#lucy bellamy
phoenixflames12 · 2 months
I have no idea if this is going to go anywhere, but it felt good to write it down. With thanks to @sandfordsmostwanted for being the best writing partner I could wish to develop this AU with.
The church is filled with flowers.
Dev sees them through red rimmed eyes, his fingers shivering in Monica’s as he listens to the minister saying the final blessing. The children are quiet, hushed with the solemnity of the moment, even Peter Rabbit not fussing as he turns wide, dark eyes to try and take the church with its stained glass, its flowers and plaques to the great and the good, in.
 On his other side, Lucy’s hand squeezes his own, her eyes fixed on the coffin.
Her soft, grey-blue eyes turn to him, gentle amongst the folds of her wrinkles and he remembers when he had first truly seen her. Remembers the bedroom back at 40 Westgate, swimming in and out of a haze of fever and pain to see gentle eyes watching him beside the bed.
Remembers Frank sitting with him, guiding him through the first few lessons that he’d felt up to taking, sat at the kitchen table, worrying his pencil between his teeth as he poured over his Latin Grammar.
The church is filled with flowers. Full of Monica’s hand squeezing his own, a soft, sad smile playing at the corners of her lips. In the quiet, he believes that he can see a boy with a tousled mop of cornsilk coloured hair standing in the choir, his voice rising and falling like a lark weeping for home.
‘He was- He was so proud of you, my lark,’ Lucy murmurs, following his gaze. She reaches to cup his cheek, her fingers shivering slightly, and he swallows back a sob.
Remembers sitting with her and Monica, Tansy’s head on his lap after the undertakers had taken Frank away. Frank dressed in his dress blues, his wings pinned to his jacket lapel, looking for all the world like he would wake at any moment and-
‘We’ll take care of him, Mrs Bellamy. Mr Morse. Mrs Morse. Don’t you worry about a thing.’
 That morning had been a long, hot stretch in the garden, sitting under a sky full of blustery clouds. They had been sitting under the Oak tree, Lucy’s hands resting on the little headstone memorialising Teddy, Kitty and George.  Joy had been curled up beside Lucy, Peter Rabbit on Lucy’s lap, Freddy on Monica’s. Joyce’s head had been resting on his shoulder, and he had felt all of eleven again, hoping that they wouldn’t be sent away.
The bedroom window had been open, and Dev remembers hoping, that a strain of a record would start playing, that his Da’s out of tune whistling would catch on that breeze, that-
Overhead, the white streak of an aeroplane had cut across the sky.
‘Where d’you think Grandda Frank is now, Granny Lucy?’
Joy’s eyes had been shining as Lucy had smiled a small, soft smile, her eyes skywards.
‘Flying, I expect. With his boys.’
She had turned to Dev then, her eyes shivering with tears as she had reached over to squeeze his hand.
‘But you were his favourite, my lark. Always.’
‘Never forget that, my dear, dear boy.’
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See? Him face :)
A little break from my Robin Meets Sabo comic
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weak-hero · 5 months
darling/sweetheart/little killer/vaultie are good but i need Ghoul to add "princess" and "kitten" to his vocabulary in season two
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the blinding rage of reading a take about your favourite character that it just so blatantly wrong you wonder if someone watched the show with their eyes closed.
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fmlopla · 30 days
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Officially in Dressrosa! What does Bellamy even look like? No one knows.
Dressrosa is so long so this is just part 1!
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cheerfullycatholic · 5 months
After how Cara was treated in the first poll this may be a bad decision but I had fun making it so here's another one
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potential-fate · 3 months
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realized it's father's day and that's the perfect day to post this obnoxiously large family photo Of Arkhelios' favorite patriarch, Abraham Helios.
Everyone in this photo is supposedly related to him!~ (Well except the immediate "spouses")
Closeups under the cut
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maybe its just me but the way lockwood says "she is" when calling lucy their secret weapon is exactly the same but also different as when bellamy says "she is" when talking about how important clarke is
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carothehotmess · 2 years
Every time I watch a show that actually does a well-written, not-quite-enemies-but-definitely-not-friends-to-colleagues-to-friends-to-partners-to-most-important-relationship-in-their-lives-to-lovers slow burn arc, I get angry all over again remembering what we could have had with Bellarke
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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The academy was on fire. That's what it looked like anyway. Pulsing, all consuming pinks and purples flashed before Theo's eyes.
