#magic of Thoth
brother-hermes · 1 year
The idea of thoughts and words carrying power goes back further than we typically think. The Mystery Schools of Kemet were sharing these sorts of mystical ideas over 3,500 years ago. Those idea’s passed through the hands of Greek Philosophers into the modern world. Rock with me as we take the journey within.
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milky-rozen · 3 months
Meaning of Colors in Anciet Egyptian Art:
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portalibis · 1 year
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Group statue of Thoth-ibis and devotee on a base inscribed for Padihorsiese
Late Period
ca. 700–500 B.C.
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artistandtales · 1 year
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Day 12: Thoth/Djehuty
#akhtober #egyptian #deities #drawing #mythology #art #thoth #djehuty #day12 #digitaldrawing #magic #pagan #witchcraft #illustration #simple #kemetic #firealpaca #artist #artistoninstagram #myart #dahkyarts #artistoftales #artistonig
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maeviuslynn · 1 month
Are you interested in using the Thoth Tarot, but don't know where to begin? In this video I unravel the history, symbolism, meaning, and practical ways to use the Thoth Tarot. You will leave with an understanding of what this deck is and how to use it.
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halfling-myth-lady · 5 months
I wonder…if(like I hope) Hermes will get a curse in hades 2,maybe it’ll have to do with alchemy?
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chthonic-sorcery · 2 months
Fuck candles and jars,
Here's a real 2000 Year Old Greco-Egyptian Spell 𓂀
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Learn more here
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weidaoduzun3 · 5 months
ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ -- ABRASAX From a Hermetic Viewpoint.
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To the Gnostics, Abrasax is the great archon who created the whole world. There is quite a bit of nuance considering how Basilides Gnosticism views this deity. Nuance that I am not qualified to go over at the moment. Carl Jung refers to Abrasax as a truly terrible entity that encompasses all evil and all good, in his Red Book. I've seen negative reactions from people on Discord to this entity, but also some positive reactions.
But to the Hermeticist…who and what is this weird rooster head, snake-legged deity that is found all throughout the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)? Let’s find out? 
In the Discourse of the Ogdoad and Ennead (D89) we are given strings of vowels and nomina Barbara for the Hermetic student, namely Tat as he is being taught by Hermes. To Christian H. Bull in his The Tradition of Hermes Trismégistōs, the string of Greek vowels and nomina Barbara/voces magicae is the totality of the Kosmos. Tat asks to receive the imprint of fullness by ways of hymns of praise to God. Bull seems to agree with Alberto Camplani that the “imprint of Fullness (Pleorma)” is coded within these string of vowels and voces magicae. 
From personal experiences — I have to agree with this, but I had to fuck around and find out for myself as I read this book many months ago when vowels and voces magicae were not big in my praxis. Anyways, here is the full hymn: 
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Great! So how does this tie into ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ and what is this names value to a Hermeticist? For starters — This name, has a numerical value of 365, according to isopsephy. 365, as the majority of you know, is the totality of days our Earth revolves around the Sun. In PGM VIII. 1-63, specifically in lines 45-50… we see a love spell invoking Hermes to which we are given the name of ABRASAX equaling 365 explicitly, and quite possibly a voces magicae for Hermes.
The Sun's importance in Hermeticism is ever-present. Most explicit in my opinion is SH 2a from M. David Litwa’s Hermetica II:
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Also important to note: Thoth. Many believe Thoth is just the god of the Moon, yet Thoth has a Solar form: the Baboon. Baboons and their screeches are believed to be connected to the language of the gods. This is confirmed in the Demotic Book of Thoth. Where a scribe of Thoth’s Scribal College: The House of Life [𓉑], says this about the great teacher, Thoth: "The signs revealed their form. He called to them and they answered to him. He knew the form of speech of the baboons and the ibises." Thoth is also believed to be the creator of not just words and language but also vowels (Philebus 18b-c). For clarity's sake, Thoth is an extremely important figure in Hermeticism. Our teachings are based upon a syncretic god: Hermes & Thoth — Hermēs Trismégistōs. 
