#loz koroks
telemna-hyelle · 5 months
honestly win for the kokiri. i'd love to turn into a little leaf guy with a high pitched voice with a cute little leaf mask and no bigger responsibilities than helping and encouraging the hero, planting seeds, and playing hide and go seek
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the-phantom-peach · 1 year
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🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
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frongfriend · 1 year
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Yes, this is the true ending 🌱
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emily-e-draws · 1 year
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treating every korok I find extra gently to make up for all the war crimes 💔
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cocogum · 1 year
Koroks are the bane of my existence.
(pointless ranting ahead)
You know that weird feeling that you get when you’re in the bathroom and you’re almost done doing the business but your booty hole is internally hurting cuz you keep forcing yourself but nothing is coming out despite the fact that you know it’s there and it won’t get out?
That’s what a korok feels like.
Every time I see these little feces roaming around the woods with their weak ass twig legs hanging out from their disgusting and musty body, it makes me wanna commit arson on their whole families.
I swear, when I say I LOATH these little shits, I really mean it.
Koroks were a mistake to be brought into life.
If I see even one of them doing something simple like breathing and standing, IT’S ON SIGHT.
I don’t know how some of y’all think they can be cute.
Like there really be fangirls looking at them and screeching about how their bodies look like marshmallows, how they move around with their little leaves, or how their voices sound adorable and innocent to listen to.
i’m sorry what?
what did you say?
Their voices????
How are you so delusional to the point where you would believe that their high-pitched ear-bleeding voices can be soothing to hear??
These rodents are nothing close to ‘innocent’.
You could be climbing a cliff with the utmost serious concentration you’ve ever pulled off and when you think you’ve almost climbed the whole way up, one of these freaks would suddenly pop up out of nowhere and jump at you, ruining all of your progress by making you fall into the dark pits of what we call DEATH.
They will not stop ruining your improvements and will look for any way to make your day a shitty one by making you subconsciously play their stupid game with them.
You have to let the game make you hear 900 times their stupid ass “YAhAHa YoU fOunD mE!” dialogue AND let them do their pathetic small (thank god) dance till they disappear.
You can also stop searching for them once you hit the number 441 cuz that’s when it maxes out your inventory but still, who the hell decided to stop at 441?
That’s not even a good number.
You couldn’t have just stopped at 444?
That number sounds much better than 441.
But anyways.
Would you go that far?
They even specifically stated that you guys don’t have to catch all 900.
Like what kind of idiot would go around the WHOLE map to find exactly 900 koroks???
Not only is that shit so time-consuming AND there is no useful reward for getting them all, but you also have to carry these.
You have to carry these.
Your nasty ass has to carry feces.
And you know they’re feces.
Because once you give them all to the Deku Tree, he literally shoves them all together to make a golden shit.
The shits turned into one huge golden shit.
Are you proud of yourself.
Are you proud of accomplishing this quest.
How can you sleep at night not thinking about the things you had to do to acquire them.
How can you go up to your friends and show them what you accomplished.
Matter of fact, can you even consider this an ‘accomplishment’?
How dare you.
Remember when Koroks used to be kids?
Well they’re not kids cuz they’re technically adults but you know what I meant.
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I sure miss that time.
I mean yeah they were called kokiris and this was pretty much an old evolution but still.
I miss when they used to look like that.
They were so iconic.
They weren’t a pain to catch, their voices didn’t sound too high pitched, they actually had personalities (can you believe that?) and one of them became one of the seven sages.
Now they just look like this.
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Doesn’t feel the same when you compare them, now does it?
Looks disappointing right?
Comparing them next to each other almost makes you question how the hell did they end up this way.
But judging by their….uh…. ‘adorable transformation’ like some would say, (*gags*) I don’t wanna know how they turned out like this.
I just feel like the process would be…painful?
Cuz like…. how the hell does human skin turn into….uh. Well THAT.
That’s not-
That’s not possible.
Not even evolution can do that on its own unless they had some kind of shitty gene already placed in their cells to begin with.
I literally have no idea what I’m saying anymore.
I’m trying to come up with a logical explanation for this but I can see that I’m just pulling shit out of my own ass at this point.
I think there was a youtube video explaining that topic exactly but I don’t remember if I actually saw it or if it’s just my mind screwing with me.
Oh well.
Looks like we’ll never know.
I’m too lazy to search for it but if you know a video like that send it to me (put it on my wall or something).
So in short, koroks are something that exists now and if they ever touch me I’m calling the Guardians on their asses.
(also i used to think koroks were edible)
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artesianalpondscum · 1 year
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cheatsyy · 9 months
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Just koroks doing korok things 🍁
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retrogamingblog2 · 3 months
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wastelandhell · 1 year
yeah sure theres a story but my real takeaway from totk is
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zelda: “no, but...I would also like this notarised”
the totk situation is a textbook case of royal marriage for appearances so that the gay zoras can be with their blonde hylians, and you can't tell me otherwise
the blond barbarian man is leeroy, a beefier and more himbo reincarnation of link. still waiting to see him in-game
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wivensbane · 1 year
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cherry blossom korok 🌸
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amavaria · 1 year
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Yahaha, you found me!
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the-phantom-peach · 1 year
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This game has ruined my life
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mylonelydreaming · 7 months
I was playing Breath of the Wild again today, and I couldn't help but notice a small difference with Tears of the Kingdom in the location the frog memory takes place.
In Breath of the Wild, there are no statues behind the tree (instead you find a Korok in a rock in the tree):
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In Tears of the Kingdom, there is a pair of statues:
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There is actually something special about these statues.
They represent a husband and wife:
Sorry, but you'll have to follow your own feet if you want to find it. But these statues… They look like a husband and wife embracing. Such a simple yet charming sight. - Pikango
Nintendo could have put any new korok puzzle here nearby, but they specifically chose the statues that represent a married couple to put in the OG zelink date spot...
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emily-e-draws · 6 months
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mr aonuma i have a dlc suggestion i think you'll find greatly intriguing
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just-knackle-art · 1 year
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I just love this little guy so much!! He’s invincible!!
He’s a sticker! You can get it here!
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