while on an outing. The stoic whumpee really doesn’t want to sleep around them, but it’s a case of ‘damned if they do/damned if they don’t’. Perhaps the stoic whumpee falls asleep sooner than everyone else, but of course wakes up in the middle of the night due to a terror. The team catches them startling awake, and are understandably concerned, especially since the whumpee is still and barely breathing. 
^ It takes them a worrying amount of time to convince them to breathe, and when they do It’s a disturbing, garbled gasp that invites tears. 
^ Maybe they pull back, maybe they run, or maybe they just... break down. 
Maybe sometimes the stoic whumpee wakes in a cold sweat. Maybe the confines of their blanket makes them want to scream. 
What if they wake up, still feeling as paralysed as they were in their dream, and they panic?
Even if they wake up hours early, the force themselves to remain still - until their muscles ache and their head pounds. They count the ticks of the clock/wait for their alarm to go off. Snapping from rigid to suddenly ‘awake’ makes them lightheaded, and they nearly trip as the get out of bed. Their heart pounds. 
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monarchthefirst · 8 months
y’all hear me out: stoic whumpee
stoic whumpee is accustomed to leading the team, directing missions, being the calmest one 100% of the time no matter what hits them. And everyone else is accustomed to it as well.
so just picture it when Stoic collapses from fatigue/fever/injury, breaks under torture, (FINALLY) has a mental breakdown…..in front of everyone.
which brings me to my next point. The shame! The humiliation! 1: They’re found at 2am in the bathroom throwing up (bonus points if they’re like me and can’t throw up no matter how hard their poor body tries). And they’re embarrassed to death. 2: They’re in front of their entire team and suddenly stumble over their words, glancing at each face like a hunted animal, then just collapse into a chair shaking until someone grabs them in a hug and they begin sobbing quietly. They’re afraid they will never face their team the same way again. And it is true. When they come back out, their followers put their arms around them, encourage them, build them back up. 3: they break under torture and the Whumper throws them before their captured team and exults over the victory. That Stoic finally broke into a screaming mess under the lash (or whatever you like😁). The shame.
I’m rambling.
If it isn’t obvious, I love Stoic Whumpees.
Now I’m off to bed.
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redd956 · 1 year
Things I love in Whump
Characters having to speak between whimpers, breaths, etc.
Character A melting into the clutches of Character B
The reveal of a hidden injury. Bonus points if it's a leader type unveiling an injury.
An enemy or unexpected friend going through great lengths to help whumpee
Whumper turning out to be on some sort of spell or control, and having no recollection of what they've done
Whumper equally being a whumpee to someone else
Caretaker giving whumpee blankets, soup, ice packs, etc.
Characters being so out of it they don't even realize or know someone's coming to their rescue
When whumpee breaks and they just start crying. Bonus points if it's during the rescue.
Stoic buff absolute unit of a whumpee (bonus points: nonhuman) being worn away
Leader or "Unstoppable" type character is revealed to have a severe phobia from some past pain
Character breathing heavily, that kind of full body shudder breath. Everyone can hear their breathing
Whimpers, murmurs, etc when whumpee can't speak or is trying to get out their words
A limp whumpee lying against a character, or in a character's lap
When a character has to pour water down whumpee's throat
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whumporama · 23 days
What is your favorite:
-Whump (type) trope?
-Whumpee trope?
-Whumper trope?
-Caretaker trope?
Oh, difficult questions! <3
Whump types... there are so many good ones! It really depends on the mood and the character currently in my head. But I will always love captivity as an overall theme, whatever happens in it can vary, but just captivity is great. And you know, chains are awesome.
Whumpees... I am a sucker for defiant Whumpees (or stoic ones). Just characters who are strong and capable, who fight back and won't back down. Who are smart and need Whumper to also be smart, because otherwise they lose. I love it because when they break down, it's such a huge moment, that it hurts so good. (Also difficult to pull off and not feel out of character, so when done well, I'm sobbing)
Whumper, hmm. Smart Whumpers, who are also capable. I'm a bigger fan or ones with a goal, rather than just 'mehehe I'm evil' (though that can be enjoyed from time to time, too). But it really depends on the situation and Whumpee. I don't really have a huge preference, only some things I really don't like.
And Caretakers, I love Caretakers who don't know what they're doing in terms of emotional care. They can fight and save Whumpee, they can take care of all their wounds, but comfort them? Ehmmm help? Especially because I love stoic Whumpees, so Caretaker really doesn't know how to deal with someone who insist they're fine when they're clearly not.
But then depending on the Whumpee, I also love non bullshit Caretakers. "You're not fine, stop pretending." And who do know just what to say. It depends!
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jump-in-the-whump · 7 months
Hi, it's me again :3
First of, I just wanted to say that I've loved whump for a while, and you're the first person I read whump from, so just--thank you for whumping all this time :)
For my ask: Could I get a stoic whumpee and a near-emotionless caretaker who is under oath to protect whumpee? Caretaker is well trained is survival, such as building a fire, and perhaps when they see whumpee shivering, caretaker tells whumpee that they'll make them a fire. Said whumpee feels challenged, so they tell caretaker that they'll do it themselves. I just like Whumpee being unable to do it, and, even though they're getting really frustrated, they keep trying--
And eventually caretaker has do it for them.
Hello! Ahh, thank you so much for your kind words <3
Sorry to be this late, I hope you like it!
Deep in the heart of a dense forest, Caretaker and Whumpee found themselves in the midst of a long journey. Caretaker was an adventurer with a repertoire of survival skills, quite accustomed to undertake this kind of challenges. Moreover, Caretaker was used to be alone, as they weren’t the type to create bonds, so being in the middle of the forest with Whumpee wasn't exactly their cup of tea. But Caretaker just couldn't break the promise they made long ago, the promise to protect Whumpee at any cost.
