#ma'am I have QUESTIONS
beaft · 10 months
accidentally went full victorian orphan boy mode (low iron/blood sugar crash) at the dr today and it was like the worst possible time for it to happen bc the nurse was asking me all these questions and i was just fighting for my fucking life trying not to put a hand to my fevered brow and topple elegantly to the floor
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varpusvaras · 1 year
I'm back on my Bail/Breha/Fox bs (I haven't left even for a second but anyway) and I was thinking of that one post where someone said that just imagine the political implications these three together would cause, and I think there would be one moment where everything would start to go different with them in the timeline, and it's the wrong Jedi arc.
Padmé is close friends with Bail. She is close friends with Breha. They belong very closely to the same political movement and couldn't make things work without each other. I'm not saying Padmé's political career is wholly dependent on her relationship with Bail, but them working togerher is one of the main things that keeps them afloat against the war. Now, Bail would be professional enough to work with her even if they have personal differences (which they do already), and he knows better than putting one person above everything else, but I do think he wouldn't take Anakin threatening Fox lightly. I don't think he would make up a huge fuss, but he would, most likely, make his disagreement about his behavior known to Padmé. Now, Padmé knows about the whole Tusken massacre, so she knows how Anakin can get when something gets in his way. She knows, even though she wants to pretend that Anakin is a good person, that her husband is perfectly capable of treating people he doesn't like badly and even worse. She can try and tell herself that no, Anakin wouldn't do anything, but she knows. This is about Ahsoka, after all, whom Anakin has said is like a little sister to him. His personal feelings are on the line.
Padmé can either be delusional about it, tell herself that nothing will happen, and hey! Maybe nothing will happen! But she cannot be entirely sure. Because what if. What if something does happen. What if something happens to Ahsoka, and Anakin reacts badly? What then?
She would have to decide then. Does she stay with Anakin, to the end, and thus claiming that his personal feelings are more important to her than what's good for everyone, and thus ending his friendship with Bail and Breha, which would more than destroy her whole career and put everything she stands for in danger? Or does she say no, and stand with her ideals, no matter what Anakin feels is correct or justified? Because this time it's not a group of people who have no impact on her life and who she can forget about. This time she would have to decide her course of action even before anything happens.
Maybe trying to decide would make her think harder about their relationship in general. Maybe, just maybe, something that he does having consequences to her would make her do something about it before it's too late.
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sincerecinnamon · 6 months
Not me going to an eye doctor I've always gone to and expecting said eye doctor but his new intern comes in and makes me question my demiaroace identity label 💀💀
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tododeku-or-bust · 9 months
okay so honest question, since I watched The Boy and the Heron
The context is that you're like ten and your mother died a couple years ago, and now your father has introduced you to your pregnant aunt and she's going to be your new mother. She's a really nice, loving lady, even! I also recognize that I would probably not be the greatest stepchild anyway, so maybe i was being too stiff about the whole thing. So I'm curious.
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radio-ronpa · 2 months
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probablyahazard · 2 months
love when i can tell im reading the same sources as my lecturer
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
thinking about the lady i met a week ago who seemed to have never heard of people having snakes as pets. she asked me if they drink water
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goshdarnitjay · 1 year
So so excited for the continuation of lonely heart settle down. I know that the fic is a huge success. Have you ever expected it to be so well received? And how do you feel having to continue such a well loved fic? Nervous or confident? Cuz I know that it can be heat revisiting a fic written so long ago do you find it easy to pick up your inspiration from where h left off or do u reckon you will be having some writers blocks?
I never in a million years thought it would gather so much approval tbh. But then again, I didn't expect What You Owe to be so well-received, either. When I leave AO3 to work on a long project, sometimes I forget that there are readers who will still be there when I get back. 😂😂 But i also never factor in mass-appeal. i write, first and foremost, for me. sometimes, i write for my three closest friends, but our tastes are p similar in a lot of ways (aside from the one who doesn't like ABO. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! your sins will not be forgiven.)
