#magic system in rise
x-moonsoul-x · 6 months
Cloaking broaches in rise
How do cloaking broaches work, like, I’m so curious. I assume it’s the gem, so I *assume* it can take other forms. (Like a ring or something, maybe.) But if one were injured while the broach is active, would the injury transfer onto the corresponding part of their original form? And can it be used in the opposite way, where a human could disguise as a mutant? And where does the gem come from, what’s the rarity, what region, how much does it cost? Does it just disguise the wearer, or does it change their actual *form* and not just appearance? Can they choose it, or is it chosen for them? Would it be based on DNA for the turtles? (Splinter’s) Can they only have the one form? Big Mama mentioned that her original form is more comfortable, so I’m curious if that’s because she’s just more used to her spider form, or something to do with the cloaking broach actually constricting her in some way. If one of the turtles wore a broach and while in human form, got an injury on their back, how would that transfer to their turtle form? Would it be under their shell? On their shell? Would their backs be harder in human form? Or normal. I have so many questions about mystics.
I’m so interested in the mystics, I wish we had more time and I hope rise gets a s3. There’s so much potential with just broaches alone, but imagine all the other mystic baubles. Draxum knows a lot about mystics and alchemy, I’d love to see his knowledge of the mystics more; like we did with the orb.
I am a ball of curiosity and I love rise, anyways, love. I hope this is compressible, my words do not often come out quite correctly when I’m writing out what I’m thinking, you know? ANYWHO, but for real this time, buh bye, please help. <3
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spinjitsuburst · 4 months
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
i don't know how to word this, so i'm just gonna say
sammy. breaking the rules. <- that stuff. please elaborate if there is any coherence in this request
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I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY SENT AN ASK!!! (people actually do that for non-ask posts???)
Okay, to be completely honest, I think we had a misunderstanding! (I was exhausted when typing that up and was just about to sleep--) I meant that you could/should ask about Sammy, but I wouldn't answer about his magic... but I've done some thinking.
I'll tell you a bit about his magic. 👀
Fair warning: long post!!!
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The Way Magic Works™
So, magic. I'll definitely give a much more in-depth explanation one day--I know @honeybewrites REALLY wants one 😂--but I need to give a bit of an explanation here for you to be able to understand why Sammy is Special™.
In my writing, there's technically four different kinds of magic. I describe them as such:
Existential (all-encompassing and literal)
Axiomatic (abstract and "type-casted")
Faerie (abstract and encompassing)
Runic (wizards hurrr durrr)
Each "kind" of magic is named, appropriately, by its source--Existential magic comes from the Existential gods, Axiomatic magic comes from axiom, Faerie magic (or "pure" magic) comes from the Faewildes and is typically associated with faeries, and runic magic originated from the runes non-magical people used in an attempt to match the power of the others.
(I mean, technically runic magic itself is a combination of axiomatic and faerie magic, but--)
Essence Is Equivalent
The one thing all kinds of magic have in common is their shared resource--essence. No matter what kind of magic you use, you're always using up essence in order to do it. The same magical tasks always cost the same amount of essence, meaning the only way to "advance" in magic-casting is to grow your mana pool.
Except for runic magic, but we'll get into that later--
(I hop between using "essence" and "mana" for this explanation, but in-universe it's always called "essence". As a fan of DnD and fantasy games, sometimes using the word "mana" makes more sense to me, haha. Idk if that understanding applies to everyone, but. Essence is essentially just "magical energy".)
Long story short--let's say we have four different people, each with their magic coming from one of each of the different sources. Except, they all have Water magic.
Existential user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x amount of essence
Axiomatic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x essence
Faerie/Pure user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x essence
Runic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes .5x essence
Wait, what? Okay, let's try that again--
A different Runic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes 1.7x essence
A third Runic user lifts 1 gram of water. It takes x essence
What??? What's the deal with that???
Well, this isn't the time to explain Runic magic in-depth, but long story short? Let's just say it's because they're not doing magic "normally". The other kinds of magic users will always use the same amount of essence, so we'll just stop including the variety for now. Just know it'll be the same amount by default. Except... you won't often run into "default" with runic users. Regardless!