Caretaker’s keen eyes scanned the surroundings, assessing the situation, as Whumpee struggled to keep up pace. Caretaker sighed, rolling their eyes. “Would you mind moving? It's getting dark out here.”
“I-I’m trying m-my best… I-I'm not a m-machine l-like you!” Whumpee replied snorting, their teeth chattering and their lips trembling.
Now, if it had been up to Caretaker they would have continued walking all night, the sleep and cold certainly weren’t a problem for Caretaker. But for Whumpee…
Upon noticing Whumpee's shivering form, Caretaker broke the silence that had settled between them. “Alright, we’ll stop for now. I'll make you a fire,” Caretaker declared with confidence, their hands deftly collecting dry leaves, twigs, and branches.
However, Whumpee, prideful and perhaps feeling a bit challenged, responded with determination, “I-I can do it m-myself. I-I don't n-need your he-help.” Ignoring the chill that seeped into their bones, Whumpee began fumbling with the gathered materials, attempting to emulate Caretaker's expertise.
Caretaker watched patiently, a small smile playing on their lips as Whumpee struggled to spark a flame. “Look, you don't have to play mikado, you just have to light a fire...” Caretaker smirked.
Whumpee glared daggers at Caretaker and their frustration grew, but their determination remained unwavering. They had to prove themselves, to show that they were not entirely dependent on Caretaker's skills. “I can do this,” they muttered through gritted teeth, refusing to admit defeat.
Time went by and despite their best efforts, Whumpee's attempts were futile, they were getting so cold that their hands were losing feeling and they were even unable to hold the wooden sticks.
“Ah come on! Give me that!” Caretaker, sensing Whumpee's struggle, finally intervened, their experienced hands swiftly turning the scattered elements into a roaring fire.
Whumpee, a mix of relief and embarrassment etched on their face, stared at the flames flickering in the darkness. “I could have done it,” they muttered defensively.
“Yeah, sure thing…” Caretaker growled, shaking their head and sitting in front of the fire beside Whumpee.
As the warmth from the fire enveloped them, the tension between Caretaker and Whumpee dissipated. Together, they sat by the dancing glow of the flames, a silent understanding forming between the two.
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k1ngk41ro · 5 months
Whump #2
Inspo: https://www.tumblr.com/rookthebird/725457986577940480?source=share
"I will never reveal my trauma to anyone..." Whumpee repeated to themselves. It was almost a chant, a mantra. But when they found themselves suddenly weakened, feverish, and overwhelmed, they found no comfort in those words.
Their delirium began to speak louder than their mind, and things began to spill out of their lips unprompted. The words spilled out of their mouth, unasked for, unplanned. The feverish delirium allowed the words to flow with no filter, and they began to cry and speak and confess.
The fever took over and allowed Whumpee to be vulnerable in a way they'd never been before. "You won't leave me after this, right?" Whumpee choked out, tears on their cheeks. Their body was wracked with cold, the feverish chill gripping them tighter. "I know I'm being ridiculous, but I just... I just need to know that... that I..." they trailed off, unable to form a true sentence.
The fever was sapping ther mind as well as their body. Their eyes were pleading, though the tears made it difficult to see. It was only then that it became apparent how much they were suffering.
Whumpee was usually so stoic about everything, always a shield against any emotion. But the fever had caused them to be vulnerable in a way they'd never been before. They needed reassurance, something they'd never admit to on a normal day.
"I won't leave you..." Caretaker voice soft with concern. Their brows furrowed with worry, as they could see exactly how much pain their loved one was in. They gently placed a hand on Whumpee's forehead, comforting them despite not knowing what else to do. The concern was palpable, and it made the sick Whumpee feel just a bit safer as they began to speak even more.
"But how do I know you mean it?" Whumpee asked, the feverish questioning coming quickly. Their voice was weak and raspy, the words hoarse. "What if you change your mind?" they asked, the paranoia clear in their voice.
Despite being sick and exhausted, the stress of the situation was getting to them. They needed the reassurance once more. "I do mean it," Caretaker saix, reassuring the first. "I promise I mean it..."
"I just..." Whumpee took a shaky breath, trying to calm their nerves. No matter how many reassurances they received, their mind kept playing tricks. And it was always one thought, the same one over and over again. "What if I'm..." Whumpee said, hesitating. The fear of being unwanted, of being discarded, was too real to ignore.
"What if I'm too much to deal with?" Whumpee finally asked, voice breaking. "What if I'm just too much? Too emotional, too volatile..." they paused, hesitating to say the rest. They were afraid to admit their greatest fear, their deepest trauma.
So many times they had felt unwanted for who they were, for the traits that made them who they were. The risk of rejection was always lingering.
"You're never too much for me," the Caretaker said, voice gentle and calm. "You can be as emotional or as volatile as you want. I can handle it..." they paused for a moment, realizing how their words might sound. But they meant them honestly. "I want you to be as much of yourself as you want to be around me," they added, hoping that would provide some more reassurance.
Whumpee had been told countless times that they were too much, too emotional, too much to handle. It had started as just a single comment, maybe an offhanded remark.
But it stuck. The comments were always there, nagging at them, telling them to hide their emotions. They couldn't let anyone know, lest the emotions they were shamed for come flooding out. So they kept them inside, they kept them hidden. But the fever brought those old feelings to the surface, and they flooded out unbidden.
The Caretaker realized what was happening all too clearly. They were able to piece together where this stemmed from, and their heart went out to Whumpee
"You're not too much for me," they said again, voice as kind as ever. "I want you to always feel comfortable showing your emotions, no matter how much... I want you to know that you have a safe space with me." Caretaker spoke firmly, but gently.
Their voice was kind, and it offered a sense of solace that Whumpee so desperately needed. The Whumpee let out a shky breath, trying to fight against the fever's effects. But in their weakened state, even the simplest of emotions felt like a storm of emotions.