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More evidence for the importance of ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ is found in PGM XIII.1-343 — the famed Heptagram Rite, which we can perform more clearly and neatly here. This is a ritual that invokes Aiōn. Aiōn is believed to be the power of the Unknowable, Ineffable Godhead in Corpus Hermeticum XI. In lines 80-89 of PGM XIII, we are given voces magicae to Aiōn in 7 different languages as seen below.
(The voces magicae for Aiōn is continued in 'Falconic' and lastly hieratic languages). Thus, we can see a clear link to baboons and Thoth, the name Abrasax to the baboons, and their "language." We see a connection between Aiōn and Abrasax, and we also saw above in PGM VIII that it could also be used as a voces magicae to Hermes!
But let’s look at the imagery as well. A rooster head with snake legs. The legs, to me, are Chthonic of course, and curl up to shape an Ω, the seventh sphere, Saturn. The connection to Omega is something Christian H. Bill points out. The rooster is also a Solar animal. So to me, we have a beautiful image representing the totality of All Things from the Sun whose an image of Truth, directly subordinate to the One Primal Deity (SH 2a), down to the Du’at/Underworld. Both Hermes and Thoth are connected to the Underworld as well as the Sun. Hermes' planet, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Hermes is also famously known as a psychopomp, a traveler and mediator between Hades and Mount Olympus, Death and Life. Thoth, with His solar connections stated above, is also a key member of the Ancient Egyptian Underworld. In the Ani Papyrus, we see Thoth as the recorder/scribe that lists every heart that is weighed up against the Divine Feather of Truth -- Ma'at.
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Thus what we have here, from a Hermetic standpoint, is that Abrasax is not a malevolent archon or a demon as denoted by the early Catholic Church, but rather a beautiful deity that is worthy of reverence whose name equals our revolution around the Sun, the Image of God. Abrasax — a name that is connected to both Hermes and Thoth, for reasons stated above. A name that also has a connection to Aiōn, an extremely important power/god in Corpus Hermeticum XI.
That is my interpretation, from a Hermetic standpoint. There are many interpretations of this elusive yet captivating deity. Abrasax can be a voces magicae for Hermes, or for Aiōn, it can be what I said, or you can take the Gnostic approach, or Jung, or Catholic approach to Abrasax. Regardless of what you do with the information, I shall continue to raise my voice in jubilation and cry out:
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asinusrufus · 1 year
Magical Gemstones: An Abridged Guide
Magical gemstones are a type of talisman made of semiprecious stones —such as hematite, carnelian or amethyst— that were worn set in rings or as pendants and their size ranges from 1.5 cm to 3 cm.These gemstones haven't magical, protective characteristics because of the nature of the gem itself but because the representations of Gods and holy names carved conceded them virtues through holy dynamis: This is, among other things, the inherent power of divine names and/or their representations.
These depictions are normally inverted (negative) This, together with the fact that some of the gems show a certain degree of worn indicates that they were manipulated in some way—probably rubbed or even licked, in order to increase their efficacy—proves that they were not conceived as seals but as amulets or talismans.
A magical gemstone, to be considered as such, should have one or more of the following elements:
An iconographic language generally belonging to syncretic Gods or that combines Gods from different origins.
Charakteres (magical signs. They can be planetary, protective, etc.)
Voces magicae (Words of power and phrases whose formulation and structure may hide secret, sacred names of Gods as well as prayers or incantations dedicated to them, sometimes with the intention of controlling their emanations and daimonēs) and logoi (magical names, permutation of magical names and vocals).
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The practice and use of magical voices was transmitted orally across the eastern Mediterranean, but it wasn't until the early 1st century b.c.e. the practice began to be included in written form. The abundance of amulets and gems with magical names and signs are evidence of this change of paradigm.
In addition, elements are usually complemented by two structural features:
The gemstone is engraved on both the obverse and the reverse, sometimes even on the edge.
The inscription appears directly and not in mirror writing.
