anikisbox · 2 months
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The mononoke is mental illness and the Medicine Man is Luxov 😌
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sequestering · 4 months
fic rec friday: pond ice and the in between by luxover
i had a panic thinking this series had been deleted. it hasn't, thank goodness, so obviously i had to reread (then download) the whole thing and i just aghhh. it's somehow even more precious and magical to me now than four years ago.
it's a period piece now, and how fun is that? that we as a fandom have period pieces. it was written over ten years ago, featuring characters from a different league in a very different world: the guys run their pick-up league by email chain; sid's a corporate lawyer who brings his work home with him in large bundles of paper; claude's only just beginning to grow up; seguin is a party boy bruin. it's this perfect little sliver of a world that is fading into the rear view.
it's a love letter to rec hockey - to the absolute lowest form of the sport, played with no spectators and no real organisation. just a bunch of people who couldn't be more different, who week-in week-out carve out precious hours from their real lives, because they love hockey. and, yeah, maybe they were meant for something bigger, maybe they're haunted by the spectre of a professional league, but this is what they've got, and it's enough. they make it enough.
it's got such an emotional resonance. the stakes are fairly low and the drama minimal: two guys meet and fall in love without obstacle; a young man moves amicably out of a home he loves. these mundane, ordinary life events are given such wonderful attention, such emotional depth. they matter intensely to the protagonists and so they matter intensely to us.
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warcorrespondence · 5 months
different question! who are each of your favorite authors for each fandom? (anon/orphaned authors count too)
Nonnie, coming in here with the hard-hitting, pull-no-punches type of journalism these Correspondents have just about died trying to answer.
In fact, some of us cheated and gave too many answers and some of us threw out one name and ran away screaming. These are our answers today, and we will not be held accountable to them forever.
Band of Brothers - muccamukk, andrealyn, roaroftheninth
GenKill - agemp, kahtya sofia, corvidcordelia
...is a cheater and is making me look up so many links...
Multiple hbowar - distractionpie, luxover, perpetual motion, muccamukk, starblessed, harin91, canimo
The Pacific - getmean, bearkare, sjtrinity
Band of Brothers - sparkycap, bitchbutter, leoandsnake
GenKill - ama, bartonfink, jar, lightloss
MoTA: signifier, avonne
...couldn't do it by show, there's too much overlap...
iphigenias, agemp, churchkey, roaroftheninth, fluorescentgrey, ipsilateral
...followed the rules...
Band of Brothers - churchkey, marycontraire, fiorediloto
GenKill - agemp, tevere, alethia
...shouted a name and ran away (respect, tbh)...
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nostalgicatsea · 1 year
5-fic self-rec!
Thanks for tagging me for this, @oluka (and the last line thing too except I had to pass on that one because I haven't written anything in a while other than the last excerpt I posted on here 😅).
Except for "Apricity," which is near and dear to my heart despite how much I itch to edit it (a constant issue I have with things I write), I went with some of my favorites that have flown under the radar.
Hm...this ended up more of a "hey, good job, me" post than a "I'm trying to find what's compelling about these fics to rec them" post. Oh well.
In order of publication:
Apricity (616 Steve/Tony, T, 1.5k)
My first fic on AO3! My first Steve/Tony fic! And somehow it was 616 instead of MCU. I love dark Steve, but I'm particular with how exactly he's unhinged and this is how I like him. Even-keeled despite being off his rocker. Rational in his own head. Soured on the world, but in a way that pushes who he is to the extremes so his core is still visible even if it's mottled with rot. And, of course, obsessed with Tony. I also like the tempo of this; I used to have a good grasp on tempo, but I feel like I've lost that a bit over the years.
Unraveled (Warrior (2011) gen fic, G, 1k)
Since it's a movie that doesn't have a lot of fanworks for it and it's a gen fic to boot, barely anyone has read this, but I don't care because it was written for a friend, @luxover. I love writing little stories to gift friends. If you haven't watched Warrior, watch it! Brutal tearjerker about a broken family and broken men and one of the few good sports movies out there. No, you don't need to know anything about MMA to enjoy it. I don't.
