cherrysnax · 7 months
speaking of bhm I feel like this year has genuinely been the worst.
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boobskin · 10 months
I don't really have the words for it but there's some intersection of being transmisogyny affected and psychotic that just makes interacting with everyone feel impossible. The way the gaslighting and being talked down to stacks double. The way I'm constantly asking the question "are they treating me like this because I'm a tranny or is it because I'm psychotic?" Every microagession feels like a macroagression and vice versa. Is this an aggression at all, or am I just delusional? I have no concept of normal, no baseline to stray from. Diagnostic criteria are useless. Psychotic trannies are the kind of people that society was designed to hate but you can never be sure if the hate is real or you're just being paranoid. We're all just stupid crazy bitches
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Telling autistic people you don't like their tone is a fucking Macroagression and if you do it you owe $20 in reparations due immediately
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yourarkon-blog · 1 month
I've been argueing with the great minds found on threads about Miles Morales, otherwise more well known as Spiderman, and I've realized that people really don't get or understand what makes their dislike of Spiderman racist.
Most of the arguements form from "poorly written" and "underdeveloped," which not only 1. clearly shows they haven't watched the movie, nor have they read the comics (Ultimate Spiderman has been the best running spiderman comic since Mephisto) and 2. they don't realize that they are being racist.
BECAUSE HERES THE THING: the people being objectively, cartoonishly racist are a thing of the past, and rather uncommon. No one talks like that. Most racism is subtle and often the racist doesn't even realize that they are being racist.
Racism is so instilled into american culture that more often than not the microagressions we use in our daily language go by unoticed, except by the reciever. Common examples include "where are you from (you're not from here, you're not like me so you must not be local)," "you probably wouldn't know (obviously, I have a higher ammount of knowledge than the person I am talking to)," and of course, "the charcter doesn't work (he's not the previous version of the character, who was white, so this change must be bad)."
Most people don't catch on. I took a race and racisms class for college, and it shook me to my core. The shit I say to people made me realize that I had internalized racism, and I needed to work on it. I do believe if people are called out on their shit that they will change, but they need to be aware of it first. My racist behaviors and language came from my parents behaviors and beliefs, and they had no idea! None! and they're leftist to the core.
And they will get defensive about it. Who the hell want's to be seen as a racist? I sure as hell don't, yet I have to acknoledge that it's there, and I need to be aware of it. I need to change. I am changing.
This is why critical race theory is so important. This is why the acutal macroagressive racists are scared of it, because they weaponize that ignorance to their advantage. Trump said in one of his previous press conferences that "they (an unknown enemy, but very obviously talking about minorities) will bring crime and will take up all the homes and lower property value" not an exact quote, but I'm really not in the mood to hear his drivel again. But he doens't need to say black or hispanic, it's a "they." They will bring bad things. They are evil. They, them not we. People who don't realize that they are talking about black people will internalize that and repeat it without knowing the consrquences, and when they find out them = minorities then they become more justified.
Critical race theory teaches exactly how we internalize racism, how we can combat it, and how we can gain more empathy for minorities. It makes us aware of racism in our communities and in ourselves. Thats why trump wants it gone, he want's us to be Macroaggressive.
This is why I defend Spiderman so much, because it teaches kids that heroes can be more than just the average white person. They can imagine themselves as heroes saving the day, rather than being portrayed as the common crook. We need more heroes like Spiderman, because they create heroes, they teach us how to be beter people. Everyone deserves to be a hero. Because everyone, not just one race, deserves to do everything a spider can.
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homokommari · 11 months
i swear to god social justice discourse would be so much improved if people could just learn that the reason we talk about microagressions and their impact is because there is macroagressions. and if there isnt that.... we arent talking about social justice, we are talking about interpersonal relationships without systematic impact.
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
Reading this while Arab is Wild. Did Marsh read Dracula and go "You think this has some racism? Well, I'm gonna write Racism: The Novel" "Did you think there were a few characters saying microagressions about other Europeans? Well I'm gonna make the comments from EVERYONE be MACROagressions."
Like. I know Marsh is not good at being subtle. That much is evident from... *gestures at all of the book* But still. If it were a different writer (and not everyone) I might be wondering if this is intended as cartoonishly over the top to point out the absurdity. It's so bad.
