#lyra watches youtube
filmmakerdreamst · 1 year
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Swedish out of context memes that I made that also is inside jokes so not every swede will get them either
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Realized SO many of my memes are videos but sadly there’s only one video per post.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years
Michael Sheen about David Tennant, bonding over working on Good Omens and their kids, Season 2 and suprises in S2, and David's bad habits. (MCM Comic Con, 30.10.2022)
Q: Now, I've watched a youtube video, it was a really strange fan video, it was lovely though, and it was about the bromance between you and David Tennant.
Michael: I'm sorry, I didn't... I don't know who you're referring to.
Q: I mean, what is he like to work with, he seems like a joy to work with and you guys get on really well.
Michael: I mean, it's like having and an albatros around your neck, really, he sort of does drag you down a lot of time... no, I feel very lucky, you know, David and I were in a film called Bright Young Things together many, many years ago - [applause] thank you very much, thank you, thank you - but we didn't get to act together in that and we didn't, you know, we didn't really know each other from that and we've know each other 'say hello to' over the years, but it wasn't until we did Good Omens the first series really that we - [another applause] thank you thank you - that we got to know each other and of course we spent a LOT of time together on that, and people were coming in and out, but it was essentially me and David sitting in the tent all day every day a lot of the time. And so we sort of slowly got to know each other doing that and then, actually it was probably doing the publicity for that and the press for that that we really got to know each other and and then because we both had babies within weeks of each other, you know, me and Anna and David and Georgia, you know, we got very kind of bonded then because of over that. And we say that, so David and Georgia's little girl Birdie and our little girl Lyra, we say, Lyra's only got one friend and that's Birdie. And we sort of got very close but we were very lucky, because you don't know the chemistry's gonna be like between you and another actor until you start working together. And, you know, interestingly David and I probably hadn't work together because a lot of time we were up for the same parts, or you know, there was only one David or Michael shaped hole in the cast and only one of us would fill it, so we didn't get to work together. And I've been a big fan of his work for years and years and really admired, you know, what he did, and so then get into work opposite each other, it just sort of clicked very quickly, and I remember when we did the table read for the first series of Good Omens and we were sitting there next to each other and starting to read the lines together and we'd not really talked about the characters much before then or how we were gonna do it abd you could sort of feel the two of us kind of adapting to each other over the first, you know, few pages and then we just kind of, it just clicked, the characters just clicked and we just sort of without having to talk about it we just instinctively understood how they would be together and I remember Neil Gaiman and Douglas the director saying that watching it was like that as well, you saw these characters sort of circling around each other a little bit and sniffing each other out and then bumph you're just suddenly dancing and it's been like that ever since, really. It was such a joy to come back and do the second series together again, and it was like... once we'd put the costumes on again, and we were on the Soho set - we filmed it up in Scotland and they've buil like entire block of Soho, on the first one where they only built a small amount of it and it was in a freezing cold carpark ouside Oxfordshire and it was miserable and this time we were in the lovely, warm soundstage with a whole of Soho built, and once we got the costumes on and I remember our first scene together - because David was a bit ill at the very beginning of the filming, so he wasn't there for the first few days - and then when we did get to our first scene together and it was just a walk across the street or something and it was almost like the costumes were walking for themselves, like they just knew what to do, the characters just sort of took over, weirdly, and we were in that kind of groove again. So it's an absolutle pleasure working with him and spending time with him and it's so lovely that we found these two characters, or these two characters found us, to be able to sort of put everything into, you know, and to feel so comfortable with each other. It's been brilliant and I hope when it comes out next summer I hope everyone really enjoys it, I think there's gonna be a lot of great surprises for people and I hope you enjoy it.
Q: I mean, Michael, that's all very well, that's very sweet, what a lovely story, but I want you to dish some dirt. Tell me, is there something... does he have a bad habit... does he have an annoying habit, that he wouldn't want us to know about?
Michael: About David?
Q: Yes.
Michael: Oh my goodness. David doesn't have any bad habits. Em, what can I tell you about him... I mean, he's a bit good to be true, really. He's always lovely to everyone... oh! I tell you what his bad habit is. He leaves it to me to... when there's a problem and we are unhappy about something, because I'm supposedly the grumpy one, he leaves it to me, so he can be the [imitating David:] 'Oh, I'm so sorry, it's just Michael has a wee problem with this, I don't know... it's not me, I'm fine with it, you know...', but, you know, the two of us have gone, 'Well, that's a bit out of order, innit?' and then I'm the attack dog who has to go out.
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kagedbird · 1 year
WAAH Joseph Russell streamed on YouTube and talked about Lucien and all the stuff he plans to add! I'm so excited!! What he has currently has always felt like, incomplete, so I'm so fucking happy there's going to be another arch of story for him.
I'll type down things I find interesting towards Lucien below! Feel free to watch his VOD here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFd9rDW87HY
Three things he mentioned that most people won't know about Lucien:
He has an aunt named Silvia that he does not get on with; they have a hostile relationship. His Discord came up with a funny headcanon that he enjoys that Lucien's mom, Lyra, thinks she's Lucien's father's sister, and his father, Davidicus, thinks she's Lyra's sister, and it's just never come up in conversation. She's actually just some super natural entity that's wormed her way into their life. (The fuck??? LMAO)
Lucien's cat is inspired by Joseph's cat, Gray, who is very small and fluffy and sometimes cameos in his videos. Unfortunately we will never meet Lucien's cat. ("Probably.") He hasn't decided on the cat's name! ("Sorry! Wish I could tell you.")
