#magic rings
rrcraft-and-lore · 13 days
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Comparative mythology - comparative storytelling. The former leads to the latter?
Yeah. . .
We've got magic horns and magic rings. Staves and swords. All the mystical magical macguffins MC Protagonist might acquire.
The One Ring - cursed, and grants you the power of invisibility -- all but from the flaming (allergy season is hell in mordor) eye of Sauron.
But what rings are there from our world (myth or real) that are similar?
Silchester (Hampshire) England that has ten facets and is graven with the image of Venus. The ring was discovered at a Roman site in England and later a Roman plaque was discovered with an inscription dedicated to the god Nodens and the inscription is a curse as well as detailing the loss of the ring - the god having lost it. A lost ring from a powerful being with a curse.
But we also have the the Ring of Gyges -- a ring --
Enter the Ring of Silvianus - ring from 4th century CE-- that allows the wearer to turn invisible. The story goes that a shepherd found the ring in a cave on the corpse of a creature larger than a man (it's implied its humanoid), and the ring adjusted to his size, and when worn and fiddled with - adjusted - (maybe turned - translations be translations) it...turns you invisible.
The Ring of the Nibelung (1876) - composed of four parts from german/norse epics -- this is the story of a magical gold ring that gives the wearer the power to rule the world!
Horn of Valere - wheel of time
Horn of Eld - dark tower
Did they take it from each other? Or...just stories?
WoT has an important mythic figure, Artur Hawking, a king arthur analog. The Dark Tower has Artur Eld or of Eld (eld is the archaic word for old so Artur of old)
Arthurian inspired stories or cognates include the famous Song of Roland (poem) from the matter of france or Carolingian cycle - a french legendary material similar (cognate) to the british arthurian - you can see the influence of that all through dark tower btw quite literally with names, roles, descent, and orders being named/used.
Anyways...both given tropes/beats were likely inspired by the song of roland as well as the silver horn many might forget about in LotR-- because it's in the books but cut from the movies. But Elrohir, one of Elrond's sons, gives Aragorn a silver horn with which to summon the army of the dead he's owed fealty from.
Magic horns summoning the dead, rallying armies, all that? Old as time. Cuz we love our war and we love our horns. HEHEH big magic horn go BRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM and...summon the dead?
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misseviehyde · 2 years
In the wrong hands
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Hannah’s auntie Ruth stood rooted to the spot, unable to move or react as her evil niece ran her slutty hands all over her husbands cock and it grew larger and darker.
Power crackled out of the shining metal ring on the giggling blondes finger as Ruth’s once shy and bookish husband transformed into a powerfully muscled black man with a well defined body, his being twisting to Hannah’s perverted whims.
He groaned as the corrupt young blonde began to stroke his magnificent new cock and she licked the tip, causing it to swell larger and larger in her perfect teenage hands, ready to enter her tight young body.
"Wow Auntie the magic ring of physical control really does work. Thanks for teaching me to use it. Now I can transform myself and other people however I like, reality itself will bend to my desire. Ooooh this is such fun. I can’t wait to feel Uncle Matt’s big fat cock inside me, this is so fucking cool.”
Ruth stood like a statue, only her eyes able to move since Hannah had commanded her to stand still and not move. Until the evil little bitch released her she could do nothing but watch her husband be transformed into Hannah’s plaything.
How had she allowed this disaster to happen?
For years her family had guarded the magic rings of power responsibly. She had even considered that one day Hannah might become a Guardian just like she was, so when Hannah had come to visit this morning, she hadn’t even considered that the spoiled little blonde might be a danger.
She and her husband had been busy washing the dishes after cooking Hannah lunch. Ruth had soon realised her niece had been gone nearly an hour so she had gone to her bedroom to find to her horror her niece going guiltily through her makeup and jewellery.
”Don’t touch those!”, screamed Ruth as she saw Hannah had found the sacred box of Power and had opened it to look at the gleaming jewellery inside. On black velvet sat the rings of physical and mental control and between them the piercing of command which Hannah was currently holding in her fingers.
”Why not? I’m only looking”, pouted Hannah the piercing still between her fingers.
Suddenly it sparked and Hannah looked surprised as a strange expression came over her aunties face.
”Those rings and the piercing you are holding are magic jewellery that gives whoever wears them Godlike powers. I am supposed to guard them so they are never used.”
Hannah looked at her aunt quizzically, ”Why are you telling me this?”
"The piercing you are holding is called the Piercing of Command. Whilst you hold it I must truthfully answer any question you ask me. If you put it into your tongue, the full power will activate. Your commands and desires will become irresistible and people will have to do whatever you say.”
Ruth screamed as with a wicked little giggle Hannah brought the piercing to her mouth and it slid magically into her tongue.
”Mmmmmh, wow! I always wanted my tongue pierced. Now Auntie Ruth tell me about the other rings..."
Ruth had no option but to obey her niece.
“The ring of physical control lets you change any object or any person to whatever you desire. The ring of mental control lets you change peoples minds and give them new personalities, thoughts and desires. With all three items of jewellery you will have Godlike powers to do whatever you please.”
Putting on the rings, Hannah giggled and looked her Aunt straight in the eye. “Teach me how they work.”
For the next hour Ruth had no choice but to help her niece grow stronger and more powerful with the rings. Hannah laughed as her power increased and she made herself prettier and sexier, transforming her hair blonde and giving herself pink nails just to experiment. Finally she was ready.
By the time Ruth’s husband had come upstairs to find out what was going on, it was too late and he had quickly succumbed to his nieces new wicked powers.
As Ruth watched, her young niece spread her tight pussy and moan with wicked pleasure as her new lovers huge cock slid inside her impossibly hot body, she knew that her enslavement and corruption by her niece was only just beginning.
