#lowkey jealous of how beautiful the hands are here lol
luffyvace · 8 months
Nami x female reader ☆
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This gif is so high quality?! And she looks so beautiful here⁉️⁉️😍
I’m writing this with anime nami not opla but I just had to use this gif 😋
shopping w her WILL take hours!
not that you mind! It’s fun!
you guys laugh, make jokes, buy snacks and try on clothes
you two hype each up and “no! Your butt looks fine in those jeans!”
you two are fashion icons
anyone who says otherwise is jealous~
sometimes you do fun challenges where you buy each other clothes and see if you like them
(You always do)
if your silly like luffy/usopp
she doesn’t get as annoyed with you as she with those two but she still scolds you
at least you don’t get hit 🤷‍♀️
”WHY are you going along with those two MORONS’ plans?!”
”why not namiii? It’s fun, you should join us!”
*huffs and turns to get robin instead* “Robiiiin! Could you help me raise the sails?”
your more likely to convince her to goof off than luffy and usopp so they always make you do it
and sometimes she goes with it!
only because she loves you and your silly little smile 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😒(😊)
if your a more serious person though she low key appreciates that!
and by that I mean the fact that you are sane
you might’ve got together because your romantic
like as in you know how to go on an actual date and don’t have a nut for a brain 💖
you buy her paper and pens as gifts
and also clothes!
especially after pirate payday 😉😋👌
you guys likely talk about your past together and if you were there for hers you comfort her
vise versa as well if you joined after her
If your an affectionate person she doesn’t mind but she lowkey prefers to be in private
like little kisses, linking arms and hugs are more than fine (as long as you don’t overdue it)
but being straight up sappy?
That’s not how she rolls..
if you have a lot of energy…..
”calm down y/n! Enough with the kisses!”
”okay okay! Not now!”
never in a mean way or anything
Just do this later will you?! 😅
Stress Sunday <3
where you both vent your feelings to each other weekly (or monthly if chaotic circumstances happen-)
this started because Nami’s stubborn independence and somewhat wack communication skills (LOL)
you initiated it
she agreed because she needed it more than she wanted to admit and knew that
mostly just strawhat stress (luffy, usopp, chopper, sanji and zoro)
you guys go in the girls room, the aquarium (if luffy and usopp ain’t there) or the library on every Sunday you can
you guys talk about the past a lot (as well as some of the straw hats as well)
you both welcome robin with open arms if she wants to join too !!
she pours tea or lemonade and serves the snacks sanji made!
she’s an excellent advisor so listen up👂‼️
doing/washing each other’s hair is a thiiiiiingg!!! 💥💥💥
it’s so relaxing and goes hand in hand with stress Sunday 😍
you both take turns scrubbing the luffys and headaches away
really massaging the scalp and making the other melt in comfort 💗💥💗💥
then you put it up in a cute style for the day/night
and btw when this happens it’s it RELAX time
which means it doesn’t matter if the ship is sinking, flying or doing back flips the navigator is OFF limits
Whatever the straw hats do just don’t let zoro take charge 🤷‍♀️
Nami’s love languages are quality time and some gift giving<33
quality time doesn’t have to be special
as the one who enforces peace around the merry/sunny she appreciates any quiet she can get with you
although a refreshing hot spring/beach date would be ideal….
again it can just be doing simple things;
walking on a new island (that’s not chaotic)
creating maps while you do your hobbies in the same room
watching the ocean/sunset
chatting and eating lunch
all of those little things matter to her 💛
for gift giving 💝
It depends if you like flashy materialistic things or gifts with deep meaning
for flashy gifts she gets you luxurious dresses/suits (if your a more masculine female)
lots of rings
anything of the highest quality for your hobbies
your a writer? A pen that doesn’t hurt your fingers just for you! :)
a artist? Lots and lots of high quality paint!
for more sentimental gifts it’s bracelets with your birthstones
pictures of previous vacations you enjoyed
she’d honestly prob still get you stuff for your hobbies too
and tangerines 🍊🧡
you being a female doesn’t fluster her much or anything
she’s quite content before and after she realizes she loves you/when you start dating
if anyone wants to insult you they can try it-
it’ll only land them in a world full of hurt
and by that I mean Nami’s version of fist of love 😜
Robin is your biggest supporter
Luffy is like the most carefree guy ever
if anything you’ll get a “huhhh?? nami why are you dating a girl?”
😬😒 ✊ 💥💥
he never mentions it again..
zoro really doesn’t care
none of his business 🤷‍♀️
usopp supports! He’s aware of lgbtq+ and doesn’t mind at all<3
sanji is………utterly crushed and disappointed….(ROBIN-CHWAAAAAN~ [he’s going to vent and plead for her love])
chopper is a reindeer….so once you explain it he’s okay with it! c:
franky also knows about lgbtq+ and is probably one.. supports!
brook (♡) is educated and has no qualms<3
(dudes’ like 90 how could he not know?)
jinbei knows what lesbians are, he supports!
for the record if you tell luffy that two girls liking each other = lesbian = lgbtq+ = the thing bon clay is = queer…..he might get it !!
;3 -Brook
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Ayeee I just found this blog and I just watched the movie a second time (For English cast and toootally not mainly Jack black Bowser) and it was AWESOME qwq
Can I have either a fic or hcs of a female reader just as obsessed with Bowser as he is with Peach and reader is here to change his mind, maybe even going as far to bring (and by bring I meant steal) the guy back to reader's castle/palace to show him the collection of him and his kingdom in reader's bedroom, look! reader even have a big statues of him in the private music/dance room where reader dream of dance to his music as he plays, or maybe even dance with him
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My collection so far, I especially like to tell everyone I met about the story of how I got my Bowser and Junior plushie, I'ma share if interested
YOOOOO, Cool Drip! I Love the collection you have. It makes me lowkey jealous lol. I hope you Like what I made! I try to only make head cannons but it turned into this lol.
Marry Me, My Darling Bowser! (1/2)
You stand at the throne of the Bowser himself, with a confident and determined smile across. Bowser looks at you with a genuine look of disgust and annoyance, but that doesn't stop you from getting on one knee and holding out your hand.
"Bowser, My Dragon King! Will you Marry Me?"
He growls as he tries to hold back the fire that was rising in his chest.
"For the last time Pipsqueak, NO!"
You weren't dejected, not even in the slightest, as you stood back up and patted your dress down. You then let out a loud laughter that made His Majesty's eyes glow red.
"AHAHAH! Always a jokester. Is this any way to treat your future wife?"
"I mean it!!" "Aw, Come on. Don't be shy! I even proposed myself, so you didn't feel like you had to. We were just meant to be!"
Bowser claws at his throne as a bottle of rage was about to erupt inside of him. His minions look at him nervously, backing away ever so slightly.
"Are you dense?! I hate you! I don't harbor anything for you! I Only love Peach. Why can't you just leave me alone!?!"
Everything was coming out of one ear as you slyly grin at him.
"Playing hard to get, huh? I like that in a man." A vein pops on Bowser's head. "Oh please, my darling. Let me make me happy. I'll be the best wife you'll ever have!!......Well,only wife you'll have too!"
Bowser's Flame comes in your direction, The flame barely missing a part of your dress that was scorched when you dodged it.
"........Alright, I understand. You're a little stressed and the proposal was lacking. Don't worry! I'll come back with a better one next week. Get some rest, My love!" As you exit, the Koopa guards quickly closed the door in order to subside the King's anger. With a heavy groan, Bowser turns to Kamek, who jolts in surprise.
"If that Girl so much as steps into this Kingdom, I want her thrown out immediately. Got it!"
"Y-Yes Sire!!"
Aw Man!! I really thought I had him with that one!!" You pouted as you stomped around the room in a huff.
"Your Highness, please come down." Your attendant calmly says, watching your miniature tantrum.
Oh Yeah. I forgot to mention an important detail.
You are Princess (Y/N), Ruler of the Poison Shroom Kingdom. Your Kingdom was Known for its vicious wildlife of piranha, the poisonous ecosystem of purple ooze, and not to mention the not-so-soft toads that were under your rule as they were taller stronger, and more intimidating than that of the Mushroom Kingdom, with darker tones to match. Safe to say, you don't get many visitors around here.
But it's not so bad wants you get used to it. It was home to you. The purple theme of the castle was beautiful to those who took the time to see it. It was also home to many rare herbs and medicine for those needing cures for ailments of any kind, with you being an expert on the topic yourself.
This is one of the reasons why the Toads also like you as their ruler. You were very kind to them and actually cared about them, no matter how dangerous a job was. They are extremely loyal to you to a fault. They respect every decision you make. Well, almost.
"Honestly, Princess. I don't see what you see in such a brute anyway. He's such a monster. I don't see how you love such a dangerous creature in the first place."
You let out a dramatic gasp, looking back at your royal attendant who just rolled their eyes at who.
"Toadye!! That is no Monster! That is my Future Dragon King!! He just has a hard time saying his true feelings about me is all! We're soulmates, I just know it!"
Toadye, your most loyal attendant. She is also what you consider to be your best (only) friend as she has been with you for the longest time. She was a tall toad, her mushroom heads a dark violet with black spots at the center, and dark black hair to compliment her look.
"Princess, as your servant and as your friend. He has too many red flags."
"He just a little misunderstood. I swear that I have the charm to break his walls."
Toadye gives you a look.
"Right, you mean that time you 'invited' him to our Kingdom he oh so loved visiting."
Right. So, you maaaaay have 'technically' kidnapped him that one time to get home to your Kingdom. But it was for a good reason!!!
"That was a misunderstanding! I was going to just patch him up after he got hurt by his many battles. He was unconscious so I was sure he didn't mind if I brought him home to heal him."
"Ma'am, he literally tried to burn your face off and destroyed half the village."
"Well....Water under the bridge. :)"
Toadye slaps her face in exhaustion. Man, were you as stubborn as a mule."
"Toadye, I swear. He isn't as bad as he seems to be." You walk over to your bed, picking up a large homemade Bowser Plushie, and hugging it to your body.
"I see something in those large ruby eyes. I just want him to give me a chance. It'll happen soon, I just know it.
Toadye looks at you hugging and swooning for the Plush in your hands and sighs. She doesn't get it, but she'll stand by you in your pursuit.
Bowser flinches at the familiar voice and groans. Peach looks at him confused in the cage she is being held prisoner in. Mario was the only one that could make his face scrunch up in displeasure like that, but she didn't recognize the voice that entered out of nowhere.
Several noises of struggles could be heard in the distance as the castle violently shook a bit, a red koopa came it sliding on the back of his shell, knocked out and dizzy which made Peach flinch at the chaos that was happening.
She was surprised to see a woman come from the throne room entrance. And a royal too! She's kinda like her.
"Bowser! My Beloved, Please Marry Me! I'd fight a thousand koopas for you!" You say with a love-struck gaze in your eyes that made Peach give you a look. By the chaos that was happening behind you, she could tell you weren't lying.
Well, more or less like her.
Bowser glares down at you. Fighting the urge to throw you out.
"You got a lot of nerve coming back here."
"A wife never leaves her husband alone too long." :)
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"Why must you push away your soon-to-be wife like so" You put on your best crocodile tears to tease him a bit.
"Grrrr." a low grumble can be heard from his chest.
He rubbed his face, letting out a puff of smoke. He then glances back at Peach for a quick second and gives a smirk back at you.
"As you can see, I am far too busy making arrangements for the actual love of my life. If you can excuse us, I'm busy with my conversation with Peach." The sneered in his condescending tone made it clear that he was dropping huge hints at you.
however, you only look at the cage that he was presenting to you with a blank stare. Peach felt herself shrink at your gaze. If you love Bowser this much, she didn't know what to do if you saw her as a potential threat. It's bad enough that she has to deal with Bowser.
"Peach..." You mumbled softly. As you took a step forward towards her cage, causing her to take a slight step back in the limited space.
But She wasn't ready for the full sprint that you took towards her, jumping into the bars of her cage, griping tight as you cause the cage to jerk in place. Peach jumps back at your sudden movements as she feels her heart in her mouth from your sudden closeness. She almost lost one of her lives there.
"You're Peach! I've finally got to meet you in Person! My Fiancé has talked about you a lot! You rule the Mushroom Kingdom I Believe. You are so much prettier than he ever described you to be! We should hang out! Have you ever seen the Poison Mushroom Kingdom! I could be your tour guide! I'm Princess (Y/N) btw." You rambled to Peach, not taking a second to breathe.
"Uh,....huh....ummm?" Peach could only look at you flabbergasted at the energy that you have leaped at her with. Your forwardness and surprising friendliness made her forget the predicament that she was in. "Hi?"
"Hey! Leave the Princess alone, Pipsqueak!!" Bowser stomped his way towards you, causing Peach to jump again, being reminded of his presence here.
"Relax, My love. I was just making a friend. Sitting in this cage must be so tiring for a Princess like her.' You turn to look back at her. " Hey, wanna get out of this cage and hang? I got some great places to recommend. Do you like Pizza-"
Bowser could be heard behind you. He quickly grabs you in his claws and gives you a slight squeeze to make you stop your rambles. He brings you close to his face, and you see his eyes glow red in anger. "Listen, Brat. I'm tired of your games and your stubborn delusions getting in the way of my happiness. Get out of here before I am forced to burn you to a crisp!!
You noticed the flames that can be heard in his throat and frowned at him with a disappointed look on your face, "So mean.... This isn't how you're supposed to treat your spouse." You whispered but you quickly bring a smile to your face. ".... Alright fine. I'll go." You jump out the bars of the cage and run back to the entrance.
"I'll just wait until the red guy saves you again. I saw him not too long ago. It shouldn't be long. I'll make sure to visit you once you're back home. Bye, Peach!" You run out before Bowser can yell out at you for the backhand insult that you gave him.
Peach found herself slowly waving goodbye out you even though you were already gone.
She wouldn't mind if she saw you again.
Bowser Huffs at you then turns back to Peach, trying to fix face with his 'charming' smile.
"Now. Where were we~?"
Peach Rolls her eyes. Oh brother.
It's been about a week after the faithful encounter with Princess Toadstool herself, but you promised to visit her as soon as possible when she got saved.
You stood at the entrance of Prach's Castle. Two of her toads stood up right at the entrance with shields, guarding the door. The toads that decided to accompany you stared at them with an 'unimpressed ' look written on their face, including a dangerous aura that surrounded your toad guards. Toadye was right beside you, making sure nothing funny was happening.
The toads that were guarding the door already looked petrified.
"What...What business do you have here?" The toad on the asked, standing his ground.
You walked up to them calmly, with a big smile on your face.
"Good afternoon, Citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom. My name is (y/n). I have come from the Kingdom of the Poison Mushrooms, and I am the princess of that Kingdom. My business today is to speak with the Princess of this castle. She was rescued not too long ago, and I felt a princess on- on-one would be a nice way for her to relax after the stressful situation."
You greeted as gracefully as you could with your gloved hands held tight to each other in anticipation. the looks on the guards' faces didn't ease up the anxiety that swell inside your chest. They seemed even more on edge hearing your Kingdom's name.
one clears his throat and straightens up. "I'm sorry that you have come this far, your majesty. But our Princess is very busy at the moment. I'm afraid she is not taking any visitors as of now"
Your smile falls a little at this news. Surely she could have enough time to at least speak with you. It has been a while and the path to becoming best friends is to keep in touch with one another.
"A-Are you sure? I don't mind waiting a little bit, but I would be happy to speak with her for just a few minutes. Just to let her know that I'm here?"
"We highly suggest that you come at another time. The p-princess has enough on her plate as it is." The other guard speaks up.
"Are you suggesting that your princess can't handle a few minutes to speak to a guest that has so graciously come all this way to check on her wellbeing?" Toadye buts in, crossing their arms together and glaring at the guards.
the guards' eyes widened in astonishment at her blunt words that they could barely register what she said."
"W-What are you implying?"
"I'm just curious as to why Princess Peach has two of her door guards tell us that she couldn't possibly come to the door for royal company. Are 2 minutes of her time that valuable that she can't tell us herself that she cannot have guests or.....Are you perhaps lying through your teeth?" She says without batting an eye at the two, making the toads hold their breaths.
You step in.
"HEeheh,ummmm, what my advisor is trying to say is that...We just want to see if the Princess is okay. I consider her to be someone I find a connection with, and I just want to bring relief to her Princess life. Someone who understands. But if she is too busy, I guess we'll leave."
the solemn look on your face hits the guards with hard guilt to their chest. they didn't think you would be this ad about it. before they could say anything else, the castle doors begin to open. Everyone steps back and it reveals Princess Peach herself with an elderly toad next to her.
She looks surprised to see your standing there with your own guard and advisor. "Princess (Y/N)?"
"Peach!!" You run up to her and gave her a big hug, but then quickly let go to hold onto her hands, with a huge smile on your face.
The guards, your guards, the elderly toad, and Toadye look with shock at your forward approach to Peach. It was so casual that it seemed like a capital offense.
Peach flinched at the sudden display of affection, but she soon calmed down and actually began to smile as well. She held your hands in hers too. It was actually nice to see you visit.
"Princess (Y/N), I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show up today. I was starting to think something bad had happened."
"Pfft what no! I'm alright. I heard from your guards that you were too busy today. I was about to leave."
"Really. Is that so?" Peach gave the guards a look that made them look the other way. "No matter. I want to get to know you. I have tea and cake waiting inside the castle. Oh! -"
The princess looks back at the elderly toad by her side. 'Princess (Y/n), this is Toadswroth, he is my royal advisor and has taken care of me ever since I was a baby."
You step back and bow politely, albeit a little clumsily though.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Toadsworth. You look go for your age. You must be a hard-working toad!" He only chuckles and bows back.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, princess."
You stand back up and gesture to Toadye. "Thsi is my loyal advisor Toadye. We are like two peas in a pod and she's been protecting me since I was young. she may be a bit mean, but she's really a sweetheart! Right,Toadye?
She stares at them for a second and gives a nod in acknowledgment. "A pleasure." As aloof as ever.
