#lowercase noises
undinesea · 2 years
I've Been Lying Open by Lowercase Noises
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sairceketli · 2 years
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inktrailing · 1 month
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infinityof6 · 7 months
New album out today! It’s been a while. This is part 13 in my series of compilations of non-album tracks, featured on releases by other labels, with a few unreleased gems. This collection covers March 2022 to October 2023. Tracks are in order of creation. What is life...        ,,.、 _、、       /  };;゙  l )) .      ,i'  /  /         ;;゙  ノ  /  Future is now!!!!     ,r'     `ヽ、    三    ,i"        ゙;         三    !. ゚     ゚  ,!''"´´';;⌒ヾ,    (⌒;;  (⌒;;    ヮ   ,::''    |⌒l゙ 三 (⌒  ;;   `´"''ー-(⌒;;"゙__、、、ノヽ,ノ 
1. ARE YOU A PIG 03:15 2. On Perch Of Wetter Ear 03:32 3. Mean Flow - Crucifixion Nails (Infinity Of 6's Silver Hammer Rework) 03:04 4. Humanfobia - El Cementerio/Realidades Paralelas (Infinity Of 6 Quantum Graveyard Mix) 01:39 5. Take It To The Extreme Is My Middle Name 02:12 6. NoOneSayWolf - VVitches (Infinity Of 6 Doom Bop Remix) 02:52 7. Vobet Danko - Apocolocyntosis (Infinity Of 6 Pump King Remix) 03:16 8. Celibate Good Times Come On 02:06 9. Phonogra Cheese 02:28 10. Right Time Joe 01:09 11. Fagus Fodus 02:59 12. That Was Handy 00:33 13. Mandolunstrrrung Finger Wall 02:41 14. Wild Swans Are Cool 02:18 15. Holophrastic Indeterminacy (Relatively Profound………) 03:06 16. 天誅 03:49 17. If You Think I'm Dead You're Wrong (I'm Alive And Living In Scotland) 03:53
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Listen/purchase: Ohhh Am Sure! The Cheerfully Quixotic Infinity Of 6, pt. 13 by Infinity Of 6
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Michael Tau — Extreme Music: From Silence to Noise and Everything in Between (Feral House)
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One of the best and most interesting things about Michael Tau’s new overview/catalog/traveller’s guide Extreme Music: From Silence to Noise and Everything in Between is that you would be equally justified in calling it Extreme Musics. As that subtitle tries to sum up, Tau isn’t playing favourites with one particular kind of extremity, but instead trying to give the reader a tour through the various ways many people over the years and decades have gone outside what is usually considered pleasurable or worthwhile music, or even music at all. Often works like this are put together either by the already hopelessly devoted (which risks stranding all but fellow travellers) or those approaching the exercise with a kind of patrician disdain. Tau succeeds by adopting neither pose; he’s not afraid to ask “who, exactly, likes this stuff?” but crucially he’s actually invested in figuring out the answer to that question.
Extreme Music is divided into seven sections: Extreme Scenes (devoted to extremity of sound and content), Extreme Durations (in either direction), Extreme Records (interesting LP and, let’s say, LP-aping formats), Technological Quirks (various other formats and technologies), Extreme Packaging (including packaging taken to the extent it changes or hampers the music itself), Recordings? (going even further in that direction, with silent, damaged, and unplayable records), and The Digital Age (which considers some more recent/innovative formats and scenes, and includes a series of profiles of recent outsider artists). As you might expect from that breadth, the book is more interested in seeking out exemplars, histories, and boundaries than in going too deep in any area, but one of Tau’s other strengths is that he’s quite good at giving brief but surprisingly deep readings of particular scenes and sounds. There might only be around ten pages devoted to, say, harsh noise wall records or music on floppy discs or disgusting packaging, but each section sticks with you. Throughout there are occasional sidebars listing Tau’s picks (sometimes sourced by genre artists and experts) for introductory canons to some of the types of music discussed wherein. 
Almost by definition, most people who will wind up reading Extreme Music will be more interested in reading about these types of music than in getting deeply into all of the various types Tau covers. But as mentioned, Tau takes the devotion small groups of people have to each type he covers here seriously, conducting plenty of interviews with artists, label heads, etc. and when he doesn’t himself feel visceral attraction to a type of extreme music giving a good faith effort to represent the reasonings and experiences of those who do. Especially once Extreme Music starts getting into less… hearable forms of music (a vinyl LP you play by rubbing dirt on it, conceptual pieces that exist in both the experimental music and fine art spaces, deliberately damaged media, and so on) the book also does a solid job of explicating the reasons one might want to make music that isn’t “really” music, for any readers who don’t already feel the pull. 
Ultimately Extreme Music is an impressive and fascinating work of documentation and compilation, one where even relatively seasoned (or jaded) music fans are likely to come away with some new fascinating bits of information and music to check out (and/or avoid). The most endearing aspect, of both the book and the music it covers, is the way even the most “extreme” of these musics are ultimately made by people for plenty of ordinary human reasons - to try and make a quick buck, to see if something can even work, to outdo a friend or rival, or just because we all have things we think sound good that make most others wince. Extreme Music doesn’t at all softpedal just how extreme in various directions these forms are (including, sometimes, in ways that range towards the unethical), but it also commendably demystifies these sometimes exoticized forms as what they ultimately are: human forms of artistic and creative expression. 
Ian Mathers
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
‘daigo-loving hours’ implies a state of existence where i do not love daigo dojima and that’s just simply not a possibility
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dialphone-archived · 2 years
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never ask me about my favourite songs
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slvttyplum · 6 months
✰ don’t take your panties off | satoru gojo
synopsis: you made a mistake and didn’t wear panties to bed, now you’re facing the consequences.
contents: cnc, smut, lowercase spelling.
don’t take your panties off when sleeping; just don't. it’ll create a problem in the middle of the night that you aren’t ready to solve.
this particular night was a little too warm; only a gust of wind passed by every few seconds, and the fan was broken.
the electrician didn’t come until thursday, and it was tuesday night, and wearing an oversize shirt with nothing under it wasn’t a big deal.
you slipped under the covers and drifted off to sleep. satoru was working late that night, so there was no need to wait for him.
a few hours later, you were awakened by a hand smoothing and caressing your thigh, a hand nudging against your ass, and something sticking to your entrance.
you blinked a few times, clearing out the blurriness, before turning your head. all you could see in your peripheral was white hair.
