#luckily i never do knit Christmas gifts
rimeswithpurple · 11 months
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Inktober Day 30 - Rush
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plant-pluto · 2 years
Hey, Neighbor!
Rodrick Heffley x GN! Reader
Kicking Bill out of the band after the talent show caused löded diper to need a new guitarist, luckily Rodrick  just got a new next door neighbor.
Christmas Special!
TWS: underage smoking.
Links- Chapter One(rewritten), Chapter Two(rewritten), Chapter Three(rewritten), Chapter Four(rewritten), Chapter Five(rewritten)
Christmas special (these events do not actually happen in the fic)
Wordcount: 2,570
    You were pacing around your room, thoughts riddled with anxiety, and the source of it all? The lone present sitting on your desk. It was wrapped pretty simply, a gift concealed with red paper and white snowflakes decorating it. You couldn’t help but get in your head when it came to gift giving, “What if he doesn’t even like it? What if he thinks it's lame or-” 
    The piercing sound of your mother’s voice reached your ears,” [Y/N] ARE YOU READY TO GO?” Taking in a deep breath you sighed,” YEA!” Getting the present off of your desk, you also grabbed a few other things.
    Going down your stairs, you saw that your mom was already holding the door open, so picking up your pace, you hurriedly slipped on your shoes. Walking out the door, you were met with the harsh winter air as it nipped at your skin. You heard your footsteps as you walked across the snow-covered sidewalk and crossed the street.
    You hurriedly knocked on the door, a part of you trying to convince yourself that the only reason you were so eager to get inside was because of the cold, and not because of a certain brunet inside. You heard rapid stomps making their way to the door, and you managed to overhear some muffled bickering.
    “Why can’t I get the door, Rodrick, I wanna say hi to Jeremy!” “Because I wanna get the door loser so shut up and go help mom set the table!” You couldn't but jump slightly as the red door suddenly flung open.
    You were met with Rodrick Heffley and you took the time to take a quick glance to look at his appearance. He was wearing a black knitted sweater and it had a cute skull print on the front with little santa hats. You silently thanked Susan for putting in the effort to make sure her son had put on a Christmas sweater as he looked cute.
    “ Hey Rodrick!” You smiled as you stepped inside, welcoming the sudden warmth that enveloped you from the house. You took off your shoes and walked towards the kitchen in order to greet Susan, and made a little small talk before your mother started a conversation with her. Before you exited, you heard her voice follow you,” Foods not gonna be done for a bit, you should hang out with Rodrick while you wait.”
    You nodded, although unsure if she saw it and walked into the living room. In the living room, you were once again greeted with Rodrick, but you also saw Greg, Rowley, and your brother. “Hi [Y/N].” You heard Greg speak, you answered, amused at the glare Rodrick shot him,” Hey Greg! Hey Rowley!” You smiled at the ginger-headed boy as he waved back, a smile on his face.
    You turned your attention to Rodrick, who you noticed was already looking at you. You joked, speaking sarcastically,” Wow, haven’t seen you in awhile.” Rodrick rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face, you both hung out yesterday. “ Yeah, yeah, c’mon let's go to my room.”
    You smirked, deciding to mess with him,” Woah now Heffley, becoming much more forward aren’t you?” He scoffed, shoving a hand in your face, “ And you’re becoming much more cocky, I would never.”
    You chuckled as you followed him up the steps, and finally you reached the attic. The various lamps and string lights were already on and you noted his room was slightly cleaner than the last time you were here. You sat in the armchair in the corner of the room, while he sat on his bed.
    You almost forgot you were holding his gift until you saw him look at it,” So,’ he piped up,’ What’cha got there?” You unconsciously pulled the gift closer to you,” A gift.” And you saw as the gears turned in Rodrick’s mind,” For who?”
    Your face began to get warm,” Who else would it be for dumbass?” You saw him shrug, a knowing smirk creeping onto his face,” Nah, I don’t think I know, is it for Manny?” You rolled your eyes and tossed him the present,” It’s for you.”
    Rodrick’s tone was playful,” Aw, for me? You’re so sweet.” Your face grew warmer, but you grew curious as you saw Rodrick pull something out from under his bed,” Heads up!” You caught the small gift that was terribly wrapped, but somehow, it made it even more charming.
    Now you let your tone become sickeningly sweet as you joked,” Awww, Rodrickkkkk you’re such a sweetheart!” You jokingly leaned over to his bed and pinched his cheek, laughing as he swatted your hands away.
    However, the way he hit your hands caused you to lose balance slightly, you flailed around, arms trying to desperately stabilize yourself. 
    You did, but…
    Your cheeks warmed at the precarious position you found yourself in. Your arms had landed on either side of Rodrick’s hips while he sat cross-legged facing you. He was leaning back on his hands slightly, and when you gained the courage to look up, you were met with a beautiful sight.
    Rodrick’s face was flushed, just like you assumed yours was, but you were able to see the pink adorn his cheeks, painting his face like a canvas as it reached his ears, and even managed to go down his neck.
    The silence was thick, your body almost buzzing with the proximity and the tension in the air.
    “Rodrick? [Y/N]?” You heard the muffled voice of Susan cut through the air, severing the atmosphere. “ Yeah Mom?” “Yes Mrs.Heffley?” You scrambled to get off of Rodrick, too busy to laugh at the fact you spoke at the same time.
    “The foods done.” Making your way to the door, you opened it,” Ok, thanks Mrs.Heffley!” She smiled as you passed, however, unbeknownst to you,  she stared Rodrick down as he walked by, and he bristled at her gaze.
    Making your way down the stairs, you hummed at the delicious aroma that wafted through the air and you took a seat at the dining room table. Rodrick sat beside you, and you made small talk with the family and yours as you all shared a meal.
    You and Rodrick finished eating earlier than the rest, and as you brought your plate to the kitchen sink, Rodrick followed you, and an idea formed in your head. “ Hey Rodrick,’ you said in a hushed tone,’ Wanna go on a walk?” 
    Rodrick furrowed his brows,” [Y/N], it’s fucking freezing, no I do not wanna go on a walk.” Clearly he did not get what you meant. You rolled your eyes,” No genius a walk.” You put emphasis on the word as you slid a joint out of your pocket and placed it in his hand.
    And finally, he understood what you meant,” Ohhhh, yeah sure, lemme just get my sweater.” You both walked upstairs, he put on a black zip up, and you managed to snag some cologne sitting on his dresser and put it in your pocket.
    “You ready?” You watched him nod as you started to make your way down the stairs. You put on your skull shaped earmuffs, which funnily enough looked like the skulls on his sweater. Putting on your shoes, you heard your mom speak up from the dining room,” Where are you two going?”
    You shrugged,” We’re gonna play in the snow, maybe even build a snowman.” Susan spoke up,” Okay you two, have fun but don’t be out too late, Manny wants to watch Elf with everyone.” Rodrick grumbled,” Mannys a baby. I doubt he would even know if everyone was there.” 
    You laughed at his comment and made your way out the door. You shivered as you made your way down the steps. You and Rodrick walked side-by-side for a bit, and once you were sure you were out of view, you pulled out your joint and lighter.
    You watched as the lighter flame licked at the paper and soon smoke started to rise, taking two puffs you passed it to Rodrick as you continued to walk. Soon enough, you almost walked around the whole block and the joint was finished. You were definitely feeling it, and you knew Rodrick was too.
    You heard him stop suddenly, and you turned to face him. You noticed a familiar mischievous glint in his eye and you smirked. He crouched down, digging his hands into the snow and formed a snowball. For a split second, you were worried he was going to throw it at you. But swiftly, he turned to the house and chucked it at it.
    You chuckled as the snow splattered against the unoffending window, deciding you wanted to partake in this you reached for the snow. You thanked your intoxicated state that allowed you to not feel the stinging cold from the snow, and you threw your newly formed snowball at the house.
    Rodrick threw one shortly after, and you both froze as the porch light turned on. Snickering you both ran up the street, stopping at a far enough distance to be able to see your guys' innocent victim. Your heart sank as you saw the familiar form of Eduardo Malone, the infamous gym coach of Westmore middle.
    Your head snapped over to Rodrick, his equally worried gaze meeting yours. You hoped he didn’t see you. “HEY! WHO’S OUT THERE?!” His yells echoed down the street, and you turned to look at Rodrick once more.
    But this time, not out of worry, but amusement as your high state caused his yells to be laughable. Rodrick looked back at you, and his cheeks were puffy in attempts to hold back his own laughter. The moment you two looked in each other's eyes, you knew it was over, you both burst out laughing and started sprinting up the street.
    Angry shouts followed behind, and you kept making turn after turn in hopes to avoid Mr.Malone. And thankfully like some Christmas miracle, you did. The yells slowly died out, and nothing but you and Rodrick gasping for air filled the silence, and you watched as the cold made your breath foggy.
    Suddenly, your brain seemed to process the events that happened and you couldn’t help but laugh once more. Rodrick’s laughs soon joined yours, and raucous laughter filled the air. And suddenly, an idea entered your mind. Rodrick, too immersed in his laughter, didn't notice you slowly lower to the ground, pick up a handful of snow and-!
    You looked as the snow hit his face, replacing his laughter with a dumbfounded look which soon morphed into a mischievous smirk as he began to gather snow. You quickly ran to try and get out of his range, but your reaction time was a second too slow and your back was suddenly cold as you felt the impact of snow.
    Forming a snowball it was now Rodrick’s turn to run as you chased after him, pulling your arm back, you aimed and-! You groaned as the piece of snow whizzed past Rodrick and into the concrete. He laughed at your failed attempt, but it only motivated you to run faster.
    Surprisingly, you caught up with him, and for some reason, you thought it would be smart to grab the hood of his zip-up. You quickly realized your mistake as Rodrick started to teeter, the unexpected force of your hand causing him to become unbalanced.
    And swiftly, you both came tumbling to the ground, luckily, Rodrick managed to fall into someone’s lawn and the pillowy snow broke his fall. Thankfully you had Rodrick to break yours, you were too worried to care about the position you managed to land in, “Shit! Rodrick I’m so fucking sorry-are you okay-” 
    You cut yourself off once you noticed the uncharacteristically soft look Rodrick was giving you. Then, you took in the rest of his features, his lashes had little flurries of snow on the end, similar to his messy hair having similar white tufts near the ends. Quickly, you glanced at his rosy lips, a similar color embellished the rest of his face, and you didn’t know if it was from the cold or the situation you both found yourselves in.
    Gaze snapping back to his eyes, you silently hoped he didn’t catch you very obviously checking him out. However, like the air was stolen from you, you were breathless as you noticed Rodrick not-so-sublty eyeing you as well. 
    You gulped as his eyes followed the same pattern as yours did when looking at him, first your eyes, then your lips, then– Your heart skipped a beat as his eyes locked with yours. You were practically drowning in him as you saw his gaze beheld longing.
    And for a split second, your mind opened up to the possibility that maybe he was yearning for the same thing as you. The split second allowed your inebriated brain to move too quickly for you to stop yourself.
    Impulsively, you smashed your lips onto his, your movements uncoordinated and unsure. Yet, you felt Rodrick push his hands into the ground, attempting to move impossibly closer to you as he deepened the kiss. 
    Your hands trailed down to rest on his shoulders, and slowly they ruffled through his hair, for as messy as it looks, it was surprisingly soft. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer into him when you accidentally tugged his hair lightly. 
    Before you could get too immersed in your activities, you noticed the cold started to sink into your skin once more and you snapped back to the present. Pulling back, you both stayed still, light pants filled the air as you both caught your breath.
    Reluctantly you got up and dusted the snow off your clothes, Rodrick following soon after. A particularly strong gust of wind blew by, causing you to shiver. Rodrick cleared his throat, causing you to look at him, wordlessly he unzipped his zip-up and lightly threw it at you.
    You smiled and gratefully and put it on, “ Rodrick won’t you be cold? It’s fucking freezing!” He shook his head,” Nah, I’m like too warm 90% of the time.” You shrugged, glad that you were warm but also glad at the fact that him taking his zip-up off allowed you to be able to see his cute sweater again and it caused you to grin. 
    He groaned once he noticed you looking at his sweater,” Don’t pay attention to this stupid sweater my mom practically forced me to wear it, saying that I should ‘have some Christmas spirit’-” You cut off his embarrassed rant with a simple compliment, the events from earlier giving you the confidence to do so,” Your sweaters cute, you look cute in it.” 
    He paused, mouth left slightly agape like he was processing the compliment,” Pssh, yeah whatever.” He quickly turned away from you, and you smirked at the realization that it was probably because he was blushing,” You don’t have to hide from me, Heffley.” You spoke teasingly.
    You opened your arms wide, throwing them around him and trapping him in a hug, chuckling as he kept trying to hide his face from you. You smiled as his arms wormed out of your hold, and one went around your shoulder, pulling you closer against him as you both began to make your way back to the Heffley household.
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flockoff-featherface · 11 months
i recently had to move rooms right (mold/damp issue in my old room, so i got another one) (two and a half weeks ish ago, right) and i only just got the chance to put up my pitbull wall thing (tapestry ???? tf is this called)
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need yall to know that
a) pitbull has been there done that. this is helping SO MUCH with my coursework that is kicking my ass i now have immediate inspiration to work.
b) the note pinned above aggressively reads
the room i was moved into is an accessible friendly room (the only emergency room my uni had available at the time) and has an emergency button BEHIND THE BED HEADBOARD. on the first night i moved in i made the mistake of pushing the bed back. worst mistake. so loud. anyway it has an easy fix, luckily, the button underneath lets you easily undo it. phew. anyway.
c) yes. i eat kellog's crunchy nut as a snack. i often forget to make meals and this is my way of ensuring i eat SOMETHING. especially when im doing coursework/uni work i forget so much, so this really helps.
d) that is a yarn basket. it is currently yarn deprived BECAUSE. if i put all my yarn in there i will not do my coursework. instead i will crochet or knit. i have so much work to do that i have to deter myself. so i have ONE PROJECT in there to do inbetween paragraphs. as a treat. it also holds my make up bag because i can never find that bitch. and my medications because again. i can never find that bitch.
e) unseen: a pile of books i want to read. top to bottom: the divine comedy, lord of the rings, bram stoker's dracula. these are in the "pile hidden by my laptop" FOR A REASON. if they are visible to me i will not do my coursework. therefore, putting them directly behind my laptop prevents me from being distracted. also. i wanna show my divine comedy copy (i literally only bought it because i was obsessed with Dante's Inferno (the game) and Devil May Cry) and i will:
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pretty. right? anyway as you can see i get easily distracted. im like a child on sugar. i. yes.
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the book pile itself (those top letters have henna art on them done by me as christmas gifts for friends if you're a close friend of mine pretend you are blind for this section PLEASE /lh). normally this would have my copy of american psycho but i think i hid that one away from myself.
anyway. i came here to say that my pitbull banner ??? is very motivating for my coursework. thank yoy
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notanotherreidgirl · 3 years
Serial Knitters
Summary: Spencer goes out of his way to buy a gift for a special someone
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 845
A/N: Ugh, this is so self-indulgent. I don't know if anyone will be able to relate but I just love knitting and crocheting and if someone went out of their way to buy me yarn I would just melt and make them a million things. Also, I am quite pleased with this title :)
Derek grumbled as he fiddled with the radio. It was bad enough that the witness they drove out 45 minutes to interview was a combative dead-end but now he had to listen to off-brand country music because there wasn’t a single good radio station in this middle of nowhere Wyoming town. Finally, he shut it off, resigned to riding in silence until Reid found something to ramble about. What he didn't expect was for Spencer to practically jump out of his seat without warning, demanding that they turn around and stop. “Wait, wait, wait! Derek, stop the car. Stop it right now!”
Derek slammed on the brakes so fast he almost got whiplash. He shot into reverse without question only to pull up to a craft store at the side of the road. Knit N’ Needle
“What the hell, Reid! Are you kidding me right now?” He wasn’t done but Spencer was already out the door before he had even put the SUV in park. Derek slammed the door behind him, prepared to yell at Spencer in front of everyone in the store. Luckily, the place was deserted except for an older woman snoozing behind the counter with a half-finished sock suspended between two needles. He found Reid in the back surveying a wall of multicolored yarn and he grabbed his arm. “Are you serious, man? We could’ve gotten killed! What were you thinking? We have a highly organized unsub on the loose and you’re buying yarn?”
“I’m allowed to have interests outside of serial killers.” Spencer narrowed his eyes defensively as he swiped two skeins of yarn off the shelf, one a light lavender and the other a deep violet. Derek let out a huff and pinched the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath. Was he overreacting? Maybe.
“Ok, fine. I’m sorry, just don’t do that again.” He picked up a ball of yarn, tossing it up in the air and spinning it like a football. “So what? Is this a new hobby?”
“Something like that.” Spencer gave the little bell on the counter a tap and checked out quickly, cheeks tinged pink as he climbed back into the SUV.
On the jet ride home, Derek told everyone about the impromptu yarn store stop and over the next week he asked a million and one questions about Spencer’s new hobby. It’s getting chilly, Reid. When can I expect a pair of gloves?
But it was mostly forgotten after a few weeks and Derek would have certainly let it go if not for a certain exchange he witnessed during the office Christmas party Penelope insisted on throwing. He was sitting back on his desk, sipping on eggnog when he noticed Spencer talking to someone new. For a moment Derek debated eavesdropping, knowing that it was wrong, but the two of you were so close and all he had to do was scoot a little to the left and he could hear your conversation perfectly.
“Hey, you’re here! I-um-I wasn’t sure if you’d come.” Spencer’s nervousness was apparent but it was overshadowed by the genuine happiness in his voice. He was overjoyed that you were here.
“Of course! I wanted to see you.” Derek recognized your voice. You were Penelope’s friend, a technical analyst working in white-collar crimes. The only person Penelope preferred speaking to on the phone over Derek. He had never seen you, never seen how pretty you were. Derek started to get up, prepared to slip into the role of wingman. But it didn’t seem like Spencer needed help. You held up a gift bag, decorated with little snowmen. “I actually have something for you”
“For me?” Spencer’s face lit up as he took the bag and reached inside. It was a scarf, warm and thick with cables of familiar lavender yarn intertwining with violet strands. He held it for a moment, running his hands along the intricate patternwork, the soft tassels. “You made this?”
You nodded somewhat sheepishly, suddenly feeling quite shy. He put it on without a second thought despite the fact that they were inside and the heat was on. “It’s perfect! I love it.” I love you.
Derek wasn’t normally one for meddling, leaving that to Penelope, but he was barely resisting the urge to dangle some mistletoe between the two of you. Instead, he settled for sauntering over with a smirk plastered on his face. “New hobby, huh Reid?”
Spencer flushed but he didn’t take his eyes off you. Derek only laughed, leaving behind a smitten Spencer and bringing out a very confused look on your face as he made his way to Penelope, excited to be the one with gossip for a change.
After that, the knitted creations were even more frequent. Derek finally got that pair of gloves, and there was a proper blanket for the jet, crocheted animals for Penelope, even a winter hat for Hotch. And Spencer had the most of anyone - sweater vests, cozy cardigans, personalized mismatched socks - the evidence of your love always proudly displayed on his person.
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reidsnose · 3 years
hello! do you have any more bau hcs 🧸 they are so cute!!
congrats on 400!! :)
hi angel thank u so so much :)
more bau headcanons:
-garcia went with baby reid to get his wisdom teeth removed and he was a hoot and a holler to be around afterwards! luckily she filmed the whole thing and clips still get sent around the gc to this day
-rossi looovveeess online shopping but he always buys stuff he doesnt need and then convinces "the youths" aka the rest of the team to return it for him
-garcia bought/knitted them all the fugliest christmas sweaters and the all suprised her one day. by wearing them to work (theres a picture hung in the batcave of it)
-when jj was pregnant they all had names that they wanted her to name the baby and would always not so subtly throw it into conversation ( "wow the sky looks so pretty tonight kind of like the name ...")
-morgan spends DAYS trying to find the perfect birthday gift for garcia without realizing she would adore anything
-hotch let loose one (1) time at an office party and absolutely tore up the dance floor
-prentiss gets countless pictures of sergio via garcia when theyre out on cases
-reid accidentally wrote that derek morgan was his older brother on a hospital document and intends to never tell anyone ab it
-morgan calls the office his "hell-home" instead of "hellhole"
-prentiss learns big words just to use them infront of reid and "dethrone" him
ok thats all i can think of rn lol
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Best Friends Brother Part 3 - G.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist
This is part 3 of ‘Best Friends Brother’ please read part 1 and part 2, want to be tagged? let me know! 
George Weasley x Fem Reader slow burn
Warnings: mention of food and eating, swearing, 
The moment your lips touched, fireworks went off around you, George wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him - all of your worries withering away, all you could feel was happiness and pure bliss.
George pulled away from the kiss and slowly opened his eyes, you were in shocked and couldn’t believe who’s lips had collided with yours moments before.
Opening your eyes slowly, you stared into George’s brown ones, his gentle hands holding yours and squeezing them softly.
“T-Thank you for tonight” you blushed, letting go of one of his hands, tucking a stray hair behind your ear nervously “It’s been wonderful.”
George smiled softly and nodded “it has” he paused for a moment, his thumb tracing circles into your palm “same time next week?” he asked, sounding quite nervous.
You squeezed his hand back in excitement and nodded “I would love to” you beamed.
Your three month anniversary was hanging around the corner, you had planned a whole day out on Saturday once George finished Quidditch practice, your heart fluttering in excitement and skipping beats, causing you to squirm in your seat - giggling out and squealing, confusing those around you, especially Ron who thought you were going barmy.