Princess Peach breaks the awkward silence with a cough. "Now then, let's have tea shall we?" She gestures inside as you go inside the castle.
You're very first Tea party!
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wikiangela · 1 year
fuck it friday
tagged by @panbuckley @transbuck @honestlydarkprincess thank youuu 💖💖💖
just so happens I just started a new fic this morning and have 1k of it already - it's possessive buddie fic (I know it doesn't look like it rn but it is gonna be a smut bc apparently I write smut now lol), and the song 'bad things' by mgk lowkey inspired it lmao (I wasn't gonna write anything until I finish the holiday fic chapter but this was stronger than me haha)
So, yeah, maybe Eddie had reasons to think they were finally moving in the right direction. Maybe he was delusional, though, because apparently Buck’s dating again. Eddie wants to scream. And maybe make Buck realize that they have something beautiful and special right here, and he doesn’t need to go looking elsewhere. 
“I’m going on a date next Friday.” Buck repeats slowly, clearly noticing how tense Eddie got. Eddie can feel Buck’s confused gaze on the back of his head. “I was getting coffee and this guy asked me out, and I figured why not. Maybe it’s time to get back out there. And this time not jump into anything serious with someone I barely know.” he adds with a small chuckle. Eddie chuckles, too, but it comes out bitter, and Buck’s laughter dies in his throat. 
“You’re going on a date.” he repeats, as he slowly puts the half-washed plate down in the sink, and dries his hands.
“Uh, yeah. What’s wrong with that?” Buck sounds confused, and when Eddie finally turns around to face him, there’s a frown on his face.
“Nothing, I just-” he shakes his head, and scoffs. “I just thought that maybe we’re finally on the same page. That you knew how I feel about you, and maybe you might feel the same-” words are pouring out of him, he’s not even registering what he’s saying, and he can’t gauge how bad of an idea it is at the moment. Right now it’s the jealous, possessive part of him doing the talking, the part that doesn’t want Buck to date anyone who’s not Eddie. “I thought we were just taking it slow, building up to it, but clearly I was wrong.” he doesn’t look at Buck, he can’t, or he might just start crying. He can’t go through this again, he can’t watch Buck try to be happy with yet another person, just to end up with a broken heart, and of course Eddie’s going to be there for him, he always is, but he knows that his own heart can’t take this again.
No pressure tags: @silentxxsoul @diazass @elvensorceress @mrevanbuckley @translasso @shortsighted-owl @911onabc @alyxmastershipper @prince-buck-diaz @thewolvesof1998 @thebravebitch @spotsandsocks
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aria-ashryver · 6 months
Do any of your MCs get upset if they see their LIs notice someone attractive? Does their LI get upset if their MC does the same?
oooh ty for the ask! here's a handful of MCs who have been on my mind lately 💘
Immortal Desires | Luca, Cas, Gabriel: These 3 are super comfortable in a closed poly triad; seeing how attracted their partner is to their other partner is a huge source of joy for them.
Gabriel doesn't frequently experience attraction to people (who aren't Cas or Luca) beyond "oh, huh, yeah I guess objectively that person is aesthetically pleasing, now that you point it out. Cas and Luca will be like "damn, that person is hot" when they are out and about and see someone they find attractive, and the other will just shrug and agree lol
BOLAS | Dorian and the crew: In my Blades fics, there's a poly dynamic amongst the gang; its not everyone paired with everyone, but there are lots of interconnected relationships (like... Dorian x Nia; Dorian x Aerin; Dorian x Mal (non-romantic); Mal x Tyril, etc etc. I'm still figuring things out with them.)
The only one who gets super jealous is Aerin (which stems from a deeeep insecurity), but its early days -- he'll grow!
Kindred | Briar x Kaine: Kaine has a little bit of a possessive streak, so. Yeah, she gets jealous sometimes haha. Briar 10000% uses this to wind her up, because hi???? Kaine was literally the Mistress of Desire??? And she gets lowkey snotty when the pretty waitress at IHOP tells Briar she has a beautiful smile?? Kaine, you're an absolute dork, my love.
Dirty Little Secrets | Fanxing x Bowen: I love these two! Bowen (my Charles) knows Fanxing loooooves attention, so he'll actively point out when someone is checking him out, knowing that Fanxing will be all "omg I'm so pretty!!! 🥺💕💌💘💫😍" and ride that high for a good couple hours haha
Wake the Dead | Naya x Eli: honestly, they are having a good day if they even have the time to notice whether someone is attractive, because, typically, the first thing they'll be noticing about a stranger is whether or not said stranger is about to try and eat their face
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bangtanpromptsfics · 3 years
hyacinth. (m)
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dialogue prompt #3: “Your tutor is so hot”
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: f2l(?), light smut
word count: 1,540
warnings: heavy making out, grinding, blonde!jk
summary: you think your new tutor at school is hot and jungkook is determined to change that
a/n: another mature oneshot. I basically die from embarrassment while writing smut lol.
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“Your tutor is so hot”. Jungkook turns around to your attention so fast he could probably snap his neck.
“Mr. Seokjin? ”, he knows who you are talking about. The new personality development tutor of your school, more like the entire population’s crush at this point. And Jungkook hated him just for the same reasons, it seems petty but he can't help himself.
“Go fuck him then”, he snorts, swinging his back pack from one shoulder to another while you grin. Almost as on queue, Seokjin appears on the hallways and passes a smile towards all the students.
“Oh yes. Look at that a--”
“I guess that's enough for today, come on we gonna get late”, he grabs your arms and pushes you forward to move, having enough of your daily ranting about angelic beauty and who the hell laughs at some dad joke?
“When were you ever interested in math Kook?”, you tease him, resisting him to walk slower, “Oh are you perhaps… jealous!? ”
“I'm not jealous. You are annoying”, he shoots cold face.
“Hey! I'm just saying he's attractive you don't have to be so mean about it”, you whine, hitting his arm.
You see, the fact that Seokjin stole Jungkook’s high school heartthrob position in two days is one thing, but he never expected you to act the same, especially when you were so different from most students on the campus. In fact he is shocked to see you crushing on someone. You despised people in general and he kept wondering what's there in their teacher to be so lurk about because he honestly doesn't see anything.
“He's old. And everyone knows he has a girlfriend, you guys dumb or what? ”, Jungkook teases back.
“Doesn't mean I can't praise a beautiful human”
“So he's the only attractive guy in the school? ”, he's curious now and also lowkey wants to find out if you had felt anything like this about himself.
Jungkook knew he was hot. He knew he could destroy Seokjin's reputation with one different hair color but that's too much drama over nothing. As if there isn't ten assignment waiting for him at home. Yeah he got better things to do.
“Nope”, comes your immediate answer. And man that hurt. You are smart and cocky and it would be cool to know someone like you finds him attractive, but you just hurt his ego.
“Not even me? ”, he asks, all squeaky and with a small pout and you return him a smile.
“See you at 7 Kook”
School ends at 5, and thankfully both of your residence are nearby and there's a party hosted by Jimin at his house which is a five minute drive so Jungkook has roughly one hour and fourty five minutes to make an appearance to the party. And by appearance he means to look absolutely endearing. He's never the type to bang a lot of chicks, he didn't even need to do anything than to wear a black tee and jeans to a party and could still get laid. If he wanted sex, he can have that any time he wants.
But today is different.
He's never been this eager to be at a gathering, took time to pick outfits and oh dye his hair. He has never experimented with hair colors except that one time he tried red and got famous by the name ‘cherry head’ in the entire locality.
You of course give yourself the usual thirty minutes to do slight makeup and wear shorts with oversized tee styled enough to merge into the party. And boy you have no idea what you are going to witness today.
Jungkook arrives ten minutes late because the highlights took time to dry off. He styles them, but not too much. He still wanted to look effortlessly handsome and got that long abandoned shear black shirt with blue jeans.
“Woah is that Jungkook!?”, some girls whisper beside the bar you are currently seated at and you turn around, only to feel a pang to your chest. Fuck. A completely look through shirt with fucking tight blue denim is he fucking kidding? And blonde hair? Yeah it's that complete ‘drool over me bitches’ package.
You suddenly feel self aware of how simple you looked. He should have given a heads up because one needs several business days to process blonde Jungkook. He seemed unrecognizable.
“Woah… What's up with this new look!?”, you approach finally. Many people eye him shamelessly in your peripheral vision which is pretty much obvious.
“Nothing. Just felt like it”, he grins, having won you. Jungkook is not attractive who? Yeah he bets Seokjin will never pull off this look.
“You like it? ”, and he undoes first two buttons, exposing a bit of his toning straight to your eyes. Is he fucking teasing? You want to confront him because he's acting weird. But you don't know if this is because you feel different around him.
“Y-yeah… It's good”, you tug a smile.
“Wanna dance?”, he asks and you nod, taking your hand to the dance floor. Most people are wasted but both of you are not. So when you feel him touching more than usual, you are absolutely aware that it's not an accident.
He holds you so close all the time, as if it's something you do daily. Fuck.
“Hold me like this”, he says out of nowhere and throws your hand behind his neck. He knows what he's doing. And you are aware too, but too weak in knees to retract. You hate that you are actually enjoying this and he loved it.
“Y/n….”, he whispers to your ear, tucking a strand of your hair behind it, “Can I kiss you love? ”
Your nod is so soft and innocent before you give in. Most people who were looking forward for Jungkook’s company give up and hook up with other guys around because they know he isn't here for anybody else.
He flushes your hips against his as he kisses you, obviously tongue all the way. He doesn't know why but he wanted to shut your mouth exactly like this whenever you swooned over Seokjin. And he is most certain that all those memories are perished along with the kiss.
He pulls your bottom lip out and looks into your eyes and grinds his hip on yours, and you moan lowly. He internally curses at how sweet you sounded.
“Come with me”. He pulls you out of the crowd and into a private cubicle where people usually make out. And thankfully there was one vacant.
But he isn't quick to act once inside the space. He takes his time to lock the door and to sit at that one chair in the centre, manspreading luxuriously for you to see.
You never did anything like this with Jungkook. It was not like you had friend zoned him, you actually don't know why, all these years you spent casually flirting and shrugging off with each other, and now you can't wait to devour him.
You make your way to his lap and sit right on his hips, sighing at the contact. He grabs the back of your head and pushes it towards him. His other hand taps your butt to continue grinding which you happily do so.
He continues exploring your skin, hooking his hands on your shirt and rubbing circles at the skin there. Feeling his cold hands, you move to undo two more of his buttons to get a peak of his pecs, something you wanted to do the moment you saw him.
He moans into your mouth when your movements start to get him worked up, feeling high and ecstatic. Even with the denim shorts on, the dent on his pants was enough to get you close to orgasm.
“J-Jungkook… ”, you trail off, head slightly falling back which he catches.
“Go on love, almost there”. Fuck. You loved it when he called you names, but this one was, exceptionally very much turning you on.
He detaches his mouth to suckle on your collar bone, exposing it by pulling your t shirt slightly down. It becomes all too much, and you focus on the knot forming at your stomach.
Jungkook stops kissing you, indicating he's chasing his high several moments after yours, glad that both opted for thick denims as bottoms to cover the mess you made.
“We should've done this way before”, you imply, separating the strands of his hair sticking to his forehead.
“We could've, but you were busy drooling over some teacher”, he smugs.
“So you were jealous! ”.
Unfortunately his cocky being doesn't have an answer for that so he dodges it with another long kiss, breaking off with a loud smooch.
“God I can kiss you forever Y/n…”
“And...then? ”, you ask your confusion. You don't know what's your relationship with Jungkook is anymore, now that you had made out with him.
“... then… maybe you'll fall in love with me?”
“See you at the party Kook”, you peck the corner of his lips and get off his lap. After taking a moment to fix your outfit, you leave the cubicle.
And Jungkook knew exactly what he was going to do.
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Thank you so much for reading!! ♡
Original Content of ©bangtanpromptfics
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dioko · 3 years
how the guys are when theyre drunk lol idk
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Characters — Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Shinso
Content — x gn! reader pairing, aged up headcanons, mentions of alcohol, drinking, literally iss just fluff/crack
A/N — I thought these panels of the boys were super cute -- enjoy!!
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— i would like to first say he boasts a lot about being able to hold his liquor
— i mean... he's eh, he's okay, can fake being sober for about half an hour
— then the alcohol HITS
— have you seen the way he is when he's calm
— that, now 1000x
— my guy is having an identity crisis in the middle of a party
— "'Tsuki? Katsuki, you okay?" Gently as possible, you shake his shoulder, but he doesn't feel it because drunk ignores it.
"Ngh," he groans back at you.
— Soulless eyes LMAO staring into absolutely nothing
— gets super touchy, but in a subtle way
— he just pokes your hand/plays with your hair
— I'm sorry he throws up real bad all the time, no matter how much he's drunk that night
— will remember pieces of his unsoberness the next day
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— holy smokes, you didn't think he could get anymore riot-y
— jus imagine 7-foot-tall Red Riot losing it over a game of MarioKart PLSS
— keeps his quirk activated for absurdly long times for no reason at all
— if you try to touch him though, he'll immediately deactivate wherever you're trying to reach (ie. his shoulder) so he doesn't hurt you accidentally
— tells a lot of stories
— i don't know if it's this image in particular of him, but i get radical drunk party uncle vibes from him
— cries
— soooo cheesy
— "Ahh, baby," he grins cheekily, "you're so beautiful!"
"Thank you, Eiji. You're drunk, let's go."
"Yeah, just gimme a sec," he stops moving.
"Wanna admire your face. M'so lucky to have ya," he slurs.
— it gives you butterflies hehe
— remembers everything that happened
— aware of drunkenness but not in full control of it
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— the sad, philosophical drunk
— no like seriously, he says some thought-provoking things and talks too much about growing facial hair to actually look 27
— but then theres a shift and he starts crying sldmdkksks
— makes himself sad and gets super paranoid
— "Nononono, y/n, stay right here," he gestures to his side.
— forgive him, he just wants to keep you safe from the ever-intimidating fork on your table
— he WILL bring up his pet dog from when he was 11 and how it went to a farm 🙂
— but don't worry, he's adorable
— lots of compliments, and he doesn't really expect you to say anything back UNLESS he's saying 'i love you'
— "Y/n, y/n, y/n, y-"
"Denki, what?" You laughed.
"I loooveee you," he slurs, "now say it back."
"Say what back?" You toy with him.
He frowns, "say 'i love you, too'."
"But you already know I do!"
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— sober drunk don't even try to fight me on this
— the way Sero can hold his liquor- my god
— he can maintain steady conversations and you would never know he was drunk, except for the slight wobble in his steps
— he also stops filtering what he says and becomes weirdly honest
— the downside is he barely remembers what happens the next day
— "Hey, y/n!" He skips into your apartment like nothing; it's these days at 2 in the morning that you forget why you bothered to give him a set of keys.
"Sero - it's past midnight!"
"Yeah," he rolls his eyes, "why are you still awake?"
"I could ask you the same thing!"
He actually sits and talks to you for a really long time before he finally slips up and-
"Wait - Hanta, are you drunk?"
"What, you'd think I'd randomly drop into your house in the dead of night on a normal day?"
"Well, I mean - you're you!"
He thinks about it, "touché."
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— creepy quiet. like you think he's quiet normally? get ready suckers
— a man of many actions - becomes a lot more expressive when he's drunk
— scratches the dilf™️ stubble out of drunken habit
— it's so funny wtf
— lowkey he gets possessive
— "Yeah! So, then I tried going to-" you stop abruptly, feeling something warm squeeze your arm. "-'toshi? What're you doing?"
Without a word, he tries to pull you away from your friend.
"Wait, wait - sorry!" You shrug at them and follow the purple haired man, "Hitoshi, what are you doing?"
— he doesn't know where he's going either lmao
— tells you to talk, he wants to converse but at the moment he's physically incapable of saying more than a couple sentences
— WILL answer any questions you ask him [get those secrets 😩/j]
— "So, did you pull me away because you were jealous, Hitoshi?"
He purses his lips. "Mhm... can't say."
"Yes you can! I'm trustworthy," you nod knowingly.
"So?" You urge.
"I... I..." he falls asleep. Passes out, whatever ya wanna call it.
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crybabyddl · 4 years
Yes, let’s circle back to the beautiful performance of Edge of Great. More specifically the BODY LANGUAGE, particularly Julie and Luke’s, which I will be analyzing with gifs.
Exhibit A
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Jealous Luke looks over at Julie and Reggie vibing
Julie is aware that she’s avoiding Luke, which she is doing so bc she realized her feelings for him thanks to Flynn earlier in the episode.
Since Julie has put the task of ignoring Luke upon herself even though she has no obligation to, she ends up failing her own mission. She sees Luke’s reaction to the lack of her attention.
She literally FREEZES. She’s emotionally worried to confront what she’s feeling and it’s beginning to manifest physically.
Exhibit B
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It gets better y’all. After Luke finally has even a crumb of Julie’s attention, he beckons her over with his signature head tilt. This is important bc he did this with his longtime bandmate during the soundcheck of what would’ve been their biggest performance. If he feels comfortable enough using that body language with a girl he’s only known for, what, a week and a half(?) then you know this puppy boy’s got it BAD.
Julie is well aware that Luke is getting jealous. But in classic Julie fashion, she will try to tune it out instead of addressing it. Our wicked beauty doesn’t like confrontation and would rather just deny and avoid than potentially make things awkward, especially when she knows Luke would ask her about it at a later time.
The look on Julie’s face. Her eyes widen and the classic tight-lipped awkward smile is present. She’s literally saying “ok enough of that let’s get back to work doo doo doo” with her face. The way her body SWINGS back into performance mode as she faces the audience again. It may have been a split second, but when you’re deliberately trying to avoid looking into the dreamy (dead) eyes of someone you shouldn’t be crushing on, any amount of time feels too long. Plus, she knows Flynn is watching and doesn’t want her to lecture her (but she does anyway bc Flynn is observant and knows her bestie too well to let any action slip past her).
