#macgyver ask
P.L. created a account on Twitter to talk shit about Lucas. It has been deleted but have you seen that ?
i had seen some tweets and was wondering what they were about so i asked a friend and he explained the situation to me. honestly, that is so messed up and it worries me. to think that he's an adult who creates fake accounts to talk shit about someone he doesn't like to kind of up his reputation (which - by this point - is more than fucked up) is beyond my imagination. like that's stuff kids do when they're mad. but he's a grown man. or you would think he is.
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artaintfartwarriors · 21 days
Have you done bellaleaf or leafstar or macgyver ??
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sun-ni-day · 6 months
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Lucas Till as Sam Dark Hearts (2014)
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impossiblepluto · 10 days
Which Macgyver fic can you recommend? With Mac whump and a big one
Lately rally trying to find some new good fics, but I have a sad feelings that there is no good whump fics I haven't read :(
Hello friend,
Oh that's a tough one. The Mac fandom is blessed with an abundance of great fic but it's hard for me to make a recommendation if you think you've already read them all. I'm assuming this is on AO3? The first thing I'd ask is if you've checked out FFN? There are quite a few fics over there that haven't been crossposted on AO3, Ridley C. James and Objessions come to mind.
The next thing I'd ask is if you're looking specifically at the "whump" tag because a lot of authors, including myself, don't necessarily tag things as "whump" and you may be unwittingly excluding fics you would love.
Have you read Haven126? There's probably not a week that goes by that I don't think about the Turkey Day series (specifically the second one has me in a death grip)
I haven't finished it yet but The Chair + The Box + The Board by @rosieblogstuff is delightfully intense
Sat Phones + Heat Stroke + GPS by Project7723 (@improvidus) is based off of one of my favorite Star Trek Enterprise episodes. It's more emotional whump but I would also recommend "In the Wake of Him"
Stakeout + Bridal Carry by tangocharlie
Have you ready from SabbyStarlight? TetrodotoxinB ("Old Fish in the State of Denmark" killed me dead)? I have to assume you've read AppalachianApologies' 144 MacGyver fics already, right? Nativestar's "Living Death" is *chef's kiss*. CommanderBunnBunn's Sandbox + Possum is a favorite.
Have you gone back far enough that you've read Katikat or Tinkerbella?
I guess it's just hard for me to know what you're looking for, especially if you think you've read everything already. I sadly don't have a secret hidden cache of fics. There are thousands of wonderful fics and I barely brushed across the surface with my brief overview
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paperclipped-mongoose · 8 months
He is my Roman Empire. I watch this probably twice a day or more.
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boolger · 1 month
Hello! I just noticed you take suggestions, so I thought about sending one for something related to Jack Dalton and Ghost? Maybe in the military times, with a sprinkle of h/c? Never asked/suggest for a fic before, so I won't go too much into details-- I would be happy to read anything with them, to be honest 😆 (smut is also welcome, of course, the ao3 barrel for these two is pretty empty so 👀)
Anyway, have a great day~
the way I got so excited when getting this!! Macgyver my beloved and Ghost my beloved! Since I wrote the fic The Ghost from the past has a big dic- on AO3, I figured that I could write a couple of scenes from them knowing each other in their past, so in the same universe ish - how they came to the point of Jack being happy to have a threesome w him and his now-husband Mac.
Anyways, ye, I hope you like it <333
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Lust at first sight
☆ Fandom crossover: Macgyver (2016) x Call of Duty
☆ Pairing: Jack Dalton X Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
☆ wordcount: 893 words
☆ tags: friendship, fandom crossover, fwb, smut, bonding while smoking, military, referenced violence, Sir-kink, daddy-kink, rough sex, all consensually ofc, teasing. lmk if i'm missing anything. 
They met randomly through work - that’s how one met each other in this kind of work, Jack supposed.
Years later, they would both answer “classified” when Jack’s future husband, Angus Macgyver, would ask about their first meeting. Technically it was classified. But not that secret.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley had just become a Lieutenant when Jack met him, the SAS sending him over to work with the Deltas for a bigger mission. It wasn’t love at first sight - because they were never in love. Nope, Jack reckoned it was more lust at first sight. Mixed with the respect for each other’s work.
The other Deltas had caught on immediately, on their flirting (mostly from Jack, who couldn’t keep his mouth shut) and they all decided to ignore them, at most telling the two of them to get a room.
So they did. The moment the mission was over, they got a room.
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Their first time was in the shower - they were both sweaty and dirty from several days of working with no showers.
It was quick, to get the worst out of the system. Ghost, no Simon, was ridiculous and wore the stupid mask even when showering, making Jack laugh - but he was quickly distracted by the bigger man’s hand on his cock. Jack Dalton was in no sense a little man. He was 5’11, had a lot of muscles and a nice cock. Simon was just ridiculously big, being 6,2, a mountain of muscles and while his cock wasn’t quite as long as Jack’s, it was thicker. He stroked their cocks together, quick and hard, their bodies pushed closed against the cold tiles, while Jack moaned into his neck, Ghost doing his best to keep in his own whines.
They came over each other, their cum quickly washed away from the running water of the shower. 
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Ghost had to go home the day after, so they got it out of their system that evening - or, well, night.
It was as if they needed to remind themselves that they were human after the brutal killings, the blood staining their hands psychologically, even after their shower. Simon pushed up the mask, exposing his scarred lower face and Jack barely got a chance to appreciate the sight before the other was kissing him hard. There was nothing lovely and sweet about that night. 
It was violent, harsh and sinful.
it was red faces, deep grunts and teeth sinking into teeth; it was cursewords and bodies fucking each other harshly, it was lube making everything sound wet and dirty as they fucked. It was texan accent clashing with british, teasing each other, telling each other to shut up, trying to fuck the other to silence. 
