#maggie vera imagine
thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Charmed idea: Maggie’s brother coming out as asexual and aromantic?
Maggie Vera x Brother!reader
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● you tried dating a few girls in high school
● but none of your relationships lasted more than a month
● Maggie and Mel talked about it a couple of times when you weren't around
● "Y/N broke up with Amanda, they were only together for two weeks. Should we be worried that he can't stay in a relationship?"
● "Maybe the problem was that Amanda is a girl…"
● "huh? Wait, you mean- am I really the only straight one in this family??"
● "well if he is gay we can't say anything we need to let him tell us on his own terms"
● then college came around and you just stopped dating all together
● that got them even more concerned
● but that conversation was put to the side with the whole your mom dying thing then finding out you guys had a secret older half sister and can't forget that magic exists and you have to protect the world from demons stuff
● eventually Maggie started bugging you about your dating life again
● trying to set you up with people she knew (of various genders may I add to see who you were more interested in and to lowkey tell you she was cool if you were into guys)
● tried to get you on dating apps
● tried to get you to talk to certain people at parties she thought could be your type
● you knew she was doing it because she cared but you grew tired of having to say no to her all the time
● so you decided it was finally time to tell her the truth
● "Okay Y/N there's this super cute girl in my econ class named Reyna and I think you guys could really hit it off if-"
● "Mags I'm gonna stop you right there, there's a reason why I always say no to you setting me up with people"
● "damn Mel was right you are gay"
● "okay well not exactly… I'm not straight but I'm not gay either… I'm actually aromantic and asexual"
● "Wait what does that mean?"
● "It means that I have no romantic or sexual attraction to anyone, I'm not interested in dating, not girls, not guys, not anyone in between. No one."
● "you know what, everything makes a lot more sense now"
● "So no more setups yeah?"
● "no more setups, got it… although you should probably tell Mel and Macy soon cause Mel was showing this guy in her class Kevin your picture and telling him all about her very single brother"
● "yeah I'll tell her tonight at dinner"
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jamiedc-they-them · 1 year
Karter (Charmed OC Vera Sibling) tries on Maggie’s dresses:
An/ Hi Fam! Happy Pride! This probably won’t be daily, apologies, but I hope you all have an awesome pride and enjoy this comfort scenario I wrote for myself as a male born person who is nb and sometimes wears dresses (where safe) with my Charmed OC <3333
Also, sorry it is short! Trying to get back into writing after being a bit burnt out with finishing uni this year. Sorry if slow on comeback, alongside my massive Agents of SHIELD fanfic. Hoping to get back into both here and also on that when I have the energy.
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Maggie had always helped them with their fashion sense. She always had knack for it.
But, they had an idea in their head as to what to try.
So, when they got in early from school before Maggie, as there was a demon, they went to Maggie’s room, and found some dresses that they thought they looked the like of pattern. They got so busy, that they didn’t hear the front door close.
Maggie opened her bedroom door, and paused. Sure, she was shocked at what she saw, just someone in her room, but also her sibling of all people looking through her dresses.
“What are you doing?” She said, her tone more accusing than she would’ve liked. Karter jumped from the wardrobe, fingers going between themselves, before being picked at so Karter wouldn’t have to look at their sister.
“No,” Maggie softened her voice, “No, it’s ok. What’s up? You ok?”
“I just—” Karter paused, looking up for a second as they spoke, before back down to their fingers.
Maggie’s eyes softened. She moved, hands near Karter’s fingers. They looked to her, and saw the empath had a silent question in her eyes. When the answer was given, she held their hands in hers. She would’ve kept them separate if they said otherwise. She was always this way with these boundaries (though others she knew she could go over on, which she always caught herself on). Contact was something Karter wasn’t completely ok with at times.
Still, this was one of those times. So, once again, Maggie asked in the same soft tone:
“Are you ok?”
“I - uh. I, um…it’s dumb.”
“I promise you,” she squeezed their hands, “whatever it is. It’s not dumb.”
Karter nodded, even if not fully believing it. Still, they found themselves admitting the truth, “how do you think I’d look in a dress?”
Maggie paused, fully taking the question on board. They got a look from their sister, they nodded and Maggie entered their thoughts. The patterns of the dresses they saw coming up again every often, along with other anxious thoughts.
Maggie didn’t like that she made them anxious, so she squeezed their hands again, before bringing them to her bed and sitting them down to her. She rubbed their back, “how long have you thought it?”
They shrugged, “I don’t know. Not long. Just a sudden thought is all.”
She nodded, “that’s fair. Do you want to try it on?”
“Could I?” Maggie hated this part of their tone; how they sounded like they were a burden. They never were. Despite their sister’s insistence, they sometimes needed reminders.
“Of course you can,” she assured, taking them back to the wardrobe. She let them take their time with the dresses. They made different noises to themselves, both just ambient ones they did without noticing, but there was always a pitch rise when they found something they liked (it was either that, or a lower pitch/longer noise). They pulled out two dresses. One longer than the other. The shorter was blue with a pattern of white flowers running off of it. While the second was a longer one, but a split at the sides, and was black with a purple and white flower pattern running down it.
“Those two?” She checked. Karter nodded. So did she, before bringing them to her bed. She forgot she had these. She loved these, even now she did. But, she didn’t wear them anymore. She looked to her sibling, and saw as they put their chin on top of their hands as the looked at the dresses with awe. She smiled softly.
“Alright, then,” she said. Karter looked at her with such light in their awes Maggie thought they could power the world and solve the climate and energy crisis the world was in.
“They’ll need tights, though,” she said, pointing to the black dress. Karter looked down to it, smile dimming.
“Tights?” They repeated.
“It’s not a bad thing,” she assured, putting her arms around them, “I wear them, as do the rest of us. I have an old pair.”
“But…” they sat on the bed. Maggie crouched down, holding their hand in her own, “what about people think?”
“I’ll be there,” she said, without thinking. Of course she would. All the way.
“But, what about when you aren’t?”
“Karter,” uh oh, she was using her older sister - you don’t mess around with me - voice; she waited until they looked to her until she continued, “if someone as so much as glances at you wrong for doing what makes you you, then we will kick their ass so hard. I understand it’s scary. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing it outside for things other than pride, which I understand, then that’s ok. You’re being yourself where you feel safe. I wish we had a world where you feel safe to do that wherever; and,” she waited once again until Karter looked at her, “that’s the world we’re fighting for. Equality for all. All magical creatures,” she nudged them, “and magical people.”
“I’m magical?”
“Better believe it, little sib.”
They smiled slightly, “I’ll get there someday.”
“Hell yeah, you will,” she pulled them up and looked down at the dresses, “if you want, we can go shopping?”
Her smile softened again at the excitement Karter had, “never saying ‘no’ to spending time with my sibling and best friend.”
Karter nudged her, “love you more.”
She nudged back, “not possible. Tomorrow shop ok?”
Karter nodded, “tomorrow shop.”
Maggie and Karter hugged.
They were them. Whatever that name entailed was up to them.
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biboocat · 7 months
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I first heard about The Story of an African Farm (1883) by the South African writer Olive Schreiner in Vera Brittain’s memoir of the Great War, Testament of Youth. She and her fiancé, Roland Leighton were intensely interested in it, but its contents weren’t discussed, so I was curious to read it. Olive Schreiner wrote this debut novel when she was only in her 20s. The Story of an African Farm is set on an isolated farm in the South African veld. It is a coming of age story of the three children who live there, the two girls Em and Lyndall and Waldo, the farm manager’s son. Schreiner’s views are told mostly through Waldo and Lyndall as we follow their development and difficult quests. The novel is unconventional. Besides the traditional narrative sections it has the unusual features of an exposition (Times and Seasons) and an allegory as well as a lengthy letter. She describes Waldo’s spiritual journey from unquestioned religious belief to skepticism and apostasy and the replacement of the religious void with knowledge and an appreciation for the beauty and order of Nature. Olive Schreiner was raised by devout Christian missionaries but lost her religious faith after the death of her beloved 17 month old sister Ellie. Schreiner also raises the issue of gender inequality through Lyndall: the limitations on women’s education and their subservient roles in society, and she describes Lyndall’s desperate struggle for autonomy. I wasn’t surprised to learn that Olive Schreiner loved George Eliot‘s the Mill on the Floss and that she identified with Maggie Tulliver. Her views were quite progressive and controversial for her time, and the book was met with both wide appeal and opposition. I can imagine how it must have resonated with Vera Brittain’s own agnosticism and feminism. It’s a philosophical work that courageously challenges both the form of the Victorian novel and restrictive Victorian social conventions.
Memorable excerpts (among many):
“We must have awakened sooner or later. The imagination cannot always triumph over reality, the desire over truth…Now we have no God. We have had two: The old God that our fathers handed down to us, that we hated, and never liked; the new one that we made for ourselves, that we loved; but now he has flitted away from us, and we see what he was made of – the shadow of our highest ideal, crowned and enthroned.”
“But we, wretched unbelievers, we bear our own burdens; we must say, I myself did it, I. Not God, not Satan; I myself!”
I came across a reference to Olive Schreiner in a review of Lyndall Gordon’s biographical work, Outsiders: Five Women Writers Who Changed the World. I haven’t read it, but it sounded interesting, and I have provided the link:
The edition I read is from the Limited Editions Club. The cover material is Ugandan bark cloth, Isak Dinesen provides the introduction, and it is illustrated by Paul Hogarth. I have also seen editions from Oxford World’s Classics, Penguin, Virago, and Modern Library.
Memorable excerpts :
It is a terrible, hateful ending, said the little teller of the story, leaning forward on her folded arms; and the worst is, it is true. I have noticed, added the child very deliberately, that it is only the made up stories that end nicely; the true ones all end so.
They did not understand the discourse (the charlatan’s false sermon), which made it the more affecting. There hung over it that inscrutable charm which hovers for ever for the human intellect over the incomprehensible and shadowy.
To the old German the story it was no story. Its events were as real and as important to himself as the matters of his own life. He could not go away without knowing whether the wicked Earl relented, and whether the Baron married Emelina.
Times and Seasons is a very important chapter that outlines the course of one’s experiences with religious faith (if one is willing to think for oneself): belief, questioning, skepticism, disbelief, and finally the replacement of religion with knowledge and an appreciation of the beauty and order of Nature. Some excerpts from this chapter follow:
Is it good of God to make hell? Was it kind of Him to let no one be forgiven unless Jesus Christ died?
Is it right there should be a chosen people? To Him, who is father to all, should not all be dear?
We must have awakened sooner or later. The imagination cannot always triumph over reality, the desire over truth…Now we have no God. We have had two: The old God that our fathers handed down to us, that we hated, and never liked; the new one that we made for ourselves, that we loved; but now he has flitted away from us, and we see what he was made of – the shadow of our highest ideal, crowned and enthroned. Now we have no God...
We do not cry and weep; we sit down with cold eyes and look at the world. We are not miserable. Why should we be? We eat and drink, and sleep all night; but the dead are not colder.
And we add, growing a little colder yet, ‘There is no justice. The ox dies in the yoke beneath its master’s whip; it turns its anguish-filled eyes on the sunlight, but there is no sign of recompense to be made it. The black man is shot like a dog, and it goes well with the shooter. The innocent are accused, and the accuser triumphs. If you will take the trouble to scratch the surface anywhere, you will see under the skin a sentient being writhing in impotent anguish.’ And we say further, and our heart is as the heart of the dead for coldness, ‘There is no order’: all things are driven about by a blind chance.’. p117
What a soul drinks in with its mothers milk will not leave it in a day. From earliest hour we have been taught that the thought of the heart, the shaping of the rain-cloud, the amount of wool that grows on a sheep‘s back, the length of a drought, and the growing of the corn depend on nothing that moves immutable, at the heart of all things; but on the changeable will of a changeable being, whom our prayers can alter. To us, from the beginning, nature has been but a poor plastic thing, to be toyed with this way or that, as man happens to please his deity or not; to go to church or not; to say his prayers right or not; to travel on a Sunday or not. Was it possible for us in an instant to see Nature as she is – the flowing vestment of unchanging reality? When a soul breaks free from the arms of a superstition, bits of the claws and talons break themselves off in him. It is not the work of a day to squeeze them out...
Whether a man believes in a human-like God or no is a small thing. Whether he looks into the mental and physical world and sees no relation between cause and effect, no order, but a blind chance sporting, this is the mightiest fact that can be recorded in any spiritual existence. p118
Following this, the appreciation of the acquisition of knowledge and Nature’s own beauty and order fills the void of religion. pp119-121
We have never once been taught by word or act to distinguish between religion and the moral laws on which it has artfully fastened its self, and from which it has sucked it’s vitality.
But we, wretched unbelievers, we bear our own burdens; we must say, I myself did it, I. Not God, not Satan; I myself!
The secret of success is concentration; wherever there has been a great life, or a great work, that has gone before. Taste everything a little, look at everything a little; but live for one thing. Anything is possible to a man who knows his end and moves straight for it, and for it alone.
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verumfm · 6 months
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━◈ WANTED CONNECTIONS ... three new ones have been added to the page!
