#m4 baby
mmmthornton · 2 years
The main four SP boys are so funny and i wish more people appreciated how funny the dynamic and history between specifically the four of them are.
They're the coolest kids in school and everyone wanted to be their friend. No one likes them. When one died (semi)permanently, they ran a The Bachelor-type contest to pick a new bestie. They forced a kid to dress like their dead friend. The vibes were still off though so the dead kid came back. They're eight years old. They're ten years old. They're 9 years old. One of them has an alcohol addiction and depression. They've all seen each other naked. When one of them got herpes, he immediately passed it to the other three. These two things are unrelated. Three of them know the other is a psychopath who will kill people who get in his way and they're just like "wtvr". They hate each other more than anything. They cannot stop being best friends or it'll ruin the future of America. They would kill or die for each other. At 50 years old they still have hissy fits like children out in public over an argument none of them even remembers having. They're obsessed with each other. One of them gave another AIDS. They make each other so much worse for being involved in their lives. There is no low any of them could stoop to that the others would find it impossible to be their friend still.
When Chef said that they're friends "whether you like [each other] or not" he wasn't kidding. Its literally inescapable and thats so funny to their dynamic, why would you ever try to change that lol.
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baby-tini · 3 months
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It was quiet… too quiet. The leaky pipe making puddles on the floor. The cold, damp air causes goosebumps to perk up on your arms and the hairs to stand up. Trying to move slightly, you hiss at the sharp cuffs as they bite at your raw wrists, the chair groans as you wriggle around in discomfort. Your thighs numb from not moving around, cracking your neck, you whine at the release of tension. The tight ropes giving you some relief when you inhale but cause you to choke up from the smell of bleach. Your ass is sore from the hard, wooden chair as you attempt to wiggle again, get some of the blood flow back into your legs, stretching them feels to hard as the lack of flow makes them feel heavier.
There's a bang upstairs… like a gun shot, then a harsh, bloody cry. One of pain and agony, it feels close but.. far? You're tired, hungry.. dazed maybe? Were you drugged? No, maybe it's just the lack of oxygen from the stuffy room, cold enough to be a basement.. but not quiet enough to be soundproof. Screaming might work, then again, alerting your.. kidnappers, won't benefit you, not even a little, but it's all you got. Although before you can even inhale the air there's a door that slams open not too far away from where you're tied up. It sounds broken from the sickening crack you hear reverberate off the walls. The stampede of steps sound angry, aggressive, the harsh groan of the steps and ear-splitting squeak of shoes tells you that much.
There's loud yelling in Japanese, then a sharp slap to your face, your head flies left so hard your neck cramps up, causing a dull pain to shoot through you. The whimper in pain is laughed off by the men… men? Maybe two, possibly three but you can't tell for sure. It hurts though, everything hurts, and everything hurts even more when a rough hand grabs a fist-full of your hair and yanks back at the root, causing a scream to rip from your throat, only for a bigger, colder hand to clamp around your throat and squeeze tight. A hand, soft and warm wipes away the sweat from your brow, sliding from your cheek to the fat of your lips and running a thumb? over it, tapping the bottom twice, your jaw dropping for entry, the loose feeling of your jaw is nice, until you feel a cold, hard piece slip between them… a gun. The tip of your tongue meets the trigger and you freeze up, attempting to pull away, only for the hand gripping your hair to pull you forward, making you gag on it. There's bile attacking the back of your throat, trying to force it back with a swallow only makes the gun slide deeper, the metal cutting the corners of your lips as your blindfold is pulled off.
"There's no use in pulling back, angel." A man, more on the shorter side, no taller than 5'5, with black hair speaks to you. His voice sound's deep and alluring, you'd go as far as to say sexy if it weren't for the circumstances. He looks similar to his counterpart, the one with white hair, just, not the blonde. The blonde looks the same.. but different? He looked meaner, more provokable, the one with his hand around your throat. The blondes hand tightened when you continued to force yourself away from the gun in the hand of the man with white hair.
There's little strength used to push you back onto the gun, your throat spasming around the intrusive piece of metal. The gag that comes from your throat is loud but muffled at the same time. The hand used to push you further onto the Dessert Eagle -that also has his hand in your hair- is connected to that of a black-haired man, the cut and color really fitting his skin tone and face. He's attractive.. they all are, but, you're still tied up in their basement, the ropes still tight around your abdomen. The prickly fibers on the rope, passing through your thin clothes and leaving an itchy and raw feeling on your skin. The ropes rubbing against the inevitable cuts on your stomach and chest.
The black-haired man leans down, as he pulls your head further back, the quirk of his lips obvious but not genuine. His eyes are the worst, big, black, soulless pits. There's something.. dark, maybe sinister even. Eyes that belong to a killer, not a human being. The eyes of tragedy and sin, not of praise and prayer. He's.. too close, his big black, bottomless eyes, they're scary. Like they can see through you, like theres nothing in them. You can't see a pupil, does he have pupils? He must, but then again, he's not the most… normal looking man you've ever met.
You're lost in a daze, the mans dark eyes like a never-ending abyss, that, you don't realize the calling of your name by the three men, that is, until you feel the hand wrapped around your throat -by the long-haired blonde- slap your cheek. Not as hard as you would've guessed but hard enough to snap you out of your daze. The cloudiness of your eyes leaving and the limp state goes away. The redirect of your mind leads you to look at the man with white hair. He has the same dead, black eyes but.. he looks more tired, more exhausted. He looks like skin and bones, the clothes he's wearing hanging off him noticeably.
The man with white hair speaks up, "When one of us asks a question, you answer, not a moment before and certainly not a moment after. Do you understand.. I said, Do. You. Understand?" You give a nod after a moment of hesitance, the pupil of your eyes dilate at the gun. Your whole body is trembling, "are you gonna kill me..?" It comes out as a muffled whimper, around the gun, less of what you planned but suitable nonetheless, given the situation. You wish they didn't hold so much power but.. these men looked dangerous, it would be best to play as submissive as possible.. be their little angel, so to speak.
The white-haired man stares at you for a second, "I won't kill you if… you give me what I want, deal?" There's an automatic nod to your head. The glow in your eyes speaks for you, as you try to lean forward ready to give them everything… only to freeze at the sadistic grin he -the white-haired man- gives you. The man, slides the gun out of your mouth and uses it to lift your chin, "You eager.. huh, pretty doll?" The fat of your cheeks flush at his words but you don't pull away, not like you were ables to anyway. He -the white-haired man- leans down in-front of your face, "You don't know what I want.. do you babydoll.. huh?" There's an automatic shake of your head, the back down, courtesy of the fear you're feeling. Then comes the tears, the salty water pouring down your cheeks as your throat starts to close up and you start to panic.
There's a quick swap of position, the blonde now stands behind you, with a loose hand around your throat. The black-haired man still has a fist in your hair, but his other hand starts wiping away the tears from your cheeks and rubbing his thumb under your brow to coarse you into a false sense of vulnerability. The white-haired man stays put, the gun still pointed in your face and those dark eyes still glued on you as his hands stay eerily steady.He doesn't seem bothered and you'd bet millions that he's not, this seems to be an everyday occurence for him.