Jack fucked Simon - Simon fucked Jack. They fucked each others’ mouths. They were both young, with stamina enough, happy to get it out of their system after god knows how long.
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“fuuuuck,” he murmured, rolling his hips, “Reckon’ I could ride ya’ cock all night, hoss.” 
A growl left Simon, feral thing beneath him, even when he pretended he wasn’t desperately trying not to fuck up into Jack.
“Don’t be cheeky, Dalton,” he answered, a small pleased exhale leaving him as Jack rose and sunk down on his thick cock again, the wet sound of lube almost echoing in the hotel room. They were going to ruin the sheets. Hell, Jack would pay for it, just for another chance of this.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Sir,” Jack cooed back, instantly noticing the way Ghost reaction to the title beneath him, the way his eyelids fluttered, the way the hands on his hips tightened, “ya like bein’ called Sir?”
“Shut up daddy,” Ghost answered, teasing Jack with his daddy kink as he stared up at him, forcing him deeper down on his cock as Jack continued to ride him again, “you got a dirty kink yourself, old man.” 
Jack just laughed. He wasn’t even that much older. Maybe ten years or so. He didn’t really care.
“Does Sir want Daddy to stop?” Jack asked, raising an eyebrow, stopping all his movement, a distressed growl leaving Ghost.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Ghost snarled, and Jack smacked his chest hard, the other man attempting to hide his whimper.
“What was that?” his voice was even darker than before, leaning forward slowly, one hand on the bed next to his head, the other settling on his neck. A warning.
“don’t you fucking dare, daddy.”
Jack couldn’t help a smirk.
“Good boy.”
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They both left the day after, covered in hickeys and bite marks, both much more calm. This would repeat every time they ran into each other over the years. They would create chaos on the mission, then they would fuck like rabbits, smoke together while talking a little, mostly about what had happened since last. 
Ghost disappeared into the back of his mind, the moment Jack Wyatt Dalton set his eyes on the genius and idiot at the same time, Angus Macgyver. That wasn’t lust at first sight - that was love.
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rosieblogstuff · 2 months
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
44 😲 in my main AO3 account. 2 others in my older account = 46!
I didn't realize I had that many things!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
All 44 of those works in my main AO3 are MacGyver 2016. One is a crossover with The Rookie. The other two at Star Trek TOS and Star Wars fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Table + Flashlight + IEDs
Mac + (Wilderness + Training + Survival) + Jack
Lost Causes
Lake + Stick + Fever
4 Times the LAPD Didn’t Pull Jack Over + 1 Time They Did 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I often respond to a chapter's comments when I post the next chapter of a longfic. And sometimes I just space on it and respond a year later when I notice I failed to respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely my X-ray + Penny flashfic, Bad Penny. Most of the comments are variations on HOW DARE YOU!!!
There are a couple other flashfics with pretty ambiguous endings, too.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a hard one. Most of my fics have a happy or at least comforty ending. Maybe... uhh.... Electricity + Combustion ? which I literally labeled "whump with a fluffy ending". I also have two Jack Lives fics so that's always a happy situation at the end...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't. A few weird comments but I mostly scratch my head and ignore them. Anybody who hates on my fics will be getting a very long and nasty reply, followed by their comment being deleted.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, no smutty fanfics here. I did have a romance I posted for another fandom awhile back (and never finished), and I've written fade-to-black stuff in my orig fic novels.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Just one! My Macgyver 2016+The Rookie cops-vs-spies crossover, in which some LAPD officers keep coming across a black GTO involved in shenangains around LA: 4 Times the LAPD Didn’t Pull Jack Over + 1 Time They Did
It's probably the funniest thing I've ever written, and the ending is one of my very favorites. Also possibly the only gen fic ever posted in The Rookie fandom, although I don't look over there much.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Somebody stole all my completed fics from FF.net last year. There was a big Tumblr post about some site full of stolen fics, and sure enough, there mine were. I asked to have them remove, got not reply. I haven't posted anything to FF.net since then.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, but not for a long time. I used to frequently co-write fics in my first fandom.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm going to go with Washington State Ferry M/V Wenatchee. Who doesn't love a good ferry boat? It's an irconic style, fun if you're walking on, handy if you need to drive on, saves you hours of driving around Puget Sound by land. Also just a very nice-looking ship.
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15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ugh, wow. I have a couple dozen things I kinda like but might never finish. My favorite, and least likely because I've made the least progress on it, is a MacGyver fic about Patti having plotted out her revenge better, and tring to fuck over the team by having listed Jack as her replacement... which of course gives him access to high-level secrets like Oversight's identity. Much drama ensues.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ramping a story up. Characters. Make a story fully story-shaped.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings. 😫
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Hmmm I don't think I've ever needed to. Like most things in writing, I'm not against it in theory, but it can be done well or badly.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Anne McCaffrey's Pern, back in the paper fanzine days. Prior to joining AO3 in like 2019, I had 0 fanfics posted on the internet but a few in zines listed on Ebay. 😂
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is IMPOSSIBLE to answer. I could answer it differently every day for the next couple weeks. Anything I already mentions plus a couple more!
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Alrighty, how about "another wip don't fucking @ me"?
Okay so for this WIP I had to go through and reread to see what exactly I was getting at because it's years old at this point and could not actually remember what it was for/what I was going for. It looks to me like it was some sort of timeline where Mac and Jack met under different circumstances (I say, knowing full well that that is nearly every single AU that I write lmao) and are in the process of finding each others' footing (ALSO the same thing I rewrite over and over again)
Here are some words from it!
“You know, you really don’t have to follow me everywhere. Just saying.”
“I kinda do.”
“You kinda don’t,” Mac counters, before turning his full attention to the keyhole in the door. After a bit of jiggling, he mutters, “It’d be easier if I just lock picked my way in.”
Even though Mac isn’t looking at Jack, he can almost feel the older man’s eye roll. “Alright, c’mon, give it here. You youngins don’t know how to open doors.”