“satoru?” you let out softly, just to make sure that was actually him. it was already dark, but the bright moon was letting out some illumination through the blinds.
the response back was just a hum; his hand was still caressing your side, and the “stick” that was poking your entrance was finally entering.
“the polite thing would be to respond back when i ask if it was you.” a defeated sigh ripping past your lips, and his forehead tapping your shoulder.
“sorry, im a little tired.” his rough voice and the warm vanilla scent, letting you know he just got out of the shower.
your thoughts were interrupted when he thrust into you with full force, your hand scrambling to hold onto the sheets.
“so am i, so why do you wanna do this now?" his length deep inside you from the position the both of you were in.
fucking from the side always made his dick go further, especially when you fucked back.
it was true that satoru just got back home not too long ago, and it’s also true that he was tired, but he couldn’t resist you.
when he first came home, his first priority was to eat, but not before checking if you were dead or not.
when he opened the door, there you were, sprawled on your side of the bed, one of your legs spread up, exposing your bare ass.
a lump forming in his throat from the sexy sight. he didn’t expect you to be this bold; whenever you wore an oversized shirt, you wore panties, so this was different.
swallowing the lump inside his throat, he quietly walks to your side of the bed, leaning down and placing a kiss on your cheek.
your sleeping face making him blush was always so cute when you slept; too bad he was going to ruin that.
sleeping so innocently, he felt bad for what he was about to do. yeah, he could’ve woken you up, but it was already late, so why not make it quick?
of course he wasn’t going to fuck you when he just came home from working and sweating all day, so he hopped in the shower and came out.
quickly sliding into bed and pulling his briefs down, not before sticking his fingers in your heat, sliding them out, and looking at them.
an amused scoff erupting from his mouth. you were wet. as hell, what in the world were you thinking about?
he took no time to line himself up with your entrance, your body jolting from the random touch.
“i just love you so much," he says, laughing softly, responding to your previous question, and pushing into you again, the wet noise making him even harder.
a moan slips past your lips, your eyes still closed, and satoru’s touch sends shivers down your spine.
your body is now more sensitive since there was no time to prepare, even though your pussy was practically leaking.
his head moved to the crook of your neck as he kissed, then slid his tongue over a spot, your hand clenching the sheet even more.
his warm breath traveled down your neck to your shoulder, placing a few small kisses there. the softness of his kisses made you smile.
the pace is getting sloppier and harder as he pushes into you deeper, causing you to gasp and cough. the change in pace is making your eyes roll back.
“softer.” your hand reaching back to push his stomach, so he slides out of you, but he takes your wrist, gripping it.
a whine coming from your lips as you squint your eyes shut, your thighs clenching, and your stomach turning from the pleasure.
“you can take it.” he grunts out, his jaw clenched and his face still on your shoulder.
another whimper comes from your mouth, then a moan follows as he presses into your sweet spot, the tingly feeling dispersing all around your body.
his hand gripping your wrist even harder, your shoulder and wrist aching from the tightness he was putting on, causing your walls to clench.
satoru kisses your shoulder again, then licks over the spot, his eyes flicking to your face, your lewd expressions making him harder.
“i’m sorry.” he lets out, pushing deeper inside you, repeated sloppy thrusts into your wet cunt.
tiny curses escaping his mouth as he gets faster, your breasts bouncing up and down from how fast he’s going.
the headboard hitting the wall repeatedly, his tip getting deeper and deeper inside you, and your eyes opening from the final thrust.
a cough falling out of your mouth as you feel warm liquid feel you up, his dick slowly sliding out of you.
his body that was previously pressed against you, leaning back and letting go of your wrist.
leaning down, he takes a finger sliding over your opening, cum coating his finger and a smile dancing on his lips.
you quickly get up, spreading your legs, and looking at the sight, a vein could be seen popping up in your forehead.
“fucking dick!” you scream out, quickly sliding the pillow behind you and hitting him repeatedly, cursing him out.
he’s laughing, curled up, and holding his stomach, deciding to just suffer the consequences.
you’re never going to go to bed without panties again.
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42frankee · 1 year
Cinema KTN lowercase REMIX by Kill The Noise https://ift.tt/y8Tsvug
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gyucheolslut · 9 months
2:14 AM • KMG
lowercase intended.
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cw: somnophilia (consensual), established relationship, fingering, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid), creampie!! yum!! multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, nervous gyu, whiny desperate gyu & f!reader.. they both want to please each other so bad :( neck holding? it’s kind of implied that reader is smaller than gyu, his shirt is big on her and falls off her shoulders.. .. pet names such as baby, sweetheart, pretty girl… maybe more.. i don’t know.. i got carried away
word count: 1.7k~
not proof read!!
a/n: hi!! i’m eve~ this is my first time writing smut and i’m using it as a way to get back into writing! im super excited! i haven’t written in like.. 2 years.. so be nice to me.. :[ i hope you enjoy :]
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
mingyu couldn’t help himself. while you usually don’t move much in your sleep, especially within his tight grip.. tonight was different.
you wouldn’t stop moving..
at first, it wasn’t that big of a deal, with you occasionally shifting in his arms.. but it started to become an issue when your ass kept pressing into him, stirring up his mind and now painfully hard cock.
small soft whimpers and whines would occasionally sneak past your lips, making it more difficult for his mind to focus on anything other than fucking you in to the mattress..
while mingyu knew you weren’t doing it on purpose.. he could tell you were actually asleep.. the movement of your hips almost seemed too calculated. are you dreaming of him?
as if on cue, he was torn from his thoughts by a broken whine of his name.. “gyu..” it almost sounded painful. desperate. you needed him, he decided. he had to help you.
with shaky hands, mingyu found himself messing with the band of your underwear underneath your his shirt. why was he so nervous?
you had discussed your sexual limits and interests early on in your relationship.. and you’ve woken him up many times to some fantastic morning head.. so why was he so nervous?
mingyu sat there, contemplating for a moment before he whispered a small “fuck it..” under his breath, one of his big hands finding its way into your underwear.
using his middle finger, he pressed it between your folds finding your clit with ease.. groaning quietly into your hair as he can feel how warm and wet you’ve become. you were definitely dreaming about him.
with a skilled digit, mingyu circled your clit. feeling your head fall back into his shoulder, he peered down at you. the moonlight from the window illuminated your face, allowing him to watch the tension in your forehead release and your lips part in satisfaction.