Okay, I should talk about this ficlet. I'm fond of this one because it's so different from my usual writing. It's stream-of-consciousness and entirely voice-driven like someone sat you down in Brendan's head and he's talking and talking even if he naturally isn't saying of this out loud. Because he and his brother Tommy are emotionally constipated; even if they love each other a lot, they don't know how to reach out to each other. They don't know if they're wanted. This also has one of my favorite last lines I've ever written. GUT PUNCH, if I do say so myself. ONE-TWO HIT, K.O. Sums up every layer of their relationship.
Hidden Declaration (Brad/Ray (Generation Kill), T, 728 words)
Another gift for a friend (the same friend)! Brad/Ray and MCU Steve/Tony share some similarities despite being drastically different, so is it any surprise I liked these two unhinged idiots? I never open for fic prompts, but this was when I was on a roll and then I got scared because lux asked for this. I never wrote for Gen Kill, I read maybe 3 GK fics in my life, and Ray is one of those characters who are impossible to write well imo (to be honest, I also feel the same way about Brad though the difficulty is subtler). He's an unusual guy with a very particular way of speaking.
And somehow this flowed out of me quickly. It's not without its flaws, but it was so different from what I usually write and how I do that it was really fun to write this! Very dialogue-heavy too which isn't what I'm known for. And the crassest (also...some language that's not okay as a warning, but if you know GK, it comes with the territory) and most sexual (it's still not very sexual lol) out of my fics. I think I captured how much they're best friends and they're so comfortable in each other's presence well. Plus I put a little wink for my friend at the end and it's one of the few times I like being indulgent with my writing. Also, tattoo fics are a trope and I guess this counts as my one tattoo fic though it's not an AU and there's no actual tattooing involved.
A Long, Final Rest Among the Stars (MCU Tony-centric/Nebula & Tony gen fic, G, 2.7k)
My tribute to best boy Tony, my first and ultimate love (along with Steve, of course) along with an expansion of the lovely bits of Nebula and Tony's tender friendship that we got to see in IW which I adored. They share a lot in common.
Writing this made me so sad because I felt like I was preparing to say goodbye to Tony. It made me reminisce about how it all started, and everything came full circle. His past is his present. Tony's trapped on a dark spaceship injured and far, far away from home. Tony's trapped in a dark cave injured and far, far away from home. There's a kind spirit with him, and even if they try to keep him alive, he's a dead man walking. But he's also come a long way from the man he used to be. I'M REALLY PROUD OF HIM, OKAY? I LOVE HIM.
The Burning of Flowers (616 Steve/Tony, G, 1.2k)
I secretly really, really wish more people read this fic. I wanted to write a Hanahaki AU for a while, but I couldn't figure out what I'd do that would feel fresh and then I came up with this subversion of sorts. Hanahaki AUs usually involve someone pining for their love and refusing to let go of it because it means so much to them. I thought I'd write about someone who doesn't have it—and simultaneously wants and doesn't want it—and wishes ill on the person he loves by hoping their love has it. And what better era to situate it than Hickmanvengers? You don't need to know Hickmanvengers to enjoy it, though.
I'm extremely proud of this one because it's one of the best fics I've written if I'm allowed to toot my own horn for a sec! Please let me because it's so rare for me to feel like I don't want to rip apart chunks of my fics and sew them back whole again, new and improved. I think this is one of my most complete fics in that way; I can probably tweak it, but I'm satisfied with nearly all of it if not all of it.
Anyway, I was in a slump and then suddenly the old magic returned and I slipped back into the writing style I used to have back in the mid-2010s except better. I could actually see that I've developed as a writer even if I'm still learning. But the atmosphere, the sensory lines, and the rhythm returned. I like the pace of this a lot and feel like it follows Steve's relentless rage, much like the unmoored, slower pace of "Apricity" reminds me of a colder Steve who never fully woke up from the ice.
Tagging @kiyaar, @meidui, @sineala, @whenas-in-silks, @sabrecmc, @magicasen, and two artists (rec your art!<3): @kappamairi & @massivespacewren
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sineala · 1 year
I saw your tag about generation kill in the quality of fic post. I watched the HBO war shows a couple of months ago and ended up reading really cool fic on ao3. I also loved the fic you mentioned. The fandom seems so small tho at least now.