Existential user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 1000x essence
Axiomatic user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 1000x essence
Faerie/Pure user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 1000x essence
The first Runic user lifts 1 kg of water. It takes 500x essence
As you can see, it's all equivalent. Both across "types" of magic and in effort-to-gain ratio. So none of them have any sort of advantage!... except literally all of them do.
Similarly, since they're all drawing from essence as their source, there's no "backup" magic system one can use if they run out. If they're out of essence, they're out--nothing they can do.
Actually, wait. I lied. (aka Essence Banks)
There's a way to store essence for later use--essence banks! Basically, they're just magical items infused with essence. They can be literally everything. Except, they aren't everything.
Essence Banks were a runic invention and have to be engraved with appropriate runes to be able to contain essence. Some have actually been commodified and turned into "temporary conduits" (aka, items that allow a non-magic user to wield magic like a mage) through people infusing them with their essence.
This is a case where "pure" magic technically separates from a faerie's magic. Pure magic can be used for literally anything, but faeries... well, it's complicated. Regardless, pure magic originates from the Faewildes, but is different from a faerie's magic.
Pure essence can be used for anything, but an individual's essence can only be used for their respective magic type. (Like, elemental / conceptual, not Existential / Axiomatic and such. That explanation's for another day, though.) Pure magic can only be gotten from the Faewildes through the use of runic magic.
People have turned essence banks into commodities by giving them to others who don't have their magic and allowing them to use it. However, as you can probably imagine, essence banks and conduits of both kinds (permanent and temporary) are expennnnnsive!!! Most who have them use them for themselves, to store their own essence to use later.
Just know--there is no way to just "create" essence! It all comes from SOMEWHERE! The most common places are from one's self or from the Faewildes.
Essence Banks Do Not Cross "Types" Of Magic
If someone with fire magic got their hands on an essence bank with essence from someone with water magic in it, they wouldn't be able to utilize it for fire magic--only water magic.
Except... not really.
The fire user could use the essence, it would just cost a lot more of the water essence to instead use fire magic.
Why does this sound familiar...?
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Hm. Anyway!
I bet you've been wondering--how does any of this relate to Sammy?
Sammy Breaks The Rules of Magic™
So, now that you have an understanding of how magic works in my stories, you can better appreciate Sammy.
Remember what I just said?
Y'know, about how magic all always costs the same amount of essence, how "types" of essence don't translate well to others, and how essence can't just be created?
Well, Sammy heard that, laughed, and said "I'm built different."
"Amplification" doesn't exist in the world of my stories. There's simply no concept of it because of how inherent the idea of "essence is always equivalent" is to magic.
Except... Sammy is an amplifier.
So what does that mean in the universe of my stories?
He's able to make others' magic use less essence. He's able to enhance their abilities, let them do things they couldn't otherwise do. And it doesn't matter what kind of magic either of them have.
Oh! And since he's the amplifier?
His other magic is also always amplified.
Yeah, long story short? He's OP af. Both as an individual, and as a support character.
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I actually can't say any more about amplifying because, omfg, it's actually such a spoiler! As I said to you (almost) yesterday, I plan out the series I write to build up to things I'm going to eventually write! Amplifiers are suuuuper important for a number of reasons and, as I said, they basically don't exist! There's only two others wandering about at the time of Rising From the Ashes (the story Sammy's in)! And one of them is a complete hermit who 99.99% of people have no idea exists!
The other... well. He's actually an avatar. An agent of one of the gods. Who knows if/when he'll ever show up? 👀
If you're curious, the (albeit vague) Overarching Goals™ of the series are as follows:
The Arcane Rifts: explores the Faewildes and some of how they've impacted the world. Specifically explores in-universe political relations of Jhandar and Glavnran; the Existential War; the Existence of Magic; and how the Existential gods mess with the world. Oh... and is Gene's origin story. 😉😘
Sun and Shadow: strongly explores the Faewildes' impact on "the Real World" through their patchworking Lynsmouth into the city it is today. Hints towards plots in RFtA and tCC. Explores faeries themselves through the Major Faerie Characters and the highlights the role of magic in society. Is intended to be an introduction into my weird worldbuilding tbh, haha. Hints at Existential War and is also where a HUGE worldwide-plot event occurs. Thanks, Quinn! 😈
Rising From the Ashes: explores in-universe political relations, more directly builds on the worldbuilding through the character of Kieran Caron and his school, does some more planting in info about the Existential War, and showcases people in-universe trying to experiment with magic and expand on its capabilities.