"W- what did you want..?" your voice leaves in a stutter, the sound of a pained whimper, is apparent to the men, that you're terrified. Then again, they could tell by your eyes, the eyes of a scared fawn, just what they like. The blonde speaks up, "We want our money back… the same money you and your little boyfriend owe us." There's a confused gargle at the back of your throat as you look up at him. The black-haired man starts chuckling, "C'mon now, princess. I really hope you don't pull the confusion bullshit like everyone else.." You shake your head at them, "I truly don't know what you're talking about, I didn't steal money."
The blondes hand tightened around your throat, the red imprints already stinging, "lying will only make us angry, maybe you should try telling us the truth. You'll get out of here a lot quicker if you do." You shake your head, only for it to be yanked back by the hand in your hair. The hand in your hair starts moving your head in a 'yes' motion and he laughs in your face, leaning closer. "You'll tell us what we want to know, angel?" The man guides your head again, moving it against your will, causing more tears to slip down your cheeks as your cries come out in pained whines because of the hand necklace you were so kindly given, against your will, of course.
The blonde speaks up, "we know you know what money we're talk- what's this, huh?" He pulls out a dime bag of coke from your bra. The reaction is immediate, to start thrashing in the chair again. Causing the black-haired man to lose his grip on your hair and get pushed away. The slap to your thighs are an immediate aftermath, the stinging causes your thighs to twitch open involuntarily. The gunman steps between them, he's close, too close, his breath smells of red bean paste, dorayaki.. maybe? The man slips the gun down from your jugular to your collarbone, leaving a angry red line.
"Please, that's not mine, I'm just… holding it for a friend. I- It- please, sir listen." There's a look between the men then a laugh. The black- haired man speaks up, getting close to your ear. "Sir, huh? That a lil'.. kink of yours sweetheart?" There's an immediate look of embarrassment, the dark blush climbing up your neck. The blonde leans down on your right, "oh, she likes that… you like this don't you? You like being tied up and having a gun pointed at your head, huh? You're a sick little bitch, you know that?" His hand glides down your clavicle to your stomach, then trailing down to your thighs then gliding his hand back up. The blonde takes out a knife and cuts the restraints on your wrists and ankles, then sheathes it back into his pocket.
"Please… it wasn't on me, it was Akamai, I swear, I didn't know, those fucking drugs aren't mine." There's a whine to the plead in your voice, just noticeable for the three… men, in front of you. "But, that's not entirely true… is it, pretty girl? You knew what your little… what? Boyfriend? Was doing, you came with him, is he.. your little..?"He gestures to your clothes. His two brothers behind him also give you curious eyes. Giving you a full once over, staring at your breasts, a little longer then necessary.
There's a look of disgust on your face, "are you calling me a whore??" There's a harsh lash in your tone. There's a chuckle from all three men. "No princess, well.. maybe, I mean look at you, you're dressed like a little slut. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he'd pimp you out?" It's quick- but not quick enough, your attempt to wrangle the throat of the man in front of you is quickly shut down by his twin? Brother? You're still not sure, but they're too similar to just be brothers. Then again, you doubt they'll tell you, if the gun pointed at your head right now tells you anything. BANG.
The bullet speeds past your face, cutting your cheek in the process. There's a slight sting but nothing serious. The bullet hits the drywall behind you, leaving a small hole. The sickly looking man leans down in-front of you and laughs in your face. His breath reeks of sugary treats.
You're yanked out of the chair by your hair, you trip and fall to your knees but the white-haired man continues to drag you to a door, it leads to a smaller room with a bed. The room is bland and cold, there's only a bed, with no sheets or covers.. no pillow and comforter either. The bed itself is small and looks to be covered in.. blood. The fluids on the bed are dried and old, browning in spots and dark red in others.
"Is this where you keep your sex slaves?" There's a chuckle from the blonde and black-haired man but a scoff from the man dragging you by your hair, "we don't keep "sex slaves".. we don't need to. Women pay to have sex with us, angel.. but there's a first for everything. Maybe you're the golden girl, hm?" The man lays you down on the bed and the black-haired man stands next to him. "Yeah, I like her, we'll keep her." The men make the agreement together, disregarding you completely.
"Who are you guys anyway?" There's a silence then a scoff from each men, "you seriously don't know who we are?" You hesitate for a moment, "I know who you guys are, kinda, The Sano brothers… that's it, I don't even.. know your names." They all step towards you simultaneously, the white-haired man speaks first.
"I'm Manjiro Sano, the one with black-hair is Jiro Sano and the blonde is Mikey Sano." The white-haired man clarifies. You look between the men. "So, are you guys- Manjiro and Jiro twins?" They nod. Then Mikey walks around his brothers and pushes you down on to the bed.
"We're willing to cut you a deal, sweetheart, sex in exchange for your freedom, we'll have your.. boyfriends head instead, sound good?" He states, rubbing his thumb across your cheek. You look at Mikey then his brothers, nodding your head as you kiss at Mikeys finger-tips. All three men grin and the other two get on the bed as well.
Jiro, pushes you down to climb on top of you. As he starts to kiss up your neck, Manjiro kisses you, pushing his tongue into your mouth as he runs his hand down your stomach, to your thighs and pulls them open. Mikey climbs in-between them, pulling at your pants. He throws them to the side, he takes his thumb and runs it over your clit, through your panties. He slips his index down you clothed slit. There's a wet patch under his fingers and he pats your cunt a couple times.
You whine into the mouth enclosing yours, running your left hand through Jiros hair. Tugging at the black strands, he groans into your neck, biting down a little harder. He pulls back to see the fresh teeth imprints, then he goes back down, he starts to mark other parts of your neck. Mikey licks you through your panties, nipping at the fabric and nuzzles his nose into your clit, causing you to try and jerk away. Mikey grabs you by the thighs and pulls you back down, towards his mouth.
He finally pulls your panties off and swipes the tip of his tongue over your clit, twirling his tongue around the bundle of nerves. Then sucking harshly on it. You pull yourself away from Manjiros mouth, to throw your head back and cry out in ecstasy. The cry is pretty to them, they want- they need more, they're hungry for it. Mikey pulls back from the cunt, there's a quick whine from you but it's cut short when Manjiro kisses you again. Mikey spits on your slit, then uses his index and middle to smear it on your pussy. Making sure to deliver slow, tight circles around your clit. He leans back down to assault your clit again, giving it wet kisses as he slips two fingers inside and scissoring them apart.
There's a hiss of pleasure that escapes through your lips but Manjiro is there to shush you. Jiro pulls back, "we have to make this quick, I have a meeting with Toman in thirty." He states, unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down, as he presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. Mikey pulls back and also slips his pants and boxers off, as he does that, Manjiro places another kiss on your lips and pulls back. He doesn't undress, he just slips the undergarments below his cock. Then pushes into your mouth, your tongue wrapping around his tip without order.
Mikey leans back to spread your thighs a little wider, he takes his cock in his hand and rubs the tip along your slit, pressing the tip to your clit to circle the nerve before he slides in. The spit providing extra lubrication, as he slips in easily. You look over and make eye-contact with Jiro, the does of your eyes only feeding into your lust as grabs your left hand to wrap it around his cock. Smearing his pre-cum to help jerk him easier.