he dipped his finger a little lower, teasing your entrance for just a second.. adding his pointer finger as he pressed them into you. you were always so reactive, so sensitive. your back arching off of his chest slightly.
using the arm that was underneath you, he adjusted himself to pull you back against him. pumping his fingers into you skillfully, curling them every few thrusts.
your breathing became heavy and a little unsteady, body wriggling against his from pleasure. mingyu hums softly, placing wet kisses along the side of your face, lips stopping at your ear to whisper a gentle “s’okay baby.. i’ve got you” as he increased the pace of his fingers.
as the tension in your belly began to build, your eyes fluttered open.. a hand reaching to grip his forearm. “fuck..” you whined, pressing your hips down to meet his movements.
mingyu smiled against your ear.. “there she is..” he muttered, shifting himself even closer to you as he became more brutal with his pace now that you were awake.
your grip on his forearm tightened, mirroring the band of fire stretching in your lower abdomen, signaling your impending climax.
clasping your fingers around his wrist that was setting an unrelenting pace on your dripping core, your mouth drops into an o shape, a high pitched gasp escaping before silence took over for a moment..
the only noise to be heard was mingyu’s quickened breath and your squelching pussy that was gripping his fingers even tighter than you were his wrist.
as you broke the silence with a anguished whine, mingyu wouldn’t let up. he couldn’t. he wanted more. he wanted to make you cum.. again and again.. and again.
“gyu, please.. i need more. i need you.. i need you to feel good.” you begged, turning to the best of your ability to look at him with teary eyes.
really..he felt great. watching you cum because of him was all he need. but he understood. you needed him. you wanted him.
mingyu searched your eyes, slowing down his movements before coming to a complete stop and pulling his fingers out.
despite asking him for more, you couldn’t help but whimper the loss of contact.. your hole clenching around nothing as it was desperate for more. for mingyu.
moving lazily, but skillfully.. mingyu pushes your underwear down, feeling you kick it off of your ankles beneath the blanket before following, pushing his boxers down and kicking them off the edge of the bed.
he quickly grabs your waist, needing to feel the heat of your skin. keeping you on your side, back pressed to his chest.. mingyu grabs your thigh, pulling it up and over his hip. you locked your foot behind his knee in a weak attempt to keep yourself grounded.
leaving open mouthed kisses along your neck, mingyu began to drag his tip through your drooling folds. sucking a breath in between his teeth, resulting in a quiet, hiss like noise that went straight to your core.
whining in impatient anticipation, you pushed your hips back against him, gasping when his tip bumped your clit.
mingyu felt hot. he felt like he was burning… that feeling worsening as he felt your warm, sopping cunt engulf him.. taking inch by inch of his painfully hard cock.. like it was made for him. molded for him.
a broken mewl escapes his throat, a hand sprawled against your thigh that was propped over his own. he speaks softly in your ear, voice laced with need.
“there ya go baby..” he exhales.. “shh.. s’okay, you’re taking me so well.. god.. you’re so warm sweetheart..” he practically coos, allowing you to adjust to his size. you’ll never get used to it.
when you started moving your own hips against him, he knew you were ready, hand dragging up your body to rest heavily against your throat.
pressing into you, the arm that was underneath your body adjusts to not only stop it from falling asleep, but to grip and paw at your closest breast.. underneath the fabric of the shirt you were still wearing.
the shirt has fallen off one of your shoulders, it’s bunched up around your waist. it’s pointless for it to be there, but neither of you care to remove it.
the room is filled with heavy, hot breaths and the pornographic sound of skin slapping as he repeatedly makes contact with your ass.
you’re dripping around him.. your thighs, his thighs, covered..so much skin is glistening with your arousal.
it’s loud, the squelching of your heat that is sucking him in so greedily.. your moans, whines and whimpers. his groans, grunts and mirroring whines.
“oh.. my pretty girl.. is that better? does my baby feel better? you needed me so bad” he starts, voice laced with an almost condescending hum “practically begging for me in your sleep”
you moaned out a broken sound that was more of a “ngh” than a reply, eyes fluttering closed as you were unable to keep them open any longer. you felt so good, too good.
gripping the forearm of the hand that laid against your neck, you felt yourself becoming dangerously close.. parting your lips to speak, to warn mingyu.. but nothing was coming out but breathy gasps..
mingyu’s pace is almost inhumane, his mind is clouded with the want and need for both of you to cum. hips snapping into yours as he chases both of your climaxes.
he takes note of your attempts to speak, hand snaking down for his fingers to find and circle your clit, your body reacting strongly to the added pressure. it’s almost too much.
“i know baby.. fuck.. are you gonna cum? hm?” he hums, kissing your exposed shoulder. “gonna cum for me pretty girl? gonna let me fill you up?” his tone is desperate, so desperate.. so whiny and overwhelmed. it’s only adding fuel to the fire that is erupting throughout your entire body.
pace unrelenting but becoming unsteady as he approaches his high, mingyu uses his pointer and middle finger to rub your clit until you’re practically exploding around him. a strangled moan echos in the room with the sinister sound of him fucking you so good as you reach back to grip his hip, back arching against his toned chest.
you see white as you cum, jaw dropping in a silent scream, fingers digging into the skin of his hip/ass. drool trickling down the side of your cheek, mixing with your tears that started to flow. you felt so good. so incredibly good.
mingyu whines, gripping your hip as he continues to pound your tightening, pulsating pussy.. mumbling praises as he closes in on his own high.
his bruising grip gets even tighter on your hip as he presses himself flush against your ass and body, painting your insides with hot, thick ropes of white.
hips stuttering against yours as he whimpers into your neck and shoulder, thrusting a few more times, riding out his high and pushing his cum even deeper into your warm heat.
you’re breath heavily, whining in overstimulation at his last few thrusts, your grip on him not letting up.
mingyu stills, leaving kisses on every inch of exposed skin he can reach. you stay like that for a while, catching your breath.. listening to mingyu’s sweet praises on how you’re so good to him, how pretty you are..
he pulls out with, slowly.. rubbing his length against your folds a few times to spread his cum all over you. chuckling when you whine again when he grazes your sensitive clit, attempting to move away from him.
you end your night with mingyu cleaning you up, giving you water and making you change your now sweat soiled shirt. he holds you, your body engulfed by his arms, head against his chest, your arms wrapped around him as he mumbles something about definitely needing to wash the sheets tomorrow morning before you both drift off into a comfortable sleep..
