#lowkey my investment recently
lookismaddict ยท 5 months
What you know about that K.Dot ??? ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
Just came by to drop this, since final exams are around the corner for me and I just wanna give a brief note that Iโ€™m not dead entirely. So, as always, Imma be gone for a bit lol (as if you guys didnโ€™t notice me gone haha).
Yโ€™all โ€œknow nun bout datโ€. ๐Ÿ’€โœ‹๐Ÿฝ jk
And, Iโ€™ll reply back to your guysโ€™ messages after my finals. Iโ€™m so sorry to those who messaged me a while back and sent me messages on my inbox. I havenโ€™t seen them yet, so Iโ€™ll reply when Iโ€™m finally free from hell. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Until then, take care and good luck on whatever you guys gotta tackle. Whether that be school, work, etc. You all got this! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ
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loganlermanstanaccount ยท 9 months
RM! Miguel O'Hara headcanons (SFW)
(Wattpad) Series Masterlist, Main Masterlist
College roommate!Miguel O'Hara x reader
summary: In light of the most recent chapter of my college au fic, Rigor mortis; here are some headcanons I have for this version of Miguel <3ย .
warnings: none, just fluff :)
a/n: trying to get out of bad writer's block with some drabbles. looking through my asks and making my way through them rn!
wc: 0.5k
He's meant to wear reading glasses but literally never does. You see him squinting at shit all over the apartment, and it only really clicks when you catch him early in the morning (because I know he wakes up at disgusting hours in the day to be productive) and he's got a pair on.
He gives amazing gifts. I feel like he's really detail oriented so he'll take forever to choose meaningful gifts. Not even necessarily expensive; just something that shows he pays attention to conversations: like that item of clothing you loved but canโ€™t afford, something super specific for your hobbies, a whole bunch of books you like because you just mentioned a specific author or genre you love.
Conversely, he's the kind of person that's really difficult to buy gifts for. Everything that he could possibly want, he'll just buy for himself; his interests are too niche for you to buy him tools and things; and he'd give you absolutely bs answers when you ask him straight up. You'd be like, hey, I know your birthdayโ€™s soon, what do you want; and he'll say oh, I just want you to be happy, or I have everything I need right here, baby. And you'll be like ok cool, is that yes or a no on the ipad?ย 
Coffee addict. Has all the expensive machines and fancy filters. He lives pretty modestly, but it is the one thing he'll really invest in.ย 
Similarly, will collect old tech and gadgets just to fiddle around with. He has a box of junk underneath his bed that lowkey heโ€™s been building up since he was a kid. I feel like he was such a curious kid and all his tรญas and tรญos would pinch his cheeks and pat his head and give him all their old junk because he shows an interest.
Sleeps like a dad on the couch. Especially after a long day. He stretches out on the sofa like a cat with his hand on bare belly and it is simultaneously super fucking funny and kind of hot??? Like you can see his happy trail and that peek of tan skin and you just knoww that v line is sharp asf.
He talks to himself. Especially after a frustrating day, and it's pretty funny to watch. He becomes so animated and will have a whole ass conversation with himself whilst chopping veg, or something. He'd wave the knife around, playing both sides of a situation. It helps him to decompress and logically reason with difficult problems. It's something he will 10000% deny if you bring it up.ย 
He's funny. Not necessarily laugh out loud, quippy one liners; but he has a super dry sense of humor. He's fond of a deadpan, and will often play it straight whilst saying something ridiculous. I feel like no-one usually gets when he's being sarcastic, but for some reason you do, and it makes his eyes go wide the first time. Like you catch something he says under his breath and laugh; and he's stuttering because people don't usually have the same kind of humor as him.ย 
long story short, he's a big ol' softie. more bark than bite :)
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matan4il ยท 4 months
lowkey not even as invested in 911 lonestar but ronen has been getting so much hate i feel so defensive about the show like. oof, there's gonna be too much chaos when the season airs
Hi Nonnie!
Honestly, IDEK when the new season airs, or whether real life will allow me to watch it, but all of my solidarity and support goes out to Ronen. Jews do not deserve this kind of abuse and de-humanization for caring about their people and their homeland, especially when it's someone who actually was born and grew up in Israel, and still has friends there (he even mentioned a personal connection to unfathomably young kids who had been butchered by Hamas).
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This wouldn't be done to someone of any other nationality. For example, no matter what the US or UK or Iran has done that people might strongly disagree with, including in recent years, I've never seen individual American or British or Iranian actors held responsible for their government's actions, and expected not to care about the American or British or Iranian people when they are suffering. Because that would be de-humanizing. It would be acting like these American or British or Iranian (or any other nationality, really) actors are political billboards first, and humans second.
It's de-humanizing to expect Ronen not to care about the well being of Israelis and Jews, about their safety after the massacre that was committed against them on Oct 7, and which Hamas leaders promised to repeat whenever possible, about those who are still held hostage in Gaza (whether it's their bodies being denied of having a proper burial and their families of closure, or whether they're alive and continuously abused by people who we know raped, mutilated and tortured even children just because they were Jews), about the rocket attacks on Israel from several fronts (do people realize what it feels like to see the photos of Israeli Jewish kids taking cover from rocket attacks on the ground, with their little hands held over their heads, of all days on Yom Ha'Shoah, our national Holocaust Memorial Day? How do people expect us not to care about that?) which have continued uninterrupted since Oct 7, about the on going psychological and emotional trauma people have and are suffering here, about the repeated personal (because yeah, anti-Jewish terrorism and violence in Israel was not born on Oct 7, and many of us carry scars from previous attacks) and intergenerational trauma (because most of us grew up with the knowledge of what antisemitic violence, including in Arab and Muslim countries, has done to our families) that all of this evokes...
And going, "But so many more have died on the other side!" is de-humanizing as well. It's as if you had your mother murdered, and when you wanted to express your grief and loss, you'd be told that you should care about your neighbor's pain more, because he lost five cousins, not just one mom, and five is more than one. As if this is exactly how human pain works, by numbers... (not to mention, this notion ignores that at least two of the cousins are actually responsible for the murder of your mom in the first place, and they're also responsible for causing the deaths of their other cousins)
IDK, it's just... not normal that Jewish pain and Jewish solidarity are being demonized like this. And it is about demonizing these specific expressions of Jewish bond, because even Jews who have expressed compassion for both sides have been vilified (Ronen even included innocent Palestinians suffering in his initial IG statement, made on Oct 9 and linked above and there's a screenshot below, then he shared an extra statement that was even more about innocents on both sides suffering, and he was still crucified like he's some sort of a heartless monster).