"I know," they said, voice rough and hoarse. But the truth was that a part of them didn't believe the words being said. Their mind kept repeating the same thing over and over again: "too much". But the feverish delirium was helping them to let those words go for now, and they began to feel calmer. Whumpee tried to force themselves to stay awake, to not let the fever consume them completely, but it seems they couldn't fight it any longer.
But the last coherent thought before they slipped into unconsciousness was one of comfort. The person standing over them, holding them, comforting them with every word and touch. The storm of emotions began to simmer down, and they felt just a little bit more peaceful.
The exhaustion claimed them soon after, and they faded away into the restful sleep their body so desperately needed.
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newbornwhumperfly · 3 months
whumpmas in july day 2: favorite whump tropes
oh boy, i was looking forward to this one! 😍😍😍
i obviously adore stoic whumpees who feel they cannot show their pain or distress. i love ✨ misunderstandings ✨ but not the stupid kind, the sort where the conflict is believable and the hurt stems from past traumas (i.e. a dubious ally turning traitor or a whumpee believing their caretaker is their owner). i also love something i call “social whump”, being when a character is heavily ostracized or outcast, often mistreated, by their group or social setting. emotional whump is a big one for me, especially angst that revolves around low self worth and dehumanization.
i love begging: pathetic begging, kneeling, sobbing, pleading, bargaining, fawning, hysteria, terror, the whole nine yards. all begging is good (especially when it’s quiet and desperate) but begging that’s big and heartbreaking is always a massive favorite. especially if they cry. gimme all the weeping certainty of horrors.
noncon whump is also a favorite of mine, again, particularly if it’s institutional in some way (like the bbu with Romantics). noncon whump as a “casual” feature of the world the whumpee lives in, something almost unremarkable, in a way, but that’s another layer of horror. noncon whump is also great as a horrifying punishment, especially if it’s a “beat-down” style of punishment, gang-assault as an act of breaking the whumpee or punishing them for some big infraction. the subtle awfulness of casual sexual hurt, whatever the nature of the whumpee, is very good when done well.
when it comes to physical punishment, i really love tropes in fantasy whump that hurt a specific group (i.e. silver hurting werewolves or sunlight hurting vampires). i also love ritualized or systemic punishment, such as whippings or pillories or denial of necessities like food or medicine. stuff that emphasizes power, control and dehumanization. punishment that centers on showing a whumpee their “place”.
i love team dynamics, whether that be a loving assemblage of caretakers for a lone whumpee, a band of whumpees forging a bond through suffering, or a cruel or apathetic clique excluding a member. i love cold and calculating whumpers with a lot of self-righteous justification for their actions (but brutal heavy-handed schoolyard bullies are fun too). i love patient, quiet caretakers often burdened by their own responsibilities or hurts and also sunshiny sweethearts who see the best in everyone.
i love long-term imprisonment, institutionalized slavery (bbu, gladiator, fantasy, you name it), and a lot of hurt from the top down, rigid stratification and hierarchy meant to coerce and punish.
that’s all i can think of now but i am sure there are more i have missed! 💖💖💖 have a very merry @whumpmasinjuly!
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whatwhump · 1 year
Ex-Villain Whumpee: Pt. 4!
Hello lovely whump community! I apologize for how long this took me; I’m in school so it can be hard to find time to write sometimes. :) 
Anywho, thank you for all of the encouragement for this story! I’m excited to announce this will be an ongoing series! I’m not sure for how long, but what I anticipated as being only a few posts I think has potential to be a larger arc. I’m really excited to dive into these character’s relationship dynamics and plan to use all of my favorite whump tropes! I’ve got some pretty evil fun ideas in the works. ;) My goal is to update this story bi-weekly. 
This is by no means my best work because I’m just doing this for fun. I hope you don’t mind and still walk away with whumperflies! 
**For list of character names/roles as well as Parts 1-3, see the previous post here**
TW: whipping, torture, beating, self-harm reference, suicidal thoughts (of the passive ideation variety), severe self-esteem issues; bad caretaker
“I. Won’t. Break.” 
Despite their diminutive stature, Charlie towered over Alex as they writhed against restraints on the table of Eric Goodgrave's torture chamber interrogation room. 
Charlie stared down at their victim grimly. “You will. You have to,” they responded matter-of-factly. 
Both of them were sweating beneath the bright, hot lights. They were going on hour three of their little dance, now. Charlie still held the whip but it now dangled lifelessly beside them. They simply stared down their victim. Cool. Calm. Collected. 
Alex–lying on their stomach–strained their neck to glare back at them, practically seething with rage. The anger protected them; as long as they held on to the fury deep within, it helped distract them from the excruciating burning all across their bare back. Yes, inside that room and beyond, anger protected them from the brutal realities of life as a hero. 
Charlie began the interrogation in a suit with a buttoned-up white dress shirt. By now, though, they had abandoned the blazer and rolled up their sleeves. It struck Alex as a strange juxtaposition. Here they were, being torn apart by this…this psychopath, as if they had just arrived home from their 9 to 5 to find the dog had peed in the house and were slightly irritated.
“Tell me where the team is,” Charlie murmured, slowly raising the whip up off the ground in a warning. 
Alex wanted the suffering to stop more than anything; they’d already passed out–twice–and hadn’t had anything to eat or drink in at least two days. But not more than they wanted to keep their teammates safe. No, they cared about them too much. They would die for them, there was no doubt in their mind. Alex scowled; unfortunately, although they wished to spit right in Charlie’s stupid face as they had at the start of the session, their parched mouth could no longer produce any saliva. I think I might die here, they thought to themselves…
That’s when they saw it. How hadn’t they seen it before?! 
Charlie’s dress shirt had shifted just enough to reveal a tattoo on their collarbone—a tattoo of a sparrow…the symbol of the hero's resistance. Identical to the tattoo they had as well! 