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Lowercase - Because I Can
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confessedlyfannish · 5 months
Writing Prompt #11
It's an innocent ("please," Jason sneers, "there's nothing innocent about a plagiaristic propaganda machine encouraging minors to dance for sick ol' pervs while it spews misogynistic hate speech.'"
"okay, boomer,"
"the fuck did you just call me, replacement?") TikTok, one of those ones that kind of simmers in the background for a few weeks until someone with a decent enough following posts it on the Platform Formerly Known as Twitter and from there it seriously catches traction, blowing up until Tim knocks on Bruce's office door, phone in hand. Damian stands behind him, arms crossed and clearly simmering.
Bruce, fresh off a series of zoom conferences, raises an eyebrow.
"Okay, so you haven't seen it," Tim decides, striding forward.
Bruce's eyebrow jumps a smidge higher, on the edge of concern, as Tim thrusts his phone into his grasp.
"So," he begins, reaching over to refresh the mobile page "there's a video that's been making the rounds on Twitter and—well you should probably see it," He sighs over Damian's scoff as he clicks through the pop-up asking him to sign in or join TikTok, and presses "Watch Again", unmuting the video.
🎶 "Doo, badoo-badoo-badoo Badoo-badoo-badoo-badoo,"🎶 an upbeat background song hums as someone, presumably a student, films a school hallway with their phone. They walk past students talking near their lockers, some of whom flash peace signs and silly grins as the camera swings their way before continuing on.
But the main point Bruce gets stuck on is the all lowercase white text at the center of the screen that an automated woman's voice awkwardly narrates:
"when you go to school with bruce wayne's other long lost lovechild"
The student filming comes up behind a much taller student who faces away from him, in conversation with a black haired pale teenaged girl. She spots the cameraman and shoots him a confused, disgruntled look, saying something to the boy who then turns around.
Bruce quietly observes as the camera zooms in on a boy around Tim's page, possibly older. Tall and broad-shouldered, with a strong jaw, he raises an eyebrow at the one filming, looking beyond the camera, pitch black hair with blue undertones falling into his blue eyes. The camera momentarily zooms too far into those eyes then abruptly pulls back as he quirks a puzzled smile at the viewer, mouthing out an easily understandable "hi?".
The TikTok ends and seamlessly transitions to a person balancing their cat on an exercise ball with minimal success and this time Bruce presses the Watch Again button. The heart on the right side claims 750k likes.
Damian scoffs, louder, as it ends. "Clearly it is a hoax, but it has been popular among my classmates."
"The board hasn't made much noise about it—" Tim starts.
"And they won't," Bruce says, lifting his eyes from his phone. "Wayne Industries doesn't give statements on videos like these, no matter how viral they become. I've been getting lovechild claims since before I adopted Dick."
Which Tim knows, which is why his insistence on showing Bruce this one raises his hackles. He pins Tim down with a stare and despite Tim's perfected PR mask, he can see Tim is unsettled.
"B...he really, really looks like you." Tim admits. Damian scoffs for a third time and Tim shoots him a glare, "I get it, you don't see it, but you haven't seen the pictures of Bruce when he was younger."
"I don't need to!" Damian says angrily. "You're all being ridiculous!"
"All?" Bruce asks. Tim shifts awkwardly. "The family group chat has been talking," he says.
"I see," Bruce says. Because he does. Many claim Damian to be his doppelganger, but the boy actually favors Talia not just in skin tone but in the shape and color of his eyes, as well as the soft slope of her mouth and ears. Whether those features will sharpen once he goes through puberty is anyone's guess.
But this young man has Bruce's eyes. Martha's eyes.
That night they have a suspiciously full house for dinner, with even Jason dropping in, but no one says anything until Barbara wheels in for dessert, carrying a manila folder on her lap.
"What?" she says, when everyone stares. "Dick told me it was crème brûlée today!"
Bruce extends a hand wordlessly, and Barbara sheepishly hands the folder over.
"Bruce," she says, before he can open it, "I wouldn't have looked into this normally, but,"
"Just say it," Jason says, leaning back in his chair. "Take away the gray hairs, the receding hairline, and the wrinkles and the kid's a dead match."
"Take it back, Todd," Damian growls, "Father has a very full head of hair!"
"Not to mention a failed track record at keeping it in his pants, Exhibit A," Jason continues, pointing a fork at Damian, "oh wait," he says gleefully, "kid is definitely 18, so I guess that would make you Exhibit B!"
The table erupts, cutlery tinkling as Damian gets a knee up on the table to hurl himself at a cackling Todd, Dick jumping up to grab him as the others lean out of the way—
"Ahem!" Everyone stops cold as Alfred stands in the doorway, porcelain ramekins of crème brûlée stacked perfectly on a silver tray. Under his gaze, everyone sits back down, Damian and Jason both quietly uttering a "Sorry Alfie/Alfred," as they straighten up.
Bruce is oblivious to the chaos, Barbara biting her lip beside him as he stares blankly inside the folder at the printed copy of an adoption certificate.
Two days and several million likes later, another TikTok goes viral from the same user. Caught in the moment as whoever is filming runs up to the group, the same young man is chatting with a blonde in a red letterman jacket, a partially formed crowd around them. Even with one leg still in the cafeteria table, he towers over everyone.
"—sh. Look, we're all possibly Bruce Wayne's son!" the boy snarks. He has his hands out, palms up as if he's making a great point, and as he looks around he catches sight of the cameraman and his smirk drops.
"Ah Mac, c'mon dude not again—" and the TikTok ends.
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speedruntechnically · 2 years
I wanna make music so bad. Unfortunately I hate music theory
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wonuwonder · 4 months
still playing? pt 2 – jeon wonwoo
content: 1k words, smut, established relationship, gamer!wonwoo, boyfriend!wonwoo, fem reader x wonwoo, anything else lmk! mdni
an: as promised🫡, i really liked how this one turned out, lmk what you think! lowercase intended. read part 1 here
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you’ve been waiting for almost an hour now, since he got carried away playing games. you’ve been needy all day long, and receiving a picture of wonwoo’s bulge in front of the mirror while you were at work hadn’t helped, at all. he knew it would tease the hell out of you so he sent it on purpose.
you were in your bed, trying to read something, but it was all too much. you were stressed out and tired, and the only thing on your mind was your boyfriend’s cock.
you got up and went to his desk in front of your bed, you moved his chair back and sat on his lap without asking, flustering him.