Despite seeing each other every day, the two of you were keeping things secret, you weren't ready for anyone to know - George knew his little brother all too well and so did you, Ron would be far from happy.
“George didn’t say anything to you after he, you know?” Ron asked, acting quite shifty in his chair.
“No he didn’t” you replied, “he’s not interested in me Ron, he just hates creeps.”
“Where were you last night?” Ron asked over breakfast, staring at you questioningly.
Shit! Think of something! I totally wasn’t kissing your brother, no, not at all.
“I went for a walk” you lied “I just had so much energy and needed to get out, I found an injured little owlet and was up all night nursing it, he’s helping me get over Penny.”
Ron believed you and nodded slowly “are you sure you’re ready for another owl?” he asked, trying to sound as caring as he could.
You sighed “I think it’s about time, yeah” you replied “It’s been almost over a year so I figured why not.”
So instead, you wrote to each other a few times a week, you had to admit, you quite liked the schedule; Wednesdays and Sundays nights were for the love letters, Saturdays were for dates unless he couldn’t skip Quidditch and the rest of the week you barely spoke and only engaged in eye contact if you were in the company of others - if not, you would hold hands and kiss in empty broom closets or even in the astronomy tower, but it was rare as Fred was never far behind from his twin.
Dearest Y/N,
Although we see each other every day and go on dates most weekends (when Ron isn’t on your back, or when I’m in detention like now) writing to you feels just as good as the real thing - but still bloody ridiculous.
Fred keeps asking what I’ve spent my Galleons on, told him it was for an experiment to do with our products we’re testing - he’s suspicious but believes me after I made myself sick to get out of Quidditch, oh the things I do for you, Y/N.
I think Gideon is the perfect name for the Owlet, mum will be so heart warmed and honoured when she finds out - but don’t bring the galleons into it of course, not until the joke shop is up and running with great success!
Seeing you last night up in the Astronomy tower was nothing short of the highlight of my day, I wish we could do it more often, but not to worry - one day we won’t need to meet up in private at all.
Anyway, I better get back to some homework before the greaseball comes over and reads this - detention with him always drags.
The next one will be longer, I promise, love.
Lots of love,
Dear George,
You should be focusing, get your head down and do your homework if you can bear it, I swear George, the day I receive a letter from you that wasn’t written in detention will be the day I wink at Snape - it’s silly I’m even asking you knowing that it’s never going to happen.
Your letters always cheer me up, Georgie, I can hear your voice as I read, feels like you’re sitting next to me and it’s good enough for me at the time being, I’m so thankful that we aren’t hundreds of miles away from each other.
Hey! You can’t be skipping Quidditch for me, you plonker! Gryffindor team need you and you’re a bloody good Beater - unbeatable in fact but stop skipping! we can make up for a lost date another time, I’ll try not to miss you too much I swear.
Thank you for gifting me Gideon, he is the sweetest little owlet and I cannot wait to watch him grow and to teach him like I did Penny - if his mother will let me that is. I won’t say a word to anyone, no one will know that you did such a thing although I want nothing more than to tell everyone, your kind-heartedness should never go unnoticed.
The joke shop will sweep you up off your feet and I can’t wait to see Weasley wizard Wheezes everywhere I go.
Thank you so much for last night, please don’t forget to send me your Christmas list - please don’t get me anything - Gideon is enough.
Focus on your bloody homework!
Speak soon and lots of love,
Looking over and your Owl, now named Gideon who had grown so much he was no longer a tiny owlet, you stroked his head and giggled at him as he nibbled on your finger.
“Alright, alright, but don’t be out too long” you whispered, opening your bedroom window, Gideon flapping his wings, leaping out and soaring into the night sky.
You beamed at your treasure, flying away to get some food for the evening, climbing into your bed as quietly as you could, hoping you wouldn’t wake up Hermione or your other roommates. Sliding your hand under your pillow, you patted around for the love letters from George you were hiding from everyone.
Your fingers grazed the corners of the crinkled parchment, lifting up your pillow you retrieved his most recent letter, taking it with you as you dive under your covers, shielding you from your roommates and giving you some privacy.
“Lumos!” You whispered, a beam of light stretching out from the tip of your wand, your cheeks flushing again upon seeing George’s handwriting.
Dearest Y/N,
Thank you for the heads-up, saved me and Freddie a lot of trouble, I swear one day Mr Filch and that bloody cat won’t know what’s hit them - if it wasn’t for you, we would’ve lost all of our plans and The Marauders Map, so thank you again for saving us all that trouble.
These three months have flown by so fast, I can’t believe it, I know this seems rather daft - a tall prankster being all lovey-dovey like this, but you really make me happy and I can’t wait to spend more time with you.
If you ever want to test any puking pastilles or fainting fancies, let me know and I’ll be able to look after you, love.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday so we can actually speak face to face - if Ron asks, you already know what to say.
Wrap up warm, it’ll be quite cold in Hogsmeade.
Looking forward to seeing you,
lots of love,
“Where are you off to so early? We never see you anymore over the weekend!” Ron complained, a mouthful of bacon.
“Oh get some manners, Ronald!” Hermione hissed, knitting her eyebrows together and grimacing.
You stood on the spot and stared at Ron, trying to plaster the most obvious expression on your face to make him feel stupid. “I’m off to spend some quality time with Gideon, he’s only a few months old and I want to make sure he’s as stable as Penny was at her age - I won’t be able to trust him to send letters long distances otherwise.” you lied.
But in all honesty, you weren’t really lying completely, next weekend was the end of term and the start of the Christmas Holidays - you wanted to make sure Gideon could deliver George’s letters to the burrow, you wouldn’t be able to hide them around for him to stumble across and pick up any more, and the two of you already discussed the problems of trying to use a device which muggles called a telephone.
“I’ll write you letters every week” George whispered, standing next to you in the corridors swarming with busy students, Fred chasing after Angelina outside “look in the middle of your textbooks, I’ll slide them in the middle of the pages.”
Opening up your book, a piece of folded parchment slid down and fell into your lap, you quickly stuffed it into your pocket, looking around to see if Ron noticed - luckily for you who he was copying Hermione’s classwork.
Ron looked lost for words, swallowing his bacon and thinking about your owl and how much you truly loved them “Alright then, well, see you later.” he replied,
You raised your eyebrows and smiled, waving goodbye to him, Harry and Hermione, walking out of the Great Hall and getting ready to meet George in Hogsmeade.
“She spends too much time with that bloody owl if you ask me” Ron muttered, stabbing some peas with his fork.
Hermione sighed “I think it’s quite sweet actually, she’s quite similar to Hagrid.”
Harry grinned and started to laugh, Ron rolled his eyes.
“Except the fact that she’s not a giant and she only flocks to birds of prey, not dragons or creatures that could kill us!”
“Well, at least you know where she’s going” Fred called out, walking past his brother “George never tells me where he’s off to and what he’s up to on a Saturday, he’s skiving Quidditch practice again and I get in bothered for it - I can’t check either because he’s got that sodding map with him!”
George wasn’t wrong, this time of year, Hogsmeade was freezing - your fingers changed colour and you could feel the ache and tingle against the freezing air that nibbled on your exposed skin.
You embraced yourself in one of the jumpers he had given you, one you were wearing under your fluffy winter coat which matched the colour of the snow. Looking around the small Village, you noticed George waiting outside The Three Broomsticks, looking slightly nervous as he scratched the back of his head.
You walked up to him, as you got closer you couldn’t help but blush at his red nose that had been attacked from the harsh winter air “Hello, George” you smiled softly, pulling him into a hug after clearing the coast of possible students.
George held you in his arms for a moment, taking in your scent and the feeling of your face against his chest, your hair under his chin as it rested on your head. “shall we get a drink, love?” he asked softly.
Following him inside and getting sat down in a quieter area of the pub, George ordered you and him a butterbeer and held your hand over the table, casually checking the map every now and then, checking on his brothers.
“It’s so good to see your face” he smiled, his starry eyes getting lost in yours.
You blushed and smiled widely, your drinks being placed down on your table, “It’s so good to see you too, can’t believe it’s been three months already!”
George took a sip of his butterbeer, the butterscotch warming up his tummy, you mirrored him, leaving behind a white foamy moustache. George smirked and leaned over the table, carefully avoiding spilling his drink as he wiped away the foam sitting on your top lip with his thumb, his index finger lifting up your chin.
The two of you exchanged a quick, risky kiss, remembering you needed to tone things down despite how hard the temptation was to snog him. George leaned back in his chair, sucking the foam off his thumb.
“I’ve been training Gideon” you beamed, the butterbeer warming you up “he’s finally got the hang of flying long distances and coming back in one piece.”
Meeting George in the small and squashed broom closet, he examined your tired features, looking slightly concerned, his hand resting against your face.
“Are you alright love?” he asked, “you look exhausted.”
You nodded and replied “I’m fine” suppressing a yawn “been up all night with Gideon, he’s growing so fast and he won’t allow me to baby him forever - he’ll be big enough to deliver letters soon.”
George felt a part of him fall in love with you all over again, the picture of you and Gideon in his mind made his insides got all warm and fuzzy - more so than his drink.
“So now he’ll be delivering you letters over Christmas!”
George went quiet and scratched behind his head like he did when he stood outside the pub, he paused for a moment and pursed his lips, licking them. “About that..” he trailed off, staring at his now half-full glass of butterbeer.
Your insides started to sink suddenly but your hopes were lifting, trying to figure out what he was going to say.
Is he staying at Hogwarts for Christmas with me whilst everyone else goes home? Am I unable to send him letters over Christmas if he goes back home?
“What is it?” you asked, both curiously and nervously.
George broke out into a smile, quickly glancing at the map again, then looking back into his favourite pair of eyes.
“Well, I was wondering...” he paused again “if you would like to stay at the burrow over Christmas, with me, everyone else of course but-”
“Yes!” you squealed, getting excited “oh George I would love to!”
George broke out into a grin, so relieved you were willing to come and spend some more time with him, a chance for the two of you to try and get some private time together, in the comfort of his own home.
“I had to ask mum ‘on behalf of Ron’ so if she says anything, just go through with it” George said quietly “Ron wouldn’t remember asking me to do such a thing anyway - his head is that clouded with Hermione.”
You swallowed down the rest of your drink, remembering to wipe away your foamy moustache this time “This is going to be wonderful, George” you smiled, squeezing his hand over to the table “Two whole weeks that we can just.. just be ourselves together!”
George smiled but remembered to remind you “We still need to keep everything on the down-low, it will be a full house and if we disappear it will be obvious we’re together - we’ll just need to wait for everyone to go to bed or go for a walk when they’re too busy to notice.”
You nodded your head, remembering that you would now be under not just Ron’s watch, but every Weasley who wouldn’t approve of your budding relationship.
George kissed your hand and looked down at the map once more, his smile dropping.
“Shit!” he panicked, getting up out of his seat.
“What is it?” you panicked, following him to the back doors in the pub.
He stared down at the map, his eyes following the group of feet storming into Hogsmeade “Fred, Ron, Harry - everyone’s heading this way - to this bloody pub!”
You swallowed hard, the butterbeer churning in your stomach, George’s drink rising up into his throat.
“When we can get away I’ll head to the owlery!” you put your coat back on, pulling the zip up quickly “you go hurry to Honey Dukes or Zonko’s when you get the chance, you’ll find your letter folded in your Quidditch jersey!”
George nodded, looking up from the map and quickly kissing you on the lips, the look in his eyes expressing the most sympathy you had ever seen.
Keeping things a secret would only get harder, harder than you and George were expecting.
Tag list: @amourtentiaa @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl @horrorxweasley @sebby-staan @xmalfoyweasleyx​
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seungmoroll · 4 years
Secret Santa | Bang Chan
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Word count: 1k
Genre: fluff
Requested: yes
A/n: it’s never too late for a christmas request lol. thanks to the anon for the request! hope everyone enjoys!
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           Clapping his hands together, Chan announces, “It’s time to open presents!” This had you and everyone else excited. This year for Friendsmas, you and the boys decided to do Secret Santa. When you guys were pulling names for Secret Santa, you pulled the piece of paper with Felix’s name on it. Luckily for you, picking out a present for Felix was easy. Although it wasn’t mentioned, you had also got the other boys presents for Christmas.  
           Everyone had gathered around in the living room in their matching pajamas (it was Felix’s idea, and no one had the heart to tell him no, plus you thought it was a cute idea anyways).  You settle down on the couch next to Chan, a warm cup of hot chocolate in your hand. Chan wraps his arms around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. “Who wants to go first?”
           “Me!” Jeongin screeches as he makes his way to the presents, grabbing a large box with his name on it. Like parents watching their kids opening presents on Christmas day, you watch with a smile on your face as Jeongin opens up the box to reveal a keyboard. “No way! This must’ve been expensive.” Jeongin says in disbelief.
           “Who do you think is your Secret Santa?” You ask Jeongin. Taking a moment to think, he points at Chan, who shakes his head no. “Then who?” Jeongin’s eyes then shift to Changbin, who has a knowing look on his face, “Hyung, you didn’t have to get me something so big.” Waving him off, Changbin says, “You’ve been practicing so hard, so I thought I could get you one to practice here, but don’t you dare play that thing early in the morning.”
           And so Friendsmas continues on like this, with Changbin getting receiving cologne from Seungmin. Seungmin getting a hand knit sweater from Felix. Felix receiving a new mixer from you and you getting a promise from Felix that you were going to get the first thing he made with it. Jisung got rings from Jeongin. Hyunjin received a new blazer from Jisung. Minho was gifted a locket with a picture of his cats from Hyunjin.
           That left two people left, you and Chan, and because of the fact that only Minho and Chan were the only two Secret Santas yet to be revealed, you knew that Chan was your Secret Santa. Getting up from his spot next to you, Chan goes to get his present from underneath the tree. When he opens it, he sees that Minho has given him new headphones. “Thanks, dude.”
           Settling back down on the couch next to you, Chan motions for you to open your present without saying another word to you. Underneath the tree lies a small box. The first thought that comes to your mind is that it’s jewelry, but when you sit down to open up the box, you are met with the sight of a flash drive. Confused, you hold it up to Chan, “You got me a flash drive?” Shaking his head, he tells you, “It’s what’s on the flash drive that’s your present.” Motioning towards the laptop that was set up on the table, he tells you to check what’s on it.
           When you open the flash drive, you see that there is only one item on it. An audio file. It’s labeled “Breathless”. “Just listen to it.”
           “Ooh, you can use Chan’s new headphones,” Minho says with a wink, which you choose to roll your eyes at.
           After connecting the headphones to Chan’s laptop, you ignore everyone’s stares as you click on the audio file. The sounds of an unfamiliar song start to play, and then a familiar voice fills your ears, and that’s when you realize what Chan’s present to you was. It was a song; a song that he had wrote for you. You make sure to listen to every lyric to the song. The lyrics to the song described how you made Chan felt; from the moment he laid eyes on you to all of his favorite moments with you. That every time he looked at you, he felt breathless. The lyrics and the song in general, were beautiful that you didn’t even realize that you had started tearing up. When the song ended, you had ripped off the headphones, immediately diving into Chan’s arms to give him the best hug he’s ever had. With your head stuffed in his chest, you missed the change of his nervous expression to the look of relief and happiness. The other boys can’t help but coo at the scene in front of their eyes
           Voice muffled by Chan’s chest, you say to him, “I love it Chan. It’s the best present I’ve ever gotten. The song was so beautiful.” Lifting your head up from his chest, you crane you neck him to give him a kiss and tell him, “I love you.” Kissing you again, he says, “I love you too. I’m glad you love the song.”
           “It was the fastest I’ve ever seen him write lyrics, “ Changbin tells you, “He spent every chance he got to work on it because he wanted it to be perfect.” Snuggling back into his chest, you say, “And it was.”
           “Oh hyung can we listen to it now?” Making sure that it’s alright with you, he gives Felix permission to play the song out loud.
           As the nine of you listen to the song, you listen to the sound of Chan’s heartbeat, thinking that the sound could rival Chan’s song for you as your favorite sound. Once the song finishes, Jeongin jokingly says, “Awe our hyung is all grown up now. He’s so in love.”
           “He’s so whipped, that’s what he is,” Seungmin adds.
           “Yah, I’m still your hyung, watch what you say.” Chan threatens playfully. Patting his chest, you go along with the flow, “Don’t worry Chan, we all know it’s true anyways. I mean, I leave you breathless all the time.” Softly looking down at you, he says, “I know.”
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happy together (five x reader)
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requested by : @asphodelshare​  -   omg would u be willing to do a five x reader harry potter au 🥺 like a collection of slytherin!five and ravenclaw!reader cute moments/little scenarios and everyone even the professors can’t deny their chemistry (dumbledore would be a shipper for sure) and just them being known as the badass, real smart, match made in wizard heaven couple 😫❤️
a/n : thank you so much this was so fun to do!! little bit of ooc five but obviously hes gonna be different in a different universe i think anyway. i loved this idea so much cus personally im a ravenclaw so it felt PERFECT but anyway thank u sm for this i hope u enjoy <33333
Everything started on the train. The train to Hogwarts, that is. You said a tender goodbye to your parents before stepping on to the train. You were so focused on waving goodbye to them that you had forgotten all about actually getting a seat, and they were filling up fast. Eventually, you got to this carriage that had only two other people in it, a boy and a girl. and you hesitantly slid the door open.
You cleared your throat. “Do you guys mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full.”
“Of course not.” The girl flashed you a friendly smile and you hummed happily in response, taking your seat beside the window, sat next to the girl. Considering she had actually answered you; you felt a lot more comfortable sitting beside her than the boy, who merely shrugged one of his shoulders when you had asked.
His hair was carefully swiped over and looked as though it was made of silk. When she caught a glimpse of his eyes, they were a piercing blue, the kind that made you squirm under the stare of them. His face was chiseled kindly and he radiated with confidence. It seemed like he put no effort at all into his appearance, but at the same time, it seemed that he put every single effort he had into it. His demeanor seemed rather uppity, like he was too good to even respond to someone who had asked a simple question.
As you studied him, you watched his brows furrow in confusion and you lightly leaned over to read what he was writing down on the piece of paper in front of him.
“Three hundred and sixty-nine, point eight. (369.8)” You answered to the question he didn’t ask. He quickly snapped his head up to look at you and you sat back in your seat, offering him a small smile.
“What?” He spat, his eyes narrowing as he looked over you. You swallowed, moving uncomfortably in your space.
“I—I said, three hundred and sixty-nine point eight. (369.8). That’s the answer, isn’t it?” To your equation.”
His eyes widened in shock as they scanned back over the page he had scribbled over, biting the inside of his lip as you pulled out a book, reading it though you could feel his curious gaze on you.
 Then, there was the sorting ceremony. You were sorted into Ravenclaw, which you knew you was your house anyway. The boy, whose name seemed to be Five, was sorted into Slytherin, and his eyes couldn’t seem to leave you as you tucked into your food.
The start of the year seemed to go on pretty similarly, Five continued to stare at you from afar or even from beside you in some lessons.
 One day, you were feeling particularly rubbish. Your head resonated with pain and the bags under your eyes could not be mistaken for anything other than complete exhaustion. When you sat beside Five for your transfiguration lesson, you had entirely expected him to make some snarky comment, or snicker at the rough sight of you, but instead he simply looked at you, offering a small smile, much like the one you had given him on the train on the first day.
“Are you alright?” He whispered.
You smiled at that, nodding slightly, applying pressure to the centre of your forehead. “Yep. I’m okay.”
“You sure? I could try a spell to fix your headache if you want.” A cheeky smirk spread across his face and you giggled quietly.
“Hm, perhaps it would feel more pleasant than—”
“Mr Hargreeves, Miss L/N. Stop talking.” The teacher glared at the two of you from the front, and the entire class turned to stare at the two of you. A pink blush dusted over your cheeks and you swallowed.
“Sorry, Professor.” The two of you said in sync, keeping your heads down to get on with your work.
Just from that tiny interaction, you were pretty much inseparable from that moment on. The two of you had made a plan of the school, so that whenever you had lessons apart, you would pass each other in the corridors. You would make sure that you sat back to back in the Great Hall, so you could chat at every available opportunity. He would walk past you in potions and steal your ingredients. You would stay late in the library with each other, doing your homework and just talking. Quite quickly, the two of you were the top of every class you had, constantly battling for the very top spot.
 Then there was Christmas. You had planned to go home, but something came up and you simply just couldn’t get home. Your parents were devastated, as were you. But at least you got to spend it with your best friend. Five hadn’t gone home. He hadn’t said much about why and you were hesitant to ask, but you were still glad that you weren’t alone for Christmas.
You skipped into the Great Hall, where he was sat reading a book. When he heard footsteps he looked up, his eyes lighting up when he saw you.
“Y/N! I thought you were going home, what happened?”
“Something came up, and I couldn’t get home.” You shrugged and he frowned, squeezing your hand gently.
“I’m sorry. I know how excited you were.”
“It’s alright. At least I’m not alone.” You flashed him a grin and he chuckled, returning your smile and you took a seat opposite him. “Why aren’t you going home, anyway?”
“Oh, I, uh… I don’t exactly have the best relationship with my family.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“Y/N. It’s okay.” He laughed and you smiled. Your gaze turned downwards onto the table, where your fingers were picking regrettably at the skin around your nails. Five’s brows furrowed together, watching you curiously. “Are you alright?”
“I, uh… I got you something. For Christmas.” His widened slightly, as if he had never received a gift before. You could’ve sworn you saw the slightest hint of a tear in his eye, but he quickly blinked it away, a confused look on his face.
“Why?” His brows knit together in genuine confusion and you didn’t quite know how to respond.
“B—Because I wanted to.”
“What is it?”
