#loz rant
punkinspice · 1 year
ok maybe I'm crazy but am I the only one that feels like botw and totk, are making the things that made LoZ as a series special just... aren't special anymore?
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cocogum · 1 year
I HATE Linkle and here’s why.
(ranting ahead)
Linkle is a weird irrelevant non canon female heroine.
This red riding hood tinkerbell knockoff don’t know her left from her right and be loving her cuccos like they don’t kill kids and people.
How in the seven sages can you get repeatedly lost if you own a COMPASS AND A MAP.
Like how do you mess up not reading a giant sign with a FORKED ROAD POINTING TO THE PATH TO HYRULE CASTLE???
Nah, either I’m stupid or she dumb.
Explain this shit to me.
“Since she was little, she believes herself to be the reincarnated hero. She believes that the symbol that proves it is the compass given to her by her grandmother, which has been passed down for generations.” - Zelda wiki
Honey is u okay?
How did you think it was on the COMPASS????
Not only that, but she be acting all confident and entitled making herself believe in her own assumptions.
You think you’re the hero? Pull out that sword.
That’s it. That’s all you have to do.
A simple “I’m ThE HerO” won’t cut it for me.
You actually gotta show it.
What’s worse is, Nintendo can’t even come straight with me and say she’s a hero.
(The wiki wasn’t even sure, they literally added a question mark right after one of her hero titles.)
Nah they gotta act all mysterious by throwing at us some stupid possible “ambiguous” clues everywhere as if her whole intro wasn’t hard enough.
Just say she’s a hero or an idiot.
That’s it. I won’t get mad if she’s an idiot.
But BRO.
Don’t get me started on her name man.
Who calls their kid LINKLE?!?!?
Linkle?!? Really????
Nintendo you couldn’t just have named her Link!!?
Why even Linkle? She be sounding a mad lot like Tingle.
Omg her name AND her existence is a flop.
Like how can you mess that up??
I get that we’ve been jumping at all your throats for a heroine these past years but THIS is the best shit you came up with???
I’ve seen better female Links in FANFICS and FANCOMICS.
(wattpad is another breed in itself)
“She was also proposed to be Link’s little sister, but the idea was scrapped due to Eji Aonuma not wanting her to conflict with Aryll, Link’s sister in ‘The Wind Waker’.” - Zelda wiki
Don’t get me started on her crossbows. If she don’t know her basic surroundings then she can’t aim.
Nintendo u good?
You can tell me anything buddy.
I get that you tried doing the “QuIrky UwU LoSt CLuMsy GirL” trope but this ain’t it.
I legit don’t know what Chris Pranger (former Nintendo writer who worked on her) sees in her. I really don’t.
If you like her, that’s whatever.
I just don’t see the…charm.
Apparently, since Eji Aonuma stated that she got some kind of popularity over the years, he’s gonna keep her in mind for a possible future Zelda game.
Her backstory makes no sense and half of it got taken out from ‘The Wind Waker’.
Honestly, if you can get anything out from her character to make a full game, then that’s an accomplishment in itself alone.
But I swear if people like her for just being ‘ClumSy’ and ‘qUirKy’ imma bout to pull a cucco on someone.
I legit wanted her to just be another sister of Link’s.
She could never pass Aryll tho.
That’s for sure.
(also dark Linkle is a joke.)
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errorwarblesrr · 1 year
Man, I really love the Wind Waker Ganondorf fight. It feels different from other fights in the series in the sense that you aren't fighting to save a kingdom or the princess. Sure, Link went in that tower to get Tetra back and stop Ganondorf, but when the fight happens, that isn't why they are fighting anymore.
Tetra is already there with Link, and Ganondorf had already lost; Daphnes stole his wish. Ganondorf has lost everything, and now the only thing he desires is to take Link and Tetra down with him as the hope for the future he wanted was given to them.
A fight you go into expecting to be one to save a friend and stop the villain became nothing more than a battle of survival. The waters of the great sea are crashing down as it is to kill or be killed.
Throughout the whole journey, Link and Tetra both struggled against Ganondorf. The first visit to the forsaken fortress he throws Link into the sea to drown. The second time, he knocks Link down and is about to strike him down with his blade, Tetra just barely coming in to save Link on time, and even then, they're both not strong enough. Finally, in Ganon's tower, after going through Ganondorf's trials without even getting a chance to fight him, this man straight up beats this small child and steals his triforce. Every confrontation with this man has gone wrong, and yet it's now or ever because if they lose, they will die, and no one is there to save them this time.
The battle theme is intense. It really is two very small children fighting this huge man, but just as they're the hope of the future every once in a while, the great seas theme will play as if there is a gleam of hope. That they can make it out alive.