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It is NOT okay if the only Jews acceptable to you, are the ones who do not express Jewish pain and solidarity.
I hope people who may see my ask reply are capable of... IDK. Even if in the past they attacked Ronen or other Jews for expressing any kind of compassion for fellow Israeli Jews, I hope these people can really take in how de-humanizing that is, and what sort of a message it sends to Jews out there, re-consider whether that's a path they want to take again, or support when others take it, and do better than they have before. It's never too late to learn and fix things.
De-popularize the de-humanization of Jews!
Because that's the freaking decent thing to do.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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isa-ghost ยท 3 months
โœจ๏ธ A (Witchy) AMFMN Update โœจ๏ธ
Also I finally admit I'm famous at the end, war is over and yall won, come read my confession /hj
Spoke to Apollo about AMFMN struggles just now. I say struggles but that sounds scarier than it is, really I just mean grappling with motivation and the energy to write for long periods of time.
It boiled down to the fact that I won the battle against my grief with QSMP ending and no more ongoing Death Family content, but it cost me my motivation to write. That's not to say that the fic is dying or anything, basically I just need to find a new source of motivation, even if that motivation is myself.
But as long as I stay in-tune with myself and keep at writing because I WANT to rather than relying on something fueling me to keep going, I'll be good. Which is what I Have been doing, it's just not been easy. But that's to be expected.
He ended things off saying don't feel discouraged just because the process has gotten a little harder and slower. If I'm ever struggling with motivation or something else to do with the writing process, I can always come to him for guidance and encouragement.
Tbh I really needed to hear the last part even though I already kinda knew it. I'm not entirely sure how me being cheered on by him and him being SO INVESTED in Phil and AMFMN has looked from an outside pov, but Apollo genuinely has been such a devoted fanboy and a great mentor through baby's first huge creative endeavor in a fandom. I've always stuck to OC and original stuff, so fanfic has been a really interesting and different experience.
Also for shits n giggles I asked him if I'm actually "famous" like everyone's been insisting because I love enabling him to be silly with messages. A while back he actually told me AMFMN was gonna pop off and get popular and stuff like that but I never really felt like it had? And some of my other circle members had echoed this to me too, but I still never felt that moment of like "okay yeah, it's popular."
Surprisingly, the first of two tarot cards he just gave me about "being famous" is actually a legit answer. He was saying don't be afraid to indulge the ego sometimes, it's okay to do that if you're not being a dick about it. I did something cool and I deserve to enjoy the pride I have in the success of the fic. And my refusal/denial to do so is kind of rooted in my broader issue with self confidence and whatnot. So lowkey he's bonking me on the head for Indeed Being Just Like Phil, Who Can't Actually Take A Fucking Compliment Or Praise.
The second card he pulled about it was sillier, since that WAS the intention of me jokingly asking him if he did think I was "a famous author." And of all fucking cards to pull he pulled DEATH. Which is SO FUNNY because *gestures to Phil's ties with death* but ALSO THAT CARD IS GENERALLY SO ALARMING TO PULL?? The gist of what he was saying with it is that if I stop letting self image related bs cloud how I look at "my popularity" so to speak, it'd actually hugely boost my confidence and lead to even more success with the fic. And while he can't confirm it'd get me "noticed" by Phil (as some people have for Some Reason said it should, it's not my goal), however that would go down, that IS a possibility. He just kinda said "take the fucking compliments, idiot. If you stay humble without downplaying things, you COULD pop off to the degree some people are already saying you should.
Which tbh,, I DID have a Phil pegs member recently put in perspective that most fics don't pass 1k hits on AO3. I don't know how true that is bc I Didn't Go Here (fic writing) until I got the idea for the AMFMN, but the fact that it has over 8k hits is apparently a huge deal?? And I guess my newness and inexperience with the fanfic scene just has kept me unaware of that?? So statistically speaking, AMFMN *is* famous? Which I just still cannot fathom LOL.
Idk, it's weird to think about. I legit do feel like just some guy who's simply passionately vocal about This Cool Thing I'm Doing. But I will admit, even if I don't Feel "famous" and can't take praise to save my life, it's been genuinely really sweet to have people drowning me in compliments and stuff??
And if I'm being honest, it really does motivate me to keep going, because it's nice to know that people really really like the thing I'm doing. People theorizing and being invested in the story has been the #1 thing making AMFMN so fun. I LOVE watching people try to work out what's gonna happen, when I'm foreshadowing, and yelling at me when I nuke them with angst.
I guess that's a long-winded and self-reflective way of saying thank you to everyone who's been so ride or die about AMFMN so far. Like seriously. It's hard to actually Process all the love but it means the world to still receive it??
But yeah, uh. God says I'm famous guys. Guess I have to admit it now. /silly
Anyway, AMFMN may be slower to update (for now) but I do absolutely mean it when I say it's not gonna die. I am legit too excited about shit I have planned to let it happen.
I wanted to finish Chapter 7 by yesterday but Shit Happened and so I'm gonna try to aim for this weekend instead. If I remember correctly I don't have any plans Saturday so,,, PauseChamp
Also as a quick note, I was gonna say this in the tags but it should actually probably be seen by people: #AMFMN things is the tag I use to save my own posts related to the fic on my blog, BUT if anyone wants to, or is already making theories, art, shitposts, memes, or just generally posting about the fic, I DO check that tag sometimes to see if there's anything not from me. So uh. If you haven't used it already, definitely feel free to use that tag for your own stuff related to the fic too, I will be looking. I 1000% want to see anything and everything people might be saying or posting. It's by far the most rewarding part of writing the fic. :)
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bellaaldamas ยท 5 months
OH MY GOD I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO LOWKEY SHIPPED HILDISVรNI AND SIF!!! The whole mending ties between the nations and realizing that they like each other as time goes on is so ๐Ÿ˜‹
theyโ€™re great very slow slowburn material :D
This makes the two of us, then ;) Because admittedly, I wholeheartedly assumed it's my unapologetically pro-romance, "more girly interests and less male power fantasies in the media" self that invests in the potential of these two having a romantic relationship. On a serious note, a romantic arc with these characters opens innumerable possibilities for development and would serve as an excellent continuation of GowR message of moving on from toxic past and forging a better future of free will (first concept was the foundation of Freya's arc - especially Freya's missing peace side quest. Whereas the second one reflects Kratos and Atreus's journey - "so much to rebuild", Atreus embarking on his quest to find remaining giants; with Angrboda, yet again, honoring his decision and letting him go despite how difficult it was for her to part with him while also giving him the option to seek her out if he wanted to; hence gifting him her marble like he did his before).