This is was the Void looked like, wasn't it? He was so tired, it hurt his brain to remember. This was his school in Pleasantview, nowhere near the demonic Void.
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"Adam!" Theo cried out for his boyfriend, recognizing the familiar shape in a blaze of neon light. "Adam, it's me! What are you doing here? What's happening?"
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Theo bolted awake, surprised to feel the bed he was in and not the ground. The last thing he remembered, he was in Crystal Cove, staring at his father's horrified face. How had he gotten home to his own familiar bed in Arkhelios? Where was Adam?
What a nightmare he'd had. Theo had to assume it was a nightmare anyway. He would remember if the demonic Void opened under his school- at least he was pretty sure that he would. But he had been in Crystal Cove, not Pleasantview. He couldn't piece together the sequence of events in his mind. What on earth had happened?
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"Dad! Theo's not dead!"
Theo turned and saw his little sister watching him from the comfort of his computer chair.
"Rien? What's going on? How did I get here?"
Adrienne shrugged, spinning around on the computer chair out of boredom.
"Dad brought you home," she answered. "I told him that the spirits weren't calling for you, but he didn't listen. I've been here waiting for you to wake up so he doesn't have a nervous breakdown. He gave Luci $20 for lunch at school even though it's the weekend. She went to her track meet while I've been making sure the spirits stay out of your room. And using your computer. Your digital shrine to Adam is lame by the way. Though it's cute that you want to name your first kid after Dad."
Adrienne nearly doubled over laughing at the horrified look on her brother's face. If Theo's head wasn't still pounding, he would have put up more of a fight against his snooping sister.
"As the Bellamy heir, it makes sense that we name our first son after Dad," he protested weakly. "Roman makes a good middle name too. At least I have a boyfriend, you wouldn't understand. You're just a kid."
Adrienne raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"I had one last month until he got boring. I'm not planning on marrying the first guy I dated and having his stupidly named kids," she laughed. "Speaking of stupidly named kids, Dad's feeding Abe in the kitchen. I'm supposed to send you there if you woke up. Aunt Lucy's here to yell at you."
"What does she want? What happened? Is Adam here too?"
Adrienne shrugged 
"No, Baby Roman Darktide's future dad got sent home. Something about a magical marvel he pulled off that made them reschedule the wedding planning dinner. I think his dad thinks we're going to sue him or something since you collapsed on his watch. Well, that and Aunt Lucy may have threatened him a little."
"He's okay then? The spell worked?"
Theo couldn't read the look his little sister gave him then. It was sad and worried and frustrated.
"You're an idiot," she sighed. "Yes it worked, but there are consequences. The spirits have been whispering about it non stop. Despite what you think, they think of you sometimes too. You should really try to listen for them. They might prevent you from making rash, idiot decisions."
Theo frowned. His little sister had inherited their great-grandmother's spiritual gifts, but despite her claims, Theo had never heard voices call to him. Ever. He would probably remember something as chilling as that.
What was he not remembering? Before the darkness overcame him, he had learned something, something important. He could only hear Adam's voice run through his head. If only he could talk to Adam. Maybe he would remember what happened.
"What consequences? I feel fine," Theo lied. He ignored the headache and the small ringing in his ears. They weren't important.
"I don't know," Adrienne teased. She absolutely knew what had happened. "I'd try something basic at school before you try more advanced magic. You wouldn't want to accidentally misspell your name or anything."
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"Alright, Abe's clean and changed, ready to try to eat some lunch again."
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"Aww, my brother's come so far," Lucy teased, giving her brother a playful smack on the arm. 
"Ha ha," Abe Sr replied. "That never gets old, Luce. How original."
"It's not my fault that you named your bandaid baby after yourself," she laughed. "You could have always named him after me or whatever our bio-sibling goes by these days."