However, even then when they do win, it isn't a triumphant one. Anytime Link has beaten a boss in the game, he is overjoyed and ecstatic. He is jumping up and down as he slayed the monster. He won.
Yet for Ganondorf, this is his reaction for killing a man.
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He looks to be in disbelief, frightened even. Whatever he is feeling, it sure isn't a good one. How could he feel good about this? One thing is for sure is that he is exhausted, and he almost passes out then and there, with Tetra needing to catch him.
I just love everything about this fight. From the music and setting to the aftermath and why you're fighting him. You're not fighting to win or save the day. You're simply fighting to live.
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theofficialvincenzo · 2 months
I only just got into the Legend of Zelda series a few years ago with BotW, and I absolutely love it. But every time I play through one of the older games, I discover connections to the newer games and find myself baffled by how many people just like, actively refuse to interact with some of the lore.
Like, the Zelda community is such an amazing place for community theorizing and conspiracies, and the people involved are so smart and passionate about this stuff. But then the moment I try saying "Hey, I think the Ancient Robots from SS and all the glowing-green robots from TP might be related to the Zonai Constructs from ToTK"
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or "Hey the ancient guardians from those astral-realm trials kinda look like the Zonai, and also have 3 eyes??"
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or "Hey, ancient mysterious flying islands with blocky Jomun-inspired architecture also appear in Twilight Princess and Four-Swords Adventures..."
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"...Do we think the writers had this in mind for longer than we thought? Or maybe they're connecting older unanswered stories to try fleshing out the world's history?"
I'll definitely see a few people point these things out but then I see an overwhelming amount of people who just respond with "hmm. Nope. Can't." or "Stop putting so much thought into it it's not that deep."
Like omg who cares if it's not that deep? What happened to forcing Nintendo to retcon in the "three timeline" thing? Where's the pizzaz? Where's the imagination?
These games are so much fun to try connecting together
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mearcairz · 2 months
Hello tumblr let me take a moment of your time to put you onto my worst enemy
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looks like a normal tree right? WRONG
these things are sent straight from the bowels of HELL with the SOUL PURPOSE of ruining my entire week
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now, i can already hear you typing,
“Xavier, the evermeans are one of the weakest enemies in the game, you are a coward and your bloodline is weak”
and while i do see your point, you are objectively WRONG and i am going to show up to your house WITH A HAMMER
Listen, when im trying to enjoy a nice little stroll through the virtual forests of Hyrule, yknow trying to get myself immersed with the game, the LAST thing i need is THE WEIRD COUSINS OF THE ENTS FROM LORD OF THE RINGS BURSTING OUT OF THE GROUND AND SCARING ME NEARLY HALF TO DEATH WHILE IM TRYING TO ENJOY MY BOWL OF CHICKEN RAMEN AT 3 IN THE MORNING
I hope you can all see my frustration with these ABOMINATIONS TO GOD and i will NOT be taking any constructive criticism GOOD DAY SIR
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blueskittlesart · 18 days
*sigh* thoughts on Nintendo's botw/totk timeline shenanigans and tomfoolery?
tbh. my maybe-unpopular opinion is that the timeline is only important when a game's place on the timeline seriously informs the way their narrative progresses. the problem is that before botw we almost NEVER got games where it didn't matter. it matters for skyward sword because it's the beginning, and it matters for tp/ww/alttp (and their respective sequels) because the choices the hero of time makes explicitly inform the narrative of those games in one way or another. it matters which timeline we're in for those games because these cycles we're seeing are close enough to oot's cycle that they're still feeling the effects of his choices. botw, however, takes place at minimum 10 thousand years after oot, so its place on the timeline actually functionally means nothing. botw is completely divorced from the hero of time & his story, so what he does is a nonissue in the context of botw link and zelda's story. thus, which timeline botw happens in is a nonissue. honestly I kind of liked the idea that it happened in all of them. i think there's a cool idea of inevitability that can be played with there. but the point is that the timeline exists to enhance and fill in the lore of games that need it, and botw/totk don't really need it because the devs finally realized they could make a game without the hero of time in it.