Hildisvini is shown as a mentor type. He fulfilled a definite fatherly role for Freya and Freyr whereas with Atreus he didn't at all hold it against him that the latter mortally wounded him in his boar form (although that wound still gave Hildisvini trouble in his human form). Furthermore, he didn't baby or infantilize Atreus but rather saw him for a skilled young warrior with a lot of potential which he encouraged Atreus to use and treated him like an equal partner (another perfect mentor trait).
However, Hildisvini could benefit from abandoning the mentor role for a change and trying a different one, where he would have a partner-opponent whom he could have healthy and constructive arguments with and who would challenge him. Sif, showing her willingness to work with Hildisvini in the end in order to "rebuild" and create a better future, would, for her part, have the chance to partner with a self reliant and mentally independent man. A drastic change from her marriage to a passionate but spineless, easily manipulated late husband Thor. Who was never able break free from the toxic influence of his own father, even when he and Sif lost both sons because of Odin and were confronted with the risk of potentially losing their daughter. Who, despite being different and less self destructive than Magni and Modi, still absorbed her grandfather's problematic thinking and fell for his manipulations (such as when Thrud referred to Freya as Odin's "treacherous ex wife"). In that vein, Hildisvini's possible interactions with Thrud and an inevitable conflict would make for an interesting and necessary development for Thrud (as @stupidrant accurately pointed out in our recent exchange).
You're absolutely right about Hildisvini and Sif being a perfect slow burn material in a way that would logically fit into their story and characters as opposed to being a needlessly stretched out drama. Atreus and Angrboda, for instance, are more about open self expression and an unfolding in real time budding romance - the first such arc in Gow universe so far if I'm not mistaken (I've still yet to familiarize myself with the Greek saga), especially where first real and substantial feeling is concerned. Kratos and Faye were a classic "relationship of the past that the characters can never get back" (because - which is also a classical trope - one half of the pair has passed away) and that the leading character and the main story arc are fundamentally influenced by.
Sif and Hildisvini could provide a different but no less enticing type of romantic build up where two characters with rich personal history realize their attraction and feelings through active communication for the sake of the common cause.
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linkspooky ยท 5 months
Hi! I love your meta btw, your recent posts reminded me that yu gi oh exist lol i used to watch it as a kid but I don't remember anything so I wanted to ask you what's the best watch order and (maybe) your general opinion about the various spinoff
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters: I'd recommend watching this one first because every spin-off after this one either recycles archetypes, or subverts tropes from the original so it'll enhance your viewing experience.
Afterwards, the simplest is release order. GX -> 5DS are in the same continuity as Duel Monsters, and they have a crossover Film Bonds Beyond Time.
Zexal's basically a standalone it has no connection to the previous, but I'd reccomend watching it after Duel Monsters because there are a lot of references in plot and tropes to the original.
You need to have watched GX, 5DS, and Zexal to understand Arc-V because they reference settings and characters from the original series. It's basically every single Yu-Gi-Oh! Series fights in a Denny's Parkinglot.
You don't need to see any previous series to watch Vrains.
You need to watch Sevens before Go!Rush because the main character of Sevens shows up in Go!Rush, and Go!Rush is a prequel sort of kind of.
As for my general opinions and reccomendations, below the cut:
Duel Monsters is the original and sets the standard. I think the manga is better on this one because it acknowledges Death-T, which I think is crucial for Kaiba's development. He did more than just steal one of Yugi's Grandpas cards. The arc of the main characters Yugi and Yami with Yugi learning confidence and Yami unlearning arrogance is really good, especially in the manga where Yami starts out as a lowkey serial killer. Battle City and Duelist Kingdom are also two really good tournament arcs, Battle City in particular is probably the best Tournament Arc in the Series.
Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Is my personal favorite but it's a mess. I've once heard it described as "GX is two seasons of absurdist nonsense, and then a complete emotional breakdown." In my opinion there's a lot of good foreshadowing and buildup for what will happen in Season 3, and Season 3 is one of the best shonen deconstruction arcs especially of it's main protagonist in anything ever.
Honestly the worst part of Season 1 and 2 for me isn't even the pacing, it's that it recycles plot points from Yu-Gi-Oh! but less good. The Seven Shadow riders just do shadow duels because they did that in original Yu-Gi-Oh, there are three super powerful cards like the Egyptian God Cards. In season 2 there's a villain with a split personality like Marik, and the Genex tournament is really bad plotless meandering tournament arc compared to Battle City.
Season 3 is also masterful at utilizing things that were foreshadowed in the past 3 seasons, especially in regards to Judai's flaws which have been swept under the rug until now.
I think YGO GX is one of the best casts, and also one of the best at balancing screentime of its cast so characters show up when they're relevant and disappear when they're not relevant, and every major character has an arc. However, it's very much the Judai show, and if you're invested in a character that's not Judai you'll likely think your fave didn't get used to their fullest potential.
Yu-Gi-Oh 5DS has one of the best beginnings of any Yu-Gi-Oh series and it's excellent at building Fortune Cup -> Dark Signer and jacking up tension. Dark Signer, Barian Arc and Gx Season 3 are probably my top 3 arcs. I won't talk about it much because I don't want to spoil.
Season 2 is still good, and the ending is excellent as well as the villains, but the pacing becomes abysmal due to production issues. Carly and Aki are probably the two best female characters in all of Yu-Gi-Oh, and all their screentime and relevance gets erased. If you watch Yu-Gi-Oh for the duels, the relay duels suck and last 3 whole seasons and nobody gets to win a duel if they're not Yusei Fudo. As someone who really enjoyed Yusei in season 1, him becoming a perfect hero who always saves the day and never makes mistakes and never gets challenged signifcantly by the narrative because he's always right makes him super uninteresting. I want to clarify I think Yusei is still a character with depth and character flaws, but the narrative doesn't challenge him on this flaws. Aporia and Z-One do a lot to redeem Season 2 though and it ends on a real highpoint.
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal is probably the highest quality Yu-Gi-Oh series overall, especially since there's no drop in quality ever it ends on it's highest point. Shark is probably the single best written character in all of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Vector is the best written villain.
I actually don't have much to say on Zexal because I don't want to spoil what's good about it. My only complaint is that it's cast is padded with way too many characters who do nothing. You could cut Yuma's entire friend group and lose absolutely nothing. The female characters in Zexal are abysmal too, the worst in any series. The characters with arcs though are all good and iconic.