And the third fact is that he once set fire to his shoes trying to boil potatoes. ("And that speaks for itself.") This white boy cannot cook!! But he can make tea.
He confirms that Lucien is 21 (lmfao knew it) and that he doesn't have a canon birthdate despite Lucien saying he thinks he's under the sign of the Lady ("thinks" being a big if) because Joseph wants to wait to see if wants to set in a particular date at a later time in case it is useful. So headcanon to your hearts content!
"Probably won't ever get to meet Lucien's parents because it's a lot of effort- but never say never."
He'll make Serana comments some point in the future HALLELUJAH It felt so bland without Lucien asking her anything because I know he would pick her brain!!!!!!*
*Expanded further down the video: someone asks what Lucien would ask Serana (THANK YOU CHATTER).
Joseph: He would ask what it's like to live as a vampire, and also the past, the experience of the time before he grew up when Serana existed.
He wants people to tweet him art of Lucien or post it in his Discord, he never gets art sent his way anymore on twitter (cause modding scene from Skyrim is kinda old hat but we're essentially reviving it I think lmao) but if you have art and you've never shown him, do it!!!
KJHASKDJAH okay so for those who have child dragonborn, Joseph says Lucien would be virtually useless aksjdhask he'd want to be supportive and teach them everything. He'd want to take them under his wing and teach them the signs and everything- but he'd be really irresponsible and bad at parenting. But he'd mean really well. So there ya go.
Dawnguard support for Lucien is very high on his list!! Let's goooo!!!
Lucien canonically does not being called Lucy. (Stares at my fanfiction with a snicker. It's okay, I call him Lu-Lu more often than not.) Davidicus would not like being called Dave, and Lyra would not like being called Ly-Ly.
We'll find out what Lucien wanted to see in the Elder Scroll in his third quest 👀👀👀👀 Staring so hard. GIMME.
He doesn't want to turn the resonant sphere into a teleport system, but rather make it something more lore friendly for you to call Lucien to you. I look forward to that because I actually planned something similar in my story too!
Someone asked Joseph if he thinks Dumzbthar could abandoned his aggressive side and live without the restrictions Lucien gives him and Joseph replies with, "No he's a demon. He's a Daedra. Don't forget that."
Chat: "Will Inigo ever let Lucien ever have a sweetroll?" Joseph: "No. Not without a fight."
Lucien would like black tea. But Joseph himself likes various other teas. (That's... so many teas my guy.)
He enjoys filling out Lucien's spell list when he plays with / tests Lucien. Lucien's favourite spell would be something having to do with restoration; maybe Healing Hands to heal others. Even if he gets super excited about Sparks, lol.
Something that raised an eyebrow from me; chat: "Will we ever find out what Clive really is and where he came from?" Joseph: "Yes... but probably not in the Skyrim mod."
Lucien was first more as a bard when he was created, and was originally going to be captured by a group of bandits. The scientist side of him wasn't so much of a facet at the start but built up over time. Joseph finds it that he became more interesting versus him remaining as a bard in his first instance of creation. I do too!
Chat: If Lucien could time travel to any point back in time, where would he end up and why?
Joseph: He would go back as far as he could to the very point of creation- he wants the secrets of the cosmos, he wants to know everything he could possibly know. He'd go to the very start to possibly see the world be made and then go to the end to see how it finishes. He needs those questions answered.
Joseph himself is unsure in his memory for which Dwemer ruin he's thinking of, but chat and he tentatively think he's thinking of Mzulft for Lucien's favourite Dwemer ruin in Skyrim!
Lucien doesn't worship any Aedra or Daedra, despite his awareness of their existence, and doesn't have any favourites.
Lucien isn't really embarrassed by much outside of when he puts his foot in his mouth, says something he doesn't mean, and then gets all flustered. He also is not embarrassed about his love and affection for his parents- he's quite proud of them and is happy to share that. :) Joseph likes the idea of him getting letters from his parents over time, and hopes to put that in in the future.
Lucien would ask Sheogorath many questions the Daedric Prince would probably not answer. (That's hilarious.)
Joseph has mentioned that he plans to bring Lucien into Starfield as an older version and vaguely mention the Dragonborn but he isn't certain how he'll go about it. He was asked by chat if Clive will be in Starfield (and subsequently how he would design a spacesuit for a horse). Joseph says probably not, as Starfield likely won't support horses.
Chat: What does Lucien do when he's in Falkreath and not with the LDB? Joseph: He leads a double life... as an... assassin wizard.... squirrel trainer..........
Chat: Who would win in a fight, Lucien or Lydia? Joseph: Lydia. She would destroy him. She'd snap him like a twig.
Lucien has probably never had chocolate, but if he did, he'd love it! (Stares lovingly at my Valentine episode)
Lucien is not afraid of average sized spiders! Just the bigger ones that try to eat him.