You're full, so fucking full. You've had sex before but it's never felt this good and you doubt it ever will again. You've never met a man that fills you quite like Mikey and you highly doubt his brothers would disappoint you as well. Judging from how your mouth has to stretch beyond capacity, and how your hand barely fits half-way around Jiros cock. The drugs were worth it, stealing the drugs from Akamai were more worth it then you first thought. You've always wanted to fuck the Sano brothers and if that means framing your money-hungry limp dick boyfriend then so be it.
Jiro moves closer to you and squeezes your hand tighter around his cock, he groans from the pressure and you move your hand faster, twisting your wrist and rubbing your thumb up and down the slit, it causes him to keen over you as he catches himself with his right hand above your head moving his left down to rub at your clit. The added pleasure causes you to squeal around his brothers cock. Your throat spasming around Manjros cock as you attempt to bob your head quicker on his dick. Mikey pulls you closer and pulls both your thighs onto his left shoulder as he fucks you harder, his right hand pressing down on your stomach, as his dick leaves a physical imprint inside you. He gives your left ankle a kiss as he leans his head on your calves, watching as you take his brother down your throat.
Manjiro wraps your hair around his fist as he starts to throat-fuck you. He uses his left hand to wipe away your tears as he rubs his thumb under your right eye. "You're doing so good for us, sweetheart?" You try to nod for him as best you can. He chuckles as you choke from your nodding and gives your right cheek a couple pats before he leans his head back and lowly groans. The sound reverberates around the small, bare room and so does the sound of the bed creaking, occasionally hitting the wall, every now and again.
The body bounces in rapid jerks from the thrusts as all three men fuck you pliant. The gags of your throat sending vibrations through Manjiros cock and he whines. The man looks at you through lidded black eyes. "Tell me now before I finish down your tight throat." There's a rapid nod from your end, you need to feel it slip down your throat, you need to taste him. He nods, letting his head fall back as he cums down your throat. His twin is next, Jiro cumming all over your chest, some getting on your stomach. He breathes heavily as he lazily grins at you, still rubbing tight circles around your clit.
You cum, harder then ever before, harder then you thought possible. Mikey tries to pull out but you shake your head and whine at him, he chuckles at that and pushes all the way to the brim, his balls taut against your ass as he cums inside. He's warm and fills you full, your stomach having a little bump from it, that he so gleefully pushes down on when he pulls out of you, causing the cum the slide out of you. Only for him to use his fingers to slide it back into, with a kiss to the cheek gets up. All three of the men stand up and redress themselves, giving you a smirk as they do so.
Manjiro walks back over to you and pecks your lips and with a peck to the cheeks from Jiro and Mikey, they grant you with the words you've longed to hear, since you saw them that day.
"We're gonna keep you princess.. I hope you don't mind."
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themancorialist · 11 months
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Shudehill, Manchester.
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deviledeggbabie · 10 months
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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lolaandthens0me · 6 months
Lola, you ought to try some more "medical style diapers" like InControl/Rearz. They aren't printed but some do have like color on the front panel. These diapers have very good absorbency volumes. The Air Active is thin and cloth backed but has a 4300ml volume, the newest BeDry has a 7500ml volume, and their prices are very low compared to a few of the diaper companies that sell their print diaper. White diapers are just as adorable on a baby butt as any ABU, Tykeables, or Bambino diaper. They also have a white two-tape dip like the ABU two tape but just no front panel stickers. Buying diapers is expensive and I thought I'd give you a heads up in case you weren't aware of them.
Hello there and thank you for the tip!
I have been wearing Rearz InControl Elite Hybrids lately. Daddy absolutely adores them on me. ☺️
I probably wear medical dips more often than ABDL specific brand dips. They are cheaper and great for everyday use. I just got a giant order from NorthShore and am so excited to be restocked!! I’m also quite partial to M4s. I don’t think I’ve tried Air Actives yet! (runs to Google to find)
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gutsby · 7 months
Pregnant Pause
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: Babymaking is a bit trickier than anticipated, and months have passed with no sign of pregnancy. When your period finally doesn’t show up on time, you and Daryl act fast and head straight for the pharmacy—and get a little caught up along the way.
Warnings: NSFW. Unprotected p-in-v (duh). Daddy Daryl + daddy!kink Daryl. Difficulties trying to conceive.
Note: Part 2 to Grow a Uterus and We’ll Talk. I fully blame @murdadixon and the Blood Ties series for all the pregnancy-related one shots lately - veryyyy much in my Daddy Daryl era now 🫣💓💘
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If trying to get knocked up was an Olympic sport, you would’ve won the gold.
On the merits of your efforts alone you and Daryl probably should’ve had several hundred babies under your belt by now. Thousands. The past six months had been nothing but babymaking, a steady stream of rawdog bedroom rodeos and two-person pushups being your primary form of sustenance. But, try as you might, there wasn’t so much as a whiff of a kid in sight after all this time. You were starting to lose hope.
When, one month, your period didn’t make its usual appearance two days after the time it was meant to, you were over the moon with excitement.
Swinging one leg over Daryl’s sleeping form to straddle him in bed, you leaned down and shook him hard.
“Daryl!” you hissed, pinching him under his shirt.
The man below you grunted, shuffled, and blinked uncertainly up at you before slowly raking his eyes over your body and starting to smirk.
“Climb on, cowgirl,” he purred, already starting to tug your panties down.
Your hands quickly covered his and stalled their movements, a giggle bubbling up in your throat.
“Not that, not that!” you whispered, “I’m late.”
“Fer what?” Glancing over at the clock on the nightstand.
“My period.”
Daryl’s gaze darted back to yours. A beat as he processed what you meant.
“No shit?”
“Shit.” You were nodding, beaming.
Daryl hauled himself to his feet in a second, taking you with him. Then he slipped you onto the floor and raced you to the door, practically fighting you through the threshold of the bathroom to get to the cupboards first.
Together, you flung cabinet doors open far and wide and went foraging for little blue boxes in somewhat of a frenzy. Daryl was chucking pads and tampons and rolls of toilet paper over his shoulder while you stuck yourself waist-deep in another stuffy wooden space, searching in earnest for that stupid Clearblue logo.
“Got it!” Daryl chirped. You almost smacked your head on the sink coming out so fast.
Daryl thrust a blue-and-white stick in your direction, grinning with pride.
Your eyes narrowed just a little. Your stomach sank.
“Daryl, that’s a thermometer.”
Your boyfriend’s mouth hung slightly ajar in an ‘o’ shape, and you couldn’t even be mad at his attempt.
Trying to hide your dismay, you sighed and told him to keep looking. You crawled back over to the cupboard and felt a gentle coil just then start to take shape in your stomach—whether that might’ve been a real-life baby or another burst of anxious nerves, you couldn’t be sure. You and Daryl continued to comb over the boxes and bottles lined across your shelves.
That was how your day had started. It continued, at present, outside a largely dilapidated Target Superstore, with your hands on your hips and your eyes scanning a sea of the undead that occupied its front entrance. Shit was worse than any Black Friday crowd you’d ever seen.
“You sure you don’t wanna check the Walgreens?” you asked, tightening your grip on the rifle in your hands.
“Place was overrun last time I checked. Got a camp of military types stationed nearby too. Best ta leave ‘em be,” Daryl answered.
You suspected if anyone came across the two of you now they’d be put off just the same—with the AK-47 in your arms and the crossbow/M4 Carbine combo on Daryl’s person, you probably looked every bit as lethal as you’d ever been.