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their two younger siblings, which is familial in nature. the records show that they are about 22-28 years old and their photographs look like dylan wang, lu yuxiao, zhao lusi, ju jingyi, fan chengcheng, yan an, song yuqi, xiao dejun, wang ziyi, sun yihan, bi wenjun, shen yue, wang yijin, chen zhuoxuan, wang zhuocheng, chen zheyuan, wu lei, lin yanjun, liu lingzi, any chinese fc in the appropriate age range. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: a lot of haoyu’s siblings’ personalities are utp and we can discuss the details! but their shared backstory is that the li family is local to cynefin and are very rooted to the land. they’re literally just a normal family working normal jobs, with haoyu for example being a blacksmith. they do okay, but i definitely don’t imagine them to be Rich & the eldest two siblings at least probably did not get tertiary education. affinity for khemia across their bloodline is also very poor, but i’m down to discuss one of the siblings potentially being khemia-touched for the #drama because haoyu is very bitter they aren’t. tldr; details utp!
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their employer, which is platonic/professional in nature. the records show that they are about 40+ years old and their photographs look like omar sy, qin lan, michael greyeyes, zahn mcclarnon, aishwarya rai, gabrielle union, lukman sardi, jericho rosales, lucy liu, simone kessell, vera farmiga, alexander skarsgard, sandra oh, maggie q, gong yoo, lupita nyong’o, tessa thompson, alex meraz, pedro pascal, ke huy quan, fan bingbing, joe taslim, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: haoyu apprenticed at the local blacksmith’s forged upon graduating secondary school and has remained working there ever since. haoyu has (or at least had) a pretty good relationship with them, especially since he’s quite disciplined and passionate about his work. i imagine that because haoyu doesn’t have an affinity for khemia, however, it’s hard for him to progress in his career. would love if this muse is trained in transmutation & that is causing a bit of a rift between the two of them—because without khemia, haoyu can’t get to their level. this muse’s personality & how they ended up becoming a blacksmith really are all utp, and i’m more than happy to brainstorm further details.
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their narrative foil/rival, which is antagonistic in nature. the records show that they are about 27-33 years old and their photographs look like go younjung, do kyungsoo, pat chayanit, woo dohwan, melisa asli pamuk, apo nattawin, taz skylar, avan jogia, fady elsayed, sakaguchi kentaro, medalion rahimi, daniel ezra, alisha boe, damson idris, jackson wang, tiana okoye, ryan destiny, kylie verzosa, dilraba dilmurat, clark backo, gong jun, kang haneul, adonis bosso, pinar deniz, ashika pratt, bie thassapak hsu, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: the main thing i’m looking for with this muse is that they have a strong affinity for khemia, particularly in transmutation, which would be something haoyu both hates and envies. i imagine their narratives would parallel and foil each other’s at the same time, but how that is exactly is up for discussion. all i ask is that at present, their relationship is largely antagonistic and Not Great. whether they have history or not can also be discussed! some ideas include but are not limited to an ex student of verum who was an outsider, haoyu’s work rival, a young business owner who takes advantage of their transmutation magic, someone who supplies weapons to the warfront, and many more. basically this dynamic is toxic, biting, and crazy.
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dd122004dd · 9 months
Hi! I sent in a Charmed Maggie Vera imagine a bit ago and I was wondering if you received it? No rush, of course! I’m sorry if it comes across that way!
Hi! Yeah I got it, it didn't get eaten by Tumblr. I had started writing it a while ago but got a bit busy with college and stuff. I'm trying to get things out as soon as possible though! (It's the one where she's her sister and protective of her, right?)
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|Not My GIFs|
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alonely-dreamer · 3 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 37: Dangerous Hope
Summary: Elijah tries his best not to worry too much when Mackenzie mysteriously leaves their bed at night to research her mother’s grimoires on her own. It gets more suspicious when she asks Olivia’s help for a project she refuses to tell him anything about.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 2978
A/N: This is the chapter I posted at the end of July on Patreon, it’s been available publicly since August 1st but I suddenly remembered I never posted it on here, probably because I found it too short at the time and thought I’d write more for this chapter, but since I haven’t been able to write anything in months, I thought I’d at least post this now. Do not expect an update any time soon. Asking me to update is pointless. Thank you for your patience and I hope you’ll like it! Feedback is always appreciated and motivating.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1 | Chapter 23: Part 2 | Chapter 23: Part 3 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 (Part 1) | Chapter 25 (Part 2) | Chapter 25 (Part 3) | Chapter 26 (Part 1) | Chapter 26 (Part 2 & 3) | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32  | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35 | Chapter 36
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Elijah woke up in an empty bed, to his concern, yet again. The dim light of the moon poorly lit the bedroom he shared with Mackenzie who barely slept there anymore. Or at least not during the night. He had noticed how she slipped away after midnight when he was asleep, to lock herself in the downstairs office, rummaging through old grimoires she didn’t understand.
Elijah sighed, concern running through his veins, before he got out of his bed. He walked across the quiet and dark plantation house, its inhabitants and guests sleeping soundly at this late hour. Every step he took blindly, as the moonlight barely showed him the way. But he knew this house. He had lived there long enough, even if it were centuries ago, he had walked down that path before, countless of times, in complete darkness, helped by his supernatural senses, but mostly by his deep knowledge and connection to the place. When he reached the office, he found Mackenzie sitting on the floor, surrounded by opened grimoires and paper rolls, dictionaries scattered among them.
He could see in her eyes she had wished he wouldn’t have found her here, and all he wished was for her to be honest with him. Which she hadn’t been, ever, every time he asked her about what she was doing there, in the middle of the night.
“If you show me the book, I’m sure I can translate it for you.”
“Heidi says I need to learn for myself.”
“I can teach you.”
“It’s two in the morning, ‘lijah, I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Then ask me tomorrow.”
She paused briefly, no doubt looking for another excuse, then, as she found it, looked away.
“I’ve already asked Olivia to help me.”
“With what?”
“I just… I just want to know what kind of power I have here. What kind of world wrecking spells are hidden in my mom’s grimoires, in Margo’s… in your mother’s…”
“Why do you need a world wrecking spell, Mackenzie?”
She scoffs. “With your family… I just want to be prepared. To protect us.”
“Hayley, you… me.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“I’m not afraid of anything, ‘lijah. I’m just curious.”
“Can you be curious once the sun is up? You need sleep.”
She sighed, and for a second it seemed like she was going to protest, but instead, she closed the dictionary resting on her lap and as she got up, all the books and parchments made their way from the carpet back to Mackenzie’s mother’s chest. She dropped the dictionary on Klaus’ desk, then turned around and took the hand he was holding out to her. He brought her to his chest and placed a kiss in her hair.
“You know you can tell me anything,” he whispered, a hint of sadness in his voice.
“I know, ‘lijah. I promise you, everything is fine.”
And even though he knew she was hiding something, he believed her all the same.
Klaus was furious. He could never hide it. Mackenzie saw it on his face. His silence was telling enough. Mikaelsons and guests were gathered in the dining room for breakfast, and Hayley, although confused over the unexpected arrival of Mackenzie’s friends, welcomed the newly found positive attention that they brought with them. She didn’t question it when they mentioned the oracles and their visions about her miracle baby, and when the witch Felicity told her she was carrying a girl, she glanced at Klaus, who seemed happy to hear it. Or perhaps, she thought he did.
But of course, everybody was having too good a time for his taste, and he obviously had to ruin it.
“So, where are you from again?” he asked, uttering his first words of the day.
“Germany,” Oliver replied as he cut a piece of pancake with his fork.
“Right, and who’s Margo?”
“My mother,” Olivia answered.
“Your mother, the Queen of Germany?”
She smirked back at him as she brought her cup of tea to her lips.
“It’s a long story, Niklaus.”
“Well, I have all day, Elijah.”
“Concern yourself with your lost kingdom,” Olivia told the wolf, “before you lose it forever.”
“Is that a threat?” he hissed, losing all semblance of diplomacy.
“Only advice,” she shrugged before she finished her cup of tea. “Mackenzie, shall we?”
The elemental nodded as she stood up from her chair and led the princess to the study.
“What are they plotting?” Klaus asked his brother, who didn’t seem too happy.
“Nothing you should be concerned about.”
“But something that worries you?” he said in a mocking tone, “trouble in paradise already, brother?”
“Olivia has a lot to teach her.”
Klaus scoffed as he got up, throwing his napkin on his untouched plate.
“What can a witch teach an ultimate?”
“The spell you are looking for… is rare. Very few people have found it, even less have managed to do it.”
“But Heidi’s found it?”
“Heidi said she had a lead. She’s been looking for a long time, you know. Centuries. It was Alex’ idea.”
“I’m sure it was,” Mackenzie mumbled. “Look at all those books, those… grimoires. There must be at least one of them that has it!”
“These are only dark spells,” Olivia said as she put the grimoires her mother had gifted Mackenzie down on the desk. “Will make you even more dangerous than you already are once you know them.”
“I don’t want to know them,” Mackenzie told her as she kept looking through the old paper rolls, ”I’m dangerous enough.”
“You can never be too dangerous. Especially when you’re supposed to be the strongest creature on earth.”
“I wish people would stop reminding me that.”
“If it makes you feel better, there’s a debate at court about it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, take Pandora for example. I’ve met her once. And Ambrosia. They’re scary. And they’re friendly with us. I can’t imagine having them as enemies.”
“But you can imagine having me as your enemy?”
Olivia chuckled. “You have a good heart, Mackenzie. Therefore, not scary.”
“Don’t they have a good heart? The sisters?”
The witch paused. “They’re old. Like… really old. They’ve been through… a lot. I don’t think they have any heart left at all…”
“Maybe they’ve just turned their humanity off…”
“Vampires can do that, because they’re not, de facto, human.”
“Neither are they.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Doesn’t your mother know that spell?”
“If she did, she’d have told me. She never needed it, so she never looked for it.”
“Well then, I’ll have to make it myself.”
Olivia raised an eyebrow. “You? Make a spell? That spell? You wouldn’t know where to begin.”
“Would you? Would Lizzie, would Heidi?”
Liv sighed. “If Heidi could, she’d have done it already. Lizzie’s never gonna need it… I… I mean… it could be interesting to work on… but…”
“We could at least try.”
“You’ve never made a spell, and you want to start with that?”
“I never needed any other spell. I’m not…” she stopped herself. “I’m an elemental. I use the elements. Witchcraft… is harder for me.”
The witch pondered the matter for a few seconds. Mackenzie knew she couldn’t do it without help, and Heidi would never stick around New-Orleans to help her even if she wanted to. Olivia was probably her only hope.
“Fine then. I do like a good challenge. And it would be interesting to work on.”
Mackenzie sighed in relief as her lips uncontrollably turned into a smile.
“But you do realise… what you’re asking for may be impossible.”
“You said it’s been done before.”
“By witches far more powerful and clever than I am.”
“Where does all this modesty come from?” Mackenzie asked, sounding amused.
“I just don’t want to get your hopes up. I want to help you, I just can not promise you that I can.”
Mackenzie nodded, as if she understood, but she was young, and so were her hopes, and her eyes shone with unflinching determination.
The study was probably the coolest room in the house in this hot afternoon of June. Mackenzie’s body could never get too hot or too cold, but when Olivia started to complain about the New-Orleans’ heat, to which she was not accustomed, the elemental made sure her powers would benefit the witch as well.
They were sitting on the armchairs, the sage still burning on the table between them. Notepad in hand, Olivia took notes as they theorised about the best way to achieve their goal. What kind of ingredients they would need, what were the most powerful symbols, what other spells could they use as model or stepping stone to the one they were trying to create.
As she listened to Olivia carefully, Mackenzie tried to learn as much as possible about how the witch went about creating a new spell. Most things she already knew from Heidi, some of the lessons she had been given in the Forest suddenly becoming crucially useful, as her god-mother had promised.
Olivia went on and on about all of the things that could work, but also all of the reasons why they wouldn’t, and the two young women fell into a spiral of confusion that left them both with a migraine.
It didn’t help when Klaus stormed into the study, breaking the door open, startling them both.
“Where is she?” he hissed, directing all of his fury towards Olivia who remained impassive.
“You know doors have handles right?” Mackenzie said as she pointed at the door now on its way down to the floor.
“Where is Hayley?!”
“Relax,” Olivia sighed without even trying to hide her annoyance, “she’s with Olivier and Lizzie. They went for a walk.”
“And who gave them permission?” he asked as he took a menacing step towards the witch.
“Permission?” Olivia mocked. “Who needs permission? We’re all adults here.”
“She’s carrying my child!”
“It’s also her child, you seem to forget that a lot.”
“I invite you into my house…”
“Your brother invited us. It is his house as well, isn’t it?”
“Don’t worry, Klaus. Lizzie’s a powerful witch, Hayley’s perfectly safe.”
“And where, may I know, did they go?”
“I don’t know,” Mackenzie shrugged, “don’t worry, they’ll be back before nightfall.”
“If anything happens to her…”
“You’ll kill us, we get it,” Olivia cut him off as she rose from her seat. “Let’s go, Mack. Some fresh air might do us some good as well.”
Mackenzie gave a reproving look as she walked pass the hybrid, his anger growing stronger by the second. And as he was left alone to think about the petty and cruel punishment he would most certainly be reserving to them, the New-Orleans’ heat finally reached the study.
“This place is not so bad,” Olivia said as she fanned herself with a hand, as she walked down the streets of New-Orleans, side by side with the elemental.