A roguish smile crossed Alex’s battered face. 
“So…what’s it like to be a traitor?” Charlie’s brows furrowed in confusion. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Your defection from the Hero’s League, silly!” Charlie’s face flashed with surprise momentarily before they returned to their stoic expression. 
“I think the blood loss is getting to you.” 
“Come on! Spill the tea!” cried Alex. Charlie tightened their grip on the whip and took a menacing step forward. 
“Ughhh–FINE, Mopey-Pants,” they said rolling their eyes. “Lucky for you I’m a good guesser. Hmmm….let’s see. You…stole documents with sensitive information?” 
Charlie sighed. “Stop this. Just spit it out already. There’s no other way you’re getting out of this.”
“Ok, not that one, then. Ummmm…failed a dangerous mission that resulted in the deaths of thousands?  Yikes, that’s definitely a big no-no! How about…unencrypted the hero’s security system? Staged a coup?”
Charlie was starting to get red in the face. Of course, this only provoked Alex to push further. 
“What about damaging top-secret technology?” 
“Oooh oooh, I know! You shared your secret identity? Took an extra tray of tater-tots in the cafeteria?” 
“STOP,” Charlie exclaimed, adjusting their stance uncomfortably. They weren’t used to these things not going their way, of not having total control. The grin on Alex’s face spread even wider. 
“What about just sucking at doing your job, plain and simple?�� 
“I will give you twenty more lashes if you don’t–”
“I’ve got it! You fell in love with a co-worker!” 
Alex opened their mouth once more to continue their diatribe but paused. It was slight, barely perceptible, but they saw it. Charlie’s eyes had widened a bit on that one… 
“Wait…seriously? Oh. My. GOD!! You actually–” Alex burst into laughter. But honestly, it wasn’t just to piss them off. It was genuinely ridiculous to them. (And the blood loss and malnutrition wasn’t helping either). 
“You have got to be kidding me! But I guess it’s kinda sweet; you had a little office crush!” Alex mocked, their eyes sparkling in pure, unbridled joy at the humiliation evident on Charlie’s face. 
“That’s–that’s not true,” Charlie stammered. “You’re just making shit up! Stop this nonsense because I swear I’ll–”
“You were actually so butt-hurt that after they broke your heart you became evil?” 
“Your self-esteem is so fragile you actually became a villain! Like a coward! A self-pitying, coward!” 
Charlie was pissed now. Mortified and pissed. Their chest heaved as their breathing grew heavy and their nostrils flared. They couldn’t get a word in as Alex continued to denigrate them.
“What are you, an incel?! How absolutely–” 
“PATHETIC!” Alex wheezed. They were howling with laughter now. So invested in the hilarity of the situation and having pulled one over on their abuser, Alex didn’t notice as Charlie…well…broke. 
“You were NEVER a true hero! You’re just a slimy, insecure, foolish bastard! Oh lord, whoever broke up with you dodged a HUGE bullet! Like what kinda idiot thinks you of all–” 
What happened next was a blur, for both hero and villain. Charlie whipped out the knife from their pocket and slashed it across Alex’s face. Then, they wrenched back the whip and slammed it against Alex’s back, over and over and over again. They were absolutely relentless, the entire time screaming, “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” 
Alex screamed as Charlie used more force than they had before. The lacerations already on their back deepened, scarlet red practically flooding off the sides of table. Charlie’s barrage just would not stop. Tears streamed out of Alex’s eyes as apologized profusely and begged for it to stop. Soon their vision grew blurry and they silently thanked God for the embrace of unconsciousness. But they knew this nightmare would still be here when they woke up. 
Before they completely lost touch, they managed to shriek…
Alex shot out of bed with a whimper. They ware disoriented at first, still babbling through sobs, before their eyes begin to adjust to the darkness. They are in the cell. Goodgrave’s cell. The small skylight above them emanates the soft, bluish glow of early morning hours. Dew drops dot the dirty glass and they become aware of just how cold the room is. The calmness felt eerie and unsettling after such a nightmare. 
Then they looked beside them. 
Seeing Charlie asleep in the bed brought back a tsunami of memories from the day prior. It generated a visceral reaction in them–making their stomach churn in knots and their heart pound even faster. Immediately they bolted off the bed, backing away until they were on the other side of the room. They sunk down to the floor and watched as their enemy remained asleep. 
Charlie had the blanket draped over them but it was thin and raggedy; no match for the icy, winter morning. They shivered and their teeth clattered slightly. They were still covered in blood and bruises from the night before and hugged the broken arm to their stomach. It bent at a disturbing angle and was an angry red color. But what Alex noticed the most was their pallid face. It was drawn down in frown. Grime and blood painted their cheeks. 
Without even thinking about it Alex’s finger softly ghosted along the scar across their face. They stood up and crossed the cell to the small mirror hanging above the dirty, old sink. They’d become used to it by now. Their mind spun in circles, overrun and overwhelmed. 
The prone figure behind them couldn’t hurt them now. Not just because they were asleep, or because they had become weak and sickly after their time with Eric, but because by the time Charlie was taken captive by the Hero’s Alliance eight months prior they were a shell of themselves. The stoic, fearsome interrogator they once knew was replaced by a nervous, obedient individual. Ripley said Charlie seemed genuinely repentant. To the point of self-disgust. Alex refused to believe this. (They did notice the way Charlie avoided looking at themselves in the mirror, and a couple times noticed the scars they tried to hide beneath long sleeves. They noticed it because Alex used to be like that, too. But Alex didn’t care…how could they?) 
Alex jumped, startled by the groggy voice, and spun around. Charlie was using their good arm to prop themselves up. They could only open one eye, the other nearly swollen shut and mottled with purple, black splotches. 