#i really do have a love-hate relationship with this timeline#because it's FASCINATING lore. genuinely. and i think it carries over the themes of certain games REALLY well#but i also think it's indicative of a trend in loz's writing that has REALLY annoyed me for a long time#which is this intense need to cling to oot#and on a certain level i get it. that was your most successful game probably ever. and it was an AMAZING game.#and i think there's definitely some corporate profit maximization tied up in this too--oot was an insane commercial success therefore you'r#not allowed to make new games we need you to just remake oot forever and ever#and that really annoys me because it makes certain games feel disjointed at best and barely-coherent at worst.#i think the best zelda games on the market are the ones where the devs were allowed to really push what they were working with#oot. majora. botw. hell i'd even put minish cap in there#these are games that don't quite follow what was the standard zelda gameplay at their time of release. they were experimental in some way#whether that be with graphics or puzzle mechanics or open-world or the gameplay premise in its entirety. there's something NEW there#and because the devs of those games were given that level of freedom the gameplay really enforces the narrative. everything feels complete#and designed to work together. as opposed to gameplay that feels disjointed or fights against story beats. you know??#so I think that the willingness to allow botw and totk to exist independently from the timeline is good at the very least from a developmen#standpoint because it implies a willingness to. stop making shitty oot remakes and let developers do something interesting.#and yes i do very much fear that the next 20 years of zelda will be shitty BOTW remakes now#in which botw link appears and undergoes the most insane character assassination youve ever seen in your life#but im trying to be optimistic here. if botw/totk can exist outside the timeline then we may no longer be stuck in the remake death loop#and i'm taking eow as a good sign (so far) that we're out of the death loop!! because that game looks NOTHING like botw or oot.#fingers crossed!!#anyway sorry for the game dev rant but tldr timeline good except when it's bad#asks#zelda analysis
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vento-di-fata · 1 year
Yona: This is my darling husband, Sidon
Sidon: :3
Yona: and this is mine and Sidon's dearest boyfriend, Link
Link: :D
Yona: ^w^
Sidon has two hands for a reason
And he would be appalled at the blatant disrespect people are showing Yona
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birb-boyo · 3 months
It’d be so funny if Malon was actually pregnant and when they go back to the Ranch and Malon tells him, Time immediately runs to Twi and like shakes his shoulders because he’s so excited
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l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft · 3 months
Yes? Wonderful. Come, friend, have a seat. I have...a lot to say lol
Eight years later and I am STILL not over how absolutely genius this fortress is, like are you kidding me????? Everything from location to design to its inside defenses is just *chef's kiss* PHENOMINAL, and so because I have no filter, I am going to barf all my thoughts I've had on it in the past many many years.
Before we begin, shoutout to the WONDERFUL video by Zeltik that touches on this a bit and gave me a wonderful basis for my brainrot in the first place. Definitely go and watch it it's fabulous NOW! Let's get into the madness shall we? First let's talk about the location cos OHHHH MY GOSH. This was, hands down, THE best place they could have possibly put a fortress of this magnitude in Hyrule and I am going to tell you why. First of all, allllllll along the northern and northwestern border of Hyrule, there's those massive canyons
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Passing over that in a way that would be effective military-wise is kind of impossible, so it provides a natural defense from invaders from those directions.
If you were to come from the South, you would hit the Gerudo desert and not only have to face the might of the Gerudo military, but also cross this EXPANSIVE, scorching desert before you can even make it to Hyrule field, and by that time, the royal leader could have very easily sent an army to intercept anyone trying to attack, so that's right out.
Which leaves coming from the Faron region next which is okay??? I guess??? but that's a LOT of swamp and forest you have to cross through, AND you go right past the Great Plateau where any army would have been seen and intercepted eventually. This takes us closer to the eastern coast of Hyrule, and you would be hard pressed to try and travel through Necluda, cos just l o o k at all these mountains you'd have to cross:
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Horrible. And you probably don't want to go through Zora's Domain cos that's yet another heavily fortified and well prepared city in and of itself (please ask me about this one too I beg of you I love talking about Zora's Domain)
Any military leader with a brain isn't going to go through Death Mountain for obvious reasons, so really, all that leaves is this tiiiiiinnnyyy vulnerable spot in Akkala
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And where did they put the citadel??? Right at the heart of that vulnerable spot >:D Like a boss.
AND SO! if invaders came in from that coastline, they have three options: They can take the path through the Akkala Highlands, they can go through the Torin Wetlands and up to the pass it connects to, or they can take the trail up to the Sokkala Bridges. All of these are TERRIBLE OPTIONS Akkala Highlands path: If they come up this way at the start
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this will work allll the way until they get about here:
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once they get here though, you are now not only bottlenecking an entire army meant to invade a kingdom (so probably roughly 1,000-1,300 people), but you're also directly under the shadow of the Akkala Citadel. There are archers there to fire on you, and they had a canon post on that side to potentially fire either at the incoming soldiers or fire at the opposite canyon wall to rain debris and rocks on them.
TERRIBLE for the other army.
And even if some did manage to survive, it would be painfully easy for the infantry at Akkala Citadel to send foot soldiers down below to cut them off.