These magic gemstones, in addition, can be magical gemstones stricto sensu and amuletic gems. The latter differ from the former in:
That the iconographic patterns they contain are explicitly described as belonging to amulets in textual sources such as Posidippus's Lithika
They bear a prophylactic inscription, usually "diaphylasse" (protect me!), "sōzon" (save me!) or "Heis Theos" (One God).
Its production began during the late Hellenistic period, but it was not until the 2nd and 4th centuries c.e. that it reached its apogee. Magical gemstones' imagery demonstrates the diversity and plurality of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Egyptian, Christian, Gnostic and Jewish representations and ideas from the Mediterranean from the Roman period, as well as the popularity and diversity of magical activities and practices.
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These magic gemstones were rarely used for evil purposes, such as harming someone. Their most common use was to offer protection or solve personal health problems: those showing an ibis tied by an altar and including the command "pésse!" (digest) were used to heal indigestion and other stomach problems; others, depicting a uterus, offered represented a womb, offered protection during childbirth and guaranteed fertility.
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Although most of these magic gemstones were used as jewelry, it is possible that they also had other uses, as part of a ritual to heal a patient or as a physical component for an incantation, such as those with depictions of Harpocrates seated on a lotus the nomina magica Bainchōōōch (Bainchōōōch, Ba of the Shadow, isn't only a vox magica/nomina magica but a God on their own right. PGM aside, Bainchōōōch appears in Pistis Sophia as a triple powered deity that descends onto Jesus, giving him his powers)
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An interesting fact is that of the production of magical gemstones during the 17th and 18th centuries of our era. Although the production of these gems continued during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance —irregularly, of course— they reflected the magical and religious reflected the magical and religious practices of their historical context.
This, however, was not the case during the 17th and 18th centuries, where magical gemstones of great quality and sophistication were produced, which not only reproduced the iconographic motifs and logoi of the pre-existing graeco-egyptian magic gemstones, but also introduced new ones. An example of these gems are those with representations of Christ-Osiris or Jesus-Khepri
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Nagy, M. A., (2015) Engineering Ancient Amulets: Magical Gems of the Roman Imperial Period. in D. Boschung and J. Bremmer (eds), The Materiality of Magic (Morphomata 20). Paderborn, 205-240.
Faraone, C. (2018) The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times, Filadelfia; University of Pennsylvania Press.
Simone, M., (2005) (Re)Interpreting Magical Gems, Ancient and Modern en Shaked, S., Officina Magica: Essays on the Practice of Magic in Antiquity (IJS Studies in Judaica, vol. 4), Leiden; Brill, 141-170.
Campbell-Bonner Magical Gems Database (http://cbd.mfab.hu)
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thesorcererpoet · 4 months
While I don't want too give too many details, I have been really "going through it" lately. When I face times like these, I often turn to my spirituality. It is the one tool I have that helps me above all else, when facing difficulties in life. I can't begin to express how much it has helped me over the years, how it has spurred me on to overcome seemingly impossible situations.
Anyway, lately my mental health has been taking a big turn for the worse. I am going through a great deal of change and some of what has happened as a result has left me pretty shattered. I have become very negative and it's having an impact on both my job and on the spiritual work that I do for others.
My spiritual work is really important to me. I have always striven to help people where I can. I make a point of giving generously of my time, giving explanations of techniques, showing people to good and useful books they might not have heard of, spending time talking about what other people are experiencing spiritually, particularly spiritual emergencies, such as what I feel like I am facing now.
A spiritual emergency is usually something that leads to a big break through, even sometimes big enlightenment experiences. This stuff is not easy and a lot of the time, it comes up for some people, spiritually inclined or not, after life throws some difficult circumstances at them. (Such as the death of a loved one, the shattering of an illusion, sudden sickness, job loss, loss of purpose, heartbreak etc).
Now, usually I am capable of helping myself but I'm going to be honest, lately I have been in very deep. Thankfully, I live with a fellow spiritual practitioner, which is actually how we initially met. My partner @saganssorcery has been my absolute rock these last few days in particular.