Exhibit C
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Keep in mind; NONE OF THE GUYS KNOW WHY JULIE IS AVOIDING LUKE. Flynn, Alex, and Reggie have noticed the Juke chemistry, but it’s still too soon for them to get past the “we like each other but we’re too clueless to notice that we reciprocate” phase, so even though their respective besties know, they are still denying. Besides, Reg, Alex, and Flynn know better than to keep pestering if they want to keep their kneecaps. In reality they’re both smart enough to tell by this point, but for the sake of the plot and to make everything more adorably frustrating, Flynn has the collective brain cell under lock and key, leaving Juke to be like *dog tilting its head and making that “a-roo?” noise*
Anyway, Reggie notices Luke being snubbed after realizing that his extra dose of Julie time was slightly out of the ordinary. Luke is clearly concerned (look at his eyebrows and how his eyes travel from Reggie, to Julie, then to the audience to trying and get his mind off it and bring his focus back to the main goal; the performance.) If he can’t have the moment of connection with Julie that he so desperately craves, he’s gonna fill that void as best he can by connecting with the audience. >:’)
But Reggie’s trying to help Luke brush it off by conveying his reaction as ‘look at julie coming into her own! i told you she was a star! and you thought you were the lead singer? think again buddy this girl’s got you beat!’
But since Reggie isnt a master at hiding his feelings yet, especially around Luke, —who was able to get under his skin earlier (“girls, am i right?”)—Luke was easily able to see through that and interpreted what Reggie was saying as “look at julie go, she all in the zone. you’re literally making heart eyes at her get a grip you’re slacking lmao” (hence luke’s right eyebrow quirking at reggie like ‘dude seriously gimme a break u know i need attention like tinkerbell’) even though Reggie’s true message was a bit less harsh and more lovingly teasing, but it’s Luke, he sees things through his eyes and at his intensity, regardless of who it’s coming from. (This is one of the reasons why Luke comes off as selfish at times.)
Exhibit D
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Poor Lukey boi can’t seem to catch a break today! Not only does Julie ignore him, then has a cute lil (platonic but it’s luke so it still makes him jealous >:P) moment, but now she has the AUDACITY to interact with Alex? The guy who was out learning Ghost 101 with this Willie guy instead of rehearsing with the band? What gives?! What’s he got that your moody ghost bf doesn’t? >:’(
He literally just watches, and even glances back in a way that, to me, screams ‘did i see that right? did i just see what i just saw with my own dreamy (but dead) eyes? say sike rn.’ \_(*_*)_/
Meanwhile, Alex pays no mind. I like to think that Alex is fully aware that Luke is an angry boy rn, but has learned to ignore it, especially this bc literally NOTHING happened. Either that or Alex has no clue and just truly thinks nothing of it and is having too much fun to think about Luke’s moody and childish behavior. Either way, Alex is just straight chilling and we love to see it *^_^*
Notice how Reggie is right there vibing with Julie and Alex. Luke feels a bit betrayed like ‘not you too! i know you were the first to turn on me but i figured since you’re such a golden retriever you’d be loyal and come back to my side!😠🥲’
Also; Luke approaches the rest of the group, wanting to be included in at least SOME of the vibing, but when Julie starts dancing and smiling with her buddy Alex, he backs up like
“you know what? nope. nevermind. not doin’ it.”
and the group’s like “i mean hey it’s your loss, but luke we want you to-”
“no, bc you chose to piss me off right in front of my face so no luke time for any of you! no cuddles, no hugs, no nothing! you made your bed, now lie in it and perish.”
Exhibit E & F: This is where it gets a bit interesting and theorized hehe...
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Now we all know that this moment is just fucking ICONIC
But hear me out– HEAR ME OUT!
What if... now don’t shoot the messenger who just so happens to also be the theorist... but what if...
WHAT IF!!! Luke didn’t!! plan this?!!!
Listen i know you’re probably thinking:
“Well uh Nicole, isn’t that kinda the whole point? It literally wasn’t planned until Charlie realized Madi was gonna be standing on the piano so he suggested the idea for the guitar solo to Kenny.”
And you’re right! But here’s the kicker:
What if Luke THE CHARACTER, just decided to do this as an “Alright that’s it! You wanna be like that? Well what if I just hit you with my super awesome radical totally cool wowza guitar skills & make a moment between us? Huh? What do you think about that? Hmm? HMMM???!!!”
He licks his lips & that to me read** like he was nervous (**read rhyming with bed just to clarify) so that means it could’ve been a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment thing.
In the second gif, you can see that Julie’s head is tilted, as if she’s a bit confused, but she’s also delightfully surprised.
Julie is quick to smile and scrunch her nose at Luke, something she does often. It tells Luke his impulsive action garnered a positive response from his favorite girl. Julie also starts to shake her head, but doesn’t go through the motion in full, which means she’s still a bit nervous to let her guard down. This is probably because she doesn’t know what he’s thinking or what he will do next. The lopsided smile mixed with the suave, gliding steps towards her probably brought her back to her daydream lol.
Luke’s happy bc Julie’s no longer ignoring him. He smiles like a GOOBER bc this chump is simping HARD for our Julie. So cute! :’)
Exhibit G
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And hear me when I offer this:
What if Luke poofed the guys out???
I know, I know. It’s a bold claim to make. But the boys are special, considering they are a threat to Caleb (3 gay-variant himbos vs. a gay magician that could’ve been on broadway but decided to make some sort of deal with a devil so he just entertains capitalists who most likely sold their souls to get into the hgc which i will probably elaborate on in a future theory so dont do that bc im gonna lmao idc we all have big brains) So it’s not too crazy to think that they could share some ghost powers.
We know Caleb transported the guys during You Got Nothing to Lose. And the guys have left a place at the exact same time on more than one occasion.
And you may be thinking “well what if the guys poofed out to give juke a moment alone together?” And to that I say...
Look at Reggie. He isn’t looking back at Alex like “dude let’s give them some space.”
The timing of him turning around, at least to me, makes me think Reggie was surprised by Luke approaching the piano. (But also he lowkey was waiting for Luke to prove him wrong by doing something to get Julie’s attention so Reggie isn’t mad. Neither is Alex but he doesn’t like being told how or WHEN to ghost) Luke doesn’t even give his bandmates a warning eyebrow quirk, a hand signal, nothing. Reggie turns to Alex like ‘dude what is he DOING?’ And before he can even really convey that, they go *POOF*
This man had a plan and he was gonna do it, so he did. Whether it’s the power of love, they stopped performing, or Reggie and Alex actually poofed out, the odds worked in Luke’s favor so he and Julie could have a super special moment, a moment special enough to make an actual living person (Nick) wonder if a “hologram” has a better chance at connecting with Julie than he does.
Again, regardless of who made them poof or how they poofed, they mf poofed so Luke’s a happy hamster. (Idk it just sounded fitting instead of happy camper lol wait what if someone had 3 pet hamsters and named them alex reggie and luke🥺 someone buy some hamsters and let me be their godmother or their aunt and i’ll love them from afar.) Anyway, Luke’s thriving, flourishing, his crops are going to grow in time for the harvest.
You can see Julie lean back as she turns to see Luke. It’s... almost as if... She. Wasn’t. Expecting. Him. To. Be. There..??
Honey badger Luke bc he DGAF <|:) Bitch, it’s Luke mf Patterson and he’s gonna,, GET! IN! YOUR! FAAAACE!!!
You CANNOT tell me he’s not doing the absolute MOST to try and seduce Miss Juliana Mariposa Rose Molina.
Yes I’m making a headcanon that Julie has TWO middle names and that one of them is the spanish word for butterfly and that the other is her mother’s name. Also yes, I believe (i believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re– oh, that’s not what we’re doing? okay, sorry!) that Juliana is Julie’s full name.
In this house we love and respect Juliana Mariposa (Dahlia)** Rose Molina
**I’m just putting Dahlia there for fun bc I can. :) Whether I’d consider it a possible middle name of hers depends. Anyway I just thought it was a cute thing to add bc it goes along with the other middle names I gave her *^_^* Also, I feel like I made a post giving a bunch of the characters middle names lemme see if I can find it later)
Ok i’m done this took me basically all day from like 10am until 4:08. I obviously took breaks in between, but not long ones...😶
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httpdabi · 3 years
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His property
Word count: 6.0k
Genre: SMUT, maybe angst, romantic ? Lots of Dabi lol not sure if it’s yandere... yeah
Warnings: 18+, kidnapping I guess, fire play. Not sure how old Melissa actually is, so if she’s underage in anime, here she’s at least 21 y/I and allowed to drink
Qurikless OC being "saved" from not so hero person. :)
Being quirkless didn’t bother me that much. Sure, i was jealous when my friends started developing their own quirks, showing of. When they used to make a little show, competition which quirk is better, all I could do is sit in the side and adore them.
My parent were telling me almost every day to try to stay out of trouble. If there is a hero fighting a villain, I should just walk away. Because even their power can harm me. I learnt that I can just be at the wrong place In the wrong time and I could be in trouble. They always taught me to be extra careful.
When I was a kid, I used to depend on my parents too much. Today it was kinda different, I was giving my best to be independent as much as I can. Working at a small coffee shop, living in my small apartment. Trying to live as quiet as possible.
,,One caramel macchiato and one chocolate cappuchino” my co-worker said loudly for me to hear. Even tho it could be stressing, I loved my job. I loved making different drinks and talk with people.
I made a little ok sign and started making the ordered drinks.
The shift was passing real fast since there was a lot of work, there wasn’t even time for break. Of course, I could catch a minute and smoke one real fast. Being honest, I was fine with that.
After long ass night I changed into my dress and finally went home. Home wasn’t far from my working place, so if the weather is nice, I would take a walk instead of going home with bus.
,, Great” I hissed after trying to lit my cigarette. Perfect timing for my lighter to die. Little piece of shit gave up on me after such a hard time at work.
I sat down on the end of the bench, trying to find another one while the cigarette was still between my lips. There was nothing worse then forgetting your lighter or when it stops working.
,, Need a little help?” a man asked. I knew that few of them were sitting on the bench, but I didn’t pay attention that much. Before I could turn my head around to face him and take his lighter, his hand was in front of me, and he was lightning my cigarette up with his finger. Small blue fire coming from his finger, looking hella familiar. The purple skin with silver patches didn’t make a klick in my head either.
,,Thanks” I said fast, curious who it is, since my brain was telling me that I know this person. But once I looked at him, his head was already turned to another direction. Not wanting to bothering him or his friends, I just left believing it was someone I saw on my work. After all, we have a lot of costumers.
Time after work was my favorite, especially if I didn’t have to wake up early next day. A glass of wine, face mask, and phone in my hand. I couldn’t force myself to spend rest of the night locked up watching TV, so I enjoyed the beautiful weather on my balcony. I could see the little group of friends from my balcony. So I was lowkey stalking them a little, sad I couldn’t hear shit they were talking about. My little stalking was interrupted by a small vibration coming from my phone.
Of course it was Melissa. My one and only friend, quirkless bitch just like me. Usually I am not a person to use apps for meeting new people, but when I saw that there is an app for us quirkless sad motherfuckers, I had to instal it. And that’s how I met my soulmate Melissa.
Melissa: ,, What are you doing? I am on my way to your place´´
To Melissa: Chilling on the balcony and sipping on my wine. I´ll be on my way to buy us another bottle and strawberries.
I couldn’t even place my phone on the table and another message was already there.
Melissa: AMAZING!!! Can´t wait to get wasted with you. See ya in a bit loveeee u
Since The shop is near café and my home, there was no need for me to change. I was already in my pajama shorts and shirt, so all I did was wear my baggy hoodie over it. Taking my wallet, I sprinted fast to the shop.
The very next day, I had to work with a worst hangover ever. Melissa left my place around 10AM, groaning in frustration she had to wake up so early. But at least she didn’t have to work.
My shift began at 13PM, so I had some time to rest and let the painkillers work their wonder on me. Sadly the time before my shift started passed faster then I could imagine, and once again I found myself at my work.
From 13 to 16PM there isn´t much work. There are some people passing by after the end of their shifts, our usual costumers coming at the same time. But the exactly at 17PM is where the hell starts.
That was the very reason I liked morning shifts more, even tho I had to wake up so early. It was still less work then in late shift.
More and more orders were coming. Usually I would somehow manage to keep my shit together somehow, but this time I was real mad my boss didn’t get more workers. It could be much easier if there was 3 of us in the shift, instead of two of us.
Like we didn’t have enough stress already, there was a huge explosion near the café. Not paying much attention to it I continued making the drinks.
,, Get down!´´ my co-worker screamed and pulled me under the desk with her. I tried to peek and see what´s happening but in the very moment I did it there was another explosion, blowing me almost away.
In that moment I didn’t know if the explosion was beside our café again, or in it. But I could hear people screaming.
My co-worker started crying, telling me how my face is all bloody. Which was pretty weird, since I felt good. She was pulling me to the back side of the café telling me to use the back door and wait for her.
I did as she told me, seeing the mix of the red and blue flames freaked me out. It was the first time in my life to end up in situation like this, so a wave of panic took over me. Sobbing loudly, I sat down, hugging my knees. I was waiting for my co-worker, too scared to try and get help on my own, since I could still hear screams and people fighting.
Another explosion, probably in the café, since once again I was blown away. I could hear Ryuku and Kamui Woods asking if someone is here. But I couldn’t say a word, as much as I wanted to. I wanted to scream, but even a whisper was heavy at that moment.
Their voices were like echo, and the buildings around me started to get blurry.
I could feel my forehead being touched. My hair being placed behind my ear and someone telling me to wake up. Once I opened my eyes, I saw arm resting beside my head on the street. The same purple skin I saw last night.
I forced myself to look up, and the moment I saw that face, I felt embarrassed I didn’t recognize it before. Of course it was Leauge´s villain Dabi. Maybe the fact that I was trying to ignore the news around as much as possible, thinking if I stay in my safe zone I´ll protect myself. But of course I knew the League of Villains. Of course I knew Himiko Toga, Kurogiri, Shigaraki, Dabi and the rest of them. As much as I wanted to ignore everything happening in the city, I simply knew about them. Everyone does.
,, No´´ I whispered, not being able to feel pain or fear. My eyes looking beside him hoping hero or my co-worker will come and save me.
Dabi lowered himself trying to get my focus on him.
,, They are all gone. ´´ He said looking me directly in the eyes. Whit those words all the hope I had died. I closed my eyes while tears started to roll down my cheeks. This was it, I thought. Either way I´ll die from bleeding out or he´ll kill me.
,, Don´t worry babe, I won´t hurt you´´ He whispered, still playing with my hair. I had no power to say anything, all I could do is wait to fall into unconsciousness again.
His hands tried to pull me up, but somehow in that very moment everything started to feel heavy and I felt like I was about to vomit.
,,Fine, if you want to die, then die´´ He said, and once again everything else was black.
I woke up with sudden urge to vomit again. Being in dark unfamiliar room didn´t help either. The only thing that helped was the fact that I was alive. Before I could stand up and find bathroom, I vomited all over the floor. Maybe it´s weird, but I started crying, not only because I had no idea where I was, but also because I vomited. It´s a nightmare for me.
The door suddenly opened and at my surprise Dabi got inside. Which followed with me vomiting once more and crying again. Didn´t he let me die ?
,,Goddammit, I even prepared a bucket for you, can´t you use it ?´´ He said calmly. Grabbing my arm harshly, he pulled me up and forced me to walk out of the room.
,, I´m sorry´´ I sobbed, not wanting to make any problems. I didn´t want to do anything to provoke the villain.
,, Wait here´´ he said, forcing me to sit in the kitchen. Then he went back in the room I slept in.
The kitchen wasn’t big, but it wasn´t small either. There was a counter with drinks, and two tall uncomfortable chairs. On the other side were cabinets, sink, dishwasher, stove and freezer. Everything was in light and dark shade of gray.
,, Well, you can vomit like world champion´´ Dabi´s voice echoed thru the room. I could hear the toilet flush and his steps coming closer. It took him a second and there he was, standing in front of me. He went to the other side of the counter, took one glass and filled it with cold water.
,, So babe, what happened back there?´´ he asked, placing the glass in front of me. I was scared and confused, and I didn’t have any courage to look the man in the eyes or say anything.
,, I don´t know´´ I said quietly. He sighed and took a small box of cigarettes out of his pocket. Lighting his cigarette up with his quirk, just like he did yesterday.
,, You are lucky I noticed you trying to hide back there, since your little friend left without thinking twice´´ he said, as he puffed on his cigarette.
I wasn´t sure if I should feel sad, betrayed or mad. From all of the people back there, a villain saved my life. But I did feel thankful to him.
,,Thank you´´ I said, looking at him. His cigarette between his lips, eyes half closed.
,, What should I do with you´´ he said, finishing the cigarette and taking another one from the box. He placed the box in front of me.
When he realized that I won´t take one, he stood up and made his way toward me. Standing behind me, he placed his hands on my shoulders, slowly massaging them. His one hand pulled my hair back lightly, and other one placed his already lit cigarette in front of my lips.
,, Come on love, I know you smoke´´ he said, placing the cigarette between my lips with a little force. In a moment, his face was inches away from mine. I could feel his breath on my neck, making me freeze in the place.
,, Maybe I should keep you for myself here´´ he whispered, breathing deeply on my ear. ,,After all, I can protect your quirkless little body´´ he addes slowly.
There were many things going thru my mind at that moment. What did he mean ? How did he know I don´t have a quirk?
Days and weeks passed and there I was still at Dabi´s place. First few days I was left alone, either way he was really busy or just wanted to give me some time. Dabi let me sleep in his room, since I couldn´t force myself to sleep in the one I vomited. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could still smell the vomit.
His room was decorated in dark shades. One black king sized bed in the middle, dark green walls and black furniture. On the right side were huge windows and balcony. Since I was alone, I gave myself a little bit of freedom. After all, he didn´t seem that dangerous as everyone said.