"Funny, but I think naming him Lucifer might make him get teased at school," Abe shot back.
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The adults swivelled in their seats to find Theo anxiously watching them.
"Theo! You're awake. Here eat these, you need your strength." Roman dumped a plate of pancakes in front of his son with an embarrassing kiss on his head. If any of his friends had seen, Theo would have been mortified. "There's more pancakes when you finish those."
Theo smiled weakly, quickly brushing the hair his father had messed up.
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As Theo chewed, his aunt cleared her throat, grabbing his attention.
"So, Theo. Do you want to talk about what happened? About the spell you cast?"
Theo paused to collect his thoughts.
"Adam thought he had a brother," he said at last. "I met this guy who claimed to be his half-brother and we wanted to make sure. So I cast the equivalent of a paternity test. I just borrowed access to his bloodline to do it."
Lucy sighed in relief.
"Oh thank god. We were afraid you'd gone and done something stupid like demonic marriage or a deal like your idiot parents."
"Your spellwork was masterful if that was what you were aiming for," Lucy praised. "You're doing so well in your studies and completely understanding the coursework. Your Aunt Alexis wants you to tackle much harder spells because of this. You're growing faster in your abilities than we ever thought. Good job."
Theo wasn't used to praise for his schoolwork, especially when his schoolwork ended with someone teleporting him while unconscious to recover in his bed at home. Any praise from his aunt was also suspicious, but he wasn't going to complain if she wanted to compliment him.
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"If it all went so perfectly, why did my son collapse? Why did that warlock boy need to hang on to their spell to keep him safe?"
Lucy frowned for a moment, thinking her next words carefully.
"Two reasons," she said finally. "One, because you got too close to your feelings. You care about this boy and his feelings for the subject of your spell. Blood magic is personal and if you don't put up boundaries, you overinvest yourself and burn out. Cast spells for friends or acquaintances, never for love; never to soothe your loved one. You fall too deep and it takes too much from you. Start with people you don't care strongly about and then when you've learned control, open your spells to loved ones. It takes practice that you will learn in time. If you give too much of yourself, you don't know how you will change because of it and you will change. You have already."
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"Changed how? Is he sick? Dying?"
Roman stared at his sister in law, trying to hide his fear. He was once the calm, cold heir to the Bellamy fortune and now he couldn't even leave his son unattended at a dinner party. When did the stress and worry ever end?
"He's fine, Roman. Does he look like he's dying?"
Roman looked at the teen currently shoving giant forks of pancake in his mouth. Theo did look fine, though he'd learned the hard way that looks can be deceiving when it came to demonic magic.
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"I don't understand the complexities of blood magic, but your aunt says it's like a legal merger. Borrowing access to someone's bloodline that you have feelings for leaves traces behind, complications that need to be negotiated. You're supposed to meet with your headmaster when you get back to school on Monday to talk about this. He may have some insight to guide you."
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"Reason number two that this ended dramatically is a lot simpler than you think. Theo was born cursed, that's not up for debate. However, that magic is bound to him, no matter if the curse was ended or not. It formed with him at conception; it's a part of him now.
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"My mother is gone, and my grandmother is dead," Roman protested. "That whole mess is done. Theo is going to be fine. That's in the past."
Lucy frowned.
"That curse, like it or not is a part of him. A part of him that's been severed, but a part nonetheless. It's like a severed limb. It still has everything that makes Theo who he is in it. Even without the curse attached to him, his blood still calls out for it whenever his focus is too heavily on himself. It's something that he' going to have to compensate for in the future."
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"A dead curse is just hanging around me? Like a magnet?" Theo asked. "Always?"
"Always," Lucy affirmed, uncharacteristically kind. Her brother in law looked like he could faint at any moment. "But it's never going to be active again. Think of it like a crack on your windshield. You know it's there, it obstructs your view when you try to drive like you normally would and you have to navigate your vision around it to drive properly. "
"Were you the one who cracked Mom's windshield?" Abe teased. "I told her it was you but she never believes me."
