#loved how as soon as they were back on the revenge he started knitting and he never stopped XD
mikimeiko · 7 months
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Our Flag Means Death Season 2 - one gif per episode (with the first gif from their first scene and the last gif from their last scene) | Wee John
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hangmanbrainrot · 1 year
Heyo! I’d like to make a request if that’s alright. I want to know how hangman would react to his pregnant wife enjoy sleeping on her pregnancy pillow more than in his arms. Because we can all tell his major love language would be physical touch ❤️ Thank you❤️
hopefully i did your request justice, anon! <3 i'll be labeling pregnancy as a warning in the tags, as well as in the warnings below, since i know that can be triggering for some.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, reader has children, established relationship, marriage, swearing, sierra has decided jake's middle name is michael.
notes: none!
word count: 680
pairing: jake seresin x afab!reader
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the pillow thief
The first time Jake saw the godforsaken pillow was when it arrived on your doorstep from Amazon. See, such a large box naturally drew his attention, and he’d just about dragged it in the house when you came waddling down the stairs — you and the children you’d been growing for 24 weeks.
“Oh my god, it's here!” You'd said, and he'd been cursing the damn thing ever since. The problem wasn't with the pillow itself, but rather the fact that you'd rather cuddle it than your husband some nights. 
Now, six weeks later, Jake was more than a little grouchy and okay, yeah, he was pouting, but he was tired of not being able to hold you close at night. Every night, you'd beat him up to your bedroom so you were already curled up with the thing and half snoring before he even had a chance to make a move. But tonight, when you'd gotten up to go to the bathroom — and declined his many offers to help — he saw his window of opportunity. In the time you were gone, he'd managed to stuff the grey polyester under your king sized bed before you'd even turned on the faucet to wash your hands.
The man could barely hide his self-satisfied grin when you re-emerged, but he definitely hadn’t prepared for the absolute panic on your face.
“Oh no,” you’d said softly. Were your eyes welling up? “Not again.” 
“Baby?” Jake tested, brows knitted together in confusion. “Baby, what’s going on?” 
“Lulu stole my pillow, again!” you practically wailed in response, tears already dribbling down your cheeks. “Jakey, you didn’t see her? The pillow thief. I’m gonna start closing our bedroom door at night, I can’t believe this. She’s probably already chewing on it and I’m gonna have to order another one.”
By the time you’d finished speaking, you were verging into the territory of hysterical, so Jake quickly decided the jig was up. 
“Wait, wait, wait, before you exile our poor sweet girl…” He released a heavy sigh, then bent to slide his hand under the bed. He couldn’t let your dog take the fall for his theft; his conscience would never let him live it down. As soon as you realized what was going on, you gasped aloud. 
“Jacob Michael Seresin!”
He’d just settled the pillow back on the bed when he glanced up to catch sight of the downright fury in your gaze. He knew you loved him, otherwise he couldn’t have convinced you to marry him and have not one, but three children with him. (The twins were a surprise, nobody on either side of either of your families had produced any. Until now.) But Jake was also fairly certain you would love to exact some sweet revenge on him right about now. He had to clean this up, and fast.
“Okay, let me explain. I just wanted…”
“This had better be a good fuckin’ explanation, Jake.”
To say he was on thin ice was putting it lightly. No, right now, he was out in the middle of a frozen lake and cracks were appearing more rapidly by the minute.
“I wasn’t going to hide it from you forever. I just… Um, maybe, sort of wanted you to, y'know, hold me instead. Pretend I'm the pillow.”
For the first time in the history of your entire relationship, Jake had absolutely no idea what your expression meant. It was fucking terrifying. As you crept closer to him, Jake found himself sliding back further on your mattress to be closer to the headboard. You were downright vicious with a pillow when you needed to be, and he was worried he’d provoked you just enough this evening.
But, instead, you threw your arms around him as tightly as you could with your still-growing children between you. The sigh you released was downright dreamy when you spoke, but the contrast between your words and the sound had Jake’s head spinning. “Oh, honey. If you try something like this again, you’ll be sleeping on the couch until the twins are toddlers.”
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kageyamatobiyogurt · 3 years
calling haikyuu boys pretty pt. 4 
a/n: wowee we really made it to 500??? i’m??? i love you all??? HOW DID WE EVEN- just MUAH THANK YOU. this also happened much faster than i anticipated omg.. just know all of these are for you guys and the support keeps this blog going :)
i’m going to start running out of boys soon and we’re gonna have to create a new milestone event type thing--- let me know if any of y’all have ideas for a multi-part series hmmm? 
-also feel free just to reach out lmao let’s be friends 
includes: kuroo, osamu, suna 
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 5 part 6
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it was early in the morning, way earlier than you normally woke up
the sun had barely risen, it’s orange light was still just about to seep into the sky 
he was on his side facing you, but little did he know you were admiring him so early
his eyes weren’t even open yet and his hair in its usual unkempt fashion, some of it resting on his forehead, some of it almost standing up 
there was something about him always so endearing
you shuffled closer to him so you could reach to push some strands away (not that it helped much) 
when he felt you move, one of his arms opened to signal you to come into them
he’s the type to lean his body into you once you’re in his arms, enveloping you in his scent and his warmth 
even his legs tangle into yours lmao you’re not going anywhere anytime soon
he groans but doesn’t fully wake up, just giving you a momentary squeeze 
in the small space you then found yourself in, you reached one hand up to trace his jawline to his chin 
“you’re so pretty tetsurou,” you said just loud enough for him to hear but not too loud for the time of day 
“hmm?” he stirs, eyebrows knitting together 
you move again, just enough to shuffle yourself up to kiss his cheek 
“you’re very pretty,” you repeated again
slowly his eyes open, content to find your face so close to his 
he’s still a little dazed considering he’s still blinking so slowly 
you peck his lips this time, “i’m glad to have such a pretty boyfriend, you know” 
a small smile makes its way to his face 
“you mean it?” he asks softly, rubbing his eyes with his free hand 
“of course i do, tetsu,” you smile, making his own sleepy smile wider 
goodbye where do i get one 
i feel like he’s shyer than he lets on 
only you get to really see it because “yer so damn special” 
he felt like eating a snack, so he went into the kitchen, whipping up something simple for the both of you even though you didn’t ask 
he was reaching in the fridge, up in the cupboards, mixing in bowls
little did he know the light in the kitchen at that time of say and the way his hair rested on top of his head made him so pretty 
even the way he’d lightly whip his head to get his fringes out of his eyes looked effortlessly pretty 
“you’re such a pretty boy, ‘samu” you announced 
you couldn’t help but walk up beside him, wrapping your arms around his waist and peeking at his reaction 
he just huffed his hair out of his face again, choosing not to pay attention 
“i said you’re pretty ‘samu” you repeated, biting back a laugh 
and just at that, his cheeks were getting pinker and he was focusing way too much on assembling a yogurt bowl 
“’samu!” you continued, laughing when he tried to turn away 
you were going to keep flustering him but when you opened your mouth he quickly gave you a spoonful of yogurt to make you stop 
“good?” he asked (even though everything he made tasted great) 
you nodded and he just straight up fed you another one 
“here,” he said, pushing the rest of the bowl towards you, “keep eating” 
“why can’t i call you pretty, huh?” you teased
“yer making me red,” he answered, bringing a hand to his cheek, “stop it” 
“but i like you blushy,” you grinned 
“ya have too much power ya know, look what ya do to me,” he pouted
“well you’re so pretty i had to” 
he’s still a little pouty so all he can do in “revenge” is ruffle your hair 
“fine. thanks babe,” he gives in, “but yer the prettiest”
you were both on your phones, leaning on either ends of the couch 
honestly you were both just slumped in your corners lmao
call it just existing in each other’s presence, you both enjoyed it 
sometimes you’d text each other even though you were both right there 
though sometimes you’d sneak glances at your boyfriend because well, it’s him 
even in a hoodie and sweats he was pretty as hell
something about the shape of his eyes and the way his fluffy hair framed the sides of his face made your heart thump every time you saw him
so you texted him a meager hey and waited for his eyes to flicker up to you 
“you’re so pretty right now, rintarou” 
mans didn’t even verbally reply, he just slumped further in his spot, his phone now blocking your view of him
he just kept scrolling on his phone PLS 
“rintarou, you’re so pretty,” you tried again 
once again, mans didn’t do much 
“babe,” you called, poking his leg with your foot 
you sat up straighter just so you could at least see his eyes, noting how they were still on his screen 
“you’re pretty,” you repeated 
his hand pauses from his scrolling, he just goes, “i’m listening” 
you rolled your eyes, “did you hear me before that” 
you huffed, going to collapse back into your spot 
suna chuckles, fully sitting up then reaching over to your arm, pulling you to lay with him on his side 
you snuggle into him anyway but wait for him to speak again 
“so maybe i wanted to hear it a couple times,” he caves 
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“Kiss me like it’s our wedding day”
Feat:- Gojou, Nanami, Itadori and Megumi
Genre:- fluff and mentions of pet names
A/n:- i want this so bad :((((
General masterlist || jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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♡GOJOU , You settle next to him while watching some tiktoks. It had become your favorite past-time routine. Placing your phone on the coffee table you stand up gesturing your boyfriend to follow suit. He gets up from the sofa eyeing the phone you placed on the table. “Are we doing some tiktoks?” he raises his eyebrow waiting for your answer. You nod your head. “Um, do as I say okay?” “mkay” You press the record button and stand right in front of him making eye contact and told him “Kiss me like its our wedding day” “What?” “Cat got your tongue?” “No I am just making sure whether you’d be able to handle this” He places his hand behind your neck and kisses you deeply. You were so lost in the kiss that you didn’t realize that he had picked you up by kissing you and was swaying you left and right. “Is this enough?” he smirks. “Yes” you were blushing hard. He places a chaste kiss on your forehead whispering brat. “Yours though” “Only mine” he smiles widely.
♡NANAMI , He was in the shower, when you watched this tiktok where they asked their significant other to kiss them like its their wedding day. Thinking aback Nanami was not used to the pranks you used to pull off every time its something new. He gets out of the shower with his damped hair and a towel on his shoulder. He offers you a tired smile and sits on the bed next to you. “Ken?” “Yes love?” “Will you record a tiktok with me?” “What are you planning this time?” his eyebrows knit in concentration when you place your phone on the desk and press the record button . He stands opposite to your side eyeing you and then the phone. “Baby..” “Yes love?” “Kiss me like its our wedding day” “OH” He moves closer to you and raises his hands on your face showing that he is lifting your veil . He grabs your chin gently and kisses you sweetly....but it left you breathless. He pulls away and smiles. “That’s all you wanted love?” “Yes” you hide your face and nuzzle your head on his chest inhaling his scent. “I love you Ken” “Love you more”.
♡ITADORI , You both love to pull pranks on each other from time to time. You were sitting on the couch waiting for your boyfriend to arrive from his work. In order to pass the time you were scrolling through some Instagram videos which you had saved.One caught your eye in particular and that was this prank in which you’d ask your significant other to kiss you like they would on your wedding day.Thinking about the recent prank he pulled , you wanted to get revenge. You devised a plan about how you would do this. After an hour of planning , Yuji enters your apartment signing loudly as he was tired with today’s work. “Hey baby! Did you miss me?” “Yes” “okay so I know I promised you about watching something but would you mind if we cuddle instead and talk about each other’s day?” “I don’t mind. Before that get freshened up.” After showering he sits right beside you . You had placed your phone on your coffee table and had hid with a showpiece kept on the table. “Yuji?” “Yes baby?” “Kiss me like it’s our wedding day” as soon as you said that he places his fingers under you chin and pulls you into a kiss.He smiles as he pulls away and places small butterfly kisses all over your face. “So that’s how you are gonna kiss me?” “Yup that’s pretty much it I have planned more though” he replies with a smirk on his face.
♡MEGUMI , You were sitting in your car applying some lipgloss . Megumi was sitting right next to you on the driving seat preparing to start the car and reach the destination which he had decided for a date. “Y/n?” “Hmm?” “Are you done?” “Almost” he signs and makes sure to lock the car , he adjusts his seat . “Gumi?” You keep your lipgloss back in your purse and wait for his reply. “Hmm?” “Kiss me like it’s our wedding day” “oka-WAIT WHAT?” “Go on kiss me like you’d on our wedding day” “uh-okay” . He moves his head towards you and deeper the kiss by placing his hand behind your neck. This kiss left you breathless and you were craving for more. He pulls away and strokes your hair gently and kisses your forehead. “That was really sweet Gumi” “it was? I am glad” “I love you Megumi” “I love you more Angel”
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Thank you for reading. Take care <3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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gatoru · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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summary: toge inumaki isn't good with words. he is, however, really good with actions -- or "post mission moments, in which he makes sure you're taken care of".
warnings: ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP TO 18+, brief mentions of danger and death, canon level violence, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, suggestive at the end.
author's note: hey everyone! this is my first time writing an actual piece for jjk. please lemme know what you think :) reblogs/comments are highly welcome! enjoy xx
It isn’t that Inumaki is bad with words – no, it’s the exact opposite. Toge Inumaki is way too good with words, and that puts a toll on him sometimes.
He sat beside you, on the beatdown sofa in the center of the common room – a ritual you’re way too used to now. Some sort of aftercare, although not the one you long for. It’s been a few months that, after each mission, you and Toge would escape the others – that being your fellow classmates and your sensei – in order to take care of each other. 
Tonight, you care for each other the only way you know how to, after a particularly tough mission: throwing a movie night. 
As you run your fingers through his platinum hair, eyes glued to the television in front of you, you hear him hum gently against the crook of your neck. As soon as you hear the simple sound leave his throat, you forget everything about the movie playing in front of you – the femme fatale character on her way to seek revenge would have to wait. 
Toge has his fingertips dancing against your shoulder, easing the tensioned muscle. You look at him in confusion, eyebrows knitted – until he mentions for you to turn around, with a simple gesture of his hand. 
Oh, you understand now: you understand he’s trying to take care of you. You chuckle in response to his kind action, but complying nonetheless. You know that look on his face way too well: time to rest. 
The blonde actress screams, blood splattered against  her face and clothes. The scene is cheesy, corny even. Toge Inumaki pays no attention to it whatsoever, given the fact you’re right in front of him, taking your hoodie off in order to give him better access to your back. That leaves you in only sweatpants and a bra – and, he may be biased , but the platinum haired boy blushes at the sight of you. 
It wasn’t the first time he’s seen you like this – your soft skin exposed to his skilled hands, even though not in the way he fantasizes about. The both of you have been dancing with your hands tied for quite some time now, playing this game of cat and mouse: it was a matter of who would confess their crimes first. 
A pleasurable sound leaves your chest as Inumaki’s fingers massage your shoulders. You mumble a soft “thank you” to which he doesn’t respond. These are the moments in which Toge Inumaki wishes he could speak normally, so that he could let you know everything he feels: you’re welcome. I love spending my time with you. Please don’t die. 
Missions started to feel scarrier ever since you came into picture, ever since he got something to worry about other than himself. Toge found himself doing his very best to protect you, although everyone – you and your fellow classmates – were kind enough to not mention how he jumped in front of you a few hours ago, so the curse wouldn’t stab you with one of its thorns – it barely hurt him, just a deep scratch on his rib. Toge insisted he was doing fine. 
“If anything, I should be the one taking care of you.” 
You smile, turning your head in his direction. Toge looks like a cherub: flushed cheeks due to the cold, pretty eyes looking up at you like you hung the moon, fair hair now messy. 
“You’re so stubborn.”
At least he agrees with you, you think to yourself. 
Inumaki gently presses his warm palms against your cheeks, looking deeply into your eyes. He hopes you know what he wants to say: I care for you. I trust you. I–
“I love you.” 
The words fall from your lips before you can actually stop them from making their way outside of your heart. Your blood pulses with adrenaline, fear that you might have overstepped boundaries or upset him in any way. 
And, unfortunately, there’s no way Inumaki can repeat your words towards you, letting his love be known to the world. No, there’s no way he can shout at the top of his lungs or whisper it against your ears. 
His face gets closer, then, his palms still warm against your face. He’s so incredibly close, you can feel his breath fanning over your face. You can see the subtle lilac shade from his eyes, and how they’re so expressive. 
Toge kisses you. Full of love and unspoken words, the kiss is filled with promises. He swears to himself he’ll let you know he loves you in every possible way, he’ll make sure you’ll never feel unloved. His heart and head and soul are full of you and only you. 
His lips slide against yours in perfect harmony, and you smile into the kiss. Your arms snake around his neck as his palms find your waist, pulling you towards him, making you sit on his lap so he can feel you close to him.
By the end of the night, there’s no way you won’t feel his love. 
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Match made in Hell : Chapter Thirteen
A/N : And this is it the last and final chapter. Kinda sad but mostly happy to finally finish this series. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : mature content, kidnapping, blood, violence, murder, death, language
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“What? How?” you looked at him with a worrisome face.
“We don’t know yet but we are gonna catch him don’t worry” his hands come up to your shoulders in assurance.
“Then we must go now he might be planning something dangerous to take revenge on us” saying so you were about to rush back to your room to get dressed but Tom caught hold of your hand.
“Y/N stop, you can’t go” 
“Why? You only said we need to catch him” you look at him questioningly.
“By we I meant me and the boys. You are not going anywhere, not in this condition” he speaks softly placing a hand gently over your stomach “you remember what Dr. Martin said, right? No stress and as much rest as possible”
“But-but you don’t understand Tom I can help and I was pregnant the last time we caught him” you argue as Tom reaches his hand out to cup your face with an understanding smile.
“I know love but we weren’t aware of it at that time and I'm thankful that he didn’t do anything bad but not anymore" he caressed your cheek with his thumb "I’m not letting either of you come in harm's way” you were about to say something but he cut you off “please Y/N for this time just let me handle this. I know you’re strong and the most fearless woman I have ever met in my life but for this time for their sake at least stay back” 
You finally gave up hanging your head low with a sigh. He was right with your current situation; it wasn't a wise idea. The risk would be too much and you can’t afford it, not when it’s about the safety of the little ones growing inside you.
“Okay but promise me you’ll be careful and in no circumstance you will risk your life” you place your hand over his on your stomach “we will be waiting for you”
“I promise I’ll be safe” he presses a soft kiss on your forehead “you just take care of yourself. I have told the guards everything and Leslie will also be there” he gives a one last peck on your lips before parting “I’ll be back in no time I promise” he reassures smiling as you nod mirroring his smile.
Tom along with with his brothers and Harrison were at their office in Westminster discussing their next move to get hold of Ethan before he makes a move against them.
“Any news?” Tom asks Harrison. 
“Nothing,” he answers with disappointment.
“We searched downtown but found no trace of him,” Harry informs, exchanging glances with Sam.
“How is this even possible? A man escaped but is nowhere to be found?!” Tom groans in  frustration when they are interrupted by William whom Vanessa brought along with her in case he might be able to help track down Ethan with his years of experience with your father's mob.
“Only if the man has never left the place” he elucidates.
“What?” Tom’s brows knit in a frown.
“Has anyone seen him getting out of the house?” William throws the question to his men as they stood there silently with their gazes lowered down at the floor. 
“Answer the question you morons!” Tom barks at them.
“No sir” one of them squeaks out in response as the frown on Tom’s face grows deeper.
“Well then you have your answer Ethan is still in your house hiding maybe seeking for the right opportunity” William remarks.
“Right opportunity for what?” Vanessa questions.
“Y/N..” Tom’s voice comes out shaky as panic washes over his face at the realization “Y/N is all alone in the house. We need to go now!” 
You were in your room trying to keep yourself occupied by reading some books on parenting and childbirth to calm your nerves which honestly wasn’t helping much cause you knew how dangerous it is with Ethan escaping and the vipers seeking revenge. Since no one would be informing you about anything you thought it’s best, you take a nap as stressing about it will be useless and in turn be bad for the two little beans inside you. 
You were about to lie down when you heard shuffling noises outside of your room. Your hand instantly reached out to your bedside table, opening the drawer you took out your gun and got off the bed. You carefully tip-toed out of your room, eyes scanning the corridors when you felt someone’s presence behind you. You cocked your gun ready to turn and shoot. 
“I wouldn’t dare to do that” you heard, feeling the muzzle of a gun pressed to the back of your head. 
“Ethan?” you frowned deeply.
“Miss me baby?” his voice dark and full of malice. You went to shove him in the stomach with your elbow but he was quick to catch hold of your hand and twist it back as the gun fell from your grasp on the floor.
“You’re getting clumsy sweetheart” he chuckles tauntingly.
“What do you want?!” you hissed struggling to set free.
“You’ll get to know soon but for now start walking”
“What makes you think I’ll listen to whatever you say?” you grit under your teeth. 
“Well honey news is in the air that you're pretty knocked up right now" he snickers and your throat went dry, he knows "so if you don't do what I say I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to pull the trigger” 
Usually you were tough and it takes a lot to shake you but now it is different. You couldn’t think of fighting back as fear grasped on to your mind and body. You weren’t alone, you had two lives growing inside you and in no way you were going to put their lives in danger so you remained quiet and decided to do exactly what you were told. You slowly walked down the stairs with Ethan behind you holding you by your arm with one hand the other had his gun pointed at the back of your head when Leslie walked out of the kitchen.
“Ma’am!” she gasped in horror and immediately pressed the alarm on the nearby wall to alert the guards outside as she rushed towards you in an attempt to save you.
“Get back or she dies” Ethan threatens, pressing the gun further to your head.
“It’s ok Les just stay where you are” you say calmly. Two of Tom’s men posted at the gate barged in pointing their guns.
“Put down your gun now or you’ll regret it” they threaten, cocking their guns which made Ethan chuckle darkly.