At the beginning he didn´t let me cook or do anything that could be dangerous in his opinion. He didn´t trust me at all, being sceptic that I might poison him. He did try to keep me entertained, giving me Nintendo Switch with some games like Pokemon, Super Mario, etc. He also didn´t have any problem with Netflix or whatever I wanted. I know those are small things, but being with him, I expected less.
After some weeks passed, I was seeing him more often. He would casually get inside his room, since there was the balcony. Without knocking or any sign. Well, it was his room after all. Sometimes he would just bring us some fast food, ice cream and force me to eat with him. At least he thought so. I didn´t have any problem with it.
After 3 weeks passed, I started to realize that I was pretty much attracted to this man. I wasn´t someone who falls easily for a man, but his attitude, his cold personality, the way he moves, the way he talks, the way I could catch him look at me, it was all extremely attractive to me. It probably all started the day I caught him sitting beside me, thinking I was asleep. It was around 3AM when I heard him coming inside his room. He sat beside me, and started caressing my cheek softly.
In that moment all I could do was just pretend that I was still asleep.
After that night, he would come at night and just sit there with me, thinking I was asleep.
I opened the window and sat on the balcony, admiring the sight of the buildings and colorful lights coming form the streets, and cars.
,, I don´t remember allowing you to go outside.´´
He was standing to my left side, looking at the street.
,, Planning how to run away?´´ He added, not paying attention to me. He was wearing black pants, with dark grey oversized sweater. His presence was too much for me, it wasn’t that I was scared of him, but I was too shy, I couldn´t look him in the eye without thinking about him sitting next to my ´´sleeping´´ form and looking at me, playing with my hair.
,, You know what will happen if you even try´´ he said getting closer to me. I could feel his hands on my hips, holding them firmly. I could smell his strong cologne mixed with smoke. He told me if I even think about running away, he would burn me down even my ashes will disappear. Somehow he knew who my parents are, who my friends are and he said he would kill every single one of them.
At first I didn’t believe him, somehow I thought he isn´t capable of something like that. But I changed my mind once I saw him on the news, where it was talk about his victims.
His thumb was going in circles, making a small pressure on my hip. I didn´t think of running away. First of all I wasn´t brave enough, second of all, I was so unimportant to this world that I didn´t hear shit about me on the news.
,, Can I have my phone ?´´ I asked him, not thinking about his reaction or anything. I just wanted to contact my parents and Melissa.
,,Wha..?´´ he laughed out. His hold getting stronger, keeping me in my place.
,, Babe, do you think I´m that stupid ?´´ he laughed, turning me around to face him. If I wasn´t in a situation like this, I would probably feel the urge to touch his scars, being so close to me.
,, I just want to contact my family and my friend. I won´t do anything that might harm you´´ I said, not breaking the eye contact.
,, Harm me ? ´´ he laughed, his face inches from mine. This man was indeed driving me crazy.
,, Please, you can control me if you want. I won´t delete any message, I´ll do whatever´´ I managed to say somehow. His lips being so close, it was a wonder I could speak at all.
The moment his lips brushed against mine, I felt all possible feeling I could in my stomach. ,, You´ll do whatever?´´ he said, his head still tilled to the side, and lips brushing over mine. I could feel a small smirk forming on his lips.
,,I´ll think about it´´
After that day, he didn´t hold himself at all. Doesn´t matter what I was doing, if he felt like being close to me, he would just do it. If I was cleaning, making myself a snack, playing some games, he would just casually slip his hands around my waist.
Laying down on the couch, legs up on the wall, while playing Super Mario. There was one level I couldn´t pass as hard as I tried to. It was just too troublesome. Dabi was sitting in the kitchen, smoking and watching the gameplay. I could hear him mumbling something to himself, before he made his way and sat beside me, taking the controllers out of my hand.
I was surprised when he started passing the level without any trouble, defeating Iggy Koopa so easily.
,, YAAASSS´´ I screamed grabbing the sleeve of his hoodie and shaking it happily. I was dealing with that level probably two days in a row.
In the moment when I was about to ask him how did he do it so easily, he threw the controllers to the side, grabbing my right leg with his left hand, and my hip with his right hand. Pulling my body to his direction. I couldn´t even understand what was exactly happening in that moment, since it happened so fast. He placed my legs around him, and hovered over me.
,, Don´t I need a little present for this win?´´ he said looking at me, placing small kisses over my face. This time, I couldn´t suppress the need to touch his scars. The curiosity took over me, and suddenly I found myself, placing my index finger beside his lip. Moving my finger lightly to the left side of his face. The moment I did that he froze in the place, not kissing me, or doing anything. His body twitched once my finger was under his eye, touching the scars and the small patches.
He grabbed my jaw, and kissed me forcefully, forcing his tongue inside, not giving me a chance to breath. His other hand was under focused on pulling my shirt up, just enough for my bra to be visible.
,, You are driving me crazy´´ he said, his lips now on my neck, one hand still on my jaw and other grabbing my left breast making me moan suddenly. I could feel him smirk while leaving wet love marks over my neck.
Having Dabi around was something I hoped for now. I was hoping for those unexpected touches and waiting for him to come at night like he always did.
What surprised me was the fact that he actually gave me my phone. Telling me that he will control my messages and that if he notices I´m deleting them, things won´t be smooth as they are now.
Somehow, I didn´t even feel the urge to write something bad, to ask for help or anything ? I found myself wanting to be in his presence, I wanted him to be close to me.
He already contacted my parents and Melissa before, telling them that I´m alright. He ignored the rest of the messages they sent me. They wanted to see me, they were worried. Melissa thought she did something wrong, since I was ignoring her.
The moment I contacted her, my phone started buzzing with all the messages she started sending me. Where am I? Why did I ignore her ? What happened ? Am I ok ? What happened to my work?
To my parents I simply wrote that I’m fine and safe.
At my surprise, they told me they know where I am, and that we can work it out. They told me that he waited for them home one night. Telling them he felt they need to know where you are, and telling them if they try contacting a hero or police what will happen to me.
I told them that there is no need for me to go anywhere and that I feel safer then I ever was.
After I found out that my parents know, I felt the need to tell everything to Melissa too. She was my best friend after all and I knew she would understand me.
I explained everything what happened that night. Explained how he saved me, how he’s taking care of me and trying to give me everything I need. At first she was really surprised once I mentioned his name. I mean, who wouldn’t be surprised ? But if I’m happy, then she’s happy too. She never judged me even once.
Dabi wasn’t home, so out of boredom I decided to make some food. Maybe he’ll eat it too once he comes home. I decided to make Spaghetti with Quattro formaggi sauce. I noticed that he really likes cheese, so maybe he will give it a try.
After having dinner on my own, I decided to watch some movie on Netfix before I go to bed and once again wait for him. The movie wasn’t anything special, but I still forced myself to finish it. My mind was away all the time, not being focused on the movie at all. All I could think of was Dabi. If someone told me that I would be so desperate for LOV’s villain Dabi, I wouldn’t believe them. But there I was, waiting for him like a lost puppy.
Placing my phone on the Kitchen counter, I made my way to his bedroom. For some reason he was still sleeping in the other room. Making me wonder how does it feel to sleep next to him, and why he let me sleep in his room for such a long time.
I slowly lain down on the right side of the bed, focusing on the lights coming from the outside. Covering my lower part with the blanket. The soft lace pajama that was hugging my body, gave me some comfort in some weird way. I lain on my stomach and placed my left arm under my pillow. Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep breath trying to keep myself awake.
It was around 2AM when I heard the door slowly open. I could hear his steps, I could hear how he’s in the kitchen, taking my phone, and shortly after placing it back again. I could hear the shower and his soft humming.
Not shortly after that, I could hear him coming. Slowly opening the door and making his way toward me. Sitting to my left side, he took a deep breath, placed his long lags next to mine, and slowly caressing my head. His fingers slowly found their way to my neck, moving left and right.
,,I know you’re awake’’ he said, as his finger slowly brushed the lace on my right shoulder down. In one moment, he was pacing a kiss on my shoulder, and in the next one he was hovering over me. I could feel him on my back. His face inches from mine. When our eyes met, I wasn’t sure if I felt embarrassed or glad.
He took a deep breath once more, and started placing kisses down my back, while his fingers were on my hips. With every kiss, I was going more and more insane.
Dabi got off me, and pulled me to lie to the side, once again facing my back.
,, Such a good girl for me’’ he said pushing my pajama slowly up, and touching my right breast slowly, while biting my neck. All I could do was move my head in the right direction, giving him more access to my neck.
,, Move your legs a bit for me babe’’ he said, placing his hand under my shorts. He didn’t give me a chance to do it on my own tho, forcefully moving my tights and slipping his hand under my panties. My head fall back onto his chest, moan slipping out of my mouth once I felt his touch.
,, Are you my good girl?’’ he asked, stopping his fingers form any movement. Feeling his hot breath on my neck, I forgot how to speak properly.
,, Y-yes’’ I managed to say somehow. Every kiss, breath, word, move from him, made me crazy wanting for more. I could lie to myself and say it’s only because it’s such a long time since I went in bed with someone. But I there’s no need for lies, I’m attracted to this man.
His fingers started moving in circles, massaging my clit just as I wanted. Placing his knee between my legs, giving himself more space for movements. I closed my eyes and moaned, once his finger enter me. Without any word his fingers started to move in and out, so slowly that it was painful. Loving every second of it.
Once again, he pulled me over, making me lie on my back, placing himself between my legs, pinning my hands over my head. No words could describe how I felt in that moment. This time I moved my head foreword and kissed him. I wanted more. He returned the kiss, and started grinding his lower part of body against me, making me feel his erection.
Whit every move he made, I wanted more and more.
When he let go of my hands, I immediately started touching his body, I wanted to feel his skin, his scars. The moan escaped his lips once I started kissing his neck. Not wasting any time, he pulled his whit shirt over his head and threw it across the room, giving me access to his well build chest. Without thinking twice, I started kissing his chest, the purple scars he had. His head was hanging low, breathing deeply.
His hand found it’s way to my throat, grabbing it harshly and pulling me up a little. ,, Time to undress you love’’ he said, his hand like a neckless around my throat.
Moving my ass up a bit, Dabi pulled my shorts and panties down, throwing them on the floor. When I was about to take my top off, he pushed me down smirking a little. Slowly playing with the lace on my right shoulder, he did something I didn’t expect. The blue flame appeared on his fingers, destroying the lace. First the right one, then the left one. His lit index finger went down over the material of my top, from my chest to my stomach, flaming it up just enough to destroy the material.
Once it was destroyed, Dabi pulled the rest of my top that was under me and also threw it across the room. Taking a good look of my naked body, he slowly went down, placing soft kisses over my stomach. The fact that I could feel his burnt skin too was taking me over the edge.
,,What if’’ he breathed out, still leaving wet kisses over my stomach and chest. ,, What if everyone knows to who you belong’’ he said, eyes looking up on me, trailing his finger around my stomach. His left hand holding my hip, making sure no movements were possible.
,,What do you mean?’’ I asked confused, not able to understand anything clearly anymore. There was no need for me to even think about it, because Dabi already made his decision to mark me as his. A loud scream escaped my mouth the moment I felt my skin getting burned.
His hand was still holding me firmly, but he immediately stopped what he was doing, and placed his hand over my mouth.
,,Relax, it will be over just in a minute’’ he said, kissing me deeply. He took the destroyed top and placed it between my lips. Making sure I was biting the destroyed piece of cloth, he slowly went down to finish what he started.
Making sure I won’t interrupt his work, he held my hands together firmly, while holding my legs with his weight down. Every move of his finger, burning my skin, was sending a wave of pain through my body. Closing my eyes, tears rolled down my cheek. Back aching up, screaming into the cloth in my mouth, nothing of it helped me calm down. But he was correct, it took him around minute to finish. Pulling the cloth out of my mouth, he kissed me.
,, Such a good girl’’ he said in between the kisses. Pulling my head up, I saw his name on my stomach. ,,Now everyone knows who you belong to’’ he added, leaving wet love bites all over my neck. From all the pain I felt when he was burning my skin down, everything after that felt like aftercare.
Dabi stood up, taking off his shorts and boxers before he climbed on top of me again. He kissed me once mere before he started rubbing his hard dick over my clit. He knew that I wanted more, but the he liked the fact that I was so desperate for him.
,, Dabi please’’ I moaned out, wanting him inside me already. Without any word or sign, he entered me roughly, not giving me any time do adjust to his size.
,,Of course I’ll give my good girl what she needs. You are too good tonight’’ He said kissing my nose, while my hands were grabbing the covers of his sheets to find my comfort in them.
He didn’t move for some minutes, leaving wet love marks over my chest. But once he was done, he slowly pulled his dick out so only his tip was inside of me. Then again, slammed it back inside. The harsh move, made me place my hands over his back, finding comfort there instead of the cold sheets.
He moved few times with the same method. Every time he would slam his dick back inside I wanted to dig my fingers inside his skin. But I was too afraid I would hurt his already burnt skin. I didn’t want to hurt him.
After he slammed too hard inside me, I accidentally dug my nails into his skin. It was probably not to hard, but still I caressed the place I thought I hurt and apologized to him.
,,You don’t have to worry about it love’’ he said stopping his movements. ,, My skin is already bruised, few new scars won’t hurt me’’ he added, giving me the permission to do what I want. Whit those words his movements started to speed up, making me throw my head back into the pillow and wrap my legs around him.
Dabi bit my shoulder, groaning into it, while he was getting faster and deeper with every move he made. Even tho I was still worried about his skin, I couldn’t help it, my nails were scratching it and digging into it enough to keep up with his moves.
,,I’m close’’ I moaned, while every thrust was bringing me closer to my orgasm. I didn’t have to repeat myself or wait, his hand found it’s way to my clit, rubbing it fast into circles. Which was enough for me to cum all over his dick while moaning his name out.
Without any word, Dabi turned me around on my stomach and entered me form behind once again. Holding my hips strongly while thrusting deep in and out of me. Being sensitive form my orgasm, with every thrust he did, my moans were louder.
,, Ass up’’ he said suddenly stopping his moves. Once I did what he told me, he grabbed my head and pushed it deep into the soft pillow and started to fuck me like there was no tomorrow. The sound of his skin slapping my own, the image of what was happening almost drove me close to my second orgasm.
My moans were huffed by the pillow, while Dabi was fucking me into the mattress.
,, Yess babe, cum for me again’’ He groaned into my ear, fucking me even harder.
,,So close’’ he moaned, touching my clit again and moving even faster and deeper if it was even possible. He didn’t have to touch me much, another orgasm was already hitting me hard.
,, Yess baby, so good’’ he moaned, while his dick started twitching inside of me. I felt his hot cum inside, closing my eyes, trying to catch my breath. Dabi didn’t stop, he tried to fuck his seed deep into me, until he thought it was enough.
Falling beside me, his arm over my back, breathing deeply into my neck. I wanted this moment to last forever.
His fingers trailing up and down my back slowly, while smoking a cigarette. The cold air coming form the opened balcony was a contrast to his hot fingers going up and down.
Once I noticed the cum that started to leak out, I stood up covering my body with the blanket, making my way to the bathroom to clean myself and wear another pajama.
When I finished, and changed. I found Dabi standing in the kitchen, already in his white shirt and his shorts for sleeping. Half of his cigarette was finished.
,, You coming back?’’ I asked.
,, Don’t you want to sleep alone ?’’ he asked turning taking one last smoke before placing the end of the cigarette under the water and throwing it away. I shook my head slowly, and made my way toward his room, hoping it’s enough for him to come back.
Once I buried my head into his pillow, I waited for him to follow me. But the steps were going to another direction, making me sigh deeply.
Shortly after that, at my surprise, Dabi appeared again. Holding some lotion in his hands. He sat beside me pulling the sheet down and my pajama dress up. Small smirk appearing over his lips at the sight of his name on my stomach.
Banding down, he kissed it few times before he applied the cold lotion all over it. Laying down beside me, he placed his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and hiding his face into my neck breathing my scent in.
With his presence and arms around me, it was the first night I could fall asleep peacefully not feeling scared of anything in this world.
Hope you liked it, too lazy to correct all the mistakes.
Also credit to the owner of the photo :)
Much loveeee
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realcube · 4 years
randomly falling asleep with hq!! characters 💤
navi | masterlist | taglist 
thank you anon for this cute request!
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characters: ushijima, tsukishima & yachi 
content warning: swearing, mentions of sexual assault 
thank you to anon for this cute request
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wakatoshi ushijima
♡ he shows affection in his own...special way 😊
♡ by that, i mean that if you fall asleep while sitting next to him and he thinks you look cute, he’ll just stare (●__●)
♡ like deadass if he was anyone else, it’d be creepy as hell but he’s your bf so-
♡ he stares bc not only do you look precious, but he doesn’t want to touch you as he’s afraid that he might wake you up
♡ though, if you’re in public (like sitting next to him on the train) he might gently put his arm around your shoulders to make sure that onlookers know that you’re safe with him
♡ also, it only takes one time for him to catch on to your habit of disappearing and falling asleep in the most unconventional places and istg he is the BEST at guessing where you are - it’s a gift
♡ like he’ll arrive home and if you’re not there to immediately greet him with kisses, he’ll take a moment - let him boyfriend senses take over and walk him over to whatever room is giving him ✨(y/n) vibes✨, open the door and there is a 99% chance you are in that room sleeping 
♡ and he probably got it right first guess (which is a pretty big deal considering y’alls house resembles a sims fkn mansion made with motherload money)
♡ he’ll open the door to the storage cupboard to find you sleeping with the mr muscle spray and it’s such a shame bc he was going to be a clown and make a ‘why are you cheating on me?’ joke but you were in REM sleep 🙄
♡ or he’ll walk in to the conservatory and see you laying in the fetal position on the floor and that is the ONLY time he interferes with your sleep bc he doesn’t want you to fuck up your back 🥺
♡ like he has an obsession with your posture - like if you are slouched he will tell you to stand up straight or if you are sitting hunched in a chair, he’ll creep up behind you to start massaging your shoulders while fixing your posture 
♡ not to be rude though- just bc he cares
♡ also, he never questions how you end up falling asleep in the most random of places, he just goes with it 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
ushijima sighed as he hung up his jacket, realising that this was one of those days were you won’t come scurrying to the front door to greet him with kisses and instead he had to hunt through in search of you. although, it wasn’t much of a hunt considering his gut instinct said you’d be in the study room and there you were, cuddled up by the bookshelf. 
however, your back was hunched over in way that didn’t look to comfortable so ushijima thought it was his duty to transport you to somewhere that there was a lot more appropriate and fit for sleeping.
so he gently slipped one hand behind your back and the other under your knees to slowly pick you up and carry you to your shared bedroom. is efforts may have been in vain though as he noticed one of your lids flutter open out of the corner of his eye, “good afternoon, sweetheart.” he hummed, steadily shifting his hand from your back to the back of your head to tenderly caress your cheek with his thumb as you cuddled into his chest. “are you awake?”