Yesterday, I was almost at the peak of my utter despair in many ways. I have made some serious mistakes at work, and I am struggling a lot with getting along with others. I am also dealing with a great deal of financial and personal difficulties in the world. I have lost a lot of friends and have found myself outcasted by people I really loved. I want to give the reason but I don't feel that's necessarily appropriate, I guess all I can say is that I was languishing in a very bad situation for many years in a relationship with someone I desperately wanted to escape. I finally did it and a lot of people have been less than supportive, others outright cruel. Sagan is literally the only person who has ever helped me with this, it was through her that I finally managed to get out.
So yesterday and last night, Sagan sat with me teaching me things, something I have done for many others over the years and for the first time, something someone did for me. She went through a self empowerment mantra that works by going up the tree of life saying seven good things about yourself, 10 times per sphere, then once for each chakra and then once to the universe or heaven. This was literally designed to reprogram the negative pathways in my brain to change how I feel so I can continue to be capable of supporting us, and of doing my important spiritual work.
The other thing she did, was sit me down and do the most in depth tarot reading I have ever had. First of all, 11 cards, one for each sephirot on the tree of life, explaining in depth the combination of the card and its effect on the sphere. Then she followed through with placing all of the cards down for each of the 22 paths and read through each, including the two connected sephirot, and the path itself. It worked like a mirror of my soul, at this very moment I am in now. It took her a good couple of hours to go through it all in detail. I suppose it helps that I know tarot very well so we can communicate a lot quicker about this stuff, but yeah, I have never felt so seen in all of my life. It was almost like she was a doctor, diagnosing the spiritual sickness in me and prescribing the cure, or more to the point, showing me where to look. The answers were not simple but this definitely served to reveal to me things I had never had the chance of expressing. I cannot tell you all how profoundly grateful I am. Anyway, I have urged her to offer this work to others because, even though it is a hell of a lot of work, I do really strongly feel she can help others with it.
Check out the full list of Sagan's services
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etherealcry · 2 years
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Anima and Animus
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And on her forehead a name was written, MYSTERY…
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bad4amficideas · 2 years
Imagine you're playing your DC Online so calmly on the device of your choice and you get a cramp from it and weird but swear you're going blind for a moment.
At the moment everything is GamesRules!Reader x DC
Except you go with the above merits... Wait wait wait, is it with your previous merits not a reboot or something??? Urgent clarification please. You can't go through choosing your starter (specialization) again
And you were proud yourself on the title "Outlaw" which is only given to players who do enough good and bad and civil and neutral enough not to earn "(Super)hero" or "(Super) )villain" which is more difficult than it seems.
On the other hand, you are thankful that you did not participate in the "Joker Gangz Member" event, like, everyone who has played for more than a year has at least one Lantern Corps title of their choice, and sure you have a few suspicious titles in the glove box (though to be fair "Harley Quinn Appearing Patient" is not that bad of a title) but that one and Outlaw could cost you the neck now.
Anyway, everything is better than Market Thief, Sewer Rat, Bootlicker of the Rich, Contributor to Capitalism, Little Civilian's Helper and all those initial titles they gave you in your first missions
Wait, why the affection meter of Good, Bad, Civil and Neutral, are they now all divided into branches and more branches. Oh my god, do you have to be More careful to be liked by everyone??? (Your title 🥲)
Oh my god, and your top batmanesque equipment, your rewards (you just got the weird ultra difficult full pack of cheat the death 1 use tools -only one set per player- and the title "Member of the Council of Inmortals": lazarus pit bath, joker never dies, batman is death, there is one (1) kyptonite for everything, white lantern of life, death deities are nice, a wizard dit it, and; flash rewind for your convenience), your connections *cries a river*
oh. you will never get lost. that is a cool function. and wifi everywhere!!!! and it's like, it's always a bit visible a few meters around you. that's useful. Change of clothes and automatic washing and bandaging where you have been all my life....
Did you see for a moment.. those where the symbols of SIMS care necessities??? Someone, remove that immediately or you'll start talking giglerish.