“Youngins? I-” For his own sake, Mac cuts himself off when Jack’s able to open it on the first try.
Ignoring his smug look, Mac snatches the key back as he walks in the door. The house looks like what Mac expected it to. Same thing in the pictures, including all of the furniture.
Jack whistles behind him. “Good lookin’ stuff here, huh? And all for free?”
“It was grandpa Harry’s,” Mac replies, carefully walking, as if disturbing the dust will somehow ruin the house. “And my dad never had it. Harry was my mom’s dad, so he never offered it to him. He lived in it until he, um, you know, had to take care of me.”
Nodding along, Jack takes in the house. Not the same way as Mac though. It takes a few seconds of ‘overwatch watching’ for Mac to even realize what he’s doing. Hecking the place. Scanning to make sure that there aren’t any decade old assailants who have been biding their time in the shadows.
Mac’s chest flops, and he doesn’t know why.
“So, anyway,” He suddenly announces, feeling far more awkward about the whole ordeal than before, “The place isn’t liveable yet. The plumbing probably needs to be changed, and the house itself might be old enough to still have lead pipes, which, you know, isn’t really ideal. And it’s a toss-up on whether or not the hvac system works, but I don’t really like those odds.”
“And you’re gonna fix it up?”
Mac sends him a look. “Yeah? Who else?”
“Professionals, maybe? You know, the guys who do this all the time?”
Shrugging, Mac replies, “It’ll be a good challenge. Besides, it’s not like I have anything else going on.”
The single worded question hangs in the air for a few moments, before Mac turns his back. It’s been assumed, sure, but he hasn’t actually told anyone yet. “I’m not going to graduate.”
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lailuhhh · 6 days
no pressure but I read your tags and "jack having to put a gun to mac's face" is SEARED in my mind and please tell us more about this
Bro bro okay :)
“The hell do ya mean yer gonna go with her? You’ve had some stupid ideas before, but this takes the cake right now.”
“After what she told me when she took me, something big is happening, and if I’m not completely on board with this idea and sell it, we’re not going to stand a chance.”
“Ya can’t do that.”
“There’s no other way, Jack.” Mac sighed. “I need to know if what she said was true, and figure out what I can about my mom.”
And then fast forward.
Knowing that Mac had been declared an international fugitive and terrorist was bad enough. Pulling— whatever he did in the Phoenix had to be done to sell the whole thing had been difficult to deal with.
Watching both him and Riley run from the Phoenix and straight for the enemy compound—
That might’ve been the last time he saw them. He might’ve let the two closest things he had to kids just run to their death, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
And through the magic of television
Jack had to watch as Desi held a gun leveled at Riley’s head. He knew what she would do; she was a solider, and a damn good one at that. She wouldn’t fire on emotions alone.
Russ though—
Jack didn’t like Russ; didn’t like how he dragged Mac back into the spy life after he finally got out. Jack didn’t like how the man always seemed like he was hiding something, or how he even heard of the Phoenix in the first place, and becoming a generous benefactor was bullshit.
Russ leveling a gun to Mac’s head was all he could take, because Jack didn’t know Russ. He didn’t know how he’d react in extreme situations of stress. So Jack did the one thing he absolutely never watched to do.
He shoved Russ out of the way, and leveled his own gun at Mac’s head.
“If anyone’s gonna shoot him it’s gonna be me.”
It was wrong in every way. The weight of a loaded gun in his hands was so much heavier in that moment than ever before. But he wouldn’t pull the trigger. He’d more likely pull it on himself than shoot Mac. But it was the only way to keep him safe in that situation.
Jack heaved a heavy breath when the whole situation came to light, when Mac finally told everyone his plan. He nearly doubled over as the tension that was there was cut in half. Desi’s gun had been lowered, and Jack had holstered his completely, but Russ still had his drawn, still towards Mac.
“Put that fuckin thing down, man. Ya heard him. All accordin to plan.”
“I’m sorry I don’t share your idea on the matter, Dalton. In case you didn’t know, he’s been labeled a fugitive. I’m not going to let him off the hook.”
A snort. “Then ya better point that thing at me cuz I knew all about this, and if you for one second think that yer gonna take me out, I can tell ya right now that yer wrong.”
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nativestarwrites · 10 months
Can I have a drabble for #9 please?
Of course! Thanks for the ask! May I interest you in a heartbreaking Lake Como missing scene?
"Easy, easy. You're okay, I've got you." Jack scooped Mac up into his arms, practice allowing him to do this without disturbing any of Mac’s medical equipment. He hoped he wasn’t hurting Mac but really it was just wishful thinking. Pain was a constant for Mac right now, only managed, not stopped. Every night, like clockwork, Mac would wake, terrified and gasping, like he was drowning all over again. “Take a breath, bud. You’re safe, I’ve got you.” And then every night, like clockwork, the panic would melt away and in its place came the grief. As Mac remembered why he hurt, why he could taste lake water on his lips, why his heart ached, and the tears came silently. And there was nothing, nothing, Jack could do about that but hold him tighter. “I’m here, Mac. I’ve got you.” Jack pressed a kiss to his temple. “I’ve got you.”
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kamacstrophe · 7 months
You know what I think would be an amazing cross over? MacGyver and Tony Stark. Like think about it, they're both similar levels of smart, MacGyver just doesn't have the resources to do what Tony does. Tony would probably be impressed by how much MacGyver can do with scraps and MacGyver would probably help Tony straighten his life out. Then they'd be best friends and everyone else would be kind of terrified of them
you are so right. if tony stark met macgyver when he was a kid/teen, he would be a much healthier man today. i need that macgyver episode stat.
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just-a-pole-sir · 8 months
Angus MacGyver?