Chat: Has Lucien ever had fear overrule his curiosity and make him back down from adventure, or is he always the type to overlook danger in favor of knowledge? Joseph: Hmm... probably not so much as fear as caution. There's a lot of knowledge related to the Daedric Princes' that he has been cautious enough not to indulge in; however I think that's always a danger for him. I think if he were ever to- you know- to have a flaw, I think it would be to... pursue knowledge too much and he might not consider the consequences as much as he should. I think that is his biggest temptation in that regard. So perhaps fear and caution should make him back down more often than it would.
(Staring HARD at that and wondering if that'll play a big part in his third arc)
His third personal quest is hoping to be released later this year!!! Big year for soft wet sock of a man!!! (I hope!! No pressure Joseph!!!)
Lucien has absolutely no want to be a werewolf or vampire because of the implications of selling his soul, but he is interested in immortality because "think of the amount of knowledge he could get."
BOY. You're gonna get conned one of these days...
Joseph is learning the guitar, and says whenever he feels he's good enough and can play the Skyrim songs on guitar, he'll record them and have Lucien be able to play them on the lute!!! Exciting!!!
Lucien isn't keen on the Thalmor but is aware of the politic need to make niceties with them.
Pretty much the end of it! I'm so excited for the third arc!! YIPPEE!
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macabremoons · 11 months
Funky Little Tag Game
Name of the game: I will start off the tag game tagging a couple of people, giving a basic premise for the story, and a starting point. From there each person who participates must add a 300-1.5k bit of writing and add something to the world. For example, you can add a new character, a new element to the magic system (if we make one), or a new place in the world. Try to keep your ideas expandable! Oh, and be sure to reblog the post you are replying to. That way it's easier to follow along! Let's see if this works, and if not we can always try again LMFAO.
Tagging (super big no pressure tagging): @aziz-reads, @wrenofthewords, @halfbit, @leisoree, @thesoftestofpetals, @lyra-brie
Premise: Everyone has those dreams that they thought were real, but as Quinn wakes up in from a nightmare, he can't shake the feeling that this one actually was. The only issue? He died in his dream.
Addition: Vampires (we knew it was coming shush)
Tws: panic attack, vomiting, death, injury
Fatal Dreams
The scent of blood clings onto Quinn’s nostrils as he tosses himself out of bed and onto the floor.  
His fingers find his throat, pressing against it as if a desperate question: is he dead? He knows, he knows, the answer is no. He’s breathing, though on the edge of hyperventilation. He’s shaking on the floor like he’s coming down from a high. Quinn has to be alive, but he can’t shake the feeling that he isn’t anymore.
His fingers find a pulse, and he lets out a startled laugh. Quinn crumbles to his floor, exhausted ironically from sleeping and nearly delirious. He laughs harder than he has in awhile, to the point it hurts his throat. As the laugh leaves him, he stays on his floor, still, as if he can’t believe it. 
He’s fine. He’s going to be okay.
He wipes the tears from his eyes and gets up. He takes one of his discarded blankets and wraps it around his shoulders. There’s no way he’s going back to bed, so he might as well find some way to calm himself down and then watch youtube videos until sunrise. 
Quinn tiptoes into the kitchen. If his mother hadn’t heard him hysterically laughing, he doesn’t want to wake her up now. He gingerly opens the fridge, and takes out the orange juice that expired yesterday and pours himself a tall glass. He regrets taking such a large sip because he gags once the tate reaches him. It’s so sweet he feels like he’s just shoved sugar into his mouth. He places the glass down with a bit more force than necessary. 
The minute the drink properly settles in his stomach, he feels it drop. He’s up in an instant running towards the bathroom. He reaches the toilet bowl at the very right moment. As Quinn retches, he can’t help but think that this will certainly awake his mother. He can’t bring himself to care. His head is spinning and he feels cold all over. He swears that food poison takes hours to kick in, but maybe this time it’s decided just to fuck with him.
Quinn whips his mouth with a bit of tissue before rinsing his mouth in the sink. This night is more of a nightmare than his stupid dream. He looks into the mirror and nearly cringes at the dull eyes that meet him. His eyes move down and then—
No, there’s no fucking way.
On his neck lies a bite mark: the exact way he died in his dream. 
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Tag Game! ✨
Get to know me!! 😁
Thank you for the tags @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop @grumpy-liebgott @lovememadly92 @executethyself35 !! ❤️
Aries I think???
1 older brother - LOVES to paint war miniatures!
1 older sister - got me into Band of Brothers 😂
3 Cats! Evani and Arya are our family cats and then Niki is my lil fur baby 🥰
Band of Brothers, Formula One, Queen, Markiplier/Unus Annus, probably others I can't think of lmao
Yellow is my first favorite but I also love orange and coral/pink!
oh boy ummmm at the moment I think it's Tainted Love
@footprintsinthesxnd @malarkgirlypop @softguarnere @ithinkabouttzu @bloodstainedsaint and so many others! These are just the ones off the top of my head lol
to be honest I don't like to read that much 🫠
For now I'll have to go with Ambrose's Band of Brothers since that's what I'm currently reading!!
Idk if this counts but I LOVE one-shots headcannons, it's hard for me to stay focused enough to read a full-length fic (ironic since I have about 39 pages of a fic currently written 😂) so a nice 1k one shot or bits of headcannons is absolutely perfect for my attention span! in terms of genre i LOVE domestic/fluffy/slice of life vibes!!!