“take a seat then” wonwoo said, and locked his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him while he could still continue to play.
you were kind of pissed at him for not giving you the attention you wanted, so that meant teasing in your books.
you started to rub your ass lightly against his crotch, trying to look as innocent as possible, so that he wouldn’t suspect that you were trying to get off on him. you did it again, roughly this time, which made him groan. he grabbed your hipbone at the surprise and looked at you from the side.
“babe what are you?-” you moved again, completely bluntly this time, whimpering at the feeling of his semi hard cock against your ass. “fuck-” he grunted.
you turned to look at him, and signed at him to turn his mic off.
“can you please do something ? i’m fucking soaked and will rip your pants off if you don’t move” you blurt out.
“you’re really that needy babe?” he scoffed “and all for my cock huh?” he got close to your ear and bit the hem if your ear softly, making you squirm.
“yes won, please” you whimpered, while he moved his hands to your waist, guiding your movements against him.
he reached for the hem of your pijama dress he had bought for you and lifted his hand reaching your pussy, groaning when he finally got to feel your arousal all over his fingers.
“fuck y/n” he groaned, kissing your shoulders. while he started to play with your pussy, making you a whimpering mess in a second. he knew you perfectly well to know what buttons to press that would make you go into abyss. he would never get enough of your sounds and seeing how good he made you feel, even if he was busy, he would never reject making his girl feel good.
“gosh i’m gonna cum-” you whimpered, head falling back to rest on his shoulders, while you rocked your pussy onto his fingers “need your cock inside me” you could barely get your words out, and he had just started.
he kissed your cheek and left your aching pussy, making you take his fingers in your mouth. he made you stand up before him so he could get loose of his pants and boxers, spreading his thighs on his gaming chair, his cock sprung out reaching his lower abdomen, the tip red and leaking with pre cum, he was just as needy as you were.
you licked your lips at the sight, normally you would take him in your mouth instantly but your pussy was aching, and you couldn’t wait any longer, so you would save that for the morning.
he grabbed your waist and made you straddle him, rubbing his dick over your entrance, coating himself with your juices, making you both whimper out loud. he lifted your silky pijama dress and made sit on his cock, entering slowly at first to let you adjust to his size. you had been dating for a year now, but his cock was still a lot to take. once you were settled he wasted no time in start pounding on you, lifting you up and down his length, his thighs slapping against your skin. making all kinds of noises. your thighs all wet from your juices trailing down your skin.
his movements started getting sloppy so you grabbed onto his shoulders and started to rock your hips against him, taking the lead, moving yourself deliciously onto him.
“you fill me up so nice won” your eyes fell shut.
“so good for me baby” he growled while kissing and massaging your breasts through the thin layer of clothing.
the noises wonwoo was making made you go absolutely insane, he was a big grunter, but once in a while he became a loud whimperer, specially when you rided him. the sight of him at this state because of what you were doing to him, turned you on even more, even if it was impossible. your moans were loud as hell, and he couldn’t last much longer. he grabbed your hips and thrusted into you a few times before he came undone, gasping and grunting loudly, you coming after him just a few seconds later.
you fell onto him from your high, his palms trailing your spine, squeezing you against his chest, you hissed at the touch, and drunkly kissed his lips.
“better now?” he asks out of breath, smirking at you, brushing the strands of hair from your face, he kisses your cheek and nudges into your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses as well.
“fuck yes, that was- gosh i love you”
“i love you too, so much”
you kiss again.
and after a few minutes of silence of just the two of you making out, you hear their intruding voices.
“next time make sure to mute your mic guys” it’s cheol’s voice.
“or don’t, i liked it” soonyoung adds,
“that was hot as hell” mingyu says.
covering your mouth with your hand, you look at your defeated boyfriend’s face, you’ll never hear the end of it now.
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tags: @effielumiere @viewvuu @honglynights @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @zerocoded 💗 luv u
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kokon0is · 1 year
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wherein nagi promised to only fuck his tip into you but failed to resist himself.
tags: big dick nagi, all consensual, breeding, raw sex (pls use condoms yall or any contraceptives :p ) written in all lowercase, kinda long. barely proofread….
2.1k words
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you’re in a good relationship with nagi, by means, good….. he wanted to know your boundaries and vice versa. sure the sexual talks comes around sometime and settled on taking things slow. make out session happens, dry humping, but it never crosses the line.
but now laying on a bed, with his elbow supporting his weight as you’re laid down to the soft pillows, he kissed you side ways with his other hand gripping slightly at the hair just above you nape, the make out session right now with nagi is something, its more hot and hungry, desperate like lips kissing around your neck and lips. “hmmhm….wanna fuck you sei…” you mewl.
“are you sure?” nagi asked as his head perked up, almost breathless from the make out session that you guys just had. “isn’t it kinda fast if we fuck right now?” he look up to your face to search for some answer through your expressions.
god…the way your brows are curling upwards, you mouth slightly open and your desperate eyes looking back at him. fuck. he cant hide the fact that he also just wanna fuck you.
“i want more of you sei…” nagi swear that those glassy eyes of yours can make everything possible. “we…— we shouldn’t…. i’ll finger you is that fine?” nagi is highly hesitant, he doesn’t wanna admit that yes, he would fuck you right here right now but he no— both of you promised to take things slow for now as both of you are hoping for a healthy relationship. “plus i don’t have any condoms with me right now….i didn’t know we would do it this fast”
you whined at his words “you can give me more sei, i swear it’s gonna be fine— just pull out?” you stay persistent, as you try to convince the snow white haired boy.
“[name] i don’t know baby…. this is not what we agreed on” he stoke your strands with his left hand as he told, looking at you softly. nagi felt a pressure of pang in his chest, he must resist the urge, this is for the both of you. he look at you softly as he waited for your response “alright sei…. i respect that but— incase you have a change of heart im all yours sei….i’ll let you do whatever you want” your words came out almost like a whisper with a hint of suggestiveness as you smirked.
“what if i told you im just lazy to rut my hips forward and backwards” nagi said in his usual tone with a sly grin on his face, his hands are making their way close to your core as they play on your waistband.