It's also the only show that manages the ambiguity where none of the villains are actually villains, almost every single character has a sympathetic reason for what they're doing even the ones that are wrapped up in revenge plots. It gives a really interesting challenge to Yuma the pacifist protagonist who doesn't want to pick sides. Yuma's up there with Judai too in top ten protagonists.
Arc-V.... I think you can still have fun with Arc-V, but the Z-arc plotline just was not a good idea and it makes the show fundamentally flawed because everything from episode 20 onwards is built around the Z-Arc plotline.
Vrains has some solid ideas and themes. I especially love the emergent ai ideas that are present with the ignis and bohmann it's one of my favorite topics in science fiction. I've got two main problems number. I enjoy playmaker as a character, but much like Yusei I feel like over time he's not as challenged as character by his narrative. THough, the final season does a lot to rectify that.
Vrains second and biggest problem is that it plays it really safe after the production disaster that was Arc-V. Which means the first two seasons while enjoyable enough feel kind of by the numbers at times. The third season is amazing though, but it suffers from the series being cut short so it's only about 20 episodes. Still ending on a high note is always a good thing.
Sevens is kind of the closest to a slice-of-life Yu-Gi-Oh which makes it hard to compare to the other series. I do enjoy the main cast of characters, but to be honest it's really hard to get invested for me personally, when every arc is just "I hate Rush Duels. I'm going to try to destroy Rush Duels. Nevermind, Rush duels are awesome actually." Every. Single. Arc.
I'm only 16 episodes into Go-Rush and it's not finished yet, but my main take so far is: Yudias! Yudias! Yudias!
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crispy6usiness ยท 2 months
I just wanted to say I played Brand! New! Friends! Recently and I think it's sooo charming. from the art to the writing ooough I love it. I also really love the way Lorra and Ring toil in particular? the first time they like passively had a disagreement me and my bestie were on two opposite sides of it and that never happened before?? like when the characters are upset at each other it felt very human to me and that was fun :) I also! love Rune I love how she's goofy and fun and cute and also the oldest. I also like that even with her positivity she's not like, oblivious to the things going on around her and that she's just dealing with it in her own way. I frankly just enjoyed her a lot, to the point I considered making her my discord pfp but like, that's like your oc sorta, and idk if you'd be comfortable with that. tbh I've followed your blog for a while and I didn't expect to get as invested as I was in Lorra as a Pov character but I lowkey got a little attached to her and her family. it's cute! she's cute. the cast as a whole bounce off each other very well. I also related to Lui a lot as someone around their age. they're fun and I enjoy their fashion a lot, and their expressions also. I think I already mentioned enjoying the art direction but the expressions in this game are fucking fantastic I love them so much. that's to be expected though I guess.
I'm just rambling at this point though the end point was, very good game and I'd love to hear more about them and see them interact more. ๐Ÿฆญ yaaay
Omg YAYYY iโ€™m glad you liked the game tysm for such a kind message :โ€™^D itโ€™s so cool to hear what stood out to you in their personalities bc to me that was what it was all about LOL. lorra and ring are just two guys with really badly conflicting personalities so theyโ€™re bound to clash a lot even when nobody is really in the wrong tehe
I havenโ€™t been able to do anything with team dp in a while but i do have pretty solid plans for them in the future as soon as Iโ€™m done with some projects :^D some of those guys have had a special place in my brain for over a decade now so thatโ€™s not going to change any time soon lmao
Anyway here are some doodles I never posted anywhere but my private twtr for your trouble
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shinjisdone ยท 1 year
I read your rules, and I think it says you are still taking them as atm. Discard if not the case. Prompt: "I'd burn the world and everything in it for you" Yandere Link, dealers' choice for which. :)
I really tried to find a Link who could fit the prompt...and while I think BotW Link could be like that, I also caved in cuz I REALLY REALLY love him '//โ€ข~โ€ข//
Also felt a bit sassy and added in a bit of a background very similiar to my oc but tried to keep it rather neutral too (โ—•โ€ฟ-)
TW: Yandere behavior, clinginess, Link kinda gives reader orders lowkey, people are mentioned to get hurt, selfish behavior, stubborn and selfish Link, non-consensual kiss
Yandere! Breath of the Wild! Link
Yandere Prompt 1.) "I'd burn the world and everything in it for you."
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This morning your mind refused to really focus and actively be here in the world.
Even the galloping of his horse seemed dull no matter how fast he ushered it to go. Mindlessly you followed him up the mount, sitting behind him, Link telling you to hold on tight and so you did. Yesterday did not do you well.
Again, your mind wandered there. The scene was so vivd in the moonlight and the night had seemed to stretch as you both went back home. 'Home' it was, the small little shack in Hateno that was still in the middle of many needed restorations and Link was so motivated to let it all happen, spending all the rupees needed to transform it into your home - he had asked you what you wanted - flowers, a garden, a stable, the colors and shapes - and yet it all went down the drain recently. Link stopped investing.
"...What's wrong?" Link looked over his shoulder as your hands absent-mindedly let go of his waist. His voice was meek. "Oh, nothing," You quickly shook your head and he asked you to hold on tighter on him. "...Say, how are you doing?" The young man looked at you, his light blue eyes softening for a moment before he faced the road again. "I'll be fine." He let out.
Link began speaking his mind less and less, you noted. He wasn't like that when you met him.
The forced smile on your face vanished and you made sure to wrap your arms around his waist tighter. Your friend would stop, collect some more things - food, ingredients, weapons, items - before heading off faster and faster and further to the coast of Hyrule.
"Where are we even going?" You finally asked and Link ignored you yet again. Kakariko was just a hill down and the dirty blonde was set on visiting even this late at night - that's what you assumed.
"Stay here." He whispered as he quickly changed his clothes to something dark. With bated breath and worry, fidgeting in your place but not courageous enough to disobey him, you watched as Link sneaked down and began taking the crops, food and clothes out of people's shacks. It was only a matter of time before one local noticed the smallest of noises and began yelling at the intruder - not realizing it was Master Link, the chosen hero as they brought their pitchfork. Cold blue eyes snapped at them and with a swift move, the local fell on the ground, unconcious.
You panicked, gasping as he returned and grabbing onto him to slow him down, "Link!" You breathlessly let out as the rest of the village woke up. Ignoring you once again he grabbed you, hoisted you up on the horse and fled.
Fingers twitched as you held onto the rails and pulled them back once you were out of sight. The horse brayed and stopped, causing both of you to stumble.
