#lydia deetz headcanons
Spending Halloween with Lydia Deetz would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- If there was ever a perfect person to spend Halloween with, that person would undoubtedly be Lydia Deetz. Not only is she just generally strange and unusual but the entirety of the world she lives in, outside of your relatively normal private school, is also strange and unusual. It’s like stepping out of the real world and into a gothic version of wonderland.
- The most haunted and horror filled day of the year is nothing short of fantastic when you spend it at her house. You think a regular haunted house is scary? You’ve got a real one all to yourself, and the occasional ghostly prank you experience during your weekly visits is nothing compared to the way the entire house comes alive on Halloween.
- Haunted hijinks are sort of just something you’ve gotten used to as the green around the gills girlfriend of the resident goth girl in town, but you’ve never really grown tired of them. It’s why the idea of spending Halloween with Lydia is so exciting. You never know whats gonna happen on a normal day: let alone a day that’s already wrought with horror, blood and gore.
- Lydia’s parents are undoubtedly going to some kind of avant-garde Halloween party; and her ghostly parents probably have business elsewhere, so you’ve got the entire house to yourselves: meaning that the two of you get to have a private and supernatural sleepover without any interruptions; at least not ones that aren’t fitting for the holiday.
- Because of this, you take your bikes to school and ride home together, pointing out all the amusing kids costumes you come across while taking in the seasonal atmosphere of your autumnal small town. That bike ride becomes a well loved core memory: one you can remember in detail like the back of your hand.
- If you’re anything like me; or her, this one will occur days before Halloween, but nevertheless: once you get home, you’ll dig through a multitude of boxes up in her attic or the various closets that litter the house, trying on different dated accessories and clothes in an attempt to create whatever idea for a costume you came up with in your head.
- She’s absolutely going to dress up as something pleasantly morbid or really odd and obscure: like Joan of Arc mid execution or some long dead poet that went mad; either that or a really subjective concept that you’ll just have to smile and nod along to while she awkwardly holds out her arms and explains.
- Speaking of oddness: she’s got a ton of weird clothes and makeup/hair tricks that she can let you borrow for the night; unless the two of you want to go as table cloth ghosts in order to avoid the “aren’t you a little too old to be trick or treating” questions. That is, if you are keen on trick or treating.
- If you aren’t interested in gathering candy from your neighbors, then Barbara and Adam will be extremely happy to have you at home so they can watch the two of you pass out candy to all the little kids that come to the door. It’s a lot better than just watching from the window as they take from a bowl on the stoop; even if the two of them only end up sticking around for a little while.
- Although, Barbara and Adam would make pretty great Halloween night chaperones. They’re like your cool aunt and uncle/grandparents who let you do all the fun stuff while acting vaguely protective over you and bashfully showing you their scary ghost tricks. They might get a little worried while watching you go to town on a jack-o-lantern or go out late in the night but they still let you do it because they know better than anybody that you only, truly, live once.
- Before her real parents head off to their party, they probably have dinner with you; or at least tell you that there’s something in the fridge/oven, and while Delia’s cooking doesn’t taste awful and certainly visually fits the horrific aesthetic of Halloween, you might just order a pizza and call it a night.
- You guys definitely go out late at night and walk the streets alone together: enjoying the crisp night air and looking up at all the stars in the sky, occasionally stopping to rate all the different Jack-o-lanterns and decorations that you see.
- Photos are her love language and though she has a strange taste in aesthetics, she’ll still wind up with an entire photo album full of pictures she took during your day; and night, together. Don’t be surprised if she stops you or directs you to do strange things at random throughout your time together: you’ll see the purpose when the film is developed; even if you don’t quite understand the “artistry”.
- Making a pillow fort/nest. Even though you’re undoubtedly in her bedroom; and have access to her large enough bed, you’ll still wind up on the floor; most likely with a bunch of lit candles which are undoubtedly a fire hazard but that’s besides the point.
- Trading candy. Lydia either has a total sweet tooth or despises 90% of sweets; there is no in between, so you spend half the night sliding over different types of treats and smiling at each other between tugs of licorice and caramel strings.