SO THERE GOES THAT OPTION (and admittedly, I think it's probably the worst of the three)
Next option is to go through the Torin Wetlands and up into that same pass by the Citadel
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this is ALSO a bad idea because the Torin Wetlands are a DELIGHTFUL tactical advantage for Hyrule. Once you get to that pass, you have the same problems as option one, but now you first have to pass through this wide marshland to get there. This will immediately slow down your army, and if that wasn't bad enough it's also in clear freakin view of the citadel and so they would be able to send their entire militia of archers and potentially even cannoneers to fire on the advancing army and take a bunch of them out before they could even make it to that pass.
So a smart general may say the best option is to go around the long way.
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now this eliminates the pass and also slowing down at the marsh, and you could even make it almost all the way to the citadel without hardly any losses probably BUT! The first hurdle is those bridges. Wonderful for Hyrule, terrible for the opposing army. The three Sokkala bridges are SMALL, even smaller than the pass an army would have to go through with the other two options. This military leader would basically have to send their soldiers single file unless they have a way to expand the bridges to make them wider (which, admittedly, could be possible with a bit of foresight, but for now for simplicity's sake let's just assume they didn't think that far ahead).
This brings in an EXTREMELY slowly advancing army right to the heart of the Akkala Citadel's battery.
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There are three locations with canons we see in BOTW that cover pretty much the entire open area the opposing army would come in on. And when you look at the amount of space each post covered
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There is not a SINGLE spot in that valley a cannoneer couldn't easily reach. And, of course they would continue to have archers to pick off individual soldiers as well.
enough soldiers make it through that hell to be enough of a problem, there are plenty more soldiers in the citadel to cut them off as they come up the hill AND IF THAT'S NOT ENOUGH! there was this:
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by the time we get to botw, it has been destroyed, but that is ANOTHER smaller stronghold that was probably pretty well manned in and of itself.
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There's even this long cliff road with very little room to operate, so it would be extremely easy for the citadel to send over some soldiers to post up there and cut off anyone who tried to make it past. And with so little room to operate, it would not go well.
Ain't NOTHING getting past the Akkala Citadel, guys.
And that isn't even touching on the fact that the whole thing is build of solid stone??? And carved into a mountain??? The entire reason it fell in the first place was because the Guardians had enough of fire power to destroy the citadel that they had never seen before (also they could climb walls but that's a side note). This implies that no one in Hyrule or the neighbouring kingdoms had even CLOSE to that level of destructive power, so to try and raze it to the ground would have been impossible.
AND!! it was the most heavily fortified fortress in Hyrule second to the castle itself, and to most likely their military personnel would have been equal too, if not slightly more than even Hyrule Castle. That's A LOT of people!! With most likely endless support and resources from the castle and villages nearby as well.
It was placed geniously, it had impenetrable defense, it had a potentially endless supply of resources and people to use said resources, it was just
argjfbdkjgbks You guys don't understand how much I THINK about this place aghhhhhhhhhh
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jxsterr · 11 months
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the craziest thing about this quote i find is, again, not only is this Not touched upon in the game in the slightest, but how totk actively goes against this. i find it genuinely odd how going back in time to see her ancestors is “what changed her mind”
because if we think about this. right. with the fall of the kingdom after the calamity and the destruction of the castle and the castle town, zelda choses to put her people first and channel all of her energy into rebuilding the World rather than rebuilding the Monarchy. she chooses to rule amongst her people rather than Above in a fancy castle, something which the npcs in totk illustrate works so much better because of how much they love and adore her. zelda has so much more influence over her people and can help and do so much more as a princess on the Ground without any royal escorts breathing down her neck telling her what is and isnt a good idea. which directly shows that hyrule as a kingdom is stronger and much more united without an official monarchy. because people come together at the disappearance of link and zelda to find them, they build lookout landing specifically for it and work together to keep each other safe through the motivation of finding their heros because they’ve actually been given the chance to know them rather than a figurehead of them. in botw nobody really knows how to protect themselves, only a few travellers brave it in the wild and the majority stay comfortable in their towns until monsters start trying to intrude, but then in totk, after zelda’s Direct influence, they band together to protect one another AS WELL AS link and zelda. the people want to protect them because of how personal zelda’s help is
she has more power as a wandering princess than stationed in a castle!!!!!
pre calamity we know that realistically most people wouldnt have even known what she looked like, nor what she wanted for the kingdom or even her character since it was constantly getting smeared by gossipers around the castle, which would inevitably spread around. she was hidden behind doors in the castle as True Royalty and thus struggled to have any real impact on the world like she so desperately did. she tore herself to shreds trying to awaken her power just so she could help her people because there was nothing more she was allowed to do to help. and you’re telling me she would willingly choose to rebuild the monarchy and the kingdom as it was beforehand knowing that she can do so much more to help without the constraints of royalty??? doesn’t that just disregard all of her character development?????????