"Link! What was that?! What's gotten into you?!"
He tried to have you sit back on the horse yet you refused.
"These are our friends! The entirety of Kakariko trusts you!"
You watched something shift in his gaze and his lips were a thin line.
"We're leaving." You almost blurted out a confused noise and your face scrunched up.
"Leave where to?"
"We're leaving Hyrule." Link was blunt even as his gaze had shifted as he saw the look on your face. Your lips were pressed into a thin line, eyes widened as you understood what he meant. "Link", you started with a measured tone, "You can't go. We may have come this far but we aren't done. Everyone here needs you."
"I don't need them." He felt couragous enough to finally bark out his frustrations - yet as he stomped forward to grip your arms, his eyes softened. Softened in the way whenever he was able to recall a distant memory, a past long-forgotten by those who used to know him. You were there when he remembered each little piece of his past and you were especially there for him when he shed tears at the very last one. "I just need you." You both frowned and you feared that Link would start crying again. His grip tightened and you tried to ignore the pain.
"This isn't right." Nevertheless, you tried to stir him back to the right path. "Everything is still in shambles. We need to fix it." "For whom? Everything is already in shambles, no one remembers me. Those who did are gone. Now...I only have you."
There was a thought in your head, a very obvious fact but for his sake you bit your tongue. Holding his arms in return, you forced him to look at you in the eye and spoke sternly. To finally, finally get it into his head. Hoping that what had happened last night would not deter him.
"What about the princess? She saved you, she is protecting everyone right now, she remembers you still. And now she is waiting for you." There - you can clearly see through him and through his glare. Link's mind shifts to long, golden hair while he attempts to surpress the fact that she suffered as much as he did - he could recall that well. Yet he wanted his selfishness to win still. "I remember her." He spat, "Remember an envious princess who despised my destiny as much as I did. I don't want it anymore."
"Link, please-"
"I don't want it! I just want you!"
Finally, you couldn't take it anymore.
"You are the hero! You must save the world!"
Hands still gripping your arms, he lowly leaned on you before shaking his hanging head slowly. Staying still for a few moments more, you feared he wouldn't answer you anymore and stubbornly follow his selfish wish anyway.
Still shaking his head, Link slowly lifted it to stare into your eyes - his were drunkily narrowed, eyebrows down with a crooked grin, looking like he wanted to cry.
"I'd burn the world and everything in it for you."
Again, your breath hitched as it did the night before as Link left helpless travelers to their demise to monsters, simply because they refused to help you while they could and he was dragging you to safety.
Whimpers escaped your throat as he rushed towards you, pressing his calloused lips thinly against yours.
You vivdly remembered that he said the exact same words to you that night as well but you desperately tried to delude yourself of such a possibility. That the chosen hero you were supposed to help turned out to be a selfish, suffering man who found solace in your existence when everyone forgot his.
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foggieststars ยท 2 months
your wag fic was so beautifully uncomfortable and unsettling, the way you used charlesโ€™ pov as an unreliable (but honestly so realistic) narrator showing the many layers of a relationship (the selfishness, selflessness, hurt, wanting/need for connection/comfort, the lingering doubts and gaps) was so amazingly done. the way he has to remind himself that max expresses his love in ways other than his own or what heโ€™s expecting (in the moment or otherwise) was truly such a powerful scene. iโ€™m also lowkey obsessed with how many little details you were able to allude to while still staying within the pov (max being so happy after the fan interaction?? the constant backpedaling?? max being ok with carlos his former teammate, the different family dynamics???)
besides general praise, i just also wanted to drop this ask to give special mention to the max and arthur interaction, forever living in charlesโ€™ shadow. i only recently got into f1 and although it was initially because of charles, what truly got me invested was hearing about arthurโ€™s journey and so this little detail really grabbed my heart.
this truly was a wonderful fic and the ending is also hauntingly beautiful with both the start of a new dynamic but also the ambiguity of how the rest of their racing lives will be playing out, if they do end up making it or not. iโ€™m honestly lowkey shook after reading it (if it wasnโ€™t clear already lol) and i hope you didnโ€™t mind the word vomit lol. thank you again for the fic! hope youโ€™re having a nice day
oh my god this ask is so nice!!!! i NEVER mind word vomit i welcome and encourage it it's so sdflkjsfjsf you have me seriously kicking my feet and giggling!!!
i'm so so glad u liked the arthur/charles bit :)) it was one of those lightning bolt moments about what to add to a fic to Elevate it and i was like racing to my laptop to write it down slkfjslf
i seriously have no words for how lovely this ask is!!!!! i'm going to keep it and treasure it always....it really has made my day! i hope u have a lovely day also <3
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nerdyunicorns101 ยท 1 year
I sometimes look back at the first poster of TGAMM and thought the ghost character would be a traditional comedically grumpy ghost character and we would have another fun albeit unspectacular silly cartoon for kids.
Little did we know that the ghost character would spark some fascinating look into how childhood trauma can lead to aggressive cries for help. Donโ€™t you just love it when your expectations are shatteringly subverted?!
(There will be spoilers for the most recent Season 2 episodes going forward as I talk about this, be warned).
I knew something was off about Scratch the moment he was introduced to us, specifically the fact he was so alone. I just thought it would never get addressed because of how the series was so focused on the story told in Season 1, with the Flow and the Chairman and all that crap. I thought his past was, well, in the past, and the show was only focused on the present. It was there for fans to fantasize and wonder about, but it would never actually come to light what he went through.
When we got the synopsis for A Soda To Remember, I was nervous. I wanted to know what would happen, but at the same time, I wanted the show to stay in the present. But the way the writers have been discussing all of the things that happened when Scratch was alive is making me so invested into it all. There was a time when I was first watching the series that I lowkey didn't really want to see what Scratch looked like as a human, and now, I'm literally FEASTING off of the one glimpse we saw of him in All In The Mind. The writers said we'd find out how he died, and I could never be more hyped (and scared for what we're going to find out, of course).
