#lovely anon!
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this glorious picture called to me
thanks for the request anon!!
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Here is a closeup of Wild
and also of Hyrule’s magnificent curls :)
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annabtg · 1 year
Greetings! I really like your writing. It is always well thought out and descriptively written. Do you have a specific head-canon for Lily and James that you think shines through in all of your fanfiction stories or does your idea of their character change?
Thank you anon, you're so sweet! I'm glad you enjoy my stories!
I have a few basic things that are usually part of my headcanons:
James being a little shit xD Especially in his younger years, I like to write him teasing Lily, pranking around etc.
Being smart, confident in his abilities, even arrogant, but nevertheless hopeless with regard to Lily - awkward, unsure, self-doubting, especially in his later years when he's already been rejected (at least) once by Lily and grown up enough to know he'd been an idiot. That all changes back when he realizes she likes him. xD I don't write them much after they get together but I feel that, once he knows Lily likes him, his faith in her love is unwavering.
Another thing he's not particularly confident about is being named Head Boy. Lily definitely has more faith in him about it than he does in himself.
My headcanon is also that he has been in love with Lily basically since forever (or at the very least, since he was old enough to be able to notice girls) and is a complete virgin who probably hasn't even kissed another girl. I can get behind different interpretations, and frankly I'd like to have the versatility to write him with someone else for the ~drama~ of it all, lol, but even if I write it at some point, my headcanon is that he's never been interested in anyone else (and never will be). In my head, I call him a Lilysexual. xD
I headcanon his relationship with Sirius being also full of banter and teasing. I see them like a real life brothers dynamic, with James being the younger brother - annoying, perhaps attention-seeking, but ultimately respects, admires and adores Sirius - whereas Sirius is the older brother, who is more serious, matures more quickly, pretends to be annoyed more often than he actually is, and loves James in a literally self-sacrificing way.
As for Lily - I see her as smart, snarky, mischievous in her own way. She's not a Hermione - I'd say she's closer to Ginny. She's diligent, yes - but not that much of a stickler for the rules. She's easier to anger and very likely to tease or snap back.
She's not athletic, but she likes swimming and dancing. Perhaps I'm drawing from myself on this one. xD
I like to write her as more flirty than James. My absolute headcanon is that she fell for James much earlier than she's willing to admit and never did anything with anyone else - but I can see her having flirted or even dated someone I've written her in a fully adult relationship with Sirius too so that should tell you something. And I very often (but not exclusively, now that I think about it) write her as the one to make the first move. She's smoother and can be very aware of her feminine wiles (which she uses on James exclusively). But the degree of her flirtiness varies from story to story.
She's stubborn and doesn't change her mind about people easily. Which tells a lot about her relationship with James - and Snape, too. I love showing her slowly figuring things out.
It's also my headcanon that nah, she didn't - it's more exasperation than actual hate. I think that's the age where you can say to someone "I hate you" and it means nothing the next day when the situation has cleared up. So I imagine James and Lily not being 100% on each other's throats, but more like antagonistic - he likes to tease, she likes to snap back - with the occasional epic fight in-between but some good moments too. Like, it was never the end of the world when they had to share a desk or do an assignment together. (Never mind that it makes for fun fics! ;) )
Overall I'd say that I have a decent grasp on their characters (decent enough that my beta, who's not a Jily fan, after having beta'ed several of my stories, has figured them out enough to call me out on things that feel OOC for them!) and the characteristics that fluctuate are the ones that define the dynamic between them - whether they're more reserved or confident about their feelings and experiences, which is a matter of circumstance too.
Thanks again for the ask! And sorry if you got more than you expected - I just love talking about them!!
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taintedsoul-if · 11 months
Been missing nyala like crazy now😔. Say, author, can nyala and fem!MC have children together that biologically related to each other???
Don't be sad my dear Anon. Nyala/Nyssa hasn't left us behind as yet. So wipe those tears of sadness for they are still here with us!
Alright so to answer your question yes. Male MC can impregnate Nyala (female). And a female MC can be impregnated by Nyssa (male). A nonbinary MC might be able to impregnate a fem!Nyala or a male!Nyssa.
I do hope that made a bit sense. 🤧
Anyways see ya! Enjoy the rest of your day!