All for an itty bitty pee stick and some snacks.
You sat down on one of the red cement balls to your left and crossed your arms. You watched the herd. If there was just some way to slip in, sight unseen, and sneak past their rotting bodies to get to the Sexual Wellness section, maybe rappel from the ceiling and drop dead on the spot, go in guns blazing or else just—”
“Mask it,” Daryl said, suddenly.
You raised an eyebrow but quickly had your curiosity quelled when Daryl nodded toward a throng of walkers down the way.
There were four or five of them stacked together, crushed between shopping carts and pinned, interminably, in place as they stood, hissed, and clawed in your general direction.
Daryl had a hatchet in hand in a second. You watched, enthralled, as he made lightning quick work of the walkers, hacking off their arms, dismantling their jaws, and slinging rope around their bodies like they were little more than a miniature herd of cattle. He came back smiling, probably thinking to himself how proud Michonne would be if she could see him now.
“Here,” he hummed. He passed over the rope attached to two jawless walkers like they were pets on a leash.
You accepted it and joined him as he walked, eyeing your newly-tripled group with a curious look.
“Should we—” you started.
“Not naming them,” Daryl said before you could finish.
The six of you trudged along a path of broken glass and steered toward one of the semi-shattered doors. Your stomach started to twist when the sounds of the groaning walkers within reached your ears.
“’S’okay. Nothin’s gonna hurt us with these ugly fucks around,” Daryl murmured to you, glancing back at the doe-eyed, mutilated geeks at your rear.
You nodded silently and followed his lead. The pair of you were practically halfway through the entrance now, making your way past piles of debris and gradually drawing closer to the hissing mob inside. You eyed the looming horde, chewed the inside of your cheek, and yanked your brand new friends a little closer.
And, like magic, the herd hardly stirred when you approached the perimeter. A few parted ways enough to give you entry and, when you’d stepped inside, proceeded to close right back around as if you were one of their own. Not a single snarling mouth or clouded eye turned your way as you and Daryl shuffled ahead, mimicking their moans and hisses and occasionally trading looks as if to say, ‘No fucking way this is working.’
You carried on. Followed by sight where streams of light went pouring in through the caved-in ceiling. Even looked to a couple worn and faded aisle numbers and quickly learned you were much closer than you thought.
You slowed your pace.
“Condoms, 2:00,” you whispered, trying to direct Daryl’s attention to the right.
The pregnancy tests were always stationed somewhere near the condoms—like a warning, you thought. You never could’ve imagined you’d be so happy to see that silent admonition in your life, now, as you and Daryl sidled over to the scattered rows of sexual wellness products and took a closer look.
Daryl reached down, seized a box, and held it up to you.
“Nope. Ovulation test,” you shook your head.
“Goddamn, how many pussy products do y’all need?” Daryl groaned, stepping aside to let you check the shelves yourself.
You found a pregnancy test in four seconds flat. You chucked the box his way and grabbed half a dozen more.
Internally, you would’ve loved to celebrate this momentous occasion, but rationally, you knew there were several hundred flesh-eating horrors just waiting for you to fuck up and serve yourselves on a platter a stone’s throw away. Moreover, you were ill at ease—almost fearful—of the result you might get from the tests. After six months of setbacks and cyclic, habitual frustration, you almost didn’t want to know one way or another. You weren’t fit to face another disappointment.
When your gaze flitted to Daryl’s, you saw his expression had softened. Without a word, he pulled you into his arms and cradled your head to his chest.
“Don’t matter what the test says,” he murmured into your hair, stroking it softly, “’m gonna put a damn baby in ya if it’s the last thing I do.”
You surprised yourself by bursting into laughter, not tears, on his front, trying to stifle the sounds in his shirt as he hugged you tighter. You squeezed him back, held him close, and almost forgot your four drooling companions and the many more still prowling about the store. You turned your head up to Daryl.
“I love you,” you said.
“I love you too.”
Daryl leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips.
He probably meant it to be a peck, nothing more than a second or two, but when you pulled him in and really kissed him back, he didn’t mind at all.
He walked you back into a shelf, pushed your body as careful as he could so as not to disturb any items behind you. You brought a hand to his hair and threaded it tight through your fingers, prompting the smallest of groans between you. Daryl stepped a little closer.
The second your tongue breached the seal of his lips, you felt a hand slide down to your backside and nudge you up a little, so you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. Your tongues delved deeper, hands roamed further, and moans took on a volume that likely wasn’t safe at all for your current surroundings. Your four gummy-mouthed comrades stood as silent and still as ever.
“Wanna— have another go for good measure?” you muttered against Daryl’s lips. Hips grinding with his against all your better judgment.
“Couldn’t...hurt,” Daryl groaned in return.
Undoubtedly, it could do more than just hurt you—if those walkers sniffed you out, they’d kill you—but, as it was, neither of your hormone-charged bodies had the presence of mind to say any differently. You and Daryl shed clothes quicker than either of you could comprehend and, within a minute, were back on each other with another flurry of quick, frantic kisses.
Daryl gripped your bare hips, pinned them to the shelf, and almost cursed in your mouth when the whole damn thing threatened to give way.
In a blink, he’d grabbed the metal behind you and was slowly, desperately trying to yank it back while you cast a look around you.
Nothing roaming nearby. At least as far as you could see.
You shifted as though you were going to slide out of Daryl’s arms, but he just drew you closer. Once he’d righted the shelf, he secured his arm underneath you and grinned.
“Wanna take this someplace a little more private?”
You nodded and motioned toward the big ‘Rx’ sign at the end of the aisle. Daryl followed your gaze.
The pharmacy counter would have to do.
You were propped up against the cool surface in no time at all—right after Daryl had tied the walkers to a nearby pole—and suddenly you felt warmth all around. In spite of your nearly stark naked stature, you were enveloped by Daryl’s body, pressed flush against the counter and feeling his touch run every which way he pleased. He kissed, licked, and sucked every supple inch of your skin and acted like it was the first time he’d tasted you in ages. Like it wasn’t last night, and the morning before that, and every day preceding that he’d gotten his fill.
Daryl watched with eyes that drank you in like a novelty, and somewhere deep within you both, you knew you needed this now.
You hardly had a moment’s time to think before Daryl was thrusting inside you. Laying you flat on your back and fucking you hard against the counter with your legs draped over either one of his shoulders.
Daryl fought back a moan when your walls first welcomed him, slow at first, but maddening all the same. You felt a hand drift to your neck and seize it at the base, saw Daryl lean in a little and say, through gritted teeth,
“Tha’s my good girl— take daddy’s cock.”
You whimpered in response, feeling him rut his hips even harder. Daryl squeezed your throat as he did, and, seeing how much you loved it, held it there as long as you could take it before you came gasping for air.
He’d fill you to the hilt, pull out, and do it all again, quietly moaning your name as he pumped in and out.
“Fuck, Daryl, I— fuck,” you tried, and failed, to speak a coherent sentence as the archer picked up speed.
“Wha’s’at, honey? Ya say sumn’?” Daryl pried, pretending like he wasn’t already sending you straight to the brink of orgasm with the force of each stroke.
You hummed in an effort to conceal your moan but ended up letting loose an even louder sound, punctuated by something of a shriek when Daryl delivered a particularly hard blow. You clamped a hand over your mouth and watched Daryl shoot a look over his shoulder. Then he turned back, smirking.