When did you watch the show? how did you find about it? Also, do you only ship brad/ray? or do you also read brad/nate or any other ship? sorry im just really curious about your thoughts on the show and the fics. Do you have other fic recs that you remember?
Judging by the dates on all my bookmarks, I got into Generation Kill in about 2011. I think the fandom was always pretty small. I think also there are a bunch of fics that didn't make it in the great LiveJournal-to-AO3 migration.
I did not begin by watching the show. I feel like my being interested in this fandom was probably the fault of Surexit, who was in both Eagle fandom and Generation Kill. I began by reading Every Marine a Wolfbrother by @dsudis, which is a fusion with the Iskryne series in which everyone has psychic wolves; this is the story that later gave rise to Petra's Psychic Wolves for Lupercalia challenge.
Anyway. I read that fic and thought it was great and read a bunch of other fic (probably the rest of Dira's fic, actually) and eventually thought I would check out the show. So the fun thing about my shipping preferences and this show is that I absolutely thought I was going to be shipping Brad/Nate. I'd read a bunch of great Brad/Nate fic; I really loved Lake's Fidelity series -- all of Lake's fic is great and it's mostly Brad/Nate -- and Tevere's Sixteen Days in September.
Then I watched the show. And the pairing I actually ended up being really into was Brad/Ray. This was a complete surprise to me. I mean, I read and like all the fic in this fandom; I am not extremely about the OTP or anything. But I sure did not expect to like them best.
Because I am in fact totally into so many of fandom's beloved tropes, it's not actually a surprise that my two favorite Brad/Ray stories are luxover's The Latent Bonding of Devil Dogs at War (accidental soulbond) and derryderrydown's Take MOPP Off As Directed (sort-of fake relationship in a D/s verse).
Going through my bookmarks to try to figure out the name of that last story made me remember the days when we all called the D/s AUs "Directedverse," after the SGA story Take Clothes Off As Directed. I had totally forgotten this was a name for the genre until right now.
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
11, 18, 20 please?
11. Link your three favorite fics right now.
augh okay so, i have not been reading a ton of fic this summer? i've been in a big books mood. i have like 50 hockey fics open in tabs that i will very likely be injecting directly into my brain the moment grad school kills the part of me that can read books for pleasure. i share this because i assume the people want hockey fic recs but tragically i don't really have any i haven't linked before, so this these are some old non-hockey favorites that i've very recently revisted for reasons.
By Small and Small by luxover — band of brothers, babe/roe, teen, 43k, constantly returning to this fic to bask in how masterfully done the modern au is in a fandom where i usually hate modern aus!
And like the cycle of the year, we begin again by katherynefromphilly — bbc merlin, arthur/merlin, mature, 207k, the ending to that godforsaken tv show that we deserved, once every 2–3 years i go into a fugue state and reread this whole thing and apparently that is where i am right now 🥴
Hunger by Helenish — the bear, carmy/richie, mature, 3.3k, obviously after s2 of the bear i had to reread!!
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
usually during the writing process, but sometimes after i have a draft, and sometimes when i have opened the ao3 new work page to post. for short fics it's usually just a lyric or quote that i think kinda encapulates the theme of the fic (a time-honored fanfic tradition). for longer fics, i usually have an idea of what kind of vibe i want the title to have long before i'm done writing, so workshopping title ideas becomes a fun little procrastination activity for when i should be writing but am not writing. with tnno, i knew all along that the title would be tnno; with haw, i didn't title it until i had the ao3 posting page open — both of those have titles that are references within the fics themselves as opposed to references to outside things (although "the next next one" is obviously also stolen from the hockey media). i don't know whomst among my tumblr friends has read any of my non-hockey stuff but "come and make the hymns of you" is a walt whitman reference and one of my favorite titles i've used. "the very best of" is a reference to career retrospective albums (e.g. "the very best of fleetwood mac").