“You really thought I would be so stupid to do this all alone” he snickers when three men dressed in all black rounded them from behind. They pulled out their guns and within seconds several gunshots were fired piercing through their bodies as both of the guards dropped dead.
“Leslie run!” you shout at her. 
“But…” she hesitates.
“Just go or they will kill you!” you tell her as she unwillingly ran to the back of the mansion to get out of the place.
“Yes, run to your boss and tell him that I got his most prized possession and soon I’ll have this whole city within my palms too” he grins wickedly. He then drags you out of the front door to the driveway where two SUV’s were parked.
“C'mon get inside the car” he nudged you as you reluctantly got in the passenger seat while he sat on the driver's seat and starts the car.
“Ethan you don’t wanna do this” you tried to talk some sense into him.
“Oh hell I wanna do it. Today I take back what is rightfully mine. Now shut the fuck up!” he yelled at you while driving and you flinched feeling utterly helpless.
“Tom is on his way he is gonna kill you and if my dad comes to know” you glared at him.
“I don’t care what that bastard wants, he has been using me to take hold of the drug cartel but I was the one who was using him to set up my own gang to take my sweet revenge. Your daddy thinks he owns the vipers, no honey, it's me who gives them the orders” he laughs when his eyes go to the phone in your hands “give me your phone” he orders.
“Why?” you tried to hide it away from him
“Just give it to me dammit!” he snatched it out of your hand and threw it out of the window on the side of the road “now no one will know where you are” he chuckles darkly speeding away through the traffic.
“Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom stormed inside the house to be met with the two dead bodies of his men in a pool of blood.
“Oh God!” V gasped in horror and the boys were left dumbfounded at the scene in front of them..
“Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom called out again desperately.
“Sir!” a very terrified Leslie came running from the back of the house.
“Leslie, where is Y/N? Answer me!” he demanded.
“They took her sir” she broke down into tears as Tom felt the ground slipping from under his feet. 
“Uggh this is all my fault!” he knocks off the glass sculpture kept on the nearby table out of rage.
“Tom, calm down, get yourself together!” Harrison stops him from breaking any other things further.
“How can I stay calm Harrison?! That bastard took her and I wasn’t even there to save her. Now I don’t know where she is or even if she is alive or not” he laments.
“You need to think clearly, Tom. He won’t do anything to her I’m sure not until he gets what he wants” William remarks and just then Tom’s phone rang with an unknown caller id
“Take it I’m sure it’s him” William advised he pressed the call button as Ethan’s face became visible on the scream. 
“Hey Tom, what’s up man?” he says with a smug grin.
“You scum, where is Y/N?! If you lay a finger on her you’re gonna die a very brutal death!” Tom barked.
“Oh don’t worry, she's alright. For now. Say hi to your husband honey” he mocks flipping the camera towards you. Tom’s heart clenched seeing you tied up to a chair. You looked completely exhausted as you somehow lifted your face up to face the camera.
“Y/N…” he croaks a lump growing inside his throat as he fights back his tears after seeing you being treated like this when you should in the comfort of your home. 
“Tom-Tom, don’t agree to what he says it’s a tra-” you tried to warn him but were quickly cut off.
“Okay that’s enough sweetheart”
“Give me my Y/N back!” Tom growled in rage.
“Woah not so fast not until you give me what I want” he remarks with a smug grin.
“What the hell do you want?!”
“Nothing much, just hand over your mob and accept my allegiance only then you'll get your wife back. I’m giving you 12 hours to think Tom after that I’ll empty this gun into her head” he threatens and the call disconnects.
“Hey wait!” Tom yells at the dark screen.
“Let’s go! We don’t have much time” Tom was about to rush out when Harry stopped him
“Wait Tom, are you seriously going to hand over everything?”
“I'm ready to give up everything for Y/N. I don't give a fuck about the mob because that’s the reason behind Y/N, my wife, the mother of children is being held captive in the first place!” he snaps.
“Don’t do anything in a rush you don’t want to strengthen your enemy’s power do you?” William remarks..
“Yes Tom, I agree with William too. You do remember what the Coopers did back then before your dad had to kill them himself?” Harrison reminded him.
“Yes I do but what option do we have?” Tom sighed unable to find a way out
“You have an option” V speaks up
“Ask papa for help” she suggests
“Are you out of your mind?! You’re telling me to ask another enemy of ours for help for whom Y/N was almost going to die!” Tom says disapproving her idea.
“Just listen to me for once all this rivalry between you and our dad is just because of the business. If he comes to know that Y/N is in danger he would certainly help cause he loves his family more than anything” she explains.
“Vanessa is right Tom only Victor can help you. The vipers were his gang after all he will know everything and you also need more men to overpower Ethan” William agrees.
“What do you guys say?” Tom looks at his brothers and Harrison.
“You should call him” they all suggest unanimously. After a little pondering Tom took a deep breath and dialed his number.
“You really have the balls to call us after what you did Holland” Julian quipped.
“Julian you gotta listen to me mate this is important. Ethan escaped” 
“Well it's not our problem that he escaped”
“He has your sister Julian” Tom informs.
“And why would I help you to save her who is the reason we are about to lose the whole drug cartel”
“It wasn’t your sister Julian it was Ethan all along he had been double crossing you and using the vipers to grab hold of the drug cartel behind you back”
“So what? We just don’t care now end the call”
“Jules, wait your sister is pregnant” Tom reveals as Julian perks up at the news.
“What? What the hell are you talking about?” Julian asks with concern in his voice.
“She is expecting. I know you have had issues but I also know you care for her and so does Mr. Martinez. I know he is listening to this too. It's your daughter sir and if you really want her to stop hating you then help us take down Ethan” Tom’s voice breaks as he pleads with them.
“Dad?” Julian turned to Victor. 
“I'm gonna kill that bastard myself!” Victor mutters standing up from his chair enraged “everyone to get ready and tell them to meet at the Docklands”
After searching for almost three hours your father was able to locate you. You were being held in an old factory near Kennington. They drove to that place as fast as they could and stopped a mile ahead to not alert his goons. Carefully they walked over to the place and took down the guards posted outside surrounding the place. Tom along with Harrison and your father and brother entered the building killing anyone who came in their way. The deserted factory echoed with the loud noise of gunshots and you knew that Tom was here to rescue you.
“You hear that? Tom is here, you’re going to die Ethan” you quipped a knowing smile etched on your face.
“Not so easily” he goes to untie the ropes and pulls you up on your feet pressing his gun against the side of your head.
“Y/N!” Tom barged in.
“Come closer and she dies,” Ethan threatens.
“You might want to reconsider mate” Tom says with a sly smirk
“Why is that?”
“Your sister Meredith, is her name right? And she lives in an apartment near Brixton” he muses “guess what? my brothers happen to be there too” fear washed over Ethan’s face as he realized how the tables have turned and all thanks to your father who knew about his sister and told Tom about her.
“No, keep my sister out of this” he says weakly.
“You left me no choice mate” Tom tsks “it’s over Ethan so let Y/N go and no one gets hurt” he warns him as Ethan removes the gun from your head and lets go of you. You take one quick glance at him and then look at Tom standing in front of you. You immediately strided your way towards him with tears in your eyes but Ethan had something else in his mind. He lifted his gun again and pulled the trigger aiming at your back.
“Y/N!!” Tom shrieked but before the bullet could hit you Victor was on time to pull you in his tight embrace guarding you as the bullet hit him on his right  shoulder. He flinched in pain as you grasped on to his shirt trembling.
“Daddy?” you said weakly glancing up to him with tear filled eyes. 
“It’s ok mija I’m here now. Don’t worry everything is going to be alright” he caresses the back of your head gently as you feel your head spin. The stress was too much for you to handle and you fainted in his arms.
“Go get that motherfucker!” Tom shouted seeing Ethan trying to flee. His men were quick to grab him as Harrison snatched the gun out of his hand and punched him right at his face.
“Jules, take her to the hospital now!” your father instructed. Jules took you from his arms and carried you to the car and immediately left for the hospital.
Tom stalked his way towards Ethan as if he was a prey. He cocked his gun, his gaze stone cold eyes burning with rage. He kicks Ethan on his legs as his knees buckled and he kneeled down on the floor in front of him.
“Tom please let me go I swear I’ll go as far away as possible and never return back” Ethan begs for his mercy.
“You should have thought about it before you decided to shoot Y/N” Tom growled, pressing the gun in between his eyes. But for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It didn’t feel right to him.
“Tom, what are you waiting for?” Harrison nudged him.
“I-I can’t, Y/N wouldn’t want this” Tom looked at him unsure of what to do “it’s better we hand him over to the police” he suggests.
“If you can’t I will” Victor interrupts and aggressively points his gun at Ethan.
“No Victor, wait!” Tom tried to stop him but it was too late he had already pulled the trigger and Ethan’s lifeless body collapsed on the ground.
“It’s ok Tom nobody gets away after messing with my family” he shrugs when the blaring of the sirens could be heard from a distance.
“Get out of here right now!” Victor says to Tom.
“But..” Tom hesitates.
“Leave or you’ll get caught too” he insists.
“What about you?”
“I think it’s time for me to pay for my crimes” he sighs looking at the gun in his hand with a contemplating smile etched on his face. The screeching of car tires could be heard as the bellowing of the sirens grew louder which was soon followed by the clamoring footsteps of people in tactical boots. 
“Now go to my daughter she needs you” Victor rushes him “and remember to keep her happy and safe or else I’ll hunt you down too” he warns him.
“Will keep that in mind” Tom smirks and walks out of the place.
“Raise your hands where I can see them!” Grace orders and without a single Victor raises his hands in surrender.
“Victor Martinez you are under arrest for embezzlement and several other crimes including hoarding and smuggling of illegal drugs and murders” Grace states pointing her gun at him along with a team of officers behind her. A male officer was quick to handcuff him. Tom watched it whole from a distance as he was led inside the police van before leaving for the hospital.
You woke up to the rhythmic beeping of the EKG. Your eyes slowly adjust to the lighting of the hospital room.
“Tom..Tom” you mumbled half awake.
“Hey, hey I’m right here” Tom quickly gets up from the couch and holds your hands as you sit up.
“Tom what happened?” you ask warily.
“You fainted honey, your blood pressure went low due to all the stress” he informs.
“What about our babies?” your hand goes to your stomach as you look at him with panic stricken eyes “are they ok? Tom, are they safe?” you rambled out of fear.
“Yes darling, they are safe and healthy the doctor’s confirmed” he assures you gently brushing your hair with his hands.
“Oh thank god” you heaved a sigh of relief.
“I think we should thank your dad too cause if he wasn’t there in time you would have got shot” he remarks.
“I know,” you say, staring at your lap.
“Y/N the interpol and police took your father”
“Well that was going to happen some or the other day anyways” you half shrugged.
“But he saved you, saved us”
“I know and that’s the irony for the first time my dad genuinely showed that cared about me and now I will never see him again” you say with regret in your voice.
4 months later….
You were seated in the huge courtroom of the New York State Supreme Court with Tom, Vanessa and your mother by your side as you awaited the jury’s verdict on the charges you, your father and brother have been indicted with. After your father’s arrest the underworld imploded and most of the leaders went into hiding to save their businesses and escape the law. It was a huge issue in the international media too, the trial went on for three months. You had to travel back and forth to appear before the court for the murders you were charged with. 
Though they could never find any proof against you, your dad and your husband made sure of that. Tom had told you that he had requested the families not to testify against you and they had agreed. But you know his way of requesting people very well : it's pointing a gun at their head. If they don’t agree then they are permanently relieved of their life. 
When you said that to him he laughed it off by saying “that’s preposterous! I would never do that” and you gave him ‘not buying it’ look “okay the old me would but I’m a changed man now and as I promised no violence” he clarified. But you knew better and you didn’t mind this time really cause you didn’t want to abandon this beautiful life you finally got and go to jail. 
Moreover in less than two months there will be two new additions to your little family and you don’t want to miss any of it. You knew that you could never get rid of the blood in your hands and so did Tom but this time you are gonna start afresh for those pure little souls that are coming to light up your entire world and remove the darkness that had been clouding your lives.
“The jury have reached a verdict” the judge’s voice echoed through the silent courtroom and Tom places his hand over yours comfortingly giving you a reassuring smile telling you that everything will be ok “and they unanimously find Victor Martinez guilty of the following charges related to extortion, money laundering, murders and illegal smuggling of drugs. He is being sentenced to lifetime imprisonment” the judge declared.
“Also due to lack of evidence the jury declares Julian Martinez and Y/N Holland innocent and free of all charges” he adds and Tom squeezes your hand gently with a soft smile and a relief in his eyes as you look at him mirroring his smile. 
“The court is adjourned for the day” the judge announced and everybody stood up from their seats to walk out of the room one by one. You watched your dad getting handcuffed and being taken away by the officials as your brother followed them to finish the rest of the formalities that needed to be done before they took your father to the prison. For once you wanted to hug him tight and let him know that you loved him even after whatever went down between you. You wanted to let him know that you have forgiven him, you felt bad for your mother too after all he is her husband.
“Don’t worry honey I’ll be fine” she touches your shoulder breaking you out of your thoughts. 
“I’m really sorry mom you don’t deserve this” you sniffled
“It’s ok, Y/N I knew this day was coming soon and how much ever you feel bad a crime is a crime”
“Mom, you can come live with us. I can talk to Tom, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” you offered.
“No sweetie that’s not happening I’m better off here and Jules will be there I will be perfectly ok. You just take care of yourselves”  
“Hello Mrs Martinez” Tom interrupts.
“Hello Tom”
“Honey it’s quite some time you ate anything let’s get you something shall we?” he suggested to you.
“Yeah I’m feeling a little hungry to be honest” you  remarked.
“I know love, let’s go then there’s a nice café right around the corner of the street” he says as Julian joins you three too.
“All formalities are complete, it’s time for us to leave as well” he informs as you walk to him and held his hands.
“Jules please take care of my mother” you ask him with hopeful eyes.
“I will don’t worry” he pulls you in a hug and kisses your forehead “you guys take care too, alright” you nod and go to hug your mom before leaving the place with Tom.
Tom and you slowly walked out of the court and made your way to the café. Upon entering the shop you saw Vanessa already waiting for you as you went and sat down at the table while Tom went to give your orders. You were a little bit out of breath cause being seven months pregnant with twins is no big joke. You get easily tired now. Your stomach has grown round and big in the past few months which makes it difficult for you to bend down. But Tom was always there for you patiently helping you out. He even signed up for birthing and parenting classes so that you are ready for everything.
“Well finally it’s over isn’t it? You got what you wanted” V chimes.
“Yeah kind of” you sigh “is it wrong though that I feel bad for him?”
“Not at all after all he is our father we have the right to feel bad but past is past we gotta move on” you remarks “so how are the little munchkins?”
“Oh they are doing quite well and also not letting their mother sleep with their constant kicking seems like they can’t wait to come out already and so do I. I really want my precious sleep back” you joked.
“Oh sissy for the next two years forget about sleep cause you will be getting none” V snickers.
“Can’t complain though I voluntarily signed up for it” you shake your head smiling as you pull out a file from inside your bag “here” you say handing over the file to her.
“What is this?” V looks at you cluelessly.
“A deal is a deal, open it” you tell her as she opens the file and goes through the papers. Her eyes widened with shock as she finished reading the last page.
“What?! Are you serious?” 
“I told you I’ll give your rightful share in the family so this is it” you stated.
“But you are giving me the rum and diamond business. That’s yours” she emphasized.
“I know but I don’t have the time or interest to run it and I can’t handle the business in New York while staying in London. Moreover, Tom has decided to start a chain of luxury resorts and since I have a management degree I’ll be helping him to expand it” you explain “so I’m entrusting you with our family businesses. Welcome to the family V” you look at her with a proud smile.
“I’ll not disappoint you” she promises.
“I know you won’t”
If you want to send blurb requests based on the series I'm more than eager to write so send me your ideas. Also suggest me some cute baby names both girl and boy. I was thinking of going with Beatrice or April and Cole or Ben but would like to hear your opinions as well ❤️
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Sadistic!Yandere!Diluc x Fatui Harbinger!GN!reader
Wordcount: 6748
CW: torture, sex, foul language, isolation, sensory deprivation, extremely unhealthy relationships, dubcon, mindbreak, violence
Diluc isn’t a cruel person. Not necessarily. He punishes you only when you are difficult and for the last few weeks you tried to stay on your best behavior. Ragnvindr is nice to you, benevolent even, willing to look past your former affiliations and shower you with love. At times his affections seem suffocating and irking, blood red eyes following your every movement and him absorbing your every word as if it is a holy scripture, but you remind yourself that his love is the best thing that happened to you in your whole life.
Truly, Diluc is so kind to take you in and help you fix the errors of your old ways, even when you were snarling and spitting insults in his face, too stubborn to see how wrong your old life was. You were ignorant and ungrateful back then, seeing nothing but a Harbinger title and service to Tsaritsa. You forced Diluc to lock you up to make you realize that you didn't need your title or your vision or your archon. He is there for you and it's all that matters, you can rely on him for everything and he is happy to provide, persistent in his care for you and even now he is patient with your… deficiencies, waiting when you stop staring into the distance with vacant eyes.
You stand in front of an open but barred window, a typically Mondstadtian landscape revealed to you - bright green grass and patches of dandelions and windwheel asters growing in small groups with tall trees of the same shade finishing the picture. A gentle breeze flows through the opening, playing with your hair and caressing your skin, yet you imagine another type of wind - stronger and colder, relentless and carrying small snowflakes on the way. You close the eyes and see another image - tall, leafless trees covered by multiple layers of snow and the white ground between them. Snow shines and glitters under the pale winter sun, and you feel alive and bitter at the same time.
You know the place, having been there once, but your memory now is too blurry and fuzzy. All of the events prior to Diluc fixing you up are too foggy to make out the finer details and it somehow makes you feel sad, when you should be grateful instead. Tears well up in your eyes, and you can’t make them stop, rapidly going from silent crying to full on hysterics.
You hear Diluc asking what’s wrong with a concern in his voice, his hands slightly shaking your crying form. You can’t answer him, wailing even louder and stronger, hiding your face in both hands, ashamed from the sudden outburst and overwhelmed from unreasoned sorrow and heartache. Only when Ragnvindr painfully squeezes both of your shoulders and demands to know what is wrong with you in that tone that makes you shiver and gasp, do you stop, looking at him with wide scared eyes, hands that were used to cover your face, are now up in the air in a semi defensive stance.
He seems uncomfortable by your reaction, a slight frown appearing on his face, scarlet brows knit together and corners of mouth turned downward. “I am sorry”, you say, voice small and pleading, eyes casted aside not meeting his out of embarrassment. Why did you start to act so childish out of the blue?
“There’s nothing to apologize”, Diluc takes off the glove, using an uncovered hand to wipe away the tear tracks from your cheeks. There’s no irritation in his voice, just concern, so you risk a glance at him, as he continues: “You are just making me worry”
“I am sorry” you repeat, feeling a prick to your heart, as you process his words - Ragnvindr is so good to you, providing with everything you could ever ask of, and here you are, making him concerned and anxious over some silly daydreams. “It’s really nothing, I just need to be more attentive, that’s it”
You noticed that it’s harder for you to stay in the moment as you start to frequently space out, mind too occupied by the memories of days long past - playing with peers, entering Fatui, receiving a delusion. It’s a futile thing, but images still consume all of your attention and focus, keeping you from sleeping and eating.
“[First], I...” he starts, but then trails off, huffing to mask his hesitancy. Instead of talking he takes your face in one hand and leans in, his lips meeting yours. It's a slow and gentle kiss at first, but just like all other things with Diluc it quickly escalates into something more: his hands now take you by your waist and tug you closer to him, making you press with your entire chest against him, and he deepens the kiss, his tongue freely exploring the confines of your mouth as you moan into his from pleasure and such close proximity.
When you two part, Diluc leaves you flushed and dizzy, with heart quickly pounding against the ribcage. You feel a fire of arousal igniting inside of you, it travels from your chest to belly and soon spreads to the rest of the body. Your cheeks heat up as you stand up on tiptoes to whisper “Can we do it right now?” in Diluc’s ear, voice full of both shame and anticipation.
“Of course, my dear”, there are hints of a smile in his tone and he effortlessly lifts you up and heads for the bedroom and as he carries you you can’t help but zone out again, the memories of past days flashing in your mind.
Your first meeting happens during one winter night, as you receive the order to deal with him day prior, at a Harbinger meeting in the Zapolyarny palace. Eleven of you stay kneeling in the main hall, awaiting for Her Majesty to come in as Scaramouche and Tartaglia start to bicker as usual.
“I bet it’s about that mysterious person who’s destroying one stronghold after the other” Childe starts, voice full of bravado and smugness, fake smile blooming on his face: “Fortunately, Tsaritsa has me to take on whatever this stranger is”.
“I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you, Tartaglia”, Scaramouche remarks, almost spitting out the last word.
“Why shouldn’t I? I am the youngest here, yet I am also the strongest. Why are you so upset? Feeling envious of my power?” Childe retorts, voice still sounding too cheery to be natural.
“If there was anything to envy. You may be the best at fighting among us, but it’s the only thing you are good at”.
“Huh, it seems I was wrong. Maybe little Scaramouche wants to be as tall as me and that’s why he spits out his funny silly slander”.
It must have struck the nerve, as Scaramouche snaps back with an angry tirade, from which their exchange escalates into a heated battle of barely hidden insults. You, just as the rest of other Harbingers listen to their conversation, half amused and half irritated, lifting the brows at the creative mockings.
“Silence”, domineering and overpowering voice says and you still yourself, eyes casted downwards, as Childe and Scaramouche stop their exchange at the same moment. Footsteps echo throughout the hall, as a feminine figure takes its place on a high throne in the middle of the hall. Tsaritsa has arrived.