Definitely Christmas but Halloween is a close second!!
Does being married to six characters from BoB count? 🫠
Drawing/painting, video games, aerial arts/aerial lyra, watching YouTube, idk if this counts but teaching Faith Formation/Children's Church at my church!
I have a HUGE sweetooth!
I have a small obsession with sharks!
Vincent Van Gogh and I share a birthday!
No pressure tags! @neptunes-blue @ewipandora @yeahcurrahhe-e @luckynumber4 @barbeygirl @ronsparky @ronald-speirs and anyone else who wants to do this!! 💖
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kafus · 6 months
hi there! sorry if you’ve answered this elsewhere- do you have any long pokemon yt videos you recommend?
i am on my phone which is find annoying to navigate so i’m not gonna pull out a ton of stuff but AbsolBlogsPokemon is my favorite youtuber of all time and he has movie length videos documenting his experience playing new pokemon games that are definitely worth a watch if u haven’t already. they aren’t just gameplay videos, he includes his real life experience surrounding game release and what he was doing outside of pokemon, it’s kind of documentary style? i go back and rewatch his PLA one a lot since PLA releasing was so exciting to me
i have a post somewhere else on my tumblr with general poketuber recommendations but i can’t seem to find it rn :/ some i can think of off the top of my head that i watch a lot are droomish, lyra made a website, flygonhg, and cybertronvgc. there’s definitely more i’m forgetting but yeah
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castawavy · 1 year
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15 oc questions - tag game
I was tagged by @madeofcc (ty for the tag ben!) he answered for his ocs ic so I think I will too, and answer for my new ocs 💟
1) are you named after anyone?
ophelia: ‘I don’t think so! I know that there’s a Shakespeare character called Ophelia but she drowns... so I hope it’s not her- I think my parents just liked the name!’
lyra: ‘oh well... I was named after a star I think?’
ren: ‘my full name is laurent, but I don’t use it much. My mother was french so she picked the name, but she always called me ren’
jude: ‘errr no clue- my parents just named me randomly I guess, my little brother’s called ash’
2) when was the last time you cried?
ophelia: ‘god, all the time. I cried recently watching Mulan.’
lyra: ‘I’ve been keeping it together for awhile now.’
ren: ‘recently. I was opening up to a friend and I ended up crying, I was a little drunk though...’
jude: ‘my dad was in hospital recently and I felt like crying, but I didn’t. I know that’s weird of me, but it’s hard to’
3) do you have kids?
ophelia: ‘ew, no! I don’t even want to think about that...’
lyra: ‘no.’
ren: ‘erm, no. I’m way too young. also I’ve never really considered children, it seems more hassle than it’s worth.’
jude: ‘hah! no. I’d maybe like them one day though... but that’s something for another day.’
4) do you use sarcasm?
ophelia: ‘guilty!’
lyra: ‘not really. I don’t really like that type of humor. ophelia does it to jude alot.’
ren: ‘not especially. I’m more of a fan of self deprecation. I know... it’s not good but it’s how I’ve learned to cope, alright?’
jude: ‘no, it’s cheap.’ 😒
5) whats the first thing you notice about people?
ophelia: ‘their breath! if you have bad breath I notice right away eugh!’
lyra: ‘um. their eyes I guess, like, what colour they are maybe?’
ren: ‘I usually notice their mannerisms, like I always try to guess how someone is feeling based on their body language.
jude: ‘face mostly. I don’t know!’
6) what’s your eye colour?
ophelia: ‘I have brown eyes, like my parents do!’
lyra: ‘I don’t know err, black eyes I guess?’
ren: ‘brown’
jude: ‘brown’
7) scary movies or happy endings?
ophelia: ‘happy endings! I hate sad endings! I was devastated at the ending of The Haunting of Bly Manor- I even like when horror ends happy and I was really rooting for them!’
lyra: ‘scary movies. I love horror, but I don’t watch fims much’.
ren: ‘I’m not really into horror.’
jude: ‘spoookeh! I love a good horror, the more gory the better too, like, I wanna see blood and guts.’
8) any special talents?
ophelia: ‘well there’s my affinity, anything I draw with magic on paper comes to life, i’d say that’s pretty special!’
lyra: ‘what? like my affinity? I can read minds... I’m a psychic, but I don’t know if that’s that special... a lot of people have a psychic affinity.’
ren: ‘I’m really good at painting.’
jude: ‘dude, watch this!’
9) where were you born?
ophelia: ‘los angeles!’
lyra: ‘I don’t really know to be honest... I was abandoned by my mum at a mall so... yeah.’
ren: ‘lyon! but my parents also lived in london for awhile.’
jude: ‘new york. god I miss it...’
10) what are your hobbies?
ophelia: ‘errr I watch a lot of reality tv, I also play simulation games like the sims, stardew valley- those kinds of games’.
lyra: ‘I play a lot of video games. I really like Destiny, but also horror games like Dead by Daylight, and Resident Evil- yeah, I play a lot of games, just look at my steam library instead maybe. Sometimes I stream them, but I don’t use webcam so...’
ren: ‘painting and drawing... I don’t really do much else, but I like this one game I have on my laptop called Mini Motorways- it’s really relaxing’.
jude: ‘watching movies, reading comics, playing guitar... I like a lot of things, and I watch a lot of Youtube as well! I also play basketball.’