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
oh yes very much so, haha. my characters love to have important conversations in the kitchen or in the middle of the night or in the kitchen in the middle of the night. i love metaphors, i love symbolism. there's always gonna be some fuckin symbolism. weather metaphors. themes-wise, my characters are constantly learning to trust themselves and trust the people who love them. they're always convincing themselves that they're content with what they have while actively drowning in yearning. i KNOW i have words/expressions that appear a lot but i'm kind of blanking right now. probably like, the physical sensations of emotion. tightness in the chest and lumps in the throat and turning stomachs all that 😂
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redjacketficrecs · 1 year
Pond Ice and the In Between
Summary: “I thought your name was Zhenya,” Sid says, which—right, they didn’t talk about that, he just read it on the name tag and also probably butchered the pronunciation beyond repair. He thinks, maybe, that he should have only two states in life: on the ice, and in the office, and there should never exist any in between for him. He feels his face flush as he sort of tries to fix the situation, gesturing to his own chest, to where his nametag would be if he wore one, and says, “Your, uh. Your nametag yesterday said Zhenya? So I thought… I don’t know.”
Or: The coffee shop AU that is still somehow all about hockey.
Recommendation: I took the summary from the first fic but this is actually a series of three. In this universe, hockey isn’t played professionally because it’s too violent and all our beloved boys play very competitive ice hockey. First fic focussing on Sid, who is a lawyer and both obsessive about his job and his amateur hockey league and Geno, who owns a coffee shop Sid stumbles into after pulling an all night. Second one is Danny Biere and his live in nanny Claude Giroux. Third is the not-Leafs all-rookie era crew as disaster college students, and Mitch’s side business where he’ll break up with people for $$$. Auston/Mitch pairing in the third. I can’t overemphasize what absolutely endearing disasters they all are as non-hockey players, particularly Sid and the Leafs crew for me.
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bitch-butter · 2 years
I am. so sorry. this is extremely random but I thought if anyone knew it would be you. I read a modern au fic ages ago that I can't remember the main pairing for, but had background webgott which culminated in a dramatic 'I love what I hate about you' (or reversed?? I can't remember!! but it made my brain go brrrr!) confrontation at the end and I cannot for the life of me find it!!! have you perchance read anything matching that description recently?
hey babe I Think you're looking for By Small and Small by luxover, it has a scene that p much matches that description.
s/o to @airsignss for coming in clutch with the name bc I knew it but couldn't find the title.
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Hey there, it's your HBO War Secret Santa! Super excited to create something for you, and I hope you're well! Quick question if it's not too much trouble - do you have a list of your favorite fics for each pairing? Have a good one :)
Anon Santaaaaa I am SO incredibly sorry for how late this reply is!!! I was launched into a new rotation at the hospital that had me drowning and sent my last 2 brain cells into chaos for the past 2 weeks, but that’s really no excuse and I’m sorry for the inconvenience!! Totally understandable if you’d rather not take these answers into consideration given how long they took to get here, and please rest assured that I’m always happy with anything and everything when it comes to hbowar <3 also additional apologies if I missed some of the pairings I listed when I answered the form, I answered it in the middle of a 24-hour duty day so I really only had 1 brain cell in attendance at the time hahaahjksfakdsf but here goes! (you didn’t need reasons for why I liked the fics but I ended up putting them anyway woops HAHAHA)
- Not Yet Wise by streetsuss_serenade >>> one of the first GK fics I latched onto, and I think it will stick with me for the rest of my life akjdfafsdjkd  the way it captures Nate’s internal struggles!!!!! ARGH!!
- Leading the Way by nogoaway >>> I loved the lives the author built for both Brad and Nate outside of what we know and see in GK, how they gave cues on the passing of time with the cultural references they chose to include, and how so much of the emotional beats were shown rather than explicitly spelled out by the characters :(((((
- Aftermath, USA by traveller >>> for the angst!!!! I am an absolute sucker for this brand of angst!!! - Do No Harm by NoMomImTotallyNotReadingPorn >>> a lovely hospital AU with hospital shenanigans!!!
- left in the hands of the living by dykealore >>> where would I be without recommending my most beloved author!! the EMOTIONS and heart-wrenching flashbacks while also Making Marvel Better is everything ;_;  
Andy/Eddie (these were the fics that came to mind but I would absolutely die for anything andy/eddie related at all hahaha)
- The Holy Vow of a Teenage Kiss by rivlee >>> the best romcom vibes with this one!!