Mackenzie chuckled. “Elijah would have a heart attack if he could, if he knew I was in the Quarter without him.”
“Well, you’re not alone. And you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself.”
“Well you know that, and I know that… he just… worries.”
“Can you blame him though? Can’t even imagine what his brother has put him through for the past thousand years.”
Mackenzie didn’t reply. She had heard enough from Elijah to imagine the worse. Understood why he was so worried to lose her, as he had lost everyone before.
“So where are you taking me, anyway?”
“Lizzie and I felt powerful magic the other day. We’ve been trying to follow it, but this place has magic all around. That’s what happens when you practice Ancestral Magic,” she scoffed.
“You don’t like it?”
“It’s asinine. All for the promise of more power. But in the end, you are trapping yourself and your magic in one place. Such a fragile system. Ends up making the whole coven weaker.”
“Well, they can’t change it now, can they?”
“Sure, they could, if they wanted to. Most places in Europe have already. The youth overpowered the elders and their silly traditions.”
“What kind of traditions?”
“Different places, different names. It’s always about getting more power though. You give to the ancestors so they can give back, their magic stronger than ever.”
“Does it work?”
“In principle, yes. But when there is tension in the air, it corrupts the magic.”
“Corrupts it how?”
“Instead of making the community stronger, it gives the ancestors more power to act from their graves.”
“Like… coming back to life?”
“Well maybe if you screw up enough,” Liv chuckles. “Here we are.”
Mackenzie looked around as they stopped at an intersection and gave her friend a confused look.
“That’s the furthest Lizzie and I got. From there it just all fades together.”
“And you want me to…?”
“Follow the magic.”
Mackenzie breathed out a laugh. Of course. Like a bear going after honey.
“Fine,” she sighed before taking a deep breath.
She felt the witches’ magic all around, probably exactly what Liv and Lizzie felt, but unlike them, she could take it all apart, like strings, each leading to their own magical source. All she had to do was find the biggest, strongest string among them and follow it to its source. She had to admit, Liv’s curiosity amused her and she too wanted to find out where that string led.
“This way.”
The path was clear, like a beacon in the darkest of nights, and it wasn’t hard for Mackenzie to walk down it. To their surprise, it led them to a small church and the great power emanating from it intimidated Mackenzie.
“I hate witches,” she said, shivering at the memory of the abandoned house where Elena and Damon had taken her once.
Olivia raised an eyebrow at her.
“No offence.”
“None taken,” she said, amused, as she opened the church’s doors.
“Don’t tell Heidi I said that!” she begged as she followed her inside, and the empty church resonated with the witch’s laughter.
The place seemed ordinary. Just a normal church, lacking a priest. It wouldn’t raise any suspicions to anyone but those who could feel the abnormal amount of power coming from the attic. Liv found the stairs first. She was as curious as Mackenzie was worried.
“Shall we?” she asked as she showed her new discovery.
“If we must,” Mackenzie nodded with a resigned sigh.
She wondered who they were going to find up there. Maybe an old witch, an elder of the French Quarter Coven, hiding from Marcel because too powerful to be allowed to live. Or maybe just a loner, a hermit, someone who wanted nothing to do with either the witches or the vampires. How would she or he react to visitors?
The stairs led to a small hallway, an old and dirty window barely allowed any light to filter through. The floor was covered in dust which showed footsteps, too big to be a woman’s. Olivia and Mackenzie shared one last look before the princess knocked on the door. The lack of answer meant whoever was hiding behind it definitely did not want to be disturbed. Not that it would stop the witch, who pushed the door open.
The door squeaked as it slowly opened, giving view to what seemed to be a bedroom. Standing at the end of the small room, before her bed, was a teenage girl who couldn’t be older than sixteen. Mackenzie and Olivia looked at her with surprise. The little witch seemed scared and worried, like she had just been caught with a hand in the cookie jar.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Who are you?” Mackenzie echoed.
“You’re witches.”
“So are you,” Liv scoffed.
“If you hurt me, Marcel will kill you!”
Mackenzie raised an eyebrow. She ignored the threat, the implication was more important. She looked up at Olivia who had the same look on her face.
“Well I think we found that secret weapon all the fuss is about.”
“She’s just a kid,” Mackenzie breathed out, speechless. “Why are you helping him?”
“Who are you?”
“Bossy,” Liv complained. “And what power… she’s way too strong for her age.”
“You have no idea.”
The girl stretched out her arm and a strong wind appeared, books and paintings fell over as the whole building started to shake.
“Cute,��� Liv rolled her eyes before she waved a hand and the girl fell unconscious on the floor.
“Well that was weird.”
“So much power in such a young and undisciplined body… that’s a recipe for catastrophe. Should we take her with us?”
“And what? Bring her home to Klaus? No way.”
“We can’t leave her here.”
“Why not? At least we know where she is.”
Olivia thought about it for a second, then shrugged.
“Very well. I’ll make her forget we were even here, then. That way she won’t tattle to her King.”
“We can’t tell Klaus about her. He’ll want her power for himself. She’ll refuse, and she’ll end up dead.”
“Without a doubt. What do we do, then?”
“I’ll tell Elijah. He can do what he wants with the information. Klaus wants to take back New-Orleans from Marcel, he’s getting impatient, he’s going to become even more unbearable than he already is.”
“Can’t wait…”
“Honestly, if it weren’t for Hayley and the baby, I’d already be out of this place.”
“See, I told you you had a good heart.”
“You say that like you disapprove.”
“If I were you, I’d have taken Hayley to the Forest already and leave the hybrid alone and miserable.”
“He’d find us and kill us all.”
“Or you could just… get rid of him.”
Mackenzie scoffed. “Mmh, and then what? Elijah would hate me for it.”
“I’m not certain that he would.”
“Well, I’d hate me for it.”
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gay-reptile-keeper · 3 years
Looking for writers
Hey, I'm looking for writers who write one shots/ imagines for charmed reboot I am in love with Abigael and i have so many ideas 😭😭😭 Help a gay out if you write contact me pleasy 🥺🥺
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addy-hanlons · 5 years
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day seven / in the future : future kids • the next generation of charmed ones
Logan Browning as Malia Vaughn-Greenwood, daughter of Macy Vaughn and Harry Greenwood.
Paola Andino as Mariana Vera-Shields, daughter of Mel Vera and Jada Shields.
Sofia Wylie as Madison Vera-Chase, daughter of Maggie Vera and Jordan Chase.
135 notes · View notes
calif0rnia-lovers · 5 years
High Expectations: Young!Mayans
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Part I: Veronica, not Ronnie
Pairing: Angel Reyes x OC (Ronnie Vargas)
Sarah Jeffery for Veronica Vargas
Santiago Segura as Young Angel
Summary: When he interjects himself into a dispute between Veronica and her ex-boyfriend, Ricardo, Angel lands them both in detention. All Ricardo can think about is kicking Angel’s ass next time he sees him. Veronica how the detention will look on her permanent record (Oxford wouldn’t really want to hear about her near-death, fightclub experience in her personal essay). Angel, he just wants to pass his midterms so he doesn’t get kicked off the team before the homecoming game. And to convince Veronica to attend the dance with him. According to his busted throwing hand, Angel may not have his priorities straight.
A/N: No one asked for Young Mayans but here is part one for Angel Reyes. Don’t try and tell me EZ Reyes was the only Reyes brother with dreams of a different future. I had so much fun writing this, so please let me know what you think
Words: 8K.
Angel knew from the moment his hand connected with Ricky’s nose he was fucked.
It hurt like shit.
Growing up in Santo Padre, Angel Reyes had participated in his fair share of fights. Many times they were over his younger brother, Ezekiel. Smart kids are always the target of bullies. Other times, Angel was defending himself and his slick remarks. Either way, Angel has punched enough people to tell when his hand was broken. 
Luckily, his hand wasn’t broken. Ricky’s nose was broken.
Although not broken, Angel’s hand was definitely going to fuck with his ability to throw a football for a couple of days. 
But Angel didn’t care.
See, Angel has never liked Ricardo Deza, despite the two of them being co-captains for the school Varsity football team. To be honest, 90% of the world doesn’t like Ricardo Deza. Since the moment he could speak, Ricardo has always talked to everyone as though they were lesser than the dirt on the bottom of his shoes. That’s the only way you know how to talk when your dad owns more than half of the city.
Usually, Angel just ignored the guy. But when he saw Veronica slap him, Angel knew there was going to be trouble. She couldn’t slap Ricardo Deza and not be put in her place. Especially when she does it in front of nearly half the football team, and senior class. 
Ricky has spent the last month complaining about Veronica, more than usual.
His usual complaint was that she wouldn’t sleep with him. Despite a year of dating, it never happened. Not for a lack of trying on Ricky’s part. Veronica Vargas has always been consistent, especially when her mind is made up. When Ricky tried to push her to the next level in the back seat of his car last month, she broke it off. Right then and there. And Ricky has been having trouble grasping that they’re no longer together, which means he can no longer tell her what to do.
He had waited for her outside of her AP Calculus class, catching her the second she stepped into the hallway. He had two homecoming tickets in tow.
Angel was busy opening his locker and his own business when Veronica made it to hers, just a few lockers down.
“I’m not sure how many times I have to say no before you get it, Ricardo,” Veronica had sighed as she concentrated on spinning her combination. “I’m not going to the homecoming dance. And, even if I was, I’m not going with you.”
“Babe, come on,” Ricky pouted, his shoulder resting against a nearby locker as she switched out her books. “I know you were trying to make a point. The point has been made. Stop being a bitch about it and just take the ticket. Take me off a timeout, or whatever it is you think you’re doing.”
Shutting her locker, Veronica gave Ricardo a smile.
“Sorry, Ricky,” she smiled, tucking her AP English book against her chest. “The answer is still no. Stop texting me about it, and showing up to my classes. It’s starting to look pathetic. Everyone knows we’re not together anymore. Why don’t you just ask one of the cheerleaders? I’m sure they’ll go with you, and might even let it hit in the backseat of your car since apparently, it’s deal-breaker for a real relationship when you can’t.”
Angel had seen Ricky reach for Veronica when she’d turned away. A few students had passed, diverting their gazes when Ricky’s hand bruisingly dug into the skin of her upper arm, and he yanked her body from the center of the hallway dragging it back towards her locker. A few more students stopped in their tracks, their conversations slowly dying out as he pressed her back against the locker his six feet easily blocking her from their view.
The initial shock of his actions had delayed Veronica’s reaction, her books falling from her arms in the process. But when his grip tightened, his face scrunching up in anger, as he hissed out her name she moved to yank away from him. Her act of defiance caused Ricky’s grip to painfully tighten. 
Her hand hit him before she realized what had happened. But the second his grip around her arm loosened she was shoving against his chest and stumbling sideways to wedge herself from between his body and her locker. 
She hadn’t even realized that Angel had stepped in, and diverted Ricky’s path until he was being pulled away to reveal a bloodied nosed Ricky doubling over. 
The events that followed had been a blur. 
Angel was carted off by members from the team. Ricky was taken to the nurse’s office. Veronica was taken to the principal’s office. But, instead of being asked to file an incident report she was given a pack of ice for her arm. She was also given a speech about how sometimes relationships get testy when emotions are involved. How that a “good boy” like Ricardo Deza sometimes has trouble when he doesn’t get his way, but that doesn’t mean he acted out of ill intent. Her favorite was the last line, that a broken nose should be good enough punishment for his mistakes. Not writing up a report that would hinder him from playing in the biggest game of the school’s football season. After his speech, the principal asked if she was okay and if she wanted to call her father.
Veronica was smart, she knew that if she called his office her father would ask two things. 
When did you break up with Ricardo Deza Sr.’s son?
What did you say to piss him off?
Are you okay?
Stay put, I’ll be right there, I’ll handle this little shit.
The principal knew the same thing. So she declines the phone call and asks if she can go back to class in time for her AP English midterm review session. 
Her request is granted, but not after she is provided a pink detention slip.
Veronica goes through the rest of her day, trying her best to ignore the whispers and stares she gets in class and in the hallways. And when the final bell rings, instead of attending the weekly SGA meeting she heads to detention for the first time in her life.
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Readjusting the strap of her backpack resting on her shoulder, Veronica slightly shakes her head. Never in a million years did she think she would ever be in room 230 after school.
Room 230, her AP Calculus classroom, moonlights as the after school detention center. 
As she takes in the nearly full room, Veronica still cannot shake the feeling that she was wrongly sent her. The pink slip, signed by her principal, would beg to differ.
“You going in, or what?”
Snapping out of her thoughts, Veronica takes a step through the doorway allowing the kid behind her to slip past and take a seat.
Mr. Riley, the gym teacher, is seated at the front of the room. With his feet resting atop the desk, he is focused on the laptop in his lap. Typing away, he doesn’t seem to care that no one has stopped to complete the sign-in sheet.
Veronica pauses before the desk. Clearing her throat, she offers up the pink slip. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Riley. I just wanted to make sure you knew I was here.” Her voice falters once he makes no move to look and see who is speaking to him. “Um, is there anything else I have to do besides sign in?”
Not bothering to glance away from his screen, Mr. Riley nods towards the desk.
“Drop it in the basket, and take a seat, Vargas.”