-  Any time you sit down to watch a film with Lydia, she’s bound to pick a horror movie and Halloween night is no exception. Even if you hate scary movies, you appreciate the fact that you can watch her and the way she smiles at the screen instead.
- The two of you definitely fall asleep on the floor after your sugar highs crash and you wake up in the morning with your costumes still on; hair sticking straight out and makeup smudged, and it’s still considered to be one of the best sleeps of your entire lives.
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myst1xx · 1 year
i cant choose between the headcanon that lydia used to dye her hair blonde because emily had blonde hair and she wanted to match and after she passed she let her natural black grow out
her hair is naturally blonde and after emily passed she dyed it black because emilys hair was black and it makes her feel more connected to her
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kyuuumie · 9 days
random sfw beetlebabes headcanons ( ◕▽◕)
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headcanons below the cut (๑◕◡◕๑)
🪲 - beetlejuice often doesn’t understand normal relationship conventions (like boundaries), but lydia takes it in stride and teaches him gently.
🕷️ - when lydia feels down or lonely, beetlejuice often reminds her that he’ll always be there, “literally forever,” in his own darkly humorous way.
🪲 - beetlejuice takes lydia on spontaneous “dates” exploring strange corners of the neitherworld, like haunted graveyards or surreal ghost markets.
🕷️ - lydia loves beetlejuice's morbid jokes, and she matches his wit with her own deadpan sarcasm. they thrive on snarky banter. lydia's sharp, clever remarks keep beetlejuice on his toes, and he loves that she can match his energy.
🪲 - beetlejuice is fiercely protective of lydia. he may be insane normally, but he’ll go to extremes if anyone tries to hurt or upset her.
🕷️ - lydia has a strange ability to calm beetlejuice down when he gets too wild, sometimes by just giving him a deadpan look or a quiet word.
🪲 - beetlejuice is obsessed with lydia’s dark, gothic style and often compliments her on how “dead” she looks.
🕷️ - the maitlands constantly worry about lydia’s relationship with beetlejuice, but they can see how much she brightens up when he’s around.
🪲 - beetlejuice can be possessive of lydia, but she’s quick to remind him that she doesn’t belong to anyone, and he grudgingly respects that.
🕷️ - they bond over their love for the strange and unusual, collecting creepy trinkets and weird objects for lydia's room and beetlejuice’s lair.
🪲 - beetlejuice encourages lydia to embrace her wild side and break rules, while she occasionally tries to keep him from going too far.
🕷️ - lydia’s already gothic wardrobe takes on a new twist with beetlejuice's influence. she incorporates his black-and-white stripes into her outfits, and he occasionally wears accessories she picks out, like a black lace cravat.
🪲 - beetlejuice loves showing off for lydia, whether it’s by pulling pranks on other ghosts or creating over-the-top visual spectacles just to see her smile.
🕷️ - lydia is the voice of reason in their relationship, reminding beetlejuice when to dial back the mayhem (though she doesn’t mind some chaos).
🪲 - beetlejuice writes lydia strange, ghostly love letters that appear in her journal or on her walls, written in creepy fonts or made of shadow. she keeps them all in a secret journal.
🕷️ - they bicker all the time, but it’s in good fun. lydia rolls her eyes at beetlejuice’s over-the-top antics, and he loves how unimpressed she can be.
🪲 - beetlejuice attempts to woo lydia with morbid gifts, like a bouquet of dead roses or skull-shaped candies, which lydia finds oddly sweet.
🕷️ - lydia’s calm, introspective nature has a positive influence on beetlejuice. while he’s still mischievous, he sometimes finds himself considering her feelings before acting.
🪲 - though he’s loud and brash, beetlejuice has a soft spot for lydia, and when they’re alone, he sometimes drops his over-the-top persona and lets himself be vulnerable with her.
🕷️ - they both thrive in the dark, often staying up all night together, discussing strange topics or watching the moonlight over the cemetery.
🪲 - when the mood strikes, they’ll have impromptu dances under the moonlight or in spooky, abandoned places, often to eerie, old-fashioned music that beetlejuice conjures up.
🕷️ - while lydia knows beetlejuice is far from perfect, she won’t tolerate anyone else badmouthing him. if anyone insults him, she’ll immediately come to his defense.