11) have you any pets?
ophelia: ‘no... and my mom wouldn’t let me get a snake’
lyra: ‘oh yeah, we have two dogs. a pomeranian named apple and a sausage dog called bean- my dad’s are really bad at naming animals’.
ren: ‘no, but there’s a cat with socks that comes into my garden sometimes.’
jude: ‘we have a cat. she loves me more than she loves my mom-heh’.
12) what sports do you play / have you played?
ophelia: ‘HA. I don’t ‘sport’.
lyra: ‘next question.’
ren: ‘I sometimes play football with my friends. I do it socially, I’m not that interested in sports.’
jude: ‘oh ya, like I said earlier, I play some basketball sometimes!’
13) how tall are you?
ophelia: ‘five foot eight! I’m pretty tall actually.’
lyra: ‘I’m about five three.’
ren: ‘err, five foot ten I think- I haven’t checked in awhile though.’
jude: ‘six one. you can measure me if you like, I’ll prove it.’
14) favourite subject in school?
ophelia: ‘I really like geography and textiles.’
lyra: ‘art is the most relaxing... I hate school to be honest’.
ren: ‘art, but I like history a lot as well.’
jude: ‘errr physics, or maths. I like maths as well.’
15) dream job?
ophelia: ‘I’d like to work in media! working on a tv set would be really fun, or a costume set!’
lyra: ‘if I could earn money playing video games I’d do that. yeah.’
ren: ‘well, I’d like to be an artist but that’s not always realistic. My second choice would be a job that doesn’t cause me any stress, or working outside somewhere...’
jude: ‘I haven’t really thought about that.’
im gonna tag @itsmariejanel, @sadnesshotline @rebouks @pralinesims @astralsi and @verthu ! (but don’t feel like you have to hehe) 💟
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hannahhook7744 · 9 months
Nova Bingham, Child of Argyle and Eden Bingham; 
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Their full name is Nova Creed Bingham.
They are non-binary.
They are sixteen years old.
They are a member of Adrien’s Youtube channel. 
Nova’s parents are pretty chill and freelance where it’s legal. 
They love Nova very much and would do anything for them; they just don’t want to be overly strict. 
One time, when Mike was babysitting Nova (when they were around six), he lost sight of them for about five minutes and came back to find the kid with half of a shaved head. Nova loved the result. Everyone else was terrified of how Argyle and Eden would react—their reaction was pretty much ‘It looks great, dear? You did that yourself? Wow, you could be a hairdresser!”
Mike was relieved. Jonathan and Nancy (Nova’s godparents) were still pretty pissed though.
Nova is a total stoner. 
Also Nova is the one who got the others into witchcraft despite popular belief. No one will ever believe Adrien, Ophelia, Lyra, and Reed whenever they say that, though because Nova just looks so innocent…
They love pizza and know how to make it from scratch. Unlike everything else they try to make. 
Nova loves mixing gothic and hippie clothing together even though it drives Reed nuts. 
They have great aim with a slingshot. 
Nova and the others have all compiled a book of information on various supernatural creatures just in case they run into them at some point (anything is possible in their minds after they find out about the upside down). 
Nova’s parents told them about the upside down when they were thirteen. 
Nova figured out that Adrien also knew not long after though they never could quite figure out how he found out because he refused to tell them how he found out. 
Nova is very close to their parents and loves them very much—which makes it very hard to keep secrets from them. Which is exactly why Nova has very few of them. 
Nova has scared their friends before because they can be a bit ‘intense’ with their interest.
Oh and they have talked shit to ghosts before.
Nova has very little impulse control.
Also Nova adores Question, Adrien’s little hamster, very much. Mostly because they’ve never had a pet themselves. 
Nova is good at surfing despite having rarely gone surfing before.
Nova speaks several languages and will watch tv in other languages they understand. 
If Nova does this with another person in the room and they don’t speak the language, that’s how you know they’re mad at them. 
Nova doesn’t get angry often but gets very passive aggressive when they do get angry. 
Nova is trying to figure out what you can bake weed into and what you can’t—even though their friends keep begging them not to. 
Oh and Nova has used blood before to try and figure out if it will make a spell work—no one knows where they got it from. The others were too scared to ask. 
Nova has dizzy spells occasionally.
They are short and climb onto the counter to get stuff from the very top of the cabinet—which scares the shit out of their friends. For obvious reasons. 
Nova loves oversized T-shirts and loose sleeves. 
Their social media name is ‘Errorgendernotfound 69’.
They prefer rainy weather to sunny weather and can be found wearing t-shirts even in winter because they are rarely ever cold.
Once they were so stoned and sleep deprived that they talked to a pair of Halloween decorations in a store thinking it was Adrien and Ophelia. Their friends have not let them live this down.
Nova loves flower crowns and glow sticks.
Nova also very much believes in soulmates. 
Nova and Adrien are strictly platonic. 
Nova has introduced Adrien to both “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared”, “Gravity Falls”, and “Welcome Home”. They geek out over it together more often than they probably should. 
Oh and they watched Unnus Annus together.