god knows if any of this makes sense
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ganondoodle · 8 months
totk cataclysm event wasnt just a great (but utterly missed) opportunity to change the map in techincally little ways that has drastic consequences both in stakes and in gameplay (like i mentioned before, flooding the gerudo desert would have meant devastating consequences for its ecosystem- like imagine little islands of sand still poking out, acting as a sort of last doomed refuge for sandseals- but also cahnged the entire gameplay of it, good chance to introduce some neat new ways to surf on water like a new ridable creature or an ice shield freezing a path while you surf on it, the gerudo being forced to save the city from drowing in various means or now living on the roofs, trying to adapt by building boats ect - also call back to older games?? since totk loves that so much ..-, vah naboris serving as the savest refuge being high above the water, even if non functional; similarly takign away ALL water from the zora region, gaving it all dry out would imemdiately turn into something way different and could mean death for the zora- forcing them to move to the lower parts of akkala for example- maybe vah ruta is still halfway functioning bc the faith the zora have to mipha, dorephan and sidon is, while not enough to keep it fully functional, but enough to generate some water so the most stubborn or brave zora set up around it like a last oasis; i know its somewhat done with death mountain but the gorons dont really suffer from it bc their only problem is a drugged rock that makes them mean and lazy ..- what about collapsing or exploding it, leaving a large crater that over the course of the game could start to grow with plant life since vulcanic earth is so fertile- some never seen before ones that was dormant in the lava and now that its cooled off is springing to life, which might seem good at first but for the area and its wildlife means loss of their habitat; the rito freezing over, but actually having to move, maybe into the tabantha canyon, building their new makeshift homes in between the walls of it- generally just switiching things around a bit would have done so much wihtout having to edit every last detail ((seriously tho, how did this game take so long given that botw took similar but they did that ENTIRE main map as detailed as it is AND made it all coherent with itself and its themes- im ranting again ..)
-but it ALSO would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce new weather types created by the sudden change in environment, somethign like a super strong wind that slows you when walking agaisnt and lets you jump much farther when with it- a darkness thing that clouds the world in utter darkness with only little light getting through anything that is caused by mushrooms from the udnerground invading the surface and their spores snuffs out all light (which could explain the weird darkness in the ruins from botw too!!), or just simply mist! making everything misty changes the entire feel of any environment drastically- you could make vertain enemies spawn only in certain weather conditions, lessening the repetive overuse of them; and that is only on the surface- what if the sky had sunbeams so strong it sets anything on fire if you dare to leave the shadows- to comabt it get a armor with a giant hat!! the underground could have been filled with different environments in the first place, but then of course thered be those dark spores of mushrooms, an entire forest you have to carefully travers other wise making them release their spores and make it all more difficult, glowy mushrooms, MORE glowy mushroms, theres so many weird ass shrooms IRL you could take inspo from!! maybe soemthing like a forest of kelp, long flowy plants obstructing view and making you anxious by any movement- there could be one thats a mimic or infected with miasma, slightly off color and its knobs are malice eyes that open only if it thinks you cant see it
(also for the idea of taking botws stuff and recontextualizing it, the guardians or shrines, now non fucntional, could be infected my miasma sometimes, maybe randomly to keep you guessing- an overgrown shrine suddenly lifting itself up with hands clawing at you when you get too close or do sth wrong to distrub it- similar with guardians tho the effect might be less since you know them as a threat already- or sth i mentioned in another post, a tower being used as a weapon by a gigatic miasma monster- the one in the gerudo region with the bottomless pit for example, perfect for an arena for you to run around in the spiral while its swinging at you etc etc)
JUST taking what botw had and mixing it up, expanding on it, even if technically little change, it could do so much but in the actual game death mountain and rito is the only ones that saw anything of a change like it, and it largely .. didnt change anything or was reversible easily, and had no actual consquences that meant anything, neither stakes nor environmental or narratively (the gerudo felt like it at first but its also largely reversible, its just kinda .. adding a bit of city)
i hhhhhhhhhhhhhh have so many thoughts still, i am just better at holding them back .... also dont wanna annoy lmao
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eiochevart · 29 days
Oh my god
Ok so
When I was little, I never played any Zelda games, but one time I was in an electronics shop or something and they had a game demo thingy that anyone could look at and play
I remember there being a little green guy in this vast green field with only one big tree on a hill, nothing else, and I vaguely remember thinking that “oh, is this the Zelda thing that people are talking about?”