"You understand, right?" Lucy said, ignoring her brother. "You're not going to have a panic attack about this like the brave demon hyperventilating beside the stove?"
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Theo nodded.
"I think so. Don't cast spells for Adam until I have more control and I need to figure out how to push away anything that might be summoned when I draw power to myself."
"Great! I think that was all I needed to discuss," Lucy concluded. "I have some documents waiting for me in my office now that you're feeling better. Demonic law stops for no one, not even the Sovereign's spouse and this case is important. Try to stay out of trouble, Theo. Your poor father is going to go grey by thirty five at this rate."
Theo froze. Around him, he could hear chairs scraping and his parents' voices. Abe threw his bottle on the ground, spilling formula everywhere.
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Too slept next to Renarde, unaware of her master. Theo could feel his mind call to her reflexively, looking for magical assistance from his familiar.
"Your dad is going to go grey" why does that bother me? There was something that I've forgotten. Something important.
"Oh, Theo! I forgot to ask to about Adam," Lucy called, jarring the teen from his thoughts. "Does Adam have a brother? Did the spell at least work for all the trouble it caused?"
The spell....
Theo's mind raced, remembering how the air around Ewan and Adam crackled with power. How their blood called out to him, screaming that they were connected inescapably by their father.
"Yeah, he has a brother," Theo replied, his mind still racing to sort out his thoughts. "They-"
"You'll make your father go grey." Your father. Adam has a brother. Dad will go grey...Grey like his daughter.
In the hall, Lucy was rambling about child support and how Adam's father might want to get a lawyer to protect him from this mysterious new son of his, but Theo wasn't paying attention. Instead, his mind raced trying to remember the specifics of what he saw at the castle before he passed out.
I saw it. Victoriana, she and I had the same connection Adam and Ewan did. She's my sister. My sister is the future queen of Pleasantview. Why hasn't anyone told me this? Who else knows about this?
Georgiana was easy to figure out because of math and because of her appearance. Was Victoriana just as obviously his sister and Theo was simply too young to remember? His father never seemed to worry about the Pleasantview princess the same way he stressed out reading about Georgiana taking her first steps in the gossip magazines. He never disappeared on Victoriana's birthday to go sit out in the yard drinking heavily like he did for Georgiana's.
I don't think he knows.
It was the only conclusion Theo could come to. If his father knew, he'd be pacing the floors, worried that Victoriana might be traumatized by watching her half-brother collapse. But if he didn't know, then who did? Did the queen know for certain or did she just have a list of potential fathers to work from?
When had this happened? Theo tried to remember the princess' birthday. She was what, a year younger than him? A year and a half? Close enough to Luci and Rien's age that he would guess that his parents had been broken up at the time. His father might not have even been married to Adrian at the time. Should he look up tabloids from a decade ago to check?
Did he want to tell his parents about this information if they didn't already know? What would the consequences be if he did? Would it make his dad as upset as he was about Georgiana? The queen of Pleasantview would probably keep him from the princess' life, just like Aunt Ulyssa had. Would he be disrupting his half-sister's life if he did tell someone? If he were in her shoes, what would he want?
He couldn't decide what the right thing to do was. He'd ask Adam whenever his own family was done having their own family discussions. If it had to wait to Monday at school, Theo supposed he could wait. There was no way he wanted a text that anyone could read out in the open. A topic this serious needed to be a face to face conversation in absolute secrecy.
He stood, numbly ignoring his parents and aunt who were still going on and on about legal obligations to children. He needed time to process all of this. He needed time alone to learn how to shoulder this burden.
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"Which princess are you thinking about? The one we don't talk about or the future queen?"
Theo turned around to find Adrienne following closely behind him.
"Y-you knew?"
Adrienne shrugged, as if this weren't earth shattering news.
"It was in the cards," she explained. "I've known for a while. The queen shows up in my readings all the time with her daughter. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why when the kid has no known father and our father is as...fertile as he is. Aunt Maura knows, but no one else. I asked the spirits about it many times and each time it's just me, Aunt Maura and the queen who knows. I guess you're added to that list now too. Welcome to the club."