“No.” you groaned.
“Shame, I was going to suggest going out for walk on the beach--”
“I’m awake! Let’s go!” 
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kei tsukishima 
♡ he probably calls you lazy but he’s really just jealous of how well you can sleep
♡ coz he just lays in bed till 4AM staring at the ceiling 
♡ i imagine that if you were to fall asleep next to him in a crowded, bustling place - like on a train - he’d take off his headphones and clasp them over your ears so the loud announcements don’t wake you up  
♡ he doesn’t fall asleep on transport btw (not even planes) so don’t worry about missing your stop 
♡ though he’s not usually a fan of PDA, he’ll hold your hand without a second thought to lead you out the train when you’re still recovery from the post-sleep haze because of course he doesn’t want to lose you in the crowds of people or anything
♡ and if you have a cute lil sleepy face then he might take a picture but he’d probably edit the picture with snapchat or something and draw like a moustache on you, put a sarcastic caption or something then send it to you 
♡ (but he’d save an unedited version of the pic bc you’re adorable-)
♡ like tsukki leaves you on delivered most of the time on snapchat bc he believes if you have something important to say, you’ll just message him normally but the rare occasion you do get a snap from him, don’t get your hopes up bc there is a 99% it’s just something like a picture of you with a drawn on crown and the caption ‘sleeping beauty 🙄’ 
♡ ‘so you think i’m a beauty 🥺’
♡ then he leaves you on read
♡ he will not carry you under any circumstances in public btw
♡ and at home, if you were to fall asleep on the couch next to him while y’all were watching a movie, there’s a 50/50 that’d he carry you to bed 
♡ but if he doesn’t take you to bed, he’ll set down a pillow for you on the couch and shift you around so you were laying in a more comfortable position, then drape a blanket over you 
♡ in regards to when he comes back from work, you’re usually already asleep in bed - but there is one time that you were not in the bedroom, and he still teases you for it until this day 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
most of the time, you’re sound asleep in bed by the time gets home but tonight you weren’t - in fact, you were no where to be seen. he had searched everywhere, called your phone multiple time and he looked at your schedule, but it appeared as though you were supposed to home right now - so hours, he was sitting fretfully on the couch, contemplating calling the police.
however, all his distressed pacing really worked up an appetite so he poked his head into the pantry to grab a snack but his soul almost left his body when he noticed you laying on the floor, fast asleep, with the cat curled up in your arms. who he didn’t even noticed was missing lol
usually, he wouldn’t even think of waking you up but the rage and shock that shot through his body resulted in him barking out, “what the fuck?! what are you doing here?! i’ve been looking all over this damn house for you and--”
he was cut off by the cat springing out of your arms from the surprising sharpness of his voice and scurrying off, leaving you confused on the floor on the pantry, half asleep, wondering how you got here and why tsukishima was yelling at you? “hm? what’s wrong, sweetie?” you hummed, rubbing your eyes while tilting your head up to look at his tall, slender figure looming over you in the doorway.
as much as tsukishima wanted to stay mad at you, upon noticing how cute your bedhead was along with how soft your voice was, he quickly realised that there was no way he could continue yelling you. so instead, he scoffed and slowly kneeled down to sit next to you on the floor, looking at you with kind yet concerned eyes as he inquired, “why were you sleeping in the pantry?”
it took you a moment to try and remember but once you did, you blurted out, “oh, berry was having trouble sleeping.” yes your cat is called berry. don’t question it. her full name is strawberry tsukishima shortcake. “so i cuddled with her in her favourite sleeping spot and she slept like a baby. but i guess i did too.” yo chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. 
tsukishima mentally cursed you out as he was expecting a silly explanation but shit that’s cute. why does he lowkey want to join y’all next time?
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hitoka yachi
♡ gsrbtrhryh she gets so flustered and nervous when you fall asleep with her
♡ and she always does tbh bc she has no idea what to do 
♡ like she thinks you look so precious and angelic so she really wants to take a picture and - if she thinks you’d be okay with it - she clicks a photo and probably sets it as her background or posts it on her private story
♡ she is just so head over heels for you tbh that everything you do just astounds her 
♡ she just stares at you like ◉_◉ for half an hour bc you are so beautiful then something inside her just prompts her to lean in and just *mwah* and at first she is quite satisfied bc she has expressed her affection 
♡ but then a few seconds later her soul just leaves her body and guilt just washes over her 
♡ she feels horrible 
♡ this close 👌 to calling the police on herself
♡ when you wake up, prepare to be bombarded with her apologies 
♡ once you reassure that it’d fine bc it was just a lil peck on the cheek and she is your girlfriend after all, it brings her the slightest peace of mind
♡ so you peck her cheek while she is asleep to call it evens and that basically fixes it 
♡ but anyway, she is so careful around you when you sleep - like she will literally do the most just to ensure that she doesn’t interrupt your REM sleep
♡ however, that can lead to extremely sticky situations - like the first time you ever fell asleep around her 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
You were on the 5th movie of your barbie movie marathon when she looked over and noticed you had fallen asleep half way through, so she immediately paused it so the noise wouldn’t wake you up. This was the first time she had ever seen you sleep and she felt somewhat flattered that you felt safe enough around her to be vulnerable - even though, yachi never really considered herself to be a rather daunting or intimidating person.
she couldn’t help but just sit and admire you for a few minutes before realising that she should probably transport you to somewhere more comfortable as you were currently sitting next to her on the pink beanbag in her room. and although  it was kinda comfy, the preferable alternative - her bed - was only a few feet away.
so she knew what she had to do.
she hopped to her feet and before she did anything too hasty, she stretched to ensure that she wouldn’t pull a muscle while doing what she was about to try. she inhaled deeply before crouching down - instead of bending over as she remembered what coach ukai had told her, ‘lift with your legs!’ - then snaking her arms under your torso and knees.
then, she sprung back up and immediately rushed over to the bed as even though you weren’t too heavy, she was afraid that if she held you for too long, you’d wake up. so once she reach the foot of her bed, she tossed you on so your neck was being supported by her soft pillow and yanked her duvet over you. 
she gazed lovingly down at your cozy figure laying on her bed and she couldn’t help but smile.
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kenmasangel · 3 years
Heya! I just read your tall fem s/o x reader, and uh, I have a request for another one. Iwazumi, Kenma, and Osamu with a reader that’s very tall (5’8-5’9 ish)
One recommendation from a tall girl, if you’re making a fic about the reader being tall, please don’t just make them the same height as them 😅 (I mean, it’s fine if you do, but it’s really hard to find fics for us taller girls with shorter guys) (it’s frustrating to see fics always being like “he helps you get things from the top shelf” or “he rests his chin on your head” or always being shorter than them-) <3
[hc] dating a tall s/o;
(iwaizumi h., kenma k., miya o.)
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ᴀᴀᴀᴀᴀʜ ᴏᴍɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍʏ ᴅᴀʏ!! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ɪᴛ,, ɪ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ғᴀɴғɪᴄs/sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏs/ʜᴄs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛᴀʟʟ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀs sᴏ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴏɴᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴍʏ ᴛᴀʟʟ ᴋɪɴɢs/ǫᴜᴇᴇɴs/ʀᴏʏᴀʟs ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇɴ ɪ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴍᴇʜ
ᴀʟsᴏ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅᴀᴛɪᴏɴ! ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ɪɴ ᴄᴏɴsɪᴅᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪғ ɪ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪ,,, ᴛʙʜ ɪ ᴡᴀs ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ ᴏғ sᴛᴏᴘ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪs ʙʟᴏɢ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ sɪɴᴄᴇ ɪ ʟᴏsᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴏᴛɪᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀʟʟʏ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡʜᴏʟᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ᴍ ɢʟᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ!!
p.s. i understand how difficult it is for tall girls in this society but i hope you guys know you are wonderful and you mesmerize me (❁´◡`❁)✲ i love you so much please you are gorgeous !!
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Iwaizumi Hajime
he is MESMERIZED by you
literally he just can't stop admiring you
iwa and you are both 5'10", yet you're still taller than him by a few inches
he nuzzles in the crook of your neck when you guys hug
“you smell so good baby,” “are you sniffing me, hajime?”
he will throw hands if someone dares making a comment about your height
you already know he has beaten oikawa already
he gets SO FLUSTERED when your faces are mere inches away from each other
“baby?” you called iwa as he was facing the shelves reading the ingredients of whatever he was holding.
“mhm?” he turned around to face you and was surprised to see how close your faces were; you are slightly taller than him and that day you wore shoes that made you look a bit taller. he became crimson as he head was slightly up, he got lost inside your eyes for a hot min before you snapped him back to reality from his transe. “you got the wrong box,” you smiled at him, your hand reaching for another box one shelf above.
“you could've taken it without making me turn around, dumbass,” he quickly mumbles moving forward.
whenever you feel insecure about your height (which i hope doesn't happen often/ never happens) he won't hesitate to show you how much he loves your height, and how gorgeous you are and show you other tall girls to make you feel empowered
he will tell you by a plus b how society's standards are trash and how you shouldn't compare yourself based on them
“they're hypocrites AND irrelevant!”
go off haji!!😤
he's your #1 hype man
Kenma Kozume
you're obv way taller than him
he's 5'6" and you're one gorgeous 5'8"
it doesn't bother him in the slightest tho, he thinks you're the most gorgeous person to take a step on earth
but he never told you that tho, you know kenma's communication skills aren't the best
he loves it when you hug him from behind and rest your chin on his head,, he feels your warmth envelop him and it makes him feel at peace
when something he wants is up on a high shelf he would tug on your sleeve and nod in that object's direction so you can give it to him
he'll whisper a small “thank you” and stands on his toes to give you a quick kiss
whenever he hears someone talk about your height difference and how he should be the tall one he'd glare at them until they get scared
believe me if looks could kill half the population would be d€ad lol
he'd protectively hold your hand and make you walk quicker
“don't listen to them they're just dumb and insecure, dumb fucks,”
lev would always be teasing you lmaooo istg he has a d€ath wish
“yn-chan!! wow you're so tall, you should be dating someone taller than you or at least the same height as you!” you can already sense kenma glaring holes into his back. “someone like me for example!”
kenma : “that's it, it's done for this mf”
and there is a chair flying right in lev's direction
even tho he likes being the small spoon he also loves to hold you and make you feel protected and loved
he'd hold you from behind, kiss your head and starts caressing your head
everytime he thinks you're finally asleep he'd say stuff such as “you're so beautiful, ” “i love you a lot,” “if lev tries to get close to you i'll throw his 6ft ass back to russia and make a polar bear eat him,”
kenma best boi <3
Miya Osamu
here we have another man whipped for you
the way he keeps bragging about you is ridiculous
you have him wrapped around your fingers missy
anyway, the moment he saw you it was like an evidence to him: he wanted you be his girlfriend!!!!!
he loves it when you were things that highlight your beautiful legs: shorts, skirts, dresses
ANYTHING that shows your long legs
he won't hesitate to totally DRAG people making comments about your height, either they're just comments or mean ones
he likes when you guys are cooking together or just when you're with him when he cooks for you
he'd ask you to grab things on a high shelf just to admire you getting that thing easily
if he ever sees you getting on your tippy toes he'll playfully tease you
“tsk, what a shortie you can't even reach for that? don't look at me like that you look like a gremlin, ”
uhm sir? you and your 6ft ass better stfu
then he has to jump to get that thing and you'll say something along the lines of “oh look at your short ass having to jump to get it,, i bet suna would've just had to stretch his arm to get it”
he always throws random compliments out of the blue like “look at my model of a gf,” “you're literally the baddest b on this earth babe how did i get so lucky?”
he's never afraid to loose you in the crowd cuz you always stand out for him
suna has a shit ton of videos of osamu fawning over you or talking about you while shoving his relationship with his perfect gf to atsumu
ngl atsumu is lowkey jealous but he'll never show it. “i like short girls anyway,” he pouts
suna : “see, funny you're saying that cuz that's not what you said the xx/yy at h:m, want to watch the video with me again?”
lol these mfs istg
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rayofsunas · 4 years
 haikyuu!! as dads (pt.1)
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A/n: hello! starting off with a clean slate here yay! if some of the first few seem so short and the writing seems different, it’s because I wrote half of this like three days ago- anywways, requests are open btw!!
Summary: haikyuu characters as dads/domestic living. 
Pairings: Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Oikawa Toru, Kenma Kozume 
Warnings: some timeskip spoilers, fluff, parenting, angst (kinda) swearing (maybe), crack, all characters are aged up
Word count: 1.8k 
Part Two!
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Semi Eita
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- the serious sometimes scary looking dad, but other than that he’s a fluff ball
- he may look scary but he simply cannot punish them for anything 
- especially after they bonded over music, legit cannot do nothing wrong
- on the days he’s not working or with his bandmates, you can often find him with his twin daughters, teaching them how to use different musical instruments 
- okay, so your daughters are still pretty young, so they aren’t very good at using most instruments, but for Christmas you and Semi got them both a small set of drums, something easy
- it was very cute to come home from work to see your husband and daughters loudly practicing on the drums
- sure at first it gave you a blasting headache, but after a while you got used to it, and even jammed out with them when you had the time
- mainly just random sounds/beats coming from the two five year olds, but Semi doesn’t mind, he’s willing to teach them and he does proudly 
- if one of his daughters or both wants too
- definitely writes songs for his daughters and you
- i can see him writing lullaby’s for them and working on them for hours making sure they were perfect
- lets just say they were perfectly beautiful 
- because you went to high school together, the nickname “semi semi” stuck with you (thanks chicken tendo)
- but your girls will also cutely call him “semi semi”
- you often bring them to concerts despite semi saying it’s probably too loud for them
- he’ll let you sit safely with them back stage uwu
- after he runs back to you three and is bombarded with hugs, high-fives and kithes
Bokuto Koutarou
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- bokuto is a hyper dad, which we all saw coming. there is no taking the child out of bo
- i feel like he’d want tons of kids, probably even uses his children as an excuse to act the way he does
- i can see him with a few kids, 3 to be exact (2 boys and 1 girl)
- he likes to be really involved with his children, and gets very sad/emo when he doesn’t see them for short/long periods of time
- for example, the Black Jackals is a whole different game field than high school volleyball and it’s much more time consuming and has him away a lot 
- when he does come home and has time off, let’s just say he clings to his children like a puppy
- even after a while THEY get sick of him and wanna ditch him, cue emo bo :(
- if his children gang up on him (which they do) cue emo Bo again :(
- he babies them all, can’t ever say no
- tends to go back on his word lmao
- if your oldest son begs and begs for season tickets to his favorite sports team? Bo KNOWS they can be expensive, and he was even scolded by you, but two hours after saying no, he runs back to his son and gives him the money 
- if your daughter wants to get her nails done with a group of friends, he knows she picks out the most expensive polishes, etc, BUT HE DOES NOT CARE, he will gladly give her the money and even go with her to get his nails done 
- yes, you heard me
- of course he’ll being chaperone for this girls day, he promises to pretend that he doesn’t know them and keep his distance (sit very far away lol), but after a little while its just hard to contain and he’s screaming to everyone in the salon that his daughter is sitting on the other side of the room eye- 
- your youngest son wants an expensive sports car? done
- he just wants to make his family happy, pleaseee
 Kuroo Tetsurou 
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- poor Kuroo, he has 2 daughters and you, so he’s surrounded by girls lol 
- he actually doesn’t mind it tbh
- between you and his two daughters, he wouldn’t have it any other way
- just gives him an excuse to be overly protective
- anywhere in public, expect either kuroo holding your hand
- or holding his daughters close to him (piggy back rides, yes)
- or, he stands protectively behind you and your daughters while you talk to someone, sending them threatening glares behind your backs 
- he was shy as a child, so it wasn’t surprising when one of his daughters, the youngest, was very very shy
- he doesn’t mind once again, just gives him an excuse to be protective 
- although he’s busy, he always makes time for his girls ALWAYS
- definitely a bragger
- if his family is brought into a convo, he pridefully will express how cute and smart his daughters are, may or may not openly declare his daughters are the cutest amongst his co-workers children
- he’s mad intuitive and aware/observant
- kuroo always knows when one or both of his daughters are about to start crying/throw a fit
- cue dad kuroo prepared to crack funny chemistry and or science jokes
- his shy daughter finds him very funny, doubles over every time he cracks a joke and calls him a “silly rooster”
- even when she's older she still laughs and even copies his jokes
- but his other daughter just cringes, every time sigh
- when she was younger she used to fake the laughs, but when he started saying the jokes in public she just stopped reacting, hoping he would stop-
- he didn’t...