“Sorry,” Charlie whispered. They ducked their head as the tips of their ears reddened. “Didn’t mean to startle you.” Alex hummed in response. A moment of awkward silence elapsed. Alex focused on removing a piece of lint from their shirt and did their best to look completely unperterbed despite their recent dream.
 “Are you…um…are you okay?” Charlie asked. 
“I’m fine.” An awkward silence filled the space between them once more. Charlie tried to move from their position but quickly regretted it, hissing as their broken arm was jostled. Cautiously, Alex neared the bed. They shifted their weight as they watched their enemy struggle to sit up. 
Charlie appeared to still be in the throes of a fever. They let themselves fall back on the bed. Their eyes seemed glazed, lids half open and struggling to stay that way. Again, they tried to sit up but only managed to hurt themselves once more. They moaned as their arm burned and their head throbbed with a migraine. 
Alex hesitated momentarily, and then untied the sweatshirt from around their waist. “We need to do a make-shift cast for your arm. It will take some of the weight off it.” 
“Oh no, it’s fine. Really. You keep it. It’s cold in here. Thank you.” 
“No, you need it or it’ll get worse.” 
“I swear I’m fine. You need it, you–” 
Alex huffed stubbornly and began reaching for their enemy anyways. They were taken aback when Charlie flinched. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, you idiot,” Alex bit out, annoyed. I should be the one flinching, not you! They thought to themselves. Resentment bubbled up to the surface and Alex tried to focus on putting villain in a positon where they could make the cast to distract themselves from it. 
“Sorry. I’m really sorry. I don’t know why I did that. It was–yeah. I’m–” 
“Just stop talking, okay?” Alex barked. Charlie bit their lip and nodded ashamedly. 
Alex’s resentment manifested as roughly tending to the villain. Charlie did their best to not make a sound but when Alex harshly man-handled the broken arm into it’s place in the cast they winced and whimpered. 
“Stop whining. You’re the reason we’re in this mess. You should have left when I told you to!” 
“I know…I’m so sorry.” 
“If Team Lead had just listened to me in the first place…ugh. They’re way too nice to you. You don’t deserve their sympathy. Pff. You don’t deserve anything really.” 
“...I–nngghhh–agree,” mumbled Charlie weakly.
“Yeah right. I don’t believe you.” Alex grins as they glance over to see Charlie’s face; they wanted to watch their words hurt in real time. Instead, Alex didn’t feel the joy they expected. They could tell Charlie was holding back tears. One escaped and Charlie hastily wiped it away. 
Something felt wrong in the pit of Alex’s stomach. Their grin quickly dissipated. 
They had finished with the cast and were about to get up when they noticed just how much blood still covered Charlie’s neck and chest. They retrieved and wet a cloth like they had the night before. 
“Let’s clean this up a bit. I don’t like the smell of blood,” they rationalized. Charlie’s eyes were half-mast and they nodded woozily. While wiping their face Alex felt heat radiating off their nemesis’ forehead. 
Charlie swayed slightly and they steadied them. 
“You feeling nauseous?” Charlie shook their head. Alex shot them a look. 
“...A little. But it’s really not that bad. I’m fine.” 
“Here. Drink this. Then you need to lie down.” They took a cup of water they had filled at the sink and made Charlie take a few sips. Alex put their hand behind Charlie’s neck and slowly lowered them. Charlie hissed in pain once more. 
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll be quiet” they reassured. 
Within a few minutes Charlie’s eyes were closed. Alex decided to lay down again and try to get more rest if they could. It was quiet except for the slightly congested breathing coming from Charlie. 
Faintly came the sound of someone whistling. It grew closer and closer until footsteps echoed outside in the hall as well. Charlie’s eyes shot open and they strained to sit up, a look of horror on their face. 
“He’s coming.” 
“It’s probably the guard. Go back to sleep,” Alex warned. 
“NO. It’s...” 
Abruptly, keys rattle in the door and it swings open. Eric Goodgrave’s lanky frame waltzes in and a mischievous smile spreads across his face. 
“Oh goody, you’re both awake! Alex, my dear: may I ask you a personal question?”  
TAG LIST: @whump-blog @whumpsday @trappedgoose-in-a-writblr-room @termsnconditions-apply @the-whumpers-grimm @elizaisnotokay @whumpwillow @asthefirerisesblog @kiratheperson @slightlyexpiredyogurt8 @stuck-in-this-mortal-form @itsmyworld23 @maracujatangerine
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
Hi! I’d love to hear more about your Whump Archetypes concept!
sorry it took me a sec to get to this one. (referencing this post right?)
hero whumpee: sun-coded/ pride of the city/self-sacrificial -> failing to protect those they love/ their torture is videotaped and broadcasted to the city/ sacrifice everything for their friends
sidekick/apprentice whumpee: unshakingly loyal/ optimistic/ eager to prove their worth -> handed over to whumper in a trade for someone more "useful"/ disillusioned by the world/ forced to undergo training that breaks them emotionally and physically, punished if they can't complete their assignments
defiant whumpee: sarcastic/ argumentative/ never goes down without a fight -> muzzled/ publicly humiliated via flogging/ forced to lick their whumper's shoes
stoic whumpee: quiet/ steady head on their shoulders/ no one can control them, only their situations -> put on display/ used as an ashtray in party environments/ when whumper finally makes them break down and sob, its game over
vampire whumpee: threatening demeanor/ proud of their capabilities/ deep-hidden fears that no one knows about -> silver blades that make them bleed/ fangs ripped out/ manhandled and dehumanized until they no longer recognize themself
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whumpshaped · 1 year
For fluff prompts, maybe some casual vulnerability from whumpee with caretaker, either when they were previously unable to or when it’s commonplace. And/or parallel play
tw stoic whumpee breaking down, past trauma, past torture, nightmares, emotional whump
"Well, maybe I'm not fine. Maybe I'm not." Whumpee turned around, cloth still in hand. They had been wiping down the counters when Caretaker asked them how they were feeling and proceeded to press them on it after the initial response. "What now?"