“Didn’t quite catch tha’, honey,” he managed between ragged thrusts, “Wanna moan a little louder so the whole fuckin’ store can hear?”
You shot him a look as if to say, ‘Get fucked’—then pulled him even deeper with your fingers wrapped fast around his forearms. Daryl hardly seemed fazed, simply dropping a hand between your legs and offering another shit-eating grin when your body jolted under his touch.
“Feel good, baby?” he hummed.
You nodded and whimpered. Couldn’t help but clench when he leaned forward and angled your legs higher. Daryl let out a throaty moan.
“Gonna cum f’me?”
Before you could answer, he lowered himself even closer, ‘til your legs were all the way up by your ears and your body was chock-full of pleasure, all but brimming with tears. You tried to nod, found that you could scarcely move, and felt Daryl cup your face in his hand as he continued to fuck you, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip,
“Cum fer daddy, then. Cum all over this cock.”
Daryl knew he didn’t need to tell you twice. In a matter of seconds he felt you come undone beneath him, hands gripping him tight and walls clenching even harder. He caught your lips in a sloppy kiss, tried to quiet your moans, but found himself chasing that high not too long after. He spilled his seed inside you and watched your face contort with pleasure—not from your climax alone, but that pure, primal feel of his warmth spreading out deep within you.
The two of you parted, panted, and grinned in each other’s faces like that wasn’t the single dumbest, and most dangerous, fuck you’d had in your entire lives.
You didn’t need to exchange a word; you knew you shared identical thoughts. Daryl squeezed your thigh.
Twenty minutes later, with your walker quartet in tow, you paced a nervous path back and forth before your car in the parking lot. On the hood sat half a dozen, urine-soaked pregnancy tests with the screens facing down. You stopped and turned to Daryl, eyes locking on his.
“Flip ‘em.”
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indiasthoughts · 2 months
"Can you roll my window up?"
aka- , eren, and xiao, x black readers turn on this trend
suggestive, but no smut, x black reader, ,, use of the n word , fluff, she/her/hers pronouns, lowkey toxic relationships, SASSY MEN SASSY MEN SASSY MEN SASSY MEN!!!!
authors note: ik this is such a silly contrast aot and genshin but i been craving all both men sooo😮‍💨
and for reference--
︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶
Ps: this is old work but i desperately need smth to post so mind the cornyness pls 🙈
୨⎯ Eren ⎯୧
Inside of the 6'3 mans black BMW M4 was a beautiful girl in his passengers seat, annoyed and frustrated.
see- this girl had a few things that annoyed her that he knew of yet still did when she rode in someones car.
one- rolling her window down and leaving her cold in her black skims dress. two- playing music she's not fond of at the moment, if she's in a brent faiyaz mood why play warren g? and three- not listening to what she had to say.
so when her boyfriend, Eren, of three months did all three at the same time frustration ng came crashing down
"Eren, baby, please roll my window up.", rubbing her arms to create any sort of warmth.
- and to no avail, ignored.
- ignored.
she furrowed her eyebrows and turnt the music down to a volume of 2.
"Can you roll my window up?!"
"No, ur attitude ruining my vibe bro"
As "2SEATER" By tyler the creator started playing, he turned the volume up, but not as high as he had it before, out of the slightest bit of respect.
"Who the fuck is your bro?"
"Ma what I told you about swearing?"
She reached over to his side, unbuckling the seatbelt as her boyfriend stopped at a red light. she pressed the passengers window button and rolled her window up.
"Now the music aint hitting from all angles!!"
"Imma hit you from all angles."
He once again put the windows down.
"Whos car this is?"
"Who sitting here?"
"Ion know what you have an attitude for..."
"Oh my god."
she leaned into her seat, embracing the cold she'd have to deal with for the next 15 minutes.
about another minute passed, and Eren was already tired of the awkward atmosphere.
"Baby im sorry"
he held a small frown as he pulled up into a empty parking spot .
Tyler spoke in the background- 'the fuck you turn my music down for?'
"mamas it's us" he said with the widest grin he could possibly hold.
'can you roll my window up?'
you lip synced to the girl's parts.
'Why? damn.'
as he would too.
"Cause it's windy." You audibly spoke this time.
"But I love it when your hair blows."
as the beat dropped, he reached in and gave you a kiss.
ewww this was so sickenlybsweet ugh me and who🤢🤢
୨⎯ Xiao ⎯୧
you and your boyfriend, Xiao had been lying down in his bedroom, while you played with his cat on his lap, he did his homework. There was a specific way he liked to have his room, cold. whether it's the ac blasting on days where the cold was too much too have his windows open, or open windows, on the warmer days. Today happened to be one of the warmer days. And despite the baggy sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and one of his sweaters, his room was still too cold for you. As much as you cuddles up with Astro, the cat, and your boyfriend, it was still unbearable.
"Xiao, lets close the windows please.."
"I won't be able to concentrate."
he furrowed his eyebrows and said that with in the sturnest way he could.
"I'm gonna head into the living room then"
You grabbed the cat, and as quick as one leg came down, it came back up.
He played a faveorite playlist of his, when "2SEATER" came first.
"Sit back down pretty?" more of a question than a command.
"Damnn nigga it's cold!"
"m'sorry, stay wimme ok?"
He turned the volume up and held your waist, bringing his lips to your neck and nibbling your neck.
You knit your brows together, feeling a gush of cold air, and flinched softly. Taking his phone that was connected to his JBL speaker, and lowering it.
"Can you roll the windows up?"
"Whyd you turn the music down"
he puts it back on, lowly chuckling at the perfect timing on the song.
"Can you roll it up?"
"Why?, damn"
"Because it's!-"
You slowly realise the timing on the song and this mini arguement.
"But i love it when your hair blows.."
As he finally removed his lips from your neck, and tilting your neck to crane your head and meet his lips.
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baby-tini · 3 months
M4S teaser (Manjiro 4sum)
summary: It was a mistake, you knew it was, you knew Akamai was a mistake. His parents even told you he was involved with a lot of illegal shit. But it was different, it was fun, he made you feel wanted. Maybe if you had listened you wouldn't be sitting in front of the three most wanted gangsters in Japan... the Sano brothers.
"Please... it wasn't on me, it was Akamai, I swear, I didn't know, those fucking drugs aren't mine." There's a whine to the plead in your voice, just noticeable for the three... men, in front of you. "But, that's not entirely true... is it, pretty girl? You knew what your little... what? Boyfriend? Was doing, you came with him, is he.. your little..?"He gestures to your clothes. His two brothers behind him also give you curious eyes. Giving you a full once over, staring at your breasts, a little longer then necessary.
There's a look of disgust on your face, "are you calling me a whore??" There's a harsh lash in your tone. There's a chuckle from all three men. "No princess, well.. maybe, I mean look at you, you're dressed like a little slut. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he'd pimp you out?"
It's quick- but not quick enough, your attempt to wrangle the throat of the man in front of you is quickly shut down by his twin? Brother? You're still not sure, but they're too similar to just be brothers. Then again, you doubt they'll tell you, if the gun pointed at your head right now tells you anything. BANG
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astarionposting · 8 months
I bet on losing dogs.
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"I love you ... I love this, and I want it all."