🪲 - beetlejuice can get ridiculously jealous, even of inanimate objects that take up lydia’s attention—he might grumble if she spends too much time with her photography or reading instead of him.
🕷️ - while lydia enjoys quiet, solitary activities like photography and art, beetlejuice constantly interrupts, bored, and drags her into wild ghostly antics. she indulges him just to get some peace later.
🪲 - their relationship is filled with playful pranks on each other, like beetlejuice turning into a shadowy figure to scare lydia, only for her to casually throw salt at him, unimpressed.
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feral-jackdaw · 1 year
So anyway they're all autistic, if you have a problem with this we duel at dawn
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carly404error · 3 months
(From @strawberryicebreakers beetlejuice fic!!)
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Damn it took a while but I’m so proud of it actually, because I discovered some cool brushes and new techniques and I just really like how it looks :DDDD.
Took me a bit also to do it but yeah, it was worth the time!!
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dustykneed · 3 months
what if i drew myself stress relief musical sapphics.... what then....
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can you tell i've been. hmmm. stressed this week LMAO (anyways if you recognise these pairs like that's awesome and you're so cool genuinely! but this is so self indulgent who am i kidding xDD)
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acrylicqueen · 4 months
A couple months ago my girlfriend and I finished a document that explains the lore of what we've been calling our "Beetlejuice Canon" (essentially an altered version of Beetlejuice's universe that blends the cartoon and the musical in a unique way.) I haven't shared it anywhere until now, which is wild because I typically love sharing stuff like this.
It's not a fanfic or anything, but it goes fairly in-depth about characters, environments, relationships, etc. I figure there must be SOMEONE who likes reading this kind of stuff, right? So, here it is for those people.
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bugs-with-webs · 3 months
lydia has nightmares over bjs death (imagining a world where he doesnt wake up and stays dead or just the trauma of killing a person- her best friend) and bj has nightmares over being left (the thousands of years of trauma from being completely isolated and scared that everyones gona decide they dont want him around anymore bc it already took them a month to let him back in their lives)
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itsaship-literally · 21 days
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I mean it in the sense that other ghosts have the actors' faces, whereas BJ uses that makeup when he's alive, he doesn't have that on his face
OH you mean why is his spirit stuff deteriorating while other ghosts like Wolf and the Maitlands and Miss Argentina are preserved in their corpses at the moment of death?
There is no canon answer, I can only give you headcanon. With the added context that Delores killed him in a black magic ritual, I think his soul was tainted by her. This is probably why they both have above average ghost skills.
Poltergeist lore cites that a violent death is required to create one. Betelgeuse's death was not only violent, but wrapped up in occult fuckery, which likely elevated him from poltergeist to something else. This is likely why he continues to stay infatuated with Lydia past adolescence, uncommon for a poltergeist. They typically attach themselves to prepubescent young girls. Betelgeuse latched onto her in the Deetz house in the first film and he was never going to let go.
It could also be a nod to that he was a graverobber who spent his life digging through rotting corpses, so in death is condemned to be one.
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heart-aflame · 4 months
after ending up in the netherworld and escaping, Lydia didn't leave it without gaining the ability to see in the dark like a cat. If you shine a light on her eyes they have an eye shine. Ghosts also more noticeably glow interesting colors like an aura to her now.
Charles also has the same thing going on, but he's trying really hard to ignore it and act like it's not happening. Just because he no longer bumps into things at night, doesn't mean anything. He doesn't want to figure out what this could possibly mean.
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Here’s a Beetlejuice Beetlejuice fanfic/chatfic and headcannons I wrote because I was bored and the ghost characters need more recognition (minor spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice)
BeetleJuice BeetleJuice character headcannons! (Also don’t mind all the super smash bros headcannons, I was watching Blake jennings “what your main in smash says about you” while I made these):
Wolf Jackson the movie star:
◦ Has MAJOR former theatre kid vibes, like he totally had a Hamilton phase and watched Cats ATLEAST once just to make fun of it, but he ended up secretly kinda liking the songs from it.
◦ Wont admit to even HAVING a favourite superhero, but it’s totally Spider Noir
◦ Says he mains someone like Snake in smash, but he actually mains Isabelle, jigglepuff, or The duck hunt dog and he somehow wins EVERY TIME HE PLAYS SMASH because he’s good at spam pressing buttons.