The Calamity Crew (name to change): lots of worldbuilding through the literal crew of a merchant ship sailing across the world; builds up in-universe local Axiomatic gods; showcases the literal birth of a lesser god and explores the powers and abilities of gods; showcases people in-universe trying to experiment with magic and expand on its capabilities.
I plan to somehow make stories on the Existential gods' avatars, but don't know how I'll go about that, haha. Also intend to probably make some stories REALLY early in the in-universe timeline completely taking place within the Faewildes. Might merge those ideas together, idk.
If you can't tell, the Existential gods are super important to the overarching story I plan on writing, haha. Part of how I'm planning to build them out is through the very fact that they appear everywhere.
Yknow--because they are!
They're the puppeteers manipulating the entire world in their little game. Their Existential War.
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To anyone who read through this all--congrats and omfg, thank you so much???
I know this is a lot and not all of it is exactly easy to understand, haha. I wanted to create a magic system that felt magical, but also was planted in "real" stuff like conservation of matter, haha. I want there to be, like, a limit to it, but also for things to have those good 'ole fashioned "fairy tale"/"gods rule over us all" vibes. Hopefully I've done a good job!
Tysm again and feel free to reblog and share!
Tagging list: @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star @aalinaaaaaa
@paeliae-occasionally ; to anyone else, ask and ye shall be added!
Divider from @cafekitsune
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harrypotterfuryroad · 9 months
Have you ever seen an online Harry Potter fan who has a whole paragraph to explain that they still like it like “Harry Potter — the book where the main villain is a demagogue for a thinly veiled allegory for white supremacy, where it’s explicitly stated that power systems can be corrupted and the only recourse is to overthrow them and to defy them, and the media frequently lies to discredit those who challenge power — meant to much to me as a child. That’s why I’m reclaiming it from JKR, who is a fascist because she suggested the idea that women are defined by liking makeup might not be feminist.” Makes you wonder if they actually like. Read the books….
no yeah i’m convinced that harry potter fandom is largely self-insert fics rather than actually reading the books, like they treat the series as a dnd sourcebook for hogwarts as a setting instead of a story in its own right
it’s the only way i can explain how they ignore every single point she made
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heckling-hydrena · 2 years
I really like thinking about how magic and breed-specific traits affect the daily lives of dragons in sornieth. the small and stupid things especially.
like imagine a lightning primal getting so mad at dying in a video game that they suddenly create an electromagnetic field so powerful that it effectively acts as an emp and takes out the neighborhood power grid. they're so mortified by the incident that they move to an entirely new region by next week.
imagine a light dragon that glows when they're embarrassed. they're eating at a restaurant with friends. the waiter tells them to enjoy their food, and they respond "you too." as soon as their brain catches up to their mouth they flashbang the entire establishment.
imagine a skydancer just chilling when their roommate comes back from their retail job, hatred and malice and despair absolutely flowing off of them. the skydancer jumps like they've been doused with cold water, goes "I need to leave this house immediately," then proceeds to sprint out of the door
imagine a nature dragon who keeps getting asked for advice on gardening and how to keep houseplants alive and every time they have to explain that actually they have a terrible black thumb but if you figure out how to keep orchids alive please let them know.
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Kaijudo Headcannons: Side Effects When Specializing in Certain Civilizations
So when dealing with Kaijudo there are side effects. I think this is how the system works in some way, I hope it's clear and this is more of an outline and ideas out together too.