Fast forward many years until I finally did start playing Zelda and all that stuff…
I thought that that memory was a dream or something, because I played OoT and never saw anything like that
Today I’m watching a majoras mask playthrough, and
Holy shit
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cocogum · 1 year
The infamous oot sibling theory
(and how its manga encouraged it)
• table of contents •
a) the problem
b) the theory
c) thoughts
a) the problem
I recently got back to reading the Ocarina of Time legendary edition manga that I already had at my disposal and while rapidly going through it, I suddenly noticed an odd panel on one of its pages.
For those who also have the manga, the panel in question was specifically on page 113.
For those who have the Ocarina of Time’s volumes all separately, it was in chapter 6 of “Ocarina of Time”.
In this chapter, Link has finally woken up from his sleep of seven years and has been told by one of the sages, about what the world has been like during his absence.
Right after his explanation, however, the sage finally reveals to Link where he truly came from.
Instead of being a kokiri, Link was in actuality a hylian.
So far, everything was told correctly.
Or so it should have.
Because in that revelation scene, exists two completely different meanings attributed to Link’s origins.
There seemed to be some kind of mistranslation or misassumption between the online version and the book version.
In the online version, right after the sage explains to Link, that he’s a hylian and not in actuality a kokiri, he specifies that he has hylian blood just like princess Zelda.
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It wouldn’t be weird for the sage to mention Zelda when talking about hylian blood since she was the first hylian who Link managed to have a full conversation in his life with (not to mention spent a full day with her in the manga), so the sage would of course name her as a hylian example.
But as for the physical book, however…
The wordings of this same scene have a completely different meaning.
Instead of telling Link that he has hylian blood, the sage tells him that he has ROYAL hylian blood flowing through his veins just like the princess.
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What is especially peculiar here is that the physical book claims that Link and Zelda are related by BLOOD while the online version simply tells Link he’s of Hylian descent like princess Zelda.
The fact that both are claiming two different things is a huge problem.
Mainly for two reasons.
Number 1, the physical book translation came straight from the book and not from its online counterpart meaning that if you took your own Ocarina of Time manga from your bookshelf and went to page 113 (or on chapter 6 depending on which edition you have), you would find this same bubble on your manga as well.
Number 2, the online version of the manga makes much more sense during this scene than its book counterpart which shouldn’t happen in any kind of situation whatsoever.
The book should always be better than its online one.
I would’ve never pointed out that mistake if the mistake itself came from the online version and not the actual book.
So in short, the problem here is that the official translation messed up a simple part to make, as well as contradicted the lore surrounding Link’s origins.
I am unaware of how these kinds of mistranslations can happen in the first place but did the people responsible for the translation see this obvious mistake?
Two separate occasions would have made the translators realize their mistake by simply examining the book closely.
1) The revelation got repeated by Link himself.
If we go ahead and scroll through the online book version to end up on page 270 (or chapter 6 of “Hero of Time”), Link tells Sheik the same thing that the Sage told him once he awakened from his sleep.
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But then, when we look back at the actual book again, Link also said the same thing even though he got told by the Sage that he was related by blood to Zelda.
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2) Link’s parents.
As soon as the Sage reveals to Link his origins, he then explains who his parents used to be before their unfortunate deaths.
In the online version, his father was one of the Hylian Knights who were an elite clan of warriors tasked by the King to fight back against Ganondorf’s army.
He dies in battle while his mother was a noble who escaped the war by fleeing the mansion they lived in but tragically dies in the lost forest due to a severe wound that she received.
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Although the book’s interpretation was an error, this did not stop some fans to speculate on what the book was implying about the duo bearing the triforce of wisdom and courage.
However, there was another case in the manga that could have pushed some fans to believe that Zelda and Link may have been siblings.
And that was during the same moment when the Sage revealed to Link his true origins.
And yet again, we have had two different meanings from the book and the online version.
In the book, while the Sage was revealing to Link his true origins, he mentions how his mother fled a palace to escape the war and flee towards the forest.
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Usually, when one thinks of a palace, they think of a castle meaning that some people would’ve presumed that Link’s mother must’ve been the queen of Hyrule.
We could have also suspected that she must’ve been some kind of noble who was some sort of guest to the royal family which would explain why she’d be fleeing a castle but that would be too much of a far-fetched idea given the fact that it has no solid proof to back it up.
We are aware that Link’s mother was some kind of noble. So it would’ve been more logical to insert the word “mansion” instead of “palace” as how the book’s online counterpart did.
b) the theory
There was a time when a wild theory was circulating in the fandom that was so weirdly controversial, that people have surprisingly taken two major sides for it back in the day.
I’m sure you’ve also heard of it by now.
The theory on whether or not Link and Zelda from Ocarina of Time are in fact siblings.
Or at least secret siblings.