“As I can see my children already know about the perpetrator attacking my servants” archon starts, divine power and absolute authority evident in each syllable. You feel how the deity’s eyes look at all of you, despite still keeping head bowed and stance obedient.
“Innamorati”, you hear your title and lift up your gaze, ready to take whatever order the Goddess has for you.
“I entrust you with this task, don’t disappoint me”.
Diluc is not a coward and he never was one, but now he can’t help but feel a pang of fear, looking at your approaching form.
“Let’s test our delusions, shall we?”, you almost purr, voice soft, silken smooth and full of unspoken threat. It sends shivers down his spine, yet he still equips this cursed thing and braces himself for the upcoming battle.
There’s a stillness in your moves, a confidence that whatever Diluc has in his arsenal, you can endure and answer with something deadly in return. This dangerous calm both disturbs and excites young Ragnvindr.
He lashes out on you with a stream of accursed chains, filling the air with the sickly sweet scent of mist grass. You easily side step his attack, letting out a cheerless laugh and then come back with a cold gust, frost air currents easily cutting through his skin.
He barely dodges the attack, slowly registering the pain from injury. It’s a shallow cut and a testament to your strength, Diluc thinks, as he touches the scrape, marvelling at your speed. In the end, Diluc can’t stand against you - you’re stronger, have more experience and infinitely faster than him, bringing down one overwhelming attack after the other, a catalyst shining and glowing as you do so.
He jumps and ducks and runs, avoiding one hit after the other, yet there's only so much his body can do. Soon his limbs grow heavier and his breathing labored, Diluc slows down and that's when your attack finally strikes him. It pierces his body, pools of blood quickly forming under him.
Diluc falls down, his battered body no longer able to stand. Memories and regrets alike flood his mind, reminding him of deeds he wishes he did and deeds he wishes he didn’t. He remembers his childhood - all daydreams and high hopes, the world around him bright and friendly. He remembers his father's dying face and Kaeya’s guilt-ridden expression. He remembers overwhelming helplessness and grief transforming into righteous anger and hate.
It all seems so pointless now - leaving the Mondstadt, breaking all bonds with Kaeya or spending years in a mindless massacre, satiating his thirst for revenge by destroying one Fatui stronghold after the other, with no regard for his body or spirit. What was the point of it all, if he's still there, lying and bleeding to death, as you look down on him?
He throws, what he thinks, the last glance at the world, a strange thought appearing in his mind as he looks at you: I want them. As Diluc's consciousness fades he misses a sound of an observer's footsteps.
Later, as he gets saved by the said third party’s observer, who commented and praised Diluc’s methods, he replays the encounter in his mind, getting confused at this particular thought. Why would he want you? Maybe he wants you to die or maybe he wants to see you defeated, but in no way he sees you as desirable. In the end he blames everything on his oxygen deprived brain at the time, explaining the strange attraction he felt for you at that moment.
Having a near death experience and a taste of his own dying regrets, he decides to return to Mondstadt and as he does, thoughts about you continue to pester him. They fly around and buzz, reminding Diluc of your face, eyes and voice, of your body and skills and that terrifying speed you attacked him at. He swats them away like a noisy, annoying flies, suppressing and burying feelings deep, deep down, and naming his interest in you “a desire for revenge and retribution”.
Your second meeting happens once the news of a sudden Stormterror attack reaches Tsaritsa’s ears - a perfect opportunity for acquiring anemo archon’s gnosis and a new step in her rebellion against Celestia. She thinks about sending La Signora at first, as your fellow Harbinger is fast and ruthless, able to complete a job no matter the cost, but soon archon changes her mind and picks you instead. For secrecy and subterfuge, she adds, don’t disappoint me.
I won't, you promise more to yourself than her, as Tsaritsa never asks but orders. With your head bowed in deep respect and the heavy gaze of the goddess on your form, you decide that you will do your best to bring cryo archon's vision into reality. You are dispatched to Mondstadt the same week, first by ship, then by carriage. Pristine white landscapes of Snezhnaya quickly morph into bright Mondstadtian green, and you finally arrive.
Despite or maybe because of Mondstadt having almost nothing similar with Snezhnaya, it steals a breath from you for a moment - city stands on a lone isle in the middle of deep blue lake, tall windmills and bright red roofs seen from a distance, along with a giant statue of Barbatos blessing the city.
Acting Grandmaster Jean greets you, her stern blue eyes intently observing you, as she says standard Favonius salute and you return your own cliche lines - about Tsaritsa’s concern and a peacekeeping mission, empty phrases that don’t elaborate on what actually Fatui will do. She fails to suppress a frown upon hearing it, sensing your real intentions, but you pay it no mind - Jean has no way or reason strong enough to ban you from Mondstadt without causing a diplomatic conflict.
You turn on the heels after brief negotiations, heading for the Goth Grand Hotel, mind already full of plans and schemes of obtaining the Gnosis. Before you departed, Tsaritsa shared a very interesting fact to you - throughout the centuries Barbatos used only one mortal form, disguising himself as a young cheerful bard named Venti. You dispatch a couple of agents and cicin mage to look for a person fitting the description, and then turn your attention to the rest of the fatuis.
You scold Anastasia for unprofessional rudeness towards Jean. “We need to maintain a benevolent image”, you say to her, right before demoting her and temporarily sending her off to Dragonspine as a punishment. Under your rule fatuis cease sneering and belittling Mondstadt in public, lessening no doubt growing ire of locals.
All goes well, until several events happen. Stormterror attacks the city and some blonde foreigner fights off the dragon, wielding mind blowingly strong anemo powers and riding the wind, like a flying bird. Then your agents finally find a bard, reporting that “Venti" prefers to spend a considerable amount of both time and mora in two local taverns - Angel’s Share and Cat’s tail.
You don civilian clothing, heading for the former tavern and send off a couple of other disguised agents to the latter one. Now, stripped of your mask and harbinger attire, citizens stop gawking and staring at you, their eyes passing your form, as you make your way as an ordinary passerby.
No one pays you attention, as you enter the tavern, save for the strange six fingered bard at the entrance. He tries to sell you his performance, but you wave him off, heading for the bar. And here you see him again - you recognize the unknown attacker, his bright red hair and eyes betraying him the same second. Your faces mirror in recognition as a tense silence settles between you.
“So what is Fatui doing in this tavern?”he asks loudly and half of the customers stop drinking and stare at you. You sigh “enjoying” the atmosphere he created, and utter a premade excuse: “Mondstadt is known for its wine industry and the best wines are sold by Dawn Winery. It would be a shame if I left the city without tasting its finest drinks first”.
You glance at the red gem on his collar, an obvious heirloom of a famous clan: “Didn’t know that Ragnvindr heir would spend his days working as a bartender. You must be Diluc, then. Am I right?". He doesn't dignify you with an answer, preferring to wipe the glasses and serve other customers, his eyes still observing you from time to time.
You quit the tavern early, as “Venti”, as it turns out, leaves the same second he hears about your presence. You order agents to spy on him, waiting for the right opportunity to strike, that you don't get a chance to act on.
You get attacked by Diluc on your way to the Windrise tree, where according to your intel, Barbatos decided to go. He slowly pulls out his claymore and you notice a difference between old and current him.
He is calm this time, his movements lacking fervent hatred and anger that was present during your first battle. He must have gotten stronger then, if he feels so confident, entering a battle with you. Or grown foolish, your mind supplies.
You start to fight, exchanging one blow for another, as he surprises you - there's no barbed chains rushing into your direction, only an orange light fire surrounding the claymore. A pyro vision dangles on his waist, glowing and shining as he activates it's powers. You masterfully dodge his hits, shooting combined anemo and cryo attacks from the catalyst.
Suddenly you step on a burning grass, and hiss and close your eyes from the sudden pain. Diluc uses this time to disarm you, his heavy claymore crushing a delicate catalyst into small pieces. It happens so fast, that you are left speechless at the sudden turn of the battle tides.
With no weapon left, all you can do is dodge and run - you almost reach the city again. it’s walls become visible as you do your best to push your body beyond limits, fatigue weighing down on every muscle. Diluc sends a phoenix - a damn phoenix! - on your way. Fire licks your skin and scorches ends of your hair, but you manage to dodge it too - if only by a small chance - and fall to the ground, mind drifting off to the unconscious world.
You come up to your senses slowly and gradually; first there are sensations - a rough rope around your wrists, wet, yet rugged stone walls, then the smells, tastes and sounds - stale, musty air, a coppery blood on your tongue and a shift of a fabric, and then the images at last - dark basement and a bright red blotch, that after a time becomes a head.
There’s a man sitting beside you, Diluc Ragnvindr, your memory supplies. You feel calm and confused for a moment until you remember the fight you both had. Seems, he finally overpowered you.
“You are awake” he says, voice grim and quiet.
“It seems I am. Let me guess, you dragged me here because you want to know what this big bad harbinger plans to do?”. Control your breathing, don’t let him hear the tremble of your voice, don’t let him see the fear in your eyes.
He looks at you with an unreadable gaze and you hold his stare, looking absolutely untroubled in return, a knowing and somewhat self-confident smirk playing in your lips. No matter his status in Mondstadt, Diluc kidnapped you, one of the fatui Harbingers and a close associate of Tsaritsa. His action, no doubt, will force Fatui to severe action, an action that neither his nation nor his people will be able to withstand.
“Think bigger”, he finally says: “I don’t care what you planned to do. I already have you here, weak and helpless. No, what I want is intel on what your goddess and organization are after”.
“Oh, mister Diluc, you want to play a big game? It’s dangerous in case you didn’t know. Maybe after I tell you all of our wicked plans, you will wish you had never asked” you purr, sensing how it grates his nerves, despite him keeping his face and stance impassive.
“How so?”
“Tsaritsa is the greatest of all seven, her vision is absolute. Even if you learn of her plans I doubt you will be able to stop any of them”.
“I asked what the plans were, not what you think of cryo archon”. Diluc’s voice becomes a tone louder, the already present frown on his face subtly deepening.
“Then I am afraid you won’t get any from me”.
He suddenly gets closer to you, his hand yanking you by your head. You hiss, trying to free the bound hands, as he drags you to a nearby barrel with water by hair and then he dips you in it. You instinctively jerk in his hold, a cold water seeping in your nose and mouth as he holds you underwater. Ten second passes, twenty, thirty, you jerk again, your head throbbing and aching from the lack of air, he pulls you upwards.
You nearly black out from the abrupt change, gulping down in the air and coughing out water. He repeats his question and you deny him again. He dips you more, each time becoming a bit longer than the last, only to repeat his query. You lose how many times he lowered you into liquid, absolutely wet and shivering now, when he finally stops and ties you up to the same place you woke up to.
“We will continue tomorrow, I have business to attend to. I suggest you use this time to rethink whether you want to tell me Tsaritsa’s plans or not, as I can get much worse” He heads for the exit from the basement, as you greedily inhale the air.
“Wait”, you say, still breathing heavily: “Aren’t you afraid of the punishment? You kidnapped me, a harbinger, and then proceeded to torture me. Tsaritsa will have your head for this slight against her.”
“Tsaritsa won’t find out. Your Harbingers won’t find out. No one will find out if there’s no evidence”. He steps closer to you, his voice becoming firmer with each word.
“And how do you think you will manage to hide the evidence? You left the knights years ago, you are nothing but a businessman at this point. I doubt they will cover up for you”.
“How did..”
“Oh, Diluc, people talk and I am very, very nosy. That girl, Donna, she told so much to my subordinates about you ”, you mock her, imitating her high breathy manner: “Oh Diluc, he was the youngest captain, but then he left. I wonder why he left? Maybe the knights wronged him!”
“Honestly, with the amount of ire you subject poor knights to, only a deaf and a blind won’t know about how much you despise Favonius Order'', you continue, anger and hatred seeping into your voice.
“I still have connections”, he says absolutely nonchalantly.
“Oh, do you bribe them, then? You criticize the knights for being corrupt, yet you are willing to ask them to hide my abduction? It’s a bit hypocritical, isn’t it?”
Diluc doesn’t answer this time, finally stepping out of the room and locking the door. You sit alone in a dimly lit room, water still all over you and heart quickly beating in your chest, trying to calm down. Later, when your heartbeat stops booming in your own ears, you pray to Tsaritsa, asking Goddess to grant you strength and endurance.
You manage to doze off once your clothes are almost dry. The dreams you see are vague and murky, dripping with a sense of unease and anxiety, you see dark silhouettes that morph into looming shadows that later transform into phantasmagorical monsters. It must be why you wake up the same second door opens with Diluc entering the room.
He looks grimmer now, more determined. You brace yourself for his hands tugging at your hair again and lungs burning from lack of oxygen, but none of it comes. He uses a dagger to slice your clothes off, careful not to damage skin underneath. Out of pure nerves you quip some stupid joke about dining first, but he pays you no mind, his hands soon touching your bare legs and looks at them with a filthy stare, his red eyes consuming revealed flesh.
You still under his stare, heart pounding as you try to distract yourself from the thoughts of what he might do to you right now. Almost a minute passes, when he finally stops staring at your legs and begins to move his arms, caressing your inner side of the thigh instead.
You shift from the discomfort, alarmed when his palms start to heat up. He wants to burn me, you think and barely stop yourself from screaming by biting your lip. A disgusting smell of burnt flesh fills up your nose as tears start to travel down your face. He removes the hand, revealing two angry red imprints with a collection of small blisters already forming. Diluc, again, asks the same question, and just like the last time you refuse to answer.
He does upkeep his threat of becoming much worse, with his hands burning your naked body - he targets sensitive spots or joints,so everytime you shift or move they throb and burn, disturbed at the smallest of motions.
“You're not the one to think about the consequences, are you?”, you ask when he finishes, voice quiet and raspy from screaming.
"No one will find you".
"I am one of the Tsaritsa's most trusted servants, of course they will find me", you pretend you don't hear desperation in your own voice.
"Time will show", Diluc says philosophically, looking as gentlemanly as possible despite him torturing you seconds ago.
"Yes, it will", you agree with him, picturing the bastard's face once he gets thrown in prison.
He leaves the room and you allow yourself to slump, careful not to move burned areas too much, and then he returns again, this time with food and medicine. He works fast at bandaging and disinfecting the burns, seems he is as intent at patching you up, as he is at tearing you apart. As he swathes another burn, you look at the brought food.
It’s unlikely he would drug it to make you tell the truth, given that he already tortures you and he doesn’t seem to be a type to play mind games. It still could be laced with poison though, not lethal one, that would be counterproductive, but the one that can cause pain and tremors all over your body. You’ve seen such substance at work once, when Il Dottore decided to show you the fruits of his experiments - victims were thrashing and shaking on the floor once a five minute mark had been passed, by the twentieth they already admitted to all crimes, regardless of how innocent they were.
It might be even a new torture method, devised by Diluc, just to strip you from the short respite when you are not in pain. He finally looks up to you, finishing the bandage, noticing the stare you look at the food with. "It's not poisoned" he guesses your thoughts, taking a small bite and a sip to prove his words. A minute passes, then the second and the third ones, nothing happens with him, no blushing or paling skin, no wide blown or pinprick pupils, nothing. It still could be a slow acting poison, but you doubt it - they're usually harder to cure, Diluc wouldn't willingly consume it given the long list of aftereffects that remain even after antidote was administered.
Thankfully, he doesn’t stay to feed you, leaving you with food alone. It’s a potato hash browns, absolutely unseasoned and cold. You almost swallow them whole from hunger, realizing how starved you are once the smell of food reaches you. After a day(?) of fasting, satiation hits you full force, drowsiness pulling at every muscle. The tableware he brought is metallic and easily bends, so you can't smash it and use sharp pieces, nor are there any utensils to weaponize. You lay down on the side, as something falls on you. It's a stone.
Your hands take it, feeling its shape - mostly smooth with one angular protrusion. It's not sharp or pointed enough for you to cut through the bindings, but with enough time and effort it can break the rope with friction alone. You begin to work, grating the rope again and again, fighting off the sleepiness.
Diluc nods to Adelinde, as he returns from Mondstadt after signing the contract with winesellers from Inazuma. She understands this wordless gesture, starting to talk: “The.. guest you brought has eaten, last time I checked they still were awake. I did my best to be quiet, master Diluc”.
He dismisses her, thanking for her observations and decides to go down himself. A strange sort of fascination fills him, as he turns the key in the lock, that also prompts a burning shame that he grew accustomed to in the last few days.
It’s an awful thing, to find pleasure in another’s suffering - a trait of a heartless monster, as his father once said, but despite the chagrin he still can’t help but feel a quickening of the pulse as a pained whimper escapes your lips. It’s addicting honestly, to have you of all people, naked and trembling and helpless at his total control, when you were so close to ending his life just a couple of months ago. He supposes it's a type of karmic punishment to you, a fatui harbinger, no doubt a killer and horrible person - you deserve it, he tells to himself - you deserve it for being a fatui.
Moreover, you are not only a terrible, terrible person that deserves much more gruesome torture that he allows, you are also a source of priceless information - how many lives will be saved and avenged if you just tell him what fatuis plan to do. You are a harbinger, you are bound to know something, unlike most of the fatui.
Diluc carefully glances at you as he enters - you are still sitting in the same spot he left you in, head slumped low and shoulders relaxed. It seems you are asleep. He still makes his way to you, steps slow and quiet. Your hands are bound with rope and Diluc knows how much the rough fiber pulls and chafes at skin, grating it to the blood and ropeburns - he needs to use this short respite to quickly disinfect and bandage you again.
Diluc crouches down, as you twitch and then something aims for his head, he flinches a second too slow to dodge. You nearly manage to hit him right in the temple. His head almost splits in half from the burst of pain, vision blurry and disoriented.
You quickly stand, enduring the pain from the burns and make your way to the room. Diluc runs after you, panic and anger distorting his face in equal manner - he can’t let anyone see you like that! - but you manage to lock him in using his own keys. He kicks and thrashes the door, angry at himself for not carrying claymore with him, as something loudly collides with the wall at the other side. He hears a short surprised yelp and whimper - your whimper and the too familiar footsteps descending down the stairs- Adelinde.
“Master Diluc? Is everything okay?”, the headmaid unlocks the room, concern in her voice:”I saw.. the guest running out of the basement, so I pushed them back before other maids could see”
“Everything is fine, check on the Harbinger, I still need intel”.
Turns out, you blacked out upon the impact, a small trail of blood making its way down the head. Diluc is still angry at you, head throbbing and hurting, his hands itching to hit and burn you, but he can’t allow himself to lose control: you are hurt and he doesn’t want to kill you.
In the end, it’s all predictable, Diluc muses, you are an animal first and human second, your allegiance testament to that. He was too soft, too forgiving on you and you decided to twist his kindness like a blade in the back. His head still hurts, but he finally calms, reasoning your attack as an outlash of a mindless beast.
He carries your limp body in hands, finally taking out of the basement and takes you to one of the guest rooms at the second floor of the winery - it’s a risky move, but you injured your head and in Diluc’s experiences such traumas almost always carry a great risk - maybe you will even forget who you are and there’ll be no one for Diluc to interrogate to.
Placing your body on the bed he clasps a cuff around each of your limbs and gags and blindfolds you. After a second, he asks Adelinde for cotton and stuffs your ears full of it.
Human mind stripped of all stimuli is such a dangerous thing, tearing itself apart.
You wake up to darkness and silence, head slightly pulsing from pain. You lie on some sort of very soft bed, silk smooth sheets consuming and hugging most of your body as you wiggle your limbs, tugging at the cuffs.
A small wave of panic washes over you, as you remain absolutely blind and deaf to the world, but you try to remain calm, unsure if Diluc is standing near or not. The bindings on your hands are made of iron now, so you soon stop, knowing it's a futile thing. The only thing you can do is wait.
You don't know how much time passes between you regaining consciousness and the air shifting around you. Having been stripped of both sight and hearing, your other senses became a bit sharper, mind focusing on them to compensate. It's a subtle change of pressure but you still feel it, it's enough for you to guess where this person stands. Suddenly hands grope at you, touching and probing the place near burns. You would scream if it wasn’t for the gag, from pain and violation alone. It's a smaller palms, judging by sensations, they change the bandages. After whoever that was finishes patching you they leave you alone, their departure evoking both relief and sadness - they were a source of stimulations, stimulations that your mind desperately needs.
You start to tug at the bindings again - this time to procure pain, just to feel something again. You are bored, you are in pain and you are scared - not the best combination. Soon, you decide to distract yourself from ever increasing boredom with memories. Images of your past life flash and change before you - here’s you playing catch and hide and seek, here’s you receiving a vision, here’s you entering fatui and climbing through the ranks, here's you receiving delusion from Tsaritsa’s own hands and here's you battling Diluc for the first time.
I should have killed him, you think, I should have spent less time talking and more time fighting, the bastard wouldn't live to see another day and I wouldn't be here.
A strange feeling of panic settles in your bones, as you try to occupy yourself, it's subtle but never ending, slowly growing with each second. You try to daydream but you can’t, not when you are cuffed and your body burns. You try to reminisce again, but you can do only so much, memories becoming dull and repetitive. Soon, the subtle panic becomes not so subtle and you realize you are gasping and thrashing, limbs achings as you rub them against the rough shackles.
You must have blacked out or drifted to sleep, because the next time you wake up you feel a bit different - a little cleaner and more sated - they tend to me, when I am unconscious you realize. Diluc wants to limit all interactions I have.
You don't know how much time you spend there in the end, but it has a profound effect on you - at first the concept of sharing fatui plans with your captor seems nonsensical and traitorous, but after a couple of days-weeks(?) of being chained to one place with limited movement and perception, it stops looking like such a bad idea to you.