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circusislife · 1 year
Hi! I saw in your pinned post you were open to sharing tips about adhd, and I've been struggling with it so much recently I swear. Could you share any tips in general, or specifically for starting tasks? no pressure ofc you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable with me asking ^-^, just let me know and I'll disappear into the windy wind
(warning: infodumping has been unlocked, prepare yourself :) )
ok, first of all, living with adhd is different for every person. mine your and everyone else's experience is unique and that means not everything that helps me will help you and vice-versa. you might want to tweak my advice to fit you better. that said, onto the infodumping! :D
let's see, I'll start with study tips!
you know that moment when focusing is a struggle and you feel like your head might explode but you keep studying? that's not a sign that you are stupid or dumb. it's a sign that your brain has reached its limit. your metabolism is struggling to produce enough dopamine to keep working, you need a break. depending on how exhausted you are you might need anything between 5 minutes and 20. don't remember where, but I once read that the average neurotypical should alternate 40min of focus to 20 of break, so there's that.
also, for that break, either do something completely unrelated to the task and that you really enjoy, or physical activity. that's because the first one helps you produce the used up dopamine because it's something you enjoy, the second one works because it speeds up your metabolism, all your metabolism, including the production of neurotransmitters. (doesn't need to be that much physically taxing, just enough to get your blood pumping. going up and down the stairs five times, doing a set of pushups, jumping in place a bit, anything goes)
also, don't fight the jitters. they are your body's way of unobtrusively speed up your metabolism and help you focus. the best way to deal with them is channel them in a socially acceptable way (bounce your leg, but keep the tip of your foot on the ground so it doesn't make sound, braid and unbraid some strings, twirl a pencil, stretch, play with your hair, play with a necklace...)
using timers to deal with time issues is useful, too. best if used in tandem with a schedule. (those are freakishly hard to make and harder to uphold tho, it's best to keep them simple, like "I'll start on homework 20 min after lunch", without specifying when lunch is, and leave some free time to make up for delay. also, if you really need to do something, tell someone else. I don't really like this, but the perceived obligation will twist anxiety into boosting your productivity. the body-double works more or less the same way, peer pressure nagging you into action)
other tip. if you have problem starting on homework, start from what's easiest or what you enjoy the most. finishing something soon or doing something with success will give you a confidence and dopamine boost that might be just enough to struggle a little less with the rest.
to memorize something, try to associate it with something else, build yourself some "memory anchors" as I call them. can be anything. "near the name of that historical figure resembles that of a Pokemon" remember the Pokemon, remember the name. "the date of this battle looks like a funny word/ has numbers in a particular sequence" remember the word, or the made up sequence, remember the date.
also, highlighters draw attention. make sure to switch up the color to avoid a memory soup, but used the right way they can help form the anchors.
I'm not much one for summaries (my brain is going to cut off a part of the text any way, might as well feed it the text that has something to be cut off), but they, alongside side notes, are a good way to trigger your memory once you've studied.
if you need to remember a date/appointment, either tell a few people and ask them to remind you or write it down everywhere , multiple times, and set up alarms.
create habits. for example, choose a few spots to leave your phone, and leave it there and only there, no matter what. if the place of the house keys is in a backpack pocket, don't put them down anywhere for even a second. keep them in your hand until you can put them back. if you have to take some pills at a certain time and some other just during the day, try to take them all at once so you don't mix up which one you took. you might struggle at first, but give it a few weeks and it will be worth it. if you can ask for help from a family member to remind you in the beginning.
if possible, separate your work environment from your relax environment. the brain works by association. if you associate sitting at the desk with work and laying on the bed with free time, in time simply switching place will help you slide in the right mindset.
using music as background noise is tricky. sometimes I prefer absolute silence, others the music will cover distractions and the change of tune snap me back to reality after getting lost in thoughts. it variates. only notice, if you like to sing, avoid anything with lyrics. you don't need the temptation ;). video-games' background music is one of the best options, because you're already used to its presence and not paying attention to it.
always have snacks and water in range. it makes it harder to forget to eat/drink if it's in sight.
find your limits and respect them. if my brain stops working properly after 6pm or tot hours of intense effort, pushing it much farther will do more harm than good. toeing the line little by little is fine, but all at once is just asking for headaches.
give into your hyperfixations any time you can afford it. actually managing to do something and learning new stuff is not only useful, but will also give you a boost of dopamine!!! :D
also, I find that having something always running in the back of my head actually helps! I mean, my mind is going to wander and get lost no matter what, but if I at least have an idea of where it's trying to go snapping myself back to reality is much easier. furthermore, if my brain keeps going back to "that one character that is in a situation" or "that curious and inconvenient scenario the protagonist is tuck into" or again a strange riddle that won't leave my thoughts, there's less space for intrusive thoughts of anxiety and paranoia to form and I have some control on where random thoughts are going to go.