Yes. This widely hated theory originally came from the game and the manga right afterward.
But I believe that the manga further pushed that theory to be more believable to some few fans who already acknowledge it to be true due to the inconvenient book mistranslation.
Please bear in mind that the theory that I’m about to explain will only be applied to Ocarina of Time and is in no way a hypothesis that I believe in. I am also in no way criticizing anyone who truly believes in this theory.
Any other LoZ works that have shown any kind of sibling hints between the two will be ignored.
The theory goes like this:
• It is very plausible that princes in the royal family can happen from time to time.
A great example of this would be the prince of Hyrule in “The Adventure of Link” from the Decline timeline.
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So it wouldn’t be impossible to think that Link might be Zelda’s twin brother.
• Link and Zelda, two hylians bearing two pieces of the triforce, were twins who have been separated at birth due to the war going on back when they were both still merely newborns.
• Their mother, the queen of Hyrule, was only able to have taken Link, her son, and rushed him out of the chaos while the King of Hyrule decided to stay in the castle and keep his daughter Zelda with him in hopes of keeping her safe deep in Hyrule’s walls while the war was going on.
• The queen of Hyrule entrusts her son to the Deku tree in hopes that he’ll be able to take care of the prince in her stead and with one final last breath, the queen dies from her injuries.
• The king, having lost his wife as well as his son, decides to put Impa in charge of his daughter’s safety whenever he won’t be able to do so himself. This will lower the chances of having his daughter be taken away from him if she ever ends up getting in danger.
• As the two royal children get to grow up while being apart from each other, certain similar physical features start to show on both children. This will result in Link and Zelda having the same hair, same eye colour, and same skin complexion.
• When Zelda learns of her heritage as well as the fact that she used to have a twin brother, she becomes more responsible and active in her role as princess and starts her studies to ensure the prosperity and safety of Hyrule.
• Link, on the other hand, is unaware of his true origin as prince of Hyrule and spends his days as a kokiri, simply having fun during his childhood.
• When the two eventually meet for the first time, they proceed to end Ganondorf‘s future destruction of Hyrule only to then realize that they have failed which will result in Link getting into a deep sleep and Zelda turning into a boy and hide her true identity for seven years.
• When they eventually succeed in killing Ganondorf as their adult selves, Zelda thanks Link for going through all of this and she decides to make him return to his childhood where he could make up for those seven years.
• The two meet in their childhoods, get to call out Demise’s reincarnation and even after all that, they do not realize their connection and come back to the day they met forever unaware that their blood connection will never truly be revealed to both of them.
Now that I completely explained the theory in its entirety, here’s why the majority of the fans do not believe in this theory they call far-fetched.
1) Link and Zelda’s parents are two completely different sets of people. Zelda’s parents were the king and queen of Hyrule while Link’s father was a Hylian knight and his mother was a noble.
2) Just because Link and Zelda have similar physical traits such as having the same eye colour, hair and skin, this does not signify that they share any similar blood. Plenty of hylians no matter if they’re nobles or commoners have matching physical resemblances so this means nothing.
3) There is no relation or proof that Link is a prince just because the royal family can have males. Although it is true and may be possible for Link to be a royal, the one from Ocarina of Time just simply does not click with that possibility since he comes from a family who’s sole purpose is to serve the Royal family.
c) thoughts
This whole situation is extremely messy from my perspective on the matter.
Whether the mistranslations were even mistranslations at all or were translations believed to be accurate by the translators is irrelevant to me.
No matter whose side is the correct one, we can all agree that the book version should ALWAYS be better than its online counterpart. NEVER the other way around.
I mean it’s mind-boggling to me how people can expect to see this and not bat an eye at it.
I’ve never personally seen the original version of a topic that has more errors than its fan version which has the most probable chance of getting more mistakes than the original.
There was just so much I wanted to cover about the book, the whole Ocarina of Time to be exact.
From its ridiculous amount of book mistakes to a widely known theory that is far-fetched, this was very weird to notice and I’m sure a lot of you guys have probably realized it before even coming here.
I also wonder if some fans still believe this sibling theory for Ocarina of Time.
If some do still believe that, then that’s great. Great because that’s very surprising.
(PS: The whole ocarina of time manga should’ve been traumatizing to read.)
(PPS: OoT’s manga really made me start shipping Sheik and Link together when I was just a kid. That was literally the first *and only* yaoi ship I’ve ever truly liked. Now that I look back on it, my love for it is slowly resurfacing 🥰 like come on man no amount of logical explanation will make me believe that there’s nothing gay about this page alone)
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science-lings · 1 year
okay this has been going through my mind for days and I have to get my thoughts out before I explode
Disclaimer, this is not talking about a specific artist/person and would never condone or participate in anon hate or online bullying for any reason but especially this one. 