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totopopopo · 4 months
house WOULD call me more slurs than the average doctor but unlike the average doctor he would actually try to figure out why i get daily migraines and stress nosebleeds. which is more than the average doctor does. does he commit medical malpractice every second of the day? yes. but today i had to sit on the bathroom floor at work trying and failing not to cry from how bad my migraine was and so honestly. at this point ill take all the micro and macroagressions house can throw at me if it means getting a doctor who would figure out why
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
I know you said that you weren't going to take more asks about this, but I just want to calmly say my take on it. My take on the fujoshi post is that... well, I understand that you are referring to the western fans who are fucking up the label. But at the end of the day, using fujoshi as a bad word still fucks it up and butchers its true meaning. We ask you respectfully to stop doing that, even if you are only referring to the western fans. Its still butchering the word.
I'll respond to you as well because you're being polite, but here's yet another clarification: I never called the people who harassed me and my friends 'fujoshi' as an insult out of the blue, nor have I ever done so or will do so. They straight-up had 'fujoshi' in their blog titles. That's why I pointed it out, because they were identifying as such and it was the easiest way to sum them up. I'm not going around pointing at bl likers like 'you filthy fucking fujoshi' I'm specifically recounting my own shitty experiences with people who had it in their blogs as a self-identifier. I know the context behind the word, but everytime I've used it in a derogatory manner is because it was the only solid identifier for the group of people sending death threats, bc what the fuck else am I going to use when a white girl with it in her title is using it to preform micro and macroagressions against me and people I care about (other than just owari no seraph fans, though now that i'm thinking about it yeah that might actually work as an alt descriptor).
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doorbel · 1 year
If I have to experience one more Microaggression I’m going to get Macroagressive :)
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inkedintothepaper · 2 years
This worm is experiencing micoagressions. And the macroagression of being kidnapped.
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hoodoobarbie · 3 years
Contemplative, Critical Analysis of Social Division within the Black Community.
A research paper by Hoodoo Barbie - published 6/8/21
I am a neurodivergent, spiritual black woman who lives with high functioning  adhd and chronical illness while living in America.  This condition means i’m prone to moments of constantly fluctuating mental agility which makes me able or intensely disabled, at random. A part of this experience is dealing with consistent hyperactive analysis of in my daily life. This can be extremely debilitating at times and has taken years of labor, intensive training and other various resources, to stop seeing this condition as impairment, and begin using it to help myself and others in my professional and private life.  
Lately the nuance of divisive minutiae of racial experiences,  has become increasingly fascinating to my neurodivergent brain. Making me eager to use my gift to clarify these aspects, for the betterment of the collective. This contemplative analysis is currently limited to the American black experience but this may change in the future. In the meantime its important to highlight it is not intended to generalize the black collective globally. My hope is to bring more clarity and light to our systemic issues, by spreading this through out this system, to unravel system racism. 
Non black POC who read this, have permission to use this discourse as educational tool for themselves and their communities. This is not a invitation to speak over, invalidate, or hinder discourse between black individuals. The commentary of non black poc is encouraged, but with the realized expectation that you are a guest in this space. 
White individuals can reblog or spread this discourse, to educate their own peers, but do not have my consent to invalidate, interact, engage, antagonize or offer argumentative discourse with other poc in this space. On this post white social commentary is intentionally limited to discourse and engagement with each other.  
Violators of these expectations should expect to be blocked, bound and handled spiritually by my religious custom.   
Critical race theory always requires mental labor and takes a extreme toll on mental and physical health. Compiling this paper was a monumental, exhaustive act within itself. Therefore, I reserve the right to ignore or block anyone, for any reason as a self respected individual. 
Thesis of Intentional Systemic Division in the American Black Collective 
The collective dialogue on systemic division is currently out of date. This discussion, is heavily reliant on the shared knowledge of previous generations and hasn't reflected the current nuisances of the new generations, our social progress and its changes. It’s important to highlight the experience of previous generations  and not invalidate them, while also consistently update the social evolution of this divide, for each each generation. While this research paper is intended to be educational, may it also serve as a call to action. Systemic racism is always consistently evolving. It’s important to educate each new generation of this expectation, to encourage consistent dialogue to promote our continuous evolution and self reflection and understanding our own experiences.