... now you remember when you had to get the hate of all of Atlantis to get the "good" side of the LoA, damnit "Auntie Sea -and surrogated family- wanna kill me" that was a weird title. Remember you when read "Sky is literally my Daddy" (in Diana and Cassie) and "Mommy Nature favourite" (Swamp Thing and sometimes Poison Ivy) though. Maybe the sea dont try kill you will be nice, shame you can have everything.
Oh, look, be in your house counts as HP recovery!!! although apparently you have to update the house every so often or you'll start to lose HP... how unpleasant and not at all threatening that sounds.
Let's give a minute of silence to bless the child reader who started the tutorial in easy mode because it was their first rpg (so their background is from a rich orphan witn an emprise) and not from just out of jail for something they didn't do, with nothing like in hard mode.
uhm... is it possible that the characters have realized that it's a game? Or that they think you've gone crazy and you think it's a game? you should look it up I don't like how the dcmites look at you.
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dark-falz · 1 year
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I realized I wasn’t paying attention to spell check and “seperatre” is suppose to be “separate” but it’s too late for me to fix ok ok so the Algolian Seal is based of a Hexagram seal right ok we’re here. .....drawing this up was easy but explaining it will not be...I apologize for sloppiness in advance.
The rotating bits I think. So the entire seal itself rotates in use, but the highlighted parts rotate differently. In a seal, this would mean these are the roots for power/energy/magic to be created. The phrase “I wish it at an alliance from several years ago” can be considered an “invocation chant”. The planets are the natural (you could even say natal HEH) source of power this magic would take from, which is why they are also rotating.
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Also note the planets with the rule of 3 in the seal. Yes there’s the 3 planets but looking across the seal those planets are in line with 2 more circles. This signifies the structure and how I came to the conclusion the Algolian seal is based off a Hexagram seal, as shown in the Lesser Key of Solomon. And now we know this is based of Abrahamic religions. However, when it comes to the general magic premise of Phantasy Star, I believe they took a more Hermetic approach to it based on the use of Zodiac symbols on Falz’s arena, the use of planets as power, mention of reincarnation in seals, and how they mention “Crowley” in PSP2I. (but we aren’t in that universe yet. Go ahead and google “Crowley” tho you’ll find him.) Hermetics also largely deal with Theurgy, which is what magic circles would be used in. (Theurgy is working with Divine through ritual, invocation or envocation, and can even get into possession. The ultimate goal in Theurgy is to unite with the Divine)  But, alchemy is huge in Hermeticism, and I do feel there is a lack of alchemy references. Unless I’m missing them but I’ve been really going out of my way. It could be on a science level beyond my understanding, and relevant to Photon energy. Dr. Montague using corrupt Photon energy from monsters to make weapons is something I’ve considered, but I’d also like to know more about Dr. Osto and his experiments. There’s also, you know, the whole turning things into things using things which is a totally valid point but maybe I wanna know the how’s and why’s to that too ok.
Ok back to the seal right so Arabahamic religion ok so the Photon Blasts would be the Angels written in that middle circle. Specifically middle circle. The Angles in the middle circle indicate the time the seal was created, the date it was created, the time it will be used, the date it will be used, their “companies” (which I don’t fully understand yet) some other stuff, you get it now the Photon Blasts are Angels. I can’t say if the order here matters or not.Theurgy is also very prevalent in the Arabahamic religion, and Angels and Demons would fall under Theurgy.
The elements? O-oh yeh uh..I mostly threw those in there...They could have different placement. They could have something to do with the alchemy now that I think about it, but honestly when it comes to these magic circles, it seems the elements don’t have to be fire/air/wind/water related. The elements of the series are another thing I don’t have a great enough understanding of to speak about yet. Lets figure out Photon first.