no matter the workload, find a way to set aside some time every day or one day a week that is 100% obligations free. you need the time to unwind, rest and regenerate. choosing always the same time is best, because, you know, routine, but having that free time is just as important as getting stuff done. "there's a test the day after my day off? ok, I'll study, I'll rest the day after. but if anything tries to bother me then, heads will roll and I won't be held accountable for my actions.". this kind of thing.
this is all that comes to mind right now, so I'll end it here. this stuff is a mix of hard earned experience and advice I picked up here and there from adhd psychologists and neuropsychiatrists, hyperfixation fueled research and comparing notes with my sister (my main reference for "not me adhd"). and, by the way, talking to other people with adhd relieves stress like you wouldn't imagine, so, if you can, try to find someone else with adhd to just, talk. joy is having a conversation, interrupting it to look at a cool frog together and pick right back up like nothing happened. (I love my sis :)<3)
hope it was helpful and that you can take something useful for yourself from this!<3 rant
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stonecoldhedwig · 7 months
Sending you a happy ask because your Jily makes my day 💞💞💞
Aw, thanks anon! I love the current Jily fic so I'm glad you do too!
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l3ominor · 8 months
are u gonna show us the horrific thing?
cuz the way u talk makes me think that its the most abominable beauty on earth
Unfortunately I'm not gonna show the horrific thing cause it goes into major spoiler territory for my Recalled AU. But I can assure you, it is the most terrible amazing thing I've drawn up to this point, and it'll definitely come up at some point. :)
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Today in his interview, Jared mentioned sgsin about waiting to hear if they are renewed. Do you think he really doesn’t know if Walker is getting a Season 4, or just has to say that since nothing has been officially announced for the public yet? If he really doesn’t know, that must be excruciating not being able to fully make plans one way or another. If he does know, if must be hard to pretend he doesn’t.
I am 80% sure that Walker is/will be renewed since it has the highest rating on the channel, but Nextar seems pretty ruthless.
It just seems like bad business to me to not let audiences know that their shows are renewed (for the ones that are) since I know I lose interest or tend to not engage as much if I think a show I watch is going to be cancelled. It seems like a good way to bleed viewers. I guess they are banking more on the other types of programming, so their scripted US shows are really just taking a back seat. Still, it’s frustrating.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.
Side note: I like how even when you have lost some respect for an actor (like Jensen), you still look at info about them and things people in fandom say rationally. You seem to be very reasonable in your responses and not jump to the worst possible conclusions, and I really appreciate that.
I'm always open for vents! (Or, is it, my vents are always open?) There's a Dad joke in there, I'm sure, but it's late, lol!
Earlier on I thought that Jared already knew if Walker was renewed, but he's mentioned a number of times now about not knowing, or having to wait so I'm leaning towards the idea that Nexstar is still keeping them in the dark (but agree about it's likely renewal). All American got their renewal announcement early because it was written into the contract when Nexstar took over the CW. As for the others, I guess we wait until May. Jared did say that when he knows, we'll know.
I am in absolute agreement about shows bleeding viewers when audiences are unsure about their renewal. No one wants to invest their time and emotions into something that could potentially leave them unsatisfied. With the network and leadership changes this year, I can understand the delay, so I wouldn't necessarily call it bad business, but I'd call it bad for business, if that makes sense.
(Side note to your side note: Thank you very much! I'm sure I have some unreasonable posts out there, but I do try and stay logical. I'm so very glad you appreciate it, and I hope you have a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening, night!)
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kzbrekkerr · 1 year
hi! i saw that you're taking kaz brekker requests, so i wonder if you could write something for kaz with a song "power" by isak danielson?? maybe with a happy ending if possible? if you dont like the request, just ignore it its okay! sending u lots of love<3
hi love! yes of course! i loved writing this one! i said in on the fic, but i couldn't really do a happy ending, hope you're okay with a bittersweet one? thank you so much for requesting, i hopefully is what you had in mind! <3 here it is!
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notastraykid · 3 months
Ur profile is lovely nice colors
Well! That's so very nice of you to say! So bloody sweet I could cry!