Caretaker didn't seem bothered by the cynicism. "That's a start. That's something. You've been giving me nothing for the past months. I want to help you, but I can't help someone who's perfectly fine."
Whumpee nodded, like that was a reasonable thought. "Okay. So, what now?"
"Ideally, you'd tell me about your problems."
"Hm." Whumpee looked down at the cloth in their hands, contemplating. "Well, ideally. Ideally you wouldn't pester me about it. But," they went on before Caretaker could've cut in, "I know you're relentless. Don't worry. I kinda realised that after the first three weeks."
Caretaker slowly leaned back against the wall, giving them more space. They stayed quiet. No encouragement. No judgement either.
"I've been having nightmares," they blurted out. "About all the whippings and group tortures. The blood. I keep waking up with the– the smell of it in my nose. The taste of it in my mouth." They put the cloth on the counter and met Caretaker's compassionate gaze again, their own neutral and unfazed. "There you have it."
"I'm sorry you're going through that," they said gently, and Whumpee barked out a laugh.
"I'm sure you are. Now that that's settled, I think–" As Caretaker moved closer, they immediately cut themself off. Were they about to try to hug them? "Stay where you are. You hear me? Don't turn this into something– something it's not."
They didn't want it. And yet as Caretaker closed the distance between them, they couldn't will themself to move. Their embrace was tight, warm, and full of... love. They told themself they'd just let Caretaker hug it out, but before they knew it, they were clinging to them just as tight.
"I'm so sorry, Whumpee," they repeated, and this time, it opened the floodgates.
They broke down sobbing, as if they'd just been given permission for the first time in years. But who even held the permission? Whumper? Caretaker? Themself? Who was the one making them bottle it all up?
"It's never gonna get any better," they cried desperately, so grateful that Caretaker was keeping them upright. They felt like the weight of the world was sliding off their shoulders; the same weight that had kept their broken pieces so tightly compressed that they had no chance of coming apart. "I thought it would, I– I thought– I thought it'd go away–"
Caretaker held them for minutes, eventually lowering both of them to the kitchen floor, gently cradling their friend. "I know," they whispered. "I know it's hard. I know. We'll get through it."
Whumpee had their doubts. But in the haze of their breakdown, for just a couple blissfully dizzy moments, they wanted to believe that it was true.
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Okay, so I finally got around to all the responses given for the Random Whump Questions google form I made! Everything is ranked from highest to lowest in terms of what was picked, and the number beside them is how many people chose that option:)
Also, to make sure it's not longer than it needs to be, I'm going to do the open ended questions in a separate post:) Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for that!
One more thing to keep in mind. The 'custom answers' section is where only one person has brought it up. If multiple people have said the same thing, then it will be included in the main answers :)
Question 1. When did you first discover whump as a term?
A. 15 - 17 (106) B. 11 - 14 (105) C. 20 - 25 (42) D. 18 - 19 (39) E. 26 - 30 (21) F. -10 (4) G. 36 - 39 (4) H. 31 - 35 (3)
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Question 2.
A. Absolutely not (135) B. Some of them do but I prefer to keep it to myself (127) C. I don't try to hide it but not many people know anyway (42) D. Most, if not all of them know - I'm very open about it (10) E. One person knows (4) F. Friends know, family don't (2)
Custom answers: I'm not secretive but I don't explain it because it's hard to, I've never said it but you only need to look at me to know.
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Question 4. Biggest pet peeve when it comes to whump in media?
A. Whumpee miraculously recovers as if they didn't just break three vital bones in their body and get stabbed by the enemy (204) B. Skipping over it and going straight to recovery (165) C. Changes POV's right as it's getting juicy (154) D. Whumpee is too stoic and unphased by what happened (130) E. Too comedic/lighthearted (128) F. Main character(s) die rather than living with what they've done/what happened (127) G. Too much comfort and not enough hurt (80) H. The recovery/captivity is far too unrealistic (77) I. Too much hurt and not enough comfort (62) J. Whumpee is a massive wuss (56) K. All of the above (23) L. The recovery/captivity is too realistic (20) M. Too heavy/serious (16) N. Whumpee is unattractive/not cute enough to me (2) O. Wrong characters are whumped/favourite characters are ignored (2)
Custom written: Obvious medical errors, turns out it was all "just a nightmare!", Caretaker's wellbeing is ignored, Whumpee is rescued right before the whump was about to start, Caretaker never figures out what happened and it's never brought up again, no women, never goes as badly as I want, not enough from Whumpee's POV.
Custom written #2: Whumpee is infantilised during their recovery, no trauma/trauma is overlooked, aftermath/recovery is ignored by a timeskip, Whumpee has no personality apart from being the one who deserves pity for being white and pretty and sweet, caretaker saves the day and it's never brought up again.
Custom written #3: Caretaker saves the day and Whumpee is the perfect victim and there's no conflict ever again, too much emphasis on physical pain rather than emotional, whumper wants love from their whumpees, recovery is too fast and it involves sexual/romantic stuff.
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Question 5. Best thing a whumpee can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "Please- please, no more." (146) B. "It hurts." (142) C. "Please don't leave me." (109) D. "Don't hurt them." (94) E. "Get the hell away from me." (85) F. "I just want to be good." (81) G. "You promised." (71) H. "Am I not enough?" (69) I. "I thought... I thought it was over." (50) J. "You came back!" (49) K. "I was so scared." (43) L. "You will not break me." (36) M. All of the above (19) N. Description over dialogue/I prefer whumpees that are too scared to talk (6) O. Begging (2) P. "I'm fine." (2) Q. "I can't take it anymore." (2)
Custom answers: "Go away" | "It's all my fault, I'm sorry" | "don't touch me!" | "I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise" | "don't look at me" | "I don't want you to see me like this" | "fuck you" | just a heartbroken "why?" | "it's fine!"