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who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Put a fictional character in my ask
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impossiblepluto · 27 days
2x04 like a bad penny? 👀👀
Thanks for the ask, friend. I am of the opinion that we can never have too many 2x04 stories, which is a good thing because as I was reading through this unfinished wip, I think it's unfinished because there are two stories in here and that's why I got stuck
Until Jack sat down across the table from him at the Parisian cafe, Mac never had a moment of unease. No inkling he was being followed. And he should have. Should have noticed. Felt the prinkling instinct of someone watching him. Following him. 
Mac shrugged deeper into his coat, turning up the collar around the scarf wound around his neck and scanned the street, half-expecting to spot Jack still hovering. Still wearing that stupid hat. 
He had a moment of doubt when nothing appeared out of place. 
He has been doing this job for years. He can spot a tail. 
Except he missed it. Missed it like some damn rookie who needed his training officer following along behind, grading him. Taking out threats he missed. Critiquing him his skills and his abilities, or lack thereof. Keeping him safe and cleaning up his problems. Which is exactly what Jack did, without Mac having a clue. 
So, actually, he had two tails since he left home and didn’t manage to spot either one. 
And Jack showed up to rub it in his face.
Maybe that’s why Mac fired back in frustration. Because he was so deep in thought that he hadn’t even noticed Jack walking toward him until he sat down. Embarrassment at being taken unaware clawed up the back of his neck and turned into anger. 
The not-so-buried shame that he’s searching for a dad who abandoned him. Someone who should love him unconditionally but instead must have found him unloveable. Must have had a reason to go away and stay away and if Mac keeps impeding on Jack’s free time and giving nature for this continued wild goose chase, maybe he’ll realize that James had the right idea when he left. 
Even as his conscience pricked him with the words which spilled out of his mouth, “I don’t need you as a helicopter parent,” there was a feeling of satisfaction when the barbs struck home. 
It lasted just long enough for Jack to walk away before it turned the expensive wine sour in his stomach. 
ask me about my wips
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simplysummers · 5 months
Okay so I fucked up with the original post as it wouldn’t let me edit it from drafts after putting a video in there, so I had to start from scratch. So this was the ask, thank you @practically-an-x-man !
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Oh wow this is quite a lot to get through! Alrighty let's get going.
Alexander Summers:
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First impression:
l'm just going to talk about movie Alex, because I have other thoughts on comic Alex. I knew Lucas Till from other things like Hannah Montana and the YBWM music video, and also because after the drama with Ezra Miller everyone wanted LT to play the new movie flash, so I remember recognising this face when I first watched FC and thinking "oh yeah he's cute", and I liked his whole broody demeanour, but like, that was it. He became an honorary fave just because I knew he was around the mansion when Peter would've been young, so he was in a lot of the 'Cherik raise Peter' fics.
Impression now:
Jamie will tell you that I always develop a love for the more 'obscure’ characters in media, the smaller amount of screen time, the more likely I am to become obsessed. And so when I went back to rewatch the movies I was just pulled in when it came to Alex. I thought he was so interesting with soooo much potential, his dark but almost juvenile demeanour was like a hook, and I loooove his relationship with Charles. It's also amazing to get to experience a movie you love with a new found appreciation for a certain character because you notice so many new things. Every acting choice LT made for this role l've picked up on now, not to sound dramatic but every little detail helps fuel how I see Alex as a character/person, which is someone with so much complexity and depth.
Favourite moment:
Pretty much all of his scenes in Apocalypse, except his death. Even though I prefer FC, I love seeing how much he's grown and how much he's improved just in general. It's so lovely. But also this one specific deleted scene from FC that gives me all the feels,
Idea for a story:
I have a lot of ideas for Alex in the works, they're mainly on hold just because I went to uni this past September so l've been taking a fanfiction writing/reading break. My current main fic that l'm working on (that Jamie will be happy about), is Alex meeting and bonding with six/seven year old Scott after Vietnam. You'll know because you've read my fic but I picture Alex's relationship to be very strained with his parents, but he's making an effort because he's like, 89% sure Scott's going to be a mutant and he doesn't want him to have to deal with the same reactions he got all by himself.
I also have ideas around an OC of mine but I don't tend to talk about my OCs very much.
Unpopular opinion:
Hmm. The Alex fandom is very small so I don't think there are many 'unpopular' opinions. If we circle back to comic Alex, l'm not really a big fan of any of his romantic relationships. I like the characters respectively, I just don't tend to like them together.
Also I just prefer Alex to Scott, which isn't unpopular but it'll piss Jamie juice off :)
Favourite relationship:
Love love love looooove his platonic mentor-student relationship with Charles.
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Favourite Headcanon:
Love the idea of Alex picking up on Charles’ British slang while living at the mansion between FC and DoFP. He wouldn’t say them in a British accent, but he’d say things like jacket potato, not baked potato (the second chapter of that fic will be dropping soon), and football instead of soccer, and I feel like Charles would really appreciate it because it would be something Raven used to do. Although I see her doing it in more of a teasing way compared to Alex, Alex is just adapting to his surroundings.
Hank McCoy:
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First impression:
I remember quite liking Hank when I first watched FC, I don’t think I had a huge opinion on him but I did enjoy his presence. I liked his bashful relationship with Raven and I think Nicholas Hoult played the character well. He was like in between Alex and then Cherik and Peter for me, I cared about his presence because he was often involved with my top three, but he wasn’t obscure enough for me to develop a proper obsession with.
Impression now:
Kind of the same to be honest, if anything I think I may have gone off him a little bit. Not because of anything huge, but the way he is with Raven in that one scene in FC irks me a little. I do understand his reasoning, as someone with a physical ‘deformity’, I’d do anything to fix it, but I’m also like dude don’t tell this girl she’s not naturally gorgeous-. But overall I do still like him, and I did like his ending in DP too. (Even though I don’t like DP.)
Favourite moment:
Either when he and Logan are fighting in the foyer in DoFP or just his involvement with the montage in FC. Him being like “am I still a bozo?” to Alex, like bro what do you think the obnoxious little blond is gonna say-.
