#magic williams
mndvx · 5 months
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There's definitely something here, it's just buried under a mountain of nothing. QUANTUM LEAP (2022) — Off The Cuff (S02E09) ››› Ernie Hudson as Herbert "Magic" Williams ››› Mason Alexander Park as Ian Wright
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thesocklesswonder · 2 months
I just found out Quantum Leap (2022) was canceled. I'm heartbroken and angry that another good show has been stomped on by corporate greed before it had a chance to really hit its stride with viewership.
This show has had so much positive queer representation -- positivity in general -- that is so needed right now.
It's too good to get the boot. Sign the petition, please!
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diver5ion · 2 years
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sometimesraven · 1 year
@febuwhump Day 11: Fever
Fandom: Quantum Leap Whumpee:  Ian Wright
Summary: Ian goes to work sick, because of course they do.
((credit to @sagetheenbymage for the brief mention of the character Fern towards the end!! ))
AO3 Link
Ian felt like ass. They were pretty sure they looked like ass too, despite the copious amounts of foundation and concealer they’d attempted to hide their gaunt features and eye bags with. They scarcely had the energy to even do their hair this morning, the fuzzy mess of bleached, untamed curls left to do what it liked and they just knew it looked like ass.
“You look like ass, Ian,” was literally the first thing out of Jenn’s mouth when they came to work.
“Ian, are you okay? You look... tired,” was Addison’s slightly more tactful first words.
“Oh, hell no. No way. No.” was Magic’s reaction. “What are you doing working in this state?”
Ian tried to brush him off, staring intently at Ben’s vitals as if the words on screen would stop blurring in and out of each other if they just looked a little harder. They were fairly sure they were shivering despite how unreasonably warm someone had made it in here -- were they sweating? Great, they probably smelled like ass now.
“Ian, answer me.” Magic’s voice was a little firmer this time, clearly not happy about being ignored despite his concern. “You’re not doing anyone any favors by being here.”
“I’m fine,” Ian insisted, “I’m functioning.”
“You’ve been staring at that screen saying nothing for about an hour,” Jenn called over from her desk, leaning to shoot them a raised brow, “Bull.”
Ian shot her a sharp glare -- then quickly regretted it as their vision swam. Hell, maybe they were a little sicker than they thought. “Look, I-I have to monitor Ben’s leaps. I have to keep an eye on Ziggy, I can’t just not come to work.”
“You saying my team isn’t capable of covering you for a couple damn days?” Magic lifted a brow of his own, and Ian felt their cheeks darken under the makeup (though if it was embarassment or a hot flush they weren’t sure). “Or that they’re disposable enough you can risk spreading whatever damn flu you’ve got to everyone else?”
“No-.. no of course not, I just-..” Great, they were getting flustered and not even in a fun way. As their breaths picked up their head swam and before they could collect themself Magic had to catch them in a swoon, carefully supporting them upright and looking them dead in the eye. “Go home, Ian.”
“If you move now you can catch a ride with Fern,” Jenn called over, “They’re finishing their shift in five.”
“I can drive, Jenn.”
“I’ll bring your car by later. You’re not driving like this.”