Custom answers #2: "Nobody is coming..." | "i'm not the same person I was before" | "is this real?" | "I don't want to die" | "why are you helping me?" | Repeating "i'm okay" to themselves while trying not to cry.
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Question 7. Best thing a whumper can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "I wonder how long it'll take to break you." (120) B. "Surely you can take a little more than that, can't you?" (111) C. "Tell me what I need to know and it'll all be over." (111) D. "You're being so good." (107) E. "You're so adorable when you cry." (98) F. "You're mine." (79) G. "Which finger should I crush this time?" (78) H. "I think if you were really sorry, you'd __" (63) I. "This is your home now." (57) J. "At least try to show a little enthusiasm." (49) K. "Please forgive me." (47) L. "You live to please me." (41) M. All of the above (15) N. Prefer no whumpers (7) O. Silent whumpers (3)
Custom answers: "Everything you touch dies." | "I have your whumpee." | "You wanna see something weird/interesting/cool?" | "Get some rest, darling. We'll pick this up again tomorrow." | "Just what do you think you're doing?" | "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."
Custom answers #2: Petnames | "It's not personal." | "Nobody's coming for you. Give up." | "This is all your fault." | "You shouldn't have done that, darling." | "You'll be begging soon." | "Maybe some pain/time out/etc. will change your mind." | "It's you or them." | "Go ahead, try to run."
Custom answers #3: "Do it or I'll hurt them." | "This is for your own good." | "This will only hurt a pinch." | "Why do you have to ruin everything?" | "The more you scream, the more I have to hurt you." | "It's for science, Whumpee." | "I truly am sorry about this." | "I love you so, so much. I want to taste you..." | "Good boy."
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Question 8. Best thing a Caretaker can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "I got you." (180) B. "Breathe. Just breathe." (170) C. "What did they do to you." (154) D. "Hey, I'm here, okay?" (152) E. "Lie down, okay?" (107) F. "I'm gonna get us out of here." (107) G. "When was the last time they fed you?" (97) H. "Lay a hand on them and see what happens." (88) I. "Don't hurt them." (83) J. "I'm sorry but this is in your best interest." (66) K. "I will not rest until I find who did this." (41) L. "Don't cry." (32) M. All of the above (26) N. Any sort of medical talk (2) O. No caretakers (2)
Custom answers: "Don't touch them!" | Pet names in general | "Just relax. It's all over." | "Don't fucking touch them." | "It's not your fault." | "Hold still" while tending to wounds | "Almost done | Just hold on." | "Hey... not so fast." | "Just look at me, okay?" and then proceeds to gently explain what the medical procedure entails | "You're safe now." | "Please believe me?"
Custom answers #2: "May I see? I promise I won't hurt you." | "Whoa, hey, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." | "Shh, you're safe now. It's okay. I'm not leaving." | "Who did this to you?" | "Take this, you'll feel better." | "Shh, I know it hurts" to a squirming whumpee | Anything as long as there's physical touch to go with it | "Stay with me, okay?" | "You need to stay awake for me." | "Leave them alone!"
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Question 9. What role do you think you'd play in a whump story?
A. Whumpee (87) B. Caretaker (52) C. Side character (44) D. Caretaker-turned-whumpee (32) E. Whumpee-turned-caretaker (22) F. Whumper (16) G. Whumpee-turned-whumper (14) H. Whumper-turned-whumpee (11) I. Whumper-turned-caretaker (10) J. Caretaker-turned-whumper (8) K. Caretaker or whumpee (6) L. Carewhumper (3) M. None/I don't insert myself into scenarios (2)
Custom answers: Narrator, all of the above depending on my mood, side character.
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Question 11. Favourite place to consume whump? (not including movies/tv shows/games/etc)
A. Tumblr (294) B. AO3 (212) C. Pinterest (62) D. Fanfiction.net (23) E. DeviantArt (8) F. Wattpad (4) G. My brain (4) H. All of the above (3) I. Youtube (3) J. Character.AI (2) K. Discord (2) L. My brain (2) M. Twitter (2)
Custom answers: Sketch book, google,
Other notes: Someone also gave @whumplovers-collaborate a mention, saying they've been on that server for over a year and that it's amazing.
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Question 12. Pick a whumpy anime out of the ones I've watched (so far)
A. Castlevania (51) B. Black Butler (43) C. Bungou Stray Dogs (43) D. Banana Fish (35) E. Vanitas No Carte (19) F. Black Bullet (5)
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Question 14. How old does a whumpee need to be to be considered an "older whumpee"?
A. 40+ (127) B. 34 - 37 (68) C. 30 - 33 (51) D. 38 - 39 (38) E. 26 - 29 (18) F. 22 - 25 (2) G. 18 - 21 (0)
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Question 15. Pick a character that I think needs to be whumped more.
A. Link (The Legend Of Zelda) (96) B. Tony Stark (The Avengers/Iron Man) (64) C. Vanitas & Noe (Vanitas No Carte) (47) D. Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) (45) E. Hosea Matthews (Red Dead Redemption 2) (5)
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Question 16. Do you prefer hystorical whump or modern whump?
A. Modern (220) B. Hystorical (82)
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Question 17. Do you prefer hurt or comfort?
A. A healthy combination of both (163) B. A little bit of comfort, lots of hurt (81) C. Hurt (44) D. A little hurt, lots of comfort (28) E. Comfort (8)
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Question 19. Favourite species to whump?