It's kind of odd to think about a continuation of lonely heart, settle down., because I wrote that first chapter in such a fever-dream state. I basically wrote it over the span or four or five days (iirc) and all of it exclusively after 9-10 hour shifts at work (early morning shifts). And yet it came out so well that I am now apprehensive about continuing it when I will not be such a state. but then again, I'm not worried at the same time. After a year of working on it, I can finally enjoy What You Owe again. I resented it for the entire second half of writing it, pretty much. But those chapters and the conclusion still turned out great imo (I guess you'll see once it's fully uploaded).
I don't really worry about writer's block anymore. if i really, truly don't feel like writing, I'll just take that day off. because i know i'll get back to it the day after. rn, i am prioritizing writing over all other hobbies, because no other hobby has ever given me such prolongued joy (and frustration. sometimes i really, really hate writing, but i always love what it creates--i talk a lot about word count, because Number Go Up makes me feel good and gives me dopamine, but i truly, truly just love rereading what i've written and feeling Good About Something I've Made. i don't get that a lot in the other parts of my life).
Oh and btw Ch18 just dropped ayyyooo
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katierosefun · 2 years
[stumbles out of my room, bloodied and gasping for air] halfway done with my fuckign memo
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
i feel like there's something to be said about the choice of framing for the scene in Hwa Ran's office when she gives Won the list of people she wants invited and how it looks like they are looking at each other/we are looking at them through a kind of mirror set up like they are the two halves of the Gu name similar but yet different before moving them to the open space of her desk area while she talks about bloodlines and social status sitting on her throne of sorts while Won stands like a subject before the king even though her seat is not elevated per say but my brain is not braining today. i am not competent enough to write that post so someone take that and run with it pls
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phosphorus-noodles · 7 months
i hope you feel better! i know it might not be helpful, but drinking water and sleep can solve a handful of issues lmao.
this is true!! it'll fix the sickness at least ahjdskfs- i'm usually pretty good with water but i haven't washed my water bottle yet so the drinking rates are reaching critical lows 😔💔
thank you for this, i appreciate it 🫶 /gen
edit: I SAVED THIS AS A DRAFT INSTEAD OF POSTING IT WAHFJDHFJS- still thanks for this, i did sleep and drink lotsa water and now i'm normal again <33
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fuzziemutt · 7 months
The more time I'm forced to spend with cishet white people (coworkers 😭) the more I miss being in mainly queer poc environments
My ass is not thriving and I'm literally staring at them like "have you not gone outside like ever. Have not you talked to. Literally a singular brown person in your entire fucking life. How have you never questioned the means of how the world around you operates. At all????"
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firelord-frowny · 1 year
potential employer emails me in response to my application
asking me to send her my email address
so she can email me and set up an interview.
she emailed me... to ask for my email address.......
emailed me.
to ask
the same email address thats all over the resume i sent
the same email address thats in the questionnaire on the application?
the same email address
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whatacartouchebag · 2 years
I think I need like
a whole seven weeks
to process everything that just happened in episode 12 yo. Like. Holy shitballs.
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
oh nah. No- y’all, I know the game comes out in a week but I don’t think I can wait.
This scene is captivating me beyond end; I was reminded it exists and now I can’t stop thinking about it. There are so many tiny details that make me go bonkers
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Ms. Himeko why are you looking away like that,,,? 🤨
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The way March tries to say something but Himeko shushes her
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AND POM-POM LOOKS SO SCARED! :(((((  IT’S OKAY BABY ME TOO. Hide behind Welt he’ll protect you <3
I will say, I got this directly from my recording of the 3rd closed beta, so things may be subject to change!
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey! For the Ice Queen/Tyrant King AU, I think it's time that Thena gets a matching tattoo with Gil. You know which tattoo I'm talking about.. What do you think?
Gil threw himself into the bed, burying his face in the soft white pillow waiting for him. "Fuck, it's nice to be in a proper bed again."
Even if it wasn't his bed.
"Don't sleep like that, it's bad for your back."
Gil turned his head, peeking up at his Ice Queen beside him, wearing a very sexy, lacy, satin-y nightie. She still had her lace around her shoulders, but he was starting to think it was just because she was letting him sleep in her bed for the first time. Not even just since he'd been released from the hospital earlier today, but for the first time ever.
Thena was reading over some reports from both of their businesses. Gil would be returning to work soon enough, and he had been keeping up on some necessary files and updates as much as he could from his hospital bed. He had to admit, with Thena running things in his stead, his profit margins had never been healthier.