Nova plays the tambourine and the flute alongside several other instruments. 
They play bingo on random things for fun—and would do the same for trauma bingo if they had enough trauma for trauma bingo. 
The click is their favorite youtuber. 
They love ‘Fear Street’, ‘Scream’, ‘Scary Movie’, ‘Final Destination’, and ‘The Cabin in the Woods’.
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moonlightndaydreams · 10 months
I love all these scenarios you and Lyra came up with, and I'm in love with Melanie and Vivi as well. I also prefer to use ocs instead of y/n, cause I don't feel comfortable self-inserting in stories, so i'm glad to see i'm not the only one
We established that guitarist Han is superior and probably a huge turn on for Minho and Mel/Vivi, but let me introduce you to this concept
Mel knowing how to rap/Vivi knowing how to play the guitar too.
What are your thoughts?
Guitarist Han makes me so wet I am not gonna lie. But all versions of him do that to me. I don’t have a problem.
Minsung weren’t aware of her talent for rapping or playing guitar. They only knew her as a dancer.
Han discovered this secret (but really it wasn’t intentionally a secret) YouTube channel of hers where she worked under another name. You should’ve seen the shock on his face hearing her voice rapping his rap from Heyday. Her sultry tones in his ear made him practically come in his trousers.
He was addicted. He binged her videos. He turned up the volume for her cover on “My Neck, My Back” he knew enough English for his imagination to to conjure up images of her instructing him what he needs to do.
But then the guitar playing. Well fuck me, he thought. She’s perfect.
With Minho absolutely captivated by the way her body moved and told a story through dance, Han felt the same about her vocal and musical talent.
Minho watched and listened in awe as Han excitedly showed him all of her secret work. He was taken aback because he thought he knew everything he needed to know about her. But then he realised he had two loves with a wicked tongue and fingers…. So his fantasies just got better.
Now we have two very hard and horny young men.
@lyramundana thoughts? Additions?
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bryastar · 3 months
Word Salad #10
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hey hi hey jklfds;ajfklds aaaaa i did a thing aa babababa look!
it ball! 🥺
ok so, i like dabbling with animation a bunch. yesterday I ended up watching a bunch of animation tutorials including One where an animator walks through the process of drawing an animation inbetween...on paper and another one which talks about using timing charts to figure out where a drawing should go.....also on paper!! I understand that like digital vs traditional art each has its own flaws and benefits and whatnot, but what intrigues my brain, personally, is how people were drawing all these super nice well animated shots without the aid or assistance of a computer! and I guess seeing how they explain the process and what they're thinking while they're flipping pages around and eyeballing where the nest line should go, and all this from practice and experience. it gets me thinking like how can this be applied to the software we have today.
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i made these on toonsquid on ipad earlier. i think learning timing charts and learning easing in and out helps make animation a bit livelier, and also helped with learning where to draw the inbetweens which i tended to struggle with the most. i think my mindset during all this is just "if people did this on paper over a century ago, i can do this today" and honestly....it's actually a lot simpler than i expected. still time consuming no doubt, but simple.
also related side tangent, when I first started watching friendship is magic, I found a youtube channel where someone was going through the show and analyzing the animation. I was hooked so hard to these, and it's amazing just how much time and effort the animators would put into the show. after seeing this and also the double rainboom flash puppet tutorials, that led me to spontaneously make this asdflyra parody while I quickly put together a Lyra flash puppet from scratch. currently this video is my most watched animation with currently 21K views aa
so yeah, thats all i got for now. i'm definitely excited to dabble more with animation stuff down the line now that I'm slowly finding a process that works for me.
space cookies 🌌🍪
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twinsunstars · 1 year
Reflecting on Star Wars Celebration 2023
For 2023, Star Wars Celebration was held in London, England, part of Europe. Fans had a blast, whether they actually attended in person wearing cosplay or just regular clothes, or tuned into the live broadcasts on the Star Wars Youtube channel. Like last year in 2022, there were a lot of surprises and awesome guests, but 2023 had a lot of special moments and emotional responses. The hosts of each panel also need some appreciation, I loved the energy and relatable moods they brought to each day. In this post, I’ll recap some of the amazing highlights of each celebration day, and share my thoughts on the panels I attended while tuning into the lives at home. 
Starting off with Day 1, the excitement was at the top-level. Considering it was in London, the live started at 5 AM for me where I live. So I definitely did not get any sleep, but it was worth it. The Ahsoka series got the most recognition of the day with the teaser trailer dropping to all the fans. I woke up to the trailer being posted and immediately watched it, trying not to scream so loudly. Rebels fans were truly getting fed with the new live-action debuts of Hera, Sabine, Ezra, Thrawn, and Chopper. The Acolyte cast were given introductions, and I had no idea that a star from Squid Game (Lee Jung-jae) was going to be in it. I’m really excited to see more of this show. The Making of Andor was discussed with a few of the cast members and creators there, and Diego Luna really highlighted what Andor means to a personal level. Season 2 is in the making, and that will be something worth looking forward to. The next Star Wars films were also announced, and Dave Filoni’s directing one??? Let’s see what he has in store for us.