“It’s a surprise.” He scoffed at your words and you frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, why would—”
“Five.” Your stern face made his collapse and he sighed, his eyes turning soft.
“I’ve never been given a gift before. And I didn’t get you anything, I didn’t even think about it.” He admitted and your heart simply shattered for him.
“Five, I got you a gift because I wanted to give you one. You’re my best friend. I didn’t get you a gift because I wanted one in return.” You smiled and the edge of his lip turned up slightly. He faked a yawn, grabbing his books and standing.
“I’m pretty tired, I’m gonna get to bed. Goodnight.”
 Christmas morning, you made your way to the Slytherin common room, waiting outside like you said you would for Five. After a while of waiting, you sighed. You knew he wasn’t coming. Luckily, you had made chums with a fair few people in Slytherin house, and they gladly let you inside. A frown fell over your face when you saw Five sat by himself, staring into the roaring fire in the center of the common room.
“Five?” You said softly, and his head turned to you. You made your way over to him, sitting beside him. “If you don’t want it, I won’t give it to you. If it’s too weird.”
“It’s not that, it’s just…” He sighed. “I don’t know what to do, what I’m supposed to do.”
“You don’t have to do anything.” You smiled. “Tell you what, I’ll give it to you, you can put it n your bed now, until later. You don’t have to open it in front of anyone else. Okay?” He nodded and you smiled. Handing him the parcel that you had neatly wrapped.
That night, Five stared at the present lingering on the edge of his bed with hesitance. His arm kept stretching out to then and then pulling itself back in again, but eventually he ripped off the paper, feeling awful that you had probably spent so long making it look nice, but he wasn’t too bothered. What lay inside the paper, however, had Five bubbling with excitement. There was a notebook, a book and a small envelope. The book was all about time travel, something Five had shown a frequent interest in. The notebook was completely blank, save from a little doodle that you had drawn in on the back of the cover. It was a doodle of the two of you, of him not being able to stop reading the book you bought him and you getting angry that he wouldn’t listen to you. He opened the envelope. Its contents contained a little letter you had wrote, explaining how grateful and happy you were being his best friend and taped to the back of the letter was a small polaroid photograph of both of you, that took not too long ago at all.
Five had not noticed the stray tears of appreciation falling down his face until one landed on the note he was holding, and he gasped, swiping his tears and blowing on the paper to dry it out. He didn’t know why, but he felt comfortable being vulnerable around you. He felt comfortable showing his emotions, he had felt it from the very first time you had met. Something in his heart told him you were a good person and you wouldn’t leave him.
 The next three years carried on the very same but what was different in your fourth year was the Triwizard Tournament. You planned on asking Five to the Yule Ball, or rather you hoped he would ask you, but when he did nothing of the sort, you decided to start dropping hints yourself.
“I got my dress for the Ball. Have you got your dress robes yet?”
“Y/N, I’m not going to the stupid ball!” He snapped, completely unnecessarily rudely. You sighed, clearing your books off of the desk before clutching them to your chest, walking back to your common room without a word. It was at that moment when a boy from your own house decided to ask you to the ball, and you gladly agreed, your heart burning with excitement that you would actually get to go. You would much rather go with Five though. Your heart fluttered when you imagined the two of you dressed up, holding hands while you danced together. Years of close friendship had led to you developing deep feelings for him. But regardless of how you felt about him, you were going to the ball, whether he was going to take you or not.
The night finally arrived, and you stood at the top of the stairs before the entrance to the Great Hall. You looked incredible. Five’s eyes landed on you in no time at all, an incredulous look slapped across his face. His jaw dropped to the floor, his eyes scanning every inch of you, his heart thumping vigorously. His face fell when he watched you call out to your date.
“Sorry, Y/N. I said I’d actually go with Allison.” Your date wandered off, hand in hand with another girl and you frowned, tears welling your eyes. Storming away, you swiped angrily at the tears falling from your eyes. All you wanted was a simple dance and a nice evening. Your head fell into your hands as you sat on the steps, hot tears steaming from your eyes. A soft voice called out from behind you and you quickly wiped away the tears on your face, plastering a smile in your face as you turned around.
“Five! I didn’t think you were coming.”
“Are you alright?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, blinking away the new tears that formed in your eyes, glancing over his frame covered in his dress robes. “You look nice.”
“Y/N, I saw. Are you okay?” A deep sigh left your lips at Five’s words, and he came to sit beside you.
“Yep. I’m perfectly fine. Y’know, I didn’t even wanna go to the dance in the first place.”
“You don’t? Oh, well that’s too bad… I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go with me.” He gently took your hand in both of his, intertwining your fingers and your eyes lit up, receiving a smile from Five.
“Are you serious? I—I thought you didn’t want to—”
“I changed my mind.” He cleared his throat after a while, speaking in a whisper. “You look beautiful.”
Your eyes locked with his as you tilted your head up to his, gently pressing your forehead against his. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips and slowly, his face was drawn closer to yours, the temptation and want too huge for him to bear. When his lips found yours, the two of you were in a complete heaven, your lips moving together so generously, at a gentle but steady pace. The hands came up to hold your cheeks, holding your face close to his, both of your hearts racing at a lightening speed while the world around you turned to slow motion.
 When the two of you finally announced to your friends that you were dating, you were met with a sea of ‘finally’s and ‘it’s about time’s. All you would do is chuckle, pressing a gentle kiss to Five’s cheek and he smiled. You were happy. Five was happy. You were happy together.
my masterlist
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afoolnottoloveu · 4 years
moonlight ♡
Summary: Spencer wants to go to sleep, but Reader doesn’t wanna break tradition (WC: 1.6k) {Masterlist <3}
Pairing: Spencer Reid x (intended she/her but technically gender neutral)!Reader (could be read as platonic or romantic!!)
TW: none!
A/N: i was supposed to post this on the 29th.. we dont talk about it its okay its fine everythings all good, I ALMOST FORGOT thank you to gracie for beta reading this!! she’s the first one on the taglist at the end if you wanna check out her amazing work as well mwah, n e ways enjoy :0
Playlist Pairing: it’s not a singular song this time, listen to the inspo playlist here! 🌘
You rushed up the stairs, praying to some deity that you would catch him before he sent himself to bed or was too immersed in some book to answer the door. JJ had called you 7 hours ago, so it wasn’t surprising that you somehow didn’t notice the time passing, plus the fact you had to get gas for your little trip.
Rapping at the door insistently, you were delightfully startled when Spencer opened the door only a few moments later. He was still in his work slacks and button up but tie-less. A quick glance behind him and you could see he had been making himself tea, and the satchel by his feet couldn’t have been dropped more than 10 minutes ago.
You were too elated that you had caught him to respond, instead opting to attach yourself to his torso. “You’re back! Oh my gosh, I was so worried you wouldn’t make it back in time, but luckily JJ called me that you were getting back today, but that was over like 7 hours ago, and then I got worried I wouldn’t make it here before you went to bed--” you rambled, but Spencer quickly brought you back down to Earth by removing you from his torso.
“Y/N! What’re you doing here?”
“We’re going on a drive, duh!” you said, before grabbing his wrist and making it halfway out the door before being pulled back.
“Now? I just got home from two back-to-back cases, and it’s almost midnight.”
“Spence, we can’t break tradition now! Unless Mr. Eidetic Memory forgot what tomorrow is--” you interrupt yourself with a very exaggerated gasp, earning an eye roll from Spencer.
“Of course I know what tomorrow is but--” Knowing he would only go on and on to list reasons why he shouldn’t come with you, you used your last resort, the “puppy dog eyes.” All Spencer did was stare at you, both of you knowing fully well that he was capable of resisting, but he didn’t like to. After a whole minute of unnecessary intense staring at each other, Spencer let out a groan and turned around to walk away, which you thought meant that he was going to bed. Instead, you were pleasantly surprised when you heard him half-yell from across his apartment, “I’m just getting my keys!” You squealed excitedly, knowing what was ahead of you both that night.
Your car was small, a basic silver Toyota corolla you named Carrie. She smelled of gas and was decked out with teddy bear head pillows and keychains that you asked Spencer to buy, hanging from the rearview mirror, (but only from the cool states). You even kept a tan knitted blanket in Carrie, which Spencer was now wrapped in.
You couldn’t help but notice Spencer’s infatuation with the moon tonight, as he took a long sip from one of his two cups of hot cocoa you guys had picked up on the way.
“Is it a full moon?”
“No,” he said--not in a rude way, just quietly and quickly, like he didn’t want to take his focus away from the moon or it might disappear.
So, you let him be. He was most likely tired, and despite tomorrow, which most people would be restless for, he probably just wanted rest. You almost felt guilty, but your tradition was important to you, and you could only hope that it was important to him as well. 
“Did you know the full moon is one of the most powerful symbols in astrology? It can represent one’s emotional instincts, habits and private aspects of one’s personality. It’s said that while the sun sign of someone represents their head, their moon sign represents their heart. Though, most astrologists say the moon is heavily compulsion-based. Similarly, someone’s sun sign depicts their actions, but their moon sign depicts their reactions,” he told you, still gazing, almost longingly at the moon.
“I didn’t take you for an astrology type of guy, Doctor.”
“I have knowledge in many areas, Y/N, I thought you knew this by now.” You snickered at the understatement. “If the moon smiled, she would resemble you. You leave the same impression of something beautiful, but annihilating,” he quoted.
“Plath--are you flirting with me, Doc?”
“Never, peanut.”
You rolled both your eyes and the windows of your car. Hopefully the blanket and cocoa was enough to warm him. All you wanted was to not blow out his eardrums as you turned up the music. Night Changes by One Direction was playing, and you reminisced on the fact that he originally had never heard of the band, causing your binge session, which consisted of watching their documentary and listening to all 5 of their albums straight. He told you he thought they were okay and he saw the appeal. What he didn’t tell you was that his favorite album was Midnight Memories, but if the way he was humming along to the song now was any evidence, you could’ve been a profiler.
You two listened to your playlist, made specially for the tradition, (Spencer insisted you always pick the music on these trips, since you weren’t very interested in classical piano) and besides the melodies, a comfortable silence encompassed the car for the most of the ride. As the road started to incline and your destination started getting near, you broke it.
“Can you believe-” you started, earning Spencer’s gaze from the sudden conversation, “Can you believe the audacity the calendar has, to change dates in the middle of the night, just like that, while we’re sleeping?” Spencer couldn’t help the chuckle that bubbled out from him. “Like tomorrow… You’re gonna wake up and, and you’re gonna be one year older.” When you said this, you couldn’t help but steal a look at him. He wasn’t making eye contact, just fidgeting with his fingers, but the small smile was there.
“Just like that,” you finished, as you pulled onto the edge of a hill. 
When you showed up at his apartment the night you got your driver’s license, you found this spot. This was your guys’ cliff. The one you guys found on accident, when your car ran out of gas on your first night of the tradition. The same one you guys have had a handful of picnics at and late night rambles about both of your favorite things. Covered in the blanket of light that the moon so graciously provided, it was perfect, and it was both of yours.
Parked atop the hill, you turned off the car and turned to Spencer, who went back to admiring the stars. You were just about to tell him that you would be right back, but you decided he was a little busy, and so you quickly shuffled to grab the box he wasn’t aware was hiding in the trunk.
He finally noticed your disappearance when you came back with a lavender gift box in your lap and an excited smile on your face. “Oh Y/N, you know you didn’t--”
“Save it, Spence. Just open your gift,” you demanded, shoving it into his arms and the smile on your face only lingering. He rarely received real gifts, only for Christmas. You were essentially his only non work friend, and he told everyone at work that he never wanted nor needed anything.
He repeatedly blinked, yet carefully removed the lid. He first saw the small brown envelope which contained a gift card for the local coffee shop near his apartment. Underneath that and the matching lavender tissue paper, he found a tie of no other color than purple and two pairs of socks, one of colorful stripes and the other of baby tardises. (You knew nothing about Doctor Who, but he appreciated the references.) The whole time smiles adorned both your faces. The last item was a copy of The Alchemist. It was one of the main books you two had bonded over, and only a few weeks ago, someone had spilled coffee on their copy. Spencer was against buying another one, saying he could literally recite it in his head word for word if he ever wanted to again, but you stubbornly insisted that it didn’t have the same sentiment, (and of course you were right).
He took the book out the box and held it by the spine as he flitted through the pages, taking note of the annotations, your annotations. When done, he closed it and only opened the cover, finding your heartfelt message. 
Dear old dear old Spence,
I know you’re probably gonna read this in .02 seconds, and probably right in front of me at that. Unless we broke tradition. But I trust that I convinced you. (It was the eyes, wasn’t it?) Regardless, I wanted to wish my very, very best friend a happy birthday. You alone are so strong for going through all that you’ve gone through, stuff that no one should have to even imagine. You are one of the strongest people I know. You need to know that I’m proud of you, Spencer. I’m beyond grateful for you, for having such a caring, resilient, and just incredible friend as you. I hope I don’t need to remind you that I will be here for you, through anything and everything. See you in 500 years :)
Love, with all my heart, Peanut
In only a handful of seconds, he shut the cover once again, and the happiness (and slight gleam) in his eyes became painstakingly evident. “This is your copy?” He asked, mostly rhetorically, because he knew it was. At this point, he was lightly sniffling between words. “Thank- thank you, peanut,” 
“It’s no problem Doc,” you smiled and lightly punched him on the shoulder, “happy birthday, Spencer. I’m glad we didn’t break tradition.” And by the look on his face, well- you were no profiler, but you could safely assume that he was just as glad.
Taglist: @bxbyspxncer @goldenxreid @prettyboy-reid @rottenearly @rainsong01
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over-under-through1 · 4 years
The Christmas headcannons that no one asked for but I’m giving anyway
the first time the boys spent christmas with the girls was their sophomore year of highschool. the girls found out they had been alone for the holidays for the past 3 or so years, and that wouldn’t stand anymore
it was a little awkward cause this was the first time the Prof met them all together at the same time
all six of them have a yearly tradition of Secret Santa
they still do the “individual” gifts for each other, so secret santa is more about the guessing game than the actual present given
one year Brick got Buttercup and literally had a mental breakdown cause he didn’t know what to get her
this is especially great considering how Brick is a literal human(ish) lie detector
so he’s able to read people well but Buttercup is the one person he can’t get a grasp on
he tries SO HARD but to no avail
he ends up getting her boxing gloves (with Butches help, cause that boy and Mitch are the only two people on earth who even partially know what’s going on in her head) . she loves them, but trying to guess who got them for her was a mess
Butch got Bubbles exactly 3 times in a row for a few years, and without fail every year he got her lesbian earrings. his reasoning for this was “she makes them so obviously it’s something she’d like as a gift”. it didn’t run through his brain that “hey, maybe since she has the materials to make these exact earrings I should get her something else”. he’s trying, that’s what’s important
Bubbles lives off the peppermint mochas from starbucks during the holiday season
so Buttercup’s gift to her every single year is a giant pack of peppermint mocha mix
it’s literally half the size of Bubble’s face, but it only lasts her 1 week
Bubbles gets scared for everyone’s health and she doesn’t want anyone to catch a cold (even though they have X and literally none of them have ever been sick from a human disease before and they also live in California so what??) so she forces everyone to wear at least 3 layers at all times
Buttercup makes the scarves because Bubbles “doesn’t trust corperate chains, they don’t make em thick enough”
Blossom (surprisingly) makes Butch and Buttercup take a picture with Brick to post to the official team instagram with the caption “our most festive team members” (green and red). the picture is the three of them standing pin straight and grumbling as Butch is shaking and about to freeze his ass off
did I mention that Butch gets the coldest out of everyone? he cannot handle cold weather. anything below 65° is torture for him
luckily Buttercup comes to the rescue and knits him a shit ton of clothes to combat the “frost bite”
well, it’s more like Butch taps on her window at 2 in the morning and starts groveling at her feet
“jesus christ- fine you big moron god, I’ll make you the fuckin sweater. go home”
there’s a lot of christmas movies. like. a lot.
Butch’s favorite is Home Alone 3 (disappointed everyone noises), Brick’s is Miracle on 34th Street, Boomer’s is The Santa Clause, Bubbles likes the original 2D animated Grinch, Blossom likes The Polar Express, and Buttercup is that one person who says her favorite is Die Hard
Mitch once suggested that The Nightmare Before Christmas was a Christmas movie and he was barred from the Utonium household by Buttercup for 3 weeks
she is very serious about her Halloween movies. The Nightmare Before Christmas is strictly for the spooky holiday.
and how could I make a winter post without mentioning one of my favorite headcannons
Buttercup being a stealth wizard who sneaks into Butches room at 3am, grabs armfuls of hoodies, then rolls out
she gets caught by Brick but since Brick is the ultimate bro (well... debatable. he’s the ultimate bro but only for BC) he lets her go and never speaks of the incident to anyone
Butch is very confused on how the HELL she keeps getting ahold of his GOD DAMN HOODIES
news flash Butch: you’re a heavy sleeper. you gotta work on that
Happy Holidays everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this post
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
a/n- i do not support jk rowling. this is your (my beautiful, show-stopping, magnificent followers’) christmas gift and i hope she’s annoyed by the fact that a liberal pansexual and a lesbian fanfiction writer wrote a giant post centered around a universe she created ;)
another a/n- i hope all of my oomfies enjoy this, i spent an entire month writing it because i love you guys so much! you have made my year so much better!!!!!!!! big heart!
another another a/b- i started writing for ateez after i finished this, so that’s why they’re not on there. i would put them in, however i have written fifty-four of these and am a wee bit drained :)
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colors; scarlet and gold
traits; bravery, daring, nerve, chivalry
element; fire
symbol; the lion
head of house; chungha
members; nayeon, chaeyoung, jisoo, yeji, ryujin, yuna, mia, sakura, yujin,  heejin, chaewon, chungha, winter, somi
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colors; yellow and black
traits; hard work, dedication, loyalty, patience, fair play
element; earth
symbol; the badger
head of house; haseul
members; sana, dahyun, rosé, lia, e:u, onda, chaeyeon, chaewon, nako, wonyoung, jinsoul, haseul, chuu, yeojin, giselle, ningning
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colors; emerald and silver
traits; ambition, leadership, self-preservation, cunning, resourcefulness
element; water
symbol; serpent
head of house; eunbi
members; jeongyeon,  momo, jihyo, jennie, sihyeon, eunbi, yena, minju, yves, olivia hye
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colors; blue and bronze
traits; intelligence, curiosity, knowledge, creativity, wit
element; air
symbol; eagle
head of house; mina
members; mina, tzuyu, lisa,  chaeryeong, aisha, yiren, hyewon, hitomi, yuri, vivi, kim lip, hyunjin, choerry, karina
<im nayeon>
nayeon is a prefect, of course, she used to be the head of house but chungha succeeded her after nayeon decided to focus more on her studies
headcannon that nayeon and chungha are are lowkey besties
they don’t talk much, but they respect each other and always like to have nice chats about the school
but other than her leadership roles, nayeon is like the older sister of the gryffindor house
sort of has no idea what’s going on sometimes but tries her best because everyone asks her for advice
cries at graduation because she loves hogwarts so much
ends up working at the ministry of magic
she’s so perfect help🥺
<yoo jeongyeon>
definitely has a hufflepuff s/o
i refuse to believe anything else
is everyone’s crush, ryujin follows in her footsteps
is the slytherin seeker, probably flusters the other seekers because she’s intimidating but so gorgeous and charismatic
sorry for projecting my love of jeongyeon but i had to
is excellent at potions and has taught the class at some point
really enjoys hogwarts and takes advantage of all the fun magic it has to offer
is always in the library finding mystery books to read
dark, gothic academia hhhhh
snuck in two kittens along with her owl because she didn’t want to choose
nobody noticed because everyone’s too scared to go into the slytherin common room
<hirai momo>
famous for bringing a whole ass snake as a pet instead of you know, the legal pets like toads, owls, and cats
starts a dance team
except everyone’s mildly terrified to join because she looks really intimidating
when in reality the only bad thing she’s ever done is stealing sana’s cat because she wanted something to cuddle
and when sana took her cat momo dragged sana over inside to snuggle
as a first year she cried in front of her class one time for some reason that her brain has forgotten to protect her because she freaked the fck out
because she was afraid of tarnishing her scary slytherin reputation
now, she’ll have a good swig of butterbeer and wipe a tear away over how good it tastes (because finals)
<minatazoki sana>
has most adorable cat, like seriously it’s almost as cute as her🥺
gets drunk on butterbeer constantly
it’s becoming a slight issue
but it’s hard for anyone to stop her, as she works part-time at the three broomsticks and will make you pay more taxes if you annoy her
acts like a slytherin sometimes
because she’s good at everything the slytherin’s do
but sana’s a true hufflepuff at heart, she’s always looking to make people smile
her pranks are always to create a good atmosphere, not to aggravate people
makes hand-made scarves for everyone at christmas
<park jihyo>
thought she was a gryffindor her entire life
and then the sorting cat called out “slytherin” the second it touched her head
jihyo went 👁👄👁
but she ended up loving her house, and fit right in with her new friends
hates all the cats but they cling to her for spite
(she highkey actually adores them)
LOUD because she’s obsessed with quidditch
like seriously, obsessed, she will never shut up about the chudley cannons (i hope that’s their name) and will talk your ear off for hours just chatting about one game
sits in the library for peace and quiet, but sighs constantly and keeps getting glared at
couldn’t care less though, she needs deep breaths to sustain her sanity
<myoui mina>
everyone loves her!
she’s one of those people you bring up in conversation just to compliment? because she’s so respectable and wholesome and nice and beautiful and perfect?
leads ravenclaw so well :(
will stay up all night helping younger kids with their classes or subjects that they’re wildly interested in
makes quizlets for everything, her account lags because so many people are using it at one time
goes into the forest at night and dances as a way to relieve stress (we love an aesthetic queen)
<kim dahyun>
gets into trouble so much 
will risk her education to make people laugh
everyone respects her for it, even the teachers, so she never has many consequences because everyone needs some laughter in their lives
a beater for hufflepuff we love to see it
painted her bat like a badger and calls it tommy
has fallen off her broom more than once because she gets really distracted
the only class she truly focuses on is transfiguration
she loves it for some weird reason and does extra lessons with professor mcgonagall
no one questions it though, because she’s kim dahyun
<son chaeyoung>
the one who comforts everyone in gryffindor
sometimes expectations to be brave and self-assured can be too much for her fellow house-mates, so chaeyoung takes the role of making them feel safe and helping them relax
the expert at caring for the cats
something about her makes them flock around her feet
they’re always swarming around her feet
one time she actually tripped over one them and broke her shin
but luckily, professor sprout (aka her best friend) helped her through it with some medicinal herbs and long conversations about plants
always wearing comfy clothes
wears a scarf in the dorms for some reason
<chou tzuyu>
has the prettiest owl to ever exist
and its eyes match up perfectly with hers
everyone has a headcannon that they’re actually twins 
which would entail that tzuyu was born a bird but somehow turned into a human
but no one really dwells on that
caught mina when she was dancing in the forest at night
but vowed never to tell anyone
and now mina invites her to come watch and dance herself
tzuyu actually drew her one time and mina just about melted of embarrassment and  pride and happiness because tzuyu? just drew a picture of her? and it makes her feel so cool and magical?