"Do you need me to turn off the lamp?"
Gil smiled at the woman next to him, already reaching for the sconce built into the wall next to her bed frame. He sighed, "no, it's okay. I'm probably gonna drop right off, anyway."
"Hm," Thena acquiesced with just the faint sound of her agreement. She went back to her reading as he mumbled out a soft Korean 'good night and dream of me'.
Gil turned onto his side, partly for sleeping and partly to keep looking at her. He cleared his throat.
He reached out his hand expectantly. She sighed but granted his wish, letting her left hand drift over into his delicately, like a bird perching on a branch in the snow. He smiled as his thumb brushed over the softness of her skin.
Last time he was in her home, he was coming to apologise for not telling her about the Little Heiress' business proposal. He could still remember the wild look in her eyes as she'd run out and thrown him against the wall. The anger and hurt turning her eyes black; he would never let her look like that again.
Thena kept quiet as he toyed with her hand idly. It surprised even her, how comfortable she was just having him next to her. Perhaps it was because she'd become so used to him sleeping with her, first from when he'd visited her in the poison ward and then over the past few weeks of her visiting him in the hospital for his gunshot wounds.
Gil held her hand in his, admiring how well they fit together. His hands were large, thickly muscled, somewhat calloused. Her hands were slender, long but small, and so fragile seeming against his. He shifted her hand in the light, catching sight of something.
It was a white ink tattoo, already designed to be subtle and nearly impossible to see against the pallor of her natural skin tone. But there it was, around her fourth finger. He had to shift it in the light to catch the gleam of it, but it was a design he would be able to draw blindfolded.
"What are you doing?" Thena frowned at him as he rolled her wrist around a few times. When she finally looked over at him, he was staring at her ring her finger obsessively. Reflexively, she tried to pull the hand back to her.
Gil didn't let her, grinning up at her and the knee-jerk reaction that spelled out her guilt to him. "What's this?"
"Nice try, Princess," Gil sat himself up, still holding the hand in his. Now that he had spotted it, it was at least faintly easier to pick up the white lines tattooed into her skin. "You got a matching one?"
Thena stayed silent, and it - along with the sudden colour in her cheeks - was all he needed to know. He combed his memory, past when she'd asked him to tell her about how it all happened. There was a final stretch of days when she'd had a lot of business to take care of, and when she did come to check on him between meetings and deals, she'd had her gloves - and coat - on the whole time.
"How did..." Gil trailed off, also recalling her managing to slip into conversation asking the name of the artist who did all the rest of his tattoos. Gil only used one artist--only trusted one person to allow to paint his bare skin like that. "He did this?"
"He already had the design."
Gil looked up at his Ice Queen, who still wasn't looking at him. He could have expected as much, though; Thena wasn't good at vulnerability. They'd been taught not to be, after all. She didn't like having to look her own feelings in the eye.
Thena looked over at him as he raised the hand gently, touching his lips to the 'ring' she had gotten to match his.
"I love it," he whispered, keeping his eyes on the woman he loved. And did he ever love her--more than he ever thought he would be capable of in a single lifetime. Her eyes had that softness to them that made him bold enough to reach an arm around her, "I love you."
Thena let him pull her into a kiss, sighing against him as her hands found his chest all too naturally. Her fingers splayed out, her palm seeking out his heartbeat.
Gil laid down on his back, pulling her over him (and getting a super cute little pout for it). "So, no more complaining about me calling you my wife, huh?"
Thena rolled her eyes at him, "don't get ahead of yourself. This is merely making the same statement yours is."
That he was hers. And she was his. To all who needed to know and no one who didn't.
Thena pressed down on his chest, reaching for the lamp and hanging her lace around her jewellery hook. "It's not as if you've actually asked in any way."
Gil barely got his mouth open before she jabbed her finger down to shut his lips.
"Don't," she glared down at him and pursed her lips, "you dare."
Gil sighed as she finally laid down with him, her head on his chest and her hand on his heart. He held the hand over his heart with his--a familiar and comfortable position for them. He supposed he could acknowledge that this might not be the best time for a proposal.
But now he was just thinking about how he wanted to propose. He wasn't sure what Thena was thinking, but they could both feel the other's heart racing way too fast for them to go to sleep.
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