One think I appreciate in kids shows like these is how the writers are never afraid to address real-world issues and topics. Take the Home episode from Season 1 (yes I'm too lazy to write out it's full name but it's episode 18) as an example. Now here we have Scratch, who 100% has anxiety or other mental disorders that have all been from childhood trauma. (Now, before you go out and say "oh but a friend moving away isn't trauma" ummmmm ever consider why he has no biological family???? lol). He's repressed his feelings so deep inside of him because he's scared to confront this PTSD he has. You can still tell he has some sort of mental attachment to things that've happened in the past, hence why he was staying inside of the attic of Adia's old house before the McGees moved in, but he's trying his best to ignore it. And the catch is: it's not working. That's why things are "bubbling up to the surface", as they've been calling it. From the get-go, Scratch has always had a problem with hiding things from people. In Season 1, you could tell he didn't want to tell Molly about how dangerous their friendship was. He told her about things in Scratch the Surface/Friend Off, but you could tell he was doing it in a way where Molly wouldn't see the issue as much of a problem, when in reality it was a massive problem that Scratch was trying to deal with all on his own. And in episodes like the Turnip Twist, that problem of hiding what was happening was really hard for him to do. All of it is starting to make sense now - he's hiding everything. All because of what's happened in his past and the fact that he's too scared to confront his emotions.
I cannot wait to see what the rest of the season. I want my ghost boy to find closure. He deserves it ๐Ÿ™
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kays-dream ยท 6 months
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Sooo I'm currently on spring break and I feel like this is finally a good opportunity to break into a bunch of new good habits! Today I plan on setting some goals for myself and maybe telling you a bit about my day and stuff :)
I'll break this down into a couple sections...
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During quarters 1-3 of the school year I was kind of out of it, I didn't really study or do much. I wasn't up to my own standards and I think that's because I didn't really set clear standards for myself. I feel if I start planning more and setting more goals I can have improved motivation and productivity that I've yet to experience. During this last quarter of the school year I want to actually be active in school and mentally, here's some goals I've set...
bring all my average grades up to at least A's (bio is killing me ;-;)
make quizlets for each class to prepare for finals !!
to start actively participating in class taking notes and finally raising my hand
to actually spend at least one day a week studying (a small startโ€” but an impactful one :3)
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I've never really been an athletic person until now. My whole life I was never forced into sports or anything, I always wanted my mom to do something like that, but she never did, and with that I just grew up kind of lazy. At the age of 11 I picked up gymnastics but then stopped due to the pandemic, I didn't really train or anything so I didn't improve till I started taking classes again, I've been taking classes for around 2 years straight now but only recently I actually started taking gymnastics seriously, I've realized that I could be just as good as the girls I long to be like if I'd only put in the work and effort.
I didn't really realize how much I liked sports up until a couple weeks ago when I impulsively joined my schools track team out of boredom, I'm lowkey one of the worst on the team, but from the bottom you can only move upwards! Now I really want to take my sports seriously, I'm on my gymnastics pre-competitive team and I'm thinking about committing to their bronze team this fall, but I need to actually put in effort now, and I really need to improve at track. Here's my current goals that I'm aiming for...
to start stretching everyday
to run a mile everyday till I can reach a 5 minute mile easily
to get a 15 second 100m dash (guys I'm slow ik...)
to vault 6ft on pole vault
to regain my lost skills on bars (after my last gymnastics comp I keep getting overly anxious before doing legit the easiest skills on bars)
to train my core more
My mental states been pretty messy recently, but I've been contemplating what's factoring into it and I'm come to the conclusion that my habits need to improve, they've been negatively effecting me for too long, now it's time I implement good habits. I always procrastinate, I think but never do, my rooms a mess which ='s my brain being a mess. I need to get myself together by cleaning and starting new good habits, some of these habits include...
working out and stretching everyday (as mentioned before!)
making sure to do my skincare every morning and every night (recently I've finally invested in some new skincare products and this is really a helpful habit both physically and mentally for me)
cleaning my room and keeping it clean
having me time (whether it be reading a book or playing a lil video game by myself, I feel like as an extrovert I literally force myself to be around or on call with people 24/7 and I think I need to start having time to reflect and be just Kay for a minute)
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(my version)
I feel like my whole life I've been terrified of rejection, I've let it get a hold of me. Sometimes I miss out on really good things, since I'm too anxious of the possibility of an unhappy outcome. I think what really made me wanna start rejection therapy is that a week or so ago I applied for this really cool looking job at a creative workshop and got rejected due to my word choice and not diving deep enough into my experiences within the application, it really upset me. I finally put myself out there and I got rejected. Rejection is really scary, I've confessed to like 3 people and gotten rejected 2/3 times... I feel as though I need to prove to myself that rejection isn't that bad, if it's meant to be it'll be, and if it doesn't that is perfectly fine. To combat this fear and disappointment rejection gives me I'm going to put myself out there more. Who knows, maybe good will come out of this too :) I'm gonna start... (these aren't really 100% rejection but I think they'll help me be less scared of the possibility of rejection yk?)
applying for more jobs
signing up for more possible opportunities
entering more contests
trying to talk to more new people (I'm always terrified that they'll tell me to go away or that I'm annoying or something)
Anyways sorry for the yap fest!! I'll be updating on my goals every once in a while sooo stay tuned ig :)
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konigsberg ยท 9 months
(This is like 5% ask and 95% compliments) I have to extend all my love and thanks over Midnight Ocean! Iโ€™m on my third re-read of the story (and Iโ€™m severly dyslexic, so reading the entire thing multiple times is the most Iโ€™ve read probably in my entire life!). You are so beyond dedicated to your writing and I canโ€™t thank you enough for it <3 Your story keeps me on my toes, all of the characters are SO rich and nuanced, all of their relationships, conflicts and imperfections truly shine in your work. Iโ€™m affraid your work has spoiled me for fanfiction, i keep thinking โ€but damnโ€ฆ this isnโ€™t Midnight Ocean levelsโ€ and then go and continue my re-reads. Once itโ€™s complited, by the gods, Iโ€™m going bind it by hand in leather.
Iโ€™m beyond excited for the upcoming events when ever they happen: Hades finding out about Zagreus, whatever Persephone has got cooking up, their first true โ€I love youโ€ and of course the removing of the pall. (And events yet unexpected by me!!)
What is something youโ€™ve been waiting to write and see readers react to? (As much as you can tell obviously)
Canโ€™t begin to describe how much of a joy MO has been and continues to be. I look forwards to updates like the rising of the moon. Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3
Thank you so much! It always means a lot to hear someone enjoys MO enough to reread it, let alone want to bind it. It's brought me a lot of joy to write, and getting to share that and know others appreciate it is really amazing.
I'll go ahead and answer the rest under the cut to avoid spoiling things.
And of course, as I was typing the spoilers turned... sort of major so lol beware?
I've gotten to a few parts I've been waiting and waiting to write recently, but they won't be posted to Ao3 yet (Moros Silly Boy Behavior, Alcmene's Return, Nemesis' Box Reveal, the joys of using Eros' book). But the really, really big ones I haven't gotten to yet are of course things that readers are most excited for, too, like the Hades meeting, Olympus' reaction, things like that.