- i like to imagine kuroo and kenma staying friends even after high school, and since kenma has hella video games and a whole arcade in his house, he’ll often bring his daughters over to his house
- his eldest daughter loves it at uncle kenma’s house
- cue jealous rooster dad
Oikawa Toru 
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- okay so oikawa is ALWAYS busy
- isn’t home much, except during off seasons or if he messes up his knee again (yes, it’ll happen) 
- in the event that he’s home due to a knee injury, he’ll wanna be catered too lmaooo
- he doesn’t expect his little girl to cater to him and really only teases you about it
- but his daughter will get him whatever he needs while he’s propped up on the couch
- she admires him so much
- his daughter kinda has a smart mouth-
- definitely got that from him, having picked up on it from a young age, while he was home
- when he was home once propped up with a messed up knee, she went “here dadkawa” as she handed him an ice pack
- he laughs at the nickname, asking you about where it came from later
“she was on call with hajime’s daughter yesterday... hajime asked how ‘poopykawa’ was doing”
- he just rolls his eyes, “at least he cleaned it up for her sake” you explained 
- will not lose the “kawa” part, so it’s dadkawa lol
- when he’s away, she’s always asking for dadkawa
- when he’s here they're inseparable
- morning breakfast now will be her sitting in his lap instead of yours
- she asks to watch cartoons with him instead of you :(
- bath time consists of her arguing with you as you try to wash her hair, while oikawa sits on the closed toilet seat laughing to himself
- “mommy i want dadkawa to wash my hair!”
- “you always whine that he gets soap in your eyes”
- “I don’t care!”
- when you bring your daughter to games, she’ll be cheering him on proudly, “mommy, look at dadkawa!” “GO DADKAWA!!!!”
- since he plays for the professional Argentine team, i figure you all live in Argentina now, traveling from Argentina and Japan was tiring, so you moved to be closer
- when the news approaches him after or before games, he makes sure to show his daughter off and the whole time it’s his daughter stealing the show
- she might be shy at first, but as long as dadkawa is holding her, she’s fine
- he’ll teach her Spanish, defiantly sings happy birthday to her in Spanish because it’s special
- he calls her his princesa (princess in spanish)
Kenma Kozume 
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- if his child didn’t enjoy video games like him or any of his hobbies like volleyball, I feel like Kenma would have a hard time with them
- he loves his son yes, but he’d have a hard time interacting with him, especially if he’s not into video games or volleyball
- if he is though, you can often find the two in kenma’s home office, playing games
- when your son was a infant, you would always come home from being out/work to find your son sitting in his pj’s on kenma’s lap watching his dad play video games 
- “it’s late, ken. i see he’s already in his pj’s- did you already have dinner?” “yes”
- “without me?” you asked, lifting up your son to give his cheeks kisses. “there’s apple pie in the fridge.”
- eye-
- yes he fed your son that, yes he needs a little guidance, yes he needs to be told apple pie is NOT dinner
- on another occasion of coming home, you found your boys in the same spot, once again playing video games, your sons eyes drifting between the game and his father every time he muttered under his breath 
- “the screen is bad for your eyes kenma, and he’s just a baby! he’ll get bad eyes too!”
- kenma’s short answer is, “he won’t” 
- when your son got older, and he started getting into video games, it got harder for you to tear his eyes away from the screen
- he’s been around video games his whole life, so of course it’d be hard, you just didn’t think he’d grow attached 
- kenma leaves most of the strict parenting to you, because he LEGIT doesn’t NOT know what to say
- he’s lowkey afraid he’ll push his son away if he says the wrong thing, but he’s also worried that if he doesn't say anything, they’ll have no real relationship, so he struggles 
- he tries his hardest to bond with him over video games and volleyball though
- as said by your son, kenma’s cooking can’t compare to yours, BUT he does know how to make a yummy apple pie
- his son will help kenma with said apple pie, when he’s younger he was often the taste tester and made a mess every time
- kenma gets nervous in huge crowds and really around anyone he doesn’t know, so if his son is a social butterfly he’ll try to get kenma used to people other than himself and you
- somehow, during the rare moments his son has problems (friends, school etc), kenma will be the one to speak up privately
- he’ll definitely tell his son to surround himself with a good friend/good friends, he also makes sure to let him know the importance of quality over quantity 
- he has a brotherly relationship with kuroo, and if not for kuroo he’d be alone, he wants the same thing for his son
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10.20.20, rayofsunas 
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azucanela · 4 years
Can i please have a headcanons for Keigo and Shinsou with a female s/o that really likes manga and anime but keeps it a secret from others because they talk shit and make fun of her? and like one day they accidently find out and she's kinda embarressed about it but they convince her that everything is fine and they think ist cute how happy they are when they talk about something she loves? Uwu :9 (sorry for my bad english)
secret anime and manga fan s/o headcannons  [ft. keigo takami, shinsou hitoshi]
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SUMMARY: Y/N has been hiding the fact that she likes anime and manga from her lovely boyfriend for a while now, fearing he’d find it weird. now, she has no choice but to address the fact that he knows. 
WARNINGS: threats
A/N: your english is great bb! uwu owo this was relatable askdakjhds if anyone tells you there is something wrong with watching anime or reading manga, let me tell you that they are WRONG. i will fight them for you<3
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you used to talk about animes you liked because at the end of the day they are tv shows thats it, same with mangas, they are like books but cooler lol
but people found that “weird” for some reason, because anime is a “cartoon” and thats so gross omg haha these “cartoons” make me sob um watch a silent voice and cry with me kids
you’re watching anime in the comfort of your home, just vibing. no one is coming over today, you have time to yourself to enjoy your lil show that nobody should be judging you for
well, you thought no one was coming over
keigo has a tendency to just like, show up at your house sometimes when hes bored or in the midst of an uneventful patrol. though he rarely is seen in public, especially on the streets, he does fly-bys constantly
anyways, he was bored, or just relieved of duty for whatever reason, like lunch. he is having chicken nuggets, he is a cannibal, be ashamed H A W K S, smh
anyways, he just shows up at your house, like he lowkey breaks in through the balcony of your apartment, but its fine because you leave it open for him, but normally he texts you to let you know he’s coming but today was the exception because he’s adorable and wanted to surprise!!! you!!! with!!! food!!!
so he comes in, and he sees you are on your couch, just watching your lil anime, and you are SO INTO IT MAN like you are lowkey yelling at the TV whenever a character does something, and when that one character you hate comes on you’re like throwing hands with nothing
keigo is internally screaming because why are you so CUTE
he kinda forgets for a second that you don’t know he’s there, he has no idea what’s going on in this show, and he’s still holding chicken nuggets and fries
this is why he just kinda screams at a character who does something stupid, that totally could’ve been avoided, effectively startling you
now you are both screaming for separate reasons as you turn around to look at him, and now you are panicking because oh no, he KNOWS 
his wings are fluttering and he feels bad for scaring you as he comes up to wrap his arms around your shoulders, “sorry baby! but that guy is so dumb.”
you are MORTIFIED and now you’re like, “oh my god, you must think im so weird-”
keigo is confused, why would he think that? he genuinely doesn’t realize that people make fun of you for watching anime and he’s so confused by it when you inform him that a lot of people tend to find it weird 
“people think its weird so i just-” hahahhasdha keigo lowkey wants to take time out of his day in his professional agency to find out who told you it was weird and made you think you had to hide this from him because he wants to know everything about you! you are the love of his life! you shouldn’t feel the need to hide things!
now he feels like maybe he did something to make you think you had to hide your love for anime even though it is literally adorable to watch you
“baby, it’s not weird. i actually think its cute how angry you get at the characters. and i AGREE like how could he just do that-”
“wait you don’t care...?” you are BLUSHING because he thinks you are CUTE not that you didn’t know this already since he was dating you but like
“of course not, also would you mind restarting this anime, im kind of invested- oh and i brought chicken nuggets”
you lowkey wanna cry he’s so cute
he can tell you don’t believe him so he sets the food down on a coffee table and takes your face in his hands and is all like, “baby. i promise you its fine. and adorable. now let’s restart this show so i can watch with you.”
he winks at you and now you’re like, “whatever no i am NOT restarting.”
then he gets all pouty but its fine he doesn’t need to understand the plot to watch with you and enjoy every moment, he also likes when you explain it really excitedly with all these hand movements, and he especially enjoys when you get mad at characters
he finds it hot 
hates when you have a crush on a character he gets so jealous and is not afraid to show it kjahsdahsdsh mans will start hating the character just because you keep talking about how hot they are
“they’re just so BEAUTIFUL.”
keigo, self consciously touching his winds, “im beautiful too...”
he’s so cute
throws popcorn at the screen whenever that character comes on
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THIS BOY is so pretty
anyways you probably fell asleep reading manga, or watching anime or something like that, so it’s like 1AM and you were BINGING because that stuff is great and nobody is there to bother you while you read and watch and stuff its you time
and for some reason people have been opposed to this in the past? so now whenever people come to your room your manga are all like lowkey hidden and you make sure there is no evidence of anima
you did NOT want shinsou finding out and thinking you were weird or anything like that, even though liking anime and manga is NOT weird!!!
if anyone tells you other lmk and i will have strong words with them
so you fell asleep and shinsou comes over because he realizes he forgot something in your room, and like the GENTLEMAN he is, he knocks, but you are asleep and do not hear him!
he’s like eh worst case scenario she’s cheating on me and i end up heartbroken, and this is something he genuinely considers sometimes and he would definitely blame himself if he got cheated on
so he sees you sleeping and you are like a mess because you did not intend to fall asleep, so you’re like in your desk chair, the manga is wide open on your desk or your computer is on and there’s the still going anime aksjdhkjdhas
your neck is in a weird funky way that’ll probably hurt in the morning and shinsou is like oh no i gotta move her i dont want her in pain, he is also wondering why you look so cute because what the hell this is unfair stop it
tbh he probably barely notices the manga, like he’ll just nonchalantly close it and place it on your bedside table because reading manga isn’t weird before coming back to you, in the chair, and like picking you up to put you in bed
now you AWAKEN AND YOU ARE A L E R T because it hits you pretty fast that shinsou is here, this is NOT a dream, he probably saw your manga/anime, and now hates you and is carrying you to your death
this is all false
in the midst of your panic, you knock the both of you down onto the ground, and he’s feels so bad for allowing the two of you to fall nkjasdjakn poor bb
“Y/N im so sorry-”
“hitoshi why are you apologizing?”
he just ignores that and he comes over to you on the floor but your gaze is on the closed computer on your desk or the manga that was placed on your bedside table that you DEFINITELY DID NOT PUT THERE
he saw, he definitely saw, and now you are babbling about how weird he must think you are because of those JERKS who made you think anime and manga are weird
“what are you talking about?”
“well, people always told me how weird it was and sometimes they would... say things”
shinsou quickly realizes you were bullied because you liked manga and anime and stuff like that and now he is contemplating murder <3 what a lovely boyfriend
as someone who has experience with bullying himself, he finds this especially stupid, its literally just a show and book, and kinda wants to ask you the names of the people who told you these things so he can hunt them d o w n
instead shinsou prioritizes you and your insecurities first, “babe... no. its just anime? there’s no problem with watching it. whoever told you that was just a jerk.” jk he uses more colorful vocabulary
shinsou is completely ready to spend the next hour convincing you that there is nothing to worry about because there really isn’t 
“so you don’t think its weird?” his heart almost breaks when he hears your voice and he just nods and gives you a lil smile
“not at all... actually i was wondering what was so interesting that you stayed up until” he’s looking at the time, “2AM.”
now you’re blushing but you still launch into an explanation of the entire anime and honestly anime/manga plots are so extensive and cool and well done and that just makes them so fun and complicated to explain
shinsou is trying his hardest to understand but you are very cute as you explain using lots of vivid hand gestures and adorable faces and wow he’s been distracted
will try his hardest to understand so that you can talk with him about it more often, genuinely finds it great watching you tell him about something you enjoy so much and hates that you felt the need to keep it a secret
he wonders how many times you hid away the manga or anime when he came over and feels like an inconvenience 
anyways he really really really likes you so now he just listens as you rant about how cute certain characters are and lowkey gets jealous
“he’s not... that hot.” grumbling and stuff as he plays with the edge of his sleeve and borderline glares at the screen.
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A/N: i hope this wasn’t bad akshfjakshdkjh 
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in relation to my drowsy share, anyway can we have the rfa + minor trio's take on an mc that is so crazy for a fictional character meanwhile they are in love with mc? they be like: hELLo - crackhead anon
Hey there crackhead anon! I’ve missed yaaaaa
RFA+minor trio with an MC who is in love with fictional characters (instead of them *insert sad violin music*)
Part 2 here!
Aight listen
At first he’s chill about it
He just thinks you don’t know how to pick up hints, because he’s literally been flirting with you for a while now
But then, after time passes and you still don’t realize he’s hitting on you, and you’re still sort of fangirling over this fictional character, he WILL be a bit mad
I mean why do you need to romance 2d boys when he’s there??? Do you just not like him??? What was wrong with him, mC pLeAsE
Truth be told, he will try and act like your anime/game character. He WILL do it, all he can to get you to understand he LIKES you
You like angry bois? He will become an angry boy. Tsunderes? Well, it’s not like he l-likes you or anything baka! Cool flirty type? He will up his game
Although it takes a while, Zen finds out one of your favorite confessions from your favorite game, and decides to copy it! He will be all romantic and everything
Thankfully you were FINALLY able to understand that he likes you, and it’ll probably be a funny story you tell everyone in the RFA
Angry boi angry boi
Yoosung has never flirted in his life
Well, he’s not good at it, it’s not something he has really done before
Imagine the PAIN this poor guy must be through when he finally takes the courage to flirt and...
You don’t get it
Zen has even tried giving Yoosung some advice, which usually works,but you’re still not picking up his hints!
One day Yoosung finds you smiling at your phone screen and he’s lowkey ready to fuck a bitch up
But then he sees you’re playing a game... ANS GETS EVEN MORE JEALOUS
I mean, come on! You’re choosing an AI over him? Why MC WHY T_T
After curling up in his bed and crying for three hours, Yoosung decided to just tell you and get it over with.
He was really scared, and his hands shook as he dialed up your number.
You immediatly answered, which made him let out a little yelp, and after a bit of stammering Yoosung decided to confess his feelings for you.
“I...I love you Y/N. And, I-I know I’m not exactly your type of guy...like the ones in your game. I’m not really like...like them but I, I promise I will do my best to become the type of man you want to be with!”
“Y/N please speak I am panicking.”
You laughed. “It’s alright Yoosung. Truth is...I like you too...and you’re exactly like the guy in my game, why do you even think I was romancing him? You don’t have to change, I love you for who you are.”
Yoosung tried his best to hold back his tears, and after the two of you hung up he gave a little WHOOP
So, Jaehee was really taken aback when she realized that she had feelings for you. After all, she never really thought about having a partner before
She was really new to the experience. Sure, she had been confessed to in her high school days (I mean look at her she probably got so many love letters AHG) but that was all she knew.
So she went to Zen for advice, which was great! The thing neither of you had planned though, was that you would be far too focused on your anime waifus to realize that Jaehee was flirting with you
Honestly she isn’t even mad. She’s just confused. I mean, she gets what it’s like idolizing someone, but I mean, Zen was real.
So Jaehee lays low for a while. To be honest, she feels a bit jealous whenever you gush and fawn over this character, or this other character, because your eyes light up in such a beautiful way, she can’t help but want them to light up like that for her.
After months and months, Zen finally decides to tell you that Jaehee likes you. He had taken you out to dinner, and you almost dropped your fork when he told you.
Immediatly, he drove you to Jaehee’s house. She came out in her cute pijamas, with no glasses on. You were honestly about to die.
After saying bye (and thanks) to Zen, you went to sit with Jaehee in her living room, and there you confessed your feelings for her. Jaehee was super confused,after all you would never shut up about the character you liked, and she really believed she had no shot. Yet, here you are, confessing to her. Jaehee can’t help but smile and blush.
She will always tease you about your character crushes, but she understands you. She has even found a few of her own! (But she’ll never tell you.)
Jaehee thinks it’s really funny how you never understood that she was trying to give you hints, or even the time she used a pick up line on you (Zen’s idea) and you two laugh about it when you lay in bed, cuddling.
He is very confused
First of all, he’s dealing with a LOT of emotions right now
And then second, when he decided to express his feelings for you, you don’t really understand?
Which is super confusing, I mean, it always works in his soap operas
Instead though, you are in love with a fictional character.
Excuse me what?
Jumin really doesn’t understand
MC he’s fake pls love me
Honestly I think this would lead to a really funny montage of Jumin buying you super expensive things, and making the biggest romantic gestures, while you just remain clueless as to what’s going on lol
He gets a whole orchestra to play your favorite song, he always gets you your favorite flowers or chocolates, he’s always doing the most romantic things he can find on the internet! (Yes he had to look up how to flirt lol)
One day, you’re both talking on the phone, and it’s late at night. The moon and stars are getting the both of you super sentimental, and at one point while Jumin is looking out into the balcony, he smiles and then whispers your name.
You immediatly stop talking and blush like crazy. Then, before you could say anything else, he starts speaking again.
“Y/N. There’s something really important I have to tell you. In all my life...no one has ever gotten to make me...make me feel so much. I’ve always been told to bury my emotions, to never show them. Then you came along and I found that I could never stop myself from...from feeling...I’ve never felt like this before, the feeling of loving someone, of cherishing someone. They weren’t feelings I hadn’t known until I met you. You have changed my life. And I mean it, Y/N. I have become more open, it’s as if my heart was a frozen lake and then you came and melted me away and well, what I’m trying to say is that I love you.”
“Jumin that was the best confession ever, I- I love you too!”
Afterwards Jumin is fine with you going crazy for a fictional character, as long as he always ends up getting tons of hugs and kisses too.
Jumin was never really jealous, except the times when he left for business trips, because he knew that some games had these audios to help you sleep (you told him a while ago) and that was the only thing that made him a bit worried.
One time when he came home early, you jumped up from your bed where you were playing and ran up to hug Jumin. Your phone screen was still on and he could see the character smiling seductively at you. He may or may not have stuck his tongue out at it for a split second (he had all the right to though, I mean why would you want a fictional character when you have JUMIN ajfbdbsb)
So, after the whole ME ordeal was over, you two still hadn’t really tied the knot. You weren’t even together.
