#lyrics are from every you every me by placebo
tellmegoodbye · 4 hours
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Hello everyone,
I have a few housekeeping things to talk about before I return to our usual Music Monday format, but I know we're all excited for tonight so I will try to keep this brief.
If you would like to check out our playlist for the countdown event you can find that here.
Since we are getting new episodes now, I thought it would be a cool idea for a new way to participate in the tag. If you have a song that you relate to the new episodes, share them with us!
Please continue to refer to this post for any new Music Monday info, or if you just need a refresher on how the tag works.
Here's a quick overview of what Music Monday is for those of you who are new here. You share your songs that you relate to the show, its characters, storylines, fanfics, etc. All songs are added to their respective playlists and your explanations are added to the docs I have created for each playlist.
Reminder: Make sure to either tag me in your posts OR you can use the 911ls music mondays tag so that I can find and reblog your contributions.
Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, onto my songs for the week!
Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park
I dreamed I was missing You were so scared But no one would listen Cause no one else cared After my dreaming I woke with this fear What am I leaving When I'm done here?
Don't be afraid I've taken my beating I've shared what I've made I'm strong on the surface Not all the way through I've never been perfect But neither have you So, if you're asking me, I want you to know
When my time comes Forget the wrong that I've done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed And don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory Leave out all the rest
This song is a reflection on the way we live our lives and how we will be remembered when we're gone. When I think about these lyrics in the context of Lone Star, they could really apply to any character, but Gabriel is who specifically comes to my mind for this song.
To me, this is Gabriel's message to Carlos. He's spent a lot of time reflecting on his own mistakes and has struggled to express the love he has for his son, but he hopes that Carlos will remember him as someone who never stopped trying and who always strived to be better. He didn't always get it right, but he looks at Carlos and feels so much love and pride, and he wants Carlos to know that and to see that.
Zzyzx Rd. - Stone Sour
Propped up by lies and promises Saving my place as life forgets Maybe it's time I saw the world
I'm only here for a while But patience is not my style And I'm so tired that I gotta go
What am I supposed to hide now? What am I suppose to do? Did you really think I wouldn't see this through Tell me I should stick around for you Tell me I could have it all I'm still too tired to care and I gotta go
I'm over existing in limbo I'm over the myths and placebos I don't really mind if I just fade away
I'm ready to live with my family I'm ready to die in obscurity 'Cause I'm so tired that I gotta go
This is a song written from the perspective of someone struggling with addiction. The narrator addresses his loved ones with a sort of brutal honesty about his feelings towards life, but it's also a song about love and support at the same time. It's about someone who is there for you even when you're in your worst moments and can't see a way out.
This song reminds me of TK and Owen in s1. Owen is ready to do whatever he has to do in order to help TK, and TK lets him in as much as he can, but these lyrics are also an realistic viewpoint on the state of his mental health in the aftermath of his suicide attempt. He knows Owen loves him and is there for him, but he still needs to find that healing outside of that support.
Impossible - Nothing But Thieves
Love, it stings and then it laughs At every beat of my battered heart A sudden jolt, a tender kiss I know I'm gonna die of this And that's because
I could drown myself in someone like you I could dive so deep I never come out I thought it was impossible But you make it possible
I'll take the smooth with the rough Feels so fucked up to be in love Another day, another night Stuck in my own head but you pull me out You pull me out
I really hit y'all with a couple angsty gems today, so I should probably round this post out with a more upbeat song. This song screams Tarlos to me, and reminds me of the early days of their relationship where everything is new and overwhelming, but it also just feels right at the same time. They've come to that realization that what they have is something special, and that they might have found their soulmate. Before they met, such a notion felt impossible to them.
@strandnreyes @lemonlyman-dotcom @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet @herefortarlos
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @literateowl @carlos-tk @paperstorm @guardian-angle22
@ironheartwriter @emsprovisions @sapphic--kiwi @whatsintheboxmh @firstprince-history-huh
@nancys-braids @captain-gillian @alrightbuckaroo @theghostofashton @sweettkstrand
@toomanycupsoftea @corsage @certifiedflower @goldenskykaysani @reeeallygood
+ open tag
please tell me if you would like to be added/removed from my tag list
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withoutyouimsaskia · 7 months
Sometimes It's Fated (Sandman Short Story Part 1)
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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​GIF: Originally posted by @tavners
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x AFAB reader
Summary: Reader Self-Insert. After restoring the Dreaming and locating the missing dreams and nightmares, Morpheus turns his attention to finding you, the human he believes fate has chosen for him. (Title inspired by Placebo's "This Picture".)
Warnings: Minors DNI. Dark!Morpheus. Soulmates. Angst. Obsessive and possessive behaviour. Tension. Home invasion. Voyeurism. Implied masturbation. Dream manipulation.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Wow, this took way longer to finish than I had originally planned. My head's been all over the place with trying (and thus far failing) to find a new job. The themes are very different to what I've written before; I hope it reads okay. Please let me know what you think. All my love, Saskia xx
Sandman Masterlist
A phenomenon that governed every particle of matter within the known universe and even those beyond.
Some considered it a comforting concept that excused them from the burden of decision making, citing: "I'll leave it up to fate." For others the phrase was a cursory, throw-away comment or a romantic line they heard in the lyrics of a song.
The real truth of the matter was that Fate was a trio of immortal beings, goddesses, with sight so potent that they knew the past, present and future of every individual to have lived. The mythology of the Greeks, Romans and Norse hadn't been too far off with their stories of the Moirai, Parcae and Norns but of course, no humans really believed there to be any realism in myths. They were just stories. It didn't matter either way; they existed and had influence regardless of what the majority believed.
For beings such as The Endless siblings, the presence of Fate in the cosmos was not only real, but also something that affected even themselves.
For the King of Dreams, an eventuality had been prophesised long ago by The Kindly Ones that spoke of a bond that was to be forged between himself and a mortal.
Lord Morpheus, in his pride, had tried to be above such a foretelling, even questioning its validity because the notion of a mortal accepting his version of the universe seemed wholly implausible.
But he could not truly stop himself from wondering about you, reaching out to see if he could feel your presence in the minds of the dreamers he hosted.
It wasn't something he indulged in with frequency. More of a once-in a-decade interval. Enough to appease his curiosity.
Of course, this was put on hold during his imprisonment at Fawney Rig.
Morpheus had had much to contemplate during this period. The damage his absence caused to the collective subconscious, the decay of his realm, the loss of freedom and dignity. There was also a chance that you had been born and died in the 106 years he spent in captivity.
What if he was too late and had lost the chance of discovering who you were?
It was a nauseating prospect that scraped and scratched a space deep within his being; bleeding him of his remaining stores of hope that were so significantly depleted after the death of beloved Jessamy.
Despite the nasty emotional wound, finding you was a charge that he assigned at the end of his priorities after his escape.
Recovering his scattered tools, restoring the Dreaming, locating his absent creations, unravelling the mystery of Rose Walker and confronting Desire all had needed to come first.
The latter interaction had left Morpheus with a seething rage that was currently propelling him down the boards of the dock that sit above the Ocean of Dreams.
The dense mist in the air is buffeted by his movements and the only sounds are the tread of boots, the creak of wooden slats and the lap of water.
With each step, the liquid becomes choppier as it reacts to its master's mood and by the time he has reached the end of the dock, the surface of the water roils fervorously, completely in line with Morpheus' dangerous temperament.
The words of Desire's final silken-toned taunt echo in his mind with grating persistence.
"Oh, poor Dream. I really got under your skin this time, didn't I?"
He is loathe to admit there is truth in the question.
There are moments where Morpheus ponders the turn that the relationship between them has taken. How Desire went from being his favourite sibling to someone one shade shy of an adversary. Their faultless adeptness at provoking his temper and manipulating the events that encircle him would be impressive if not for the danger posed to humanity.
The agitated water eventually draws focus to how out of control he and his emotions have become. Morpheus knows he must get them in check, and quickly, for he knows the consequences all too well should he ignore it.
He clenches his fist and swallows it all down, pushing it deep inside his belly until the crackling entropy of the anger is fully dispelled.
Morpheus then sweeps his coat out behind him as he sinks lithely into a crouch. Trepidation nips at his heart and tugs his attention to a sobering thought.
This foray into the water may be fruitless.
You may be long gone and there would be no way of ever knowing you.
His nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath; he has run out of excuses to not look, even if he is afraid of the outcome.
Long, delicate fingers dapple the surface of the inky ocean. The waves still at the touch, obedient to him with instancy.
He repositions to full height and reaches into his coat to find the pouch of sand stashed in the pocket. A handful of twinkling grains slip off his palm into the ocean, lighting the water it touches to a luminous green.
"Find my soulmate," Morpheus commands silently.
The intention is set. He steps off the dock into the water.
At first, like every other prior attempt, there is no sign of you. Morpheus floats submerged in the tepid liquid, filtering through the hubbub of countless other dreams and nightmares.
Then there is a pull.
It is faint yet indisputable. Warmth explodes in his chest and he groans inwardly from the delicious sensation of relief.
You are alive, and you are dreaming.
A path of radiance appears in the water, a line that shows your connection, and provides a location for him to hone in on.
Morpheus dives deeper without hesitation.
As he reaches the edge of your subconscious, he rejoices that he got a handle on his emotions. He wouldn't want your first perception of him to be one tinged with rage, however unaware you were of him, with your soulmate being the source.
He hesitates for a moment before entering the dream you are in and is somewhat taken aback by what he finds.
A room comprising of four blank walls, a floor, a ceiling and a door. There is but one other feature; a window, and its view is as non-descript and inoffensive as the internal space.
You stand by said window, head turned from him.
Despite being unable to see your face, he sees your anxiety with immediacy. It is an aura hovering about your body, being sucked into your lungs with every fast-paced breath.
You begin to throw glances towards the door. Morpheus filters through the layers of the dream. No one is scheduled to come across the threshold.
The more he observes, the more questions arise in Morpheus' mind.
What was making you so affected? What were you expecting to happen?
There's nothing in the scene that is intended to be unpleasant yet you are reacting in a way that most observers would characterise as unsettled.
Morpheus, despite not yet knowing you, doesn't like to see you this way. His dominant instinct is to end the dream but he quashes the desire to review the bigger picture.
The empty room dream was symbolic of a beginning.
It clicks into place.
What you were feeling, even if on a purely instinctual level, was the anticipation of meeting your soulmate and starting your new life.
Morpheus steps into the frame, just a couple of paces behind you.
You feel his presence instantly, eyes full to the brim with tears as you whirl around with a soft gasp.
You see him.
The tears spill and patter onto the white floor.
Morpheus reaches out, overcome by his need to provide comfort.
You disappear.
Morpheus is sat on his throne. He pores over the book he had located in the Dreaming's library a little over a week ago that contains the details of your life. It is something he has taken to doing when the impatience of waiting for you to fall asleep becomes too keen.
Your subconscious has him enraptured, watching it every night as if it is a stage show. Each dream he delves into is like the tug of fingers on a loose thread, your psyche has begun to unravel before him.
Everything from whims to cravings, hopes to fears. Your temperament, the things that delight and irk you. What drives you and demotivates you. He consumes it all with an insatiable hunger.
Based on the projection of yourself that he sees, there is no doubt that he is attracted to you.
All that prior haughty disregard for the Fates' prophecy has been cast aside like a negative thought in a meditation session. Morpheus is a romantic. A believer. He is ashamed to have even doubted your coming.
He wonders if it would vex Desire to learn of him finding his soulmate and by extension, the prospect of companionship, perhaps even physical intimacy or love.
It is all too easy to imagine the sickly sweet grin they would smile at him, shown to be fake by the almost imperceptible contempt glinting in their golden eyes.
Would his triumph drive them to distraction?
It is this smug sentiment that spurs his next decision. He wants more. The next logical step is to find you in the waking world.
He rises from his throne, a sure hand ready to bring forth his pouch of sand when he falters.
Tears pool in his eyes.
His mind is suddenly marred with the memories of what happened in 1916. The agony, mortification and rage that followed. He couldn't go through that kind of treatment ever again and the waking world expanded the risk of it transpiring.
"No," he says resolutely. His sadness turns to resolve, the hard line of his grimace matching those set in his brows.
He will not let the actions of a group of mortals dissuade him from going to you. And besides, he has researched everything he can about you from within the safety of the Dreaming.
He takes a measure of sand and uses it to materialise within your bedroom.
It is obvious from a quick scan of it that deliberate attempts have been made to ensure the space is cosy and calming.