The basic side effects of using Kaijudo:
A major one we see is that everyone has a limited amount of mana when dueling
Just to define a little bit of what 'dueling' is to know how much mana is considered being used: a duelist must first summon a creature, battle commands for creatures all while also using a supply to keep creatures in the human realm
So a lot of mana is being used to keep in demand of the battle
Safe to say users can experience the normal symptoms of: Fatigue, exhaustion, lightheadedness, in some people an increase of appetite
In extreme cases when overusing mana it could cause: a high fever, fainting, excess sweating, nausea, and delusion
If one were to use mana when there is nothing left, there is the possibility it could cause death
This is why if duelist can they will stick to using their main creature unless the situation calls for a different one
It's easier to control a creature that is used to you and have some sort of 'bond', not an emotional bond or a physical bond of course, that would go against the rules of the Order
More on the terms of: the creature you are using is used to your mana being used on them and it's less likely they'll fight against you when dueling with them (I'll most likely do an in depth look at this in another Kaijudo Headcannons)
So these are some of the basic side effects to consider with a duelist. These effects most likely prone to acolytes who are still debating which civilization to use and are much newer Kaijudo so they switch around creatures
However if a duelist already knows which civilization to stick too, they are going to experience specific effects from using the civilization. We're starting with the Darkness Civilization since it's the most frequent of side effects we see in show when Allie is using it.
The most definite side effect is drastic mood swings/change in personalities
A darkness duelist will have a more negative personality and will lash out at others
Subtle changes could also include: expressing cruelty, want for destruction, prone to jealousy, outbursts
Other side effects can include: cold body temperature, skin also may experience becoming slightly paler, eye coloring turning darker, unusual slow heart rate
It should be noted I believe Darkness is one of the hardest to master and not most seeked out to train in
Not everyone equipped to specialize in Darkness and takes certain people to train in it
Another civilization side effects we can saw very slightly is Nature Civilization with Ken. While he was being controlled by humonculon we can use it as some sort of basis in his change in personalities
It's not easy to experience these side effects and more towards behavioral side effects
But it's important that when duelist are training in nature to be aware that things can get out of hand in their mental state
Change in personalities can include: extreme loyalty, single minded purpose, agitation and outbursts
While extreme loyalty doesn't seem too bad, it can relate to a single minded purpose mindset
In which a person will only focus on one goal, ignoring all else
This can create a toxic mindset that can affect others
The duelist will also lose sight of everything until their goal is reached
Duelist can also experience paranoia and lost of relationships
It's to be noted that it's rare for these side effects to go to such an extreme
I believe Nature one of the most common amongst duelist and most acolytes will seek into training into
I talked about the side effects a little in my recruitment
I said this is the hardest and also that most duelist come from families that train in it because of how hard it is to master
Duelist can experience: destructive behavior, prone to lash out, extreme mood swings
Other symptoms: high body temperature, which can lead to some mild delusions, high fever, excess sweating, dehydration, paranoia, tingling in hands, spike in anxiety and prone to stress
I said before duelist have to have a certain spark if specializing in fire and it takes a lot of mastery to control very brute and destructive creatures
The spark can get out of control and metaphorically become a uncontrollable fire within
If a duelist starts specializing in specific fire, they have to be moderator and regulated because they can get out of control if they do not have proper training in how to deal with controlling the fire within them
An easier civilization to master and most sought after by most newer duelist
Not a lot of side effects either, but like Nature can show some excessive behavioral side effects
A person may show some side effects of: increase of ignorance, increase of pride and bluntness
More on the rarer side: a change in voice to monotone, can experience some paranoia, some can even experience delusional
Again since it's rare to experience these and most likely to develop if it goes unchecked
I feel like an example is most likely the Choten himself to protray these effects
Choten believed that the Veil will fall and may have experienced paranoia, some delusions as well
He also developed a level of arrogance and got so lost in these effects
Another behavioral, not easy to master but not hard
Most who specialize already have an instilled sense of want for order and rules
But they can go unchecked
It's very rare but a duelist can experience: extreme organization, extremely order
An example of a person may be Nigel but also the episode in which the Light Civilization want to make humans to become like Light Creatures and went to extreme measures to achieve that
When it comes to new duelist, Masters will always recommend to start in two civilization, some combination of Water, Nature or Light since they are easier to and less likely to experience the effects. An example could be Gabe as he has (at least from what I observed) not shown any effects.
However some are already adept in certain civilizations and will begin training in those civilizations. Two examples I think of are both Ray and Allie.