Time distorts around you, you can't tell how long you were lying there, seconds turning into minutes and minutes into hours and hours into near eternities. At one point you started to cry again, scared and panicked and then you proceeded to scream.
Diluc comes to you again, taking out the cotton and blindfold from your person. Your eyes hurt and your head starts to ache again from the rush of noises, and you blink a couple of times to see the man before you. A strange mix of emotions washes over you - you hate Diluc, you truly despise him with every fibre of your being, yet now Diluc is the only person you have, the only person you see. It’s so confusing and overwhelming that you start to cry, unable to process any of the feelings.
Diluc looks as prim and proper as ever, as he shushes your crying and promises to let you go if only you will tell Tsaritsa’s plans. You almost believe him, Fatui secrets dancing at the tip of his mouth, yet you hold on to the pieces of your loyalty, slowly shaking your head. He asks you again, doubt and concern in his voice. It will be better if you tell me, he says, his hand still stroking you, don’t you want to walk and see again?.
His hand stops stroking you, face turning back to stone when you refuse him for the second time. He fixes blindfold and cotton again and part of you is howling - it’s scary, so scary to be left alone with nothing but your thoughts.
This time you start to break far faster, having tasted freedom for a mere second. You break down and tell Diluc everything you know next time he visits. His hand on you feels like salvation and punishment at the same time. At the end of your confession you are too empty, all of your secrets laid before him, no place for sadness or grief left inside of you. You feel whatever was inside of you was scorched off by Diluc and it left you thoroughly burnt. Dead. Made of ash.
“My name is [First]”, you wail and howl, shoulders slightly shaking as you do. You want so much to have some human contact, to hear someone call your name for once.
It’s cathartic in a way, to tell all the secrets your mind has been bustling with ever since becoming a harbinger. He doesn’t flinch or frown when you tell what exactly you witnessed or did, intently listening to each word.
He keeps his promise and uncuffs you from the bed, but you are still not allowed to leave the room, which doesn’t really disappoint you. There are books and a small barred window that opens a view to the wineyard, a feast for the starving mind. You spend at least an hour standing at the window at first, amazed that you can see people working.
He gifts you clothes and other books, assigns a housemaid to look after you, the same one that pushed you down the stairs when you were running away, she doesn’t speak to you, preferring to avoid your gaze.
Sometimes you do feel sad - you betrayed Tsaritsa, you betrayed your homeland, you lost both vision and delusion - but you quickly shove it down, unable to process feelings properly. You know you are defeated, having seen similar behavior from fatui prisoners, and Diluc knows it too, a malice and triumph and satisfaction burning on his eyes, despite the impassive face.
He sees you as a trophy, a reminder of how he reduced the great fatui harbinger to your current condition. He orders you around and punishes when you disobey, calls it reeducation, calls it teaching you how to be a decent person, calls it a punishment for your sins. A part of you wants to retort and point out his own failings, but you stop yourself at the root, unwilling to be stripped from the world again. You comply, you suppress, you break little by little. It all pleases him.
You learn to love what hurt you the most out of pure fear.
“First?”, it’s Diluc, shaking you slightly by the shoulders. You snap back to reality, seeing that he already carried you to bed and undressed you.
“I am here, you can continue” you whisper as he leans down to pepper your chest and collarbone with kisses, and then hiss as he bites you.
“Mhm, that’s good,” he says, warm hands traveling down to your thighs, caressing the inner side: “Could you spread them a bit?”
You obey, equally parts scared and excited.
Truly, Diluc is the best thing that happened in your life.
Note: All fatui harbinger names are taken from commedia dell'arte. Innamorati are a couple of lovers, madly in love with each other and with the idea of being in love. I thought it would be ironic.
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starryeyedweeb · 3 years
Valentine’s Day With Hunter x Hunter
Characters Included: Kurapika, Hisoka, Chrollo, Illumi
Content Included: Floofity fluff- Valentine’s style; fairly gender-neutral
A Valentine’s Day With...
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Kurapika’s actually beyond excited for Valentine’s Day with you, and has counted down the days until the event
He has a pretty traditional way of celebrating Valentine’s, but isn’t it tradition because it’s beloved by all?
He had made arrangements to get off work early that evening weeks in advance, and when the day finally comes, he can’t wait to go pick you up for your date
Like most, he had made reservations at a romantic restaurant, but the one he had chosen was more of a hidden gem- in a quieter part of town, with a niche menu, and in an intimate setting
You observe your surroundings in delight as you’re led to your table, where you sit side-by-side in front of a spindly vase of flowers
“Do you like it?” Kurapika asks, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he watches your reactions carefully. “I saw this restaurant months ago, and I’ve always thought you would enjoy it.”
“It’s perfect,” you reply, squeezing his hand lightly, and he averts his eyes with a sheepish chuckle
After enjoying your romantic course meal, Kurapika takes you off to the next spot of the night: an observatory, which is conveniently empty of all other people
“I’ve always wanted to go stargazing with you, but it’s too cold to go now. Even if it wasn’t, though, you can’t really see any stars in the city,” he explains. “So I decided on the next best thing.”
You could sense his nerves, for he wanted so badly for you to enjoy yourself completely
“I love it, I promise.” You press a kiss to his cheek. “Come on. Let’s go sit down and enjoy it.”
With hands still linked, you relax into your reclined seats and stare up at the celestial scene above you, pointing out constellations and naming your favorites
After settling deeply into your contentment at the time you were having with each other, Kurapika sits up slightly and reaches into his pocket
“I’d like to give you your gift now, if that’s alright.”
“You got me something?”
“I did.” He laughs gently, his cheeks reddening again. “I’ve always wanted to get you a nice gift, and this seemed like the perfect occasion.”
He hands you the pristinely wrapped package, which you open to find a delicate necklace, with a single but stunning ruby charm
He had saved up for months to get you something nice, and had labored over picking out something that would remind you of him without being too pretentious on his part
So, needless to say, happiness swells in his chest when you break into a wide grin
“It’s so beautiful,” you breathe
“Would you like me to put it on you?”
You nod, and with gentle fingers brushing against your skin, he fastens the chain around your neck, placing a whisper of a kiss just below your jaw.
“Thank you for spending this time with me,” you murmur as the two of you sit back again, your faces illuminated by the starry scene above
“If it was up to me, I’d never leave.”
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Going into Valentine’s Day with a partner as unorthodox as Hisoka left you with many questions about what he would do to celebrate, if anything at all
You were prepared for anything, so you were less surprised than you might’ve been when he shook you awake nearly at the crack of dawn
“What’s going on?” You mutter sleepily. “Why are you awake so early?”
He merely drops a bag down next to you and strides out of the room
“Put that on,” he instructs, shutting the door behind him
Your brows knit in confusion as you reach into the bag and pull out an outfit that toes the line between summery and skimpy, presenting the question of “Is this streetwear or lingerie?”
Knowing it would be more fun to play along with his plan, you do as he told and go to meet him outside the room
Your breath catches in your throat as you see him with his hair down and makeup off, almost as if he was going incognito
“It’s a little cold to be wearing something like this, isn’t it?” you ask by way of announcing your presence
Sighing headily as he takes in the sight of you, he approaches and wraps his arms around you, his hands sneaking down to give your ass a squeeze
“It will make sense soon, I promise.” He grabs your coat off the rack and holds it out for you. “We need to get moving if we’re going to make it on time.”
You allow yourself to be swept up in his plan, which ends up with the two of you on a plane he had “borrowed” from Illumi and the Zoldycks, flying towards an unknown destination
“Seriously, Hisoka, what’s going on?” You demand, peering out the window for clues
“Relax, darling. Would I ever lead you wrong?” He pours you a drink and holds it out to you
You take it and flash him a dubious look. “Do you really want me to answer that question?”
“Fine. I’ll give you a hint. I’ve always hated the cold, so I want to take the opportunity of a romantic holiday to escape it with you.”
“That’s better, I suppose.” You sip your drink, noticing him look you up and down out of the corner of your eye
“I did an excellent job picking out that outfit for you,” he declares, cocking his head slightly sideways. “We still have a while to go. Why don’t we do something to keep busy?
You slide a bit closer to him, drawing a finger up and down his hip. “What did you have in mind?”
Hours later, when the plane finally arrives at the mystery destination, you find yourselves on a secluded island, approaching a quaint beach house that had been carefully prepared for your arrival
“Was this the surprise?” you gasp, staring at the scene in awe.
“It was. Some time away where we can pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist,” he replies with a self-satisfied smirk. “Are you pleased?”
“I am! This is perfect.”
He snakes his arm around your waist, leading you towards the entrance of the house. “Let’s get started, then.”
“I thought we already did get started.”
“Darling, you should know by now that what we did was only a warm up.”
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Chrollo had been secretly planning a celebration for months, mapping out all of his operations around keeping that one special day open
On Valentine’s morning, he’s gone, but in his place is a tray of your favorite breakfast and a note instructing you to dress warm and be ready to leave by 7:00 that night
There are no other clues, so as you indulge in the breakfast, you wonder what he could have planned for you
Because with Chrollo, it could be anything
Meanwhile, he’s spending the day making all the last-minute preparations for your celebration, and hen the hour arrives, a knock sounds on your door
But instead of Chrollo, you find a driver that had been sent to take you to the date spot
You end up being driven so far outside of the city you halfway wonder if you’ve finally fallen victim to one of the revenge kidnappings Chrollo had always warned you about
Until the driver pulls up to the base of a massive hill, where your boyfriend waits with a smile on his face
“What on Earth have you planned this time?” You ask as he extends his hand to help you out of the car
“I’m a criminal mastermind, love. I simply cannot afford to be predictable.”
He leads you up to the top of the hill, where he set up a candlelight picnic on a blanket covered in rose petals, situated overlooking a fantastic view of the entire city
“Oh, Chro, it’s lovely,” you breathe, but can’t resist a shiver as you sit down and take the glass of wine he offered
He tuts. “I thought I told you to dress warm.”
“You didn’t leave much more information, so I wasn’t sure just how warm.”
“Well, then, I suppose it’s a good thing that I planned for this, too.”
He takes out a blanket and wraps it around both of your shoulders, and you enjoy your cozy meal whilst overlooking the lights of the city
“Let me guess,” you begin, reaching for yet another gourmet appetizer. “Everything here is stolen.”
“Why, of course it is.”
“And the Troupe is probably quite angry with you for sending them on such a trivial errand to get all of this.”
“Initially, but they were alright with it when I offered them half of the spoils for their own enjoyment.”  He shifts, pulling something from his coat pocket. “But I’d like to give you something that, for the first time in years, I haven’t stolen.”
“You actually bought something?” You gasp incredulously, taking the small box in your hands.
“Sort of. I had it made.” He shrugs. “I wanted it to be perfect.”
With him looking over your shoulder to gauge your reaction, you flip open the top of the box and discover a ring, the delicate silver band formed in the shape of an elegant spider web, tiny diamonds glistening at the points
Once you’ve taken the sight of it in, Chrollo takes the ring out of the box and slides it on your finger
“Since you’re reluctant to get a Troupe tattoo, I wanted something else to symbolize.”
“To symbolize what?” You ask, admiring how the ring glistens in the candlelight.
“To symbolize that you’re my home,” he replies with a cheesy, almost joking expression, but his eyes sparkled with truth. “Do you like it?”
“Chro, I love it.”
The corners of his lips turn upward as he cups your cheek
“And I love you.”
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Honestly, Illumi had never even heard of Valentine’s Day before you came along
So, needless to say, no plans to celebrate were made until he was out for drinks with Hisoka the night before and Illumi was asked what he was going to do to celebrate
He just blinked, completely confused
“You know, people tend to get very upset if their partners don’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. They’ve probably got something planned for you,” Hisoka teased.
When Illumi was still staring at him with a blank expression, Hisoka explained the concept and helped Illumi make some last-minute arrangements
So, when you wake up on the morning of Valentine’s Day, you find an ornate vase full of orchids and a box of luxury chocolates sitting at the end of your bed
Gotta use and abuse the Zoldyck family funds, you know
You’re overjoyed and pleasantly surprised
Honestly you had expected nothing at all, so assuming that the flowers and chocolates were the entirety of your surprise for the day, you happily go about the rest of your own Valentine’s plans: a day of self-care and self-love
Dating an assassin with a personality like Illumi’s was rewarding, but also immensely challenging, so you definitely deserved it
In light of cliche and tradition, you decide to make some fondue for yourself, and are just getting ready to serve it when you turn around to find Illumi standing behind you in the kitchen
You let out a startled yelp and drop the spoon you’re holding
“Illumi, you scared me!”
“I thought I’ve been teaching you about awareness lately. You should’ve sensed my presence.”
“I was just distracted. Besides, I wasn’t expecting you to be here at all. I thought you were supposed to be working tonight.”
“I just learned what ‘Valentine’s Day’ is. I rearranged the plan so that I could come spend the evening with you.”
You sense a warm feeling spreading across your chest, and have to fight the urge to swallow him in a hug.
“Well, perfect timing. I was just about to serve dinner.”
The two of you share a two-course fondue, then settle in on the couch
Illumi wasn’t really a TV person, so you play some music softly in the background and gaze out the window as rain begins to fall outside
As you lay with Illumi’s arm folded around your waist, you reflect that your quiet Valentine’s Day was a little less than orthodox, but the peace it brought was exactly what the both of you desperately needed
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bakugou-tm · 3 years
Master Knows Best (18+)
Bakugou x Maid Cafe Reader
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plot: You’ve gone almost a full year working at a maid cafe with none of your friends finding out, which is exactly how you liked it; but thanks to a certain friend your beloved hot headed boyfriend found out your secret and planned on teasing you the whole time. In a stubborn attempt to get back at him, you realized exactly what would happen if you disobeyed your master
warnings: suggestive NSFW, swearing, a shit ton of teasing
wc: 5200+
mood song: worst behavior
a/n: I was supposed to post this on valentine’s day but it’s better late than never right? I perhaps may make a part two depending on how this does but I’m also a s s at NSFW so we’ll see. For now just enjoy (especially my fellow brats out there)
You liked things to be simple. You were a simple girl, with a simple life.
Sure you had your secrets, but thanks to your overall simplicity, nobody even bothered to uncover them.
That’s just the way you liked it too. Each different part of your life was separated as they should, for if they intertwined your life would becoming a living nightmare.
You never dreamed that living nightmare would become a reality. Who knew all it would take to crumble the reputation you built up for so long...
was a simple text.
Sweat trickled down the ash blond’s toned arms, his ragged breath becoming more steady as he slumped down against the wall while his friend took a few rounds at the punching bag.
The sound of his phone buzzing beside him didn’t drag him out of his exhausted mindset quite yet, but when his crimson eyes glanced across the words on the screen he felt everything come to a halt.
electric dunce: remember that day time job (l/n) said she had during the weekends? i think i found it bro..
electric dunce: 1 attachment
Bakugou’s red haired training buddy noticed the change in spirit with his blond friend, noticing how his heavy breathing suddenly stopped.
Wiping his gloved hand across his forehead, Kirishima glanced down to his friend only to see Bakugou’s eyebrows knit in a deep focus.
“You uh... You okay bro?” Kirishima questioned with a raised brow, trying to control his own ragged breaths after he attacked the swaying back before him.
Before he could question his friend once more, Bakugou let out a breathy chuckle, one filled with mischief and even excitement if Kirishima listened well enough.
“Training is cut short today shitty hair.”
“Come onnnn (L/n), how could you tell us you have a job then not tell us what it is?” The pink haired girl whined as she slid her upper half onto your lap and sighed dramatically.
Giggling slightly your eyes flicked to Kaminari across from you as his lips doubled over into a pout, “The whole point of having a job is so your friends can come crash it!”
“And to make some money dumbo.” You sneered, flicking his forehead gently while glancing down to Mina’s attempt at puppy dog eyes, “Besides, I didn’t want to tell you guys. You forced me to tell you where I went after school or you said you would doxx me.”
Your friends let out a sigh of defeat as Kirishima glanced to your boyfriend beside you, “C’mon Baku-bro not even you know where she works?”
Smirking slightly you placed a gentle palm on your boyfriends cheek and winked to him tauntingly,
“Not even Katsuki~”
Bakugou simply clicked his tongue and smacked your hand away, “I don’t know because I don’t fucking care.”
Oh but he did care. It ate away at him everyday that you refused to reveal where you worked. You claimed it would be “embarrassing” for him to see you working and wearing a uniform but he failed to understand why it would be. He brutally antagonized you all the time and you never bat an eye, why would he care if he saw you wearing a ‘Mini-Mart’ uniform?
You simply hummed at your boyfriend’s denial and leaned against his side.
“Say whatever you need to make you feel better love,” You purred, grinning at his scowl before you looked to your group of friends,
“Because you will never find out where I work, ever.”
Bakugou felt like he was in a state of euphoria as he stood before the quaint wooden doors, decorated with all sorts of pastel ribbons and paint.
It was almost as if he was entering the doors of heaven, the ultimate satisfaction of knowing he was about to beat you and your stupid threat.
And better yet, of all the places to find out you worked, it was here?
Oh he was going to enjoy this, even beyond getting revenge.
“Never find out my ass.” Bakugou sneered with a smirk, letting the soft breeze flow through his spiky locks as he tugged open the door into the unknown.
Meanwhile you were attempting to gracefully, yet quickly, get your uniform back on since your break ended in about thirty seconds. You hated how good you had gotten at putting on this stupid uniform, soon enough it would be second nature to you.
Working at a Maid Cafe wasn’t exactly where you planned to end up. When you stumbled onto the small podium in kindergarten to announce your future career, you surely didn’t say “I want to be a server at a Maid Cafe!”
And yet here you were pulling up the thigh high socks to your frilly, bow covered maid dress.
Admittedly when you were searching for jobs, you were surprised to find no luck. Any job that paid well required university years, and any left over job wouldn’t pay enough for your time to walk there.
It wasn’t until your aunt came to you in your troubles and recommended the job of your nightmares.
“My sweetheart why don’t you just work at my niece’s Maid Cafe? You’ll get to work with very sweet young girls about your age, and they pay very well since they have a very diverse clientele!”
Immediately you threw away the idea before you could even process it, the thought of having to serve gross old men and pretend to be excited while doing it didn’t sound appealing, let alone possible.
With that said, that didn’t mean your aunt was going to give up just yet. Without telling you she scheduled an interview for you, telling you if you didn’t show up it would make your family look bad.
Feeling the inevitable guilt throughout the day, you submitted into your aunt’s wishes and at least showed up to the interview.
Who knew? Maybe they would just let you be a janitor or something.
Sure enough they wanted you as a maid, but before you could even deny they offered double what any job had offered you, even the high paying ones.
“We know the job isn’t ideal, which is why we pay so much. A young girl like you would be just perfect here!”
Push came to shove, and somehow you ended up working at the cafe for a year and a half now.
You couldn’t lie, dressing up all cute and getting to hang out with a bunch of sweet girls was pretty fun. It beats mopping an empty grocery store with creepy co-workers.
With that said, the dread of having to deal with pervy customers and the existential fear of one of your friends walking through the door almost outweighed the pros of the job.
Luckily you had been able to escape doom for this long, so what are the odds that would change anytime soon?
The sound of the bell charming brought you back to your senses, quickly tying the silk bow behind your back you stumbled out into the break room to see your boss awaiting.
“Phew I thought you almost ditched us (L/n).” Your boss said with a wink.
Rolling your eyes you began walking backwards towards the swinging doors that led to the dining room.
“Have I ever failed you Miss Manager?” You purred with a grin.
Satisfied with her laugh you danced through the double doors, putting on your cute act once again. Only two hours left and you could go home and pig out on what was left in your pantry.
If that’s truly all it took, you didn’t mind turning on your “anime girl” side for a few hours.
Smiling at all the guests you made sure to check on everyone’s table before making your way towards the greeting podium. The doorbell went off so that meant some sort of customer was waiting to be sat.
Giving one last wink to a customer you whipped your head towards the front doors and gave a small bow before looking up.
“Welcome back to Maid Cafe master, would you like me to show you to your se..AHHHH!”
The moment your eyes met the sturdy figure before you, all senses jumped out the window as you screeched and jumped backwards defensively.
How.. How could this happen? This couldn’t be happening. All your intricate planning and anxious working to make sure no one you knew would ever catch you on the job.
And out of all the people in the world... it had to be Katsuki Bakugou.
Your ever so taunting boyfriend.
Sure enough Bakugou had a shit eating grin on his face, his eyes glowing with excitement for probably more reasons than you could count.
“Well well well, don’t you look familiar.”
At this point words weren’t even an option in your mind, you couldn’t tell if the cold spike of fear shooting up your spine was worse or the overwhelming heat that flared along your face.
Your little outburst didn’t go unnoticed by the guests and maids, all eyes moved to the two of you as you stumbled over your own words.
“Y..You- I.. but I.. and you! I can’t...”
“(L/n) is something the matter?”
The sound of your boss’ sweet voice from behind you caused you to shriek again as you now jumped to face her.
Feeling your face grow even warmer you avoided eye-contact with her, trying to use what was left of your slowly deflating brain to come up with an excuse to fix this entire mess.
“Yeah princess, is something the matter?”
Between the chilling tone and the pet name you physically shuddered, your head slowly peaking back to the problem at hand.
Bakugou couldn’t help but notice your reaction, sneering cockily as he looked down on you with pride.
“Zip it Bakugou-” 
“Ah ah..” Bakugou started before you could even finish your threat, “I believe you are supposed to refer to me as master.”
If your brain wasn’t broken before, it sure was now. Your internal mix of equally enjoying this and hating this had officially clashed and broken any sense at this point. All you could feel beyond anger at this point was complete and utter embarrassment.