Two marshmallowy pillows support your head. The cotton sheets have been meticulously tucked to avoid drafts. A lavender reed diffuser fragrances the air with a subtle scent. There are no devices or screens visible.
Everything has its place. A coaster supported glass of water within reaching distance. Touch activated lamp in case of emergency. The diary lined up with the back left corner of the bedside table, pen placed parallel in the spine dent. All clothes are in the wardrobe or stashed in the laundry basket.
Morpheus moves to the curtain-shrouded window and delicately moves the dark, heavy fabric to catch a glimpse of the outside world.
The scene is sepia stained from an old streetlight positioned right outside your home. It explained the choice of curtains.
You stir slightly from the change in environment and Morpheus allows the curtain to fall back in place. He remains stationary until your breathing returns to its previous pace. It is imperative that his presence remains undisclosed. He knows that mortals do not take well to home invasion.
Then, your right hand slips out from the duvet cocoon revealing a cushion cut ruby ring on your middle finger.
He smiles exultantly. The similarity between the jewel and his own now-destroyed dreamstone was undeniable.
The Fates were making it transparent.
You were the one.
Morpheus approaches the side of your bed now. In your momentary discomfort, you had moved your head, making your whole face visible to your uninvited guest.
He bends gracefully so his face is closer to yours and observes you with an intent fascination.
Even in the gloom, Morpheus asserts that your features are even more captivating now that he is able to look upon them in person and is certain that if he could guarantee an absence of fear then he would fall to knees and worship you right there.
Fingers stroke a lock of hair splayed across the pillow and his thoughts turn darker still, imagining what he would do with you if he could get you alone in the Dreaming. How he would seduce you with words, and then pleasure your body with his own until you were senseless.
Getting you there would be so easy, all he needed to do was move his hand up and touch your skin and -
Morpheus stops himself, deciding that now is not the time for an introduction. He will wait until tomorrow. You need to rest. It will be quite the revelation for your sweet mortal heart.
Morpheus whispers a promise, "We will be together soon, my precious soulmate."
He leaves after taking one last look at your peaceful form.
When he returns to the Dreaming, Morpheus discovers that the visit has riled him way beyond what he thought possible.
It was supposed to sate his curiosity and answer some questions.
It has done the opposite.
His craving for you is sublimely intense, opiate-like in its ensnarement.
He needs to possess you. To have you all to himself. Everything would fall into place. Loneliness, disillusionment, jealousy; they would never darken his outlook again. You would heal him, he is certain of it.
He paces restlessly in the low light of his private chambers as heat ripples beneath the surface of his being, charging him with pure sexual lust.
He hungers for the moment when you feel the same about him.
For now, all he can do is stand and touch himself while thinking of your face, an act that has been carried out repeatedly in the days since he found you in the Ocean of Dreams.
An erotic idea enters his mind.
Your subconscious is still in the Dreaming; he knows the feeling of it intimately.
Perhaps he could bring you a dream mirroring his own current fantasy.
To give you a taste of what was to come.
A gift that only he could bestow.
The mere thought of it turns him on even more. His back arches and his eyes roll back as he choses the words through which he would deliver the offering.
"Dream of me," Morpheus murmurs breathlessly. "Dream of me."
He repeats the phrase until he is unable to continue, moans taking over the darkened space around him.
It is dusk the next day when Morpheus returns to the waking world.
The instant he touches down on the Earth's surface, he knows exactly where to go. The metaphysical connection between you is as strong as the energy pulsing through a ley line.
The city he is directed to is thrumming with life but the side street he stands in has been spared from the furore.
It is fortuitous that he is permitted to be unobserved for Morpheus is struggling now with the urge to get closer.
Providence is pulling him in and also locking him out.
He walks up to the door and then an invisible force makes him back away.
He doesn't even try to fight it.
The Fates hold all the cards. Morpheus is beholden to their each and every whim.
It is surprisingly liberating.
He is dancing in the cross hairs. Blinkered by the tie the universe has fashioned for you.
All he has to do is wait.
The door to the building is pushed open.
Taglist: @herfantasyworldd
"Fate. Up against your will. Through the thick and thin. He will wait until you give yourself to him."
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insecateur · 1 year
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I'll be standing tall (La Maison-Dieu)
A 10 songs bilingual Sycamore/Lysandre playlist (in honor of Pokémon X&Y's 10th anniversary)
(Unfortunately, I don't use Spotify, so you'll have to make do with this YouTube playlist or look for the songs yourself. But do look under the read more for Lyrics Excerpts and all of that.)
Why a bilingual playlist? Well because I'm a bilingual guy, for a start, and because my experience with Pokémon X&Y in general and this ship in particular has always been bilingual as well (even trilingual, arguably.) I wanted to put together some of my favorite songs in English for them and introduce English-speaking fans to some of my favorite French songs for them, too. A lot of those songs are songs I've quoted, mentioned, or even used as inspiration for art and fic.
(Why is Augustine on the English side and Lysandre on the French side? Because I thought Lysandre would be offended at the idea of being on the English side while Augustine wouldn't care about it as much.)
Sunburn by Muse
He burns like the sun And I can't look away And he'll burn our horizons Make no mistakes
This is the classic, quintessential PRFR song for me. Its only crime is that it's het, sung from the point of a view of a man singing about a woman. That pesky little detail cannot stop me, however.
Without You I'm Nothing by Placebo (feat David Bowie)
I'm unclean, a libertine And every time you vent your spleen I seem to lose the power of speech You're slipping slowly from my reach You grow me like an evergreen You've never seen the lonely me at all
Do I even need to say anything about this? I listen to this song when I need to make myself Suffer thinking about them. Oh to be unable to bring yourself to say something about your beloved friend's downward spiral...
Hardest of Hearts by Florence + the Machine
Darling heart, I loved you from the start But you'll never know what a fool I've been Darling heart, I loved you from the start But that's no excuse for the state I'm in
My friend sent me this song saying it was about them and they were RIGHT. Shout-out to my friend for that. I like how it can be alternating POV, too.
Changes by The Happy Fits
I try to run away but I find myself, again Stuck in the same place Who will I be today? I can't control the world or change it
This one was suggested by @jonphaedrus and I'm really happy I could have its contribution in here as well. This is very meaningful to me.
Celebrate by Metric
Even the darkest hour soon will be over My friend, it will be over
I couldn't not put a Metric song in there! It was tough finding the right one... But I thought putting a more optimistic spin would be nice, too. I actually associate this song with SLaWCS specifically as well, which is a nice touch.
Pâle Septembre by Camille
Mâle si tendre Au début de novembre Devint sourd aux avances de l'amour Mais quel mal me prit De m'éprendre de lui ?
Did you know? This song is the reason why I associate Lysandre with the Tower arcana. Or at least, it's what put the idea into my brain first. This one is also a quintessential PRFR song for me.
7 Vies by Kyo
La vue est magnifique Contemple-la tant que tu peux La lumière alcaline Le bien, l'ennemi du mieux Tant que le temps défile Tout doit se vivre à deux Je pratique le langage des signes Et celui du feu
I think I should be allowed to include some more vibes songs in there, although I'd argue this one fits them well. It's a bit abstract, but it fits.
Tout donner by Maître Gims
Tu es ma maladie Ma guérison quand tu l'décides Mes nuits s'illuminent J'en confonds le jour et la nuit
A desperate, self-destructive pining song... What else could a man want in this world. It's very tasty. I think about those lines way too often.
Aimer à mort by Louane
L'espoir qui joue, le feu, le froid Un souffle au cou, baiser de roi Pour nous reprendre, pour nous défendre Pour se comprendre chaque fois
Another intense but more optimistic one. I want to believe... I want them to believe as well...
Rouge Ardent by Axelle Red
As-tu trouvé, dans les feux, dans les flammes Ton idéal rouge ardent As-tu froid As-tu peur de l'aurore Tu disais "tout s'évapore" Tu as eu tort
It's a song about being in love with a failed idealist. And also the color red is there. What more can I say. (Also, this time it's originally a het song from the POV of a woman singing about a man, which ties it all neatly together, I think.)
Happy 10th anniversary to all my fellow shippers, young and old, new and ancient, whether you were in the trenches with me back in October 2013 on this webbed site or you joined us in 2021 with the Pokémon Masters revival, thank you for loving them always. Here's to loving them more and more in the future, and here's to the Pokémon X&Y remakes as they become clearer and clearer on the horizon. (And maybe we'll get a Legends game, too? Wouldn't that be something...)
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streussal · 11 months
Fanvid recs: Louis/Lestat
I put together a list of some of my favourite Loustat fanvids for Louis month at @iwtvfanevents.  There’s a fair variety here, in terms of tone, music, and general vidding style.
(I put together a separate rec list for Louis character vids here.)
General Trigger Warnings (not all apply to every single vid): violence, blood, murder, some gore, fire, domestic violence, suicide.
bloodsport by @lezarus - Loving you’s a bloodsport (music by Raleigh Ritchie)
cherry (youtube link)  by @cuntylestat / xScribbledDreaming - I fall to pieces when I'm with you, I fall to pieces. My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme.  And all of my peaches (are ruined) (music by Lana Del Rey)
Horny Angry Tango (youtube link) by @jennaflare - Our love has transformed into hate.  Damn! Sex right now would sure be great (music from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
I Love You Like an Alcoholic (youtube link)  by @fluffyrabbitofdoom - One last kiss, I need you like I need a broken leg (music by The Taxpayers)
Mamma Mia (youtube) by @homosexualslug / bravedeviatoredits - Here I go again! (music by Abba)
Me and My Husband by @claudiadupointedulac - I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute, and then I'll be nothing forever (music by Mitski)
Me and the Devil by alittlestitious339 - And I’m gonna see my man til I get satisfied -  lots of dialogue from the show is used, subtitles available by pressing the CC button (music by Soap&Skin)
no children by @tallahasseemp3 - I hope I lie, and tell everyone you were a good wife.  And I hope you die, I hope we both die (music by The Mountain Goats)
no more dreaming of the dead by rabbitmaze - In the shape of things to come, Too much poison come undone.  - This uses a lot of dialogue from the show, but there’s subtitles if you press the CC button.  (music - starts with Placebo, ends with Florence and the Machine)
off to the races (youtube link) by @cuntylestat/ xScribbledDreaming - My old man is a bad man (music by Lana Del Rey)
Rid of Me (youtube link) by @jennaflare - Tie yourself to me, no one else, no.  You're not rid of me (music is a cover of PJ Harvey by Nilüfer Yanya)
Rip (youtube link) by @idontwikeit - You were there to rip apart, It always ends without a start (music by Snow Ghosts)
smoking section by @greatmortality - And sometimes I go to the edge of my roof, and I think I'll jump just to punish you.  And if I should float on the taxis below, no one will notice, no one will know (music by St. Vincent)
Strangelove by sarpazoa - There’ll be times when my crimes will seem almost unforgivable (music by Depeche Mode)
vampire empire by @dykekingofhell - Where you can't seem to hold me, can't seem to let me go.  So I can't find surrender and I can't keep control (music by Big Thief)
who is in control? (youtube link) by @annefraid / ohann4115 - dual character study of Louis & Lestat - Goddamn right, you should be scared of me (music by Halsey)
позови меня с собой (ask me to come with you) (youtube link) by @fireboiii - This song is in Russian, which I don’t know, so I have no lyrics for you.  But it’s lovely.  (music by Palina)
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cherrylng · 22 days
Upcoming Victories UK ‘00 - Muse - Matt Bellamy interview [BUZZ (November 2000)]
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"'Compared to dance music, nothing great ever comes out of rock music, no matter how many years we wait. I'm going to start a new rock scene here.' That's what I thought when I started MUSE."
Out-of-this-world heaviness, out-of-this-world dramaturgy. What is the frustration, sense of purpose and impulse of MUSE and Matthew Bellamy to shake up a situation where only sing-along music can survive?
Text by Shinji Hyogo Interpretation by Makoto Takami
I noticed that in every issue I wrote things like "The new UK bands today are all sing-along bands that haven't been able to escape the influence of Oasis even though it's been years since their breakthrough" or "their sound is not as strong as dance or American heavy rock". There are issues where I don't write about it, but I write about it in the JAPAN record reviews that month. Do I want to make enemies with UK rock fans? Do I really hate them that much? When Coldplay's new album arrived, I was happy and listened to it every day. I also liked the new REEF stuff. I praised Placebo in the record reviews in the previous issue, and I love Oasis to begin with. What's so bad about it, me?