He literal title is the Natural, so he's shown to be well in depth with all civilization
But he has clear alignment to both Nature and Fire, but a stronger alignment to Fire
Chavez most likely took him up in his training in Fire to moderator him
He's shown some small side effects maybe irrational actions or single minded purpose
It could be chalked up to him still being a child, but some of his actions sometimes can go to the extreme and may have been more encouraged by side effects, most likely fire
However since he does also specializes in nature it counter balances a little and shown little to no effects
She has shown extreme side effects
She favors darkness and rarely goes into other Civilizations unless it calls for it
It could be said Allie is the natural in darkness and most likely why she doesn't stray to other civilizations
Jaha has been shown to be more harsh with Allie and can be implied she has taken over Allie's training
A lot of darkness specialist have lost their way as well and Jaha has shown she cares for Allie and was sympathetic when she was about to lose her way in episode 13 of season 2
I think it's good to think about a system when using mana to duel with creatures. A price to pay when using such creatures.
However with the newer generation of duelist like the Choten with his more technology based gauntlet, the rules are changed. And with Ray's method of befriending creatures, I feel like it also changes the rules a little bit
If anyone is interested in hearing that I can make a post on it ^^
But this post is more directed towards the traditional methods of Kaijudo
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Headcanons for ROTTMNTxKHR Flame Types
(Because my obsession with crossovers cannot be contained)
So first off: Leo's GOTTA be a sky. He is The Leader no matter how much he may deny it or wish otherwise. He has be a sky. That said, I do think he has a strong Rain secondary (there are some STRONG Yamamoto vibes right there) and that's reflected in his easy going nature and projected positiveness, but Sky flames are definitely his primary. I think he probably pushes them down though, unconsciously preferring the ease of his rain flames over the responsibility of his sky flames, so while they're his primary he'd likely have a difficult time tapping into them.
(Ironically, I think other iterations of Leo would be more likely to have the reverse problem, easily tapping into their Sky flames but having trouble with the easy-going nature of their rain abilities. Biggest issue here is the utter weirdness of them having an ability that is Not Their Color.)
Donnie's another mix with a Lightning-Cloud combo. Not sure which one is stronger but I'm leaning towards the Cloud end of things (even his mystic abilities work for this, since they tie in well with a cloud's propagation abilities!) but I think he's got enough Mad Scientist Obsession to also have a fair bit of Lightning flames too.
Mikey I think would be primarily a Sun user. His aggressively perky personality combined with his tendency to burn people (figuratively and literally) who get on his bad side just really fits. That said, with his power level he could actually have some sky flames as a secondary, which shows in how easily he can befriend and charm others (and the big fucking tear he made in time in space because sky flames are ridiculous like that). I'm still kind of debating this though, so he might end up being solely a Sun user.
Raph is a Storm user. He smashes, it smashes, he has anxiety, a heck of a lot of storm users also have anxiety- it fits! and it's even his color so 10/10 flame match right there no notes.
Splinter is an inverted-Cloud primary with a Sky secondary. I mean, the guy's literally just Skull for action movies except more willing to fight people. He also seems a lot more interested in long-lasting bonds (his attempted engagement, his kids) which is where part of the Sky flames come in (the other part is that I think they're just hereditary in the Hamato line).
April O'Neil is solely a Lightning user (which is another pro for Cloud-primary Donnie and explains why they get along so well). Her spunky attitude, green theming, and tendency to flit from one job to another (by no will of her own, but still) are all good signs of this. She could also have a bit of sky flames, but they wouldn't have originally been hers: They first belonged to (drumroll please)...
Hamato Karai! Who is 1000% a sky. Girl is the Skyiest Sky to ever Sky. Born leader absolutely filled to the brim with acceptance. Does not give a singular shit if her grandkids are weird mutant turtles and her one-generation-earlier-grandson is a washed up former actor who's also a mutant rat, she is just thrilled that they're alive at all!
Finally, if you're wondering who the Mist is: It's Draxum. Because Mists always get the villain arcs. He's only Mikey's mist though and that's why Leo still fucking hates him. If Leo ever DOES get a mist it's probably going to be Frida (Big Mama's Assistant & one of their two long-lost sisters) or like. idk Heuso. Not Draxum though.