The current intentional divisional systemic divide of the two groups within the American black collective, has become become unbearable tense and stagnant. This corrosive toxicity worsens communal relations and the growing divide.
 The purpose of this paper is to explain, educate and provide a simple working solution for this issue, for the intent of betterment and unification of our community. 
Understanding The Social Divide - Cause & Effect
The black American collective, is separated by two main social groups, the mainstream insulated black adjacent and the hidden isolated white adjacent.  Each group is socialized to experience whiteness differently within the system, so whiteness can protect itself. A atmosphere of confusion and distrust is consistently fostered, to keep everyone at each other throats. This is blatant ‘psychological warfare’.   
The insular mainstream black adjacent community is given the privilege of being the voice of the entire community, within whiteness. This is done intentionally to cause further division between the suburban white adjacent who silenced and  hidden. This leaves a critical question to be asked. Why ? Looking back historically, we know whiteness will systemically oppress, gaslight and repress any group that poses a potential threat to its construct. 
It’s important to note this nuance because while everyone within the system is oppressed, everyone is not also repressed. If everyone continuously experienced the same thing systemically, it would make it easy to destroy the system. Whiteness survives by perpetuating two means of confusion, to confuse and destabilize everyone. 
Oppression is actively conscious, while Repression is unconscious. This results in creating two marginalized groups, one who is socialized to be consciously socially aware of their subjugated oppression and oppressor and another who is socialized to be unconscious of their subjugated oppression and oppressor which also actively represses them. 
Whiteness consistently weaponizes these subtle psychological tactics, to control the narrative by manipulating and dividing each collective of POC.  This begs a further question, does whiteness see the black adjacent community as less threatening when compared to the suburban white adjacent ?
Regardless these two groups are actively systemically divided, one group is mainstream while being simultaneously is oppressed and the other issue intentionally silenced while being oppressed and repressed.
Whiteness always rewards the mainstream oppressed group by socializing them to contribute in the repression of  silenced repressed. Whiteness rewards the silenced repressed group when they allow themselves to be weaponized against mainstream oppressed. This tricky little tactic leads to a never ending circle of division and gleefully manipulation while whiteness chuckles quietly in the background.
Analysis of the Collective Social Divide of the Oppressed Mainstream &  Repressed Hidden Collectively.
‘Socially Oppressed and Mainstream - Influential, Popular and Hated The Voice of The Black Adjacent Community
The mainstream black community exists in a black adjacent bubble, separate from the full glare of the white gaze. This has considerable pro’s and con’s, in it’s group. This group is socialized to expect potentially deadly macro-aggressions any time at random, so they are constantly on guard. There is also a implied expectation of possible community support and safe places, which may provide a degree of privacy from whiteness. Macroaggressions are influenced by class, especially in lower income communities. Class levels fluctuate continuously due to systemic economic racism. A middle class insulated community, can easily become poor overnight.  Great examples of this include cities like; Ferguson and Flint, Michigan. Middle, upper and wealthy black communities also exist under this threat.  Upper class black communities, that are more stable; live with fear of being completely victims of genocide and total annihilation. Great examples of prosperous black establishments that were destroyed, are Tulsa, Seneca village and Bruce Beach. Microaggressions are barely processed at all in comparison and if they are, they usually seen as less threatening.
Inherited genetic and ancestral bias, is heavily prevalent when dealing with mental health. The lack of acknowledgment, within this is rooted in unhealed trauma and valid mistrust of the racist medical establishment. Unfortunately this breeds a lack of social awareness and education, perpetuating a horrible collective cost and socialized ignorance, when confronted with these issues. The black adjacent community is processed as the only experience in the valid experience within white social construct and is rewarded when they reinforce this ideal, contributing to the repression of silenced suburban white adjacent voices. Black adjacent individuals can make strides against this narrative, encouraging more black medical professionals within their spaces.