<kim jisoo>
empress cat (along with hyunjin and chaeyoung)
those three have the sweetest relationship, you can always find them cooing about the cats together (while holding the cats themselves)
has an obsession with the whomping willow
always sits next to it after she managed to tame it 
reads and does her studies there
is undisturbed and loves it
knows all the staircases for some reason, like has given them names and nobody knows how she’s memorized them all
but if you’re ever lost, jisoo will appear out of nowhere to help
<kim jennie>
somehow manages to make time for everything
spends most of her time in the library, but also excels at quidditch? and makes it to all of the practices? like jennie stop being so talented (but please don’t we love it)
everyone’s like what an ambitious slytherin smh
cast her patronus on the first try
and screamed because she had a snow leopard! and they’re so adorable!
probably started crying just being honest
intimidates everyone but is a huge softie
has a close-knit group of friends
reminds me of a wolf? for some reason
<park chaeyoung>
a master at quidditch!
plays chaser on the hufflepuff team and is the captain as well
along with those leader positions, chaeyoung is also prefect
basically, she loves to p r o t e c t
what a hufflepuff smh
laughs so much it’s worrying, you can always hear her giggling throughout the halls of hogwarts
brought a frog
does not regret it at all, she loves zucchini (the frog) with all her heart
keeps it in her jacket pocket
ribbiting noises erupt in the middle of class
<lalisa monoban>
a beater for gryffinor i mean what were you expecting
was the first person to join momo’s dance team
which scared even more people away (youth with you anyone?)
but lisa is still so sweet, always helping people out
smiles at every single person she passes
her cheeks hurt by the end of the day, partly because of what i just mentioned and partly because rose makes her laugh so much
chases all the cats around
they act tormented but when have cats ever been honest when they like something a human is doing for them
they need the exercise, rose feeds them too much
<hwang yeji>
looks like a slytherin because of her eyes
but is a true gryffindor at heart, always being brave and kind to her friends and standing up for everyone
almost all of her friends are in gryffindor :) except for lia, who is arguably the most chaotic but stops them from doing anything too dumb
and chaeryeong, who helps more with the excitement management
yeji is a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team (we been knew) and scores so much the point keeper (?) loses count
definitely has a cat
who snuggles with her in the common room and everyone wants to cry over how cute they both are
everyone talks about how she looks like her cat ;0
is pretty popular, although she’s still so humble
<choi jisu>
will tackle you if you wrong her, her friends, her plants, or steal her food
got lost on her first day and missed the whole day of classes
was so embarrassed and probably cried poor jisu
but haseul to the rescue! came and comforted her, we love a supportive hufflepuff family
daydreams all the time
professor sprout (is that her name i haven’t read these books in a while) is her best friend and she eats lunch with her sometimes🥺
all the teacher’s love her
except she’s pretty quiet in class, except for her maniacal laughing at chaeryeong sometimes
her and chae are The Best Friends TM
<shin ryujin>
everyone’s crush who are we kidding (fboi ryu)
a beater, always protects yeji and she loves it, always getting flustered over ryujin
even though ryu’s been doing it for years (however the winks she throws in yeji’s directions would make anyone falter)
the best in class at defense against the dark arts 
got her patronus, a black bear, within a few minutes after learning the lesson
and everyone was like 👀 but honestly not that surprised, because come on it’s shin ryujin herself!
shows off her skills (in everything she attempts) all the time and everyone loves it
in general very well liked, her vibe is so comforting and realistic, and she always says the rights things
<lee chaeryeong>
patronus = ostrich
chae was so annoyed with this honestly, i mean she’s trying to be this cool light academia ravenclaw and her patronus is an ostrich...
like really. really.
everyone laughed at her disappointing patronus, but chaeryeong didn’t care, she was actually beginning to love its uniqueness
throughout the school, chae is known for her adorably caring personality akin to a hufflepuff along with her wisdom
she helps everyone :(
friends with everyone despite being introverted
probably eats lunch with professor flitwick
she’s just too nice
her aesthetic, as i said, is light academia and she pulls it off so well
organizes all the chants at quidditch games
<shin yuna>
fred and george but one person
the gryffindor common room is in absolute chaos whenever she’s present
her laugh is contagious and can be heard all throughout the dorms, creating a beautiful sense of togetherness and happiness
keeps everyone’s faith in humanity
the loudest at al the quidditch games
teases her friends 100% of the time but will always hug and comfort them when they’re down
can make anyone smile within a few seconds
hangs out in the kitchen
terrorizes all her dormmates cats
they still sleep with her at night though, her bed is covered in cat fur
<park jiwon>
spends all of her time in the kitchens
her friends are always begging her to bring food back to the common rooms
and she normally does
in fact, she bakes pastries or cooks something for them most of the time because she’s sweet like that
ran into a painting one time and got yelled at by the person in it
it was the sole most terrifying experience in her life
she almost fell down the stairs
now, she’s actually friends with the people in the painting
and they have (maybe) forgiven her for smacking into their tea table and ruining their lunch
 (which they’ve been eating for years but jiwon did not mention that)
<kim sihyeon>
on the quidditch team
changes positions every single year for some reason (she’s such an ace)
because she has BIG TALENT
loves being a seeker the most (obviously, because she gets all the glory and she’s a leo with a scorpio mars)
has a black cat with the exact same personality as her
one time it ate her ramen and boy was she mad
but the cat, who was named orange (despite not being orange) really liked the noodles
so jiwon convinced sihyeon to let her make feline-friendly noodles for the cat
which sihyeon agreed to
because seeing orange slurp up a bowl of noodles really makes her day
<han eunji>
is professor mcgonagall’s child
i mean not literally, but still
eunji has been taken under her wing
in fact, she actually taught mia how to be a metamorphmagus
eunji managed to turn into a badger
which wasn’t exactly enjoyable at first, since being a badger doesn’t have many benefits other than being able to dig a hole faster than anybody you know
however, eunji used her badger form as a way to relax, because she could escape from all her problems by turning into a woodland animal and going to take a comfy nap in some flowers
her friends were ecstatic when she told them she had become a badger
e:u immediately made her morph into said animal so she could give mia a hug because fluffy
<jo serim>
accompanies jiwon to the kitchen most days and prevents her from getting bored with her antics
these “antics” involve things like crouching on the counter next to jiwon and crunching down on carrots
to which jiwon just shakes her head and pulls the carrot right out of her mouth 
loves the toads! she has a speckled one and treasures it with all her heart
steals jiwon’s pastries to feed to them
serim is also always in different places
she’s completely unpredictable, moving all around the school throughout the day
you can’t find her in the same place twice (except for the kitchens)
everyone thinks she’s part fairy because of this and her compassion
<heo yoorim>
spends all her time daydreaming while looking up at the sky from the observatory
i don’t blame her, it does have an exquisite view and even sports a bunch of cushions and blankets on the floor for the sole purpose of taking naps in the sun like a cat
anyways, yoorim is lost in her head most of the time
but always takes a trip back to reality during the day, where’s spotted encouraging her friends 24/7
and laughing nonstop at them
(especially sihyeon)
because while she’s a ravenclaw, loved ones are the most important things in her life
<wang yiren>
joins aisha in her imagining sprees up in the observatory
but gets bored and leaves to go sneak into the slytherin common rooms because she wants to spot the giant squid
who she has made friends with from her constant trips to see it
its name is jerry, for anyone who’s wondering
the slytherins have adopted her as one of their one
and yiren takes great pride in it
because she now has a massive posse of people ready to protect her from anyone who would dare to make her sad
<kwon eunbi>
keeps everyone in line because she finds everyone annoying
collapses on the sofa at the end of the day
probably snores
has the best self confidence of the whole school
i mean some of it is because she wants to be a good role model, but she really just doesn’t care at this point
her owl would rip any enemies to shreds
because it is pretty fearsome, even if it’s the smallest one professor mcgonagall has ever seen
and she’s seen a lot
probably a tutor ngl
<miyawaki sakura>
the most passionate gryffindor you’ll ever meet
sakura definitely makes a name for herself cheering at all the quidditch games
and with the fact that she won the triwizard tournament!
keeps the cup in the gyrffindor common rooms
because she sees it as something the house should be proud of, not just sakura
so sweet i can not with her
actually didn’t bring a pet and now regrets it
but she’s busy so she wouldn’t have time to care ofr it
but still
<kang hyewon>
the seventh years surrounded her on her first day because of her “must protect” energy
and the fact that her toad escaped as soon as she came through the door
which resulted in school-wide panic
they found the toad luckily
well, it actually came running back to hyewon
for some reason, it actually bit her! which made her laugh
the devious amphibian apparently had a habit for escaping, which hyewon learned about after multiple attempts from it at running away
which never worked
because hyewon would get so sad and said toad would feel bad
thus meaning it would turn around and bound back to hyewon
<choi yena>
immediately fell in love with hogwarts once she saw the great hall
one, because it was full of food
and two, because it’s so pretty! and the starts reflect on the ceiling! and magic!
tried to bond with the sorting hat
and it most likely worked because she is choi yena and can do things like that
a social butterfly without realizing it, everyone wants to talk to her all at the same time and she is b i g s t r e s s e d
helps with homework even if she has no idea what she’s doing
it aides her in picking up the subject because no that she’s having to explain it it clicks in her mind
strategy peeps
<lee chaeyeon>
the sorting hat knew she was a hufflepuff the minute she walked through the door
her bright energy and happy-go-lucky charm made her a friend magnet, everyone wanted to be her bestie
dances to cheer people up
is friends with all the ravenclaws and joins them in their all-nighters when they’ve discovered a new obsession
wins every single lottery/game/anything that involves chance
her nicknames is felix felicis (i hope i’m spelling that right)
racks up all the house points because the professors can’t help but praise her for everything
and she deserves it to, always running around helping others
<kim chaewon>
the seeker for hufflepuff
surprised the class and left everyone open-mouthed with her quidditch skills
had no idea she was so good, but after a while begins to take a lot of pride in her talent
the sorting hat considered slytherin for chaewon, but decided against it
which may seem like an odd combination, but it wasn’t uncommon 
befriends all the slytherins and has them head over heels in love with her
same with the gryffindors
in fact, chaewon doesn’t know actually know many hufflepuffs, she’s always gotten along better with the other houses
<kim minju>
joins vivi in at night whenever she’s in the astronomy tower
has an admirable amount of ravenclaw friends and has practically become one at this point
goes in the common room all the time because she can figure out the riddles
smh their security system really isn’t that good
becomes obsessed with random subjects
has a different best class every year
comes up with her own spells
hogsmeade weekends are her favorite :(
and minju stuffs herself with butterbeer every time
eunbi’s the only person who can keep her in check
<yabuki nako>
i mean all hufflepuffs are cute-
but nako really takes the cake 
because no one can look at her adorable smile and not think she’s the cutest human to ever exist
drew on the walls of the hufflepuff dorms because she accidentally drank a potion yuri had been brewing
which caused her to go loopy and delirious
eunbi was summoned and forced to tuck nako into bed so she could sleep it off
lights up the room whenever she walks in
everybody swears that the candles actually brighten whenever nako appears
<honda hitomi>
loves the ravenclaw tower with all her heart :(
almost fainted when she first saw it because of how pretty it was
peak house spirit
ravenclaw only wins the house cup if hitomi has a good year
because she’s just so happy to be a ravenclaw and all the teachers are like yeh hitomi yeh and give her lots of points
became a prefect the first chance she got
doens’t get anyone in trouble though
but no one takes any chances because they don’t want to disappoint her
<jo yuri>
a master at potions
spends half her time concocting liquids to do a bunch of (benevolent) things
has suspicious stains on her robes
nobody questions it
because she’s a ravenclaw, which means she will feel extremely put off at any sort of accusatory remarks and you won’t be able to understand her answer because of her big brain words
jumps 10 feet in the air if you interrupt her magic
screams too
makes you swear to never tell anyone
but it’s happened to everyone so at this point it’s just common knowledge
<ahn yujin>
a beater for gryffindor and goes beast mode whenever ravenclaw is playing
because for some reason they make her eye twitch
even if she’s friends with a bunch of them
she’s still just BIG GRR
spends all of her itme in the gryffindor common room
greets everyone when they come in
is on a first-name basis with the entire school and no one knows how she can remember them all
and she’s so sweet to people? how does she deal with it
whenever she comes in the room there’s a chorus of “ahn yujin, the woman, the myth, the legend!”
<jang wonyoung>
thought the common room actually had badgers in it
and was extremely disappointed when she found out they didn’t
haseul felt bad seeing wonyoung’s sadness and invited her on a badger hunt
they found two
and bonded with them by feeing them food
i don’t know what badgers eat so i won’t specify
but the badgers followed the two home and now the hufflepuff house has two pet badgers
wonyoung takes great pride in that accomplishment
even more than when she (effortlessly) won the triwizard tournament in her sixth year
<wong gaahei>
super into astronomy and astrology
will stare at the stars all night
has seven telescopes and has no shame
seems quiet at first, but the ravenclaw dorms are always filled with the sound of her laughter (even at 3 in the morning)
daydreams in class all the time
and is confused over everything
but still makes it through with her sweet personality
fell off a broom the first time she ever got on one
because she was so busy watching the instructor that she didn’t realize her head was tilted so far to the side that it unbalanced her and caused her to slip off her broom
<ha sooyoung>
snako right here wanted to play quidditch her whole life
but sadly, she wasn’t too good at it
however, yves soon realized her true talent transfiguration
seriously, she can change anything into anything
zapped lippie into a mouse one time
professor mcgonagall was not happy
just kidding she was ecstatic and gave sooyoung a detention to teach her how to perfect her skills on turning people into mice
just not jungeun
holds a grudge against the gryffindor quidditch team but won’t ever admit it
but everybody knows
but it’s okay, because sooyoung can get away with anything (and no one wants to be turned into a mouse)
<jung jinsoul>
famous for winning the triwizard tournament 
because first of all, she didn’t even want to apply, yves and heejin had forced her to as a joke because there was no way she was going to be picked
but low and behold, she was picked
and somehow managed to win every task with pure luck
(and an ungodly amount of encouragement from chuu)
this has made everyone scared of her
which she doesn’t mind a lot of times, because it’s nice to be left alone
and she can easily filter out peole she doesn’t want in her life
but still
to people who aren’t aware of her winnings
she’s about as terrifying as a duck eating lettuce
<jo haseul>
overworked as the head of house but deals with it because she loves taking care of her fellow puffies
i miss her so much
was on the quidditch team at some point
she can’t remember when
third year maybe
her first four years went by in a blur
she was so enveloped in her studies and loved learning about magic with all her heart
100% got a job at the ministry once she finished her seventh year
there was zero question when choosing the head of house for hufflepuff
everyone immediately nominated haseul
<kim jungeun>
The Scary Ravenclaw TM
no one messes with her or her posse
a beast at magic has legit something like an 8.0 GPA
everyone’s like jungeun that is hecking impossible
not for her apparently
whipped for all the hufflepuffers and is known to trudge into their common room whenever she’s grumpy
because she knows at least sixteen people will volunteer to hug her
(preferably chuu is in that group)
denies it though
like heck no i hate hugs what are you talking about
<kim jiwoo>
the definition of a hufflepuff
was the talk of the school the first day because of how big of an impact her positivity and cheerfulness made
she turns heads and doesn’t even notice it😔
didn’t bring a pet, surprisingly
but steals everyone else’s
no one bothers to reprimand her whenever their cat disappears and is found cuddled up next to chuu
because honestly if i was a cat that’s what i would do
her patronus is probably something like a pufferfish
which she thought was the best thing ever
because “it goes poof whenever i stop the spell!”
<jeon heejin>
acts like she struggles with school but is actually top of her class
spends a bunch of time with her professors because she loves talking to them
such a libra smh
brought a toad
was so embarrassed at first but is now shameless 
about the fact that yes, she does kiss her toad on the forehead before she leaves for school each morning
even if most of the time she keeps the toad in her pocket all day because she doesn’t want to leave it alone
<kim hyunjin>
head owl caretaker
spends all of her time with hagrid :(
there are multiple stains on the floor from when they’re drinking tea together and hyunjin does something that makes them both spit out their drinks in laughter
fang cleans it up though
the animals are her favorite thing
created a spell to remove fur/hair from her clothes because she gets bad allergies
steals whole loaves of bread from the kitchens
the cooks turn a blind eye
<park chaewon>
has eaten all the crackers in the kitchen in one go
no one was really mad (except for jiwon) because how could you be upset with her?
her crunchy voice is adorable, even if she’s lying and blaming it all on yeojin
does her own thing most of the time
one of those people who will memorize 1800 spells but tell no one
and then shows everything off at the perfect moment
loves watching quidditch
will go to the practices just to see people play, she’s that enamored
a HUGE fan of the chudley cannons
<choi yerim>
friends with all the hufflepuffs
stole their badgers one time because she wanted to test the theory of “hufflepuffs are good finders”
they would have found their pets
but were too scared to accuse choerry
even if they knew it was her
choerry felt bad and sneakily returned the truffle-hunters during the night
she heard chuu disgruntledly ranting to haseul about how rude it was to steal some poor defenseless badgers
she turned them invisible shortly after that for another prank
but gowon exposed her
yerim’s never forgiven her for it
<son hyejoo>
the sweetest slytherin you’ll ever meet
loves to sit in the common room and stare at the water in the lake
but always gets scared by people walking in
even though she’s used to it because it happens every 10 minutes 
but it’s still
wanted to be on the quidditch team so bad when she was younger but now does not see the point she would much rather sit in the charms room and make up dumb spells with chuu
professor flitwick helps them
and always has cupcakes on handy
<im yeojin>
the mind of a slytherin and is the head prankster
no one suspects her because she looks and acts to sweet to do anything
but despite their “fair play” thing going on
hufflepuffs are the best jokers you’ll find
yeojin has started a pranking service
makes a bunch of money off it
enough to buy all 11 of her besties bags of candy at hogsmeade
(along with getting herself one because she deserves it)
and some for hufflepuff’s badgers too!
<yoo jimin>
i put her in gryffindor at first because aries
but she really has the personality of a ravenclaw :)
and she definitely brought an eagle/hawk to school
convinced everyone it was an owl
i mean no one really thought it was an owl because it obviously was a different kind of bird
how the heck do you take away someone’s bird and prevent it from going back to them?
and where do you put it?
that was karina’s plan
she knew no one could outsmart her
the riddle thingo at the entrance to the ravenclaw dorms was very proud of her
they’re friends
<uchinaga aeri>
the sorting hat spent five hours deciding on whether to put giselle in slytherin or hufflepuff
i’m exaggerating but you get the picture
because she values all of the things that the houses represent?!
but hufflepuff was still the best fit
loves to wander around the halls and staircases so she can discover the infinite amount of corridors and rooms inside hogwarts
she’ll never find them all
which is a little dissatisfying
but it’s still fun!
and ningning accompanies her a lot of the time, which can be incredibly distracting because neither of them end up going the direction they want to because they see something cool and go !!??
<kim minjeong>
a chaser for gryffindor
although no one knows about it? 
winter just never mentions it so whenever she plays there’s an uproar because that’s minjeong out there!
she loves the compliments from the outcome/ending of her accomplishments rather than the encouragement along the way
an ace at sneaking around the school
has gotten into all of the houses’ dorms 
no one found out
although the fat friar did see her and lecture her on privacy
she sort of listened
by which i mean she stayed out of the hufflepuff dorms and instead wen to the ravenclaw ones
<ning yizhuo>
the pride of hufflepuff for her quidditch skills
she’s so good at it
no one really expected this from her, but her determination blasted away any competition
and the team needs her badly 
for her quidditch skills
and her constant encouragement and cheering
giselle ended up giving her a microphone to wear during games so the whole school could hear how amazing and sweet the hufflepuff house is
smiles at everyone she walks past and the entire population of hogwarts knows her name
<kim chungha>
mcgonagall’s favorite
a role model for everyone, chungha has a posse of first years surrounding her at all times
her becoming head of house was no surprise, everyone expected her to and no one was jealous or envied her position since she did such a good job of leading gryffindor
used to be on the quidditch team as a blugder
which no one expected from sweet chungha
she was average, not a prodigy but not bad either
ended up quitting in sixth year to focus more on her studies, namely charms
<jeon somi>
in about 18 clubs
started 15 of them
for some reason she just loves the thrill of being part of a group more than others
and really enjoys having people around her
excellent at charms! it’s her best subject and professor flitwick uses her as an example all the time
she loves it
probably had to give her animal away to someone else (big sad) because she’s so busy
it was hyunjin who took it
now they’re really good friends and somi can see her cat whenever she wants to
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask for hcs' about almost every Joaquin character (y'know, Joe, Theo, Arthur, Ray, and many more) when they're on Christmas with you? Going to a party, with your family, staying at home, in a shopping, gettting presents, taking you to a café or a restaurant, putting on christmas decorations at home, what you eat with them or how you enjoy the night and fireworks, stuff like that. Thank you! Love your imagines!