I thought about it and realised that the point is that I don't like the "same" thing. I've written about this before, but when I listened to the songs of creators from all over the world who uploaded their own work to MP3.com, I felt really depressed because they were all Aphex Twin imitations. Why do they go to the trouble of being "the same" or "under the influence of XXX" when they are in a field where they can do whatever they want with their music? Isn't it a waste? Isn't it uninteresting for both the performers and the listeners? First of all, you can't win if you do the same thing. I can't say that I haven't been influenced by someone else, or that I haven't written similar texts to someone else, but I think so with a sense of self-discipline. This was the lead sentence of an interview with MUSE. It is said that Radiohead and Nirvana have a strong influence on the band, and they admit it, and in fact, when I listen to the band, I certainly think so. However, I can't help but feel that I can see "beyond" the dramatic, dynamic, heavy and loud feel of their songs, the fragile beauty of their melodies, the sheer skill of their playing and vocalisation, and above all, the swell and dynamism of their sound.
There are strong sounds. MUSE's sound is strong too. However, the fact that this strength is different from alternative, (current) punk or American heavy rock is clearly expressed in the first album "SHOWBIZ" released earlier this year and the Japanese compilation "RANDOM 1-8" released in time for the band's visit to Japan in the middle of this month. Whether in melody, lyrics, or sound, what MUSE is aiming for is a sound with an intensity and drama of a type never seen before. And that's what makes you want to expect "maybe they'll change the current status quo". Matthew Bellamy answered.
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I think the loud, heavy feel of MUSE's sound is what sets you apart from other UK guitar bands. 「Yeah.」
And I think there are two reasons for that. One is that American heavy rock and dance music are first of all overwhelming in terms of the intensity of sound, whereas UK rock today is not, so you had to get the intensity of sound to match it. And the second is that you needed that kind of strong sound to give form to the world that you genuinely wanted to express. 「Yeah, I think the second opinion is right. I needed that kind of sound to create what I wanted and to make music that accurately expresses my feelings, how I feel about life and so on. I've tried to make the sound as intense as possible in order to make music that is sincere and honest. I also want to convey my feelings and emotions in a way that I can enjoy. So yeah, I think you're right about that. But it's not that I felt the need to do it to get rid of the weakness of the UK rock sound. We were born and brought up far away from the mainstream British music scene, so it was a very natural progression for us to start playing this kind of music. In fact, we didn't really know much other than this kind of music growing up. I think the main reason is that we grew up in a remote and isolated place where we were shut out from the outside world. When you grow up in a place like that, you develop a unique worldview.」
Like a rare species of animal that evolved on its own on a remote island? 「(laughs) That's terrible. No, I listen to all kinds of music without preconceptions. As far as I remember, the first music I liked when I was a kid was blues music. I think I was 10 or 11 years old, and I was first into blues piano, like Ray Charles. And I learnt guitar by listening to Robert Johnson. Then, when I was 13 or 14, I became interested in more indie British music, like Wedding Present, Senseless Things, Mega City Four, and Sultans of Ping FC」
What?!?! You liked the Sultans? (Note: A B-grade band that existed in the mid-90s and was like a combination of early Manics and Iggy Pop and the Stooges.). I've interviewed them a lot. 「Oh yeah? Did you like them?」
I loved them, but when they didn't make it, I thought, "I knew it" (laughs). 「Hahahaha. So yes, I was almost exclusively focused on British music at the time. But when I was around 15 or 16, I started listening to American music too. Like Nirvana and Sonic Youth. Then I travelled around continental Europe for a while, and that's when I started listening to a lot of European folk music. I got really into Spanish flamenco guitar and started studying it myself. And also Greek music. I was also influenced by a lot of Eastern European bands and Southern European music, as well as a lot of Irish folk music. My mother is from Ireland, so we had a lot of folk music from there at home. So yeah, I've been open to all types of music.」
All of this is reflected in the sound of MUSE, isn't it? 「Right? (laughs)」
So it wasn't just a subconscious thing like, "I grew up in a remote area, so this is how it is," but you actually wanted to play music that was completely different from the mainstream scene? 「I think so, yes. The music scene in the UK was getting pretty boring at the time. There was some good dance music coming out, but there wasn't much interesting stuff going on in the rock scene. So I think that was definitely part of what inspired me to think, "I want to put out a record. No one's going to come out any time soon. Then I'll start a new rock scene here". So much was missing in rock at that time. I'm happy that some good bands have finally started to emerge recently.」
Also, I think MUSE's music and sound are very complete and dramatic. Is this something that comes naturally to you? 「Hmm…… No, I don't always make music with conviction. So it's not like I do it intentionally, it just comes naturally, or that when I make music, it sounds that way. It's not like I want a certain sound and plan it out in advance, I just write songs that honestly express how I feel. So for me, it's very personal music, but maybe new listeners will see a completely different perspective, or a dramatic side to it, like you said. For me, it's a very personal piece of music that expresses my own thoughts and feelings in the sound. However, the album I'm currently preparing will contain many different types of songs. For example…… There are some songs on there that have an unusual positivity to them, which I can't really describe. What I mean by "unusual" is that they actually sound very positive when I sing them, but they're also the hardest and most emotional songs for me to sing in a way. Maybe it's because it's so positive that it becomes hard. There will be some songs like that on the next album, and it's the first time I've ever approached songs like this, but I'm really enjoying it.」
If that's what happens when you make it naturally, doesn't that mean that your life and your life itself up until now has been dramatic in a way? 「Yeah, it certainly hasn't been normal so far. I feel like I've travelled a very long way. And I feel like I've come this far without really being aware of what's going on. I don't really know where I'm at or where I'm going. But for me, that kind of situation feels really good. I really enjoy getting lost and not knowing where I'm going. I don't know how it's going to end or when it's going to end, so it's kind of fun in a way. It's like my emotions and everything else is a blur, and that's what's really interesting. Even now, I'm so busy that I can say I don't have time to rest at all, and I feel like I don't know what's going on, but I think the more chaotic it gets, the better the music gets.」
Do you feel that you are becoming more and more sensitive to those vague and unpredictable states? 「I think I'm becoming more and more aware of them. And what I like about that feeling, and why I like it, is that I'm the kind of person who thinks that situations where you can predict what's going to happen next are uninteresting. As soon as I'm in a situation like that, I get bored and start looking for something else to do. That's why…… Yeah (laughs).」
So you're the type of person who likes to put yourself in unpredictable situations on purpose. 「Yes, that's true, haha. That's for sure (laughs).」
I understand (laughs). By the way, you've said in the past that you have a great distrust of "communicating through some kind of system", whether it's the media, the internet or religion, and it shows in your lyrics. What is the reason for your dislike and distrust to such an extent? 「Hmm…… I think it's because I grew up with a constant sense of "something's not quite right" about developments and changes in the world. But I can't really explain what that "something" is. So I'm trying to learn more about the world, about the system of government, about the system we grew up in, so that I can explain it better. Why is it that the power structures, for example, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), seem to be more and more in step with America? I'm trying to learn about the impact of that kind of system on the rest of the world. Maybe in doing so, I'm trying to learn more about that sense of "something's wrong" that I've had since I was a little kid. I'm looking at it carefully, trying to find out if it's just a fantasy or if it's real. But I think anyone can feel that kind of discomfort when they watch the news, or read a newspaper. You can feel it from all media, and you can also feel it when you talk to people who don't understand the hidden, subtle messages the media give out. When you realise that there are so many people who can't read what's being said, who don't realise that there's another movement going on behind the scenes, it makes you realise that you have to learn more.」
Does this mistrust stem from structural problems in the system? 「It's largely down to how people are informed. For example, the other day there was a huge demonstration in London against the WTO, and 26,000 people marched through the streets of London. By the way, I think 50,000 policemen were mobilised (laughs). Anyway, the media misreported that march. All the news programmes said that "everyone was at the demonstration for a riot". And that "hardly anyone turned up". They deliberately downplayed the fact that it was a very small demonstration. This is a classic example of media control of information to the public, which they probably thought was harmful to the state. Also, in the UK we have recently had a fuel shortage problem, and when the price of petrol went up, everyone started to strike at once. And what happened was that people barricaded themselves in refineries all over the place. And at one of the refineries, the police force opened the gates of the refinery and let the trucks out, and the press photos of the scene showed the gathered crowd cheering and clapping, as if they were happy that the petrol was being taken away. But in fact they were on strike there, trying to stop the petrol from being taken out. But the press just happened to film everyone clapping and made it look like they were happy that the petrol was being taken out. There were hundreds of other refineries protesting, and only one of them happened to be on the news, and they just happened to take a picture of the crowd applauding as the petrol was taken out. It was nuanced, as if the strike had failed. In fact, after the photo was published, all the refineries bowed to the pressure and stopped protesting. So, I think that in certain areas of news, the people who are involved in the press are manipulating information, especially in America, and I think it's done on a much larger scale.」
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"I'm acquainted with the sing-along type bands like Coldplay, and we're actually good friends. I think it's great that they've had success. But when it comes to music, we're definitely marginalised."
So for you, does the process of pursuing your music and expressing it as a piece or performance involve a feeling of being in struggle with someone or something? 「I think it does, yes. I get confused and sometimes I don't even know how I feel or what I'm thinking about. You can think about love, or religion, or science, or the meaning of life, or simpler things that are not that complicated, but when you have to make decisions, when you have to figure out what is the right thing to do, you can get confused. Moral standards are not as clear-cut now as they used to be. In the absence of religion, moral standards become ambiguous. So there's a lot of confusion when you have to make the right decision, and confusion about what the right answer is, and that's what I'm trying to express in a lot of our songs.」
You could say that rock ‘n’ roll has been singing about themes like "despair" and "confusion" for a long time now. However, such an approach tends to lead to a dead end at some point, but I think your music is unique in that it doesn't sound claustrophobic in that way. No matter how naïve the songs are, the sound is always bold. 「Yeah. That's probably…… I just think that…… Hmmm…… I think it's because the music is flowing with me. I don't know, it's always flowing, or it's always reflecting the situation at the time. So as long as interesting changes and unpredictable things keep happening, I think the music will always be interesting.」
For example, the new bands that have been coming out of the UK recently, such as Travis, Coldplay, and even Toploader, are all sing-along bands in the vein of Oasis, Manics, and Verve, without the intensity and aggression. What do you think about that situation? 「I still can't find a band that plays the kind of music we do. Like you said, I think most of the bands are sing-along type, and that's been the trend for most UK bands for a long time. But of course I know people in those bands, and they're all very nice guys and we get on well, and I'm honestly happy that they've had such success. It's not the kind of music I really love, but that's fine. I prefer music that makes the listener more passionate, more energetic.」
Are you aware that you are quite marginalised in the current scene? 「I don't think it's the same as being "marginalised". I know them and we get on well with them. But when it comes to music, yes, I think we are marginalised. Because there is no one else.」
I think the intensity and heaviness of MUSE's sound can be attributed to your experience of American alternative rock as a listener, but having seen you live twice, my opinion is that there is actually a strong heavy metal influence. What do you think? 「……Heavy metal? I think it's one of the two extremes…… Wait a minute…… Hmm…… I don't really know, Chris and Dom listen to a lot of that kind of music, so maybe that's an influence. But I've never really listened to heavy metal. I like playing heavy music, sure (laughs). I like the dynamic transition between playing really heavy and playing really mellow. One minute you're standing still on stage, the next you're flying around. In short, I just like doing different things. I guess that's why some of the songs sound like they're influenced by heavy metal. But I don't think there's any band that I actually listen to on a daily basis that I would call that.」
I understand. But your main guitar is based on the Music Man's Eddie Van Halen model, isn't it? 「Yeah, yeah.」
I think it is very rare to find a British guitarist who uses a Floyd Rose nowadays (Note: Floyd Rose is a tremolo arm that was very popular during the metal boom in the mid-80s). 「Hahahaha. That guitar. I actually smashed that guitar at a festival in Leeds and threw it into the audience*. So, well, I don't have that guitar anymore. And in terms of stage performance, when I used to go to see bands as a kid, I always wanted to see a show where the band was just jumping around like crazy and giving everything they had on the stage. That's why I'm so fed up with British bands these days. They just stand there and look bored, like they're not enjoying themselves. But in my case, when I go out on stage, I really enjoy it, and I think that joy shows in my desire to let everyone know that we're having fun too. I think having fun is a wonderful thing, just as much as pursuing intensity and seriousness. In the case of MUSE, the music itself is often very serious and intense, so I think it's interesting to contrast that with a positive, energetic stage show. I think it makes a good contrast to the music.」
Translator's Note: This is my first time scanning the pages from BUZZ magazine, a now defunct magazine issue that was a subsidiary under ROCKIN'ON. The shape and quality of the magazine are more akin to a photobook with interviews included, really. But overtime, it really did became more of a photobook before it was sadly discontinued.