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vampiricsheep · 4 months
artists rb this with your favorite thing about prev's art-style in the tags
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annabtg · 1 year
omg I love your headcanons and they're so similar to mine! What's funny is that I also believe them to be canon virgins simply because they were into each other from early on and just not into others, and in my mind I also referred to them exactly as Lilysexual and Jamessexual xD
Hahah great minds think alike!! I think if you consider their era, the fact that wizarding society is more backwards overall, and the fact that they already look interested in each other (to put it mildly, lol) when they're 15-16, it makes sense that they wouldn't be all that experienced. Plus we really are suckers for the One And Only Love, aren't we? 😁
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
Hello, blushing anon is here, but no blushing or running away today (I promise I'l try). Anyway how are you doing, dear author? (what is your name btw? How do you prefer us to call you?)🌹 I have another confession to make… "THE DEMO IS FANTASTIC!": drama, intrigues, angst, betrayal - all the best stuff! There's even sexy, powerful, magical, obsessed husband🔥, couldn't ask for more 🤗, even if the demo is short it's extremely intriguing. Can't wait for more. Consider me being your biggest fan from now on 😌
I'm also curious about ROs fashion sense. What do they normally wear on ordinary day and for festivals? Preferable color scheme for each RO, their favorite clothes? Not a fashion maniac, just want to know our gang better 😏
P.S sorry if my message feels funny, english is not my native language, but trying my best 😅
Okay this is the third time I am trying to post This! Ugh my internet is driving me mad!
Hi blushing anon! I am doing wonderful and you? I do hope everything is alright on your end! And you can call me YanYan or Tiana whichever is fine! And your English is perfect!
Welcome to the mini fan club blushing anon!!! I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself!
As for the Color schemes
Cadmus adores black and red
Atticus loves white
Trysten/Trista adores green/orange and brown
Nyala/Nyssa loves cream and white!
And the clothing. Those are up for headcannoning I suck in that department... soooo..... 👀
Thank you for the ask and I do hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
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circusislife · 1 year
I’m assuming you like forests. Am I wrong? Probably.
if I have bug spray or strong smelling oils to keep mosquitoes away? yes.
I like forests, the light filtering through the trees is beautiful and I love to just listen to its sounds when walking on its paths.
however I'm not a passionate trekker or something, mostly because there aren't many big forest in easy reach (well, they aren't unreachable, but not in walking distance. and most of the family trips are for visiting museums or to grandma's seaside house. nature centered trips are a rare treat that I greatly enjoy and cherish!)
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beamtori · 6 months
messaing everyone that i has seen have a 'soulmate'
what makes someone your soulmate? how do you know?
struggling because i feel like i'm so tossed between people and i see some writiers have 'soulmates'
hi anon! i was not expecting to get this kind of ask on my nsfw blog tbh 😅 but as for "soulmates" go, i feel like they're your soulmate when you feel a connection to them beyond the usual? idk if that makes sense, but for the person i consider my soulmate, they've seen the best and worst of me and still treat me as kind as she always has. we also click really well, where there's almost never a dull moment between us. i feel like she really understands me in a way i don't think others do, but at the same time, if she doesn't fully understand, she will always try to sympathize and validate me — which goes the same for me to her, as well. she is always very patient with me, but we can also share very light-hearted moments as well. from the outside, it sounds like a normal, healthy friendship (which it is!) but sometimes u can't just describe the amount of fondness and love u have for a person.
i know how you feel — that 'being tossed between people' and not feeling like you'll ever be someone's first choice. i felt that way for a long time, but i was really lucky to have met this person. i think finding one's soulmate isn't something we can actively search/hunt for. unfortunately, it's something that we can't exactly control.
but i do believe you WILL find that person who is your soulmate, anon. it just takes a bit of time, as much as it sucks for me to say that :') i hope this brings you some relief and/or hope <3
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l3ominor · 1 year
It's cal loving hours hehehe
XD hehehe indeed XD
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
Dear Hellsites Genetics,
I love all the hard work you do and I really appreciate it. I'm currently learning biology and I'm starting to get really into it. I hope that you are well all the time, and that you have all the luck and happiness in your future. You inspired me to study biology, and I'm really grateful for it. Thank you once again!
With love and respect,
An anonymous amino acid creature
String identified: a t Gtc,
a t a a a acat t. ' ct ag g a ' tatg t gt a t t. tat a a t t, a tat a a t c a a t. t t g, a ' a gat t. Ta c aga!
t a ct,
A a a ac cat
Closest match: Plasmodium sp. DRC-Itaito genome assembly, chromosome: 10 Common name: Unclassified Malaria-Causing Parasite
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(image source) Note: this image is not of the same organism, but of P. falciparum, which is of the same genus.
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