New ambience playlist (in-game ambience and voicelines)
mp3 download
mp4 download (this is a bigger file, like 6-7 GB because it was exported as 2k)
Google Drive M4
In-game ambience + voicelines
0:00 - True Faith (Lotte Kestner)
04:45 - I Bet on Losing Dogs (Mitski AEA Sessions)
07:46 - Angel (Beabadoobee)
11:00 - Space Song (Beach House)
16:04 - Apple Cider (Beabadoobee)
18:56 - Strawberry Blond (Mitski)
20:44 - Take on Me (Ashley Johnson cover)
24:28 - Avalanches and Unfamiliar Ways to Die (Ha Vay)
27:39 - Run (Hozier)
31:43 - Moon Will Sing (Crane Wives)
35:22 - Wasteland, Baby! (Hozier)
I couldn't upload it to youtube, unfortunately, due to copyright stuff. Video version is available for download thru my dropbox, but it is a large file. Its just tav and astarion in the forest lol, but can be nice to put on in the background on ur tv or smth at night time :)
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
AITA for having a baby
My brother (m20) came to visit recently and he was very upset about me (m24) and my wife (f26) for having a baby. This is our first baby and we’re very excited. He says that I’m replacing him and that he has to get me back no matter what the cost. The other day I saw him buying a fancy knife and muttering about saving my soul and I saw him reading a book about resurrection techniques. I told him I didn’t like that all that much and his eyes glowed. Getting a little worried for my wife because he’s never liked her. I want him in my life but he’s scaring our bird (m4) he’s a cardinal heart emoji. So... am I the asshole?
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pugwitharug · 7 months
Hello! I really want to make a last legacy request, my LL OC is chubby/fat but I'm not real good to explain how the m4 would react to MC being self conscious/uncomfortable in their body.
(ignore the fact that I've had this in my inbox since literally Christmas--)
(by god I will pull myself out of my writing burnout if it's the last thing I ever do--)
Don't you worry my sweet anon, I got you covered
Content Warning: Mentions of negative body image, no specifics on what their body actually looks like
GN Reader, oof this may be really out of character but we're gonna do it anyways, some hurt and lot of comfort, the one thing all the LIs know how to do is give you love
Felix Iskandar Escellun
Felix isn't one for vanity, but he is one for the gothic aesthetic, so you bet he has one of those huge standing mirrors with the most ornate gold-leafed steel frame next to his wardrobe
It's one of the many gorgeous things in his room (not including him heheheheheheh) and it's something you find yourself staring at a lot
You normally do your best to not look at the actual mirror part, but today, your eyes seem drawn towards your body. You're not wearing anything revealing, your fashion style is more conservative by Earth's standards, but you focus a lot on the parts of your body you hate
Your own eyes feel like claws, rending bleeding wounds through your skin. Voices crawl into the back of your head. Ugly. Disgusting. Unlovable. They're hard to block out
You wrap your arms around your stomach, tears stinging the back of your eyes, and you find yourself unable to tear away from the mirror. As gorgeous as the mirror is, in this moment, you want to smash it into pieces
It's now when Felix walks in and sees you shaking in front of the mirror, the tears now starting to roll down your cheeks. He rushes over to you and pulls his cloak off, throwing it over the mirror and pulling you out of your stupor
Once he's sure the mirror is fully covered, he hugs you tightly, rubbing small circles on your back. He whispers comforting words in your ear, refuting everything the voices in your head are saying as if he can hear them himself
It's sort of true, for him. There were times where he felt disgusted by his body, feeling like he's an imposter in a dead person's body. He knows what you're feeling, and he hates that you feel that way about yourself
If he could take all those feelings out, he would. But for now, he's here to help and tell you how much he loves you
Anisa Anka
Being with Anisa has taught you that she can be strong with her opinions about you. Specifically, all the good opinions she has about you
She knows about your self-image issues, and she doesn't blame you for having them!
.....okay, that sounds a little wrong. She doesn't think that you're being dumb or irrational for having those thoughts. Your feelings are valid, and she's here to help you with that
Case in point: the two of you are doing some shopping through the town. Anisa has a free day, and the two of you just wanted to walk around town and see if anything catches your eye
You walk past a fancy dress shop and stop at the window to gawk at the newest dress. It's a gorgeous baby blue color, with white trim and pleating. It's a dress that you would die to have
As you're imagining yourself wearing the dress, your eyes flick over to your reflection in the mirror, and your dreams slowly begin to shatter. Compared to the beauty that is Anisa and the gorgeous dress, how dare you stand next to them. How dare you think you belong in the same space as them
You look away from the window and start to walk away, heart heavy with regret. Anisa notices and gently grabs your wrist, asking what's wrong
There's nothing wrong, you say. You're just ready to move on
Of course, Anisa knows you better than that. She grabs both of your hands and squeezes them comfortingly, reassuring you that those thoughts in your head? Garbage. And you know where they belong? In the trash, out of your fantastic brain and gorgeous body
And by the gods, she's gonna see you in that dress, and she's gonna see you smile
Sage Lesath
Sage never really had body image issues, to be honest. All of the negative feelings he's had about himself are about his actual self, not about his physical body. That being said, he absolutely understand having those negative thoughts about yourself
One of the main ways those negative thoughts materialize in real life is that you always wear pajamas to go to sleep. Full pants and mostly long-sleeve shirts, only wearing short-sleeves if it's really hot. It's in large contrast to Sage's underwear-only sleep style
He's asked a couple times if you ever wanted to try something like a nightgown or wearing shorts, but you've always turned them down. Since it was clear you weren't comfortable with those ideas, he's left you and your sleepwear choices be
One night, you're both getting ready to sleep. He's taking off his clothes, you're putting yours on--or, at least, you're trying to. For some reason, you can't find your last clean pair of pajamas
Did you accidentally put it in the dirty laundry? You rifle through the dirty clothes, scrunching up your nose a little, but you can't find them
Were they shoved into the back of the closet? You get on your tiptoes and feel all against the wooden back, but you can't feel them
At this point, you start to get a little frantic. You need those pajamas. You can't just sleep without them. If you don't, you'll feel your body, Sage will feel your body. Your actual body, your actual skin. Oh, how disgusted he will be
Sage asks you what's wrong, and you try to collect yourself and explain that you can't find your pajamas, but you can't stop the tears from coming and your voice from breaking. Your arms instinctively wrap around yourself, trying to hide from his worried view
He reaches out and pulls you up against him, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. His soft hair tickles your nose as he whispers reassurances in your ear
He doesn't entirely understand how you can hate such a gorgeous and divine body like yours, but he's here for you nonetheless. Whatever you want him to do to make you comfortable, he will do it, and he will show you his love in his own way
Mainly through worship. He's a worshipper. We all know this
Rime Solano Varela
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think he really cares about your body like that. He cares about you, of course, but he doesn't give that much thought into what you look like. He's more interested in who you are as a person
Even so, he does understand wanting to feel comfortable in your own skin. He wears what he does because it gives the small sensation of being comfortable, and so he wants that for you too
One day, you're doing some spring cleaning around the house and are clearing out your shared closet. You're pulling out your clothes that you don't wear anymore to put in a donate pile to give it to people less fortunate than you
You're separating your Astraea-bought clothes from your Earth-bought clothes, not entirely sure if you can give away your Earth clothes, when your eyes catch one of the tags on your shirt. There's at least three letters on there, and most of them are X's
You look at all of your Earth shirts. All of them say the same thing. All of them have those damn X's and L's. No M's or S's in sight
Compared to Rime's clothes, which better fit his smaller body, yours look...grotesque. They clearly don't belong here. You clearly don't belong here
You grab all your clothes and throw them as far as you can in a fit of rage that fizzles out into sadness. You stand there, shaking, eyes welling up with tears, stuck where you are with the voices in the back of your head
Hearing the commotion, Rime comes in to check on you. Seeing the clothes strewn about, you standing still in the middle of the room, and knowing your struggles with your body image, it isn't hard for him to piece together what happened
He says your name as he walks over to you, and you don't even get to look over at him before he claps both his hands on your cheeks. As you're trying to recover from the shock, he starts talking
He really doesn't give a shit about what you look like, or what clothes you wear. They're insignificant. Literally just pieces of fabric. The only thing he cares about is you, and you need to start doing that too
His normally icy expression softens as he takes a deep breath, trying to switch gears a little. He just wants you to be comfortable in your own body, and he knows it's easier said than done, but he wants to help you
So let's not focus on what you have and go get something you like, okay? He doesn't know how much longer he can stand seeing you look at yourself like that
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(GFL) AR Team singing Karaoke for their S/O
(AR Team) M4A1, ST AR-15, M4 SOPMOD II, M16A1, RO635
No one requested this, it popped into my head because the song in question is called "Machine Gun Kiss" from Yakuza. ...I'm ashamed I haven't thought of this sooner.