Dropping her pink slip inside the basket by his feet, Veronica turns to find all eyes in the room are on her. Most people just glance back down at their phones, a few smile and shake their heads. Spotting a seat in the back, she makes her way towards it.
She sets her bag down on the desk and takes out her planner.
Written on the board in chalk it reads. 
No passes. No talking. And no disturbing me. Leave at 4:30.
Nearly fifteen minutes have passed, when the classroom door opens. Veronica, like everyone else, glances away from her desk to watch Angel Reyes walk in.
Despite getting into a fight, he appears unscathed. Or affected by what took place. He dawns the same boyish grin that he does every time you see him.
He digs into his pocket, fished out his pink slip and tosses it into the basket by Riley’s feet.
“How’s it going, Riley?” He drops the rolled-up bag of food in his hand off at the desk. “Got you some fries today.”
Although he’s late, Riley doesn’t bother looking up. The only sign of acknowledgment is the thumbs-up he shoots in Angel’s direction.
Clearly, Angel’s being late to detention is a regular thing because no one else bothers to look at him past the quick exchange. 
He’s in the process of going to his seat when Angel sees Veronica. He had wondered if she’d get the same consequence as him, while Ricky was let off with a warning. He can’t help but smile once he realizes she’s the only one actually using detention to study.
The dark curls falling around her face are what captures his attention. He’s never seen them in this light. They’re usually pulled back, high in a neat ponytail. As he stares for a moment longer, Angel realizes that’s not the only thing out of place - apart from the projected valedictorian sitting in his usual seat. She is dressed in a maroon sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.
She had changed out of her dress from this morning, the sweatshirt she wore hiding the bruises left across her skin.
As if she could sense his gaze, Veronica blinks. Looking up, she meets a pair of familiar eyes. Eyes that tend to linger on her when she passes or responds to a question. Eyes that tend to find her in class when she thinks no one else is noticing her. 
Plastering a smile on her face, she gave him one before returning her attention to her textbook.
Instead of simply taking her quick acknowledgment and going about his merry way, like she hopes he will, Angel takes the seat in front of her. Heat rushes to Veronica’s face as Angel drops his backpack to the floor, before turning in his seat to face her.
“You must be taking a page out of my book, Ronnie.” 
Veronica doesn’t have to look up from her textbook to know that a cheeky grin is accompanying Angel’s words. So, she doesn’t.
“Clearly, you don’t think the rules apply to you,” she huffs. “But I’m not getting written up for talking when it clearly says on the board. No. Talking. I think I’ve had enough trouble for one day.”
Angel’s brow arches as he glances over his shoulder, his eyes moving to Mr. Riley who is still typing away on his laptop. 
“Riley?” He chuckles, returning his gaze to Veronica. “He’s not gonna write you up. He only puts that up there incase another teachers walk by.”
Instead of speaking, Veronica lifts her left hand and gives Angel a thumbs-up sign. He chuckles as she turns the page and continues reading. He watches her for a few seconds slightly impressed by how easily she has maintained focus. Most girls don’t, at least not when he’s involved.
Angel rests his arms against the back of his chair, silently observing her. After a few seconds, he releases a sigh of boredom before reaching forward.
“What are you looking at anyway?” He takes the book from Veronica’s hands, ignoring the wide eyes that lift to meet his. He starts to turn the book for a better look, but his swollen hand slows down the process allowing Veronica to halt his actions. 
Veronica glares at him, the sight of her nose scrunching pulling a smile to Angel’s lips. Ignoring his smile, she drags the book back across the desk.
"If you’re looking for gratitude, then here. Thank you for stepping in when no one asked you to. That’s all you’re getting from me. Nothing else. Now, turn and leave me alone, Reyes."
Angel smiles, as she redirects her attention back to her book. 
"You do know that's not actually my full name. Right?"
Angel watches her eyes briefly close, the soft breath she takes somehow making him smile. He knew she was getting irritated. He also knew that she was nearly as cute angry as she was any other time he saw her. 
"Really, you have it plastered across the back of your jersey. It's kind of hard not to notice when it’s all wear. Well, that and your letterman jacket." 
"If I knew you'd took that much notice, I'd put on something a little nicer for you," Angel smiles as her eyes meet his. "I figured you thought it was sexy, like the rest of the girls at this school, being as you date football players and all."
For a moment, Veronica doesn’t respond. As much as she’d hate to admit it, Angel was right. Veronica originally attended all of the football games because her younger sister was part of the cheerleading squad. Eventually, she began attending the games for Ricardo. You can’t date a football player and not attend the games. Even if you weren’t that big of a fan, to begin with. Even though she attended the games for Ricardo, she always noticed Angel. It’s hard not to notice Angel. He was just as cocky on the field as he was off of it. It drove Ricardo insane that Angel didn’t have to have his father buy his spot on the team. She finds her eyes taking him in for a moment. A heat warms her cheeks once she realizes he’s watching her as well.
She blinks, her gaze falling to the book. 
Yeah," she sighs. Leaning forward, she pushes his arms that have been resting on her desk away. "Well, you know what’s not sexy? Getting detention."
Angel smiles watching as she uses the now freed space to place her book back out flat across her desk. Leaning back over it, she focuses on the page. 
"I beg to differ.”
“Shocking” she huffs, not giving him the satisfaction of returning her gaze to his. 
Angel shrugs and leans forward. He rests his arms back on her desk, his action bringing him closer to her. 
“I think it’s pretty hot when a girl stands up for herself. Even if it means fucking up her squeaky clean record.” 
A heat rushes across Veronica’s skin as she rests her chin in the palm of her hand. She tries her best to ignore the words that have just come from the young man sitting across from her. But as she starts to re-read the sentence she realizes she can’t.
Despite having attended the same schools since primary, Angel and Veronica have never shared this many words in a single sitting. In fact, when they were younger the closet interactions Angel had with Veronica was being on the receiving end of her glares when he interrupted class with a joke or a smart comment. On occasion, he would get a subtle smile out of her when she thought he was actually being funny and not annoying. Or, he’d get a quick smile if she caught his eyes on her in passing. The most they would exchange in words was a “hey” or “thank you” when he managed to catch the door for her throughout the halls.
“Angel, I’m trying to study,” she whispers, her gaze briefly meeting his. 
“Why?” Angel chuckles as he watches her eyes widen.
“Because we have a European history midterm in two weeks.”
The emphasis Veronica places on midterm has no visible effect on Angel. Instead of reaching into his backpack to retrieve his own textbook, as she’d expected, Angel’s expression remains blank. As if he is waiting for her to add more pertinent information to her statement.
“Because we have a European midterm in two weeks,” Veronica speaks slowly this time, her brow furrowing as she searches his face for any sign of panic.
“Yeah, but you’re the smartest person I know,” Angel shrugs. "I mean, there’s also my little brother. Kid's a walking sponge."
The end of his statement causes her eyes to lift from the page, to find Angel’s face is mere inches away from hers. The closeness causes her to sit up straight. When she doesn't speak, Angel adds. 
"He's in eighth grade and a certified genius. I keep telling my parents to let him skip highschool. Send him off to college early." 
"The one who orders the double chocolate milkshakes?"
Nodding, Angel watches her attention return to the book. 
He's not surprised that she actually remembers Ezekiel. When their parents have to stay late at the shop, Angel takes Ezekiel to the team's favorite spot. Mary’s Diner. Angel isn’t allowed to leave Ezekiel at home alone unless he wants to risk death by his mother, so he carts him wherever he goes. Ezekiel sits at the counter, finishing homework while Angel jokes around with the team in their booths towards the back. 
Veronica is a waitress there. Not because her parents won’t give her money, but because she doesn’t want to take it.
There was one night when Ez found her studying on her break. He’d asked her what she was reading, and after her briefly explaining it to him he asked if he could read her book when she was finished. Now when he comes in, she provides him with the latest book from her AP English class.
"Are you going to talk to me the entire time, or let me study in peace?”
Innocently lifting his hands in the air, Angel watches as she mouths a thank you before returning her focus to her book.
Angel doesn’t say anything else to Veronica for the remaining hour and a half of detention. He starts on his English homework but isn’t able to get any close to finishing. Instead, his mind is on Veronica. 
When the bell rings, Veronica is already packed and is nearly out the door by the time Angel can shove his belongings in his backpack.
He quickly catches up with her, the smile on his face causing her eyes to roll.
“So I was thinking-”
“I’m late for work.” Turning the corner, Veronica causes Angel to nearly trip over his feet as he attempts to redirect his path. 
She heads to her locker. Concentrating on her combination, she ignores him as Angel rests against the locker beside hers.
Instead of speaking, he lets his eyes rest on her face. Her eyes briefly move to his a few times as she packs up her backpack.
“What?” She asks after a few moments of silence.
“So I was thinking-”
“So you said. About what?”
“Us.” Angel’s response causes Veronica’s eyes to roll. 
“There is no us, Reyes,” she laughs dryly. Retrieving her jacket from her locker she shoves it in her backpack. 
“Come on, Ronnie,” Angel smiles. “Sure there is. I nearly threw away my entire future defending your honor today.”
“Did you? First of all, noone asked you to defend my honor. I was doing perfectly fine. Second of all, everyone knows you hate Ricardo. You were probably just looking for an excuse to prove your dick is bigger than his. Isn’t that what you guys do?”
“I’m just saying, usually when a guy stands up for a girl-”
“What?” Veronica halts her actions. She focuses her attention on Angel, her eyes narrowing. “She lets him take her to the backseat of his car. Is that what is about?”
“Hey,” Angel shrugs, his smile causing her to roll her eyes. “Just remember, I’m not the one who suggested it. You did when you were projecting your misguided anger onto me-”
“Hm, okay.” Veronica scoffs.
“I pay attention in class, sometimes,” Angel grins. 
“Okay, well do me a favor. Leave me alone. Don’t try and play me like one of the bimbos on the cheerleading team-”
“Isn’t your sister a cheerleader?”
Angel’s quick tongue has always been enough to leave people flustered. It even trips up his mom at times, but his mother was used to it by now. Veronica was used to minding her own business. She never really found herself in situations like this. Maybe that’s why Angel’s response does leave her flustered. 
“That’s beside the point. You know what I mean. I’m not phased by the fact that you’re a captain of the football team.”
Angel disregards her previous statements, his eyes drop from hers. His smile and lingering gaze bring the heat to her cheeks.
“I’d like to see you swap out your jeans for your sister’s skirt one day. Maybe next week at Parker’s Halloween party. I could take you. Give you a ride-’
“I am not someone you can trick into the backseat of your car.” 
“That’s okay. I don’t trick girls into the backseat of my car. After a few minutes, they practically beg me to get in.”
“Oh, wow!”
Slamming her locker door shut, Veronica pays no attention to the strange glances floating her way. The only glance she can see is Angel’s. The cocky smirk on his face stroking the anger fueling deep inside of her. It was a strange feeling. One she hardly let show. It was a feeling she was usually an expert at suppressing. In the thirteen years, he’d known her Angel had never seen Veronica get mad before, apart from this morning when she slapped her ex-boyfriend across the face. Either she was having a really shitty day, or Angel didn’t have her figured out as he thought.
Veronica turns away from Angel. She knows what her mother would say if she could see her eldest daughter now. He’s the type of guy that likes to see you riled up. Don’t give him the satisfaction, Veronica.
She takes two steps towards the main stairwell, but wheels around the second she replays Angel’s words in her mind. Heading back in his direction she feels her face heat as Angel lets his gaze pass over her from head to toe. She didn’t understand how he could appear so calm and collected when he’d left her flustered.
“Actually, you know what. I take that back. I don’t know what I expected from you. You’re just living up to every single expectation I had about you from the moment we met-”
“You’re exceeding mine. I didn’t think you’d be so stuck up.” Letting his hand find her waist, Angel avoids the swipe of her hand that comes in response. “How do manage to fit a stick up your ass and wear those jeans?”
Veronica’s eyes narrow. The look that flashes inside of them causes Angel to brace himself for a slap that never comes.
Instead of responding, she shoves past him and starts towards the parking lot.
“Come on, Ronnie.” Angel rolls his neck, calling after her. “I was kidding, geez. Can’t you take a joke? I thought we were having a fun lover’s quarrel thing going back and forth-”
By the time Angel has caught up to her, Veronica’s near her car. And he’s run through nearly a hundred different apologies. Each of them shittier than the last. As she moves to unlock her car door, Angel reaches around her. Knowing better than to touch her, he presses his hand against the door as it opens.  
“Do you want me to run you over? If so, give me two seconds to get inside my car, and I will happily oblige.”
Angel releases a sigh before taking a step back. He watches her open the door before tossing her backpack into the back seat.
“Look, I was being an idiot. My mom, she says I have too much sass for my own good-”
“She sounds like a smart woman.”
“She is.” Running his hand over his face, Angel reaches out to catch Veronica’s arm as she moves to get inside. “And she’s also scary as hell. I’m barely passing my classes and the coach reached out to her. Said Principal Weathers is riding him about the grades of the varsity football players. If I don’t get C’s on my midterms in the next two weeks, I’m off the team. If I’m off the team, college is off the table. Ronnie, you’ve got the highest grades in school. I know you don’t like me but…”
Angel’s words came out faster than he intended. His face is hot by the time he’s done getting them all out. It doesn’t help that Veronica’s gaze has lifted, from where his hand rests against her elbow, to his face.