Idea for a story:
I like the idea of potentially writing a small oneshot about Alex and Hank having a conversation, maybe just before Alex leaves for Vietnam. I feel like it’s the only time they’d ever have a vulnerably emotional moment together. Alex wouldn’t admit to Charles he’s worried about going, and Hank would’ve picked up on enough of Alex’s social behaviours to realise it.
Unpopular opinion:
Not sure if this is unpopular but I don’t really ship him endgame with Raven. I ship them as a midgame, but if she had lived in the new timeline I don’t think they would’ve lasted, I think they’re a classic case of right person, wrong time. They were at totally different stages of life.
Favourite relationship:
Love his annoying brotherly relationship with Alex, and his mentor relationship with Charles.
Favourite headcanon:
Sean was the one who got Hank to smoke his first joint, and Hank was so concerned about what it would do to his brain/mutation that he caved and told Charles, as if they aren’t all adults who can make their own informed decisions. I don’t like reducing characters to a caricature, but the idea of Hank shyly telling Charles he’s stoned and has some minor concerns is so funny to me.
Patricia Thornton:
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First impression:
In typical Summer fashion, Thornton wasn’t a favourite when I started MacGyver, that was solely Mac and Jack. I just thought she was pretty and badass, and I really enjoyed her banter with Jack. That was kind of all I thought on her.
Impression now:
I. Love. Her. Literally she is such an icon. I came to appreciate her pretty quickly because I binged a lot of MacGyver while I was recovering from my hip surgery, and then when I found out about the traitor storyline I was devastated. I love her snark, her facial expressions, how much of an amazing spy she actually was? I still love her relationship with Jack but I’ve also come to appreciate how she was with Mac and Riley. She wasn’t a helicopter boss/parent, but it’s so clear that beneath the sternness and consistent annoyance, she loved those brats so much.
Favourite moment:
During the Christmas episode, at the end, she’s talking to Mac by the Christmas tree and it’s a clear moment of how she wasn’t just the boss of this team, she was also a friend. She kisses Jack’s cheek, she lets Bozer touch her, she and Mac talk about Christmas gifts, I love it. (I also love her in the fourth episode of season one where she’s beating the shit out of people.
Idea for a story:
I want to write more of her and Mac, I like the idea of her going to see him in the hospital after the incident in S1E1, but he’s at a generic hospital in Italy, and when she and Jack arrive the doctors are like “are you guys family to the patient? 🤔” and they’re like “uh…”. And Jack is like “oh yeah, we’re his aunt and uncle, this is my wife” on a whim and Thornton looks at him like she’s going to take off her shoe and shove the heel up his nose.
Unpopular opinion:
She’s better than Matty. That’s ragingly unpopular but to me she just is, I prefer her dynamic with everyone compared Matty’s character to dynamic with them. And there’s no problem with Matty, I just haven’t warmed to her, like at all. I don’t find banter in her sternness, whereas with Thornton it was more of an exasperation.
Favourite relationship:
I love all of her relationships with the main team, Mac’s is probably my favourite, but I do love how she is with Riley, and Bozer. They’re like her exhausting children and she’s just DONE. And of course her love-hate relationship with Jack is top notch.
Favourite headcanon:
I’ve never talked about this before but I have this deep rooted lore idea that Thornton had a lung transplant as a child. There’s even more lore behind why but I won’t bore you with that, but anyways I have this hc that while on a mission with Jack when they’re first working together, he finds her immunosuppressants in her backpack, and because she hasn’t declared them to anyone on the team, except Oversight ofc, as nobody knows about her lungs, Jack’s first thought is “…she’s dealing drugs.” And confronts her about it, and she’s just like “😒”.
After that, only Jack knows about it, and I like to think that while she’s in prison, he goes to see her and even though he’s mad because he thinks she’s a traitor, he’s still like “they’re giving you your pills for your lungs right?”
Warren Worthington III:
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First impression:
I don’t really remember my first impression of Warren. I remember in TLS, when we see him trying to cut out his wings, my first thought was “WOAH IM UNCOMFY”, but overall I think for me he was just sort of…there?
Impression now:
I like him a lot more in TLS than I do in Apocalypse, in Apocalypse I find him a bit obnoxious, but I like the complexities of his situation in TLS, as much as I don’t like the movie itself. I think it’s really interesting to see his development throughout that movie considering he has such little screen time.
Favourite moment:
I do actually quite like the scene where he flies away from his father before he’s forced to have the mutation cure. Very powerful and I think the actor did a nice job.
Idea for a story:
I don’t have one off the top of my head but I like the idea of something to do with he and Alex talking, for my universe they both have somewhat ‘unsupportive’ parents, so that could be an interesting exploration.
Unpopular opinion:
I can’t say I have one because I don’t know the character well enough. Maybe that he kind of annoyed me in Apocalypse? Like I get why he was the way he was, I just didn’t feel emotionally connected to him. I wish they could’ve fleshed it out a little bit more.
Favourite relationship:
I have no idea.
Favourite headcanon:
Again, not really any idea cause I don’t know enough about him, but I’d love to hear a few of yours sometime.
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gooseberryfox · 20 days
How about "Cairo Day 2023" for the wip game?
HELLO (said very normally and not in an insane way)
I tried so hard on cairo day 2023 but unfortunately I did not succeed in my conquest to finish it all. I'll give you a snippet of what I started to write for the few chapters I did do!
Prompt 1: Bloody Hands in a Sink
The water turned off, but she continued to scrub, her hands turning red as she removed layer after layer of skin. Gentle hands met hers, and as she looked up, she let the unshed tears from her eyes begin to fall. 
“I know it feels like it, but you can’t wash it off, Riles. I need you to trust me on that.” Mac said, bringing her hands in front of them, holding them gently as he looked into her tearing eyes. “I know it hurts.” 