“Great Light Power” would be the supreme god. The creator god. “GOD” god. And remember, “Light makes darkness. A pair exists, but it doesn’t always exist” And it SEEMS A LIIIITTLE BIT TO MEEE that Pioneer 1 & 2 might have created a pair with the power of “MUUT DITTS POUMN” the energy Falz was sealed with, and caused their own problems. OR! It could have been the rule of 3′s with counting the uses of “MUUT DITTS POUMN” in magic. There’s...5? sets of 3′s going on now? Angel numbers are a thing, there’s a wholeass divination method that uses numbers called “Numerology”. I nearly failed math because of dyslexia with numbers so if someone else wants to figure that out, amazing, cause I probably won’t :3 (I’d help tho :D) I also was pointed out how the pillars used to open the ruins share a symbol used in the original series, proving again the ruins was literally a spaceship used to seal Falz from the Algol star system. If its a reference to the Great Light Power I have no honest clue yet :)
Next thing I’ll be getting into is probably the seal for Falz’s arena leaning on the fact that the zodiac signs are the 4 heros, for now. (meaning I won’t be getting too into that lmao)
A few refrences I’d like to share are A forum where I found the original Phantasy Star refrences since idk shit about them atm (the lore here is juice) A Reddit post on the properties of Magic Circles
Because the rest of my information comes from books like the Magus and The Lesser Key of Solomon which I have on play books (Cause I’m impulsive!), a few books I have on Hermetic Magic that are less recent purchases, and the information I’ve gained on magic over nearly...20...years....I’m realizing and that feels really weird (I started meddling in books around age 10 and kept a Hermetic approach to magic until falling into a faith, maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I only realized those things about 2 years ago. I’ve been writing spells for at least 7 years now and it started with using the planets and zodiacs as sources of power. Ultimately, Yu-Gi-Oh, or specifically the Dark Magicians brought me to magic. So to put it bluntly without saying too much, after my realizations, now the main magic I attempt to replicate is “Heka.” If anything I research ties into Egypt AND IT DOES scratch the surface, I eat it the fuck up so this is a win-win for me you feel.
Also I’d like to note if I’m researching a magic that is specific to a religion other than my own, I feel its important for me to treat this information with respect. Some practices of Arabahamic religions are closed, meaning not for just anyone. (Another closed practice example would be Voodoo) Since Abrahamic religion has little to do with what I practice, I skim for relevant information only, meaning its easy for me to miss something. If I don’t know whether a religion is open or closed, I treat it like its closed. (I don’t want additional information anyway unless it says Egypt lmao)
Ok bye & I’d love to hear input on this or another take on it, or additional lore :)
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saganssorcery · 3 months
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🎨Artist: Noha Tosson 🔥🖌️
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OCkiss24 day six: reach
Felix didn’t know what to do. 
Everywhere she looked, there was more destruction. Set animals with their long biforked tails ran through the Gaul refugee camp, trampling everything in their path. They slashed through the canvas tents and stuck their long pointed snouts inside, ripping the flesh off the people taking shelter there. Most of the people here were displaced civilians and Felix watched in horror as families were chased through the wreckage of the camp. A man tripped and the Set animals descended upon him like wolves. A lady desperately hung onto a branch of a tree and they jumped up, grabbing her dress in their teeth and trying to pull her down. The air was filled with the crying of lost children and screaming of the unfortunate. 
There was some resistance though. To her left, Aurelius and Marcellus, the centurion of their legion, were fighting back to back, swords cutting through the vile black beasts. To her right, Philo was firing shot after shot from his bow, trying to pick off the creatures that had cornered people. A few of the refugees were Gaul soldiers; they had their long swords out and were helping to push the creatures back but even so their little band was sorely outnumbered against the creatures. 
And in the middle of it all was Anipe. But it wasn’t really her, was it? Her eyes had rolled back in her head during dinner a half hour ago and she dropped her food with a clatter. Her body had seized up, her back arching, and a deep voice that was not hers boomed out declaring itself Set, the god of chaos and destruction, come to rule the world. She had raised her hand and that had been the start of it, the first horrid Set animals forming out of the ground. 
Now she stood in the middle of the battle, white dress stained with blood, cackling and clapping her hands at the bloodshed like it was her favorite performance. A faint red glow exuded out of her. 
Felix’s eyes narrowed. “SET!”
Anipe turned to her with a blank expression. 
“Leave these people alone!” Felix commanded. “They did no wrong!”