* Finding the guitar that matches Matt's description was a bit hard, but my guess was that it was a Peavey EVH Wolfgang. Matt owned two of such guitars back then, with the differences being that one was partially covered in grey tape and the other was completely covered in black tape. It was the one with the grey tape that Matt smashed it and threw into a crowd. A photographer picked it up, sold it on eBay, someone repaired it, and it was auctioned several times up until it was last seen on auction in 2018 before its listing was removed.
Now, finding when and which festival in Leeds that Matt smashed and threw the guitar to the audience is harder. There were 2 festivals in Leeds that Muse performed in August 2000 that were just 3 days apart and there are no descriptions available to pinpoint the event down. So it either happened on August 26th during Carling Weekend or on August 28th during the Leeds Festival.
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― pairing : Changbin x fem! reader ― content warnings : fluff, implied smut, angst with a happy ending, royals au, Changbin is a King, reader manages to time travel 700 years in the past, medieval settings //  there’s a huge Placebo lyrics quote, ring a bell if you find it ― word count : 5.419
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix part one | part two // Jeongin
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Tightly clutching your bag a little closer to your side, you hurriedly tried to walk back home without getting even wetter, your pastel pink umbrella unfortunately not doing a great job of shielding your body from the heavy downpour.
Walking home turned out to be a real challenge, since the rain almost made it impossible to see, and you momentarily cursed yourself because you could have stayed at work a little bit more and wait for the rain to stop; you loved working at the local museum and probably, enjoying the thunderstorm from another point of view would have been incredibly better.
Cars were speeding home, and the few people you met in the streets were in the same state as you were: desperate, drenched, pissed off at the weather. You were about to take the final turn at the crossroad in order to get back home, when a narrow alleyway on your left suddenly caught your attention, looking suspiciously dry, considering the fact that it had been raining for hours.
What really caught your attention, however, was the faint white light that was floating in mid-air right in the middle of it; strangely enough, the light seemed to pulsate as soon as you thought about approaching it, almost as if it somehow could hear your thoughts and directly react to them.  
Furrowing your brows, you closed your umbrella, placed it on the side of the street, and slowly started to take few wary steps forward; you’ve been living in that city since you were born and, on top of that, you’ve been walking the same streets every day to go to work and not even once you saw that alleyway. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, but the mere fact that the floor was dry - there was no sign of rain despite the alleyway not having any kind of roof, provided to intrigue you, and so, you stood there, your palm slightly outstretched towards that bright white light which was still peacefully floating around, swirling around your hand.
As if something came over you, you found yourself outstretching the palm of your hand, and the white light immediately rested on top of it; the ground seemed to open beneath your feet, making you fall in a bright white light. You felt like you were falling for what seemed like minutes, the sensation of not being able to get a grasp on reality pervaded yours senses and making you feel both powerless and frightened, since all you could see anywhere you turned was that warm white light.
Eventually, your fall met its end as you met a soft, wide canopy bed.
«Who are you?!» a deep and raspy voice shouted, and you mirrored the boy’s action, frightened, as you watched with unfamiliarity what seemed like a room belonging to a castle from one of the tales you read as you were a child.
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You woke up with a groan; glancing at the window, you deduced that it was still the middle of the night. You sighed, plopping back on your bed, finding ridiculous to have the same dream since you unknowingly managed to time travel.
It’s been a month since you managed to time travel 700 years in the past – literally falling into King Changbin’s bed, and it’s been a month since you’ve been living undercover as a Princess coming from a faraway land, thanks to his royal counsellor’s unexpected suggestion.
Surprisingly enough, Changbin immediately believed you when you told him you came from the future – he couldn’t really do otherwise since you showed him your now broken phone along with what was inside your bag. You being the Princess added to the fact that you came from another timeline inevitably meant that you and Changbin spent every day together; you quickly learned that despite his stoic behaviour, once he was far from the public eye, Changbin was a child at heart.
He was always asking you many different questions about your time and he would marvel like a child at your curious stories: skyscrapers, planes, phones… Changbin’s eyes would be always as wide as the moon with stupor, asking you an improbable number of details, and this was one of the many reasons why you loved to spend your days with him.
The fact that Changbin was an exceptionally fun and kind boy and so handsome to put you in a state of awe were all bonuses you never failed to silently appreciate.
A figure that puzzled you was his royal counsellor; a man around fifty years old, always looking at you with a kind of bittersweet, knowing expression. He’d spend half of his days secretly teaching you about proper etiquette and customs and traditions of that time, so that nothing could give away the truth.
Sometimes, his answers made you think that he came from the future as well, but you weren’t certain about it. You didn’t want to ruin everything, especially since you didn’t know if and when you could go back home, and so you always kept silent and hid those doubts for yourself.
With another sigh, you settled for tossing and turning in your bed until eventually, you managed to fall asleep once again.
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«The Princess will ride with me.» Changbin announced, noticing the panic flashing through your eyes at the mention that you had to ride a horse.
Of course, in a somewhat medieval era, almost everyone could ride one, but in 2020, it wasn’t that common anymore. Your grateful eyes met Changbin’s amused ones and he briefly winked at you before his royal counsellor politely bowed in front of you, claiming your attention, before reaching out in order to help you up.
«If you need to distract yourself,» he hastily whispered as his hands held your waist, «singing “Take on Me” by A-ha, always works..» you petrified for a second, confused by his suggestion but also now absolutely certain that he as well came from the future; without any further explanation, he quickly and effortlessly lifted you up, so that now you were sitting sideways in front of Changbin and between his strong arms.
«I should teach you, sometimes.» Changbin’s lips grazed your ear in his usual teasing manner, «But I enjoy this too much.» you instinctively rolled your eyes, turning your head and looking away from him, fighting the bush tainting your cheeks. You did not have any further time to try to search for his counsellor’s gaze since Changbin started to ride as soon as he was satisfied with your position, and therefore you had to focus on clinging on him and preventing yourself from falling off his black horse. Despite the fact that you were terrified to fall, Changbin’s strong arms never faltered, and his laughter surrounded the two of you as you muttered a quiet «Show off.» as he was holding the reigns with one hand and the other was holding your waist, pulling you against his strong chest. Neither of you said anything as one of your hands tentatively reached out to intertwine with his, who simply returned the action.
Changbin’s interest towards you was obvious, and you knew yours was as well; he was unmarried – he quickly explained that he did not need a bride to claim his position as King, so you never felt like you were crossing boundaries anytime your lingering touches occasionally became a little bolder but still, he never kissed you, or touched you inappropriately.
Even if the both of you often found yourself so close your noses were almost brushing – especially when you both had to practice ballroom dance, he never closed the space between the two of you, even if desire was evident in his eyes. Somehow, you had the sensation that Changbin did not completely trust you yet, and you couldn’t exactly blame him, but for some strange reason, deep in your heart, you found yourself wanting to win his trust – and his heart as well.
You quickly learned why Changbin never completely let his guard down around you few hours later you left for your horse trip. As Changbin – along with few of his most trusted army officers, were crossing a path surrounded by trees, a threatening group of bandits jumped out of nowhere, with the clear intention of attacking them, and to kill Changbin.
Needless to say, you were frightened and opted to cling to Changbin’s side, trusting him with your life while keeping your eyes tightly closed; recalling the counsellor’s bizarre advice, you really found yourself trying to silently sing your head in order to shut down and distract yourself from the noise of swords clashing against each other and pained groans of people being killed. Changbin’s arms instinctively hugged you closer, and if you were a little less in a panic state, you’d notice how his arms held your waist in a completely different and slightly more intimate way and hiding a new, different emotion behind it.
«Breathe.» Changbin’s gentle voice whispered in your ear, and you managed to hesitantly open your eyes just to look at him; in the moment your teary eyes met his worried ones, he leaned in to press a lingering kiss the side of your head. «It’s okay now.» he whispered again, and you nodded, doing your best of trying to relax into his arms.
The group of bandits had been neutralized, and your group resumed your travel towards the village you were originally headed to.
No matter how much you tried to, you still could not sleep and so, that’s how you found yourself in the inn’s cosy hall, staring blankly at the wall with your chin placed on the palm of your hand; even if you were doing your best to forget, your mind was definitely not listening to you, and yet kept thinking about what happened few hours earlier. You were so engrossed by trying to force your brain to listen to your will, that you didn’t notice the chair next to yours being moved, only for a familiar figure to sit on it.
«Did it work?» the royal counsellor asked, and you moved your head just to look at him, wordlessly and with an extremely sad expression, before resuming your action of staring at the wall; you nodded with furrowed brows few moments later, and you fell into a comfortable silence.
«Would listening to my story help you to get distracted?» he asked, and you nodded immediately. Apparently, he managed to time travel exactly as you did – touching a strange white light during a heavy thunderstorm, and since then, he never came back.
«I can’t go back?!» you panicked, your head snapping towards his at the mention.
«A “portal” opens every six months, you can go back anytime you want.» he answered, explaining you that he simply didn’t want to go back. He arrived much before you did; in fact, he was only twenty back then, just like you. «I didn’t leave anyone behind in our world,» his soft voice explained, «the thirty years I spent here were much more entertaining.»
«Thirty years?!» you exclaimed, much closer to a yell than to a whisper, and he laughed at your expression. «No wonder you suggested me to sing along to 80’s music.» you added with an amused frown.
«Changbin pretended to fall in that ambush to see if you were really honest with your story on time travelling.» he added, explaining that it happened the same thing with him, back then, while Changbin’s father was the King. «There are people trying to kill him on a daily basis-»
«I hope now he realized he can trust me.» you cut him off, shaking your head as if it could get rid of the sensation being in the middle of bloody conflict. He nodded, and once again, you fell into a comfortable silence which didn’t last too much, since he was also naturally curious to know how much his world had changed, and so you sat there, explaining 30 years of important discoveries to a runaway from your time.
«You’d be surprised to know that Madonna is still making music.» you said, and he gasped, making you giggle; you tried as well to describe to him how music trends changed but it turned out to be more difficult than you thought, especially because you refused to sing, since you couldn’t sing to save your life.
«Sometimes I thought about introducing them to pop culture.» he admitted, and you raised an eyebrow in interest. «It’s still too early.» he quickly added, shaking his head.
«Did you ever try to introduce some… inventions… earlier than they were originally discovered?» you asked, curiously.
«Every time someone manages to travel back… They somehow change history, even if it’s just a single minute.» He sighed, answering with a brief nod, «Since I’m a physicist and a historian, and I thought about introducing new things that could improve everyone’s lifestyle quite a lot when I first arrived… Let’s just say that changing history is a risk I don’t want to take.» he smiled, tilting his head to the side «And you shouldn’t, either.» you were about to ask him what he meant, when he suddenly settled for changing the topic.
«Go talk to the King,» he said «It’s late, but he’s still up.» you nodded, adverting your gaze. After the two of you politely exchanged your goodnights, you walked back upstairs, heading towards Changbin’s room instead of yours.
Hesitation had the best of you and you stood there, your hand raised in mid-air while contemplating if joining a man in his room in the middle of the night was the best thing to do considering the time period you were living in; with a final sigh, your instinct had the best of you, and Changbin’s raspy «Come in,» made you take a final slow, deep breath before going in. 
Changbin seemed genuinely surprised to see you enter the room, but definitely not displeased; you tried to concentrate anywhere but on his frame, deducing he probably decided it was not worth to get dressed since he was still leaning against the small balcony of his room while being shirtless and his pants were hanging low on his hips. Changbin turned towards you, the moonlight reflected on his honey coloured skin and his dark hair making him appear somehow ethereal, and you accepted his invitation to join him, happy that you could focus somewhere else but on his toned body.
«Couldn’t sleep?» he asked, a smile adorning his pretty lips, his back leaning against the balcony and his head turned towards you, which were facing the opposite way.
«Things like that don’t happen in my time.» you nodded, «I hope you got the confirmations you needed.» you added, glancing at him with a stern gaze.
Changbin scoffed, «You can’t exactly blame me, Princess.», his raspy voice never faltered from the gentle tone he had always used with you; with a sigh, you found yourself nodding at him, understanding that his position required him to trust the less people he could.
«I’m gonna have nightmares for days.» you admitted with a weak whine, and Changbin chuckled in response. You let his gentle touch pull you to his body, and all the shyness that you felt until a moment before, vanished as you felt Changbin’s strong arms gently snaking around your waist; you let him gently and slowly rock your bodies to the side to the rhythm of a song he was quietly mumbling, and you found yourself getting lost in the feeling of drowsiness as your head was placed on the crook of his neck and your hands were on his firm chest.