◦ Good at claw machines for some reason. A strange hidden talent, but he probs brags about it every chance he gets (which isn’t often but still)
◦ Everyone thinks/assumes he’s straight and probs bangin his secretary/the girl who brings him coffee (idk if she’s actually his secretary) but then he’ll casually insert “my boyfriend” or “this guy I’m seeing” into a conversation and the whole room is shocked.
◦ Knuckle cracker.
◦ When he’s sad infront of other people he hides his emotions and says he’s fine, but when he’s sad at home alone, he curls up with a bunch of blankets and binge watches all the movies he stared in when he was alive. Only his secretary(?) knows this.
◦ Drinks coffee (obviously) but also likes iced teas. Can on rare occasions be seen wandering around with an Arizona Tea can in hand.
◦ Ocean from RTC vibes. Like he doesn’t really mean to be rude, but he also has a habit of thinking he’s better than most people around him.
◦ That same way that I walk into any store and when I wanna get something I tell myself “I can make that at home.” He watches ANY action movie (especially ones with cgi or heavy effects) and says/thinks “I could’ve done that MYSELF, WITHOUT special affects.”
◦ Chronically tired
◦ Under-appreciated-employee-core. Wherever he works in the neitherworld would not FUNCTION without him, but no one who works with him would recognize this until he put in his two weeks notice.
◦ A pushover. I hate to say it, but this man DIED (double died ig?) for a ghost who didn’t deserve that amount of loyalty and Bob probably knows it. He knew Beetlejuice wasn’t worth sacrificing that much for but he did it anyways because he is a pushover.
◦ My general headcannon for all the “tiny head” people in the Beetlejuice franchise is that they can speak telepathically to people, but most either choose not to, or don’t know that they can do it. Bob chooses not to because whenever he does (on rare occasions) it freaks out everyone who’s ever known him and he finds it hilarious.
◦ Current theatre kid. Has all of Heathers memorized. Could sing most RTC songs and says “this is all your fault Jafar” and “youre FUCKIN useless Paul” in his head or under his breath EVERY DAY.
◦ Once played Smash with Wolf Jackson and absolutely HATED the fact that Wolf won every time without really trying. But also Bob mains wii fit trainer, toon link or Kirby because I said so.
◦ Coffee drinker, but also gives off “DO NOT FILL UP A “SUPER BIG GULP” CUP WITH 5-HOUR ENERGY AND CHUG THE WHOLE THING” vibes. He is WIRED.
Harry the hunter:
◦ Bobs uncle who died at around the same age as Bob so that’s why they look the same age/look like the same person.
◦ BESTIES with Ms Argentina
◦ Likes Delores because he hates Beetlejuice and wishes she successfully killed him, but also dislikes her because she killed Bob
◦ Bob is chronically tired but gets a good nights sleep most nights. Harry is an insomniac night owl who stays up until 1:00 in the morning rewatching Over the garden wall or Wall E for the 1000th time even though he KNOWS has to get up at 5:00am that morning.
◦ Only drinks tea or water.
◦ Mostly uses ASL or writing on notepads to communicate (same with Bob)
◦ Bob is the type of employee to work more than he should and do extra stuff and overtime etc. because he thinks people will like him more or atleast he’ll get some benefit from it right? Harry is the employee who knows you should just do your job and leave because no one will care if you do more than that so don’t waste your time.
◦ Just like Bob, he is a theatre kid. And he totally got Ms Argentina into musicals too.
Ms Argentina:
◦ a HARDCORE SIMP for Delores. Like “she could suck my soul out of my body and in my last moments I’d THANK HER” kinda simp (same tho)
◦ WILL THROW HER HEELS AT YOU IF YOU PISS HER OFF (Bob, Wolf Jackson, Beetlejuice, AND EVEN Delores ALL learned this the hard way.)
◦ Mains Daisy in smash because they both have Loud-Lesbian energy
◦ Her nickname is Tina and her real name is Valentina, but ONLY Harry and Delores can call her Tina or her real full first name.
◦ SOMEHOW managed to get Delores to go on a date with her, and now they’re dating. Beetlejuice still has no idea how Tina pulled that off.