“Ooooh, this is so fucking good Auntie Ruth, I’m gonna cum so hard. Mmmmh, I want more. I fancy getting double penetrated heheh lets give you a big cock too and make you completely obsessed and in love with me. Come fuck your Mistress and enjoy being inside my tight young body.”
As Ruth felt the tip of a new giant dick grow out of her panties, she felt her love and devotion for Goddess Hannah grew and her desire to satisfy her niece increase to uncontrollable levels.
”Yes Mistress, I live to serve you” She sighed dreamily and she meant it too.
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
"But the High King Peter has them," said Tirian.
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle" - C. S. Lewis
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theworldsoftolkein · 1 year
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Riddles in the Dark 
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animasmagic · 1 year
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cleric-posting · 4 days
It makes sense when you can only equip two magic rings. If you put two rings on the same hand their magic will interfere with each other, and most likely hurt you.
When a game lets you equip four magic rings it's because you are wearing half of them on your toes.
Shout out to Stone Soup's octopus adventurers who can't wear armor, but can equip eight rings. I love you.
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pgarvin-me · 1 year
Magic Rings for Relationship Problem Solutions, Magic Rings for Money Luck
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heilos · 8 months
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"Beware the Well of Shade, for the shadows run deep through its endless walls and twisting caverns" I've been messing around with this rig on and off for awhile, but I finally finished this little side project making a short scene in the style of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've never been quite happy with how Starswirl the Bearded looked in the show when he finally appeared but, last year I happened upon a really cool fan design of Starswirl by the user Orin311 that I fell in love with. I decided to make a one view puppet rig this year directly based off their vector art as a surprise, complete with show style lip sync and a full walk cycle. One thing led to another in adding a background, a few illustrator texture brushes, multiple sound effects, re-purposing some old fire animation of mine and suddenly it became a whole completed scene. With such a cool wizard design, the choice for using Gandalf's voice to test the rig with was a no brainier. The background is based on the Well of Shade location in the Season 7 finale of MLP. I had a lot of fun making this and it was great practice for some future personal animation projects I wanna start next year! Credits for the character design and sound effects listed below
Starswirl fan design by Orin331 Lord of the Rings audio fire audio rocks and pebble audio magic effect audio horse walking audio
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liivn · 17 days
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hedgehogofvictory · 4 months
im sorry shadowfax is just a NORMAL FUCKING HORSE?????
listen you try being a 12 year old watching the two towers directed by peter jackson for the first time and watching gandalf--who I will remind everyone is a literal magic wizard with magic wizard powers and shit--summon a white unicorn-looking horse out of seemingly fucking nowhere and declare that horse to be lord of all horses. You try that and don't fucking assume that's a magic horse. shadowfax, 'lord of horses' and i took that LITERALLY i thought he was a sentient king of horses with authority in horse society
nah bro, he's just a horse gandalf STOLE from theoden
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influencerpippin · 1 year
kisses u on the forehead in an unmistakably samfrodo 2003 way
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thatsluttytiefling · 11 months
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All of my wildest dreams for this movie have come true
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vetyr · 1 year
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Fun news!! I had the opportunity to work on Magic: The Gathering's Lord of the Rings set.
This was my first time working with MtG, and I'm delighted with how my cards turned out. Here's Erestor of the Council :)
AD: Matt Cavotta
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peteramthor · 1 year
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"And Aragorn gave it a new name and called it Andúril, Flame of the West."
Don’t know about you all but Aragorn in the upcoming Lord of the Rings set for Magic the Gathering looks pretty bad ass. 
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thinkin' about Bardaby and his illusion smoke...
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emacrow · 1 month
The High Infinite realm king is missing and all of realities started to blurred in his absence while a Fright knights Quad are looking for their king.
It started during the time of Salam night of Halloween where the veil was at it's thinnest as Halloween Fright Knight was doing his job capturing the evil and dangerous creatures of the night, senting evils ghosts, demons, spirits and ghouls to the nightmare, hellish realm with his sword.
Once his duty was done as he was making sure on his checklist on his scroll because he refused to use those thing call Cell-phone as The rebirth Pharoah suggested to him.
And come back to report his duty was finished to find that The Throne broken and the king missing, and what seem to be ransacked with scorched walls here and there.
His grip on his green scroll loosen as it dropped to the green glowing ground, being stained by the splattered of ecto mixed red blood was on the purple tilted floor.
The High King was missing which mean the Infinite realm has lost it's very core.. which mean realities itself will soon collapse as very dimensions collides instead of staying in their balance places.
Meanwhile metropolis, gotham and even altantian was experience trouble as people were running/swimming and screaming from a the literal rifts and tears of the sky and ground, each having a alternate dimension of some sort.
One having literal pony verison of themselves with unicorns, alicorns and Pegasus.
There was one where serial killer are chasing poor victim and feeding them to some claw like being.
Another with literal hell with fire, demons and dead people screaming in torture.
And many other dimensions started to blurred in the seams like a mismatch blanket being sewed in terribly wrong by a amateur. Ghosts, mythic, supernatural beings, biblically accurate angels and monsters of unholy natures were popping left and right, here and there.
The justice league were in the middle of the meeting with John Constantine who was looking like he saw the very end of his life with how pale he was.
From what John Constantine knows that even every demons, Gods and Goddesses of death themselves were all searching as well for the High Infinite realm king... especially considering he was their boss that keep their dimensions stable and running in the first place. They do not like that some of their subjects were escaping in this particular dimension due to the literal dimension tears.
And what is on everyone's minds was, Where is Danny Phantom?!?
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