Hiii I wrote and before Christmas so I’m really happy! (I literally spend my days writing it from morning to late in the night) so I hope you will like it!! 
Following HCs with: Arthur/Joker, Commodus, Joe, Abbe, Charlie, Bobby, Bruno, Willie, Max, Theodore, Merrill, Freddie, Ray
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-        Christmas is Arthur’s and Joker favorite day of the year after Mardi Gras. It is a day where he can be fully himself, wear one of those ‘ugly’ knitted sweaters, listen to oldies Christmas songs. He feels people more relaxed in the streets, it must be Christmas spirit softening them a little, even in Gotham. And usually you would manage to convince Joker not to make too much trouble and stay by your side all day instead.
 -        You would be staying home together on Christmas Eve. It would be a very simple day because you didn’t have a lot of money but what is important is to be together, and it’s what you would remind to Arthur, no need for something big or fancy, just to be together in Christmas spirit.  
 -        You would buy a few decorations, but you would mostly create them yourself, spending the weekends of December making them with Arthur as you drank hot chocolate. Your flat would be colorful, filled with red and white tinsels and candy canes; you both went to a park and discreetly cut a few pine trees branches to decorate the appartement.
 -        Of course, Arthur would make the surprise to buy a Christmas tree, not too big, but it was more than enough to make you smile with happiness. And you would decorate it with anything that was shiny and candy canes too of course.
 -        For dinner you would not buy anything expensive, but luckily you and Artie were pretty good in cooking and you could manage to make delicious dishes with basic ingredients, roasted potatoes with bacon wrapped turkey and red wine gravy, and you would drink the other half of the bottle while eating. And of course, your favorite part, an apple cake topped with cinnamon and sugar.
 -        You want the night to be as relaxing as possible, you would cook with Arthur while listening to music, exchanging kisses and giggling. Then, after dinner, you two would settle in the sofa, and watch Disney Christmas cartoons while drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.
 -        The next morning, Arthur or Joker would be the first awake, excited like a kid and eager to open his gift. Yes, usually with Arthur it would be one or two gifts for each of you. Arthur would have worked extra hours and saved as much money as he could to be able to buy you something nice, he bought those cute earrings you had seen once in a store front. Joker would get you more gifts and would get a bit extravagant, but it was really fun. You would get a nice suit or piece of accessories for Joker. For Arthur you would get a warm sweater or scarf so that he wouldn’t get cold when he is outside.
 -        As soon as the gifts were open and breakfast with nice pastries taken; you and Arthur would head to your grandparents’ home where you would be reunited with your parents and cousins as well. Arthur was always a bit nervous about it but once they all greeted him with a hug, he would be smiling all along, hugging back your family and playing with your cousins and nephews. He never had a family but now he had one. Joker had promised you he would never come out on Christmas, it was always sweet Arthur, otherwise your parents would have freaked out.
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-        Saturnalia was always an amazing holiday. For whole a week the whole Empire would celebrate in honor of the god Saturn. It was a very special day where the People would be pampered by their Emperor and where even slaves would be provided by table service and dining with their masters, all would party and share. Many offerings were made to the god but also to the people.
-        Commodus was always particularly joyful on that holiday. The first day, he always had a hard time not working but then, the next day, the real Commodus was back, joyful and relaxed. He would dedicate his days entirely to you, his nephew and the rest of the family.
-        Commodus would be dressed colorfully, wear red and gold togas and you would usually wear matching clothes, except on Saturnalia eve where you would wear purple and gold, an outfit especially made for that night. You both loved beautiful clothes and it was the occasion to shine even more.
 -        He would make sure that Lucius gets chosen as the Saturnalicius princeps, the Lord of Misrule for the whole week. And Lucius loved it, he was able to prank everyone and especially his dear uncle who at first regretted it, and then you would find him pranking back Lucius or even you, those two were children.  
 -        The whole week, Commodus would offer chariot racing in the grand arena, the greatest charioteer gathered for the most exciting races and with great rewards, as well as gifts for the public. You both enjoyed it, no blood, no deaths, pure entertainment for all.
-        It would be a huge party in the streets of Rome, people singing in the streets naked, drinking and gambling. With the Senate, Commodus would make sure to have a delicious public buffet offered to the people at the Temple of Saturn. He wants everyone to enjoy this holiday. And at night on the eve of Saturnalia, Commodus would organize a big party in the palace, where he would completely let himself go and enjoy the moment.
 -        For dinner, he would get you the finest foods from the whole Empire and even from far beyond, exotic dancers, magicians and entertainers would be invited as well to make this night unforgettable. He would make sure you smile and laugh, that you simply feel home, and it really were.
 -        “Io Saturnalia my love!” he would cheer, all tipsy, a big goofy grin on his face, coming to wrap his arms around you, almost spilling his cup of wine on you as he starts trying to dance, he wouldn’t care if he looked ridiculous, he wanted to hold you in his arms and kiss you. To be honest, drunk Commodus was probably the most adorable thing you ever saw.
 -        Commodus would be very nervous about the presents, he wants the best for you and he wants to impress you even if he knows he doesn’t have to but Commodus feels this need to constantly prove himself and his love for you.
 -        Early in the morning the day before, he would go out in the city in disguise to get your gifts, he doesn’t trust anyone else to get the best for you and choosing your gifts himself is very important to him, he wants something true, something that truly reflects how he feels for you. He would have a ring especially forged for you, with a blue gemstone incrusted in the center of it, reminding you of his gorgeous blue outfit that you loved so much. And for his nephew, his first real sword to train with him. As for you, you would get him a very fine wine from Greece and then a rather…sensual that you would were in your bedroom that night, you would be his gift in a way; and it would made him even crazier for you.
 -        After this long night of celebration, you and Commodus would take your time and just sleep as long as you could, it was the last day before getting back to work and you wanted him fully rested and ready to take care of the Empire as ardently as before. You had opened your gifts at midnight so there was nothing waiting to be done, except perhaps Lucius who was eager to take his first lesson from his uncle, but the boy was clever and let you enjoy your husband a few hours more….Io Saturnalia.
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-        Christmas with Joe would be quiet, something peaceful at home, it would mean a moment of full relaxion for Joe and perhaps the only moment where he feels like he doesn’t have to be on his guard all the time.
 -        You would spend Christmas Eve’s afternoon in an animal shelter with Joe, you two would pamper the pets and take them on a walk outside. You had discovered Joe rather enjoyed spending time with animals, especially dogs, it seemed to sooth him and you were thinking of adopting one of the dogs as his Christmas gift. So, this moment would be a good occasion as well to see which one he preferred.
 -        You would usually spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with your family, just your parents. It did good to Joe to be with other people. And your parents loved him, your father was a veteran and they understood each other. And then your mother just loved him and always offered him more cookies.
 -        You would do part of the shopping with Joe, especially to buy ingredients to cook for him and your family and then buy a few decorations. Joe would shop separately for your gift of course. And he would be in charge to get the Christmas tree and somehow he always ended up picking one that was too tall to fully fit in the living room, so he would have to climb on the stepladder and shorten the top of the trunk  and you couldn’t help but laugh. Poor Joe, he always picked up the biggest and most beautiful trees.
 -        This year Joe got you a few books, fantasy and sci-fi stories. It wasn’t his genre at all, but he knew you enjoyed it, and he hoped he had chosen well, he had made a research on internet to see which were better. As for you, well, you had gotten him the dog he was fond of at the shelter.
 -        You and Joe would cook with your parents, you would take care of the dessert with your dad while Joe and your mother did the rest. It wouldn’t be anything too complicated but there were many dishes to fill in everyone and especially Joe’s great appetite. As your mother said, a big man like him needed strength to carry on. And he truly managed to eat everything she was serving him, which you never thought was possible.
 -        As for the Christmas decoration of your house, it would be discreet but enough to remind of the Christmas spirit. The Christmas tree, a few tinsels on the walls or the banister and that was it. For everything, Joe liked to remain discreet. Still, you managed to get him to wear a Christmas sweater at home and with your family and he was the most adorable like that.
 -        The night would be spent taking your time dinning with your family, and then they would light a fire in the chimney, and drink mulled wine while talking about the many things that happened during the year. Then, your dad would put on some vinyl, oldies Christmas song; and you couldn’t resist but to get Joe to dance with, a slow dance, pressed against each other as you listened to the music.
 -        The next morning, you were the first one awake, excited to open your gifts. Well, you thought you were the first one awake, but you would soon realize Joe wasn’t sleeping by your side, maybe he was eager too. However, when you reached downstairs, you found him cooking a marvelous breakfast and not just for you but your parents as well, already wearing the Christmas sweater you had gotten him.
Abbe de Coulmier 
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-        Christmas was obviously a very important day for the Abbe, the birth of the Christ and a day of love. Which meant a lot of work for him, he was a priest after all, and he wanted to give love to people around him and the people in need. And he also wanted to make this day special for his patients, many had been abandoned by their families, and he wanted to make them feel at home, celebrating this important day together.
 -        He would encourage his patients to create decorations, some patients even crafting wood, others picking up pine tree branches to ornate the doors of their cells. Then, you and Madeleine would spend the day cooking for the dinner, the Abbe as always had managed the finances excellently and you had extra money to buy more food and ingredients and cook something more sophisticated for this day and even Yule logs for everyone. You would even convince him to cook biscuits with the patients, it made them very happy and also seeing him covered in flour was adorable, you couldn’t stop giggling and teasing him.
 -        Then, towards the end of the afternoon you would help him greet homeless and poor for the evening and night, distributing blankets to them, and sharing a warm dinner with them and a shelter for the night. So, this was a very big day for him and slightly exhausting, but the Abbe was a workaholic, he lived for other people and he loved helping.
 -        Charenton had become his family so there was no reason for him to come out of the Asylum. And also, you were there, by his side. And he loved you, even if he knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t resist the temptation you were, and he wanted to make this day special for you too.
 -        He had very little money, but he had still managed to go in town, and buy you a beautiful blue scarf to keep you warm in the corridors of Charenton.  As for you, you had saved as much money as you could to buy him this beautiful chain with a little golden cross, he could wear it around his neck all day along, underneath his cassock.
 -        It would be a very heartwarming night where everyone would be reunited in the canteen, a beautiful fire lit in the chimney. Everyone would sit close to it and listen to the Marquis, standing in front of it, telling funny stories and also Christmas stories which he had agreed to tell after the irresistible request from his favorite priest. As the Marquis was getting everyone’s attention, you felt the Abbe discreetly brush his fingers against yours, to finally entwine your hands, making you blush, you would exchange a look full of love, tonight he would spend the night in your bed.
 -        To end the night, he would celebrate the midnight mass, patients and employees gathered and singing songs celebrating the day of the birth of Jesus Christ. It would be a great moment to remind everyone the values of Christmas, compassion, sharing, kindness and love.
 -        The next morning you would both be awakened by the excited cheering of the patients, eager to open their gifts. He couldn’t help but chuckle, it seems you two won’t be able to make love again this morning, but he would find another way, probably request you to his office for some reason. It wouldn’t stop him from filling your face with kisses before getting up and putting his cassock on. As you both opened your gifts with everyone else, you would know which one was his gift and he would know which one is yours; the look he would give you would be more powerful than words and you would smile in return, you felt blessed.
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-        Charlie wasn’t a Christmas guy, not all. Mostly because he kept bad memories from it, his father made it hell for him and his brother, and his mother too. Even if she had always tried to make them smile, making them eggnog, discreetly slipping a gift in their bed in the morning.
 -        Naturally as an adult, he wasn’t really down for it, except getting drunk in a Saloon. But you were there to teach him another way to celebrate Christmas, and it would be a way he would surely enjoy; and he would end up with Christmas spirit.
 -        So, obviously you would spend the day with his family, his brother and his mother. And Charlie wouldn’t be so opposed to it; at first, he might complain and say he doesn’t feel like going. But as soon as he sees his family, he smiles and greet them with a hug, he would never admit it out loud but he missed them and Christmas would be the perfect occasion to spend time together.
 -        You would have to accompany Charlie to the different stores for Christmas shopping, he always played tough guys and now he didn’t want to go shopping alone, it made you retain a laugh, your man was dumb sometimes.  Of course, once he finds something that could be a great gift for you, he would do his best to hide it behind his back, and most of the time pretend he didn’t find anything, you would roll your eyes, you knew his lying face but it was adorable. For his mother, he would some embroidered hankies, another scarf for his brother, just to tease him and for you, an expensive perfume from San Francisco. As for him, you would spend a lot of time and money with specialist to have a prosthetic arm designed for him, he still had a hard time with it and perhaps it would help him feel better and for when he rides again.
 -        You and his mother would cook, both men were terrible at cooking anything else than beans. So, out of question that they came into the kitchen, especially since last time where Charlie managed to eat half of the cookies you had made. You would also cook apples pies, and a roasted turkey that the two men had hunted earlier.
 -        As for decorations, the two men had managed to cut a pine tree that resembles a Christmas tree. You would all together decorate the tree, thanks to their mother pushing them to participate. It would be filled with red ribbons, berries, paper strings, yarn, and other homemade decoration Eli had brought. You would even hang a few cookies in the tree.
 -        When the night came, a fire was lit to keep everyone warm, after all the winter was extremely cold in this part of the country. You would eat joyfully, the boys telling their most epic and finniest anecdotes. Obviously, alcohol would be part of the night, though you tried to keep Charlie just tipsy, except if you were drunk too and joined him in messing around. You would end the night singing joyful Christmas songs together.
 -        The next morning, Charlie would be the one waking up everyone, he would even try to guess what his gifts were while everyone was still asleep. “But Charlie it’s 7 am…on Christmas.” you yawned, you couldn’t believe he was excited like a child for it, but in a way your understood him, Charlie had never celebrated Christmas and soon his brother was up as well, eager to unwrap his gifts. Charlie would be left speechless as he unwraps his gift and discovers the prosthetic arm, the only thing he would do is to hug you tightly, burying his head in your neck, and placing a kiss on your skin, before letting you put the prosthetic on him.
Bobby Green 
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-        Christmas for Bobby had become another mean to party, not as much as for New Year though. He just loved to enjoy life to the fullest unlike his family meetings where everyone was more uptight than the others.
-        So obviously, Bobby would much prefer to spend Christmas just with you, not even with his friends from El Caribe. Though, later in the evening, after dinner, you two might head to the club a little but not to work, simply dance and have fun.  
 -        You would do Christmas decorations shopping together trying to find which color would fit the best for this year; obviously you had a thing for red because it was a color that went well with Bobby too and you picked up gold as a second color; yes, this would be perfect. The very same day, arms full of bags, you would get a Christmas tree, a big fluffy one which would proudly wear the decorations you had bought.  
 -        Then, another day, Bobby would spend quite some time shopping, thanks to his job, money wasn’t a problem, but the problem was finding something perfect for you. Bobby would get you gold earrings with a little diamond on each, and the design would perfectly match with your face and he would also buy some sexy lingerie for you both to enjoy. You would get him an earring as well, the coincidence was rather funny, but it was a detail you particularly loved about him.
 -        As the evening comes, Bobby would bring you to a nice restaurant in the city center, it was a rather fancy one but not too much to avoid uptight people who couldn’t bear a laugh. It was fancy enough to fix the event in your memories. And you would enjoy a classic feast, and even Foie gras and dishes with truffles. Obviously, you would drink champagne, it would be a night of ‘excess and pleasure’ as Bobby said, and you loved this intensity.
 -        The decorations would mostly be on the Christmas tree, then you would spread little decorations everywhere, on cupboards and counters and then add many glitters which would be hell to clean up afterwards but you recognized Bobby’s great taste in decorations, he knew how to make it joyful and give a party atmosphere to a place.
 -        After the restaurant, you would head to El Caribe, at least you knew it was the best place to party in all safety. You and Bobby would just go wild, dancing pressed against each other, exchanging kisses and getting horny in no time; to the point that you would soon go back home to make love right away. Then, late in the night you couldn’t resist but open your gifts, giggling like children. So, there wouldn’t be really a Christmas morning for you, just sleeping late in each other’s arms, and it would be the best morning ever.
Bruno Weiss 
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-        For Bruno, Christmas was like any other day. He was Jewish but not practicing so he wasn’t really celebrating in any way. And he was often alone on Christmas, his girls always finding a gentleman or another way to celebrate without him. And he had expected you spend Christmas away, with your family in San Francisco; but you surprised when you asked him what he would like to do with you for Christmas, it had made him so happy that you thought about him, even surrounded by his girls, he had always been a lonely man.
 -        Bruno would spoil you during this day, actually he would dedicate his time entirely to you and that starting from the morning. He wasn’t great at cooking breakfast but at least he tried, and that only made you happy. And you were even more when he announced you that he would spend the whole day with you to prepare Christmas.
 -        He would rather enjoy shopping with you, his woman, walking hands in hands from shop to shop, his arms getting fuller of bags each time. Once again, he would spoil you, trying to fulfil you every desires, though Bruno wasn’t a rich man either; so, when you showed him an item that was too expensive, you would see it instantly, the way, he avoided your gaze, an embarrassed look on his face, he wished he could buy you anything you desired. “Hey darling, you know what? I don’t need it, it’s all good, don’t worry.” You would reassure him, tenderly kissing him on the lips. He swore to himself he would make you feel like the luckiest women in the world when you would open your gifts.
 -        You would buy many items to put in the Christmas tree and a few garlands but the most important purchase had been this new thing, electric light garlands, you had not doubts it would look perfect on the tree, and what better than to have the latest modern house items? And about that, Bruno completely agreed.
 -        Bruno would get you a new dress and makeup as well; it was one of his favorite things, to watch you put on your makeup, making yourself even more beautiful than you already were and that view was only for him. And you would buy him a new pocket watch, not one he bought on the black market for nothing, one with a beautiful design and your initials engraved inside the watch cover, so there would always be a bit of you with him.
 -        On Christmas Eve, you would stay home together, you would cook dinner and he would try to help. However, Bruno doesn’t have much patience so his help would be rather limited, and you would soon tell him to sit down and just keep you company. You would cook a roasted chicken, cookies and a fruit cake. However, on Christmas day, for lunch he would bring you to a restaurant, fancier than the usual restaurant he goes to; you would get smoked salmon and cocktails with champagne. And he had to admit, it was nice to have celebrations from time to time, and Christmas spirit was perhaps starting to grow on him.
 -        For the night, Bruno was more inclined to just stay home, but you wanted to show him something more, and you managed to convince him to go to a jazz club, at least to listen to the Christmas songs recreated with jazz stylings. After a while, you saw your boyfriend relaxed, so you put your hand on his, gently stroking it and by the look in your eyes, he would understand and accept to dance with you, a slow dance, embracing each other.
 -        The next morning; the air was rather chill, the both of you waking up slowly, caressed by the warm rays of the sun, snuggling a bit more in his embrace as you felt the air cooler than usual, it had snowed. You would happily open your gifts as you shared a coffee, wrapped in your warm bathrobe, a soft smile was on Bruno’s face, this peace, warmth; Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
Willie Gutirrez 
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-        Willie absolutely loved Christmas and didn’t hide it. It was a great occasion to spend time with you and your family and everyone knew Wille was a family man. He wasn’t the most churchgoing man, but this day would have a religious meaning for him as well. And actually, he would make sure the apartment you shared would be decorated for the 1st of December and he would get an advent calendar with chocolates, he loves it and you would have never thought that about Willie but it was really cute.
 -        That meant that you would spend Christmas holidays at your parents’ home. It was nice to travel a bit and change of air. And your parents just loved Willie, this hard-working young man who satisfied your every desires and who was kind and funny, to them he was perfect; and to you too of course, after all you were madly in love.
 -        Obviously, you would shop together, for everything: decorations, gifts for you and your family, food and chocolates. You would tease each other, trying to guess the gift hidden in the bag of the other, and you would have to wait Christmas morning to know which was even more exciting.  
 -        The apartment would be perfectly decorated, as if a home stylist had done it, silver and gold, the Christmas tree big and fluffy and perfectly decorated, the nativity scene underneath it. You were very proud of your decorations.
 -        Before joining your parents’ house, you and Willie would make cookies. But it would be hard to focus for you, Willie was really sexy, wearing an apron, a comfy sweater and a Christmas hat just to tease you because he knew the effect it had on you. Obviously, you would end up having sex on the counter between Christmas cookies. Once you would have joined your parents Willie would insist on helping out your mother, which would make her fall for him even more, and he would drink a glass of whisky with your father the same time while talking politics; yes, he had completely seduced them, to your greatest pleasure.
 -        Willie would also surprise you all by taking out an expensive bottle of champagne one of his acquaintances would have gifted him. Other than that, you would eat a rather classic Christmas feast, braised pork, vegetables and a few canapés.