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(M4A1) "Y-You want me to sing?"
(S/O) "Karaoke isn't supposed to be serious. You don't got to worry if you sound bad. It's all part of the experience! And it's only me here so just focus on having fun!"
Trusting S/O, she simply nodded with a smile and picked up the microphone and looked through the song choices.
(M4A1) "...Wow, this is quite the outdated machine. This looks like its from the 2010's!"
(S/O) "I guess the Commander likes things retro? Beats me."
Finally deciding on a song, she prepared her vocal module as the screen displayed the song.
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STAR looks a bit bewildered when S/O hands her a microphone.
(ST AR-15) "I'm not sure this is a good idea."
(S/O) "It's just for fun! You don't have to do perfectly."
(STAR) "...Hm, alright. I suppose I'm interested in trying something new."
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(SOPMOD) "AW HECK YEAH! Gimme that microphone and turn that STEREO UP!"
(S/O) "Hah, yes ma'am!"
SOPMOD was almost bouncing up and down in excitement, her eyes sparkling as soon as she heard the music begin.
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(M16A1) "WHEW! Okay, got enough alcohol in me, let's do this! What kinda song you got for me?"
(S/O) "How's this?"
M16 smiled as soon as she saw the name.
(M16A1) "Hell yeah, put that in!"
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RO twiddled her fingers.
(RO635) "I'm told that my singing is...not exactly the best, S/O."
(S/O) "Who cares what they say, we're here to have fun! Plus, if it makes it any better, I'm your only audience tonight!"
(RO635) "I...I don't know if it does, to be quite honest S/O."
She sighed, wryly smiling.
(RO635) "Keep this between us, okay?"
(M4A1) "O-Okay, here we go!" ... (ST AR-15) "Here goes nothing..." ... (SOPMOD) "OKAY, LET'S GET FIRED UP!" ... (M16A1) "Now we're talking, let's DO THIS!" ... (RO635) "I sing for you...!"
M4 sways her hips to the beat, her voice starting out soft as the lyrics begin.
"Midnight shadow evaporates Accelerate through this old highway city..."
STAR is still unsure, but seeing S/O clap along with the beat cheering her on was making her slowly more confident.
"Into the night, you by my side, your tear-stained eyes Rouge running down your cheek, but baby-"
SOPMOD was on board since the VERY second S/O brought it up, her voice flaring up as she sang, motioning her hands passionately.
"Tonight everything's all right As long as you're here next to me My sweet babe-"
Even though M16 was half a bottle of whiskey into the night, that did not stop her from being coherent enough to sing the lyrics, getting really into the spirit.
"Now let's let go of our Past and our future This night has room for only two, you and me"
RO was starting to have fun watching S/O's smile as she sang her heart out, finally letting go and committing fully into the song.
"So come and see, I'll show you paradise tonight!"
(M4A1) "Not just 1 kiss-" ... (ST AR-15) "-Not 2 kisses-" ... (SOPMOD) "-Not one hundred-" ... (M16A1) "-I've got a full-" ... (RO635) "-Clip of love for you, baby!" ... (M4A1) "Hold on to me and-" ... (ST AR-15) "-I swear I won't let go-" ... (SOPMOD) "-I'll never,- ... (M16A1) "-Let you slip-" ... (RO635) "-Away from me!" ... (M4A1) "Machine-" ... (ST AR-15) "-Gun-" ... (SOPMOD) "-Kiss-" ... (M16A1) "Let's-" ... (RO635) "-Just-!"
M4A1 was breathing heavily as her smile overtook her anxiety, S/O's clapping putting her in an even better mood.
(S/O) "That was great!"
(M4A1) "T-Thank you! Now, I believe it's your turn?"
(ST AR-15) "Whew, that song was a lot nicer than I expected."
(S/O) "You killed it, STAR!"
STAR smiled bashfully.
(ST AR-15) "Hm.~ Wanna give it a shot now?"
SOPMOD pumped her fists before raising them into the air.
(SOPMOD) "WOOO! YEAH! That song is awesome!"
(S/O) "Wanna go again?"
(SOPMOD) "You know it, get me another!"
M16 took another drink, wiping her mouth.
(M16A1) "Machine Gun Kiss, eh? Fitting song!"
(S/O) "You got really into it, M16!"
(M16A1) "Psh, I saw you singing along with me!"
RO put her hands together, looking at S/O.
(RO635) "H-How did I do?"
(S/O) "Just fine, did you have fun?"
(RO635) "I...I did, thank you!"
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littleneir · 12 days
Think these are all the ones I’m wearing in pictures I’ve posted….