- straight on til morning by seabright >>> I didn’t even think I was looking for crossover fics when it came to the pacific but I took a chance on this one and it WRECKED me—the slow build up of their friendship and love with the constant threat of war in the background aaaargh !! not rly relevant but this fic single-handedly got me back into HP after what must be 10 years of not engaging in the fandom waaah
- The Church of Saint Andrew by hillbilled >>> still ongoing and still continuously hurting me aksjdfhkjadhsfadsf  the reincarnations of andy over time and how he comes together with eddie in different ways is so riveting and painful and I don’t want it to end
(sorry I don’t have more for BoB at this moment, not for lack of fic out there, but more that I haven’t visited the tag to look for new ones in a while huhu)
- By Small and Small by luxover >>> once again I am a sucker for hospital AUs and big happy bar scenes what can I sayyyyyy
- A Softer War by twelve_pastels >>> take me to the bayouuuu this fic is so soft and lovely &lt;3
- Till the Day is Born by rum4life >>> not Babe/Roe-centric since it’s a trilogy crossover, and hot daaamn the complexity of the Babe/Roe/Doc Bryan triangle alone is enough for me to rec this, but everything else about it was such a wild and gripping read as well!!
- It Happened One Night by raquelpillo >>> hngh! no ! words !
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webgottmilk · 2 years
the nonbinary urge to reread Latent Bonding of Devils at War by the amazing @luxover 🥰
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mthofferings2018 · 6 years
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See luxover’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Email - [email protected] Tumblr - luxover
Preferred organizations: See the list of approved organizations here.
National Women’s Law Center
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Planned Parenthood
Will create works that contain:
school AUs, other movie cross-overs, non-superhero AUs, fluff, bodyswap, soulmates, amnesia, angst with a happy ending, arranged marriage, breakup, childhood sweethearts, de-aging, domestic, established relationship, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, getting together, getting back together, kidfic, telepathy, time travel
Will not create works that contain:
tentacle!sex, ABO, Regency
-- Fic or other writing --
Auction ID: 323
Will create works for the following relationships:
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU Pepper Potts/Tony Stark- MCU Thor/Loki - MCU Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU Clint Barton/Phil Coulson - MCU
Work Description:
Offering fic anywhere from 3-10k, depending on how the mood strikes (or, knowing me, maybe more lol). I'm down with all AUs, Canon!AUs and unlikely crossovers, for the most part. It would be helpful if you gave me two or three prompts to choose from. Feel free to email if you've got prompt questions.
Ratings: G, Teen, Mature
The auction runs from October 21 (12 AM ET) to October 27 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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alltherecs · 6 years
Jeff Skinner/Jordan Staal | 5,185 words | Complete | Mature | AO3 | 🔒
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ralphspina-blog1 · 8 years
8: “Can I touch you?”
got some baberoe here, being slightly ridiculous about how head over heels they are as per usual. ridiculous and adorable.
They move forward in small, shivering increments: small because Eugene has so obviously been in over his head from the moment Babe smiled at him with just a hint of extra warmth, and shivering because even once they escape the deep freeze of Bois Jacques and start to hide in cramped, dusty basements instead of foxholes, Eugene always seems to tremble when Babe gets close.
He’s not scared. Babe knows he’s not scared, and would back off so far he’d land in the ocean if he ever thought that had changed. And it doesn’t even seem like a blushing virgin thing - at least not in the archetypal sense, though Babe wouldn’t be at all surprised if it were true in a more literal one - because there’s no shying away or coy recriminations or even nervous pleas to stop, wait, not yet.
Best as Babe can figure, Eugene just has a way of getting overwhelmed by odd things. The mannever even flinches if a mortar shell explodes a few feet from where he’s seeing to a man’s wound, but Babe shifting the grip of their intertwined hands to drag a thumb lightly across Eugene’s inner wrist is enough to make him gasp. Every time they kiss, Eugene fumbles with his hands a bit before deciding to rest one at the nape of Babe’s neck like always, as if he’s forgotten what to do with them between then and now. It’s sweet, but a little bit nerve-wracking at times, and it makes Babe move forward with much more caution and patience than he thought he could ever give anything.
Eugene is just… he’s different all the way around, and the amazing, breathtaking differences make up for the ones that cause Babe’s own confidence to stumble in its steps.
