You know what, props to Jon Snow for being the greatest wedding planner of all time. My boy managed to arrange a wedding that broke like every social norm in the north, between groups that have warred for MILLENIA!! and officiated by a foreign religion! Crazy that no one died like there wasn’t wasn’t even a lil scuffle. Some people can’t even get through a wedding without murdering their guest which btw indicates a lack of skill on the planner’s side I'm afraid. After the events of the past year, his services are desperately needed because how were people getting anything done before him??
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browngonzo888 · 2 years
Raz’s Summer Staff Job at Whispering Rock
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valence-e · 2 months
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goofunkel · 1 year
friends swindled me into reading murderbot bc of how it touches on topics like gender and neurotype and personhood itself failing to tell me that book two is just two fail robots in a trenchcoat trying to get through a job interview
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cuubism · 2 months
Behold, the one (1) vegetable yielded by my garden this year. This surely will sustain me for several fortnights
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ryemackerel · 17 days
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ONCE AGAIN!! Meet Alexander Lucré and Wyllow Sage! 🫶
Local cryptid goddess from a magical land ends up in a completely new, modernized world unlike her own. She has to navigate through this unfamiliar environment, and eventually stumbles across the city’s owner, who’s a deceptive, charming, and sly businessman. Funny snake guy helps Wyllow navigate the place and gives her a place to stay, and the two over time learn to soften up to each other despite their completely different backgrounds.
YES AFTER ALL THIS TIME I STILL LOVEEE THE BELOVED T4T HUSBAND AND WIFE DUO!! They’re my ocs from a while back, some of you may or may not remember them but! They came from what’s previously known as the TINE (This Is Not The End) AU, and I’m thinking of renaming their universe and adding some of my own characters as well. :]
The two out of the very few amount of ocs in my collection still have a very very special place in my heart, so I wanted to redesign them a bit more to make them different from their previous designs! ofc these are just design concepts and everything is still a wip.
I’m really happy with how they turned out YAYYA I can’t guarantee I’ll post about these guys a whole bunch because the Eddsworld fix still got a hold on me, and Arcane and Sonic have also been becoming interests of mine :-] Hope you enjoy!!
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Parker Molloy at The Present Age:
During his acceptance speech as the Democratic vice-presidential nominee on Wednesday night, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz shared a deeply personal story about his family’s struggle with infertility. As he concluded by saying, “Hope, Gus, and Gwen, you are my entire world, and I love you,” the camera caught his 17-year-old son Gus standing up, tears in his eyes, pointing to his father and exclaiming, “That’s my dad!”
It was a sweet display of familial love and pride — a rare moment of raw emotion in the ordinarily carefully choreographed world of political conventions. For many viewers, it was surely a timely reminder of the human beings behind the political personas we see on stage. However, what should have been universally recognized as a beautiful father-son moment quickly became fodder for cruel mockery from pro-Trump social media accounts. The contrast between Gus Walz’s sincere emotion and the derision it provoked from the right offers a troubling glimpse into the state of political discourse and the depths to which partisan attacks have sunk. This not only highlights the lack of basic human decency in certain right-wing corners of our politics but also raises important questions about how conservatives view emotional expression, particularly from young men, in the public sphere. Not only is Gus a minor, but he’s also neurodivergent. People recently ran a story about the Walz family and what Tim and Gwen Walz have come to refer to as Gus’s “secret power" — a non-verbal learning disorder, ADHD, and anxiety disorder.
Tim Walz told People:
["When our youngest Gus was growing up, it became increasingly clear that he was different from his classmates," the couple tell PEOPLE. "Gus preferred video games and spending more time by himself." The statement continues: "When he was becoming a teenager, we learned that Gus has a non-verbal learning disorder in addition to an anxiety disorder and ADHD, conditions that millions of Americans also have."]
It’s a sweet article that makes the attacks that would follow Gus’s display of emotion that much more unacceptable. Anti-LGBTQ activist Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project mocked Gus Walz, writing, “Tim Walz’ son Gus wears eyeliner.” Prominent pro-Trump Twitter accounts Dom Lucre, Colin Rugg, and Autism Capital all mocked the 17-year-old. “Get that kid a tampon already,” wrote a right-wing podcaster Alec Lace. Trump ally Mike Crispi called Gus Walz a “beta bitch.” Right-wing radio host Jay Weber called Gus Walz a “blubbering bitch boy.” Ann Coulter called Gus Walz “weird.” You get the idea.