Saeyoung had realized that he liked you, more than he’s ever liked a person before, and he felt that it was alright now...after all, there was no more agency, or weird cults or whatever.
He thought it would be fine.
Oh how wrong he was
Saeyoung does have his own way of showing his affections, by bulding apps or robots, anything of the sort! Yet you still didn’t seem to understand that he liked you
Instead you were head over heels for this one guy in a stupid game.
Listen, Saeyoung was pretty jealous alright? He kept trying to flirt but you didn’t understand, and you actually seemed to be in love with a fictional character! What was he supposed to do now?
Well eventually he figured out how to make his feelings clear for you.
One night, you opened up your game after a long day. You loaded your file and hummed the games background music as you progressed through the story, and giggled whenever your favorite character would appear.
Then, when your favorite cutscene was about to happen, your computer froze.
You frowned and gently tapped the screen, seeing if that would make it work. But no.
You panicked and clicked your screen, trying to restart your computer, to close the application, just to figure out what was wrong.
Then suddenly some text appeared, as if from the game, and a sprite you had never seen before (but was familiar) appeared on the screen.
You raised an eyebrow and went out into the living room, looking at the camera and trying to ask Seven what was going on, but he didn’t seem to reply.
You then grabbed your computer and kept clicking through the game.
“Y/N” it said. “It’s me! God7! Aren’t you feeling so grateful right now? Knowing that the one and only Savior of Justice is right here, inside your computer! Not everyone gets this sort of treatment you know? Anyway, the thing is, I hope you’re not mad that I hacked into your game. Oh, don’t worry though! I will fix it as soon as we’re done talking...well...the thing is....Y/N. I know it’s really weird that I’m talking to you through this, but I feel like it’s the only way I can get you to understand how you make me feel. Thanks to you I got my brother back, and the RFA is closer than ever. I don’t even have an agency to work for anymore. You’ve done so much for all of us. And the thing is, during that process I...I fell in love with you. I love your smile, your voice, your eyes, your face, everything. Yet you only seem to have eyes for that game character, hmph! How dare he try to get between my beautiful 606 and me!? To be honest...I don’t know if you like me back. For all I know you’re ready to marry that one guy, but I just have to be honest now, and tell you how I feel. That’s all. You don’t have to reply yet though! I’m sorry I can’t be like those guys in your games, but I’ll show you that 707 can be way better than them! Anyway, I think I’ve kept you for too long. I’ll go now...bye!”
A woosh sound effect was heard, and then your computer turned back to normal, your character smiling up at you, the romantic music playing on the background. But you just sat there, blushing.
Seven....liked you?!
Holy shit! And you didn’t even realize!
You quickly turned off your computer and ran over to the living room, getting in clear view of the camera. You waved your arms frantically and smiled at the lens as you said “I love you Saeyoung!”
Did he hear? You didn’t really know. Well not until you heard a knock on your door and when you opened, Saeyoung quickly ran over and hugged you.
He lets you still be crazy for fictional characters, the only rule is that you can’t buy any body pillows of them.
“Why buy them when you have me! Y/N, you know I’m the best quality for a body pillow” he winked at you, and you rolled your eyes.
In conclusion, the two of you always laugh remembering how you never got that he was flirting, and how in love you appeared to be with the fictional character.
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
Kissing headcanons w/Hinawa, Victor, & Maki
Warnings: nothing short of a little cussing
Genre: Fluff 
Gender: Neutral
A/N: I may or may not have enjoyed writing these a bit TOO much! Nonetheless I hope you enjoy these headcanons! 
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Hinawa is the type to have those kisses that leave your mind blank, heart fluttering, and lungs breathless
Each time he kisses you, he’ll wrap his arms around your whole body and hold you so close to his body that you’ll be able to feel his heartbeat (or at least that’s the sentiment behind him holding you so tightly) then he goes in for the kill
He also knows that his kisses will leave you weak in the knees so that’s why he holds you like that lol
What makes these kisses so effective in ko’ing you in (1) move is the fact that he chooses the times you’d least expect these types of kisses!
It could be when he’s going to separate from you before going to fight fires (which he kisses you like it’s the last time he’ll see your beautiful face)
It could be whenever you’re fresh out of the shower, or right before training
Or when you’re in the middle of rambling about your day
Like I know this man keeps his lips moisturized so expect to taste a little mint on his lips
This lowkey surprised you whenever you had first kissed him (you expected them to be a lil chapped lol)
You had known Hinawa for years of working in the military and specialized force together. From co-workers to comrades to ending up as lovers (although he did reject you a few times). It was all worth the hurt and pinning as you had finally gotten together with Hinawa (once he mustered the courage to finally ask you out after rejecting you). To say you were shocked that day was an understatement but we’ll save that story for another time. Now, you were happy to be with the man but….you guys had yet to kiss and you guys were 4 months deep in the relationship (granted you still kept to your duties).
This was something you were determined to change, so while you guys were cooking for the brigade you decided to lean over and give his cheek a little smooch. Ya know, as a job well done! However, Hinawa turned to talk to you and was met with your lips (homebody was pleasantly surprised). He pulled away after like 10 seconds tho lol
He hit you with a “This is inappropriate workplace behavior.” and walked away, but then came back and gave you a kiss on the corner of your lips (what a bastard)
He won’t be up for smooches in the workplace unless you’re either about to separate for the night or he’s completed a day’s work early (But everyone has to be asleep or away from the station!)
You could probably sneak a kiss in while you guys are cooking for the rest of the brigade
Or anytime you guys are alone, although he will tease you by acting oblivious to your advances (inappropriate behavior headass)
Just to show that every part of him is appreciated and that you’re behind him every step of the way
Did I mention that even his pecks will leave your heart flipping as if it’s competing for Gold in the gymnastics Olympics? No? Well you’re gonna hear about it
He pecks to show you a little appreciation
Think of his pecks like little hearts!
If you’re ticklish, his pecks will definitely have you giggling a little
His kisses are smooth like whiskey in a way that he goes straight for the kill and you can still feel his lips on yours a while after kissing him
It would be up to you if it’s a delicate little kiss or a rough passionate makeout session
His favorite place to kiss you is the corner of your lips, your collarbone, and the palm of your hands, (you cannot tell me otherwise!)
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He’s a mad scientist who only takes care of his BASIC hygiene
The type to always playfully back away whenever you try to kiss him then when you get annoyed he’ll give you smooches
“What?? Is that all you wanted (n/n)? All you had to was say so! Now look at you, all mad with no kisses”
Take away his kisses since he got a slick ass mouth
He’ll literally tail you with a list of excuses as to why he needs your kisses to get a proper hypothesis done and conduct thorough research and then he needs them as motivation to go test his theories
Like aight, damn here are your kisses you big goof
I’m not saying you should run your hands through his hair when you kiss him but that’s exactly what I’m saying
In fact, kiss his throat to let him know that he’s always welcome to speak his mind but then kiss his lips so you can shut him up
He’ll kiss your hands (as dramatically as possible), then he’ll pull you in...wrap an arm around your waist….and kiss you.
He’ll flick your forehead after kissing you as well
Another way he likes to kiss you is by keeping both hands in his pocket and leaning over to kiss you (mans be tall)
Or when you’re sitting in his lap as he rants about his research
This man loves some tongue action
Like you could give him a peck but he’ll whine about you ‘not kissing him right’ then pull you in for a makeout session
Occasionally you’ll feel him put his hand on your cheek….or the other cheeks
He’ll grab said cheeks too if the kiss gets heated
Like that’s y’all’s first kiss went lol
Observing Victor in his natural habitat of an organized mess filled with nothing but notes from his research always amused you. It was the only place you could see the brunette become so excited and display such passion towards his goal. You usually just examined him from afar, but today was different. Today he was actively discussing his research with you and the results he got from it. No longer were you in the background, this time you were at the forefront. Which incidentally was how you occupied his thoughts. It didn’t take too long (but it certainly took a while) for the both of you to connect the dots to a complicated puzzle that was related to his goal. “Do you know what this means (f/n)?” “I do, but I’m going to play dumb so I can listen to you explain it with that sexy brain of yours” and right after those words left your lips they were swallowed up by Victor’s lips. A kiss so fiery and intense had you wishing to be burned.
Victor will 100% kiss you after getting satisfactory results from either seeing his theories be correct or he finds new clues
He gets handsy with these kisses
You guys have kissed in the shower (y’all know he be thinkin HEAVY in the shower)
Depending on his mood you’ll get fiery kisses that make you think he is an ability user but for the most part, his kisses are pretty lazy
He adores lazy mornings where he can wake up to you kissing him all over his face (those feathery light kisses)
He’ll also tug on your bottom lip after a kiss and then complain about how he’s oh so hungry (take it as you will)
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        MAKI OZE
Flustered baby is flustered
Anytime you lean in to give her a smooch she gets so red (omg please call her your little strawberry)
Surprise kisses will fluster her to no end!!
She’s always so hesitant to kiss you because she doesn’t wanna mess it up
Nevertheless, her kisses are filled with nothing but adoration and love
Once she gets into the kiss is whenever she gets bolder
After you guys are finished kissing she’ll hide her face in your chest and let out the cutest little whine
This is completely different from when she gets huffy or full of passion
Expect these kisses after fighting a fire, when she’s finished training, after dinner with her family, when she gets jealous, when she gets the hang of controlling her little fire sprites..
She’ll even try to surprise kiss you! (She’ll still get shy riiiight before kissing you)
Did I mention she loves kissing you? Well, she does!
Her favorite places to smooch you are definitely your neck and cheeks (That way she can easily hide her face)
YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO KISS HER CHEEKS AND HER NOSE (I made the rules and you have to follow them, you’re on my blog!!)
She’s the type to kiss your fingertips during a moment of high intensity and she doesn’t know if you guys will make it out alive. Moreover, when she can’t properly convey all of her emotions so she kisses your fingertips while closing her eyes in a moment of serenity then she looks into your eyes with such intensity and--
Thankfully your first kiss together wasn’t during such a life-threatening moment but it was definitely after training the rugra--I mean Shinra and Authur
Walking through the fire station always calmed you down, however, your mind was all over the place with worry! You couldn’t seem to find Maki, despite texting and calling her phone. You knew she had to be at the fire station or else she would’ve been with you celebrating your 2 months anniversary! Hearing the sounds of your girlfriend shouting and the grunts of pain following after gave you your answer. Well--at least you were right in some aspects. Walking towards the noise, you were met with Maki standing over the two newbies. Seeing her in all her glory made your heart go into palpitations. Once Maki noticed you she started making her way to you with a loving glow in her eyes. “Oh! (F/N)! What are you doing here?” you didn’t even have it in you to answer her as you leaped into her arms. Giving a quick peck to her cheek then one on her lips you huffed in satisfaction at her expression “Happy 2 months silly!”
Safe to say you guys had a lovely day and she kept asking for kisses  
Her lips always taste like some sort of fruit from her chapstick
She also likes kissing your cheek while you guys swing your hands back and forth
When baby is upset give her some forehead kisses (It’ll help her calm down)
She likes to have her kisses be short and sweet but sometimes she’ll let her lips ghost over yours after a makeout session (what a tease) 
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bhah ch7 can’t stop won’t stop
lmao Dani being like ‘we should wait to discuss kids til after we’re married’ yes doesn’t seem like a giant thing u should make sure u agree on before u make a major commitment at all
Dani is so in love with Jamie sdjkhdfkjg driving to her house on instinct and just like...gazing at her in her old t-shirt and sweats like you’ve finally seen the light girl just kiss her already
god I can’t believe I have 2 more chapters of them as adults just being the absolute perfect match for each other to get through before they finally kiss in ch 11 (i’m maninfesting it no one say anything) I am literally going to scream. Dani will like... feel a little off and it’s all “i need to go to Jamie’s house and also tell Jamie everything and she will make me tea and let me be myself without all the expectations and I will feel better” I AM VERY HAPPY SHE CAN BE THAT FOR YOU BUT ALSO CAN YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE MS CLAYTON (actually I think she kind of does but she must extract herself from her real life first I guess)
oh no the new chapter is almost here I still have so much to read
forget ‘there was only one bed’ this is now a ‘there was only one tent’ stan blog only
thirsty Dani truly is the funniest I am so sorry ur suffering is so entertaining. Dani: literally whacks her finger with a mallet bc horny for Jamie. Me: uncontrollable chortling
the idea of Dani wrangling 8 year olds that are probably just about as tall as her is too funny. tiny legend
aww the lil background Hannah and Owen moments. cute
Dani in a big ol’ straw hat pls that’s so cute
this Jackie and Jamie situation..... GIVE US THE DEETS
hmmmmnnnnnngggg Jamie just straight down on her knees in front of Dani to tie her shoe lace I will absolutely let u have this gay panic Dani u don’t deserve to be made fun of right now
Jamie “I have a story” absolutely NOT
Viola, emerging from the lake in this no ghosts childhood friends story: surprise bitch
these two drunk idiots are literally teenagers dsjkhdfkgjh just get in ur tent
Dani, drunk in a tiny tent w the love of her life: hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
when we finally get a Jamie on her knees redemption moment-
Dani, drunk in a tiny tent w the love of her life currently taking her clothing off: oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck (y’all really wanted to torture her this chapt huh?)
“dawn was a saffron colored suggestion peeking through a pinhole gap in the tent’s zipper” god that’s a pretty sentence can i pls borrow some talent
Jamie and Dani w kids is sooooo cute they have such a nice balance between them
just thinking about if teenage Jamie desperately in love w her bestie could see things now Dani being all into her w all her lingering looks etc how the fuckin turn tables
“Dani kept a firm grip on her sanity” lol
oh my god they’re both drenched in the tent w the soft lamplight and only their own bodyheat to keep warm whatever will they do
oh wait they also have the heat of their burning attraction to each other they’ll be toasty as anything
hhhhngggg abs
that’s like 4 mentions of Jamie on her knees aklhfdkjgkdjh enough
lads is it gay to imagine running ur fingertips over the scar on your friends back before pressing ur lips to it or...?
Jamie taking the time to teach Dani car things aww
lol not the smutty book
eddie honking at her gets so under my skin like my dude... my guy... stop
Dani thinking so hard about rain damp Jamie and how much she wanted to jump her while she’s in the car w her boyf and MIL. girl
imagine if we had to sit through a dani and eddie wedding before she finally managed to call this off how cursed
ayoooo Carson’s show I cannot wait. omg we get it this chapter too gbless this really is the Dani suffering hours
Jamie just so casually like.... not even flirting w Dani it’s all just kinda observations but every other thing she says makes Dani stop breathing skdhfdkfjh this is so good
Dani has like... a lack of object permanence but with Jamie feelings ok
pleeease the Dani Carson road trip that’s so cute I can just imagine what fun they would have had
uuughhh i wanna go to a sweaty bar n listen to loud music again
also would like a Jamie to press their hand to my lower back n make me lose my mind in a sweaty bar to loud music
this lil jamie dani carson trio is my faaaave
“Girls must be all over you.” and Jamie choking on her drink dsfkjsdhkf oh Dani u beautiful naive angel. god that’s so funny
Robin instantly going for Jamie... same bro
Carson’s lil found family band pls my heart is so full
Carson calling them his sisters n Jamie freezing up bby when are u going to accept these people care abt u and love u like family
Robin is so brazenly just like ‘ur hot’. a voice of the people i love her
Dani being lowkey jealous as IF Ms Taylor has eyes for anyone else babe
Carson knoooowwwwws. When do we get the Carson O’Mara biopic please I want his takes on everything I know they’re excellent
oh my god Jamie knowing Dani’s fave kind of pizza pls I love that so much (I can’t remember if it’s been mentioned in the past few chapters but I remember her being mad that Eddie didn’t in CH1? i love this lil detail) (also I literally just ate vegge pizza I feel so immersed in this experience)
dfkgjhdfkjgh Jamie licking her finger and Dani completely combusting this is so entertaining
fuck n then it gets all soft and about how they’ve been in love their whole lives this is emotional whiplash
Jamie constantly in protector mode but in this really quiet comforting way is so sweet I love her so much
god I just feel so bad for Dani that this kind of insane electricity she has with Jamie has probably never been a thing in her relationship w Ed bby u deserve someone that makes u feel like this
awww Carsons bf
Dani’s soul leaving her body when she sees them kissing oh no
Jamie giving Dani her jacket pleeease I am dying here... the romance of it all
and shariing cigarettes and intense looks these two really are somethin else
lmao even Robin is picking up on their vibes you two could level a building with the amount of tension between u
Dani’s moment of Realisation abt Carson n Jamie just being like... well yeah
lmao Dani subtly trying to figure out if Jamie is gettin’ it sdkgdfhkjgh
when these do two finally get together both of them are gonna be like... taken out by all of this. Dani has only ever known Eddie who just does not get her (and the fact that she is a lesbian so she’s never had real feelings for him in that way) and it seems like Jamie has only ever had surface level relationships with people who never really got her either (while also being in love w her best friend who she never thought would love her back). there’s no way this is wont eventually make at least one person cry a bunch (probably me) with how right all of it is
god Dani is so horny for Jamie sdflkdfjgkfdj preemptive RIP for Ms Taylor when Dani finally does get to live out all these daydreams on her I just know someones gonna end up pulling somethin
Does Dani like.... get that she will never love Edmund that way like is she fully aware of the fact she loves him but she’s not in love with him and all these feelings for Jamie aren’t just because it’s Jamie but because she’s not straight??? have we gone on that journey yet
aw Ed waited up for her
the book the book the book
dsfkdhfgkj oh Dani
“Jamie on her knees, looking up at her” listen-
girl u are so fucked
who could this possibly be about hmmmm Dani
“baffled but excited” i think is how I almost always picture eddie lol
dang get it girl take control
aw dani u poor confused little duck. i just wanna give her a hug
Dani dressed as Dorothy is awfuly cute
heh Jamie as a wolf i love her fursona
lmao toto
of course Jamie is well aquainted with the bleachers. cheeky. oh no not the art room. Dani dying inside and then imagining herself there with Jamie girl has got it baaaad u poor lil repressed gayby
Dani is... so thirsty... goddamn
lmao Jamie blatantly checking her out are u trying to kill her she already wants to rip ur clothes off
“To the third floor art room?” dfksdhfgkjdfhgjdhf imagine if this was it they just banged it out in the art room right now n got things sorted
god they go from horny to soft so quick i love the ways they care about each other
Jamie saying the scarecrow costume is fitting for Eddie PLEASE
ooh the infamous hickey
What Dani deseves: snuggles. What Dani recieves: struggles
the MEMES. god bless the memes
this was an excellent companion for my Wednesday hopefully I can churn through the rest of em before we are blessed w ch11 amen
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tsuy4n · 4 years
Temporary curse 2
Part 1
"Good morning, everyone!"