He looks as though he is going to share more, but doesn’t. Instead, he releases her arm before glancing over his shoulder. He looks around the nearly vacant parking lot.
“I gotta pick up my brother. I’m already late as shit. Look, I’m sorry about being a dick.” Angel takes a step back reaching into his pocket for the keys to his truck. “I’ll figure it out. Forget I said anything.”
Not waiting for a response, Angel starts towards his truck.
Instead of getting straight into the car, Veronica finds her gaze following Angel. She bites her lip, her mind drifting to the look she’d seen on Angel’s face a few seconds prior. She knew that look. It was one she only allowed herself to see in the mirror. The look that came when she felt like the cracks in her perfect facade were showing. It was the look of someone afraid everything they’d hoped for could slip away in a matter of seconds because of their failure to meet high expectations. Gripping her eyes shut, she takes a step forward.
“Angel, wait.”
Pausing, Angel turns to find Veronica’s eyes closed.
“I work after school,” she starts. “I have SGA, the newspaper, the debate club…I can tutor you in the evening, but you have to be serious-”
“I can be serious-”
“No, for real. I am not doing the work for you-”
Nodding, Angel takes in the look of skepticism on her face.
“I got it.”
“And I’m not sleeping with you.”
Angel smiles, a chuckle escaping his lips. His hands innocently raise in the air.
“My intentions are pure, Ronnie,” he smiles. “I promise. I’ll keep my hands to myself, as long as you want.”
Placing his hand over his heart, Angel adds a “scout’s honor.”
“My dad will not let you inside of my house. So where are we doing this?”
“My place. I gotta keep an eye on my brother.”
“Fine. Eight o’clock tonight.” Turning back to her car, Veronica opens the door. She pauses. “It’s Veronica. Not Ronnie.”
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After a quick shift at the diner, Veronica Vargas is standing in the center of the Reyes kitchen, a smile on her face. 
In the time it took her to work her shift, get off and get to his house Angel has done a couple of things. He’s taken the time to shower, his dark locks still wet and curling. He’s changed into a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. He’s cleaned up the kitchen for once without his mother’s threats. He’s vacuumed the living room and cleaned the bathroom. He’s unnecessarily threatened his younger brother to be on his best behavior, and not to hint that Angel has a crush on Veronica. He’s also ordered two boxes of pizza, all while trying to ice his swollen right hand. 
Veronica is opening a bottle of water as she watches Angel reach up to brush his damp curls back from his eyes.
“Alright, man.” Angel smiles as he passes Ezekiel, his hand reaching down to ruffle his younger brother’s hair. “You can watch more tv later once you finish your math homework. You know pop will kill me if that shits not done-”
“Already done.” Ezekiel’s words come out muffled through his mouthful of pepperoni. He rolls his eyes at the look of skepticism on Angel’s face. Tossing his math notebook across the table, Ezekiel continues eating his gaze drifting back to the tv across the room.
Angel stares down at it for a second. 
“Did you check it?” 
“No need too,” Ezekiel shrugs before taking a sip of his soda. “I can if it makes you feel better.”
The smile on Veronica’s face grows as she watches Angel shake his head. 
“Whatever man, can we get the table? We’re gonna try and study for a test.”
Ezekiel excuses himself, swapping out his seat at the table for the sofa.
Sitting her backpack by the newly freed seat, Veronica glances up to find Angel watching her. 
“You hungry?”
He motions toward the open box of pizza in front of him. 
“I’m fine,” Veronica smiles, warily eyeing the pepperoni pizza. “But thank you.”
Angel takes note of her expression before moving to quickly close the pizza box.
“Shit-wrong box.” Dragging the second pizza box from underneath, he clears his throat. “You don’t eat meat right? I wasn’t sure what type of pizza vegetarians eat. So I uh…I just ordered a supreme. Swapped out the meat for more vegetables. I didn’t know if you liked everything that’s on it but-”
“It’s perfect.”
Taking in her smile, Angel nods before offering her plate.
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It takes Angel thirty minutes to realize three important things about Veronica. Two of them are things Ricky didn’t seem to grasp in the year they dated. 
1. She doesn’t think he’s stupid, but she will also not tell him the answer to a question no matter how much he flirts with her.
2. She doesn’t like her smile and covers it up almost instantly when he’s able to get her to laugh. 
3. She has a really good poker face but plays with her hair when she’s nervous. 
Despite his attempts to distract her with his humor, Veronica can keep Angel on track for two hours. 
“You haven’t wrapped your hand?”
Blinking, Angel realizes from the look on Veronica’s face that it’s not the first time she has asked the question. Which means his staring at her has also not gone unnoticed.
Finishing the pizza crust in his mouth, Angel shrugs. He tosses the ice pack into the kitchen sink before shooting Veronica a smile.
“I tried,” he admits as he carries his glass towards the table. Dragging the seat alongside hers from beneath the table, he returns to his seat. “But, I couldn’t get it to stay.”
“Then why didn’t you just ask me to do it?”
Now that he thinks of it, Angel knows that would have been the smart thing to do. Veronica’s mother was a nurse at the local hospital. He shrugs in response, hoping she thinks it never crossed his mind. Not that he hadn’t asked her out of embarrassment. What athlete doesn’t know how to wrap his own hand?
“You have to wrap it, or it’ll be ten times worse when you wake up tomorrow,” Veronica huffs as she pushes her plate across the table. Retrieving the previously discarded pair of scissors, and athletic wrap from the center of the table, Veronica motions for Angel to drag his chair closer.
Carefully drying his swollen hand, Veronica’s brow furrows as she studies the damage. Most of the swelling has gone down. His skin is red, the knuckles already starting to bruise. Angel knows he needs to think of a story to tell his mother before she gets home.
Angel allows her to move his fingers, the sharp hiss he releases as she attempts to form a fist causing her eyes to shoot up to his face. Waving away her look of concern, he takes a sip of his soda.
“Are you taking that scholarship?”
Veronica’s brow arches. She lets her gaze briefly meet Angel’s before resting his damaged hand against the table.
“What do you know about that?” Veronica’s question leaves Angel silent. He shifts in his seat. He picks up his pencil and returns his focus to the set of notes he is meant to be copying. “Are you keeping tabs on me, Reyes?”
Angel’s smile grows at the sound of her giggle.
“You make it hard not to,” he quietly admits. Feeling as though his entire face is reddening beneath her gaze, Angel clears his throat. "No one was surprised that you got a scholarship. You’re...perfect compared to everyone else in our class.”
Veronica scoffs, the sound causing Angel to steal a glance in her direction. The light rolling of her eyes is followed by the furrowing of her brow.
“According to my mother, I am far from perfect. But, thank you.”
“I don’t know,” Angel chuckles. “If I got a scholarship offer from Stanford, my mom would probably die from a heart attack.”
“What about your dad?”
Angel shrugs at the question. The corner of his mouth turns up in a tiny smile.
“He’d probably call the school, check if it was a mistake.”
The halfhearted laugh that comes from Angel causes Veronica to pause her actions. She takes a moment to study his face before picking up the roll of bandages. Picking up his right hand, she carefully begins to wrap it.
“When I told my dad I wanted to study law, he laughed at me. Like, literally laughed. And not just a quick chuckle. A full, stomach clutching, nearly choked on his dinner type of laugh.”
Angel’s eyes lift from his work. The look of disbelief on his face pulls a giggle from Veronica’s lips. She nods. She waits until she has successfully finished wrapping Angel’s hand before continuing her story.
“I know,” she giggles. “Most lawyers would be excited, or proud, if their child, was crazy enough to follow in their footsteps. Not Eduardo Vargas. When he was finished laughing, my dad looked at my mom and said. See this is what is we get for you filling her head with that feminist, women can do anything psycho-babble. Sweetheart, I would hate for you to rack up student loan debt only to get out into the real world and find female lawyers never make it. Unless you want to be a divorce lawyer, and I raised you not to settle. Why not be a nurse, like your mother?”
Veronica’s admission is news to Angel. Her father is the most respected lawyer in Southern California. Angel always assumed that she was expected to follow in her father’s footsteps. Her younger sister, who was more focused on cheerleading and popularity, definitely was not going to be the one to take over the family business. Every time Angel saw her family, it appeared as though Veronica was the apple of her father’s eye. He often found himself thinking that her father looked at Veronica, the same way his father looked at Ezekiel. His gaze was always full of nothing but pride.
Learning that the highest ambition Eduardo Vargas had for his brightest daughter was nursing school shocked Angel.
Veronica could see the thoughts washing across Angel’s face. She knew what he was thinking. She also knew what question was forming in his mind, and that she didn’t have an answer for it. So, she decides to change the subject.
“So…earlier, at school, you mentioned college. What schools are you looking at?”
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Angel shakes his head. Tapping his pencil against the kitchen table, he gives up focusing on the paper before him. Resting back in his seat, he watches as Veronica rests her chin in the palm of her hand.  
"I'm...college isn't really on the table for me. I kinda always knew that. I'll probably just get a job down at-Shit!”
Angel reaches up, wincing as he massages the part of his arm that Veronica has just punched. “What was that for?”
“I just poured out one of my deepest darkest secrets to you-”
“Did you?”
Ignoring his rolling eyes, Veronica smiles as Angel continues to massage his arm.
“I did, and I don’t do that often. So, please, Reyes don’t sit here and give me some bullshit lie because you’re too macho to share your feelings with me.”
“I’m not-” Angel releases a sigh, his hand running over his face before falling back to the table. “I don’t believe people like me are meant to get out of Santo Padre.”
“People like you?”
“I’m not as smart as you-”
"Sure you are.” Veronica takes note of the skepticism molding Angel’s face. “Seriously. You do not need straight A’s to be smart, Angel. Sure, I know things that you don’t. But, you’re also really good at things that I suck at.”
“Like what?”
“Well, when you’re not being a self-centered jerk, you’re nice to people that jocks are never supposed to be nice too." The smile that spreads across Angel’s lips brings one to Veronica’s. “You’re friends with everyone. It’s kind of annoying if I’m being honest. It’s like you have this way of figuring out something that makes them laugh, or smile, and you remember it. You’re really good at making people like you. I don’t make friends easily, but you make it look so easy.”
"I must not be that great at it,” Angel smiles softly. “I’m still working on you.”
Veronica smiles before lightly rolling her eyes.
"I’m trying to give you a compliment, Reyes. Don’t make me take it back.”
For a moment, the two simply stared at each other. The smile that the two teens share leaving a warmth across Veronica’s skin that she’s never experienced before.
“U.C. Davis.”
“Huh?” Veronica blinks, heat rushing to her cheeks as she watches Angel return his attention to the notes he is meant to copy.
Angel begins writing.
“You asked what college I was looking at. Coach says a scout is coming to the homecoming game.”
Veronica’s eyes widen as she lets Angel’s words sink in.
The homecoming game was the biggest sporting event of the school year. The entire town comes out for the game. Each year, Santo Padre Regional High School was scheduled to play against their rival. Their rivals were the best in the state, and each year Angel’s team always remained undefeated until the homecoming game.
“There’s going to be a scout?”
“Yeah, but as of right now I’m benched. Coach lets me practice, but he’s been working with our second string QB a lot lately. Just in case...”
Veronica nods in understanding.
“In case you don’t pass your midterms.”
“At least Ricky will get to play,” Angel smiles. “Pretty sure he’s looking to use it as an excuse to win you back.”
“That won’t happen.” Now it is Veronica’s turn to smile. “Because I’m going to make sure you pass your midterms.”
Angel shifts in his seat, his eyes briefly meeting hers.
“We’ll see...That’s why mom has been stressed out. She hasn’t told my pops yet. I think she’s tryna spare me another one of his ‘I told you so.’ He’s not a big fan of me trying to play ball...doesn’t think it’ll end me up anywhere. I don’t blame him though. How many of us make it outta Santo Padre on a football scholarship?”
“There always has to be a first.”
Veronica looks up from her textbook to find Angel’s eyes on her. The smile on his face causes her brow to furrow.
“My mom would like you.”
A giggle escapes Veronica’s lips as she returns her eyes to her textbook.
“Is that a line you use on all the girls you invite over?”
“Hell no,” Angle chuckles. “I never introduce the girls I invite over to my mom. She has high expectations for her baby boy.”
“As she should.”
"What about you?”
“Oh, I definitely can’t take you home,” Veronica teases. “One look at you, and my dad will definitely have a heart attack. He can’t have anyone corrupting his baby girl.”
Angel’s laugh mingles with hers, the sight of the grin on his face causing her to bite her lip.
“But seriously...something must be stopping you from taking that scholarship to Stanford.”
Veronica’s fingers lift to her hair. She absentmindedly begins to toy with the ends. She takes a deep breath. Releasing the breath she is holding, she meets Angel’s gaze.
“I haven’t told anyone yet, but...I may have applied to Oxford University?”
Angel’s brow rises. “Where’s that?”
“Oxford, England. I just…figured there aren’t many people who look like us out there." Veronica finds her words picking up as Angel’s gaze remains steady on her. She finds his expression unreadable, but feel as though he can read hers easily. “I don’t mean it like that. It’s just. Everyone in my family is from here. They are born here. And sure, they go away to great schools, but they always come back and die here. More than half of my family has never even left California. My sister doesn’t think that there’s life outside of Santo Padre. I don’t want to be like that.”