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11x13kyle · 7 months
what do the m4 look like in ur head
cartman: fat, obviously. zero curves, totally flat ass, but he claims the opposite; upturned nose with very prominent nostrils; thin lips, like paper cuts; blue eyes probably but i’m less certain of that one. they’re beady for sure; naturally perfectly aligned teeth but they’re yellow. has a tooth gap; thin but soft hair; always a bit sweaty; some freckles around his nose; had a LOT of acne as a teen which made him obsessed with skin care; eternally baby-faced; completely flat-footed; stubby fingers; average height but swears to god he's taller than kyle
kyle: veryyy bony until like his mid-20s, after which his natural state becomes fairly average. moderately wide hips regardless of size though; big nose, bump in the middle of it; average sized lips, kind of full but not that big; large, intense eyes, greenish-hazel, always has bags under them; high cheek bones, very prominent bone structure in general; kind of big ears, he hids them with his hair and/or hat; hair curly ofc but also just extremely thick, gets frizzy and knotted fast; teeth straight enough that he doesn’t need braces, but mild overbite. also very white teeth; gets red very easily; doesn’t breakout that bad but has a good amount of acne scars; average height
stan: stocky build, starts getting fatter as an adult, pretty muscular his whole life; big baby cow eyes, blue but not a piercing scary blue, very warm; button nose; had a bad overbite and needed to get braces as a teenager; very thin hair that gets greasy less than a day after showering; tans easily; round-face and soft cheeks that are always baby-like regardless of his weight; got a good amount of acne as a teen, but it always faded fast naturally even though he barely washed; bottom lip not thin, but upper lip disappears when he smiles; cleft chin; somewhere between tall end of average and actually kind of tall, no taller than 6' though
kenny: thin for most of his young life, becomes less bony as an adult but still very lithe, starts to put on more weight in his mid-30s; hair was a much lighter blonde as a kid and becomes progressively more dirty blonde the older he gets; upturned, cat-like eyes, brownish-hazel, permanent eye-bags, enhanced by his eyes being deepset; crooked, yellowing teeth, also has a tooth gap; nose not that big but its sharp and long; prominent bone structure, like his collarbones and wristbones visibly pop out; hypermobile in his arms and legs and double-jointed in his fingers; naturally clear skin; either really tall or really short, but he's never average
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islandtarochips · 1 month
Call of Duty OC: General Alana Kalani🎖️
A strong, single mother and independent woman. A woman who was been abandoned by her lover who want nothing from her pregnancy. A woman being disowned by her parents who was pregnant at a young age. Been taken in by her older brother. And had a beautiful baby daughter. A woman who had signed up to the military to fight to protect her home and her family. Even protecting her baby daughter.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare/Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🎖️ Name: Alana Kalani 🎖️ Alias(es): General, General Kalani, Ala (her brother and other older folks that she knows), Lana (mostly her brother) 🎖️ Gender: Female 🎖️ Age: 51 (2019), 54 (2022) 🎖️ Birthday: December 22nd 🎖️ Nationality: Hawaiian 🎖️ Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii 🎖️ Home: Honolulu, Oahu 🎖️ Spoken Languages: English, Hawaiian, Arabic (conversational), Russian (Military Purposes) 🎖️ Sexuality: Heterosexual 🎖️ Occupation: General of the Marine Corps
🎖️ Eye Color: Brown 🎖️ Hair Color: Light Brown With white streaks 🎖️ Height: 5’9”/177 cm 🎖️ Scars: A line of scar on her left forearm, 2 bullet wound on her right side of her waist and got burnt scar on her back on the right side. 🎖️ Face Claim: Kelly Hu
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🎖️ Color: Silver 🎖️ Food: Anything that her brother cooks 🎖️ Drink: Wine/Liquor/Sprite 🎖️ Flower: Any Hawaiian flower related 🎖️ Hairstyle: Natural (usually let her hair down when she's home or out of duty) and Tight bun (during work time)
🎖️ Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ Alana had become a General for a REASON. So she had taken her job VERY seriously. She took full responsibility for her men and the Task Force that she is taking over. She's a kind woman once you get to know her OUTSIDE of work. But when it's work time, she will make sure that you will DO your job in the right way. 🎖️ Organized: Alana is always organized the mission. Trying to make sure that everything is in order and planned well before sending her men out. She wanted them to finish it in the RIGHT way. And if things went south or it's not according to plan, she put her trust in the Captain to lead the way. 🎖️ Systematic: Alana has a good way to give direct and correct orders to her men. For she had experienced once of losing one of them in the past. And had learned her lesson as she made sure to think before acting. 🎖️ Practical Judgement: She had good sense of judgment before giving out orders. Making sure to bring her men back alive. Negative Traits: 🎖️ Mostly her sarcasm. She couldn't hide her tone of being sarcastic to someone who sounded really dumb or stupid. She can't even hide her face expression either while saying it. 🎖️ Small temper can ruin her image. But it depends if they started to push her buttons. Like, if they ever mention threatening her men or her daughter. She will try to punch something else instead of SOMEONE'S face.
Skills and Abilities: 🎖️ Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat and martial arts 🎖️ Weapons: MK16 rifle, M4 car, 🎖️ Distinct Weapons: Hunting knife and M18 🎖️ Special Skills: Has good mind of organizing everything before sending it to her team. Making sure Family:
Aelan Kalani (Daughter, Alive)
Ola Kalani (Brother, Alive)
Noelani Iona Kalani (Sister-in-law, Ola's Wife, Alive)
Keona Kalani (Niece, Ola's Daughter, Alive) Trivia:
🎖️ Alana was her parents "perfect" little girl. Choosing her over her older brother. She HATES it. 🎖️ She got pregnant by her boyfriend and he had disappeared after finding out about her pregnancy. How charming. 🎖️ Was disowned by her parents once they heard she was pregnant. Was all alone. And was too afraid to ask for her brother's help. 🎖️She was 17 when she was pregnant.
Background Story:
Alana is an independent woman. A single mother who had raised her daughter on her own before her older brother, Ola, came in to assist her while she went out to deploy.
Her parents had disowned her because of her getting pregnant by her boyfriend. Who had left her when he found out about her getting pregnant. She was young, like at 17 and she wasn’t close to getting a diploma yet.
So her parents had kicked her out of the house and let her live off the street. She is fine with it because she can take care of herself. Until she forgot about where to LIVE.
Ola came in and took her in to live with him and his girlfriend, Noelani. He was furious at how their own parents would do this to a 17-year-old.
Ola had already talked with the Principal of the situation and wanted Alana to continue her classwork in school. Which he kindly accepted and let her continue to take her classes. There are some bad rumors about Alana but she ignores them and just focuses on her class.
After graduating, at the age of 18. Alana had given birth to a healthy baby girl. Thanks to Ola’s expertise on delivering babies.
She was very happy to see her baby girl. And she promised herself that she’ll do ANYTHING to protect her. So after 7 months of resting and taking care of her daughter. She decided to sign up for Military. Just to help out with the finance and also wanted to protect her home from the enemies.
Already enlisted and been serving in the Marines for 15 years and that’s when she’s a Lieutenant General. And that’s the year she had met one of Tiala’s older brothers. Hōne, Rangi and Kanoa.
Three most trusted soldiers that she had ever depended on. Even mostly Hōne. She saw how much potential he has and she trusted him to take this mission along with Rangi. Relating to trafficking.
The dealers were taking the children that they had kidnapped to be deported to Asia. That’s when she sent Hōne and Rangi to stop them.
She thought that everything went well from the mission. Until Rangi had come back with only Hōne’s dog tags. She was shocked and devastated. Guilt had climbed all over her when she found out about one of her best soldiers who had died under HER command.
She also experienced the same guilt of almost losing her other soldier. Tiala Toa. She knows that she is related to the three boys who had worked with her. And she had released her to rest for a while until she was back on her feet again.
Having all that guilt had made her take a lack of sleep, overworking and also didn’t keep in touch with her family.
Until she found out about her daughter already signed up for the military to be a medic. Which she is deeply proud of. And started to contact her sometimes and apologize for not keeping in touch. Which her daughter understands (such a sweet girl).
A few years later, Alana got an unexpected call. A call from the CIA of the US. It was Laswell. A long time old friend.
Asking for her help of assisting Price, Alex, Gaz and Farah to find the stolen Russian Gas.
Will she accept to send someone who has the skills to assist these people or will she deny this request so she doesn’t have to lose another of her men?
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