“then i’ll ride you….” you snicker, nagi shook his head playfully with a lopsided grin as his eyes are now fixed on your clothed core. “m’ just kidding y’know….im a man of my words” that’s what he said. “— and i’ll make you feel good….” he added as his hands are now under your underwear, middle finger slipping through the slit to feel your wetness.
“fuck— you’re so wet” he grunt as he continued to slide his finger through your slit. he’s not even doing much but you’re already moaning and getting even more wetter with just that. he smirked.
his ring finger and middle are now working together circling around your clit, he took away his gaze from his hands plays under those shorts, he turned to look at your face, your eyes are closed shut, brows slightly forming a frown with your mouth slightly parted letting all those pretty noise out. this is exactly how he wanted you to look like, how he wanted to see your face. his dick twitched by just looking at your face, “hmmng fuck….” he grunt to the painful throb in his pants.
“aaahh sei….” chants on his name came out of your mouth with your moans, he stopped circling on your clit and played with your entrance, with all this wetness his middle finger slides in easily, pumping it a few times. “f-fuck….” a breathy moan came out of you due to the feeling on his fingers inside you, curling just in the right spot.
his ring finger shortly followed as both of his fingers are now resting inside you. “hahh..fuck ‘ts just my fingers— you’re so tight…..how are you even gonna take my dick” nagi is in awe as your walls hug and squeeze around his fingers, despite the tightness he finally moved and fucked his fingers into you.
“mmfngggh sei—seishiro please i can take moree—ahh” he continued to hit that sweet spot in you, wanting to hear more and more of your cries.
“fuck- let me just— take this off” he stop for a second, pulling his fingers out of you and tug your short along with your underwear all the way down and threw it somewhere across the room. “let me see that pretty pussy” he switch his position to your front, standing in his knees, both of his hands holds on your knees as he spread it open. your slit slowly opening up for him, and your hole squeezing at nothing. fuck. fuck. fuck. he might just cum on the spot to this view, and your face, lewd expressions are over them while you hide it behind the back of your hands.
“s-sei….’ts embarrassing….” you whined, but deep down you’re liking his, and hoping he would just fuck you as you wish. “‘m’ sorry angel….i think im gonna have to break a promise with you” your expression lit up with his words, as his eyes are still fixed at your needy cunt.
“yes sei—yes please—” you reach your hand to your pussy lips and spread it open for him. nagi could have died when you did that. he bit his lip to resist all the sinful urge he has in mind.
“just the tip…..okay? and then that’s it” he mutter, already rethinking his decisions. “i’ll take what you offer sei….” you assured. it’s enough for nagi to disregard his clothes. he look back at you only to see your slightly horrified face. “what’s wrong angel?” he asked in concern.
“nothing….i didn’t expect your size….” you mutter, he chuckled at your comment. “still wanna do it?” he asked.
“less talk sei, please” you pulled him closer until the base of his shaft rest on your slit. the slight sensation made nagi grunt. he must resist.
“that’s dangerous” he warned, as you only giggled in response. he position the girth of his cock in your entrance, trying to get it in you “loosen up f’ me baby……that’s right…good—good girl” he cooes as his girth finally made it inside you.
“haahh~ sei….” you mewl to the stretch, but you wanted more. it hurts soo good. you wrap your legs around his waist to pull him more.
“[name] stop that or else im going to pull out” he removed your legs around his waist, as he pinned your hips down to stop you from moving too much. “hnngn but seeeii” you whined.
you let him thrust just his tip, you swear that it feels good but you need him to go deeper, “f-fuck sei…..i want more i want more” you chant, but nagi ignored your cries and continue to fuck just his tip in you “shit feels so good— fuck” he grunt.
nagi is trying is best, his really best to not push another inch in you. he shut his eyes as he grunt through every thrust. his dick feels like numbing, its too damn good, how your pussy swallow his girth, he knows he’s not gonna last long.
his thumb rub circles on your clit, driving you more into your orgasm, “g’nna cum angel— fuuuckk” he threw his head back as a breathy moan came out of his mouth.
as he felt his orgasm nearing he pulled just in time, his cum oozes on you pussy lips as he stroke his length through last drop of his cum— smearing on your pussy.
“i know…” he cuts you off, he knows that you’re gonna say you didn’t finish. his eyes are lock on your cum covered pussy. gosh….he find it so hot.
he found himself smearing the cum more on your pussy lips with the tip of his middle and ring finger. he knows that this is dangerous, if he don’t resist this can be bad.
he couldn’t. he pushed digits inside you as he’s pushing his cum into you. this is bad, he thought but he is not planning on stopping.
“yes….keep going sei….give it to me” you threw your head back in pleasure as you knew what exactly he is doing, you’re right after all, your sweet boy nagi couldn’t resist you.
“tell me….how you really want it” he said in low voice, those demanding eyes now looking at you “i want you so bad sei….please…i want all of you inside me let me feel it baby….please” nagi swears that it’s enough for him to give in.
his third finger enters you, stretching that pussy out for the better. your juices and his cum altogether made your pussy so wet that his fingers just slides easily. this is perfect, he thought.
he took out his fingers from your aching pussy and repositioned his heavy dick on your entrance, he thrust in one go, all of it.
“ahhh fuck—sei nngh” you mewl at the sudden stretch, you feel so full but it feel so fucking good. nagi let out a groan as your wet, warm, spongy walls hugs his length.
“ahh fuck—you’re so— hhgn” he couldn’t even hold back his own noise. he didn’t waste any second to ram inside you, he made sure to bottom out every thrust to reach the spot where you wanted it to hit the most
“seeeeei—aahh fuck—ing slow d—hhaah” the impact of his hips ramming against your skin made it impossible for you to form any words.
“less talk—haaah— just moan f’me angel….you asked for it remember?” there’s full of smugness in his voice that you could only cry in response, he hold one ofyour thighs and hooked in on his shoulders.
“aahh…fuckk—ahh” he groans as his eyes are now fixed on your messy wet cunt swallowing him whole as your cream crowns around his shaft, it turns him even more to the thought of your pussy won’t be the same anymore after this, the shape of his dick is carved in this pussy, your cunt will only remember the way his dick stretching you out, that no guy will ever top this experience from you.
the wild thoughts are not really helping as he is only getting closer to his high.
he rubs circles on your clit with his thumb, applying just enough pressure to help you cum with him.