“So...you’re getting a shit ton of student loans to fly to England for a few months every year? Wouldn’t it be easier to take a trip during the summer?”
Veronica laughs quietly before giving Angel a smile.
“You sound like my mom.”
"Naw, I’m just messin’ with you. I get it,” he sighs. “Besides, what’s the point in having a perfect high school record if you don’t go to the school you want?”
They’re both quiet for a moment.
Angel lifts his bandaged hand and examines it in the light. His eyes shift to Veronica’s face as she takes his hand in hers.
“I’m sorry you busted your throwing hand over a stupid fight.”
Angel lets off a soft shrug, his eyes steady on their hands.
“It should be fine by homecoming. Besides, I never liked Ricky anyway.”
“Well, I think UC Davis is a great school." Veronica smiles. “I’m not an expert in football. I mean I don’t really understand anything other than what a touchdown is, but I think you’re really good. And if that’s what gets you into college, Angel, that’s great. It means a lot that you’re actually trying to get your grades up. Colleges take note of that. Just don’t go punching anyone else, okay? At least not until after the homecoming game.”
The wink she sends his way as she releases his hand brings a grin to Angel’s face.
“Thanks for helping me.”
“It’s no problem,” Veronica waves. The sound of her phone buzzing in her backpack pulls her attention away from him. “If you want I can also help with any other applications or essays that you may have left for your back up schools.”
“You don’t have to.”
"It's kinda second nature for me. My parents have been prepping me for college since I could speak.”
Angel watches her as she rummages through her bag in search of her phone. She is too busy checking the message from her mother to notice the look on his face. If she’d seen it, she would’ve figured out that it probably took everything Angel had not to lean over and kiss her right then and there. 
“I could pay you-”
Veronica giggles, the action furrowing his brow.
She responds to her mother before looking up at Angel.
“You don’t have to pay me, Angel. Seriously.” She gets up from her seat and begins packing up her backpack. “All I ask is that you feed me during our sessions.”
“Okay.” Angel smiles as she zips up her bag.
“I have to go. Ten thirty curfew. If I’m late, even by two seconds, my dad will have the police kicking down your door.”
“I thought you didn’t tell him you were coming here.”
“Trust me, he’d find me somehow.”
When Veronica slings her backpack over her shoulder she briefly pauses at the sight of Angel standing up. Hastily clearing the table, he shoots her a glance taking note of her raised eyebrow.
“Let me walk you to your car.”
“You don’t need you to do that. It’s just across the street.”
“Exactly,” Angel smiles. “So it won’t take that long. It’s ten o’clock. It’s too dark for you to walk alone.”
“Okay.” Nodding, Veronica lifts her hand to wave to Ezekiel who is lounging on the sofa, a book in his hand. “See you around, Ez.”
He lifts his hand to wave, his gaze moving to his brother. He waits until Veronica has stepped onto the porch to speak.
“Mom said you can’t leave me home alone.” Ezekiel teases.
Angel pauses in the doorway as he tugs his hoodie over his head. Facing his younger brother, Angel takes a deep breath.
“Yeah, I know. Technically I’m not leaving you home alone. I’m gonna be at the end of the driveway.” A mischievous grin spreads across the young boy’s face as his mouth opens in response. Before he can get out his words, Angel has the front door open. “Ez, just stay here.”
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Angel leads Veronica down the front steps. Neither of them speaks until they reach the front gate. Veronica bites her lip before taking a deep breath.
“Look, I’m sorry for earlier.”
“Why are you apologizing to me?”
“I said some pretty mean things to you earlier at school. I was just pissed about Ricky. It wasn’t your fault.” Veronica glances over, the soft smile on Angel’s lips growing as he digs his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “What? Usually, when someone apologizes, the response is thank you.”
“You weren’t mean.” Angel chuckles, the look of confusion on Veronica's face causing him to stop. “Not compared to what I said. Besides, I’ve heard worse things.”
Angel unlocks the gate, pushing it open to allow her the chance to step through. But Veronica remains where she is.
“So...I was thinking we could try an hour every day after school, and on Saturday. Sundays I have church, and my parents will not let me miss that.”
Taking a step through the gate, Veronica turns back around to face Angel.
“Also, you were having trouble with questions ten and twelve on your Calculus homework. I had Benson for Pre-Calc. She always over explains everything. I wouldn’t try and do it the way she says in class. Just look back over chapter 6. I believe it's pages…” Veronica trails off as a smile spreads across Angel’s lips. Although he has been staring at her as she speaks, the look on his face tells her he wasn’t listening to what she was saying.
He blinks, his eyes dropping for a moment to where his hands rest on the now-closed gate.
Shaking her head, she rummages through her bag for a pen. Taking his hand in her, she writes her number across the skin of his palm.
“Just call me in case you forget?”
Angel nodded, watching as she smiles before taking a step back. She turns, looks both ways and crosses the street towards her car.
“You never told me what you want for helping me study.” He calls after her. “And supplying food for study sessions, that doesn’t count.”
Veronica shrugs. Retrieving her keys from her bag, she smiles.
“That’s because I don’t want anything.”
Angel studies Veronica’s eyes. Even under the dim street lamps, he knows that they are honest. He’s not surprised. Veronica has a reputation for helping others, but that doesn’t stop Angel from pressing forward.
“I can get you into Parker’s Halloween party this Saturday.”
Veronica instantly shakes her head, her gaze leaving Angel’s. Parker hosted a Halloween party every year, since freshman year. It was outside of Santo Padre. His parents owned a house bigger than one Angel could ever afford in his lifetime. It was always the party of the school year. Veronica has never been.
“No, thank you...I don’t really do parties.” Veronica backtracks. Beneath Angel’s gaze, she feels the need to explain herself. Yet again. “And by “I don’t really do parties,” I mean I’ve never gone to one-I mean-I’ve been to a party before, obviously, but not this type of party-”
“That’s why I’ll take you,” Angel smiles. “Show you the ropes. Teach you beer pong, and how to dance to shitty music. Protect you from drunk guys that want to hit on you.”
“As much fun as that sounds. No thank you.”
“Come on, Ronnie, you just got me to study the longest I’ve ever studied in my entire life.” Angel chuckles as he pulls back against the fence, his weight rolling to the back of his heels. His eyes look up to the sky. “Stop being impossible, and let me return the favor. Besides I’m not letting you go to college never having been to a party.”
Veronica bites her lips, shifting her weight between her feet as Angel’s gaze returns to hers.
“What?” He smiles.
“Pass your weekly quiz this Friday in Benson’s class. And I’ll go. And by pass I mean, at least a 75 percent.”
The grin that spreads across Angel’s face is full of confidence. It also brings a smile to Veronica’s lips. Usually, Angel wouldn’t dream of starting to study for a Friday quiz on a Monday night. He’s more a study the period before kind of guy. But he also wouldn’t dream of passing up a chance to take Veronica Vargas to a party.
I guess there’s a first time for everything. 
“You better start looking for a costume, Ronnie.” Angel smiles as he takes a step back from the fence.
“Okay,” Veronica giggles. “You better start studying.”
Veronica is fully buckled in and just about to pull off when she realizes Angel has changed his path. Instead of heading back inside, he has stepped into the street.
She watches as he crosses the street and heads towards her car.
Rolling down the window, she waits until he stops at the door to speak.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just, earlier when you were apologizing...I wanted to say something, but I didn’t.” Resting his arms against her car, Angel watches as her eyes search his face before meeting his. Her brow furrows in confusion. “I’m sorry for what I said to you at school.”
“You already said that,” Veronica smiles softly. “It’s okay.”
“I also wanted to say that you don’t have to apologize for standing up for yourself.”
Veronica response is the only word that her brain is able to formulate at the moment. Because the rest of her mind is flooded with the features of Angel Reyes. The features she has spent the entire night trying not to focus on while she sat less than a foot away from him in his kitchen. The features she is trying not to realize are less than a few inches away from her own at this very moment. She watches his hooded eyes drop down to her lips. Her mind realizing that if he pushes himself forward he can easily kiss her. 
When she doesn’t say anything else, she is almost certain he is going to kiss her. 
Before she can give him the chance, Veronica reaches down her finger tugging at the button for the driver’s side window.
Angel quickly removes his arms from the windowpane and takes a step back. 
“I’m sorry!” She calls, the now completely risen window muffling her voice. “I really have to get home. I have a-”
“Ten thirty curfew,” Angel smiles as he takes a step back towards the house.
Despite the heat on her face, Veronica smiles as Angel lifts his bandaged hand to wave. He laughs, softly shaking his head. 
“See you tomorrow, Ronnie.”
136 notes · View notes
Cold Case: Part 3
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Macys POV
Okay Mace, just breathe and talk to her. I gently knock on the door "Hey," I say, sighing relieved she opened the door 
"Hey." Y/n steps back to let me in, avoiding eye contact. Closing the door behind us. There was an awkward tension in the air, neither of us knew what to say. 
"I'm sorry..." I try.
"Can we just not." Y/n's quick to dismiss me as we sit in silence. Our recent encounter just kept playing over and over in my head, as I try to talk to her.
A small grin forms on my face from a thought. "Remember when I asked you to be mine." Y/n looks up when she hears me talking. 
"How could I forget." A small grin appeared but I saw the sadness in her eyes. "Who knew a near-death experience, would bring us together. But I knew that you were worth it when that demon tried to sacrifice you."I smiled
"And you just somehow managed to save the day, with your sodium bicarbonate, which I still don't know what it is to this day." Y/n smiled I grabbed her hand seeing her talk to me more.
"Look, I know that I can be difficult. Yet you've stayed by my side through it all, and I'm grateful for that." The chic couch patterns becoming more interesting. As she nods softly.
"And what happened was a terrible mistake, a huge fucking mistake. And I am willing to do whatever I can to make it up to you, I can even find a spell to show you what really happened. Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it I just can't lose you." I choked on the verge of tears
"And I know that I've hurt you in the past, but you still stayed by my side, even if it pained you." I continued to pour out my emotions.
"It's alright, Mace. That's in the past." Y/n sighs collecting her thoughts running her fingers through her hair.
"It's not alright." I scoff. 
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"Our pasts are the reason that we're like this. We put up these barriers, trying to prevent ourselves from getting hurt. When we only end up hurting each other though, like now" I confess bringing the waterworks.
"And I know I'm not like other girls. I don't have a perfect body. I don't like going out and -."
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"Stop that." Y/n grabs my hand as I look to her
"I don't care about any of that. That's why I love you because you're you. Even if I don't know what anything scientific you say out of your mouth means, as much as your explain it to me. I love you because your smart, kind, loving and beautiful inside and out Mace." Y/n looks at me
"And I have my insecurities too, but I'm willing to embrace myself all because of you, because you've show me how I should be loved and you love me for me inside and out, and that's what makes you perfect to me, even if you don't see it. And I'm willing to give my all to you." Y/n goes silent for a moment.
"Plus I overreacted, and I feel stupid for doing that because you're the sweetest person I know, and I know you wouldn't dream about hurting me, now that I think about it. I just needed a minute to myself because I've been hurt so much before, and when I saw that I just couldn't believe it."
I look at her surprised, she's never been one to pour her heart out.
"And you swearing just now showed me how serious you are." Y/n smiled as she pulled me close melting into her.
"I love you." I pull back to look at her. 
"I love you too." Y/n responds by kissing my forehead, being back in her arms made me feel better. 
"Does this mean we're not breaking up?" I mumble after a while, feeling her laugh.
"No, silly. We're going to stop putting up these barriers, and we're going to communicate more. Even if we don't like it." She tells me.
"And you're going to learn to love yourself and I'll do the same. Because every part of you is beautiful, and I'll spend the rest of my life reminding you of that." Y/n finally pulls away from me, wiping my tears.
"The rest of our lives? You must really love me then." I joke slightly, 
"I do, don't I." Y/n's studies my face for a moment.
"What?" The staring made me feel conscious. Y/n pulls me into her and kisses me deeply. It was the kind of kiss to make me fall in love with her all over again.
I grab her by her face with this newfound confidence, as we shifted on the couch. I didn't even realize that I was on top, not once disconnecting our lips until her phone started buzzing.
"Ugh." she sighs looking for the phone as I climb off of her.
"It's your sisters, I'll tell them we're fine" she grins.
"I have something better." I move to grab my phone.
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23 notes · View notes
thebisexualdogdad · 3 years
Can I please request charmed headcannons for Maggie being protective of her brother?
Maggie Vera x brother!reader
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● you're the youngest of the Vera siblings 
● you had just graduated high school when your family had to fake your deaths and relocate to Seattle 
● Maggie had always been protective of you 
● you may only be a year younger than her but you were her baby brother 
● your first heartbreak back in high school she was ready to rip their head off
● "how dare you hurt my brother like that!" And she basically ruined their reputation at school 
● now you both attend Seattle state 
● you guys spend a lot of time studying together 
● Mel and Macy will come downstairs in the morning and the two of you have books and notes everywhere 
● "have you two been up all night?" 
● "why didn't you guys tell me college was this hard??" 
● Maggie definitely uses you as a test subject for her psychology assignments 
● even during magical fights she'll make comments about your behaviors 
● "can you not psychoanalyze me right now??"