“(L/n) you’re not having any trouble greeting our guest, are you?” Your boss questioned sternly.
You’ve honestly never heard her get so serious with you, given this was far from her angry side, but you hated disappointing your superiors.
Glancing around you still noticed some eyes on you along with your suspicious boss’. At this point there was no escaping the situation, and like hell were you going to give this bastard the satisfaction of your embarrassment.
“N..No ma’am, no trouble at all!” You said back in your sweet work voice, offering the best smile you could muster before twitching back to your smug boyfriend.
“Let me uh... let me show you to your table...” You stuttered out, grabbing a single menu before looking up at your expectant boyfriend’s expression. You knew exactly what the little shit was waiting for, and if you didn’t say it your boss would surely drag you to the back.
Bakugou sighed in dramatic satisfaction, clasping his hands together sarcastically and bending down to your level, “Fucking splendid.”
Gritting your teeth you glared into his crimson orbs before spinning on your heel, plastering the cute smile on your face so your boss could get off your back.
Once she seemed to notice you returned to your old state, she let out a gentle sigh and walked away to serve her tables.
At the very least you felt a bit less tense knowing she wasn’t following you like a hawk, but she was far from the problem at hand.
Quickly b-lining towards a table in the corner, you slammed the menu down and pulled out the chair, offering the most sarcastically pleasant smile you could.
Bakugou gladly took his seat, making sure to drag his hand along the small of your back on the way down. He throughly enjoyed each time you shivered from his touch, or even words.
First you decided to take his order, making sure all eyes were officially off the two of you. Once you decided the coast was clear, you quickly grabbed the collar of his tank top, as you bent down to be eye level with him.
“How did you find out about my job Katsuki.”
Bakugou grunted in surprise, catching himself quickly before he smirked back to your fuming expression. Oh how adorable you were when you were mad.
Your thick eyebrows would knit together in a deep focus and your plush lips would pinch into a perfect pout that drove him crazy.
As the blond smugly glanced over your features, his eyes flicked up only to notice other eyes were facing the two of you once again, only this time they only seemed to be on you. On your backside.
The way you were bending down seemed to perfectly expose your backside to the world, and your dumbass was too oblivious with him to even realize it.
Clicking his tongue, Bakugou placed a firm palm on the edge of your spine before shoving you down to your knees so the back of your dress would cover your backside once again.
The action caused a small yelp to escape your lips, you assumed he had done it to embarrass you which made you that much more mad.
“Answer. My. Question.”
Once the ash blond was satisfied with your state and he glared at any that dared to still look at you, he glanced back down to your fiery orbs with an unimpressed look.
Rolling his eyes he slapped your hand away causing you to huff before he shoved the photo Kaminari sent to him.
Glancing over the photo you eyes widened to see a photo of you through the window of the Maid Cafe assisting a customer.
Your cheeks began to glow red again as you worriedly looked up to Bakugou, “You guys actually doxxed me?!”
Bakugou raised a brow and snatched his phone back with a sigh.
“I didn’t, I can’t speak for that stupid dunce but I’ll deal with his reasoning later,” He explained before his dreadful smirk returned as he cupped the edge of your chin, “Back to the elephant in the room, how come you hid such a delicious fucking secret from your master.” 
As much as you would’ve loved this behind closed doors, to be openly embarrassed in public made your head feel like it was going to explode.
“S..Stop acting all smug you idiot!” You snapped, smacking his hand from your chin and standing up straight, “I hid this from you so you wouldn’t act like an egotistical dick.”
At this Bakugou barked out a laugh, the booming sound causing you to jump a bit as he slouched back in his chair, folding his arms with that smug grin.
“I think we’ve already come to the conclusion that my fucking ego is backed up, or have you forgotten doll?”
His piercing red eyes narrowed to your own, the sight making you blush as you jerked your head to the side and huffed.
“Can you order already idiot? I’ve got plenty of other orders to take.”
Bakugou simply smirked and picked up the menu, glancing down the options before shoving it in your arms.
“I’ll get two of the shitty rice bears,” He explained, grinning when he saw you look up with a raised brow, “I’ve got a hungry maid coming home soon waiting to please her master.”
Your confused expression turned into a flushed angry one as you snatched the menu from him and turned on your heel. You didn’t even remember what he asked for but at this point you didn’t care. You just wanted to hide from the customers so you could collect what dignity you had left.
The moment you brushed by the double doors you let out a sigh of relief as you rested your head against the back wall. Maybe if you closed your eyes and pinched yourself hard enough you would wake up from this horrible nightmare?
You could only imagine the things Bakugou was thinking. Does he think you’re some ditzy pushover maid girl now? Is he texting your friends telling them that you work here? Honestly Kaminari has probably already done that.
It was so nice having the upper hand on him for once, but now that he took every last bit of dignity and laughed in your face, you were doomed.
“Rough shift huh?”
Raising your brows you peaked an eye open to see one of your coworkers with a concerned expression. Standing up straight you fixed a piece of your hair and nodded.
“Yeah I guess you could say that..”
“How come you were acting so weird with that customer (L/n)-chan?” Your manager called from behind, carrying a bunch of plates as she walked beside your coworker, “Is it because he’s crazy hot?”
Folding your arms you let out a huff as you pouted your lips out,
“Try boyfriend.”
Both girls gasped in shock, your boss nearly dropping the plates in her hand as they looked two you in disbelief.
“Wow sorry for calling him hot, I never knew you had a boyfriend (L/n)! And a hunk at that~”
Letting out a slight chuckle, both your eyes fell on your coworker when she spoke up.
“You know this same thing happened to me with my boyfriend,” She spoke while tapping her finger against her cheek in thought, “I didn’t want him finding out about my job because I knew he would make fun of me, then one day he showed up and sure enough started making fun of me.”
Frowning you let out a sigh as you rubbed the side of your face exasperatedly, “My dumb boyfriend is doing that too! What did you end up doing with yours?”
Your coworker grinned as she shrugged.
“I simply fought fire with fire. Since he was making fun of me, I made him eat his words and watch me serve the other customers. He ended up getting so jealous he left!”
The advice she had given you finally brought warmth back to your numb body, you felt a grin rise to your face as you quickly wrapped your arms around your coworker.
“You are a lifesaver woman! I owe you so much for that advice.”
Your coworker simply laughed and hugged you back, happy to see you back in your normal cheerful state.
“Yeah have some fun but don’t ruin the experience for our other guests!” Your boss called out before walking out the door with the plates.
“I should probably get out there too, let me know if you need any help (L/n)-chan.” Your coworker said with a mischievous grin before dancing out the double doors.
Your mind was rushing with ideas, how could you of not thought of this before? Your explosive boyfriend could get jealous from a rock on the street, this would be the perfect pay back for you!
If he was going to come into your workplace and wreak havoc, you would do the same for his inflated ego.
Fixing up your dress you grabbed the two plates and narrowed your eyes towards the dining room.
“Bring it on Bakugou Katsuki.”
Oh did Bakugou feel pleased with himself.
Normally he hated skipping out on a workout, but this was worth it.
He couldn’t let the image of your adorable flushed expression and tense body escape his mind. Let alone that maid costume on you was divine on your plush skin.
The fact that you refused to wear a maid costume in the bedroom made it that much better, no wonder you were trying to hide this job from him.
The way the black silk hugged every curve, just tight enough to where your skin was overflowing from the material. And those thighs squeezing out of those adorable thigh highs drove him wild.
If he hadn’t made the best discovery of his life today, he would almost be mad you were strutting around in such a costume for anyone other than himself.
Deciding to wait another day to deal with that, Bakugou simply enjoyed the scenery and awaited for his girlfriend.
Just like clockwork he saw your form dance out of the backroom a bit too peppy. The thought of you “collecting” yourself in the back only made him sneer with a sadistic grin, he would simply break you all over again when you served him the food.
Just as you sauntered over to his table, the ash blond looked you up and down with a smirk, opening his mouth to say something truly condescending until your body turn away from him and towards another table.
“Here’s your panda shaped muffin and honeydew boba masters!” You spoke to the two customers at the table in front of him, “Is there anything else I can get for you my handsome masters?”
Bakugou felt his heart drop at the sound of you calling another living organism your master. Were you doing this on purpose? Is this usually how you talked to the shitty customers here?
His answer was confirmed when a small squeak escaped your lips and you bent down towards the table, your chest surely giving the two guests a show given their cherry lit cheeks as your thumb grazed across one of the customer’s cheeks.
“Silly master, you have some icing on your cheek.” You said with the most divine giggle he had ever heard. Gritting his teeth his entire world froze when you stuck the finger in your mouth and licked the white cream off clean, “No worries, I got it for you~”
The man before you looked like he was going to bust on the spot, his friend watching with his jaw dropped and eyes filled with jealousy.
Smiling sweetly you gave them one last bow, “Let me know if you need anything else masters!”
Just before you danced away from their table you glanced to Bakugou, giving him a small smirk as you looked him up and down with unimpressed eyes before sauntering away, leaving your explosive boyfriend on the verge of a breakdown.
You truly had a death wish. It was the only explanation for your actions. For almost a full hour you kept that act up, leaving the many guests within the cafe speechless and ogling over you. You knew exactly how jealous Bakugou could get, and you knew he hated admitting it.
Of course Bakugou also knew what a little tease you were. He didn’t miss the delight in your glistening eyes each time you taunted him, waiting for the repercussions of his wrath. But this...
This crossed the line of his sanity.
The ash blond tried to wait til your shift was over, he really did. As furious as he was with you, he wasn’t irresponsible enough to make you lose your job. But the moment your finger tips danced along the shoulder of a guest, any bit of restraint the male had left in his body had snapped like a twig.
The sound of him storming up from his table caused the immediate guests around him to look up, his silverware clanking against the pink trimmed plate as he made a direct line towards you.
Unfortunately for you, the scene your boyfriend caused went over your head as you continued to jot down the order from the customers before you. Focusing on your blossom shaped ordering pad you didn’t notice the horrified expressions on the customers before you as the saw an angry Bakugou storming up behind you.
“I’ll get those orders right up for you masters~” You exclaimed with a cute wink as you began to walk off until a firm hand wrapped around your wrist in a vice grip.
Bakugou could have loosened his bit a grip he realized when you let out a small yelp but he had already committed and like hell was he going to let you flirt with another damn customer right before his very eyes.
Your sweet words, gentle touches, suggestive actions... they weren’t meant for him and him only.
Immiedetly you recognized your boyfriend’s sharp hold and tried to tug your hand away so not to make a scene, but the ash blond simple spun your wrist around and pinned it to your back, giving him full control of wherever you walk.
With a squeak he shoved you forward, causing you to stumble over your own feet as he quickly pushed you towards the backroom.
You briefly met gaze with your boss as he shoved you by, your eyes pleading for help as they were filled with regret. Your boss opened her mouth, not sure what to even do.
“E..Excuse me sir? You can’t touch the-”
Before she could even finish her sentence Bakugou flashed a sharp glare to the woman, his crimson orbs thin from lack of patience and absolute fury.
Your boss was smart enough to know your boyfriend was truly about to go feral, for her life and your own she decided it was best to turn away and pretend she saw nothing.
You let out a small pout when you saw her attempt to serve the shocked guests, leaving you to be shoved into the backroom by a surely pent up Bakugou.
Once you reached the back you saw your coworker, the one that had given you such brilliant advice before, shoving a pastry in her mouth as she was on her break. Her eyes first fell on the dark lidded ones of your boyfriend before falling on your pleading fearful eyes.
Her mouth opened, unsure of what to say before closing.
“I’m uh.. gonna take my break outside.” She muttered softly, politely pushing the chair in and offering the best smile she could before she quickly shuffled out the back doors.
Once the room was clear Bakugou let go of your wrist, giving you a chance to stretch your arm back in it’s proper position before the sound of the back door slamming to a close caused you to shriek in surprise.
Bakugou couldn’t help but smirk as you jumped, as angry as he was he loved seeing you so on edge thanks to him. Returning to a serious expression he watched as you turned around, attempting to put on a serious face of your own.
“Bakugou you know I still have thirty minutes left of my shift-”
Trying to speak was hard enough as is with the thick tension in the room, but when the ash blond slammed his hands on either side of you against the wooden break table you let out a shriek and quickly sat back against the ledge attempting to gain some more space between you two.
The action made him chuckle dryly as he looked you up and down.
“You’re still going to act like a fucking brat huh? After the show you just put on?” Bakugou spoke lowly, his eyes drinking in the sight of your costume only swirling more pent up feelings within him, “Someone’s feeling spunky today?”
You bit at the corner of your lip, swallowing what left of saliva was in your dry mouth as you tried terribly to avoid eye contact.
“Hiding such a naughty job from me, and then when I catch you red handed this is the treatment I get?” Bakugou hisses with clenched fists, “You should’ve been at my fucking heel all day for keeping such a delicious lie from me and yet you taunt me like you’re the one in charge?”
His harsh words made heat rise to your cheeks as you looked down at your frilly dress, trying to find anything to look at besides his face. Surely you knew that wasn’t going to pass with him.
“Look at me when I fucking speak to you brat.” Bakugou growled, his eyes narrowing when he saw your lips pinch together stubbornly.
Letting out an annoyed sigh he grabbed your wrist roughly before shoving you back against the thin wall and grabbing your jaw harshly shoving it against the wall with a hard knock, forcing your eyes to meet.
The sight of your cheeks being squished together by his large palms and your wide glassy eyes forced to look into his own, he couldn’t hide his smug smirk as he felt you lightly tremor beneath him.
“Much better doll.” Bakugou cooed, voice laced with sarcasm as you both knew the next chain of events were about to get quite violent.
“Now, I was planning on patiently waiting for you to get off so we could take this conversation in private...” Bakugou spoke, eyes narrowing down to yours as he let out a sinister laugh, “Hell I even bought you a treat, I’m such a generous fucking boyfriend aren’t I?”
Your breathing was ragged as you stared up into his crimson eyes, your brain was so fogged by the situation that you hadn’t even realized what he asked until his grip on your jaw tightened.
“I asked you a fucking question.”
Blinking back to reality you nodded deserpatly, not daring to look away from his gaze as you let out a slight whimper that shot directly to his pants.
“Good.” Bakugou said with a dark smile before continuing on, “But now I cannot go along with that generous plan because you can’t go two seconds without acting like a fucking slut.”
The filthy words spewing from his lips caused your face to grow warm, the entire situation already had your silk underwear drenched, but his words alone caused you to brush your plump thighs together desperately.
Your actions didn’t go unnoticed by the ash blond as he roughly shoved a knee between your legs causing a whine to escape your lips when he refused to put any friction on your aching core.
“Even now you can’t help but act like a brainless bitch in heat.” Bakugou sneered with a grin, his hand on your jaw lowering to now grip on your neck gently so not to cut off any air.
“Because you’ve disobeyed me multiple times today, I’m going to have to set you straight right here in public so you know who truly has the power here.”
Your mouth opened to rebuttal as your eyes widened at his idea, but his hand only gripped tighter around your throat causing the words shove back down your throat.
“And then,” Bakugou hissed, “If you perform like a good little maid, I may give you what you want when we get home. Maybe.”
You let out a shaky breath as he narrowed his eyes down to you, trying to read what you were feeling right now.
“Now you’re going to be my good little slutty maid and serve me until I’m satisfied, you fucking got that?”
As Bakugou’s grip on your neck loosened, your posture relaxed a bit as you nodded to his question, only for the grip to return as he growled down to you.
“Try again.”
Biting your lip your thighs attempted to squeeze against his knee for any sort of friction at all as any conscious thought was clouded with ashamed lust for the man before you.
“Y..Yes master.”
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omgbubbletea · 3 years
Dating George Weasley Would Include
Let’s get one thing straight, it doesn't matter what house you're in
Sure, it would be a bonus if you were in Gryffindor because that would mean he wouldn't have to sneak into your common room to be with you 
Blood status also doesn't matter to him
If he loves you, he loves all of you
The reason you and George are together is all thanks to Fred 
He had grown sick and tired of George constantly talking about you 
How pretty you were 
How nice you smelled 
How he felt butterflies every time you smiled at him 
The boy must have been in-love or something
On the other hand, Fred had found out you had feelings for George by constantly bugging you on the subject till you cracked and told him
Being the oblivious pair George and you were, neither of you had realised the others feelings 
This is when Fred decided to take matters into his own hands 
His plan consisted of locking both you and George in a janitors closet until you both confessed your feelings 
He had told you guys to meet him in this particular closet for an emergency meeting
With the two of you being so ignorant, you walked into this closet, wondering where Fred was and why he had chosen such a weird place to meet 
As soon as you guys crossed the line, that’s when Fred had locked the door 
“Fred! what are you doing? Let us out!” (you and George started to yell)
“If you guys want out, then there’s something you should get off your chest first”
You both knew instantly what he was talking about 
Fred’s plan was almost fool-proof except for the fact that both you and George had your wands and could just alohomora your way out 
Oh, wait...
Fred had known you too well and knew you both always left your wands in the dorm during free time before dinner 
“Fred this isn't funny”(George was starting to get on edge)
“Do you hear me laughing?”
The closet was small(but who said you found it a problem(; )
A couple of minutes passed 
“Look (y/n)...”(George began to say slowly)
“I- I like you”
“I like you a lot, more than a friend probably should”(was that his heart pounding in his chest George could hear?)
At that moment your head shot up to meet his gaze 
Did he just confess his feeling to you?
Did he feel the same?
Hope began to form in your heart 
“George...”(he was ready for his heart to be broken)
“I’ve felt that way since I first met you”(a smile began to break on your face)
When I tell you that that boys smile lit up the room 
Nothing more was shared at that moment except for a hungry kiss 
He had been craving your lips for awhile now 
Of-course the moment only lasted so long before Fred swung the door open
“Ew, gross guys!”
The two of you just grinned 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then your days usually consisted of sneaking into the others common room
It’s a usual thing
Cuddling on the couch 
Playing board games 
Your friends(and others in your house) are used to seeing George around 
Surprisingly, you guys have never been caught(thanks to the marauders' map)
He’s always waiting outside of the common room so you guys can walk to breakfast together
You guys always sit next to each other in the great hall
If you are in a different house, he will walk you to your common room at the end of the day and give you a kiss goodnight(which usually gets a bit heated)
Pet names
Darling and gorgeous are his most used
You can’t help but get butterflies every-time those words roll of his tongue
“Well hello gorgeous” 
Small forms of PDA
Hand holding 
Arm around your shoulder 
Arm around your waist 
Temple kisses 
Cheek kisses 
Knuckle kisses 
He LOVES it when you play with his hair and just melts into your touch 
I have a theory that the twins give the BEST hugs
Bear hugs that engulf you
Hugs from behind where he pulls you closer to him
(and he’s always so warm...like what?)
You love wearing his jumpers
Yes, they are always baggy on you
You love the smell of them though(strawberries, vanilla and a bit of a smoky hint)because it’s just like having George there
He gives you one of his jumpers to keep so you would stop stealing all his other ones
It’s your favourite item of clothing and you always wear it to bed
Your first “I love you” came out of nowhere
The two of you were in the common room studying for an upcoming test
You should have been in your bed by now but of-course this test was more important than your exhaustion
With papers strewn across the table and your hand cramping from writing, you continued with your work, although George had stopped
Suddenly, you had become aware of him gazing at you
“Can I help you?”
“It’s nothing, you’re just...so beautiful”
You couldn’t help the blush that bloomed on your cheeks
“I love you”
The phrase was just audible
You had looked up in shock unsure if you had heard right
George was yet to comprehend what he had said when it all hit him
“Oh (y/n), I’m sorry! It just sort of slipt out- I didn’t mean to say it- I mean I want to say it because I love you but not that-”
You just chuckled at his constant rambling
“George, calm down, I love you too”
“I don’t want to make you se- wait, what did you just say?”
“I love you too”(you said it gently)
“Really..?”(he didn't sound too convinced)
In gesture, you gave him a sweet kiss, melting into the moment
It seemed to calm his mind
Spending summer and Christmas at the burrow
Molly loves you 
She knits one of her famous sweaters for you for Christmas  
If you are muggle-born(or even half-blood), Arthur loves when you tell stories about muggle life 
When Ron was younger, he had a BIG crush on you 
Now when he thinks about it, he just gets embarrassed
Ginny looks up to you(and thinks you're a bad bish)
You and Ginny love to have sleepovers together and gossip about all the people in Hogwarts
You also get filled in on all her latest “love life” with Harry  
Fred is one of your best and closest friends 
He is happy that George found someone to make him happy 
You’re Fred’s wing-women(although he doesn't agree because you haven’t done the best of jobs)
You guys love to tease George together 
Although it’s mainly just Fred teasing you and George 
“Can you guys get a room?!”
It was in those moments that Fred may have regretted locking you guys in that closet 
As much as he loves you, he does get a bit tired of hearing George talk about you all-day(nothing changed since he confessed his feelings for you)  
Lee is also a close friend to you 
It was only inevitable for you guys to bond with the twins being best friends with him
Many times have the two of you tried to get back at Fred and George with a prank 
Sadly, the twins somehow always manage to know what you guys are planning 
Let’s just say they prank you guys twice as hard for trying to outdo the masters 
The twins are always playing “light” pranks on you 
From dying your hair bright pink
To slipping a small amount of love potion into your drink 
It’s always a risk being around the two of them 
They love to get you involved in their pranks 
This usually means standing guard though):
You remember this one time in potions when you were first learning about amortentia
There was a fresh batch of it at the front of the class and everyone around the room was trying to get a whiff 
“Do I even have to ask what it smells like to you darling?” 