«I have troubles sleeping, too.» he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. «We should share a bed, tonight.»
Despite the fact that you perfectly knew that back in those days, your behaviour would have been considered quite outrageous, you nodded without hesitation, and few moments later you and Changbin were laying on your sides, your back pulled against his chest and his arm tightly wrapped around your waist while your fingers interlocked under the soft blankets.
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You and Changbin sleeping together quickly became a daily habit, and the rumour spreaded between the Court as quickly as wildfire. 
Changbin never tried to do anything to you – despite the time period he kept saying that he respected you enough to wait for you to start any kind of intimate action, even if he was undoubtedly attracted physically and emotionally to you; the rumours, however, were on a whole different level, and people already started to wonder about a possible heir.
Needless to say, you panicked every time, terrified of how even kissing Changbin could mean changing history in a somehow irreparable way. You knew you had to go back to your world in few months, and you also knew not to get too attached to Changbin, but he made it so hard not to fall for him that sometimes you’d be looking into his eyes, wondering why no man in your world has never been capable to make your heart race like Changbin could.
«You have to explain something to me, Princess.» Changbin said one day as the two of you were relaxing under a gazebo in the Castle’s garden. You curiously tilted your head towards him, ignoring your heart picking up pace as your gaze locked and you saw mischief in his eyes, meaning he definitely was up to something. «If I wanted to make you mine, what would I have to do?» you blushed furiously at his words, definitely not expecting this kind of confession on a Thursday afternoon.
«Do you mean, in the future?» you asked in disbelief, not making eye contact with Changbin but suddenly deciding that the drawings on your teacup were incredibly interesting.
«Of course, yes.» he said, and as quickly as you could, you glanced at him before carefully choosing your words.
«Well,» you sighed, «first, you’d have to take me on dates…» and so, you spent the next hour explaining how relationship worked in your time, explaining that couples weren’t strictly and necessarily arranged by social status, and arranged marriage were non-existent anymore. You’ve had few boyfriends, and you weren’t a virgin anymore; knowing that Changbin also wasn’t, made his natural surprised reactions more funny and possibly even more cute.
«So… Can this be considered a date?» Changbin excitedly interrupted you, and you nodded at him. Changbin’s happy smile was unparalleled, and without realizing, you found yourself smiling back at him, sharing the same shy yet genuine happiness.
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Changbin definitely take the concept of “dating” seriously; for the following months, you went on dates almost every day, he’d always take you to visit new places and you found yourself having fun, aware that as your fingers naturally interlocked as you were walking, your heart was also naturally melting in order to solidify once again in Changbin’s safe hands.
«I’ll show you something,» you said as you furtively sneaked in Changbin’s private room one sunny Friday afternoon. Changbin curiously looked up from the documents he was signing, and for a single moment, you forgot about your original plans as you effectively noticed how good Changbin looked dressed in white. «But it must remain a secret.» you added, explaining that not a single soul had to know about it, especially the royal counsellor.
Wear your most comfortable clothes!» you added, before quickly walking out of his room in order to get changed as well. You made sure to wear the denim jeans you had when you travelled back into the past, right under two cotton skirt, their cotton fabric not being too heavy to wear at the same time. Changbin patiently waited for you in front of your room, still confused at your behaviour and questioning why you were carrying a round bag along with you, but you remained as vague as you could, leading him through the Castle until you arrived at the stable. Turning towards him you asked him to take you to the largest field he knew, and he furrowed his brows, even more confused. «Come on!» you giggled, and he nodded with a sigh.
Changbin complied with your request and, approximatively half an hour later, you arrived to a nice flower field, far away from the city enough to show him what you wanted to. As his black horse was now busy eating some grass, you happily took some deep breaths, happy to finally breathe some fresh air; you turned once again towards Changbin, which was still looking at you as if you had gone crazy.
«This is a way to have fun in the future.» you said, giggling at his expression before walking up to the bag you carried along, in order to take out a ball made of fabric and leather sewed together. It wasn’t exactly cute, but you explained that in your age, they were made with different things, and beside the ugly looks, it was still practical – you didn’t want to admit that you attempted to play soccer in your room and almost destroyed half of the furniture.
You have never been an expert about it, so you quickly explained few basic rules of soccer to Changbin, which curiously listened to you.
«You have fun… kicking a ball?» Changbin’s confusion made you stop for a moment, questioning if it really was a good idea since back in your time, you quite despised that sport but now that you were 700 years in the past, it seemed much more entertaining and funny than you originally thought. Changbin seemed to notice the change in your behaviour, and quickly asked you how were you supposed to create said doors while you were in the middle of nothing.
«This is why I told you to change.» you said, before pointing to the jacket he was wearing over his shirt. You never thought you’d see Changbin blush, and yet you found out that it took less than you thought: in the same moment you started to untie one of your skirts, he tried to stop you, asking an embarrassed «What are you even doing?!» you stopped at that, double taking the fact that the same man which held you every night like it was the most natural thing in the world now was blushing like a high-schooler.
«Relax, I’m not naked.» you giggled, and proceeded to take off your skirts until you were dressed in your denim jeans, a white cotton shirt and a leather corset.
“I wonder if I could pass for a steampunk cosplayer,” you thought, giggling to yourself as you re arranged your skirts on the field to delineate the area where to throw the ball, and asked Changbin to do the same with his jacket and the bag that contained the ball since few moments earlier. Changbin’s eyes, however, were locked on your legs; you understood his stupor, since women were still wearing gowns and even showing an ankle resulted somehow outrageous, but you saw his curiosity slowly turn into lust and hunger as his eyes travelled on your body.
Contrarily to your expectations, you had fun playing with Changbin; the two of you kept chasing each other between playful screams and laughters and while trying to snatch the leather ball from the other’s feet. You learned quite soon that Changbin played dirty, taking advance of the fact that he was stronger to hold you and move you as you pleased while he took possession of the ball.
«What is it?» he laughed, his arms snaking around your waist as you yelped in warning, already knowing what was going to happen. «Why are you going that way?» he then proceeded to ask, effortlessly lifting you up and placing you behind him, as he stole the ball. You never let him win easily, so you just jumped on his back every time, already knowing that trying to approach him would be useless, he’d move you out of the way every time. Changbin alternated playing dirty to actually let you purposely score, kissing you on your forehead while he praised you.
«You let me score that,» you panted, crossing your arms in front of your chest with a smile.
«No one can testify that.» Changbin shrugged, reciprocating your smile. Changbin loved to play dirty, and you definitely realized when he managed to tackle you down, so that you were laying on the grass, right under him.
«If I kissed you now,» he said, still panting due to the afternoon spent running and his heartbeat hammering against his ribcage, «does it makes us a couple? Can I be yours?» you smiled, happy that Changbin was taking this so seriously, and nodded. Changbin leaned down and kissed you, capturing your lips in a slow and passionate kiss. His lips made you forget that you should have gone back to your time and actually, you found yourself reconsidering your own choice, aware that Changbin would have been more than happy if you decided to stay; you kissed for minutes, which felt like small fragments of eternity, before eventually resuming your game.
The two of you went on like that for hours, until the sky slowly started to turn red and orange, meaning that the sun was about to set, and you both dressed yourself once again – Changbin helped you to fix your gowns, before he helped you up on his horse. This time, you decided to mimic Changbin’s position instead of sitting sideways, and he gave you a small lesson on how to ride a horse, his chin on your shoulders and his arms caging your frame as his hands rested above yours on the reigns. It took you all of your efforts to focus on what Changbin was saying and not on your hips pressed flush and moving together to match the horse’s pace.
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«Do you know what day is it?» the royal counsellor’s voice said, welcoming you on your daily lesson about etiquette. You hesitated, but eventually shook your head, admitting that since you arrived in the past, you quickly lost track of days; the only thing you knew, was that in two weeks the portal which had to bring you back home would have appeared.
«Changbin should have died tonight.» he said, and your gaze locked; you paled up, realizing that what you feared had indeed happened. Despite the warnings, you still acted like a fool, and history had changed. Was it for good? Was it for bad? You didn’t know, of course. The only thing you knew is that you majestically fucked up.
«I’ll go back.» you said, your trembling voice mirroring the state of your heart. «Don’t tell Changbin about the fact that he-» you trailed off, not wanting to finish your own sentence, and saw him nodding at you.
«You think you’ll go back to your time?» Changbin asked, caressing your back as the two of you were once again sleeping together in the desperate attempt to fight your insomnia yet another day; you hesitated, convinced that your heart stopped for a moment, but eventually nodded against his honey coloured skin.
«Somehow, me coming here avoided your death,» you admitted, breaking your own promise. «I don’t want you to die, but I’m afraid I’m changing history too much.» you admitted, and Changbin hummed, interlocking your fingers together above his chest.
«There’s a legend we have, which you probably know as well,» he said, and you looked up to meet his soft gaze. «It’s the red string of destiny.» the naturalness and the love that his tone held while pronouncing those words was enough to make you skip a beat and you nodded once again, and Changbin smiled at you. With slow movements, Changbin rolled the two of you around, so that you were laying on your back and he was partially hovering above you.
«No matter what, I will find you again, Princess.» he smiled as he gently traced your features with his fingertips. «So you’d better wait for me, in the future.» the tenderness and intimacy of the moment made you lean up and close the space between the two of you, and so that’s how you and Changbin made love for the first time: sharing soft and gentle kisses, choked moans, languid touches and eternal promises and confessions of love.
Even if it was raining like crazy and he was drenched from head to toe, Changbin saw you off when time came for you to go back into the future, his arms holding you tight as he was kissing you for the last time.
«I love you.» he admitted for the first time and you were glad he was holding you close to his body, otherwise the rain would have absorbed his confession.
As quickly as you appeared, you disappeared, and Changbin weakly knelt on the floor as he felt his heart being torn apart at the vision of the bright light disappeared, carrying you with it.
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There was only one certainty since you came back to the future: you were late for work.
Two years had passed since you came back and you developed this strange habit of being late for work every single day. On top of all, work became much busier since you came back, and some days you were grateful you knew your way home by heart, since sometimes you were so tired you didn’t even focus on where you were headed since you were too tired to even think.
Two years passed, and still, you would find yourself searching for Changbin almost anywhere, hoping he’d show up as a costumer, hoping to meet him in the crowd, anything. Even if sometimes you wanted to go back, you refrained from doing it; after all, you never knew if Changbin would still be alive in his time. You believed in him, and you knew he would have found you and so you waited, aware that you would have spent your lifetime waiting for him, if you needed to.
Another day went by and as you were about to take a turn leading into the alleyway where you lived, you bumped into someone; politely excusing yourself, you didn’t look at the stranger in the eyes – even if you mentally appreciated his cologne for a moment, when a way too familiar chuckle made you stop in your tracks. Your head moved at the speed of light to meet the stranger’s eyes, only to find Changbin’s warm gaze looking at you.
He looked exactly the same, yet so different, you thought.
This Changbin was standing in front of you while wearing light blue ripped skinny jeans and a black leather jacket over an oversize grey sweater, and he looked incredibly hot as well, even if he was not wearing typical King’s expensive clothes anymore.
«Are you…» you trailed off, and he nodded at you.  
«I told you I’d find you, Princess.» he smiled, and it was enough for you to throw yourself in his arms; he held you close, relief washing over him for having found you, and for you to have waited for him.
«I need an explanation.» you mumbled, still muffled by the fact that your head was still buried in his clothes. Changbin laughed, before detaching from you.  
«It’s literally me,» he explained. «Me and my royal counsellor talked about what happened and eventually decided that faking my death would have been the best thing to do and so we… Jumped into the portal six months later. I waited to adapt to the new – to your world, before coming to look for you, and well, here I am.» Changbin scratched the back of his head while his right arm was still holding your waist. «I still have some troubles with technology.» he admitted shyly, and you found yourself laughing at the incredulity of everything he said, few tears of happiness escaping your eyes.
«Come on, Princess,» Changbin chuckled, delicately wiping your cheeks with his fingertips. «I didn’t time travel to see you cry.» he joked, and you shook your head.
«You’re alive,» you smiled, before kissing him with a brief peck of your lips, your heart feeling incredibly lighter by the fact that you finally reunited with your boyfriend from another time.
«Of course I’m alive,» Changbin’s gentle voice answered, «Soulmates never die.»