● she'll sneak you a glass of wine when Mel isn't looking 
● when you fall asleep on the couch Maggie will cover you up in a blanket 
● and get your favorite food when you've had a long day of classes 
● Mel "maybe you should stop babying him he is an adult now" 
● "it doesn't matter how old he gets he'll always be my baby brother" 
● if a magical creature hurts you in a fight boy are they in trouble
● she went on a rampage when a goblin knocked you unconscious 
● and your potential partners should be even more scared of her
● you asked someone on a date and she stalked them online to find out everything about them
● "maybe I should come and supervise your date?" 
● "Oh my God Maggie I'm 19 you're not coming on a date with me!" 
● Mel "well now I understand why Maggie used to find me so annoying" 
● Maggie "used to??" 
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jamiedc-they-them · 3 years
Being, Maggie, Mel, and Macy's adopted sibling:
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You are brought into the family before you could remember. To you, you always just had Mel and Maggie in your life and you were part of that family.
Maggie was the most excited out of the pair when they met you. Maggie wouldn't leave you alone. Now she knew how Mel was with her; protective, but loving.
Growing up, you were close, but still had your moments where you argued.
Mel would encourage you to be yourself and always be there to stand up for you. She'd want you to know that however you identified, it was ok.
Maggie, of course, was the same, but she was more about trying to help you find your look. Of course, she would adapt based on any identity changes.
Maggie would also help you with school and have your back there too.
She may or may not have ruined some bullies' lives when she either saw or heard from someone else what had happened to you.
Mel is always looking for ways to try to help you with those issues and any others with her causes. She reaches out. She does all she can to try to do her part in helping you.
She's protective of Maggie, but that seems to double for you.
When your mother dies, the three of you fracture; Maggie into Kappa, Mel into theories, you shut down.
And, despite the two not getting along as well, separately they're worried for you.
Their protective and worried nature comes out more when at home or when they're with you.
They try, but they're also processing their own grief.
It has led to you all yelling at each other, sometimes even tears. Given Maggie's natural empathy, she can tell how much this is hurting you as much as them.
Your mother left you, it wasn't hard to see that they might too.
Then, well, then Macy arrives.
You're about to go to bed, tired with it all, when she arrives and states that she might be your sister.
Then, well, then you're tied to a chair.
Harry explains to you that you don't have any powers, but he says it cheerfully.
You don't feel it, however.
Still, when you defeat your first demon, the four of you walk together home:
"Guys?" You say to them, they pause and look to you, "Do you...do you think I could be like the fifth member of this little band thing? I know I don't have powers. But, I wanna help." The three sisters share a look; despite Macy having just met you guys, she wants to get to know you better - so her protective nature for you was pretty much a given.
They nod but warn you that if it gets bad-bad then you'll get out of the situation.
You, of course, are there for the bonding moments between the three. They always make sure to include you.
Maggie uses her powers to check in with you more when you're at school; able to tell better now how you're actually feeling.
Of course, she always asks your permission before accessing your thoughts; always warning you beforehand.
But she only does that when you're in the "red zone" (crisis with mental health or a general crisis you're in).
Mel uses her time powers to stop things when you need a breather. And you're always thankful when she does.
Macy uses her abilities to grab things for you or open doors. Just ease of life things.
But she bonds with you quite quick, spending nights with you talking and looking at photos you have of your mum and sisters.
She also helps you with any science work.
As it goes on, they see how resourceful you are. You think quick on your feet. And they're so proud whenever you manage to outsmart a demon or get one ready to be defeated on your own.
Harry trains you in how to fight, and in potions. He might've been sent for the charmed ones, but you're someone he adds to his list of charges. That, and he isn't just going to leave a child to fend for themselves.
He's always happy to answer any questions you have. Your mind seems to race with new ideas.
Of course, they're still protective, but they know you are just as protective of them.
It's all going well, but then Macy drops the news to the three of you; Macy and Maggie are full sisters, and you're adopted.
Macy's face drops when she sees your face fall too. And it hits her that you didn't know.
"Oh...Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry. But, look at it this way, it doesn't matter to any of us that --"
"You don't get to justify this to Y/N. You can't just drop this." Mel defends. Maggie, despite having her own bombshell be dropped on her, keeps her eyes on you. Taking your hand, trying to comfort herself and you; at least you aren't alone in getting shit news.
You look to your two other sisters, and they see the hurt in your eyes, "You guys knew?"
They're forced to nod, even if they hate it; they won't lie to you.
After that, things get a bit rocky, both with life and with your bond with them.
You pull away a bit.
You still go to fight, you have your duty after all, but it's messier now.
You don't listen to them as much, and you push yourself more with Harry.
When Maggie is in Tartarus, one memory she has is when you were young and she accidentally hurt you.
She can feel your anger, but also your hurt for hurting them as well.
Loyalty is the defining trait of a Vera after all.
You start showing your own powers as well; Macy pulls things towards her, you repel them.
It happens one day when you're training with Harry, and he is - literally - blown away.
Macy takes it upon herself to help you with your power.
She starts small, pushing glasses away and whatnot.
Charity pays a visit and breaks some news to you, "I'm sorry, Y/N, but it's about your parents."
The room shifts when that happens.
Turns out your birth mother was a Witch who went to the dark side - which was why you were given away.
Your sisters just look at you, waiting for you to decide what to do - despite how you're distant, they still have your back.
You decide to go after her. And they follow.
When you find her, your mother is calm and loving with you; but glares at your sisters.
And, by touching your shoulders, she influences you with her dark magic. She puts thoughts in your head about your sisters abandoning you and hating you.
It's always something you feared happening, it was why you pulled away.
Now, you actually push them away, throwing them back with your ability.
They're quick to get back up as you rush them. As much as they don't want to, they defend themselves, but with your ability and rage, you overpower them.
As you approach Mel, the one you're angry at the most with keeping the secret, Maggie reaches out and grabs your arm:
"Y/N, please," Her voice begs you as it goes around your mind, "I know we hurt you. I know we did, and we can never apologize enough for that. You deserved to know. Please don't do this."
"She's all I have, Maggie." Your internal voice says in response.
Her eyes water and she feels how you actually believe that, or want to believe it.
Despite what might happen, despite what you're planning to do. She responds to you:
"If this -- if this is what you want. Then I understand." There's a stutter in her words, she doesn't want to die after all. But, she also knows that it is your choice.
You pause, and she feels your emotion change; from a lot of hate to less and more love.
The three have always made sure you have input, and always take it on board.
Looking back to your mother, all you see is her looking hungry for their deaths.
You know how this will plunge the world into chaos.
You look to Mel, who sees what you're trying to say. Her eyes communicate back a familiar phrase she's always told you: I trust you. She holds out her hand, stopping time as she lets you formulate a plan.
Looking to Macy, you nudge your head to your mother. Macy looks to your mum, then you. Macy then nods, she's ready.
Mel unfreezes time as your mother talks, "What are you waiting for, Y/N? Don't you want to be a family?"
You close your eyes, trying not to let the words get to you.
Maggie talks to you internally one more time: "Harry said something to me in Tartarus, 'Let love be your strength'."
As soon as you turn, Macy holds out her hand, and your mother zooms towards you.
As she reaches you, you let out a yell as you let out a pulse that sends your mother flying away, crashing into the furniture.
"Mace." That is all you have to say for your sister to send a lamp into your mother to stun her.
"Mel." And time stops. The four of you move, making it so your mother is at the front door.
"You ready?" Mel asks you.
You nod, and Maggie puts a hand on your shoulder, "You got this." She encourages.
Macy puts another hand on your shoulder, her support being given that way.
Mel puts one hand on Maggie's shoulder as she holds out her hand to restart time.
And, you feel the anger you have for your mother, the love you have for your family, and you let it all power you now.
Your mother turns to you - having realized you moved - as you let out the biggest pulse yet, breaking the walls and sending her flying into the forest she had hunkered down in.
The pulse tires you out, but the three catch you before you fall.
"We got you, Y/N. We got you." Mel tells you as they slowly let you sit down on the floor.
"Where's Harry?" You ask, panting.
"Right here." He says, holding your mother in cuffs. Charity's portal opens, and she and some guards take your mother away. She says something to Harry but gives you a smile before she goes.
"Well done, Y/N!" Harry says, proud of how far you've come with your power.
"I had some help." You say, gesturing to your sisters.
"They're just being modest." Maggie says.
"That may be, but it was your power. You controlled it." Harry's words make you smile. Yeah, maybe you did do it.
Maggie squeezes your hand, feeling that rush of proudness you feel. She feels it too. She knows her sisters do too.
At home, they visit you as you get ready for bed that night.
"You doing ok?" Macy asks, sitting on your bed with your sisters.
"I guess, as well as I can be."
Mel reaches out and grabs your hand, "Well, take all the time you need with this. However you feel, and however much time you need, it's all valid. We understand."
"But," You look to Maggie - who has a soft smile, "We're always going to be here. Whatever you need. We're not going anywhere. I know we can be a bit much and annoy each other, but we're always going to have your back, ok?"
You smile, "Me too."
They smile too.
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octaviasdread · 3 years
any girls! dark academia movie recs? i really struggle to find anything not about a group of boys (as much as I love them)
SO MANY!!! This is probably a far more detailed answer than you were expecting but this is a popular question and I want to keep a list for myself and others.
Feel free to add to it/give opinions. I've tried to give a tw for anything I can remember
Girls! Dark Academia Movies/TV Shows
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
1950s Women’s college
Art professor! Julia Roberts
She’s legit the female Mr Keating of the art & college world
Feminism vs. Tradition
Maggie Gyllenhall x Ginnifer Goodwin; their characters were more than friends. Fight me.
Does not end how you expect
Strike!/All I Wanna Do/The Hairy Bird (1998)
Free on YouTube under one of its various names
1960s all girls boarding school
Young Kirsten Dunst
Group of girls plot to sabotage a merger with a boys school less prestigious than their own
Secret attic clubhouse meetings of the D.A.R aka Daughters of the American Ravioli (eaten cold, ew)
girls get political & advocate for their rights using ANY elaborate and chaotic scheme
TW: eating disorder, vomiting & creepy male teacher but the girls plot against him too
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)
based on a short book I read for uni by Muriel Spark
1930s girls school in Edinburgh
Scottish teacher! Maggie Smith, controversial with a focus on romantic ideals
Spoiler alert, the liberal teacher is actually a fascist
Her group of fave students has cult- vibes and it’s fascinating
Picnic at Hanging Rock
1970s movie or 2018 mini series
Never watched either but I plan to
Wild Child (2008)
00s romcom every UK teen girl loves
Emma Roberts as the spoiled rich American teenager sent to a strict English boarding school
Plots to get herself expelled but oh no she’s making friends with the girls who help her
And the headmistress has a hot son, and he’s nice??? Double oh no
Everything! Goes! Wrong!
omg she burns the school down
Feel good, comfort, nostalgia
St Trinians (2007)
English girls boarding school
The kids are all criminals, no joke
So are the teachers
gay awakening for british girls
Art heist pulled off by school girls
Government tries to shut them down but oh no, the education minister & the headmistress are ex-lovers
Colin Firth x Rupert Everett in drag
Superior cast: Jodie Whittaker, Gemma Arterton, Juno Temple, Stephen Fry, Colin Firth, etc...
embodies the phrase 'problematic fave'
St Trinians 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009)
Mystery, pirate ancestors, hidden treasure
omg Shakespeare was a woman
girls disguised as boys to infiltrate and rob the posh boys school
Villain! David Tennant in that ICONIC boat scene
Teen girls vs. ancient misogynist brotherhood
like the first film but MORE chaotic and BETTER!???
The Falling (2014)
1960s all girls school
best friends! but its unrequited love
Agoraphobic + distant mother aka mommy issues
Sudden death and the school suppresses/ignores the students grief, sparking mass hysteria & a fainting epidemic in the girls
Cast: Maisie Williams (GoT) & Florence Pugh (Little Women) & Joe Cole (Peaky Blinders)
TW: teen pregnancy, death, vomiting, underage s*x, sibling inc*st, past s*xual assault
The Book Thief (2013)
Based on an amazing book by Markus Zusak
set in 1940s Nazi Germany
Daughter of a communist whose family were taken by the Nazis/died is fostered by an older couple who teach her to read & she paints a dictionary on the basement walls
Coming of age story about a compulsive book thief. No joke, this kid steals books from banned book burnings and breaks into the mayor's library through the window
Family hides the Jewish son of an old friend in their basement and he helps her to start writing about her experiences in the war
TW: death, bombings, WW2 anti-semitism
Mary Shelley (2017)
Overall good & roughly biographical
Pretty costumes and aesthetic
Modern feminist take on Mary Shelly in her own time period
So many INACCURACIES for the drama so don’t take it as truth
Percy Shelley slander and not all of it is justified
Cast: Elle Fanning, Douglas Booth, and Maisie Williams
The Secret Garden (1993)
Based on a fave childhood book
1901 colonial India & Yorkshire, England
Orphaned, spoilt & neglected girl sent to live with her reclusive Uncle in the English countryside
Gothic elements, mysteries, secret doors/passages/locked gardens
local boy with a flock of animals, magic, kids chanting around a fire and all around immaculate vibes
Happy ending!!!