Day 2 included just as much fun as the first day had. There were more discussions on the Ahsoka characters, and Lars Mikkelsen IS PLAYING THRAWN?! Definitely a good live-action casting choice. Ming-Na Wen came to celebration to host the panel celebrating 40 years of Return of the Jedi, looking back at the characters and how that movie’s plot set up a lot of iconic memories. She also came to an interview to discuss her character, Fennec Shand, and how she is a “badass”. Andy Serkis came to the stage and certainly incited a powerful audience (”ONE WAY OUT!”). It’s unbelievable how it’s already been 15 years of The Clone Wars, with Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, and Ashley Eckstein looking back at the legacy of all of it. Ian McDarmid served the iconic laughter of Palpatine, and Anthony Daniels arrived with his usual charm that makes C-3PO lovable, and got to meet one of his droid fans. Billy Dee William’s charm is irresistible, and we love to see Star Wars authors getting recognition.  
In Day 3, there was a lot more looking back to look forward to. Starting off with the panel celebrating a few of the villains of the Sequels-Phasma, Snoke, and Palpatine-it was interesting to hear their perspectives. Cameron Monaghan served his look on the stage while rocking a poncho, and we love to hear the discussions about ponchos. He even gave it to a cosplaying fan, which was so sweet. Discussing “Jedi Survivor”, the sequel to “Jedi: Fallen Order”, there’s a lot more action to look forward to in the next game. Vivien Lyra Blair is just too adorable, and we have to agree with Hayden Christhansen; “This is where the fun begins” is one of the best Anakin lines. Along with Ewan McGregor and a few other cast members and creators, the team looks back at the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, getting nostalgia between the relationship of Obi-Wan and Anakin. 
And finally, Day 4 was sad as it was to be the last day of celebration, but the energy was extra hyped this day. This day was filled with content of The Bad Batch, and we love to see everyone fangirling over Dee Bradley Baker performing the voices of a few clones. (Tech and Phee are canon now after they talked about it, you can’t change my mind.) Michelle Ang is so pure at heart, and we love to hear her takes on Omega and having her grow up a bit. The fact that Season 3 will be the last Bad Batch season is saddening, there’s still so much to discover. Ashley Eckstein is truly such a kind human being, and we love to see her giving the Ahsoka recognition that is truly deserved. A second season of Tales of the Jedi was announced, and we will be getting a Volume 2 of Star Wars: Visions, and I am in love with the animation. The fact that the studio who produced the film “Wolfwalkers” is getting to create a short in this makes me happy. Listen, Nubs, that little jedi from that upcoming Disney Junior show, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, is so CUTE! The closing ceremony was filled with a lot of emotions, but we can’t wait until the next celebration to see everyone again. Star Wars Celebration is truly home.
My first celebration was back in 2022, and I had attended that one through the lives at home as well. Whenever I sit down to attend the live streams, I really feel like I’m there at celebration, and I have tons of fun every time. Let’s look forward to enjoying ourselves again in 2025 in Japan!
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haydenfannews · 1 year
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🚨Hayden’s schedule for Star Wars Celebration tomorrow Saturday, April 8, 2023. If you’re not attending SWCE in London you can Live Stream the Celebration Live Stage Interviews on Youtube or StarWars.com . https://www.youtube.com/@StarWars/streams Not all panels are being live-streamed. According to The Direct 🚨 HAYDEN will be live on the Celebration Stage tomorrow, Saturday- from 12:00 pm - 12:15 pm London time. Sunday Vivien Lyra Blair: 12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m Ewan McGregor: 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m More Schedule Updates: https://thedirect.com/article/star-wars-celebration-online-stream-watch-events #HaydenChristensen #starwarsnews #thechosenone #DarthVader #jedi #Anakin #Skywalker #ObiwanKenobi #Ahsoka #haydenfannews #hcfn #fanexpoboston #fanexpophiladelphi #fanexpodenver #mefcc #mefcc2023 #Megacon #FanEXPODallas #CalgaryExpo #StarWarsCelebrationEurope #SWCE #StarWarsCelebration #haydenfannews #hcfn https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqwgeq0MRJ5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gundam-jones · 5 months
unusual oc asks
Thank you for the tag @gale-in-space !!! I was trying to figure out how to copy paste it in tumblr, but then I remembered I could get it from the notif email lmao
Gonna do this with Lylirian Emera, (aka, Lyra)!
Seasoning: She loves anything herby tbh, she loves rosemary
Weather: She loves a stormy day, it means she can stay inside and read and curl up with her cat Horatio. Also means most people won’t come to bother her due to the weather lmao
Color: I associate her with blues and greens! She likes a deep red tho.
Sky: She’s not much of a stargazer, but she does like watching a sunset every now and again.
House plant: a hardy, wildly overgrown succulent (healthy, just very large)
Weapon: Dual short swords or scimitars
Subject: Hmmm good question. I made her background “guild artisan”, since her family runs a trading collective in baldur’s gate so anything related to textiles and making of art is something she has an expertise in (200 years of it) Herself tho, she loves music of all kinds and embroidery. She’s very crafty, and loves making things (she’s currently dabbling in jewelry making)
Social media: no idea, but she probably lurks on artisan YouTube accounts, or subreddits where ppl talk about things they make
Makeup product: on the road, all she has is her lipstick. In the city she only really indulges in make up when she’s going to a big event
Candy: she doesn’t like sweets a lot, but she does like chocolate covered fruits
Fear: less fear here, but more she couldn’t take the grief of losing another family member the way she lost her late husband (ie, sudden death and murder, burying them, then the person's body being stolen from their grave, not being able to find out who did it)
Ice cube shape: she likes them cubed
Method of long distance travel: by ship, if it’s available!