Your cheerful and bubbly voice reach to the brothers' ears while entering the dining room with Lucifer while being carried by him; only by one arm, completely dressed up cutely. Thanks to Lucifer.
You all went out shopping at Majolish yesterday to buy you some clothes for the time being in your child form to use for tomorrow's retreat...it was quite a disaster, since they couldn't decide which clothes to buy you, since everything suits you well. What they all thought
In the end, the brothers had decided to let you pick your own clothes.
"Good morning, sweetie~!"
Asmo sweetly replies along with his smile as he quickly stood up from his seat and dashed by your side after Lucifer had sat you down beside his.
Leviathan replied as well, his eyes leaving the screen of his phone to look at you; who's being smothered by Asmo.
"Hey! Get away from her!"
Mammon shouts but was completely ignored by Asmodeus. sad.
"Did you sleep well?"
The Avatar of Lust asked, which you replied with a nod and bright smile but still somewhat looking sleepy.
"Aww~ you're still sleepy aren't you? Well it's really early...You can sleep with me later after we arrive at the castle~!"
He happily said as he seemed excited at the thought of you sleeping beside him, hugging as he kisses your plump, soft, chubby cheeks.
"Wha?! No way! [Y/n]'s sleepin' beside me later!"
Mammon retorts to his brother, who only scoffed at him.
"No way that's happening, because [Y/n] is obviously gonna pick me and not you."
Asmodeus confidently said to the white haired demon.
"How can ya be so sure, huh?!"
"Are you an idiot? Oh, wait. I can't believe I just asked that. But I'll answer that for you, because you're an idiot. Of course you're an idiot! It's obvious that she wants to see me, my beautiful face, the moment she opens her eyes."
"What the— hey! I ain't an idiot!"
Mammon retorts as Satan appears with Beel, who's both setting down the plate of foods as their breakfast for today.
"You may be pretty Asmo, but we're not that sure if [Y/n] will pick you."
Beel spoke after putting the plate down, earning a stifle laugh from Satan, after he puts down three pieces of pancakes with butter and honey on top of it on a plate in front of you, which made your eyes sparkle.
You happily exclaimed, your sleepiness disappearing at the delicious looking food. And when you were about to start digging in, you couldn't reach your food,. So you stood up on your seat and reached for the fork then started your meal, completely forgetting that the brothers were still arguing in the background.
Your eyes sparkled as you stuff your mouth with pancakes while the demons continue to argue.
"How rude!"
Asmo responds to Beel, a scowl visible on his pretty face.
"There's no need to be upset, Asmo. What Beel said was true."
Satan said with a chuckle, which only made Asmo scoff.
"Why do they have to be so loud."
Leviathan mumbles to himself as he scrolls through his phone, but is actually lowkey jealous. Lucifer coughs; gaining his brothers' attention.
"Apparently, [Y/n] is not sleeping with anyone, with the exception of me of course. Now, shut up before I hang you all upside down at the ceiling, leaving you all here for three days."
All of them squeaked at their eldest brother's deadly smile and a bit of shameful words.
"Augh..Do you guys have to be so loud in the morning? I even woke up from my slumber. I felt like my eardrums were gonna explode."
Belphegor deadpans, his brows furrowed, completely annoyed at them, not until he saw you, continuously stuffing your mouth with pancakes; making your cheeks more plump as your eyes continue to shine and sparkle.
A squirrel?
Belphie thought, his head slightly at the side while staring at you.
"Gwush moshning, Bwelp!"
You cheerfully greeted, mouth full with food as you smiled at him.
"Yeah, Good morning, [Y/n]. Enjoying your breakfast?"
He replied, a faint smile visible on his face as he tries not to laugh at you which was a success.
"Yeah! The pawnkwish twaste amashing! Wanna twist?"
(Yeah! The pancake taste amazing! Wanna taste?)
"[Y/n] don't talk with your mouth full, and eat slowly of you'll choke."
Lucifer scolds as he couldn't help himself to chuckle, the others laughing at you.
"LOLOL! That's was so cute that I got it on video!"
The third born happily exclaims while holding on his phone.
"Oi, Levi! Send that to THE great Mammon!"
"Oh, me too~!"
Asmo chimes with a smile.
"Just send it to the group, so that the others can see it as well."
Belphie deadpans which made Levi to smile more.
"Yeah, great idea! Aaaand sent."
"I'm glad that you liked it."
Satan spoke with a smile.
"Of course! It's so soft and fluffy and delicious!"
You exclaimed with enthusiasm, making the blonde to chuckle and pat your head, which you enjoyed.
"Anyways, is your belongings all ready?"
Lucifer ask, earning a few nods from some of his brothers.
"Very well. let's all finish up breakfast quickly then clean up and head to Lord Diavolo's castle. I can't let the angels and Solomon be there first."
"Why does that line seem familiar?"
Mammon ask as he starts to remember, while Asmodeus claps hiss hands together.
"I'm so excited~!"
Asmo excitedly exclaimes while Beel's eyes seemed to have lit up by the news.
"Well not me."
Levi mumbles as he eats.
"Barbatos' cooking."
"Wha— hey, Beel! Stop drooling, you're getting it on my shoulder!"
Exclaimed Leviathan at the tall orange haired cute demon as Lucifer lets out a sigh.
"Be on your best behavior, everyone."
After breakfast, you tried to help the others clean up the table but was stopped quickly stopped, before you could even lift a plate.
They didn't wanted you getting into an accident, that's why. Just the thought of your pained expression deeply aches their hearts.
Mammon has you already in his arms, ready to escape the clean up duty to spend some time with you, but was caught by Belphie, who smiled sinisterly at his white haired brother; making the albino to put you down with a smile as he sweat bullets and before leaving, he said,
"The Great Mammon has to help out his brothers clean up, so go on, play around and have some fun on your own while waiting"
Belphie seemed to have blackmailed Mammon.
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"Woah~! Is that really a castle?!"
You shouted excitedly as you stare at Diavolo's castle with shining and sparkling eyes, lips slightly agape, completely amazed at the sight while being carried by Lucifer, who's walking towards the door of the castle of his lord.
"T-Then, there must be lo~ts of sweets inside, right?!"
The others laughs at your enthusiasm, and finally, you all entered, the large door opening to let you all inside; the inside seemed to be sparkling in your eyes.
"Well, good morning! I must say, I couldn't wait for you to arrive!"
Diavolo cheerfully greets with a soft chuckle.
"Welcome to Lord Diavolo's castle, it's a pleasure to you have here."
Barbatos politely greets with a smile.
"Good morning, Diavolo. And you too, Barbatos."
Lucifer greets back to both of them.
"Oh~ Is that [Y/n]?"
The auburn haired demon prince stares at you, his eyes seemed to have lit up at the sight of you.
The black haired demon simply replied.
"I must say, [Y/n] is very cute when she was a child. I can't believe she had such plump, soft, chubby cheeks!"
Diavolo happily exclaims with a bright smile.
"[Y/n] this is Lord Diavolo, say hi to him."
Your cheeks flushed as you beam at him, trying your best not to look shy.
"H-Hello, nice to meet you, Lord Diavolo!"
You used your cheerful and bubbly voice at him, which made his smile more big.
"Yes, nice to meet you, [Y/n]."
Barbatos walks forward and stares at you which you also stared back, a slight confused and curious look in your big orbs
"Cute, isn't she?"
His lord asked which he responded with a nod and smile.
"Yes. She somehow resembles a very cute hamster."
Diavolo lets out a heartful laugh.
"A hamster, huh?"
"Hello, [Y/n]. I am Barbatos, nice to meet you."
Your cheeks continue to flush as you couldn't held back a shy look at the new person in front of you.
"N-Nice to meet you as well, Barb..Bar.."
Your face scowls as you had a hard time pronouncing the butler's name, your tounge seems to somehow gets tangled when you attempt to say his name like the others prounounce, which made laughter fill the room.
"Oh my. I apologize for also laughing, but that was quite adorable."
You blink your eyes twice at the smiling and chuckling butler, and soon smiled, your teeth slightly showing as you also started to laugh.
"Hey, look. I got [Y/n]'s frowning expression on camera. LOL."
Leviathan snickers while staring at your face through his phone.
"Pfft— send that to the group."
Mammon said while holding back his laughter.
"I'm getting hungry just by staring at [Y/n]'s cheeks..."
Beel spoke as his twin shook his head.
"Well, I'm sleepy. And I think [Y/n]'s sleepy as well, I can't wait to sleep with her."
Belphie spoke happily.
"Nu-uh! [Y/n] and I will be sleeping together!"
Asmo retorts while Satan shakes his head and say:
"Don't start again."
"Lucifer, will both of them give me some delicious sweet?"
You whisper at the black haired with sparkling eyes which made him chuckle.
"Perhaps. You'll just have to wait and see."
He said as he smirks. You nod your head and stared at the two demons in front of you, your eyes sparkling as it showed that you were expecting something from them.
"Why is she staring at the both of us like that?"
Diavolo ask, chuckling as he stares back at you with Barbatos beside him.
"And she seems to expecting something from us?"
The butler said with a smile on his face. Lucifer chuckles and covers your eyes.
"Don't mind her. She's just expecting a sweet treat from the both of you."
"A fun of sweets, huh?"
Diavolo said with a chuckle once again while Lucifer puts you down, making you to dash to the other brothers.
"It seems that our other guests have arrived."
Barbatos announce as he smile while you hide behind Mammon's legs, making the avatars of sins stare at you in awe.
"Hello, good morning. We've already got quite a crowd here, don't we?."
Simeon greets with a smile.
"Yes, and it seems like you've all managed to get here before us once again."
Solomon said as he chuckles softly.
"...Is that [Y/n]?"
Luke points out. You slightly flinched, making you to hide more behind the white haired demon, Mammon.
"She's shy around strangers but once you give her something sweet, she'll immediately go liking you as if she wasn't shy when you first met her~!"
Asmodeus happily explained to them.
"Oh~ She's really cute."
Solomon said as he approaches and crouches down.
"Hello, I'm Solomon. Nice to meet you."
He said with a charming smile while showing a lollipop in his hand. You immediately stepped out from your hiding spot with sparkling eyes.
"Hello, and thank you!"
You replied cheerfully while taking the lollipop away from his hand and giving him a hug, catching the sorcerer off guard.
"Didn't your parents told you about strangers with sweets?"
Solomon asked with a chuckle while you start to unwrap the lollipop.
"Mommy told and warned me about them, but mister Sol are friends with everyone in this room! And you already introduced yourself. We aren't strangers anymore!"
You chirped as you can beam a smile at him which they found so adorable and precious.
"We're gonna be best friends, Sol!"
Solomon felt warm and fuzzy inside while he reaches his hand to pat your head gently.
"You are with no doubt, straight up cute and adorable as a kid. Stay a child forever, [Y/n].
The sorcerer states with a huge smile on his face.
"Yes. Who knew that [Y/n] could be this cute when she was a child."
"Indeed. Cute."
Simeon approaches you next, slightly crouched down. Your eyes seemed to have lit up at the sight of him.
He chuckles softly with a smile.
"Mister, are you an angel?"
Simeon continues to smile as he starts to pat your head.
"Why, yes."
Your eyes shines. You held out your hand while smiling brightly along with your sparkling eyes.
"Nice to meet you, pretty angel mister, I'm [Y/n]!"
He laughs as he gently shook your hand.
"Hi [Y/n], I'm Simeon, nice to meet you."
You beam at him.
"Then he must be an angel as well, right?!"
You point at the small boy with enthusiasm.
"Of course, I am!"
Luke responds while Simeon laughs.
"Oh~! You're a cute angel!"
You beam at him, staring at him with glossy sparkling eyes. You ran towards him with a soft laughter that made everyone stare at you in awe, their hearts melting as you gave Luke a warm hug, your arms trying to wrap his waist completely.
"Augh..Why does she goes around huggin' everyone."
"You're not the only who's being jealous, Mammon."
Beel said beside his white haired older brother with a slight look of disdain in his face as Mammon turns a bit red.
"I am not being jealous! Why would I be?! That's Levi's job, ya know?! It's not like I also want to be hugged by [Y/n] while she smile bright, okay?!"
"I can't believe you all can handle that physical touching and stuff. Augh. Normies."
"Says the one who gave [Y/n] also a candy to receive a kiss."
Belphie deadpans at Levi, who suddenly turned red.
"I can't believe she called Simeon pretty at their first meeting."
Asmodeus mutters with his arms crossed.
"There's no need for you to be jealous."
Satan spoke with a smile and chuckle.
"Alright, since we're all here we should explain what we'll be doing for the retreat."
You shook his large warm hand with your soft and chubby small hand.
Diavolo announce with a smile.
"Certainly, my lord."
Barbatos said as he bowed his head then raises it, a smile showing on his face.
"I'll begin explaining what we have planned for each day of the retreat."
After Barbatos explained what everyone will do for each day of retreat, everyone left to head to their designated rooms that was also announced by the butler, himself.
(1) Diavolo, [Y/n], Lucifer. (2) Solomon, Beel, Mammon. (3) Belphegor, Simeon, Satan. (4) Luke, Asmodeus, Leviathan.
And right now, the three of you: Diavolo, Lucifer and you are all inside your room, Barbatos now entering with a plate of macaroons and two cups of tea and a glass of juice.
Your mouth waters after Barbatos sets the plate of different colored macaroons in front oy you.
"Well, don't be shy. dig in."
Diavolo said, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
"Okay! Thank you very much!"
As you take one piece of the macaroon and took it inside your mouth, it felt like fireworks exploding everywhere inside your head; which made your expression easy for them to read: a complete happy and pleased look.
"So good~!"
Diavolo laughs while Barbatos chuckles along with Lucifer.
"Did you made them yourself, Barb?!"
You enthusiastically asked, eyes sparking with excitement.
The butler nods with a smile which made you beam and compliment him.
"I am happy to hear that you're enjoying them."
Diavolo laughs once again.
"If you want more, there's no need to hold back and ask."
Lucifer shook his head as he wipes your mouth with a napkin.
"Do not spoil her too much with sweets, Lord Diavolo. Or she'll ruin her teeth."
After finishing your sweets, Diavolo has you seated on his lap. He was smiling brightly as he plays with your cheeks while you only laugh.
"Are all human children this cute? I can't believe they have such chubby soft cheeks~!"
"No. I am certain that [Y/n]'s cuteness cannot compare to the other children out there."
Lucifer responds without hesitation to his lord, making him laugh while he start to carry you, using one arm. You lay your head on his shoulder after wrapping your arms around his neck and slowly falling asleep which Diavolo and Lucifer both noticed.
He stands up and tucks you in his bed with a gentle smile on his face. He stares at your peaceful sleeping face as he opens his mouth to respond softly at Lucifer's words.
"Yes, I agree."
A groan escapes your lips as you turn your body on the soft bed, the sound of the white blanket shuffling along with the cheerful and excited voices outside, approaching the room.
"Sweetheart, [Y/n]~! Are you wake?"
"Asmodeus, you can't just barge inside like that. This isn't just my room nor [Y/n]. This is also the room of Lord Diavolo."
Lucifer scolds while Diavolo laughs and enters the room with the both of them saying that it's fine, the other demons following as well.
"Hey, [Y/n]! I've baked some cookies for you, so wake up before they get cold!"
Luke shouts excitedly while approaching your bed.
"Is it really necessary for all of you to come just to wake her up? I'm sure it's enough with just me and Beel."
The sleepy Belphie said with a small yawn. Beel nods his head whilst munching on his breakfast food.
"Well, [Y/n]'s smiling bright face is really nice to see in the morning."
Simeon spoke with a smile.
Satan agrees as he chuckles.
"Everyone is really lively in the morning."
Solomon said, a chuckle escaping his lips.
"Oi, [Y/n]! The Great Mammon is here to wake ya up with a lot of sweets!"
"Which he stole from Barbatos' kitchen."
Leviathan deadpans to his white haired brother.
"I didn't steal anything!"
The room continues to be loud while Luke's smiling face drops as he saw you sitting up with your elbows lifting you. Not in your child form anymore.
"Why is everyone being so loud in the morning, and suddenly spoiling me with sweets? I don't think I've talked about that with any of you."
Everyone froze as they stared at you, hand pushing the side of your hair back while your bare shoulders along with your right leg shown. Simeon smiles while covering Luke's eyes, both of them red.
You felt your shoulders get chilly while everyone in the room turns red. You looked at yourself under the blanket. Naked. Asmodeus whistles mumbling about how you look hot and sexy right now, while Satan shooks his head at him, both of them red. Mammon and Levi had turned completely red — a blushing mess as they both seemed to have malfunctioned.
Solomon continues to smile as if he wasn't completely affected, but actually is. Belphie and Beel looks away, both of them not saying any word. Lucifer and Diavolo both tries their best to compost themselves. Smiling darkly, you chuckle. A chuckle that somehow sent a shiver down their spines.
"I'm sorry if this will sound disrespectful, Lucifer. And especially towards you, Lord Diavolo...but please get out. All of you."
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