You closed your eyes and gave a sharp inhale 
“Vanilla, candy apples and amber” (you had said it so innocently)
George’s face was painted in horror 
He was in disbelief because he KNEW he didn’t smell of amber or vanilla 
“CEDRIC?!” (the twins spoke rather loudly in unison)
“But- I- wha-”(George began to stutter on)
At that point, you couldn’t hold in your laughter any longer 
“I’m only joking!”
When I tell you how quick that boy calmed down 
“Oh thank Merlin”
That was revenge for staining your teeth blue for a whole week!
In all honesty, the pained look on George’s face when he realised you may not love him pained your heart 
On the other hand, Fred thought it was hilarious 
(If) you play quidditch for Gryffindor, then you are a chaser, otherwise, you are whatever position you got placed into 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then you are always watching the quidditch game and supporting the twins(unless it’s your house playing)
He loves to find you in the crowd 
You’re his #1 fan 
Steamy kisses after the game
If they win the game then it’s going to be a lot more than kissing(;
He has ended up in the hospital wing a couple of times because of the game
It has never been too serious but you still can’t help but worry for him 
“You know, even with a black eye and bloody face, I’m still the better-looking twin”
Fred just cracked up 
“He must still be a bit loopy from all that pain killer”
If you don’t play quidditch, then George has defiantly tried to teach you
It didn’t go too well
You ended up falling off the broom at only 1 meter off the ground
Face-planted into the grass
Ended with you having a dislocated jaw
George felt guilty for the rest of the month and wouldn't stop apologising
Meanwhile, Fred had fallen on his ass from laughing too hard
Trips to Hogsmeade
Raiding Honeydukes
Dates at the Three Broomsticks
Drinking enough butterbeer to get tipsy 
Lots of puns and dad jokes 
You were once learning how to produce a Patronus in DA when someone had just spelled a deer
You looked over at George to see him struggling a bit with the spell
And that’s when the awful pun left his mouth
“Oh deer, I just can’t seem to produce a Patronus” 
You tried to hold in your laugh 
“Shove off Weasley”
He takes you to the Yule Ball
It’s a magical night 
Full of dancing 
Screaming the lyrics to the songs playing 
Drinking fire whisky that Fred had smuggled in
Drunk snogging to the point where Snape found you guys and took 5 points off each of you 
Dancing around the common room 
Sneaking into the kitchens to steal food 
Tickle fights(I feel like George is very ticklish)
Swimming in the Black Lake on a dare 
Snowball fights in the winter 
He never fails to make you laugh
He is more of the shy, reserved twin 
Sometimes you just have to remind him that he is loved and noticed 
He will compare himself to Fred and it will never be positive 
You will reassure him and hold him for however long he needs
If what he needs is a good vent then you are ready to listen no matter what you are doing 
He is more important 
He is also more of the jealous twin 
Don’t get me wrong, he won't go all psycho boyfriend when he sees another guy talking to you 
He respects you and knows you would never leave him for someone else 
But if there is flirting going on or the guy is trying to make a move 
Let’s just say his temper won't last long 
“Hello darling”
Que passionate kiss between George and you 
“Sorry mate, she’s already taken”
You had never seen a guys face go paler 
Or seen George go so smug 
He always knows what to do when you're sad
He will listen to your every last word if you have to vent 
Or he will hold you in his arms for hours while whispering sweet nothings into your ear if all you want to do is cry it out 
By the end of it, you can't help but feel just a little bit better because of him 
He loves to hear about your day and you can’t deny that he is the best listener
He low key has separation anxiety  
He LOVES to spoon
Definitely the big spoon
Although he can’t help but love to be the little spoon sometimes 
“Hey um...Do you mind if we?...”
“You wanna be the little spoon?”
“Yes please...”
He’s smiling on the inside 
He may be a little shy in public but he’s a freak in the sheets if you know what I mean(;
He’s usually top but it drives him crazy if you switch rolls 
I feel like he’s a hair puller?
Will always make sure you’re comfortable with everything 
Super gentle at times 
But also can be rough... 
Would never do anything that would hurt you 
Lots of cuddling after 
He loves to give you flowers just to see you get all flustered
One time he stole flowers from the school grounds
Little did he know, Mcgonagall had seen the whole thing
“Mr Weasley, are those flowers from Professor Sprout’s greenhouse?”
The look on his face was a dead give away
“Funny story actually Professor...”
Let’s just say it wasn’t the funniest of stories
Braiding his longer hair 
Showers together 
Piggyback rides to class
Studying in the library with Fred(but he usually just gets bored and leaves)
He reads to you 
Basically he is perfect in every way and will love you till the end 
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 20: Final: Till the Bitter End
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, blood/gore, body horror, angst, violence, major character death, trauma
Summary: Juniper is delivered back to Heisenberg…
Feedback appreciated. 18+
This is the end my lovelies…this end can fit into cannon, without plot holes for the game. Stay tuned for the family Au later in the week. Will start a whole new (happier) fic, picking up at the end of chapter 19
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The hours bled into days, then the days bled into weeks. Heisenberg thrust himself into his work, trying and failing to keep his mind off of what happened.
He couldn’t sleep in the bed anymore, and slowly he even stopped entering the apartment outside the occasional shower or meal.
He carried her compass in his pocket, finding his thumb worried over its surface more times than he’d like to admit.
Feelings of anger and sadness plagued him constantly, filling even his sleep with nightmares. He replayed the day she was taken over and over in his mind, loathing every stupid decision he’d made. The radio and alcohol did little to drown out these thoughts.
Until one day the cameras alerted him to someone at the gates. Heisenberg pushed away from his desk, flipping a switch to see who had tripped his alarm.
It was the Duke’s cart. Heisenberg groaned, his order wasn’t due for another week out. He pressed a button to buzz him in. Walking towards the elevator to meet him.
By the time he was on the surface Duke had pulled his cart up much closer than usual, damn near at the front doors.
“Didn’t expect my shipment so fucking soon.” Heisenberg pointed out.
The Duke’s voice was less jovial than normal as he spoke, “My apologies, Lord Heisenberg, but I bring a different delivery to you today.”
Heisenberg’s brows knitted together in confusion.
“It’s Lady Heisenberg…but I must warn you she is most unwell.” His smile fell, “I found her on the steps of the stone church, and thought her place was much more suited here.”
It took his words a moment to register, Heisenberg’s eyes scanned over the merchant, his lips a thin line.
A mixture of relief, worry, and anger swirled around his head. He swallowed, his throat dry, “Can I see her?”
“Lord Heisenberg…she’s just hanging on.” The Duke warned.
“Let me see her.” Heisenberg’s voice rose, desperation tinged his tone.
The Duke nodded, the small door at the side of the cart slowly swung open. Heisenberg quickly came to the opening, peering inside.
It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, the cart’s interior a menagerie of all matters of goods. In the center of it all, upon an owl rug, was a mass covered by a blanket.
Heisenberg crawled into the cart, a shaking hand reached out to pull the covering away.
There was Juniper, curled in on herself along the cart’s floor. Her skin was deathly pale, her side hardly rising with breath. Heisenberg tentatively touched her, skin cold under his fingers. He shuttered, dismay ripping through him.
The sound roused her.
Juniper blinked her eyes against the pale sunlight filtering in. Her eyes were dull, all the spark they once held, gone.
“Karl?” She asked, voice almost cracking.
“It’s me.” He came closer, cupping her face.
He saw a smile try to grace her lips, as her eyes closed weakly into his embrace, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Doll.” His eyes flicked down her body. She was thin, her skin covered in blotches of pooled blood below the surface. But the thing that almost turned his stomach was the deep incision from navel to pelvis. It was red and weeping, angry tendrils snaking through her skin from it.
“Fuck.” He cursed, “What did she do to you?”
Juniper winced, a weak hand delicately touching the stitching, “S-She said I was a failure…”
Heisenberg’s eyes stung and he gathered her up, careful to wrap her in the blanket to Shield her from the cold the best he could.
He could be angry later, he had to get Juniper safe first.
“I’m going to take you home, and fix you right up, ok Doll?” He tried to soothe, his voice wavering.
Heisenberg’s stomach clenched, seeing the redness of her abdomen slowly turning an ash grey.
She’ll be fine…she’ll be fine…she’ll be fine…
The words echoed in his head as he exited the cart. He gave a brief thanks to the Duke before retreating back into the factory.
He went straight to the apartment, pausing to ponder what to do next.
Hope waned as he felt her weaken in his grasp. He went to the bed, placing her down gently and making sure she had enough blankets.
“Thank…you.” Juniper gave a sigh, eyes closing. Heisenberg gulped, crawling into the bed beside her. He lay on his side, silently looking her over.
His heartbeat hammered in his chest, fear and worry spinning around his head.
He wanted to do something, anything, to help her. To make the pain go away. He wanted to see her bright and happy again, like a flower. His flower, his buttercup.
Juniper looked up at him the best she could, swallowing as she tried to find her voice. Her skin was slowly taking on an ashy hue, small cracks forming along her arms.
Heisenberg felt his chest clench in iron knots, touching her cheek.
“I’m sorry.” She rasped, her once bright eyes now milky, “I won’t be able…to see the world with you.”
“Don’t say that.” He choked, “Don’t fucking say that.”
Juniper’s breaths were shallow, her eyes unseeing.
“We’ll get out of here.” He almost pleaded.
He gently pulled her head closer until their forehead touched. Juniper closed her eyes into the contact. He could feel her life slipping away ever so slowly under his fingers.
She felt so frail, every breath ragged though her rib cage.
Heisenberg held her close, trying to choke back tears.
“I love you.” He whispered, words broken and wavering. Juniper’s delicate fingers covered his own. Her skin was cold as she smiled the best she could.
“I love you too.” She cooed, her voice sweet and like honey on his ears. He could feel her grasp wavering as he clenched his eyes shut.
He didn’t know how long he laid there. How long he held her, trying to memorize every detail of her form: her smell, her hair, every freckle on her sweet face.
Eventually, in the wake of exhaustion, sleep overtook him. It was fitful and quick. But as he blinked his eyes open all his fears came crashing into him like a speeding car.
The space in the bed beside him was covered in sparkling, iridescent crystal, and crumbling ash.
He sat up, eyes almost unseeing.
He could make out the outline of Juniper’s form, from her jaw to the sway or her hips, forever encased in beautiful stone. The place where her abdomen once was now was hollow with intricate swirling patterns.
He reached out a trembling hand, his fingertips touching the smooth surface of the crystal. The world seemed to slow, a distance ringing filling his ears.
A humming filled the room, all metal rose and began to swirl. It all picked up speed, becoming a cyclone. The metal desks and chairs buckled in on themselves, the walls shuttering.
He balled his hands into fists, bringing them up to cover his face.
A horrid sound joined the choir of destruction. Only when his throat ached did he realize it was his own voice, crying out the grief that ate his core.
The bed shook, the frame bending.
A sound met his ears, almost lost in the havoc. The cracking of stone, hollow like glass.
Everything stopped, metal falling to the floor as he looked forward. The bed frame had buckled enough to start to crack the crystal it held, stopping short only when the humming died.
He felt numb as he stood from the bed. Shattered glass and metal scattering the floor.
Days bled into weeks. He’s not sure how long he left the crystal untouched in the ruined bed. He rarely slept and even more rarely ate. Many family meetings were missed, calls going unanswered. Eventually he wrapped the crystal that was once Juniper in her coat; placing it somewhere safe, deep in the factory.
His grief and loss turned his hunger for freedom into an all consuming desire. His disdain for Mother Miranda forged into a dagger of loathing, cutting ribbons into his soul daily.
Distractions were no longer permitted. Every waking moment was dedicated to his obsession for revenge.
Heisenberg sat before the small tv monitor, smoke creating a haze around him. He watched the man on the other end of the screen with interest, a stranger in their village. A stranger with promise.
He bite the cigar between his teeth, pondering the opportunity presenting itself. His army was big, and time was running short. With this stranger’s help, freedom was within his grasp.
He sat back in his chair, reaching into his coat pocket. He pulled a small, ornate compass free. He turned it over on his gloved hand, it’s surface scratched and worn with time. His thumb brushed over the etching across the back, a word branded not only onto its metal but also on his mind.
His eyes narrowed, watching the screen. The man was breaching the stronghold, holding his own against the Lycans like no other before had.
He felt the word over again.
“We’ll see the world together, buttercup.” His tone was thick, “I promise.”
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~Thank you~
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atlasmisery · 3 years
brother nier in relation to the events of the aerie and junkheap
(as of writing, i have not completed the entirety of nier: replicant. where i am at now is around the beginning-middle end of the storyline before the first ending.)
brother nier is an interesting protagonist so far, and shows signs of the classic tragic hero. in a well-meaning attempt to accomplish a good-natured goal (to cure his sister’s illness), he ends up walking a much bloodier and darker path than he intended. nier’s ‘timeskip’ very much emphasizes this, showing us nier in his purer days as a youth as opposed to his currently revenge-addled and unstable self.
the thing is with nier is that, while he’s certainly a kind-hearted person who helps those in need, everyone is all but secondary to the ‘few people he loves most’. this, of course, is obviously yonah, but this also extends to kaine, weiss and emil. he fixates on these people, and in certain points in the story, faces little hesitation in regards to sacrificing other people for them. it’s an incredibly interesting contradiction in his demeanor... but the consequences of sort of thing requires intense writing to be able to portray ‘properly’ and ‘gut-wrenchingly’. 
of course, leave it up to no other than yoko taro to be able to portray nier’s contradiction wonderfully. there are two instances in the story that highlight this.
the fall of the aerie:
here, nier’s ‘fixation’ on saving ‘the few people he loves’ becomes very, very apparent. in this point of the story, he, in his quest to defeat shades, basically obliterates an entire village of people.
the aerie, in the story, was not very welcoming or ‘loveable’ of an area as opposed to the others. it’s loss, while not heavy on the heart, still makes an impact. it was the village with the most tightly-knit ‘character’, i feel. facade, seafront and nier’s village all have varieties of people, but aerie was the one with the incredibly rude shut-ins. and this was consistent between all the villagers. as frustrating as they were, it’s not like they deserved to die... is probably the thought that comes to mind.
now, as for nier himself:
Emil: I killed innocent people. I killed them all. Nier: But you saved us.
the scene at the end of the aerie’s fall tells it all. emil, heartbroken, and maybe the audience perspective, is mourning the loss of villager lives. he’s in agony and, even if you can’t see a human expression, you can tell with his wavering voice he deeply regrets what he did. this is shown in contrast to nier, who’s expression changes little. he’s only focused on comforting the distressed emil, and seemingly doesn’t feel much in regards to the lost lives.
in fact, he says something incredibly cold, and telling, of what he thinks of what took place, and where he’s heading from now on.
Nier: Really. Don’t look back.
nier kills, and kills, and kills, and doesn’t look back. he thinks, he doesn’t need to, he has to keep looking forward, he needs to keep his eyes on yonah and her whereabouts. if not, she might slip away, therefore, he can’t afford to look back.
but what if he did look back? what will he see? a trail of blood and corpses, all of his own making? would he feel anything, anything at all upon seeing such a thing?
gideon’s revenge:
the first thing we are shown in this section of the story is jakob’s demise, and gideon’s change. the boy lost both his mother and brother to the junk heap, and we’re shown him teetering on madness in regards to his fixation with revenge. he wants the robot responsible for his brother’s death dead at all costs, working on forging weapons for years in an attempt to make a sword that can bring it down.
Gideon: I need to ask you for a favor. Nier: Oh yeah? Gideon: I want you to avenge my brother! Grimoire Weiss: That’s a rather ponderous mission. Gideon: It’s my mission! It’s the whole reason I’ve been creating these weapons for the past four years. Gideon: I don’t care about money! I only care about making a weapon strong enough to kill those bastards!
sounds familiar? well, i’d think that’s the intention. gideon’s state and his vengeance is an obvious allusion to nier’s own quest for yonah. while she’s (probably) not dead, he is going on his own personal cruel rampage for it. having done the forest of myth quest before this one, the allusions just feel even more obvious.
Weiss: It spoke! This Shade has intelligence! And emotion! Nier: Who cares? Nier brushes Weiss' comment aside has his sword sliced through the Shade's right arm.
both nier and gideon expressed they don’t care, not as long as they can accomplish their goal. they’re both full of rage over the loss of their own sibling, and seem to teeter on madness in their own quests... but.
Gideon: You stupid machine! You killed my family! You took everything from me! Nier: Hey, come on. That’s enough. Gideon: Aaah ha ha! I did it! Now that this goddamn thing is dead, I can forage wherever I want! Gideon: Just wait, you goddamn freak! Now I can make all KINDS of powerful weapons! Gideon: Just leave it to me! Leave it all to me! HA HA HA HA HA! AAAH HA HA HA HAAAAAH! Nier: Look, we get it, okay? Really...
this scene does invoke a sense of ‘wow, this reminds me of what nier is like when he’s killing shades’, but what’s surprising... is how nier reacts. he’s disturbed. in jakob, he starts to see himself, and feels an inch of hesitation in his actions and what he’s become. for a moment, he’s tempted to not look forward, but to look back.
Grimoire Weiss: Hatred and Madness will never heal a wounded heart. Nier: Maybe it’s just all that he’s capable of right now. Grimoire Weiss: Revenge is a fool’s errand.  Nier: ...Yeah. I know.
when he says, ‘maybe it’s just all that he’s capable of now’, you can tell nier feels a sense of empathy for the poor boy. he understands. nier, who had spent five years hunting shades for his lost sister, can see himself in the boy who spent four years forging swords to avenge his brother. and, another thing he sees, is a distorted image of himself. a broken revenge-hungry madman, someone he hesitates to become, but is well on the path to becoming to. recognizing this terrifies him.
the aerie and jakob— what do these two tell of nier’s mental landscape?
he, despite seemingly being a kind helpful person, has a tendency to over-prioritize those much closer to him. this was on a smaller level when he was younger, but it only developed and became worse throughout the timeskip. it’s gotten bad enough that he can close his eyes and look away from an entire village he killed, but he isn’t so far off yet. a smidge of his former self still remains, and that self is afraid upon seeing what gideon had become. gideon represents what nier may become once his former self fully disappears. and, to nier, to become a broken revenge-hungry madman, is something even he feels troubled thinking about... but for yonah, he’s willing to do anything, right? so will he take a moment to look back, or keep looking forward?
we’ll find out soon enough.
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
April Fools//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Silly pranks and a little angst, a tiny bit of small language
Summary: April 1st was a special day for many reasons, and it’s about to get a whole lot more special once Fred asks an important question.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Here’s a special fic for the twins birthday, as well as April Fools’ Day!  Fourth fic in Abby’s Week of Weasley. 
~Abby’s Week of Weasley Masterlist~   ~Masterlist~
Message me to join the taglist!
March 31, 1995
For the third time that night, Angelina Johnson rolled her eyes at you and hit you with her pillow. Hard. So hard that you ended up toppling off of your bed due to the excited, unbalanced position you were in, practically standing at the edge of your bed. 
“Angie!” you screamed from the floor, your smile cracking through the angry façade you were putting on. 
“Oh you deserved it Y/N!” your roommate yelled. “If I have to hear you talk about Fred for one more minute I swear...”
“I second that,” said Alicia Spinnet from her bed, rolling her eyes for the umpteenth time that night. “Just grow a pair and ask him out already!”
 “You’re crazy, absolutely insane,” you replied, climbing back onto your sheets only to be knocked down by your friend once again. 
 “Ok I swear I’m done now,” Angelina said through her giggles. “But Alicia’s right. It’s been two bloody years, why don’t you get up off your timid ass and actually do something? What could go wrong?”
 “What could go wrong?” 
 Alicia groaned at your incredulous tone, knowing exactly what Angelina had just started. She covered her ears with her pillow, hoping to drown out the next barrage of rapid fire words from your mouth.
 “Would you like the possibilities listed alphabetically or by order of significance?” you quipped, not giving either of the girls any time before you started again. “First of all, he would laugh at me. Then he’d realize how sad it was that I thought I actually had a chance with him and he’d make fun of me to the entire school. And you know that Fred can’t keep his damn mouth shut!”
 The girls murmured in agreement, knowing firsthand to never tell Fred any secrets unless they wanted the entire student body and population of England to know as well.
 “So he’d tell everyone,” you continued, “and they’d all make fun of me and talk about me behind my back. ‘Oh there goes poor Y/N, she’s so sad that she thought that the hottest guy in school would be interested in her! What a stupid stupid girl.’”
 “I personally think his brother is hotter, but to each his own,” Angelina murmured.
 “Bloody hell they’re identical twins, they’re practically the same,” said Alicia.
 “They’re not the same,” you and Angelina replied in sync, turning to each other and giggling before you finished your rant.
 “Anyways, the whole school would think I’m a moron, all of Fred’s family would think I’m a moron, and I’d probably be a laughing stock at The Burrow and I’d be too embarrassed to spend another summer there with everyone making fun of me! So that is why I will not be confessing my feelings any time soon.”
 Your friends just sighed and rubbed their temples, used to hearing this kind of talk from you. 
 “You know you’re hot as fuck, right?” said Alicia, gesturing up and down and seeming to check you out.
 “I know that,” you replied confidently. Something about being friends with Alicia and Angelina had brought out your confidence and you knew your self worth, but not when it came to the love of your life. “But there’s plenty of girls here who are hotter and haven’t had their hair held back by him while they threw up their guts into the toilet.”
 Alicia choked on the drink she was sipping, remembering that party a few months ago. “Yeah, remind us not to let you have firewhisky again you lightweight.”
 You tossed your pillow at her, making her spill her drink and grumble in your direction. 
 “Alright if you won’t tell him, why don’t you hint at it and hope for him to make a move?” Angelina suggested. “His birthday’s tomorrow, what did you get him?”