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the-evil-clergyman · 6 months
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The Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse (1886)
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suhaylah · 1 year
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Lovers Sempiternal (2022) oil on wood panel Shop: suhaylah.bigcartel.com Patreon: patreon.com/suhaylah_h IG: @suhaylah.h  
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389 · 4 months
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Gilbert Williams Studio 
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illustratus · 3 months
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Seeds by Gilbert Williams
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blackscarabfilmz · 2 years
Another late review, but I did a little write-up for last week's Quantum Leap episode "A Decent Proposal"
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inthedarktrees · 1 year
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Vivien Leigh | A Streetcar Named Desire
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mndvx · 8 months
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People were scared, looking for help, so... Me and my cousin, Phil, we tried to do our part until four cops stopped us at a red light. All they saw were two Black men in a car they assumed was stolen. I tried to explain I was on leave, but they decided we were part of the problem. Two of them pulled us from the car, threw us on the ground, put their boots on our necks and pointed their guns at us while the others beat us with their batons and left us on the street like we were no better than trash. It's a miracle we both survived. - There wasn't anything you could do to fight back? QUANTUM LEAP (2022) — One Night In Koreatown (S02E05) ››› Ernie Hudson as Herbert "Magic" Williams ››› Nanrisa Lee as Jenn Chou
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 months
Weasley Siblings Reacting To You Saying You Are Pregnant
Writing Comission’s Are Open
William ‘Bill’
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“Excuse me-?” He was left practically speechless, when he picked up the onesie on his bedside table. A little blue thing, with the words To The Moon And Back. He was so full of emotions. Panic, excitement, horror, joy. Would the baby inherit his wolf tendencies? Would something go wrong, because of his bad blood? He was so scared. Would you be in danger, because of him? With his eyes turning to you, and seeing that excited smile, he couldn’t help but calm down. Teddy existed after all, didn’t he? He was as fine as he could be. The idea of holding his own little ball of joy. To see that orange hair, and watch you nurse. “I’m going to be a dad….” He trailed, with a smile. “I’m going to be a dad-“ He repeated, as he would hold the little sleep wear to his chest. Tears ran down his broken cheeks, as he kept reacting it. So full of pride. He’s going to be a dad, with you.
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“IM GONNA BE A DAD-!” He was screaming, bloody damn murder, as he was running around at the sanctuary. Screaming it with pride, as you chased after him. Just laughing, as the dragons would lift up their heads. “IM A DAD IM A DAD IM A DAD-!” He keeps roaring, as the dragons would tilt their heads. Watching their motherly figure jump for joy. Literally. “Charlie-!” You laughed, as he was just to full of excitement. Laughing, cheering, and crying. That’s when one of the older mothers would grab him by the collar. Yanking him into the air, before plopping him right next to you. As if to convey that he better step up now. That had you laugh, as he pouted at her. “I am I am-!” He said, before he was on his knees. Holding your belly. “I’m gonna be your daddy-!” He squealed, as he kissed it over. All the excitement getting the new borns curious, but those mothers made sure they didn’t get to close. Letting him have his moment. A new baby, to join the herd.
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“You cannot be serious-“ Percy was blinking, as he had hardly taken two steps through the fire place. Just gotten off work, early for once, only to be surprised by you making a baby box. It was meant to be a surprise, and something you would give to him after dinner. Seems like he was still surprised, regardless. “Who had the baby this time-?” He asked, as he would set his belongings where they were designated. That had you snort, as it didn’t quite dawn on him yet. With the fact you didn’t say anything, he turned around. “Honey?” He asked again, as you keep smiling. Slowly, the gears turned, before he was left with his cloak dropped from his hands. It was him. He didn’t expect that. Was like the last one to join the family gang. He couldn’t help his worry. He didn’t exactly grow up to well. He wasn’t to well connected with his family, and only came around when it was almost to late. He didn’t want that to happen to his kid. To have such a divide. You could tell he was worried, and patted the seat next to you. He joined, and you would kiss his head. “Who do you wanna tell first?” You asked, as he held your hand. The name he said, reassured himself that this kid won’t have that tension. Not like what he made. “George is perfect.” Another kiss to his head, as the plans were made. A big and happy family.
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The words barley left your lips, before you were tossed over his shoulder. As quickly as you were tossed, you were soon hearing the noise of the busy shop. "HEY EVERYONE!" He shouted, causing everyone to look up at one of the railings. George as well, with curious eyes all the same. "IM GONNA BE A DAD, AND GEORGE IS GONNA BE A UNCLE!" He cheered, and everyone was a roar of cheers as well. George was quick to drop what he was doing, and soon aparate next to him. "Put your damn mother to be down!" He laughed, as Fred finally set you down. All three of you in a warm, and tight, hug. "i'm gonna be a uncle!" George cheered, as you laughed. You had to wonder who was more excited for the baby. Your husband, or his twin? It did not matter to you. They were both so happy for this wonderful news. They just could not let you go, as they were just laughing in joy. Children. More children. What could make them hate that?