Hidden Figures (2016)
African-American women as mathematicians for NASA
1960s space project
Women balancing a career and family obligations
Deals with racial & gender discrimination
Loosely based on the lives of Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan who worked for NASA as engineers & mathematicians
Anne of Green Gables (1985) & sequel (1987)
Adaptation L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
Canada (late 1890s/early 1900s)
Highly imaginative & bookworm orphan is adopted by a reclusive elderly brother and sister duo
Small town & school years comedic drama
Unrequited Enemies -> Friends -> lovers
Inspiring new woman teacher
Girls re-enact Tennyson’s poem and nearly drown for the aesthetic™
Dramatic poetry reading with INTENSE 👀eye contact👀
Writer! Anne & English teacher! Anne dealing with unruly girls school antics
Collette (2018)
biographical drama on french writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Collette
Victorian & Edwardian era France
More talented than her husband so she ghostwrites for him
Fight for creative ownership of her wildly successful novels
Affairs with a woman called Georgie and also with Missy, born female but masculine presenting
Cast: Keira Knightly, Dominic West, Eleanor Tomlinson (Poldark)
Enola Holmes (2020)
Netflix book adaptation
Younger sister of Sherlock Holmes
Victorian era! feminism/suffragettes
Mother-daughter focus
Mystery, adventure, secret codes, teens running away & escaping from (and eventually fighting) assassins
Cast: Helena Bonham Carter, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Fiona Shaw, Millie Bobby Brown
Ginger & Rosa (2012)
1960s England
best friends since literal birth navigating troubled teen years
poet & anti-nuclear activist! Ginger
off the rails but also catholic! Rosa
Shout out to Mark & Mark the gay godfathers we all want
family troubles 
TW: older man has an affair with a 17 yr old
Testament of Youth (2014)
based on WW1 memoir by Vera Brittain
young woman (writer & poetry lover) escapes traditional family & goes to study at Oxford University
abandons to become a war nurse
romance, tragedy and war trauma
Cast: Alicia Vikander, Kit Harrington (GoT), Taron Edgerton (Rocketman), Colin Morgan (Merlin)
Little Women (2019)
Writer! Jo & Artist! Amy
Mother/daughter focus and sister dynamics
the March sisters’ theatre club is *chefs kiss*
champagne problems edits of Jo x Laurie are a mood
Ambivalent ending perfectly captures Louisa May Alcott’s dilemma with the book the movie is based on
set in 1860s America
ALL STAR CAST and a Greta Gerwig masterpeice
Lady Bird (2017)
coming of age in early 2002/2003 Sacramento, California
all girls catholic school
writer! Christine aka Lady Bird wants to get outta town and start her life again at college 'in a city with culture'
Mother/daughter dynamics - so realistic!
I live for that Jesus car stunt & the nun's reaction
school theatre program
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Timothee Chalamet, Beanie Feldstein
Another Greta Gerwig gem
Beguiled (2017)
Virginia, civil war era
Girls school with only five students and two teachers left
Find an injured Union army soldier & bring him inside
Women & teenagers want his attention (v. problematic) before uniting against him
(tbh you'll either love it, hate it, or watch once & forget it)
Sofia Coppola film so its very feminine gaze
TW: violence, death, underage
Legally Blonde (2001)
No questions will be taken
Elle Woods was the blue print
TV series:
House of Anubis (2011-2013)
I know it’s a kids/young teen show but I still unironically love it
Modern day with Victorian era links to treasure hunters & Egyptian research expeditions (stealing from tombs)
Chosen one plot lines, curses, kidnapping, mysteries, secret tunnels under the school, elixir of life
Teens have investigate & protect themselves cus oh no the TEACHERS are involved in some shady stuff
new American kid at British boarding school is the actual premise not just a fanfic au
Nostalgic, light-hearted, funny, and kinda cheesy but I will accept no criticism
The Alienist (2018 -now)
Mid 1890s, New York
Woman’s private detective agency (Season 2)
Serial killer mystery
Woman secretary turns detective and teams up with a criminal psychiatrist and a newspaper editor to solve crime
TW: violence, child pr*stit*tion
Cast: Dakota Fanning, Luke Evans, Daniel Bruhl
The Queen’s Gambit (2020)
Woman chess prodigy
1950s & 1960s
TW: drug & alcohol abuse
Gentleman Jack (2019 - now)
Based on the diaries of Anne Lister
Victorian Yorkshire, England
Upper-class lesbians
Confident, suit wearing! Anne Lister x shy! Ann Walker
Business woman! Anne running the family mines
Cast: Suranne Jones (Doctor Foster) & Sophie Rundle (Peaky Blinders)
TW: violence
Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)
bubbly/ambitious single mom + intelligent daughter
bookworm! Rory Gilmore gets into a prestigious private school and then an Ivy League college
Small town drama is comedic gold
Fast dialogue packed with pop culture and literary references
Comforting & nostalgic
Anne with an E (2017-2019)
Loose adaptation of L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
they completely change the plot lines but it’s still very good content!
Orphan girl with trauma and a love of books/poetry is adopted by an elderly brother & sister duo, bringing light and fresh ideas to a rural community
Feminism, girls writing club, lgbtq safe spaces, girls eduction, black/indigenous representation
Miss Stacy as THAT inspiring teacher
Aunt Josephine’s lavish gay parties have my heart
TW: creepy male teacher tries to marry a student, racial discrimination, indigenous assimilation school
Victoria (2016-2019)
Adaption of Queen Victoria’s life
Victoria navigating her political, royal, and personal life
Albert’s involvement with The Great Exhibition, 1851 (on cultural + industrial innovations)
Alfred Paget x Edward Drummond is exquisite
Gorgeous costumes and aesthetics
TW: bury your gays trope
Derry Girls (2018-now)
1990s Northern Ireland during the troubles
Comedy, episodes 20-25 mins long
English boy sent to an all girls Catholic school with his cousin
✨Dead Poets Society parody episode ✨with a free-spirited female teacher
Sister Michael, the sarcastic nun who hates her job & reads the exorcist for giggles
Wee anxious lesbian! Clare Devlin (plus her friends wearing rainbow pins)
Badass with bad ideas! Michelle Mallon
Main Character! Erin Quinn
Lovable weirdo who would fight a polar bear! Orla McCool
Wee English fella & honorary Derry girl! James Maguire
Dickinson (2019-now)
Loose adaption of the poet Emily Dickinson’s life
Set in 19th century Massachusetts, US
Historical drama with modern dialogue & music that works SEAMLESSLY
gives a great understanding of Emily Dickinson’s poems
💕Vintage gays! Emily x Sue💕
Theatre club, writing, poetry, dressing as men to sneak into lectures, love letters, teen drama, feminism, and an underground abolitionist journal as a brief side plot in season 2
Wiz Khalifa plays death in a horse drawn carriage
TW: opium use
A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
Based on great childhood books
Bookworm! brother, Inventor! sister, and baby sister with sharp teeth
Mystery, secret organisations, orphaned siblings figuring things out & fending for themselves against the villain after their fortune
Adults either cartoon evil, comedically incompetent, or SPIES
Boarding school, library owner, scientific researcher, and theatre episodes
Ambiguous time period which is really fun to try and pin point
Killing Eve (2018-now)
Classic detective who has homoerotic tension with the assassin she is tracking down
British Detective! Eve Polastri figures out the notorious assassin MI5 are investigating is a woman, is fired & then put on a secret MI6 case with a small team
Assassin! Villanelle, a psychopath with a tragic past and a mastery of both accents & fashion
Woman MI6 boss! Carolyn Martens, head of Russian section
Travel Europe following Villanelle’s killings and escaping the assassins sent by Villanelle’s organisation
‘You’re supposed to be my enemy and moral opposite but omg you’re the only one smart enough to get me and why am I obsessed with you????'
Cable Girls/Las chicas del cable (2017-2020)
Spanish drama set in 1920s Madrid
Four young women at a telecommunications company form a group of friends and help navigate the difficult situations they are all in
Secret identities, dangerous pasts, murder, crime, lgbtq couple & throuple, trans man character, feminism/suffragists
girls commit crimes for humanitarian reasons and cover! it! up!
Gorgeous costumes and set
Haven’t finished it yet and I’m catching up
TW: abuse, violence, death
Outlander (2014 - now)
haven’t watched yet but plan to
Woman time travels to Scotland, 1743
Rebel highlanders, pirates, British colonies, American revolutionary war
Time jumps between 18th & 20th century
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 4 years
SCREEZLE. I was attracted to the site of something praising Abigael Jameson-Caine! And YES! FINALLY! Someone else who thinks Parker and Abigael scenes are great! I honestly love exactly where they are right now. Being semi siblings but Abigael constantly insulting him like a machine gun! I was wondering if you could do some Mel x Abigael headcanons? As I ship them majorly and am currently the only one writing fanfics for them. Which no one seems to know lol ! Ur account is cool! Love the rainbow
Yaaaaaahhhhh, I love Abigael, you have to love our resident demonic witch who’d sell you to Satan for a corn chip. Also thank you, I work hard to make my blog as nonsensical as I am.
Mel is the big spoon because she’s Teeny
Poppy is 5’6 and Melonie is 5’2, but you know Abigael’s probably got some four inch stilletos on and Mel’s just got combat boots that only give an inch at best.
I imagine Mel’s primary love languages are Words of Affirmation and Quality Time, which work well for Abigael because she’s the Forgotten Daughter and the Too Evil Half Witch. For Abigael hers would be Gifts and Acts of Service. Where Mel’s is about reestablishing Abigael is important to her verbally, Abigael’s is about showing love through actions, which is just a product of their environment that Mel values words and Abigael’s is acts.
They have gotten into a big fight when Abigael joked about integrating the Two Susans into their sex life. Mel said it wasn’t funny, Abigael took the joke too far, Harry got involved because he felt bad and gave up his bed to Abigael because Mel didn’t want to share a bed with her, Mel said that was counterproductive, Maggie said not for Macy because no one slept on the couch last night. Right, Harry? 👀👀👀
Abigael is the first one to grab Mel’s hands when they’re walking side by side or sitting close.
Abigael isn’t technically a movie buff, it’s a valid escape like sex or a good book, but if there’s two or more versions of a movie she has seen each of them and has a Favourite. She will defend the Guillermo Del Toro Hellboy movies with her dying breath because she Relates to Red, and thinks the 2019 version is a mockery of the pre established lore, movie and comic wise. Which Little Women is superior? The one with Katherine Hepburn, no, she will not take criticism, she said what she said, Miss Gerwig. The Howard’s End movie is better than the mini series!
Macy is trying to come to terms that the She Devil who has on multiple occasions tried to bag Harry has now bagged her younger sister.
One person in the Vera House has walked in on Abigael wearing a strap over her panties while wearing a silk robe and drinking malt liquor, waiting for Mel to get home. They learn to knock. The fact that Abigael was blasé about it made it all the more awkward.
Mel and Abigael have ongoing rants about how to prepare British foods because Mel is used to Harry’s ways and he’s from Manchester, but Abigael does them her way and she’s from Sussex. I don’t actually know how different Manchester and Sussex are, but I used to live in Washington before moving to the south and when I went to Farm Fresh and asked for jojos the guy didn’t know what I wanted. So if Abigael is making apple crumble, Mel will drag Harry into the kitchen and assert the crumble has to be made this way and Abigael stresses his way is wrong. Which now involves Harry needing to defend his cooking. Mel wins because now there’s lots of apple crumble to eat.
Mel is the only one trusted to use Francesca’s spellbooks when Abigael isn’t around.
They are both switches who go with the motion of the ocean.
Jordan and Harry are the most supportive of their relationship. Jordan because he’s the Outsider and gives Abigael the benefit of a doubt, and Harry because he obviously trusts Abigael.
Abigael and Ray get along as well as they need to. He respects Mel’s decision to be with who she wants, and Abigael understands the need to have a good relationship with Mel’s surviving parent, so she ups the British Charm, thus Macy and Mel rolling their eyes while Abigael tells a sweet tale of her first Arsenals game.
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AbiMel energy
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transmazikeen · 4 years
goddd could you imagine jordan and abigael bonding over being love with maggie and mel... also do you think abi's dying this season 👀
YES YES YES i’ve been wanting this for so long!!! abigael and jordan bonding, not.... the other thing. a scene with them both gushing over their respective vera sibling while vehemently denying they’re so in love with her... and the other is just like “uh.... sounds fake but ok” is NEEDED. and later on, two words.... DOUBLE DATES!!
for all my catastrophizing, i’m honestly like 89.9% sure abigael won’t get gay buried (bi-ried?) this season. poppy’s been on set and in later table reads, and it just doesn’t make sense to kill her off this soon! we still have her family trauma to explore, she needs her redemption arc, to bond with macy and maggie, to fall in love with mel, etc. i don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility, what with the bts of poppy looking pretty dead/close to death, but charmed has been very good about avoiding bury your gays in any tangible way, so, fingers crossed.
and my original theory of mel dying this season (they’ve been heavily foreshadowing the death of a sister) also included her coming back. never fear, magic/time travel/source ex machina is here! i do think if someone dies they’ll return somehow. i don’t want it to happen, not really, but just saying it would be interesting to see someone dealing with the aftermath of actually dying, whether it be abigael, mel, or someone else, like rosemary.
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