◦ Tina gives me tea or coffee drinker vibes, but part of me thinks she sometimes puts vodka in her tea and/or coffee
◦ Because Harry got her to like musicals, she totally got her girlfriend into musicals too
I’ll probably make a chatfic based on the musical and cartoon, but this one is based on the movies
Astrid has created a groupchat
Astrid has added: Lydia Deetz, Richard Deetz, Charles Deetz, and Delia Deetz
Astrid has named the groupchat “💜the Deetz family💜”
Astrid: hi! For those who are bad with tech *cough cough, grandpa* this is a groupchat, “gc” for short. It’s like texting but with multiple people in one text conversation.
Charles Deetz: Thanks kiddo, I was confused!
Richard Deetz: hey! This seems fun!
Lydia Deetz: OMG RICHARD?!
Richard Deetz: Hello Lyds!
Delia Deetz: omg Richard! Hi!
Charles Deetz: hello!
Richard Deetz: hi everyone!
~in a different groupchat~
“Work only” groupchat
Richard: my daughter just added me to a family groupchat ���
Bob: nice.
Argentina: omg fun!! My family is still alive.
Bob: So is his, Argentina?
Argentina: oh. OH. How the hell does that work?
Richard: I’ve learned not to question things like that a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago.
Argentina: that’s fair.
Wolf: my family has been hiding from me 😅
Harry: why?
Wolf: because ~~🏳️‍🌈~~
Harry: ah. SERIOUSLY?
Wolf: yeah. They only found out last thanksgiving tho. I was at my Mothers house (she is dead, to clarify) and I mentioned I was seeing a guy, and they DID NOT LIKE THAT LET ME TELL YA
Harry: Bob is the only family member of mine I know who will talk to me
Bob: to be fair, only about half of our family is actually DEAD?
Harry: yeah. But if Astrid can add her dad to a family gc then don’t you think they might just not be *trying*?
Bob: that’s fair.
Richard: ANYWAYS, I was thinking maybe I should make a gc with you guys AND my family in it so you guys can be introduced to each other!
Argentina: sure!
Wolf: okay.
Bob: 👍
Harry: 👍
Richard: yay! Okay brb
Richard Deetz has made a groupchat
Richard Deetz had added: Astrid Deetz, Lydia Deetz, Charles Deetz, Delia Deetz, Ms Argentina, Wolf Jackson, Bob, and Harry
Richard Deetz has named the groupchat “friends and family”
Harry: I love how apparently me and Bob are just “Harry” and “Bob” and everyone else has some form of last name XD
Bob: omg yeah, I didn’t even notice that! Rude.
Richard: well to be fair, you never told me your last name(s?)
Harry: and I still won’t. It’s still funny tho
Richard: 🙄 alr
Astrid: Dad?! Who are these people?
Richard: my coworkers! Thought I’d introduce you guys
Harry: just “coworkers”? Ouch Rich
Richard: oh hush 😑
Harry: 🤭 k
Astrid: cooooool. Hey.
Bob: hey.
Astrid: OMG @Delia @Lydia @Charles, I forgot to mention I auditioned for my school musical lmao
Lydia: WHAT! And you didn’t tell me? Thats awesome!
Delia: Omg wow!!! You’ll be amazing!
Charles: nice kiddo!
Astrid: HAHAHAHA I was NOT expecting that reaction from @Harry
Argentina: he looks very intimidating irl but he’s the biggest FREAKIN NERD YOULL EVER MEET I PROMISE-
Harry: RUDE! But Fr- what musical?
Astrid: Heathers.
Astrid: THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! But I auditioned anyways for fun.
Harry: so did the cast list come out yet?
Astrid: yeah! I’m gonna be Veronica!!!!!!!
Harry: OMG AWESOME!! I would love to play JD, but I died before even the MOVIE was made, so I’ll never get the chance sadly.
Astrid: DAMN, that’s tough.
Argentina: WOMP WOMP
Harry: >:O
Lydia: You got a part!!! That’s amazing! When’s opening night???
Richard: yeah! You might not see me in the audience, but I’ll be there!!!