 “I, umm, I didn’t have that much money, so I had to be more... creative about it.” You pulled a sweater from one of your drawers, a deep purple color with orange stitching along the sleeves and collar. “Molly taught me how to knit over the summer and I’ve been working on this ever since. Do you think he’ll like it?”
 “That is the sweetest thing ever, Y/N,” said Angelina. “And Fred doesn’t care about money or wealth, I’m sure he’ll love it. Trust me, give him this and flirt with him all day tomorrow and I’m sure he’ll get the hint.”
 “He hasn’t gotten it yet, and I’ve done nothing but flirt all year!”
 “Then flirt harder,” said Alicia. “Give it all you have, and if it doesn’t work out then he’s a good for nothing prick. That’s how I live my life,” she said shrugging.
 “Great advice, thanks,” you drawled. “But alright, I’ll try harder. Tomorrow’s gonna be a day to remember!”
 April 1, 1995
 You and your roommates slowly snuck out of your room the next morning, being as quiet as humanly possible. On a normal day you wouldn’t bother to be this careful, but today was not a normal day. It was April 1st, the twins’ birthday. Also know as their favorite day of the year, April Fools’ Day. 
 Alicia stubbed her toe on one of the steps and let out a small peep, making you and Angelina turn to her in horror. Your cover was blown. 
 “Well, well, well,” came a voice from down the stairs. “What do we have here?”
 You shoved Angelina in front of you, clutching the back of her uniform for dear life. “You go,” you whispered. “You’re the strongest.”
 “No,” she said quickly, “Alicia’s the fastest, she can outrun them and cause a distraction!”
 “You know I wouldn’t even make it out of the common room,” Alicia replied. “Y/N can go first, she can talk them out of doing anything.”
 “Yeah, right,” you scoffed. “Like that’s ever worked before. I ended up going to bed to find a giant snake my sheets.”
 “Well, someone has to go first!” Angelina hissed. 
 The three of you continued your argument in low voices, none of you wanting to be the first to face Fred and George's wrath. You were so caught up in your conversation that you didn’t even notice the figure behind you until they cleared their throat.
 You all screamed and you tripped over Angelina, causing you all to tumble down the few last stairs. The second you made it to the bottom, you felt a warm, gooey liquid dripping down your head. Reaching your hand up to touch it, you saw that it was a green goop that was now covering you and your friends. 
 Laughter erupted from both sides of you. The person who had been standing behind you, who you now realized was George, was holding Colin Creevey’s camera and snapping a picture. Fred, standing practically over top of you, was doubled over clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.
 You sighed and looked down, already defeated. “Happy birthday, Freddie.”
 “I think you mean,” he said through giggles, “happy April Fools’ Day!”
 Angelina and Alicia were shooting daggers at the twins, who were still laughing and snapping photos.
 “This makes quite the pretty picture, doesn’t it Freddie?” George asked, showing him the camera.
 “Ah, yes it does! Y/N, you look beautiful as ever darling, even covered in goo.”
 You put your hands out, expected for him to help you stand up. Once he hoisted you to your feet you threw your arms around him, wiping as much substance as you could onto his clothes. 
 “Hey!” he said, trying to escape your death grip. 
 “What?” you asked innocently. “Can’t a girl hug her friend on his birthday?” You emphasized your words by grabbing some goo from your hair and reaching up to ruffle his, spreading it through his ginger locks. 
 “You’re a handful, love,” he said, finally giving up on escaping the revenge. 
 “But you can handle me, can’t you?” You winked at him and let him go, turning around to see George pinned to the ground by Angelina, face covered in green. 
 “I give, I give! I’m sorry!” She got off of him and offered him a hand up. You looked around at everyone to see that you all were a mess, covered head to two in Fred and George’s prank. 
 “Well,” said Alicia, “this is not how I wanted my morning to go, but I didn’t expect anything less. I’m gonna go get changed.”
 “Me too,” said Angelina and George nodded as well, heading to their respective dorms. 
 This left only you and Fred. Your heart started pounding. How were you supposed to flirt even more than you usually did? Were you supposed to make a move, maybe confess your feelings?
“I, umm, I have your present upstairs,” you said finally. “It’s not very good, but I can go grab it for you now if you’d like. After I’m clean that is.”
He bumped your shoulder with his, making your heart beat even faster. “I’m sure I’ll adore it, love. And actually, I was wondering if I could ask you something?”
“Yeah, of course, what is it?”
Fred avoided eye contact, fidgeting with his messy uniform. “Umm, why don’t we hang out today and I can tell you then. We could maybe, go on a picnic for lunch? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
A large grin grew on your face, spreading slowly but surely. Maybe you didn’t have to be the one to make a move after all. “Of course I want to, Freddie! It’ll be fun.”
“Great!” he said relieved. “I’ll see you then.”
You nodded as he ran to catch up with George. As soon as he left the common room you nearly fell over, having to hold onto a wall to keep yourself up. You sprinted to your room, mind racing with exactly what you were going to wear this afternoon. 
“Hey, love,” Fred called from across the entrance hall. “You look great.”
You blushed a little, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and trying to subtly look him up and down. Fred had dressed a little nicer than usual for your picnic, which made you feel better about putting in so much effort yourself. 
He came over and grabbed your hand in his, linking your fingers together and pulling you out the door. You wished your hands weren’t so clammy, and you hoped that Fred couldn’t tell. 
He took you to a secluded part of the courtyard, the corner where most kids would go to make out. Was that what was happening? Did he want to kiss you?
Fred spread out a blanket and opened the picnic basket, containing both of your favorite foods. 
“Looks so good Freddie,” you said. “Snuck into the kitchen again, didn’t you?”
“What can I say,” he shrugged. “Guy’s gotta eat.”
“You said like Ron.”
“Don’t ever insult me like that again, woman, or I will never speak to you”
You rolled your eyes at him and leaned back on your elbows. “Having Fred Weasley actually leave me alone for five minutes? That would be absolutely horrible. What would I do, not being able to hear about your pranks and projects?”
He leaned forward to tickle your sides, making you flail around and kick him away. “You’d be so desperate for me back, you’d probably lock yourself in your room all day.”
“Oh I’m sure,” you replied, sarcasm dripping from your tongue. 
The two of you continued to eat and talk, mostly about his plans for his birthday and how he was going to terrorize his mum once he got home for the summer because he could now legally do magic outside of Hogwarts. After what felt like forever of laughing and rolling around on the blanket and grass, your curiosity was finally getting the best of you. 
“Alright Fred, enough’s enough,” you said, turning partly serious. “Why did you ask me out here with you?”
Fred got nervous once again, grabbing some more food to shove in his mouth to buy him some time before answering. 
“I’m waiting. What, you wanted to ask me out but got too nervous? Huh, is that it?” You were completely joking, but Fred didn’t seem to correct you. He just turned to you and gave you a small nod, shocking you to your core. 
“What?” you asked, needing clarification. 
“Uh, well, Y/N, there’s something important I need to say.” He looked jumpy and excitable, but there was also a cocky gleam in his eye, which was always present with the boy. “I’m madly in love with you. I have been since we were 15, and I just needed to let you know. I want to hold you and kiss you and grow old with you, my darling princess. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
You sat there in complete surprise. This couldn’t be real, could it? Fred Weasley had loved you since you were 15? The tingles you always got when he said something to yo couldn’t compare to what you were feeling now.
Fred opened his mouth in a wide grin about to say something, when you cut him off with a hug. “Oh Freddie, you don’t understand how happy that makes me! I’ve loved you for forever, you’re perfect. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.”
You held him tighter, burying your face in his neck and soaking in the feeling of being Fred’s girlfriend. But Fred had a completely different feeling running through him. 
He made eye contact with George, who was hiding in the bushes with his camera ready. He mouthed a question but Fred just shook his head in confusion. This wasn’t supposed to happen. 
You were supposed to laugh at him, become super uncomfortable. Fred knew that you only saw him as a friend and flirted with him jokingly. He’d never in a million years expect for you to confess your feelings back to him. 
He didn’t know what to do. You were just so open and vulnerable, confessing everything you’d been holding back. So, acting against George’s frantic suggestions, he completed the hug, resting his head on the top of yours.
What was he supposed to do? You were his best friend, he couldn’t bear to see you get hurt. How was he supposed to tell you, that this was all an April Fools?
Tag List: @famdomhideout @amourtentiaa
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honeypirate · 3 years
Just In Case
Part two
Pro hero Bakugou x fem pro hero reader
in my world Recovery Girl lives forever and trains another who can replace her when she retires who she passes the hero title of recovery girl too.
Anyway on to the story that’s probably not as good as I want but oh well.
Warning- angst. Death. Blood. Ya know the works.
Inspiration- Murder In the City // The Avett Brothers
You write a letter every day. A new one so it stays relevant. Every morning you took ten minutes to quickly write out a letter just in case anything bad happens while you’re at work.
You see, being a hero isnt all rainbows and butterflies and ranks. Sometimes it’s boring. But other times, it’s scary and horrifying. Those days where you barely make it out on top because the villains were crafty.
After one hard therapy session filled with worries and tears, your therapist suggested letters. At least one. To your husband. Just in case.
This morning wasn’t different than your last, you can hear your husband in his office across the hall, humming a song you listened to at dinner the previous night. He made your heart happy with everything he did, minus the way he left his used teeth floss sticks on the counter or the way he could be a little loud.
Every morning you write this letter, periodically meeting his eye through your open doors and he’d wink, making you laugh and stick your tongue out.
Today you watched as he moved, methodical, he’s done this every morning and it shows but he still takes care with every movement.
“Are you ready?” He says as he crosses the hallway “we’re needed in half an hour so we should go soon” you smile at him and somethjng settles in your stomach. Something heavy and uncomfortable. Something wrong.
“Yeah I’m almost done” you say and he watches as you fold your letter and place it in an envelope, writing his name followed by ‘just in case’ then sticking it in your top drawer.
The letters he’s been told about. The letters he supports. He’s actually been writing his own to you as well but you both agreed that you can’t read then unless it’s actually happening.
You try to not focus on the hard substance in your stomach or the way it seems to ache. It’s a bad feeling but sometimes your anxiety could cause them for no reason so you tried not to pay too much attention to it.
“Ready” you say softly, pulling down your hero mask to press your lips to his for a moment. He helps you readjust your mask with a pink flush in his cheeks. You’ve been married for years but making him blush is as easy as it was day one.
(Skippy skip)
The villains were smart, drawing all the heroes to different locations. You were climbing the stairs of an abandoned building, going to see if the intel about a bomb on the third floor was true, which unfortunately, it was.
Your hands hovered over the bomb, using your electric quirk to cancel out the wires and stop the timer. A scuffing sound catches your attention and you’re dodging a metal rod that was thrown at you to only be stabbed by one from a different direction.
The villain could control metal with his quirk, throwing the rod at you from one direction when he was coming from a different side. “Huh” you say softly as you look down at the rod through your stomach, the pain not even registering yet. “Poor unfortunate hero.” He lifts you by the metal rod and you scream, white hot pain shooting through you as it tears your abdomen as he slams you into the ground, pushing the rod further through you until it connects to the concrete floor.
“I’m sorry I can’t stay long. I have a hot date later” he says as he restarts the bomb, placing it farther from you so you couldn’t reach it with your powers, then he’s hopping from the third story window and waving at you with a smirk.
Your hand flies to your ear piece “There’s a bomb! Third floor tallest abandoned building in the-“ and that’s all you can get out before the bomb goes off and the building is collapsing.
The area was covered in dust and smoke, ash falling from the sky. You ripped your mask off trying to get more air into your lungs but it didn’t help that a giant piece of concrete was crushing your right arm and part of your ribs and chest, not to mention you’re still attached to the rod.
“Bakugou” you say through your headpiece, coughing up blood and ash “where are you?” He shouts back “the bomb” you muttered back and it sounded wheezy, you could hear the fluid in your lungs. You heard more explosions before he was appearing right beside you.
“Hey there hot stuff” you say and chuckle softly as he brushes the dust out of your hair “I’ll get you out of here. You’ll be okay” he’s saying but his eyes are filling with tears and his brows are knit. “It’ll be okay” you say but he does not look in your eyes. He’s still fretting, trying to think of how to save you.
“Bakugou.” You say in a commanding voice and he looks at you “you’ll be okay” you whisper, your blood covered lips smiling gently. You reach up with your left hand and cup his cheek, brushing away the hot tears that have started to fall. “You’ll be okay” you say again, your voice sounding weaker “no” he whispers “no. I’ll save you. You’ll be fine. I’ll get you help” kirishima is in your headpiece, telling you how he’s sent first responders your way but you can’t hear him.
Your voice is quiet, your hand going limp and falling from his cheek “You are the best part of me”
He doesn’t know where he’s going. He left the police station and was just walking. He couldn’t go home. Not when it was your home too. Not when he knows he’ll just be reminded of you and how you smiled at him this morning. How he woke up to you kissing his neck. How that will never happen again.
Walking into the office he didn’t bother with any of the lights. He puts in his alarm code and numbly makes his way to your office.
If you’re reading this. That means I’ve died.
Oh god I’ve always hated these letters. It’s so dramatic. I’m going to be okay. I have to be.
But just in case, since were up against major villains every day, I’ll write this letter. The 54th I’ve written so far.
Anyway I would regret not saying anything if it was my last day alive. I know I’m going to go home tonight and hold you, kiss you, and spend it like it was my last. This won’t be different than the last 53 letters I’ve shredded.
But. Life is short. It’s short and before you know it it can be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. So here we go.
If I get murdered in the city tomorrow, don’t go revenging in my name. A person dead from such is plenty, no need to go get locked away. I know you’ll blame yourself and get mad and swear revenge. Bakugou I love you. Let go of the hate and the rage. All I want is you to be happy and you to be okay.
But there’s no need to get over alarmed, I’m coming home I know it.
(His tears start to hit the paper, hot big tears blotting the ink and making it hard to see. )
So if tomorrow is my last day. Ill leave this letter in my desk.
Don’t bother with my belongings. Things never really mattered to me, you know that. Donate them. Burn then. Whatever you want.
Tell my sister that I love her. That I’m sorry if she ever doubted that.
I wonder what my parents will say. Probably that they were proud of me. Please let them know how much I loved them. How much I loved my childhood.
Now for you, my love, my sweetheart. The love of my life I’m sure of it. There was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name. The love that let me share your name for these few years.
Thank you. For loving me. For supporting me. For choosing me every day. I’ve never doubted it once. I’ll always be with you, even if you can’t see me.
I'm watching you in your office right now, youre humming that song that played at the restaurant last night.
If I had never seen your face this world would have been such a very different place for me. It would be quieter and colorless. You have truly given me so much in this life that I can never hope to repay you.
You can never know which way your heart will go, but you are the compass leading mine. It will always point to you.
You’ve made me feel alive made me want to live so I could experience all my dreams coming true with you by my side.
I don’t know what else to add
Please, if you know anything, let it be that you were my greatest happiness in life.
I’ll always come home to you
I love you
His hand is shaking as he finishes the letter.
He takes a sharp inhale and his knees give out, falling to the floor beside your desk with a soft gasp that turned into a sob as he broke down.
“You. You promised” he whispered between sobs, not even bothering to wipe away the tears as he hugs his arms around himself, hunching forward as his tears make soft patting sounds as the hit the hard wood floor.
He doesn’t know how Kirishima found him but when he runs through the office and sighs with relief when he finds him, he doesn’t move. He stays, broken on the floor, sobbing. Kiri doesn’t freeze, he’s there in a second, wrapping his arms around his best friend. Trying to give him a little comfort.
Kirishima's phone rings and Bakugou growls, taking it from his hand as kiri goes to silence it, pressing answer without looking to see who it is “what” he yells out, his nose stuffy and throat constricted showing how much he’s been sobbing.
Recovery Girls voice is stern through the receiver “You need to get down here right away. She’s alive.”
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dulce-pjm · 3 years
cheek to cheek
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request for taehyung from @kidcoredreamz (thanks bae!!) 
listen to “cheek to cheek” by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong and “i get along without you very well” by chet baker for maximum effect
make your own request here using these prompts!
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cheek to cheek
word count: 3.1k
genre: fluff, arrangedmarriage!au
summary: it’s night like these that you wish things were different
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Taehyung is guaranteed, always has been. 
From the minute your tiny fingers could interlock with his, you were dragging each other around the mansions and garden parties, sneaking off to corners with desserts and chocolate milk and getting sugar rushes together. Time with Taehyung comes easy and passes quickly, the hours with him condensing into minutes and the few minutes without him stretching into lonesome years. 
You’ve seen him through thick and thin. Through acne flare ups and awkward conversations and never-ending games of tag. You’ve seen him pick his nose, cry over spilled milk (or, in his case, a broken remote-control race car), get caught sneaking out. You’ve comforted him while he felt broken, laughed until your sides were aching. You know his ins and outs, his rough edges and corners, his soft spots he tries to hide. 
Marrying him should be a blessing. 
To spend the rest of your life with the person who’s stuck by your side throughout everything is a future some can only dream about. To have someone understand you so perfectly, to understand them like no one else will. It should be a blessing. 
It should be. 
The digital clock reads 11:57 when he knocks on the window. 
You’ve always had a weird thing about having a room on the ground floor, when possible. It’s closest to the front door, in case of an emergency. And there’s no risk of tripping downstairs when you’re sleepily moving around in the night. And, most importantly, it’s easy to sneak out when you need to. 
While you’re a little startled, you’re nothing close to afraid. You know exactly what face to expect as you throw open the sheer curtains, silken pajama sleeves hanging over your fingers and eyes swollen from sleep. 
The moonlight makes his silvery hair seem otherworldly, a soft glow coming off of his locks. A few months ago, you’d been more than opposed to his sudden need to dye his hair, but you really shouldn’t have been surprised. The odd color just makes him more ethereal. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you hiss, opening the bay window and letting the frigid air slam you in the face. Your eyes comb over the rest of his figure, your brows furrowing at his dark hoodie and sweats, a black hoodie crumpled in one of his hands. Anyone else would have assumed he was an intruder. 
“Visiting my fiancée?” he tries, flashing a lopsided grin. “Thought we could sneak out again. For old times’ sake.” 
“We’re not kids anymore, Tae,” you huff. 
“That doesn’t mean we have to be boring.” 
You cross your arms as a chill runs down your spine from the cool breeze. “It’s midnight. I’m in my pajamas.”
“Well, then you better change.” You stare at him indignantly for a moment, wondering just how much of a doormat he thinks you are. 
“Please?” he adds, batting his lashes teasingly. “I have a surprise. You’ll like it, promise.”
“But will I like it more than I’d like crawling back into bed? Can’t it wait until morning?”
“No. Let’s be a little spontaneous, like we used to be.”
You won’t lie. The soft duvet, still warm, is calling to you strongly. You know that as soon as your head hit the pillow again, you’d be out. Sleeping like a baby. 
But it’s Taehyung’s half-assed pout and an unfortunately strong curiosity that compels you to slip on the nearest t-shirt and sweats for the designated “not-dirty-enough-for-the-basket-yet” chair and climb out the window with a sigh.��
“It’s Dad’s latest passion project. It was my suggestion, but I think he’s enjoying it more than me.”
You’re enjoying yourself more than you’d like to admit, too. You aren’t sure what urged Taehyung or his wealthy, CEO father to pour their time and effort into a run down museum, but you sure are glad they did. It’s like walking through a ghost town, dust coating the walls and old exhibits. Only some of the lights work and there’s renovation supplies littering the floors. You and Taehyung stick to each other’s sides in the poorly lit areas to avoid tripping and meeting a sorry end via paint roller. 
This certainly isn’t the first time you’ve been out late with Taehyung. When you were in high school and determined to rebel against your parents’ constricting ways, the two of you often found yourselves roaming the city and laughing much too loudly during a time when you should have been catching up on sleep or homework. 
Being with Taehyung was never too much of a risk. His parents always fell victim to your innocent smiles and mumbled apologies, while yours believed Taehyung could do no wrong. After they yelled and scolded and nearly tore their hair out, soon they were only shaking their heads and smiling at each other knowingly. It was hard to be mad for long when things were really working even better than planned. 
“What do you think it means?” Taehyung asks as the two of you stare at the large mural. It’s filled with wide strokes of color, abstract shapes littering the foreground with seemingly no pattern or reason. You really can’t even see the whole thing, when Taehyung turned on the lights for this room, only two or three managed to flicker on. 
You tap your chin, deep in thought. “Well, the red is clearly...” You tilt your head. “It’s clearly having a battle with the yellow. They represent good and evil. And the purple in the back is hope.” Taehyung tilts his head in the same direction as yours, brows knit in concentration. 
“You really got all that from... that?” You snort. 
“Nah, I just bullshitted it. I have no idea what it means.” Taehyung giggles, shoving you in the side. You stumble, yelping dramatically and nearly crashing into a probably very expensive bust of some historical figure you wouldn’t recognize. 
“I was being serious, Y/N.” You laugh at his pouty expression, resisting the urge to poke him in the side in revenge. You don’t want to start a fight you know you can’t win. 
After trying to make sense of the abstract mural for a few moments, you move out of the art exhibits on to the historical section, looking at the old skeletons and fossils and relics from years and years ago. 
It’s fun trying to guess the names of the different dinosaur skeletons, cackling obnoxiously at all the ridiculous things you can combine with “—asaurus.” You take turns reading the puns scattered on the colorful signs throughout the exhibit, groaning at the bad ones and acknowledging the okay ones with a tiny chuckle. You laugh the hardest when Taehyung spots the fake alligators and climbs onto the display, insisting you take his picture so he can look cool. 
“Tae, you can clearly tell you’re inside!” He scoffs. 