It’s the eve of the second stupid patrol over that stupid river to get more stupid prisoners and probably lose more men to stupid mistakes when Babe once again seeks out Eugene’s company. They end up in an unused upstairs bedroom this time, sitting side by side on a bed with dust-coated flounces and ruffles that make the entire scene a bit ludicrous, bodies turned inward so that they can share kiss after breathless, pulse-jolting kiss. Babe’s teeth find Eugene’s lower lip before he can think at all about what he’s doing, the morbid futility of the night’s coming events making him more urgent than usual, and Eugene gasps so loudly at the light nip that he jerks away with wide, apologetic eyes.
“Gene, I’m sorry, I didn’t - I wasn’t thinkin’,” he babbles out with what he hopes is a reassuring smile, not a panicked one. He thinks his heart might actually have stopped as he waits for Eugene to answer, but then Eugene reaches up a hand to touch the spot where Babe bit him with a deeply pensive expression, and just watching makes Babe shiver like he’s the one brushing a finger over Eugene’s mouth.
Who’s overwhelmed now? He thinks to himself. Get it together, Babe.
“S’alright,” Eugene finally says with his own quiet but rigidly firm brand of certainty. “S’alright, Babe, I -”
Babe searches Eugene’s face for some sort of answers when he falls silent again, but aside from general impressions like upset or confused or lost in thought, that face is a lock box - it’s sometimes possible to guess his emotions, but never his thoughts. “Gene,” he says hesitantly, shifting close enough that their legs press together from hip to knee, and either the sound of his name or the new point of contact snaps Eugene right out of his reverie; he looks Babe dead in the eye, expression serious as a heart attack, and says something that nearly causes Babe to pass out cold where he sits.
“Babe, can I touch you?”
For what feels like an eternity, all Babe can do is open his mouth and close it again, and he gets a very good idea of how foolish he looks from how quickly Gene’s serious expression turns amused. “C-Can you?” He finally manages to sputter out with a high-pitched, disbelieving laugh. “You’re askin’ permission? You think I’d ever say no to that?”
“I dunno,” Eugene says, right back at serious again as he considers the question. “You’re always real careful with me. Figure I oughta give you the same courtesy… right?”
This time, Babe’s laugh is warm with baffled but overwhelming affection, the sort he always feels when Eugene says things like that. “Nah, Gene, that’s just ‘cause you’re always so nervous. You don’t gotta be careful with me.”
“I ain’t nervous.”
Before Babe has a chance to respond or even react to those words, Eugene’s hands find the bottom of his coat and then the hem of his shirt, and he shudders from head to toe when he feels them press warm and soft against his bare abdomen. So soft for a soldier’s hands, but then, he’s a medic - the fruits of his labor aren’t calluses but dark red-brown lines criscrossing his palms where the blood of other men has been ground in too deep to scrub clean, and still there’s something so pure about his touch that Babe feels it right to his very soul.
Healing hands. Is this what those words mean? He closes his eyes, listens to the slow heave of his breathing until Eugene speaks again: “It ain’t a case of bein’ nervous. Everything just - feels so good. I can’t help reactin’ like I do.”
He slides his hands around to Babe’s sides, drags them partway down, then wraps his arms right around Babe’s middle to stroke the small of his back. Babe can’t catch his breath; his heart’s racing so fast he swears it’s starting to hurt. And Eugene hasn’t even really done anything that could be called suggestive.
“Was it the shakin’ made you think so?”
“Huh?” Blinking heavily, Babe drags himself out of pure sensation to focus on Eugene’s question. “Yeah, I - just that, an’ -”
A few seconds pass without Babe showing any sign that he plans to finish his thought. Eugene finally says, a smile in his voice: “You’re shakin’ right now.”
And God, he is. He hasn’t stopped since that first shudder. He pulls back just enough to capture Eugene’s lips in another kiss, one that makes his toes curl and a moan catch in the back of his throat, then shivers even harder when Eugene’s hands shift to get a solid grip on his waist and his nails bite ever so slightly into bare skin.
Eugene, of course, is the one who eventually pulls away to talk some sense: “Whatever we’re startin’ here, I don’t know that we’re gonna get the chance to finish it,” he says with genuine regret tugging at his voice. “Not how we’d like, not right now.”