“hah—sei—seishiro….” you squeezed your eyes shut as you’re nearing to your orgasm “m’ gonna cum—sei…”
“me too—haah—close” he leaned down, pressing your knees to your chest as his thrust went a bit faster, his lower stomach stimulating your clit with every harsh contact. you reached down to rub circles on your clit but you didn’t really last long, you came hard, gushing around nagi’s dick.
nagi didn’t stop thrusting his hips as he filled you up with his cum, he let out a loud moan, almost like a whimper.
“aaaah fuck— [name]” he flops himself above you, breathing heavy against your neck as you feel his skin sticky from the sweat.
“s-sei—can’t breathe get off” you protest as you tried to shove him off. “how rude m’tired i made you feel good c’mon and baby me” he pout as he lift his weight a bit to give you some air.
nagi smiled down to your fucked out face, mind you, his now soft dick is still inside you but seeing you all fucked out, hair strands sticking from the sweat of your forehead, half lidded eyes looking back at him and breathing heavily, man’s bricked up again “stupid sei….did you just got hard again?” you slapped his face playfully, nagi could only respond to this with a chuckle.
“what a pain….your face turn me on now this is bad” he responded with his usual lazy tone. he pushed his hips forward with a playful smile on his face, “seishiro” you warned. “this is exactly why i didn’t wanna go all the way y’know….im gonna get addicted now, i will be fucking you to the kitchen, to the bathroom, in the living room, on the balcony—”
“sei!” you slapped his side arms with a laugh to his exaggeration, he chuckled along you and finally decided to pull out from your cunt.
only to get hard once again, as he watches his cum oozed out of your pussy.
“uh oh” you mutter as you watch his dick stand straight up against his stomach again.
“angel….can you go for another around?”
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trblsvt · 1 year
for the books | jeon wonwoo
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summary | wonwoo's students seemed intent on matching him up with a fellow teacher. he didn't really want to stop them, it was too funny for him to break up their fun. plus, he didn't mind the certain someone he was being "set up" with. genre | fluff, teacher!au warnings | none, i think let me know! word count | 2.2k words pairing | jeon wonwoo x fem!reader min | lowercase intended i literally put off my other works to write this! delulu era to the max! i advocate for women in stem!!! also! this is like an american high school-level setting. lily is so out of pocket LOL (believe it or not there is a girl just like her at my school). this was 100% self-indulgent
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"mr. jeon!" his student lily called. "so you're telling me that after all that, she still hasn't kissed him?" he looked up from his desk and looked over to his obviously distraught student. "lily! i didn't even finish it yet!" her friend mina yelled at her.
"i'm sorry! it's just so crazy how they didn't even kiss! even after they made up and he said all of that to her!" lily huffed.
"what did he say to her? i haven't gotten there yet either," daniel piped in.
"just read it! i'm sorry i brought it up in the first place," lily sighed and pulled out the worksheets she was supposed to complete after reading the book. he shook his head and went back to inputting grades into his computer. it was silly to think lily was just going to do her work. "mr. jeon, do you have a girlfriend?" she asked putting her pencil down. he paused momentarily, fingers hovering over the keyboard. "dude, that's so not cool for you to ask mr. jeon," daniel complained.
"what? we're reading this romantic novel, is it not fair to ask our english teacher if he's in a relationship?" lily replied, crossing her arms. "i mean we have to be reading this book for some reason."
"maybe it's just a part of the curriculum," mina rolled her eyes.
"do you seriously think mr. jeon is sending us subminimal signals about his love life through the books we're reading?" daniel asked.
"i don't know! maybe!" lily said. the three of them continued to argue back and forth at their table. wonwoo should probably stop this before the other students get irritated with the trio. "guys, i can assure you, i am not sending any messages about my love life. please get back to your work," wonwoo cleared his throat. he heard a disappointed noise, but pencils went back to scratching and pages started flipping again. soon it was the end of the class period and everyone was packing up. it was just lily. "next time, please refrain from asking personal questions in class," he asked.
"yes, of course. i'm sorry mr. jeon," lily bowed her head.
"it's alright. it can just be a bit distracting for your classmates. let's try to be more considerate."
"will do," she said, turning on her heel.
"oh and lily, just between me and you," wonwoo paused. "i don't have a girlfriend."
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"he said he wasn't in a relationship!" lily cheered. daniel stared at her baffled, "didn't he say not to tell anyone?"
"yeah, but i mean, he must know that i'm going to tell you guys. you guys don't seem as nearly as excited about this as i do."
"why would we be? he's single, it's not like you have a chance with him or something," mina commented.
"no! ew! i would never try to go after a teacher, are you crazy? i'm saying that this is a perfect opportunity for us to get mr. jeon a date!" lily practically squealed.
"a date? with who?"
"with miss ___, of course! who else? haven't you guys ever noticed that they spend almost every lunch period with each other? they're so cute together!"
"maybe they're just planning classes or something," daniel shrugged.
"um, hello? mr. jeon teachers english literature and miss ___ teaches physics b. what would they planning together?"
"i think it's time to enact a master plan."
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"so everyone understands this equation, right?" you said, turning back to face the class. "tell me now, so i can help. this equation is the very foundation to magnetism, if you don't get it now i can't promise you'll do well in this unit."
no one put their hand up. you smiled, "oh well, i guess we just have a bunch of physic masters in this class. but seriously, let me know if you need help. you can start working on your homework packet now, this way if you have questions you can ask them now. i don't need your frantic emails at midnight."
you returned to your desk and flipped through some lesson plans. you didn't get to finish eating lunch today, so you took out your lunch bag. a small slip of paper fell out of it and onto the ground. you smiled to yourself and reached down to pick it up. "miss ___!" your student lily said, she was standing at the foot of your desk.
"yes, lily?" you answered.
"i have a question about something."
"have at it."
"it isn't physics related though." you looked up, slipping the slip into your pocket. "then, what's it about? do you need to go to the nurse?" you frowned.
"no it's nothing like that, but i was told by another teacher not to ask questions like this in front of the whole class. he said it was inconsiderate," she shrugged.
"oh, um, well i guess you can go ahead."
"are you friends with mr. jeon?"
you froze. mr. jeon? as in english literature teacher mr. jeon? mr. jeon you eat lunch with him every day mr. jeon? maybe they started picking up on something. "well, yeah, i guess you could say that," you coughed. "why are you asking this all a sudden?"