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trevlad-sounds · 6 months
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Retro Murmeration Rituals
Released 22 March 2023
Wojciech Golczewski-MONO:04
Magic In Threes-It's Good to be the King
CIALYN-Convivium Isle
Gustavo Jobim-At the occult library
PILOTPRIEST-Bonus Track: The Canyons
The British Stereo Collective-Dread
Com Truise-...Of Your Fake Dimension
Stellarays-Pastoral Drama
Rolf Trostel-Bao
The Heartwood Institute-Great Gable
Folclore Impressionista-BONUS: Sound and Vision (7" extra track)
Rhomboid Mane-Obrist
Joel Vandroogenbroeck & Walt Rockman-Fairy Tale
Richard Demaria-Studio 96
Panamint Manse-LandMarks
The Overload-The Subliminal Man
Rising Sun Systems-Arcane Marine Biology
Richard Bone-Saiyuji (Dawn) (Daniele Baldelli & Marco Dionigi Remix)
Harvey Sutherland-Jouissance (Adrian Sherwood On-U Sound _Pure Enjoyment_ Dub)
Jake Schrock-Cosmic Ocean
Twilight Sequence-Looking at Lifeforms
Pabellón Sintético-2001
Everyday Dust-Setting Up The Lab
Maston-Strange Rituals
Vic Mars-Ident A
Correlations-Side On
Mark Barrott-Dr Nimm's Garden of Intrigue And Delight
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
So do yall think the FSM was that ridiculously powerful compared to oni and dragons individually bc the dragon part was actually a source dragon or did i miss something?
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obessivedork · 1 year
TBH as a writer appreciating the set-up of a character I ADORE Vivienne but her lack of proper character arc & the inability to argue with her more is as infuriating as with most of your companions in DAI, if not more when you play a Mage because you CAN’T grab her by the shoulders and shake her and say Ma’am if you’d had worse luck and wound up literally anywhere other than the Circle you did wind up at you would be a fundamentally different person please for Maker’s sake admit out loud that you only like the Circles because you managed to etch yourself some limited social power out of the broken and corrupt system you might not otherwise have been able to get for yourself and therefore you have not suffered the true effects of it!!!!
#not to mention real world issues with her being one of the VERY FEW important POC but I'm too white to discuss that well#just want it mentioned that I am aware of that#She's SO interesting I'm rotating her in my mind but I want to DRAG her to the fucking gallows circa pre-Hawke's rise to champiion!!!!!#I want to drag her to Kinloch and have her look the innocent children the Templars wanted to murder in the EYES#and tell them they deserve this for the crime of being born#She is SUCH a product of Chantry fearmongering and brainwashing it's so fascinating!!#Also the fact that her little story revolves around her lover and only her lover? bite bite bite maim kill BAD WRITERS >:(#/SHE/ should've got the Tranquil plot line. The realization that those people are lobotomized for profit and no actual REAL reasons#This is CANNON the Tranquil exist to FUND the circle and also because the chantry would rather fearmonger than teach to control magic#Like I don't expect her to pull a complete 180 on the Chantry and Circles but for fucks sake give me A LITTLE GROWTH PLEASE#She's the same bad bitch (affectionate) that she was in the beginning at the end! Just a little more politically powerful! It's SO BORING!#IDK. She could've been the divine that bans the practice of tranquility or something.#But bioware want us to forget the tranquil because they make their mage vs templar '''grey''' OBJECTIVELY AND CLEARLY NOT GREY#anyways the way DAI /WASTES/ its most interesting character concepts makes me SO mad and she's the biggest example imo#She & Sera PISS ME OFF with their wasted potential#tagging for my blog's sorting system not here to be a dick#dai#dragon age
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ace-and-ranty · 2 years
Really loving how Witch Hat Atelier is just. Radicalizing one little kid after another.
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disasterdm-evi · 2 years
Empyrean Rising, a Cypher System AP TTRPG, premiers THIS WEEKEND.
I am so fucking excited for this you guys have no idea.
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1introvertedsage · 1 year
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Checking the box. Freeing the locks. It's time for the Wisdom to Rise.
School of hard knocks. The hand of a slighty fox. Come now child, We have heard the cries.
Hold onto your socks. The system gets shocked, And falls to its greatest demise.
Pandora's Box. Freed from the locks. It's time for the Queens to Rise. Give it a few knocks. The jig of a fox. No longer a reason to cry.
Filling big socks. Elevation that shocks. What do you call a system That predicts its own demise?