“But sometime? We will?” For someone who’s always considered himself a bit of a ladykiller, Babe can’t believe how pathetically eager he sounds as he asks that question. But Eugene is different, in every single way.
“Yeah,” he says, averting his eyes with a small, shy smile. “Sometime we will.”
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harrywelsh · 8 years
luxover replied to your post “the most dangerous weapon you can wield as a californian is a car”
wtf is wrong with californian drivers?? no one gives the wave!! NO ONE GIVES THE WAVE!!!
i don’t even know what that is!
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moonshynecybin · 8 years
@luxover I hate them with my Whole And Complete Being
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rocohen20 · 3 years
Fic Rec: Coffee Shops & Bakery AU
Coffee Shop AU
Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
-A Real Grind, by knight_tracer, 28:58 minutes
[Original Written Work: A Real Grind, by thisissirius, 4,889 words]
Patrick works in Srarbucks and Jonny keeps coming.
-[Podfic] coffee's for closers, by AshesandGhost, 38:09 minutes
[Original Written Work is not available]
Lawyer Jonny comes to Patrick’s coffee shop, and pining ensues. The fic is filled with multiple side pairings.
-[Podfic] like a caffeine rush, by AshesandGhost, 20:11 minutes
[Original Written Work: like a caffeine rush, by xxx (xxxism), 3,018 words] 
soulmate au where Jonny started to come to Patrick’s coffee shop. 
Sidney Crosby/Claude Giroux
-How Do You Spell That?, by WhisperedWords12, 2,057 words
Claude purposely misspells the name of one regular costumer (Sidney).
Andreas Athanasiou/Tyler Bertuzzi
-[podfic] The Ballad of the Worst Barista in the Worst Cafe in Detroit, by Annapods, 01:50:55 hours
[Original Written Work is not available]
Tyler, the hockey player, keeps coming for Andreas's coffee. Even though he's the worst barista in Detroit. I liked their friendship a lot here.
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin
Pond Ice and the In Between, by luxover, 48,284 words
Sidney is a workwholic lawyer who needs coffee to function. He starts to go to the new coffee place near his work, Evgeni is the owner. Also, Sidney is the low-key boss of an amature hockey league.
The league and the world itself is so good. I really recommand this story.
Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
-You Know Better Babe Than to Smile at Me, by liveinfury, 4081 words
Jamie comes every weekend to the diner where Tyler works. Tyler's pining pretty hard, until Jason decides to throw him a bone and try to set them up. This lead to some misunderstandings.
Bakery AU
Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
-pretty to watch, by hellostranger (betheproof), 7,745 words
Femlash where Tyler is a sport journalist, and Jamie is the owner of a bakery. Tyler is crushing on her pretty much instantly.
Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
-Is It Sweet?, by Celly1995, 39,386 words [contains 4 parts]
Jonathan has a one-night stand with Patrick. A while later he finds a cake version of his dick at a local bakery on the road.
Alexander Semin/Eric Staal
-the way to a man's, by heartvlieger, 11, 277 [contains 2 parts]
Eric comes into Alex’s place to buy a gatorade, he’s hooked since then. I really liked their developing relationship.
Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin
-how sweet it is, by vlieger, 7,233 words
It’s the third installment of the Alexander Semin/Eric Staal story. But it stands alone, so you don’t have to read the first two parts. 
Evgeni got Sidney’s number from Eric and he starts to text his pictures of cakes. surprisingly, it leads to friendships between the two.
-I Got a Sweet Tooth (And a Taste For You), by hkafterdark, 4,063 words
[Podfic Version Available: [Podfic] I Got a Sweet Tooth (And a Taste For You), by AshesandGhost, 26:26 minutes]
Sidney decides to check out the new russian bakery that just openned, after Ovechkin recommended about it. From then on the owner, Geno, gives him different bakery goods.
-Perry's Corner, by hazel_3017, 2,336 words
[Podfic Version Available: [Podfic] Perry's Corner by Hazel_3017, by brightnail, 16:01 minutes]
Sidney career was ruined before it even started. He still finds himself in Pittsburgh, as a baker.
-Penguin's Bakery, by MrsBarnes, 12,426 words
Evgeni missed russian food for years, until he walk into a randome bakery. Inside he meet Sidney... and russian baked goods.
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