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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gerardpilled · 1 year
as a britpop head, do you think gerard did britpop well during hesitant alien (sonically, stylistically, etcetera)
hmmm i am definitely not a definitive voice on britpop like if i were to be modest i would say i have a better than entry level knowledge of britpop. That being said, i think britpop can be a broad, vague genre. Pitchfork released a list of the 50 best britpop albums and it includes stuff ranging from Morrissey to Placebo to Oasis.
We do have interviews from Hesitant Alien where gerard lists his influences, specially pointing out Pulp and Suede, so if we were to judge his success based off of those... I don't think he perfectly emulated it, no. He doesn't have the fragmented nature to his vocals i think are so definitive for those two artists. I think the closest he gets to any britpop i've heard would be action cat, get the gang together, Juarez? He definitely layers the production in a certain way that feels like a mix of the two bands he named.
I think more than sound, Gerard just doesn't really tackle the general appeal of Britpop to me. Britpop is sort of an every-man genre. they would have songs that worked at voices for a generation or social class. I think the appeal of especially Pulp was their ability to relate to people by depicting normal situations and emotions into extremely simple lyrics that just lay it all out. Gerard has always written songs extremely metaphorically and personally. I love songs like Millions but I can't relate to it because it is so much about Gerard's personal experience in the music industry. (edit: the only exception to this I think could be Drugstore Perfume? It kinda has a similar song writing style as pulp where the protagonist is a woman and gerard is singing from the pov of a bystander. It sounds nothing like any britpop song I’ve ever heard though)
There is also nearly a complete lack of sex or sensuality to HA which i think is a major major aspect to pulp and suede. Not just with lyrics, but with performance. Both Jarvis Cocker and Brett Anderson deliver vocals in a style that would make normal verses sound raunchy. I am not saying I want to hear these from Gerard. I think hearing him say "fucking" in No Shows is silly by itself. He is just not very good at conveying desire outside of a challenging-tone.
I also don't think all that is a bad thing. I wouldn't want to hear Gerard singing a Suede song tbh. I think he was definitely inspired by britpop more so on this album than any other album he ever made. But then again, Ray was inspired by metal bands when writing Revenge and it's not like that that album sounds like Metallica.
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moondarina · 8 months
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hand in unlovable hand,
a soukoku playlist
╰┈➤ + some lyrics that remind me of them
I'm your man - Mitski
"You're an angel, I'm a dog
Or you're a dog and I'm your man
You believe me like a God
I destroy you like I am"
Cold Love - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
"It's second nature to love you, it's first to die
And we were killed upon waking, killed upon waking to the life
We weren't prepared to live but rebelled to realize
We were killed upon the pavement, Bonnie we're immortalized in"
If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet? - Mayday Parade
"When you hear this chorus
Do you miss the way the world was spinning for us?
Do you hurt the way that I do?
After all this time you leave me broken
This song is every word I left unspoken
When you hear this, girl, I'm hoping that you think of us
That you think of us"
Every You Every Me - Placebo
"Like the naked leads the blind
I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind
Sucker love I always find
Someone to bruise and leave behind
All alone in space and time
There's nothing here but what here's mine
Something borrowed, something blue
Every me and every you"
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want - Deftones
"Haven't had a dream in a long time
See, the life I've had
Can make a good man bad
So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time"
Out Of The Black - Royal Blood
"You made a fool out of me
And took the skin off my back running
So don't breathe when I talk
'Cause you haven't been spoken to
I got a gun for my mouth
And a bullet with your name on it
But a trigger for a heart
Bleeding blood from an empty pocket"
Black Sheep - Metric
"Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when
Our common goal was waiting for the world to end
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again"
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
"And if you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain"
Francesa - Hozier
"My life was a storm, since I was born
How could I fear any hurricane?
If someone asked me at the end
I'll tell them put me back in it
Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah
If I could hold you for a minute
Darling, I'd go through it again,"
Kiss With a Fist - Florence + The Machine
"I broke your jaw once before
I spilled your blood upon the floor
You broke my leg in return
So sit back and watch the bed burn
Love sticks, sweat drips
Break the lock if it don't fit"
Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives
"I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel
It's all that I can give to you, my dear
And when you come in quick to steal a kiss
My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear"
Night Shift - Lucy Dacus
"Am I a masochist, resisting urges to punch you in the teeth
Call you a bitch and leave?
Why did I come here? To sit and watch you stare at your feet?
What was the plan? Absolve your guilt and shake hands?
I feel no need to forgive but I might as well
But let me kiss your lips so I know how it felt
Pay for my coffee and leave before the sun goes down
Walk for hours in the dark feeling all hell"
Decode - Paramore
"The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out on my own"
Landfill - Daughter
"Well this is torturous
Electricity between both of us
And this is dangerous
'Cause I want you so much
But I hate your guts"
Romantic Homicide - d4vd
"In the back of my mind
You died
And I didn't even cry
No, not a single tear
And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive"
You Get Me So High - The Neighbourhood
"If you can just let me know if it's okay
To call you when I'm lonely"
Snap Out Of It - Arctic Monkeys
"Forever isn't for everyone
Is forever for you?"
The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals
"Bye bye baby blue
I wish you could see the wicked truth
Caught up in a rush, it's killing you
Screaming at the sun, you blow into
Curled up in a grip when we were us
Fingers in a fist like you might run
I settle for a ghost I never knew
Superparadise I held on to
But I settle for a ghost"
$TING - The Neighbourhood
"If you were human
If you were who I assumed you were
You wouldn't have done this"
Eventually - Tame Impala
"Wish I could turn you back into a stranger
'Cause if I was never in your life
You wouldn't have to change it"
Do Me a Favour - Arctic Monkeys
"It's the beginning of the end
The car went up the hill and disappeared around the bend
Ask anyone, they'll tell you
That it's these times that it tends
To start to break in half, to start to fall apart
Hold on to your heart"
505 - Arctic Monkeys
"But I crumble completely when you cry
It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye
I'm always just about to go and spoil the surprise
Take my hands off of your eyes too soon"
I Only Lie When I Love You - Royal Blood
"I only lie when I love you
I only crawl when I hit the ground
You only cry when I love you
I only lie when I make a sound"
Vampire Empire - Big Thief
"Well, I walked into your dagger for the last time
It's like trying to start a fire with matches in the snow
Where you can't seem to hold me, can't seem to let me go
So I can't find surrender and I can't keep control"
Neon Roses - The Technicolors
"But I still can't find a malice
It's a thrill slow shot reaction
But I never knew you at all"
Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
"I've made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine
I should've known it was strange
You only come out at night
I used to think I was smart
But you've made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me,"
Youngblood - 5 Seconds of Summer
"You push and you push and I'm pulling away
Pulling away from you
I give and I give and I give and you take
Give and you take"
Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys
"Crawling back to you
Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?
'Cause I always do
Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new"
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capricorndevil15 · 6 months
Our Wonderland Themesongs Masterpost or Whatever
Out of excitement for the Our Wonderland finale (which is coming out next month!), I've written an incredibly long post sharing one song I associate with each of the main 4 characters (and also Cecil is there), as well as songs for my favorite ships. Come imagine AMVs with me, under the cut!~
To start off, a song that I associate broadly with the plot of OW is Leopard by Jack Stauber. For most of the other songs, I'll pick out certain lyrics to highlight/site my sources lol, but with this one I'd prefer not to because all of the lyrics are The Lyrics. Every time we change, it's a game, okay? Cool.
🥩Iggy: Devil Town- Bright Eyes (x)
All my friends were vampires Didn't know they were vampires Turns out I was a vampire myself
🚬Genzou: Getchoo- Weezer (x)
I can't believe What you've done to me What I did to them You've done to me
🍷Orlam: I made an entire Orlam playlist, but don't worry. I always have more. Today I'm assigning him,
Shake The Disease- Depeche Mode (x)
You know how hard it is for me to shake the disease That takes hold of my tongue in situations like these Understand me
✂️Gidget: Touch Up- Mother Mother (x)
I forget that I can remember when I was young climbing up fences Scraping my knees, dirt on my cheeks Not one makeover queen bone in me
🔪Cecil: Genie In A Bottle- Billy Cobb (x)
I have no tangible explanation for this one. You'll either get it or you won't and that's okay. 👍🏻
No songs for Bucks or Hunar yet because I need to know more about them first. I've heard the finale is pretty Bucks-centric, so I can't wait 2 play!
My fave ships
💙💚 Iggy/Genzou: Run-Around- Blues Traveler (x)
But I want more than a touch, I want you to reach me And show me all the things no one else can see So what you feel becomes mine as well And soon if we're lucky we'd be unable to tell What's yours and mine, the fishing's fine And it doesn't have to rhyme, so don't you feed me a line!
💙🧡 Iggy/Orlam: Funky- Royal Treatment Plant (x)
I should be over this No time for playing games with little wicked boys
💙💔💜 Iggy/Gidget: COWARD 2 COWARD- Ada Rook (x)
I will become whatever you think of me I will be nothingness or disgusting dreams Idol or target, anything in between Falling forever, witnessed by nobody
🧡🖤 Orlam/Cecil: Somethin' Stupid- Lola Marsh (x)
I know I stand in line until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go some place to dance, I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
🧡💜 Orlam/Gidget: Pure Morning- Placebo (x)
A friend in need's a friend indeed A friend who'll tease is better Our thoughts compressed, which makes us blessed And makes for stormy weather
💜🖤 Gidget/Cecil: Guy.exe- Superfruit (x)
In lieu of cherry-picking specific lyrics I just want 2 say that the AMV in my mind is exquisite. In pursuit of the Guy (with help from Cecil), Gidget becomes the Guy. Do u understand.
💜🖤🧡 Gidget/Cecil/Orlam: Sideways- Carly Rae Jepsen (x)
Everything's goin' my way And I like to get my way Even when things go sideways Rainin' on my parade I get all my confidence from you
Lovecats- The Cure (x)
We should have each other to tea, We should have each other with cream Then curl up in the fire and sleep for a while It's the grooviest thing, it's the perfect dream
(They get two songs because...I said so. ❤️)
💔⚰️ Orlam/Genzou: Suedehead- Morrissey (x)
You had to sneak into my room Just to read my diary It was just to see, just to see All the things you knew I'd written about you
And that's the end! If u want to share your favorite ships or songs you associate with anybody, I'd love to hear them too!
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tma-entity-song-poll · 7 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B2R4: The Corruption
“A song about a man struggling with his health (be it mental or physical). The song makes the treatment seem inhumane and just as terrifying as the initial problem. It’s almost like he’s getting sicker and sicker but just won’t die.”
Thermodynamic Lawyer:
““Disease is her primary language” - every line of this is filled with rot and disease and bugs and it’s 100% corruption.”
Lyrics below the line!
BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA:
Well he collapsed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome on the E.R. floor Panic attacked, anaphylactic and ataxic The way he spun his butterfly risked all six his phalanges Roman candles at both ends in his synapses And the method with which he recycled his humors Trojan Horse'd his Blood-Brain Barrier and raised the LD-50, yes, yes And through flight-or-fight revelation shame the Black Box Warrior He skipped this town and headed straight down history Shields himself from reason in a Kevlar baby-blue Tuxedo Quilted from the finest fibers, flesh, and fiberglass, and flowers His ego a mosquito, evil incarnate good incognito Pops placebos for libido, screaming, "Bless the torpedoes"
For what? For what? For what it's worth If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down
Well, he was wearing stolen rubber shoes and wrapped a poison ivy noose Around his Lotus jugular when they came Well, they found him with a map to every victim of his love And a tattoo of a blue jay on his face And they waited for his vital signs to lie and let a flatline cry A hymn out in Hungarian Harmonic But he cocked his noggin, through his stoma sang, "For auld lang syne" "Happy birthday to the succulents, I'll die your hydroponics" His rib cage was a hornet's nest, palpitations set the beat His vagus nerve a turk's head knot, an axel hitch, a carrick bend He wondered if Christ Consciousness would charge a cancellation fee Auf wiedersehn, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends
For what? For what? For what it's worth If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down
Hello, welcome, why don't you take a seat? Get comfortable, relax, take a second if you need to Now what's bothering you? Well, why don't we start at the beginning Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence? Did you have xenon orchid sinews spilling down the outer center of your Blooming Escher/Mandelbrot head? And how about claustrophilic tendrils clapping caskets closed on seven-knuckle thumbs Did you get along well with the Gideon Bugler pineal glands? Your projector eyes casting sci-fi's on your STR'd strands? Tell me about your nerve to steal nerves of steel from under Bacchus' bloody nose Did Namibian Himbas tie-dye you, your ears pierced with a Phineas Gage flagpole Did you die before your day? Thursday traction, Tuesday titration My hope is to assess through my objective report of Your subjective conjecture Whether this proprietary bled of expertise and seasoning works as well as this Transorbital ice pick Holistic ballistics, you got a better idea? It's about the best we could come up with, what, you think ideas spread because they're good? No, they spread because people like them So now here we are once again, holding As it were, a mirror up to your mirror I guess it's just something people do
A bloody knife to split your infrastructure, wine to rev your motor function Coital machinations of the dead Well, you mainline your animus, karate chop your abacus And learn to be an animal instead But I never did think you better than this, your modus operandi causes Nazi/Skoptzyism and suicide Why to thine own self be true when it is you who are the problem Not the things you do but something sick inside Lithium and Dialectics, boy you really is defective CBT don't seem effective for that Cluster B, accept it Offer up your innocence, please ignore the side effects You've lost your mind and almost lost your life before So you'll be fine
For what? For what? For what it's worth If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, and why would you want to look back? I mean, it's no good looking back, so try to look forward now For what? For what? For what it's worth If they were going to get you boy, they would have by now For what? For what? For what it's worth There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down…
Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D:
(I hold myself in contempt) Tearing the hair off a black baboon's skull Here's a bitch with some four-thousand names Vomiting lies through her theremin throat As some businessmen pick at her brains Pulls back skinny lips to reveal a proboscis Seems Seth Brindle's at it again Tears pages from spines as she judges the cover And shamelessly spoils the end Blood vessels drying and curling inside are Unfurling from out of her wrists Well, she wrings out a snake and collects all its poison Intending to learn it to hiss Foams at the mouth with a head full of acid And giving some poor illness the blame Knocking the pieces the fuck off the chessboard Insisting that she's won the game So all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear she could not break my heart She could not break my heart, oh lord Makes up excuses for throbbing black bruises And uses them to her advantage Never came down from her last trip, oh Jesus Disease is her primary language Garbled and gruesome, her words so absurd Like a herd of transmissions from Apollo 13 No apology, I request misery So no rest 'til I've twisted her chest round my knee So squeal like a trolley wheel, cry like a baby With autism strapped to a ceiling fan Soil your visage with mucus and twisting of features unable to stand Buckle your knees looking up at me And beg me to spare thee the back of my hand For the sake of humanity, die of your blight We're blessed, you're barren as Mojave sands So all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear she could not break my heart, whoa Now all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear, she can go fucking die (kill yourself) You can go fucking die (kill yourself) Go fucking die (kill yourself) Kill yourself and go die
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charliehoennam · 6 months
the NO-SKIP albums: a tag game
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rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums. 🔎 bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules:1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track! 👀
tagged by @stephendorff, i got pretty excited for this but then i realized that i don't have many no-skips albums....or so i thought🤦‍♀️ tagging: @gyll-yee-haw, @gyllenhaalstories, @potter-solomons, @navybrat817, @laurfilijames, @ithinkwehitametaphor
🎧 album info/track recs/my favorite lines under the cut!! ↓↓↓
album: audioslave by audioslave song rec: shadow on the sun I can tell you why // People go insane // I can show you how // You could do the same their self-entitled album never fails to make me feel like driving out in the middle of the desert in a pick-up truck with a cigarette hanging between my lips, hands stained with the blood of my ex-lover
album: diamond eyes by deftones song rec: beauty school You're shooting stars // From the barrel of your eyes // It drives me crazy // Just drives me wild deftones (and chino with all his side projects i.e team sleep, crosses, and palms which deserve a shoutout) never fail to amaze me with every song they make. hands down, my favorite band and coming to that conclusion was not easy
album: koi no yokan by deftones song rec: swerve city She tames with her voices // As she plays around with the forces i wasn't lying when i said they're my number 1 band lmao when this album first came out, i was hesitant about because i felt like their music changed a bit. but listening to it, 14 years later, made me realize how it sounds like a more mature side of the band and also i feel like they've successfully managed to put how an orgasm feels into music
album: razorblade romance by HIM song rec: right here in my arms She keeps on crying // But i won't leave her alone // She'll never be alone HIM was probably my first introduction into rock in general when i started watching jackass and viva la bam and it was love at first song. i just love how their music makes me feel like a century year old vampire wandering the modern world. and their lyrics are incomparable
album: meteora by linkin park song rec: from the inside Tension is building inside, steadily // Everyone feels so far away from me // Heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me choosing between meteora and hybrid theory is a long life debate and they're both so perfect but meteora is what i listened to the most growing up and it became the soundtrack of my teenage age lmao
album: peripheral vision by turnover song rec: new scream Adolescent dreams gave to adult screams // Paranoid that I won't have all the things they say I need this band deserves so much more attention. this album brings a sense of nostalgia to me and just makes me feel warm and happy and like road tripping through australia, which has always been a place i've always wanted to visit and unfortunately haven't been able to
album: as far as the eye can see by people in planes song rec: falling by the wayside It's OK // To be safe // I'm losing control // Falling by the wayside if i could choose a song to play at the moment of my passing away, that would be this. it's beautifully haunting in a way and the entire album is a musical masterpiece. i truly hate that this band broke up and never got the appreciation they deserved so i've made it my life's mission to spread the good word of people in planes lmao
album: placebo by placebo song rec: teenage angst Since I was born I started to decay // Now nothing ever, ever goes my way the only reason i didn't choose sleeping with ghosts is because there are two songs on there that aren't my favorite and i usually skip. placebo is a great alternative band that never goes out of style for me and i could listen to this album on repeat forever
album: jar by superheaven song rec: in on it / youngest daughter And I know just what I need // Autumn leaves and fallen trees // To feel the cold beneath my feet // Breathe until your lungs fail // You can sing 'til you go deaf this band has successfully revived alt/grunge in a mature way that brings a sense of nostalgia along with it. for me, it's hard to believe this album was only birthed in 2013. under the video, there's a comment that says "greatest 90s band of the 2010s" and it couldn't be more accurate. i couldn't pick between the two songs
album: teenage wrist song rec: swallow Older and older // The voice of wasted youth has never been so loud // Over and over // Like powder in the barrel pushin' deeper down another band that's been bringing atl/grunge and they do it so well. haven't really listened much to their new stuff, but this album has a very special place in my heart deserves much more attention. you can't tell me their grittiness doesn't make you feel like you're in the 90s
album: the questions by emery song rec: playing with fire Why should I take all the blame for all my mistakes? // You were there with every promise made to break  one of my first introductions to 'emo' music lmao this band has been a must-have on every playlist i've ever made. the vocal harmony in their music really hits the soul
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withoutyouimsaskia · 2 years
Remember Me, Special Dreams
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25
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GIF: Originally posted by @simply---words
Summary: Self-insert. You're having trouble with recurring night terrors and Morpheus pays you a visit. (Title from the lyrics of Placebo’s Special Needs)
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of night terrors. 18+ Minors DNI. Smut, hand play, penetrative sex (AFAB+AMAB).
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Hello there! Smut part 2 is here! I apologise for the delay with this chapter. It took a long time to pull all the threads together and get the dialogue right. Hope you are safe and well. All my love, Saskia ❤️
Sandman Masterlist
“Right now I need to be inside you.”
Morpheus’ desperate words see another spark burst forth into flame within your core.
There is no point in arguing with him. You can tell from the obstinate set of his shoulders as he gazes up at you from his still-kneeling position.
You push yourself back so your entire length rests on the pale blue sheets.
“Lie with me.” You pat the space next to you and roll onto your side.
Once Morpheus is situated beside you, you watch each other, kissing every so often. After a period, the aftershocks of your recent orgasm burn out and you feel prepared to take things further.
You inhale a deep breath, knowing that what you want to say next is important but uncertain of how to phrase it.
“I'm not exactly sure of how reproduction works among Endless beings... however I wanted you to know that I’m taking a contraceptive pill,” you clarify while fruitlessly attempting to smooth a crease out of the sheet.
He kisses you sweetly. “Thank you for your openness.”
You lay on your back and Morpheus carefully straddles you.
He’s so delightfully accessible to you now. The angles of his collarbones are demanding to be touched so you do it. You start there, with both hands in the centre, spreading out across his chest, over his upper arms, round to his back and up into his hair. His muscles contract as you trace the path. 
You change instrument, swapping from hands to lips, and press kisses to his exposed neck. It sends him into a feverous delirium; his pupils are dilated so far that they almost eclipse the blue.
He guides your hand to his erection. He is already hard yet he stiffens even further when you begin to pleasure him.
His eyes roll back with a low groan. You gush at the sound.
Dark lashes cast pretty shadows onto his cheekbones in the light of the lamp. With your free hand, you cup his face then slide your fingers through the shorter hair above his nape.
You stroke his shaft evenly for a while before tightening the hold you have on him by a fraction. He tenses, speaking your name in a forewarning and you release him before you get too carried away.
The liquid lust in his eyes when he looks back to you is overwhelming. You open your legs.
“You are ready?” He asks.
“Yes,” you whisper, heartbeat picking up. “Are you?”
“I am.”
He adjusts your position ever so slightly. His weight sinks down and you feel his tip at your entrance. You become rigid, nerves returning full force.
“I will be gentle with you, Y/N, I promise,” he pledges.
You nod. "I trust you."
He strokes your face with his fingertips. “As I trust you.”
The mutual exchange of those candidly spoken words gives you proof that the connection you are cultivating together is pure and honest and authentic. Exactly as you want it to be.
Morpheus waits until you are completely relaxed before resuming. His eyes are trained on your face, looking for any sign of discomfort but also to see your reaction. 
You are doing the same. Despite your suppression and denial of your attraction and feelings, both of you genuinely had wanted this for some time now.
And because of that, you need to remember every second.
You secure your hands on his shoulders.
He eases into you slowly, stretching you further than you had been in the past, inspiring a long moan that harmonises with his own.
“Morpheus,” you call as he continues to push in.
You are panting. The sensation of being opened up has your eyelids fluttering.
“Keep looking at me,” he whispers.
You do as he says and re-focus on his familiar, perfect face.
He bottoms out with a breathy gasp.
As your walls flutter, he holds still to give you time to adjust.
He feels so very large and so very right.
The expression on his face is one of unadulterated astonishment. “You feel…” He groans, “You are…”
For the first time since knowing him, he is unable to finish his sentence. You have rendered the King of Dreams almost speechless.
You reach up to stroke his jaw line. “Please.”
He understands and moves ever so slightly. You overload from pleasure, burying your face in his neck and inhaling deeply to compose yourself with his scent.
You feel his large hand on the back of your head.
“I’ve got you,” he repeats a few times. His voice calms you quickly and keeps your arousal throbbing.
With your heart rate stabilised, you look back at Morpheus and smile.
“I’m okay now. Keep going.”
He smiles back, and lowers onto his forearms. You are more prepared for the movement this time; the pleasure is still visceral but you soak every bit of it in. 
You instantly want more.
His first thrust is shallow, as is the second, and after the third, he begins to deepen in increments. When you begin to move with him, bliss lights his countenance. 
He is taking his time to satisfy you and it is so unlike any of the sexual encounters you have had before. He is savouring the moment, savouring you. It makes you feel undeniably special. He wants to share his very being with you as you do with him.
It adds another tie of emotional attachment to him. You trace his cheekbones with adoration.
Morpheus stops suddenly. He draws almost all the way out.
Your mouth drops open. You want to complain, to tilt your hips up and maintain the friction but you don’t. There’s a look on his face that stops you. A look that has you combusting.
You watch him with baited breath. The urge to squirm and whine is immense.
He slams back into you.
The grunt he makes as he does so is salacious. You cry out and grab his shoulders.
He repeats the action.
You hold tighter still.
His lips claim your own in a searing kiss.
He then sets a rhythm that you know will send you over the edge if he maintains it. And he does. He takes you hard and deep until everything you know is him. Him alone.
The roll of his hips casts a hypnotic spell over you.
You wrap your legs around him. He hums in approval at the deeper angle you have offered.
"Morpheus," you moan loudly as he takes you into a realm of pleasure that you had not been permitted to enter before.
The devotion in his eyes intensifies with every pump.
You feel your channel contracting as he pushes you closer and closer to the edge.
“Let go for me,” he urges in a dangerously seductive tone.
His hand finds yours and he laces his fingers between your own. Such care is shown in that simple act; in his ocean blue eyes. You focus on them as the tension in your core threatens to snap.
“Let go, Y/N.”
You arch up, walls clamping around him. 
You are silent as the orgasm bursts forth and then all you can say is his name as the euphoria blinds you.