“It’s not a question of right or wrong,” Set said dismissively, “it’s a matter of who’s in my way. These people aren’t stopping me, no, but you are and they’ll follow you anywhere. And for that… you, all your friends, and followers must die.”
Felix charged with a yell, sword at the ready. 
Set just stood there with a wicked grin. 
Felix raised her sword above her head, ready to bring it down into Set’s collar bone when suddenly Anipe stumbled. She looked up with fearful eyes. “F-Felix?”
Felix froze, her lover’s plea for help catching her off guard. In that split second hesitation, Anipe’s eyes rolled back again and Set slammed a fist into Felix’s stomach. She went flying back and landed with a sickening crunch. She weakly grabbed her ribs and a flash of pain went through her. 
Set laughed, a mocking condescending sound, as he walked towards her. “This is why you’re weak, Opto. For all your fancy fighting skills, you’re still a slave to your heart. You’ll never be able to stop me as long as you hold yourself back like this.”
Felix groaned, forcing herself to her feet. 
Set raised another hand and a red ball of glowing light formed in his palm. Felix closed her eyes, bracing for the worst. 
But nothing happened. 
Felix cracked an eye open. Where the red had once been, the ball of light now glowed a light blue, the color of Anipe’s magic. Her face was screwed up in concentration; sweat beaded up on her forehead. 
“Anipe?” Felix croaked. 
Anipe’s eyes flicked up to her. “It’s so loud in my head. I can’t hold him off much longer.”
As if on cue, her eyes turned red again and Set shook his head to clear it. 
“Stupid Thoth,” he cursed, “trying to push me out of his avatar. Giving her his power as if she didn’t want this. It’s not my fault she asked me to do this.”
“You liar,” Felix spat. “You stupid fucking liar!”
“Oh, did you not know?” Set feigned concern, putting a hand over his mouth. “Your beloved Pharaoh Anipe here asked me to use her body as a vessel. She’s the one who freed me from the old scrolls, blinded by Thoth’s pointless pursuit of knowledge. Don’t believe me? Ask her yourself.”
Anipe stumbled forward, falling into Felix’s arms. She trembled like a leaf as she looked up at her. “I– it’s true, I did. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know this would happen. Kill me, please kill me. I don’t want any more innocent people to die. Stop him, please.”
Felix’s mouth turned dry. 
With a small sigh, Anipe fell against Felix’s chest. She shakily opened her eyes like each one weighed a pound. “F-Felix…”
“Anipe…” Felix didn’t know what to do. Holding her lover in her arms while she begged to die and two gods fought under her skin was heart wrenching. 
“It’s so loud…” Anipe whispered, eyes falling shut again. “Make it stop… Make them be quiet…”
The air around them crackled with magic. Bursts of red and blue lit up in her veins as the gods battled for control. Around them, the tide in the battle against the Set animals started to turn but Felix was oblivious. Anipe’s breaths seemed to get more and more shallow until Felix struggled to see her breathe at all. 
“Anipe?” Felix gently shook her. “Anipe? Anipe?”
She reached out and grabbed her partner’s hand, gripping it so hard her knuckles turned white. 
“Nonononono,” she whispered. “Come back to me, come back. You can do it, you can beat him, you’re stronger. I don’t care if you let him out in the first place, I’m sure you didn’t know ihe would do this. Beat him, you can do it, I believe in you.”
Anipe’s brows furrowed.
A burst of blinding blue light exploded out of her small frame, flooding the remnants of the camp with light. The Set animals shrieked in pain as their bodies withered and burned away leaving behind a pile of ash and a putrid smell. 
Felix slowly blinked the spots out of her vision. Anipe sucked in a deep breath and, chest steadily rising and falling, relaxed more comfortably in her arms. 
Felix looked around in confusion. Her friends were blearily stumbling in the rubble, beginning to check on the injured. 
“It’s over…” Felix realized. “You did it. Oh, you did it, Anipe, you did it!”
She pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Then her forehead, her ear, and her cheek. 
“You did it, he’s gone, we’re alive,” Felix rejoiced. “I knew you could do it. I love you so much.”
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