Astrid: it’s in October but rehearsal hasn’t even started yet, I’ll let you know when I know!
Delia: let me know too!
Harry: no offence Delia, but have you SEEN Heathers?? I feel like if ghosts can be unconscious, it would send you into a COMA. With Dead Girl Walking ALONE
Astrid: DEAD GIRL WALKING? She’d be out before Big Fun ends XD
Harry: fair point!
Charles: I know that what you two are typing is technically words, but I understand NONE OF THEM
Harry: that’s also fair XD Poor Charles
Wolf Jackson: I know what the words mean! And your right, Delia would be sent into a coma by that show. Movie OR musical
Argentina: one word: Blue.
Richard: oh god what have I started with creating this gc
Lydia: clearly this is a Pandora’s box of chaos you’ve created and opened, Rich
Richard: yeah…….whoops…
~hours later~
Astrid: weird question but raise a digital hand if your 🏳️‍🌈 (no pressure to answer I just want info for a project)
Harry: me!!
Bob: does bi count?
Astrid: yes it does
Bob: cool
Wolf: *slowly raises hand*
Astrid: FR? No offence but I would NOT have guessed that
Wolf: no one ever does 🤫
Argentina: OO OO OO ME!!!
Argentina: wait- can I add my girlfriend to the gc?
Astrid: YESS DO IT
Argentina: okay!!!
Argentina added Delores to the groupchat
Argentina: yeahhhh 🥰🥰🥰����🥰
Delores: hello…? What’s this?
Astrid: a groupchat!
Delores: I’m not sure what that is, but alright?
Bob: ………. Argentina why would you do this to me.
Astrid: wait what? What happened? And what’s a “soulsucker”?
Delores: basically a ghost that can kill other ghosts. And that’s what I am
Astrid: but wouldn’t that not work because they’re already DEAD?
Delores: nope.
Bob: Astrid, you learn not to question stuff like this after a while of being dead or knowing someone in the neitherworld. Nothing makes sense here. (Also Delores almost killed me)
Argentina: yet another reason to NOT KILL YOURSELF 😃
Astrid: noted! Wasn’t planning on it, but good motivation! 😃😃
Wolf: god you people are insane.
Delia: agreed.
Lydia: you both say “you people” like you aren’t a part of this family/friend group. Bad news: YOU ARE PART OF THE “YOU PEOPLE”
Delores: I think I’ll like you people a lot.
Lydia: you tried to kill 🪲🧃 so I definitely like you girl.
Delores: 🥰omg you you want his moldy ass double dead too?!
Lydia: he tried to marry me AT 16 YEARS OLD so yeah definitely
Delores: I’m from an era where thats pretty normal, but I’m gonna assume that’s not normal and bad in the future??
Lydia: yeah it’s bad and gross. Also the year is currently 2024 btw
Delores: thank you! Damn I was in those boxes for a long time wasn’t I?
Argentina: yes you were
Wolf: and you were TECHNICALLY supposed to STAY THERE
Delores: my girlfriend has advised me to reply to that with “womp womp”? I’m not sure what that mean but I hope it has its intended affect.
Bob: update: I have just read the previous texts. Yes Delores it DID have its intended affect! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Delores: oh good!!! 😀
Wolf: NO! NOT GOOD. I don’t like you! Mean lesbian!!!!
Richard: what is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?
Richard: omg I jus read the last few texts, that is pretty funny Wolf
Lydia: 😮 🤭 yeah I’m with Rich on this one, that’s pretty funny honestly
Wolf: I hate you all /ns
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euruskorvin · 7 days
I just know that Beetlejuice smells like that vetiver + amber hand wash by method (aside from smelling like freshly dug out dirt and moss), while Lydia smells like the violet + lavender hand wash. (I can’t imagine Lydia smelling sweet and floral, and I swear this scent don’t smell anything like it)… 🤣🤣
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enby-otd · 11 months
Today’s nonbinary character is Lydia Deetz from the Beetlejuice franchise! Lydia uses they/she/it pronouns (but really only uses it because it pisses people off). They’re also an asexual sapphic.
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quenga-do-nordeste · 11 months
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She works in a video store/record store, did you know that?
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
Lydia from Beetlejuice is aroace, i won't give any explanation
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