As soon as you speak, he spills himself inside you.
Pleasurable agony is drawn on his beautiful features. He continues to move until he runs dry. Your trembling legs sink down onto the mattress.
Then Morpheus withdraws and descends the last few centimetres to be flush against your glowing skin.
The only movement either of you make are the rises and falls of your chests and involuntary twitches created by your orgasms.
You remain contentedly pressed together until your spent bodies recover, consumed by joy and serenity.
You and Morpheus take it in turns to clean up in your bathroom. He lets you go first; your body feels painfully cold without him and you have to take refuge under the duvet upon re-entering the room.
Pink warmth blushes your cheeks when he comes back and you don’t try to hide it. What a difference it makes to feel able to show your desires now.
Morpheus pauses, eyes flickering to the vacant side of the bed. You pull a corner back and beckon for him to join you.
“You are sure?” He asks, respecting your personal space.
“Hold me, please.”
He slips between the sheets. His dark locks fall into a halo on the pillow. He draws you against his side and tucks your head under his chin. You nuzzle into his strong chest and sigh.
"You were right when you said you were experienced," You murmur after a few minutes.
He huffs out a little laugh. "Does that mean that you enjoyed yourself?"
"Of course I did. It was -"
Life changing. Mind altering. Soul defining.
They were all viable ways to end your sentence.
"It was the best I've ever had," you eventually say.
His fingers trace precise patterns on your upper back.
"I have longed to be with you like that for some time. Since the day that you kissed me on top of that hill.”
“That long?”
“Yes,” he replies solemnly.
“I hope I lived up to your expectations.”
“You exceeded them.”
You blink. “Really?”
“Your touch is something to be coveted, and you react so perfectly to me. You are considerate of my boundaries. You understand the emotional weight of sexual contact. I could not wish for more.”
He shifts to be able to look into your eyes.
"I apologise for the way I reacted when I got undressed. I did not mean to cause you any concern. I am grateful for how you sought to console me.”
“You don't have to say sorry for anything, Morpheus.”
“Perhaps not but I feel I should elucidate.”
He sits up and you follow.
“Something happened to me. I was certain that I had overcome it yet I couldn’t stop myself from drawing a parallel to what had transpired.”
His gaze fixes on the light source.
“There was a human. An occultist named Roderick Burgess. Burgess was dangerous and obsessive and after the death of his son, he attempted a spell to imprison my sister, Death, hoping that she would bring him back from the Sunless lands. But instead he got me. What he wanted was not mine to give but Burgess never backed down. I had no means of escape; the binding circle drained my power, and he took my tools. The effect on humanity’s subconscious was devastating without me to curate and manage it. Certain dreams and nightmares went rogue, some preying on the waking world.”
His pauses and his voice cracks when he speaks again. “My raven, Jessamy, tried to help me. Burgess’ other son murdered her right before my eyes. I stayed in that basement for 106 years, completely naked, locked in a glass cage as I grieved the loss of my friend and my reason for existing.”
You feel a tear escape and streak down your cheek. Naked. It made sense in the most heartbreaking way. He had been right back in there in his memories remembering his agony and isolation. You know without a doubt that the trauma Matthew had mentioned when he had come to visit you in the cottage was the same. Morpheus had watched a loved one die. How could it be anything else?
You suppress a sob. “What happened when you got out?” 
“I took my revenge on Alex Burgess. For Jessamy. For not letting me go when his father had died, and then I went back to the Dreaming. When I returned, I found it had wasted away, as I had done in that cage, decayed beyond recognition.”
“But you re-built it?”
“Yes. With the help of my tools once I had reclaimed them. It took time, and self-reflection and allowing myself to trust others but eventually everything was set right.”
Morpheus goes quiet. You take his hand. 
“I’m so sorry, Morpheus. I’m sorry about Jessamy. I’m sorry that you suffered for so long. I’m sorry for the cruelty of humans. I will always be here if you need to talk about it, about anything.”  You are crying as you speak.
He buries his face against your neck. “Not all humans are cruel, Y/N. You are one such example. The offer you just made is proof, and I give the same to you. You will always have a shelter with me.”
"We don't need to know. All we have is now, so just let go. When your number's called and it's time to disappear. Have no fear cause you got me and I got you. Right here."
Taglist: @pinkcyclewitch @layla2-49 @shoidy-cat @silverhart93 @boofy1998 @dotieeee @ponysboy-sunsets @fangirlmary @littledollll @fatimakinney @jamiethenerdymonster @rosaren2498 @mr-sandman-bring-me-a-dream​ @madiebear​ @sandman-33​ @sallysal9​ @asiludida164​ @elf-punk​ @grungeisntmything​ @sapphireonline​ @seninjakitey​
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prydeparade · 1 year
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Come Find Me - a Midnighter & Apollo playlist we find each other, again and again and again... listen on Spotify happy pride, my loves. Tracklist and lyric previews under the cut:
Sun- Sleeping at Last We may fall in love / Every time we open up our eyes Transatlanticism- Death Cab for Cutie I need you so much closer Gravity- Vienna Teng Hey love / I am a constant satellite / of your blazing sun Come Here Boy - Imogen Heap Why are you taking so long? / Do you need me to come find you, honey? Lovesong - The Cure However far away / I will always love you Set the Fire to the Third Bar - Snow Patrol I pray that something picks me up / And sets me down in your warm arms The Weight of Us - Sanders Bohlke There’s a cold heart buried, beneath / And warm blood running deep Bloodstream - Stateless Wake up, look me in the eyes again / I need to feel your hand upon my face My Body is a Cage - Peter Gabriel Though the fear keeps me moving / still my heart beats so slow Letters From the Sky - Civil Twilight One day soon I’ll hold you like the sun holds the moon Running Up That Hill - Placebo There’s a thunder in our hearts, baby The Lightning Strikes (What If This Storm End?) - Snow Patrol The perfect halo / of gold hair and lightning / Sets you up against / The planet’s last dance I’ll Keep You Safe - Sleeping at Last Your heart is your masterpiece / And I’ll keep it safe Come Back When You Can - Barcelona If all you wanted was me / I’d give you nothing less / So come back when you can Night - Zola Jesus In the end of the night, I can feel your warmth In Our Bedroom After the War - Stars The war is over and we are beginning Moon - Sleeping at Last Instrumental 
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mountainhaunt · 1 year
top 10 bands/artists let's goooo. i was tagged by @findusinaweek (bless you) so here's a loosely ordered list.
1) Hoppipolla. i could, can and have written literally a 2k+ word review on Hoppipolla's second album that turned more into a love poem from me than anything. y'all really don't want me doing this here.
B U T suffice it to say this timy little korean indie melancholia quartet has touched my soul in ways nothing else has. a few of their songs mean more to me than most things in this world do.
also!! world renowned cellist!!! hong jinho!! in the group!! seriously gorgeous, poignant magic these four create together.
the best/worst part is they dropped into the world, released two 10/10 heart stopping albums and then vanished again as if it were nothing.
2) Radiohead. i heard 'in rainbows' for the first time when i was 15 and it's what started me down the road of truly loving music and not just listening to it. radiohead is my baby and were my number one until hoppipolla came along a few years ago. ive been lucky enough to see them twice in concert and both experiences changed my dna i swear.
3) the Mountain Goats. the goats are like placebo in that i couldn't listen to them for a long time because of His Voice and i know that's like a trope at this point.
that was back in high school. now, john darnielle is hands down my favorite songwriter of all time and i unironically love his voice. no one writes lyrics and tells a story like he can and i constantly find myself turning to their music.
4) The Postal Service. death cab for cutie? eh, not bad, but can take or leave. ben gibbard + dntel? masterpiece.
their one and only album, give up, is my number one favorite album of all time and as much as i love it/them, i am SO glad they didn't release another. nothing could compare. anything that tried would only cheapen the debut album.
5) Hozier. i want to lay in the moss and cry and fall in love with a sweet lil cottagecore girl and i get to do that every time i listen to a hozier song
6) My Chemical Romance. my first loves. i was OBSESSED as a teen when they debuted and will still defend their honor today. although suddenly they've become really popular and not something for middle school bullies to pick on me for, so... defense unnecessary.
7) Margot & the Nuclear So and So's. they are so dreary and melancholy and nostalgic and gorgeous. i came across them by accident in high school because i was obsessed with the name margot, saw their name somewhere and immediately went home to totally not pirate them and see what they were about. "my baby (shoots her mouth off)" is one of the songs i send people when i talk about having bipolar, lol. the other being "lovecraft in brooklyn" by the goats.
they just evoke a special kind of feeling that is hard to replicate, and it transports me somewhere when i listen.
8) Erasure. i didn't know they even existed until i moved in with my partner and now i feel like every older queer ive ever met over the course of my life who didn't introduce me to them failed me, honestly
9) Modest Mouse. 'the moon and antarctica' came into my life around the same time 'in rainbows' did and also furthered my realization that music was to be experienced and not just heard. i never get tired of them (except strangers to ourselves. i listened to that album 3/4 of the way through one time and never touched it again sorry)
10) Rammstein. i love the drama!! i love the ferocity!! i love the taboo!! and they are also the reason i studied german so they deserve a spot here.
i'm still getting this account off the ground and haven't really chatted with many of you so im afraid to tag anyone lmao but obviously feel free to do this if you see it
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rinitachan · 1 year
Songs I listen to when I think about Isekai’d to the West (Headcanon)
The fic belongs to @skittlescripts sorry if these suck. I’m a garbage-y new metal person.
Sun Wukong’s theme candidates:
Cell’s Theme by RMaster: https://youtu.be/J_iAaEKIXvk
This one feels a bit more organic and “wild” than Cell’s normal theme, and I feel like that fits a character like Wukong, who is wilder (on account of him being a literal monkey), and it’d be way scarier to actually fight him than Cell.
Rage Beneath the Mountains by Lindsey Stirling: https://youtu.be/dYFkLuoaJpk
I picked this one because, come on, the title alone made me curious enough to listen, the way the song sounds made me stay. Who would fit this song called “Rage Beneath the Mountains” more than someone who was stuck under a mountain for 500 years and was most definitely not happy to be there?
Songs about the relationship between Wukong and Reader
Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin: https://youtu.be/D8IrtEkWcBQ
Forever by Breaking Benjamin: https://youtu.be/gKrdn08G_RM
This is a bit early into Wukong accepting his feelings for her he’s still not used to it so that’s why some parts are phrased the way they are. If anything, Wukong initially sought out immortality (if my interpretation makes any sense) BECAUSE he was scared to die. Part of me wonders that if Reader doesn’t become immortal after they marry, he might consider giving that immortality up so he wouldn’t have to live with the pain of losing her. The other part of me knows that if he was willing to mark out the names of as many monkeys as he could in the underworld, he wouldn’t give up his immortality and would just try to get Reader to become immortal or will find her reincarnation and try to have another relationship with the new version of his love. (This is all speculative, btw)
“I Won’t Say I’m in Love,” from Hercules:
either of them realizing “oh shit, I’m actually getting *gasp* feelings for them?! Nope, no way. if I deny it long enough, it’ll just go away on its own.” (Spoiler: it does not.)
“Bruises and Bite Marks” by Good with Grenades (we know he has a marking kink.)
“Every Me, Every You,” by Placebo
I just like this one and some of the lyrics make sense for someone grappling with unfamiliar feelings.
More will come after I slumber.
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fivewholeminutes · 9 months
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Hello, it is me! Here are your questions for today. Have a great day/night! --What animal would you turn into if you had the chance? --If you could pick song lyrics for your gravestone, what would they be? --Name a hobby or interest that you have that you think others may see as 'weird/strange'.
Oh hi, love!! Thank you for dropping by!!! 🖤🖤🖤
1. Animal: a sloth!! Love their lifestyle. Their faces. Truly a 10/10 animal. Evolution peaked when it created sloths
2. Song lyrics for the gravestone: that's a hard one!! I've been thinking about it for days and then i put placebo on for the first time after a while and this verse from the prodigal hit me:
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It's long, but hey. It feels hopeful and maybe it could make people grieve me less, you know?
It makes no sense, but that's also a very me thing to do, so yeah. A quote about being alive for the gravestone!
3. Weird hobby: under a cut, cause tw gore and tw animal death.
I think i might have mentioned that once on this blog already, but i do like collecting animal skulls from dead animals i manage to find every now and then. Or, you know, from animals my fam is getting as meat that happen to have their heads intact. Any skull i can get my hands on, really. I don't have much, but i really do like the process of maceration and bleaching. And they fuck as an interior design decoration!! Sorry if it's too much
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