Whiteness benefits from this narrative, so it encourages and rewards those who contribute to it. This enforced predatory reward system is intended to to control, manipulate and abuse people, especially those existing in a state of financial disadvantage. This breeds a perfect atmosphere of division and confusion, that destroys everything within it’s path. Intentionally, black adjacent mental health issues are ignored, to influences their control over mainstream black adjacent narrative and media. The white monopoly of the economic resources is constantly used to antagonize, distract and bait. Whiteness doesn't benefit from healthy discourse on the collective mental health issues of the black community because it  contradicts their narrative. This is why unhealthy poisoned distractions are monetized intentionally in black adjacent communities, to influence white and other poc’s perspective of that specific community. This is intended to foster bias, cultivate ignorance, lack of empathy, make it harder to create alliances and poc solidarity .  Luckily more people in black adjacent spaces recognize or call out these effects while working on advocating, educating and deconstructing this narrative. However, this process will take to several generations to sort itself out, as it’s a fairly new development generationally. Since the black adjacent community is given the position of representing of the black American collective experience globally, it’s important  to understand this nuance. .
This is achieved confronting internalized social trauma and unpacking why we are socialized this way. This is done by creating more dialogue of our differences and highlighting the repressed suburban black experience. A great place to start is to observing how black adjacent folks process subtle microaggressions in in contrast to violent, potentially deadly macroaggressions, in comparison to suburban white adjacent. Black adjacent individuals are socialized to be on high alert for  violent macroaggressions, constantly. This creates a different processing experience. When microaggressions happen, these individuals might experience intense feelings of relief, apathetic numbness, subconsciously ignore or may not even recognize when it’s happening. This is drastically different in comparison to the suburban white adjacent.
‘Socially Repressed and Hidden. Silenced, White adjacent and Isolated - The Suburban Black Individual Without Community.’
There is no community for any poc in suburban white adjacent space. Suburban folks are socialized to believe in cooperative integrative existence and the false promise of safety spaces within these structures,  under every present threat of assimilation. There is no privacy place from the intensity of white gaze, as every day is constant masked performance, outside of their home. Suburban black communities within these spaces are myth, and do not actually exist. The suburban black individual experience is isolated and restrictive.  All forms of communal growth are processed as a threat within the system, because whiteness has no interest in actual integration outside of cultural theft.   To progress, individuals existing within these spaces must learn nuances o as a means of survival and to assimilate. White adjacent exist in state of oppression, while also being heavily repressed. Their experiences are often invalidated because whiteness refuses to the same standing as those who are black adjacent. Here, whiteness prefers passive pretense of social tolerance so it can vehemently deny it’s aggressive. This drastically differs from it’s more openly aggressive stance with dealing with black adjacent individuals or their communities.  Black adjacent folks who are not socialized to be familiar with this drastic adjustment may be lulled into a false sense of security, while experiencing feelings of irritation, confusion, and jealousy when dealing with suburban black individuals who are white adjacent or in their spaces.  
Microaggressions in the white adjacent space, are intended passively tone police while gaslighting and disguising the veiled threat of a potentially deadly macroaggressions.  White adjacent individuals who are aware of this, are socialized to be on high alert for both micro and macroaggressions constantly. They are also more consistently micro aggressed, then their black adjacent peers in these environments due to their proximity to whiteness.  The mental health toll of this is massive and contributes to a culture of shame, repression and silence. However there is some hope! Because of this some white adjacent individuals may be more prone to reach out for help when it comes to their mental health, as a survival mechanism. Unfortunately this experience can also be very traumatic due their proximity to whiteness because often the mental health professionals they seek are only available in black adjacent communities, which isolates them even further.
 Meanwhile White people, in these spaces are socialized from birth, to feed into a state of ignorance and historical revisionism, which forms a bubble, to seduce, isolate, infantilize, brainwash, confuse and foster attitudes of cognitive dissonance, creating a perpetual state of aggravating white fragility.  This mindset isolates and punishes white individuals who attempt to break free of it  within the system and also gaslights POC who attempt calling it out. This creates a state of plausibility deniability as a means of distancing itself from responsibility. As a daily occurrence that suburban black folks experience differently individually, while lacking real communal structure, it’s destabilizing and demoralizing. Generally white adjacent are socialized to have no social defense and may not even recognize micro or macroaggressions, while experiencing them simultaneously. This may seem incredulous to black adjacent folks, who have been trained to be on high alert from birth.  Adding insult to injury this is further weaponized by whiteness and often these unassuming white adjacent people are used as violent pawns, against the black adjacent. The few white adjacent individuals who do become socially aware of this, then experience the violent consequence of awakening within the system, while enduring increased stress of white proximity. This usually results in a inevitable mental breakdown where these individuals are then forced to pick a path.