Prompt 2: Hidden Injury
“That sucked.” She said, rubbing at her eyes, eventually looking up and over at Mac, brows furrowing in a scarily familiar fashion to how Jack’s did moments ago. “Hey, you okay, Mac? You look a little pale.” 
“Thanks, Riley, I’m white, in case you hadn’t noticed.” 
A warm wrist found its way to his forehead and he swatted at it, and after a few moments, the heat was released, Jack squinting at him suspiciously. 
“You are a little warm there, brother. You wanna sit on the ground in case something happens?”
Prompt 3: Respiratory Distress
Mac had a complicated relationship with oxygen. Having been deprived of it all too often, he’d gotten used to the feeling that came with breathing in something he shouldn’t be. A job hazard, he supposed, but it didn’t change the fact that losing oxygen wasn’t a fun experience. Even less so when it’s not an outside factor influencing the lack of breath, but his own brain. 
yeah thats about it!!
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ask-carmenpondiego · 2 months
Chapter 18: The Devil in the Details
M paced around his room which was fairly sparse of furniture. He already burnt through a solid pack of cigarettes since returning from his test run of the chronoskimmer and was well into his second pack. He pulled out his phone and patched through to the main computer, 079 pulling its face up on the screen. “Oh wonderful. You managed to spread my reach to your tiny slip of a mobile device. Could you make it any more cramped in here?” M growled, “I will stuff your stuck up assface into an ipod shuffle or worse if you keep it up. I need to go over the schematics on where I went.” The ai sighed as if it had something pressing that it was being pulled away from. It didnt. 079 pulled up the data code from the testing, giving a strong impression of if it had a body, it would be checking a watch and tapping its foot. M poured over the info and triple checked the details. “Everything is fucking correct for this world’s info. What the fuck happened that lead to that?!” 079 swirled its hair into a turban and had images of fortune telling items around its face “You know, I would tell you but I’ll give a little trivia factoid instead: I actually cannot see into the future. I’m a computer, not a psychic. I don’t even have a clue on what you even saw.” Red letters spelling CANCELLED were stamped across the turbaned ai face before returning to normal, wiping away the letters with a digital rag. “Yer no fuckin help.” M tossed the phone onto his bed and opened his window, leaning on the sill. “Perhaps what you saw was not what you saw?” 079 called out, muffled since the screen was face down against the comforter. M’s tentacle reached over and set it upright. “Elaborate.” M looked over his shoulder at his phone. “What you saw in one perspective was perhaps not the full story and you may have missed some key points. Ultimately, time will only tell. Its unadvisable to return to a time that you already visited, much less a time where current you and other you occupy the same time space. Time paradoxes still exist, you know.” M hissed at it through gritted teeth, “Yes I know time paradoxes still fucking exist! But HOW do I fucking change the event if I don’t know what fucking causes it?!” The phone was silent for a moment, “I’m sorry, was that rhetorical? I can’t quite understand the fragile folly of organic semi-intelligent beings. You could just let it happen rather than attempt to fix it and possibly bring about the resulting event faster.” M hung his head and flicked the cigarette butt out the window, “How the hell do you figure that?”
“I don’t. Again, I’m just a computer. I don’t give one iota of interest in what you do. Anything you do is your own fault in itself. In your words: I don’t give a shit.”
M ran his dark hands through his orange hair, “I’m going to have to tell Red.. can I even tell Red?” He points to the phone accusingly, “You just had to tell me that any fucking action I take could make it fucking happen faster! Now I can’t even fucking warn anyone!” In a very bored flat tone, 079 replied, “Oh no. I warned you against possible consequences for your actions that may or may not happen. What ever shall I do?”
“Report this to the TVA director, this is exactly what they have been looking for.” A small time desk jockey was reading a print-out of the timeline, noticing a new unauthorized time jump. He handed the print-out to a passing official who nodded and took the file containing the report. A short trip down the hall the official knocked on the director’s door, and entered upon permission. The director reviewed the file and started dialing the phone next to them. On the other end, a gentleman in a dark grey suit answered, thick files littered his desk from the MIB, ACME, SCP Foundation, United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC), G.R.U. Division Psychotronics (GRU-P), Earth Protection Force (EPF), Department of External Security (DXS), Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), Federal Bureau of Intervention(FBI), Federal Investigation Bureau(FIB), Foundation for Law and Government(FLAG), International Affairs Agency(IAA), the Wander Society and various other Interpol including Canterlot Royal Guard and Equestria’s global protection unit, all involving Carmen Pondiego and her VILE team.
The gentleman added the Time Variance Authority (TVA) file to his stack. “I see and this new variance is the confirmed beginning to our little thief problem? Understood. …..No, no. We already have eyes and ears on the entire group…… Oh yes, we have our contingency plan all set and planted, we just need to knock that first domino to put a bit of pressure on the situation…. Yes, just keep an eye on that variance timeline and let me know of any further splits or deviance… No, no, Thank YOU, Director. May prosperity raine upon you. Good bye.” A second gentleman with an umbrella hanging on his arm by the hook, seemingly a lower rank, stood in front of him. “Sir? If it has been confirmed for the beginning of the situation, then shouldn’t we eliminate the entirety as soon as possible? I mean, look how many unnaturals she has under her power. The reports say she gains more within a year or so and so does her reach.” The man at the desk tidies up and stacks the files and sets them aside. “No. There is a small chance this is the one who will lose it all and becomes a regular citizen again. We need to see if this time skip triggers anything. We have the safeguards in place. They just need to have the nerve to do what is demanded of them if the time comes. For now, we wait and gather more evidence against this Carmen Pondiego and her VILE team.”