The frowned, unnerved by his sister's relaxed assessment of this news.
"Why haven't you told Dad? Should he know? I mean, I don't plan on telling him, but he should know, right? It feels wrong not to tell him." Theo paused. "Why aren't you mad about this? Should I feel mad? This is just more evidence that Dad slept around his entire life and still couldn't figure out how to use birth control and who knows how many other half-siblings we have or if they're upset at us for being raised by Dad and-"
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Theo was cut off from his ramblings by his sister's arms wrapping firmly around him in a comforting hug.
"You think too much," she declared. "Try listening to the spirits for once in your life. They say it's not time to act, but the time is coming soon. This will all come out when it's supposed to, don't worry."
"If you say so," Theo replied, hugging his little sister back. "I still don't hear them, no matter how hard I listen, but I'm glad that you can. You're really lucky."
"Trust me, it's really more of a curse to hear them," she stated. "I know things that I definitely don't want to know about. The spirits aren't ever shy about what they want to talk about. "
"Fair enough. You let me know when the spirits think that this needs to be addressed. I'll try not to worry until then."
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"Oh, and Theo? "
"None of the adults wanted to tell you or are too dumb to figure it out, but your stupid plan with Adam changed your true name and left a residual connection to the Maricourt family in your blood that you'll probably have for the rest of your life. Oh, and watch out for red heads. Something big is coming for you, something you don't want to tick off."
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phoenixflames12 · 9 months
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Go and Luck Go With You
‘You were the best decision I ever made, sweetheart. Nothing that you think you’ve done will ever change that.’
Snippets from a life that could have been.
Endeavour Morse navigates the twists and turns of a life that brings him back to the one who he thought was lost to him forever.
Two moodboards as early Christmas presents (and another late birthday present) for two wonderful people @gohoubi and @sandfordsmostwanted and anyone else who has read, commented, left kudos and generally cheerleaded this fic (there are too many of you to list right now). You have made me realise how much fun writing is again and I couldn't have done it without you all.
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Fictional men this and fictional women that, yeah, but for us thirsty bitches who watch live action, y'all should remember that the actor/actress also looks like That. They're walking around some town looking like that. They might be behind you in the coffee store casually asking for a black coffee. Of course they're much more than their looks, but hot damn those are some looks
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hauntingblue · 8 months
Look how they massacred my boy (the sunny)...
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saralynnx · 2 years
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“Narcissa wants to use her telescope for...educational purposes. Go have her freshen up a bit so she can use it! Who cares about going to work??”
First of all...”freshen up” my ass. All of Narcissa’s needs are in the red LOL. 
Second...Narcy is my favorite sim in all of Arkhelios. I just love her.
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arkhelios-gameplay · 2 years
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Roman had not known what to expect from the funeral, but somehow it managed to be even worse. The Durant-Helios triplets screaming, Cindra interrupting the priest by giggling at something Nathan had said, and Lucy at one point loudly snoring.
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for the ask game, 14. 17, 28. and.... 26 specifically for Abe.
14. which oc makes their bed every morning? which one thinks it’s a waste of time?
Pia and Pelle both make their bed every morning, Pelle with more enthusiasm and joy when doing so. Lucy more often than not leaves it as it is and won't notice or think about it. Kaeileen will not do it and then will bemoan the fact that she won't do it.
17. which oc likes country music? which oc HATES country music?
Ulyssa secretly likes country music. Pelle thinks it's all right. Roman absolutely despises it and will get up and leave if it plays anywhere near him.
26. what is your oc’s favorite art movement?*
Abe prefers to just draw portraits most of the time. But surrealism is his favorite. And honestly, I think it resonates with him emotionally because he can't really comprehend his own feelings, so seeing art he can't comprehend connects with him.
28. which oc would start a podcast? what would it be about?
I could picture a lot. Pelle would have a polyamory and/or LGBT themed podcast. Narcissa would start a podcast that no one would listen to. If Leofric becomes more confident in the future I could picture him starting up a sports podcast with an odd philosophical angle.
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