A. Human (290) B. Immortal (118) C. Vampire (105) D. Demon/angel (87) E. Werewolf (57) F. Robot/android/cyborg (54) G. God/deity (49) H. Birdpeople (48) I. Merfolk (44) J. Tiny (38) K. Catpeople (26) L. Alien (19) M. All (16) N. Humans with inhuman/magical abilities (5) O. Giant (2) P. Elf (2) Q. Lab subjects (2) R. Species isn't important (2)
Custom answers: Shapeshifter, hybrics, faefolk, winged whumpees, dhampir, superheros, dwarves, mobian.
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Question 20. Pick something to restrain your whumpee with.
A. Chains (104) B. Rope (101) C. Handcuffs (38) D. Zipties (31) E. Your belt (18) F. A piece of their own clothing (18) G. Your tie (6)
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Question 22: Your whumpee bites you. What do you do?
A. Put a muzzle on them. You're not mad, but you need to keep yourself safe (119) B. Beat them until they learn their lesson (82) C. Have a rational conversation with them once they've calmed down about why it's wrong and how to stop it from happening again (61) D. Get checked for some kind of desease. Who knows what they've been carrying (25) E. Ignore it and hope it doesn't happen again (8)
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Question 23. A whumpee shows up at your door, terrified and scared. They beg for your help. What do you do?
A. Let them in and give them some food. You can worry about what you're gonna do with them later on (273) B. Keep them prisoner. Whump their to your heart's content (31) C. Slam the door in their face (4)
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Taglist: @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @let-the-whump-commence @pigeonwhumps @rule-masochism @whumperofworlds @whump-space @wollemi-whump
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
Stoic Whumpee breaking down is good and all but consider:
Stoic Whumpee breaking down in front of their loved ones.
Their loved ones always saw them as stoic, willing to get the job done without their emotions getting in the way. To them, Whumpee could go through so much without changing their expression.
That all changed when they saw Whumpee breaking down. Who knew that they could break down like that?
BONUS: Loved ones comfort them to the best of their ability.
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whumpsday · 2 months
Whumpmas in July #20
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What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media?
last year for the same prompt, i talked about wanting to see OC whumpers given some time to shine as a whumpee more. this time, i'll talk about non-OC stuff... focusing on Baldur's Gate 3, my fandom of choice.
i've been super into Baldur's Gate 3 lately, especially the vampire whumpee character of Astarion, as you can no doubt tell if you've been following me. while i adore all the Astarion whump (and the Astarion comfort!), i would love love love to see some Cazador whump, too.
for those unfamiliar, Cazador is Astarion's abuser in BG3, the vampire lord who turned Astarion and kept him a tortured slave for 200 years. it's directly stated that Cazador went through pretty much the same thing himself before he managed to murder his own master, his canonical torments including being impaled for 11 immortal years and watching his friend be slaughtered in front of him. in the lore of the Forgotten Realms, the setting in which BG3 takes place, vampire spawn essentially lose themselves when they become true vampires and inevitably turn evil: this happens with Astarion himself if the player puts him down that path. i would love to see some fan content of what Cazador may have been like as a helpless spawn (and in fact have a fic outlined that i may write about it at some point), or what his current self would be like reduced to that state.
in addition to my whumper-turned-whumpee fanaticism, i would love to see some more whump content of my VERY close second-favorite BG3 character, Wyll. there is a lot of fic about Wyll being Astarion's caretaker, and i love it to death!! but i'd also like to see some of the reverse, Astarion or other characters being Wyll's caretaker, an exploration of Wyll's trauma and fears. i'm romancing Wyll in my current BG3 run and have a lot of feelings about him...
and i can't forget the ladies! Dame Aylin is probably the only non-vampiric character who can rival Astarion in terms of how much shit she's been through, after 100 years of captivity and torment. we rarely get to see Aylin's strong, stoic face break in canon (though there are a few moments), and it's a great opportunity to explore it in fanfic.
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redd956 · 1 year
Whump Prompt List: Covert Whumpee
Whumpee is some sort of covert worker: whether that be a spy, assassin, soldier, or something else. Either way their life depends on their ability to never make any mistakes. Too bad Whumpee isn't perfect.
CW: Violence, Covert Workforces, Torture
Upon being discovered Whumpee is promptly tortured by their enemy for information
While spying a particular target, Whumpee remains in a high place. Today they lost their footing, and plummeted from quite the fall
Whumpee's target knew they had been sent all along, and sent a covert worker of their own to intercept them. Perhaps the second covert character has been sent with a list of "lovely" things to do to whumpee once they found them
Their way of life has caused whumpee to be incredibly stoic. This surprises no one. Instead surprise comes in the form of them breaking this character under pressure
Whumpee poisoned themselves in hopes to cut the ties that they happened to be in a tricky situation. Unluckily for them the poison failed
Caretaker had no clue what they were getting into when they decided to save an enemy of the state, well an enemy of Caretaker's enemy is always of a friend
One of whumpee's own pieces of equipment malfunction, injuring them
Whumpee's hidden identity depends on a mask they wear, and now they're in a situation where they're forced to un-don it. Secretly tearing away the mask affects just more than their job
Whumpee get's injected with a discreet tool. By the time they notice it is far too late
Whumpee gets in a fight with a fellow covert character, both are incredibly annoyed at Caretaker deciding to patch both of them up
During a fight with their target, whumpee gets pushed out the window
Uh Oh, whumpee messed up bad, and their organization sure is pissed. However the organization has opted out on the idea of killing them for it, perhaps a punishment behind whumpee's imagination will do
Whumpee is forced to give up their entire identity, and leave everything behind in the name of their work
Caretaker is the covert one. With a killer life they don't like anyone, except whumpee, they like whumpee
Someone having to keep whumpee tied down excessively or sedated to make sure they don't get away, because they're infamously known as an escapist
A whumper has been wanting to get back and stop whumpee's stealthy reign of terror for a long time coming. Now they finally have their hands on whumpee, and are overjoyed with all the possibilities of what to do with them
Whumpee being a living weapon for their organization
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