~Introverted Sage~
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what i’m getting initially from the lore is that the arcane flight in ancient times had a decent burgeoning capacity for aethernaut technology and there is a non-zero chance there are other unfathomably ancient early space age artifacts of a fallen past dragon civilization in the sky, and that following the astrolab’s launch the entire planetbound aether civilization was wiped out with little trace by some unspecified cataclysm, likely warring with another primal race, leaving the scientists on the makeshift generation ship as the only survivors.
perhaps aether was not their original name, but over untold tens or even hundreds of thousands of years isolation the remainder of their species, descended from their lost landbound counterpart’s trained aethernauts, shortened the title further and further into simply “aether” and with enough time (and book-eating) further simply forgot there was ever more?
and they get all their battle tactics knowledge from their poorly organized larp sessions of old-enough-to-be-fossilized tapes saved from their lost groundward civilization of ancient dragon star trek and name things like they work for god damn aperture science. “material emancipation grille”. and they’re literally sparkledog mary sues. who the fuck let them name themselves. why did they start naming themselves “xxxdarkstarxxx” i can’t decide if it’s numbly dismaying or numbly fucking hilarious (as all emotions are numb and distant for me these days) that that’s canon and there is now a canon mary sue sparkledragon breed like have they literally just been doing nothing but spinning their wheels creating warrior owlcats rp forums up there since the rest of their species died. when they sent all their best and brightest up there was it like how the entire modern real world tech infrastructure is held up by about 30 furries that if any one of decided to disconnect their pager for a few hours the entire internet and literally civilization itself would collapse in a fire and now all that’s left of their breed are all descended from that.
their culture seems to be clan-troupes, likely descended from specific maintenance teams, of distorted half-religiocized echoes of random portions of long-forgotten ship repair safety training and shakily clung to jumbled impressions of some sort of lost pseudomilitaristic crewed vessel hierarchy, and it’s strangely giving me a combination of the movie passengers vibes and a wikipedia summary i skimmed once of one of the later books in something called the xeelee sequence, which described a long-future descendant of humanity on a generation ship in which these remnants of humanity had devolved so much that they now no longer had much sentience, preforming ship repair and maintenance by pure instinct as a way of attracting mates and having no real understanding of what they were doing or why.
a am however at a loss as to why, of all things their lore could be, their entire gimmick seems to revolve around compulsively eating paper.
after seeing a trailer for something called hyper light breaker, i assume an alleged sequel to something else called hyper light drifter, i have made the retroactive decision to assign them a synthwave-ish, hyperreallife pulsating sleek slanted laser light energy beams making roadways for sleek glowing similarly fizzling near-digital lightcraft sort of aesthetic, vaguely cyberpunk but made from faintly magitech parts, sans any sort of digital artifacts visual additions. the actual aesthetic i am thinking of is not in any way based on the game itself, but instead is based purely on the feeling of the name alone taken out of context of the game it applies to. what type of imagery and feeling of the words “hyper light drifter” on their own with no knowledge of the game inspire. i will likely forget what i meant by this in three weeks time.
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
Delta lore Sornieth has radio, I think. It’s been common in the Shifting Expanse for decades, but the Lightning elite don’t like to share their technology, so it’s only in the past ten years that it’s become common elsewhere--spread to the southeastern parts of the continent by Lightning expats and rebels, and to the western flights by Arcane engineers.
Audio recording technology is fairly advanced in the Starfall Isles--Light Flight figured it out first, but the Arcanist takes a personal interest in new ways of storing data and has directed a large amount of state research funds towards that field of study. Arcane recording tech is slightly radioactive, but I...I’m sure it’s fine, right? (It encodes in spikes of magic radiation rather than magnetization).
Nobody has figured out video yet.
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
im so excited to work on my magic series because I think I really managed to figure out a great and new magic system that I havent seen anyone use in this particular way before and I'm also really excited because it merges many of my special interests (these might be hyperfixations im really bad at differentiating between the 2 for myself actually together another rant for another day) (specifically evolution, religion, and colonization/racism) into one cohesive project and I'm just so excited to finish the first novel because I really want to share more about on here but I don't want to give too much away before i write it in case the finished version ends up looking completely different to what I have outlined at the moment but im so excited
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