A small red jet circles and lands on a dusty dirt patch outside a fortress ruin on an island on a lake by the southside mountains of Siberia. The fortress, once called Por-Bazhyn, sat undisturbed for many a year, though it currently looked like it was all filled in with dirt. The jet opens to let out its passengers, a few agents and Carmen. They headed to the main entrance and stopped just shy of the opening. Carmen looks at the blueprints and looks at a smaller opening about three yards to the side, “This is where we would typically enter but there had been damage to the interior entranceway further in where it just gives us a dead end. We’ll need to divert to the servants entrance over there.”
Once inside, they descend multiple flights to underground caverns and tunnels. Using their map, the group makes their way through twists and mazes, finally getting to a small open room with a deep drop in the center, the other side of the room was a chest, the walls were rough chiseled and some carvings have been broken away by time. The drop was just large enough that even an olympic jumper could not simply jump across. There used to be a rope bridge but has since rotted away.
Carmen nodded to Kiros who sank his claws into the wall and tested the weight of the grip. He then scaled across the chasm, making slight hand and footholds with his claws and hooked a line at the halfway mark and continued to cross the rest of the way, securing the line with a large pillar. Carmen and Lekir hook up their harnesses and attached the safety line before following exactly where Kiros had set his claws. Slowly making their way across, the girls didnt dare look down, Ninoga, staying on the entrance side of the room, was able to look down and see sharp staligmites growing up from the bottom of the chasm. “Nothing like an old fashioned temple heist with deadly drop offs for hobbies, huh?” Carmen chuckled, breathing hard as she hasn’t rock climbed in quite a while. Lekir shook her head, “You and I have different views on hobbies, I swear..” Ninoga tilted his head, “I thought we were getting things for a cure for Waldo?”
“We are, I was just saying this harkens back to when I was doing this for fun.” Carmen clarified, reaching the ledge. Lekir followed close behind as Carmen opened her pack to grab the extra rope and harness sets. She walked to the chiseled out shelf that holds the chest and checks for traps before picking up the chest which was surprisingly light. She frowned as she placed it near the harness set she was going to wrap it in and looked at the lock. The remains of the lock were already breaking away in her gloved hand in a pile of rusty dust. Kiros peers over, “Whats wrong?” Carmen shakes her head, “Its lighter than I expected..” Lekir comes over, shining her flashlight over for extra light since the room was very dimly lit by their larger lights they brought. “Well, we know we aren’t looking for coins and jewels, maybe it only holds a jar or something?” Carmen wipes the dust off her glove with her pants and proceeds to open the chest. With a yelp from both girls, the chest snapped back with a large set of teeth and a tentacle like tongue. They managed to scramble back out of chomping range just in time to see a red electric bolt shoot the chest from the side, blasting it into the wall with a crunch. Ninoga had sent the blast and called over “You guys ok?! I didn’t hit you, did I?” Carmen was catching her breath as Lekir waved over, “We’re good! Thanks!” Kiros was picking the broken pieces of wood apart, finding some meaty bits. “Should we save some for M as a snack?” He chuckled. “He’s gonna be sour he missed out on this.” He searches a bit more before finding a small scroll. “Here, I found something in the deep center.” Carmen reached for it, inspecting the type of parchment. “This is hide… its a rabbit hide!” She laughed, “Its the rabbit in the chest! So this is already the next clue.. This is awesome. Let’s get this back to HQ so we can figure out the next stop.” The girls carefully made their way back across the wall, having the two dragon types as watchers in case one of them fell, they could hoist them back up easily. They both made it without incident, with Kiros packing away some of the meat before scaling the wall, taking up the equipment he had set for the safety line.
After packing up the climbing equipment, the team made their way out of the tunnels and chambers and back towards the jet. They were met by a small group of militarized officials standing between them and their escape ride. The officials carried old looking bladed weapons as well as rods and had armored horses. The horses suddenly charged at the Agents, making the four scatter. One of the officials threw what looked like a bolas towards Kiros to which Lekir slid in and deflected with an ice spear she created, sending the bolas right back at the official, making him fall off the horse. The horse was startled and started to run with the official’s leg still stuck in a stirrup. Ninoga sent two officials flying with a good tail swipe while the last had gotten off of his horse to fight Carmen with close hand to hand combat. That didnt last long since Kiros picked him up from behind, tossing him to the wall as Lekir sent a smear of ice to hold him there like glue. Carmen was only a little cut up but she confirmed with a smile, they still have the loot.
They all piled back into the jet and set off to HQ, a fifth official that held back out of sight had made a call, “They have escaped. We could not detain them. I am sorry but we have failed to secure the scroll…. Sir? Please we will not fail again.. please no!” The official started begging before dark green vivianite crystals rapidly grew and speared through his body at all angles, severing organs and leaving nothing but shreds of flesh and bones between the multitudes of shards.
When they returned, Carmen was holding her torn red coat and had some cuts on her arms and side. Wally rushed up to her and held her close, making her wince, “Oh my Light! I’m glad you’re ok! I heard over the coms you needed a med kit! Do you need a hospital?!” Carmen pried him off, chuckling, “Nothing I’m not used to. This is why we train. I just got a few scrapes from some bladed guards. I just need some antibacterial gel and gauze. Its nothing! I don’t think these will even scar up.” Lekir laughs, “She’s the squishy out of all of us technically!” She slaps Carmen’s plush ass as if to demonstrate her plushness. The mare blushes and sighs about needing to sew her fabric coat yet again.