“Just take the picture!” he insists. “Don’t I look like Steve Irwin?”
The photos all come out insanely blurry, your arms shaking too much as you try to hold in your giggles. 
When you were first told of the arrangement at age sixteen, you cried. You sobbed and you wailed and you screamed and you locked yourself in your room in protest for an entire day. Your parents couldn’t understand it. You loved Taehyung. More than your own family. More than anything else. They loved him too. He was the son of a close friend and a union would benefit business, certainly. 
When you eventually came out of your bedroom, you refused to talk about it. You only mumbled that you were sorry and your parents knew better than to ask questions and so, that was the end of it. 
“Taehyung!” you shout, grabbing his wrist and dragging him across the antiques exhibit. You’d both already tried (and failed) at using the dusty typewriter and moved on to playfully arguing about who should pose with the guillotine when your eyes locked onto an item across the room. 
“What is it?” he laughed, stumbling after you, all smiles. 
“It’s a phonograph,” you explain. It appears in near-perfect condition despite the circumstances, the brass horn shiny and golden like it’d been made yesterday. “You can play records on it.” 
He nods in understanding. “We should try it.” The idea is tempting, but your hopes for it working are fairly low. “There’s already a record on it, just try to get it to play.”
You lean forward, fingers mentally crossed as you fiddling with the needle and try winding the crank. The gears squeak terribly inside the main compartment, making you cringe. But you keep winding it, stepping back and squeezing your eyes tight in anticipation. 
When you’re met with silence instead of music, you sigh in defeat. “Well, I guess that’s alright, it’s pretty old anyway, let’s—”
Suddenly, the machine fizzles to life, record slowly turning on the turntable and a jazzy tune carries through the air. Taehyung cheers, clapping on the shoulder. 
“You did it!” Your smile quickly stretches into your cheeks, exhaustion long forgotten as you relax in the nice sound, soft piano and pleasant singing filling your ears. 
You begin subconsciously swaying to song, fingers drumming to the beat absentmindedly on your thighs. Taehyung seems to know the song, quietly singing a few lyrics every one and a while. 
“Let’s dance,” he says suddenly. Your stomach tightens. 
“Let’s not,” you reply quickly, arms hugging your sides. You stare ahead, trying to focus on the song rather than the person beside you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him lean slightly closer, lolling his head to the side. 
“Why not?” 
You sigh. You don’t really have an answer. 
Your hand finds his, fingers interlocking as you let Taehyung guide you out into a relatively clearly spot, tennis-shoe clad feet shuffling lightly to the music. You’ve danced with him in other settings, with many more eyes watching. You’re normally dressed perfectly, not a hair out of place and a thick layer of makeup coating your eyes and cheeks. 
“Remember that time your mom made us take dance lessons when we were twelve?” Taehyung asks, a glint in his eye. 
You scoff. “I remember the part where you gave me laxatives right before the first lesson, yeah.” Taehyung can barely keep his grip on you, moving his other hand to your waist in an attempt to steady himself as his shoulders shake with laughter. 
“I really thought it was regular tea, I promise.”
“Sure you did.”
“I did! I thought we were being all fancy like our parents and drinking fancy tea like fancy rich people.”
“Then why didn’t you drink the laxative tea, huh?”
“I don’t like tea. I just put milk in my teacup and hoped you wouldn’t notice.” You snort, hands settled all to comfortably on his shoulders as the smooth voice croons and echoes off of the walls. 
It’s intimate. There’s nowhere else to look but his eyes as he places a hand on your waist, pulling you closer with a soft smile. The room feels warmer, his breath barely skimming across your face at the close proximity. 
It forces you to think about the things you’d much rather keep inside. 
This should be nice. It should be normal and romantic and sweet, to be slow-dancing with your fiancée. Your smile should be light and endeared and love-struck, not forced and fake. 
There’s a heavy pang in your heart as you remember. Remember how much love him. How much you care. How much you want to hold him close, press your lips on his without a single bit of hesitance. 
But you can’t do those things, knowing the things you do. To Taehyung, this marriage is a convenience. It’s a way to please his parents and strengthen his business connections and do it all with his best friend. He’s always been perfectly content with the arrangement, perfectly content to marry for everything but love. 
And how are you supposed to feel, wanting to marry him for the very thing he doesn’t feel for you?
He’s all you’ve ever wanted. You would have left this life a long time ago, but it would mean sacrificing him. You’re too selfish to do that. You want him all to yourself, every part that you can get. 
You’ve seen every side of him, the weird and the sad and sweet. You want it all. But you’ll never have it. 
You wish it were real. That this were a romantic night away, that you’d wake up in the morning all tangled in his arms. It’s this intimacy that you crave but can never enjoy, not when you know it’s all fake.
And he knows you too. Knows something is up when that little knot between your brows forms and your eyes grow just a little glassy.
“What’s wrong?” You quickly straighten your spine, blinking away any tears pricking at your eyes. 
“Nothing, I’m fine.” But Taehyung knows. He leans forward slightly, dark eyes piercing through your very soul. You gulp as you feel his body heat on your own skin, releasing your hands from his shoulders in your panic. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No,” you breathe. Your gaze falls as you step back, the music tapering off as the phonograph finally gives out and the moment is fully broken.
But instead of letting you slip away, his grip tightens, look growing desperate.
“Wait! Just a second.” You can see him itch to run his hand through his hair, but his arms don’t leave you. “You’ve been acting so weird lately. Is it me? Did I do something wrong?” You furiously shake your head. 
“No, that’s not it. I just—” You stop yourself before too many words spill out and you say something you can’t take back.
When you don’t elaborate, Taehyung’s face falls further. “Seriously, what is it? Am I really making you that upset?”
“No, I—”
“Is it because I dragged you out so late? I’m sorry, it’d just been so long since I saw you and I missed you—”
“Just shut up!” you cry, shoving him off of you for good. A few tears wet your cheeks and your face heats with embarrassment. “It’s because you pull this kind of stupid, romantic shit that makes me love you even more than I already do but I know you don’t see us that way.”
Taehyung’s eyes go wide, but you suppose since it’s all on the table, you’ll keep going. “I know this is all just fun and games and easy to you but it fucking hurts, Taehyung. You can’t lead people on like this. You can’t do this shit and expect me not to feel something for you.”
The phonograph crackles in the corner of the room, unable to play pretty tunes or sweet songs anymore. It sounds restless and broken and unpleasant to hear. 
“Maybe I wanted you to feel something for me.” You whip your head up, cheeks still hot from mortification and anger. 
“You heard me. I wanted you to love me. Because I love you.” 
When you kiss him, it’s like a breath of fresh air. It’s hungry and rushed as your fingers gently tug on his hair and his palm is splayed on the small of your back, pulling you as close to him as humanly possible. 
At some point, you end up pressed against the wall, euphoric as he trails pecks down your jaw and neck incessantly, like he’s trying to make up for every time he wished he’d kissed you. You whine when he parts his lips, tugging on his hair as he fastens your body against him. He tastes like the peppermint chapstick he always keeps in his pocket. The habit had ruined a pair of his dress pants before when it melted all in the pocket, but he’s always been too stubborn about chapped lips to learn his lesson and carry it elsewhere. You can smell his shampoo and the faint scent of his cologne. Everything that fills your senses is him and only him. 
You feel a few tears sting at the corner of your eyes but you ignore them, gasping for breath between long kisses, a few giggles escaping you when you see you’re not the only one lightheaded. 
After what feels both like hours and seconds, Taehyung pulls away, his lips swollen and pink, but stretched into that adorable grin that hasn’t changed since you were kids. 
“Sorry I didn’t say something earlier,” he murmurs. “I never could find the right words to say it and I knew it’d make everything awkward if you didn’t feel the same way.” You laugh mirthlessly, cupping his face gently with your hands. 
“Same here.” You sigh. “Guess we’re both idiots.”
“Guess so.” 
It's a little frightening to stare at him like this. You’ve always held your guard tightly whenever you felt even close to your feelings being compromised, but that weight you’d carried for so long as suddenly detached itself from your shoulders, leaving you free floating. Yes, it’s like floating untethered through the air or being caught in the ocean with your life jacket. It’s scary and daunting and unknown. But it’s nice to know that you’ll have Taehyung’s hand tightly holding yours the whole way. 
“Since I confessed first, I think you should pose for a picture with the guillotine.” Taehyung’s intent stare breaks, his face crinkling in disgust. 
“But I kissed you first.”
“Only because I said I loved you.”
“If you really loved me, you’d pose with the guillotine and I could pose like I’m the executioner.” Now it’s your turn to be disgusted. 
“That’s so fucking morbid, Kim Taehyung.” You smack his arm, but he keeps you against the wall, thigh between your legs as he leans in again. 
“Only for you,” he murmurs, planting his lips on yours again. 
The scoff about to leave your mouth is caught in your throat as you’re enveloped in his embrace, kissing each other dizzy until you’re certain the sun must be rising soon. 
You wouldn’t mind too much if it did, though. 
As Taehyung keeps trying to convince you to take stupid photos and explain abstract art to him, you aren’t sure how much a blessing he is. All you really know is that he’s your guarantee, your anchor in this unforgiving world. You aren’t sure where he’ll take you next, what random time he’ll decide is the best for your future adventures. You can’t know what the rest of your life holds, only that he’ll be next to you as long as he can. 
And that’s enough for now.
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srose-foxfire · 3 years
Damirae Week 2021 - Day 7 (part 1)
“Finding Our Happily Ever After: Part 1” Day 7: Soulmates
All Raven could recall was standing before Damian about to confess she wanted to stay with him and his family, if he allowed her. The moments that followed after were in a blur, she had felt a pull from the skies and before long she was rising in the dark grey skies at a rapid speed. Raven looked down to see she was being pulled away from her friends and Damian. Scared, the young maiden called out for him, she heard him call back and bark an order towards her captor. Raven could also faintly remember seeing Sombra, trying to attack her captor but was wounded. The next thing she remembers was trying to punch and free herself from her captor, but she was then struck on her head rather hard making her lose conscious throughout the flight.
Overtime Raven would briefly wake up catching glimpses of the surrounding lands, as they approach a mountain.
When her senses came back and she fully awoke, Raven found herself to be inside a dark cave. It was too dark for any mere mortal to be able to look through but the part of her that held demon blood allowed her to see in the darkness. Raven slowly turned her head, skimming the area, as she tried to stand, she notices a tug come from her wrists and ankles. Looking down on herself, Raven had been tied onto a wooden chair, her wrists and ankles were tied rather very tightly, she notice red bruised marks stain her wrists . Raven tried to wiggle from her chair, when from the darkest part of the room, she heard the grunts of an older man.
The cave was lit with floating wax candles holding a green flame on them, making the room glow in green. Raven managed to see two figures standing close together from the direction she had heard the man come from. One was tall and well built, a man with his face hidden behind a black and orange mask. Next to him was an old woman, though she had a devil look in her eyes as if she shouldn’t be easily trifled with. This woman was dress in grey rags, almost appearing to be her dress, her long grey-hair was in locks pointing in different directions. She wasn’t pleasant to the eyes and might as well frighten any child.
Raven exhaled carefully, “Who are you and what do you want with me?”
The man laughed lightly, he took a step toward Raven, “my… you really cut to the chase, my dear.” He then bowed towards her, “I am Slade Wilson, and I have a proposition for you.”
Before Raven had a chance to inquire, the old woman next to him, place her weary old boney hand on Slade’s arm, “my lord, I must advice not to deal with the likes of her. Contracts with them come at a price, perhaps-”
“Quite hag,” Slade hissed through clenched teeth, then glanced at Raven who had her brows lifted, he gave her a gentle laugh, “apologies my dear. Like I was saying I have a proposition, if you choose to accept it, and I will free you from those binds.”
Not allowing herself to falter, Raven held her head high and spoke with a stern voice. “Listen, I don’t have anything to my name, if you know who I am, I’ve been exiled from my father’s lands. I hold no value-”
“Oh, but you do my dear, you absolutely do and that is why you should be wise to choose this offer of mine.” Slade clapped his hands together, looking over to the older woman, who mumbled some incoherent words and a large wooden chair appeared right in front of Raven, Slade then sat down, she could feel he was studying her through his mask.  
“Which is?” she then asked him.
The masked man, sighed heavily, “you have been staying with a certain and very peculiar family,” She could feel her heart picked up speed as she listened, her chest rised with disdain, and her face was starting to flush with anger as Slade continued, “the youngest child of said family… well he was given a birthright he did not deserve, well to make it short I want to employ you to help me bring him to ruin-”
Enrage, Raven glared and spoke the truth in her heart, “You are wasting your time with me; I will never turn against Damian or his family! They have given me more than my own father ever could… besides Gotham has been with the Wayne’s for generations, its Damian throne to take-”
“Shut her up.” Slade commanded with a hiss, the old woman who stood behind him muttered some words in another language Raven didn’t understand and her lips were sealed, Slade then rose from his chair and walked around her.
“Apologies but I hate interruptions. Yes, the little brat is the heir to rule over Gotham, but he was also given another birthright one he very carelessly gave away to his cousin. The kingdom of Nanda Parbat, a land inhabited by the world’s most elites of assassins, it’s former ruler was Ra’s al Ghul, had chosen his grandson, the one you know as Damian Wayne to take over his kingdom!” Frustrated, Slade then kicked the large wooden chair, across the room with a powerful kick.
The noise frightened the harpy as it screeched and flapped it wings from a corner, hoping around the room. The old woman hissed at it to quiet down, with a flick of her fingers tips the chair was rebuild and place across from Raven. Slade grabbed it and sat down, he clasped his hands on his lap and studied her, noticing Raven had her brows knitted together.
“You must wonder why I hate him so much, correct? Well I was the ‘Demon Head’s’ right man, he almost treated like a son… he once told me I was going to marry his daughter Talia, but what does he do instead? Create a ridiculous alliance with the kingdom of Gotham, King Bruce takes Talia in marriage and she gives birth to the little brat. That boy has stolen what was rightfully mine and gave it away like nothing.”
Slade then stood up, remove his mask to reveal a dark skinned man, with short white hair and a left eye covered by a piece of black leather, placed his hands on either side of Raven’s chair leaning ever so closely to her face, “I needed to have my revenge. That boy took everything away from me, so I took away everything he came to love. I had a cursed place on him, his family, and soon everyone came to forget that the kingdom of Gotham ever existed. Its people became like wind, it was like they never existed. I found pleasure knowing he would never get to experience true happiness… that is until…you came along.”
Raven’s chest was heaving as she strained to breath steadily, she could feel her blood start to boil and her head throb with rage. “You somehow manage to worm yourself into the castle and lighten the darkness I so perfectly designed for them. I had to come up with something else, something that would really bring that boy to his knees, and that is making you my bride.”
Slade started to caress her cheek with his hand, she turned and tried to lean away from his vile touch. Her mouth was beginning to fill with saliva and just for a split-second Raven felt strange. She had a feeling like she could overpower whatever had been placed onto her lips, she locked gaze with Slade’s, glared at him from underneath her lashes and then spit at him.
The older man groined and wipes his face with the back of his palm, the old woman gave out a horrible angry cry as she screamed, “you filthy wench! How dare you break my enchantment?!” Raven’s chair was lifted and flung towards the ceiling of the cave, Raven cried at the impact as she was dragged to the floor and up again. Then she was floating just above the old woman, with a flick of her old wrist, Raven was thrown across the cave, causing the chair she was tied on, to break at the impact.
“Stop it!” Slade yelled as he lifted his servant by the throat, then releasing her harshly. He turned and pointed his finger towards Raven. “You! Do you think you could ever live happily alongside a beast like him? Don’t you want to live a normal-human life with someone like me? I can give you that and so much more.”
“No… you can’t.” Raven strained to speak as her whole body was aching, she lifted herself off the ground with great difficultly, “Damian may be trapped in a beast’s body but even he has shown more compassion and kindness from any demon I have ever met! He is no beast, you are!”
“Enough! I employed this witch long time ago to curse him, now for being a thorn on my side you will perish!”
The old woman cackled and her fingertips sparked with green magic, “oh, what great pleasure you give me my lord to slay a sorceress of Azarath.” Azarath?
“Don’t you dare, hurt her!”
That voice! Raven turned around to what was hopefully the cave’s only exit and to see him magnificently riding on Titus, like a white knight riding on his noble steed. Damian hopped off from Titus, as they both snarled and growled at Raven’s captors.
“Damian!” Raven cried happily.
Slade laughed, “Well now, isn’t this a sight! The beast man with his beast dog!” He then unsheathes a sword he had on his hip and pointed it towards Damian, “You want the girl, you will have to go through me!”
“You will pay for what you did to her and to my family!” Damian yelled. He leaped towards Slade, swinging his claws to land a hit.
The harpy who had been standing nearby flew up and dive to attack Damian but was interrupted as Titus manage to bite one of its winged arms. The harpy cried out and kicked Titus on his muzzle, then tried biting him in return. When she missed used her clawed feet to puncture his shoulder. Titus effortlessly evade each attack, then lodged its fangs onto one of the harpy’s foot and swung it in his mouth like a doll. He then let go, causing the harpy to be thrown across the cave, it shrieks and cried painfully flying away, abandoning it mistress.
Titus barked proudly and ran towards Raven as they watched Damian continue to battle Slade. “You cause me my pet!” Raven turned around and notice the witch was flying towards her, Raven through herself away from the attack and Titus tried to swing his paw at her. The witch shot a bolt of her green magic and Titus whimper as he was struck. Angry, Raven stood and ran towards the witch as she managed to tackle her to the ground. They rolled on top of each other, Raven had the upper hand given to her youth and her own will to survive this terrible ordeal. But the witch had magic and she started chanting some words making Raven float away from her and then launching her like she had done before with the chair. Raven rolled a few feet away, she glanced up as the witch floated slowly towards her.
“Your mother turned me into this! She took away my beauty because I used it to lure men to their dooms, now it is time for me to have my revenge!” She raised her hands up, green sparks going off as she chanted a spell. Raven lifted her hands to shield herself, when she heard a whoosh sliced through the air. Slowly Raven, opened her eyes and widen them when she saw that the witch had been impacted by Slade’s sword. It had entered through her back and the tip managed to pierce through the front of her chest. She slowly floated down to the ground, standing still. The witch then slowly turned around still with the sword embedded through her as she glanced towards Slade. “My lord? Why…?”
“Our deal is off; you are no longer any use for me.”
Damian quietly moved around Slade as he approached Raven, he used his body to shield her from their enemies. He slowly pushed her towards the path he and Titus had come from. The witch continues to walk towards Slade, then pointed her long pointy finger. “You traitor,you dare double-cross a witch, all of you will never see the light of day, I cursed thee all to be buried in this cave!” Her whole body illuminated and burst into green and black ashes, the cauldron started to boil and erupted around the entire room. Which cause the cave to rumble and some stalactites fell all around them.
“Let’s go!” Damian yelled as he grabbed Raven’s hand and together ran along the path to exit the cave. Titus ran up ahead, managing to evade pillars of rocks tumbling down, at some point Damian lifted Raven in his arms and carried her off most of the path. As they near the exit, some rocks came lose, falling right at the foot of the entrance to the cave. Damian stopped, placed Raven down and then jumped on top the nearest boulder, he turned and reached for her hands to help her climb. Titus effortlessly jumped and stood near an opening big enough for them to pass through. When Raven reached the top, she reached out her hand to grab Damian’s paw, for a second her looked at her and couldn’t help but smile towards her.
Then out of nowhere Damian screamed out a roar of pain, one hand clawing the air around him. Raven glanced to Damian’s side and saw Slade had reached them and had use a dagger to pierce Damian. The young curse prince had lost his footing and grip, causing Raven to hold onto him as tightly as she could and not let him fall. Slade used this opportunity to stab Damian again, but he too lost his footing and pulled Damian down with him.
“Damian!” Raven cried as she watches him tumbled down and roll a few feet away from where they had started to climb. She and Titus hopped down the to the floor and running to Damian’s side. She knelt down and gently picked up his head in her hands, trying to shield him from the small debris. Titus stood next to them, using his own large body as a shield for his master and the young girl. The only entrance they had was covered by more rocks, trapping them inside the cave.
“You lost, you lost it all!” Slade exclaimed happily as he tried to stand up straight, with shaky legs started walking towards them. “I was never going to let you live a happy life! You deserved this; oh, you so deserve this!” Slade chanted madly, all reason was gone, now before them was an old man filled with utter madness. Above them a large cracking sound was heard, gazing right above him a large stalactite broke from the roof and landed right where Slade had stood.
The cave continued to crumble around them. Damian was heavily panting, trying to minimize how much in pain he was in. “Save yourselves,” he whispered through painful breaths.
“I am not leaving you.” Raven answered him as she cradle his face. There has to be a way. Raven thought. She turned and turned her head all around her hoping to see something that could save them. But there was nothing, all was truly lost as Slade had said, was this truly what they were fated for from the start? Was the grand design of the universe this cold-hearted towards them in wanting to have a happy life? Wanting to hold on to what had brought her happiness for a short moment of her life, Raven felt that feeling again when she had broken the witch’s enchantment on her lips. It felt peaceful and warmth almost, just like when she had been visited by that strange woman cloaked in white. Without even knowing it herself Raven whispered;
“Azarath… Metrion… Zinthos.”
A dark purple circle suddenly appeared on the ground around them. As more cracks were heard from the cave’s ceiling, she saw some stalactites break, coming down rapidly targeting them. The circle then emitted dark looking shadows that looked like black tentacles wrapping around Raven and her friends. She closed her eyes waiting for their death but then opened them and looked at Damian. If she were to die, she wanted to see him one last time. Then they were  all engulfed by  shadows.
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