 -        After dinner, you would all settle in the sofas in the living room, you snuggled against Willie, drinking hot spiced apple cider as your parents told your boyfriend memories of your childhood, some rather embarrassing actually but it made him laugh and he loved knowing those things about you. Your parents would be the first to head to bed; you and Willie would stay a bit more, exchanging slow and tender kisses until it was time to sleep and let the magic of Christmas happen.
 -        The next morning, you would be awakened by more kisses from Willie, feather-like kisses on your face, his fingers gently pushing away the strands of hair on your face. “Don’t you want to find out what Santa got you?” he’d tease you. And you would truly hesitate between considering him your Santa gift and getting up, and he knew it. And after a little you would both finally get up, happily opening your gifts. Willie would be smiling all the time, he  had family who loved him now.
Max California 
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-        Max celebrates Christmas but not in the typical way to do it. For him it is an overrated celebration, with a lot of fuss with all these decorations and Christmas movies on TV all day along and the whole picking up Christmas tree imperative. Also, Max doesn’t blend in very well with Christmas atmosphere with his look that he keeps all year along. People tend to look at him in a strange way when Christmas comes, seeing a guy all dressed in black with piercings and tattoos.
 -        It would be really fun when you boyfriend would realize that you are used to celebrate Christmas and that you rather enjoy the atmosphere. You would spare him Christmas songs and put on your headphones though you wouldn’t sometimes, just to embarrass him.
 -        You would celebrate Christmas just the two of you, you preferred to take baby steps with him, family gatherings on those type of celebrations made him uneasy because people were no fun, he couldn’t make his usual sex jokes or talk about the funniest things that happened back at the sex shop.
 -        You would manage to convince him to get a Christmas tree, and he got one in a pot so that you could plant it somewhere later. And you would accept that he chooses the decorations for it and thankfully you had no guests because this was hilarious and outrageous. Bulbs that looks like boobs, leather collars and other kinky stuff he had gotten at the shop; at least it was unique and very much Max California.
 -        As gifts, you would buy him more clothes that would perfectly match his style and you would get him a new sound system for his guitar, you didn’t want him to renounce to his passion and his dream of being a successful musician one day. As for Max well…. he would get you a few sexy things and also makeup that would perfectly match your face and look, you always loved when he did that, he was better than you at picking up those products, he really had great taste.
 -        For Christmas eve dinner you would order delivery but something out of the ordinary, something a bit fancy, your kitchen wasn’t the best to cook anyway, small and poorly equipped. And actually, you and Max would go for one of the most expensive Japanese restaurants of LA, and damn that was worth it, exotic and unique for this special night.
 -        You would move the little table to the window and open it, giving you a little view on the city. Since you two had moved from his rather questionable flat, you lived in a much better and beautiful neighborhood. After dinner you would head outside for a walk hand in hand by the beach, sharing a cigarette under the cool air and watching a few decorated store fronts; Max always finding ways to make a dirty joke.
 -        The next morning, you would wake up in your favorite way, Max tracing kisses along your thighs, that rascal never forgot his priorities, you thought, giggling sleepily and well, Christmas could wait a little more.  Obviously, after this little morning fun, you would go open your gifts under the tree while Facetiming with your parents “Oh my God Max!” you burst out laughing, you couldn’t show this gift to your parents “But baby it was a limited Christmas edition!” he’d reply, making everyone laugh even more.
 Theodore Twombly
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-        Knowing how romantic and old-fashioned Theodore is, he absolutely loved Christmas. It had been a rough period for when he was single and without anyone to celebrate Christmas with but Amy. Celebrating with a friend is much different than with your lover and family. So, he was more than excited to celebrate it with you.
 -        With Theodore you would get up before sunrise and take the car to drive to his chalet in the mountains. That already put you in the full Christmas atmosphere, it was sunny and full of snow, so much that for a while you thought you wouldn’t be able to access the chalet.
 -        You would spend Christmas eve and the next day together, just the two of you, in his chalet, lost in the mountains, it would become your little heaven frozen in time where only what you felt for each other mattered.
 -        Theodore would have shopped for your gifts the whole year, but he would have wrapped them a few days before Christmas, to keep the magic of the celebration. He would have gotten you all sorts of gifts, from an artisanal wooden carved object, to the latest video game you wanted. And you would have gotten a game too but what people call now old-fashioned one, a board game. Those were rather expensive today because people much preferred immersive virtual games now, but you were sure he would love it.
 -        Theodore would have already all the decorations you could possibly need, ready in boxes in the basement, you were honestly surprised by the choice in colors he had. You would both decorate the whole chalet, inside and outside with classic garlands and electrical garlands to, it was so much more beautiful than the holographic ones. This year, you would go for blue and white and also add candy canes in the tree because it was just too good not to put them. Speaking of the Christmas tree you would go get it in a pine tree nursery nearby.  And the great thing was that you could chose it and cut it yourself, though you left that task to Theodore, despite several tries you couldn’t manage to hit the same spot each time; it was physical but you both really had fun.
 -        You would cook Christmas eve dinner together, already dressed in your warm and comfy pajamas; the fire lit in the chimney. You would make tons of different cookies with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Theodore was vegetarian and you too so you would cook a wonderful vegetarian dinner, something simple and delicious that wasn’t too complicated to make so that you could spend the day enjoying other things as well.
 -        You would have dinner with candle lights while listening to oldies Christmas songs, it would be super romantic and you couldn’t stop smiling all the time and Theodore felt the same, it was a perfect Christmas.  Then, you would go on the balcony, wrapped in a warm blanket, Theodore hugging you from behind as you looked at the stars, the sky was clear and it was a stunning view. Actually, you don’t know how much time you stayed there, despite the cold, you both couldn’t stop looking. Though after a while it would be really cold and you would run inside to snuggle in front of the TV and watch Christmas movies, you barely payed attention to it, too busy exchanging tender kisses until you felt it was time to go to sleep.
 -        The following morning, after opening your gifts, the both of you were overjoyed with what you had gotten. And soon, your parents would join you and Theodore for a few days and they would also take you cross-country skiing, to the great joy of Theodore….he wasn’t a sport guy at all but he would follow you anywhere in the world.
Merrill Hess
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-        Christmas for Merill meant family time, he already spent a significant amount of time with his nephews and brother but less since you had moved together in a house farther down the neighborhood. And also, he was often away since he had integrated one of the best baseball team of the country. So, Christmas was a great way to be reunited all together.
-        You would spend the whole day in family, playing the snow with your nephews, obviously Merill would start a snowball fight, and he was the best at it, great aim and great strength especially when you received it right in the face. And you, on your side struggled to reach your target, and you couldn’t even run after him to get closer, he ran damn fast! At least your nephews laughed a lot at this. Afterwards, you would make a snowman competition, you and Abigail against Merill and Morgan, and Graham, would decide of the winners and it was your team who won, and the price was extra cookies.  
 -        Merill and Graham would go shopping while you watched after the children, who didn’t know at all that Santa was shopping. And in the meantime, with your nephews you would get the many boxes of decoration out of the basement and decorate the whole house so that that they would have the surprise when they come back. Though you would leave the nativity scene to Graham and his children, it was very important for them.
 -        In the meantime, the two brothers would not only buy the gifts but also food for the dinner, a menu that everyone had composed together. You had already your gift for Merill, a sled and a few DVDs of his favorite movies, as for him he would get you a tartan rug and the finest chocolates he could find, he knew how much you loved chocolate so he didn’t look at the price.
 -        For the Christmas tree you would all go together to pick it up, the children wanted the biggest one and Merill was always part of the children when it came to the Christmas tree. You and Graham would be more rational and manage to calm them down a bit and get them to chose one that would fit in the living room and 6’7 wasn’t bad at all.
 -        After playing a while outside and being frozen now, you would get to cooking, a great way to warm up again. Of course, the children were learning to cook so they participated in the elaboration of the dinner, it was a joyful moment where everyone had their importance and helped. Stuffed turkey, carrots, potatoes and an apple pie for dessert and everything in big portions because of the two growing up and the sportsman that was Merill.
 -        The night would be full of laughter and joy, after dinner you would settle by the fire and you tell Christmas tales with Graham while the three others were sitting crossed legged and listening to you, the little ones snuggled against their uncle. And then, all together you would watch Disney Christmas cartoons, there was nothing better to relax and dream of the wonderful gifts you would get tomorrow. After putting your nephews to bed, you and Merill would sleep back in his old room, reminding you of good memories, when you had started dating and your first time making love with him, it was very nice to spend Christmas here and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
 -        The next morning, you would be awakened by your nephews, running in the corridor and shouting that Santa had come and that many gifts were waiting to be unwrapped. You chuckled, thinking of Graham who had waited for them to be asleep to put the gifts underneath the tree. You wouldn’t take breakfast first, they were too impatient, and they didn’t seem very hungry, preferring to test their gifts together, including Merill with his sled, he could finally compete with his nephews as the big child he could be. But before you would convince them to eat their giant breakfast so they could play for hours in the snow.
Freddie Quell 
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-        It’s not that Freddie didn’t like Christmas, but he never celebrated it in a normal way, from his terrible childhood to Christmas in the army which was mostly a lot of drinking and sex. So, in a way, this would be his first real Christmas, with you and his family-in-law.
 -        He would let you completely guide him through Christmas eve and day. He was a bit grumpy at first because he was frustrated; he wanted to fit in and understand how to do things right. He wanted you to be happy with your man.
 -        So, it would be best if you spent Christmas eve, just the two of you; Take baby steps with Freddie and tomorrow spend Christmas with your family where he would have to bear the shitty jokes of your uncle. You would take him outside to walk hands in hands a look at the store fronts especially decorated for Christmas, just to show him the colors and decorations, the joy of the adults and children looking at it, in short introduce him to the Christmas atmosphere. You wouldn’t stay for too long because you knew he couldn’t stand still and had a limited patience but still, you were pleasantly surprised by how calm he was, a boyish smile forming on his lips sometimes, it was great step forward and you were eager to spend this day with him.  
 -        He would be the first to suggest going inside the shops and buy a few decorations for your house. Though, once inside he would be a bit overwhelmed by the crowd but also the crazy choice there was. He wouldn’t let go of your hand as you took him through the various alleys, he would be rather undecided about the color to pick, so you went for blue and gold, and he help you to pick up the shape and designs of the garlands and bulbs. And he was happy to carry out all the bags.  
 -        “Do you need to go to another shop for a gift?” you asked him once outside of that shop “No, I actually have it already.” He replied looking away, he had his gifts for you for a while because he had taken great care to choose something that would fit, he had gotten you a dress and expensive perfume. You would look at him excitedly, the way he took care of you was always very attractive to you “Well, Mister Quell if you could wait for me in the car, I have one more thing to buy…” your murmured giving him a sensual kiss on the lips, he would chuckle already knowing how it would end once at home but also happy that you were about to buy his gift, a nice kit to make cocktails and expensive alcohol that he would savor with you, reasonably.  
 -        You would stay home, you thought he would want to go to the restaurant but actually he preferred to be alone with you and have no distractions. You would decorate the house together, while he actually sang the Christmas songs everyone sang on the vessel, it was joyful songs and it was nice hear Freddie sing, it was an aspect of him you encouraged to come out. And while he finished decorating you cooked the fabulous dinner you would share, and which remained classic. Though soon you would feel his arms wrap around your waist and his lips tracing kisses along you neck; he couldn’t help it, whatever you did, you were sexy.
 -        Freddie was an unpredictable man and full of surprises. When you thought you would spend the evening in his arms at home, he would actually take you to the rooftop of a building and you didn’t understand why until a firework started and he had brought you where you would have the best view on it. Your eyes were shining all along and you snuggled in Freddie’s arms as you watch the show with him. And you would conclude the night by making love there, at the risk of getting a cold, but you didn’t care. In the end, it was Freddie who guided you through an amazing Christmas.
Ray Elwood
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-        Ray wouldn’t get a long permission for Christmas holidays, but at least he got a few days because you two were engaged. He was excited to spend Christmas outside of the base and with you, he had missed you so much, so much time away from you, only able to write to you or call you without being able to see you or hold you in his arms; he had missed you terribly and that was more important to him than celebrating Christmas.
 -        When you reached Germany, you had no idea of how your holidays with Ray would go, it was your first time in Europe and he had given you absolutely no indications of the program, if there was one. And that’s because he had a big surprise for you. You don’t know how much time it lasted when you embraced each other at the airport but to feel his warmth, his scent wrapped around you, his lips on yours, it was the best Christmas gift you could ever receive. After that, he would bring you to the base to introduce you to his friends and also to his boss, who had become a friend in a way, but a friend he also used to do his little business. After, he hadn’t been sent here for nothing but what could you do? You couldn’t stop loving him, and as far as you knew, he didn’t kill anyone, so that was good.
 -        And he would be really proud to show his beautiful fiancée to everyone, showing that you were real and a real knockout who was engaged to him. And his buddies were really nice and fun, they made you feel comfortable in this place full of men. However, once you two were alone again, he took out of his jacket two plane tickets for Paris “Spoiler alert, that’s your Christmas gift, a couple of days together in Paris.” He revealed to you, he had more than enough money for it and he wanted to spoil you, and he knew Paris was one of your dreams. You would be speechless, what a wonderful surprise “I prefer to tell you that my gift won’t be so crazy.” You chuckled, your eyes wet with emotion “Don’t worry baby, you are my gift.” He would reassure you, filling your face with kisses.
 -        And once in Paris, you realized Ray had really gone crazy, a superb hotel room, already decorated and even with Christmas tree in it, and gifts from the hotel like chocolates and perfumes. Though, you didn’t visit the city first, as soon as the door of the bedroom was closed and that the effect of surprise had passed, you literally jumped on Ray, the both ending making love passionately, again and again until you were satisfied, actually it didn’t change much from previous Christmas, there was always a lot of sex involved, for your greatest pleasure.
 -        And to make up for lost time, Ray would have the great idea to book a table on a barge on the Seine, it would enable the both of you to see the most beautiful monuments of the city, beautifully lit during the night and while you ate a typical French Christmas dinner and of course with great wine and champagne.
 -        After dinner, you would get off the boat and go watch the beautiful and famous store fronts of the Gallerie Lafayette incredibly decorated for Christmas, Paris was just amazingly decorated and the Christmas atmosphere was very present, it was perfect. Then, you would manage to convince Ray to go Ice skating with you, and after a few kisses and puppy eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist and would just agree. The truth is that he was really bad at it and fell all the time on his behind, you were pretty much the same, but that’s where the fun was, trying to skate decently without falling. And the both of you would end up laughing a lot, clinging onto each other and ending up falling on each other.  
 -        The day had been exhausting but worth it, it was the best Christmas holidays you ever had, and it was only starting, you still had a few days more with your fiancée. And despite exhaustion you would make love again, the Christmas atmosphere in the bedroom making it even more magical. And Ray had to admit that it really gave him the Christmas spirit and with you he was really enjoying this celebration.  And even more so when he woke up the next morning and found underneath the Christmas tree a gift for him, he picked it up and went back in the bed to open it next to you. It wasn’t something big and flashy but it had more value to his eyes, you had made a photo album of you and him, all the pictures you took together since you were together and at the end of it you had included sexy pictures of you that you had made just for him; he would have a big smile, he was loving Christmas.
Also you my dear readers, tell me with which of these characters you would prefer to celebrate Christmas with!!
Tag list: @hopelessdisasterr @skaravile @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @beautifulyoungprospect @stellargirlie @rosebloodstuffandthangss @clowndaddyfleck @jaylovesbats @niniitah-ah @dreamingmaria @sagyunaro @just-a-fucking-comedy @spaceinvader @radio-hoo-ha @lady-carnivals-stuff @sierraclegane @legojorny @lemondedeniname @hvproductions @syvellsworld @charlie-sisters @papercut-paranoia @jokerflecker @cigznvalentines @help-i-am-obssessed @arthurfleckjoker2019 @theartistdetective @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend @fleckcmscott @obssessedandthirsty @ridiculousnerd @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @welcometomyhiddlesfandom @sanguinandoscrivo @valentina15 @phoenixbaby88 @captain-el-writes @thedamchii @ninathefandomcollector @kiddastle @lovesickforjoaqvin @joaquins-angel @alexsportello @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero @bring-your-holy-water   @rajacero @morrisonmercuryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix @the-joaq-is-extra
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themagichour · 3 years
I had a dream about being in a production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show last night, and it's gotten me to thinking about it. I do that a lot. I wrote a little bite-sized "essay" on it last year, which I'd like to share here. It's taken me till my early 30s to realize my queerness and the fluidity of my gender... and I'm lucky to have had this film as a foundation from the time I was, um, a toddler.
Exhibit A: a drawing I did at age 4. Fat Frank N. Furter my beloved. <3
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I mention this a lot, but my parents introduced me to The Rocky Horror Picture Show around age two; it became my first-ever favorite film, and I watched it over and over and over and over and over again, exhausting the VHS tape the way another child might stretch thin some clamshell-cased Disney din.
Most people consider this bad parenting, but I am so thankful for it. Before I had any functioning grasp on language, and FAR before I knew ANYTHING of society, I watched boys and girls wearing pretty outfits and makeup, singing the most fun songs, dancing and smiling and living life fully and enthusiastically.
It wasn’t all fun, of course – there was fear, jealousy, anger, sadness, violence, and death – but that was life. And ultimately, those things were worth the joy and experience of being alive. And I’m glad I learned that sooner rather than later.
Sexuality was not a concept at that age, and I had only a base understanding of the difference between “boys” and “girls”. When I watched Rocky Horror, I saw that boys and girls were the same, and that sometimes boys were girls, sometimes girls were boys, and sometimes they were both, and sometimes they were neither.
Boys kissed girls, and boys kissed boys, and girls kissed boys, and girls kissed girls. People kissed people. That was love. And bodies were fleshy and present and alive: they were what made us, and they let us do things like sing and love and dance and laugh. And we could make them pretty like Christmas trees, dress them in anything we liked. Dress them and paint them in whatever way made us happy, and use them to do whatever made us and others happy.
Unfortunately, as I grew, society very quickly taught me shame surrounding my own gift of a conscious, human body. But luckily, what society NEVER did, was convince me that gender and sexuality had to be a certain way. My favorite childhood movie had already shown me the truth of those things, before I knew really anything of the world, and before I knew what the characters were saying when they spoke and sang.
In the summers and winters, we’d fly to Ohio and live with Grandma for a few weeks or months. Kip and Kevin rented the other side of her duplex, and they had two happy dogs, one big one and one small one. I’d play with them in our shared backyard, and loved how they wore little knit booties in the snow. I threw balls and sticks for them with Kip and Kevin and Mom, and those are some of my happiest memories.
I knew Kip and Kevin loved each other the way Mommy and Daddy loved each other. There was nothing “odd” or “strange” or “different” about it at all; certainly nothing “wrong” or “bad". It just was.
When I first became aware of the words “gay”, “lesbian”, and “homosexual” — when I first became aware of slurs — I could not for the life of me understand it. I didn’t understand why there were words for it, and I especially did not understand why there were bad words for it. I hadn’t even realized there was an “it” at all. And I hadn't realized there was a difference between me having a crush on Brad and me having a crush on Columbia. It was “okay” that I thought Brad was pretty, but “not okay” that I thought Columbia was pretty? Not okay that I wanted to look and dress like both of them?
Over the years, society tried to make me ashamed of who I was, and who and what my beloved characters in Rocky Horror represented. Worse, it wanted me to hate those things. And I refused. But the one black-cloud-looming idea that sadly did poison me was that of fear. I spent my childhood, teenage years, and young adult life afraid to let anyone know that, yeah, I wanted to kiss Brad – but I wanted to kiss Columbia, too. (And maaaaaaybe I had a little thing for Frank. But let's keep that under our hats.)
I’m happy to say I fear that less and less with each passing year. And I’m trying to take back love for my body, too. I’m trying to remember what I saw before I was “taught” anything: that I can do what makes me happy with it, and that I can love what and who makes me happy with it.
My mother always says how she “didn’t know gay people existed” till she was twenty-two and in college. Just a few months following this realization, in 1975, The Rocky Horror Picture Show was released. It played for just one weekend in the United States before it was pulled from theaters.
Imagine if my mother had not been cisgender and heterosexual in small-town Ohio in 1975. Imagine she had instead been her close friend Mel. Mel, whose close friend Kathleen had not even known he'd “existed” till they'd both entered college.
Imagine what Rocky Horror’s release and stuttering rise to cult fame did for people like him. Barely anyone noticed its birth at the time, but when it was rediscovered one year later, it became a space for those in the queer community to celebrate themselves. And it taught those who weren’t a thing or two, as well. They also came to love it. And in those cramped midnight cinemas, there were humans. Nothing more, nothing less. “And crawling on the planet’s face…”
So, yeah. Rocky Horror is important, and it always irks me when people pan it as “stupid” or “weird” or “annoying” or “overrated”. While my Mom was learning in college the truth of gender and sexuality, I was learning in college that the old Hammer and Universal movie monsters were often portrayed as being effeminate, posing a threat to society, and having a knack for disrupting the engagement between two young, straight, white, apple-pie-wholesome lovers.
Sound familiar?
Thank god for the passage of time. A pox upon the steps the rotten bits of modern society shoves us down. But we brush off our knees and resume climbing. And thank god for The Rocky Horror Picture Show, you know? Bad parenting? Nah. What my parents and Richard O’Brien gave me was a gift: I saw humanity in its (literal) naked truth, nearly right out the womb. For the first few years of my existence, I knew that biology, sexuality, gender, individuality, fun, and love were what made life. And it was so very, very pretty.