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"Pregnant?" He whispered, as he almost looked like he would burst into tears. "I heard that right, didn't I?" He asked, as he felt over the scarred skin that was once his ear. You nodded, before you held up your hands. You could not grasp sign as fast as George did, but you knew the alphabet. P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T. Pregnant. He was soon tackling you, as he was sobbing into your shoulder. "I'm going to be a dad-" He sobbed, as you rubbed his back. Some joy, in his world of darkness. You had fallen pregnant, not long after the death of Voldemort. Made senes, since the stress was gone. For you, anyway. "Jellybean....If its a boy...." You would peck his cheek, and nod. "A boy, Fred. If a girl, Fredrick works as a beautiful middle name." You comforted, getting another hiccup in return. The world was moving on, but the world will not be forgotten. Fred lived on, and hes going to be your tiny terror. How excited you two were, for it.
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“No-“ He gasped. “Really-? No-! Are you-? No-“ Was like he was trapped in a loop, as he now paced around your living room. Looking at you, before looking at his feet, then repeating. As if every time he made a full pace, he turned. You had to admit, was pretty adorable. Figured news like this would make your Auror husband short circuit a bit. You let him pace, with a smile. Just grinning, as he was trying to register it all. Suppose work fatigue makes anyone’s brain mush. Especially a job like his. You would watch him pace, until his brain was finally registering that YEP you are indeed pregnant. “Bloody hell….IM GONNA BE A DAD-!” His face was beaming, before he was stealing you into his arms. He was exhausted, but not tired enough to not huggle and cuddle. “We need to tells ‘Mione and Harry-! Oh those two will be so excited-!” He beams. Uncle Harry and Auntie Hermione. He was going to crush you, you swore, if he kept being so happy. “Blimey, guess that over time is finally coming in handy.” You hated his over time, but he had a point. Now you two had a secure start. That had you relax a little more. “Hope Harry doesn’t mine if I slow down on my career a little.” You would stroke his hair, and pecked his cheek. “He’s Harry. I’m doubtful he will be made you want to not be dead on a side walk, and leave me a single parent.” You snorted. “Yeah, probably doesn’t want history repeating.” Morbid, but point proven. “Gonna be a dad-“ He kept smiling, as he pulled you into his lap. Unable to stop holding you close. He was so happy, and you were all the same. Your family.
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“SHUT UP-!” She gasped, as she was looking towards the Quidditch stands. No way was she seeing what she was seeing. Your wife just won the first game of the season, and she was looking straight at you. In the VIP seats, and holding up a sign. I’m Pregnant. In bold and colorful letters, so she couldn’t miss it. “NO WAY-!” Ginny kept screaming, as her team mates looked over, as they were shaking hands with the enemy team. “What’s up?!” One of them asked. “IM GONNA BE A MUM-!” Ginny cheered, as that had all the broomstick flyers stare towards where her eyes looked. “CONGRATS-!” The enemy seeker said, with a clap. Good sportsmanship. “IM GONNA BE A MUM-!” What a way to start her quidditch season. The first win, and the fact she’s going to be a mom. “Well, go and fly over-!” A team mate smacked her back, and she wasn’t needed to told twice. The fans went nuts, with famous Quidditch Star Ginny Weasley was flying towards the stands. Right to you, and nearly tackling you down in the box. The fellow VIP seaters clapped for you two, as she planted a big kiss on you. Tears in the corner of her eyes, as she hugged you tightly. “You knew I would win, didn’t you?” She asked. “No, but I mean what better way to recover from a loss?” That had her smack your shoulder, but she was soon was wiping her eyes on her gloves. “Oh fuck, look at me. Crying like a girl-“ She joked, as she sniffled. She was so happy, and you were as well. She just couldn’t contain her joy. Her, you, and your own little precious snitch. What more could a girl want?
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chunglesworth · 1 month
METAL artpost because It’s all I can think about :(
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Sorry Jazzpunk
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lepetitdragonvert · 5 months
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Morgane le Fay / Morgane la Fée
Artist : William Henry Margetson
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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The Battle of Blythe Road (ultimate nerd slap fight of the year).
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wyldestyle · 9 months
“Ti’ll Death do us part…”
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