A few I don't think people mention a lot, though: Theseusโ„ข, (maybe big spoilers for people who aren't familiar with mythology, though I think this has been mentioned in the notes) Theseus' whole deal with both Medea and Heracles (and how that then is meant to foil Thanatos' dynamics), Heracles for that matter, also...... Ares' return to the story... the DILF energy we need in these trying times.
Hades and Thanatos' relationship is one I've thought about so much over the years, and I'm so excited to finally get to put that on the page and see people respond. Demeter is also such an important figure in all of this that often gets ignored both by me and others, and she'll be very, very fun to finally include. The continuation of Hermes' background arc stuff...
Something only me and like two random people are invested in: the continuation of Moros bullshit. My poor little meow meow, my perfect uwu foil to my other perfect uwu baby (Thanatos). My silly rabbit, here to cause problems and help Zagreus establish more independence if entirely unintentionally etc. And Moros' goofy little romance arc, that will be fun.
Also, the actual proper Cupid & Psyche Moment, y'know, the big part of the narrative. Sometimes people ask if it will happen, really expressing that they can't see it as even a possibility in the MO narrative, or others express total unfamiliarity with the plot of the myth so they don't know about The Moment at all (part of why I'm reluctant to clarify What Moment lmao)... I'm eager for that, though I know it will result in people being very, very angry at me.
I don't think this is tooooo spoilery because I think it's been made clear it will happen, but Eros showing up will be so fun, not to mention Psyche! Actual Psyche lol! We can't have a whole narrative about soul porn without the OG soulfuckers.
Oh, Hypnos too. And Pasithea who has unwittingly had her marriage present (the Eros book) lowkey highjacked.
Sorry this mostly turned into incoherent babbling. I hope it's both not too spoilery, but also answers the question lol? Either way, thank you again!
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babayagaiscomingforya ยท 3 months
Hiiii! โœจ So, who do you ship Iosef with, if anyone?
Funnily enough I donโ€™t really have ships with Iosef yet, only, like, funny platonic combinations if that counts ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ. To be fair I started kinda roleplaying as him only recently.
I do like the concept of his and @the-sambo-devil ex-relationship but I haven't interacted much so I can't say I'm like fully invested...yet ๐Ÿ‘€
Putting my headcanon of John's and Iosef's childhood their dynamic is really interesting and makes the first movie kinda sadder. John remembering Iosef growing up and having to look after him while Iosef has no recollection of him other than a "feeling" that someone existed there, by his side. Him and Kirill is kinda the same but unlike John, Kirill is actively babysitting him right now and it's really funny.
Iosef and Marquis is lowkey like a small nephew and a really distant aunt that can like throw money at him once in a while so that he shuts the fuck up. Absolutely no reason for them to even interact in canon but I don't care it's really funny.
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admirxation ยท 4 months
ห—หห‹ ๐š๐๐ฆ๐ข๐ซ๐ฑ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง'๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ž๐ค๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ ๐ซ๐ž๐œ๐ฌ ยดหŽห—
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!! dark content ahead: much of the material in this post is intended for 18+ viewers, some recommendations are dark with DDDNE tag, please read the warnings the authors have provided before reading, you have been warned, continue at your own discretion !!
๐Ÿ™ โ€” (5th week) 2ndJune โ€˜24: I love these bookmarks, and omg I read some really good juicy fics this week; since I finished uni Iโ€™ve had so much time and Iโ€™m so grateful. Also always open for more recommendations if people have them.
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New beginnings[SFW + fluff] {bf!Leon Kennedy x gf!reader} ~ picnic with bf while heโ€™s sketching her and she puts daisies in his hair.
This was written by @/angelstargel // this was so cute !!! I donโ€™t read that much fluff but recently Iโ€™ve gotten into it, I used to think it was kinda boring cuz Iโ€™m a horny bastard that needs constant smut but I have been delving into fluff fics. I thought it was so cute but also the humour was realistic, I think humour is a hard thing to write as Iโ€™ve read some fics where it either goes hard or flops, I think star did a rlly good job and making a realistic and cute portrayal.
Wicked game [NSFW] {Leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ Leon leaves the reader for the lady in red.
This was written by @/leonsdolly // this is another fic that I have been meaning to get to, I saved it on my phone the day it came out then exams made me forget until now and Iโ€™m so glad I got to read this. The angst in this was written perfectly, sad af but for the angsty girlies we will eat this up cuz it was soooo good. I loved the descriptions of the readers anger and putting it in violent fantasies to herself, the description of red with the blood and connecting it to the other woman, also the reader lowkey getting off and cucking herself with fantasies about the other womanโ€™s moans like helloooo ??? This was so yummy.
Starry-eyed! [NSFW] {puppy hybrid!Leon Kennedy x fem hybrid!reader} ~ hybrids in heat.
This was written by @/rigorwhoring // OMFG I LIVE FOR THE HYBRID FICS THEY GIVE ME LIFE. This fr fed my breeding kink reading obsession cuz the idea of being in heat and needing to help Leon out LORD HELP ME. This was so goddamn hot. I always get interested in the hybrid writing like itโ€™s genuinely so fun to read especially like the little backstories of how hybrids came to be, I wanna write it so bad but donโ€™t know where to start. This fic was delicious, a must read for the hybrid lovers.
The devil is real part three [NSFW] [DDDNE] {las plagas!leon Kennedy x fem!reader} ~ after being injected the reader finds out what the cult has in plan for her
This was written by @/gigabyte-flare // okay Iโ€™ve been recommending every part of this series because itโ€™s so so so good; the scenes in it (if you read it you know) were just so ooooooo I need Leon to come alive and call me lil bird so much. This series has me so invested !!!!
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Come back to bed [NSFW] {Levi Ackerman x fem!reader} ~ reader craves for Levi but he isnโ€™t in bed when she wakes up.
This was written by @/kentopedia // aot hyperfixation came back, as long as my devoted crush for Levi that Iโ€™ve had since 2016 but comes back with an intense wave every few months. This was been saved on my phone for a while and ugh I should have gotten to this sooner, it was soo good. Also didnโ€™t realise how into cockwarming I am until I read this fic, I was blushing sm, especially with how he was telling the reader to keep quiet like AHHH IM SCREAMING.