Asta nudged Wally’s arm a bit and he perked up as he remembered. “Oh! While you were gone, I went ahead and got you something. They didn’t have your bright red but maybe you will like this darker scarlet shade.” He handed her a box to which she took to the dinner table. Opening it, she grinned and chuckled as she lifted a brand new leather coat, a sleeker, lighter weighted design and had custom pockets on the inner lining and in the sleeves. She tried it on, wincing slightly as she moved, but overall had it on and it had fit perfectly. It even had a split back where her tail was able to freely peek out. She popped the collar and laid it bad down with ease and stuck her hands in every pocket she could find. “This is beautiful!! Thank you so much!!” She wrapped her arms around Wally and kissed him deeply. “Asta helped me with the sizing. She had to raid your closet for the right size. Now sadly they didn’t have a hat to match, so its just the coat for now.” He confessed, but she chuckled and put her hat onto his head. “Hats can be another time. Those can be a tough find anyway. But this is wonderful, thank you…oh! We also have good news! The chest had the next clue in it so we can go right to the duck that will lead us to the eggs! We’re almost there! We almost have you cured!”
Wally’s smile fell a split second as a worried look flashed. “I’m sure we will before it gets too bad.” M hung back and watched everything like a hawk, looking for any sign of the cause of such hatred he had seen on future Carmen’s face. It bothered him more than he expected, he wanted to say he didn’t care much about any of this just like 079 clearly stated as its own opinion. What M did find was that he was more attached to the whole team but moreso Carmen. As they joked, one thing was right, the majority of the team could handle a bullet or two and heal the next day. But Carmen was full mortal flesh and blood, no special powers, she couldn’t even use regular unicorn magic. Yet she dove into dangerous situations all the time with no regard for her own safety, as if she were one of them regardless of all the planning she does to keep everyone safe during their missions. And that bothered him even more since his test run.
He watched as she patched herself up all carefree, he puffed on his cigarette as he broods. It gnawed at his thoughts, he severely wanted both to go back to the future to figure it out but knew 079 had a very glaring and valid point. He thought about slipping off to the mech lab to tinker a bit more on the pod, seeing if he can alter something so its just not a time machine. He needed a distraction and his previous conversation of traveling to other universes may prove to be just the right project to give him that distraction.
A distraction did come to him, just in the form he didn’t expect. Carmen’s waterbottle was clear glass, yet the liquid had the absolute faintest blue glow, easily missed by casual glances. Perhaps 079 was right with his perception. He just needed more proof. He slinked off towards Carmen’s office as she laughed and had happy conversations with the others. She opened the scroll and showed the others. “Lets see what this thing says.” She laid it out on the table next to the coat box and tilted her head. Everyone gathered around for a view. “Is it supposed to be mostly blank?” The hide was indeed mostly blank, the bottom had a mountain ridge and a river and sporadic spots on the upper part that were either ink or tiny holes burnt through with a few sketch lines dashed in going a single direction. Otherwise it was very blank.
“Perhaps its a type of morse code?” Kiros rubbed his chin, Asta shook her head, “No, that was invented in the Amareicas in the 1830’s. And its not cuneiform.. the holes almost look like star alignments yet I dont recognize the placements but the other dots aren’t stars.” Carmen looked up and saw that M wasn’t there. She excused herself and went to search for him, finding him in her office, searching drawers and shelves.
“M, what’s going on? You’ve barely been around and more moody than usual since working on the chronoskimmer.” She inquired, setting her bottle on her desk as he was searching underneath for hidden compartments. He peeked up with a glare and his eyes darted to the water bottle and back to her, “Nice, acting stupid and oblivious right to my fuckin face.” Carmen furrowed her brow and lowered her ears, “Excuse me? But I have absolutely no idea what the hell you are going on about and I deserve an explanation for your behavior!” He stands and leans on the desk between them and whips the bottle across the room, smashing it against the wall. “THAT is what is going on. You have been way too easy going when it comes to your own safety, your cycles have been more intense, your pain tolerance is way too fucking high for a normal fucking pony, and your water always has a familiar blue glow to it. You’ve been fucking microdosing that fucking zydrate this whole fucking time! Now tell me where the rest of it is so I can fucking destroy it, you fucking junkhead!” She snarled at him and slapped his face to which he snapped his hand out and gripped her hair, slamming her head to the desk, “Don’t you FUCKING act all offended. Now I don’t give a fuck what withdrawal you suffer. Tonight you get clean for good and you never get high again. If you don’t listen to me out of fuckin fear, then at least do the fuckin curtesy of telling my brother that your so called happiness is a fucking lie. Fuck knows he deserves to hear the fuckin truth.” He growled as she struggled against his grip on her head as he held her down. “I will NOT let you go down a drug bender and do something you fucking regret!” She blinks and stops struggling for a moment, “What did you say?” She asked. His voice had a hint of unusual worry that she had caught. “I said I will not let you..”
“Yeah I heard that but you sound like you know something I dont..” He lets her up and avoids looking at her both out of fury and confrontation. “I’m not telling you. You are not supposed to know.”
She rubbed her head and walked around the desk, gripping his arm to turn him towards her, “Fuck that, you don’t get to assault me, accuse me of being a brainless addict AND withhold important information from me! Now tell me what you know!” He growls and grips both her arms, squeezing one of the deep cuts by accident, making her yelp. “I FUCKING CAN’T.”
“Why the hell not?!”
“Because I don’t know what fucking causes it!”
“It can’t be that bad. We’ve dealt with pretty bad shit.”
He shakes her a bit, “I saw you fucking die, okay?! It’s that fucking bad!”
The color drains from her face and she steps back from his grip. “When.. how?”
He sighs and puts one hand on his hip, the other running through his hair stressfully. “Three years, shot in Times Square.”
She let the information sink in, both hands on her hips, looking at the floor. She sighs and nods after a few silent moments, “Okay. Luckily the future is not set in stone. Let’s ban Times Square from our destinations. I’ll secure those guns my sister gave as a gift into the vault, far back so its hard to get them. And I really wish you didn’t smash my water. That was the last of the zydrate I had and boy, I could sure use some after that bomb you just dropped.” She looked at him, all coldly somber and turned to walk out of her office and back to the rest of the team. “We need your help to crack the riddle on that hide we brought back. Clean up your mess and join us when you’re done. I’m going to ice this bump on my head now and pour myself a stiff drink.”
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