"well, i came by mr. jeon's class before lunch to ask him about an assignment and i saw you there. i didn't want to interrupt, but i didn't know you guys were friends," she shrugged, averting her eyes.
"oh well, yes. mr. jeon started at his position around the same time i did a few years ago. so we got close because of that."
"that's so- i mean, i'm sorry to pry. i was just curious. i mean usually i don't see english teachers and physics teachers talk that much. thanks!"
the whole exchange left you a little baffled.
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lily seemed determined to get you and wonwoo together. she began to pry more often and she was getting bolder one question at a time. she even asked if you were in a relationship and if you got you cute gifts for birthdays and holidays from your boyfriend. sometimes she got very bold and mentioned mr. jeon by name. "miss ___, don't you think mr. jeon is cute? you two would be so cute together." you had replied, "i don't think this is time or the place to talk about this, lily. please do your practice problems." you rolled your eyes, "i don't feel like i'm at liberty to answer that."
you couldn't bring yourself to actually discipline her or her friends (who had seemingly joined in on the deep dive about your love life). they were curious teenagers looking for gossip. hell, you were like that too. you felt it would be unfair to punish them for that, as long as it didn't get too inappropriate, you didn't mind. it was a bit endearing too.
you just had to push the thought out of your mind. it was time to go to lunch anyway. it was the perfect time to clear your head.
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"has lily been asking you some personal questions lately?" wonwoo asked, leaning back in his chair. god, he looked so handsome today. his glasses, pressed shirt, and ironed pants. "yes, has she been causing a raucous here too?" you asked, taking a seat at one of the desks.
"well, she asked me if i think you're beautiful," he chuckled.
you paused. you would be lying if you said you didn't feel anything for the man sitting in front of you. he was smart and kind.
"of course, i told her you are a lovely human being inside and out, and to get back to doing her project."
"funny, she was telling me that she and her friends thought we'd make a cute couple." he laughed at that, and it made your chest flutter. you loved his laugh. "cute couple, that's so cute," he gasped.
"yeah i know right. who knew our students would start trying to set us up," you joked. he nodded in agreement getting up after his microwave went off from the other side of the room. "it would be so funny if they actually succeeded, but it does seem a bit pointless at this point, right?" he noted.
"yeah, totally pointless," you agreed.
you and wonwoo, being set up, by your students of all people. it sure would be for the books if it happened like that.
what an absurd idea.
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the rest of the week went as usual, uneventful, but you did get to see wonwoo on the way out of the building and into the parking lot. he held his leather bag in his right hand. "on the way out today?" he asked. "don't you usually do tutoring sessions after school on fridays?"
"we just started a unit, and no one showed up after the fifteen-minute window. i'm out of here," you laughed. he smiled. you loved it when he smiled. "want to walk out together then?" he offered and pushed the door open for you. something about him was so calming and comforting. you smiled and averted your gaze to the floor. even after all these years, he made you a little nervous. you did miss the way he grinned when he caught your shy smile. he loved the way you smiled too. he couldn't wait to see it again, he needed to see it again as soon as possible. he was too lost in thought about the way you smile and the way your voice sounds, that he fell far behind you. "___, wait up," he called as you made your way through the faculty parking lot. he jogged to catch up to you and reached out to grab your hand.
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"i swear i saw him kiss her out in the parking lot," daniel insisted. "they were holding hands too!" at this point, lily was totally unmotivated to get her two favorite teachers together. not after miss ___ shut her down on numerous occasions and mr. jeon was just as friendly but unbothered as ever giving his most PG answers. "whatever, daniel," lily huffed. "they would be so perfect together."
"he's literally telling you that they're together, he saw them kissing!" mina exclaimed. lily rolled her eyes. they were all hallucinating just to make themselves feel better that it was wishful thinking. "true love isn't real!" she cried.
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"it's time to wake up, sweetheart," he mumbled. "you said you had lots of work to do today."
"yeah, well it's my day off too. i'll get to work later," his fiancé groaned.
"oh come on, i know you're desperate to do all that paperwork," he teased. he tugged on the warm body text to him to pull it closer to him. he loved waking up with his wonderful, beautiful, smart fiancé next to him.
he loved waking up next to you.
he knew the kids were asking about him and his love life. kids would be kids of course. "lily won't stop asking about my love life. it's funny since we both teach her," he said.
"i guess, she's never noticed the necklace with the ring hanging around my neck," you chuckled, nuzzling your face into wonwoo's neck. his arms easily wrapped around your body. he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "you know, lily asked me if i had a girlfriend the other week," wonwoo murmured.
"she asked me if i had a boyfriend too," you hummed. "i just told her that it wasn't appropriate to ask that in class."
"i said something similar, but i did tell her i didn't have a girlfriend."
you paused. why would he say that? he was very obviously in a relationship, well obvious to the two of you. he even gave you a ring and a nice dinner to cement your relationship. "i obviously couldn't tell that i didn't have a girlfriend because i have a wonderful, smart fiancé," he laughed. you breathed an internal sigh of relief, but you still hit him in the chest. "that's so stupid," you groaned. "you're catching everyone on a technicality." he thought he was so clever and funny, ever the wordsmith.
"it's so hard not telling the students," wonwoo whispered, and you nodded your head in agreement. he didn't know why the two of you didn't tell the students yet, but the relationship started a bit secretively, almost right after the both of you were onboarded. he guessed the two of you never got out of the whole secret relationship. it was a bit exhilarating keeping the secret between you and him, and the admin. he felt like a teenager again. "maybe we should ease them into it, but let's not let them think it was all them," you said.
"maybe it's time for you to start wearing the ring on your finger then," he commented pulling away to get a better look at you. "i can't wait for you to become mrs. jeon," he smiled.
"yuck, so corny," you rolled your eyes with a smile. "you need to stop with these cheesy sayings early in the morning." nevertheless, you leaned forward and kissed him. he kissed back easily, "come on, i know you like the little notes i leave in your lunch."
"i do, now be quiet and just kiss me."
he did have the whole weekend until he had to go back to school. at least you made the day a little better.
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min | im just in a silly goofy mood LOL. my poor attempt at humor and portraying what high schoolers are like. wonwoo being an english teacher just makes sense!!! reblogs and comments are always appreciated! not proofread at the moment (it's 1 in the morning)
tagging: @a-wandering-stay
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