Right-wing beta losers doing what they do best: insult people.
This time, it’s Gus Walz, the son of Tim Walz.
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Why is science actually so cool
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daftpatience · 11 months
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TVDINT CHARMS!!!! i made them!!! theyre gonna be mini acrylic charms, all the designs have a different back, and the preorder's been extended through December!
you'll be able to choose individual charms, get them in a discounted set, or do a random gacha!
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chubbychiquita · 11 months
What's the point of being stuck on the couch and squandering your talents when you can use them to your advantage on the road to turning into a hot sexy blob?
excellent point, i have some killer vba code for a new weight gain spreadsheet, u guys are gonna be so horny for my graph formatting and formulas
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orbitalsockets · 10 months
Is anyone else reacting to the sudden Phan Golden Age with hesitant excitement like a dumpster cat that's suspicious of a shrimp on a string or is it just me
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flowery-laser-blasts · 11 months
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Welcome to Villain house party 3.0!
Drakken's heart sank as he noticed that his evil acquaintances shared his same ingenious plan. "I told ya to wear that ragedog costume! Look at me now! I'm wearing a cheerleader skirt!!!" Duff yelled. "I don't see how this is any different from your Kilt, Killigan." lord Monkey Fist replied.
"Uhm, Doctor D? why is Lurman dressed like you? I thought he was your number one fan." Shego pointed over at Frugal Lucre, who was trying to make his way over to the pair. "OH, yes Francis is the judge of tonight's costume party." Amy explained. "Well then," Shego laughed as she noticed Drakken's face contorted into a forced smile to appease the man, "I guess winning first place will be no big, right KP?"
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lilchaoswitch · 3 months
I wish dating Sim games/otome games or whatever were gender neutral or you got the ability to choose your pronouns like in The Arcana :( I know gay guys who play dating sims is a small demographic but please please pleasepleaseplease just let me pick my pronouns so I can immerse myself in the Anime Men Romance Simulator without feeling dysphoric 🥲
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rowanisawriter · 8 days
wip wednesday
f1 iliad AU
“Pat.” Diomedes takes a seat on the edge of a bench close to the windows, right beside where Patroclus stands. He’s still completely suited up. “Vibes are fucked in this place today. Achilles might as well have killed Odysseus, he’s been wandering around like a ghost with unfinished business.”
Patroclus can’t tear his eyes away from the screens above the track, the image of Achilles and his pink cheeks, his jaw set, his hands balled into fists at his side as he and Agamemnon trade words. The headline reads, “Chosen one chooses to walk”. Diomedes follows his gaze and rolls his eyes.
“I hate this chosen one shit,” he says. “Can’t a man be good at racing without all this prophecy and destiny talk?”
Patroclus shrugs. “It sells tickets.”
“I sell tickets too. And so do you. And we don’t have media on our ass claiming we’re chosen for anything.”
Patroclus looks around for a subject change. The rivalry between drivers on a different team is none of his business. Achilles has had this talk of destiny floating around him since he was born, the son of the legendary racer Peleus. Of course the media would bestow a title like Chosen One onto him. And of course a driver as talented as Diomedes would find such a title boring and predictable.
“All this destiny bullshit is spoiling the race,” Diomedes continues. “Achilles thinks he’s supposed to win because of divine right, so he took this personally. I just don’t get it. He sinks the team and yours too probably, allowing asshole Hector and Paris to win, just because he won’t place first personally. It’s just insane.”
“It’s really Agamemnon’s fault,” Patroclus says. His words come out with more force than he intended. “First of all, what’s a team owner getting so down into the weeds for? Also, he should’ve known Achilles’s pride would get in the way of conceding a win to you. Yes, I know you’re on the same team,” Patroclus says before Diomedes can protest. “You’re looking at this from a team point of view. That’s not how Achilles thinks. That’s not why he’s here.”
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Why do burps feel so good while high?
The texture is just addictive; all bubbly and cold from the Diet Coke I've been chugging. I've almost finished a 12 pack because it just feels so good.
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sergle · 1 year
Everyone wants to tell me that sw is Easy and Lucrative and I should Post Tits all day every day and yet I'm not actually seeing those incredibly lucrative and easy to come by monetary offers... crazy
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