They are forced to choose or deal with the following, 
1) Assimilation for economic benefit, furthering the social divide and becoming more isolated as they are weaponized against the black adjacent collective. This usually results in massive mental breakdowns and the possibility of various physical ailments due to the stress of keeping up this façade. This always ends horrifically without a positive outcome.
2.) Mentally ill social advocates. These people are often aware of the nuances of their social experiences and want to bring more awareness by deconstructing and unpacking them. Their proximity to whiteness often gives them crucial insights black adjacent people may miss or lack. These people may or may not assimilate into whiteness.
3.) The stagnant, who exist in a state of confused neutrality. These are people who’s mentally health issues in white proximity may have become so severe they are mentally trapped. The people don’t possess the means to do anything about this situation, because they are so severely disabled by whiteness. 
In Conclusion - Presenting  A Solution
The social division of these two groups in the black American collective, is obviously intentional. The division of their social differences is weaponized by whiteness as a protective mechanism, sowing seeds of distrust, to prevent the total unification of the collective. 
Insulated black adjacent communities, do not understand their value as their voice within black American community, while being actively oppressed. They have a responsibility to uplift the suburban black voices, while confronting their own internalized biases of the hidden white adjacent suburbia. They need to call out and dead harmful perspectives, while actively contributing to their repression and silence. Gaslighting, needs to be called out and unlearned especially they have been socialized do this as reflex by whiteness.
White adjacent black individuals must learn to speak up and find their voice, while being actively repressed. They cannot expect the black adjacent to understand them automatically. They must overcome their own systemic naivety and fragility by understanding why they are distrusted. They also have a responsibility to educate other white adjacent individuals, so they aren't weaponized by whiteness. 
All of this labor is extremely exhausting but necessary to completely deconstruct the systemic structure. 
Both sides need to understand that whiteness fears this discourse and change because it will lead to the complete unification of the black collective, which is why whiteness has a vested interest in the continued social division of these two groups.
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Day 50
Fouuu! fou fouuuu! (”Huh, where’s that echo coming from? Wait Fou?! Why are you wearing Mori’s helmet?”)
Fou! Fou fou fou kyau! Kill fou! (”Oh that’s a lot of malice. I’ll look the other way and hope Sherlock doesn’t decide to impart an investigation. Just don’t track the blood into my room, alright?”)
FouuuuufouuuFOUUUUUU!!!!!!! (-Fou runs off in the other direction and a scream that sounds vaguely like Merlin is heard from the distance-)
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pattern-recognition · 3 years
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stumbled across this research article on complete accident and while it does sound interesting i also have the feeling that I’m about to get repeatedly microagressioned
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himbeaux-on-ice · 3 years
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(H*wks fans keep walking this one is not for you)
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homokommari · 2 years
To preface, feel free to ignore this if you don't want to talk about it. But I'm an aroace person (also trans) and I saw some of your house md art so I just wanted to check what you thought of aces just in case (for reasons I hope is obvious). It's not that I have an issue with people criticising the aro/ace community it's just ALL posts I could see about us you posted was criticism. I do understand that the posts are old though, do you still feel that way?
i've never had issues w/ people being ace/aro and like having words for those experiences. human experiences around sexuality are diverse.
and i think being ace and or aro doesnt make someone lgbt, being lgbt makes someone lgbt. i also know that most lgbt spaces will have non-lgbt aros and aces and im like. fine. do not care. and i have some issues with ppl tying to make terms like allo happen, or equating oppression with people being shitty to ace/aro ppl (like, it's not microagressions if there's no macroagressions?).
i might not stand behind everything i've ever posted but i might also agree with some stuff, but ur gonna have to be more specific if i wanna know my thoughts on my past posts.
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997 · 5 years
cant even reblog a come and see photoset without shedding a couple tears jfc
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