Art style: good question? not sure. In terms of medium, she prefers music
Mythological creature: Diwata (lesser gods under the philippine pantheon, often protectors of nature)
Piece of stationary: She has stationary for casual and formal use. For formal use, imagine crisp, cream colored paper in an envelope enclosed with a wax seal (red or green depending on how she's feeling). for any smaller, more personal notes it'll be the same paper but folded or rolled shut, and tied close with a ribbon
Celestial body: The constellation of Calliope
Thanks for tagging me!
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acacia-may · 1 year
Orchid and Dafodil for the ask game please Acacia 🥰?
Certainly, Lyra! Thank you for the ask!! 🥰 I started rambling a bit (sorry about that) so I've included my answers below the cut. 😅
Questions from this "Get to Know Me" Ask Game
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Ooh! This is such a good question yet very, very difficult since I listen to music constantly. I often feel like I "think" in music, to tell you the truth, so there are so many songs that I love and I'm not sure how to narrow it down... 😂
I've decided to answer with the "perfect" song with the word "Perfect" in the Title: "Perfect for You" by Rachel Platten (YouTube). I absolutely love this song and it was one of several that inspired "Wine Therapy" (and that I listened to on repeat when writing that).
I'm also going to link "Born to Die" by Lana Del Rey (YouTube) which has been my song on repeat recently. 😊
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
Yes, I have two much younger sisters (I am 8 years older than my middle sister and 10 years older than my youngest sister). Despite our differences in age, I have always felt very close to them, and they have always been two of the most important people in the world to me. 💕 (I really think this is part of the reason I love stories about sibling relationships so much and enjoy writing about them).
My middle sister and I have very few similarities in personality (for instance she's very easygoing whereas I'm pretty uptight), but we have a lot of similar interests. My sister has seen way more anime and read way more manga than me, and I mostly watch anime and read manga with her. A lot of my most wild and "out there" theories and AUs I made up with her since she tends to think outside the box and loves to make jokes about things. Our favourite animes and mangas are wildly different, however, and she actually put me on a Black Clover ban since I was (supposedly) annoying her by talking about it too much (which eventually led to me making this blog 😅). The last series we watched was Fairy Tail, and though we aren't watching anything together right now, we are playing a video game (Danganronpa).
On the other hand, my youngest sister and I have a lot of similarities in personality. We're both overachievers, planners, blunt honest, stubborn, and snarky, but she is much more outgoing, energetic, and talkative than me and much better organized. That said, we don't have many common interests beyond the fact that we both like to read (though we tend to enjoy different books) and enjoy crime shows (which are generally not our other sister's cup of tea). Occasionally we will find a show that all three of us enjoy and will watch it together, but this is fairly rare. The last one of these was Demon Slayer, actually, and it was kind of a big deal for my youngest sister since she usually doesn't like anime (she even went on to read the manga because she wanted to know what happened). Since my middle sister and I had already seen and read it, we had lots of fun with my youngest sister's (purposefully) ridiculous made-up nicknames for all the characters. She's a bit of a jokester and loves giving people (real and fictional) the most nonsensical nicknames. [For instance, she has seen a few clips of Black Clover (it's not her cup of tea though) and refers to Langris as "The Middle Schooler" for some reason I will never understand...😂].
We all tease each other to show we care which I think gets reflected in my writing quite a bit. Speaking of my writing, both of my sisters have read bits and pieces of it (neither has read everything I've posted, but I wouldn't mind if they did), but since they are much more into romance than me, they usually tease me for "getting swoony about friendship." 😂 I have written a few stories on request for my middle sister whereas my youngest sister usually bugs me about returning to my original fiction I completely abandoned. However, she once helped me out with a fanfiction by very thoroughly picking it apart and telling me all of the ways it could be construed as romantic rather than platonic after I received some feedback that it was coming off romantic even though that hadn't been my intention in writing (I apologized up and down, then had a bit of an identity crisis, then asked my sister for help and she's all: "you need to change your tags" so I did 😂🙈. Now I feel like I over-tag everything just to be safe...)
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
As a kid I loved looking up creepy Pokémon videos (which unfortunately gave me early exposure to certain fetishes cuz God damn once you dig deep enough YouTube will just recommend you anything) and a found a lot of theories claiming Giovanni killed himself via drowning? Is there any actual grounds for this or is this just conspiracy YouTube BS?
Had to do some digging for this, but in HG/SS, after Giovanni is defeated, a splash sound is played instead of the standard "edit" noise. Then, over the radio, some Team Rocket members are heard wondering where he went, and Lyra "feels sorry that they don't know that he's not coming". So the theory is that he jumped off the falls because he couldn't handle the shame of losing. Here's an old thread proposing it:
However, this is only a dark interpretation and it's very unlikely it was the intended interpretation of events. It's more likely the splash is radio static, and it seems highly unlikely someone like Giovanni would take a loss so hard.
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