I was watching The Mighty Boosh with my niece in 2009. She was just shy of six years old, and when Vince Noir kissed Howard Moon upon a rear-projected rooftop, she didn’t bat an eye. I sat there on the couch with her and smiled as she took in the wacky costumes and colors and musical numbers with joy, and I believed in humanity. I continue to, despite everything. And I know that art does, in all cheesy sincerity, move mountains.
Exhibit B: 20 years after my Fat Frank doodle... painting my face and badly but lovingly singing and playing the intro number. (I was trying to emulate Tim O'Brien's voice, for the record, that's not my natural singing voice lol.)
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Anyway... it means a lot to me. And sometimes I just gotta think aloud about it. If you've never watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show, you should go and do that!
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justablobfish · 4 years
Finding a present for that person that is impossible to find a present for
Day 13 of my Advent Calender. A new drabble or oneshot everyday until Christmas, following the Continent’s favourite found family and what they’re up to in the winter season. Based on this prompt list
Read on AO3
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
It's going to be Jaskier’s second time visiting Kaer Morhen. 
Two years ago, Geralt had asked him only a few days before they were scheduled to separate for the winter. It had all been rather sudden and the whole season had passed in a blur of anxiety and excitement.
He hadn't even met the whole family then, Geralt's little brother Lambert hadn't made it to the keep that year. Then, the year after, Jaskier got delayed by his family until he couldn't make it to the keep anymore; the path had already snowed over. 
This year though - this year Jaskier is determined to make the most of his time at Kaer Morhen and charm his way into the hearts of Geralt's family until they can't imagine winter without him anymore. 
Step one is to make a good first impression after the Wolves haven't seen him in so long. And the easiest way to do that is to get the perfect welcome gift for everyone scheduled to be there. 
He comes across the first gift mere weeks after the snow of the previous winter has melted. After the tedious experience with his parents he decides to spend some time in Oxenfurt to recuperate. 
In his favorite dingy little bookstore he finds the perfect present for Eskel. 
Yes, yes, a steamy romance novel might not necessarily be the best way to prove himself to his lover's family, but the cover of the book shows your usual handsome warrior with very revealing clothing clutching a swooning damsel in distress in his overly muscular arms. Except this protagonist is drawn with an enormous scar covering the left side of his face. 
He's extremely handsome. So is Eskel, of course, but whenever Jaskier tells him as much he just dismisses the compliment. With this book though, Eskel will have to believe him that scars are seen as attractive by quite a number of people. Why else would they draw the cover like this? 
His second gift he also finds in a bookstore, though this place couldn't possibly be more different than where he found the book for Eskel. 
The "Ye Olde Books" in Toussaint sells only the most esteemed antiquities to rich noblemen who never intend to read them and only display them to prove their supposedly good taste and to exaggerate their riches. 
Jaskier quickly determines the oldest book the store has on offer. It's still younger than the recipient of the gift, of course, but the fairy tale stories it holds should still be similar enough to the stories that must have been popular when Vesemir was a child. 
After the events of the last winter Jaskier at least managed to guilt trip his parents enough that he has no trouble paying for the delicate tome. 
As for Lambert, Jaskier didn't meet him the one year he spent at Kaer Morhen, but he and Geralt ran into the younger Witcher on the Path once. It was a brief encounter and Lambert didn't seem to particularly like Jaskier. 
Geralt reassured him afterwards that it's nothing personal and that Lambert doesn't like anyone. 
Even though they couldn't possibly be more different, Lambert somewhat reminded Jaskier of himself. Jaskier is happy with his place in the world now, but he had to carve it out for himself, which hadn't always been easy. He remembers a time when he, too, felt trapped in the life he was born into, never good enough to satisfy his parents or to become a person in his own right, not just the heir to a legacy he wanted nothing to do with. 
So the bitterness Lambert carries around with him feels very familiar. 
His third gift, therefore, is just as expensive as Vesemir's and on top of that requires a large amount of convincing to work out. Luckily, Jaskier has practice annoying someone enough until they agree to anything. He spent most of his life perfecting the skill with the involuntary help of his lover.
By the time winter comes around again, the specially commissioned Gwent card will have started distribution. Though of course Jaskier will carry a copy of the new Lambert hero card with him as well and present it to Geralt's younger brother. He's made sure it would be stronger than the White Wolf card that became popular in recent years. 
Ciri's gift is easy enough. Jaskier simply buys the biggest, fluffiest teddy bear he can find. Ciri is going to roll her eyes at him and claim that she isn't a kid anymore, but that's exactly what makes it the perfect present. With all that destiny business, the kid forgets far too often to allow herself to be a child sometimes. 
How to get this monstrous thing, which is nearly as tall as Jaskier, back to Kaer Morhen is an entirely different story, though… 
The gift for Yennefer isn't hard to find either once he meets up with Geralt and travels with him again. In a run-down little general store in a village in the middle of nowhere, in the furthest corner of the shop, hidden under a fishing net and a set of gardening tools, lies the most atrocious knitted sweater Jaskier has ever seen. There's no reason to abandon old traditions, even if he and Yennefer don’t meet up at Oxenfurt anymore. And in case Yennefer doesn't attend Kaer Morhen this winter, he'll simply keep it around until the next time they meet. The knitwear is so incredibly ugly, it would be a shame to waste it. 
Geralt informs him one day that Lambert will bring a plus one. Not a boyfriend or close friend or anything, just a superficial acquaintance. The fact that Lambert risked his own hide to save the man's life is - apparently - entirely coincidental and without meaning. It's just that this other Witcher of the Cat school has no other place to spend the winter. Nothing more. 
Geralt calls his little brother an emotionally constipated idiot and Jaskier can't help but burst out laughing at the hypocrisy. 
Jaskier isn't sure whether to get this Aiden a gift as well since he never met the man, but as so often in his life, fate takes matters into its own hands. 
He's perusing his favorite clothes store in Vizima when he finds the most beautiful scarf. It's big and woolen and perfectly flashy. Every handspan or so the pattern and colours change completely. All in all it shows every colour of the rainbow. 
That is not the gift for Aiden, of course. But it's going to look great on Jaskier, especially since Geralt still insists he wears that old grey winter cloak. Granted, the cloak is warm, but oh so boring looking. The scarf will be just the right accessory to add a bit of color to his winter wardrobe. 
The gift for Aiden he comes across as he leaves the store. A little boy, who must be the owner's son, sits at the side of the road and busies himself with thread and needle. 
Curious, Jaskier steps closer and finds that the boy is attaching pieces of felt to a simple hairband. 
Once the kid is done he puts the headband on and the felt pieces stand up in such a way that it appears like the boy has kitten ears growing out of his head. 
Jaskier considers for a moment but then decides that if this Aiden is voluntarily hanging out with Lambert, he must have a good sense of humor. He buys the headband off the boy and heads back to his and Geralt's inn room. 
Maybe it's because he's traveling with Geralt and can't really go looking for a gift for the White Wolf, but by the time their departure for Kaer Morhen rolls around, Jaskier has a little something for everyone, except Geralt. He doesn't even have an idea what he could gift to the man. Anything practical like a new whetstone, better armor or a fancy dagger is something that Geralt is far better equipped to pick out himself. Jaskier has little knowledge about such things. 
And while Jaskier has spent the last twenty years of his life convincing the big oaf that he deserves pretty things every once in a while, too, Jaskier can't think of anything that wouldn't just be in the way when they eventually set out on the Path again. 
The end of autumn creeps closer and closer and Jaskier’s head stubbornly remains empty. It shouldn't be this hard to think of something that Geralt would enjoy. After all, Jaskier has known him for over two decades now. But it seems like everything he could get his favorite Witcher he has already gotten him at some point during their travels. 
He still has no idea when they pass the last village on the way to the Witchers’ keep. 
Or when they start making their way up the mountain path. 
Maybe there's a pretty rock he can pick up? 
What? No, that's a dumb idea. He's not just gonna pick up a random rock just because he's desperate. At this point he'll just have to accept the fact that he has no gift for Geralt.
They reach the keep after two days of tedious climbing - not something Jaskier missed from his last visit - and are greeted at the gates by the other Witchers. Geralt's family members each welcome Geralt with a short hug and a pat on the back, while another man, who must be Lambert's tagalong, awkwardly stands to the side. Vesemir and Eskel nod at Jaskier courtly, Lambert only grunts at him. 
Jaskier makes eye contact with Aiden who rolls his eyes at him apologetically over Lambert's behaviour. 
Then Geralt brings Roach to the stables and they all quickly make their way inside. 
In the large dining hall they meet Yennefer and Ciri. Apparently they only came here a day earlier via portal, making Jaskier and Geralt the last to arrive. 
"I have welcoming gifts!" Jaskier addresses everyone. 
Eskel reacts to his present with eyes narrowed in confusion. Then they grow wide with realisation and wonder. 
Lambert scoffs when Jaskier hands him his parcel. He doesn't scoff again after he unpacks it. 
Aiden grins at him widely and immediately puts his gift on. 
Vesemir simply hums appreciatively. It reminds Jaskier far too much of Geralt. He supposes the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 
Ciri, as expected, reacts with a pout and the declaration that she's not a child anymore. Still, she clutches the plushy to her chest and refuses to let it go when Aiden says he'll take it if she doesn't like it. 
Yennefer snarls at her sweater and quickly turns away from the group to hide it, but just like Ciri does with the teddy bear, she clutches it to her chest protectively. 
Which only leaves Geralt. 
"I, uh…, " Jaskier stutters and stares at his empty hands. 
"Hmm," Geralt hums. "Saving the best for last?" 
He grabs Jaskier by the shoulder, turns him around so that he's facing the room. He hugs Jaskier from behind and places his chin on Jaskier’s shoulder. 
"Seems like you got me the best gift of all," Geralt hums. "Look!" 
Confused, Jaskier glances about the room. Vesemir and Eskel are sitting in a corner, flipping through their respective books. Lambert is chasing Aiden through the room, who has stolen his Gwent card and is waving it around tauntingly. Ciri holds the teddy out to Yennefer, who's holding her sweater to the bear's chest to see if it would fit him. There's nothing out of the ordinary that Jaskier can spot. 
"I don't under-" he begins. 
"Everyone's here," Geralt explains. "My whole family in one place for the very first time. I couldn't possibly ask for more." 
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Winter Love
HELLO hi @coffeecomicsgalore this is my @mlsecretsanta fic for you! I had so much fun writing this one, happy holidays! Massive thank you to @adrienettes-hamster for beta-ing!
Also on FFnet and AO3!
Mid-November is when the chill of the impending winter started to set in. Not cold enough for snow, but cold enough that Ladybug had begun to notice her kitty shivering while on patrols. Granted, she was quite cold herself, but she was handling it better than Chat Noir.
“Do you need to stop, Chat?”
“No, I’m fine,” he stuttered out between chattering teeth.
“Chat, go home and get warm. We can patrol again tomorrow night.” Her voice was soft but commanding, and his ears drooped. “I’ll bring some hot chocolate, okay?” His ears perked up a bit at the mention of that.
“Okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he replied with a small smile, turning and bounding away with his staff.
She watched him for a moment before turning herself, luckily only needing to travel a few blocks to her own home. The dull light of the lamp she had left on before heading out cut into the darkness. It was still relatively early in the night, only around 9 o’ clock, but she knew that her parents would already be in bed, ready for next morning’s early rise.
Marinette landed on her balcony and hopped down through the skylight onto her bed before calling off her transformation. When Tikki swirled out of the earrings and into her hands, she was also shivering.
“Yeah, it is a bit too cold tonight,” Marinette mumbled to her as she cupped her hands around her kwami. “Let me grab us some hot chocolate, okay?” Tikki nodded, her little head bobbing up and down as vigorously as Chat’s jaw was. Marinette gently slid her onto her pillow then climbed down the ladder to the rest of her room, then the ladder to the rest of the apartment. Finding her favourite mug clean and ready to be used, she ducked down and grabbed the teacup she had hidden for Tikki. It was almost matching with her favourite design, covered with florals over a white background, and it had belonged to one of the dolls from her childhood doll house.
Marinette hummed while she filled the mugs with the still-steaming hot chocolate from the flask her mother had left out for her. She wondered whether or not it would snow soon, and if it would shut the school down. Would the snow mean Hawkmoth would slow down on attacks? Or would he send out more akumas?
She wondered about her friends. Alya would probably spend most of the time babysitting her sisters, Marinette by her side of course. Nora might be home for the winter. Nino would probably be glued to his computer, creating new tracks and networking with other DJs. Adrien…
Adrien would keep up his studies with Nathalie. Marinette knew how tough his dad was on him based on how detailed his schedule was. Mandarin lessons, fencing, piano, modelling and school? And she thought she was busy between school, sewing and saving Paris. Then again, saving Paris was never on a set schedule. She supposed she and Adrien weren’t too different in that aspect.
Adrien had been shivering a bit in class recently. While everyone else bundled up in their warmest sweaters and thermals, Adrien’s outfits didn’t seem to hold the same temperature. Did Gabriel favour style over comfort? The very thought burned Marinette.
She stopped pouring as she realised it was about to overflow her mug, and set the flask down with a hardened resolve. This Christmas, she was going to knit something warm for her two favourite people. The gears in her mind began ticking over as she thought of what to give each of them. She still had Adrien’s head measurements from when she created the hat for the contest a year or two back, and his body’s measurements from the designs she had made for her website... maybe a sweater? Or a beanie?
She didn’t have Chat’s measurements though. She supposed if she worked hard and fast enough she might be able to squeeze in a blanket. Now she had to think of patterns for both...
Marinette made her way back up to her room, carefully balancing the mugs in one hand as she pushed the trap door up then set them down on the floor to climb inside.
“Tikki?” She called out gently. “Hot chocolate has arrived.”
She set them down on the bench by her computer as she opened up her sketchbook. Knowing it would take longer, she began working on the blanket’s design, but stopped short as she realised that while she knew her partner, she didn’t really know him. She vaguely remembered his favourite colour was green, and funnily enough was a cat person, both literally and figuratively. Marinette began to worry that what she makes wouldn’t be good enough for him, or that he wouldn’t like it.
“What are you working on, Marinette?” Tikki asked sleepily while sipping her hot chocolate.
“Both Adrien and Chat Noir haven’t been dealing with the cold well, so I figured I’d knit them both something warm for Christmas,” Marinette replied as she began writing in some notes. Tikki peered over the book and looked back at Marinette.
“A blanket? Will you have time to make that? Christmas is only a month away.”
“I know, but I figured if I work on it in all of my spare time then I might be able to get it done in time. Hopefully there’s a few snow days in the next few weeks,” Marinette said as she glanced out the window. The window stubbornly continued to show no sign of snow, though there was the twinkling of stars between the clouds.
Tikki took another sip of her drink. “Who’s the blanket for?”
“Chat Noir. I have Adrien’s measurements, so I was thinking either a beanie or a sweater, but I’m not sure of Chat’s. What do you think?” Marinette picked up a green pencil and began to shade in the sketch. In each corner there was a small, blocky cat face with light whiskers.
“He does tend to wear that short sleeved top a lot. I think sweater.”
Marinette hummed and nodded in agreement. “I think you’re right. What about the middle of this?” She held the page up to Tikki, who had ditched the now empty cup and was snuggled into her neck. “I was thinking maybe the initials C.N. but that might be too obvious.”
“What about a Yin Yang symbol, but a ladybug as the white dot and whiskers on the black dot?”
“Tikki, you’re a genius!”
And so Marinette got to work, having most of the yarn colours she required already. Quite a few rows in, she started to nod off and, seeing that it was now well past her bedtime, climbed the ladder to her bed and whispered goodnight to Tikki.
“That’s… a lot of yarn, Marinette,” Alya said with mild concern. “You surely haven’t gotten this low by now?
Marinette shrugged, or at least shrugged the best she could with her arms piled up with rolls of yarn. “I’ve got a few commissions and wanted to be sure. I can use what’s left to make some gifts as well.”
Marinette had dragged Alya on a shopping trip for materials after school the next day. She had some pocket money saved up from chores and her birthday. Half an hour later, they emerged from the fabric store with a lot of yarn and some new shearing scissors, an early gift from Alya.
“Ooh, who’s commissioned you? It must be a big project!”
Marinette almost stumbled, unsure if she should tell Alya, even if she did have the perfect cover up for it. But then again, she knew her best friend.
“Uh, Ladybug commissioned a blanket as a gift for Chat Noir. Apparently they’re having a tough time on their night patrols with the chill.”
Alya’s eyes bugged out of her head and she squealed, “Oh my god, that is so cute! She’s totally in love with him!”
This time Marinette did really stop. “No way! She did not give off that vibe at all when she came around! It’s just really cold at night!”
“Babe, you don’t just commission a whole BLANKET for your friend!” Alya shook her by her shoulders, a few rolls threatening to fall out of Marinette’s arms, who gasped a loud “careful!”
“They’re friends, Alya, and friends can share a blanket when it’s cold. Can we please drop it?”
Alya huffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure, but you know I’m right!”
Later that night, Marinette was zooming through rows of knitting on her balcony. She barely stopped for a few bites of the dinner that her mother had brought up earlier. When her hands began cramping, she turned back to her sketchbook to work on the design for Adrien’s sweater. She figured it best to keep it simple, and made it light green in shade with darker green and black accents. When the cramping had lessened, she picked up the needles again and started knitting furiously again.
Around 8 o’ clock, Tikki nudged her and reminded her that she needs to meet up with Chat Noir. Marinette thanked her and transformed, grabbed the bag of treats she had snuck up earlier, then leapt off the balcony with her yoyo flying off into the distance.
She found Chat Noir on their rooftop an arrondissement away, huddled next to the chimney for warmth.
“Chaton, look what I brought!”
His ears perked up and his lips curved into a wide smile. “That doesn’t just smell like hot chocolate, m’lady. Is that…” his eyes lit up as she lifted the Dupain-Cheng bakery box out of the bag after the flasks, “croissants? And macarons?”
She matched his smile and replied, “all of the above, plus pain au chocolat. Only the best for the cat hero of Paris!” She had to set down the box quickly as he crushed her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around him as well, happy that he was happy. She didn’t miss his murmur of “what did I do to deserve you?” and simply hugged him tighter, almost shielding him from the cool wind. He let go after a few more moments, diving for the flask of hot chocolate and sitting against the chimney.
“Half hour of snacking before we make the rounds?”
“Works for me,” Chat Noir replied in between sips, visibly settling down as the drink warmed him up from the inside. “How did you get the Dupain-Cheng goods? Aren’t they closed by now?”
“They are, but I picked them up just before they closed for the day, so they’re pretty fresh.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, she did get them from the last batch her father made for the day.
Chat Noir hummed as he bit into a macaron, savouring the taste. “They are the best in town, no competition.”
“You’re not wrong there.” Ladybug took this moment of comfortable silence to take the top off of her flask and have a long drink of her hot chocolate. They sat together, shoulder to shoulder against the chimney and the wind started to settle down.
The sun had well and truly set by now, the moon as bright as ever with the stars shining like the streetlights below them. Tonight, there were no clouds, and nothing above them but the open sky. Ladybug loved the sight, and found it to be the second best perk of being a superhero, the first being partnered with Chat Noir. Her friend, Chat Noir, she thought, thinking back to Alya’s words earlier in the day. She was in love with Adrien and absolutely, definitely, totally had no such feelings for Chat Noir.
Marinette was exhausted, to say the least.
It was now the beginning of December, and the blanket was just over half done. She had resorted to bringing in her spare needles and knitting before and after class to start on Adrien’s sweater, and ignored anyone and everyone that asked about it with a small blush.
She also resorted to ignoring any pressing by Alya on Ladybug’s “commission” of the blanket, which had not died out as time had gone on. Alya wanted to know everything from the words Ladybug said to her expression and body language as she spoke about Chat Noir. Marinette now highly regretted giving in and telling her anything.
Thinking of the blanket, she thought about the surprise she was given when Chat Noir dropped in a few nights before.
A gentle rapping on the window shook Marinette from her concentration as she began a new colour for the Yin Yang. She looked around as she heard the telltale swoosh of Tikki hiding and saw Chat Noir waving from her balcony with a sheepish look on her face. She set down the blanket, laying it flat on the floor, and climbed up her ladder to open it.
“Chat Noir? What are you doing here?”
“Forgive me, but I saw your light on while I was out for a run. It’s getting very cold and my own place is a bit too far for me right now. Do you mind if I warm up in here for a few minutes?”
She wasn’t aware of any patrol they had planned. She double checked the day it was in her head and confirmed yes, it was their night off.
“O-Of course you can, would you like anything to eat or drink?” She moved aside for him to jump in, and watched as he looked around the room in wonder.
“Some hot chocolate, if you have any, please,” he replied, eyes moving from the chaise to the various mannequins and designs strewn about the room.
Marinette dearly hoped he wouldn’t know it was the same he had had just a few weeks ago, and a few times since as the temperature continued to drop.
“S-Sure thing, I’ll be right back.”
She climbed down after him, throwing a panicked glance to where Tikki was hiding and subtly gestured for her to follow. She climbed down the trapdoor to the kitchen and turned to Tikki.
“What is he doing here?” Tikki asked.
“I don’t know! It’s not patrol night! He’s going to recognise my recipe for sure!” She began to pace the kitchen.
“Calm down Marinette, he might just think you sell it here. You said you bought the treats from here didn’t you?”
“I mean yeah, but what if his civilian identity comes here often enough to know it’s not sold?” Marinette could not keep calm, but she kept her voice quiet. No need to freak out both her parents and her unexpected guest.
“New product for winter?”
That stopped Marinette in her tracks. “That could work.” Her nerves stilled, she grabbed two mugs and the flask, filling them and turning back to Tikki again with a smile. “You always know how to calm me down.”