Hange introducing Levi and reader and starting a relationship // modern au [NSFW moment but generally SFW] {Levi Ackerman x fem!reader}
This was written by @/lucysarah-c // Iโ€™m such a sucker for modern au, itโ€™s such a slice of life feel to it that makes me blush sm; I know loads of people need fanfics to stick to canon timeline but I absolutely love auโ€™s like this one, theyโ€™re just so fun to think about. Itโ€™s a bit of a short one though but it got me blushing so much with how cute it was, there is a NSFW moment but honestly most of it is cute.
Be a good girl for me wonโ€™t you ? [NSFW] {Levi Ackerman x fem!reader} ~ Drabble with daddy kink & spanking.
This was written by @/dreamtuna // Levi Ackerman addiction go brrrrrrr, in such a Levi brainrot send help ! I love drabbles/shorter fics theyโ€™re like mini snacks to sink your teeth into especially when theyโ€™re as hot as this piece cuz GODDAMN I need to be teleported into this fic and let it happen to me PLS GOD PLSSSS.
Levi letting reader know heโ€™s fed up of a social gathering [NSFW] {bf!Levi Ackerman x fem!reader} ~ Levi teasing reader under the table of a social gathering. ๏ฟผ
This was written by @/seredelgi // this was so hot but also just so Levi; he is a lil antisocial and would wanna get away and spend time with his gf. Ugh the description of him teasing the reader under the table, the slow movements and embarrassing her as people stare when she releases the gasp OH MY LAWD IM IN SUCH A BLUSHING FLUSTER RN HELP ME. also the comment from Connie was so funny.
๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‹๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐‘๐ž๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ
Let sleeping dogs lie [NSFW] {Joel Miller x puppy hybrid!reader} ~ reader is a hybrid and Joel has a problem with โ€œpicking up straysโ€.
This was written by @/d10nyx // I have been waiting for Joel content from this creator for a good while and UGHHHH Iโ€™m so happy it was finally out and I got to read it. I thought this oneshot rlly nailed Joelโ€™s characterisation with the dialogue with all the good girls, the comforting voice like even in the moments he snaps, I could hear Joelโ€™s voice through it. Iโ€™m also really obsessed with puppy hybrids like I fr need help.
๐๐š๐ฅ๐๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฌ ๐†๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐“๐ก๐ซ๐ž๐ž ๐‘๐ž๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐๐š๐ญ๐จ๐ง๐ฌ
Denouement [NSFW] {spawn!soft!Astarion x fem!reader} ~ Astarion is ready to explore intimacy with the reader again.
This was written by @/khywren // I love spawn, softie, astarion sm; I love my fair share of ascended astarion with the angst and sexual tension but softie astarion makes me blush and kick my feet like some school girl texting their crush. I loved the description of the scenes I found them to be hot but also beautiful especially with descriptions of their fingers laced together, how he pulls her down to him, whispering, ahhh itโ€™s just so connected and beautiful. I love the fics where Astarion slowly loves learning what he wants and not using it for a means of manipulation, finding love and vulnerability with reader/tav figure, I love those fics.
Woe to the lamb that disputes the wolf [NSFW] {predator!astarion x prey!fem!reader} ~ reader makes a bet of who can outrun whom in the pitch black night.
This was written by @/vampiricgf // I know Iโ€™m recommending this straight after a fic where I gushed about softie astarion, but Iโ€™m complex and love both versions of astarion depending on what Iโ€™m craving that night haha. The tension written in these scenes was perfection and omg the beauty in the description of him biting her and almost overpowering her was *chefs koss* I need more of this dynamic it was so hot.
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note: did you enjoy a fic from these recommendations? If you did please give that author as much love as possible, the best way of supporting authors is by liking and reblogging, it keeps us motivated and knowing that our work is appreciated.
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chrollogy ยท 21 days
yue >:)
your recent post makes me want to ask: what would chrollo's hugs feel like? how does chrollo take care of you on a bad day? and how would he react when you vent? would he be a listener or would he talk shit with you? sorry for all the questions, i just wanna knowwwww
sending you hugs and kisses from across the ocean mwah <3
eeeep hi my sweet ryu !!! the way i got so excited after seeing this ask and no worries i love the questions !! โ™ก
oooo ok ok so chrolloโ€™s hugs never fail to give me some kind of security, itโ€™s like whenever he wraps his arms around me, i immediately melt into a puddle >< not to mention how firm his hold is around me (almost like iโ€™d slip out of his grip if he doesnโ€™t hug me tight) the feeling is oddly comforting in a way and it really shows how much chro cares about me :( <3
on bad days, heโ€™s extra attentive !! there are times where iโ€™d prefer to be alone and he respects that boundary but when chro sees that iโ€™m ready to interact with him again, he makes sure nothing is ever awkward >< also, he doesnโ€™t pry, he waits for me to open up about whatever is bothering me (and its fine by him if i donโ€™t !!) but he does make sure to get me things that he knows will make me happy (such as my comfort foods) or simply just reading me pages from a novel he has (he knows how much i love his voice and books LMAO) to at least get my mind off things ><
chrollo is a very good listener !! iโ€™m more of the yapper in the relationship so heโ€™s always all ears especially when iโ€™m venting to him :( he makes sure to hold eye contact and hold my hand (maybe even draw random shapes w his fingers to reassure me) while i tell him all about the unpleasant things thatโ€™s happened. AKSJSK HEโ€™D BE LOWKEY TALKING SHIT TOO ๐Ÿ˜ญ !!! chrollo would be the first one talking shit (per his words, heโ€™s just speaking the truth) and sometimes i just break out in a smile cause heโ€™s more invested in the drama than i am (all while he has this calm demeanour)
AAACKKK sorry this was long !! :( but iโ€™m feeling the love sm ! iโ€™m beaming u back some love too !!!! hope you had a great morning and happy september ๐Ÿ’•!!
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marveladewithice-blog ยท 1 year
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i think the lore has changed since that game buuuuut here's this anyway cause I thought it was funny
the purple guy sprite hands reminded me of the hands of sincerity in clone high, so yeah he's doing that lol
also I am no joke lowkey getting back into my fnaf phase because I've recently been rewatching zajcu37's sfm series and I'm like,,, actually seriously invested???? like its so good????? i binged it all in like two nights and I regret nothing. but anyways, we stan zajcu37 in this household for continuing to create fnaf content after like eight years or sumth idk for sure but like wow I love him sm he is my childhood and presenthood hero
but yes that is all. btw I'm hoping to have my childhood dreams come true soon and ill be able to present them in a drawing later soooo.. we'll see what happens with that (dw its like really really dumb)
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