I get why people are mad about Link being portrayed as this buff, hypermasculine, tall guy. I am too (again don’t fucking attack people over it though) and it seems like such an infuriating way to change the character just to fit into some ideal of hypermasculine attractiveness or to make a ship fall into a more hetero lense by making him a decent foot taller than whatever girl he’s being paired with. 
The world of video games and action movies and every form of media ever is extremely saturated with male characters that are swole and manly and whatever other descriptors people are trying to push onto Link that don’t fit into his actual character. There are so many characters out there that already fit this male standard and having a clearly androgynous elf guy was like a breath of fresh air. 
Link was literally designed to be a character whose lines on gender were blurred, ‘a girl with a masculine touch or a guy with a feminine touch’ so that anyone could project themselves onto him. His physical design in botw/totk was specifically made to be feminine enough to wear a certain outfit to pass as a woman (which includes a nearly mandatory cutscene where he puts on the clothes and blushes after being called pretty, like you have to be blind to think that its an experience that he doesn’t like at all) and in totk there are a bunch of outfits made for Link that are blatantly gnc, ones that are practically dresses, include nail polish and lipstick, you can even dye his hair bright and vivid colors and that’s half way to giving him new pronouns. The whole reason Linkle isn’t included in more mainline loz games was because her existence would force Link into a gender dichotomy, if there's a clearly female version of the main hero, that means the main hero has to be a man, and they would rather abandon a potential reoccurring character than make Link conform to a gender binary. 
So pardon me when it feels disingenuous and even malicious for him to be morphed into these clear masculine ideals, where he towers over any female romantic partner (even when in canon he is regularly depicted as noticeably shorter than her) or even in m/m fanworks he’s really beefed up, perhaps to make the scene feel more gay or something. 
Perhaps it’s because his more twink-y/ femboy body type is so heavily sexualized (though obviously when people are sculping abs on him it’s totally not because they’re horny about it) and that’s an issue in itself that bothers me. But it’s just so tiring to see one of the very few popular main characters who is short and feminine and androgynous be molded into just another bland muscle-headed action hero over and over and over again. 
I’m not mad at the creators for portraying him differently than how I like him portrayed, I’m mad because we really do get so few characters like him in good popular media, and to be honest, I really like him the way that he is. I love that he’s tiny and has long hair and has the option to dress any way the player likes. It seems a little distasteful to make him taller than a female love interest just because that’s how straight couples have to be, there’s just never been a real straight couple where the guy is shorter than the girl, that’s just Impossible! (/s) 
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sirottertonthe1st · 6 months
BROTHER WHEN THE DARK BEAST GANON FIGHT IS STARTING AND ZELDA SAYS “ Link...you may not yet be at a point where you have fully recovered your power or all of your memories... but courage need to be remembered… For it is never forgotten” past me actually started jumping up and down its brilliant literal chills my fav line in the whole series hands down.
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seren-knight01 · 1 year
The dichotomy of Ganondorf thinking that his strength, power, authority, and identity comes from conquest versus Rauru’s identity and power coming from his willingness to lay down his life and soul to protect those Ganondorf deems too “weak” to deserve to live.
Ganondorf’s very masculinity coming from the dominion over others; his birthright to royal power being tied to said masculinity. Ganondorf, thinking that a harsh world is needed to produce powerful people with “fighting spirit” while Rauru nurtures and protects in order to grow greatness. Gentleness and compassion being mistaken for cowardice and weakness rather than true strength. Ganondorf’s masculinity is based on conquest, subjugation, and utter domination.
“Do not look away: you witness a king’s revival!”
And Rauru’s based on selflessness, sacrifice, and compassion. Rauru’s masculinity founded upon love, wisdom, and determination to protect those who needed him. Rauru knows exactly who he is and what he’s capable of, and what responsibly he bears to those who do not have such power as he does.
“We are the king and queen who founded Hyrule, or we were the last time I checked.”
They are such perfect foils for one another, and Link is Rauru’s true successor in that regard. The masculinity that is selfless, that is built upon integrity and kindness and the willingness to be helpful and protective instead of an all-powerful conqueror. Link (and Rauru) fight for Hyrule’s future, knowing that he is strongest with his friends by his side, and that he fights for the safety and happiness of those who are not as strong as he is. Both Link and Rauru know that they cannot succeed alone.
Oh, the poetry that gentle, kind, fierce Rauru is the one who wins in the end.
Tl;dr: Rauru and Link are pinnacles of masculinity and Ganondorf views them as a primal threat to his very identity and that’s why he resorts to such desperate measures throughout Hyrule’s history, right to the end.
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