Tikki giggled, “Kwami of luck and maybe logic as well. You best get back to him, we’ve been down here for a while now.”
As if on cue, they heard a soft knock on the door, and an even softer, “You okay down there?”
Marinette took the mugs by the handles, calling back, “Can you please open the door?”
The trapdoor opened as Marinette climbed up, and Chat Noir hastened to take one from her hand, and helped her up with his other one. Claws brushed her wrist as his grip tightened on her hand and while she shouldn’t have been surprised, his strength as he pulled her up caught her off guard slightly.
“I just couldn’t find my mug, I always have hot chocolate in it,” she raised her mug as she spoke.
“That’s a nice one. And this is really good,” he said, taking a sip. Marinette watched his eyes as a hint of recognition flickered over them, but he didn’t say anything about it.
“It’s a… family recipe. We just began selling it in the bakery for the winter.”
His face relaxed, and Marinette let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“What are you knitting?”
Man, if this cat didn’t stop. Sure, it’s an innocent question on his part, but Marinette was getting increasingly worried about hiding the truth.
“Oh! Uh, it’s a blanket for a friend of mine. They’re a… big fan of you and Ladybug.”
“And the other needles? I like the different shades of green on it.”
“That’s going to be a sweater, for another friend. He doesn’t seem to have a lot of warm clothes so I’m hoping this will help him.”
“That’s a really lovely gesture, Marinette. One of my friends is into fashion as well, you would get on great with her.”
Marinette hummed in agreement, then said, “I hope you don’t mind me returning to it, I’m trying to get them both done by Christmas.” “Of course not. I should get going now though,” he tipped his mug towards her, empty already, “Thank you very much for the drink, Princess.”
Marinette’s jaw dropped slightly and almost dropped her needles as well. “I-I… you’re welcome, a-any time.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” he replied suavely, adding a wink. Marinette waited until he was safely back out onto her balcony before rolling her eyes with a smile, and got back to her knitting. Stupid cat and his flirting.
Seeing that Madame Bustier was running late, she took Adrien’s sweater out of her bag and began to knit. She had switched out her small clutch for a larger, water-proof bag once she realised she’d need to bring the yarn and needles to class in order to finish it in time. Most of the class had been asking about it so far, including Nino and Alya, but Adrien had been quiet about it until now, when he walked in right as Marinette started another row.
“Hey Marinette, you’re early. What are you making?”
“Oh! Adrien, sweater- hi, uh, I mean-”
“It looks great so far. Green would look nice on you.”
Marinette squeaked and went bright red. “O-oh, uh, thank you, but it’s for a friend,” she giggled nervously.
“Well then, they’re a lucky friend!” Adrien smiled as he began unpacking his notebook and pencil case, and turned to the front. Madam Bustier walked in a moment later, gesturing for Marinette to put away the needles. Marinette didn’t miss the slight shiver that Adrien had to his frame, nor the goosebumps beginning to raise on his arms and the back of his neck.
“Chat Noir!”
It was the week before Christmas, and Marinette was in the home stretch of finishing this blanket. She was knitting on her balcony, hot chocolate by her side and just sheltered from the light snowfall. But now, she could just see the silhouette of the cat hero a few roofs away. He turned his head in surprise and as a result, almost fell off of his staff. She waved her hand, gesturing for him to come over to her.
As he got closer, she called out, “What are you doing out in the snow? It’s way too cold for someone in a skin-tight suit to be out here!”
“But Princess, you’re out here too!” he called back, now standing in front of her.
“I am wrapped up in sweaters and fuzzy pants, with a blanket over me, not a skin-tight suit, as I said! You should be at home, as warm and wrapped up as I am,” she finished on a gentler note as his ears drooped.
“I… don’t want to be home right now. I got into a fight with my father. Can I stay here for a bit?”
Her heart dropped and her eyes filled with sympathy for him. She knew it was a bad situation, but not leave-the-house-in-the-middle-of-winter bad. “Of course you can.”
She opened the skylight, carefully plopping down her almost-finished blanket and needles, then climbed in after it. He shook the snow from his hair, passed her half-empty mug of hot chocolate to her and hopped down onto the bed. She put the mug on a ledge next to her bed and said, “Do you need a hug?”
Almost immediately, he wrapped her in a bear hug not unlike the one he gave Ladybug a few weeks prior. She raised her arms just in time and curled them around his neck and if she happened to feel a tear or two slide onto her shoulders, she didn’t mention it.
Her hands weaved themselves into his wild hair, holding him close. She stayed silent, knowing words couldn’t convey the comfort she tried to give him. His arms were so long, they almost doubled back to himself. Together, they shivered, as he cried onto her shoulder silently and the wind blew through the skylight above. She untangled one of her hands to reach up and close it, but Chat Noir took this as a sign to let go and step back. Her other hand still tangled, she lost balance and they fell, Chat Noir landing on top of her as she hit the bed with an “oof!”
Marinette drew in a sharp breath as Chat Noir’s head hit her collarbone. That’s going to leave a bruise, she thought with a wince.
“I’m so sorry, are you alright?”
“Yeah, just knocked the breath out of me,” she replied, finally removing her hand from his hair. She sat up as he hurried to get off of her and sat at the end of her bed, both of their eyes wide open.
“So, um-”
They both tried to speak at once, giggling when they stopped. Chat Noir gestured for her to speak first, so she did.
“Do you want some hot chocolate?”
“Please,” he replied gratefully, moving aside so she could climb down the ladder, following after her. She returned after a few minutes, setting their mugs down next to her computer. “Can you pass me down the blanket, please? I’m so close to finishing,” she asked as she held out her arms for it to be dropped into. She stumbled when it landed; it felt heavier than she expected it to be. Oh well, she thought, this means it should be extra warm.
She got settled in her desk chair, the blanket flowing down past her feet as Chat Noir settled on her chaise with his mug. They sat in a comfortable quiet, the only sounds in the room coming from the whirring of her computer, the clacking of the needles and a sip from Chat Noir every once in a while. She’d look up from time to time, and see his bright eyes staring back at her with a shy interest. There were hints of dried tears on his face, and she subtly elbowed the tissue box beside her towards him.
At last, she finished the last row of the blanket. She cast off, spreading it out on the floor and stepped back to look at her work. Chat Noir joined her, looking over it in wonder.
“How long did this take you?”
“Just under a month. I’ve been knitting as fast as I can and spent almost every waking moment on it. Except for when I’ve been at school, which I spent working on this,” she said as she pulled out the sweater for Adrien. “It’s for my friend Adrien. His father doesn’t really let him wear clothes that would give him comfort. I mean, I get that as a model he’s always representing the brand, but what kind of father chooses style over comfort for his own son? I’m surprised he hasn’t frozen to death already,” she tried to lighten the end of her rant as she realised she was getting angry.
He took a gentle hold on her elbow, and she looked up to face him. He had an odd look on his face, like he was embarrassed, though he had no reason to be.
“You’re an amazing friend, Marinette, and I’m sure he is going to love yo- it.”
She beamed at his praise and set it down on the chair, hugging him again with her whole body, his own arms wrapping tightly around her.
“Thank you for the hot chocolate, but I think I should go before my father realises I’m gone.”
She squeezed him tighter for a moment and whispered, “Will you be okay there? You know you’re welcome at any time, okay?”
He squeezed her back and replied, “I think I’ll be okay, but I will let you know,” and stepped back, taking care to not step on the blanket. She watched as he climbed the ladder and up onto the balcony, only looking back to wave her goodbye. She waved in reply then folded the blanket up, putting it into the bag she had reserved for patrols.
With only half a sleeve to go, she picked up the needles and set herself back down on the chair, continuing her work on Adrien’s sweater.
Conveniently enough, the next morning was announced to be the last school day before holiday break, as the weather predicted heavy snowfall for the coming days. Unfortunately though, it gave Marinette only today to give the now-completed sweater to Adrien. It was wrapped and labelled to and from (both Marinette and Alya made sure of it) but Marinette was frozen when she reached the classroom, causing Alya to bump into her back.
“Marinette! You can do this,” she heard her hiss, but she just couldn’t. There Adrien was, sitting and laughing at something Nino had said. She squeaked, almost losing her balance trying to step forward, which caught Adrien’s attention.
“Hey Marinette! What’s that you have there?”
Alya nudged her, and this time she did start to slip. This is how I die, she thought with a great internal sigh.
Quick as lightning, Adrien was in front of her, keeping her steady with concern masking his face.
“You okay?”
Marinette couldn’t do anything but stammer. “U-uh, you, I- gift! For you!”
“F-For me?”
He looked down to her hands, which were now shaking with the present between them.
“I-I mean…” Marinette looked helplessly back to Alya, who gave her a gentle nod, then looked back to Adrien and took a deep breath. “Yes, it’s for you. Merry Christmas, Adrien.”
The whole class was silent now, watching the two. Even Chloe watched, clearly fuming with a glare in Marinette’s direction.
He took it from her gently, their hands brushing for a moment. Marinette could swear she felt a spark, something warm in the cold room when they touched, but it disappeared as the package left her hands. She didn’t expect for him to set it down and sweep her into a hug so loving it reminded her of Chat N- no. No feelings for Chat Noir, only Adrien.
“Thank you,” he whispered into her ear with a squeeze.
In the middle of winter, Marinette felt like she was on fire. She tentatively raised her arms to hug him back, only for him to step back at the same moment and suddenly she was cold again.
“You’re welcome,” she whispered back as he turned away to open the gift. His eyes lit up with happiness as he unfolded the sweater, gushing, “I’m the lucky friend?!”
Marinette giggled, “You have my lucky charm, remember?”
That made Adrien snort, “Marinette, I think you are my lucky charm.”
The class dissolved into a chorus of “aww’s” and the two suddenly remembered where they were, both blushing furiously. Fortunately for them, Madame Bustier walked in to start seconds later.
He wore the sweater proudly for the rest of the day, and home, as far as Marinette saw.
“Tikki, spots on!”
Later that night, Marinette transformed once again into Ladybug. She made sure the lamp was on and her goodie bag was secured around her body before launching off of the balcony towards their meeting place for patrols. The snow was falling lightly, looking magical in the night. Chat Noir was already there, holding his own bag that fell by the side of the swea- sweater?
Her jaw dropped and she almost missed her target with the yoyo. Chat Noir caught on evidently as his face dropped with fear and he reached out for her.
“Ladybug, are you okay? What happened there?”
“Where did you get that sweater?”
His face split into a grin as he ran his claws along the accents. “Oh, isn’t it so cool? A friend gave it to me for Christmas!”
The pieces both fell together and shattered at the same time. Her face dropped in shock. “But I… y-you… I mean… Adrien?”
His mouth fell open and he stuttered back, “M-Marinette?”
They stared at each other in shock for a few moments before Chat Noir snorted, which made Ladybug break and they both just burst into laughter. It felt unbelievable, but made so much sense to the pair. The two who always got everyone to safety so they could be alone; they felt like idiots. Finally their laughter died down, but as Ladybug brought out the Dupain-Cheng box, they started up again. More things began making sense and they couldn’t help themselves.
They found their way to each other, holding on like they’ve been separated for years.
“I can’t believe it’s you,” Ladybug mumbled. Chat Noir’s body shielded her from the oncoming snow as they held each other.
“I can’t believe it either. We thought we were smart,” he laughed, and she could hear his smile.
“You’re gonna love this then,” she stepped back and opened her back, pulling out the blanket. She actually thought he might cry then and there. She held it towards him, who took it with such soft hands.
“You made this, for me?”
“I didn’t know your measurements- well, as it turns out I do, but I figured it would be something for us to keep warm under before patrols.”
“Marinette, I love you.”
They both paused, the phrase seemingly slipped out on its own, but she couldn’t help but reply, “I love you too.”
Winter patrols suddenly became a lot warmer.
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trissmarrygoals · 4 years
the train room
Here is my secret Santa gift for @knightryder24!  I hope you like it, my mom is a librarian so of course I had to jump on that idea.  This was written for @thewitchersecretsanta, thank you so much for getting this together.  This will be posted on AO3 at some point, so check it out there as well
Warnings: None
The library is quiet at this time of day.  If Geralt is being honest, the library is quiet most times of the day, but he chooses not to dwell on that.  Sure, they have some of the lowest patronage in the system, but they’re also in a dying town with no open businesses aside from the bank.
The quiet seeps into every part of the building, seeming to infect his staff and volunteers.  He’s put Dara, his daughter Ciri’s friend and a reliable volunteer despite being fourteen, to work pulling holds, and Priscilla and Triss are busy at their computers, probably not doing work.  He doesn’t blame them.  He isn’t really doing anything either, just watching over his little library.
He’s been director here for five months, and it hasn’t been easy.  To survive, the library needs to change, and this small Kaedweni town is nothing if not reluctant to change.  He’s the only one of his staff who currently has a masters, although Triss is putting herself through library school. “Someone should be coming about the train room today.”
He spins around.  He’d been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed Triss leave her desk and come up behind him.  “Hmm.”
The train room is one of his projects - or it’s going to be, once he’s buttered the board up enough.  Which might take a while, considering he’s socially awkward and prone to underspeaking, but he’ll make it work.  He suspects Calanthe, the frankly terrifying head of the board, thinks of him as crazy in an amusing way, which is a start.
“You won’t have to do anything besides unlocking the back for them,” Triss assures him.  “It’ll probably be Letho, you’ve met him before.”
He appreciates Triss - saying that she keeps him mostly sane at this job wouldn’t be an exaggeration - but he hates the feeling of being handled.  “It’ll be fine, whoever it is.”  She just grins in response.
“Do you know where the key is?”
He doesn’t.
He’s not sure what he’s expecting from a firefighter, but it’s definitely not a man his own age in a blue cable knit sweater that brings out his eyes.  The kid looks like all of Geralt’s friends from library school, mashed into one.  Geralt always felt out of place at library school.
He introduces himself as Jaskier.  He’s bright and bubbly and Geralt isn’t sure entirely how to handle him.  Because he doesn’t just take the key from Geralt, oh no.  He clearly wants to talk.
“I heard you’re trying to move our train room!” He says cheerily.  Geralt’s stomach sinks.  He didn’t realize the firefighters had heard about that.  He can’t afford to alienate them.  Jaskier must realize, because he laughs.  “Don’t worry, I think it’s a good idea.  Don’t tell the other firefighters I said that, though.” Geralt relaxes a little, but not all the way.  He rarely relaxes all the way these days.  Or maybe ever.
“Do you want to come in?” Jaskier asks with a bright smile that makes something in Geralt do a flip.  “I can give you the official tour.”
“I’ve been in there.”  Geralt pointedly doesn’t bring up the time he was in there alone and one of the train whistles went off because it was definitely nothing and hadn’t scared him at all.  He does watch Jaskier go in, though.  Not like that, the way people joke about watching people walk away, because Geralt is wildly asexual and doesn’t really get the whole butt thing.  But he appreciates the silhouette of Jaskier in the dark room, the way he moves, the lines of his body.  He’s a beautiful thing.
And suddenly, Geralt knows he’s fucked.
The train room opens after Thanksgiving.  Suddenly, Geralt’s little library is flooded with people, none of whom are here for books.  He tries not to be bitter, but as much as he worries about their circulation numbers, he finds he prefers the library quiet.  He likes having it to himself.
There are always firefighters watching the door, welcoming people in.  Geralt’s pretty sure they bro around in the back - the previous director told him tales of them using a grill in the train room, but he’s not sure if there’s truth to it.
He definitely doesn’t hang around to see if he can see Jaskier.  Not at all, not even a little bit, even though Triss definitely notices.  She keeps giving him Looks, which Geralt ignores because nothing is going on.
Except every time Jaskier is there, he always seems to make a point to talk to Geralt.  He’s happy and chipper, but Geralt tries not to read anything into it.  Why would someone like Jaskier be interested in a dour library director?
"You have a daughter, right?" Jaskier asks one day.  "You should bring her by!"
Geralt almost points out that Ciri is fourteen and likely to consider a train room little kid stuff (not to mention that she's heard Geralt ranting about it for the past few months) when Jaskier says, "I'd love to meet her!"
It would, Geralt thinks, probably be good for the library director to be seen engaging in a town tradition, especially since most residents seem to consider him very much an outsider.  Yeah.  He'll drag Ciri along, and maybe Yennefer, for the image.  Or maybe not Yennefer - when they go out in public people tend to make assumptions, and he doesn't want - he doesn't want <i>the town</i> getting the wrong idea.
"We'll be there," he says gruffly, before returning to the shelter of the circulation desk.
They go the next weekend.  Ciri is less resistant than expected, mostly because she sees it as an opportunity to engage in her favorite holiday pastime, forcing her dad to engage in "festive" activities and then laughing at him.  In a stunning display of hypocrisy, she also mocks him for the rare times he gets too into the season's spirit (he and his brothers admittedly get intense about tree selection).  Teenagers.  You can't win.
They pull up at the library in Yennefer’s Prius (Geralt’s truck has, yet again, broken down) and Ciri doesn’t wait for him before throwing open the car door and running for the library steps.  The line of people has snaked out the door, and Geralt shudders at how much heating is going to cost this month.
Standing in line is never pleasant, but Geralt and Ciri have a time honored tradition of games to play while doing so - quietly deciding which of their linemates are secretly monsters.  Before long, they’re through the big glass doors, standing in the warm lobby.  Ciri takes her mittens off and shoves them in her coat pocket.
There’s hot chocolate set up in the corner, and Geralt is surprised to see a few people looking through the permanent book sale as they wait.  Without really meaning to, he strains to see Jaskier, but the hallway is blocked with people in bulky coats.
Ciri sees him looking.  “Expecting someone?  Scoping out the competition?”  She’s been thoroughly filled in on Geralt’s plans of conquest.
“Yeah, sure.” He tells her, distracted.  One of the mittens is falling out of her coat pocket, so he takes it out and puts it in the opposite pocket.  She pouts.
“Don’t dad at me in public!”
“But we’re in public, and I’m your dad,” he tells her, deadpan, and she groans.
There’s a soft chuckle from behind them, and Geralt turns to see Jaskier.  He’s wearing a jauntily bent santa hat and a cable sweater with trains on the front, and Geralt gets the sudden and deep urge to hug him.
“Hi, Geralt,” he says, sounding strangely breathless.  “I wasn’t sure you’d show up.��
“It’s uh.  It’s good for the library,” Geralt says, and fuck.  If he’s falling over his words like this that means it’s worse than he thought.  Luckily, Jaskier doesn’t call him out on it and turns to Ciri instead.
“You must be Cirilla.”
“Ciri,” she says, sticking out her hand for a firm handshake, the way Yennefer taught her.
“Ciri,” he agrees.  “Thanks for coming with your dad today.”
“Oh, I couldn’t let him go on his own,” Ciri says with a sly grin.  “He gets lonely.”
“I’m right here,” Geralt grumbles, but they ignore him, moving towards the train room and chatting like they’re old friends.
The train room, Geralt will admit, is a lot more impressive when it’s all set up and the lights are on.  All the firefighters he sees give him cheery smiles, so he must not be too on their bad side.  That or they’re all very good actors.
Christmas comes and goes.  Geralt and Ciri spend the morning together, before heading to Vesemir and his husband Ellis’ house for dinner.  Yennefer joins them, and at Geralt’s invitation, Triss drops in.  Geralt has a sneaking suspicion the two of them hit it off.
It doesn’t snow on Christmas, but it snows the day Geralt goes back to the library.  As a part time employee, he got a slightly better holiday deal than most of his employees.  To his surprise, the little building seems to echo without the throngs of people.
It doesn’t change his mind about wanting that space, though.
But he does miss something, and it doesn’t take him a long time to realize it’s Jaskier.  As he shovels yet more snow off the library stairs and ramp, he finds himself thinking about their talks when the train room had been open.  As he weeds in the stacks, he thinks about the easy way he’d conversed with Ciri.  As he searches desperately in the circ desk for the book drop key, he thinks of how Jaskier would smile at the story.
Triss and Yennefer go to see a movie together.  Triss, for reasons Geralt doesn’t want to think about, avoids telling him the details, but Yennefer suddenly starts volunteering at the library.
The thing is that Geralt could find Jaskier.  If he wanted to be wildly unethical, he could look up his phone number in the system, but that thought barely crosses his mind before he dismisses it.  But he could ask around.  He doesn’t think Jaskier would mind if he asked the fire chief to pass along a message.  He doesn’t, though, for a multitude of reasons, all of which boil down to the fact that Jaskier deserves a better relationship than Geralt can give him.
When it comes down to it, Geralt’s good at people, but he’s not good at relationships.  He’s not even really good at friendships outside of Yenn (and Borch, and Zoltan, and Milva, and maybe Triss).  When he’s hurt, he emotionally pillbugs - pulls all the soft parts inside, leaving only the shell.  He’s working on it, but it’s still his go to reaction.
So he doesn’t do anything, and when he lets himself daydream at all, he thinks about next Christmas.
Jaskier shows up on a Wednesday.  It’s late January, and the snow has all melted except for dirty gray lumps where the plows piled it up.  Geralt is in his office, head full of book orders, and Triss knocks on the door.  “Someone’s here to see you,” She says.
Jaskier is standing behind her, looking nervous.  “Is it okay if I come in the office?”
“Yeah,” Geralt says, slightly stunned.
“So I was thinking,” Jaskier says.  “About your idea about the train room.”
“Yeah.  And I want to help you with it.”
Geralt looks at him, taking him all in.  Then he says, “I think.  I think we should go to the Poppy for lunch this weekend.  To talk about the train room.”
Jaskier grins.  “Just to talk about the train room?”
“Maybe not just that,” Geralt says, smiling back.
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